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Exotic fruits V modern world, perhaps, no longer surprise anyone. What helpful foreign exporters don’t supply to store shelves. Red bananas are considered a particularly interesting fruit. What is their main difference from the yellow fruits familiar to Russians?

Red bananas are a real-life variety of such herbaceous plants. Their structure is practically no different from their counterparts - yellow bananas. The only difference is that red fruits have an unusual coloring of the peel. It can have different shades: from pale orange to bright brick.

The “culprit” of this unusual color scheme of the plant is beta-carotene. He is the one in large quantities found in carrots and pumpkin.

Where do fruits grow and what do they look like?

Where do red bananas grow? These fruits are native to the tropics and subtropics, as they require a hot climate to ripen. Such exotic delicacies are grown in large quantities in the countries of South and Central America, Jamaica and Costa Rica.

By the way. The most delicious examples of red bananas are those grown in the Seychelles. At the same time, ripe, ripe fruits from recently picked trees will become a real pleasure for gourmets.

It should be noted that red bananas are not widely distributed today. The reason for this is the delicate and fragile structure of the fruit, which complicates the process of its transportation.

The red banana looks quite typical, at least in terms of shape. The size of this fruit is approximately a third smaller than that of the traditional yellow one. Red bananas have a soft, bright yellow interior and a thick, dense skin.

Taste and smell of red bananas

Gourmets who have tried the exotic fruit note the sweet taste of red bananas with rich creamy notes. By taste sensations The pulp is somewhat astringent, the aroma of the fruit is reminiscent of a combination of raspberries and strawberries.

The healthiest way to eat red bananas is fresh, unprocessed. In this case, the body will absorb maximum quantity useful elements included in the composition of the treat. However, if you really want to taste something exotic, these fruits can be dried or grilled.

Differences between red and yellow bananas

It should be noted that, unlike yellow bananas, red bananas begin to deteriorate after ripening after a very short period of time.

The calorie content of yellow fruits is considered higher than that of red ones.

The texture of the flesh of red bananas is softer and more delicate, and the color is more saturated.

But most big difference counts nutritional value red fruits. Thus, in terms of potassium content, they are 10 times higher than their yellow relatives.

There are many others in them beneficial organisms substances.

How to help fruit ripen at home

Capricious and wayward red bananas, as a rule, are delivered to the shelves of world stores unripe. Otherwise, they risk not reaching their destination, turning into a spoiled mass. Often, buyers who purchase a red banana and are looking forward to tasting it are disappointed by its inexpressive taste. The problem is solved quite simply - bananas need to ripen at home.

Room temperature is suitable for ripening the fruit. It is best to wrap the fruits in a paper bag and send them to a dark place (storage box). In such conditions, after 6 – 9 days the delicacy will already be considered ripe.

Advice. The bright red exotic “guests” can be outwitted a little. To do this, it is enough to place already ripe fruits, for example, an apple, in a common bag. This is believed to encourage bananas to ripen faster.

Thanks to various beneficial components, this fruit has an extremely positive effect on the body, for example:

  1. Strengthens hair, nails and bones.
  2. Improves skin condition.
  3. Increases body tone.
  4. Stimulates immunity.
  5. Regulates fluid balance in the body.
  6. Normalizes the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. It is considered an excellent prevention of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, anemia.
  8. Helps eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The main cause of this disease is considered to be regular constipation and difficulty with bowel movements. Red bananas eliminate these symptoms, thereby helping to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon of hemorrhoids.
  9. Helps improve vision. This effect is achieved due to the impressive content of vitamin A in the composition of the red overseas fruit.
  10. Provides all possible assistance in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The impressive amount of beta-carotene in bananas makes them an excellent treat for children, who especially need this substance. It will become even more relevant for little picky eaters who don’t want to feast on carrots or pumpkin.

Attention! Red banana is contraindicated for diabetics. One fruit can contain up to 20 g of sucrose. 2 bananas are enough to cause a huge spike in blood sugar.

However, for type 2 diabetes, small portions of this fruit are allowed for consumption. In addition, people suffering from kidney disease should be careful in their use. In this case, the possibility of consuming red bananas and their dosage should be agreed with your doctor.

Bananas with red skin are quite an unusual phenomenon. At the same time, such fruits have not been considered something overly exotic for quite some time - the modern buyer is so accustomed to overseas novelties. If you are going to try a bright fruit, you should carefully examine it - unripe fruits, most likely, will not bring any gastronomic pleasure. Such fruits should rest for several days, and then the overseas “guests” will to the fullest will reveal their taste and magnificent aroma.

The familiar yellow bananas are not the only representatives of this species. In countries South America and Asia, a special variety of plant is grown - red bananas, which are considered exotic fruits in most countries of the world. They appeared on domestic shelves relatively recently, but have already managed to win the sympathy of many fruit lovers. How fruits differ from ordinary ones, their growth characteristics and cooking recipes - you can learn all this from this article.

Description of the variety

Red bananas can be confidently called an exquisite delicacy: the softest yellow-scarlet flesh has a pleasant fruity smell, reminiscent of raspberries and a delicate texture.

A brief description of the variety is as follows:

  • the fruit is about a third smaller than its yellow relative;
  • thick peel, which in some cases has to be removed with a knife;
  • The peel of a ripe fruit is painted in rich colors and can be purple or even burgundy. A sign of fruit ripening is the absence of green stripes and spots.

Important! There is a tomato called "Red Banana". Outwardly, it is very similar to the fruit of the same name, but they taste completely different.

The highest yield of these fruits is recorded in Costa Rica - the local population enjoys eating red bananas, adding variety to their daily menu. However, in other countries it is almost impossible to find such a fruit on store shelves. And the point is not in the rarity of the plant itself: with a strong desire and a suitable climate, grow special kind herbs on which bright fruits ripen are not so difficult.

Difficulties will have to be encountered a little later - during transportation. Ripe bananas are easily deformed, and it is almost impossible to transport the ripe product over long distances.

However, a solution was found: it turns out that if you pick unripe fruits, you don’t have to worry about them being damaged during transportation. But here you will have to face another problem - green fruits are practically inedible, and in order to eat them you will have to wait until they ripen. There is a proven way to ripen bananas of an unusual color at home. Place the purchased fruits in a container with warm water for a couple of hours, and then transfer them to a dry place for several days.

Unusual fruits contain large number useful substances, useful for the body of any person:

  • fiber;
  • vitamins of group A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • iron;
  • potassium.

Important! A substance called beta-carotene was found in large quantities in this variety. This fact allows us to answer the question of why bananas are red.

It is the composition that determines the benefits of the indicated fruits. Fruits have the following effects:

  1. Provide the body with the necessary amount of fluid, maintaining water balance.
  2. Strengthens the structure of hair and nail plates.
  3. They have a general tonic effect.
  4. Makes the skin firm and elastic.
  5. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Prevents the occurrence of physical inactivity.
  8. Prevent anemia.
  9. Prevents the deposition of kidney stones.
  10. Raise immune protection body.

The low calorie content of the product allows it to be consumed by people on a diet. At the same time, bananas promote rapid satiety, helping to lose excess weight in record time.

However, even so healthy food may cause harm. It is recommended that patients avoid eating exotic bananas. diabetes mellitus. This fact is due high content natural sugars that can cause sharp deterioration well-being. But if the diagnosed disease is type 2, you can occasionally allow yourself to enjoy exotic fruits in small quantities.

How to eat them

Red bananas, unlike yellow ones, are rarely eaten raw. Residents of countries where this fruit grows in large quantities prefer to pre-heat the product. In addition to adding to the usual desserts and fruit salads, red bananas are an excellent side dish for meat or fish dishes. We bring to your attention several recipes that lovers of unusual food will appreciate.

Fried bananas

So you bought red bananas and they turned out to be hard. What to do with them in this case? You can use a proven recipe and fry them in a frying pan with some oil.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. The fruits are peeled and cut into medium rings.
  2. 2 onions finely chopped.
  3. The frying pan is heated over the fire, vegetable oil is poured.
  4. The onion is sautéed for about 2 minutes, then the chopped bananas are poured into the container.
  5. A small amount of coriander, oregano and finely ground black pepper are added to the existing ingredients.
  6. The dish is stewed for about 5 minutes.
  7. Squeezed or finely chopped garlic is poured into the frying pan and after 5 minutes you can turn off the heat.

According to gourmets who have already tried this dish, fried bananas taste like everyone’s favorite potato.

Baked Bananas Wrapped in Bacon

Fans of all kinds of baked dishes will surely like the exotic version of a meat dish with bananas. The cooked fruits are cut lengthwise. If the fruit seems too large, you can divide it into three parts. The resulting strips are lightly salted and wrapped in bacon. Place the workpiece on a baking sheet.

The container is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Once the kitchen is filled with the aroma of crispy bacon, the dish must be removed from the oven. Likewise You can also cook bananas over a fire, after threading them onto small skewers or skewers. However, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not soften the bananas too much and turn into an unappetizing mess.

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with the taste of exotic fruits; any market or large store offers a large assortment of flavor explosions. But even omniscient gourmets never cease to be surprised by some varieties of already familiar specimens. Here, for example, are red bananas, which grow in one place on earth - on the Seychelles island of MAO, where the palm trees display not only the golden specimens familiar to us all, but also bright red and even black bananas. Locals use red as the main side dish for seafood.

Anyone who tastes them for the first time does not understand why others admire them. The flesh of the red banana is very soft and fragrant only when the fruit is freshly cut from the tree. The described specimens cannot be transported; the core hardens and becomes fibrous. Flavors can be revived. To do this, red bananas must first be soaked in warm water for two hours, then wiped with a dry towel and put in a cool, dark place for two days. Only then will everyone be able to experience the incredible gastronomic bouquet that the pulp of a red banana provides.

How to eat red bananas

As a rule, they are not eaten raw. There are several healthy recipes, which are easy to master at home. In the homeland of red bananas, the fruit is peeled, cut into thin slices and fried in a frying pan, having previously greased it vegetable oil. As soon as the banana pieces are well stewed over low heat, they are taken out, layered in a bowl and soaked in melted honey.

There is another way of cooking. Red bananas are peeled, cut along the trunk into two equal halves, each is wrapped with the thinnest ribbon of bacon, the ends are secured with toothpicks and fried again in a frying pan over low heat, constantly turning the slices. The banana is ready when the bacon is translucent and crispy. The delicacy is simply delicious.

Red bananas can replace the usual potatoes and make an unusual, very tasty roast. The cooking technology is the same as for the recipe with potatoes. Heat the oil in a saucepan, fry the meat in it, add the onion, combine the ingredients, let them simmer a little, and pour a small amount water. You can close the saucepan with a lid and cook the meat until fully cooked. Then add red bananas cut into large pieces. The dish should still sit on low heat for about fifteen minutes and that’s it – you can try it!