Painful teething in children - drugs. Teething: How to Ease Baby's Teething Pain

Teething, as well as colic, is one of the most difficult periods of the first year of a child’s life - both for him and for his parents. The baby becomes capricious, often breastfeeds, and feels serious discomfort. During this period, parents are ready to take all the pain upon themselves, but, unfortunately, this is impossible. But we have the power to alleviate the baby’s condition. in various ways. First you need to understand whether the baby is really teething. After all, malaise, tearfulness and moodiness can arise for various reasons.

How to understand that teeth are being cut

It is quite difficult to determine why the baby is not feeling well, especially if the mother has no experience and the child is the first. However, an attentive mother will be able to recognize some symptoms of teething.

  1. The gums become red, swollen, and have an inflamed appearance.
  2. The child's appetite worsens, the baby may change his usual behavior. He either refuses to eat at all, because the sucking process brings him serious discomfort, or, on the contrary, he constantly hangs on his mother’s breast. This is not due to hunger, but to the need for psychological release. Mom's breasts are the best pain reliever.
  3. A child who is teething begins to bite, chew, and put almost any object in his mouth. It is very important to provide clean toys so that the baby does not catch any infection. In addition, the baby can actively press on the nipple of the mother’s breast in order to somehow scratch the inflamed gums. You need to gently wean your baby off similar actions– stop feeding for a while if the baby “bites.” Otherwise, you will really be in pain when the teeth finally appear.
  4. During teething, excessive drooling occurs. Increased secretion production salivary glands due to the fact that the liquid contains large number disinfecting and analgesic components that relieve inflammation.
  5. The child’s general condition changes - he becomes capricious, whiny, and constantly asks to be held by his mother. His sleep worsens - the baby wakes up, screams for no reason, and cannot fall asleep for a long time.
  6. Sometimes children's jobs change when teething. gastrointestinal tract– he suffers from constipation or diarrhea.

It is very important to show the child to the doctor on time, because some diseases ( food poisoning, otitis media) have similar symptoms. You need to be sure that it is the baby’s teeth that are bothering him, because the baby cannot yet talk about his feelings.

Can teething cause fever?

This question worries many mothers, and besides, there is no clear answer to it. Doctors say that when teething, the temperature does not rise much. Yes, because inflammatory process May be slight increase 37-37.3, but no more. It’s another matter if, against the background of teething, the child’s immunity decreases and the baby easily catches viral infection. In addition, inflammation often spreads from the gums to the throat. If your baby has a temperature above 38 degrees, don’t blame it on teeth; teething can’t have that much of an impact on the body. In this case, most likely, an additional disease was added.

There are many ways to alleviate a child’s condition without the use of medications.

  1. The easiest way to satisfy your baby's desire to bite and chew everything is to give him a special silicone teether. This is a rubber toy that you can bite and chew - it is absolutely safe. You can buy teethers at a store or pharmacy different colors or shapes. The child chews on a toy, scratches his teeth, rubs his gums, and thereby speeds up the process of tooth eruption.
  2. Massage helps relieve pain very well. Mom or dad should wash their hands well and then place their finger in the baby's mouth. You need to gently rub your baby's gums. This massage brings him relief, the baby literally freezes and enjoys the process. For more effective massage you can use a special silicone brush. It fits onto the parent's finger and has soft bristles that can be used to rub the gums.
  3. Cold will help numb your gums. You can give your child the same teether, but first keep it in the refrigerator. A cold object will cause blood to flow away from the gums and sensitivity will be reduced. You can rub your baby's gums with a cold spoon. Place a clean piece of material in the refrigerator and then offer it to your baby. But under no circumstances should you give your child frozen carrots or apples. Firstly, the baby can bite off a piece unnoticed and choke - this is very dangerous. And secondly, the baby’s local immunity is very vulnerable; frozen food can cause tonsillitis and other inflammations in the throat area. Do you need it? Also, do not give your child ice cubes. He may get frostbite or get scratched on the edge of the ice cube. If you decide to give your child a crust of bread or a snack, be extremely careful - if the baby already has one tooth, he may bite off a piece. In addition, sooner or later, the bread will still get wet and part of it will come off. You need to be nearby all the time, and it is better not to give the child such food at all.
  4. Food for the baby should not be hot, but slightly cool. Choose the optimal temperature for the puree so that your baby can finally eat.
  5. If your baby sucks a pacifier, do not restrict him from doing so during teething. This way the baby not only scratches his teeth, but also calms down.

This simple ways facilitating the teething process. However, they may not always be effective. If cold teethers and massage do not help, you can move on to more serious remedies.

There are many suppositories, syrups, tablets, gels and ointments that can relieve your baby of teething symptoms.

  1. Cooling gels. These are one of the most popular teething aids. These drugs not only cool the mucous membrane, but also deprive it of all sensitivity. Among the most effective are Kalgel, Kamistad, Dentol, Dentinox, etc. They can be applied quite often - every couple of hours. Pain relief occurs almost instantly - such a gel will allow the baby to sleep peacefully for at least some time. However, remember that similar drugs Do not apply before feeding, otherwise the baby will no longer feel the tongue and sucking will become difficult.
  2. Homeopathy. Homeopathic gels are made based on extracts of chamomile, echinacea, plantain, calendula and others medicinal plants. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Among the most popular are Baby Doctor and Pensoral. These drugs are absolutely safe and can be used an unlimited number of times.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. This group of medicines includes Cholisal, one of the most effective gels. It relieves pain not due to Ledocaine, like cooling gels, but due to anti-inflammatory components that give a calming effect. This gel can be applied only 2-3 times a day, but it gives long lasting effect pain relief.
  4. Antipyretic and painkillers. In addition to local anesthesia, you can give your child ibuprofen. Not only does it relieve pain and soothe, but it also relieves the fever that can accompany teething. Children's paracetamol, Ibuklin, Nurofen, Tsefekon - give your baby what you usually use to bring down his temperature. These medications can be in the form of suppositories, syrups and drops. If the baby does not yet know how to drink from a spoon, you need to use candles - besides, they begin to act much faster.

Many parents wonder how long does the teething process last? In fact, everything happens individually and differently for everyone. As a rule, before the white corner of the tooth appears in the gum, the baby suffers for about three days (this is on average). But it also happens that teeth come out almost painlessly. And sometimes the child suffers for months, but the tooth still does not show - in this case, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor to rule out other causes of his discomfort.

Typically, babies develop teeth after 6 months - this time coincides with the period of introducing complementary foods. In order for teeth to grow painlessly and quickly, a child’s diet must contain a lot of calcium. Since cottage cheese is one of the first types of complementary foods, we will tell you about a recipe for making cottage cheese enriched with calcium. For cottage cheese, you need to take natural milk (not pasteurized in a pack, but from a cow). We thoroughly boil fresh milk for at least 10 minutes to disinfect the product. Then the milk needs to be cooled to room temperature. Add one ampoule of Calcium Chlorine to half a liter of milk ( hot prick) and a spoonful of kefir. Stir everything and put on fire. When the milk has curdled, place it on cheesecloth. The resulting cottage cheese is enriched with calcium - it can be given to a child with a banana or apple, passing everything through a blender. It is not only very healthy, but also incredibly tasty!

The process of teething is quite long and painful. During this time, try to spend more time with your baby, hug and reassure him, and step away from household chores for a while. After all, mother’s warmth and tender hugs will help you survive pain and bad mood better than any medicine.

Video: how to make teething easier for your baby

Teething in children (odontosis) is the process of teeth growing in babies when they pierce the baby's sensitive gums. Baby teeth usually appear in a certain sequence and often grow in pairs. Babies actually have a set of about 20 teeth that they are born with; however, the teeth remain under the gums until the process of odontosis begins. When does teething occur? And which baby teeth typically go in first?

Early teething symptoms can begin as early as 3 months, although most babies begin teething closer to 4 to 8 months. The first teeth most often appear in a baby at 5 months of age - this seems to be one of the most common dates. The rate and sequence of odontal disease is believed to be largely hereditary. This means that if the child’s parents started teething at a very early age early age, their child will likely experience the same. There is also some evidence that boys may start teething a little later than girls.

Teething symptoms, such as soreness, tender gums, and pain, can begin before your baby's teeth even begin to break through their gums. What do itchy gums look like? They will most likely appear red, slightly raised in patches, and slightly swollen. If you suspect that your child has started to grow teeth, you can feel the child's gums by lightly running your finger along them - this will allow you to feel the presence of growing teeth inside the gums. If you feel small bumps as the teeth begin to press into the gums, it is very likely that your baby is actually teething.

Typical Baby Teething Timeline

Here brief overview What you can expect as your baby goes through the teething stage:

  • A baby's first teeth to emerge are usually the "incisors" - the four central front teeth. Many babies will experience teething for the first time when their two lower central incisors begin to emerge. This usually occurs at 5-6 months of age. Teething can also begin quite early - at about 2-3 months. But you probably won't see teeth emerging on the surface of your gums for one to two months.
  • After about 6 to 10 months, babies often develop two upper central incisors. Then, over the next few months, usually between 9-13 months, the two upper lateral incisors (located to the left and right of the two central ones) should emerge. As soon as they appear, the child will already have four upper teeth.
  • This is typical of the lower lateral incisors (located in the lower row, to the left and right of the two central ones), which appear after the upper incisors. This usually occurs between 10-16 months.
  • Molars are usually next teeth. That's four large teeth located at the back of the mouth. These are the last four teeth in the upper and lower rows, so two molars will appear on the right and left sides of the mouth. Later, usually around 20-30 months, other molars further back in the mouth will also grow.
  • In some cases, the teeth that fill the spaces between the incisors and molars, called canines, will be the last to appear. They may begin to erupt between 16 and 22 months.
  • Most children have a full set of “baby teeth” by 25-33 months (between 2-3 years).

Signs and symptoms of teething

Do babies have a fever when teething? Wondering if there might be a connection between teething and other symptoms your baby is experiencing, such as diarrhea or runny nose? Then read on.

While some "lucky" babies may not experience much pain at all during teething, most will show at least some signs of discomfort. If your baby is teething, he may be fussy due to discomfort, especially when he is not sleeping. Once teeth break through the gums and appear on the surface, itching symptoms should subside within a few short weeks.

Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of teething:

  • Crying, especially in the evening or middle of the night (thought to be due to lack of other stimulation/distraction).
  • Reds, sore gums and soreness in the mouth.
  • Pain that seems to spread to other parts of the body, such as the ears, cheeks, neck, or upper part shoulders Sometimes babies pull their ears or rub their cheeks to try to soothe the pain.
  • Sleep problems that may affect your daily schedule.
  • Lack of appetite and refusal to eat. This can lead to malnutrition or dehydration, which can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, loose stool or upset stomach. However, if your baby has more than three bouts of diarrhea a day, it is likely that he is actually sick, and it may not be related to teething.
  • General irritability and moodiness.
  • Increased salivation - drooling.
  • The desire to bite everything (fingers, toys, parents' hands, etc.). Many children will try to grab objects to chew on or put something in their mouth that they can reach, especially if the object is a little hard or rubbery. It may seem counterproductive, but biting on objects appears to help relieve pressure in the gums.
  • In some cases, cold symptoms may occur, including a minor cough, runny nose, or red cheeks and ears. If these symptoms continue for more than two to three days, you should see a doctor to determine what is causing the problem.
  • A rash around your baby's chin that may look similar to eczema due to increased salivation and touching their face.

Most doctors do not consider fever to be a symptom of teething. If your child has high temperature body, this is most likely associated with some disease. Always see your doctor if your child's temperature is above 38.3°C for more than one or two days, as this indicates that he or she is sick.

How to make teething easier for babies using standard means

When your baby's teething symptoms are causing significant discomfort, your doctor may recommend giving him an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as paracetamol syrup, which can be safely given to babies in small amounts to control the pain for four hours. Most experts recommend giving painkillers to babies only when needed, usually before bed to help them rest better.

Some doctors and parents also prefer to apply soothing gum gels during teething to reduce swelling and sensitivity. Popular gels include:

  • Orajel TM
  • Dentinox-N
  • Kalgel
  • Pansoral

Gum gels are good for teething pain in babies, but they are washed away very quickly by saliva, so they do not provide long-term relief. They can be helpful on bad days when your child is really struggling. However, please note that these products contain benzocaine. The FDA warns against using this painkiller because it may cause a rare but serious illness.

How to make teething easier for your baby using natural remedies

Analgesics, massage therapy, gum gels, herbal medicines and home remedies can help reduce teething pain.

1. Soft, cold fruits and vegetables

How to make teething easier for a child and how to quickly help him? To relieve pain and discomfort, you can give your baby easy-to-chew, cool fruits and vegetables to chew on or suck on - this is one of the the best ways Keep the child's body hydrated and allow him to achieve a sense of comfort. It's also easy to make your own baby food, ensuring you're giving your baby the best ingredients you can. Here are some of the most popular types of foods to try giving your baby:

  • Cold natural yogurt.
  • Frozen banana or pineapple slice. Just make sure your child doesn't choke.
  • Cold carrots, celery, avocado or cucumber.

2. Cold pieces of cloth, compresses or spoons

Experts say you should let your babies chew something during teething as it helps relieve the pressure and pain they experience. Give your child a clean, non-toxic rubber or wooden object (preferably in the shape of a ring), or better yet, make the object cold beforehand. Pharmacies now sell special items designed for this purpose (often in the form of rings). To reduce the swelling of your baby's gums, you can give him something cold (and clean!) to chew on, such as:

  • Ice towel. A simple solution is to wrap a few pieces of ice in a clean towel, tie a string around them to keep the ice from falling out, and then let your baby suck and chew on the towel. This way the ice melts but can't get down your child's throat.
  • Another similar method consists of immersing a clean cloth in cold water, twisting out the excess water, after which it should be placed briefly in the freezer or refrigerator. Let your child bite the cloth or place it on their cheeks or chin.
  • You can also try freezing a pacifier or bottle nipple before giving it to your baby. To do this, pour some water into the bottle and place it upside down in the freezer, so the water freezes in the nipple.
  • Another option is to give your baby a very cold spoon to suck on. Cold pressure applied to his gums can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Place a few spoons in the refrigerator for a few hours so you always have cold spoons available when your baby needs them.

3. Amber Teething Necklaces

Amber necklaces, usually made from Baltic amber, are placed around a child's neck to reduce soreness. Amber necklaces contain an active ingredient called succinic acid, which may have a mild analgesic (numbing) effect. The theory behind the amber necklaces is that when the baby's skin comes into contact with the necklace, small quantity amber oil seeps into skin, which helps reduce inflammation and therefore discomfort. While there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that amber necklaces are beneficial, there is no evidence that they definitely work. So ultimately parents must decide whether to try or not.

Most babies tolerate amber necklaces very well, although if the necklace breaks it may become potential threat suffocation. Don't let your baby wear the necklace when he is out of your sight, such as when he is sleeping alone in his crib.

4. Essential oils

Some essential oils are very helpful in calming your baby, while others are helpful in reducing inflammation and relieving pain. To help your child sleep and relax when they are feeling uncomfortable, try diffusing lavender, chamomile, or vanilla essential oil in their bedroom.

5. Touch and massage

Touching, gently massaging, and soothing your baby can help him relax. Distracting your baby's attention with toys, games, or other things to play with also works to reduce his focus on teething pain.

Since your baby may experience discomfort when you touch his jaw or ears, try lightly massaging his back and holding him in your arms. If your child allows, you can help relieve some of the pressure in the mouth by lightly massaging the gums, cheeks, and ears. You can also try applying a very small amount of clove essential oil to his gums, as it can numb him and help relieve pain. In fact, before pain-relieving medications were invented, clove oil was used to relieve toothaches and other dental problems.

6. Wipe off saliva after drooling to prevent rashes

Sometimes babies develop a teething rash on their chin due to increased drooling. You can wipe off excess saliva with soft fabric, helping to prevent skin irritation on the chin. To treat your baby's rash (whether on the face or somewhere else such as the bottom), you can try using natural remedies, including coconut or almond oil, shea butter, calendula and magnesium oil.


Although teething can cause a number of symptoms, including cold-like symptoms or irritability, if they persist for more than a few days, your best bet is to visit your pediatrician. Teething symptoms may actually be symptoms caused by other conditions, so don't ignore them, especially if your baby has been experiencing it for a while. long period time. Teething is usually not a serious enough condition to really affect your baby's health, so if your baby is very unwell, you should see a doctor.

If you decide to give your child a painkiller to reduce pain, do not give him products containing benzocaine or aspirin, as they are not recommended for use in teething cases as they can cause serious side effects, including Reye's syndrome.

Final Thoughts

  • Teething (odontosis) occurs when a baby's teeth cut through sensitive gums and usually begins between 4 and 8 months of age.
  • Teething symptoms may include crankiness, sore gums, trouble sleeping, swollen gums, food refusal, and chewing on hard objects.
  • Natural teething remedies include giving your baby a cold object, cloth or foods to suck on, massaging their gums, distracting them, using essential oils, massage and putting an amber necklace on the neck.

How to relieve gum pain when children are teething is a question that worries many young parents. If there is no grandmother nearby who raised several generations, and the young mother did not have the opportunity to babysit her little nephews, then what is happening seems like a universal catastrophe.

Teething for almost all children is accompanied by pain, bad mood, moodiness and several restless nights. It will be easier for an adult to understand how unpleasant this process is if he remembers how his “wisdom” teeth erupted.

One of the main symptoms that a child is teething is that the baby puts everything in his mouth, chews and licks.

The advice to scratch the gum where a tooth is trying to erupt by putting your fingers into the child’s mouth is not best idea. Only the baby himself knows exactly how and with what force he should press on the disturbing place. The child must be provided with special scratchers, different if possible: hard, soft, with a handle in the form of a ring that can be used to hold a toy, or a narrow ring that fits in the fingers. He himself will choose the more convenient one. This will help him scratch the eruption site on his own.

For older children, you can offer something solid and edible, for example, dryers without sprinkles. The main thing is to make sure that the child does not bite off too large a piece and choke.

Larisa Kopylova


Temperature is not the main symptom of teething and is not observed in everyone. It appears as the body's reaction to pain and possible inflammation inside the gums. If you want to gnaw everything and increased salivation You can calm it down with improvised means, but in order to relieve pain or bring down the baby’s temperature, special medications are needed.

In the video, famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about how to help a child overcome painful eruption teeth:

How to relieve pain

Pain is the body's reaction to irritation of nerve endings. To help the baby, you need to do local anesthesia, for example, apply a homeopathic remedy or cooling gel to the gums. This is just a temporary symptom relief that will improve general condition baby, however, nerve irritation and inflammation will still remain.

Larisa Kopylova


During the teething period, the child needs vitamins, anesthetics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Can be used folk recipes, for example, compote from black currant or raspberries. Delicious drink With high content vitamins will help relieve teething pain in a child and eliminate inflammation. In the cold season, such a compote can be prepared from frozen berries.

At severe pain Dentists and pediatricians recommend using anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs from a homeopathic pharmacy in the form of special children's syrups.

When dealing with a baby, one truth should be remembered: it is not the symptom that needs to be treated, but the cause of its occurrence. If the pain appears due to an inflammatory process, it is enough to relieve the inflammation, and discomfort will subside.

How to calm your baby at night

At night, the process of teething becomes especially noticeable. Therefore, parents are often interested in ways to calm their child down. good sleep. An integrated approach will help.

Right before bed, you can let your baby soak in a bath with soothing herbs(chamomile, valerian, string), if possible, feed, give something to drink and be sure to apply an anesthetic to the gums. During sleep, the process will go faster: mild pain relief with natural ingredients will help the child regain strength, and during the day there will be much less problems, because he will rest and sleep.

In homeopathic and traditional pharmacies there are quite a lot of natural-based products that will help you forget about dental suffering and joyfully welcome a new round of development.

Larisa Kopylova


If necessary, do not be afraid to pick up your child. Some parents are afraid to teach their baby to hold hands, but during teething, support and care are especially important for him. Tactile contact and parental warmth will help you get through a difficult period more calmly.

In the video, a young mother talks about her experience of her baby teething:

Ointments and gels for teething

Neglecting to use special teething gels is a serious parental mistake. Unstable nervous system little man loosened by constant pain. And the longer he has to endure the pain, the more restless he becomes.

How to make teething easier? Pharmacology and homeopathy have long developed effective means. There are special children's ointments that relieve inflammation and swelling:

  1. Kalgel ointment, developed specifically for infants, has an antimicrobial effect.
  2. There are special children's drops: Dentinorm Baby, Fenistil, Parlazin. With their help, you can significantly reduce the suffering of the baby.
  3. Special gels Dentinox, Baby Doctor Gel, Kamistad will not only calm the baby, but will also create a comfortable zone for everyone around him. Baby Doctor and Pansoral are called: First teeth.

How to relieve teething pain? Simply eliminate it using proven children's remedies.

The parent TOP-9 includes effective and harmless drugs for difficult situation with first teeth:

  • Dantinorm;
  • Dentokind;
  • Nurofen;
  • Panadol;
  • Viburcol;
  • Baby Doctor First teeth;
  • Pansoral First teeth;
  • Kalgel (or its analogues);
  • Holisal.

The appearance of baby teeth in children is usually accompanied by a painful condition. The child becomes lethargic, capricious, loses sleep and appetite. How can you alleviate the baby’s condition and return good mood- not only the child, but also his parents - in the material of our author.

“A baby’s teething begins at about 6-8 months. By the age of three, the baby has formed a deciduous row of 20 teeth. Some children easily tolerate this process, while others experience painful sensations- in the place where the tooth appears, the gums swell greatly and redness may appear.

The child's salivation noticeably increases, which is also active at night. In addition, swelling and soreness of the gums may be accompanied by elevated body temperature and a general decrease in immunity. And this affects the baby’s mood, who becomes lethargic and moody,” says Nina Mikhailovna Chentsova, dentist at the clinic " Modern dentistry Dickman."


With the permission of the pediatrician, various medications can be used to relieve pain and discomfort during teething. Such medications include local anesthetics, which are applied directly to the gum and temporarily “freeze” the most painful area, painkillers that not only relieve pain, but can also reduce the temperature accompanying teething. No less popular are homeopathic medicines, which many mothers consider effective for their babies.

"Of course, everything medications must be prescribed by a specialist. Only he is able to objectively assess the baby’s condition and recommend suitable painkillers. If the child’s condition is not complicated by elevated temperature, then to relieve pain during teething, you can get by with topical medications - analgesics in the form of cooling gels and homeopathic drugs (they also speed up the teething process).

Funds for internal use(for example, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs) should be used in extreme cases, when, for example, the body temperature has risen above the permissible threshold, and it is better to use it at night.”

Teethers and "rodents"

To massage the gums, use special “gnawers” ​​or teethers. Manufacturers make them from wood, food-grade silicone, latex, plastic, rubber, with water or gel filler and even a vibrating mechanism to further relieve itching in the baby’s gums.

Choose the model of teether that will be most convenient for your baby: it fits in his palm and has an anatomical shape so as not to interfere with the formation of the correct bite. If you prefer a teether with a water or gel filler, before giving the “teeth” to your baby, cool it for a couple of minutes in the freezer. A cold teether will additionally help relieve itching and swelling of the gums.

Teething is a huge stressor for child's body. Therefore, at the time of the appearance of the first teeth, it is better to switch to a gentle daily regimen and diet.

Gum massage

Not only teethers, but also massage will help relieve pain and itching in the gums. You can do it with your little finger (before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic) or with a special silicone nozzle. Gently massage your gums in a circular motion for 30 seconds. different sides(front, back, top). You can do this massage several times a day.

Stop feeding for a while

It is better not to introduce new complementary foods during teething. A weakened body may react inadequately to new food.

Apply to your breast more often

At the same time as stopping complementary feeding, try to put your baby to your breast more often. After all, it is not only a source of nutrition, but also a means of calming, relieving stress and pain in a child.

Pacifier instead of teether


Ensure cleanliness and hygiene in the house, because babies at this time are putting the first objects they come to hand into their mouths. And if they lie on the floor, there is a high probability of contracting an infection.

Pay attention to your baby

Try to spend as much time as possible with your baby - sleep together, go for longer walks fresh air, play and just carry it in your arms. This way the baby will become less anxious and capricious, which means it will be easier to cope with the teething period.

And finally, just be patient. Just a little pain and the long-awaited first tooth will appear!

The article describes the main means that facilitate the process of teething, including an overview of medications, and a list of some traditional methods helping babies.

The first year of a baby is the most difficult period in the life of his parents. We haven’t had time to rest from sleepless nights due to colic, and the first teeth are already making themselves known. In most cases, this event occurs between 4 and 8 months.

Each child is individual; accordingly, the age at which baby teeth appear, the order and pain with which they are cut will also differ from one child to another. But it is believed that these processes are laid down at the genetic level. Therefore, to find out when and what to expect from your baby’s first teeth, ask your parents about how your baby teeth came out.

INTERESTING: A child is born with a full set of baby teeth, they are just waiting for their time to come out.

A situation is possible when happy parents learn about their child’s first tooth when he smiles at them in the morning, or accidentally hear a characteristic sound from a metal spoon in the baby’s mouth. In this case, the child will not show noticeable changes in behavior.

But more often, parents know in advance about the intention of a tooth to erupt through the gum. The pain that a baby experiences when teething can be unbearable and cause him considerable discomfort. Loss of appetite bad dream, whims and hysterics, upset stomach and fever are just part of the list of potential troubles that accompany the appearance of teeth.

The natural desire of parents is to help the baby with everything possible ways get through this painful period.

How to relieve teething pain?

There are different options pain relief, which can be grouped into 3 groups:

You can find it in stores huge amount teethers made of latex, silicone, rubber, plastic and even wood. In addition, teethers differ in shape, color and additional functions.

For example, some of them contain holes for ointments and gels, which allows the medicine to get onto the gums unnoticed by the child, some contain water or a special liquid for cooling in the refrigerator. Universal look There is no teether that suits all babies. It all depends on the baby's preferences. There are children who do not recognize such devices at all.

As an alternative, for children who do not yet have a single tooth, you can offer so-called “homemade” teethers: carrots, apples, crackers, dryers, etc.

Important: If a child is allergic, you should not give him carrots, since they belong to the group of allergenic foods.

Your finger can also serve as a teether, massaging sore gums from time to time.

Most often, cold helps relieve gum pain in children. It could be a cold spoon, cool applesauce, frozen dryer or banana, cooling teether, cold cloth.

Important: Children should not be given ice cubes from the freezer to avoid injuring their gums and preventing frostbite.

Teething medications

If teething is so painful that both the child and the parents suffer from insomnia, the baby constantly cries, or has additional symptoms: fever, snot, ear pain, cough, etc., you cannot do without the help of medications.

IMPORTANT: Before choosing a specific medication, consult your pediatrician, especially if you have other symptoms. Perhaps the child is simultaneously experiencing some kind of disease, the signs of which you mistake for teething.

Modern medicine offers a wide range of medications that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect: ointments, gels, drops, suppositories and tablets. They can be divided into separate groups:

  1. Local painkillers applied to the gums: Kamistad, Kalgel, Cholisal, Dentinox.
  2. Antipyretics in suppositories and syrup: cefekon D, nurofen, panadol.
  3. Homeopathic herbal remedies: viburkol, dantinorm baby, dentokind, traumeel ointment S.

Gels for teething in children: Kamistad, Kalgel, Cholisal, Dentinox


  • Ingredients: lidocaine + chamomile extract.
  • Action: lidocaine - local anesthesia, chamomile - anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Use in children: possible.
  • Directions for use: Rub 5 mm of gel into the gum where the tooth is cut, but not more than 3 times a day.

Important: in different instructions Contraindications to the drug include children under three months of age and children under 12 years of age. Therefore, read the instructions carefully before use.


  • Ingredients: lidocaine + cetylpyridinium chloride.
  • Action: lidocaine is a local anesthetic, cetylpyridinium chloride is an antiseptic.
  • Use in children: possible from 5 months of age.
  • Directions for use: 7.5 mm of gel, no more than 6 times a day.


  • Ingredients: choline salicylate + cetalkonium chloride.
  • Action: choline salicylate – analgesic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, tsetalkonium chloride – antiseptic.
  • Use in children: under 12 months - with caution.
  • Directions for use: 5 mm gel 2-3 times a day.
  • Ingredients: lidocaine + chamomile extract + polidocanol.
  • Action: lidocaine - analgesia, chamomile - anti-inflammatory effect, polidocanol - antiseptic.
  • Use in children: under 1 year of age - after consultation with a doctor.
  • Directions for use: a drop of gel 2-3 times a day.

IMPORTANT: The effect of the gels will be noticeable in a few minutes, but it will not last long. Cholisal has the longest effect (up to 2-3 hours).

  • Separately, it should be mentioned that Kamistad, Kalgel and Dentinox, which contain lidocaine, are not recommended for use in infants, especially before feeding, as they can cause numbness in the mouth, lips, and tongue, which creates a risk of biting the tongue and difficulty swallowing.
  • Kamistad cannot be used in cases of stomatitis with damaged areas of the oral mucosa.
  • All four gels cause increased drooling, which is unsafe for infants.
  • Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components and possible allergic reactions.

Ointment for teething

Compared to gels, ointments adhere less well to the gums and are quickly washed off with saliva, so the preferred consistency of medicine for local application are dental gels.

However, among the drugs that facilitate the process of teething, Traumeel S ointment is used.

  • This homeopathic remedy, which contains various herbs: arnica, marigold, echinacea, chamomile, daisy, yarrow, belladonna.
  • The main area of ​​application is therapy of the musculoskeletal system, swelling of soft tissues after sprains and dislocations.
  • In addition, doctors sometimes prescribe it to relieve inflammation during teething.
  • Among the contraindications specified in the instructions are: increased sensitivity, as well as age up to 3 years due to the lack of relevant studies.

Drops for teething: Dantinorm baby

The French-made drug (Boiron) is also a homeopathic remedy, i.e. made from natural herbs.

  • Ingredients: chamomile + Indian ivy + rhubarb.
  • Action: homeopathic medicine to relieve teething pain.
  • Directions for use: one capsule 2-3 times a day, taken orally for 3 days.
  • There are no side effects; the only possible contraindication is individual sensitivity to the components of Dantinorm Baby.
  • The drug works quickly.
  • In addition, the drops are convenient to use and prevent the risk of overdose, as they are available in plastic containers of 1 ml each, equivalent to a single dose.

Tablets for teething

A medicine for teething in the form of tablets is not the most convenient thing, since the baby cannot dissolve the tablet on its own; to do this, you will have to first suffer by dissolving the tablet in a spoon with water.

However, this form of release medical supplies to help babies teething is on the market. The most popular are Dentokind tablets.

Homeopathy for teething: dentokind

German natural tablets Dentokind is another homeopathic remedy for pain relief in infants and young children.

  • Ingredients: belladonna + chamomile + sulfuris hepar + pulsatilla.
  • Dosage: up to one year - 1 tablet, no more than 6 tablets/day, for older children - 2 tablets, no more than 12 tablets/day, break between doses - at least 1 hour.
  • Directions for use: the tablet must be dissolved in the mouth; for children, the tablet should be dissolved in water.
  • It is not recommended to use without prior consultation with a pediatrician.
  • Contraindicated in children with allergies to one of the constituent substances.
  • The drug acts comprehensively, relieving nervousness, pain and improving the child’s sleep.

Suppositories for teething: cefekon, viburkol.

The most convenient to use for infants are rectal suppositories. During the period when small child teeth are being cut, real help Candles based on herbal ingredients viburkol can provide elevated temperature Cefekon D suppositories will be indispensable.


  • Ingredients: chamomile + belladonna + pulsatilla + plantago major + calcium carbonicum + dulcamara solanum.
  • Action: homeopathic remedy has calming effect, may have an antipyretic effect.
  • Use in children: not contraindicated.
  • Directions for use: up to 6 months – 1 suppository 2 times a day, after six months of age – 1 suppository 4-6 times a day.

Tsefekon D

  • Ingredients: paracetamol
  • Action: analgesic and antipyretic
  • Use in children: from 1 month
  • Directions for use: 10-15 mg of the drug per 1 kg of child’s weight 2-3 times a day

You cannot use Viburkol and Cefekon if you have a corresponding allergy to the drugs.

Panadol for teething

Children's Panadol is similar in action to Cefekon D suppositories, but is available both in the form of suppositories and in the form of syrup. It contains paracetamol and is used to reduce fever and pain during teething. Use is possible from 3 months of age.

What is best to use depends on personal preference and doctor's recommendations. Syrups cause gag reflexes in some children, so for some it is more convenient to use suppositories, while for others it is more convenient to give the child syrup.

Can Nurofen be used for teething?

Pediatricians often prescribe Nurofen to children as an antipyretic. Therefore, if teeth are cut with fever, this drug takes place.

  • Ingredients: ibuprofen.
  • Action: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.
  • Use in children: from 3 months.
  • The drug is available in tablets, suppositories, in the form of syrup and suspension for oral administration, as well as in the form of ointment and gel for external use.
  • When teething in young children, a suspension with an orange flavor is most often prescribed.

  • The dosage depends on the child's weight.
  • Unlike paracetamol, ibuprofen, which is the main substance of Nurofen, provides a faster and longer-lasting effect.
  • The medicine should not be abused; long-term use in children under 6 months is undesirable.
  • The drug has a number of contraindications and side effects, That's why independent decision the use of the medicine is not recommended.

Teething cream

Corresponding gels are mainly used as painkillers, relieving itching and inflammation for local use (see above). The cream may be needed to care for the skin around the mouth. During teething, there is a lot of salivation, which leads to irritation and the appearance of small rash in the lip area. Baby creams of plant origin will help cope with this.

First teeth: folk remedies for teething

In addition to medical supplies, young parents have a variety of folk ways reduce pain from the first teeth, passed on from generation to generation.

1. Sedative effect have different herbal teas and tinctures taken orally. For example:

  • chamomile + lemon balm + lavender + catnip (pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of herbs per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-30 minutes)
  • chamomile tea (give the child 1-2 tsp)

2. To relieve pain, you can rub the following into your baby’s gums:

  • valerian tincture
  • tincture of burdock root + chickweed
  • clove + almond oil in a ratio of 2 to 1
  • baking soda (dilute 1 tsp in 1 glass of water, apply with a bandage)

3. Amber beads that are placed around the child’s neck have an analgesic effect. However, do not forget about the baby's safety.

IMPORTANT: The use of folk methods should be reasonable, we should not forget about the possible allergic manifestations To certain species herbs and honey. It is advisable to obtain prior approval from a physician.

  • Show patience and maximum care towards the baby, who has only temporarily turned into a capricious and whiny child.
  • Try to distract the baby's attention with new toys, household items that interest him, nursery rhymes and songs.
  • Do not give your child aspirin; only ibuprofen and paracetamol are used to reduce fever in infants (see types of drugs above).
  • Do not lubricate your child's gums with alcohol-containing substances.
  • If your baby refuses to eat, try not heating the food, but offering it cool.

  • Stock up on several types of teethers to find the best one for your baby.
  • Have at least two cooling teethers available: while the baby is chewing on one teether, the second one will be cooling in the refrigerator.
  • If necessary, as prescribed by a doctor, do not be afraid to use medicines, if this will ease the baby’s condition and give you the opportunity to rest.