Why can't you sit and stand for a long time? Why is it harmful to sit for a long time?

I don’t practice yoga regularly, to my great regret, but I use some poses for stretching or warming up before strength exercises. And I do headstands quite often - to be honest, because I just like doing it and because it’s not at all difficult, as it seemed to me before from the outside))) Especially if you do the headstand near a wall.

And regularly performing headstands has a whole list of health benefits, for example:

  1. Relieves stress

Headstand is known as a cooling pose, which means it helps you turn your attention inward. This pose is extremely useful if you are worried about neuroses, stress, fears or other conditions associated with increased anxiety. Doing a headstand, taking long, slow breaths in and out, is a good recipe for stress.

  1. Increases concentration

Turning upside down increases blood flow to the brain. This makes it possible to improve mental function and increase concentration. Helping in the fight against fears and anxiety, this pose allows you to maintain clarity of consciousness and mental acuity.

  1. Improves blood circulation in the eye area

When you roll over, blood rushes to your head, bringing in extra oxygen. This means your eyes also receive more oxygen. This helps prevent macular degeneration and other eye diseases.

  1. Increases blood flow to the head and scalp

Headstand is an amazingly beneficial pose for optimizing the flow of nutrients and oxygen to your scalp and hair follicles. Perhaps with constant practice your hair will become much thicker!

  1. Improves digestion

With the reverse effect of gravity on the digestive organs, the body begins to free itself from stagnant masses; excess gases are released, blood flow to all important digestive organs improves. Thus, headstand improves the absorption of nutrients and their delivery to cells. If you add proper belly breathing to it, you will get a double effect.

  1. Reduces fluid accumulation in legs, ankles, feet

Swelling in the feet is quite unpleasant and often occurs when you spend a lot of time on your feet. By reversing the direction of gravity on fluids in the body, you get rid of excess fluid, causing swelling to go away.

  1. Strengthens core muscles

Headstand is one of the most difficult physical exercises. You need to engage your core muscles to support your legs and balance. By performing a headstand, you work the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and back to minimize pressure on your head and tension in your neck.

  1. Stimulates the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system rids the body of waste and helps remove unnecessary products from the blood. When you stand on your head, you directly stimulate the lymphatic system and thereby help remove toxins from the body.

Risks and Precautions

Headstand is beneficial for mental and physical well-being, but many people are wary of the possible risks and therefore do not practice this pose.

I recommend learning headstand only from a qualified trainer. And consult your doctor before you start rolling over: there are a number of contraindications (injuries to the neck, head, shoulders, arms, wrists or back, high blood pressure, hearing or vision problems, pregnancy).

It is important to perform the stand correctly, first warmed up, and in a good mood. Many people have a negative attitude towards turning over, mainly due to the fear of falling. Therefore, at first, protect yourself by performing a rollover near the wall.

In the “legs up” position, most people switch to shallow breathing, which is extremely dangerous for the cardiovascular system and the brain of a person in an inverted position.


Headstand is known as a cooling pose, which means it helps you turn your attention inward. This pose is extremely useful if you are worried about neuroses, stress, fears or other conditions associated with increased anxiety.

Verdict: harmful

Adherents of yoga call this action “sirshasana”, but the physical essence does not change from this, except perhaps the metaphysical one, which has nothing to do with medicine. An untrained person can get problems with the neck from such an exercise, which is not very suitable for such loads. There is also a chance of getting a stroke. If the vertebral arteries are narrow, fragile and sit tightly in the openings of the vertebrae, they can even separate from an unsuccessful tilt of the head, let alone standing on the head. In other words, there is no obvious benefit, but there are real risks.

Russian labor legislation does not regulate working on your feet in any way. Meanwhile, many professions do not require sedentary work and long breaks. The Village found people who stand on their feet for long hours and asked how they cope with such physical activity and whether they love their work.


chef barista

I have been working as a barista, chef barista and trainer for five years. Of course, I started, like everyone else, as a simple barista, then there were promotions, but in general I still work behind the counter, with guests and on my feet. Our schedule is free, we can plan it ourselves. Some people find it convenient to work 5/2, others every other day. I work on weekdays and relax on weekends. I work four evening shifts and one morning shift because I like to sleep. The shift lasts eight to nine hours.

How much time I spend on my feet a day depends on the coffee shop and the flow of guests. Any person behind the counter only stands when he is busy with something. If it’s been raining all day and there’s been no one for three hours, it goes without saying that there’s no point in standing and sadly looking out the window. If you have already done all the work, washed the equipment and the counter, then you can sit down and relax. We try to organize a chair or stool for all baristas, so that there is an opportunity to sit down during times when there is absolutely nothing else to do. And this happens sometimes.

When it’s a normal working day, it’s not so much that there’s nowhere to sit, but that there’s simply no time for it. We're always busy. Either we are lucky with the barista, or it is written in our subcortex: if there is something to do, then we will never sit down to rest.

To my surprise, working this way is easier than sitting. I have days when I have to do a lot of boring office work - it seems to me that it is more difficult to sit at the computer for three hours than to stand for eight. When baristas start their first shifts, they feel strange - mainly because we do not move, but more often we stand - at the counter or at the coffee machine. But then they get used to it.

The key to a successful shift is shoes. I have very finicky feet and find it difficult to find ones that are comfortable. I always work in sneakers; the Vans last and sole suit me. In winter, these are also comfortable shoes like Ecco with orthopedic soles. If it's not one of these options, I'm unlikely to be able to stand for more than eight hours and successfully drive home.

To do this kind of work, you need to stay physically fit. The back gets tired if the muscles are not trained. And it's very easy to start slouching. I had to incorporate exercise into my daily diet, which targets my back muscles, and some squats and lunges, which target my legs. It's hard without this.

I’m already used to it and sometimes I don’t feel tired at all when I go out after my shift and I’m ready to hang out somewhere. If the shift lasts longer or you had to replace someone and go out for 15 hours, then, of course, there is no question of anything other than a taxi, a pillow and a bed.



I work in a florist workshop. We deal with flowers, create compositions and bouquets for our clients. Each florist has his own responsibilities and workload. Since I am a senior florist, among other things, I am responsible for the largest and most responsible orders and training of interns. The workload in the workshop is always different, it is especially busy during the holidays and wedding season.

Legs, knees and back constantly hurt, especially after the holiday marathons. After March 8 in general you come to your senses in two weeks

I came across very democratic employers who created comfortable conditions for their florists. We don’t have any special restrictions, we feel quite free. You can sit as much in a day as your conscience and the number of orders allows. Officially, the working day lasts from 9 to 20 hours, but sometimes I have to stay late - because of this, it is difficult to calculate the exact amount of time I spend on my feet.

Since I have a lot of responsibilities, I don't often allow myself to sit on the couch. That's why I get very tired during the day. And, naturally, this has a strong impact on health. Legs, knees and back constantly hurt, especially after holiday marathons. After March 8, you generally come to your senses for about two weeks.

I'm trying to work more in sneakers, which actually doesn't help much when you're stuck at your desk all day. I try to stretch and exercise and sometimes go to the pool. I recently went for a massage and was told that I needed to pay more attention to my legs and lower back. I don’t have varicose veins, but I’m very worried about my knees, because last summer I encountered pain while riding a bicycle. Of course it's scary.



I’ve been working as a bartender for a little over seven years, most recently I’ve been a bar manager in a chain of bars, I’m responsible for everything. But I work behind the counter a couple of days a week to stay sharp.

The shift lasts from 8 to 12 hours. We have breaks - once every two hours for five minutes and one 15-minute break per day. At this time you can sit, the rest of the work is on your feet, but I cannot say that it is monstrous. Yes, it happens that your back hurts, but it’s not a disaster. In my opinion, it’s worse for people who spend all day sitting in a confined space. The physical activity of those same taxi drivers is much higher than mine: although I stand on my feet all day, I am in motion.

The comfort of standing work depends, for example, on the floor covering. As a rule, in a bar we work on rubber mats to avoid breaking bottles. Walking on them is a little easier than on a bare floor. Shoes also play a role. It's better to stand in comfortable sneakers all day than sit in uncomfortable office shoes. If I feel physical fatigue at the end of the working day, it is less than moral.

Physical activity for the same taxi drivers it is much higher than mine: Even though I stand on my feet all day but I'm on the move

Many come to work in bars, leaving the office desk at their previous jobs. But, as a rule, these are people under 25 years of age, and they do not need adaptation to standing work. Of course, there are individual cases - arthritis and arthrosis - but in general there are no problems. The secret is the same for everyone - general physical fitness. In our case, it is better to choose a constant cardio load - running or team sports like basketball.



I've worked on my feet all my life. My shift lasts 10 hours a day, there are short breaks of 5-10 minutes and one half-hour per day. When people get a job, they know what awaits them: the job of a waiter does not involve sitting around.

I live with constant back pain, which can only be dealt with periodic massage

Naturally, I get tired at work. I feel this most strongly when I leave work, get on the subway and relax. On the one hand, this work can be regarded as free fitness, on the other hand, it affects your health. I live with constant back pain that can only be relieved by periodic massage. I don’t use skincare products yet, but I should think about it more seriously in the near future.



I am a hair stylist, I have irregular working hours - sometimes I stand for three to four hours a day, and sometimes for 10–12. Sometimes I allow myself short breaks - for example, when a client sits with dye on his hair. I am an individual entrepreneur and distribute the workload myself, but even despite this, work has a significant impact on my health.

At the end of the working day, the bones in my feet sometimes hurt and my lower back often ache. The problem of varicose veins is avoided - perhaps due to the fact that I regularly attend Pilates classes. In addition, I periodically massage my feet. Here I could joke that I’m still taking hashish, and my legs start dancing on their own and whisper that everything is fine, but I won’t. I just take very hot baths twice a week - my legs steam and I feel better.


pizza maker

I've been working in a pizzeria for about two years. My shift lasts eight hours, almost all of which I spend on my feet. During a shift in the kitchen, we cut ingredients, prepare pizzas and other products, clean our workplace, and wash dishes. The shift includes lunch, which lasts 30 minutes. This is enough for me to switch gears, eat and regain strength. Of course, if you are not feeling well, you can warn the manager and take a break.

I have scoliosis but such work does not affect my well-being. Vice versa, mobile work is even better than sedentary work

At first, everyone is scared to work like this. The first days are especially difficult, but then you get used to it and get involved. With diseases of the back or legs, it is probably more difficult. I have scoliosis, but this type of work does not affect my well-being. On the contrary, mobile work is even better than sedentary work.

There are many tasks in my head, there is always work, so there is no particular need or desire to sit and rest. I like that I am constantly busy with something. After your shift, you can sit for 15 minutes, then you will find the strength to do something else.

In my free time I sleep. I don’t play sports, but I like to walk, walk a lot. I don’t have any illnesses, I wear regular sneakers at work. It’s just that with such work it is very important to correctly calculate your strength and recover.



I worked at a culinary chain for about a year and quit a month ago. At the interview they warned about physical activity - I knew what I was doing. I tried to prepare myself mentally, physically - no, I just lay on the couch. The first few days of work, I didn’t understand what was happening and what all these people wanted from me. Then I really wanted to turn around and leave. It was very painful. Personally, my legs ached to the point of tears. But I worked two to two, so after a while I got into a groove.

The work shift lasted 13 hours, there was only one break - for lunch. In theory, it lasted 20 minutes - during this time you need to have time to go to the toilet, smoke and eat. But no one urged us - as soon as we had lunch, we would have lunch. To go to the toilet in the middle of a shift, you had to give a warning.

It was very painful. For me personally My legs ached to the point of tears. But I worked two after two, so After some time I got into a rut

There was no talk of sitting down during working hours. In every free minute we had to do something useful. In addition to serving guests, there are many other little things to do - tidy up somewhere, put stickers on, bring plates. If you couldn’t find a task, others will definitely find it for you. In the end I just quit. But not because of physical activity - at the end of work the day flew by in five minutes.

Is it legal to work on your feet all day?

Ilya Savelyev

lawyer at AVT Consulting

The law does not provide for separate provisions for workers who work on their feet during the working day. But it provides time for rest. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that a break for rest and food should be no more than two hours and no less than 30 minutes during the working day (Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This rule is general and applies to all categories of workers. Rest time is regulated by local regulations of the employer, which should not contradict this norm. This issue may also be regulated by an agreement with the employee.

The law directly establishes the employee’s right to rest as one of the fundamental ones, the implementation of which the employer is obliged to ensure (Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The establishment of any restrictions and prohibitions on rest that contradict the established period of time for rest is illegal and violates the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If the employer creates conditions that violate the right to rest, the employee should initially try to resolve the dispute through negotiations. If this method does not work, you should contact the labor inspectorate with a statement of violation of the law. Based on the request, an inspection will be carried out, and as a result, an order to eliminate violations will be issued, which is mandatory for the employer.

On a normal day, I walk at least 10 kilometers: that’s how it works. But sometimes you have to forget about walks and focus on work. After an active week, being chained to a chair for even a couple of hours, sitting without moving, is simply unbearable.

Plus, it's quite harmful. There is a solution - a standing workplace. Although it also has disadvantages that affect mood and well-being. You always need variety.

I managed to create it in the form of my workplace. The main thing is to combine and combine both. How?

The harm of sedentary work is serious

Each of us has heard about the dangers of sedentary work, although in fact it is only harmful to sit without changing positions for too long. The mechanism is simple: prolonged immobility leads to muscle weakening.

The whole body suffers: muscles degrade, heart and vascular diseases appear, and there is a risk of strokes, heart attacks and obesity. And this is just the beginning of the list of troubles that a sedentary lifestyle can bring.

Ergonomic comfortable chairs and all kinds of rests for arms and legs do not solve the problem. The option of combining a desktop and exercise equipment does not work due to simple human laziness: pedaling and working is more difficult than just working.

In addition, a chair, even the most ergonomic one, carries great danger. There is always a desire to hunch over, no matter what lumbar supports and armrests the manufacturers offer.

And this is logical, since man was not created for sitting. This way of life has become widespread only in the last 30-50 years, a century at most. Before this, a person spent most of his life standing - this is how almost all workplaces were organized (remember desks and drawing boards).

Hence all the problems of a sedentary lifestyle.

I can’t even imagine the feeling of a constantly sitting person: my legs become numb after 15-20 minutes, I want to turn around or at least change the position of my back. How do you live without leaving your chair?

Benefits of working while standing

And all because for the human body a standing position is more familiar than a sitting position. In an upright position, many muscles have to work, blood circulates more actively throughout the body. Even your hormonal levels change: the body produces more testosterone and less cortisol, which promotes mental and emotional activity.

What is the result? Surprisingly, in a sitting position the load on the back is almost 2 times higher than in a standing position. The blood vessels work better, it is easier for the lungs to move air - they absorb more volume, the brain is more actively nourished.

A standing desk seems like a great solution. Ideally, a spherical table in a vacuum. If you create the right workspace, similar to a sitting one, your forearms are at a 90-degree angle on the table, and your shoulders go back, straightening your back and opening your chest.

Correct posture significantly improves your well-being. The action is almost instantaneous.

What's wrong with standing desks?

This would be the case if there was a universal solution for standing work. But the human body is imperfect: standing in one place for a long time is almost worse than sitting.

Spending a long time standing in one place without moving leads to pain in the feet and leg muscles, all kinds of vein diseases including varicose veins, and increased stress on the joints of the legs.

In the end, at some point you just want to sit down and stretch your legs. For how long? No. How can this be?

And that's not all. Standing desks are divided into 4 categories:

  • regular tables with a stand for a laptop (or monitor and keyboard),
  • desks with a fixed height for standing work,
  • tables with manual height adjustment,
  • tables with automatic height adjustment.

The first ones are the worst idea. Usually stands are made flimsy and unreliable. There is not enough space, it shakes - in a word, it is uncomfortable. Or ugly if made from serious materials. Ideally, screw it tightly to the table, but then what is the point of a non-removable stand?

The following categories have one thing in common: they are used only in one position. It’s lazy, inconvenient and impractical to unscrew the table legs every hour to change the height of the tabletop.

The problems of the latter are the high price with a meager choice. The easiest way to get such a table is from IKEA, but it only comes in 1 tabletop size. Do you want another? Buy a ready-made table and tabletop separately.

I decided to do something different.

How I built a universal table

So, get acquainted: it is on this table, divided into 2 zones, that my materials for reviews and articles for the site are created.

The one-piece table, 3 meters long, is set at a height of 85 centimeters: an intermediate value between standing and sitting. There is an adjustment, but it is not used.

To the left is the computer area. If you stand up, the monitor rises to eye level, the keyboard is slightly below the correct position. It’s convenient for me, but just in case, there’s a 25-centimeter-high stand hidden nearby.

When sitting, I was a little higher than officially recommended, so for comfortable work I had to increase the height of the chair. As a result, the arms are completely on the table, the support is on the elbow (by the way, there are fewer problems with carpal tunnel syndrome).

The right side of the table is for soldering, photography and other manual work. It is mainly used for standing work, so a transformable laptop serves as a display device.

As a kind of ottoman for this part of the table, I use a combo amplifier, which does not allow you to sit down completely, but allows your legs to rest for a couple of minutes. I recommend a massage or fleecy mat under them.

P.S.: everything unnecessary is in the boxes.

How to combine incompatible things

By combining these 3 positions, you can work for quite a long time. The main advantage lies precisely in the ability to change posture: as soon as my arms or back get tired from typing, I move to the standing half, where I read the news feed, reference materials and work with photos.

Even if you don’t believe in the benefits of standing work, changing your body position for 10-20 minutes and warming up a little is useful. If you work in orthopedic shoes, it will be even more useful.

Doctors never tire of reminding us that sitting all day (not so important, at the computer, desk, or on the couch after work) is extremely dangerous for your health. This is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes, various types of cancer, and approximately doubling the risk of disease. But why is all this happening? A recent study, writes Business Insider, may shed light on this dark story.

It turns out that chronic sitting is associated with the accumulation of certain proteins called troponins, which are released by heart muscle cells when they are damaged. It is their surge (read: a sharp increase in quantity) in the blood that doctors begin to look for when diagnosing a patient with a heart attack.

In the study, scientists found that people who sit for more than 10 hours a day (not too difficult for a person who sits 7-9 hours) do not have normal troponin levels. The numbers weren't high enough to qualify the study participants as having a level of damage equal to , but the researchers were nonetheless referring to a condition known as subclinical cardiac injury.

If elevated troponin levels persist for a long period, a person may experience serious health problems, which may explain why inactive people are more likely to die (especially from heart disease) compared to those who are active.

Scientists made this discovery by analyzing data from participants in the Dallas Heart Study, an ongoing study focusing on the heart health of multiethnic residents of Dallas County. They looked at study participants at the beginning and end of the week, measuring troponin levels and tracking physical activity using .

It is worth saying that this was the first study to examine the relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and troponins. But the results still don't mean that excessive sitting will necessarily lead to heart problems. They just show that people who sit a lot and move little tend to have more heart problems (sometimes minor ones) than those who do the opposite.

"The other side of the coin is what you don't do while you're sitting," lead study author James de Lemos tells the New York Times. If you're not sitting, you're more likely to be moving, which definitely helps. But it's still not clear whether sitting can counteract the negative effects.

Among study participants who sat for long periods of time but exercised, there seemed to be some effect. However, scientists warn that the key to success here will be reducing the amount of time spent in a sitting position. A large study published in 2016 in the Lancet found that people who sat for more than 8 hours a day but exercised at least 60-75 minutes a day had the same health risks as people who who sat twice as long and studied the same amount.