What is Klebsiella oxytoca, danger to the human body. Klebsiella oxytoca

Klebsiella is a pathogen that provokes the development of several diseases in the human body and occupies a leading place among opportunistic bacteria. The severity of the disease directly depends on the state of the immune system, which is why it can range from a mild infection to severe sepsis.

There are several ways for a pathological agent to enter the body of a healthy person. The most common mechanisms are foodborne and airborne. In addition, doctors identify several risk groups most susceptible to infection.

The symptomatic picture is dictated by the type of bacterium and the disease it caused. Thus, signs may include fever, wheezing when breathing, nasal congestion, severe cough and nosebleeds.

The presence of Klebsiella in the body can be confirmed using laboratory studies of human biological fluids, sputum and nasal discharge. In addition, a detailed physical examination and instrumental examinations sick.

The main way to treat the disease is to use conservative methods therapy, namely: taking medicines.


As stated above, Klebsiella is an opportunistic pathogen, which means that the bacterium is part normal microflora intestines, skin and mucous membranes. However, under the influence of factors favorable to it, it can lead to various diseases.

Klebsiella acts as a small, non-motile gram-negative rod, which can be located singly, in pairs or in chains. In addition, the causative agent of Klebsiella infection has the following characteristics:

  • small volumes that range from 1 to 6 micrometers;
  • can reproduce even in the absence of oxygen, and in its presence does not lose viability;
  • forms a capsule that allows you to maintain resistance to the influence of factors external environment;
  • is able to increase its number in dairy products in the refrigerator;
  • preserves vital activity in soil, liquids, dust and food;
  • dies only when long boiling, as well as against the background of exposure disinfectants;
  • is resistant to many antibacterial agents, which complicates the therapy process;
  • releases endotoxin, which negatively affects the intestinal and lung mucosa. In addition, Klebsiella secretes heat-stable enterotoxin and membranotoxin.

The source of infection is an infected person or an asymptomatic carrier of the infection. The main mechanisms of bacterial penetration are:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, namely dirty hands;
  • eating unwashed fruits and vegetables;
  • ingestion of contaminated dairy products and meat - this route of transmission occurs due to inadequate heat treatment;
  • severe cough or sneezing - only someone who is sick can spread the infection healthy people by airborne droplets.

In addition, infectious disease specialists identify the following groups risk groups that are most susceptible to infection and complicated course of the disease:

  • newborns and babies- high probability of infection due to incompetence immune system;
  • elderly people;
  • people with acquired immunodeficiency conditions;
  • patients suffering from blood pathologies;
  • persons who have undergone a donor organ or tissue transplant;
  • people who are addicted to alcoholic beverages;
  • sick, forced long time take antibacterial substances.


Currently, several varieties of Klebsiella are known, which lead to the formation of various ailments:

  • Friendlander's wand- causes development in a child or adult;
  • Volkovich-Frisch stick- provokes rhinoscleroma;
  • Abel's wand- is a provocateur of a fetid runny nose or;
  • Klebsiella panticola- acts as a culprit, less often;
  • Klebsiella oxytoca- can affect the intestines, organs of the urinary system, eyes and joints, as well as the membranes of the brain.


The incubation period is individual for each person and depends on the resistance of the immune system. It follows from this that the period from the moment of infection to the appearance of initial manifestations can vary from several days to a week.

Depending on what type of pathological agent penetrated into human body, will be different clinical picture Klebsiella infection. For example, pneumonia is characterized by an acute onset and the appearance of the following first signs of infection:

As the disease progresses, the following symptoms will appear:

  • chest pain when taking a deep breath;
  • dyspnea;
  • dry cough, gradually transforming into a wet one - with the release of viscous, purulent and foul-smelling sputum;
  • wheezing when inhaling and exhaling.

Klebsiella in the nose leads to the development of rhinoscleroma - a disease characterized by inflammatory lesion mucous layer of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by the formation of granulomas that contain the pathogen. The disease often has a chronic course.

The entrance gate is nasal cavity, however, in the absence of treatment, the pathology involves:

  • oral cavity and pharynx;
  • sinuses and larynx;
  • bronchi and trachea.

The main signs of rhinoscleroma are presented:

  • nasal congestion;
  • nosebleeds;
  • discharge, having a mucopurulent character;
  • violation of the swallowing process;
  • deformation of the nasal cavity;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • complete loss of smell;
  • decreased appetite.

Symptoms of Klebsiella causing ozena:

  • burning and dryness in the nose;
  • formation of crusts in the affected area;
  • decreased or complete absence of sense of smell;
  • inability to breathe through the nose;
  • release of foul odor from the nasal cavity;
  • severe cough accompanied by purulent sputum;
  • persistent increase in temperature;
  • nasal hemorrhages;
  • the appearance of a saddle nose - this sign appears only in severe cases of the pathology.

Organ damage digestive system expressed in:

  • and belching;
  • severe pain in the stomach area;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • aversion to food;
  • temperature increase;
  • general weakness;
  • violation of the act of defecation - feces have a liquid consistency, often with admixtures of blood or mucus.

Klebsiella in urine has negative impact on the organs of the genitourinary system, which leads to the appearance of such ailments and their symptoms:

Klebsiella in newborns and toddlers infancy has its own characteristics and leads to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • temperature rise to 38 degrees and above;
  • moist wheezing during breathing;
  • weakness and lethargy of infants;
  • severe cough with mucus and blood;
  • appearance purulent discharge having a foul odor - this sign indicates Klebsiella in the throat;
  • refusal to eat;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • weight loss.

Klebsiella infection in the vast majority of situations lasts up to 12 days.


Only an infectious disease specialist can confirm the diagnosis and differentiate the pathogen, based on the information obtained during the implementation laboratory research. However, before prescribing them, the clinician should:

  • familiarization with the medical history;
  • collection and analysis of life history - to determine the route of penetration of Klebsiella in adults and children;
  • a thorough physical examination, mandatory including palpation of the anterior wall abdominal cavity and temperature measurement;
  • a detailed survey of the patient or his parents (if the patient is a baby) - to compile a complete symptomatic picture and the severity of the pathological process.

Laboratory research is based on the implementation of:

  • general clinical urine analysis;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • microscopic examination of feces;
  • bacterial culture of sputum, mucus secreted from the nose, blood and urine;
  • bacterioscopy;
  • serological tests.

In addition, patients need to undergo instrumental examinations, including:

  • X-ray of the sternum;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • CT and MRI.


Klebsiella in infants and adults is eliminated using conservative treatment methods, which are based on the use of antibiotics. Depending on the course of the disease, the method of taking them will differ:

  • Klebsiella in the throat - gargle;
  • Klebsiella in the nose - the medicine is instilled;
  • Klebsiella in the intestines - oral administration;
  • Klebsiella in the vagina or urethra involves local administration of the bacteriophage.

In addition, drug therapy is also aimed at using:

  • antipyretics;
  • detoxification and antiemetic substances;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - indicated for the treatment of Klebsiella pneumonia in infants, older children and adults;
  • antihistamines;
  • immunomodulators and vitamin complexes;
  • probiotics - to eliminate Klebsiella in the intestines.

There are no other methods of treating Klebsiella infection.

Possible complications

Quite often, the pathology proceeds favorably, however, in cases of Klebsiella development during pregnancy, infants or elderly people, there is a high probability of the following consequences:

  • sepsis and;
  • or lungs;
  • damage to bones and joints;
  • seizures;
  • dysfunction of the intestines, liver and kidneys;

Prevention and prognosis

Specific preventive measures, i.e., a vaccine against Klebsiella has not currently been developed; to reduce the likelihood of infection, the following rules should be followed:

  • maintaining hygiene;
  • consumption of well-washed vegetables and fruits, as well as fully cooked meat and pasteurized milk;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • elimination of any outbreaks chronic infections in the body;
  • limiting contact with a sick person;
  • adequate application medicines;
  • regular passage preventive examination in the clinic with visits to all specialists.

The prognosis is dictated by the age category of the patient, the type of Klebsiella and the severity of the disease. It is worth noting that after an infection, unstable immunity is formed - this means that the risk of re-development of the disease cannot be excluded.


Fever, watery diarrhea and frequent regurgitation in a child are a cause of particular concern for parents. You can make as many mistakes as you want in the nutrition of the baby or his nursing mother, but suspicion of a bacterial infection with such symptoms arises first. It often turns out that this is a consequence of the activation of Klebsiella oxytoca, a bacillus recognized by WHO as particularly dangerous to human health.

Klebsiella oxytoca as part of the human microflora

The microorganism Klebsiella oxytoca is one of the most common species of bacteria of the genus Klebsiella. This group received its clever name from its discoverer Edwin Klebs, a bacteriologist from Germany who devoted his life to the study of pathogens of dangerous diseases.

Bacteria of the genus Klebsiella (including oxytoca) are present everywhere in nature, and the human body is no exception. A certain amount of them may be found in the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, on the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Bacteria get there by airborne droplets(with dust or from other people), through objects we touch, with water and food.

The protective capsule in which the microorganisms are placed allows them to survive in rather difficult conditions. They are not afraid increased acidity, lack of oxygen, heating and even antibacterial soap, the pathogen dies only at a temperature of 100⁰C and above.

Typically, the bacterium Klebsiella octytoca is a natural part of the human body, the so-called symbionts. They are classified as opportunistic, that is, they do not manifest themselves in any way under certain conditions. This happens until the concentration of individuals in the colony exceeds the permissible parameters.

Manifestation of pathogenic activity of Klebsiella oxytoca

Peaceful symbiosis of opportunistic flora and the human body is the norm, which is not always possible to achieve. Often, provocative factors cause the rapid proliferation of Klebsiella oxytoca; treatment of Klebsiella oxytoca in this case is a necessary condition.

The fact is that in the struggle for living space, the pathogen displaces beneficial microflora (in particular, bifidobacteria) from the intestine, which causes acute disorder Gastrointestinal tract. In addition, waste products of microorganisms poison an already weakened body and can lead to severe damage to organs.

Common causes of the problem

A surge in the activity of octitoca bacteria does not occur without reason. It is often provoked by taking antibiotics, especially drug abuse or an incorrectly calculated course. Such therapy not only deprives the friendly intestinal microflora of viability, but also contributes to the formation of a strain of pathogenic bacteria that is resistant to drugs (a phenomenon common in domestic hospitals). In this case, treatment of the disease caused by Klebsiella oxytoca can be very difficult.

Others should not be underestimated negative factors that can cause klebsiellosis:

  • poor nutrition (lack of vitamins and nutrients);
  • previous colds and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • neglect elementary rules hygiene at home and sanitary standards in maternity hospitals and hospitals;
  • bad habits;
  • diabetes mellitus

Possible complications of activation of Klebsiella oxytoca

As a rule, being a carrier of Klebsiella is not a cause for concern. If protective functions the body is normal, they are able to suppress even a pathological surge in bacterial activity. In this case clinical signs diseases do not appear in acute form, and after a few days recovery occurs even without additional therapeutic measures.

But, unfortunately, only a few today can boast of good immunity. The growth of pathogenic colonies can get out of control and become a health hazard. In children and adults, K. oxytoca often causes:

  • acute intestinal disorders;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute gastritis and enterocolitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • joint damage;
  • infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose;
  • cerebral edema.

Important: infants, especially premature ones and weakened by diseases, are at particular risk. Reason – weak immunity and unformed microflora. The rapid growth of the Klebsiella oxytoca colony in infants is dangerous due to the death of intestinal tissue, neurotoxicosis, necrotic processes on the skin and other complications.

Signs of pathological processes in infants

The clinical picture of klebsiellosis may differ in different people depending on which organs are affected by the overgrown colony. In children under one year of age, the gastrointestinal tract most often suffers, so the activation of bacteria in their body is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in temperature to 39⁰;
  • frequent regurgitation, vomiting;
  • bloating, intestinal colic and associated anxiety;
  • diarrhea with mucus, lumps of undigested food and bloody streaks;
  • extremely bad smell feces;
  • loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, resulting in weight loss;
  • dehydration (dry skin with a grayish tint).

Important: any combination of the above symptoms should be a reason to contact a specialist.


The diagnosis of clexibellosis in domestic clinics is made based on the results clinical tests feces or vomit, urine, cultures from mucous membranes. Additionally, in young children, blood tests may be performed to increased content leukocytes in the blood, the presence of myelocytes, signs of anemia.

It is believed that in the feces healthy child the concentration of Klebsiella oxytoca is normally no more than 10⁵ per 1 gram (for adults – 10⁶). A result exceeding this indicator is considered a pathology, and in this case, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Important: not all doctors agree with this formulation of the question. There is an opinion that if the baby develops normally, and does not have more than half of the above symptoms, then clexibellosis does not require third-party intervention, even if the test results indicate that the norm is exceeded.

Treatment: is the use of antibiotics justified?

The method of treating a disease caused by Klebsiella oxytoca depends on its severity. Mild forms usually do not require hospitalization. In this case, gentle medications are used to stimulate the normalization of intestinal flora:

  • bacteriophages are targeted viruses that infect exclusively pathogenic microorganisms (similar to antibiotics, but without side effects);
  • probiotics – products with “beneficial” bacteria (mono-agents, such as Acipol, Bifidumbacterin or combined symbiotics such as Linex).

The listed drugs are not addictive, safe in recommended doses and can be used in therapy even for infants.

Important: if you lose fluid as a result of intestinal disorders, you need to hydrate in time. Since it is difficult for parents of infants to restore water balance in the baby’s body on its own, you cannot refuse hospitalization even with mild forms of the disease.

If we're talking about about advanced or very severe cases, it is believed that Klebsiella oxytoca cannot be overcome without antibiotics. Beforehand, an analysis must be made to determine the sensitivity of the bacteria to a particular group of drugs. Most often, the following means are used to suppress its activity:

  • beta-lactam antibiotics – fluoroquinolones (for example, Levofloxacin), cephalosporins last generations(as an option - Cefotaxime), penicillins and others;
  • drugs from the aminoglycoside group (Gentamicin, Amikacin and others).

In parallel, antipyretics can be used, antiemetics and antiseptics such as Furazolidone (in case of intestinal infections) and expectorants (if the lungs are affected).

Children's immunity, which has not had time to form at the level necessary to protect the baby from diseases, allows it to enter the baby's organs. different types, provoking serious pathological processes.

The bacterium is opportunistic in nature. It manifests itself under certain conditions that provoke it.

When it enters the large intestine, it creates a considerable number of gastrointestinal pathologies. It is important to know that this microorganism can be a provocateur of pneumonia.

Klebsiella oxytoca attacks a child after communicating with an infected carrier. The infection can be transmitted:

The peculiarity of the microorganism is that it is located in the mucous membranes respiratory system, on skin, in urine and does not cause any harm until a certain point.

Parents should pay attention to signs that indicate the penetration of bacteria into the baby’s body:

Parents concerned about the health of their child cannot independently determine the presence of bacteria. The symptoms are similar to dysbacteriosis, and it torments 90% of newborns.

The bacterium can be recognized by the results of laboratory tests. Klebsiella oxytoca is detected in the feces of a child, since the infection is localized in 70% of cases.

If parents often notice a restless state in a newborn, the baby raises his legs to his tummy, which indicates pain, increased gas formation is observed, this may be a signal of penetration bacterial infection Klebsiella oxytoki.

Klebsiella oxytoca is found in infants' urine much less frequently than in feces.

It penetrates into urine accidentally, has no symptoms, and does not provoke complications and diseases of various types.

It is important to identify the pathology at the first manifestations and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Progression of the bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca with a weak immune system, after treatment of other diseases with antibacterial agents.

Klebsiella oxytoca treatment in children requires after full examination, confirmed diagnosis by specialists.

How to diagnose the disease in children

Preliminary diagnosis is carried out on the basis of symptoms, after asking parents about the child’s condition.

Feces are the main material for research. In case of sepsis, it is recommended to further examine the patient’s blood.

Modern medicine has identified the most common research methods:

  1. Bacterioscopic method. The smear is examined under a microscope after staining special technique. If bacteria are present, the smear contains gram-negative rods, which are located in small groups or individually.
  2. A bacteriological research technique in which material is sown on a nutrient medium and the growth of characteristic colonies is recorded.
  3. IN in rare cases use the serological method. An agglutination reaction is carried out with a special reagent. If there is a pathogen in the material, then a specific precipitate forms.

Additional research methods are general analysis blood, urine, colonoscopy, coprogram.

Attention: children's coprogram indicators have significant differences from adult study data, so it is better if a specialist looks at the result and advises from a professional point of view.

Interpretation of analyzes

The results of a test for dysbacteriosis will show not only the existence of microorganisms in the child’s stool, but also their quantity. It is recommended to take the test and get the result in the laboratory of a children's medical institution.

Norm klebsiella oxytoca infant should not exceed 10 to the 5th power of bacteria per gram of feces.

An indicator of klebsiella oxytoca in the feces of an infant of 10 to 8 degrees is considered a significant deviation from the norm and requires immediate therapeutic intervention.

At this result The baby has a high fever for up to five days. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the consequences can be serious pathological processes.

What treatment can you choose for children?

If a baby has Klebsiella oxytoc in the body, treatment should be carried out as prescribed by the doctor. It is based on two directions:

  • Suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  • Restoration of normal microflora.

For treatment to lead to effective result, experts attribute medications.

The dosage is determined by the attending physician; the dose depends on the number of microorganisms.

The course of treatment lasts at least seven days. Often the drugs are administered using an enema; this technique is more effective.

Probiotics Acipol, Linex, Bifidumbacterin. They restore the balance of microflora by introducing normal bacteria into it. They are given to babies for ten days, twice a day.

Prebiotics help provide a favorable environment for the growth of normal microflora in the intestines. According to the treatment results, Hilak Forte was determined to be the most effective.

For mild cases of the disease, treatment takes place at home under the supervision of a specialist. If the form is severe, the child is hospitalized in an inpatient department.

A course of strengthening therapy is required. The child’s immunity is restored with a diet specially developed by a specialist.

The diet is rich useful substances, excludes chemicals. Breastfeeding corrected by the doctor regardless of the form of the disease.

The rehabilitation period includes taking vitamin complexes; the doctor may prescribe traditional medicine.

Massage courses are required, conducted by a mother with experience in this field or by a professional massage therapist.

The bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca is an opportunistic microorganism that causes rare and dangerous shape pneumonia. Anaerobic bacterium develops quite quickly, has severe symptoms and difficult to treat.

Both newborns and the elderly are at risk for the disease, so everyone needs to know what Klebsiella pneumonia is and the symptoms that accompany it.

Klebsiella oxytoca, which belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family, can live in the body of any person without causing any pathologies. However, in the presence of unfavorable factors, such as weakened human immunity or exacerbation chronic diseases, the bacterium enters an active form and begins to multiply en masse, turning into a huge pathogenic colony.

Gram-negative rods have a size of about 1.5-6 microns, and are located on the mucosa singly or in groups, forming chains. Active growth of bacteria occurs at a temperature of +35-37 degrees. Used to diagnose active microorganisms biological fluid human - these are sputum, blood, urine and vomit.

The pathogenic bacterium can be transmitted through household contact, fecal-oral contact and through contaminated food.

Klebsiella pneumonia

The Klebsiella bacterium is also called the “biological werewolf”, since when it enters the human body and settles on the respiratory tract, it becomes part of the microflora, to which the body’s defenses do not respond. A microorganism can live both in the presence of oxygen and in its absence.

If conditions unfavorable for the bacterium arise, it becomes encapsulated and can maintain vital activity in this state for years. G killing bacteria are only high temperatures , since already at +65 degrees Klebsiella dies.

If an active form of Klebsiella oxytoca has been detected in the body, treatment in adults must be started as early as possible, as serious complications may develop.

Symptoms in adults

During development active form Klebsiella observed short incubation period, which takes 4-48 hours. In any form of the disease there are acute symptoms , which disguise themselves as common cold or intestinal infection.

When manifested characteristic features, the patient needs to seek help as soon as possible, since the disease has a rapid development with dangerous pathologies.

Klebsiella pneumonia:

  1. Body temperature rises up to 39 degrees and rarely drops below 37.5. The patient is constantly feverish, manifesting profuse sweating, a painful headache bothers me.
  2. When you try to cough or sneeze, you feel cutting pains . As the infection progresses, the pain becomes constant.
  3. After a few days, the dry cough turns into wet cough with blood. Quite often, when you cough, whole blood clots come out with an unpleasant odor.
  4. With numerous development of the colony of klebsiella pneumoniae, symptoms become more pronounced and appear constant nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. The patient develops an aversion to food against the background of severe intoxication of the body.

These symptoms are a serious reason for hospitalization, as treatment must be only under medical supervision. Without due lung tissue the patient will begin to die, cerebral or pulmonary edema may occur, toxic shock or hemorrhagic syndrome.

Symptoms in children

Very often, children in the first year of life become victims of Klebsiella oxytoca those with reduced immunity. Babies can become infected through breast milk, dirty hands adults, contaminated water or undisinfected pacifiers.

Many young mothers, faced with the bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca, ask how to treat infectious disease, and how to prevent the development of serious complications?

Parents should understand that there is still very little on the mucous membranes of the baby’s upper respiratory tract. beneficial bacteria Therefore, this age group is the most vulnerable. Premature babies and those who have been treated with antibiotics are especially susceptible to the disease.

It is possible to avoid infection with a dangerous bacterium only by maintaining hygiene, and to avoid serious complications is possible only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner.

In pathology, there is a severe cough with viscous bloody sputum

Characteristic signs in children:

  1. The child becomes restless, constantly cries, refuses to eat and sleep.
  2. There is a rapid increase in body temperature to 39 degrees. The baby has a fever, the temperature is difficult to bring down, and does not fall below 38 degrees.
  3. A few hours after the development of the disease, a persistent cough begins, with viscous bloody sputum, and wheezing.
  4. In the background pulmonary manifestations bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca, symptoms begin that indicate a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract: increased flatulence, abdominal pain, regurgitation after eating, vomiting 5-8 times a day, foamy loose stool with blood impurities can be up to 20 times per day.
  5. The child quickly loses weight, the body becomes dehydrated, lethargy, lethargy, and drowsiness are observed.

The nature of the symptoms depends on how strong immunity in a child. Kids who have chronic diseases or just moved colds have more pronounced signs infections. The main mistake of many parents is self-medication and refusal to hospitalize, taking dangerous infection for a simple viral disease.

Such a mistake can have dire consequences., since the infection develops rapidly and often causes death.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor

If diagnostics revealed dangerous bacteria klebsiella oxytoca, treatment in adults and children begins immediately, and only inpatiently, since it is necessary not only to eliminate the source of the disease, but also to restore the body’s water balance. Light form has infections favorable prognosis, and can be treated quickly with simple antibacterial drugs.

If the disease was diagnosed on late stage, then there will be a long and heavy treatment, since the advanced form often affects other internal organs.

Patients of any age should understand how dangerous oxytoka is and what sad consequence may lead. It is possible to reduce the risk of infection only by maintaining personal hygiene, strengthening the immune system, hardening, eating well-washed and heat-treated foods, and observing sanitation standards in the home.

Klebsiella oxytoca is an opportunistic bacterium that, after entering the human body, provokes the development of several ailments. If infection occurs, the severity of the disease will directly depend on the state of the immune system. That is why pathologies provoked by Klebsiella oxytoca in children or adults can occur as follows: mild form infections, and in the form of severe sepsis.

Classification and characteristics

This pathogenic microorganism is capable of entering the human body either through airborne droplets or through food.

Scientists have today classified several types of Klebsiella that can cause various ailments in adults and children:

Name of the stick

A disease that develops due to infection


Provokes inflammation in the lungs. Both children and adults are susceptible to the disease.


Patients develop rhinoscleroma

Ozena or foul-smelling rhinitis occurs


People whose bodies have been affected by this type of Klebsiella develop gastroenteritis. In rare cases, this category of patients is diagnosed with sepsis


Pathogenic microflora affects different parts of the intestine. Pathological manifestations are also observed in joint tissues, organs of vision and in the urinary system. Klebsiella oxytoca is detected in the feces of infants, so the diagnosis is made based on the results of laboratory tests

Klebsiella is an opportunistic bacterium that is part of the normal intestinal microflora. In the absence of “favorable” factors, this bacterium does not manifest itself in any way. But as soon as certain conditions are created for it, it begins to actively multiply and cause harm to the patient’s body.

This opportunistic microorganism has high viability, therefore it does not lose its ability to reproduce even when complete absence oxygen. Once in an environment in which oxygen is present, Klebsiella very quickly forms a capsule, thanks to which it is protected from negative external factors.

It is worth noting that this bacterium is capable of rapidly increasing the number of colonies in dairy products, even those stored in the refrigerator.

Klebsiella is able to remain viable in various foods and dust. To destroy it, it is necessary to expose it to high temperatures over a long period of time. temperature conditions, for example, boil for a long time. Also, an opportunistic microorganism can be dealt with using special means intended for disinfection. But, at the same time, we must remember that the bacterium is resistant to various antibacterial drugs, which significantly complicates the selection of a disinfectant.


These opportunistic bacteria enter the human body in the following ways:

  • in case of non-compliance with personal hygiene standards;
  • when eating food with unwashed hands;
  • when eating foods that have been contaminated with Klebsiella (meat, dairy);
  • when you are in close proximity to a sneezing or coughing person who is a carrier of an illness, for example, pneumonia;
  • when eating unwashed fruits, berries, vegetables, etc.

Scientists who have been studying this conditionally for many years pathogenic microorganism, include the following categories of people at risk of contracting Klebsiella infection:

  • newborn babies;
  • babies who are kept on breastfeeding;
  • elderly people;
  • citizens who have been diagnosed with blood pathologies or diabetes;
  • people who have undergone tissue or organ transplantation;
  • persons with acquired immunodeficiency conditions;
  • citizens suffering from alcohol addiction;
  • patients taking antibacterial medications for a long time;
  • workers in the agricultural industry, catering establishments, organizations specializing in the processing or production of dairy or meat products.


Patients in whose body there is active proliferation of Klebsiella may exhibit a characteristic clinical picture, which allows one to suspect a problem and contact specialized specialists to eliminate it. People should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • temperature rises;
  • wheezing occurs when breathing;
  • a severe cough occurs (initially it is dry, but then transforms into a wet one);
  • rhinitis begins with copious discharge snot;
  • Nosebleeds, etc. may occur.

It is worth noting that immediately after this bacterium enters the human body, an incubation period begins, the duration of which directly depends on current state immunity. That is why, in this category of patients, characteristic symptoms can appear both after a few days and after a few weeks.

Patients, depending on the type of pathogenic microorganism and its location, may exhibit the following symptoms:

Name of the stick

Clinical picture


Initially, patients experience chills and febrile conditions. They complain of general malaise and weakness. Over time, sweating increases, a sore throat begins, and redness of the mucous membranes is observed. As the disease progresses, a dry cough appears, with deep breaths pain occurs. Sputum begins to come out, which has a purulent, viscous structure and a stench emanates from it. When breathing, patients experience severe wheezing


If an opportunistic bacterium colonizes the nasopharynx, then patients develop rhinoscleroma. When this pathology occurs, damage to the mucous membranes located in the upper respiratory tract is observed. In patients, granulomas begin to form, within which the pathogen is localized. People can suspect rhinoscleroma by characteristic symptoms. Initially, their nose is blocked and nosebleeds begin, of varying intensity. The masses discharged from the nasal sinuses have a purulent-mucosal structure. Over time, patients lose the ability to swallow normally, their nasal cavity begins to deform, their appetite rapidly decreases, their sense of smell is lost, and hoarseness appears in their voice.

As ozena develops, people's nasal mucous membranes begin to dry out and they also experience a burning sensation. Quite quickly, crusts form in the affected area. Due to the lack of normal nasal breathing, the sense of smell decreases or completely disappears. A severe cough begins, during which purulent sputum is released, and a stench emanates from the nasal sinuses. The temperature rises, which is extremely difficult to bring down through medications. Nosebleeds begin. At severe course disease, patients develop a saddle-shaped nose


In the case when an opportunistic microorganism affects the gastrointestinal tract, people experience belching and heartburn, and pain is felt in the peritoneal area. Patients complain of nausea and vomiting. They develop a persistent aversion to food, their temperature begins to rise, and weakness occurs. As the infection progresses, defecation processes are disrupted (mucous or bloody impurities may be detected in liquid stool). If a bacterium enters genitourinary system, then people may encounter prostatitis, pyelonephritis or cystitis


This type of bacterium affects infants and newborns. The following symptoms begin to appear in babies: the temperature rises above 38 degrees, moist wheezing is heard during breathing, lethargy and weakness are observed. Such children develop a strong cough, during which mucous or bloody sputum is expelled. Over time, purulent masses begin to be excreted, from which a strong stench emanates. Babies may also experience diarrhea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration. They often refuse food, vomit, and lose weight. If Klebsiella oxytoca is detected in a child’s stool in a timely manner, the disease can be cured in 12-14 days

Treatment methods

Before prescribing a course to a patient drug therapy, the specialist must conduct a series of laboratory tests, the results of which will help differentiate the disease, for example, Klebsiella Oxytoca is detected in the stool.

If the patient has been diagnosed with Klebsiella Oksitok, treatment is prescribed after determining the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora to certain medications.

In most cases, specialists include beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides in treatment regimens, for example, tablets:

  • "Amikacin";
  • "Netilmicin";
  • "Sizomycin";
  • "Tobramycin";
  • "Gentamicin", etc.

If the disease affects an infant or newborn, then in this case bacteriophages are used to combat Klebsiella Oksitok. Such medications contain artificially bred viruses that absorb opportunistic bacteria.