How to relieve pain when teething. Painful teething in children - how to relieve pain and alleviate the child’s condition? How long does teething take?

The period of teething does not go unnoticed in any family. Fever, tearfulness, and insomnia in a child are not all the problems that young mothers may face. How to relieve teething pain in babies? Should I immediately run to the pharmacy? Perhaps proven folk methods or improvised means can help?

How and when do the first teeth appear?

Different children may have their first tooth at different ages. Some are already born with it, while others don't start teething until they are 12 months old. According to statistics, most often the period of teething begins 5-6 months from the day the baby is born. As experts say, you can focus on the age when the child’s parents began teething. To do this, you can ask your grandparents.

It happens that teeth are cut one at a time, but most often in pairs. If several teeth erupt at once, it will be much more painful and difficult for the baby. You need to be very attentive to the baby at this time and prevent even minor illnesses, as they can aggravate the child’s condition and slow down the growth of teeth.

Signs of teething may be the following:

  • Profuse drooling.
  • Fever up to 38°C. When the body temperature rises higher, this may indicate a viral or bacterial infection.
  • The child's desire to chew on everything. These could be toys, clothes, your own fists.
  • Loose stools. It appears from increased salivation and goes away on its own in 2-4 days. If diarrhea lasts longer, then most likely it is caused by some kind of disease.
  • Moody and tearfulness.
  • Refusal to eat.

Complete teething will be completed by 2-2.5 years. However, this is an individual process, and for some this period may drag on or, conversely, end a little earlier. Children with calcium deficiency, rickets, metabolic problems and other diseases may take a very long time to cut their teeth.

The order and approximate age of teeth appearance in children

Pharmacy painkillers

When teeth are being cut, no mother can look at it calmly. The main question: “What to do? How to help the baby, relieve him of pain? This can be done with the help of pharmaceutical drugs.

Important: Conventional painkillers, even in small doses, are strictly contraindicated for infants! The child’s condition can only be alleviated with the help of special dental gels or homeopathic preparations.

Gels based on lidocaine:

  • Kalgel (from 5 months).
  • Dentinox (from 12 months).
  • Kamistad (from 3 months).

These medications can only be used after the child has eaten or before bedtime. The fact is that lidocaine can cause numbness of the lips and tongue, and the baby simply will not be able to suck.

Such medications should be applied with a clean finger or a cotton swab directly to the gums at the site of tooth eruption.

A good drug in the form of a gel without lidocaine is Cholisal. It can be used anytime and is renowned for its longer lasting effect. The only negative is that it can only be used from 12 months and no more than 2 times a day.

Many mothers prefer to ease teething in their babies with the help of natural homeopathic remedies. These include:

  • Dantinorm baby (drops).
  • Baby Doctor First teeth (gel for gums).

Homeopathy is good because it almost never causes side effects. The gel can be used from 3 months and can be applied as many times a day as desired. And the drops are good because they are already dosed, have a sweet taste and children like them; they are easy to use, squeezing them from a plastic capsule directly into the baby’s mouth.

To reduce body temperature, you can use antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Under no circumstances should children be given medications containing aspirin! Drugs that can be used in children to reduce fever when teething:

  • Nurofen (syrup and suppositories).
  • Panadol suspension.
  • Children's paracetamol (syrup and suppositories).
  • Viburkol (homeopathic cuts).

Do not overuse antipyretics! If the baby does not have a temperature above 37°C, then there is no need for these medications.

Most experts agree that any teething medications should be used only when absolutely necessary and at night, so that the baby and family can rest. The process of teething is absolutely physiological, all people go through this, so you need to be patient, take the baby in your arms more often, console him and show him your love.

How to help a baby using improvised means

Sometimes a child's teething can be helped without the use of medications. Solid foods can help with this. This is what our grandmothers did. The child can be given dry bread, crackers, bread crust or peeled carrots, cooled in the refrigerator. The baby will chew such food and the pain in the gums will not be so acute.

You can give children carrots or crackers only when their first teeth erupt. If there are already a lot of teeth, then he can bite off a piece and choke! In any case, you should not leave your baby alone when he is gnawing on some solid food.

Popular children's toys - teethers - can replace carrots and dryers. It’s better to stock up on them in advance and buy several different ones so that your child can choose the one he likes best. It is best to purchase teethers with water. This toy can be placed in the refrigerator - cold water will relieve gum pain much more effectively. You will need at least two of these things. While one is cooling in the refrigerator, the child gnaws on the second. Then they can be changed.

A great way to slightly relieve teething pain in infants and speed up the process itself is to massage the gums. It can be done with a special silicone tip on your finger, a gauze swab, or just your finger.

  • It is necessary to remove the polish, trim the nails, wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with an antiseptic (Miramistin, antiseptic gels, hydrogen peroxide).
  • The massage can be done with the little finger, index finger or thumb. First, lightly press on the gum with your finger and massage the area around the erupting tooth.
  • Then you can use light rubbing movements to walk over the area of ​​the gum where it hurts. You need to focus on the child's behavior. If the baby is in a lot of pain, then it is better not to touch this place, but to continue massaging the gums around the lesion.
  • The massage is done for 10-15 minutes. Don’t put too much pressure on your baby’s gums so as not to injure them!

A similar gum massage can be carried out with a piece of ice wrapped in gauze or a sterile bandage. In this case, the analgesic effect will be more pronounced.

Do not massage with a metal spoon, a piece of sugar or bread. Using a spoon can easily injure your gums and palate. Sugar and bread will create a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply, which will only increase pain and inflammation.

Another way to relieve pain in the gums is cold food. If the baby is already eating complementary foods, then you can feed him chilled fruit or vegetable purees, mashed banana or grated apple.

A pacifier is perfect, which must be kept in the freezer or cold water in advance. But this method is good only if the baby is accustomed to this accessory.

It is very important to adhere to proper nutrition during teething. The baby's diet should be rich in vitamins and calcium: this will make the unpleasant process faster.

Folk remedies

You can use proven folk methods to relieve pain in the gums during teething:

  • If your baby is not prone to allergic reactions, you can try smearing the gums with honey. It will relieve inflammation and the pain will noticeably decrease.
  • Massage of the gums can be carried out with a gauze swab dipped in a soda solution (a teaspoon per glass of boiled water), this will also reduce inflammation.
  • It is good to moisten the gums and give a chamomile decoction to drink. This is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. But children prone to allergies may experience a reaction, so this product must be used carefully.
  • It is good to give your baby valerian tincture (no more than 5 drops dissolved in water) as a sedative that will help you sleep and relieve general stress.
  • Mild mint and lemon balm tea also has a calming effect and promotes sleep.

Another folk method that helps relieve pain from the teething process is wearing amber beads. Succinic acid penetrates the skin and has an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The accessory must be removed at night!

Various decoctions of chickweed, burdock root, chicory and strawberry are often used.

Important: When using any herbal infusion, you need to be prepared for the fact that your baby may have an allergic reaction. This happens infrequently, but the possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

No matter how difficult the teething process may be, you need to be patient and not take it out on the baby, who is already having a hard time. This period will definitely end!

All parents anxiously await the time for their baby to start teething. They are sure that this unpleasant process, which causes pain, promises many sleepless nights for the baby. Having read various literature, mothers are fully prepared to wait for the crucial moment. But in reality, not all children have a hard time with this process; for some, it proceeds completely unnoticed.

Many children endure the teething process painlessly, without causing anxiety or worry to their parents. However, it is useful to have information about which teething causes the most discomfort, and how to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Each child has his own sensitivity threshold. Some suffer all night and cry in pain, while others do not change their behavior and calmly play with toys. The duration of teething also differs: for some babies, teeth come out in a couple of days, for others this process takes up to three months.

How can you tell if your baby has started teething? There are the most popular generalized symptoms:

Among other symptoms, pediatricians identify redness of the chin, cheeks and the appearance of an allergic reaction on the face. This is mainly due to irritation from saliva secreted, which irritates the skin. To protect your child from such red spots, try to regularly and carefully wipe away drool with a soft cloth. If you are unable to avoid redness, then apply baby cream to your child’s problem areas at night. Before going for a walk, to avoid chapping, lubricate your skin with Vaseline, this will protect against irritation.

Sometimes children who have started teething begin to bite, smack their lips while sleeping and awake, and chew on everything from fingers to toys. These actions help them soothe the pain in the gums and reduce the pain a little, but these actions will only increase the unpleasant symptoms.

You may have noticed that as their teeth grow, children begin to diligently rub their ears on the side where the tooth cuts.

There is an opinion that problems with stool (loose stools or constipation) and increased body temperature become companions to teething. But doctors say that these symptoms are completely unrelated to teething, and recommend visiting a pediatrician if such factors appear.

Why does it hurt

Human teeth begin to form in the womb. The perinatal period provides the baby with the rudiments of teeth, from which they will later erupt. Over time, the rudiments transform into teeth and begin to make their way out. The tooth follows a certain path along the gums. The gum tissue moves apart, thereby bringing unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and pain, all this is accompanied by various symptoms, which are listed above.

Babies use their gums to get their mother's milk from the breast or bottle. When pressing on the nipple with painful gums, the baby experiences relief for a short time. However, then blood begins to flow intensively to this part of the gums, and the pain intensifies. This causes a decrease in appetite, since unpleasant sensations are associated with eating food.

How to relieve teething pain

There are many methods for relieving teething pain in babies. Methods are divided into traditional and medical. Let's talk about each one separately.

Traditional methods

Among traditional medicine methods, there are the following proven methods:

  • We all know that pain can be relieved with cold. Therefore, it is suggested to offer the baby something cool. For example, a chilled banana or cucumber. There are special teethers filled with liquid. They are placed in the freezer for a while and then given to the children. Do not get carried away with cooling, because you can provoke the appearance of a sore throat in a child;
  • you can touch the gums with a cool metal spoon;
  • Try running a finger dipped in cold water over your gums. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before this procedure;
  • Treat your child to a crust of bread on which he can scratch his gums. Watch this process, because pieces of bread can get into the child’s mouth and he will choke;
  • You can soak the pacifier in a cool drink and offer it to your baby;
  • some recommend feeding your baby cool pureed fruits or apples, but this is fraught with the occurrence of colds
  • Baby yogurt can be a good way to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

If your baby refuses to eat or drink because of teething pain, you will have to be patient. In such situations, only endurance, love and care of parents help. Have pity on the child and take him in your arms more often.


The use of teethers is often referred to as a medical method for eliminating pain symptoms. However, we will define them in a separate category.

Teethers are best purchased at a pharmacy. Give preference to products made of silicone without impurities. The best option is a silicone ring.

There are products on sale with a variety of fillings, but they very quickly become unusable, since the baby, who has already developed teeth, bites through the silicone and the water spills out. In addition, filled teethers cannot be sterilized, which makes their use unhygienic.

IMPORTANT! Some parents prefer to hang a pacifier or teether around the baby's neck using a string or ribbon. This is very dangerous, as a child may inadvertently strangle himself with the rope. Therefore, the pacifier is attached exclusively to a special holder in the form of a chain, which is attached to clothing.

Medical techniques

If your child has severe toothache, then you will have to go to the pharmacy for special remedies. The pharmacy assortment is full of names of drugs. Some of them have a natural base, some contain medications. Often these are anesthetic components and antiseptics. They relieve pain and protect against bacteria. Such medications are applied with a cotton pad or a clean finger.

There is also a disadvantage of using pharmaceutical products - they do not last long. The pain subsides for half an hour, then resumes. You should not use medications more than five times a day.

IMPORTANT! You should not use antiseptic gels before eating food, as the child will lose sensitivity of the tongue and gums and will not be able to begin active sucking. If a mother is breastfeeding, then most likely the drug will have an effect on her body. The medication may reduce the sensitivity of the nipples, which will not allow you to properly monitor the feeding process.

In addition, the pharmacy sells natural homeopathic products in the form of powder or granules. Most people use them when they realize that their children are having trouble cutting teeth. Do these remedies relieve pain? Rather yes than no. The product easily dissolves in warm water; it is given to the child in the required dosage from a spoon or through a bottle.

Do not forget to carefully study the instructions that accompany the drugs.

Can I use paracetamol

Some parents fall into a state of panic when they do not know how to help their child. What to do if there is nothing in your home medicine cabinet except paracetamol? If your baby is less than four months old, then the use of this medication is possible only after consultation with a qualified specialist. However, teething often occurs later, so paracetamol can be used.

It is important to calculate the required dosage in accordance with the instructions. In addition, it is important to make sure that the symptoms relate to tooth growth and are not harbingers of other diseases. It is best to buy paracetamol in the form of syrup.

Nurofen and other drugs containing ibuprofen as an active substance, a component that relieves pain, will also help. However, this drug also requires a doctor's prescription. Each medication must be prescribed by a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences and side effects.

IMPORTANT! Remember that improper treatment can harm your child.

Process duration

The length of time teeth grow is an extremely personal process. The speed of growth and the severity of pain depend on each child individually. While one baby will not react in any way to changes in the body, the other will cry day and night.

You can be reassured by the fact that painful symptoms appear only when the first teeth appear. Then they fade away. Painful sensations recur when molars are cut. But that's another story.

The article lists the most popular methods to relieve teething pain in children. It is important to monitor changes in the baby’s behavior, take into account his age and condition. The best way out of the situation would be to contact your doctor, who will accurately determine whether the child is teething, or whether the whims are related to other processes in the body. Be attentive to the health of your children, pay attention to any deviations in their behavior, this will help you protect him from illness and alleviate all symptoms. Be healthy!

The appearance of the first tooth is one of the most long-awaited events for parents of a baby in the first year of life. Most often, a child begins teething at 6 months, but it is quite possible that a baby may become the owner of his first teeth several months earlier or later than the generally accepted date. This does not indicate developmental disorders, the presence of congenital defects or pathologies, but only speaks about the physiological characteristics of the baby. For a baby's body, the time when teeth are being cut is stressful, and everyone copes with it in their own way.

A child’s first tooth is a reason for joy and pride for parents. You should not get too hung up on the timing of its appearance - they depend on the individual development of the child

Despite the fact that parents are looking forward to it, they are at the same time afraid of the appearance of the first tooth, because such a period is inextricably linked with painful sensations for the child and various accompanying symptoms. Many of the signs of early teeth can be attributed to infection, a cold, or even poisoning. Restless behavior at this time only confirms such fears. Precursors of a tooth that is already cutting may appear in a child 3-5 days before eruption. In order not to confuse the first teeth with anything, it is enough to remember the main symptoms. As soon as the tooth being cut passes through the mucous membrane of the gum, the baby will immediately feel relief.

Common signs of teething

The answer to the question of how to find out that a baby is cutting a tooth is directly related to his behavior. Signs that clearly promise the imminent appearance of the first teeth:

  • Red swollen gums. Since in most cases the lower central incisors are cut first, attention should first be paid to the gum below. It happens that just before eruption it turns pale or may even turn blue.
  • Constant salivation in large quantities. This sign should be attributed to the fact that a child is losing a tooth only if the baby has already reached six months of age. In newborns and children up to 5 months, increased salivation is explained by the development of the salivary glands (we recommend reading:).
  • Baby's constant desire to put something in his mouth, including your own pens. Thus, he simply seeks to scratch the inflamed gums.
  • Temperature increase. The cause of elevated temperature is local inflammation. This temperature should not go beyond 38 degrees, and if the infant behaves normally, it is not worth bringing it down with antipyretic medications. In his video lessons, Dr. Komarovsky explains that if the temperature during the period when teeth are being cut is above 38, then the child simply got sick due to a weakened immune system.
  • Rash and skin irritation. When babies are cutting their first teeth, rashes, redness of the skin and blisters may be observed around the mouth. This is a completely natural reaction of sensitive baby skin to constant contact with saliva. It is necessary to regularly wipe your face from saliva.
  • Sleep disturbance and poor appetite. During teething, when the baby is in the most pain, he may refuse the breast and wake up frequently during the night. To alleviate the condition in such cases, it is worth using special children's painkillers appropriate for the child's age.
  • Crying and restless behavior. It is not only the process of teething that can cause unabated crying; the general condition of children should always be assessed, taking into account all existing symptoms.

How to recognize symptoms caused by teething?

It is considered quite normal that the process of teething is accompanied by fever, upset stomach, cough and runny nose. However, you shouldn’t blame everything solely on your teeth, because a child in the first year of life is especially susceptible to a variety of infections. For example:

  • Cough and runny nose. Similar signs of teething occur as a result of copious secretion of saliva. This cough is usually wet and does not recur very often, and a runny nose is accompanied by watery discharge, while the nose remains free. Other options are more often related to infection.
  • Vomit. When a child has several teeth erupting at the same time, saliva quickly accumulates and the baby can swallow it in large quantities. If the intensity of vomiting is very high and the baby vomits more than 2 times a day, this is a clear sign of poisoning or infection, not teeth.
  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a very common occurrence when teeth are cut, but if it is too frequent, more than 6 times a day, and its consistency is too runny, you should see a doctor to rule out poisoning or rotavirus infection.
  • Hematomas on the gums. It happens that a tooth can injure tissues in addition to swelling of the gums. As a result, blood accumulates in the area of ​​damage, and the gums look blue. In such cases, the intervention of a doctor may be necessary, who will make an incision in the gum to release the accumulated fluid.
  • Bad breath. In order to rid your child of bad breath associated with bacteria that enter the mouth along with unwashed toys, it is enough to give the baby clean water and wipe the entire oral cavity with a soft cloth or a baby brush with soft bristles.

Traditional symptoms of ARVI - high fever, cough, runny nose may well be associated with teething in the baby, or may indicate an independent disease (we recommend reading:)

Ways to help your baby teething

Teeth cutting is most often very painful and causes significant discomfort to the baby. Infants who are not yet a year old go through this test more difficult than older children, because with the enormous load on the nervous system during this period, the baby’s nervous functions are depleted much faster.

How can you help a child when he is teething? There are some methods that can make life easier for the baby and parents in this situation:

  1. In case of painful teething they can save chilled food, however, Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against giving vegetables or fruits to a teething child, because he may choke on pieces of food. If you decide to resort to such a remedy, you should carefully monitor your baby while he diligently gnaws on an apple or carrot.
  2. So-called teethers filled with liquid inside cope with the problem very effectively. Before offering them to the baby, they must be kept in the refrigerator. In no case should you let your child chew on ice cubes - this can easily cause injury to his gums.
  3. Regular gum massage can often help. To do this, you just need to wrap a piece of soft cloth around your own finger.

If the above methods are ineffective in the case of teething or can provide pain relief for only a short time, in case of severe inflammation, you should resort to the help of medications. They have a complex effect during teething: relieve pain, soothe and have anti-inflammatory properties.

The table below provides a comparative overview and description of the most common medications that parents prefer if teething is very painful:

Name of medicineRelease formThe main active ingredients in the drugpharmachologic effectEfficiency
Viburkolcandleshomeopathic remedy with many componentsanalgesic anti-inflammatory soothing antispasmodic antipyretichelps strengthen the immune system and improves general condition, practically ineffective at high temperatures
Kamistadgellidocaine and chamomile infusionhas an effect quickly, but only for 15-30 minutes
Kalgelgellidocaineantimicrobial local anesthesiais a fast-acting remedy, but its effect ends after a maximum of half an hour
Dentinoxgelpolidocanol, lidocaine and chamomile infusionanti-inflammatory analgesic local anesthesiafast effectiveness, but short duration of action, about 15-30 minutes
Holisalgelanalgesic choline salicytateantibacterial anti-inflammatory local anesthesiahas the most effective anti-inflammatory effect, adheres well to the gums, is not washed off by saliva and continues to act for 2-3 hours
Nurofen (more details in the article:) suspensionibuprofenantipyretic anti-inflammatory pain relieverthe effect becomes noticeable no earlier than 30-40 minutes after using the medicine, but it lasts for at least 6 hours

Hygiene and care of baby teeth

Regardless of the age at which the baby began to cut his first tooth, from the very moment it erupts, it requires proper care and adherence to basic rules of personal hygiene. While the child is not yet able to care for and take care of his teeth, all responsibility for their health lies with the parents.

There is a widespread belief that there is no need to brush your teeth with toothpaste before the age of two, but keeping them clean, even if there is only one tooth, is an important hygienic duty (we recommend reading:). You should start teaching your child to take care of their teeth from a very early age, so that over time it becomes a habit and becomes an integral part of personal hygiene.

There are various special attachments for the finger, or more traditional means - a bandage soaked in boiled water to clean the baby's baby teeth. It is worth thoroughly wiping not only the teeth themselves, but also the gums along with the tongue. It is advisable to carry out such procedures 2 times a day, after morning feeding and before bedtime.

Over time, the parent's finger is replaced by a children's toothbrush and toothpaste (see also:). Due to the very thin tooth enamel of baby teeth, the bristles of the brush used should be quite soft. Up to two years of age, the procedure should be carried out by adults, and very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the child’s enamel. After a child reaches 2 years of age, he can brush his teeth himself, but still under the strict supervision of his parents.

It is important that parents do not be lazy and immediately try to teach the child to brush his teeth correctly and teach him to do it regularly. This approach will save the baby and his family from future dental problems and associated frequent trips to the dentist, and will also give you a lot of photos with a sincere smile of 32 healthy teeth!

The teething process is often painful for a child. In rare cases, this period passes without pain, fever and whims.

Beginning of the process, signs

First of all, you should pay attention to the age of the child. It is generally accepted that a baby’s first teeth begin to erupt by 6 months, but sometimes this can begin at 4 months.

These signs indicate that the child is cutting his first teeth:

  • increased salivation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • swollen bumps on the gums;
  • redness of the gums;
  • restless sleep;
  • in some cases - temperature.

Important! First of all, you need to make sure that the child’s anxiety or temperature is not associated with some other reason - an infectious disease or a cold.

Show the child to the doctor and only after you are sure that the cause of the poor health is the first teeth, you can try to alleviate the baby’s condition.

Possible problems

Teething is a natural process, so parents should not worry too much. Increased salivation is blotted with a piece of clean gauze, without wiping, so as not to irritate the baby’s delicate skin. Saliva may also accumulate in the nasopharynx, resulting in a cough or runny nose with clear, watery discharge. Rinse your child's nose with saline solution.

Important! There is no need to bring down the low temperature (up to 38 ° C). This is the body’s natural reaction to inflammation, and local swelling on the gums is exactly that.

If a child coughs, the cough should be wet. A dry cough may be a sign of a cold or other infectious disease. The child puts his own fingers, foreign objects, or the edges of a blanket or pillow into his mouth. Don't stop him from doing this, just make sure that the things he reaches are clean, like the child's hands.

Nutrition during teething

Decreased appetite can be caused by pain in the gum area, so do not force your child to eat. During this period, food should be cool and the consistency of the food should be semi-liquid.

Usually, when teething, children do not refuse and eat with pleasure:

  • milk porridge;
  • yoghurts;
  • kefir;
  • liquid cottage cheese;
  • cookies softened in kefir;
  • vegetable purees.

Mix the cottage cheese in a blender with a banana or whatever fruit the child likes. Is he eating solid food well? Mix everything in a blender until semi-liquid. Is the child already eating on his own? Let him chew on rye bread crust, pieces of fruit, dried fruit, carrots or a bagel, after cooling them in the refrigerator. Cold is good for relieving pain in the gums, bringing relief to the child and removing swelling, and the hard structure will massage the gums.

Remember! Pieces of food should not be too small so that the child cannot put them completely into the mouth.

Video: How to feed your baby when teething

Pain relievers

If the teething process goes smoothly, accompanied by only slight pain, try to relieve it with special toys that are sold in pharmacies.


These are silicone toys in the form of rings or other shapes. Sometimes they contain liquid inside. This is done because such toys should be given to the child chilled. The water inside freezes, which keeps the toy cold longer. Teethers massage the gums and relieve itching in places where the tooth is trying to break through to the surface. They are made from environmentally friendly materials, as proof of which you have the right to demand a certificate of quality conformity from the pharmacy.


One of the parents can massage the child’s gums independently. To do this, just wrap a piece of clean cotton cloth, gauze or linen napkin on your finger and massage your gums, pressing lightly on them. This will help remove excess saliva and clean your gums from plaque after eating. Pharmacies also sell special silicone finger tips used as a massager.

Medicines, gels

If the pain bothers the child too much, you should help him with special means. These are special gels, tablets and sprays that are sold in pharmacies and prescribed on the advice of a doctor.

Gels for the little ones are the optimal solution, as they act locally, and therefore faster. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • anesthetics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • homeopathic;
  • combined.

Gels containing anesthetic

Such gels cause mild local anesthesia, which reduces the sensitivity of the gums, and therefore pain. They act instantly, but the effect is usually short-lived. This is compensated by the ability to use them several times a day.

Exception! Read the ingredients of the medicine. It is not recommended to use gels containing lidocaine. Allergic reactions most often occur to it and pediatricians consider it dangerous to the health of infants.

Gels based on anti-inflammatory components

Their action is longer, up to 8-10 hours, but the effect is not as fast as that of anesthetics. The composition includes antiseptics that relieve inflammation and pain. The swelling decreases and no longer puts pressure on nearby tissues. Ideal for treating a child’s fever.

Remember! Do not apply too much gel so that your child will have to swallow it.

Homeopathic gels

They contain extracts of medicinal plants, which significantly reduce the likelihood of allergies if there is no individual intolerance to one of the components. They are considered safe, but the effect begins to develop gradually, after several uses.

Important! Gels should not be used more than six times a day, every 3-4 hours, especially for children under 12 years of age.

Video: Teething: pain-relieving gels and teethers

Folk recipes also help a lot, products for which can be easily found at home or at the nearest pharmacy.

  1. Sage decoction has a natural anesthetic effect and strengthens the gums.
  2. Clove oil is an anesthetic, mixed with vegetable or olive oil in a 1:1 ratio and lubricated the child’s gums, applied to a sterile cloth.
  3. Chamomile decoction is an antiseptic with a sedative effect.
  4. Soda - lubricate the gums with a soda solution: 1 tsp per 200 grams of warm boiled water.
  5. Valerian extract - diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and lubricated with it on the gums.

Table. A brief overview of the most popular gels for pain relief during teething in children.

Namepharmachologic effectprosMinuses
Kamistad BabyAnestheticApproved from 3 months, does not contain lidocaine, acts quicklyUse no more than 3 times a day, the effect is short-lived
Dentol babyAnestheticApproved from 4 months, does not contain lidocaine, acts quicklyAfter use, do not feed for 30 minutes, the effect is short-lived
Solcoseryl (paste)AnestheticRegenerates wounds, effect up to 4 hoursNot recommended for children under 2 years old
HolisalAnti-inflammatoryThe analgesic effect lasts up to 8 hours, acts quickly, kills bacteriaIntolerance to salicylates, increases salivation; children after 1 year, if teeth grow
Baby DoctorHomeopathicActs quickly, contains extracts of medicinal plantsNot 100% natural, contains preservatives and thickeners
DentinoxCombinedAnalgesic, antiseptic, contains chamomile extract, for children after 4 monthsContains lidocaine hydrochloride
KalgelCombinedActs quickly; children after 5 monthsContains lidocaine
KamistadAnti-inflammatoryUsed for teething molars, pain relieverChildren over 12 years old
Traumeel SHomeopathicRelieves swelling, relieves pain, naturalContraindicated in children under 3 years of age

Attention! If your child responds well to gels with a “freezing” effect (containing anesthetics), but is allergic to lidocaine, you can try gels with benzocaine. The effect of these substances is similar, but the chemical composition is different, so if you are intolerant to lidocaine, you should try products with benzocaine. Although the latter acts for a shorter time, it is better absorbed and penetrates to the painful area.

For the health and speed of teeth growth, it is necessary to include foods rich in calcium and proteins in the child’s diet. There are many things that influence timing:

  • heredity;
  • presence of rickets;
  • avitaminosis;
  • mother’s diet during pregnancy, infectious diseases she suffered;
  • endocrinological diseases.

Common mistakes

It happens that parents are looking for drugs that can speed up tooth growth.

Remember! No gels or sprays can speed up the teething process. All of them are designed only to combat unpleasant symptoms and help the child get through this difficult period in life.

There is no need to be angry at the child’s whims during this period, because he is still very small and it is difficult for him to endure pain and discomfort. Take the baby in your arms, play with him, distract him from the problem. With the right and caring approach, the teething period will not bring any special problems to the child and his parents.

Despite the fact that parents expect the first teeth after the 4th month, it happens that they do not appear until a year. There is no need to sound the alarm, although an ordinary x-ray will help to calm you down. Pathology, when a child does not develop teeth at all, is very rare, so wait calmly and teeth will definitely appear. read the link.

Each child's teething process is entirely individual. There is an opinion that this action is carried out based on hereditary predisposition, that is, one should pay attention to how this process proceeded in the child’s parents.

In most cases, babies' teeth begin to erupt during the 6-month period of the baby's life. As a rule, the incisors are the first to “emerge,” followed by the premolars, then the canines and painters.

It is important to take into account that by the age of 3 a child should have 20 milk teeth.

Signs of teething

There are a number of symptoms, identified by pediatricians, indicating the beginning of teething:

Secondary signs may include rashes and redness in the chin and cheeks. This occurs due to increased secretion of saliva, which irritates the baby’s delicate skin. You can prevent such redness by using soft cloth wipes.

But if irritation does occur, then in this case it is recommended to perform treatment of the affected area baby cream and it is advisable to do this immediately before bedtime. You should also apply baby cream before going for a walk.

In addition, during the period of teething, the child may begin to suck and chew his fists, fingers and toys. At the same time, during sleep, the baby may try to relieve the pain by smacking and biting, but as a result, the unpleasant sensations only increase.

Parents consider constipation or, conversely, diarrhea to be additional symptoms of teething. Only pediatricians say that these signs should not be combined with the main symptoms, and if constipation or diarrhea with fever occurs, it is imperative to consult a doctor to ease the child’s well-being.

Phases of growth of primary teeth

Medicine has not established a single date for teething. Because there are many factors that contribute to this. But at the same time distinguish periods when a baby's teeth begin to grow.


  • From 6 - 12 months - incisors.
  • From 12 to 15 months – molars.
  • From 18 to 21 months – fangs.
  • From 20 to 30 months – secondary molars.

There are known cases when, for one reason or another (the characteristics of the body), the eruption of baby teeth is delayed. This process may be due to a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, as well as the presence of certain ailments of the infant.

Typically, the first phase of incisor growth extends over several months of a child's life.

It happens that the baby immediately after his birth has several developed processes. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the child’s teeth begin to form in the mother’s womb.

Such “anomalies” are not considered alarming, since they do not harm the baby’s health.

It is important for parents to familiarize themselves with the typical list of baby teeth, the order of their growth and the period of eruption.

The front incisors peck from 6 to 12 months of a child’s life. In this case, teeth begin to grow in the lower jaw. Thus, the lower processes are cut through by the first median incisors, and the upper ones, which are much larger than the lower ones, emerge by 8-9 months.

Starting from 9 - 13 months, the lateral incisors peck in both rows, first from above, and then from below. There are cases when the lower pair erupts without waiting for the growth of the upper teeth to complete.

Then they make their way first upper and lower molars from 12 to 15 months of a baby’s life.

It’s quite painful for a child’s fangs to peck. Basically, they hatch in one period of time from 18 to 21 months. At this time, the symptoms become pronounced and require the use of painkillers.

Secondary molars erupt with the final milk teeth. The duration of eruption of this type is longer compared to other processes and occurs between 20 and 30 months of the baby’s life.

Parents should remember that in the absence of eruption of baby teeth in a child in the first year of his life, this is a reason to urgently contact a pediatrician, who will determine the reasons for the deviation.

Eruption pathologies

Known rare cases of abnormal growth of primary teeth.

These include:

  • Early or, conversely, too late eruption.
  • Atypical growth sequence.
  • Tooth growth outside the dental arch.
  • Irregular crown shape.
  • Plaque in shades of brown, yellow, green or black.
  • Lack of individual sprouts.

Such occurrences are considered rare. But if a child’s teeth erupt incorrectly, then there is a requirement to seek help from specialists - a pediatrician and a dentist in the children’s department.

It is important to start at the moment the first teeth peck. perform hygiene procedures for baby oral care. For this purpose, special wipes and children's toothpastes are available for sale. This process can also be done using a soda solution and a piece of sterile bandage.

Pain relief with gels

Teething pain in babies can be minimized through medications. For example, products in the form of an ointment or an anesthetic gel that reduces discomfort, inflammation and pain.

Commonly used medications for pain during teething include:

Gel Cholisal has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect with an analgesic effect. It should be applied in the form of applications to the disturbing parts of the gums, producing quick relief from pain. The disadvantage of this gel is considered to be excessive salivation.

Dentinox gel includes an infusion of chamomile and Lidocaine, the active ingredients of which relieve inflammation and pain.

The gel is applied with gentle movements to the irritated area several times a day for children of any age.

Gel Kamistad, coping with the inflammatory process, reduces the number of harmful bacteria, relieves pain after covering swollen gums with it.

Pansoral gel facilitates the teething of children without causing any side effects on the body. Due to the presence in its composition of natural components that do not harm even an infant.

Applications can be made on demand at any time if bothersome symptoms occur.

Gel Baby Doctor, cooling, reduces pain and sensitivity of inflamed gums. The exclusively natural components included in its composition help eliminate signs of teething. But at the same time it can provoke an allergic reaction. As a result, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

When a child develops a high fever, they should be given an antipyretic drug such as Panadol for children. And in case of intense pain, it is necessary to administer an anesthetic – Nurofen – orally.

It is important to understand that if these symptoms do not subside within 2 - 3 days, you need to consult a doctor.

Providing assistance with folk and other means

The most important factor in alleviating the baby’s discomfort is the special care, care and affection of his parents during this period.

You can relieve pain with:

  1. Teethers from the pharmacy and massage products.
  2. Folk remedies.

In pharmacies and in children's departments of stores there is a wide range of teethers made of plastic, silicone, rubber, latex and wood. They are produced in different shapes, colors and sizes. Some of them have special functions.

Some of them have special holes for introducing medicinal gel into them, which ensures 100% spread of the gel over the excited surface of the gums.

Other devices equipped with special liquid or water to allow cooling in the refrigerator compartment.

At the same time, it is necessary to realize that a universal category of teether has not been created. There are also children who, in principle, refuse to use these funds.

Carrots, dried fruit, apples or crackers are often used as massage products. It should be noted that carrots are dangerous for children with allergies.

A folk remedy can be a thoroughly washed finger of mom or even dad, which can provide a high-quality gum massage.

Also pain when teething can be relieved by cold. For example, a cold spoon, a cloth; frozen or dried banana; cool apple puree.

In addition, it should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to give ice cubes from the freezer to an infant. Since this can damage the gums and freeze the tissues.