Optimal meal times. When is the best time to take medication?

Best time for taking vitamins

There are a large number of different types and combinations of vitamins and multivitamins. To figure out when is the best time to take a vitamin, you need to know the nature and functions of this substance. Most vitamins are nutrients found in food, so they are better absorbed when combined with food. For this reason, doctors recommend taking most vitamin supplements directly with meals.

What time of day is best to take vitamins? The best time to take vitamins is morning. You should take the following vitamins at breakfast:

  • multivitamins.

Before you start taking useful substances, you should also figure out when to take vitamins - before or after meals. There are two groups of vitamins - water- and fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins able to dissolve in water. They do not accumulate and are effectively absorbed by the body 30 minutes before eating. These include vitamins B1; B2; B6; B12; WITH; ; RR.

Fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body. They are absorbed only if they are consumed along with fats. Vitamins of this group are best consumed during or after meals in combination with foods containing fats (butter, salmon, nuts, olives, etc.). Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, , and K.

At lunch, take B vitamins, vitamins C and E. If the day is busy and you can’t have a full lunch, you can take a multivitamin with a handful of nuts. Nuts and dried fruits are considered some of the healthiest snack options. In addition, they will help you understand fat-soluble vitamins. Calcium and magnesium lead to muscle relaxation, so they are good to take in the evening. This will have a beneficial effect on a person's sleep.

It is necessary to take vitamins in the morning or evening, depending on the recommendations and instructions for the drug.

Interaction of different vitamins and minerals

When taking supplements, you need to know whether you can combine different types vitamins and minerals and what effect they have on each other.

Combination of vitamins and minerals with each other
Vitamin A Better absorbed together with vitamins D, B, E. Efficiency increases when interacting with phosphorus, calcium and zinc
B vitamins Combined with Vitamin C
Vitamin C Well absorbed along with calcium and magnesium. Can be combined with iron intake, since vitamin C promotes better absorption of iron by the body
Vitamin D Considered to be well compatible with calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and C
Calcium Should not be taken in combination with a multivitamin containing iron as it has the ability to absorb iron. If breakfast includes a multivitamin with iron, then calcium supplements should be taken at lunch or dinner
Interactions of vitamins and minerals with drugs
Aspirin Leads to a decrease in calcium levels and the amount of vitamins A, B, C
Antibiotics Reduce the amount of magnesium, calcium, iron and B vitamins
Drugs with diuretic effect Removes potassium, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins from the body
Laxatives Interferes with the absorption of vitamins A, E and D into the body
Blood thinners Cannot be used with vitamins K and E
Medicines or antibiotics to lower cholesterol Cannot be combined with vitamin A as this may lead to negative consequences

If a person drank minerals in large doses, they could reduce and suppress the absorption of other minerals. So, calcium is taken in large quantities most often, so it should be taken separately from other multivitamins and minerals. The doses of magnesium and zinc can also be relatively large, so they should be taken separately from other vitamin complexes.

It is noteworthy that if I take zinc long time, then this can provoke copper deficiency in the body. To avoid this, drink an additional complex of vitamins with copper.

If a person gets sick and is forced to take medications, it is necessary to notify the doctor about what vitamins are being taken before prescribing the medications.

Taking vitamins is necessary if they sufficient quantity cannot be obtained from food. Thanks to vitamins, a person will get sick less. They will ensure the normal functioning of the body. Vitamins can be taken in tablets or liquid form. They are taken as dietary supplements or for medicinal purposes. For treatment, vitamins are prescribed by a doctor. They are administered by injection in large doses.

Before you start using vitamins as a dietary supplement, you should consult your doctor. Some vitamin complexes may cause side effects and interfere with the absorption of medications if you are undergoing treatment.

After purchase vitamin complex Carefully study the instructions and recommendations for using the drug. If allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop taking vitamins.

When is the best time to take vitamins? Most vitamins are taken with food, so you need to make sure your diet is healthy and wholesome. This will ensure better absorption of vitamins by the body. Before taking the drug, you should carefully study the instructions; it will indicate when it is better to take vitamins - after, during or before meals.

When taking vitamins, you need to follow some rules:

  • Take vitamins regularly, at the same time;
  • take vitamins with water (warm) or drinks (not very hot and not very cold);
  • Take vitamins in the quantities indicated in the instructions; you cannot increase the dose.

Vitamins have a beneficial effect on the human body, ensuring its normal functioning and development. To get the required amount of vitamins and minerals, you need to monitor your diet. If for some reason a sufficient amount of vitamins is not provided by food, you can resort to additional consumption of useful elements. Before taking it, you should consult your doctor and thoroughly study how and when to take vitamins. More details about the rules for taking vitamins are described in the video below.

The body of men, women and each person individually is very individual, and there are different biologicalwatch when the body is especially active or requires rest. Knowing the secret of your own biological clock and using it wisely, a woman can prolong her youth, become beautiful and attractive, improve her well-being, restore her health and even achieve success in life!

Meal hours:

1. Breakfast in the best possible way is absorbed by the body in the morning from 8 to 9 o'clock. At this time, the body has a better metabolism and the digestive system works perfectly. Closer to 11:00 in the afternoon, you can take a break for a light snack.

2. One o'clock in the afternoon is the best time for a lunch meal; after lunch, the body is at its best. short time goes into a state of sleep, so you shouldn’t be too busy with work at this hour.

3. The most the right time for dinner - 17:00, but if you can’t eat at this time, you can still have dinner before 20:00 in the evening. After eight, eating is not recommended, since from this hour the body begins to require rest.

Activity time:

1. Best time according to biological clock For physical exercise and morning jogging - 7:30 am, at this time the body begins to wake up at an accelerated speed.

2. For owls and larks, peak activity occurs at 10:00 am. From now until noon brain activity activates all its capabilities, and these watches are best suited for intellectual work and solving complex problems.

A new boost of energy comes to the body at 17:00 in the evening. From now on, you can devote a whole hour to active physical activities in the fresh air.

Rest, sleep

After waking up, the next sleep break is best taken after the lunch meal - somewhere from 13:00 to 14:30. According to scientists, the daily half-hour nap literally prolongs life. The next hours until 20:00 should be spent very actively, and from eight again allow the body to relax, for example, for pleasant massage. Best time to sleep (as they say biological clock body) - eleven o'clock at night, heart rate by this time it slows down, the body requires deep rest in the form of sleep.

Beauty watch

Women need to remember three main points:

1. Woman's face looks worst in daytime: from 13:00 to 14:00. It is at this hour that wrinkles on the face become most noticeable, the skin becomes tired. appearance and needs rest.

2. From 15:00 to 18:00 is the most useless time for cosmetic procedures. At this time, the skin completely loses its sensitivity, so all kinds of masks, spas and peeling procedures will not give any result.

3. For a woman special attention should be given to the skin from 18:00 to 23:00. All care procedures and It is better to cleanse at this time, the skin intensively absorbs oxygen and blood circulation is activated.

Time for love

As a result of long-term research by German scientists, it was proven that biological clock The activity of the genital organs of men and women is practically not the same. For women, this time comes after 22:00 in the evening - female libido increases and the “attachment” hormone prolactin begins to be released. The only hour the contact between male and female activity is approximately 16:00 in the evening, but at this time on weekdays people are usually busy with household chores, although on weekends it is worth trying to give in to biorhythms.

It's just general description human biological clock. First of all, you should always listen to your own body, learn to pay due attention to the natural desire to sleep, eat or relax.

Whether we like it or not, our body depends on biological rhythms. He knows that he needs to get up in the morning and get ready for bed in the evening. For the same reason there are seasonal exacerbations diseases. But what’s interesting is, is there a dependence on biorhythms for each specific organ or system? It turns out there are quite a few.

If we know at what time the activity of a particular organ increases, we will be able to influence the effectiveness of taking medications. That is, we will know when it is better to take medications so that they are absorbed by the body faster. In addition, we will learn how to reduce side effects from drug therapy.

There is a whole direction in pharmacology (the science of drugs) devoted to these issues - chronopharmacology. It arose several decades ago. The founder is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor R.M. Zaslavskaya. Although Avicenna also spoke about annual (seasonal) biorhythms and diseases associated with this. Chronopharmacology studies human biological rhythms that influence the severity of the action of drugs, as well as the effect of drugs on the rhythmic fluctuations of the body.

What are the biorhythms that affect the body:

  • Daily (circadian);
  • Biorhythms of the month;
  • Annual (seasonal);
  • Hormonal (menstrual cycle);

It is on these rhythms that the body is most dependent. But in fact, there are about 500 of these rhythms. They influence different levels of the body - cellular, tissue, as well as on organs and the body as a whole.

The periods of some biological rhythms are close to the time intervals we are familiar with, but do not coincide with them. For this reason, in the names of such we often find the prefix “ circa"(means around, around, approximately). For example, the circadian rhythm is called circadian (“circa” - about, “dies” - day). By the way, it is the most important thing for the body, determining the activity and rest of all organs and systems, as well as cyclic metabolic processes.

Here we can guess why doctors insist on following a regimen - we get up and go to bed at the same time, eat food at certain hours. Violation of the usual routine can lead to serious changes in the human body and even to illness.

We could continue to develop the topic, talking about what kind of biorhythms there are, about their high-, medium- and low-frequency effects on the body, but in this article we are pursuing completely different goals.

  • Firstly, We are mainly interested in changes in activity in different areas of the human body depending on the time of day.
  • Secondly, at what hours it is most rational to take this or that pharmacological drug.

Biorhythms of the body

The approximate dependence of organ activity on the time of day is presented in the following diagram.

But this dependence can change quite widely under the influence of lifestyle, which sometimes leads to desynchronosis - disorders normal functions the body as a result of a shift in circadian biorhythms. Thus, each person has his own “biological clock,” but if it diverges greatly from the natural rhythms of the body, it can cause serious harm.

Dependence of taking certain drugs on biological rhythms

When is it better to take medications, for example, for hypertension and allergies? How to take vitamins and medications correctly bronchial asthma? Chronotherapists answer these questions.

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken when various diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, radiculitis pain, headaches, etc. From the point of view of chronotherapists, NSAIDs are most effective when taken in the evening after dinner. On the one hand, this reduces the severity side effects these medications, such as stomach pain, intestinal irritation. On the other hand, if we consider rheumatoid arthritis, in which the pain intensifies in the morning, then the effectiveness of the drugs increases. Chronopharmacologists are confident that taking NSAIDs several hours (1.5-2 hours) to the maximum pain gives a 2-fold increase in effect.
  2. A similar picture with treatment. Chronotherapy received the most here widespread. The body of each hypertensive patient is individual, therefore, to use chronotherapy, it is necessary to use daily monitoring blood pressure(BP), which determines the time at which peaks in blood pressure increase occur. The use of drugs for the treatment of hypertension is most advisable 1.5-2 hours before the onset of the maximum blood pressure detected during monitoring. This allows you to achieve a reduction in blood pressure in a shorter time.
  3. Sick use bronchodilators, incl. prolonged (extended) action. At night, the patency of the bronchi decreases, which is why asthma attacks most often occur in the predawn hours (around 4 a.m.). IN in this case It is rational to take bronchodilators in the evening at 20-22 hours, and long-acting drugs even earlier, because the peak of their activity occurs 12 hours after administration.
  4. Allergy medications (antihistamines) Chronotherapists advise taking it in the evening or in the afternoon, due to the maximum activity of histamine in the evening and night hours (histamine content is maximum at 21-24 hours). Those. We again adhere to the principle of taking the drug several hours before the onset of the maximum manifestation of a chronic disease.
  5. Taking vitamins also depends on biological rhythms associated with biochemical processes in the body. It is known, for example, that vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) often causes allergic reactions. It turns out that this is due to the fact that in the evening hours it promotes the release of histamine. However, when taken in the morning, it activates an enzyme that destroys histamine. Thus, this drug Best taken early in the morning. Similar studies were also carried out with other vitamins (B1, C, A, E, etc.). Probably, on the basis of these data, some doctors form the opinion that it is inappropriate to take vitamin-mineral complexes, since their individual components must be taken at different times of the day.


One of the positive aspects of the use of chronopharmacology is the reduction of therapeutic, daily and course doses of drugs, because Taking them during certain phases of the body’s activity increases their effectiveness by 2 times. If the dose of the drug is reduced, then the side effects are reduced accordingly.

But! The use of chronotherapy should be under the strict guidance of an experienced chronopharmacologist. He will analyze individual characteristics body and will give recommendations on what time is best to take medications.

In addition, the principles of chronotherapy do not apply to all diseases and medications. Such diseases, for example, include infectious diseases. Antibiotics must be supplied in a strictly defined concentration and regularly to avoid the formation of strains of microorganisms insensitive to them in your body.

Confusion in such a seemingly simple issue as diet is created by several factors. Firstly, if we look at history and traditional cuisines different nations, it will become obvious that people in different times and in different countries they ate completely differently: in some places it was customary to eat a large meal once a day - late evening- after a long working day, in some places frequent breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner were held in high esteem, in others tradition called for taking a long break from any work in the middle of the day and sitting at the table for hours, enjoying a whole string of dishes for a long time. Secondly, confusion was caused by modern systems nutrition - often proprietary, based solely on the opinion of a particular nutritionist with his unique views on nutrition.

Diet depends on different factors: No matter how beneficial one particular regimen is, the way you live and work still has an impact on it. Examples of such factors are familiar to everyone. This is the climate (in hot countries people eat more heavily early in the morning and late in the evening, and during the day they limit themselves to a light snack), the work schedule (someone who is on duty at night, for example, naturally shifts their meal times to the evening), the distribution of workload (if a person there is hard work ahead in the first half of the day, he has a big breakfast), etc. In principle, the diet can be influenced by anything: leisure, habits, family composition. When choosing your own diet, it is very advisable to take into account not only “how healthy” it is, but also all the factors influencing you. It is unreasonable to simply brush them aside and not take them into account: correct mode nutrition has no chance if it conflicts with your lifestyle.

Three times a day or four times a day?

The classic option - three meals a day - is considered obsolete by modern nutritionists: four meals a day are more physiological, which includes breakfast, second breakfast (lunch), lunch and dinner. Time between meals should not be more than 4-5 hours, which is impossible with an early breakfast and no second breakfast. With such a time interval - 4 hours - the load on digestive tract perfectly distributed; for example, you have breakfast at 8 am - then at 12, lunch at 15 and dinner at 19 o'clock.

At the same time, nutritionists do not recommend organizing afternoon tea– in the afternoon – instead of second breakfast. The fact is that in the first half of the day it is advisable to consume up to 40% daily ration, which just fits into two meals. An afternoon snack can contribute to weight gain. However, nutritionists do not exclude an afternoon snack between lunch and dinner if the time interval between these two meals is too long (for example, you have lunch at 14-00 and dinner at 20-00), but in this case the afternoon snack should be quite light: a fruit snack will do salad or low-fat cottage cheese, sandwich with greens.

Why is late dinner bad?

The point is not only that late in the evening and at night everything eaten “gets tied up in fat.” There must be at least one long break per day, a rest of at least 10-11 hours. That is, if you had dinner at 20-00 and then had breakfast at 7-00 in the morning, then 11 hours passed between these meals - this is normal. If you had dinner at 23, and had breakfast at the same 7-00, the time period will be only 8 hours - this is not enough for rest and recovery digestive system. The same applies to cases of “night snacking”. If your meal schedule is shifted due to work or other life circumstances, calculate the time of meals so that the digestive system has the opportunity to rest from food for at least 10 hours.

The ratio of portions and calories during the day

It is desirable that the amount of food consumed be more or less evenly distributed throughout the day. The ideal guideline ratio is:
Breakfast – 15% of the diet
Lunch – 25%
Lunch – 35%
Dinner – 25%
You don't necessarily have to calculate in detail percentage, it is enough to estimate by eye and distribute the planned volume of what should be eaten, so that the most satisfying meal is lunch, lunch and dinner are approximately the same, and breakfast is light but nutritious. But most importantly, make sure that there is no serious imbalance: for example, coffee for breakfast, lunch - a cookie, lunch - a couple of apples, and after all this, dinner consisting of five courses, soup, meat, carbohydrates, dessert.

What exactly is appropriate to eat at different meals is always an open question, including for nutritionists, classic version The division is as follows: carbohydrates for breakfast, for lunch, vegetables and dairy products for dinner. For example, breakfast - porridge, fruit; lunch - sandwich; lunch - meat () dish with side dish, soup; dinner - vegetables in any form, cheese, cottage cheese. But of course product selection depends not only on expediency and usefulness, but also on availability. Although it is most physiological to eat meat for lunch, many people cannot afford it: during the lunch break at work it is more convenient to eat something lighter and leave the meat for a solid dinner at home.

The best guide and assistant in compiling suitable mode food is always individual approach: take into account all the features of your lifestyle, as well as information about the most successful medical point schedule view. To simplify the task, answer the following: questions:

Is it convenient for you to have a big breakfast every day?
- Can you eat a substantial meal at lunch - or main reception food for you - dinner?
-Aren't you having dinner too late? Is there 10-11 hours between dinner in the evening of one day and breakfast in the morning of the next?
- What exactly do you prefer for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
- What is your highest calorie meal?
- On what points can you adjust your regimen to a healthy diet, and over what conditions of your life do you, on the contrary, have no control?

Remember that the main sign of a suitable, successful diet for you personally is the fact that you can stick to it for a long time, ideally - all your life. Don't force yourself to live according to a schedule that you are guaranteed to break in the near future.

A group of scientists from the University of Pennsylvania explained, Why various medicines better to take in certain time days.

They found out that the body has peak activity hours that need to be taken into account when prescribing drugs. The BBC reports this with reference to a work published by the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers monitored the work internal organs animals throughout the day. Every two hours they analyzed the work of DNA and cells kidney, adrenal glands, lungs, aorta, trunk brain, cerebellum, hypothalamus, brown and white fat, heart and other organs. Observations have shown that the greatest changes in cell activity occur between dawn and dusk.

Yes, 43 percent genes, which are involved in the production of proteins, showed different activities at different times. Moreover, the pattern of gene activity in different organs is different, so the peaks of cell activity do not always coincide.

Scientists hope to use the knowledge gained in developing a treatment regimen various diseases. For example, cardiovascular diseases often associated with cholesterol. Because liver produces maximum quantity cholesterol at night, it is better to take medications for it in the evening. Scientists have long identified this pattern, but only now it has become clear what this is connected with.

"I hope we can use this information to develop better treatment already existing drugs. And this is very good, because it does not require additional funds. I think this is a real opportunity to improve medicine, and it will have amazing consequences,” says one of the study participants, Dr. John Hogenech.
Source: Medportal.ru

Biological clock and
health optimization

I have always been interested in the question, says Ivan Egorov, what is biological clock , where they are and how to configure them to your benefit. Previously, I noticed that if I go to bed at twelve or one in the morning, the next day is lost for me. I walk around broken and depressed! This happened until I completely upset my biological clock with night vigils. Nowadays, if I go to bed at 10 pm, then at 1 am it feels like 6 am already! And then there’s the leapfrog with the switches…

How often do we compare our lifestyle with biological rhythms? Unfortunately, often forgetting about our internal clock, we allow ourselves to go to bed too late or sleep too long in the morning, overload ourselves with work, disrupt our eating schedule, etc. This always has a very negative impact on our health. The body already endures constant stress and stress in modern life, and we further aggravate the situation with the constantly disrupted rhythm of life.

It was established that from 3 a.m. to 3 p.m. internal environment The body is slightly acidic and the protoplasm of cells is maximally mobile. Why do splitting processes occur intensively? complex substances to simpler ones. This is facilitated by sunlight and warmth rational nutrition and moderate physical activity. During daylight hours, proteins are more actively broken down. In the second half of the day, when light and temperature decrease external environment, the energy supply of cells decreases.

From 15 to 3 am acid-base balance goes to the weakly alkaline side, which promotes the synthesis from simple substances more complex connections. In the protoplasm of cells, viscosity increases, and internal processes are slowing down somewhat. In an alkaline environment, mainly carbohydrates and carbohydrate-containing foods are broken down. And proteins eaten at night, due to the lack of enzymes and hydrochloric acid, are practically not digested until the morning. They decompose under the influence of microorganisms, which leads to the formation of toxic endotoxins. The result is nightmares, difficult awakenings, headache, bad smell from the mouth, weakness and weakness.

If a person gets up earlier, his brain suffers - the main regulator of all our internal processes. At first, this leads to feeling unwell and headaches, to anxiety, depression, internal tension, ailments, and later to neuroses and other diseases. Let me emphasize again: the fourth phase of sleep depends on solar time, and not on how many hours a person slept.

IN dark time day, between midnight and four o'clock in the morning, the pituitary gland intensively synthesizes And throws away V blood hormone melatonin, which controls quality sleep and recovery internal organs tired during the day.

If a person forced to work at night And rest during the day That full recovery life-sustaining organs And systems are not happening , since in people who are awake at night, melatonin synthesis decreases sharply. And every day chronic fatigue accumulates , not fully restored organs age rapidly, start to hurt atherosclerosis develops, cancer, life expectancy is reduced.

Forcibly waking up very early on a dark winter morning will reduce melatonin production and will have the same effects as constantly staying awake at night, regardless of the reason. Those who follow the rules should know this Healthy lifestyle

One of the synchronizers intracellular biorhythm V is the change of day and night, and the deviation of the rhythms of work and rest, sleep and wakefulness from solar standard time (solar noon) leads to stress and desynchronosis, that is, a mismatch between the internal rhythms of the body and the circadian rhythms. Disruption of these physiological rhythms leads to many diseases and rapid “burning out” of the body.

Therefore, it is imperative that we take care of our health and learn to keep pace with the natural rhythms of our body, laid down by nature itself.

I decided to figure out what was going on and what time to “tie” my biological biorhythms in order to live fully and effectively. Turning to numerous publications on this matter yielded little, but I wanted to figure it out.

But let's start in order.

From numerous publications it is known that the work of our organs is subject to the daily biological, circadian rhythm.

Periods of daily activity of the main organs and systems:

23:00 – 01:00 – Gallbladder;
01:00 – 03:00 – Liver;
01:00 – 02:00 – Maximum fission activity skin cells,
therefore, before going to bed, it is advisable to apply night cream to the skin nourishing cream;
03:00 – 05:00 – Lungs;
04:00 – 11:00 – Adrenal glands4
05:00 – 07:00 – Large intestine;
06:00 – 08:00 – Increase in blood pressure (by 20-30 points), risk hypertensive crises, strokes, heart attacks;
07:00 – 12:00 – Thyroid gland;
07:00 – 09:00 – Stomach;
07:00 – The body’s sensitivity to aspirin increases and antihistamines: taken at this time, they remain in the blood longer and act more effectively;
09:00 – 12:00 / 15:00 – 18:00 – Brain;
09:00 – 11:00 – Spleen and pancreas;
08:00 – 12:00 – Increased sensitivity to allergens, exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
11:00 – 13:00 – Heart;
13:00 – 15:00 – Small intestine;
15:00 – 17:00 – Bladder;
15:00 – Minimal sensitivity to allergens, but maximum sensitivity to anesthetics: favorable time For surgical interventions and dental treatment;
17:00 – 19:00 – Kidneys;
17:00 – Maximum muscle activity, heightened sense of smell, hearing, and taste.
19:00 – 21:00 – Pericardium (lining of the heart);
19:00 – 21:00 – Reproductive and vascular system;
19:00 – It is at this time that the release of histamine increases in response to allergens, an exacerbation occurs skin reactions;
20:00 – Escalating inflammatory processes(time to take antibiotics);
21:00 – 23:00 – “Triple Warmer”, immune system.

Every person should know these laws of nature by heart and must strictly observe them in their daily life.

Simply put, the life activity of all living organisms at all levels of their existence is subject to biorhythms. In accordance with them, cells divide, flowers bloom, animals hibernate, birds migrate...

Biosphere land , man and all living beings live in complex system biorhythms. From short ones, with a period of a fraction of a second, at the molecular level. To more complex, daily, daily-annual, associated with annual changes solar activity .

Daily (circadian) rhythm The human biological clock can be represented in the form of a clock dial, indicating time intervals of approximately 2 hours and the activity of the main vital organs of the human body.

During the daytime, our body is dominated by metabolic processes aimed at extracting energy from accumulated nutrients. At night, the energy supply spent during the day is replenished, regeneration processes are activated, tissue restoration occurs and internal organs are “repaired.”

What if the reference point (noon, solstice time), for example, in Moscow lags behind the astronomical one by an hour and a half? That is, instead of the heart, we should turn to the small intestine?

But what about regions that focus on Moscow time! There the discrepancy between solar and direct time will be even greater. But a person’s biological clock needs to be wound up, adjusted to the natural internal rhythms and clocks of the external environment. Diet, sleep, rest and physical activity allows you to maintain internal processes in proper order.

But let's return to history.

Our distant ancestors, even at the dawn of human history, intuitively recognized their indissoluble connection with the day and night luminaries. They endowed them with the traits of powerful gods. The sun, many peoples revered him as the main deity. IN Ancient Egypt, grandiose temples were erected to the sun god Aten-Ra, and poetic hymns were composed in his honor.

And in late XIX century, when the standard time system was introduced, most of the population - even in the most developed countries - was rural. And life in the countryside was largely regulated by the solar cycle. At that time, solar noon was also the middle of people's daily activity.

The peasant himself regulated the rhythm of his life: in the summer, when there was a lot of work, he got up at dawn, at 3-4 in the morning, in the winter, when field work no, he could lie on the stove until nine (he didn’t know this: the peasants didn’t have watches, they lived and ate in the full sense according to the Sun).

But now, most of the population lives in cities. The rhythm of life in the countryside is approaching the urban one. In the morning, at a certain time that does not depend on the season, you go to work or study, in the evening you go back, and there is still time for leisure before bed.

It is due to this leisure, an integral part of our life, daytime activity people shifted relative to solar noon towards the evening. We will live according to solar (zone) time - we will spend this leisure time in the dark all year round.

What's happened solar standard time

Solar standard time is the most correct not only from astronomical point of view, but also from physiological point vision. Natural circadian rhythm human life has evolved over thousands of years, but there is still an opinion that it can be changed arbitrarily. This opinion is fueled by the widespread but unfounded belief that man is the king of nature and can arbitrarily dispose of it and himself as a part of nature.

For example, it is easy and quick to adapt to an arbitrarily chosen time regime without taking into account the natural rhythm of the Earth’s rotation. And during the life of one person, only temporary adaptation is possible, which occurs due to more intensive expenditure of the body’s reserves.

The price for adaptation is the inevitable depletion of reserves, functional disorders body, premature aging and shortened life expectancy. Go to any clinic. How many people are there?

Time zones, GMT

Standard time is a system of counting time based on dividing the Earth's surface into 24 time zones, every 15° in longitude. Time within the same time zone is considered the same.

In 1884, on International conference it was decided to use this system. According to international agreement 1883, the prime ("prime" meridian is considered to be the one that passes through the Greenwich Observatory in the suburbs of London. Local Greenwich Time (GMT) was agreed to be called Universal Time or "World Time" (Greenwich Mean Time). Subsequently, purely technologically called Coordinated Universal Time UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).

The agreed time in all other zones is calculated taking into account their serial number. Thus, the standard time of Moscow and St. Petersburg, located in the third time zone, differs from the world time (Greenwich) by three hours: when it is 12 o’clock in London, it is already 15 o’clock in London. Moscow standard time has the value MSK = UTC/GMT + 3 hours.

Physiological time, like local time on a rotating planet, is cyclical. For any clock, external or internal, adjusting (shifting) one or more full cycles does not have a noticeable effect. However, shifting the biological clock by part of the cycle leads to tangible physiological consequences, as shown by the phenomenon of time differences during transmeridian flights.

This displacement within the cycle is called phase shift, that is, the position of a repeating process in its own cycle (for example, the phases of the Moon).

An hour seems insignificant compared to a day, but the effect of the difference in periods quickly accumulates. But synchrony is important for living organisms, and in order to maintain it, corrections must be constantly made.

In the daily cycle, living organisms are oriented towards sunrise and sunset, as well as at the moment of maximum elevation of the Sun above the horizon, that is, true (astronomical) noon. These events served as reference points for calculating the time scale. A planetary rotation of 15 degrees corresponds to a time period of one hour.

The earth is “cut” into 24 slices of 15 degrees, each of which makes up one time zone. Noon on the clock in each zone must coincide with the moment of true (astronomical) noon. The reference point for the zone division, the Greenwich meridian, is arbitrary. It’s just that the British, using their influence, announced to the whole world in this manner that they were the navel of the Earth.