Does thrombosis have a woman's face? How to “catch and neutralize” this dangerous disease. Symptoms of a blood clot in the leg: how to recognize a rupture How to tell if I have a blood clot

The word “thrombus” has long become a scary word for people. And for good reason, because it can lead to stroke, thrombosis, and atherosclerosis. How can you take care of yourself to avoid blood clots?

But a blood clot is not as terrible as it seems. First of all, the formation of blood clots is necessary in case of bleeding.

Their task is to stop blood loss and thereby save lives. But sometimes pathologies can arise if blood clots simply appear on their own in the vessels, and this can lead to dire consequences.

The main reasons for their formation:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • pregnancy. After childbirth, the risk is also high;
  • frequent dehydration;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • catheter, which long time is in a vein. It causes damage to the vein walls, which increases the risk of thrombosis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • previous operations;
  • obesity;
  • smoking;
  • heredity.

What should force you to get tested?

Blood clots can form in almost any vessel. Therefore, you should pay attention to general symptoms that should alert you:

You can check their presence in the body yourself. To do this, you need to carefully examine your limbs. If the veins are swollen and red, pain occurs when you press them, or the area of ​​reddened skin is hot, then we can talk about thrombophlebitis.

If they arise at least the slightest symptoms or concerns, then you need to undergo an examination to confirm or refute the presence of clots.

The principles of diagnosing the presence of blood clots in the body are as follows:

After such a survey, you will receive detailed information about the condition of the body, and the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis.

Of course, diagnostic centers, hospitals, and clinics are always better in the capital and big cities.

In Moscow, you can contact the Center for Innovative Phlebology. Everything there is arranged according to the latest trends in medicine. An appointment with a specialist will cost from 1,500 rubles. The total cost of the examination will be a little more than 5,000 rubles.

MedicCity is also good for diagnosis and treatment. This clinic is multidisciplinary, and the phlebology department is quite large. They use the latest equipment and employ professionals. The cost of the examination is from 5,000 rubles. This amount includes a doctor’s consultation, ultrasound, and tests.

There is an Innovative Vascular Center in St. Petersburg. It was created precisely to determine the presence of tendencies to thrombosis, prevent strokes and other diseases. An appointment with a phlebologist costs 1000 rubles. The entire examination with tests will cost about 4-5 thousand rubles. The Medinef clinic will also not refuse the study.

The cost of diagnostics in such clinics ranges around 4,000 rubles. The price will depend on the number of procedures and tests.

Risk group and treatment

Every disease has a risk group - people who are more susceptible to the disease than others.

People at risk of thrombosis include:

Any disease requires immediate treatment. After all, it is much easier to carry out it at the initial stage.

It is very important not to let the disease progress, otherwise the consequences will be very sad.

If there are blood clots in the body, then treatment is reduced to taking anticoagulants. These medications prevent the growth of a blood clot. TO modern drugs include:

But these are only those medications that are used to prevent the growth of clots. We also need medications to help dissolve them. They should only be prescribed by a doctor who has a complete history of the patient.

In cases where drug treatment does not give any results, a surgical method may be necessary.

Surgical operations are divided into several types:

In addition to treatment, lifestyle is very important. It is necessary to adhere to a diet and exercise. You should include foods that are healthy for your blood vessels in your diet:

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

In our century, there is the highest mortality rate from strokes and heart attacks, which is why it is so important to monitor the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Clots can cause a lot of harm, sometimes even leading to death.

It is very important to seek help in time and undergo medication treatment.

The examination does not take much time or money, but it can save lives. It is especially important to consult a doctor if there are even the slightest symptoms of the disease.


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Blockage of blood vessels by a blood clot reduces the speed of blood flow, which is manifested by ischemia (arterial thrombosis), venous stagnation. To the most frequent consequences thrombosis includes chronic occlusion of vessels of the extremities, angina pectoris, transient attacks cerebral ischemia, ischemic colitis. With an acute stop in tissue nutrition, organ infarctions and gangrene of the extremities occur.

Read in this article

What is a blood clot

A thrombus is a blood clot that forms when the wall of a vein or artery is damaged. In some cases, it can form inside the heart, as well as in a healthy vessel. It consists of blood cells (mainly platelets) and fibrin strands.

If the thrombus is large, then it becomes an obstacle to the movement of blood - its inflow through the arteries or outflow through the venous system is disrupted. In the first case, the cells lack nutrition and oxygen, which leads to their death. This is how infarctions of internal organs (myocardium, lungs, kidneys, intestines) and brain (stroke) occur.

Venous thrombosis causes swelling and pain in the limbs, but the greatest danger is a detached blood clot. It travels with the bloodstream and enters the pulmonary artery system. There is a blockage of the branch - pulmonary thromboembolism which may result in the death of the patient.

What substance is involved in the formation of a blood clot?

The main substance that is involved in the formation of a blood clot is fibrin threads. They are formed from a blood protein - fibrinogen. This transformation requires the enzyme thrombin to “cut off the extra” parts. Fibrinogen is synthesized in liver cells and enters the bloodstream from them.

With a deficiency, increased bleeding occurs, and with an excess amount, the risk of thrombosis increases. To study the fibrinogen content, a blood test is prescribed - a coagulogram. The norm is considered to be in the range from 1.8 to 3.5 g/l.

Where do blood clots form - in veins or arteries?

Blood clots form in the veins or arteries, as well as in other parts circulatory system, where there is blood. These could be:

  • capillaries;
  • small branches of blood vessels: venules and arterioles (microcirculatory link);
  • heart cavity.

For the formation of arterial thrombosis main factor– this is tissue injury (the inner lining of a vessel or heart). With venous it is important to thicken the blood and slow its movement. In case of blockage small vessels crucial acquires plasma composition, intravascular coagulation and low blood flow velocity.

Diagram of blood clot formation

The formation of a blood clot can be represented in a simplified form as follows:

  1. Vessel damage.
  2. Platelet adhesion and connection.
  3. Activation of coagulation factors and its result – the formation of fibrin threads.

Two groups of factors are important for vessel damage:

For pathological thrombus formation, the presence of 2 groups of signs is required. Normal when defense mechanisms They work well; with active blood movement, there are no conditions for the formation of a large blood clot.

If the process has already started, then another condition is important to maintain it - high blood coagulation activity. It's called thrombophilia. Occurs when the number and rapid activation of platelets increases, blood thickening (dehydration, high level cholesterol, glucose).

Stages of thrombosis

Several successive stages of thrombus formation have been identified:

  1. Injury inner shell vessel.
  2. Release tissue factors coagulation.
  3. Fixation of platelets at the site of injury.
  4. The release of platelet substances, which trigger a chain of sequential reactions to form fibrin threads.
  5. A mesh of fibrin strands traps blood cells.
  6. A clot forms.
  7. The thrombus contracts with the release of plasma and becomes denser.

Causes of thrombosis

Thrombogenic risk factors include:

The first signs of a blood clot

The early stages of vascular thrombosis are manifested by symptoms of poor blood supply and impaired outflow from the affected area. They occur during exercise, disappear or decrease after rest, periods of deterioration of the condition alternate with a fairly long normalization of well-being. It should be noted that exactly initial signs are reversible and respond well to treatment, since at this time they do not yet have time to develop irreversible changes in organs.

Thrombosis can be suspected based on the following symptoms:

Localization location Symptoms
Arteries of the extremities cold hands or feet, fatigue, low exercise tolerance, intermittent claudication after a long walk
Veins on the arms or legs swelling at the end of the day, heaviness, feeling of fullness, tingling, appearance of a network of dilated vessels on the skin
Coronary arteries after physical or emotional stress high intensity discomfort or pressing pain in the heart, weakness, difficulty breathing
Brain vessels tinnitus, occasional dizziness, blurred vision, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, decreased ability to coordinate movements, slight or occasional unsteadiness of gait
Intestinal arteries abdominal pain without clear localization and connection with food intake, worsens after physical exertion, bloating, alternating diarrhea and constipation

All these signs are not specific to thrombosis; they also occur in other diseases, so it is important to be examined as early as possible. To detect blockage of a vessel and determine the cause, you need to contact a surgeon (pain and swelling of the extremities), a cardiologist, a neurologist for symptoms of the heart, brain, or a gastroenterologist for digestive disorders.

Diagnosis is carried out using angiographic studies, and often with stress tests.

How to recognize a blood clot

A blood clot can be recognized if it interferes with blood circulation and symptoms of thrombosis appear:

Type of thrombosis


Deep veins of the leg

Distension, pain, it becomes stronger when palpating in the area of ​​the affected vessel, swelling, redness or bluish color skin, increased temperature, pronounced venous network, congested veins.

Pulmonary artery

Sudden onset of shortness of breath, bluish skin with a gray tint, drop in blood pressure, pain in chest, heart rhythm disturbances, bulging neck veins, fainting, cough, wheezing, pinkish sputum, increased body temperature, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Coronary arteries of the heart

Pain behind the sternum, radiating to the back and neck, occurs during stress, physical activity, and is accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

Arterial network of the legs

Chilliness, numbness of the feet, burning, pain when walking, which stops when you stop, the skin becomes pale, and then the fingers turn blue.

Cerebral arteries

Dizziness, unsteadiness, various disorders vision, blurred speech, decreased muscle strength and sensation in the arm and leg, and memory loss.

The main signs of formation and symptoms

The formation of a blood clot in the veins or arteries becomes an obstruction to blood circulation. At the stage of expressed clinical manifestations patients develop ischemic syndrome varying degrees intensity or venous stagnation.

Vein thrombosis of the extremities

The presence of a thrombus in the venous network of the upper or lower limbs(more common) may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • heaviness in the legs or arms;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased load tolerance;
  • pain along the vein;
  • redness of the skin;
  • expansion of subcutaneous vessels (mesh pattern);
  • an increase in local temperature.

At first, these signs appear only during exercise, and disappear after a night's rest. As they progress, they also appear at rest.

Arterial thrombosis in the arm or leg

Symptoms are associated not only with blockage of blood vessels, but also with spasm of the arterial walls. The main manifestations of ischemia of tissues of the extremities:

  • pale and cold skin;
  • chilliness of the feet or hands;
  • pain varying intensity, changing with movements;
  • weakening of the pulsation of the arteries below the site of blockage;
  • numbness of the limbs, tingling.

In the heart

The occurrence of chest pain during physical or emotional stress is main feature thrombosis coronary vessels. In the vast majority of cases, it is associated with atherosclerosis of the arteries. The attacks can be short-term, and the pain is tolerable or long-lasting, unbearable with fear of death.

In addition to the heart area, painful sensations spread to the left half of the body, shoulder blade, or may be atypical (stomach, right limbs). Relief occurs at rest, after taking Nitroglycerin.

Thrombosis of coronary vessels

In my head

Headache due to thrombosis

Headache due to thrombosis occurs when the arteries, veins and sinuses of the brain are blocked. Typical signs:

Type of thrombosis


Arterial (ischemic stroke)

Elderly patients, the condition gradually worsens, speech, movement and sensitivity of the limbs are impaired (paralysis), visual fields are lost. Headache occurs more often in the occipital or temporal region.


It begins with a severe headache with nausea and vomiting, impaired consciousness, movement of arms and legs on half the body, convulsions are possible, and symptoms change as they progress.

Venous sinuses

Occurs as a complication of otitis, sinusitis, there is a constant increase headache, it is not affected by painkillers, it intensifies with physical stress, in a lying position, fever, and vomiting are noted.

Pain from a blood clot

Pain from a blood clot may appear in different parts body, symptoms depend on the location of the blockage, the type and caliber of the vessel, and the presence of bypass circulatory pathways. The following signs are possible:

  • deep veins of the leg - distension in the leg, pain along the affected vein, increases when palpated, there is swelling, redness of the skin, a distinct venous pattern;
  • coronary arteries– attacks of angina pectoris (chest pain), worsening with movement, subsiding with rest, relieved with Nitroglycerin, possible spread to the left half of the body, neck, a prolonged attack means the development of a heart attack;
  • cerebral vessels - focal signs of destruction of brain tissue ( muscle weakness, sensitivity disorders), speech disorders, swallowing, unsteadiness when walking, blurred vision;
  • pulmonary arteries - sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, fever, bluish skin;
  • renal - lower back pain similar to renal colic, blood in urine.

Intestinal ischemia

Pain in the abdomen becomes almost constant, stool becomes more frequent, an admixture of mucus appears in it and blood streaks, and then blood is almost always found in the stool. Pain is exacerbated by eating and physical activity. The duration of the attack can be from 0.5 to 5 hours. There is loss of appetite, emaciation, nausea and periodic vomiting.

How to find out if there are blood clots in the body

To find out whether there are blood clots in the body, you must first contact a phlebologist who examines the limbs and conducts a marching test - applying elastic bandage over the entire leg from toes to groin. After this, the patient needs to walk until pain appears. If it occurs after a few minutes, and superficial veins have not disappeared, then with high probability there is a blockage. To confirm the diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities with Doppler sonography;
  • phlebography;
  • rheovasography;
  • radionuclide scanning (if indicated).

To identify arterial thrombosis, clinical manifestations are taken into account:

  • pain in the heart during physical and emotional stress, angina attacks;
  • intermittent claudication – you need to stop when walking due to severe pain;
  • dizziness, headaches, memory impairment, fatigue during mental work.

In the first case, further examination is carried out by a cardiologist using:

  • medical examination - identifying edema, changes in skin color, measuring blood pressure, listening to heart sounds;
  • ECG, echocardiography, if necessary, with stress tests;
  • blood tests for coagulability and cholesterol content (coagulogram and lipid profile), glucose level;
  • general blood test with platelet count.

Example of a blood test with platelet count

If there are signs of blood clot formation, then to resolve the issue surgical treatment Coronary angiography is required. When there is blockage of the vessels of the lower extremities with attacks of pain in the legs when walking, the patency of the arteries is assessed vascular surgeon during:

  • inspection;
  • measuring pressure on the legs and arms;
  • feeling the pulse;
  • Ultrasound with duplex scanning;
  • angiography (injection of a contrast agent) and assessment of its distribution using X-rays or tomography.

State Research cerebral arteries carried out by a neurologist. It determines reflexes and changes in sensitivity and movements. For visualization of blood vessels the following is used:

  • rheoencephalography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Ultrasound with Doppler sonography;

MRI of cerebral vessels

How to check blood vessels for plaques and blood clots

In order to check the vessels for the presence of plaques and blood clots, an ultrasound with Doppler ultrasound is performed. Using this method you can evaluate:

  • the presence of an obstacle to the movement of blood;
  • the total diameter of the vessel and its patency;
  • blood flow speed;
  • thrombus density;
  • its danger (mobility).

Dopplerography of blood vessels

If the data obtained is not enough to choose a treatment method, then angiography is used. It involves the introduction of a contrast agent. Most often it is prescribed before surgery. One method of searching for a blood clot is the injection of fibrinogen labeled with radioisotopes. He will point out the hidden ones blood clots, but will not be able to determine their structure, size and risk of detachment.

A thrombus (floating clots, or floating clots) comes off if its attachment to the wall of the vessel is fragile. A sharp jump in pressure or physical stress is enough for it to begin to move through the venous or arterial network. Branch blockage occurs pulmonary artery, carrying venous blood, if it was in the veins or arteries of internal organs when forming in the arterial network, the left atrium.

Signs of a broken blood clot

The detached blood clot moves through the vessels until it causes blockage; signs appear depending on the size and location:

  • sudden death (with damage to a large pulmonary artery) within a few minutes;
  • increased pressure in the vessels of the lungs (medium-caliber branches are blocked) - shortness of breath, cough, attacks of suffocation, bluish skin;
  • focal destruction lung tissue(heart attack-pneumonia) – chest pain, aggravated by coughing and breathing, hemoptysis, high fever.

The rupture of an intracardiac thrombus, which was previously located in the left atrium, leads to the circulation of clots in the blood through the arterial network. They can enter the brain and internal organs. This leads to the following symptoms:

Consequence of a detached blood clot



Facial asymmetry, noticeable when trying to smile, speech impairment, immobility of half the body, partial loss of visual fields.

Myocardial infarction

An attack of chest pain that lasts more than 15-20 minutes with cold sweat, redness of the upper half of the body, severe weakness, and fear of death.

Kidney infarction

Sharp pain in the lower back, increased blood pressure, blood in the urine, fever, nausea.

Intestinal infarction

Cramping pain, diarrhea, vomiting, soreness may disappear, which is bad sign, since this may mean a perforation of the intestinal wall.

Gangrene of the limbs

Pallor and then blackening of the skin, absence of pulse, skin sensitivity, wrinkling of tissues or their disintegration with a fetid odor.

Why a blood clot breaks off in a person, the main reasons

When a blood clot breaks away from the wall of a vessel, the cause is:

  • its free location in the vessel (washed by blood on three sides);
  • small attachment area;
  • weak fixation in a place of increased blood flow (for example, large vein lower extremities);
  • addition of infection (purulent melting);
  • elevated body temperature ( hot bath, sauna, fever);
  • heavy lifting, sudden physical effort;
  • straining with constipation;
  • changes blood pressurehypertensive crisis, strong fluctuations;
  • change of body position after long period bed rest.

Such factors are characteristic of the most common form of thrombosis – the veins of the lower extremities. In 10% of cases, a blood clot that has formed in the heart cavity breaks off. The provoking condition is an attack severe cough, as well as restoration of heart rhythm after atrial fibrillation.

What will indicate a detached blood clot?

A blood clot can be tightly attached to the wall of the vessel, in which case it causes a gradual progression of circulatory disorders. Most dangerous option As the disease progresses, a blood clot breaks off and acute blockage of veins or arteries occurs. Provoking factors are:

  • intense physical stress;
  • acute stress;
  • acceleration of blood movement under the influence high temperature body or environment(overheating on the beach, in the sauna);
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • drinking alcohol.

Sudden vascular thrombosis is considered acute condition, requiring emergency medical care, as it can lead to death.

Blockage of the arteries of the extremities

The consequences of acute occlusion of the vessels of the arms or legs are:

  • numbness and stabbing sensations;
  • loss of sensitivity to touch (paresthesia);
  • decreased ability for active movements (paresis) or their complete impossibility (paralysis);
  • absence of arterial pulsation;
  • cold, pale, then bluish skin.

If blood flow is not restored in time, gangrene of the limb begins. The tissues die with the appearance of a typical black color due to the breakdown of hemoglobin. At first there is a strong pain syndrome, as destruction nerve fibers the pain stops, and signs of intoxication increase. Treatment requires amputation of a limb or part thereof.

Watch the video about the first symptoms of varicose veins:

Venous thrombosis

Local symptoms - a feeling of fullness in the leg or arm, intense pain along the vein, increasing swelling, hot and red skin, overcrowded and tense vessels appearing above the skin level. The most dangerous condition with blood clots in the venous network is the migration of a blood clot into. Its occurrence is indicated by:

  • acute and intense chest pain;
  • shortness of breath, turning into an attack of suffocation;
  • blue discoloration of the skin of the neck and face;
  • drop in blood pressure to the point of shock;
  • palpitations, pulmonary thrombosis


    Acute blockage cerebral vessel leads to the cessation of nutrition of part of the brain tissue. This shows up:

    • sudden weakness in the limbs followed by loss of movement and sensitivity;
    • decreased clarity of speech, up to complete aphasia;
    • severe headache, nausea, vomiting;
    • disturbance of consciousness;
    • distortion of the face, looking away to the side;
    • hearing, vision, and swallowing disorders.
    Acute blockage of a cerebral vessel leads to the cessation of nutrition of part of the brain tissue

    Myocardial infarction

    Thrombosis of the coronary vessels leads to a complete blockage of blood flow to part of the heart muscle. In a typical course, intense pain occurs in the heart or behind the sternum, spreading to the left shoulder, arm, back, lower half of the neck, and teeth. The nature of the pain is burning, sharp, pressing or squeezing.

    The larger the zone of myocardial destruction, the stronger the pain. The attack lasts from half an hour to a day, the use of nitrates is not removed, and is accompanied by agitation, severe weakness, rhythm disturbances, changes in blood pressure, shortness of breath and fear of death.

    Intestinal infarction

    The cessation of blood flow to part of the intestinal wall may be indicated by a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition:

    • dry and pale skin;
    • reduction of pain and its disappearance (the ghost of complete destruction of the intestines);
    • bloating, but it remains soft for a long time (until the inflammation of the peritoneum increases);
    • nausea, frequent vomiting.

    As intestinal necrosis progresses, patients become apathetic, fall into a coma, and at this stage death occurs in most cases.

    Watch the video about intestinal infarction:

    A blood clot breaks off in the heart - instant death?

    If a blood clot breaks loose in the heart, then instant death does not occur in all cases. This will depend on the size of the clot and where it is moving. If a large clot was located in the right side of the heart, then the risk of an unfavorable outcome is high, since it enters the pulmonary artery system. When its major branch is blocked, death can be sudden.

    If a blood clot is localized in the left half of the heart, its movements can lead to blockage of the arteries of the brain (stroke), heart (heart attack), kidneys, intestines, and lower extremities. In these cases, the severity of the condition and prognosis will be determined by the size of the occluded vessel and the timeliness of initiation of treatment.

    Another difficult option is blocking the valve hole. It is caused by mobile blood clots, which, at the moment of ventricular contraction, fall between the valve leaflets. In this case, cardiac arrest is possible and immediate resuscitation measures are required.

    What to do if a blood clot breaks loose

    If a blood clot comes off, then you need immediate hospitalization. This must be done when it is detected, especially a mobile, floating species. Prescribe complete rest and urgent treatment:

    • installation of a trap - vena cava filter;
    • suturing a vessel (vein);
    • administration of drugs for resorption - enzymes (Streptokinase), low molecular weight heparins(Fraxiparine).

    The formation of a blood clot in blood vessels occurs with circulatory disorders, congestive processes, atherosclerosis, changes in the rheological properties of blood, and its clotting ability. At chronic course blood clots interfere with blood flow as they develop ischemic syndrome. Acute blockage when a blood clot breaks off leads to heart attacks and gangrene.

    Venous thrombosis is accompanied by edema and congestion of the veins with expansion of the visible network of vessels and impaired outflow. A complication of blood clot movement from the extremities can be pulmonary embolism.

    Useful video

    Watch the video about how blood clots kill people:

Thrombophlebitis is serious illness, which often leads to dangerous complications (heart attacks and strokes). If you suspect the possibility of blood clots in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. In order to check for the presence of blood clots in the body, there are special tests.

What to do:

Examination of your lower extremities;

Doctor's consultation;




Take a close look at your feet. Blood clots most often form in the extremities. If you notice compaction and redness in the vein area, noticeable pain when pressed, you can talk about thrombophlebitis. Another symptom of this disease is an increase in the temperature of the skin of the affected area. Homans' sign may be observed - when dorsiflexing the feet, pain occurs in the calf muscles. Please note whether they are homogeneous skin lower extremities. Vein thrombosis may be painless, but the legs will contain areas of swelling and a bluish tint to the skin. Secondary symptoms of the disease are weakness, malaise, and increased general body temperature. In bedridden patients, phlebothrombosis of the deep veins of the leg often develops.

Contact a specialist if you notice these signs. Most likely, you will be prescribed a set of blood tests that will determine the state of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems, called a coagulogram. Based on the results of these tests, you can quickly make a diagnosis, notice the onset of any complications in time, and accurately assess the effectiveness of treatment. These tests are performed strictly on an empty stomach and detect the levels of platelets, prothrombin and fibrinogen in your blood. In addition, you may be assigned ultrasound examination, plethysmography and phlebography. High sensitivity devices will be able to detect both a blood clot and the slightest violation blood flow, as well as defects in filling blood vessels.

Please note that you are at risk (you have a predisposition to blood clots) if: you have a blood clotting disorder; varicose veins; heart and vascular diseases; liver diseases; autoimmune diseases; postoperative period are taking medications that cause blood clots (for example, warfarin); smoke.

Don't forget about dangerous complications, which can occur if a blood clot begins to move up the body. The most dangerous of them - sepsis (blood poisoning) and pulmonary embolism - can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, follow all the doctor’s recommendations and undergo timely diagnosis.

Everyone is afraid of plane crashes, but few people know that after a safe landing you can collapse dead right on the plane's ramp - due to a blood clot that has formed in the veins during the flight.

Doctors believe that blood clots form in one of the passengers on each flight. Fortunately, not every case ends in tragedy. According to statistics, 70% of people experience thrombosis. Why do blood clots occur? Can the danger be identified? And how to protect yourself from the threat?

Doctors at the Krasnodar Regional Cardiac Center saved a hopeless patient by removing a 35-centimeter blood clot from her heart and lungs. It became a sensation - similar cases previously considered inoperable. But the 38-year-old patient not only remained alive - a year later she returned to work.

This case debunked the myth that thrombosis is a death sentence, says Anatoly Zavrazhnov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy chief physician of the Krasnodar regional clinical hospital № 1 . - With timely detection and proper treatment even the largest blood clots can be neutralized.

What kind of misfortune?

Thrombi are blood clots. In principle, they are a natural reaction of the body that protects it from blood loss due to injury. Problems begin when blood clots, attaching to the walls of blood vessels, form a plug, which at any moment can come off, set sail through the veins and arteries and, once in a bottleneck, completely block the blood flow. And the man suddenly dies. There are two types of thrombosis - venous and arterial. Venous is more common. It is dangerous for its complications, the most severe of which is thromboembolism (blockage of branches) of the pulmonary artery. Surgeons claim that this diagnosis explains a third of cases of sudden death. More than half of patients die in the first 2 hours after the onset of embolism. Arterial blood clots are less common, but they are more insidious. Being in fast blood flow, they are more likely to break off, first causing disruption of the blood supply to the organ that the artery supplies with blood, and then its death. Thus, thrombosis of the coronary arteries leads to myocardial infarction, and of the cerebral arteries - to a stroke.

For the formation of blood clots, a combination of three factors is necessary, says Anatoly Zavrazhnov, damage inner surface vessels (occurs after traumatic, tumor or inflammatory diseases), slowing down blood flow (occurs with heart failure, prolonged bed rest and varicose veins), increased blood clotting (noted with injuries, inflammatory processes, surgical interventions and dehydration).

Everyone is at risk!

In venous thrombosis - woman's face, - says Ivan Kolotovkin, head of department of Krasnodar Clinical Hospital No. 1. - More common in women varicose veins, in which blood stagnation occurs in the legs. The more pronounced the varicose veins, the higher the risk of thrombosis. At risk are everyone who has undergone surgery and injury (especially to the lower extremities). According to statistics, thrombosis venous system detected in 70% of patients after orthopedic operations. Blood clots are more often found in older people.

“Hypodynamia, which accompanies a sedentary lifestyle, provokes blood stagnation - one of the main risk factors for the disease,” says Ivan Kolotovkin.

The most common reason arterial thrombosis - atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques cause narrowing of the arteries. The blood flow swirls and favorable conditions for the formation of thrombosis.

The relationship between smoking and the formation of atherosclerosis, and therefore the occurrence of blood clots, has been proven.

Is summer a little death?

Blood clots form more often in the summer. There are several reasons for this. The main thing is travel, or rather, the air travel that accompanies it. Air passengers sit for a long time in uncomfortable positions, veins are pinched, and low pressure and extremely dry air in airplane cabins contribute to blood stagnation and rapid dehydration of the body. To avoid blood clots, you need to tighten the compression hosiery(it improves blood flow in the legs), take an aspirin tablet (it will reduce blood viscosity), and during the flight, stretch your legs more often. The second reason is the summer desire to lose weight. Blood clots form more often in women on diets (conclusion excess liquid from the body - the basis of diets, and this is where dehydration of the body begins) or taking birth control pills(they increase blood clotting).

Can you sense the lurking danger?

Symptoms of venous thrombosis are heaviness in the muscles, swelling, hardening along the veins, bluish skin, pain, explains Anatoly Zavrazhnov. - Signs of arterial thrombosis depend on where the blood clot is located. With arterial blood clots of the legs, patients complain of sharp pain, cold snap and loss of sensitivity. Blood clots in the abdominal arteries cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Symptoms of pulmonary artery thrombosis are chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, cardiac arrhythmia. Chronic disorders cerebral circulation(dizziness, visual disturbances, difficulty speaking) - signs of thrombosis of the cerebral arteries. Blood clots in the coronary arteries make themselves felt by angina pectoris - pain in the heart during physical activity.

However, 30% venous thrombosis“It is asymptomatic,” says Ivan Kolotovkin. - They are the most dangerous. To detect them, you need to undergo examinations. Blood clots detected as planned are not removed, but dissolved with special preparations.

How to protect yourself from blood clots

1. Lead an active lifestyle - physical activity improves blood circulation, prevents blood stagnation, improves metabolic processes in the body.

2. Eating right - the basis of your diet should be plant food, does not contain cholesterol.

3. Avoid dehydration - lack of fluid increases blood viscosity.

4. Take care of yourself - injuries, surgeries, infectious diseases- a risk factor for blood clots.

5. Get routine checkups.

How to recognize blood clots?

Emergency diagnostics:

1. Ultrasonic duplex scanning vein examination, during which the diameter of the vein is measured and the speed of blood flow is determined. Often the blood clot itself can be seen on ultrasound.

2. Phlebography - inserted into a vein contrast agent, which allows for x-ray see the structure of the vein and determine the presence of a blood clot in it.

Scheduled diagnostics:

1. Blood test for cholesterol.

2. Coagulogram (test for blood clotting).

3. Biochemical blood test (high levels of D-dimers are a key indicator of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism).

Thrombosis - common problem office workers.

Blood clots that form on the inner walls of veins are called thrombi. Their occurrence is promoted by atherosclerosis, inflammatory lesion vascular walls, poor circulation, as well as increased viscosity and thickness of the blood.

When, under the influence of any reason, a blood clot breaks away from the wall of a vessel, begins to move through the bloodstream, and clogs the vessel - they speak of the occurrence of thromboembolism. This is one of the most dangerous and insidious pathological conditions threatening human life. If a detached blood clot clogs a pulmonary artery, a person may remain crippled forever. If help is not provided immediately, the patient may die in a matter of hours.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in its suddenness, swiftness and crushing nature. The most common thromboembolism occurs in the pulmonary artery, lower extremities, and mesenteric vessels. A broken blood clot can clog a heart vessel, blocking blood flow. A thrombus can block the vessels of other vital important organs. There are signs of a broken blood clot in the body. We'll talk about them today. We will also learn about measures to prevent this dangerous condition:

How to recognize thromboembolism?

Signs and symptoms depend on the organ where the affected vessel is located. But thromboembolism is always characterized by oxygen starvation, deficit nutrients this organ, as blood stops flowing to it. This condition causes ischemia, followed by necrosis.

If the artery supplying blood to the brain is damaged, the person will suffer a stroke.

His signs: impaired sensitivity of the limbs, inability motor activity. There is paralysis. The face is twisted to one side. The patient's speech is impaired and swallowing becomes difficult.

If there is damage to the coronary arteries, myocardial infarction occurs.

His signs: pressing, squeezing, but always severe pain, burning behind the sternum. The pain can radiate to the arm, neck or abdomen, and can be felt between the shoulder blades, as well as in the jaw area.

When intestinal vessels are damaged, mesenteric thrombosis occurs.

His signs: intense abdominal pain, with further development necrosis, peritonitis.

In case of injury by a detached blood clot blood vessel limbs, gangrene develops.

His signs: decrease in temperature of the affected limb. The arm or leg becomes cold to the touch, the skin may turn red, swelling and pain occur. If medical care If not provided on time, tissue necrosis develops.

Pulmonary artery damage is one of the most dangerous diseases causing severe consequences in the body.

Signs of a broken blood clot: Suddenly the person begins to feel short of air and begins to choke. After which breathing stops completely, the skin turns blue. At the first signs, the patient should be provided with emergency medical care. If breathing stops, carry out artificial ventilation lungs. When cardiac activity ceases, a cardiac massage is performed.

It happens that due to a detached blood clot, a vein becomes blocked. Signs depend on the location of the affected vein. In any case, the outflow of blood is disrupted, and blood stagnation occurs, which is a favorable phenomenon for the active proliferation of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

Develops without appropriate treatment inflammatory process surrounding tissues, the result of which is blood poisoning (sepsis).

How to prevent thromboembolism?

To prevent the development of such severe consequences, you need to take measures to prevent blood clots. To do this, you need to monitor the thickness of the blood. If necessary, take antiplatelet medications such as aspirin. They are taken for a long time, regularly.

It is extremely important to watch your diet. It should consist of products that help reduce levels bad cholesterol. They will help you here fresh vegetables, fruits, young garden herbs, seafood.

In addition, you should consume more foods that reduce blood density, for example: red beets, green tea, cherries, cherries. In addition to food, vital role An active lifestyle and active sports play a role in preventing the development of thrombosis.

If you belong to a risk group, for example, suffer varicose veins veins, the underlying disease should be treated in a timely manner, and not wait for the development of thrombosis and subsequent detachment of the blood clot. To do this, consult a doctor in a timely manner. If the level of prothrombin in the blood increases, the doctor will prescribe medicines, effectively dissolving blood clots and also preventing blood clotting.

Modern medicine has effective method preventing thromboembolism. If a blood clot is present, a thrombectomy is performed - surgical removal it from the vein cavity. This method does not cause post-thrombotic disease and makes thromboembolism impossible.

So, if you suspect the presence of blood clots, to prevent them from breaking off, consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the treatment you need. Be healthy!