Can regulon cause breast enlargement? What are the benefits of using hormone therapy?

The shape and size of women's breasts are completely different, it depends primarily on hereditary factor, as well as from the period in which the development and growth of the mammary glands occurs - hormonal balance in female body influences this process.

To increase breast size, you need to take growth hormones mammary glands in women.

Have women received sufficient hormones for breast growth? If a girl has a lack of estrogen and estradiol, this can lead to underdevelopment of the breasts - as a result, already adult woman breasts may look like those of a teenager.

Various factors influence hormonal imbalance in women (in particular, the level of hormones for breast growth):

The main hormones influencing the formation of the mammary glands

If women have an imbalance in the body, there is no growth of the mammary glands, you need to consult a gynecologist. It's for examination will appoint necessary tests on hormones to identify the cause of the pathology and prescribe a treatment regimen.

Hormones for breast growth



Prolactin This hormone is produced by the glandular tissue of the mammary gland during puberty, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It affects milk production in a nursing mother. Therefore, it is important that its quantity is normal for the production of good lactation.

During pregnancy and postpartum period Due to the fact that milk begins to arrive in the breast, it increases significantly in size.

Progesterone The formation of progesterone occurs in the ovaries and the so-called yellow body, in not large quantities produced by the adrenal glands. Under its influence, the processes that prepare the breasts for lactation are activated, they become more rounded and elastic.
Somatotropin This hormone is called growth hormone; its active production and effect on the body (in particular, the growth of the mammary glands) occurs during puberty.
Estrogen Estrogen is one of the important hormones in women; it is intended for the growth of the mammary glands and affects the roundness of the figure as a whole. For the normal functioning of the reproductive system, it is necessary that the levels of this hormone be within average limits. If there is an excess, the gland receptor channels are blocked, which can lead to adverse consequences. With a lack of estrogen, the female figure is formed according to male type– small breasts, narrow pelvis, infertility may develop.

Changes in the breasts during pregnancy

Hormones for the growth of mammary glands in women, promoting the production breast milk, begin to be produced from the moment of conception, when the body is rebuilt to bear a child.

The growth of mammary glands occurs in all pregnant women, only with different intensity and in different terms.

Interesting fact! In some women, breasts begin to enlarge in the first month of pregnancy, in others - only by 6-7 months.

Breast swelling in women occurs under the influence of hormones - progesterone and estrogen., which are necessary for the growth of mammary glands (glandular tissue that produces milk). On average, during pregnancy and lactation, breasts increase by 1-3 sizes.

Drugs that promote breast enlargement

Hormones for the growth of mammary glands in women are contained in many modern drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry, which are used to correct and treat problems in the reproductive system, as well as as contraceptives.

Birth control pills are divided into:

  • combined (estrogen + progesterone);
  • progestin (mini-pills).

Combined preparations are distinguished by dosage: microdized, medium-dose, with high dosage.

Pay attention! To avoid side effects and not harm your health, hormones for the growth of mammary glands in women must be chosen in microdosages, usually these are single preparations that contain one hormone.

Now medicine has studied quite well the effect of birth control pills on the female body, during the development modern drugs taken into account side effects and that's all negative consequences are kept to a minimum, so each woman can be selected individually suitable remedy.


"Regulon" contains a synthetic analogue of female sex hormones (follicular hormone and progesterone), which have an effect on the growth of the mammary glands, and is a contraceptive for women. When using it, the effect of enlarging the mammary glands is observed.

You should start taking the drug from the 1st day of menstruation, 1 tablet per day for 21 days. Take a week break, start the next course on the 8th day of the cycle. Duration – approximately 6 months. Price: from 460 to 1140 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.


Yarina contains a complex of estrogen-gestagens: ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone.

Drospirenone has an antiandrogenic effect and prevents the appearance of excess body weight, as well as edema, cures acne, and makes the breasts more elastic. Price: from 990 to 2600 rubles per package.


"Janine" is a hormonal contraceptive, active ingredients: ethinyl estradiol (0.03 mg) and dienogest (2.0 mg).

The drug is started on the 1st day of the cycle, 1 tablet per day (each is marked with the day of the week). Course: from 3 months to six months. Cost - from 910 to 2290 rubles per package.


"Visanne" is a drug with an enhanced progestogenic effect. Reception begins on any day of the cycle, 1 tablet per day without a break.

Duration of treatment is six months. Price ranges from 3100-3400 rubles per package.


Isoflavones are compounds extracted from plants that have similar effects to estrogen and estradiol. Sources are plants, with large amounts found in red clover and soybeans.

Important to know! Phytoestrogens have an activating effect on breast tissue, causing it to increase in size.


“Feminal” is a powder made from dried red clover, which contains 4 phytohormones. Clover isoflavones are similar in composition to estrogen produced by the female body.

Maxibust products

Maxibust products are effective means for breast enlargement without surgical intervention, increases elasticity and reduces “sagging” of the mammary glands.

Maxibust Coffee (contains Pueraria mirifica root powder). Directions for use: 2 tsp. pour hot water over the coffee, drink one cup a day, start taking it on the 1st day of the cycle and continue taking it for 15 days, in the next month - similarly. The maximum course is 6 months, the minimum is 3 months.

Maxi capsules contain Pueraria mirifica root extract, hop extract and soy isoflavones. Recommendations for use: start drinking on the 1st day of the cycle, 3 capsules per day with meals. Take for 3 months.

Soybean isophlanoids are close in composition to female estrogen. Ingredients: isoflavones, glycetein (soy sprouts), diadzein, genistein.

Reception: 2 tablets at a time, 2 times/day. The cost of packaging varies from 1960 to 2700 rubles.

"Push Up Natural" – herbal remedy, produced in Holland, makes the breast skin more toned and elastic. Take the drug 5 tablets per day, combining with meals.

If you want to look attractive, you don’t need to overdo it with the desire to enlarge your breasts by any means.

Many women have a desire taking hormones for breast growth without a doctor’s prescription, this is fraught with negative consequences– you can get a complete imbalance of the hormonal system.

First of all, you need to seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist and endocrinologist. Doctors will prescribe the necessary tests, conduct a survey and only then prescribe necessary medications taking into account contraindications.

This also applies to taking herbal preparations and various dietary supplements. Remember, health and beauty are in your hands and the hands of a competent specialist.

Useful videos about hormones

What hormones make breasts grow? Watch the video:

Watch in the video clip brief overview hormonal drugs that promote breast enlargement:

At all times, female breasts have been the subject of male attention and the pride of their owners. And in recent years wealthy women, whom nature has not endowed with feminine forms, are willing to pay any money to increase their breast size.

However, not all representatives of the fair sex are eager to go under the surgical knife, and therefore they are trying with all their might to change their natural characteristics with the help of means advertised on television screens.

Meanwhile, there are certain factors that, by acting on them, can give your breasts a beautiful, seductive shape. Therefore, before resorting to the use of dubious means, you should understand what can and cannot affect breast growth, and whether it is really possible to increase its size.

Women's breasts are mammary organ, the main purpose of which, like other mammals, is to produce milk and feed children.

Under the skin of the breast there is glandular tissue, that is, the mammary gland itself, where the process of milk formation occurs. Glandular tissue consists of lobes, between which there are layers of fat. To the muscles chest The mammary gland is attached by connective tissue.

The most interesting thing is that the amount of fat in the breasts of each woman is individual. For some representatives of the fair sex, fat can occupy most of the breasts. Therefore, when they lose weight, their breasts become a couple of sizes smaller. For others, on the contrary, the breasts consist mainly of glandular tissue, and therefore, even having lost 30 kg, their breasts will remain an object of admiration for men. However, with a large amount of glandular tissue, the female breast reacts more strongly to hormonal surges, for example, during the menstrual cycle.

There is one more subtlety that allows women's breasts to provide elasticity. Here we're talking about about Cooper's ligaments - thin fibers that pass through the mammary glands and connect to layers of tissue. In fact, Cooper's ligaments are a frame that gives the female organ strength and elasticity. Depending on the size and amount of fat in the bust, the frame experiences a certain load throughout a woman’s life. Large breasts that are not supported by shapewear can stretch Cooper's ligaments, causing them to sag.

How are mammary glands formed?

Having dealt with the structure female organ, arousing interest among men, you can begin to study the issue regarding its formation.

Breasts begin to develop in girls several years before puberty. During this period, there is an increase in adipose tissue and modifications of the nipple and areola. After this, the amount of glandular tissue increases, and the nipple and areola become darker. The formation of the mammary glands occurs at the beginning of puberty.

What factors influence the formation of the mammary gland?

Breast formation occurs under the influence of several factors.

  1. Genetic predisposition. The shape and size of a girl's bust can be influenced by both the genes of the mother and relatives on the mother's or father's side.
  2. Physiological structure of the body. Most often, women with large builds have larger breasts than fragile representatives of the fair half of humanity.
  3. Production of female sex hormones.

The last point, as a rule, becomes the main factor influencing the formation of the mammary glands.

A woman's body produces the following sex hormones.

  1. . This hormone is produced in the ovaries. In the body of girls, its maximum concentration reaches during puberty, when their body accumulates sufficient quantity subcutaneous fat.
  2. . This substance acts in combination with estrogen and is responsible for the functioning of the entire reproductive system.
  3. . This hormone is released in the body in two important periods for every woman - with the onset of puberty and during pregnancy. In combination with estrogen this substance influences the growth of female breasts.
  4. Somatotropin. Growth hormone produced in the pituitary gland and affecting all functions of the body, including breast enlargement.

There are other reasons that affect the formation and growth of breasts. For example, very thin girls, as a rule, have very small breasts, which is caused by a lack of fatty tissue in the body, the presence of which is an invariable component of the mammary gland.

Breast growth is influenced by a girl’s diet. With a lack of vitamins and nutrients full development of the mammary glands is impossible. This problem can be solved by timely adjustment of the diet and taking special vitamin complexes.

Underdevelopment of the mammary glands is caused by frequent stress that disrupts the production of hormones, as well as the lack of physical activity leading to defective development pectoral muscles.

Changes in breast shape and size under the influence of natural factors

In the life of every woman there are periods when their mammary glands enlarge naturally.

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. The enlargement of the mammary glands during pregnancy is due to the fact that the body actively produces hormones, under the influence of which the breasts become larger. Maximum size it reaches during lactation, and upon its completion it returns to its previous size.
  2. Menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the mammary glands swell under the influence of hormones, becoming more elastic. However, such a reaction most often occurs if glandular tissue predominates over adipose tissue in the structure of the breast.

The process of natural change in breast size and shape occurs differently for each woman. This factor, caused not only by the influence of age, but also by the use medical supplies, including hormonal ones.

Breast enlargement methods

The phase of acquiring the final size and shape of the mammary gland begins at 17-18 years of age. It is during this period that the breasts stop actively growing. However, the breast continues to increase in size until the growth zones close, but not so actively. On average, this stage is completed by the age of 25.

Girls begin to think about breast size by the age of 16-17. Therefore, having small breasts, you should remember that the process of its growth will soon be completed. And you should think about how to speed up breast growth in time, while you can get by natural methods, which include a special complex physical exercise, massage and some food items. If the root of the problem lies in the girl’s excessive thinness, the growth of adipose tissue should be caused.

Exercises to promote breast growth

It should be noted that in the structure of the mammary glands there is no muscle tissue, so no amount of exercise can contribute to its growth. Their main task is aimed at increasing the mass of the muscles located under the chest. The result will be pumped up muscles that will improve the shape of the breasts, creating the effect of greater volume.

IN in this case It is useful to perform any exercises aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles. Particularly useful are push-ups and lateral raises with dumbbells.

The weight of the dumbbells should not be too heavy. And the exercises themselves are performed up to 10 times, several times a day. The load should be increased gradually, which will avoid intense pain in the muscles, reducing the desire to continue exercising.

Achieving the required result is possible only with daily exercise.

Massage for breast enlargement

Massage improves blood flow in the chest, which has a positive effect on the condition of the pectoral muscles and skin. The procedure should begin and end with stroking: first, light stroking is done with the palms, then the intensity is increased with the help of the fingers, and it must be completed with stronger movements carried out with the knuckles. Movements are made from the nipple to the base of the breast, and each mammary gland is massaged for 1 minute.

The next stage of the massage consists of rubbing, when the fingers do not slide over the skin, but rather rub something lightly into it. The massage is done, as in the previous case, from the nipple to the base of the breast.

Foods that increase breast growth

It will allow girls who are too thin to enlarge their breasts balanced diet with an increase in the amount of vegetable oils. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, supplementing your diet with foods that cause breast growth:

  • olives;
  • avocado;
  • nuts;
  • flax and sesame seeds.

If you adjust your diet during the period of breast growth, you will not subsequently have to resort to drastic measures to increase the size of the female organ. Girls should be given preference the following products for breast growth.

  1. Soy products. Soy contains natural analogue estrogen hormone, so its use during the formation of the mammary glands will certainly have a positive effect on their size and shape.
  2. Dairy products, meat and fish are sources of protein, the lack of which prevents breast growth.
  3. Sesame and flax seeds, as well as vegetable oils from these seeds, like soybeans, are phytoestrogens.

Breast enlargement drugs

Science does not stand still, and if previously breast enlargement was possible only with the help surgical intervention, today this problem can be solved without resorting to conservative methods.

  1. Use of dietary supplements. These drugs contain natural phytoestrogens found in soy and other foods.
  2. Creams and gels. Applying these drugs to the skin of the breast improves blood flow and skin condition, which improves the shape of the mammary glands.

In addition, other preparations have been developed, for example, clay masks for the chest. They all have similar action and are not able to penetrate the tissue of the mammary glands, and therefore their effectiveness is negligible.

Acceleration of breast growth is facilitated by tablets containing the hormone estrogen, which performs the regenerative functions of the mammary glands. Hormonal pills have the following advantages:

  • allow you to enlarge your breasts by at least two sizes;
  • act instantly;
  • protect from unwanted pregnancy;
  • help improve the condition of hair, nails and make the skin more elastic.

Taking hormonal pills is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • CNS disorders;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • allergic reactions.

The following hormonal pills are recognized as the most effective and popular:

  • Yarina – has a contraceptive effect and promotes mammary gland enlargement;
  • Regulon is a contraceptive containing a synthetic female sex hormone that affects breast growth;
  • Janine is a hormonal contraceptive;
  • Visanne is a gestagen-containing drug that promotes the active growth of glandular tissue;

All tablets, both herbal and hormonal, are absolutely safe for the female body. However, they must be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Despite their ability to enlarge your breasts, you should not expect instant or dramatic results.

If no means help, girls have no choice but to enlarge their breasts through surgery. However, before deciding on it, you need to soberly weigh the pros and cons. Beauty requires sacrifices, but these sacrifices must justify themselves.


  1. New honey technology (Methodological recommendations) “Management of premature pregnancy complicated by premature rupture of membranes”; Makarov O.V., Kozlov P.V. (Edited by Volodin N.N.) - RASPM; Moscow; TsKMS GOU VPO RGMU-2006.
  2. Non-developing pregnancy. Radzinsky V.E., Dimitrova V.I., Mayskova I.Yu. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  3. Baskakov V.P., Tsvelev Yu.V., Kira E.F. Endometrioid disease. - St. Petersburg,
  4. Miscarriage, infection, innate immunity; Makarov O.V., Bakhareva I.V. (Gankovskaya L.V., Gankovskaya O.A., Kovalchuk L.V.) - “GEOTAR - Media”. - Moscow. - 73 p. - 2007.

Graduated from Kirov State University medical academy in 2006 In 2007 she worked in the Tikhvin central district hospital based on therapeutic department. From 2007 to 2008 - employee of the hospital of a mining company in the Republic of Guinea ( West Africa). From 2009 to the present day he has been working in the field of information marketing. medical services. We work with many popular portals, such as,, website

The question of breast enlargement is relevant, if not for half of all women, then certainly for a third. What kind of sacrifices do they sometimes not dare make in order to look younger, sexier, more desirable: they rub gels into the skin every day and go under a scalpel plastic surgeon and take handfuls of pills and capsules. As a rule, hormonal contraceptives have the effect of increasing breast size. But their use must be justified, excluding possible contraindications. In addition, there is huge amount various pills and drugs that affect bust size. Let's try to understand their properties, application features and other characteristics.

Let us immediately note that all tablet drugs that affect the growth of the mammary glands belong to hormonal contraceptives or contraceptives. They protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy and are prophylactic from many diseases of the pelvis (fibroids, polyps, hyperplastic processes of the endometrium, inflammatory phenomena of the ovaries). There is a myth that hormonal pills are harmful to a woman’s body and should not be taken regularly. In fact, constant changes in hormonal levels (taking pills and “resting” from them) have a much worse effect on a woman’s health and well-being.

All birth control pills are divided into single-component and multi-component. Until recently, it was believed that for contraception and the treatment of gynecological diseases it was optimal to take multicomponent contraceptives (for example, Tri-Mercy, Tri-Regol, Trister, Binovum and others). However, now gynecologists agree that to ensure high protection for a woman both from unwanted pregnancy and from diseases of the genital area, the use of single-phase or monocomponent contraceptives (for example, Mercilon, Regulon, Diane-35 and others) is sufficient.
List of properties hormonal contraceptives may be expanded depending on their clinical effects:

  • protection against unwanted pregnancy;
  • improvement of skin and hair condition;
  • equalization of hormonal balance;
  • increase in the volume of the mammary glands;
  • replacement therapy for hormone deficiency in the body.

Some types of hormonal contraceptive drugs are widely used for breast enlargement. It should be noted that they themselves do not cause the growth of glandular tissue of the mammary glands, but only suppress the excess of male hormones in a woman’s body. As a result, a redistribution of fatty tissue occurs female type, increasing femininity and sexuality.

How do breast enlargement pills work?

Their principle of action is aimed at implementing the regenerative functions of the mammary glands due to the presence of the estrogen hormone in the composition of the preparations. There are special receptors in the female breast that can actively absorb estrogen from birth control pills. By the way, not only the breasts are equipped with such receptors, but also other hormone-dependent parts of the body: buttocks, abdomen.

Hormones that enlarge breasts

Not all hormonal drugs contribute to increased growth of the mammary glands. The greatest effectiveness of their use is noted among the following.

  1. Estrogens. This type of hormone is responsible for the formation and growth of breasts in girls and women. However, an overdose or excess can, on the contrary, cause growth processes to stop.
  2. Progesterone. Refers to female hormones that help increase the volume of glandular tissue in the breast. This hormone is also called the pregnancy hormone, which is responsible for the favorable development of the fetus during the perinatal period of development.
  3. Prolactin. Produced in the cerebral cortex in puberty and during pregnancy. Due to prolactin, the mammary glands begin to grow in girls, and in pregnant women, the breasts become fuller and enlarged, preparing for feeding the child.

Some hormones can be obtained not only from capsules. There are so-called phytoestrogens. Soy, dairy products, spices and herbs will help fill their deficiency in the body and increase breast size.


Using hormonal drugs to solve gynecological problems has a beneficial effect on general condition women, increasing their sexuality and irresistibility. Breast enlargement is a side effect of the drug. Taking contraceptives makes menstruation easier, making it less heavy and painful.


Hormonal birth control pills used for breast enlargement are safe for a woman's health. On the contrary, their properties can have a beneficial effect on the condition as individual systems, and on the entire body as a whole. Hormonal drugs are not toxic, but may have some side effects that occur in women with varying degrees gravity. They may cause discomfort discomfort or other complications (for example, weight gain, changes in blood pressure, nervous disorders, etc.).

Features of using tablets

If a woman is not satisfied with the size of her breasts, she can try to adjust their shape and size with the help of hormonal pills. However, when taking pills, you should also take into account the possible negative consequences of their use. Side effects from taking contraceptives can affect:

  • change in body weight, most often its increase;
  • headache, migraine;
  • nervous disorders, insomnia;
  • digestive disorders (vomiting, nausea);
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • manifestation of an allergy to the components of the drug.

The effect of hormones on the body can be reduced by alcohol abuse, taking antibiotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers and smoking.

Phytoestrogens and herbal preparations for breast enlargement

Phytoestrogens are those substances of plant origin that are human body turn into active hormones. They are found in cereals, pomegranates, soybeans, pharmaceutical chamomile, carrots, cabbage, many medicinal plants.

Phytoestrogens have a much weaker effect on a woman’s body than regular estrogen. They adjust hormonal background, reduce the risk of developing tumor diseases, but their effect is still not enough to change the size of the mammary glands. Preparations containing plant estrogens can be taken to correct the shape of the breast. With regular use of phytoestrogens, your breasts will look firmer, younger and more beautiful.

You should not start taking hormonal medications on your own without consulting your doctor. For the correct adequate choice of a particular contraceptive, it is necessary to find out which of them needs correction.

Review of breast enlargement products

The modern pharmaceutical industry has a large number of hormonal pills for breast enlargement. But contraception should not be taken on the advice of a friend. Like any drug, they have their positive and negative sides.


Regulon is available in tablet form and has contraceptive properties. The active ingredients - ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel - inhibit the processes of follicle maturation and block the onset of ovulation. In addition to its main functions, regulon provides positive impact on the skin condition, eliminates the development acne, prevents gynecological diseases with regular use, normalizes menstrual cycle.

Due to the combination of the hormones ethinyl estradiol (estrogen) and desogestrel, regulon helps to increase the growth of glandular tissue of the mammary glands. However, other hormone-dependent areas also undergo an increase. female body: thighs, stomach, buttocks.

The package contains one blister with 21 tablets. in order not to disrupt the menstrual cycle, regulon is taken at the same time; doctors recommend doing this in the evening before bed. You should not skip days of taking it; this will reduce the contraceptive effect and may cause breakthrough bleeding. The first tablet should be taken on days 3-5 of the cycle. After finishing the package, you must take a break of 7 days to induce menstruation. On day 8, you need to resume taking Regulon from a new pack.

The use of the drug is prohibited when:

  • presence of pregnancy or suspicion of it, lactation period;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the mammary glands, including breast cancer;
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
  • circulatory disorders and others.

Side effects
In the absence of contraindications to taking Regulon as a contraceptive or a means for breast enlargement, a woman should be prepared for the occurrence of side effects such as:

  • disturbances in the functioning of digestion (the appearance of attacks of nausea, short-term vomiting, abdominal pain);
  • nervous disorders, headache, migraine;
  • fluid retention in the body, weight gain, breast enlargement;
  • changes in vaginal microflora, development of thrush;
  • irregularities in work cardiovascular system(hypertension, arrhythmia, bradycardia).

After 1-3 months, the body gets used to the new ratio of hormones and such effects from the drug disappear.

Cost of the drug
The average cost of regulon ranges from 250 to 400 rubles per package.

Taking Regulon is based on achieving contraceptive effect, the increase in breast size is indirect and appears as an unexpected side effect. This means that the use of regulon as a means to enlarge the mammary glands is medically unjustified and may not occur in every woman.


Contraceptive pills Janine are available in tablet form. The package can contain from one to three blisters of 21 tablets each. The active ingredients in the drug are ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. Due to the content of ethinyl estradiol in the body, fluid retention occurs, which contributes to an increase in the volume of the chest, waist, and hips. The main purpose of the drug Janine is contraception. The combination of hormones suppresses the ovulatory function of the body, changes the structure of the endometrium and cervical secretions, which in turn prevents the fertilization of the egg. Regular use of the drug helps normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the intensity of blood loss, and prevent the development of anemia and gynecological diseases.
Taking tablets from a pack should begin on days 3-5 of the menstrual cycle at the same time. At the end of the packaging, a break of 7 days is taken, during which menstruation occurs. To maintain contraceptive properties, you should continue taking pills from the new pack.

Contraindications for use
The use of Zhanine tablets is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy or suspicion of it, breastfeeding period;
  • use before menarche;
  • use after menopause;
  • severe liver and kidney diseases, in the presence of thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • diabetes mellitus;

Side effects
When taking any hormonal drug, the body needs time to adjust. During this period, it is possible that some side effects, which disappear after 2-3 months. If any unpleasant effects remain and interfere with a woman’s normal life, you need to consult a doctor. If it turns out that the drug is not suitable for her, the doctor will select another one. Possible side effects include:

  • change in body weight, swelling of the mammary glands;
  • changes in mood, sexual desire;
  • headaches, migraines.

Cost of the drug
The average price of a package of Janine with one blister fluctuates around 700 rubles. The cost of a package with three blisters will be about 1,500 rubles.

The drug Janine is good as a contraceptive. The feeling of fullness in the chest, tension, or even an increase in its volume is due to the manifestation of side effects. Taking Janine only for breast growth is not recommended, since an unreasonable excess of estrogen in the body can cause problems with a woman’s health.


Yarina is a birth control pill with an unexpected side effect - breast enlargement. The drug is available in the form of smooth-coated tablets. The package contains 21 tablets, which are taken daily at the same time ( better in the evening) from the 3rd day of menstruation. The active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone.
Yarina is a monophasic contraceptive; the contraceptive effect is achieved through a combination of hormones that help block ovulation and prevent fertilization of the egg. Regular use of the drug (from three months or more) helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the intensity of blood loss, and is also a preventative against anemia and gynecological diseases.

Contraindications for use
Yarina should not be used for the following disorders:

  • use before menarche and after menopause;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombosis;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown nature.

Side effects

  • digestive disorders (vomiting, nausea, stomach pain);
  • change in body weight;
  • soreness and tension of the mammary glands;
  • disruption of vaginal microflora, development of candidiasis;
  • changes in mood, decreased sexual desire;
  • headaches, migraines.

Cost of the drug
The average price of a package of Yarina fluctuates around 1000 rubles.

Side effects from taking Yarina are similar to those described above contraceptives. Vomiting, nausea, and general malaise occur in women much more often than the desired side effect of breast enlargement. Therefore, taking hormones to achieve this result is not advisable.


Visanne is a hormonal drug with complex action. Basic active ingredient- dienogest (gestagen). The drug promotes the suppression of sex hormones and the proliferation of endometrioid tissues, reduces the production of estrogen. Visanne is available in cardboard boxes with blisters of 14 tablets each. The package may contain 2, 4 or 6 blisters.

It is worth noting that Visanne is not a contraceptive, which means that when taking the drug, the body retains the ability to become pregnant. It is prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis and hyperplastic processes of the uterine cavity. To achieve a contraceptive effect when taking Visanne, you should use condoms or other non-hormonal drugs.

Contraindications for use
To the absolute and relative contraindications Visanne's uses include:

  • pregnancy or suspicion of it, lactation period;
  • adolescence up to 18 years of age;
  • thrombosis, vein diseases;
  • severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • identified hormone-dependent neoplasms;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown nature.

Side effects
Possible side effects include:

  • digestive disorders (vomiting, nausea, stomach pain);
  • change in body weight;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands, including their enlargement;
  • alopecia, acne;
  • decreased libido;
  • headaches, migraines.

Most often, after 2-3 months, side effects decrease or disappear altogether.

Cost of the drug
A significant disadvantage of the drug Visanne is its high price. The cost of a package with two blisters of 14 tablets will be about 3,000 rubles.

One should not joke with such a hormonal drug as Visanne if there are no direct indications for its use, namely endometriotic disorders.

Coffee Maxibust (herbal preparations for breast enlargement)

Coffee Maxibust is one of the herbal preparations that affects the growth of the mammary gland. It contains Pueraria Mirifica powder. TO positive qualities This substance includes the prevention of osteoporosis, normalization of the cycle, improvement of women's well-being, especially during menopause and breast enlargement.

Directions for use
Coffee can be consumed once a day. It is brewed with hot water (not boiling water) and infused. You can add sugar and milk to it. To get more high results You need to use the drug for at least 3-4 months.

Cost of the product
Coffee is produced in cans of 50 grams. The average price of a package is about 600 rubles.

Soy isoflavones (herbal preparations for breast enlargement)

This medicinal product contains soy extract. It acts as a normalizer of female sex hormones, eases menopause and the menstrual cycle, and also prevents the development of osteoporosis. The drug is saturated with phytoestrogens, which have a beneficial effect on the processes of increasing the volume of glandular tissue of the mammary glands.

Herbal preparation for breast enlargement Maxi (Maxi)

The drug Maxi is available in the form of capsules; the package contains 60 pieces. Active substances, stimulating tissue growth processes are extracts of Pueraria marifica, hop cones and soy isoflavonoids. It is recommended to take up to 3-4 capsules per day. Taking the drug should coincide with the menstrual cycle. The first day of the cycle is the first day of using the capsules. After taking each package, you need to take a break before starting a new cycle. The course is 3 months.

Cost of the drug
The average price for Maxi capsules ranges from 1200-1500 rubles.

Feminal (phytoestrogens)

The drug used for breast enlargement contains red clover extract. It is safe for the body, so it can be taken continuously for 3 or more months, 1 capsule per day. The maximum continuous use of feminal is permissible for up to 2 years.

Cost of the drug
The average price for feminal capsules ranges from 500-600 rubles.

The use of phytoestrogens for breast enlargement is safe for a woman’s health. These drugs can indeed increase the size of the mammary glands, but you should not expect any special miracle. After finishing using the tablets, the result will be reduced to a minimum.

Today, there is only one effective method of breast enlargement - plastic surgery. In one operation you can increase your bust size by 2-3 sizes, and the result will last for for many years. However, you should also remember possible complications after such operations. Therefore, every woman who decides to enlarge her breasts should think carefully about whether she really needs it.

Having found out what determines the growth of the mammary glands, women strive to try all the available options for breast enlargement in order to match the desired one that men dream of. Hormonal pills containing hormones that can affect bust enlargement are also used.

What makes breasts big

There are three hormones in the female body that are important for bust enlargement: estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. Estrogen has the most strong effect on the mammary glands. However, a large amount of this hormone in the body causes a reaction to close the receptors necessary for breast enlargement. Therefore, the opposite effect may occur, and the solution: the more the better, does not work in this case.

The hormone progesterone, which stimulates the growth of glandular tissue, also has a great influence on bust enlargement and the formation of its shape. Prolactin affects the functioning of estrogen receptors and has active action on the development of mammary glands in adolescence. After puberty, its production practically stops.

You also need to know about hormones such as somatotropin and testosterone. The first has a positive effect on the growth of the mammary glands, and its content can be increased naturally, For example, in a healthy way life and diet. An increase in another hormone, testosterone, which is a male hormone, occurs with excessive consumption of sweets and contributes to the reduction of mammary glands.

It is also important to remember that forced changes in hormonal levels in the body can lead to side effects. Sometimes the effect of a drug for breast enlargement has a temporary effect, and then the bust size returns to its previous size. Therefore, you need to buy hormonal pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

What kind of tablets are there?

Before you decide to take an appointment hormonal drugs, it would be good to find out the reason why the breasts are small. This will help you understand whether it is possible and meaningful to take pills for breast enlargement, since a hereditary cause actually does not give a chance for breast enlargement.

The size of the mammary glands is affected by:

  • heredity;
  • general hormonal levels in the body;
  • nutrition and sleep;
  • physical and mental stress.

The final formation of the female breast is completed by the age of 22. At this age, the use of massage and special creams can still affect her growth. But after 30 years, you can make your bust bigger only through surgical correction or by using pills, which require a blood test for hormones.

Only after this can the doctor prescribe hormonal drugs taking into account the patient’s age and determine the required dose. More often these are ordinary contraceptive pills or capsules, for example, Diane-35, Zhanin, Yarina, Regulon, containing estrogen and progesterone. The hormone prolactin is contained in Fisolactin and Mammotrophin tablets.

Regulon is a combined contraceptive pill that contains ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Has a whole series side effects, including breast enlargement. Therefore, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Janine includes ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. Its main effect is to prevent pregnancy. An increase in the size of the mammary glands is a side effect of taking this drug. The dosage regimen and contraindications are indicated in the instructions that must be followed.

For women who have experienced a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen due to menopause, pills are recommended for hormone replacement therapy. These include Klimanorm, Divina, Klimen and others, the side effect of which is thickening of the mammary glands.

Medicines of natural origin

Considering the woman’s condition, the doctor may recommend starting with taking dietary supplements containing phyto- and mycoestrogens. These are analogues of human hormones, but of plant origin. They come in the form of tablets or capsules. The use of dietary supplements does not have the same side effects as long-term use hormonal pills. But their effect is much weaker and stops when you stop taking such supplements.

The following drugs are known to act:

  • climadinone;
  • feminal;
  • Maxi;
  • Maxibust coffee;
  • cedar strength;
  • soy isoflavones;
  • preparations with resveratrol;
  • natural Push-Up.

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Natural Push-Up is offered as a means to increase breast size, which contains only herbal ingredients without the inclusion of artificial and synthetic hormones. The course should consist of 5 tablets per day for one and a half to two months.
  2. Klimadinon is a remedy for relieving symptoms associated with menopause in women. Being a herbal medicine, it includes extract of black cohosh rhizomes. Breast enlargement is a side effect of taking this medication.
  3. Soy isoflavones are intended to regulate the composition of estrogen: when they decrease, their content increases, and when they increase, they decrease. As a rule, supplements are not cheap. Therefore, before giving them preference, you need to carefully study the composition so as not to buy a simple imitation of hormones.

What are the benefits of using hormone therapy?

According to reviews from women who have decided to use pills to enlarge the mammary glands, the effect of medications occurs differently on different female bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to listen carefully to your body and notice unwanted changes in a timely manner.

Reception contraception promotes:

  • pregnancy prevention;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • rounding the shape of the whole body (fullness);
  • prevents the development of acne;
  • improving the condition of skin and hair.

These positive results need to be maintained. special diet, containing large quantities of natural estrogen and other necessary hormones. It is advisable to exclude sweets, especially chocolate and candies, which contribute to the production of male hormone testosterone.

This therapy is incompatible with alcohol, even in small doses. Therefore, you should completely avoid alcoholic beverages. Taking antibiotics and painkillers also weakens the effect of hormonal drugs. It is necessary to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor and under no circumstances change it yourself.

Undesirable consequences

When taking hormonal therapy to improve the appearance of your bust, you need to remember side effects that can complicate a woman’s life, namely:

  • decreased immunity;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • headaches;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • insomnia and nervousness.

The use of hormonal pills for breast enlargement really gives positive result. But the effect of this lasts only as long as the medications are taken. As soon as hormones stop entering the female body, the breasts actually return to their previous sizes.

The hormone estrogen promotes water and sodium retention in the body. There is also an increase in cell sensitivity to insulin, which activates the cells' consumption of glucose. Therefore, weight gain and swelling are noted. Some doctors believe that bust enlargement is mainly due to fluid retention in the body.

Taking hormonal medications is very long time not recommended due to the risk of oncological diseases and the development of serious abnormalities in the body. For example, the artificial introduction of estrogen into the body can lead to addiction and a complete cessation of the body's production of this hormone.

It is important to remember that taking hormonal pills for breast enlargement is a temporary remedy that does not solve the problem, but may lead to serious consequences. It is important to reconsider the question and ask it differently: small female breasts - for whom and why is it a problem?

The size of the breasts in women is determined by the size of the mammary glands and the amount of accumulated fatty tissue around them. Natural breast enlargement is possible at 16-20 years of age.

In order to enlarge the bust, it is necessary to influence hormonal levels, especially the level of estrogen in the body - the main female hormone. For this purpose, various medications are used. The body's reaction to all drugs is individual and is accompanied by various consequences.

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    Factors that affect breast size

    Factors that determine bust size in women include:

    • heredity;
    • hormonal background;
    • body type;
    • total body weight.

    Total body weight affects breast size, as accumulated fat in the tissue adds volume. The role of the body type is that the size of the breast will depend on the predominant location of fat accumulation. For example:

    • Pear body type. Its owners most often have small breasts, since fat is predominantly deposited in the lower part of the body: hips, buttocks and lower abdomen.
    • Triangle shape type. Girls with this type often have big breasts, because upper part Their bodies are stronger and more massive, and fat is deposited there.
    • Hourglass figure type. With such a figure, both large and small breasts are possible. Advantage hourglass the fact that fat is distributed evenly in the tissues, as a result of which the lower and upper parts of the body will be proportional.

    Hormones that are responsible for breast growth

    Estrogen is the most famous group of hormones (estriol, estrone, estradiol), which is mainly produced in the female body. Formed by attaching the produced androgens to the testosterone molecule with the help of an additional accessory molecule. Estrogen helps women grow breasts . N o if a girl is going through puberty there is an excessive amount of estrogen (hyperestrogenism), the growth of the mammary glands may stop.

    Progesterone is a hormone that belongs to the group of gestagens. Increases glandular tissue. If a girl experiences a lack of this hormone during puberty, problems arise with the menstrual cycle, as a result of which glandular tissue does not develop.

    Glandular tissue - modified sweat glands in the female body, forming mammary glands, which begin to grow during puberty. In men, the tissue remains in its original state from birth.

    Prolactin is a hormone necessary for the formation of breast milk during pregnancy, and is therefore primarily responsible for size mammary gland when carrying a child, during lactation.

    The effect of estrogen on bust enlargement

    The highest concentration of estrogen is observed during the menstrual cycle during ovulation and menstruation, which leads to swelling of the breast tissue. Thus, the breasts become slightly enlarged due to excessive blood flow and tissue swelling. If conception does not occur, the cycle begins again and the symptoms disappear.

    As a means to maintain the elasticity of the bust and increase its size, a huge number of different creams, gels and medications have been created, the main active substance which is the enzyme estrogen. They consist of phytohormones and synthetic analogues and are extracted from plants, grains and soy.

    The peculiarity of products for external use is that they do not affect the tissue of the mammary glands, but act locally. But the effect of this method of bust enlargement is short-term and insignificant.

    Drugs that enlarge the mammary glands

    The function of breast enlargement is performed by hormonal drugs that were created for the purpose of:

    • avoiding unwanted pregnancy (contraception);
    • treatment of problems associated with menstrual irregularities;
    • correction of hormonal levels;
    • treatment of reproductive system disorders.

    The action of the tablets is determined by the fact that the female breast has receptors that absorb the necessary enzymes and estrogen contained in the drugs. The abdomen and buttocks also have similar receptors, so the pills can increase not only the breasts, but also the volume of other parts of the body.

    Most popular means

    There are a number of the most common breast enlargement pills that gynecologists use in their practice.

    Push Up natural

    The Dutch remedy contains herbal ingredients. It is necessary to take 2-5 tablets with meals, drinking a large number water (it is recommended to drink about 1.5-2 liters per day). The drug supplies the tissues with all the necessary substances and makes the female breast toned and elastic. The first results after starting treatment are observed within a month. After obtaining the expected effect, you can stop using the drug. The advantage of this product is that there is no set excess weight during the period of its use. An overweight girl can even lose weight, since the drug contains plant fiber, which, due to coarse fibers, requires a lot of energy from the body to absorb them. The product should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.


    dietary supplement (biologically active additive), which contains pueraria extract (Thailand root). This root contains phytoestrogens - substances of plant origin. They can be found in soybeans, cereals, pomegranates, cabbage, chamomile flowers, carrots and others. The plant analogue of hormones acts much weaker than the natural one.

    You need to take dietary supplements for six months. You need to start the course on the first day of your period: for 15 days, drink 3-4 capsules per day with meals. Repeat the procedure next month. The drug improves the absorption of phytoestrogens, and accordingly, gives the breasts a little volume and tightens them. But a plant hormone is not the best way to enlarge the bust, it is more suitable for correcting its shape. The supplement has a positive effect on the condition women's health. Phytoestrogens prevent osteoporosis, the development of tumors, improve the appearance of hair, nails, skin, the well-being of women during menopause, and strengthen bones.


    Estrogen is a gestagen-containing drug that is part of a number of contraceptives. Medicine you should take one tablet a day at the same time for 3 weeks (21 days), with a small amount water. After this, you need to take a 7-day break, during which the withdrawal period should pass. It usually starts 2-3 days after taking the last pill and may not end until the next stage begins. The time at which it is possible to start taking this drug must be agreed with your doctor, as it depends on certain factors (taking contraceptives, etc.). Drospirenone, which is part of the drug, prevents excess weight gain. In addition to the contraceptive effect, there is an improvement in the condition and appearance breasts, and also acne disappears and activity decreases sebaceous glands, the tolerance of menstruation improves. Taking the drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.


    Contraceptive. The use of the drug is identical to Yarina; the time to start taking it should be discussed with the gynecologist. Reduces pain during menstruation, reduces the abundance of discharge. The product can enlarge the breasts, but it has some side effects, such as pain and tension in the mammary glands, discharge from them, headache, skin rash, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, changes in libido, etc.

    Other drugs created to replenish the female hormone estrogen in the body include Femoston, Diane, Estrogel, Premarin.

    It is important to remember that each drug has a number of contraindications and starting to take them on your own is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will take into account the patient’s health condition and select the appropriate remedy.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    Such products have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. They improve a woman’s well-being, normalize the menstrual cycle and make it easier. In this way, you can quickly increase your breast size by about 2 sizes.

    Despite the fact that the drugs are not toxic, they can cause some changes in the body that lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, weight gain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, problems with gastrointestinal tract, unstable pressure, visual impairment, insomnia, nervous disorders, allergies, etc. All negative consequences manifest themselves individually. Another definite minus is that after stopping taking the drug, the breasts begin to return to their previous state.


    Breast size is affected various factors, such as genetics, body weight, body type, etc. If you want to increase bust volume, hormonal drugs are used. The use of such drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, taking into account the patient’s health condition.

    Since none medicine does not give a 100% result, then most in an effective way Breast enlargement today is a surgical procedure.