Indications for use of alpha lipoic - thioctic acid. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant

Characteristics and price of alpha lipoic acid. Indications and contraindications for the use of the product. Reviews, instructions for use, review effective drugs based on this substance.

Contents of the article:

Alpha lipoic acid- this is one of the most important for human body antioxidant substances. She puts pressure on him complex impact, being both effective preventive and remedy. It is prescribed to athletes, elderly people, vegetarians and all those who want to look good at any age.

What is alpha lipoic acid?

Alpha lipoic acid is a natural substance belonging to the group of vitamins and a certain amount present in the body of every person. Usually it is produced in sufficient quantities naturally, but in case of system failures and individual organs a person may have a deficiency that needs to be urgently eliminated.

Other names for the substance are thioctacid, thioctic or lipoic acid. In Latin it is written as Alpha Lipoic Acid. This is one of the most important coenzymes of small non-protein molecules that bind free radicals and are classified as antioxidants of organic origin. In its unprocessed form, it is a finely ground light yellow powder with a bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

Alpha lipoic acid is highly soluble in alcohol, but poorly soluble in water. Although its sodium salt does not have problems with this, and it is what pharmaceutical companies most often use to produce their products. Biologically active products are available on the market food additives and medications containing this component.

Thioctacid may be included in both tablets and capsules, depending on the manufacturer. The original powder can also be produced, where the concentration of the substance is 100%. In case medicines most often this component is combined with others - magnesium stearate, cellulose, etc.

The bioavailability of the substance ranges from 30-40% at orally alpha lipoic acid in the form of tablets, powder or capsules.

Preparations made with alpha lipoic acid usually have a shelf life of 2 years. Store them in a dry place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature below 25°C.

The price of alpha-lipoic acid for 5 g of powder averages 90 rubles. It can be purchased either by weight or in packaging. Dietary supplements in the form of tablets and capsules cost about 700 rubles. for 100-200 pcs.

The main food sources of thioctacid are meat and offal. She's in large quantities found in pork, chicken and beef liver, kidneys, heart, brains. Rice and spinach can also supply it to the body, but in much smaller quantities.

Beneficial properties of alpha lipoic acid

This is an effective anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antioxidant, immunomodulatory agent. It is used both to promote health and to improve appearance. Thioctacid fights existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

Below we list the main benefits of taking alpha lipoic acid:

  • Improves the absorption of other substances. This acid increases the bioavailability of vitamin C and alpha-tocopherol, thereby preventing immunity from deteriorating and accelerating skin regeneration.
  • Protects cells from destruction. Their membrane is strengthened and they become less susceptible to the effects of cytokines that damage red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells and even sperm. This ensures the prevention of impotence, anemia, and ENT diseases.
  • Lowers sugar levels. Due to this, its toxic effect on the body is reduced and associated complications such as retinal detachment, neuropathy, diabetic foot, kidney dysfunction and thyroid gland. Damaged ones are also restored faster skin, and their dryness goes away. Alpha lipoic acid uses sugar as fuel, increasing energy levels. In fact, in its action it resembles insulin, although it cannot replace it completely.
  • Processes carbohydrates. Entering the body in large quantities, they (mostly simple ones) accumulate in tissues and, if in excess, can provoke the appearance of excess weight, even obesity. Thioctacid consumes eaten carbohydrates, converting them into energy.
  • Reduces negative impact environmental factors. This substance protects a person from ultraviolet radiation, alcohol, carcinogens, toxins, and stress. With its help, your mood improves, physical and moral fatigue goes away, and you gain strength to lead an active lifestyle.
  • Promotes weight loss. This product is a powerful fat burner and promotes its breakdown naturally. This occurs due to increased heat production and increased energy costs. This is especially important for athletes, primarily bodybuilders who want to lose weight and build muscle mass.
  • Improves skin condition. The product helps eliminate acne, acne, dermatitis, scars, age spots. As a result of the use of alpha-lipoic acid, tissues are tightened, become smoother, moisturized, and acquire a natural color and shine. Pores are also cleaned and opened, blackheads disappear.

Despite all my beneficial properties, alpha lipoic acid is primarily recommended for use as a powerful antioxidant. It protects cells from free radicals, reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and oncology, slows down the aging process of the body.

Indications for taking alpha lipoic acid

Preparations containing this component can be prescribed at any age, depending on the manufacturer. First of all, they are required by vegetarians, since in their case the diet cannot supply thioctacid in the required volume. The main consumers are athletes, as well as people leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Here are the main indications for taking alpha lipoic acid:

  • Dermatological diseases. Preparations based on this substance are indicated for eczema, psoriasis, allergies, dermatosis, and urticaria.
  • Cosmetic defects . These include enlarged pores, blackheads, bags, bruises and puffiness under the eyes, age spots, acne. The product can also cope with dull skin, acne scars, and moles.
  • Use junk food . Dietary supplements containing this component will be useful for those who are fond of fried, fatty, and floury foods.
  • They are especially important for people who love fast food, food instant cooking, alcoholic drinks, coffee, chips, crackers, smoked sausages and fish, in a word, everything that suppresses the body's antioxidant defense.

    TOP 5 drugs with alpha lipoic acid

    We have prepared a review of the 5 most popular and effective nutritional supplements. Among them there are those that contain thioctacid in 100% concentration, and those supplemented with other components. Both animal and plant components can be used to produce such products. They are usually sold in tablet or capsule form, although the latter is more common.

    Let's describe in more detail some alpha lipoic acid preparations:

    • Alpha lipoic acid (Lipoic Acid) Solgar. This dietary supplement is manufactured in the USA and comes in the form of capsules packaged in glass jars of 30 pieces. In addition to the active substance, they contain additional components - cellulose and magnesium stearate. Designed to improve cellular metabolism, antioxidant protection body, lowering blood sugar and losing weight. Contraindications to taking alpha lipoic acid are pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the drug and childhood. The daily dose is 1 capsule, which should be drunk before meals. The price of the product is 1200 rubles.
    • Doctor's Best, the best alpha lipoic acid. The product is produced in the USA and is classified as a dietary supplement. It helps the body fight free radicals, improves the absorption of vitamins C and E, and supports normal level blood sugar. One capsule contains 150 mg of the main active ingredient, supplemented with magnesium stearate and cellulose. Its shell is made of gelatin, so this drug Not suitable for vegetarians. The nutritional supplement is sold in a plastic, opaque jar containing 120 capsules. Here's how to take alpha lipoic acid - 1-6 pieces. per day, depending on your health condition, with water, during or before meals. The price of the product is 877 rubles.
    • Healthy Origins, Alpha Lipoic Acid. This is another dietary supplement from American manufacturer, the composition of which is based on natural ingredients. It is a capsule containing 300 mg of thioctacid, magnesium stearate and cellulose. The shell is made of gelatin, which is why this option is not suitable for adherents of the vegan diet. The main effect of the drug is to provide an antioxidant effect, prevent premature aging and normalize absorption ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol. As a dietary supplement, adults are recommended to take one capsule per day, swallowed whole and washed down with water. Optimal time taken - in the morning, before or during meals. One plastic jar contains 150 of them, which is enough for 5 months of treatment. The price of the product is 1500 rubles.
    • Opti-Men. This is a vitamin and mineral complex intended primarily for bodybuilders who want to build muscle mass. It is produced by Optimum Nutrition. The composition is represented by plant components - a mixture of enzymes, fruit and marine concentrates. Alpha-lipoic acid contains 25 mg; in one tablet it is combined with vitamins C, E, A, K, as well as a number of micro- and macroelements (selenium, iodine, zinc, magnesium). One jar sells 150 tablets, making 50 servings. The daily norm is 3 pieces, they should be taken before meals three times a day. It is advisable to add Omega-3 to this dietary supplement. The approximate price of the drug is 1200 rubles.
    • Now Foods, Alpha lipoic acid. This dietary supplement can be used by vegetarians as it consists exclusively of natural ingredients. The active ingredient here is thioctacid, which contains 250 mg per serving. Other ingredients are rice flour, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. The basis for the capsule shell was a polysaccharide. There are 120 pieces in one package, which you need to drink 1 piece at a time. per day before meals or during meals. Thus, it will last for 4 months. The product is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, and in case of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment. The approximate price of the drug is 900 rubles.

    Instructions for use of alpha lipoic acid

    Before starting the course, you must consult a doctor, although drugs containing this substance are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Treatment should be discontinued during treatment breast-feeding.

    If a powder is used, its dosage can range from 0.2 to 1%. IN difficult situations when necessary in short terms improve the patient's condition, it is possible to increase the concentration up to 5%.

    Standard daily norm thioctacid in the form of capsules and tablets as a prophylaxis is from 25 to 50 mg.

    For athletes, it can be revised in big side- up to 100-200 mg. This is especially true when combining the active substance with L-carnitine and other components, since in this case the volume of this substance decreases.

    On average, according to the instructions for alpha lipoic acid, you need to take 1-2 capsules per day - morning and evening. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before meals, so useful substances will be absorbed better and faster. It is not recommended to take the medicine on an empty stomach.

    Contraindications and harms of alpha lipoic acid

    Medicines containing this component should not be prescribed to children under 6 years of age. A contraindication to taking alpha lipoic acid is hypersensitivity to active substance, as well as treatment of alcoholic or diabetic polyneuropathy.

    The following side effects may occur when taking medications:

    1. Gastrointestinal disorders. Characteristic features are pain in the epigastric region, severe nausea, up to vomiting, diarrhea and “rumbling” in the stomach, increased thirst.
    2. Allergic reaction . It manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable itching, hyperemia and irritation of the skin. In severe cases there may be anaphylactic shock, but this occurs very rarely and mainly in case of overdose.
    3. Other complications. These include migraine, hypoglycemia, difficulty breathing, diplopia and convulsions, increased intracranial pressure. In some cases, pinpoint hemorrhages into the skin are possible, leading to the appearance of bruises on the body. Most often about this we're talking about with a tendency to internal bleeding and thrombosis.

    Pay attention! During treatment you need to stop taking alcoholic drinks. Also for people with high level Sugar levels need to be monitored every day.

    Real reviews about alpha lipoic acid

    Most reviews about the product are positive. Among the people who leave them are mainly athletes and those who do not eat meat. Doctors themselves speak quite well about thioctacide-based drugs. Here we have collected several opinions about such dietary supplements.

    Svetlana, 32 years old

    I haven’t eaten meat for 6 years now, and the longer this period, the worse my skin gets. I understand this, but I’m still not going to include animal products. But the doctor said that because of this I had a deficiency of alpha-lipoic acid, and prescribed medications containing it. Now, I’ve been using them for about 3 weeks now, and I can say that the skin has begun to heal faster after damage, and in general, its appearance has improved.

    Mikhail, 40 years old

    IN recent years I am actively training in gym, focusing on strength exercises. Not long ago I started including L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid in my regimen. True, I take it as part of dietary supplements, which also contain different vitamins. Overall, I’m happy with the result, I’m less tired, I look fresher, my migraine has gone away, and I’ve lost a fair amount of weight.

    Christina, 27 years old

    I use lipoic acid for weight loss, it helps me well, it really dissolves fat. But at the same time, I also train a lot, perhaps the product works this way in conjunction with an active lifestyle. In any case, I like that it is natural, healthy and non-addictive. The only downside I can mention is the high price.

    What is alpha lipoic acid - watch the video:

    It’s worth buying alpha-lipoic acid if only because it is a vital substance, without which there will simply be nothing to repel the attack of free radicals. Yes, other antioxidants also exist in the body, but the main one is still thioctacid. For this reason, it is recommended to be taken periodically by anyone who wants not to get sick and look good.

    - this is good, but what if they still don’t help you get rid of excess weight? There is a way out - take various nutritional supplements, one of which is lipoic acid for weight loss at home. It has many synonyms, such as Hyperallipon, Thioctan, Biletan, Protogen, Thioactacind. But how exactly should it be consumed, in what quantity, for how long, when and what effect can this remedy give?

    It is a light yellow powder with a bitter taste. Outwardly, it is very similar to many other medicinal substances. But its qualities due to the unusual connection useful sulfur and fatty acids are completely unique. Thanks to this duet, this product is a kind of elixir of youth, which helps not only to become slimmer, but also gives the body additional strength. It also protects it from the effects of adverse environmental factors.

    Composition and release form

    Thioctic acid is sold in two forms, one of them is 0.025 g tablets. They are coated with a thin transparent coating and packaged in 50 pieces. in cardboard packages or glass containers. They come with instructions for use. The drug is available in ampoules as a 0.5% solution of 2 ml in one. The former must be taken orally, the latter are intended for intravenous and intramuscular injections. Pills are mainly used for weight loss.

    The composition of the drug includes:

    • talc;
    • sucrose;
    • starch (potato);
    • glucose;
    • calcium stearate;
    • stearic acid.

    What the drug looks like, look at the photo below:

    Instructions for using lipoic acid for weight loss - dosage, video

    Over time, thioctic acid practically ceases to be produced by the body. The older a person gets, the more deficient this substance (vitamin N) becomes. Therefore, after 35 years, it is recommended for every person to use it, especially for those who want to lose weight. If you do this, taking into account the right dosage, it will not accumulate in cells in excess of the required amount. It should be calculated by a qualified doctor, and the following must be taken into account:

    • your lifestyle;
    • target;
    • age;
    • health status;
    • powder digestibility;
    • portability.

    Attention! Not only people with poor health, but also someone who has no problems with him. This is due to the fact that thioctic acid has increased activity, due to which certain side effects.

    A healthy man who wants to lose weight needs at least 50 mg and no more than 200 mg. It turns out that a person should take from 1 to 4 tablets per day, without chewing them and washing them down with water. This dose should be drunk several times, and best time for this - half an hour before breakfast, after sports training(immediately, no later than 15 minutes) or for dinner, at the time of the last meal.

    What the description of the drug looks like, look at the photo below:

    For women with extra pounds, the instructions for using lipoic acid recommend drinking a smaller dose - 50 mg per day (2 tablets) will be enough for them. They need to be taken in exactly the same way as for men, only in this case you can divide one serving into two. To enhance the weight loss effect while taking the drug, it is recommended to exclude foods rich in quickly digestible carbohydrates from your menu.

    These include:

    • buckwheat;
    • dates;
    • bananas;
    • rice, both white and brown;
    • honey of any origin;
    • bread made from all types of flour;
    • legumes;
    • semolina porridge;
    • pasta;
    • potato;
    • sweets;
    • flour products, except those made from whole grain flour.


    Instructions for the use of lipoic acid, in order to avoid malfunction of the body, prohibit drinking it in the following cases:

    • age up to 6 years;
    • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • gastritis, both with high and low acidity;
    • ulcer, both closed and open;
    • pregnancy (the drug should either be excluded altogether or taken with caution).

    Special instructions for use

    You should use lipoic acid for weight loss for at least 20 days, then, if the results obtained are not satisfactory, you need to take a break for a week or two and start all over again. It is important to consider that the dose should exceed the usual one indicated in the instructions for the drug. During this time at the right approach You will be able to lose 5 to 10% of your total initial body weight.

    What the drug looks like in powder form, see the photo below:

    It is also necessary to remember that the shell of the tablets (if they are used and not the solution) is made from lactose. For this reason, they should be used very carefully by people with intolerance (allergy). Another important point– risk of decreased sensitivity due to ongoing nerve cells updating processes. This is mainly characteristic of people suffering from polyneuropathy.

    Those who are losing weight with high blood sugar should also be vigilant. If its level is significantly exceeded, above 6, it is necessary to urgently reduce the dosage of glucose-lowering tablets or insulin. But before that, be sure to consult a doctor!

    Note! When planning to switch to lipoic acid, it is important to avoid consuming iron-rich foods. The leaders in its content are beans, oatmeal, lentils, prunes, cocoa, dried pear, mushrooms and peas. In addition, losing weight will not bear the desired fruits if you do not stop drinking alcohol, even the most harmless one. It reduces the effectiveness of the tablets.

    How does lipoic acid work?

    The mechanism of action of lipoic acid is based on the fact that it:

    • reduces hunger;
    • converts substances supplied with food into energy;
    • lowers blood glucose levels;
    • burns fat;
    • restores liver function under heavy loads on it under heavy weight conditions;
    • restores nerve endings.

    Which cereals are rich in carbohydrates, look at the photo below:

    Due to the effect of the drug on the body, metabolism is significantly improved, breakdown products and toxins are eliminated, and fat is removed. But the most important thing is that under the influence of lipoic acid, carbohydrates are transformed into useful energy, which is wasted during sports. This causes a person to lose weight, and this is an excellent preventive measure against extra pounds.

    Side effects

    Taking lipoic acid incorrectly can cause the following:

    • activation of the sense of appetite;
    • a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels to a critical state;
    • depression and lack of strength;
    • allergies;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • increased sweating;
    • stomach pain;
    • vomiting;
    • nausea.


    If at least one of the side effects occurs, we can talk about an overdose of the drug. Also, muscle pain, dizziness and intestinal upset can indicate this. In this case, you must immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    The drug must be kept in a dry place where it cannot be penetrated sun rays and children have no access. Its shelf life is no more than 36 months from the 1st day of production. After this, consuming lipoic acid is dangerous to health.

    Here are the tablets with this substance:

    Having figured out how lipoic acid should be used for weight loss, there is no doubt: it won’t keep you waiting long!
    In the meantime, we suggest that you read the reviews of girls who have already lost weight with the help of lipoic acid. By the way, send stories of your journey to ideal figure— share your experience!

    Previously, little-known lipoic acid is becoming increasingly popular due to numerous experiments conducted on the substance, as a result of which it showed interesting results, such as preventing premature damage to DNA cells, due to which the aging of the human body and its decline occur. vital functions. Doctors believe that the future belongs to this component, as an elixir of youth, thanks to unique properties, which has an active antioxidant. So what is lipoic acid? Instructions for using lipoic acid will reveal all the secrets and possibilities of this amazing drug.

    The substance has many names: lipoic acid, thioctic acid, thioctacid, alpha-lipoic acid, lipamide, vitamin N, etc. Essentially, it is a sulfurous fatty acid, capable of regulating carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in body tissues. The component has organic origin. It is produced by cells of the human body, animals and plants. Lipamide is also found in some foods:

    • kidneys;
    • spinach;
    • peas;
    • tomatoes;
    • beets;
    • carrots;
    • cabbage;
    • yeast;
    • meat and offal.

    However, for medicinal purposes, what is contained in the products is not enough, therefore, it is recommended to take the substance in the form of food supplements.

    The popularity of vitamin N is due to its beneficial properties:

    • regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol;
    • restoration metabolic processes body;
    • burning excess fat;
    • cleansing of waste and toxins.

    The drug is used in cases:

    • diabetes mellitus;
    • alcohol intoxication;
    • oncological diseases to alleviate the condition of patients;
    • exacerbation of chronic hepatitis;
    • alcoholic pancreatitis;
    • acute liver failure;
    • poisoning with medications, heavy metals, poisonous mushrooms (pale toadstool), carbon, etc.;
    • liver cirrhosis;
    • viral hepatitis;
    • fatty hepatosis;
    • diabetic polyneuritis;
    • coronary atherosclerosis;
    • glaucoma;
    • Alzheimer's disease;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • memory disorders;
    • cardiovascular pathologies.

    Lipoic acid widely used for weight loss. Reducing appetite, preventing us from gaining overweight and accumulate fat, it, at the same time, helps burn existing fat deposits. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin N freely combines with glutathione, vitamins C and E, thereby forming new cells, renewing and rejuvenating body tissues.

    In cosmetology, thioctic acid is simply irreplaceable. It actively helps skin cells produce collagen, which promotes their rejuvenation.

    Everyone knows jojoba, avocado and grape seeds, which are used in the manufacture of facial skin care products, which are extremely popular due to their rejuvenating effect.

    Release forms and composition of the drug

    Lipoic acid is produced in the form of yellow-green or yellow tablets. One film-coated pill contains:

    • lipoic acid 0.012 or 0.025 g;
    • talc;
    • stearic acid;
    • calcium stearate;
    • starch;
    • sugar;
    • glucose.

    The shell consists of:

    • wax;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • magnesium carbonate basic;
    • Aerosila;
    • Vaseline oil;
    • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
    • talc;
    • Sahara;
    • yellow dye.

    Packaging - a cardboard box containing 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 tablets, sealed in blisters of 10 pieces.

    The drug is also produced in the form of an injection solution. 1 ml of medicine intended for injections contains:

    • lipoic acid - 5 mg;
    • ethylenediamine;
    • sodium chloride;
    • disodium salt;
    • water for injections.

    IN cardboard box contains 10 ampoules of 1 ml.

    Instructions for use and dosage

    The tablets are taken orally after eating, without chewing, with a small amount liquids.

    Standard dose for a person who does not have any serious illnesses, is 0.05 g 3-4 times a day. Indicated for liver diseases single dose 0.075 g, and for patients with diabetes mellitus, daily dose should be no more than 0.6 g.

    The drug is also prescribed to children over 6 years of age at a dose of 0.012-0.025 g three times a day.

    Patients with diabetes mellitus should monitor plasma glucose levels when taking the drug. Drug therapy is not carried out longer than a month. If necessary, treatment is repeated after a two-week break.

    Lipoic acid for injection is used intramuscularly in an amount of 2-4 ml of a 0.5% solution (0.01-0.02 g) once. The drug is administered intravenously slowly at 0.3-0.6 g per day.

    During treatment with the drug, you must stop drinking alcohol.


    The drug has very few contraindications. You should not use it:

    • people who have individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • children under 6 years old;
    • nursing mothers.

    During pregnancy, it is better to refrain from consuming vitamin N, although laboratory tests didn't confirm it negative influence for the fruit.

    Side effects

    When using lipoic acid, it is possible side effects, which manifest themselves in the form:

    • allergic reactions (urticaria, apnea, redness, itching, anaphylactic shock);
    • short-term difficulty breathing;
    • hypoglycemia (a drop in blood sugar below normal), severe cases of which can lead to loss of consciousness, disability due to irreversible brain damage, and even death;
    • digestive disorders;
    • dyspepsia;
    • nausea, vomiting or heartburn.

    At intravenous administration side effects of the drug may manifest themselves:

    • convulsions;
    • platelet function disorders;
    • visual impairment (diplopia);
    • minor hemorrhages of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • sharp increase intracranial pressure;
    • headaches and dizziness.

    If the above symptoms occur, medication treatment should be stopped.

    The effect of lipoic acid is enhanced by its simultaneous use with L-carnitine and B vitamins. The drug increases the effect on the body of insulin and drugs that reduce sugar content (Metformin, Gliclazide, Glibenclamide, etc.). The medicine in solution for injection is incompatible with glucose, fructose, etc.

    Concomitant use with alcohol reduces the effect of the drug and may cause side effects.

    The drug reduces the effectiveness of medications containing metal compounds (magnesium, iron, calcium, etc.).


    The table shows prices for lipoic acid preparations available at the online pharmacy



    Price, rub

    Alpha Lipoic Acid - 100 mg, 30 capsules per Evalar 377
    SLIMTABS Synephrine and Alpha Lipoic Acid Vitamir, 30 tablets "Kvadrat-S LLC" 343
    Solgar Alpha Lipoic Acid, 30 capsules Solgar Vitamin 901
    Turboslim Alpha Lipoic Acid ∕ L-Carnitine, 60 tablets Evalar 774
    Turboslim Alpha Lipoic Acid ∕ L-Carnitine, 20 tablets Evalar 347
    Lipoic acid - 0.012 g, 50 tablets JSC Marbiopharm 33
    Lipoic acid – 0.025 g, 50 tablets JSC Marbiopharm 49
    Lipoic acid, 30 tablets "Kvadrat-S LLC" 99
    Solgar Nutricoenzyme Q10 C Alpha Lipoic Acid, 60 capsules Solgar Vitamin 4163

    Prices may vary depending on the pharmacy chain and its location.


    There are quite a lot of analogues of lipoic acid. The table below shows those that are available for sale in online pharmacies. The table shows that the cost of analogs is much higher than the cost of regular lipoic acid.

    Analogue, manufacturer


    Price, rub

    Thiolipon, Biosynthesis 771
    Thiolepta, Canonpharma Differences: composition, manufacturer, price 1069
    Espa Lipon, Esparma Differences: composition, manufacturer, price 765
    Berlition, Berlin-Chemie Differences: composition, manufacturer, price 757
    Thioctacid, Meda Pharma Differences: composition, manufacturer, price 1574
    Toigamma, Vervag Pharma Differences: composition, manufacturer, price 239
    Octolipen, Pharmastandard Differences: composition, manufacturer, price 423
    Thioctic acid – 0.012 g, 50 tablets, Biotek Differences: manufacturer 39

    The cheapest analogue of the drug is thioctic acid, which has the same composition and effect.


    If more than 10,000 mg of the drug was consumed during the day, an overdose may occur, which manifests itself in the form of:

    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • headaches and dizziness;
    • anxiety;
    • foggy consciousness;
    • seizures;
    • low blood sugar;
    • bleeding;
    • Lactic acidosis.

    In case of drug overdose, hospitalization and gastric lavage are indicated.

    Disease class
    • Not specified. See instructions
    Clinical and pharmacological group
    • Not specified. See instructions

    Pharmacological action

    • Not specified. See instructions
    Pharmacological group
    • Not specified. See instructions

    Alpha-lipoic acid capsule

    Instructions for medical use drug

    Description of pharmacological action

    Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant.
    Alpha lipoic acid is involved in the process of converting sugar (carbohydrates) into energy and helps lower blood sugar levels.
    Alpha lipoic acid prevents the oxidative process of the blood and nervous system in patients with diabetes mellitus.
    Alpha lipoic acid performs important role in cleansing the liver and the entire body from toxic substances and heavy metals.

    Indications for use

    Allergic dermatoses, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles.
    Blue circles under the eyes and swelling.
    Large pores.
    Acne scars.
    Yellowish or dull skin.

    Release form

    capsules 598.45 mg.


    Alpha lipoic acid acid (ALA) is completely natural product. Its molecules exist deep inside every cell of our body. She strengthens positive action antioxidants (vitamins C and E).

    Also protects these vitamins in the body and helps them suppress free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid is soluble in both water and fat, making it a universal antioxidant. Unlike vitamins C and E, it is able to fight free radicals in any part of the cell and even penetrate the space between cells and protect DNA. Alpha lipoic acid can increase cellular metabolism, which means that the cell begins to produce more energy and recover more easily.

    Alpha lipoic acid is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. All of the listed properties of Alpha Lipoic Acid apply not only to the internal parts of the body, but also to the skin. Skin inflammation is a direct path to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Alpha lipoic acid prevents the appearance causing inflammation cytokine substances that damage cells and accelerate the aging process.

    Alpha lipoic acid improves the metabolism of sugar in the cell and prevents it from accumulating in the blood. Sugar is necessary for our body to live, but its excess has a toxic effect on cells. Diabetes develops and the skin becomes damaged. The skin damage is caused by sugar attaching to collagen. Collagen loses flexibility and elasticity, so the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Alpha lipoic acid prevents and can even reverse the process of sugar joining collagen, since it improves the metabolism of sugar in the cell, preventing it from accumulating and, at the same time, allowing the mechanism natural recovery the body works better.

    By taking Alpha Lipoic Acid, you protect all proteins in your body from glycation and allow your body to use sugar as fuel much more efficiently, i.e. protect yourself from various diabetes-related problems. Alpha lipoic acid can even reverse glycation, i.e. undo the damage that sugar has already caused.

    Use during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, it is possible if the expected effect of therapy exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.

    Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

    Contraindications for use

    Hypersensitivity, children under 6 years of age (up to 18 years in the treatment of diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy).

    Side effects

    From the gastrointestinal tract: when taken orally - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

    Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria, anaphylactic shock.

    Other: headache, impaired glucose metabolism (hypoglycemia); with rapid intravenous administration - short-term delay or difficulty breathing, increased intracranial pressure, convulsions, diplopia, pinpoint hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes and a tendency to bleeding (due to impaired platelet function).

    Precautions for use

    During the treatment period, regular monitoring of blood glucose concentrations (especially at the beginning of therapy) in patients with diabetes mellitus is necessary. Patients are advised to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages during treatment.

    Storage conditions

    In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

    Best before date

    ** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before you start using Alpha Lipoic Acid, you should consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee positive effect medicine.

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    ** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical specialists and should not be a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Alpha Lipoic Acid is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a physician. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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    There are many drugs that contain substances necessary to maintain the health of the body and are used by pharmacology as medicines for various diseases. For example, lipoic acid, the harm and benefits of which will be discussed below.

    Pharmacological action

    The vital activity of the human body is an amazing interweaving various processes, starting from the moment of conception and not stopping for a split second throughout life. Sometimes they seem quite illogical. For example, biologically significant elements - proteins - require non-protein compounds, so-called cofactors, to function correctly. It is precisely these elements that include lipoic or, as it is also called, thioctic acid. It is an important component of many enzymatic complexes that work in the human body. Thus, when glucose is broken down, the final product will be salts of pyruvic acid - pyruvates. It is lipoic acid that is involved in this metabolic process. In its effect on the human body, it is similar to B vitamins - it is also involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, increases glycogen content in liver tissue and helps reduce the amount of glucose in the blood.

    Due to its ability to improve cholesterol metabolism and liver function, lipoic acid reduces the pathogenic effects of toxins of both endogenous and exogenous origin. By the way, this substance is an active antioxidant, which is based on its ability to bind free radicals.

    According to various studies, thioctic acid has hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic effects.

    Derivatives of this vitamin-like substance are used in medical practice to impart certain degrees of biological activity to medicinal products containing such components. And the inclusion of lipoic acid in injection solutions reduces the potential development of side effects of drugs.

    What are the dosage forms?

    For the drug "Lipoic acid", the dosage of the drug takes into account the therapeutic need, as well as the method of delivering it to the body. Therefore, you can purchase the drug in pharmacies in two dosage forms ah - in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution in ampoules for injection. Depending on what pharmaceutical company produced or capsules can be purchased containing from 12.5 to 600 mg active substance in 1 unit. Tablets are produced in a special coating, which most often has yellow. The drug in this form is packaged in blisters and cardboard packs containing 10, 50 or 100 tablets. But the drug is available in ampoules only in the form of a 3% solution. Thioctic acid is also a common component of many medicinal multicomponent products and dietary supplements.

    In what cases is the use of the drug indicated?

    One of the vitamin-like substances important for the human body is lipoic acid. Indications for use take into account its functional load as an intracellular component important for many processes. Therefore, lipoic acid, the harms and benefits of which are sometimes the cause of controversy in health forums, has certain indications for use in the treatment of diseases or conditions such as:

    • coronary atherosclerosis;
    • viral hepatitis (with jaundice);
    • chronic hepatitis in the active phase;
    • dyslipidemia - including a change in the ratio of blood lipids and lipoproteins;
    • liver dystrophy (fatty);
    • intoxication with medications, heavy metals, carbon, carbon tetrachloride, mushrooms (including toadstool);
    • acute liver failure;
    • chronic pancreatitis due to alcoholism;
    • diabetic polyneuritis;
    • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
    • chronic cholecystopancreatitis;
    • liver cirrhosis.

    The main area of ​​work of the drug "Lipoic acid" is therapy for alcoholism, poisoning and intoxication, in the treatment of liver pathologies, nervous system, diabetes mellitus. Also this medicine often used in complex therapy oncological diseases in order to alleviate the course of the disease.

    Are there any contraindications for use?

    When prescribing treatment, patients often ask doctors - what is lipoic acid for? The answer to this question can be quite lengthy, because thioctic acid is an active participant in cellular processes aimed at metabolism various substances- lipids, cholesterol, glycogen. It is involved in protective processes against free radicals and tissue cell oxidation. For the drug "Lipoic acid", the instructions for use indicate not only the problems that it helps to solve, but also contraindications for use. And they are as follows:

    • hypersensitivity;
    • history of allergic responses to medications;
    • pregnancy;
    • period of feeding the baby with breast milk.

    This drug is not prescribed for the treatment of children under 16 years of age due to the lack of clinical trials in this vein.

    Are there any side effects?

    One of the biologically important cellular level substances - lipoic acid. Why is it needed in cells? To carry out a range of chemical and electrical reactions metabolic process, as well as to reduce the effects of oxidation. But despite the benefits of this substance, it is impossible to take drugs with thioctic acid thoughtlessly, not as prescribed by a specialist. In addition, such medications can cause the following side effects:

    • allergic reactions;
    • epigastric pain;
    • hypoglycemia;
    • diarrhea;
    • diplopia (double vision);
    • difficulty breathing;
    • skin reactions (rashes and itching, urticaria);
    • bleeding (due to functional disorders thrombocytosis);
    • migraine;
    • petechiae (point hemorrhages);
    • increased intracranial pressure;
    • vomit;
    • convulsions;
    • nausea.

    How to take medications with thioctic acid?

    For the drug "Lipoic acid", the instructions for use describe the basics of treatment depending on the initial dosage of the drug unit. The tablets are not chewed or crushed, taking them orally half an hour before meals. The drug is prescribed up to 3-4 times per day, the exact number of doses and the specific dosage of the drug is determined by the attending physician in accordance with the need for the therapy. Maximum permissible daily dosage drug - 600 mg of active ingredient.

    For the treatment of liver diseases, lipoic acid preparations should be taken 4 times a day in the amount of 50 mg of the active substance per dose. The course of such therapy should be 1 month. It can be repeated after a time specified by the attending physician.

    Intravenous administration of the drug is prescribed in the first weeks of treatment of diseases in acute and severe forms. After this time, the patient can be transferred to the tablet form of lipoic acid therapy. The dosage should be the same for all dosage forms - intravenous injections contain from 300 to 600 mg of active substance per day.

    How to buy the drug and how to store it?

    As indicated in the instructions for use of the medicine, lipoic acid is sold in pharmacies by prescription. Its use without consultation with the attending physician is not recommended, since the drug has high biological activity; its use in complex therapy should take into account compatibility with other drugs that the patient is taking.

    The purchased medicine in tablet form and in injection form is stored at room temperature without access to sunlight.

    Drug overdose

    In therapy with any medications, including lipoic acid, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage recommended by the specialist. An overdose of thioctic acid manifests itself as follows:

    • allergic reactions;
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • pain in the epigastric region;
    • hypoglycemia;
    • headache;
    • diarrhea;
    • nausea.

    Since there is no specific antidote to this substance no, then an overdose or poisoning with lipoic acid requires symptomatic therapy against the background of discontinuation of this medication.

    Is it better or worse together?

    A fairly common incentive for self-medication is price and reviews for various medications, including the drug Lipoic Acid. Thinking that only benefits can be obtained from a natural vitamin-like substance, many patients forget that there is also the so-called pharmacological compatibility that must be taken into account. For example, joint reception glucocorticosteroids and drugs with thioctic acid are fraught with increased activity of adrenal hormones, which will certainly cause a lot of negative side effects.

    Since lipoic acid actively binds many substances in the body, its use should not be combined with taking medications containing components such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. Treatment with these drugs should be divided in time - there will be a break of at least 2-4 hours the best option medication regimen.

    Treatment with alcohol-containing tinctures is also best done separately from taking lipoic acid, since ethanol weakens its activity.

    Is it possible to lose weight by taking thioctic acid?

    Many people believe that one of the effective and safe means necessary for correcting weight and shape - lipoic acid for weight loss. How to take this drug to remove excess fat deposits? This is not difficult question, considering that without certain physical activity and adjusting your diet will not achieve any weight loss with any medications. If you reconsider your attitude towards physical education and proper nutrition, then the help of lipoic acid in losing weight will be very noticeable. You can take the drug in different ways:

    • half an hour before breakfast or half an hour after it;
    • half an hour before dinner;
    • after an active sports workout.

    This attitude to weight loss involves the use of lipoic acid preparations in an amount of 25-50 mg per day. It will help metabolize fats and sugars, as well as remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body.

    Beauty and thioctic acid

    Many women use the drug "Lipoic acid" for the face, which helps make the skin cleaner and fresher. Using preparations with thioctic acid, you can improve the quality of a regular moisturizer or nourishing cream. For example, a couple of drops of an injection solution added to a cream or lotion that a woman uses every day will make it more effective in the fight against active radicals, pollution, and deterioration of the skin.

    For diabetes

    One of the significant substances in the metabolism and metabolism of glucose, and therefore insulin, is lipoic acid. For diabetes and types 1 and 2, this substance helps to avoid serious complications associated with active oxidation, and therefore with the destruction of tissue cells. As studies have shown, oxidative processes are activated with a significant increase in blood sugar, and it does not matter for what reason this happens pathological change. Lipoic acid acts as an active antioxidant, which can significantly minimize the effects of the destructive effects of blood sugar on tissue. Research in this area continues, and therefore drugs with thioctic acid for diabetes mellitus should be taken only on the recommendation of the attending physician with regular monitoring of blood counts and the patient’s condition.

    What do they say about the drug?

    A component of many medications that has significant biological activity is lipoic acid. The harm and benefits of this substance are a source of constant debate between specialists and patients. Many consider such drugs to be the future of medicine, whose help in therapy various diseases will be proven by practice. But many people think that these drugs have only the so-called placebo effect and no functional load they don't carry it. But still, for the most part, reviews about the drug "Lipoic acid" have a positive and recommendatory connotation. Patients who took this medicine as a course report that after therapy they felt much better and had a desire to lead a more active lifestyle. Many people note an improvement in their appearance - their complexion has become clearer, acne has disappeared. Patients also note a significant improvement in blood counts - a decrease in sugar and cholesterol after taking a course of the drug. Many people say that lipoic acid is often used for weight loss. How to take this remedy to lose extra pounds, is a relevant question for many people. But everyone who took the drug for the purpose of losing weight says that without changing their diet and lifestyle, there will be no result.

    Similar drugs

    Biologically significant substances present in the human body itself help in the fight against many diseases, as well as pathological conditions, affecting health. For example, lipoic acid. Although the harm and benefits of the drug are controversial, this substance still plays a huge role in the treatment of many diseases. A drug with an identical name has many analogues, which include lipoic acid. For example, "Octolipen", "Espa-Lipon", "Tiolepta", "Berlition 300". It can also be found as part of multi-component products - “Alphabet - Diabetes”, “Complivit Radiance”.

    Every patient who wants to improve their condition with the help of drugs or biologically active additives to food, including lipoic acid preparations, you should first consult with a specialist about the rationality of such treatment, as well as any contraindications.