Vitamins for adults for energy. What vitamins for energy and vigor? Causes of depletion of vital energy reserves

Vital tone - this capacious phrase contains the concept general level energy, positive attitude and human working potential. The trouble is that huge amount modern people live in a regime chronic fatigue, background depression, they are exhausted and working hard. This situation must be taken under control, otherwise disastrous consequences will arise - mental illness and such a phenomenon as psychosomatics. Psychosomatics means the development of diseases of the body from emotional experiences and stress. Let's figure out how to learn to truly enjoy life, effectively and comprehensively increase the tone of the body.

Signs and causes of decreased vitality

Symptoms of depleted vital energy reserves

A list of people’s problems that arise as a result of decreased vitality:

  • apathy towards everything;
  • feeling of lack of energy in all areas of life;
  • change in character;
  • increased anxiety, fears, neurosis;
  • decreased libido and deterioration in the quality of sexual life;
  • problems in relationships with others and friends;
  • sudden mood swings for no reason;
  • aversion to ordinary affairs and one's own responsibilities;
  • insomnia;
  • those factors that previously brought pleasure do not bring joy at all;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • poor appetite, cravings for overeating or other strange eating behavior;
  • constant headaches;
  • increased fatigue;
  • reluctance to go to work;
  • frequent outbursts of anger;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain due to apathy, fatigue, stress;
  • feeling of hopelessness due to the economic crisis;
  • digestive and stool disorders;
  • lack of emotional balance;
  • low performance;
  • the feeling of fatigue does not go away after sleeping for 8 hours.

If you have the listed ailments, you need to consult a doctor, understand yourself, change your lifestyle and start getting proper rest.

Causes of depletion of vital energy reserves

List negative factors, which can cause severe energy consumption in the body:

  • sleep deficiency, usually less than 6 hours of sleep (excess sleep can also have a negative impact on health; 10 hours a day is too much);
  • mental overload at work or study;
  • constant suppression of one’s emotions and desires, instead of expressing and realizing them;
  • smoking (some smokers are familiar with the feeling of weakness, but many do not notice it because they have lost their sense of normal energy);
  • physical overexertion (overtraining or long, grueling physical work in men);
  • communication with unpleasant, powerful people (they take away energy due to the dominance of a strong person over a person and some kind of humiliation, suppression, devaluation of him in conversation;)
  • improper organization of the daily routine (failure to maintain a balance between work and rest disrupts normal biorhythms, which is directly related to the depletion of the body’s energy reserves);
  • severe illness;
  • VSD, hypotension (low blood pressure is often associated with lethargy and increased fatigue);
  • pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding (these physiological processes take a lot of energy from a woman, so efforts have to be made to maintain normal vitality);
  • a sedentary lifestyle (causes a decrease in metabolic rate, impairs blood circulation and the quality of brain function, provokes insomnia, apathy, Bad mood, especially in an elderly person);
  • improper meal planning (the menu needs to be developed individually, depending on lifestyle, gender, age and expected energy consumption);
  • a person does not have powerful motivation (this means that there is no satisfaction with activities at work, when there is no interesting goal, there will be no strength to realize it).
  • lack of awareness of one’s own importance (when a person realizes that he is useful to someone, he has colossal reserves of energy);
  • night snoring (if a person snores during sleep, he may develop apnea syndrome, which causes the brain to experience oxygen starvation, unable to rest).

Based on this list, we can say that almost every adult living in the accelerated rhythm of the city is susceptible to chronic fatigue and energy depletion.

Vital tone: decreases due to lack of motivation, chronic fatigue, lack of quality rest and positive emotions To increase your energy, you need to communicate a lot productively, travel, do your favorite things and hobbies, and spend time in nature

Vitamins to tone up

There are quite a few pharmaceuticals that help lift your mood. These vitamin preparations in tablets and other forms are in demand today:

  • Alphabet Energy - a complex of vitamins and minerals for productive work and active recreation;
  • Vitrum Performance - a complex of vitamins and minerals to improve vitality and increase energy;
  • Vitrum Superstress - a strong complex of vitamins and minerals against the development of stress under conditions of psycho-emotional overload;
  • Vitrum Centuri is an effective complex of vitamins and minerals for those over 50 years old;
  • Dynamisan - supplier of vital important vitamins, macroelements, microelements and ginseng glycosides (panaxosides), useful for mental and physical stress, increases performance and stress resistance;
  • Doppelgerts Active 50+ is a preparation-complex of vitamins and minerals to preserve youth, health, beauty, improve tone, increase vital energy, good mood;
  • Multi-tabs Intensive - a complex of 11 vitamins, 9 minerals against stress, physical activity and emotional experiences;
  • Stimol is a remedy designed to overcome asthenic conditions. The drug tones the body as a whole, detoxifies the liver;
  • Supradin effervescent tablets- helps to actively engage in sports, due to large doses of vitamins, microelements, macroelements that regulate energy production in the body;
  • Enerion - tablets to improve coordination of movements and increase resistance to physical stress, increasing the resistance of the cerebral cortex to hypoxia;
  • Duovit Energy - a complex of vitamins and minerals to restore strength, increase performance and successfully overcome regular physical and mental stress;
  • Doppel-Hertz Energotonic is a vitamin remedy for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency, increasing performance, improving concentration, alleviating conditions during intense physical and mental stress, restoring health after serious illnesses and operations;
  • Vitrum Energy - a drug against vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, chronic fatigue, physical overload, to maintain mental abilities and improvement of condition after surgery, illness, malnutrition;
  • Vitus Energy is a tonic complex of vitamins and minerals to restore strength after high physical exertion, increase activity and relieve fatigue.

In the pharmacy you can find many tablets, balms, tinctures, injections, drops and herbal remedies that help with short terms get rid of stress and regain your former cheerfulness. Self-selection of medications is not encouraged; it is better to consult a general practitioner who can identify the cause of the ailment and tell you what to drink specifically in your case. If necessary, you will be referred to other specialists. Perhaps they will be revealed hidden diseases and not only vitamins were prescribed, but also strong drugs. It is important, along with treatment, to change your lifestyle, tune in to general optimism and learn to relax more.

Exercises to improve vitality

Everyone knows that to improve the quality of life you need to do yoga. It is better to train under the guidance of experienced leaders by enrolling in a yoga studio. If there are no such people nearby, then at least buy a membership to the nearest gym; fitness will undoubtedly help improve your quality of life, improve your health and add energy. Let's get back to yoga and stretching. You can create a suitable set of exercises for yourself; the specifics of their implementation can be seen in the video on the Internet. When studying at home, turn on relaxing music, which can also be found in free access. Let exercise become not a rarity in your life, but a pleasant daily event.

The following types of yoga exercises have the best effect on self-esteem and vitality:

  • standing and balancing poses - correct posture, increase physical strength, strengthen the sense of balance;
  • power asanas - strengthen willpower, increase endurance;
  • exercises with bending back - have a positive effect on cardiovascular activity, harmonize emotional sphere, help open the chest;
  • inverted asanas (contraindicated for women during menstruation) - powerfully stimulate the brain and help make the right decisions.

Here are specific Iyengar yoga asanas that will be useful to perform with low self-esteem, depletion of reserves vitality, feeling of despondency:

  • Vajrasana (diamond pose);
  • Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle pose);
  • Utthita Parshvakonasana (lateral extended angle pose);
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog pose);
  • Virabhadrasana 3 (hero pose 3);
  • Prasarita Padotanasana;
  • Adho Mukha Vrikshasa (handstand);
  • Shirshasana 2 (headstand 2);
  • Bakasana (crane pose);
  • Ashtavakrasana (eight corners pose);
  • Ushtrasana (camel pose);
  • Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose);
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge building pose);
  • Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand);
  • Halasana (plow pose);
  • Savasana (corpse pose).

Hold each asana for 30 to 60 seconds.

Yoga: improves health, develops flexibility, increases self-esteem and gives a surge of vital energy (examples of yoga asanas from left to right - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Ashtavakrasana, Virabhadrasana III, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Ushtrasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Halasana, Rajakapotasana, Rajakapotasana)

Folk remedies for high vitality

Please note that you use any folk remedy at your own peril and risk, since each herb has its own indications and contraindications, therefore, if available serious illnesses consult your doctor.

Herbal tea recipe

A light aromatic drink helps relieve fatigue and alleviate chronic fatigue syndrome.


  • black tea - 1 teaspoon;
  • fresh apple - a quarter of the fruit;
  • lemon - 1 slice;
  • red or black currant - several berries.

Mash the berries, cut the apple. Brew all ingredients in a kettle using water at 85 degrees. After 10 minutes, the infusion can be taken as tea.

Iceland moss

The product is known for its tonic properties.

Infusion components:

  • Icelandic moss (from the pharmacy) - 2 teaspoons;
  • cold water - 2 glasses.

Pour water over the moss, wait until it boils and immediately stop heating, cool and take the entire volume per day.

To prepare a decoction, take 25 grams Icelandic moss, and ¾ liter of boiling water. Boil for half an hour, then filter and drink the drink throughout the day.

Folk balm for immunity


  • juice - from 4 lemons;
  • crushed walnuts - 500 grams;
  • natural honey - 300 grams;
  • aloe juice - 100 grams;
  • vodka - 1 glass.

Keep the mixture of these ingredients in a closed container for 24 hours, take 30 minutes before meals, three times a day, take a large spoon.

Pharmacy herbal teas help cleanse the body and add energy, but they must be used according to a doctor’s indications or strictly following the instructions.

Nutrition to replenish energy reserves

If you don't know how to regain your vitality, can't change your rigid work schedule, or don't have the motivation to do yoga, then start with healthy products. Proper nutrition helps improve immunity and definitely adds strength. Here best products for vitality:

  • nuts, seeds, dried fruits (e.g. almonds, walnut, raisins, pumpkin seeds);
  • protein foods of plant and animal origin (for example, beef, beans);
  • raw vegetables (such as cauliflower, spinach, beets, celery, tomatoes and tomato juice);
  • fresh fruits (grapefruits, bananas, pomegranates, apples);
  • berries (cranberry, lingonberry, wolfberry);
  • algae (for example, kelp);
  • low-fat or low-fat dairy products (for example, cottage cheese, yoghurts, hard cheeses);
  • cereals (cereals, whole grains, bread, sprouted wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, quinoa);
  • sweets (you can eat chocolate and honey in moderation);
  • legumes (green soybeans, beans);
  • fish and seafood (an excellent source of omega-3 and a host of other substances);

Include more healthy foods in your menu, don't overeat or starve.

Diet is of great importance. To feel a regular surge of energy, do not forget to cook more often vegetable salads, use olive oil and completely eliminate all potential dangerous products(fried, fatty, salty, sausages, unhealthy sweets and the like). You can try preparations with guarana. As healthy drinks select the purest water, ginger tea, freshly squeezed juices, high quality green tea and coffee (maximum 4 cups of natural coffee per day).

With the modern rhythm of life, it is not easy to allow yourself to get a good night's sleep and, accordingly, to train with maximum efficiency. What to do in such cases? The answer to this question is:

the use of herbal adaptogens and drugs that have a psychostimulating effect on the nervous system

Often trainees find that they don't really want to go to training or there is a basic lack of motivation. Almost every “pumping iron” person has probably found himself in this or a somewhat similar situation, since no matter how strong a person is, manifestations of some weakness are familiar, perhaps, to everyone. There can be many reasons for this condition: lack of sleep, slight overtraining, deliberate disruption of the body’s biorhythms (late parties, frequent visits to nightclubs, working on a “two-a-day” or “three-a-day” schedule).

Unfortunately the rhythm modern life does not always give a person the opportunity to good rest. The same can be said about training - not everyone has the opportunity to go and work out when they really want to. There are often cases when you have to find time for training in the middle of the working day or get up two or three hours early to go to the gym before the start of the working day. It’s scary to talk about those who come to study after work - the energy and motivation of such people is practically zero.

In all cases described here, correction is undoubtedly required. Correction of the daily routine, working hours, amount of sleep at night and, in general, everything that is responsible for restoring the functioning of the central nervous system.


These drugs include drugs that have a stimulating effect on nervous system and activating the mental and physical activity of the body.

To psychostimulants

include purine derivatives (caffeine, etc.), sydnonimines (sydnocarb), nootropics (Piracetam, Picamilon) and amphetamines. A significant role in the mechanism of action of various stimulants is played by their interaction with substances such as norepinephrine, dopamine, etc.

1. Caffeine

- produced by domestic industry under trade name "Caffeine benzonate sodium", tablets 0.1 g, 6 pieces per package.

Caffeine is an alkaloid found in tea leaves (1.75%-2.3%), coffee seeds (1.3%-2%) and kola nuts. Has a psychostimulating effect. It has a direct stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Activates motor activity, shortens reaction time. Increases physical and mental performance. After taking caffeine, the athlete feels a surge of energy, elimination or reduction of fatigue and drowsiness. Caffeine increases basal metabolism, enhances glycogenolysis, causing slight hyperglycemia.

The effect on the neuropsychic status depends on the dose of caffeine and the type of nervous system of the athlete. In small (100-200 mg) and medium (200-500 mg) the stimulating effect predominates, in large (600 mg and above) the depressing effect predominates.

To increase strength and endurance during training, it makes sense to drink 150-200 mg of caffeine 30-45 minutes before exercise, washing it down a small amount plain water (sugar greatly weakens the effect of caffeine). In order to enhance the effect of caffeine without increasing the dosage, you can add 0.5 g of Aspirin and an Eufilin tablet to this dose. All of these drugs mutually potentiate each other's effects (synergism), and the resulting effect will be much stronger than that of 200 mg of caffeine. It should be noted that all people have different sensitivity to caffeine. For one, 400 mg may be an insufficient dose, while for another, after 100 mg, they will receive nothing but side effects. It follows from this that the dose of caffeine should be selected experimentally, starting, of course, with a small one.

Side effects of caffeine: anxiety, headache, nausea, confusion, tachycardia, tremor, convulsions.

2. Sidnocarb (another name is Mesocarb).

This drug differs from caffeine primarily in that it stimulates mental activity to a greater extent than physical activity. However, on physical properties body, necessary for successful strength training, the drug acts quite successfully. Unlike caffeine, Sidnocarb- drug prescription, so it will be quite difficult for you to “get” it. You can go two ways: either try to get Sidnocarb on the “black” market, or make a psychiatrist friend who will write you a prescription for a certain amount of the drug. Sidnocarb is available in tablets, dosage 0.005 g and 0.01 g, 50 tablets per package. To achieve the required stimulating effect, drink 0.02 g of the drug an hour before training. Side effects of Sidnocarb are similar to p.e. caffeine And one more thing: Sidnocarb is often used by drug addicts during withdrawal periods and by substance abusers in heavy doses to achieve a state of euphoria. Be careful, don't get yourself in trouble with the law!

3. Piracetam (another name is Nootropil).

Piracetam is not inherently a psychostimulant, but it is certainly very good for increasing motivation. It also significantly improves neuromuscular conduction, coordination of movements and relieves the feeling of psycho-emotional fatigue.
When introduced into the body, Piracetam easily penetrates into various organs and tissues, including brain tissue. After absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, it is practically not metabolized and is excreted by the kidneys (95-98%).
The drug stimulates redox processes and enhances glucose utilization. Piracetam increases the body's energy potential by accelerating ATP resynthesis. Improved energy flow metabolic processes under the influence of Piracetam leads to increased resistance of brain tissue during hypoxia (oxygen debt) and the toxic effects of metabolites, such as free radicals and other toxins formed in the body during intense training.

Piracetam, as a rule, is very well tolerated by the body, only in in rare cases arise side effects, such as dyspeptic disorders, irritability and insomnia.
The drug is not intended for single use. Piracetam is most effective when taken as a course.

Piracetam dosage regimen

is: 800 mg 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks. After a break of the same duration, the course can be repeated. Piracetam is very low toxic and rarely causes side effects even if the dosage is exceeded.
Release form: capsules of 400 mg of the drug, 30 and 60 pieces per package.

4. Picamilon (another name is Nicotinoyl gamma-butyric acid).

Picamilon Its action is similar to Piracetam. The main actions of Picamilon are nootropic and antioxidant. The drug also has a mild tranquilizing effect, without causing the effects of drowsiness, lethargy and lethargy. On the contrary, athletes who use Picamilon note that it allows for faster recovery between approaches, improves neuromuscular conductivity and coordination of movements, and facilitates the processes of moral adaptation to heavy weights. While taking Picamilon, it is much easier to perform exercises with a complex range of motion. “Muscle feel” improves, making it easier to focus on target muscle groups even in basic exercises with heavy weights.

If you are starting to do an exercise that you have never done before, then Picamilon will help in this case too. As mentioned above, the drug significantly improves the brain-muscle connection. Due to this, you will “get into” the biomechanics of the exercises much faster, therefore, you will quickly acquire the skill and be able to move on to more solid working weights.

Side effects of Picamilon: nausea, headache, dizziness, agitation, anxiety. Picamilon should be used as well as Piracetam exchange rate method: 0.05 3-4 times a day for 1.5-2 months. After a break of 2 months, the course can be repeated. Release form: tablets of 0.05 g, 30 or 60 pieces in brown glass jars.


In the late 50s - early 60s, pharmacists obtained substances that were fundamentally new for that time: Amphetamines (Phenamine, Methamphetamine). These were the most powerful psychostimulants invented and, interestingly, nothing stronger than them has been invented to this day. Amphetamines also found their use in sports: they greatly increased endurance, accelerated reaction time, increased the overall performance of the athlete several times, contributed to the opening of a “second wind” and enhanced the ability to concentrate.

Unfortunately, all these significant advantages of using amphetamines were completely canceled out by their disadvantages - they very strongly and firmly invaded the biochemistry of the body, destroyed the human psyche and led to drug and drug addiction.

You have to pay for everything: amphetamines gave a huge advantage to athletes who used them, but they did this at the expense of a gross, deep invasion of the body’s resources, its “emergency reserves.” Famous athletes became complete drug addicts, no longer imagining their lives without stimulants.

Currently, psychostimulants such as

Cocaine, Nalbuphine (Nubaine) and Pervitin

handicraft production. All these drugs also cause strong addiction, drug and mental dependence and are classified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as narcotic drugs. It will be very nice if, after reading this article, you draw the necessary conclusions for yourself and gain new energy for your training.

Vitamins to maintain energy are indicated for excessive fatigue. Often a person feels a loss of strength while leading a normal lifestyle. The cause of weakened immunity may be seasonal vitamin deficiency.

In most cases, a lack of good mood can be caused by a change in activity. To restore activity, pharmaceutical companies have provided for the production of multivitamins and minerals, which does not require the consumption of vitamin-containing products in large quantities.

It is enough to drink healthy pills, after which you can feel the relief of fatigue and lift your mood. It is better to consult a medical professional about which ones are best to take.

Useful components necessary for human activity

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the normal functioning of the body. Their deficiency affects all organs and systems. A person experiences a loss of strength, lack of vigor, decreased tone, and a feeling of fatigue. When you visit a doctor, the doctor will first prescribe you to take vitamin tablets. They will make up for the deficiency in the shortest possible time.

With vitamin deficiencies it is impossible to do without pharmaceuticals to improve your well-being.

Effective when taken in combination, that is, for normal operation The body needs a supply of all B vitamins. Their sufficient content is an excellent prevention of fatigue.

Has an impact on work. It affects thinking, development creativity, inhibits the aging process of cells. The substance is necessary for people engaged in mental work. When there is a deficiency, a person experiences a disorder general condition, drowsiness, irritability and decreased tone.

Some sources call it the “vitamin of pep.” To prevent its deficiency, it is enough to eat foods with high content vitamin B1: legumes, nuts, chicken eggs, potato, . For people who prefer a low-calorie diet, such foods will be useful for restoring strength, such as green buckwheat, oatmeal, bran.

Promotes the absorption of proteins, thereby producing energy. has the peculiarity of interacting with the pancreatic hormone when carbohydrate metabolism occurs.

The most important property compounds – participation in the synthesis of glucokinase, which stimulates glucose metabolism and normalizes blood glucose levels. She is the main one nutrient for nerve cells and brain cells.

When the concentration of glucose in the blood is low, the patient experiences fatigue, which is accompanied by a loss of strength. The vitamin can be obtained by eating beef, soy products, milk, and nuts.

It is a vitamin of youth and energy. Together with phenylalanine, vitamin C penetrates the structure of nerve cells and stimulates the synthesis of norepinephrine. The hormone helps improve mood, tone and good spirits. To compensate for the lack of vitamin or prevent deficiency, you should enrich your diet with foods such as rose hips, citrus fruits, currants, herbs, and potatoes. For assimilation ascorbic acid calcium and magnesium influence in the body.

For magnesium deficiency energy synthesis slows down significantly. The person begins to experience fatigue and weakness. Microelement plays important role in energy production, affecting the energy potential of the entire organism. Therefore, it is important for maintaining normal life. Magnesium is able to regulate potassium concentration and adrenal function. This is very important for energy levels, recovery and increased activity.

Iron necessary for the complete synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Its deficiency reduces phagocytosis and bactericidal properties of neutrophils. Some cereals, liver, rye bread, fruits. The compound from grain crops is not fully absorbed due to dietary fiber.

Drugs that can relieve fatigue and increase tone

Residents of the metropolis often complain about a lack of vigor and good mood. Increased irritability, tired appearance, endless stress are already familiar symptoms. A person does not always have time to give them due importance during everyday work. Underestimating the seriousness of banal symptoms, a person continues to lead the same lifestyle.

Vitamins to lift your mood and restore energy will help improve mental and physical balance, which is so necessary to improve overall human health.

Vitus Energy. The drug is a complex of balanced, energetic and tonic substances that help restore strength during increased loads on the body. Balanced composition selected specifically to relieve fatigue and increase activity.

The vitamins included in the product enhance protective functions immunity. The complex of substances is recommended for people with increased mental or physical stress, as well as people working long time at the computer.

During periods of high stress, the drug helps to improve tone and mood. Stimulation of mental activity is explained by the effect of vitamins and minerals on the course of metabolic processes. Performance is enhanced by Siberian ginseng extract, lemongrass seeds and succinic acid. The drug is used to improve general condition and relieve fatigue.

Vitamins and minerals are useful for restoring strength. They increase performance during daily physical and mental stress. The modern rhythm of life implies poor nutrition, stressful situations, vitamin deficiencies and other factors leading to disruption of general condition and loss of strength. The product will help replenish the lack of essential substances in the body.

The immunomodulatory effect helps to increase the body's defenses and makes it resistant to stress. The beneficial components included in the drug improve the supply of oxygen to cells and increase their energy potential. The complex allows you to preserve the full functions of the body, which may be lost under the influence of unfavorable factors. Under such circumstances, a person needs additional energy.

According to doctors, deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body is a common problem for people in modern society. Unfortunately, almost all people are deficient in micronutrients due to the fact that simple fast food cannot provide a person with all the necessary substances and microelements.

Preparations (mineral-vitamin complexes) that provide energy

The only way to compensate for their deficiency is to use them biologically. active additives , adaptogens, nootropics and other pills for vigor and energy:

Vitus Energy

Pills for vigor and energy that increase performance. They combine a number of substances necessary for the body: taurine, inositol, guarana extract, succinic acid, caffeine, vitamin B1, B6 and cyanocobalamin.

These substances together have an exciting effect on the human body, filling it with strength. After using the drug, a person feels more energetic and active.

This article will discuss the most effective tablets for vigor and energy

Vitamins Alphabet Energy

A complex of vitamins intended for people with a depleted body. Contains components with daily dose: vitamins A, B5, B12, D, K, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium. The content of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP exceeds the daily norm.

Not everyone is recommended to use this drug due to the threat of hypervitaminosis. It is prescribed in severe cases with severe stress and strain. The package contains 3 strips of tablets of different colors:

  • yellow a pill for vigor and energy, so it is taken for breakfast;
  • orange affects metabolism and should be consumed at lunch;
  • green It acts as a sedative, so you should drink it in the evening.

For 1 day, you need to take 1 tablet from each plate at intervals of 4-5 hours. They cannot be taken together, since each pill contains combined vitamins. Thanks to taking certain vitamins 3 times a day, the possibility of the appearance of allergic reaction. Price - 350 rub.

Duovit Energy

A remedy for raising the tone in the body. Contains ginseng root extract, vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, nicotinamide, pantothenic and folic acids, zinc and copper sulfate.

The drug restores the body’s energy reserves, improves well-being, gives strength for active work under conditions of increased stress. You need to take vitamins in the morning during meals, 1 tablet for 1 or 2 months. Price - 380 rub.

Doppelhertz Energotonic

The creators of the unique formula of the drug are German pharmacists. Contains: vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, P, PP, folic acid, ferric ammonium citrate, sodium glycerophosphate, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, choline citrate.

Pills for vigor and energy perfectly restore the body after operations, illnesses and the consequences of a monotonous diet.

The drug also helps to cope with heavy intellectual and physical stress and increase labor productivity. Directions for use: 1 tbsp. l. (20 ml) after meals 3 or 4 times a day. Price - 460 rub.

Vitrum energy

A multivitamin complex that improves body tone. Contains vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, K, folic and pantothenic acid, boron, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium, nickel, silicon, tin, ginseng extract.

The drug activates the body’s immune forces, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, helps restore nerve cells and helps withstand severe stress and physical activity. You need to take the product in the morning after meals, 1 time per day. up to 2 months. Price (60 tablets) - 1100 rub.


A general tonic for the body. The composition includes: vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B12, C, D3, E, glutamine, arginine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, zinc and ginseng extract.

Tablets for vigor and activity are recommended to be taken in case of poor nutrition (diet), decreased libido, smoking addiction, postoperative period, maintaining an exhausted body from mental and physical stress. You need to take the product in the morning, 1 piece. 1 time per day. Price - 500 rub.

Plant adaptogens

Adaptogens are a group medicinal plants, helping a person maintain his energy level, which helps prevent mechanical, physical and psychogenic factors.

Adaptogens are often prescribed in the off-season for a course of up to 2 months to prevent acute respiratory and chronic diseases.

Experts consider such plant products to be the most common adaptogens.

Maral root (Leuzea)

Thanks to the large amount of anthocyanins, alkaloids, provitamin A, vitamin C, the plant has a tonic and cardiac stimulating effect. It is used to increase performance, concentration, endurance, and potency.

Should not be used by those suffering from heart failure and hypertension. blood pressure.

Bear root (penny root or red root)

It is an anti-inflammatory, antitumor, hemostatic, diuretic. Effective for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, low immunity, uterine bleeding, cystitis, nephritis, uterine prolapse, diseases of the mammary glands.

Bear root - herbal remedy for vigor and energy

Used as a tincture. Its composition: 10 g of root and 100 g of vodka. Prescribed in courses and used in drops in small doses. Red root tincture is taken 3-5 ml 3 times a day for up to 1 month. The price depends on the release form, on average from 70 to 400 rubles.

Rhodiola rosea

This remedy allows you to restore the body after long-term illnesses and physical fatigue. It also has a therapeutic gynecological effect: it increases the possibility of conception in case of infertility and raises hormonal background. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Rhodiola rosea

Helps with any acute chronic diseases. Rhodiola rosea tincture is used during chemotherapy because it allows the body to endure this process much easier. Ingredients of the tincture: vodka and Rhodiola rosea plant. Affects male strength, increasing potency. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. Price – 35 rub.

Interesting fact! Before people discovered adaptogens, they observed animals that actively used them.

Maral root was used by deer during mating season. At minimum quantity food, they expended very little energy. And the bear root was dug up by exhausted bears after hibernation to restore strength.

Growth hormone

Growth hormone or somatotropin is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. Affects all cells of the body, enhances protein synthesis. Affects cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, nervous and hormonal systems.

It has been established that under the influence of growth hormone the condition of the skin, bone and cartilage tissue. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, promotes the breakdown of fatty tissue and muscle building. With age, its content in the body decreases, starting at the age of 25.

Factors affecting the production of growth hormone:

  • dream. Growth hormone peaks in the first hours after falling asleep;
  • physical activity. Strength training also increases the production of this hormone;
  • starvation. Lack of nutrition for up to a day leads to an increase in growth hormone;
  • nutrition. Products containing growth hormone releasers stimulate its production.

Releasers include amino acids: arginine, ornithine, glutamine. These substances are found in large quantities food products and affect the production of growth hormone in the same way as medications.

When you eat food containing these amino acids, their levels in the body begin to increase very slowly.

If you use amino acids in their pure form, their level will increase sharply. There are medications that contain the growth hormone itself, for example, jintropin.

It contains somatotropin, mannitol, glycine, sodium dihydrogen phosphate. Has large number side effects. Jintropin is available in injections that are administered once a day. Use is permitted only under the supervision of a physician.

Important to remember! Continuous use of growth hormone releasers for 4 weeks leads to addiction, which reduces their effect on the body. It is necessary to take breaks.

Drugs that increase mental performance


Piracetam- This psychotropic drug(nootropic), which activates the nervous system, strengthens and calms nerve cells, improving their metabolism. Contains piracetam, povidone, magnesium carbonate, calcium stearate. Available in the form of injections and tablets.

Used when rehabilitation therapy in psychiatry and neurology. The drug is prescribed in the morning and afternoon until 16:00 because it increases performance and activity. The duration of treatment with injections is determined by the doctor; as a rule, their number does not exceed 20. The course of treatment with tablets is up to 4 months.

Deanol aceglumate

Deanol aceglumate– it is a nootropic, antidepressant medicine, restoring mental activity, improving concentration and memory. The composition includes deanol aceglumate, N-acetyl-L-glutamic acid. The drug should be taken orally, 1 g 2 times a day in the morning and daytime within 2 months. Price – 400 rub.


Picamilon – nootropic drug. Prescribed for people with depression, disorders cerebral circulation, as well as after injuries and strokes. Increases concentration, improves brain activity and memory.

Contains gamma-aminobutyric and nicotinic acid. It is not recommended to take for more than 2 months. Dosage 20-30 mg 3 times a day. Price – 120 rub.

Calcium hopantenate

Calcium hopanthenate is a nootropic drug that affects concentration, learning, memory and helps overcome psycho-emotional overload.

Used after traumatic brain injuries. Contains calcium hopantenate, magnesium carbonate, calcium stearate. Produced in tablet form. Directions for use: 0.25 – 1 g 3 times a day for 1-4 months. Price – 250 rub.


Phenotropil (phenylpiracetam) is a nootropic drug that allows you to cope with stress and increase your useful action body. The drug is so powerful that its effect is 60 times stronger action piracetam.

Phenotropil also suppresses the feeling of hunger, so it is prescribed for obesity. Duration of use is up to 3 months, the nootropic effect occurs after 2 weeks of treatment. The composition includes phenotropil, lactose monohydrate, calcium stearate. Price - 450 rub.

Drug dosage:

Be careful! Phenotropil is included in the list of dopings because the effect of the drug is similar to the effect of amphetamine. Tablets for tone and energy increase the production of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.

These neurotransmitters cause alertness and good mood, but at long-term use their production depletes the nervous system.

Drugs that increase physical performance

Acetylaminosuccinic acid

Acetylaminosuccinic acid (succinic acid) is an antiasthenic, general tonic with a nootropic effect. Prescribed for neuroses, depression, increased fatigue.

The drug is a strong antioxidant that rejuvenates the body. The composition contains acetylaminosuccinic acid. Use succinic acid 1-3 tablets. Price – 30 rub.

Pills for vigor and energy are so harmless that they can be taken for a long time without consequences for health.


Melatonin is a drug containing the sleep hormone (melatonin). It boosts immunity and helps cope with depression and stress. Studies have shown that the drug increases life expectancy by 20%.

Melatonin is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors, blocking division malignant cells. Prescribed to people with impaired melatonin synthesis. As a rule, these are older people who produce it in smaller quantities.

Recommended for people with insomnia, the elderly, and people who frequently change time zones. When changing 2 time zones you need to take 1 tablet, and when changing 4 time zones - 2 tablets. In other diseases, the dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor.

The composition includes melatonin, calcium phosphate, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, stearic acid. Price – 800 rub.

Pay attention! The drug in capsules is more effective. When taking pills a certain amount under the influence of this substance gastric juice disintegrates. The capsules dissolve only in the intestines in an alkaline environment and melatonin is not destroyed.

Calcium glycerophosphate

Calcium glycerophosphate is a drug that compensates for calcium in the body. Activates performance and has general strengthening effect. Contains calcium glycerophosphate, calcium stearate. You need to take 2 tablets 2 times a day after meals for up to 4 weeks. Price – 100 rub.


Pantocrine is a biologically active product that is produced on the basis of deer antlers. Contains many amino acids (alanine, histidine, proline, glycine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan, cystine, lysine, valine), lipoids and trace elements.

Pills for vigor and energy stimulate the central and peripheral system, affect the update cellular composition body. This drug allows the body to increase resistance to various irritants.

Used for overwork, chronic fatigue, low blood pressure, neuroses, asthenia, anemia. It is also prescribed in postoperative period. The tincture is taken before meals, 20 to 40 drops per ½ glass of water 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tablets. 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks. Price – 400 rub.

Alcohol tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus

Alcohol tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus. Ginseng tincture has an adaptogenic effect, activates the nervous system, metabolism and reduces fatigue. Use 20-25 drops 2-3 times a day for 30 days. Price – 60 rub.

Eleutherococcus tincture has an adaptogenic effect, stimulates the central nervous system, increases physical and intellectual activity, preventing overwork. Ingredients: Eleutherococcus extract, alcohol. It should be used 20-40 drops 2-3 times a day for a month. Price – 60 rub.

Tablets, tinctures and injections for vigor and energy can help a person improve his overall physical condition and cope with many problems. It is important to choose the right drug given it side effects and the characteristics of your body.

Useful videos about popular drugs (pills) to increase vigor and energy in adults

Useful video about pills for vigor and energy:

Pills that improve brain function:

A remedy for morning vigor and energy:

One of the best vitamins for and are considered B vitamins.

"Alphabet energy." The complex includes almost all B vitamins, medicinal plant extracts and essential minerals. The complex is divided into three types of tablets designed for each time of day:

  • Morning improves blood supply to the vessels of the brain, accordingly, increasing thought processes, ability to remember.
  • Daytime provides protection against negative influence external environment, supports immunity throughout the day, improves the body's energy supply, increasing resistance to stress.
  • Evening removes what has accumulated during the day nervous tension, regulates, helping the body recover.

"Dopel Hertz Energotonic". The composition contains most of the elements of group B, minerals: copper, calcium and others, tinctures and oils of medicinal plants. This complex of vitamins is designed not only to improve performance and, but also to support and rehabilitate after past diseases or surgery.

The product is indicated for the prevention and treatment of anemia, to stimulate mental activity, removes toxins, and improves metabolism.

"Vitrum Energy". The composition includes the entire group B, in addition to vitamins A, E, C, large number micro- and macroelements. The drug normalizes the functioning of most body systems: digestive, nervous and immune.

"Energy" protects against and; activate mental activity: increase attention and memory ability.
The drug is often prescribed for rehabilitation after surgical operations, in the treatment of anorexia and nervous disorders, people whose work activity associated with heavy physical activity.

There is not always a need for one of necessary for the body vitamins can be satisfied with the help of food, this is especially felt in the autumn-winter period, when most fresh and herbs are absent. You can replenish your stock using vitamin preparations, after discussing the problem with your doctor.