How to remove a bone from a tonsil. I have a fish bone stuck in my throat, what should I do?

Good afternoon, today during dinner I got a fish bone stuck in my throat. What to do and how can you solve the problem yourself? Do you need a doctor's help?

ENT doctor's answer:

Good afternoon, Elena!

This question, unfortunately, arises not only among those who tried fish dishes for the first time, but also among those who have always loved river and sea fish. A stuck bone is a serious problem, leading not only to a deterioration in overall health, but is also often the culprit serious problems with health.

What is the danger of a bone stuck in the throat?

Small fish bones are not always noticeable and therefore they can easily get into the throat, where they get stuck in the mucous membrane. This leads to pain, heavy salivation, difficulty swallowing. But these are not the most unpleasant consequences careless handling of fish dishes. If a bone is stuck in the throat, then it must be removed and this must be done as quickly as possible. Spicy foreign object long time located in the mucous membrane can cause the following pathologies:

  1. Increasing swelling of the soft tissues of the larynx and throat. Especially often, such a change occurs if a child chokes on a bone. Swelling provokes the development of suffocation.
  2. Infectious process in the throat. The wound from the bone becomes easily inflamed and this can lead to the formation of abscesses, the treatment of which almost always requires surgery and a long course of antibiotics. The risk of infection increases in people with a history of chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
  3. Inflammation of the esophagus. IN in rare cases a fish bone can penetrate and remain in the esophagus; it can only be detected and removed from the mucous layer of this organ with the help of an endoscope.

A large bone in the throat is especially dangerous. If placed poorly, it severely injures the mucous membrane, sometimes even resulting in bleeding. It should be remembered that fish is not the only source of health problems. Patients also come to emergency rooms with chicken, beef or pork bones in their throats. If these bones have sharp edges, then they also easily dig into soft tissues, injure them, cause bleeding and contribute to the development of an inflammatory reaction.

What not to do if you swallow bones

A fish bone is stuck in the throat, what to do - this is a question that should be heard by an ENT doctor or an emergency dispatcher. That is, a foreign body in the throat must be removed by a specially trained person - a health worker. The doctor can use special equipment and medications, this allows the entire procedure to remove the bone to be carried out quickly, professionally and painlessly for the patient. After successful medical care, the victim is given recommendations on how to care for an injured throat, which helps reduce the likelihood of inflammation developing.

But it happens that you have to solve the problem of how to pull a bone out of your throat yourself. This often happens when you are far from settlements or there is no way to leave the house and call ambulance. In such situations, the most important thing is not to harm yourself. That is, you need to understand and know what you can do and what you can’t do if a fish bone gets stuck in your throat. It is forbidden:

  1. Panic. You need to calm down and relax; fear and panic will only aggravate the problem and prevent you from making the right decision.
  2. Swallow pieces of bread or crackers. Often it is the bread that causes the small bone to deepen even further into the mucus layer and this complicates its further extraction.
  3. Use paraffin or wax. In some sources indicating how to remove a fish bone from the throat, the authors advise melting a candle and pressing it against the bone protruding from the throat. It is not always possible to do this accurately; more often than not, melted wax gets into the throat, which causes even more discomfort.
  4. Induce vomiting. Similar method removal foreign body It rarely helps, it causes much more discomfort.

Small children experience greater fear and pain when swallowing seeds. The child needs to be calmed down, distracted and only then try to examine his neck; perhaps the bone is close and can be removed quickly on your own.

Measures to remove a bone from the throat

When wondering how to remove a fish bone from your throat, you need to understand which self-performed procedures are the most secure. If a similar problem occurs, you can use one of the following methods at home to get rid of a foreign body:

  1. Remove using medical or ordinary cosmetic tweezers. First you need to take a mirror and a flashlight; by directing a bright beam of light into your throat, you can see the source of the problem in the mirror. Naturally, this is possible when the bone is located close to the oral cavity. Then, using tweezers treated with alcohol, you need to carefully grab the bone and pull it out. Help loved one with such a procedure it will not be superfluous.
  2. How to get rid of a bone in the throat with food? In this case, it is best to use viscous, fresh honey. It is necessary to eat about a spoonful of honey, this often leads to the bone becoming enveloped and passing into the stomach. Honey also has antiseptic properties, which leads to disinfection of the wound. In some cases, kefir or yogurt with a thick consistency helps promote the bone; these drinks should be drunk in small sips.
  3. Use mashed potatoes, generously seasoned vegetable oil. You will have to eat a few spoons of this dish, which is not always safe for people with pathologies of the pancreas and liver.
  4. How to get a bone out of your throat if you know it is small? Often, such a foreign body can be removed by rinsing, which leads to contraction of the muscle layer of the throat and the expulsion of an unnecessary piece of food. You can use Furacilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and sage for rinsing.

Often, after using one of the methods of removing bones from the throat, a person remains sore and has difficulty swallowing. This is considered normal on the first day, since the damaged mucous layer does not heal immediately. But if the pain persists on the second or third day, then you should definitely visit a doctor, which will help catch the formation of an abscess in time.

What to do after removing the bone from the throat? You definitely need to gargle with aseptic solutions for two to three days; you don’t need to eat too spicy and irritating foods. And be sure to exercise maximum caution next time you eat a fish dish.

A stuck bone in the throat causes severe painful sensations, choking cough, gag reflexes. A foreign body in the throat requires immediate help.

In this article we will tell you how you can get rid of a bone using medical and traditional methods.


A stuck bone in the throat causes following symptoms:

  • Pain in the throat, which intensifies when swallowing food or saliva;
  • Vomiting with bloody spitting;
  • Cough, high saliva production;
  • Difficulty swallowing.

The presence of a small bone in the throat is accompanied by discomfort sore throat, sore throat, coughing. This can be confused with initial stage infectious diseases respiratory tract. The symptoms are very similar, but it is quite possible to distinguish them.

A respiratory infection in a patient, in addition to coughing and tickling, is accompanied by chills, runny nose, and headaches.

If this is not observed and the person has consumed fish fornication, then do not think about it - the symptoms are definitely caused by a bone in the throat.

A bone that gets into the throat can cause inflammation of the larynx with pus, and a bone that gets into the esophagus and remains there causes esophagitis.

Then the person will experience other symptoms:

  • Fever;
  • Vomiting with bright scarlet discharge;
  • Pain in the chest area;
  • Exhausted state of the body.

If you experience the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Trying to get rid of a bone on your own can lead to tragic consequences.

Delayed medical care causes a number of complications. Swelling or suffocation may occur.

First you need to find out its location and decide on its dimensions.

If, upon self-examination, the bone is visible, then you can try to remove it yourself, but it is better to get the help of a person close to you.

It is necessary to sit the victim with a wide open mouth on a chair or armchair, carefully and carefully, without damaging the tissue of the throat, hook and pull out the foreign body from the throat.

If vomiting occurs, you should take an analgesic before the bone removal procedure.

In order for the mucous membrane to recover, after the foreign body is removed, it is necessary to gargle for several days and eat soft foods.

If the bone is not visible upon examination, it means it is located deep. It is strictly forbidden to take out such a bone yourself.

You should immediately seek medical help within the next few hours. The fish bone could break and part of it could get stuck in soft tissues throat or upper esophagus. Such a small bone leads to inflammation with pus, the appearance of a symptom of intoxication.

Bone in a child's throat

A child's bone may get stuck due to the parents' fault. Inattentive parents include in their children's diet river fish Instead of sea fish, they serve whole pieces of fish instead of ground cutlets, and do not carefully check for the presence of bones before cooking.

To remove the bone, you should follow the same recommendations as for adults. But once again it is worth contacting the clinic for the help of a doctor.

Getting rid of fish bones using traditional methods

To the questions of how and with what to get a bone, traditional medicine has its own answers. You need to swallow a piece of bread crust, drink kefir or yogurt, and push the bone into the esophagus.

These methods can help, but they cannot guarantee that the bone will not get stuck in the soft tissue of the larynx or esophagus and begin to cause inflammation or damage to the mucous membrane.

Traditional medicine also advises removing the bone using wax or paraffin. Such methods are very dangerous, as you can get a burn to the mucous membrane.

Others are also dubious and no less dangerous. traditional methods, for example, scratching the mucous membrane with toothbrushes, spoons or inducing vomiting.

Foreign bodies often get stuck in the throat. This problem is often addressed to the trauma center and ENT doctors. Most often, bones get stuck in the throat of an adult.

Finding this foreign object is very dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, every person should know what to do if a bone is stuck in the throat.

A variety of bones can get stuck in the throat:

  • from fish;
  • from poultry - chicken, quail;
  • fruit - peaches, apricots.

Table No. 1. Types of bones that can get stuck in a person's throat:

Bones get stuck in the throat due to accidental swallowing. This usually happens with fish bones. They are very thin and are the hardest to notice in food when eating. The ends of the bone are very thin and easily dig into the delicate tissues of the pharynx.

Important: many specialists proper nutrition recommend taking fish dishes not in the first place, because if a person is very hungry, he will eat quickly and may accidentally swallow a bone.

Chicken bones are less commonly swallowed; they may also have sharp edges, but they are larger in size and a person notices them.

Due to haste and inattention, fruit bones are also swallowed. Because of round shape many of them are swallowed and end up in digestive system and are easily removed in a natural way. If the bone large size, it gets stuck in the throat or esophagus.

In the practice of specialists who extract bones, it is not uncommon for a child to have a bone stuck in his throat. This situation occurs when adults are not attentive enough to the quality of the child’s food.

Signs of a Bone Stuck

If you have a bone stuck in your throat, the exact location where it is stuck cannot always be determined. If the bone is not visible, it can get caught behind the palatine arches, behind the tonsils.

Most often, an adult feels the moment when a bone gets stuck in his throat. This is accompanied by vivid sensations.

If nothing is felt while eating, and some time after eating foods with bones the following symptoms appear, we can assume that the bone is stuck:

  1. The first symptoms are an unpleasant, irritating sensation at the site of bone penetration into the tissue.
  2. and swallowing food.
  3. There is a sensation of a foreign body in the throat.
  4. If there is a sharp and sharp pain in the throat, but there are no signs of the onset of a cold.
  5. There may be a feeling of swelling in the throat.
  6. Vomiting.
  7. Difficulty breathing.

These sensations will increase from the most insignificant to more severe and disturbing.

Important: you need to clearly understand that the bone will not go anywhere from the throat; if it is stuck into soft tissue, it does not have the opportunity to be digested outside digestive tract, which means that if a bone is stuck in the throat, it must be removed.

The video will help you understand why foreign bodies get stuck in the throat.

Features of foreign objects getting stuck in children

In the situation with children, everything is much more complicated. Young children are difficult to differentiate the source of pain. Older children may be frightened by what happened, and for fear of being punished, hide pain and discomfort.

Young children who experience the sensation of a bone stuck in their throat will most often become capricious and cry. Their behavior will be restless. In rare cases, the child will pick at the area of ​​the throat where the bone is stuck. When trying to be examined, young children often refuse to open their mouths for examination, even to their parents.

Adult children most often become withdrawn and thoughtful. They are reluctant to talk.

What to do if a child gets a bone stuck in his throat? The answer is clear - seek help; removing foreign objects from a child’s throat on your own can be extremely dangerous.

Important: not only bones, but also other foreign objects can get stuck in children’s throats; this happens if the child plays unattended with small objects.

Pit extraction methods

As soon as a person understands that the cause of concern is a bone, one must immediately choose a method for removing the bone from the throat.

Seeking medical help

The need to see a doctor is the most best solution, when the question arises of what to do if a bone is stuck in the throat.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Call an ambulance. If the bone has entered deep into the tissue and there is a threat to life. In such cases, the ambulance responds immediately.
  2. A trip to the emergency room. Suitable for situations where there is no need to quickly remove the bone.
  3. Contact an ENT specialist. These specialists specialize in throat problems, which means they will help in this situation.

Important: you should not put off seeing a doctor for a long time; the sooner the victim seeks help, the less likely occurrence of complications.

Ideally, an ambulance should be called as soon as the person realized that the bone was stuck, and the question arose of what to do if the bone was stuck in the throat. For children, calling an ambulance immediately is a must.

With your own hands

Important: this method not recommended for people with chronic diseases heart, respiratory organs, larynx and oral cavity, additional impacts and injuries to the suffering organs can provoke an attack of exacerbation of the disease and sharp deterioration condition.

If the stuck bone is within sight, you can try to remove it yourself. You can do this yourself or ask someone to do it.

If there is a bone stuck in the throat that you can get out yourself, this should be done with tweezers and a flashlight. You cannot use other objects for this, they will cause additional injury mucous membrane.

If someone else will help in removing the bone, before removing the bone from the throat, he should also prepare tweezers and a flashlight.

The following instructions will tell you how to remove bone at home:

  • the patient should take a comfortable position and open his mouth wide;
  • another person or the patient himself, using a mirror, should clearly distinguish the bone in the throat;
  • then, using a flashlight and tweezers, you need to carefully grab the bone;
  • try to slowly remove the bone, focusing on the condition and reactions of the victim;
  • After removal, treat the throat with a disinfectant.

Important: in no case should you try to remove a bone that is not visible; this should be done by a doctor using special mirrors; independent attempts to remove deep-lying bones can lead to dangerous consequences.

In which case should you not use this method:

  • if the bone is deep in the throat and is visible, use tweezers to in this case can harm the mucous membrane and the well-being of the victim;
  • if a stuck bone causes bleeding;
  • if blood begins to flow during the extraction process, you should stop immediately and call an ambulance;
  • if in the process there is severe pain and the bone does not give in.

Important: when trying to remove a bone on your own, you should not make sudden movements; you should always focus on the reaction and sensations of the victim.

There are quite a lot of tips on what to do if you have a bone stuck in your throat. Some of them do not always work, and some can even cause additional harm to health. Next we will look at the most popular folk advice on how to remove a bone from your throat.

Table No. 2. People's Councils and the effect they can have:

Advice Effect
Clear your throat and tense your throat muscles These movements can cause the situation to worsen:
  • the bone will sink even deeper into the tissue;
  • it will begin to move towards the esophagus, and its penetration into the esophagus has serious consequences.
Usage various items in the invisible part of the throat The penetration of foreign objects and their manipulation without visual control can provoke:
  • bleeding;
  • further pushing of the bone;
  • depression of bone in tissue.
Massage the outer part of the neck in the area where the bone is stuck This method always results in the bone becoming even more firmly anchored in the tissues of the throat.
Using hot wax Wax can get on the mucous membrane of the throat and cause an additional burn to the mucous membrane, which is already injured.
Inducing vomiting Vomiting is a process accompanied by tension in the throat muscles, and can also provoke the deepening of the bone into the soft tissue.
Eating solid foods – bread, crackers It is possible to push the bone from the throat and through the esophagus into the stomach only if the bone has not entered the tissue to a great depth. Otherwise there will be no effect.

If the bone is large, its penetration into the stomach is dangerous; this organ is also susceptible to damage from sharp objects.

Consumption of viscous products - kefir, fermented baked milk, honey

Recovery period after bone removal

Regardless of how the bone was extracted, the throat must be treated disinfectant solution. This is necessary to prevent inflammatory processes and complications.

Suitable for this:

  • camomile tea;
  • antiseptic sprays, such as Tantum Verde.

If the bone is removed by a specialist, he must give instructions on how to care for the damaged area. Prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs local drugs and will tell you how to quickly restore your throat.

If you managed to get the bone at home, you need to see a doctor to rule out the possibility of a bone fragment remaining in the tissues.

A bone in the throat, even if it was removed on time, still leaves damage to the mucous membrane. This may cause a sore or sore throat. This kind of complaint should go away within two days after the bone is removed; if this does not happen, you should definitely see a specialist.

What happens if the bone is not removed in time?

There is no doubt that this foreign body must be removed from the larynx.

Some time after the bone gets stuck in the throat, events develop according to the following scenario:

  1. When bone gets into the tissue, it damages the integrity of the throat mucosa and disrupts its protective properties.
  2. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through the damaged barrier into the tissue. They begin to actively reproduce.
  3. The pain from finding the bone intensifies.
  4. Inflammation begins in the area of ​​bone penetration. The tissues swell and narrow the throat.
  5. In the most severe cases, the inflammation becomes purulent. Body temperature rises, general intoxication is observed.

Important: Ignoring a foreign body in the throat can lead to fatal outcome the victim.

To prevent severe consequences, you should consult a doctor as soon as it becomes clear that a bone is stuck in your throat.

Situations requiring special attention

In case of following situations, you must immediately call an ambulance:

  1. If a bone is stuck in the child's throat or if there is a suspicion that the child has a foreign object stuck in the throat.
  2. If the bone interferes with breathing.
  3. If breathing begins to become difficult due to swelling of the throat tissue.
  4. If a bone gets stuck in your throat and bleeding starts.
  5. If there is a suspicion that the bone has passed the throat and is stuck in the esophagus area. In this case, the pain will be dull in the sternum area or will have the character of retrosternal pain.
  6. If, after a bone gets stuck, there is a sharp deterioration in the victim’s condition and sharp increase temperature.

Important: if a person is shocked and frightened, close people should seek help, tell about what happened and, together with the victim, wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Most best way avoid situations where you have to think about how to pull out a bone in your throat – compliance correct rhythm nutrition. You should eat your food slowly and chew thoroughly. Carefully monitor the quality of your child's food.

And the most correct answer to the question of what to do if a bone is stuck in your throat is to call an ambulance. The price of delay is human life. It is timely assistance that guarantees the health and longevity of all family members.

When you have a bone stuck in your throat, it's hard not to pay attention. The consequences of the introduction of a foreign body can be quite painful.

If the larynx is injured, suppuration of the mucous membrane, abscess, and damage to surrounding organs may occur. The inflammatory process, when it grows, extends beyond the nasopharynx. In addition, the constant innervation of nerve endings causes acute pain - it is impossible to forget about the discomfort.

The fish is also tasty and healthy. But the only problem with it is the sharp bones in it. Typically, any of us would carefully eat the flesh, leaving the bones. But in rare cases, small, sharp pieces of bone may accidentally end up in your mouth while eating the meaty part. Is it dangerous if it enters your body?

Sometimes when you drink water or eat something else, the stuck bone may move inward or be washed away. If this doesn't work, there are some home remedies to try. If they don't work either, you may need a doctor's help to get rid of it!

What should you do if you have a bone stuck in your throat and can you get rid of it yourself?

First stage of extraction operation

For some reason, when talking about a bone in a person’s throat, a fish bone immediately comes to mind. However, a bone fragment from a chicken or a fragment of part of the skeleton of a pig or cow can also cause trouble. By the way, such fragments are easier to remove, but they lead to more severe injuries, since they are larger, sharper, and violate the integrity of blood vessels.

If you accidentally swallow a bone, and if it goes down your throat, it just means it's a small piece. If it were large enough, it would get stuck in the throat without passing through. Also Read: Here's Why You Should Eat Fish Daily; Check it out!

The idea is to try an abdominal kick. Have your partner perform an abdominal kick. It relieves the depressed feeling that is a result of stuck food. This is especially helpful if food is blocking respiratory tract. If the bone is stuck in your throat, you can ask your partner to hit you on the back. In most cases it gets offset.

But most often you still have to get a fish bone, a sharp fragment of which is embedded in the mucosa.

What to do when a fish bone is stuck in your throat?

It is advisable to examine the throat to determine where it is stuck. In some cases, there is no need to remove anything - the bone has already slipped through, and the sensation of a foreign body is caused by a scratch.

What if you can't remove the bone yourself?

Also Read: Types of Fish You Should Say No to! What happens if the bones go inside? In most cases, it is digested and eventually eliminated from the body. In some cases, it may remain in the intestines. But after a few days it can be removed from the body.

As a general rule, if a bone gets stuck, it's best to stop eating anything. Try it drinking water, but don't eat anything else as this may make the process medical removal tough. Swallow half a cup of cooked rice directly without chewing. Also Read: Delicious Bengali Fish Curry; Try it!

An examination of the throat is carried out as follows - you need to open your mouth wide in front of the mirror and point a flashlight there. There is no flashlight; you can carefully hold a lit match in front of your open mouth. If the bone is visible, then you can pull it out with ordinary tweezers from a manicure set - just pre-treat it with an antiseptic.

Why is this dangerous?

If you have a bone stuck in your throat, eating a banana may help. Take a bite and don't crush the banana. Swallow it immediately after soaking it in your saliva for two minutes. This may move the bone out of the throat. Accidentally swallowing fish is one of the disadvantages of eating freshwater and a few saltwater fish. Since fresh water has less buoyancy than sea ​​water, freshwater fish such as bass and trout do not have the same body structure as sea ​​fish. Freshwater fish skeletons are made up of hundreds of tiny bones.

It is much more difficult to solve the problem of how to remove a bone from a child’s throat, even if it is visible. It is unlikely that the child will sit quietly and allow him to pick in his mouth. It is better to seek medical help immediately. If you apply force, the baby can be seriously injured.

The bone is small, it is felt, but it is not visible. Need to do antiseptic solution and rinse the nasopharynx vigorously. Possibility of appearance inflammatory process thanks to the use of an antiseptic, it decreases, and vigorous contractions of the muscles of the larynx promote the release of the bone.

Be careful when you eat freshwater fish to avoid swallowing the bone. Seek medical attention as soon as possible after ingestion fish oil, especially if your throat is bleeding. Fish that lodge in the throat can be painful.

Try home remedies only if you can't see a doctor right away. An old remedy for removing fish stuck in the throat is to eat a marshmallow. Marshmallows have a thick, spongy texture and become sticky when chewed. Swallowing some of them sometimes takes the fish along with them.

In an adult, you can try to remove a foreign body with your fingers - first you need to wash your hands thoroughly. An adult can try to do these manipulations himself - if the emetic effect is not pronounced. Some advise lubricating the larynx with lidocaine, but this is not recommended for self-manipulation - the anesthetic reduces sensitivity, and it is unlikely that you will be able to determine the location of the foreign body yourself.

Place as many marshmallows directly from the bag into your mouth as you can chew comfortably. Dry the marshmallows enough to make them sticky so you can swallow them without choking. After the marshmallows have cleared the esophagus, determine if the fish bone remains in the throat. If so, repeat with another sip of marshmallows.

Eat a sandwich with peanut butter or chew as many nuts as you can swallow without risking scratching your throat. Even when fully chewed, the textures of peanuts, pecans, walnuts and almonds remain rough. This roughness sometimes weakens the fish. Before you try again, completely wash the nuts in your throat with water or another drink.

You should not try to remove a foreign object with a toothbrush. There is no guarantee that a thin fish bone will get between the bristles and jump out; it can be “drowned” even deeper and the painful sensations will intensify.

Folk remedies that help get rid of the problem are presented in a wide range.

Signs of a Bone Stuck

Fill your mouth a large number dry breads such as sliced ​​bread, cornbread, hard rolls, or whole wheat bread as you can easily swallow. Chew the bread long enough to provide enough moisture for it to pass down your throat without choking you. Repeat if necessary, but drink something first to clear your throat.

To know the prevalence of accidental fish bone ingestion and its management in a tertiary care hospital in eastern India. This is a prospective observational study. Following a routine examination, most patients underwent endoscopic examination and removal. The parameters analyzed were age and gender distribution, clinical presentation, duration of symptoms, location of implantation, conventional and endoscopic removal methods.

  1. Eating products with a viscous consistency - yogurt, thick kefir, mashed potatoes, viscous porridge. The effect of such products is enveloping. They pass through the esophagus slowly, “pulling” the bone along with them, giving it the opportunity to pass into the stomach, but without damaging it, since they enclose this foreign body in a dense cocoon. Even if the cocoon does not work out, mucous foods create a protective layer in the stomach and the likelihood of damage to it is reduced;
  2. Many people recommend finely chewing and swallowing the crust of black bread - you can also use regular bread. The likelihood that the chewed crust, passing through the larynx, will catch a foreign body is high. However, there is no guarantee that the bone will not get stuck below or in the stomach lining;
  3. A method in which the seed is promoted using liquid honey is considered effective. Honey has a triple effect - it is viscous in consistency, protects the mucous membrane of the larynx and digestive organs from damage, and has an antiseptic effect. This reduces the likelihood of an inflammatory process and further suppuration;
  4. Using melted paraffin or stearin to extract bone is quite problematic, although such a recipe exists. A hot substance can cause a burn to the mouth or larynx, and after cooling, these products coagulate and can no longer catch a foreign object. In addition, paraffin and stearin are inedible, so they are placed under the pit only if it is visible.

A rescue operation using paraffin or stearin is carried out as follows:

Among three hundred and thirty patients, no foreign body was found in eighty patients. Most patients experienced a sensation of a foreign body in the throat for a short period with precise localization of the fingers. Both with the help of conventional and endoscopic methods successful results have been used, but with a certain advantage of the endoscopic method.

Fishbone in the throat is a common occurrence in otolaryngology practice. Fish bone impact is a common foreign body in the pharynx. Endoscopic removal significantly more useful than regular ones. New and safe processing of esophageal food products: a single center of 100 incident cases. Large pieces of food may become lodged in the esophagus and must be removed by endoscopy. In some cases this may be difficult or unsafe. We describe something new and safe treatment such patients.

  • the throat is examined;
  • near a candle – long enough – the wick is lit;
  • allow the melting product to accumulate in the recess near the wick;
  • insert the extinguished candle into the throat and try to pick up the bone with soft paraffin (or stearin).

Under no circumstances should you stick your fingers or other auxiliary objects deep in order to pull a fish bone out of the throat. These actions can aggravate the victim's condition.

Materials and methods. 100 consecutive patients were referred to Akershus University Hospital with damaged food in the esophagus. In 36 patients, food passed spontaneously. In 59 of the remaining 64 patients, food was removed endoscopically. In the last five patients, endoscopic removal was considered difficult or unsafe. Of the 59 patients treated with the endoscopic procedure, complications occurred in four cases: three hemorrhages and one esophageal perforation. The treatment for removing removed food in the esophagus is endoscopic removal.

The method of letting the victim smell something sharp so that he sneezes is also questionable. Active muscle contractions do not always cause foreign body rejection. And where is the guarantee that the bone will fall into oral cavity and will she be spat out? It can move further and enter the esophagus, and even the trachea, blocking breathing. It is especially dangerous to do this if the bone is stuck in the child’s throat.

Food can sometimes get stuck in the esophagus, most often during meals that contain meat. The diagnosis is usually simple; The patient notices food being affected and experiences dysphagia, regurgitation, pain, and vomiting, making it impossible to continue eating. Exposure to food may eventually pass spontaneously into the stomach without further actions, but sometimes this requires treatment in hospitals. The recommended method is to perform an upper endoscopy and the removed food is either removed orally or pushed down into the stomach.

What can happen if you remove bone yourself?

In cases where food is exposed in the upper esophagus, rigid endoscopes can be used to in experienced hands. However, removal can sometimes be difficult due to the large size or sticky quality of the food bolus or local conditions esophageal wall, such as stenosis caused by edema or stricture. In such circumstances, endoscopic procedures can lead to complications, of which the most dangerous and serious is esophageal perforation. This is a potentially fatal complication.

If you manage to get rid of the foreign body, you need to immediately carry out anti-inflammatory prophylaxis - rinse the nasopharynx with antiseptic solutions.

This needs to be done for another 2-3 days, no less, until the mucous membrane has completely healed. When you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you need to seek medical help. A bone in the throat is not just discomfort; trauma to the mucous membrane is a gateway to infection.

Useful video about what to do if you have a fish bone stuck in your throat

The method was developed during an attempt to endoscopically remove a bulky schnitzel lodged in the esophagus without success. In this article, we present results for 100 patients with diseased food in the esophagus and describe a new cocktail that can gently and safely dissolve diseased meat. The incidence of foodborne esophageal injury varied among seasons.

Some of them received a laxative. Spontaneous flow of food was confirmed by endoscopy in 11 of these patients. The remaining 25 patients reported subjective relief and were able to drink and eat. In 64 patients, the affected food was diagnosed by upper endoscopy and removed in 59 of them. In the remaining five patients endoscopic procedure was temporary and considered unsafe. Treatment was carried out with the patient in a sitting position. The patients were unable to swallow and therefore received intravenous fluids.

The inflammatory process can cause suppuration in the surrounding tissues and disrupt the function of speech and breathing.

Prevention of foreign body entry

To avoid unpleasant situations - bones and others sharp objects do not get stuck in the mucous membrane of the throat - you must remember folk wisdom: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”- that is, do not be distracted from food.

The characteristics of patients treated for food exposure and those that resolved spontaneously are shown in the table. Age, predisposition to foodborne illness, and number of patients with previous episodes of foodborne illness were similar in both groups. Spontaneous flow of food occurred in food products that needed treatment, such as meat, spare rib, beef, chicken and sausage, but most of these influencing foods needed treatment.

Getting rid of fish bones using traditional methods

In these patients, the affected food was found in the upper, middle or lower third esophagus. In 42 patients, food was ingested, and food was extracted orally in 17 patients. At follow-up by upper endoscopy three days after the start of treatment, food had passed completely in three patients or had become soft and fragmented, and the remaining parts could easily be pushed down into the stomach in two others. The groups were similar in age, gender and type of food exposed.

From childhood, children must be taught the culture of eating:

  • do not put large pieces in your mouth;
  • use cutlery;
  • do not chat while eating and do not play.

Adults cannot always take advantage of these tips, even when eating fish dishes. Many business and friendly meetings take place around the table.

There were no complications associated with Coca-Cola-Creon treatment. Continuous variables are presented as medians in tables and text. A student test was used to test differences between means. Pearson's chi-squared test was used to test differences between groups.

Often food enters the esophagus. It's safe outpatient treatment if the patient is able to swallow saliva. Endoscopic removal is the gold standard and is successful without complications in most cases. However, endoscopic intervention may require sedation or general anesthesia. The procedure may be a temporary need and may require more energy use than necessary. In such situations there is high risk complications such as esophageal perforation and bleeding caused by manipulation of the esophageal wall with endoscopic instruments.

If you chew your food thoroughly and do not bite off huge pieces, then the possibility of a foreign body entering the esophagus will be reduced to a minimum.

Sometimes nothing can ruin a pleasant dinner like a fish bone stuck in your throat! Not only does it cause a lot of painful sensations; getting a bone into the throat can lead to injuries to the larynx, and if not taken in a timely manner appropriate measures- can cause suppuration, often leading to extreme negative consequences. That's why fish lovers need to be fully prepared in case of the unexpected " side effect“from eating your favorite dishes, so as not to spoil the enjoyment of culinary masterpieces for yourself and your loved ones, and, if necessary, to be able to provide quick and effective assistance.

What to do if a bone is stuck in your throat?
Firstly, you should not give in to panic and take rash measures in an attempt to rid your life of the impending threat. Half a loaf of bread, frantically consumed in huge pieces in order to push through the ill-fated bone, can lead to the exact opposite result, namely: the bone can go even deeper into the tissue, and you will get hiccups or heaviness in the stomach in addition to the already existing troubles. It is also not recommended to urgently try to induce vomiting in the hope that, thanks to muscle contractions, the bone will come out of the larynx: this probability is very small, but new discomfort you are guaranteed.

Some sources convince of the effectiveness of the technique of removing bones from the throat using molten paraffin or wax. To do this, supposedly, you should light a candle, wait until the wax melts, put out the fire and press the heated part to the fish bone. Hold the candle in this position until the frozen wax attaches to the bone, after which it freely leaves the throat after the “tool” is removed. This method is actually unsafe, since there is a possibility of drops of melted wax getting into the larynx, which will only worsen the situation.

If you get a fish bone in your larynx, remember that you need to act in this situation thoughtfully and extremely carefully:

  1. First, pull yourself together and carefully examine your throat, directing the light source (it’s good if it’s a bright flashlight) so that the affected area is illuminated. If the bone is visible, then ordinary cosmetic tweezers can serve you well: first treat it with alcohol and, looking in the mirror, try to hook the bone with the tool and remove it from the throat; if there are close people nearby, ask them to help you.
  2. In the case of a small bone, prepare an antiseptic solution and gargle thoroughly with it. The antiseptic will prevent inflammation, and muscle contractions when rinsing can help the bone come out.
  3. One of the most effective ways- try to remove the stuck bone with your fingers. Thanks to the sensitivity of your fingertips, you can easily determine its location and can easily remove it, guided by your sensations. To prevent the gag reflex, the throat can be lubricated with lidocaine solution, but if you can do without it, the likelihood of removing a foreign object increases significantly.
  4. In some cases, it has proven itself well as a “ medical instrument» regular toothbrush, which should be used to “clean” the larynx with back-and-forth movements. During such actions, the bone falls between the bristles and leaves the throat simultaneously with the removal of the brush.
  5. If the bone is not visible and you cannot remove it yourself, but at the same time you feel the constant presence of a foreign object in the larynx, the most prudent action on your part would be to go to the clinic, where the doctor will remove the bone using special tools. It is even more necessary to visit a specialist if you feel that the pain has begun to intensify.
Getting a bone in your throat is not the case when you can carelessly wave your hand and continue doing your favorite things. Don’t risk your health by hoping that it will “go away on its own.” The consequences of such a seemingly insignificant incident can be the most unpredictable.

In order to avoid such unpleasant moments, try to be attentive while eating and eat it slowly. Only in this case will you get real gourmet pleasure, not overshadowed by an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fish bone stuck in your throat.

Meat and fish are healthy and tasty sources of protein and other important chemicals for normal functioning human body. But their use is associated with some danger. If a bone gets stuck in the throat, it can cause irreparable damage to both the larynx and digestive organs. In some situations, the problem even equates to critical cases requiring emergency medical care.

What to do if a large fish or meat bone gets stuck in your throat?

Such foreign objects are comparable in degree of danger to swallowed blades or pieces of glass. Large, rigid bones with sharp edges can instantly cut the walls of the esophagus and provoke severe pain.

If large bones (fish, chicken, rabbit, duck and others) get into the throat, it is important to immediately go to surgery or call an emergency medical team. It is strictly forbidden to do any independent manipulations; this can only aggravate the situation and increase the threat to the life of the victim. The likelihood of complications developing in such situations is very high, and delay is too expensive.

What to do if a small fish bone gets stuck in your throat?

Fortunately, more often small and flexible fish bones are retained in the soft tissues of the larynx. This is the most common complaint seen by an otolaryngologist and surgeon.

If you have a soft, bendable fish bone stuck in your throat, special reasons There is no cause for concern, although in this situation it is advisable to contact a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will carefully and scrupulously examine the larynx; if a foreign body is detected, he will carefully remove it with medical tweezers and treat the microscopic wound.

Sometimes, when examining the throat, the doctor does not detect a bone, but the patient feels symptoms of its presence. This is explained by the fact that damage caused by a foreign object completely simulates its presence. As soon as the wound heals, all unpleasant signs will disappear.

In very rare cases, no more than 7% of all visits to the otolaryngologist, a fish bone gets stuck not in the larynx, but in the esophagus. To detect and remove it, an endoscopic examination is prescribed.

Even if the described foreign object is stuck so deeply that a specialist does not see it, the likelihood of complications is minimal. Inflammation will form at the site where the bone is present, and it will begin to rot. Over time, the capsule with pathological contents will break through on its own or with the help of a surgeon, and the wound will heal without a trace.