Neck massage for blood supply to the brain. Massage for cerebrovascular accidents

You will need

  • - multivitamins with increased content vitamin PP;
  • - head massager;
  • - drugs that improve cerebral circulation;
  • - aspirin, Cardiomagnyl, Thrombo ACC.


Lead a healthy lifestyle: give up bad habits, sleep 8-9 hours a day, spend more time in the fresh air, play sports and eat right. The correct one includes limiting fatty and salty foods, increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Take a multivitamin with increased content nicotinic acid(vitamin PP).

Buy an orthopedic sleeping pillow.

Perform turns and tilts of your head in different sides 4-5 minutes 2 times a day. This will help “disperse” blood flow in the vessels of the neck and head.

Every day, spend 7-10 minutes massaging your ears and neck-collar area. Massage the ears using rubbing movements. For the scalp, use special massagers, or simply run over the skin with your fingertips, lightly pressing and rubbing it. Then, with intense movements, knead the area of ​​​​the back of the head, the back of the neck and the upper back.

Do breathing exercises for saturation. It could be special techniques according to Strelnikova, Buteyko, etc. You can also simply hold your breath for a few seconds, first as you exhale, then as you inhale, breathing alternately through each nostril. Perform breathing exercises daily for 10-15 minutes.

Men over 45 years old and women over 55 need to take ¼ tablet of regular aspirin every night at night. This will improve blood flow through the vessels. Instead of regular aspirin for people with medical conditions gastrointestinal tract It is recommended to take 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl or Thrombo ACCa.

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  • improved blood circulation

The brain is the most important organ, because it controls all processes in the body. But, unfortunately, many people have problems with it. They cannot be avoided, because the brain suffers from constant stress. So the only way out is to help him rehabilitate.

You will need

  • - dried lavender flowers
  • - valerian drops in alcohol
  • - elecampane root
  • - olive oil
  • - oregano herb
  • - dry wormwood leaves
  • - coltsfoot
  • - bay leaves
  • - pine cones


In order to improve blood circulation in the brain, you need to do the following: Take 1 tsp. dried lavender flowers. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over them and put on fire. Make sure the broth simmers for approximately 2 minutes. Then cool the broth and put it in the refrigerator. Drink healing decoction 1 tbsp. l. every morning. The course of treatment is about 3.

Place a couple of drops of olive oil in your ears once a month.

Take a handful of dry wormwood leaves and pour hot, but not boiling, water over them. Leave to brew for 5 hours. Drink four tablespoons of infusion 2 times a day.

Buy coltsfoot at the pharmacy. Make a decoction of it and take one tablespoon at a time. decoction 4 times a day. Remember that this decoction is extremely contraindicated for pregnant women.

Make a decoction of bay leaves. Drink one tbsp. before eating. This method is also contraindicated in pregnant women.

Make an infusion of pine cones. To do this, collect fallen green cones in the forest and fill them with vodka. Let it brew for two weeks. After this, take 1 teaspoon once a day.

To improve blood circulation in the brain, you can use several traditional methods. Be sure to consult your doctor before using them. Diseases associated with improper blood circulation can only worsen as a result misuse medicines.

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Useful advice

improve blood circulation in the brain

It is important to remember that the blood supply to the brain and spinal cord largely determines wellness, performance and psychological state person. Only timely treatment and prevention of diseases of the blood vessels and spine will prevent cerebrovascular accidents.


Please note that cerebrovascular accidents in most cases occur due to the fault of the patient himself. Flaw motor activity sitting at the computer for a long time are the main causes of this pathology. Therefore, it is possible to prevent the development of disorders of the blood supply to the brain with the help of regular physical, breathing exercises and yoga classes.

Remember that if there is serious symptoms deterioration of blood supply to the brain, the patient should be treated by a qualified doctor. Only he will be able to prescribe the necessary and effective examination. For example, with arterial hypertension, specific therapy is needed to improve blood circulation in brain cells. In addition, medications should be prescribed that improve vascular tone and venous drainage, since blood stagnation has a detrimental effect on metabolic processes.

Please note that inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the cervical spine can be one of the main causes of cerebrovascular accidents. This is explained by the fact that only in cervical vertebrae There are arteries that supply blood to the back of the brain. In this case, only the results of an x-ray examination will allow a decision to be made on choosing the optimal treatment method. A course of special massage, physiotherapy and orthopedic treatment, providing easy traction of the spine. Of no small importance is general strengthening therapy aimed at improving the circulatory system - multivitamins and vascular-strengthening drugs.

It should be noted that an important element of recipes traditional medicine, which help to improve blood circulation and metabolism in nerve tissues.

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Please note

Aspirin is the most used medicine for the prevention of cerebrovascular accidents. It effectively thins the blood and powerfully prevents the formation of blood clots.

Useful advice

Please note that to prevent cerebrovascular accidents important role plays the correct position of the head during sleep. You can use an orthopedic pillow for this.

Sluggish circulation may be a consequence various factors, such as lifestyle, nutrition and even genetics. There are many ways to improve blood circulation, such as walking, massage, but the best way to help you proper diet. The following foods will help you stay healthy by providing essential nutrients, lowering bad cholesterol, and keeping your blood vessels in tip-top shape.


Blueberries and grapes
They contain flavonoids that protect the body from free radicals, which damage healthy cells and also improve metabolism in the body. Strawberries and cherries reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol and fight plaque in the blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation in the organs.

Avocado fruits are rich in monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamin B and folic acid. All these substances help increase blood flow.

Salmon and other fatty fish are different high content Omega-3 fatty acids essential for improving blood circulation.

Cayenne pepper (chili)
It is an excellent remedy for improving blood circulation, metabolic rate, and also strengthens arteries and blood vessels and prevents numbness of the limbs.

Ginger increases blood flow to all organs and also strengthens sluggish immune system.

Garlic is excellent for improving blood circulation in the extremities and clearing clogged arteries.

Ginkgo Biloba
This herb is used by Chinese healers to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow to the brain. It is also used for treatment varicose veins veins

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain vitamin E, which has been proven to prevent blood clots and increase blood circulation.

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Useful advice

In addition, if you suffer from numbness in your legs, a contrast shower can be a good remedy. You should also limit your intake of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, which restrict blood flow to the heart and other organs.

Proper blood circulation is vital for the entire body. It provides oxygen and nutrients to all internal organs, including the brain. Disruption of this process can lead to serious consequences, such as stroke. There are several ways to improve blood circulation in the brain.


Do regular cardio exercises (swimming, running, cycling, etc.), they will help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This in turn will make blood pumping more efficient. Such training also helps to get rid of excess weight, which negatively affects blood circulation. To stimulate the heart and improve blood circulation, you can do yoga and special breathing exercises. Many of these exercises place high stress on the heart and can be dangerous for some people. Consult your doctor before trying them.

Try to load your brain with various tasks more often, for example, solving puzzles, crosswords, etc. The intensive work of neurons will slightly increase blood flow to the brain. Do at least 30 minutes of this exercise every day.

The food you eat has a big impact. The abundance of harmful substances leads to a gradual deterioration of the body's condition. For example, overconsumption unhealthy fats lead to clogged blood vessels, and salt can cause high blood pressure. Frequent consumption bakery products based on white flour, as well as white sugar can block the entry of various nutrients into the body.

Poor circulation can cause irreversible processes in the body. After all, blood delivers oxygen, nutrients, removes waste waste products. A decrease in cellular nutrition and deterioration in breathing lead to disruption of the coordinated functioning of the entire organism. Regular massage will help restore blood circulation, the basics of which you can master on your own.

Benefits of massage for blood circulation

The main purpose of the procedure is to improve blood circulation in problem areas of the body and increase the overall tone of the body. Massage promotes rapid recovery of damaged muscles and stimulates the regeneration of internal organs. It increases the elasticity of ligaments and muscle tissue, promotes their saturation useful substances that blood brings.

Massage not only effectively copes with congestion, it prevents its occurrence. The procedure is indicated for lower blood circulation disorders, upper limbs. It is effective in localizing pain in certain areas of the lower back, spine, and cervical spine. Massaging certain points on the head relieves migraines and prevents various problems with blood circulation in the brain. You can read more about this on our website.

How does massage affect the body to improve blood circulation?

Massage has wide range actions, improves blood circulation locally, affects the entire body. Under the influence of the procedure, blood flow to the heart is stimulated, after which it again rushes into the cells of the whole body. The benefits of massage are as follows:

  • Muscle tone increases, congestion disappears.
  • Cellular metabolism improves, the skin becomes smooth and acquires a pleasant color.
  • Stimulates cell regeneration, activates the process of removing toxins and free radicals.
  • Normalizes metabolism, stimulates immunity.
  • Improves the functioning of internal organs, respiratory functions skin.

Special ones will help complement the effect of the massage, which can be easily done at home.

How to massage to improve blood circulation: technique and basic techniques

Classic massage is considered the simplest and easiest to perform. Once you have mastered massage techniques, you will be able to perform massages to improve blood circulation at home.

Basic massage techniques to improve blood circulation:

  • The procedure begins with light stroking, which will relax the muscles and bring the body back to normal.
  • After this, you can begin kneading, pressing with your thumbs and rolling the body tissues with the rest until relaxation occurs.
  • Rubbing in case of poor circulation is an effective technique that increases blood flow and gives a feeling of warmth from the massaged area.
  • Pressing with the pads of your thumbs stimulates blood flow and increases tone.
  • Pressing on various areas The body can be strengthened if it is performed not only with the fingers, but with the entire palm.

At first, it costs about 10-12 minutes to massage the areas; after several sessions, the duration of the procedure is increased to 20-30 minutes, eventually reaching an hour or more. Movements should be directed from bottom to top, from the periphery to the center.

Contraindications for massage

  • Massage is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute inflammation of the skin and organs.
  • The procedure is prohibited if there are foci of purulent inflammation on the body or inside the body.
  • Increased bleeding is one of the symptoms of a contraindication to the procedure. The fragile walls of the capillaries break under the influence of massage, causing bleeding.
  • If there is fungal infections skin, allergic rashes, injuries on the body, the procedure is contraindicated.

Before performing a massage, especially if you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor.

For a long time it has been this way: people called everything that is best, valuable and desirable golden: someone’s skillful hands, a kind heart, a sympathetic character, unforgettable joyful days, fields covered with a carpet of ripe rye... And in the works of Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid often mentions the mysterious “Golden Section”. It is what controls our entire life. Secret meaning this term is hidden in the depths of philosophy, mathematics, physics, music, poetry. It is only known that it is interpreted as harmony - a harmonious combination, mutual correspondence of objects, phenomena and parts that connect them into a single whole.

Not only fruits are subject to the laws of the “Golden Section”, that is, absolute harmony. human activity, but also the person himself - his internal organs and systems, his soul, his thoughts. From birth, a person is prescribed to be in harmony with himself and with the outside world. As soon as this harmony is violated, a person “falls out” from the universal structures of the universe, created by the unknown and mysterious Universal Mind. A person begins to have all sorts of problems. And above all - health problems, since illness is nothing more than a deviation from the classical proportions given by nature. The famous psychologist Sergei VERBIN proposes to restore disturbed proportions, and therefore regain lost health, using one of his proprietary developments - the “Golden Section” method, which is based on the activation of the reserve capabilities of the brain.

Our brain has the unique ability to simultaneously control the state of each cell. human body and influence it in a certain way. The brain knows everything: does our caring liver reliably remain constant? internal environment, whether the kidneys filter the blood properly and remove waste metabolic products from the body, whether the heart goes astray from the given rhythm. Brain cells receive this information, process it and transmit it from the subconscious area to the conscious area. However, with age, the brain's response decreases markedly. The Golden Ratio method allows a person to maintain brain performance at the proper level.

ACCORDING to the CLASSIFICATION of psychologist Jung, the area of ​​consciousness where signals generated by the brain arrive consists of nerve cells called neurons. Neurons are combined into certain groups, and each neuron, using the nervous system, is connected to specified areas of control of the human body. As we age, neurons naturally die off. This process develops at a terrifying speed, as a result of which intellectual potential is steadily decreasing, and the quality of control of the body is falling sharply.

It is noteworthy that this happens even if the person, as doctors say, is practically healthy. If we take into account the abundance of harmful influences that are inevitable in the lives of each of us, then by adulthood the death of neurons becomes catastrophic. As we get older, this process accelerates even more.

It is clear that a person cannot resist the natural death of neurons - it is useless to argue with nature. However, you can go the other way and create optimal conditions for those neurons that still survive, and then they will take over the functions of their failed “brothers”.

For more than 30 years, my colleagues and I at one defense research institute have been developing methods for activating mental activity for the implementation of special space programs. However, in the process of work, we realized that the results obtained fit well into our ordinary life. Therefore, in recent years I decided to direct my research into the mainstream of everyday life on earth.

The Golden Ratio method is something everyone can do. It is accessible and effective, despite its simplicity. Classes in experienced groups showed that with diligence and patience, you can achieve a lot.

Cleansing blood and brain vessels

THE METHOD for activating brain activity consists of several stages. The first and main thing is the cleansing of the capillaries and blood vessels of the brain, as well as the blood circulating through them.

  • Waking up early in the morning, you need to drink a glass of water with soda or lemon juice to dissolve cholesterol deposits. The next day - a glass herbal tea, prepared from equal parts of linden blossom, clover, oregano, St. John's wort, strawberry and currant leaves. To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of viburnum or rowan jam to the tea. Do this every day, taking, say, soda with lemon on even days, and herbal tea on odd days.
  • At lunch and dinner, try to eat one small onion, a clove of garlic, parsley, beets and carrots. For those who do not have stomach problems, you can eat a teaspoon of horseradish with sour cream half an hour before meals. This prevents the formation of stones.
  • During the day, you need to drink 2-3 liters of liquid - tea, juice, decoction, compote - to improve blood flow and cleanse the kidneys, and therefore all the blood.
  • Be sure to carry out general cleansing of the blood and blood vessels monthly and annually. To do this, I advise you to use the preparations and compositions that were developed by A. I. Malovichko, a specialist in the treatment of blood diseases from the Baltics.
  • Prepare a collection of the following composition: 4 parts chicory, 2 parts flax seed, 5 parts mulberry, 3 parts walnut leaves, 3 parts sundew, 5 parts immortelle, 4 parts hawthorn flowers, 2 parts motherwort, 3 parts .nettle. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of this collection 0.2 liters of water and boil. Take a third of a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 30 days.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of horseradish gruel with 1 glass of sour cream and take 1 tbsp. spoon before or during meals for a month.
  • Mix 1 glass of onion juice with a glass of honey and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day an hour before meals for a month.
  • Pour boiling water over lemon balm leaves and leave in a thermos for 5 hours. Take 50 g 3 times a day before meals for a month.
  • Pass 300 g of garlic through a meat grinder, add 200 g of alcohol, close tightly and place in a dry, dark, cool place. Leave for 10 days. Take 30 minutes before meals, 5 to 15 drops for a month.
  • Pour 50 g of dry elecampane root into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks, then strain and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals for 3 months (carry out the procedure once a year).

Visit the Russian steam room regularly. This is an excellent cleanser. During bath procedure It is recommended to drink tea or mineral water. It is very good to combine a visit to the bathhouse with drinking herbal decoctions to cleanse blood lymph. In the fall, you can take a watermelon with you to the bathhouse. The optimal number of visits to the steam room is from 3 to 6. Gradually increase the duration of the procedure, but you should not stay in the bath for more than 30 minutes.

Normalization of breathing

The SECOND, no less important component of my method is saturating the blood and brain cells with clean air and, most importantly, removing the so-called stagnant air from the body. Over time, the brain begins to receive less oxygen, resulting in oxygen starvation, which is accompanied by the appearance of shortness of breath, drowsiness, and heaviness in the head. Brain activity noticeably decreases.

To avoid this, you need to do a simple breathing exercise every day - hold the air after exhaling. First, the breath is held for 3 seconds, then 1 second is gradually added to this pause. If in a month you can hold your breath after exhaling for 30-40 seconds, it will have crucial for your health.

After the acquired skill becomes a habit, you need to learn to hold your breath after inhaling. Conducted studies show that this creates the most favorable conditions for intensive absorption of oxygen by brain cells. In addition, when you hold your breath while inhaling, there is an intensive process of removing metabolic products from the blood.

One of the most effective breathing exercises is to alternately inhale from the left and right nostrils, which leads to the activation of both hemispheres of the brain. One minute - inhale, one minute - exhale. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes. The nostril is pinched with the thumb, and at this time the index finger is placed on a point located above the eyebrow arches.

As you master these exercises, you can gradually move on to the following: inhale for 8 pulse beats, hold - 8 beats, exhale - 8 beats and do not breathe - 8 beats. It is recommended to perform this exercise daily for 10 minutes at home. Once a week for 20 minutes, but only outside the city, where the air is clean. And every day up to 30 minutes during vacation - in the forest, in the mountains, on the seashore. Exercise can significantly improve cerebral circulation.

AND last recommendation to activate the brain through breathing. At the first opportunity, inhale the air filled with the aroma of roses, rose hips, lily of the valley, linden, bird cherry, oregano, mint or hop cones. In the summer, these plants can be collected, dried, made into aromatic pillows and placed under a regular pillow at night all year round.

Massage of the head and collar area

MASSAGE of the head and collar area is necessary to improve blood flow in the cerebral cortex, and therefore, for cellular cerebral circulation. If you perform this massage daily for 7-10 minutes for 3-4 weeks, you will notice that by the evening fatigue is significantly reduced and overall well-being improves.

Typically, head massage uses techniques such as soft touching and stroking, rubbing the hair, kneading and light pressure on the biological active points. I suggest supplementing these techniques with vibration, patting, and tapping, with light knuckle strikes to the head.

General head massage performed with all five fingers. You need to sit on a hard chair in the coachman's position (back slightly bent, head and shoulders down, hands resting flat on your knees) and relax. The fingers of one hand are on the top of the head. Stroke the crown of the head 3 times clockwise. Then massage your forehead, eyelids and neck. The fingers should be bent and slightly apart.

Place the fingers of both hands on the top of your head. First, massage your head from the crown to the shoulders, then from the middle of the forehead to the sides. Repeat the massage in each direction 3 times. When massaging, apply light pressure and knead the scalp with your fingers.

Then it's good massage your ears. To do this you need to twist it several times. auricle into a tube and rub your earlobes. This is very useful, since there are thousands of biologically active points on the earlobes.

Energy massage It is carried out similarly to a general head massage, only the hands are located at a distance of 20-30 cm from the head. Hand movements are like stroking hair.

Emotional massage performed by two people. One person sits on a chair in a coachman’s position and rotates his head alternately, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Another person stands behind him and slightly helps this rotation.

Next, negative emotional memories are removed. The person sitting on the chair turns his head and remembers first pleasant incidents in life, then negative situations. At the same time, the head involuntarily stops. The task of the person standing behind is to prevent the head from stopping rotating. Performing this type of massage leads to the fact that negative information is gradually erased and replaced with positive information.

Neck massage It’s also better to do it together. One person sits on a chair, and the other stands behind him and begins to arbitrarily, using the previously listed techniques, stretch the seated person’s neck and muscles of the collar area. Then they change places.

Physical activity

MAN is created for movement, like a bird for flight. Our task is to find free time, overcome laziness and develop willpower to force yourself to move as much as possible. The easiest way to start is with long walks, since walking has no contraindications. The optimal walking speed is 5 km per hour. Starting with a few hundred meters, you can subsequently walk at this pace for several kilometers.

Gradually add to your walking physical exercise. They improve the elasticity of blood vessels, promote the formation of new neural connections and restoration of lost ones, improve blood circulation, which entails improved brain function. This is manifested in strengthening memory, increasing performance, and increasing intellectual abilities.

I will give several exercises that improve blood supply to the brain, as their complexity increases.

Ex. 1. Feet shoulder width apart. Rotate your head for 2 to 4 minutes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Ex. 2. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up, fingers intertwined. Bend over and straighten up to imitate chopping wood. If you have a headache, do not perform this exercise.

Ex. 3. Feet shoulder-width apart, body straight, arms extended in front of you. Swing your right foot to your left hand and vice versa.

Ex. 4. Feet shoulder-width apart, body tilted forward. Bend over, trying to reach the sock with your left hand right leg and vice versa.

Ex. 5. Run in place for 5-7 minutes.

Ex. 6. Asynchronous movements. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and turned inward. Simultaneously rotate your right and left hands in different directions: when your right hand goes forward, your left hand goes back and vice versa. The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to use both hemispheres of the brain at the same time. When mastering this exercise, the speed of thinking and memory capacity double.

"Birch". Lie on your back, stretch your legs and arms along your body. Smoothly raise your legs, placing them at an angle of 90 degrees to your head. Support your buttocks with your arms bent at the elbows. At first, you can rest your feet against the wall. The time spent in this position is selected individually. Starting with 60 seconds, you can increase the duration of the exercise by 10 seconds every day. Having mastered the exercise, try to stay in this position for 3-5 minutes.

Headstand. Even the very name of this exercise initially evokes fear, especially in people with weakened brain vessels. To avoid complications, you must follow 3 golden rules: systematicity, sequence of exercises and gradual loading. Be guided by your own well-being. If the effect is pleasant, then it is useful. There should be no violence against oneself.

So, put a mat or just a sheet of paper on the floor. Get on your knees. Bend over and rest your head on the mat. Place your hands on the floor in front of you and clasp your fingers so that a semicircular bowl is formed. Press your clasped hands to your head. Spread your forearms to the sides. Take 7 deep breaths. Pull your legs as close to your head as possible. Push your feet off the floor and lift them vertically up. Try to hold this position for 30-40 seconds. Then bend your knees and lower them to the floor.

This exercise has a beneficial effect on the brain and helps strengthen the cardiovascular system. But before you start mastering it, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The fact is that in some people, over many years of a sedentary lifestyle, the blood vessels in the brain have become so weakened that even simple bending of the body leads to the appearance of “floaters” in the eyes.

Zeroing thoughts

The HIGH pace of modern life and the inability to manage oneself lead to the fact that a person is constantly in tension. Overexertion is the cause of many illnesses and bad decisions. During severe stress, stress hormones are released, the blood thickens, and therefore the conductivity of brain cell membranes decreases.

Each of us simply needs to learn to relax. This is necessary primarily to maintain your health. By the way, notice that when we relax, things often come to mind: good ideas. This is quite understandable: in order to select the desired valuable thought from hundreds of others and accept right decision, you need to weed out all unnecessary, empty thoughts.

In order to come to a harmonious, balanced state, you can use such well-known techniques as meditation, yoga, autogenic training. I offer simpler techniques that are accessible even to children, which I conventionally called thought zeroing.

  • Try, for example, turning off the light, blindfolding yourself and, without thinking about anything, walk around the room in this state for 20-30 minutes. Note the new states, feelings, and emotions that arise.
  • This technique will also help you relax and calm your feelings. Sit on a chair in coachman position. Mentally imagine the surface of a lake in clear weather and try to drive all thoughts out of your head. The duration of the exercise is from 5 to 20 minutes.
  • You can banish all extraneous thoughts from your head while swimming in the bath, in the pool or in the sea. Close your eyes (you can also pinch your nose if you wish), do deep breath and sink to the bottom. Try to stay there as long as possible. With each dive, increase your time underwater. It is selected strictly individually for each person. It is advisable to bring it to 60-90 seconds.

At this time, your brain, having lost its main source of information, activates its reserves: your sense of smell, touch and hearing will sharply increase. When performing this exercise regularly, the functions of the brain are noticeably activated, in particular, memory improves, the time required to make decisions decreases. right decisions, and the percentage of correct decisions itself increases significantly.

Concentration of the mind

CONCENTRATION OF THE MIND is the concentration of thought on one point, object or idea. Thanks to high concentration, a person improves his health, increases the efficiency of his brain, and takes control of all his feelings and emotions. You can master the art of concentration with the help of these simple exercises.

  • Turn off everything that could distract you: lights, radio, phone. Light a candle. Look at it continuously for 5-7 minutes, while concentrating your attention on one thought, idea or task.
  • Focus on any subject. Look at it from all sides. Looking at an object, find more and more new details in it. Then close your eyes and try to reproduce in your memory the object you are considering down to the smallest detail. Open your eyes and check the accuracy of the reproduced picture.
  • It is very important to learn to concentrate not only on individual objects or thoughts, but also on feelings, sensations, and emotions. Imagine in your mind the great, bright love that you probably had in your life. Remember someone you loved or who loved you. Perform this exercise daily for 20-30 minutes, consistently moving from one sensation to another.

These exercises are good to perform during forced idleness: on the way to work, while waiting for transport, lying on the beach. During exercise, a large amount of bioenergy accumulates, which will be useful to you in the future for solving specific problems, including those related to health.

Creating a Positive Attitude

There are moments in every person's LIFE when luck leaves him. Such moments quickly pass without leaving a trace if a person knows how to cope with the situation that has arisen. What helps you endure failures easily, playfully, without severe shocks and mental trauma? Of course, humor and optimism.

It has been noted that people who treat what is happening with optimism and treat themselves with humor get sick much less, and if they do get sick, they easily tolerate the disease and recover quickly. The following exercises will help you create and maintain a positive attitude in any situation.

  • Remember an episode in your life when you really had a lot of fun, and laugh heartily for 5-7 minutes. It is especially useful to perform this exercise when sad thoughts come - soon there will be no trace of them left.

    Studies have shown that immediately after a person laughs heartily, his brain activity increases several times, and his memory improves dramatically. At the same time, blood pressure and heart rhythm are normalized. This is due to the fact that there are special substances in the human brain that are similar in their effects to morphine. They are released only during laughter and are a kind of internal anesthesia for the body. It is enough for a person to remember something pleasant and start smiling or laughing, as such substances of joy and happiness - neurotransmitters - begin to be released in the brain structures.

  • Learn to find something good in the most difficult and unpleasant situations. If you find yourself in a difficult situation or in a state of depression, sadness, melancholy, look at the situation from all sides and remember the proverb: “If there was no happiness, but misfortune would help.” Try to look at the situation in which you find yourself from a different point of view and think about what positive aspects can be found in it.
  • Learn to develop and maintain positive attitude. Place in front of you your favorite photo with which you have very pleasant memories. Concentrate your attention on them. Remember where, by whom and when this photo was taken. Recreate in your memory the episode captured on it. Look at the photo daily for 5-7 minutes.
  • Smile more often. There are more than enough reasons to smile in our lives. You just need to look around more carefully and observe with interest everything that surrounds you.

For example, I start my day by opening the window, straightening my chest, shoulders and smiling, imagining myself as an actor playing the role of a cheerful, happy person. At the same time, I try to feel this state with every cell of my body and remember it. Believe me, your body will feel extraordinary lightness, vigor and a surge of strength, just like after a good physical exercise. On the way to and from work, I always try to notice funny situations, and when I get home, I write them down in my diary of funny stories, which I have been keeping for many years.

The focus is attention

ATTENTION can be considered as a link between the ability of the conscious mind to perceive information and the ability of the subconscious to process it. In other words, the parallel transmission of the flow of thought must be converted into serial transmission. This ability is determined by the brain’s ability to isolate the required facts from a huge flow of information, analyze them and prepare the subconscious for making a decision.

Our attention tends to shift from one object to another. Try holding it on something for at least two minutes - and you will see that it is not so easy. However, there are situations when you need to do this. I offer several exercises that will help you learn to collect and maintain attention.

  • Answer the questions about the color of your husband's (wife's) eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes. Describe in detail the shape of the face, nose, and eye shape. In the same way, analyze the appearance of each of your friends, relatives, and colleagues.
  • Draw a dot on a piece of paper. Look at it, without allowing a single extraneous thought, for 10-30 minutes.
  • Look with a fixed gaze at your favorite landscape for 20-40 minutes, trying to drive away all extraneous thoughts (this exercise is best done in the country, in the park, outside the city).
  • Close your eyes, imagine a cave, time yourself and walk through the imaginary cave to the place where the light appears. The exercise is best performed in a dark room. The exercise time can vary from 10 minutes to several hours.
  • Lay out the dominoes. Record the time and select all the dominoes with one. Then check how long it takes you to find all the dominoes in ascending order, starting from one.
  • On one sheet of paper, simultaneously draw 5 triangles with your right hand and 5 circles with your left hand. The duration of the exercise is 1 minute. This exercise trains both hemispheres of the brain very well.
  • Place a reproduction of a painting by your favorite artist in front of you. Look carefully at the image, and then describe who is depicted in the picture, where the action takes place, what is the position of the characters’ bodies. Then look at the image again and try to carefully consider the missing items and details in your description. Close your eyes and try to imagine what this picture looks like. Opening your eyes, try to describe the plot of the picture as accurately as possible.

When starting to master the Golden Section method, we must remember that good results can be calculated only when all the proposed tasks are completed in a complex, and classes are conducted not occasionally, but daily for at least 3-5 months.

Rules of everyday behavior for everyone who is passionate about the idea of ​​harmonizing the mind, soul and body according to the laws of the “Golden Section”:

  • smile as often as possible and think only about the good;
  • in your free time, remember the people with whom it was especially easy and pleasant for you;
  • watch the beautiful landscape, enjoy the picture of the setting, or even better, the rising sun;
  • try to plan your day so that you have time for hobbies and pleasures;
  • get at least 7-8 hours of sleep; Make one day a week a day off from worries and work;
  • spend more time in nature and listen not to a player or tape recorder, but to the murmuring of streams, the splash of a running wave, the rustling of leaves, the chirping of grasshoppers, the singing of birds;
  • optimism and faith in success - this is what should become your guiding star.

Everyone who used the Golden Section method felt a new surge of physical and mental strength and noted an increased interest in life. In many families, relationships between spouses, parents and children improved. The training participants significantly improved their health. Their headaches disappeared, their blood pressure normalized, and their vision and hearing became sharper. People forgot about it for many years colds and other ailments. Some even had their hair restored to its original color and shine. Elderly people have found real hope for active longevity.

Our brain is a biocomputer. What programs you download there determines what problems you can solve, and therefore your entire future life depends. To keep your brain in good shape, it needs to be constantly trained. Intense training leads to a constant supply of fresh blood enriched with oxygen to the brain. Using the proposed method, you will feel the results of improved brain function within 5 weeks after starting classes. Good health, good mood, a charge of vigor and optimism will be your reward for your work.

For 50 centuries, humanity has been relieving nervous and mental tension by performing simple massage movements in the head area. This reduces the intensity of headaches and reduces stress levels. A person gains the opportunity to increase his efficiency and cheerfulness. Improve sleep quality and prevent chronic neurological disorders.

To improve blood circulation

The essence of this massage is to ensure that the blood flow inside the brain becomes uniform. The blood supply to areas of the brain depends on the performance of specific activities. At the same time, the remaining zones are supplied with less blood.

Massage practice allows you to distribute blood evenly across sections, which leads to:

  • to improve well-being;
  • improving performance;
  • reducing the intensity of headaches.

The procedure can be performed in two ways:

  • acupressure, or acupressure heads;
  • massage to strengthen memory.

Acupressure, or acupressure of the head

The procedure is performed using the following types of movements:

  • gradually increasing pressure;
  • rotational movements;
  • kneading;
  • stroking.

The main massage points are:

  • center of the temporal bone;
  • between the eyes;
  • outer ends of eyebrows;
  • ears;
  • temporal pit.

It is important to perform the procedure without pressing hard on the points. The force of impact should be medium.

To strengthen memory

For correct execution massage technique requires mentally constructing a line connecting the center of the frontal lobe and the beginning of the spine. The main point will be located in the center of this line. The second massage point is located in the center above the upper lip.

The intensity of the impact is average. Perform with the pad of your thumb or index finger. The processing time does not exceed 1 minute.


When performing these techniques, the risk of developing senile dementia and Parkinson's disease. To obtain the appropriate effect from the massage, a course of use is necessary. The number of sessions and their frequency depend on specific life indicators and circumstances. Basic positive point This head massage is that you can do it yourself.

Therapeutic head massage

The practice is performed as follows. Massage movements are performed along the contour of the head from the back of the ear space. Hands move to the temporal area and perform circular movements.

Then massage the back of the head and forehead using circular movements.

Next, using your fingertips, compression is applied to the temple area. Circular movements of medium intensity are performed. The next step is to join the palms together, lower them to the back of the head, and move from the back of the head to the neck and spine.

In the lower part of the head, stop your hands for a few seconds and return to their original position.

Basic principles of preparation for the procedure:

  • the state should be relaxed;
  • the procedure is performed before washing your hair or during the process;
  • Five hours before the procedure, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is limited.

There are two main directions:

  • medicinal;
  • cosmetic.

The basic (classical) technique is carried out as follows. Circular movements are performed around the hair follicles on the surface of the scalp. The beginning of movements from the frontal part of the head to the back of the head. The second direction is from the crown to the temples. The main thing is to get blood to actively supply the massaged part of the head.

Hair can be divided into strands and massaged through them. The entire procedure will take about 10 minutes.


There are several dozen other techniques for performing scalp massage. Most often, they are based on the principles of classic massage with minor adjustments regarding the speed and intensity of the massage. It is not advisable to massage a washed head, since during the massage the skin will begin to secrete natural oil, which will speed up the process of contamination.

Heads and faces

The main purpose of facial massage is to prevent premature aging of the skin. An additional benefit is that during the massage the likelihood of muscle spasms is reduced and the blood supply to the skin improves.

The skin of the face is very sensitive, as it does not have large reserves of subcutaneous fat. Blood vessels are located close to the surface.

During the massage, the fingertips gently impact the following areas:

  • brow ridges;
  • eyelids;
  • cheeks;
  • sinuses;
  • chin.

Massaging the neck area will significantly improve blood supply to the head. It does not require a long time and takes about 3 minutes. The neck contains large blood vessels and lymph nodes.

The procedure is performed in a circular motion up and down. The intensity of pressure is moderate. Movements along the back of the neck are performed from top to bottom. Side part – from bottom to top.

With regular practice of this technique, the patient’s mood will improve, performance will increase, and concentration will improve.

This massage is aimed at strengthening blood vessels in hypertensive pathologies. When performed regularly, there is a significant improvement in the patient's health.

This massage practice is performed by medical professionals. It is impossible to perform it on your own, since it affects not only the head area, but also between the shoulder blades. In addition, special skill and understanding of the actions performed are required.

Indications and contraindications

A massage procedure for health purposes is prescribed if the patient has:

  • headaches;
  • regular stressful conditions;
  • presence of dandruff;
  • state of anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • muscle spasms;
  • hair loss;
  • convulsions.

Contraindications to the use of the procedure:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the presence of chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic degenerative inflammation in the spine;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis);
  • postoperative recovery period;
  • baldness;
  • eczema on the scalp;
  • embolism;
  • elevated temperature.


Proven beneficial properties head massage:

  • reduction in headache intensity;
  • increased concentration;
  • solving sleep problems;
  • increased blood flow to the skin;
  • improvement of lymphatic drainage;
  • relieves tension from the eyes;
  • helps reduce anxiety;
  • reduces negative influence stress on the body;
  • increases oxygen saturation of the head;
  • helps improve mood;
  • increases the patient's performance level.

Relaxing head massage

A head massage can not only increase the tone of the body, but also bring a person into a relaxed state. As a result of the exercise, nervousness decreases and muscle tone decreases. You will feel lightness and calm.

The main direction of the massage movement is from the forehead to the back of the head. Next, the fingers move to the temples. The temples are massaged with smooth circular movements. The next step will be an ear massage.

The procedure ends with stretching the neck muscles. Watch this video for more details:


Massage has been around for over 5 thousand years. Now created large number original massage techniques various areas bodies. Head massage has main goals, such as improving performance, reducing stress, improving blood circulation, and preventing neurological disorders.

Exercises to normalize blood flow are completely safe. They can be performed at any age, and they have not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect:

  • memory impairment and other cognitive functions of the brain are prevented and treated;
  • coordination of movements improves;
  • the risk of developing various vascular pathologies, such as strokes and thrombosis, is reduced;
  • vision is restored;
  • the pain syndrome associated with osteochondrosis is relieved, and the mobility of the spinal column increases.

With regular exercise, the effectiveness of medications prescribed by your doctor also increases.

It is advisable to train twice a day. A set of exercises performed in the morning will help you cheer up and get into the mood for work, and an evening session will promote relaxation and a good night's rest.

Improving blood circulation in the brain: features of the complex and technique of implementation

It is possible to influence blood circulation in the head only in a comprehensive manner. That's why the list useful movements includes not only bending and turning the head, but also lunges and squats. To activate blood flow and increase the lumen of blood vessels, it is necessary to make the heart work faster.

As for the technical side of the issue, all movements must be performed smoothly and carefully, without making sudden movements or jerks. Each exercise should be repeated at least ten times. You need to breathe deeply and evenly during training. This will ensure the flow of oxygen and maintain the rhythm: the movement is performed while exhaling, and returning to the original position while inhaling.

As the muscles strengthen, the load must be increased. This is done at the expense of more repetitions and number of approaches. Beginners are advised to perform no more than one set of each exercise.

If pain occurs or the general condition of the body does not allow you to exercise fully, you should reduce training to a minimum, and after recovery, return to your usual rhythm.

The most effective exercises

This complex, like any training program, begins with a mandatory warm-up. In this case, it is advisable to walk around a little and rub collar area fingers until you feel warmth. After this you can proceed to the main part:

  • Standing straight with relaxed arms, you need to alternately slowly tilt your head to the right and left. The movement is performed with the maximum possible amplitude, but without pain. If mobility is limited, do not persist.
  • From the same starting position, the head first leans back freely and then leans forward. You need to touch your chin to your chest. If you have problems with balance, you can do bends while sitting.
  • Again, while standing, alternate turns of the head in both directions are performed. The chin should ideally be placed in line with the shoulder, but if this is not yet possible, there is no need to make additional efforts.
  • The next exercise is performed with the shoulders. First, they need to be raised as high as possible, and after returning to their original position, they need to be pulled back.
  • To develop muscles shoulder girdle and improve blood circulation, another exercise is intended for the shoulders. In this case, first, circular movements are performed with the shoulders with arms down (in both directions), then the palms are placed on the shoulders and the cycle is repeated. Complete the rotation element with straight arms spread to the sides.
  • Standing straight and lowering your arms freely downwards, you need to alternate turns of the body in both directions with maximum amplitude. In this case, the pelvis should remain motionless.
  • Perform a series of torso tilts: first from left to right, keeping your arms along your body, and then back and forth. IN the latter case hands are on the belt.
  • Standing straight and placing your palms on your waist, do several rotational movements pelvis in different directions. From the same starting position, perform the prescribed number of lunges on each leg.
  • Squats will also help to activate blood circulation. There is no need to lower your pelvis too deeply - your thighs should be parallel to the floor at the lowest point. During a squat, your arms can be extended forward to maintain balance.

A few stretches are a great way to cool down.

  • First, you need to stand on your toes and reach up with your raised arms.
  • Then, keeping your legs straight, bend deeply forward (preferably with your palms touching the floor).
  • At the very end, you can perform a deep plie - an analogue of a squat, but with your legs apart and your feet spread outward.

Massage of the collar area and head stimulates blood circulation and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Manipulation consists of stroking and squeezing movements of the hands.

  • You need to warm up your shoulders and neck from the periphery to the center (spine).
  • I massage my head with the pads of my fingers, slightly squeezing and relaxing them, while simultaneously making rotational movements with my hand.

Self-massage in this case is as effective as the actions of an assistant.

Classic head massage (video)

Self-massage of the neck (video)

The effectiveness of the complex is enhanced by proper organization of work and rest regimes, proper preparation of diet and intake vitamin complexes. Long walks are also useful, especially in forested areas. Improve vascular tone and hardening procedures (contrast shower, for example). In combination with exercises to improve blood circulation in the brain, all these activities help maintain physical and mental health until old age.

Self-massage of the head and neck to improve blood flow

Head and neck massage is used to improve blood circulation. Another Danish physiologist and laureate Nobel Prize August Krogh proved that in the massaged area the number of working capillaries increases by several tens of times. Often the cause of headaches in people is high or low blood pressure (hyper- and hypotension).

Effect of massage

People suffering from migraines can self-massage their heads to improve blood circulation. This will facilitate the movement of arterial blood and accelerate the outflow of venous blood, which will reduce pressure in hypertension and increase it in hypotension.

Read how to do breathing exercises for the heart and brain after a stroke.

Self-massage is used not only for headaches. He also provides positive impact for the whole body. Massage cleanses the skin of unnecessary dead cells (ectoderm) and improves its blood supply. Because of this, you can notice such positive effects as:

  • metabolism in the skin increases;
  • trophism of the glands improves;
  • The elasticity of the skin improves, it becomes smooth and beautiful.

The muscles become strong, resilient, and the joints become flexible and mobile. Depending on what movements are made, the central nervous system can go into excited state, and in a state of braking.

Important! Self-massage is contraindicated for people who have skin diseases: eczema, lichen, skin rash and thrombophlebitis.

Before massaging desired area, pay attention to your hands. They must be washed well with soap and water or wiped with an alcohol solution. Nails should be cut short and palms should be warm, as cold has a tonic effect on the muscles (they become tense).

Important! Fingers should glide over the massaged surface and under no circumstances irritate the skin. Therefore, if your hand sweats heavily, wipe it with a 1% formaldehyde solution.

Special products used during blood flow-improving massage

To avoid strong friction, use talc. It absorbs fat and sweat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the massaged area. In the absence of talc, baby powder will also work. If massaging movements are performed on a small surface, then Vaseline or cosmetic creams are suitable. If massage is performed to treat a disease, then pharmaceutical ointments are used.

Important! When performing a massage, there should be no red spots left on the skin, and the person should not experience any discomfort.

How to properly massage the muscles of the head and neck

Self-massage of the muscles of the head and cervical region is performed in a standing or sitting position. Massaging movements should be performed in the direction of blood flow, moving towards the lymph nodes. Massage of the cervical and trapezoidal sections begins from the hairline, going down to the lower back, shoulder joint, armpit. The face is massaged from the nose to the sides and from the temples to the bottom, the forehead from the midline to the sides.

Important! The massage always begins and ends with stroking.

The following techniques are distinguished in massage:

  1. Stroking is a soothing movement that does not require pressure. Stroking is performed with the palm of the hand, the four fingers of which are pressed tightly against each other, and the thumb is protruding.
  2. Squeezing is a movement accompanied by effort. Performed using the base of the palm or tubercle thumb.
  3. Rubbing is a movement similar to stroking, but it is performed more energetically.
  4. Kneading is the main technique in massage. There are longitudinal and transverse kneading, the technique of which will be discussed below.
  5. Shaking is a movement that affects superficial and deep muscles. It is performed using the little finger and thumb. The muscle is shaken with two fingers, the remaining fingers are in a slightly raised state.
  6. Percussive techniques have a stimulating effect on nervous system. There is effleurage, patting, chopping.

Perform longitudinal kneading along the way muscle fibers. You need to take the muscle so that four fingers tightly adjacent to each other are on one side, and the protruding thumb is on the other. After which the fixed muscle is lifted and removed from the bone. Without releasing it, carry out a kneading movement, moving towards the center.

To perform a transverse kneading, you need to clasp the muscle with your palms and fingers, and an angle of 45–50 degrees should form between them. Thumbs should be in one massaged area, and the remaining fingers in another.

Tapping is carried out with the edge of the hand. To perform pats, turn the palm down, and close the five hoops, forming a kind of box filled with air. Chopping is done using the little finger, the palm is perpendicular to the back. Upon impact, the overlying fingers close.

Self-massage of the head improves blood circulation

To improve blood circulation, begin a head massage from the top of the head, going down. Stroking is performed with the palms, and they must be placed so that the phalanges of the fingers are intertwined at the top of the head. First they stroke the temporal region, then the occipital and frontal region. Rubbing is carried out with the pads of four fingers, moving the skin.

The bases of the palms are kneaded, first the temporal area is massaged, then the frontal and occipital areas, while moving the skin. Tapping is also used. It is performed with the fingertips all over the head, stronger at the back ( occipital part) and in front (frontal part).

Cervical massage

When performing self-massage of the cervical muscles, the following movements are mainly used:

Massage posterior sections necks are performed to improve cerebral circulation. Stroking posterior muscles necks start from the hair, gradually moving towards the back. The second movement is carried out with the edge of the palm, if the side being massaged is the same as the hand, or with the bone of the thumb, if the side being massaged is opposite to the hand.

Rubbing the back muscles of the neck begins along the line of the occipital bone, and then rubs the muscles from the scalp going down along the vertebrae. The left side of the neck is kneaded by the right palm, and right side- left palm.

All about headaches: causes, characteristic features, diagnosis, treatment.

People who suffer from insomnia especially need a massage of the trapezius muscles to improve cerebral circulation. A person suffering from this disorder has various sleep problems. By doing self-massage before going to bed, you will fall asleep quickly and soundly (see Insomnia).

After self-massage of the posterior sections, massage the anterior muscles of the neck. The same techniques are used in the same sequence. When massaging the anterior neck muscles, stroking is done more gently; the skin should not stretch. It is necessary to squeeze the area behind the ear near the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Alternately, first with two, then with three and four fingers.

Then you need to massage your chin. Stroking is done from the jaw to the bottom of the chin and from the medial line towards the ears (4-5 repetitions). Then they knead the chin. To do this, place the pads of four fingers on it and massage your chin, while moving the skin in one direction or the other (4-5 repetitions).

Why you need to regularly self-massage

Many doctors recommend massage to patients during the recovery period. After all therapeutic effect Massage has a great effect on the body. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to go to a session. Self-massage is available to everyone. It not only helps improve blood circulation throughout the body, but also has various beneficial effects described above.

This procedure takes very little time. And a person of any age can do it, anywhere. You can watch a video showing a head massage technique to improve blood circulation by clicking on the link.

How to massage your head and neck to improve blood circulation

Massaging the head and neck to improve blood circulation can be good decision problems without use medical supplies. Cerebrovascular accidents occur in people of different ages, from newborns to the elderly, so ways to combat them are always relevant.

Signs of circulatory problems include:

  • regular headaches, dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • weakness;
  • dark spots before the eyes, lightheadedness;
  • fainting.

Simple types of massage can act as both therapeutic and preventative agents.

Benefits and contraindications of massage

Head and neck massage to improve blood circulation has several important abilities:

  1. Produces special hormones in body tissues that improve the transmission of impulses through the nervous system.
  2. Removes excess liquid.
  3. Promotes the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  4. Helps improve cardiovascular performance.
  5. Promotes increased joint mobility.

The cervical-collar massage area, in addition, combats the following problems:

  1. Circulatory disorders.
  2. Muscle spasms.
  3. Muscle tension.

Massage can also combat migraines, sleep disorders, the onset of depression (this is also associated with the production of hormones), and have a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels. Nevertheless, there are those for whom head and neck massage is strictly contraindicated.

  • are in the active stage psychological illness(such massage is not recommended for people in remission, but in this case exceptions are possible based on individual circumstances);
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • with skin diseases;
  • suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • with burns and abrasions on massaged areas.

Children and pregnant women: features of massage

When pregnant women or small children need to massage their head and neck, several important rules must be followed:

  • Maximum relaxation of the massaged person.
  • The duration of a baby massage, even if the child is happy with everything, should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The duration of a massage for a pregnant woman should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • A massage course should not include more than 15 sessions.
  • The child must remain calm throughout the massage. If he suddenly starts screaming, crying, expressing anxiety or impatience, the session must be stopped.
  • A pregnant woman needs to monitor the baby’s condition throughout the massage. If the fetus in the stomach suddenly begins to move violently or, conversely, abruptly stops moving, the session must also be interrupted.

Massage techniques

Any massage includes a certain set of movements and rules. Even people who are far from the massage therapist profession need to know about the basic ones. This will help them take care of their safety during the session.

Massage in different parts the cervical-collar region is carried out as follows:

One of the most popular types of massage is considered to be the method of Vladimir Dell. It is similar to the traditional one, but first requires removing all metal jewelry and rubbing your hands. apple cider vinegar or olive oil.

During massage and especially during automassage, it is necessary to pay great attention to safety rules.

Head and neck massage to improve blood circulation video

Nowadays, osteochondrosis has become seriously “younger”. This disease, already very common, now very often affects people of working age. It is worth remembering that in 9 cases out of 10, back pain is somehow associated with osteochondrosis. We have already examined this disease in detail, but this time we will focus on such a component of treatment as massage of the cervical spine.

General information about the disease

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine in which intervertebral discs a degenerative process occurs. The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis are well known to everyone - usually it is either excessive load on the spine (during sports, or due to professional duties), or vice versa - a serious lack of movement (sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle).

The development of the disease is explained by the fact that the intervertebral disc does not have its own blood vessels; it receives nutrition through diffusion from the surrounding tissues. Lack of physical activity leads to disruption of the natural processes in the cartilage, resulting in its premature aging. On the other side, excessive loads lead to damage to the intervertebral discs, resulting in reduced elasticity and strength. In both cases, the result is the appearance of cracks in the outer shell of the disc, through which the nucleus pulposus of the disc falls out, leading to the appearance of an intervertebral hernia.

Specifics of the cervical spine

It must be remembered that the neck is generally a rather vulnerable part of the human body. Here, a large number of blood vessels and nerve canals pass through a relatively small volume. Therefore, the appearance of even a small protrusion, not to mention a full-fledged hernia, never goes unnoticed. On the other hand, the manifestations of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine do not always express themselves unambiguously, so there are often cases when a person simply tries to cure a disease that does not exist, not suspecting that the problem is in the spine.

In general, signs of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine are pain in the neck, back of the head and interscapular region, attacks of dizziness, and limited neck mobility. Other rather unexpected signs may also appear, for example, increased blood pressure. At the same time, the heart is healthy, as all studies show. But a person begins to persistently “treat blood pressure,” although the reason is completely different.

How can massage help?

When treating such a disease, the doctor’s main task is to first remove pain syndrome. After the pain has been removed or weakened, the real treatment begins, the main goal of which is to prevent the progression and relapse of the disease. There are two main methods used for this: physical therapy and massage.

In the case of the neck, exercise therapy is often not so effective, but massage can fully fulfill its tasks:

  • weakening or eliminating pain;
  • improved blood circulation in the affected area;
  • elimination of spasms of the muscles of the back and neck;
  • strengthening neck muscles.

Specifics of massage of the cervicothoracic spine

The technique of performing a massage largely depends on what clinical picture the disease and what stage it is at. Since osteochondrosis can manifest itself in different ways, the classic massage technique should be selected individually. In addition, you need to trust only real specialists who know how to properly massage the cervical spine; the price in this case fades into the background - you should not save in such a situation. In general, during therapeutic massage all the usual techniques of classical massage are used - stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, vibration.

It should also be remembered that spinal massage, a video of which you can watch below, is usually performed when the acute period of the disease has already passed. Otherwise, there is a risk of increasing pain rather than reducing it. In addition, when performing a massage, the patient must take into account the presence of concomitant diseases, such as hypertension, circulatory disorders, etc.

In cases where the pain is expressed only on one side, the massage should begin with the healthy part of the neck and only then can you move on to the painful part, but ultimately the neck is massaged equally on both sides. In addition, the exit points of the small and large occipital nerves must be affected, since they are the ones who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis.

The addition of the classic therapeutic massage elements of segmental and acupressure.

Additionally, it is worth considering that in cases where the cause of pain is instability of the cervical spine, massage should be performed carefully. In this case, you can only trust a highly qualified specialist.

Do you want to know all the secrets of treating cervical osteochondrosis? Then check out this free training course >>

Effective self-massage techniques for cervical osteochondrosis

IN lately We increasingly hear about such a disease as cervical osteochondrosis.

Its main symptoms - pain in the head and neck, dizziness, fainting, numbness of the upper extremities - are very unpleasant and can cause a lot of problems.

They arise as a result of degenerative changes in intervertebral discs, which entail damage to muscle tissue, blood vessels and nerves of the cervical-collar area.

The cause of cervical osteochondrosis can be excess weight, heavy physical activity, and spinal injuries. However, most often the disease occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

If we add here regular exposure to an asymmetrical position, the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis increases several times.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a complex disease that requires long-term and systematic treatment. In addition, it must be comprehensive, since several causes will have to be eliminated at once.

However, among all methods of treatment and prevention, self-massage is the most effective and affordable. It improves blood circulation in the neck, relieves symptoms well and slows down the progression of the disease.

Features of self-massage

Treatment of osteochondrosis is divided into several stages.

First, they get rid of pain, dizziness and other symptoms. Then they stimulate restoration processes, which should stop the destruction of cartilage tissue.

At each of these stages it is applied complex treatment– taking medications and manual procedures must be used together.

Self-massage is a therapy that can really relieve cervical osteochondrosis.

It is known that it has not only a pronounced, but also a long-lasting effect: after several procedures, the symptoms of the disease disappear for 2-3 months.

In addition, regular massage slows down the progression of the disease and improves the condition of the cervical spine.

Therapeutic effect

Manual therapy produces the following effect:

  • small arteries dilate;
  • vascular function improves;
  • muscle volume and tone increases;
  • joint functions are restored;
  • the performance of muscle tissue increases;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the regeneration process is accelerated and the conductivity of nerve fibers is improved.

As a rule, self-massage is performed every day, following a special healing course, which takes about two weeks.

Then there is a short break. In just a year, it is recommended to conduct 3-4 massage courses.

These include lymph nodes, carotid arteries, and protruding vertebrae of the neck. If you don’t have the necessary knowledge, it’s better to practice with an experienced specialist.

Methods of influence

When conducting manual therapy, several methods of influence are used:

  1. Stroking. The main purpose of this method is to warm up and prepare the muscles for other types of impact. Movements are made with an open palm without strong pressure.
  2. Squeezing is a more intense method of massage. During its implementation, the phalanges of the thumb or the edge of the palm are used.
  3. Trituration. The essence of the method is to massage certain areas with your fingertips. Sometimes gentle pinching is done to stimulate blood circulation.
  4. Kneading is the most powerful type of massage in terms of impact. It is performed slowly with relatively strong pressure on the skin and muscles.

You can perform self-massage with one or two hands while standing on your feet or sitting in a chair.

The head should look strictly straight during the procedures.

Each exercise should be carried out along special areas. For the back of the cervical region, massage is usually done from the back of the head to the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The front of the neck is massaged from the chin down to the collarbones.

In addition, it is important to know how to correctly measure the load. Here you need to adhere to a simple rule: the harder the pressure, the fewer times you can do the exercise. The most powerful effect is not recommended to be repeated more than three times.

Self-massage technique

When treating osteochondrosis, massage is prescribed to both the front and back of the neck. It is advisable to start the procedures from the back of the cervical spine.

Self-massage of the back of the neck for osteochondrosis:

  1. Squeezing. Press the edge of your palm against your neck and move from bottom to top. When you reach your hair, move down to your shoulder area.
  2. Trituration. Using circular movements with your fingertips, rub the back of your head from one ear to the other. Then repeat the same movements from the roots of your hair to your forearms. The main thing is to never massage the vertebrae - only the muscles.
  3. Pinching. Use your thumb and forefinger to lightly pinch the neck muscles. Work first from the bottom up, and then vice versa.
  4. Stroking. Place both hands on the neck and stroke from the back of the head to the shoulders.

Front massage:

  1. Stroking. Place the back of your hand on your neck in the area lower jaw and move towards the sternum. Stroking should be soft and pleasant.
  2. Trituration. Rub your chest muscles with circular movements of your fingers. Be careful not to hit the lymph nodes.
  3. Kneading. Fold big and index fingers and slightly pinching the skin, move from the edge of the ear to the shoulder.

Despite the high effectiveness of self-massage in the fight against osteochondrosis, it must be used in combination with other types of treatment (swimming, acupuncture and others).

In this case, the result will come much faster, and the disease will not bother you for a long time.

The video describes in detail the technique of self-massage for cervical osteochondrosis:

Contraindications and precautions

Unfortunately, self-massage of the neck is not always possible. Some injuries and illnesses respond acutely to manual therapy and therefore require special treatment.

Procedures are contraindicated for:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • bleeding;
  • purulent diseases;
  • cervical spine injury;
  • blood diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • skin diseases;
  • overwork;
  • pregnancy;

The conclusion is simple

Self-massage of the neck is an effective, but not entirely simple procedure. However, once you learn how to do it, it will be useful to you for the rest of your life.

It is enough to do a massage as one of your evening or morning procedures - and after 5-6 sessions you can feel significant relief.

In addition to manual therapy and drug treatment, you need to do gymnastics and exercises, adhere to a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium and amino acids, limit physical activity and constantly warm up the neck muscles. Only comprehensive treatment and regular prevention can overcome the disease.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis can ruin any of your plans. Pain that appears suddenly or lasts for some time is not so easy to get rid of. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating pain and its causes.

Osteochondrosis occurs in every second person on our planet. With this disease, degenerative disorders of cartilage and bone tissue occur. The main causes of the disease include hereditary predisposition And sedentary work. The disease manifests itself as pain in the neck, headache and dizziness. IN advanced cases a person experiences increased blood pressure, fainting, and decreased visual acuity.


How to cure cervical osteochondrosis? Unfortunately, osteochondrosis is a chronic disease and it is impossible to completely recover from it. However, with timely treatment, i.e. at stage 1 of the disease, long-term remission can be achieved. For successful treatment of cervical osteochondrosis it is necessary coordinated work several doctors:

  • neurologist;
  • vertebroneurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • physiotherapist;
  • masseur.

Drug treatment

When prescribing certain medications, doctors pursue several goals:

  • Reduce pain.
  • Relieve swelling.
  • Improve blood circulation in the sore area.
  • Strengthen the muscle corset.
  • Improve nutrition and restoration of damaged tissues.

To reduce pain the following is prescribed:

These drugs are available in the form of injection solution, tablets, rectal suppositories and ointments. Choosing one or the other dosage form will depend on the severity of the disease. In addition, the use of these drugs can cause many side effects, therefore they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Also, to relieve pain, muscle relaxants are prescribed - drugs that reduce muscle tone. These include Mydocalm.

In addition, you can use a pepper patch to reduce pain, but its use is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

For swelling, patients are prescribed diuretics:

In addition, patients are prescribed a course of B vitamins.

All patients are prescribed drugs that improve cerebral circulation:

To restore cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are used:

The course of treatment with these drugs lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment of grade 1 neck osteochondrosis is aimed at reducing pain, and grades 2 and 3 are aimed at restoring damaged tissue.

It is strictly prohibited to use warm compresses in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Because heat will dilate the blood vessels in the brain and increase swelling.

Most often, a physiotherapist prescribes the following procedures:

  • shock wave therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • electrotherapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • vibration impact;
  • ultraviolet irradiation.


With the help of massage, muscles are strengthened and tension in the neck is relieved. The task of the massage therapist is to improve blood circulation in the diseased area. Due to the inflow and outflow of blood, metabolism will improve, toxins and salts will be eliminated from the body faster. The mass should be carried out after the pain subsides. It is better to trust your health to professional massage therapists. You can also perform self-massage and use various massagers.

Any massage begins and ends with stroking. Movements should be slow. After this, you can move on to kneading and vibration. The word vibration means patting and shaking. Also at this stage the use of a massager is allowed.

Manual therapy

One of the oldest methods of treating osteochondrosis is manual therapy. For many years, doctors have come up with various techniques that are now widely used on patients. The use of one or another technique directly depends on the severity of the disease, the gender of the patient, his physique and the presence of other chronic diseases. All manipulations must be performed by a specially trained doctor, because any incorrect movement can lead to disability of the patient.

After the first session, the patient will feel relief - pain will decrease, range of motion will increase. The course of such treatment lasts from 5 to 10 procedures and is individual in each case.


Due to acupuncture, the hormone cortisol is released into the blood, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Needles are inserted into points near the inner edge of the scapula, to a depth of 1–2 cm and left for 20–30 minutes.


A diet for osteochondrosis is prescribed for life. Food should contain vitamins, calcium and magnesium. These microelements are found in seafood, legumes and dairy products, as well as nuts. It is important to remember that drinking alcohol will worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, you can drink it very rarely, and during the period of exacerbation of the disease - completely eliminate it.


When performing exercises, you need to remember a few rules:

  • You can do classes only after finishing acute period illness;
  • you cannot perform exercises through pain;
  • exercises should be performed smoothly. Sudden movements are prohibited; they can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  1. Lie on your back. Place your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach. In this position, inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds, then exhale. Repeat the exercise 5 times a day for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Twist your body right and left. 20 seconds each way. Perform 5 times a day for 5 minutes.
  3. Sit on a chair with a backrest. Bring your chin to your chest and inhale, then lift your chin and exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Sitting on a chair with a backrest, place your palm on your forehead. Press on your forehead as hard as you can, but so that your torso remains motionless.
  5. Stand up straight. Stretch your chin toward your chest, hold for a few seconds, then lift your head. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  6. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended along your body. Slowly turn your head to the right, try to press your ear to the floor. Then turn your head the other way. Remember that the exercise should not cause pain. Perform 4-5 times a day for 4-6 turns.
  7. Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the floor in front of you. You need to raise your head and torso as much as possible. Stay in this position for 1 minute, then lower to the floor and relax. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times. You can do several approaches per day.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a long process. It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, follow a diet, and exercise. During the recovery period, you should also not forget about the disease. Do not lift heavy objects, watch your diet, and undergo preventive treatment on time. Swimming plays an important role in preventing exacerbation of the disease. Many patients who started practicing this sport have forgotten about neck pain forever.

Remember the main thing - do not tolerate pain. If pain lasts more than a week, it is better to consult a doctor. It is much easier to treat an early stage of the disease than a complicated disease.

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