Problems with the toilet in small kittens (constipation). Constipation in a kitten: what to do at home Prevention and other assistance measures

What to do if your kitten becomes constipated? How to provide first aid and is it possible to treat constipation in a kitten at home? What symptoms indicate a life threat? Let's take a closer look.

It is commonly called a digestive disorder in which an animal cannot completely empty its intestines. The causes are usually divided into physiological and pathological.

The physiological or natural causes of constipation in kittens are quite varied and depend on age. Constipation in newborn kittens is considered the most dangerous, since even slight intoxication seriously threatens the baby’s life. Diagnosis of pathologies in newborn kittens is difficult, and the risks increase significantly.

Kittens that are nursed by their mother rarely suffer from digestive problems. Before and after each feeding, the cat licks their bellies, stimulating digestion. Natural feeding has another important role– in the first days after birth, kittens feed on colostrum. Colostrum is a “concentrate” of nutrients and friendly bacteria. Immediately after birth, the intestines of kittens are sterile, that is, whether it will digest food normally depends on which microflora enters it first.

Constipation in young kittens most often occurs for a reason. Unfriendly intestinal microflora can be a consequence of artificial feeding or improper nutrition of a nursing cat. For example, kittens may become constipated if a nursing cat has been given dough as a treat or is dehydrated.

At artificial feeding the likelihood of constipation is very high. If a cat, for some reason, has abandoned her offspring and the kittens are fed artificially from the first day, their microflora, even in theory, cannot be natural. Note that an imbalance in microflora will occur regardless of whether you feed kittens with milk, infant formula or cat milk replacer.

Important! The structure of natural mother's milk cannot be recreated artificially.

Natural causes of constipation include changing the type of diet, preventive measures and many other aspects of care. Constipation one month old kitten who has recently begun to try adult foods is considered an expected consequence.

The microflora has to adapt to digesting new food, which can be accompanied by a variety of problems. In addition to constipation, when the diet is expanded, the kitten may experience: diarrhea, refusal to eat (but against the background of normal water consumption), hiccups, nausea, and flatulence.

Approximately At 2 months the kitten will begin to receive basic vaccinations, which will lead to a blow to the microflora. Pathological disorders may not occur, but consequences in the form of diarrhea or constipation are considered expected.

At 3 months, the kitten’s diet expands significantly, which can lead to significant digestive problems. This is especially often observed in kittens with hypersensitivity intestines.

Pay attention! Constipation and diarrhea may be a consequence food allergies, to which most kittens of popular breeds are prone.

By 4 months, approximately 40% of kittens develop lactose intolerance.. This process is considered natural, since cats are carnivorous animals and feeding on milk is unnatural for adults. If your baby begins to have digestive problems from milk, it is necessary to monitor the relationship between lactose intake and the physiological reaction. Milk can give a pathological reaction if the kitten has worms...therefore, conclusions about lactose intolerance should not be made after a single reaction of the body.

Read also: How cats become infected with rabies

To avoid negative consequences necessary:

  • Consult a veterinarian who will select the appropriate drug and dose.
  • After 30–60 minutes (depending on the speed of action of the drug), the kitten should be given sorbents.
  • 20–45 minutes after the sorbents, it is necessary to give a laxative and ensure that the kitten has a bowel movement.

Constipation after deworming is dangerous because it is accompanied by severe intoxication. If you notice signs of poisoning in a kitten, get help or consult a doctor immediately.

Pathological causes of constipation in kittens

How to understand that a kitten has constipation that has a pathological cause. Constipation can develop silently until the animal's condition worsens significantly. Development of pathology on early stage Only a very attentive owner will notice, since the animal continues to go to the toilet, but cannot completely empty its intestines.

Pay attention! During constipation, a kitten's behavior may change, this is associated with discomfort and pain in the abdominal cavity.

Slowing of peristalsis that occurs for natural reasons may not be accompanied by painful sensations. Constipation caused by pathological reasons almost always leads to injury to the intestinal walls.

The most common causes of pathological constipation are dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Due to lack of water, the intestines take too much moisture from the stool, and it becomes too dry. Difficulty defecating leads to the fact that feces turn into a dry plug, which injures the intestinal walls during movement.

Constipation little kitten may be associated with an unbalanced diet. For normal digestion, the kitten must receive protein food and coarse fibers. In nature, the role of coarse fibers in a cat's diet is played by the fur of prey.

Since the structure and composition of wool cannot be recreated artificially, the source of coarse fibers for cats are:

  • Plant foods - vegetables, fruits, easily digestible grains.
  • Greens and Herbs – Chopped greens can be added to food. As a source of coarse fibers, you can use cat grass or regular lawn grass, which must be planted in a tray.
  • Bran is introduced into the diet very carefully and in limited quantities. With the sudden introduction of bran, the consequences can be unpredictable, from mild nausea to serious cramps.

Chronic dysbiosis often causes recurrent constipation and indigestion (a common problem in artificially fed kittens). The problem is that the malaise is not noticed, or rather, not perceived as a symptom, since the kitten constantly has digestive problems. Many people mistakenly assume that the kitten has a sensitive intestine, although the problem can be solved with probiotic supplements.

Eating foreign objects and, unfortunately, a very common problem in kittens. Little kittens are very playful, they often find dangerous entertainment for themselves, for example, threads (which can be threaded into a needle), Christmas tree tinsel, small parts from children's construction sets, delicious-smelling cellophane.

Ingestion of foreign objects is always accompanied by intestinal blockage. If there is a blockage with a smooth, small, well-streamlined object, there is a high chance of it leaving the body naturally. If a kitten swallows tinsel or oilcloth, there is practically no chance that it will remain healthy. When there is a blockage in the intestines, constipation is only a symptom and does not appear immediately. Already during intestinal blockage, the baby can go to the toilet for another 6–8 hours.

Pay attention! To distinguish intestinal blockage from other pathologies it is necessary X-ray examination With contrast agent.

– a violation similar in “mechanism” to blockage, but more acute and critical. Intestinal volvulus occurs if the kitten actively plays or jumps with a full stomach. The ligaments supporting the intestinal loops stretch, allowing the organ fragment to overlap. After overlap, part of the intestine is deprived of nutrition, which leads to rapid tissue death and sepsis.

Read also: Do cats get rabies?

Megacolon - this disorder is considered a malformation of intrauterine development, in which the large intestine is wider than normal. The most striking symptom of the pathology is constant constipation, which plagues the kitten from a very early age. Megacolon is not treatable. Typically, veterinarians recommend waiting until the kitten gets stronger and performing a surgical procedure to suturing the large intestine. Note that with megacolon, disturbances can be so serious that surgical intervention will be pointless.

Traditional methods of treating constipation in kittens

If there are natural causes of digestive disturbances, you can relieve your kitten of constipation without the use of medications. You need to start with your diet. Switch the kitten to liquid food:

  • Broths.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Raw eggs (in limited quantities).
  • Cottage cheese diluted with milk, if lactose intolerance is not observed.

How more water the kitten will receive, the greater the chance that the stool will become more elastic and constipation will be relieved. Against the background of the diet, while the baby is feeling well, it is necessary to take care of increasing physical activity. Constipation often develops against the background of decreased mobility, for example, during illness, in extreme heat, etc.

Some foods stimulate peristalsis and weaken the intestines. If the baby feels well and continues to eat, but does not go to the toilet, it is necessary to add foods rich in coarse fiber to his diet. It is necessary to feed a kitten with constipation foods that are safe in all respects:

  • Pumpkin– consists of 80% water and 20% coarse fibers, has a sweet taste, can be steamed, mixed with cottage cheese or offered to the kitten in its natural form. To eliminate constipation, you usually need a portion equal to the usual amount of food at one time.
  • Oil– can be added to food or dropped into the mouth. It is optimal to use flaxseed oil, since it is absorbed by the cat's body. Will do sunflower oil or crushed (raw) sunflower seeds
  • Boiled beets– has a strong laxative effect and can cause painful cramps. Not all cats eat vegetables, but they can be mixed with eggs or cottage cheese.
  • Raw liver(chicken, beef) - like boiled beets, in large quantities weakens the intestines, but may cause cramps.
  • Water and condensed milk are not recommended for kittens! If the baby is more than six months old, the suspension can be used. Production: mix condensed milk and water (50/50), give it to your pet and wait for the result for half an hour.

If constipation continues for more than 2 days, changing your diet will most likely not affect the situation. However, in this case, traditional methods of treatment remain relevant and can help. If we're talking about about a small kitten, you need to start with abdominal massage. After drinking a few drops linseed oil, you need to massage the kitten's tummy clockwise.

Pay attention! Kittens before one month old cannot empty their bowels on their own. If you had to feed babies, be sure to massage their tummies (imitating the mother's licking) and genital area with a damp, warm sponge before and after eating.

Helps kittens aged 2 (or more) months from constipation. You can do an enema clean water or mixed with oil. Typically used to relieve constipation Vaseline oil, since it is not absorbed by the animal’s body and is excreted unchanged.

Important! An enema with Vaseline oil should not be done if constipation began due to volvulus or intestinal blockage.

Before administering the enema, the liquid must be heated to a comfortable temperature, and the nose of the syringe bulb should be generously lubricated with Vaseline or cream. After administering the liquid, it is advisable to press the kitten's tail to anus, and use your free hand to massage your stomach. For mild constipation, bowel movements occur within 15–30 minutes. Please note that with prolonged constipation, bowel movements may be incomplete.

Pay attention! The enema should be used against the background integrated approach to eliminate constipation - diets, enriching the diet with water, increasing physical activity.

Cats, just like people, are susceptible to many diseases. One of the most common problems is constipation. If you do not help your pet in time, this situation can lead to dangerous consequences with health. It is necessary to immediately begin treatment of the animal so that there are no consequences. Every owner should know how to help a cat with constipation at home so that there is no need to see a doctor.

Constipation in a kitten.

The most common causes of difficulty in defecation include:

If the stool does not return to normal on its own within a few days, then you should begin to take measures to avoid serious consequences.

Constipation symptoms

The cat should have a bowel movement at least once every two days.

It is normal for adult cats to walk in a big way. once every 1-2 days . If this happens less often in an animal, then you should take a closer look at the pet’s behavior and well-being.

Among the symptoms of constipation, the most common are:

  • No stool for more than 2 days . It may not exist at all, or it may be rare and very hard.
  • The pet sits on the tray for a long time and to no avail.
  • The cat pushes for a long time, sometimes even meows a lot.
  • The animal constantly squats in the corners, strains and raises its tail, but nothing happens.

In addition to these symptoms, you may also experience the following:

  • Vomit.
  • Increase in pet's body temperature.
  • The cat's belly is swollen and causes pain when pressed.

Vomiting in a cat.

If constipation is accompanied by the above symptoms, you should take action as soon as possible.

If left unchecked, constipation in a cat can lead to or even cause the death of the animal.

Treating constipation in a cat at home

Grind the beets and carrots and add them to your cat's food.

On initial stages You can help your cat with this problem yourself. To stop constipation, you must resort to the following measures:

  • You should start feeding your pet liquid food in small portions. . You can add a little to the food vegetable oil, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Too much fatty foods Maybe .
  • One of the traditional methods for treating constipation is raw beets and carrots. . These vegetables can be added to your cat's food. If the pet refuses such food, then you should squeeze the juice from fresh beets or carrots and use a syringe to pour a little into the animal’s mouth.
  • In addition to beets and carrots, they can help a cat sea ​​fish, kefir, cauliflower or beef liver raw . These products will help normalize your animal's stool.
  • Another way is to mix condensed milk with tap water and feed it to the animal. But you should not resort to this method very often in order to...
  • In addition to all of the above, simply massaging your cat's tummy can help. Stroke the tummy with light pressure in a clockwise direction. You can do this several times a day.

How to give Vaseline oil to a cat for constipation

Some cats love Vaseline oil and will eat it straight from your hand.

One more thing good remedy- This Vaseline oil . It harmlessly envelops the intestines and softens stool, facilitating its rapid release. This oil is not absorbed by the cat’s body and is completely eliminated from the body within 6-12 hours .

The norm of Vaseline oil for an adult animal is 1.5 ml per 1 kg of pet’s weight. Give it to your pet 2 times a day. Should not be given to cats castor oil. It calls severe pain in your pet's stomach.

How to give your cat Duphalac

It is not uncommon for veterinarians to prescribe Duphalac in such cases.

To help your pet, you can give him a laxative. Duphalac.

It helps normalize work in the intestines and helps remove feces.

It is given at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of cat weight. Duphalac is added to food or sprinkled with water and offered to the pet. Give it to the animal once every 8 hours until feces come out. If an animal has regular difficulties with defecation, then a whole course of treatment with Duphalac is necessary.

You should not choose the dosage of Duphalac yourself! If you overdo this medication, be prepared for... If this does happen, then Smecta will help normalize the stool.

You should not independently prescribe your cat other laxatives that are intended for humans.

Other medications can only be prescribed specifically by the veterinarian himself. Depending on the case, he will prescribe one or another dosage based on the weight of your pet.

Various human laxatives or. And if you don’t know the dose for the animal at all, an overdose may occur.

Preventing constipation in cats

It is easier to prevent constipation than to look for ways to get rid of it later. If the owner is attentive to the behavior and nutrition of the animal, then such a problem will not arise at all. To avoid problems with bowel movements:

If none of the methods in this article helped you, and after a week your animal is still experiencing problems with bowel movements, consult a doctor immediately.

Constipation can significantly harm an animal's body, and there are even cases of death.


If you follow all preventive measures, you will help your pet avoid constipation. Carefully monitor your cat's behavior, diet and condition. When the slightest symptoms constipation, take action immediately. Be attentive and caring towards your pet, and he will thank you more than once with his affection and pleasant purring songs.

Constipation is a common problem in young kittens. These pets need your help, so you need to know what to do if your pet has bowel problems.

Causes of constipation

Due to immaturity gastrointestinal tract, kittens experience digestive disorders and, as a result, constipation. To prevent the problem from occurring, you should monitor how often your kitten goes to the toilet.

Veterinarians name the following common causes of constipation in these pets:

  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • digestive problems - gastrointestinal diseases.

As soon as you bring a small kitten into your home, he may become stressed by his new environment.

During this period, it is important to create comfortable conditions for the animal to stay in your home. However, the most common reason why a kitten becomes constipated is poor diet.

Review your pet's diet; you cannot overfeed him; it would be better to undernourish him a little; this will not cause any harm to the gastrointestinal tract. The diet should also be dominated by easily digestible, concentrated and dry foods.

Among the factors causing disruption defecation process belongs to:

  • hairballs that form in the stomach of an animal while licking fur;
  • worms;
  • foreign objects;
  • volvulus;
  • diseases of the paranal glands;
  • intestinal tumor.

In fact, constipation is serious violation, which often entails dangerous consequences.

Pet owners should know what to do if their kitten has constipation, because it leads to disruption of the kidneys and liver, poisons the entire body, puts a strain on the heart, and worsens the condition of the skin and coat.

If there is no bowel movement for more than three days, this indicates intestinal obstruction, which, if left untreated, can lead to the death of the animal.

Signs of defecation disorder

You can recognize the occurrence of a violation of the defecation process by some symptoms of constipation in a kitten.

The following symptoms may indicate this problem with bowel movements:

  • the kitten screams while trying to go to the toilet, he does it in pain;
  • dry stools, possibly covered in mucus or blood;
  • frequent and unproductive trips to the toilet;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • vomit.

Having discovered changes in the behavior of your pet, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist; he should tell you how to treat constipation in a kitten.

How to help an animal

It is very painful to look at a kitten that cannot go to the toilet and suffers from it. If you're experiencing this problem, learn how to help your kitten move his bowels if he's constipated.

When examining an animal, the veterinarian determines the reasons for the violation of the defecation process in pet, and depending on them may recommend the use special methods to improve the condition of the animal.

For these purposes, the following procedures are carried out and the following means are used:

  • stool softener;
  • laxatives;
  • enema - you should not do it at home, for this it is better to visit a veterinarian;
  • medications to improve peristalsis;
  • manual colon cleansing;
  • adding fiber to animal food;
  • a surgical operation aimed at removing an obstruction to cleanse the intestines;
  • increase in water consumption.

Experts recommend treating constipation with a remedy such as Duphalac. It should be given to the kitten twice a day, 2–2.5 mm. You need to take medications aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora in courses prescribed by a veterinarian for each animal individually.

Use of traditional medicine

If constipation in an animal does not last long, do not rush to take it to the veterinarian; intestinal activity can be normalized with the help of folk remedies. Try giving your kitten Vaseline. Vaseline oil is given to the kitten three times a day, 5 ml, until its stool returns to normal.

Do not use other vegetable oils instead of Vaseline; they are absorbed by the intestines, but do not reach the feces, and the use of such a product in large quantities bad for the liver.

Constipation in a kitten is a prolonged absence of stool for more than two days or difficulty in emptying the animal’s intestines. This phenomenon is quite rare, mainly associated with poor nutrition or insufficient water intake. However, sometimes constipation in a small kitten can signal serious illness, especially in cases where it is accompanied by strong thirst. The cause may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, orthopedic and neurological problems, prostate, liver, and kidney diseases.

The absence or untimely provision of assistance can lead to disastrous consequences: severe intoxication, which, in turn, disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems and inevitably leads to the death of the animal.

Let's figure out how to solve and prevent this problem in the future.

Trichobezoar- This is an accumulation of hair in the kitten’s stomach, which makes defecation difficult. Take care to regularly brush your pets, because even if they have short hair, it can clog the intestines no worse than long hair. In addition, there are special preparations that promote wool removal. which you can purchase from a veterinarian or pet store.

Foreign body, for example, a bone, small toy, nut or other items. A special drug will be useful here, but we recommend showing the baby to a veterinarian in cases of ingestion. sharp objects, such as fish bone or a needle.

Poor nutrition and intestinal dysbiosis. Avoid overfeeding and consuming low-quality feed, and monitor fluid intake.

A sudden change in diet. The cat's menu needs to be changed gradually, extending this process for at least 3-5 days. Combine the animal's usual food with bran - this will help break up the feces, making them easier to pass. Do not forget that a cat is a predatory creature, so even a baby needs meat: pre-cooked and chopped into a pate.

The presence of worms can also cause constipation. When there is a large accumulation of them in the body, intestinal blockage is caused. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor, since worming is prohibited until the symptom is eliminated, since the decomposition process can lead to severe poisoning.

How consequence of injury, hematomas, tumors and edema, in postoperative period..

Megacolon– expansion of the intestines and loss of motility. It may be congenital or caused by prolonged constipation.

Poor bowel function. You can stimulate its work by light, soft and leisurely stroking the abdomen.

Stress– a change of environment, separation from the mother cat or fear can provoke the baby’s refusal to go to the toilet. As a rule, the process of getting used to a new environment lasts a couple of days, so there is no need to sound the alarm if the kitten has been constipated for only 1-2 days. Surround the new family member with love and attention and, most likely, the problem will disappear.

Constipation in a kitten: characteristic symptoms

Constipation in a kitten can be recognized by characteristic features: lethargy, refusal or low food intake, bloating, pain in the area when touched, dry stools, sometimes with mucus or blood, weight loss. The baby tries to go big, but it’s difficult or the potty remains empty, advanced cases vomiting appears.

What to do if your kitten is constipated

As a rule, lactulose-based products are used, such as Duphalac, Lactusan, Lizalak, Festal, Espumisan and petroleum jelly (not to be confused with petroleum jelly!).

However, we recommend starting with adding a small amount of vegetable oil to your food. Make sure you have vegetables and grains in your diet. It is also worth reducing the portions a little and adding a little to the carnivore’s diet fermented milk products.

Vaseline oil is used orally at the rate of 1.5 ml per kilogram 2-3 times a day until fecal waste normalizes. The oil coats the intestinal walls without being absorbed into the blood, softens feces, facilitating their further passage.

We do not recommend using the widely recommended castor oil for this purpose, as it causes pain in small pets without significantly improving the animal's condition. In addition, castor oil can be absorbed into the blood, causing damage to the liver.

Duphalac should be taken at the rate of 0.5 ml per kilogram 2 times a day. The principle of its effect on the body and the effect of its use is similar to Vaseline oil. It is important to remember that drugs to normalize microflora must be given in courses.

Well-proven widespread folk method: A small amount of condensed milk is diluted with raw water. Although this method gives good result and relief for the animal, it is harmful to the liver, so you should not use it too often.

A cleansing enema is the most in a radical way. It is quite problematic to administer a deep cleansing enema at home, so it is better to entrust this process to veterinarian. However, microenemas can also be done at home. To enhance the effect, use drugs such as lactusan, duphalac or a simple chamomile decoction.

How to give an enema correctly

For the procedure, you can use a 10 mg syringe without a needle or a catheter with an adapter. You will most likely need help holding the tailed's paws and body in place during the process. You need to mentally prepare for the fact that the baby will not at all like all the manipulations that you will carry out with him.

To make the enema insertion process as painless as possible, lubricate the tip with Vaseline or any vegetable oil. When inserting a syringe or catheter, make sure that it is already deep enough so that the enema contents do not leak out.

Introduce the liquid slowly, gradually, without unnecessary haste, while simultaneously palpating the tummy. Once you feel it is full enough, slowly remove the tip.

Massage bottom part tummy in search of hardenings characteristic of prolonged absence of bowel movements. Using smooth circular movements, without applying strong pressure, try to crush them. Do not press too hard to avoid damaging internal organs.

If you did everything correctly, then stagnant feces will come out along with the water. Continue until the liquid runs clear. In total, you may need to do an enema 2-3 times of 10 mg.

If treatment at home does not help or problems with bowel movements occur too often, you should urgently contact a veterinary clinic to establish the cause, diagnosis and treatment. effective treatment pet If necessary, your veterinarian may order a blood test, an X-ray with a contrast agent, or an abdominal ultrasound. If problems with bowel movements have progressed to acute stage, vomiting, lethargy and drowsiness appeared, the doctor will do a deep cleansing enema and prescribe a special dropper to detoxify the body.

A little about prevention

If a kitten is constipated often, what should you do?

Frequent problems with big hikes require some preventative measures.
Make sure to provide your animal with the proper diet. into him mandatory should include fiber, which can be found in sufficient quantities in bran, cereals and vegetables. Some cases involve the introduction of dairy and fermented milk products into the diet on an ongoing basis. Periodic use of Vaseline oil small quantities helps facilitate the process of defecation and avoid injury to the walls of the rectum.

It is important to remember about wool. Veterinarians recommend giving long-haired cats special preparations for fur control as part of prevention.

Give the kitten more opportunity and space to run and play, which will have a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the general well-being of the little family member.

Carefully following these rules will ensure your baby a healthy, long and happy life.


Constipation- long-term (more than two days) stool retention or, with daily stool, difficult bowel movements. Constipation in kittens is not common, it is mainly due to poor nutrition or insufficient amount of liquid in it. But sometimes constipation can be an indicator serious illnesses, especially if accompanied by severe thirst. In cats, on the contrary, constipation is not a rare phenomenon, primarily associated with swallowing fur while licking, as well as with poor diet.

This problem is more common in older cats and is also more common in male cats.

The causes of constipation in kittens and cats can be very different and include diseases of the intestines, rectum, orthopedic and neurological problems, as well as prostate diseases in cats and diseases of the liver, kidneys, renal failure is especially common.

An animal suffering from constipation is lethargic, complete absence or decreased appetite, while the stomach is swollen, touching it causes pain, attempts to go to the toilet are painful and are difficult or fail at all, in especially advanced cases, a cat or kitten may begin to vomit.

At untimely treatment the consequences of constipation can be disastrous, since severe intoxication of the body with decay products occurs organic matter, as a result of which the work of all is disrupted internal organs, not to mention deterioration in coat quality or complete baldness.

There can be several causes of constipation in kittens and cats:

  1. A trichobezoar is a collection of hairballs; they often form during the molting period of an animal and make defecation difficult. In advanced cases, removal of lumps may require surgical intervention. Regular brushing of your cat will help solve this problem. Also, to get rid of hair in the intestines, you can use special preparations for removing hair; they are sold in pet stores, this is especially true for Persian cats.
  2. Foreign bodies in the intestines, for example, ingestion of bones and other foreign objects. This problem is solved in the same way as in the previous case - a preparation for removing wool or purifying phytomines is used.
  3. Poor nutrition and dysbiosis are the most common causes of constipation in cats and kittens. This is due to insufficiently moist feed, systematic overfeeding and consumption of low-quality feed.
  4. Worm infestation. If the number of worms in a cat's body is very large, then they can close the entire intestines, thereby causing constipation. But you can't give anthelmintics until constipation is relieved. The worms will die in the intestines and begin to decompose there, this will lead to poisoning of the entire body.
  5. Constipation can be a consequence of abdominal trauma, hematomas and edema, tumors of the rectum or anus.
  6. Diseases of the paranal glands.
  7. Constipation occurs in animals during the postoperative period due to surgical intervention on gastrointestinal tract or on nearby organs, in such cases a cicatricial narrowing of the anus (stricture) occurs.
  8. Prostate cysts and tumors in cats.
  9. Megacolon is one of the most serious diseases in cats and kittens; it is an expansion of the large intestine with loss of motility, and severe constipation occurs. Megacolon can be congenital or occur as a result of prolonged constipation. It is very important to identify it in time; megacolon can only be treated surgically, and constipation can only be treated therapeutically.
  10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. In such cases, you need to contact a veterinarian rather than try to cure it yourself.
  11. Intussusception is the penetration of one part of the intestine into another.
  12. Orthopedic problems associated with the inability to assume a posture for bowel movement.
  13. Constipation is common in older cats because... With age, intestinal motility weakens, and the passage of feces becomes difficult.
  14. Sedentary lifestyle.

Treating constipation in cats and kittens at home.

Usually, to treat constipation, agents that help soften stool are used, these are preparations based on lactulose (Duphalac, Lactusan, Lizalak, LactulosePoly, etc.) and petroleum jelly.

  1. To start, try adding a little vegetable oil to your food. The food should be liquid, contain vegetables and cereals, it is also necessary to temporarily reduce portions and include milk in the diet. Overeating, as well as consuming only protein foods, leads to constipation. How to compose proper diet for cats, see the article “Natural food”.
  2. Vaseline oil (not to be confused with petroleum jelly) is given orally (in the mouth) 1.5 ml/kg, 2-3 times a day until stool normalizes; if necessary, the dose must be increased. Vaseline oil coats the intestinal walls and softens feces, thereby preventing constipation in cats. It is harmless to the body and is not absorbed into the intestines. It is not recommended to use common castor oil, it leads to pain in cats and kittens, and desired results doesn't give. Vaseline oil cannot be replaced with vegetable oil, because It is actively absorbed in the intestines; excess vegetable oil can negatively affect your cat's liver.
  3. Duphalac is given 0.5 ml/kg body weight of a cat or kitten, 2 times a day. Its action is similar to Vaseline oil, so it does not need to be used at the same time. Lactulose-based laxatives are the safest for health. Use other laxatives only after consulting a veterinarian.
  4. Normalizing drugs intestinal microflora must be given in courses. This is especially necessary if the cat or kitten common problems with constipation.
  5. A mixture of condensed milk and raw water - popular folk remedy for the treatment of constipation in kittens and cats. This method really works, but it is harmful to the liver, it cannot be used often, it is better to use Vaseline oil.
  6. Cleansing enemas. It is difficult to do a deep cleansing enema; it is better to consult a veterinarian. But a microenema can be done at home; to eliminate constipation, you can add lactusan, duphalac or chamomile decoction. How to give an enema to cats and kittens, see the article “How to treat a kitten”.

If treatment at home does not help or constipation often recurs, then you should urgently contact a veterinary clinic.

Failure to contact in a timely manner may result in severe consequences or to the death of the animal. If necessary, the cat may be given a blood test, an x-ray with a contrast agent, or an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. If your cat or kitten is constipated acute course If vomiting and general deterioration in health begin, the doctor will do a deep cleansing enema and prescribe an IV.

Prevention and Prevention reappearance constipation

If your cat or kitten is often constipated, then you need to take the following preventive measures:

  1. Provide your cat with the right dietary food. To do this, you need to include plant fiber in your diet, this can be bran, grain porridge and vegetables. In some cases, it is possible to introduce milk into the diet; it is also recommended to periodically give vaseline oil to facilitate bowel movements.
  2. Regular brushing of your cat's fur. For long-haired cats, it is recommended to give hair removal preparations for prevention; they can be purchased at any pet store.
  3. It is advisable to give the cat the opportunity to move more and play with it. This has a beneficial effect not only on the intestines, but also on the cat’s body as a whole.

Compliance with these simple rules will help your cat stay healthy.