What is a runny nose due to allergies? How long does a runny nose last?

Allergies can manifest themselves differently in each person, but most often they manifest themselves as a runny nose. The reason may be various stimuli, in any case, this phenomenon causes a lot of inconvenience. But questions arise: if you have been diagnosed with an allergic disease, what remedies will be effective and what can be done to minimize the likelihood of a relapse?

What is allergic rhinitis

May be accompanied by rhinorrhea (nasal discharge). Its occurrence is characterized by difficulty breathing, swelling of the nasal passages, itching or burning, stuffy nose, and sneezing. It is possible that these symptoms may be accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis). But in each specific case, a person may notice additional individual manifestations. Also in a certain month of the year there may be persistent runny nose. The reasons for such manifestations vary.

Why does allergic rhinitis occur?

Allergic rhinitis develops against the background of hypersensitivity to a particular allergen. It appears immediately or 20 minutes after contact with the irritant. For humans, such an allergen can be plant pollen, dust accumulated on the shelves of libraries or at home, some medications, certain products nutrition. In addition, allergies to cats, insects, and fungi (mold or yeast) may develop. But some people face this problem due to genetic predisposition.


But how to distinguish allergic runny nose from a common cold? Some signs are noted below:

  • Itchy nose.
  • Colorless watery discharge. When exposed to an irritant, bouts of prolonged sneezing may begin.
  • A feeling of nasal congestion, which becomes more noticeable at night.
  • Often such rhinitis is accompanied by conjunctivitis, itching in the eye area and even swelling of the face. Also, the appearance of a cough cannot be ruled out, and this, in turn, can lead to bronchial asthma.
  • Examination by an otolaryngologist shows a pale and loose nasal membrane, with watery discharge. Pharyngitis may develop.
  • While indoors, a person feels a constant runny nose. The reasons for this vary, but usually allergies are caused by chemical odors, tobacco smoke, perfumes, powders and other household chemicals, industrial fragrances or new furniture.

Consequences of allergic rhinitis

Once a person has developed an allergy, symptoms will continue to reoccur later. short time after contact with an irritant (it is individual for everyone). If then the symptoms will be present for a long time while the trees, shrubs or weeds are blooming. From frequent scratching, such people even develop a transverse fold on the nose. In addition, constant congestion of the nasal canals leads to the fact that a person begins to breathe only through the mouth. This circumstance usually leads to stagnant processes and the formation of polyps, the development of sinusitis or otitis media. Swelling of the mucous membrane can lead to blockage paranasal sinuses nose In addition, the sense of smell and, as a result, the sense of taste often disappears. If rhinitis is seasonal, complications are usually not observed.


In some cases, the patient’s condition can be aggravated by improperly selected nutrition. Sometimes the most effective thing is to remove certain foods from your diet. For example, if a person has a reaction to pollen, it is important to determine at what period it occurs. Poplar, hazel, birch and other trees usually bloom in the spring months. If allergies appear during this period, it is better to exclude potatoes, parsley, honey, pears and apples from the diet. This is necessary to avoid cross reaction. If irritation begins in August and September, when ragweed and quinoa bloom, it is advisable to avoid mayonnaise, cabbage, watermelon and honey. But this is not the entire list of products, since there are many things that can cause cross-allergy. You should definitely consult an allergist.

Determining the nature of the disease

Before deciding how to treat allergic rhinitis, it is important to determine the source of the problem. By finding out the cause, you can cope with the disease. But to determine the source of the allergy, it is important to see an allergist, who will prescribe tests. This may include blood donation or skin testing. Having recognized the source of irritation, you need to minimize your contact with it. If it turns out that this is a reaction to flowering, then it is better to go on vacation during this period; if these are food products, then they must be excluded, and so on.

Allergic rhinitis: how to treat this disease

For seasonal rhinitis, be sure to rinse your nose. Pharmacies sell an inexpensive device called “Dolphin”, which is convenient for carrying out this procedure. It consists of a bottle, tube and cap. With its help you can regulate the flow of liquid and reduce discomfort to a minimum. You can make your own medicine for allergic rhinitis, which will be used for rinsing. To do this, add 1/4 teaspoon of soda and salt to a glass of water and add a few drops of iodine. The product is placed in the device. If you wish, you can buy a solution in sachets at the pharmacy. In addition, a spray for allergic rhinitis based on sea ​​water. This could be “Aqua Maris”, “Aqualor”, “Marimer”, “Allergol”.

Treatment program

As already mentioned, before treating an allergic rhinitis, it is important to find out its nature. If you don’t know what causes irritation, treatment becomes useless and can sometimes cause harm to your health.

Having identified the nature of the disease, you can proceed to the following steps:

  1. Getting rid of inflammation that appears on the nasal mucous membranes.
  2. Allergy-specific therapy.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

Most often, in order to get rid of inflammation, it is used integrated approach, which involves several drugs. So, how to treat allergic rhinitis, what drugs are prescribed by doctors?

These are usually antihistamines, available in the form of tablets or drops. Today, doctors advise using second-generation drugs, such as Cetrin, Zodak, Kestin, Claritin, and third-generation drugs, such as Erius, Zirtec, Telfast. Depending on the age of the patient, the dosage is adjusted. Typically, the course of treatment should last two to three weeks. But if you contact a doctor, he will prescribe the number of days at his own discretion (taking into account the patient’s condition). It is worth noting that it is prohibited to prescribe such medications yourself. Before treating an allergic rhinitis without consulting a doctor, you should think about the fact that these drugs always have side effects and very often they have a cardiotoxic effect, causing negative influence on the heart. Medicines latest generation are considered less hazardous to health, but their cost remains high.

Sprays and drops for rhinitis

If these drugs fail to bring relief, the next step will be nasal drops for allergic rhinitis and sprays that act directly on the nasal mucosa. At mild form manifestations of symptoms are usually prescribed "Cromoglin", "Cromosol", "Cromohexal", that is, derivatives of sodium cromoglycate. These products are available in the form of sprays. They must be used as long as the exacerbation lasts, three times a day, making one or two injections. The result can be noticed only after the fifth day, and sometimes even later. Usually, treatment of allergic rhinitis in children cannot be done without these drugs. Since these remedies are more preventive, the course can last up to four months. But doctors do not prohibit the use of such sprays all year round.

The Nazaval remedy has also gained popularity. It is based on plant cellulose. This is applied up to six times a day. After injecting its contents into the nose, a membrane is formed on the mucous membrane, which serves as a barrier, preventing the irritant from affecting sensitive areas. If the disease is acute form, this remedy will be ineffective.

For severe allergic rhinitis, you can use sprays such as Nasonex, Aldecin, Nazarel, Benarin, Nasobek, Flixonase. The doctor will help determine the duration of the course of such treatment.

Error when treating with drops

Often, when using nasal drops for an allergic rhinitis, a person makes a mistake - long time enjoys vasoconstrictor drugs. Usually these remedies (Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, etc.) help make breathing through the nose easier. But using them for a long time, the patient increases the likelihood of developing drug-induced rhinitis. At times, depending on the severity, it may be necessary surgery to get rid of an acquired disease. If you have allergic rhinitis, it is advisable not to use these drops. An exception can only be made if severe congestion nose, but then you need to switch to intranasal glucocorticoids.

Allergen-specific therapy

Some people may not benefit from any type of allergic rhinitis medication, while others may have contraindications to such medications. In these cases, you can resort to completely radical way fight - allergen-specific therapy. But such treatment should only be carried out by an experienced doctor and only in a hospital setting. The principle is to administer a specific dose of the allergen to the patient. Gradually the dose should be increased. All this is necessary so that the body can develop resistance to the irritant. If the treatment is successful, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis completely disappear. Similar method Thousands of people have already tried it and were satisfied with the result, since they were able to get rid of the symptoms that tormented them.

Can also be used in treatment homeopathic remedy from an allergic rhinitis called "Rinosennay".

Traditional methods

As is known, traditional medicine helps in the fight against many diseases, but, unfortunately, it cannot cure allergic rhinitis. Often, treatment with mixtures, infusions and decoctions can worsen a person’s condition, since allergies can worsen from such exposure. You should not listen to the advice of neighbors and friends who are supposedly cured traditional methods from allergic rhinitis. There is only one safe “home” method for relieving the condition - rinsing the nasal canals with saline solution. But it is worth considering that this measure is not a treatment, so it is better not to delay, but rather purchase drops for allergic rhinitis in a pharmacy on the recommendation of a doctor. This is necessary because it is easy to use saline solution is not capable of bringing a tangible, lasting therapeutic effect.

Allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

When an allergic reaction begins to develop, women and doctors sound the alarm, since many treatment methods, including traditional ones, cannot be used. The disease itself has virtually no effect on the fetus. But if the treatment methods are incorrectly selected, and also if the condition develops into more severe form, the threat to the baby increases. To identify the cause of the allergy, a woman needs to undergo a blood test. You cannot take a skin sample at this time.

Methods of treatment during pregnancy

Firstly, it is worth remembering that antihistamines are prohibited, as they can harm the fetus. If there is an urgent need for them, it is better to give preference to third-generation products. But the dosage is strictly prescribed and regulated by the doctor.

Treatment must be worn local character and act only on the nasal canals. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe a spray or drops for allergic rhinitis containing sodium cromoglycate. In any case, the basis of such preparations should be plant cellulose. But it is important to note that in the first three months of pregnancy you should also not use nasal corticosteroids.

Lifestyle with allergic rhinitis

The main task when allergic symptoms occur is to reduce contact with the irritant to the possible minimum. But it can only be identified after diagnostics. Next, the doctor must give his recommendations.

All allergens are divided into:

  • household ( house dust, feather pillows);
  • food (various products);
  • industrial (powders, detergents);
  • pollen;
  • epidermal (animal hair, bird feathers);
  • fungal.

Once the allergen is identified, it is easier to think through further measures. For example, when food allergies a person takes tests that will show which foods are incompatible with the body. They will have to be removed from the diet.

If the cause of irritation of the mucous membrane is pollen from trees and flowers, then you will have to stop traveling outside the city. You can arrange evening walks around the city (from 22 o'clock). It is at this time that the concentration of pollen in the air decreases. Also, in the first half of the day you should not open your windows. You can install an air purifier in your apartment. Many companies strive to make their cosmetics using herbs. People with pollen allergies should avoid using such substances. Also, during the period when flowering begins, you can take a vacation and try to leave your region. It is better to choose the sea or mountainous terrain as your destination. In these areas, pollen concentrations are always minimal.


Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet developed measures that allow for prevention and reduction of the likelihood of developing allergic rhinitis. If the disease has already overcome a person, all prevention comes down to reducing contact with the irritant, and also selecting suitable remedy from allergic rhinitis. This is necessary because without proper treatment, the disease will begin to progress. In this case, all existing symptoms will intensify.

Allergies and pets

Approximately 15% of the population faces the challenge of developing an allergy to pet dander. But a person’s reaction occurs not to the wool itself, but to what is on it. Animals can lick themselves and leave their saliva and skin particles on the fibers. They are the ones who cause irritation of the mucous membranes. But how? Animal cells are quite strong proteins when they enter human body with a weakened immune system, they begin to perceive it as a threat, so it works defensive reaction. Side effects of these “contacts” manifest themselves in allergies. It could be teary eyes skin rash, rhinitis and asthma attacks. Most often, people are allergic to cats, but other animals can also be sources of such painful symptoms.

How to cope with pet allergies

Often there is no way to prevent this reaction to fur. But it is possible to minimize the risk of developing this type of allergy. For this, preparation begins from childhood. If a child has a tendency to allergies, you should not immediately give away a cat or other animal. If the baby continues to be in contact with the pet, his body will be able to produce protective function, as a result, allergies can be avoided already in adulthood.

Treatment options

If a reaction to wool has already developed, you can use modern methods, which are usually used to treat other types of allergies.

  • As in other cases, it is important to use antihistamines. They are necessary in order to neutralize the effects of substances that cause symptoms. For example, it could be Claritin or Benadryl - they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The doctor may also prescribe medications that are available only by prescription (for example, Allegra).
  • Decongestants can also help here, since wool allergies can cause swelling of the mucous membranes. Such drugs do not allow mucus to stagnate. Such drugs include Sudafed.
  • The doctor may also prescribe other medications that successfully treat asthma and allergic symptoms. For example, prescription steroids such as Flonase or Nasonex are usually prescribed for treatment.

Other events

In addition to treatment, it is worth following simple rules that help reduce the chances of exacerbation or the appearance of symptoms. The recommendations apply to pet owners.

  1. Bathe your pet and brush it.
  2. Regularly organize wet cleaning of rooms.
  3. The animal should lie and sleep on its own bedding, and not on the owner’s bed or chair.
  4. After handling your pet, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  5. To reduce hair loss, try to give your pet a balanced diet.

By choosing the right treatment and taking all preventative measures, you may be able to get along with your beloved pet in the same area.

Nasal discharge bothers us not only during a cold, but also during allergic reactions. It is not always possible to understand what caused this nasal discharge. However, the nature of their occurrence is completely different, and the methods of treating this disease will also be different, the site agrees . We did a little comparative characteristics How to distinguish allergic rhinitis from a common runny nose. However, you should not make the diagnosis on your own and select treatment yourself; it is better to entrust this moment to a specialist.

The main symptoms of a common runny nose

Nasal discharge is quite common. A runny nose of any etiology is usually characterized by:

  • nasal congestion,
  • sneezing;
  • itching inside the nose.

However, with ordinary rhinitis, other symptoms are associated with a runny nose. First, the nose becomes dry and burning, then nasal discharge begins to appear. Common rhinitis is often associated with viral infections, so there is a rise in temperature. In addition, a condition of congestion in the ears, headaches, lack of appetite, and general weakness of the body may appear. On the 4th-5th day, purulent discharge in the nasal sinuses.

What causes allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis is a fairly common problem; it affects 15% of the population, including children. He can accompany the patient not only seasonally, but throughout the year. Examples of such allergens may be:

  • animal fur,
  • household chemicals,
  • ordinary dust
  • furniture, carpets,
  • cosmetics, etc.

During the flowering season it may be caused by pollen various plants. It can also be caused by molds.

Allergies are often accompanied by conjunctivitis, skin rashes, and eczema. When taking certain antihistamines Allergic rhinitis usually goes away.

Allergic rhinitis may also be accompanied by a dry cough, sore and dry throat, lack of sense of smell and taste.

How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis is not so easy to distinguish from ordinary rhinitis, but you can pay attention to the following differences:

  1. One of the most striking differences between a common runny nose and allergic reaction- this is the presence of temperature. If the temperature is elevated, then nasal discharge is most likely associated with an infection or virus, and not with a reaction to allergens.
  2. Also, ordinary rhinitis in colds is characterized by general weakness of the body and lack of appetite, but this is not observed with allergies.
  3. An allergic runny nose begins suddenly, but for a common cold, the symptoms of nasal discharge gradually progress over 1-2 days.
  4. Most often, an allergic runny nose is accompanied by severe itching in the depths of the nose, which is why the patient constantly wrinkles it, since there is no way to scratch the itchy place.
  5. A runny nose in the presence of an allergen is accompanied by continuous sneezing, 10 or more times in a row. Whereas ordinary rhinitis is not accompanied by sneezing so often up to 2-3 times.
  6. With ordinary rhinitis, the discharge becomes thicker and darker after a few days. And if you have allergies, they are transparent all the time.
  7. Allergies may also be accompanied by tearing and redness of the eyes. Black-blue circles may appear under the eyes. With rhinitis, such symptoms are not observed.
  8. A common runny nose usually goes away after antiviral and symptomatic treatment. Whereas allergic manifestations end only after eliminating contact with the allergen that causes it or taking antihistamines.
  9. Allergies are often accompanied by more than just nasal discharge. But also skin manifestations: dermatitis, redness, itching.
  10. Allergic rhinitis may be hereditary form, so if parents were prone to such manifestations, children will also be susceptible to allergies.

Whatever the cause of your runny nose, only a doctor can choose the appropriate treatment for you.

IN last decades allergic reactions in the population are very widespread. According to statistics, 8-12% of the world's inhabitants suffer from various forms allergies that most often develop between 10 and 20 years of age.

Allergic rhinitis is one of the variants of the body’s inadequate response to various external irritants - pollen of flowering plants, insect bites, mold and yeast fungi, mites in library dust, house dust, various toxic or flavored chemicals in household chemicals, household items, and internal irritants - certain foods or medications.

What to do if a child or adult has seasonal or year-round rhinitis? How to treat allergic rhinitis, with what drugs, medicines, drops, sprays? You cannot tolerate constant nasal congestion, sneezing, tickling and itching in the nose, watery eyes, this affects your mood and condition. nervous system, disrupts the usual way of life and reduces performance. In addition, constant long course allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of which are pronounced, can provoke the occurrence of nosebleeds, nasal polyps, otitis and sinusitis, severe impairment of smell and bronchial asthma.

Signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children and adults

With allergic rhinitis, symptoms begin to appear after contact with the allergen; if it is animal fur, then after being in a room with pets, when using woolen blankets, down pillows, long bouts of sneezing occur; they may appear at the time of contact with the allergen or after some time. that time, more often in the morning.

If this is hay fever, then it can occur at any time when trees or weeds are blooming - from spring to autumn. Moreover, characteristic feature Allergic rhinitis in children and adults is the formation of a transverse fold on the nose, which occurs from frequent scratching of the nose with incessant itching.

A person with year-round allergic rhinitis may have a constantly stuffy nose and have to breathe only through the mouth. This leads to chronic congestive processes, loss of taste and smell, complicated by the addition secondary infection at severe swelling mucous membrane and blockage of the paranasal sinuses.

Also a frequent companion to allergic rhinitis is lacrimation, discomfort in the eyes, itching, redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes - allergic conjunctivitis, swelling of the face, it is also possible the appearance of, which in the future can provoke the development of bronchial asthma.

When examined by an otolaryngologist, the nasal mucosa is loose and pale, and nasal discharge is most often watery. There are usually no significant changes in the pharynx, but sometimes it is also possible to develop chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis. For seasonal rhinitis serious complications usually doesn't happen.

Persons suffering from allergic rhinitis are very sensitive to various chemical odors, perfumes, cosmetics, tobacco smoke, to the odors of household chemicals, washing powders, new furniture, the acrid, fetid odors of new carpets and other industrial products with fumes harmful substances(cm. ).

Why the population has been experiencing various such phenomena so often lately is still not clear, there are only theoretical guesses. The main ones are the use of chlorinated water, unfavorable ecology, increased radioactive background, harmful chemicals in products, antibiotics in meat, pesticides and nitrates in vegetables and fruits, the use of mass medicines- all this prepares the body for an allergic response to seemingly harmless irritants.

The mechanism of the occurrence of an allergic reaction is well studied and known:

  • If high level immunoglobulins E - a delayed type reaction occurs
  • Upon initial contact with the allergen, preparation occurs mast cells, and upon repeated contact - their destruction with the release of histamine and similar mediators, they increase the permeability of cell walls to plasma - hence itching, swelling and runny nasal discharge.
  • In children, even upon first contact with an allergen due to the characteristics of the complement system, which is inherited from parents and which immediately destroys mast cells.

Variants of the course of allergic rhinitis

  • Intermittent: manifestations of the disease less than 4 days a week or no longer than 4 weeks
  • Persistent: more often than 4 days and longer than 4 weeks.

The severity of the pathology is determined by the number and severity of its manifestations.

  • With mild rhinitis, sleep is not disturbed, normal daytime activities are maintained, and symptoms are mild.
  • Moderate or severe rhinitis disrupts sleep and daytime activity, making work and learning difficult.

An example of a diagnosis: Allergic rhinitis, persistent course, moderate, period of exacerbation. Sensitization to ragweed pollen.

Non-drug treatment of allergic rhinitis

What to do if an allergy occurs, how to treat allergic rhinitis for children and adults?

Diet may increase allergic cross-reaction

Depending on what time of year an allergy to pollen occurs, you can determine the flowering of which herbs or trees cause irritation of the mucous membrane. You should know this in order to exclude daily diet those products that cause cross-allergy. At certain times of the year, for example in the spring, when birch, poplar, hazel, etc. bloom, for example, you cannot eat pears, apples, potatoes, honey, parsley, etc., from August to October - ambrosia, quinoa blooms, then from The diet should exclude honey, mayonnaise, cabbage, watermelons, etc. ().

Creating comfortable indoor air

The condition of the person largely depends on the air in the room in which a person spends most of the time, sleeps or works. respiratory system And general condition the body of an allergy sufferer. For example, an abundance of carpets, various “dust collectors”, open bookshelves, soft toys, porous wallpaper, heavy curtains - creates additional conditions for the accumulation of dust, allergens, bacteria, toxic substances. It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning daily during the flowering period of plants, and use humidifiers and air purifiers with anti-allergenic filters to create comfortable air.

If you are allergic to pet fur, you will have to give up your pets. Purchasing Sphynx cats does not solve this problem either. Compensating for the lack of allergenic fur with powerful allergenic saliva. The aquarium is also not safe - after all, the fish usually have to be fed with dried plankton, which can be a strong allergen.

Limiting contact

Of course, it is easier to deal with allergy symptoms when the cause, the source of the allergy, is known. To determine it, you should take skin tests from an allergist or donate blood for various allergens. Knowing the enemy by sight, you can try to limit contact with him, if these are food products, do not eat them, if allergies are caused by plant pollen, perfect way— travel to the sea during the flowering season of allergenic herbs and plants.


According to the doctor's indications, mechanical blood purification can be performed to remove immune complexes, allergens, and toxins. This method has some contraindications and, unfortunately, has a short-term effect, but in severe cases of allergic reactions it is very effective.

Medicines to treat allergic rhinitis

Unfortunately, all medications for allergic rhinitis are used only to alleviate symptoms - reduce runny nose, swelling, nasal congestion, tearing and itching. Until now, medicine does not know how to get rid of allergies forever, since the deep causes and triggers of such an inadequate reaction are not known. immune system body.

Therefore, all medications, sprays, are used as symptomatic remedies that dull the manifestations of allergies, but which cannot change response body to an allergen. What can the pharmaceutical industry offer today for the treatment of allergic rhinitis?

Medicines for allergic rhinitis - antihistamines

At mild degree disease, it is enough to take antihistamines. IN recent years the production of 2nd and 3rd generation drugs, such as Zyrtec, Zodak, Erius - has reduced the strong sedative effect of this group of drugs; they do not have such side effects, as 1st generation drugs - urinary retention, arrhythmia, blurred vision. These have virtually no hypnotic effect, have a prolonged effect and effectively relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis within 20 minutes after administration. Indicated for those suffering from allergic rhinitis oral administration Cetrina or Loratadine 1 tablet each. per day. Cetrin, Parlazin, Zodak can be taken by children over 2 years old in syrup. Erius is recognized as the most powerful antihistamine today, active substance Desloratadine, which is contraindicated during pregnancy, can be taken in syrup by children over 1 year of age.

Hormonal preparations - sprays, drops for allergic rhinitis

Intranasal glucocorticoids, such as Flicosanze, Budesonide, are prescribed by a doctor only for severe allergies, when treatment with antihistamines does not have an effect.

The use of various hormonal internal sprays, such as Aldecin, Nasobek, Flixonase, Nasonex, Benorin, Beconase, Nazarel, should only be prescribed by a doctor; these medications are not recommended for use by children and the elderly. Local hormonal agents have almost no systemic action, but with prolonged use, in case of overdose, they can slowly destroy metabolic and immune processes in the body, contribute to a decrease in adrenal function, the development of diabetes mellitus, etc. If the patient is prescribed an internal glucocorticoid, its withdrawal should be done gradually; one should not abruptly stop using hormones, since a syndrome occurs drug withdrawal.

Medicines - leukotriene antagonists

For moderate to severe allergic rhinitis, treatment can be supplemented with leukotriene antagonist drugs, such as Singulair, Acolat.

Vasoconstrictor drops for allergic rhinitis

Abuse of these drugs is unacceptable for allergic rhinitis. They can be used to reduce swelling of the nasopharynx, reduce mucus secretion, but not more than 5 days, or only in in rare cases. Such drops for allergic rhinitis include Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Tizin, Nazol, Vibrocil. They don't provide therapeutic effect, but only make breathing easier.

Nazaval and Prevalin

Nazaval - microdispersed powder of cellulose and garlic, is a new product that prevents the penetration of aeroallergens through nasal cavity into the body. Microdispersed cellulose powder from a dispenser spray is sprayed onto the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, forming a durable gel-like film with the mucus. This provides a natural barrier to the penetration of pollutants and allergens into the body. The product is approved for use by pregnant women and children from birth. Directions for use: 3-4 times a day, 1 injection into each nasal passage. Another new drug Prevalin - consisting of a mixture of emulsifiers and oils, creating a barrier to allergens, which should be used as early as possible, preferably before the onset of allergic rhinitis.

Hyposensitization to certain allergens

Antisensitization therapy is widely used in cases where the exact allergen causing allergic rhinitis in the patient is known. If antihistamines are not effective enough or are contraindicated, doses of the allergen extract are injected under the patient's skin, gradually increasing them; such treatment can last up to 5 years, with weekly administration of allergens. However, this method of therapy is contraindicated for persons with bronchial asthma or cardiovascular diseases.

Sprays for allergic rhinitis - mast cell membrane stabilizers

Antiallergic drugs and sprays for allergic rhinitis include drugs such as Cromohexal, Cromoglin, Cromosol. They prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions immediate type, they are used for mild manifestations of allergies.

Other sprays

Allergodil nasal spray is very effective for allergic rhinitis - a histamine H1 receptor blocker, the active substance is Azelastine. However, its use is not recommended during pregnancy and children under 6 years of age.


Also, for allergic rhinitis, treatment with enterosorbents has its effect positive action- Polyphepan, Enterosgel) are products that help remove waste, toxins, and allergens from the body, which can be used in complex therapy allergic manifestations. It should be remembered that their use should be no more than 2 weeks, and should be taken separately from other medications and vitamins, since their effect and absorption are reduced.

Treatment regimens for allergic rhinitis

  • For mild rhinitis It may be enough to stop the action of the allergen, give the patient antihistamines by mouth (tablets, syrup, drops) and vasoconstrictors in the nose for five days.
  • Intermittent rhinitis moderate severity will require longer therapy (up to a month) and the addition of glucocorticoids in nasal drops. The same tactics are followed in the treatment of persistent (permanent) rhinitis.
  • If after therapy for a month remission is not achieved, the diagnosis is reconsidered (ENT pathology is excluded, for example, sinusitis), and the use of glucocorticoids is increased.

Traditional treatment of allergic rhinitis

Unfortunately, allergic reactions of the body cannot be cured by any folk remedies, since most grandma's recipes healing of the body consists of herbal medicinal preparations, tinctures, and decoctions. If a child or an adult, for example, has hay fever, how to treat allergic rhinitis with folk remedies to which he may be allergic? No way. You can only aggravate the condition and add allergens to the body.

Into the human body when exhaled through the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Allergens include plant pollen, house dust, large quantities contained in carpets, books and other places. This disease is one of the most common in the world; for example, in Russia, according to statistics, from 11 to 24% of the population suffers from allergies.

Main Factors that cause allergic rhinitis are airborne allergens. They are usually divided into three groups:

  • aeroallergens external environment- plant pollen;
  • aeroallergens of homes - mites contained in house dust or animal hair, insects, mold and yeast allergens, some house plants and food products;
  • occupational allergens.

Triggers can be: spicy food, stressful situations, emotional overload. Often the cause may be a genetic predisposition.
By shape Allergic rhinitis is divided into three classes:

  • seasonal (intermittent) allergic rhinitis - due to the appearance of pollen from flowering plants and trees in the air. Since pollen can be spread by wind over very long distances, it is impossible to completely avoid contact with it, there are chances to reduce the danger.
  • year-round (persistent) allergic rhinitis – can appear all year round. The cause is house dust, or rather, microscopic mites living in dust or the hair of some animals. Manifestations of year-round allergic rhinitis are usually somewhat weaker than seasonal ones.
  • occupational rhinitis due to allergic irritants - occurs in people while working in certain conditions, perhaps also from dust, but the exact nature of its occurrence has not been studied.

By clinical manifestations highlight:

  • mild form, which is insignificant and the patient can do without treatment;
  • moderate severity - in this case, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis can significantly worsen the quality of life and interfere with the patient;
  • severe form - the patient is in in serious condition, cannot live normally and fully work or study, the disease disrupts sleep.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

First of all, speaking about the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, we must list signs , which should not be ignored and you should consult a doctor:

  • itching in the nose that often occurs during the day;
  • , often paroxysmal in nature;
  • nasal congestion, runny nose, worse at night;
  • watery discharge from the nose, in case of infection, it can take on a mucopurulent character;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx, loss of smell;
  • paroxysmal cough and sore throat;
  • redness of the eyes and suppuration, sometimes circles or swelling appear under the eyes.

Taking antihistamines usually alleviates the patient's condition.

These symptoms of allergic rhinitis are not unique to of this disease. All rhinitis has similar symptoms, each of which requires specific treatment, and therefore it is advisable to carry out an accurate diagnosis by an allergist.

To confirm the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to conduct a nasal swab test. The presence of eosinophils in the smear of more than 5% of all detected cells indicates allergic cause nasal congestion.

In the future, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the substance that causes symptoms and is the cause of allergic rhinitis - a causally significant allergen.

It has two types: skin testing and a special blood test.

Setting up skin tests. Required condition– any antihistamines should be discontinued 5 days in advance and the patient’s age is from 4 to 50 years. Several small incisions are made on the forearm, into which 1-2 drops of a specific allergen are dripped. After some time (15-30 minutes), the emerging bubble is examined and measured. Skin testing is one of the reliable, common and economical types of allergy diagnosis. The test is not performed on pregnant or breastfeeding women.

General blood test for specific IgE-specific immunoglobulins . The level of total IgE at birth is about zero and gradually increases as people grow older. In an adult, a reading above 100-150 U/L is considered elevated. The method is not particularly widespread due to the high cost of the study; the cost of an allergen panel reaches 16 thousand rubles. Another disadvantage is unreliability, often producing false positive results.

With those allergens that gave a positive skin reaction, an additional intranasal provocative test. This diagnosis of allergic rhinitis involves provoking the body to react. To do this, inject 2-3 drops of distilled water into one nostril, then gradually increase the concentration of the tested allergen: 1:100, 1:10 and a whole solution. If after 15-20 minutes a reaction appears - congestion, sneezing, burning, runny nose, the test is considered positive.

It is possible to conduct research using radioallergosorbent, radioimmune, immunoenzyme or chemiluminescent methods, however, due to the high cost, these methods are not widely used.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Treatment consists of removing allergic inflammation mucous membranes and conduction allergen-specific therapy.

With mild and medium forms for allergic rhinitis, antihistamine therapy is used, preferably drugs of the second type ( , ) or third ( ,

Allergic rhinitis is a variant of the human body's reaction to certain irritating particles. The most common external triggers are plant seeds, ragweed, pollen, and mold spores.

Also, the causes of the development of the deviation include dust mites, particles of skin and hair from pets. At the same time, external allergens provoke seasonal rhinitis (popularly known as hay fever), and exposure to internal triggers provokes chronic (year-round, persistent) runny nose and sneezing.

Interesting to know! If one or both parents have been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis, the disease will most likely be found in their children. Also, people suffering from hay fever have increased risk development of asthma, sinusitis, sleep disorders (including snoring and apnea), ear and eye infections.

Allergic rhinitis: code according to ICD 10

According to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, the disease belongs to class J (respiratory diseases); group 30-39 (“Others”). ICD 10 code for allergic rhinitis: J30.

Unlike the 9th version of the classifier, in which spasmodic runny nose and disease complicated by asthma were classified into different subgroups, ICD 10 collected all manifestations of allergic rhinitis under one code.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

The first signs of acute allergic rhinitis usually appear immediately after exposure to the trigger. These include frequent sneezing and runny nose, itchy nose, and swelling of the sinuses. After prolonged exposure to irritants, you may notice following symptoms allergic rhinitis:

  • Pain, sore throat;
  • Watery eyes;
  • Itching under the eyelids;
  • Dark circles under the eyes;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • The appearance of extremely dry, itchy skin;
  • Hives;
  • Constant excessive fatigue.

Of course, these symptoms are very similar to a common cold. But since allergic rhinitis needs to be treated according to a completely different scheme, it is important to independently be able to distinguish hay fever from colds. After all, a runny nose and sneezing does not mean that an allergy is developing.

More details about what can cause similar symptoms, read the article: “?”.

For convenience, you can use comparison table, which will tell you how to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold, and find out which disease other symptoms indicate.

SignColdAllergic rhinitis

How long does a runny nose last?

From several days to several months. Persistent allergic rhinitis may be accompanied by chronic runny nose until contact with the trigger is eliminated.

When did the runny nose and other accompanying symptoms appear?

Most often in autumn or winter.

It appears during flowering of plants, and persistent - at any time of the year.

How quickly did the symptoms progress?

Runny nose, sneezing and others accompanying symptoms develop a few days after infection with the virus.

Manifestation unpleasant symptoms observed immediately after contact with allergens.

Appears in almost 100% of cases and can be wet or dry.

Dry, appears extremely rarely.

Body aches

Develops in the first days of the disease.


Increased body temperature above 38°C

A characteristic symptom.


Itching in the eyelid area, obvious redness of the eyes

Absent (extremely rarely appears in the first days)

The manifestation of the symptom is observed in almost 100% of patients.

Sore throat

Acute, appear frequently

Enough rare symptom, manifests itself in the form of swelling of the laryngeal tissues.

Even if the information in the above table directly indicated that allergic rhinitis is developing, start self-treatment not worth it. It is imperative to consult a doctor to accurately identify the trigger allergen.

How is the disease diagnosed?

If the allergic reaction occurs once, then it is likely that you will only need external inspection at the local therapist. If you suspect allergic rhinitis in a child, you should contact your pediatrician.

But for those whose unpleasant symptoms do not disappear for a long time, or constantly appear again and again, it is recommended to make an appointment with a professional allergist. Before developing a treatment program for allergic rhinitis, the specialist will definitely give directions for:

  • Blood test for specific immunoglobulins;
  • General blood test;
  • Skin cell scraping.

To determine what exactly triggers allergic rhinitis in adults, the doctor may place small quantity potential skin triggers and monitor the reaction. The body will respond to potential triggers by producing a lump.

Treatment methods for allergic rhinitis

Most effective method treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults and children: complete exclusion of contact with allergens. You may need to clean your home very thoroughly, removing dust, skin particles, and pet hair on a daily basis.

Seasonal hay fever sufferers are advised to stay indoors as much as possible during the flowering season.

Pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. But it is much easier to avoid a problem than to treat its consequences. But even symptomatic treatment should not be ignored. After all, in advanced cases Immunotherapy may be needed.

Groups of medications used to treat the disease

Pharmacists identify several groups of medications for allergic rhinitis. However, only a professional allergist should combine them. In particular, the following may be prescribed:

  • Antihistamines (Claritin, Loratadine, Benadryl);
  • Decongestants (Afrin, Zyrtec);
  • Immunomodulators (Sinupret, Euphorbium compositum).
It is important to understand that decongestants should not be taken if the disease is persistent, as side effects may develop in the long term. A herbal immunomodulators have no proven effectiveness, but are nevertheless actively used in domestic medicine.

Drops and sprays for allergic rhinitis

Nasal sprays and drops for allergic rhinitis are the first choice drugs. They help well when a runny nose is accompanied. This form of medication has much less side effects than tablets (except for the bitter taste in the mouth).

What to choose: spray or drops for allergic rhinitis, everyone decides for themselves. Often all drugs have two (or more) release forms. So, for example, if a spray for allergic rhinitis begins to irritate your sinuses, you can switch to drops (and vice versa).

Sprays and nasal drops used for allergic rhinitis can be divided into several groups:


Doctors recommend treating allergic rhinitis with this type of medication. Such medications contain substances (cetirizine, desloratadine, fexofenadine, etc.) that block receptors in the nose, prevent the release of the hormone histamine, and prevent the development of allergic inflammation.

They will also help get rid of congestion, sneezing, and itching. Conventionally, antihistamines are divided into drugs:

First generation.

Main disadvantage consists in less effectiveness, short duration of action, pronounced side effects: drowsiness, addiction, increased appetite.

Second generation.

Have more high efficiency And minimum quantity side effects.

Third generation.

Have high price, but a significant effect from taking it.

It is better to give preference to 2nd and 3rd generation products; they are more effective, have fewer side effects and are aimed at maximally suppressing the allergic reaction, rather than its symptoms, like 1st generation products. Antihistamine action drops have the following:

Some of them (Fenistil, Allergodil), in addition to the antihistamine, also have a vasoconstrictor and decongestant effect. In terms of duration of action, Allergodil is considered the most persistent among these drops of the 2nd generation - up to 12 hours, but it cannot be used by children under 6 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers.


Saline solutions quickly and safely relieve swollen sinuses and remove excess mucus. The main advantage of the drugs is that they do not have sedative effect, and can also be purchased without a prescription. You can also safely treat the noses of newborns with saline solutions.

Popular representatives: Aqualor, Marimer, Dolphin, Aquamaris.

Steroid (hormonal)

The most effective sprays and drops for allergic rhinitis, which will not only eliminate most allergy symptoms, but also relieve inflammatory process. The advantages include speed of action.

Popular representatives: Nasonex, Aldecin, Rizonel.


Preparations based on cromolyn sodium help prevent the development of allergies. They are produced not only in the form of drops, sprays, but also aerosols. It is recommended to take 2-3 weeks before the plants begin to flower.

Popular representatives: Nazaval, Prevalin.

Traditional recipes for eliminating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis

If an adult suffers from seasonal allergies For many years now and having consulted with doctors more than once, you can use some home remedies to combat unpleasant symptoms.

Firstly, it is recommended to do inhalations for allergic rhinitis. Similar procedure has no side effects. Just pour a few cups of hot water, 5-6 drops essential oil eucalyptus in a bowl and inhale the healing vapors (remembering to cover your head with a towel).

The procedure can be performed not only on adults, but also on children. You can also use drops from cyclamen root and rinse your nose with a homemade saline solution.

Allergic rhinitis in a child

As mentioned above, if both parents suffered from allergies, then the risk of developing the same disease in a child is close to 95%. Often the first negative reaction to a variety of triggers manifests itself at the age of 3-5 years.

Symptoms of the disease in children are no different from signs of the disease in adults. However, very often rhinitis is complicated by conjunctivitis and asthma. Allergic rhinitis is especially dangerous in a child under one year old; if the allergen is not identified and eliminated, the baby may suffocate.

It is best to use for treating children saline solutions. But in consultation with a doctor, Loratadine and Suprastin can be used for runny noses in even the smallest children.

Allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

If a woman had allergic rhinitis before pregnancy, it is likely that the disease will manifest itself after conception. It is best to try to avoid allergens for 9 months, since any medications can improve the health of the pregnant woman, but at the same time worsen the condition of the fetus.

If it was not possible to avoid the disease, then after the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will advise using a saline spray or rinsing the nose with saline solution. If a woman’s condition worsens, allergic rhinitis during pregnancy can be cured antihistamines(in particular Loratadine).

Modern medicine offers many options for eliminating hay fever. But the best method The fight remains prevention and avoidance of the allergen.