Which doctor should I consult if my neck hurts on the right side, as if the muscle is constantly tense, and how to get rid of the pain. My neck hurts on the right side - does this indicate a serious illness? How to get rid of neck pain on the right side

Every person has at least once encountered the problem of pain in the neck behind the ear. There would be nothing strange about this, but it is not uncommon for neck pain to literally change a person’s usual way of life. And the question becomes acute: what could it be and, most importantly, what to do about it. Today we will figure this out with you. Let's find out what diseases are typical when the neck hurts and sharp pain behind the ear.

Causes of pain

There are many reasons why discomfort appears in the ear and neck area. This can be a consequence of hypothermia, the formation of inflammation in the ear, dental problems, or various injuries. When your neck hurts and radiates to your ear, this may indicate the presence of diseases such as:

Epidemic parotitis

Or as we used to call it popularly - “pig”. This infectious disease, typical for children aged one to fifteen years. The main symptoms are swelling under the jaw, pain when opening and when chewing. Also, when palpating the area under lower jaw will also feel acute cutting pain. An increase in body temperature is also one of the indicators that a person has mumps. This disease needs to be identified as soon as possible, since it can result in various complications, including reproductive function. In order to diagnose it and begin direct treatment, you need to contact your local pediatrician, who will prescribe you the correct treatment or send you for a consultation with a dentist. To determine the diagnosis, you must undergo a full examination and take clinical tests.

Treatment of mumps involves taking antiviral and immune drugs, as well as in maintaining diet and personal hygiene.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical university them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".


It can also cause acute, aching pain behind the ears and in the neck area. This happens because the nerve of the tooth is deeply affected, the pain can also radiate to the arm. This disease is common in people of various ages and is caused by poor diet and dental and oral care. For help, you urgently need to contact a dentist who will conduct an examination, prescribe an x-ray, or conduct a caries test.

The treatment of this disease involves brushing teeth or sealing microcracks using photopolymer preparations.


In simple terms this is acute inflammation ear. It can be either internal, medium or external. It usually occurs due to hypothermia, water getting into the ear or infections. This disease is characterized by sharp, twitching, aching pain, sometimes radiating to the shoulder, arm or area at the back of the head. Also, in acute purulent otitis body temperature, noise sensations and discharge from auricle. You should immediately contact an otolaryngologist for treatment, since this problem may lead to deterioration or, in severe, advanced cases, to complete loss hearing To diagnose the disease, an examination is carried out, general clinical tests.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor -

There are two solutions to the problem; these are either the use of various types of drugs, or surgical intervention in more severe cases.

Inflammation of the lymph node

Also is frequent illness, causing pain behind the ears. It arises as a consequence of the presence of infections in the body person. The disease is characterized by swelling and swelling behind the ear, pain when pressed, and patients often complain of pain when opening the mouth and chewing. For help, you need to contact either a local physician or a pediatrician, if this disease is detected in a child; it would also be a good idea to visit an otolaryngologist.

During the examination, procedures such as examination of the patient, CT scan are carried out, and then a course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed.


A disease that is characterized by pain in the ears and can radiate to the neck. It occurs as a consequence of viral, infectious and colds. Patients complain of severe headache, congestion or noise in the ears, difficulty breathing, and nasal discharge. Also, when pressing on the area around the nose, acute painful sensations occur. To establish a diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment you need to contact an otolaryngologist who will examine you and, as a rule, send you for an X-ray maxillary sinuses. Treatment of sinusitis is quite simple if the disease is at early stages. It will be enough to undergo a course of rinsing - “cuckoo” and drip your nose with antiviral drugs.

In more severe cases, punctures or antibiotics may be necessary.

Disease, typical for older people, after forty, but the first ones can be observed even in more early age. Characterized by a sharp sharp pain in the back of the head, which radiates to the shoulder, a crunching or clicking sound is possible when turning or tilting the head, and rapid fatigue. To treat this disease, you need to contact a specialist who, by laboratory research, MRI, ultrasound and ECG will be able to establish accurate diagnosis.

Used for illness drug treatment, acupuncture, exercise therapy.

Cervical spine injury

Enough dangerous phenomenon . It is characterized by pain when bending over and any other changes in the head and neck, radiating to the head, shoulders and limbs, numbness, dizziness, difficulties with swallowing, speaking, and breathing. If these symptoms occur, you should urgently call ambulance and before her arrival, completely immobilize the victim.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city ​​clinic Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State medical academy, Orenburg.

As a rule, the diagnosis is established by examination, x-rays, and during treatment it is used as conservative methods, and surgical.

Spinal stenosis

An extremely dangerous disease that can even lead to disability. It is characterized by severe headaches, numbness of the limbs, sensations of tension and constant tension; in more severe cases, loss of sensitivity and even lameness may occur. If any of these symptoms are detected, you must urgently contact a surgeon and neurologist. As a result of examination, x-rays, MRI, he will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

There are two ways to solve this problem, this is either surgical method, or the use of analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs.

This is a serious disease that is an inflammatory process in the joints and spine. Most often occurs in men over the age of forty. Those suffering from this disease complain of shooting pains in the neck that radiate to the head and limbs. More often painful sensations intensify in the morning, and subside slightly in the afternoon and evening.

To treat this disease, you need to contact a neurologist who, after an examination, x-ray, MRI, will prescribe exercise therapy for you, and soon you will feel relief.

Vertebral fractures

These are extremely severe injuries that need to be treated without deposition. They are characterized by strong headache and numbness of the extremities, and in more severe cases, problems with breathing, swallowing and speech. Subject to availability similar symptoms It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. During examinations such as CT scan, x-ray, doctor's examination.

After an accurate diagnosis has been established, the patient will be prescribed to wear a special collar or corset made of plaster.

Vertebral osteomyelitis

A very serious and complex disease that is extremely rare. It is characterized by the formation of a boil (purulent formation), severe, cutting headaches, increased body temperature, and chills. If the neck pain radiates to the ear, this may also be a harbinger of this disease. Diagnosis is made by a surgeon through examination, MRI and x-rays.

In the treatment of vertebral osteomyelitis, antiviral and immunostrengthening therapy is used.

Dislocations and subluxations of the vertebrae

This phenomenon occurs as consequence of injuries. They are characterized by severe headaches and pain in the neck, extending behind the ear, and the inability to turn or tilt the head. IN in this case It is urgently necessary to call an ambulance and immobilize the patient until it arrives.

The diagnosis is made by X-ray and MRI, and treatment is carried out using either a plaster collar or a corset.

Vertebral tumors

A fairly rare disease characterized by severe pain in the neck and behind the ear, radiating to the head and shoulders. Also, it is accompanied by numbness of the limbs, muscle weakness, and strain on the urinary function. If you have such symptoms, you must urgently contact a neurologist to establish an accurate diagnosis. The study will use MRI and clinical tests. Depending on the type of tumor, different treatment will be selected.

This can be either a course of chemotherapy or surgical treatment.


This inflammation temporal process bones. It is characterized by the presence of acute, shooting pain in the neck, radiating to the ear and head, pain and discharge from the ear. To diagnose the disease, the patient is examined and an x-ray is taken. An otolaryngologist is competent in this matter.

Antibiotics are used to treat this disease, but in severe cases advanced cases, surgery may be required.

Ear plug

Quite a common occurrence. It usually occurs due to the frequent use ear sticks for cleaning, thereby creating a plug of wax in the ear. The disease is characterized by severe, jerking pain and noise in the ear; severe headaches and dizziness are possible. For treatment, you must immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

During the examination, the doctor will prescribe rinsing or instillation of special drops to dissolve the plug.

Trinitarian neuralgia

A chronic disease that affects the triadic nerve. It is characterized by sharp, severe shooting pain in the neck, ear and face. At this moment, the patient cannot perform any actions. The duration of the attack lasts no more than fifteen minutes, then relief comes. To accurately establish a diagnosis, examination methods such as examination, MRI, ultrasound and x-ray are used.

The main treatment is aimed at eliminating pain syndrome with the help of drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures; in more advanced cases, surgical intervention may be required.

Also, diseases characterized by ear pain and neck pain can be such as:

  1. Hypertension, that is, an increase in a person’s pressure, can also cause sharp and throbbing pain, sometimes radiating to the arm.
  2. Damage to the lining of the brain. A fairly serious disease, which is characterized by a sharp headache radiating to the neck and ear area.
  3. Myogelosis. Another possible reason for such complaints. This disease implies a violation of blood circulation in the muscles, as a result of which there may even be a violation of posture, pain in the occipital and temporal region.

As you can see, there are many reasons why an ear or neck hurts.

Be sure to watch the video about one of possible problems

This can be either a harmless cold or a more serious one. To get rid of pain at home, we are not talking about injuries, you need to do light massage, without any effort. If the pain is severe enough, you can take painkillers or analgesics. But, we remind you that, as a rule, self-medication does not lead to anything good, you are simply wasting time during which the disease only progresses. Therefore, as soon as your health fails even a little, immediately go for an examination to a specialist. Don't know which one? Feel free to go to a therapist, who, after an examination, will recommend the doctor you need for your disease.

It happens that patients come to the doctor with a complaint that they have a headache and pain in the back of their neck. This is the right decision, since the occurrence of pain in the neck area and “radiating” it to the head is a sign of some kind of serious illness requiring intensive treatment.


There are many reasons for pain in the head and neck. Therefore, it is of great importance to establish the exact circumstances of the occurrence of uncomfortable, painful sensations in order to prescribe immediate and maximum effective treatment.


Neck pain that radiates to the head, and specifically the back of the head, can be caused by injuries. For example, the patient could have bruised/squeezed his head or suffered a concussion. As a result of what happened, a pain syndrome arises that intensifies and then weakens at different points in time. As a rule, the described state of affairs occurs over a couple of months, after which patients often characterize the pain as bursting from the inside of the head.

It is worth noting the circumstances under which the pain becomes stronger. When:

  • the patient wakes up in the morning;
  • turns his head sharply to the side;
  • stands for too long (this increases the load received by the spinal column).

Of course, after an injury, the patient must be under the supervision of the attending physician, who will prescribe the therapy he needs.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a disease, the occurrence and progression of which is correlated with the fact that the vertebrae of the neck and the discs between them begin to age too early.

It is worth noting that the disease can affect more than one cervical region, but others too. However, the difference is that when the cervical spine is affected, the risk of irreversibility of the disease increases many times over.

The reasons for the appearance of this disease are quite trivial, which is why they are often explained ordinary fatigue. There are a number of circumstances that provoke the disease, causing severe pain in the neck and back of the head:

  • the patient leads an inactive lifestyle, moves little;
  • abuses alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking junk food;
  • has excess body weight;
  • incorrectly selected a mattress or pillow for sleeping;
  • the patient has a predisposition at the genetic level.

However, if the disease is identified in time and treatment is started immediately, there is a high probability of preventing the progression and irreversibility of the disease.

Cervical spondylosis

This disease is much more unpleasant and dangerous than the previous one. With cervical spondylosis, pain symptoms are varied: pain can occur on the left side of the neck or the right, and the head and neck can also hurt from behind.

What is described occurs due to damage to the cartilage and discs between the vertebrae, when they crack and slightly break. In the absence of timely treatment, a hernia may form, which can only be removed with the help of serious surgical intervention. And after it, the patient will need a long period of time to restore strength and health.


Myogelosis is a disease that causes the neck muscles to become abnormally tight. If your neck hurts on the left or right side and this pain in the cervical region radiates to the head, these are sure signs of a developed disease. In addition, the patient experiences dizziness, difficulty moving, and performing physical activity, since the patient’s muscles are constrained due to the pathology that has occurred.

As a rule, this disease develops when the patient independently violates the correct structure of posture. If it is detected, the specialist prescribes wearing a corset, a course special massage. Another reason for the onset of the disease is a person’s prolonged exposure to the cold, which causes the back to get cold. Then it will be necessary to carefully monitor whether the victim dresses warmly enough, whether he remains in the cold for too long, or whether he is in a draft.

Cervical migraine

Pain sensations occur in the temples, occipital region, are sharp in nature and cannot affect the neck and head at the same time. Nevertheless, the pain is extremely strong, radiating to the arches above the eyebrows. The disease is determined in the presence of these manifestations, as well as:

  • patients often characterize their own condition as if sand had been poured into their eyes, while they feel pain in the eyes, and the visual image is cloudy;
  • the patient begins to hear significantly worse;
  • becomes audible tinnitus, the head begins to feel dizzy (especially when turning the head sharply);
  • patients complain of ear congestion.

It is worth noting this disease occurs due to compression of the nerve from the cervical spine, causing disruption free passage arterial blood. And in female patients, the pain syndrome may intensify right before menstruation.


Meningitis is an infectious disease in which the membranes of the brain become inflamed, causing stiffness and pain in the neck, which can radiate to the head. By the way, the painful sensations are not particularly noticeable at first, but gradually increase to quite high level.
It happens that people mistake developing meningitis for a banal muscle strain, which is why they do not seek help from a specialist for a long time. This serves as a catalyst for the development of various complications.

Rheumatoid arthritis

What other possible cause of pain in the head and neck, why might such a symptom occur? Neck hurts right side or left quite often due to the development of infectious diseases, which include meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, other.

If in diseases that affect the ODS, all the bones hurt, then in infectious diseases it can easily be confused with a simple stretching/coldness of the neck, when the neck begins to hurt, gradually moving towards the head.

Occipital neuralgia

Stands out a whole series Factors that can cause occipital neuralgia:

  • osteochondrosis, which developed in the patient much earlier;
  • the patient was severely hypothermic;
  • excessive muscle tension neck muscles;
  • development of an infectious disease;
  • neoplasms of different origin;
  • diseases that attack your own immunity;
  • excessive stressful situations, severe fatigue.

This pathology is characterized by sharp painful sensations that manifest themselves acutely and in attacks. A shooting pain syndrome may occur, especially when the patient tries to turn his head, which is why patients are advised to limit their body movements.


Quite often in older people, it is hypertension that causes pain in the neck and head, although there are some exceptions to this. of this rule. The presence of bad habits, overweight, inactive lifestyle. It seems absolutely impossible to cure the disease; doctors can only advise you to stop using alcoholic drinks, smoke cigarettes, lose excess weight, play sports. By following these recommendations, relief may occur.


Video - What to do if you have neck pain


The most important symptom of these diseases is headache and occipital pain. Among other things, it is possible following symptoms:

  • darkening of the eyes;
  • ear noise;
  • the appearance of a feeling of nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • stuffy ears;

Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting the manifestations of some ailments.

Pain due to stress

One of the most common causes of headaches and neck pain is stress:

  • the patient complains that his head feels like something is tightening him;
  • dull, non-pulsating pain;
  • headache is localized on the back side;
  • it doesn’t matter what time of day, pain manifests itself in different ways;
  • Patients often try to describe it with the words: “as if they were caught in cotton wool.”

To get rid of the above, a person needs to reschedule his work schedule so that there is sufficient quantity time for rest.

Scalenus syndrome

Formed due to the formation of anomalies of bone origin ( cervical osteochondrosis), the disease has the following symptoms:

  • severe pain;
  • arms and legs may go numb;
  • possible suffocation;
  • weakness in the neck and arms.

It is worth noting that this happens because the vessels and nerves located in the area of ​​the ribs and collarbone are compressed.

Referred pain

This term refers to a phenomenon where, for example, pain occurs on the right or left side of the neck, but it is felt in the patient’s head. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • the patient has heart disease;
  • his esophagus is affected;
  • formations form inside the skull;
  • inflammatory and purulent process;
  • the appearance of neoplasms.


Often, to establish the exact cause of neck pain, some research is required.

  • The most popular measure is radiography. In the picture you can see whether it is happening pathological process with spine/any bone structure at all.
  • However, the x-ray does not show all the necessary information. If there is not enough information, the specialist will prescribe a magnetic resonance/computed tomography scan, or an ultrasound scan may be performed.

Treatment methods

If a patient complains of severe pain in the neck, radiating to the head, it is possible to use several methods to eliminate the pain syndrome, which include drug therapy, physiotherapy, and massage.


Before you begin to treat neck pain, it is necessary, if not to eliminate it completely, then at least to relieve it for a while. For this purpose, the attending physicians prescribe certain medications for patients:

  • powerful tools, however, providing negative impact on the stomach (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen);
  • painkillers at an average level, capable of gently eliminating pain (but not severe, but moderate), without causing any complications from internal organs(Acyclofenac);
  • medications that only relieve pain without affecting the inflammatory process (Carbamazepine);
  • agents that have a relaxing effect (Mycodalm);
  • vitamins (Neuromultivitis);
  • drugs that have the effect of normalizing metabolic processes, returning vascular functions to the previous state (Mexidol);
  • to restore vegetative nervous system(Afobazole);
  • sedatives (Glycine, Corvalol).


Physiotherapy cannot be used only on one side; treatment in this way involves a complex nature of the effect:

  • electric shock;
  • medicines, administered percutaneously;
  • ultrasound on the body;
  • magnetic field.

Using such therapeutic measures, you can easily and quietly eliminate even the most severe pain.


If your neck and head hurt in the back, it is quite possible to use massage techniques to alleviate the patient’s condition, since manual therapy has almost no contraindications or restrictions. This treatment has a very mild effect.

The use of massage is especially relevant and useful when the patient has been injured/acquired. When prescribing a course of massage, the attending physician wants to achieve:

  • increasing the quantity and quality of body movements performed by the patient in the area spinal column;
  • stimulating more intense arterial blood flow.

However, despite the effectiveness of the above procedures, the intervention of a surgeon is extremely necessary (in case of injuries/developed osteochondrosis).

Preventive measures

What should a person do, what preventive measures should he take, so as not to suffer from severe pain later?

So, according to many experts, the most the best way prevention of pain in the neck and back of the head is carefully constructed and installed program on performing daily bodily movements, which include:

  • eliminating the loads carried out in vertical position, which exert enormous pressure on the discs located between the vertebrae;
  • a person should try not to make any sudden movements;
  • it is necessary to observe measures to prevent injury to the spinal column;
  • do not forget to change the position of the body every thirty minutes;
  • it is important to monitor your posture, do not slouch, do not take an unnatural position of the spinal column on for a long time;

The problem of pain in the neck and ears is quite common. In general, when pain is experienced in the ear, this can indicate a number of potential problems. Separately, it is worth noting the cases of the formation of the so-called ball. All this speaks to the fact that the lymphatic system responded to inflammatory processes in this way. This usually happens because the patient’s immune system tries to independently fight the infection that has affected his body.

Causes of pain behind the ear

The reason for the serious growth of lymph nodes in size can be a number of various kinds diseases. First of all, various inflammatory processes in the ear, such as otitis media or eustachitis.

The lymphatic system itself can be called one of the key parts human body protecting him. It identifies specific diseases by eliminating harmful bacteria.

It is in this regard that lymph nodes can be called special filters that absorb and destroy all existing toxins and various kinds of pathogens. A significant function of this body system is also the process of blood purification and the subsequent transfer of the most useful substances.

The key reasons why the parotid lymph nodes grow significantly in any person are:

  • inflammatory processes of the auditory organ;
  • dental diseases;
  • diseases of the pharynx;
  • severe respiratory diseases;
  • malignant lymphoma tumor.

In the case where the lymph nodes grow for any reason mentioned above, after proper therapeutic treatment everything usually goes back to normal.

Separately, it is necessary to identify cases in which infections affect the occurrence of serious inflammation, which, in addition to the growth of lymph nodes, leads to ear pain that extends to the neck. Typically this is called different cells infectious type.

The main signs of this type of disease

The main and, perhaps, key sign of problems is a lymph node that has seriously grown in size, which, during examination and palpation, leads to ear pain. In addition, swelling may occur and the skin may become red.

It is important to note that when a disease, such as lymphadenitis, begins to exude pus, the resulting swelling not only begins to hurt greatly, but is also accompanied by various additional symptoms, which usually include the following:

  • severe headaches;
  • increased body temperature, and quite often to high values;
  • spoiled appetite;
  • lack of healthy sleep;
  • purulent type rashes;
  • sharp, sometimes shooting pain in the ear canal.

Moreover, it is important to understand that even in a situation where not all of the symptoms indicated above are present in the patient, it is necessary to seek a qualified medical care, otherwise complications may develop, including the death of the patient.

Diagnosis and therapeutic treatment

So, is there a way to get rid of such pain in long-standing conditions? The correct answer can only be given after a comprehensive diagnostic examination by qualified specialists.

After visiting a doctor, you must inform him about all the problems and illnesses that the person has suffered recently. This is what will provide invaluable assistance and will allow you to determine the diagnosis as accurately as possible and, accordingly, choose an effective direction of treatment.

The inspection process is carried out traditional way palpation. This method reveals the size and degree of pain of formations. In addition to the classic examination of the lymph nodes, the glands of the cervical and occipital regions of a person are examined, the tonsils, thyroid and other glands are examined. After all this, the specialist is able to correctly identify the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is worth immediately clarifying the point that modern medicine is categorically against folk remedies associated with warming up the lymph nodes. This thoughtless step leads to a serious increase in the scale of inflammation.

If appointed medications did not lead to the pain going away, but the lymph nodes, on the contrary, grew even more in size and lead to more significant unpleasant sensations, then we can make an unambiguous conclusion that the inflammation has spread to neighboring tissues. In this case, a blood test is necessary.

In a situation where a specialist sees some negative aspects in the results, the diagnosis deepens. As a rule, the next step is to prescribe an ultrasound examination or CT scan. All this is done in order to identify a potential tumor. Sometimes a biopsy is used.

When this in-depth examination does not show the presence of tumor problems, we can conclude that the disease originates from various types of bacteria. In addition, situations in which the patient is allergic to something are considered separately. In turn, if the problems are caused by viral causes, then the prescribed antibiotics are harmful and significantly reduce the body’s ability to fight. In this situation, the doctor prescribes medications and drugs of a completely different type and type of action.

Quite often, pain behind the ear is a popular complaint among patients, regardless of their age, gender and other factors. From the point of view of pain localization, problems can occur in any area of ​​the head and cervical region.

It is important to note that the type of problems indicated above, like pain in the neck behind the ear on the left, indicates significantly more significant reasons. In addition, depending on the side where a person experiences painful sensations, their sources also differ.

It is quite difficult to quickly and easily determine the causes. This can only be done by a specialized specialist after a comprehensive examination in various planes.

Potential Causes of Pain

Within modern literature, if we speak in simple language, doctors divide pain symptoms into two main categories: simple and complex.

The first are usually considered to be problems that can be easily solved using the simplest and easiest treatment methods. Often among these ailments, negative sensations are identified that were caused by a small amount of sleep, severe fatigue of the body, stressful situations, and respiratory diseases.

In this situation, the most effective measures to significantly improve well-being can be called procedures aimed at a relaxing effect. They advise you to rest, relax, drink soothing tea, and ventilate the room. Relaxation techniques such as massage are sometimes used skin head and cervical region, which significantly improves the blood supply, reduces pain or completely gets rid of it.

Respiratory diseases include various ailments and headaches. To weaken its effect, analgesic drugs are used. As a rule, these substances are found in those medications that are used in the treatment of this type of infection. It is important to note that getting rid of colds also allows you to get rid of pain behind the ear, in the ear canal, and headaches.

If the pain is of the type that can be easily eliminated, it is worth informing the treating specialist about it. Moreover, they may be a certain sign various violations normal functioning of body systems such as nervous, endocrine and others.

However, we must never forget that any pain can directly indicate significant diseases and problems. They are divided into pronounced ones and, conversely, into implicit ones.

Only a doctor can correctly determine the diagnosis

The so-called obvious causes usually include various kinds of spasms and inflammations, which indicate potentially serious illnesses, such as:

It is worth noting that in the case of various kinds of problems, the pain may be subtle and radiate to the ear. These include:

  • Dental problems, such as caries or pulpitis. Serious destruction of the existing enamel and tissues that are located directly next to the teeth occurs. As a result, it happens direct defeat nerve endings located directly near the teeth. Among the symptoms, of course, one can note pain behind the ear.
  • Neuralgic diseases of the so-called trigeminal nerve. In this case, severe inflammation is present in lower section nerve ending. Among obvious signs- this is the impact on facial nerves below, but is sometimes accompanied by severe pain in the ear canal.
  • Osteochondrosis. In this situation, severe pain appears in the neck. This is due to a serious decrease in the thickness of the vertebrae in the cervical region, which results in strong compression of those nerve ganglia and endings that lead directly to the head.
  • Diseases of the sinuses. The most common such disease is sinusitis. Leads to sharp shooting pains.
  • Mastoiditis. This disease means severe inflammation mucous membrane of a certain process in the area of ​​the temporal bone. Due to the fact that the ear canal is located near the location of this disease, a situation often occurs when the pain is radiated directly to the ears. In addition, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature and general weakness of the body. Sometimes, various discharges are present and a person’s level of audibility decreases.
  • Problems caused by poisoning. It is important to note that absolutely every person’s body functions in a unique way. Based on this, in no case should you expect the same reaction to taking medications, food and water. In some cases, poisoning occurs, which is accompanied by various pain, for example, in the ear, both on the right and on the left. These symptoms most easily disappear after the cause of the poisoning is removed.

Treatment process for ear pain

It is important to note that treatment can only be carried out as prescribed by a specialist. Identification is the only correct source pain is an essential first step to getting rid of it. All diseases and problems identified above require intervention professional doctor. Moreover, in some situations you should under no circumstances hesitate.

For example, when a person gets sick with otitis media or the so-called mumps. These diseases can cause very serious complications, sometimes even leading to the death of the patient.

The same otitis affects auditory nerve, which, in the absence of proper and correct treatment, leads to an almost complete loss of the real ability to hear any sounds. In some cases, hearing is lost forever. Or mumps, which affects other organs in the human body. For example, it can significantly disrupt the normal functioning of the central nervous system or lead to infertility and loss of hearing. The simplest caries, which was not cured in time, leads to serious complications of different nature, in some cases, even to the appearance of tumors.

Effective diagnostic examinations and timely treatment prescribed by a professional can help you get rid of various types of symptoms.

As a rule, infections most often occur in the spring. It is at this time that people get rid of the clothes they need. As a result of an incorrect assessment of the situation on the street, pain occurs in the ears or in their area. In some situations, the neck or head also hurts.

The vast majority of residents of cities and villages do not turn to specialists, but try to engage in self-medication processes. Frequently used methods include strong heating, installation of special candles, and sometimes taking pills.

Of course, in most cases this will not lead to irreparable consequences, because the causes of ear pain are minor illnesses. However, the danger appears when the disease is severe and, in the absence of diagnosis, it can be seriously aggravated.

Contact a specialist

It is important to note the fact that treating ear pain on your own can lead to a situation where one problem is eliminated, and the real reason is a completely different disease. As a result, the disease progresses.

It is important to consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist can correctly determine the real cause.

The most commonly used treatments for this type of pain should be briefly reviewed. For example, in the case of an inflammatory process such as otitis media, regardless of its location, various medications are used for treatment. The doctor prescribes the most effective and modern medications.

In a situation where the pain is quite mild and does not have a pronounced acute nature and is not accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature human body, then we can conclude that it is caused by minor reasons. In this case, it is acceptable to use special compresses that are aimed at warming the ear. In general, the ear canal should be kept sufficiently warm, which, in the absence of infections, will stop further development illness and will allow you to get rid of the painful symptoms that arise. Sometimes it can be accompanied by taking painkillers.

When a situation occurs in which the pain increases and does not disappear for several days, you should definitely make an appointment with a specialized specialist.

Under no circumstances should you prescribe antibiotic medications for yourself. It is worth noting that warming up can only be carried out in the absence of purulent discharge from the auricle. Otherwise, you can make an unambiguous conclusion about the infectious nature of the pain and you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and prevent further progression of the disease.


If the cause of pain is caries, you should contact a dentist who will help get rid of it. After this, the pain in the ears will go away.

When a person experiences pain in the cervical spine, the cause may be osteochondrosis. In this case, treatment should be carried out in consultation with a specialized specialist who deals specifically with these problems, for example, a neurologist.
Sometimes, neuralgic diseases can be the cause of pain. In this case, pain manifests itself in the form of short-term attacks or unsuccessful head movements. Brushing your teeth, chewing, or just smiling may have an effect.

Neck- This is the part of the body that connects the head to the torso. The neck performs many vital functions important functions and is often a particularly vulnerable spot. Cervical vertebrae and the muscles are designed to provide the head with the greatest mobility.

The seven cervicals surround the spinal cord, forming spinal canal. Between the vertebrae there are discs, next to which the nerves of the neck pass. The structure of the neck includes neck muscles, arteries, veins, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, esophagus, larynx and trachea. Conditions that affect certain tissues in the neck can contribute to neck pain.

Localization of pain only in the neck is called cervicalgia, when pain irradiates to the arm - cervico-brachialgia, when pain irradiates to the head - cervicocranialgia.

Cervicago(cervical lumbago) develops when irritation by compression of the receptors of the sinuvertebral nerve. Suddenly, usually at the moment of making a sudden movement of the head, a acute pain in the neck, intensifying even with barely noticeable movement and radiating to the back of the head, head, chest. Head and shoulder girdle take a forced position. Muscles cervicothoracic region become tense, acquire a “stony” density, and movements in the cervical and upper thoracic spine and in the area of shoulder joint. The duration of an exacerbation of the disease is about 10 days.

Causes of neck pain on the right

Right neck pain is pain in the cervical spine on the right side. Neck pain on the right may indicate mechanical problems occurring in the cervical spine. Only in rare cases does neck pain on the right indicate the presence of a systemic disease. Although the pain can be severe, most pain resolves within 1 to 2 weeks and in much lesser cases lasts 8 to 12 weeks. The pain may be located in the spine or radiate to right hand(radiculopathy).

Basic causes of pain in the neck on the right:


    osteoarthritis of the spine;

    damage to the neck muscles and spinal ligaments.

Often the sources of pain in these diseases are the intervertebral joints and discs, as well as own ligaments spine and back muscles.

Prevalence osteoarthritis of the spine increases every year. The main source of pain in osteoarthritis is damaged intervertebral joints. Changes in the intrinsic intervertebral joints are the main cause of myofascial pain and acute torticollis. Herniated discs can usually occur in the lower cervical spine.

Severe neck pain right and arm can also be caused by:

    cervical osteochondrosis;

    consequences of cervical spine injury;

    tumors of the cervical spinal cord, brain and spine (cancer metastases to the spine, craniospinal anomalies).

Pain in the right neck or limitation of its mobility can most often occur as a result of:

    muscle strain;

    hypothermia (usually exposure to drafts);

    sleeping in an uncomfortable position;

    physical activity.

Pain in the right neck may go away on its own within a day. If the pain does not decrease, intensifies or recurs, then you need to contact a chiropractor. therapist.

Hernia intervertebral disc most often causes shoulder pain. Compression of a nerve root causes pain in the shoulder and arm (brachialgia). A herniated disc can cause nerve dysfunction, including decreased reflex activity, sensation, and muscle strength.

Stenosis spinal canal causes compression spinal cord, which leads to cervical myelopathy. The narrowing can be caused by a bulging disc, bone spurs, and thickened spinal ligaments. Damage to the spinal cord may not be accompanied by pain, but numbness of the limbs, weakness and dysfunction of the pelvic organs occur.

Muscle spasm very often occurs during sharp rotational turns of the neck, which most often occurs in traffic accidents. Pain and stiffness in such cases develops within 24-48 hours after the injury.

Neck pain on the right and limitation of head movements are observed with meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain tumors and right-sided retropharyngeal abscess. If pain is localized along the anterior surface of the neck, coronary artery disease (IHD) - angina pectoris and myocardial infarction - are excluded.

Cervical tumors spine are usually metastatic. A tumor should be excluded if there is prolonged, constant pain that bothers the patient day and night. Metastases with malignant neoplasms in 5-10% of cases they are localized in the spine, while damage to the cervical spine is observed in 15% of cases. Cancers of the breast, prostate and lung most often metastasize to the spine, and melanoma, kidney cancer and cancer metastasize somewhat less often. thyroid gland.

Muscle spasm occurs during prolonged static physical activity(for example, when sitting at a computer for a long time). Acute muscle pain may appear after sleep if the sleep occurred in an uncomfortable position.

Pain in the right neck very often appears because you have to hold your head in the most uncomfortable position for a long time. Regardless of your lifestyle, you can get rid of the main cause of right neck pain by getting rid of bad habits doing every day neck exercises and properly organizing your workplace.

Changes in the cervical and thoracic regions are characterized by severe pain in the right neck and the back of the head. The pain is constant, aching in nature and often intensifies in a certain position, especially with prolonged physical activity. The following symptoms are also characteristic:


    nausea, tinnitus;

    numbness of fingers;

    pain in the hands.

    pain in the heart area, provoked by an uncomfortable posture;

    pain in the upper abdomen;

    disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients also often complain of limited neck mobility, a crunch in the neck on the right when turning the head. In the process of treating neck pain on the right, you need to use methods of both physical and psychological impact, as well as manual therapy.

Causes of neck pain on the right in children

In children and adolescents, neck pain on the right and limitation of head movements are often a manifestation of cervical lymphadenitis (a complication of tonsillitis). Some causes of right neck pain in children are the same as in adults: intracranial hemorrhages, abscesses and tumors.

In children, in addition, acute torticollis is often observed. Neck pain on the right can also be a manifestation of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Other causes of neck pain on the right are associated with injuries to the intervertebral joints, intervertebral discs, and vertebrae. Sometimes immune disorders affect arthritis.

Prevention and treatment

There is no need to panic immediately if you wake up in the morning and feel right neck pain. In this case, most likely, the pillow for sleeping is not suitable for you, you took an uncomfortable position at night, or the day before you were unlucky to find yourself in the wrong place, and the culprit was a banal draft. Also, it’s worth remembering whether you’ve recently lifted weights with your right hand, or perhaps you’ve been carrying something heavy in that hand for a long time.

Perhaps there was a sharp and unexpected turn of the neck (often happens when various types car accidents). Pain in the right side of the neck may also be accompanied by limited ability to turn the head, nausea and dizziness. If it doesn’t go away on its own, then the course manual therapy will definitely ease your condition. Try to avoid drafts and do not overexert your right arm while working at the computer.

In the event that a long time does not pass right neck pain, and also causes you inconvenience and discomfort, you need to seek help from qualified specialist. Depending on the cause of such pain, you may need consultation with a traumatologist, rheumatologist, neurologist or oncologist.

Unpleasant painful sensations in the neck distract you from the usual rhythm of life and do not allow you to completely relax, rest or do work. Such phenomena may intensify or subside, but regardless of the nature and frequency of pain, they require timely and correct diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, if there is pain behind the ear and the neck is tense or also aches, you should immediately consult a doctor and identify the cause of the pain.

Main reasons

Neck pain near the ears and under the lobes can be the result of a variety of inflammatory processes or other types of diseases. When they occur, painful sensations can be either subtle or quite severe. Their nature will depend on the complexity and severity of the disease. IN individual situations may be accompanied by shooting pains to the back of the head, to the lower part of the face, or even to the shoulders and fingertips.

Cases where neck pain can result the following diseases and problems with the body:

  • Inflammation of the lymph node.

Usually accompanied by severe pain, and swollen lymph node"swells" and in some cases can be felt. The problem is the defeat of the elements lymphatic system, and the pain in the neck and ear can be unbearable. This inflammation needs to be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can develop into a malignant disease.

  • Dental problems (caries).

Significant tooth damage and constant problems with caries can lead to intensification and “spreading” of painful sensations. Thus, pain from the jaw radiates to the ear and neck.

  • Otitis.

It differs from other diseases in numerous symptoms that lead to severe discomfort. May be accompanied by shooting or noise. With a purulent disease, the temperature rises.

Not only problems with the cervical spine or hearing organs can affect the occurrence of pain. Near the location of the painful sensations there are many nodes that, as a result of inflammatory processes, will cause similar problems and pain under the ear on the neck. Therefore, inflammation of the salivary glands or sinuses can cause the part of the neck behind the ear to become very sore.

  • Ear plug.

Another cause of pain may be a significant accumulation of earwax, which led to the formation of a traffic jam. It creates pressure, which can cause discomfort. With this phenomenon, any lumps and lumps cannot be felt, but when you touch the ear, the pain may intensify.

Problems associated with the cervical spine may also affect ear pain. For example, with osteochondrosis, the pain gradually increases and will radiate throughout the neck and nearby organs. And if shooting sharp pains appear behind the ear and in the lower part of the face, damage to the ternary nerve is very likely.

Visiting a doctor

Self-treatment of any of these diseases at home is simply unacceptable. If pain occurs, it is recommended to immediately go to your local physician to determine the cause of the pain. It is important to consider the severity of the consequences caused specified diseases. So, if after a slight “lull” the pain under the ear on the neck is more severe, you should immediately visit a specialist.

An untimely visit can cause a malignant disease, blood poisoning (in the presence of purulent discharge), and deafness. Most of the sources of ear pain discussed can be fatal.

The only acceptable “treatment” at home is taking painkillers or powders. But after the pain subsides, you should immediately go to the clinic.

Diagnostic features

When conducting research, routine inspection and palpation may initially be required. After establishing the reasons why the pain in the neck and ear begins to intensify, the patient is referred to a specialized doctor. This could be a traumatologist, rheumatologist, or neurologist.

In the future, to further detail the problem, the following studies may be prescribed:

  • computed tomography of the cervical vertebrae;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • electromyography.

According to the results obtained, the doctor who gives the patient a treatment program must draw it up taking into account the characteristics of his body. This will eliminate the incorrect effects of medications or selected procedures and prevent the worsening of the disease.

Specifics of treatment

To get rid of pain behind the ear, a specialist can choose several treatment options, based on established reasons the appearance of painful sensations. For example, in case of problems with teeth, the dentist will conduct an examination and determine what procedures should be carried out in the future, how to properly treat a tooth located on the jaw or whether it needs to be removed.

For problems caused by disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system, a course of medication may be prescribed to help maintain the body in in good condition and quickly cope with the disease.

Regardless of the prescribed therapy and the nature of the disease, additional routine examinations will be required. This will help prevent the recurrence of the disease and eliminate it negative consequences and protect the patient from similar problems in the future.