General blood test - useful to know! What tests to take for immunity.

Health problems indicate weakened immune defenses of the body. When the first signs of decreased resistance to infectious diseases appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an immunity test. This article will help you get acquainted with the nuances of the immunogram of adults and children.

When is a blood test for immunity necessary?

If a decrease in immune defense is detected, immunity tests are required. A comprehensive medical examination allows you to determine the state of immunity of an adult. However, not everyone can be prescribed a test to determine a person’s immune status.

An immunogram is prescribed in the following cases:

  • If you are sick and suspected of having HIV;
  • If you have an illness or are suspected of having cancer;
  • After the operations;
  • With frequent colds(more than 7 times during the year);
  • If your temperature rises for an extended period of time for no reason;
  • A blood test for immunity is prescribed for enlarged lymph nodes;
  • An immunogram is performed when symptoms appear: constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy;
  • In case of damage to the mucous membranes and oral cavity fungus.

How to prepare?

Before performing a blood test for immunity, it is recommended to properly prepare for the immunogram. Following all the rules will allow you to obtain correct data regarding the immune status and determine the appropriate treatment in a particular case.

Rules for preparing for a blood test for immunity:

  • An immunogram is prescribed by a doctor after preliminary inspection patient;
  • Blood is donated in the morning between 7 and 10 o'clock. Eating food 8-12 hours before the test is prohibited. You can take water;
  • It is prohibited to drink alcohol one day before the test and smoke three hours before;
  • Before taking an immunogram you should not use medicines within a few days;
  • It is not recommended to practice physical exercise before a blood test for immunity.

How is a blood test for immunity performed?

To carry out a test to determine a person’s immune status, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein. The analysis determines the number of leukocytes and their activity.

The immunogram involves the following steps:

  • At the first stage of the test, a general blood test is performed. As a result, the presence of diseases is determined;
  • If the presence of the disease has been established, it is recommended to undergo an immunogram. During the blood test, the area where the malfunction occurred is determined immune system.

The results of a blood test for immunity are assessed by an immunologist. The specialist checks the obtained indicators with the norm, taking into account characteristic features body.

To obtain the most accurate data, it is recommended to undergo an immunogram several times: during the period of illness, during the recovery of the adult’s body and during the period of health. Based on all the results, the doctor can monitor the dynamics of immune activity and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Important to pay attention that women during menstrual cycle cannot donate blood to test immunity. A study must be carried out at the end of the cycle.

Methods for performing an immunogram:

  • Study of cellular immunity - the number of cellular elements and their types as a percentage are determined;
  • A blood test to examine humoral immunity - the presence of antibodies and globulins is taken into account;
  • Research on interferon status— during the immunogram, the number of signaling cellular elements is determined;
  • Complement system testing;
  • NST - analysis - during a blood test, the functioning of phagocytes is determined;
  • Test for ESP - eosophilic protein elements. An indicator exceeding the norm indicates the penetration of microbes.

Immunogram indicators

After completing a blood test for immunity, the results are sent to a specialist to determine the state of the immune system. Antibodies and immunoglobulins are used as indicators of immune status.

Checking the child

If it is necessary to conduct a blood test for immunity in a child, it is important to note that an immunogram is prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. Testing the immune system of children is rarely prescribed because immune defense The baby's brain is formed during the first five years of life. During this period, the baby’s body strives to independently counteract pathogenic viruses and bacteria and develop its own defense. To conduct an immunity test, you need to obtain 50 ml of blood, which is the weight indicator for a child.

An immunogram is prescribed to a child in in rare cases . If there is any suspicion of development congenital diseases related to the functioning of the immune system.

Quite often, doctors prescribe a test called an immunogram to patients. What kind of analysis is this? How can it be used to assess the functioning of the body? How are samples collected? What is the indication for this study? These questions are of interest to many patients who are encountering such a medical prescription for the first time.

Immunogram - what is it?

The human body is constantly exposed to factors external environment and comes into contact with various living organisms, including various types of infections. And the protection function lies entirely with

An immunogram is a comprehensive study, which, in fact, helps to evaluate the work and condition. During the analysis, a specialist has the opportunity to count the number of blood cells, calculate their ratio, and also evaluate the functional activity of each type of protective structures. Such testing makes it possible to determine the mass various disorders, including immunodeficiency and allergic reactions.

Indications for the study

Of course, there are some diseases for which an immunogram is simply necessary. What kind of violations are these? First of all, such studies

carried out if the patient has undergone an organ transplant, has undergone a course of chemotherapy, or has been taking immunosuppressants for a long time, which inhibit the activity of the immune system.

In addition, the indications for the test are primary and suspicion of HIV infection. The analysis is performed on patients who suffer from frequent pneumonia, chronic inflammatory diseases, long-term fungal infections, pustular skin lesions. In addition, suspected cancer or autoimmune diseases are also indications.

In some cases, such tests are also necessary for pregnant women. First of all, the immune system is assessed if the mother is HIV-infected. In addition, the indication may be a permanent disruption of the tissue interaction between the organisms of the woman and the fetus. In some cases, an Rh conflict occurs during pregnancy (if the mother is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive). In such conditions, a blood immunogram is also necessary.

Research is also carried out at frequent relapses herpes simplex and They are mandatory if an autoimmune disorder is present or suspected. In some cases, the indication for this is severe stress or severe emotional trauma during pregnancy.

How are samples collected?

The patient's blood is used for research and evaluation of the immune system. It is immediately worth noting that this analysis does not require any special preparations. Blood sampling is carried out in the morning, and the patient cannot have breakfast before the procedure - you can only drink a glass of water (still).

For the study, both capillary blood is taken (for this a small puncture is made on the tip of the finger) and venous blood, depending on the purpose of the analysis and the specifics of the clinic. In any case, the blood is separated and placed into two tubes at once. In the first, under the influence of the external cut, it begins to curl up. The thrombus, which is a clot of red blood cells, is removed and the composition of the plasma is analyzed. In the second test tube, the blood is mixed with anticoagulants - here it is stored in its natural liquid form.

In some cases, saliva, lacrimal or mucus from the nasopharynx, etc. are taken for analysis.

Contraindications for analysis

There are conditions of the body in which an analysis such as an immunogram is contraindicated. What are these conditions? To begin with, it is worth noting that blood sampling is not carried out during menstruation in women.

In addition, contraindications are any infectious diseases, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases at the acute stage. With such problems, the functioning of the immune system changes, and, accordingly, the study is unlikely to be informative. What to do in such cases? Pass full course treatment and wait for complete recovery.

What are they looking at during a laboratory test?

Naturally, many patients are interested in questions about what kind of studies an immunogram includes, as this analysis shows. In fact, experts pay attention mainly to three main points:

  • Cellular immune system.
  • Phagocytic activity of neutrophils.
  • Level of immunoglobulins in blood serum.

Each of these components of the study is extremely important as it helps evaluate the work different mechanisms immune protection.

Cellular immune system

In order to assess the functioning of the cellular immune system, it is necessary to determine the number of T- and B-lymphocytes. The former protect tissues from certain bacteria, fungal organisms and viral particles. Moreover, it is customary to distinguish T-helpers, which produce antibodies, as well as T-suppressors, which suppress their synthesis. It is the number and ratio of these cells that is shown by the immunogram. The norm is the ratio between T-helpers and T-suppressors 1.5-2.0. Total quantity T lymphocytes should not exceed 50-70% of the total number of immunoactive structures.

B lymphocytes provide the synthesis of immunoglobulins after the cell encounters a foreign agent. Normally, their number should not exceed 6-20%.

and immunoglobulin levels

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the immune system, the laboratory also determines the level of each immunoglobulin. First of all, pay attention to the following indicators:

Of course, it is important not only to determine the number of leukocytes, but also to evaluate their phagocytic activity, thereby determining the degree of their functionality. To do this, in laboratory conditions they check how quickly and effectively blood cells capture and digest so-called “test particles” - the standard microparticles they propose (for example, latex), as well as cells of killed bacteria (most often staphylococci are used for this purpose).

By the way, sometimes during testing such important indicators as phagocytic activity (the number of phagocytes as a percentage of all counted neutrophils), as well as the phagocytic number (the average number of latex particles that an active neutrophil can absorb) are also determined.

In any case, with the research results obtained, you should immediately go to the doctor, since for a decision accurate diagnosis Some additional tests may be needed.

Useful information

In fact, many people to whom doctors prescribe similar study, are faced with the question of where to get an immunogram done. It is worth noting that such an analysis is unlikely to be done in a regular clinic, so it is better to look for large hospitals or private laboratories. IN as a last resort You can ask your doctor about this issue - he will definitely provide the necessary information.

How much does an immunogram cost? This is another interesting point for patients. In fact, the cost of the study may vary, as it depends on both pricing policy the clinic you have chosen, as well as the volume of research (sometimes the doctor needs to determine only a few indicators to make an accurate diagnosis). On average, the price of a study ranges from 1,000 to 9,000 rubles.

Update: December 2018

Full Study immunity is not a routine test. Because of high cost reagents and the need for special equipment, an immunogram can only be done in large multidisciplinary hospitals or private medical laboratories. Despite this, the procedure may be required for any person who has shown signs of immunodeficiency without any obvious cause, such as HIV, diabetes mellitus, cancer etc.

Most often, an immunogram is required for preschool and school age, since it is during this period of life that the “debut” of a number of hereditary diseases occurs.

What is an immunogram?

This is a special blood test that allows you to assess the number of different immune cells, the antibodies they produce and a number of other substances that indicate the condition. protective systems body. Depending on the purpose of the study and the capabilities of the laboratory, the number of parameters studied can vary significantly. An extended study allows you to study more than 25 different indicators - such an analysis reveals even hidden violations that cannot be detected by standard methods.

Human immunity can be divided into two parts: “slow” (humoral) and “fast” (cellular). The fast link reacts almost immediately after the pathogen (virus, fungus, bacteria, protozoa, etc.) enters the body. The task of this group of cells includes the following functions:

  1. Absorb and “digest” the malicious agent;
  2. Present or “tell” about pathogenic microorganism others immune cells who cannot detect it on their own;
  3. Destroy greatest number identified microbes;
  4. Fight various tumors and autoimmune processes– one more important function immunity, which often does not allow the body to cope with the disease on its own.

After the “fast” link has absorbed the foreign body and told the “slow” link about it, the slow process of creating and releasing antibodies into the blood begins. Antibodies are substances that destroy certain type pathogenic agent. They are very specific and, in most cases, help the body finally cope with the existing disease. On average, the duration of their creation is 2-3 weeks.

The immunogram indicators reflect the work of each of the defense links. It is on the basis of their changes that a conclusion is made about the absence/presence of immunodeficiency, the variant of the disorder and the optimal method of therapy.

Immunity link, studied parameter Function

Cellular (“fast”)

Recognition of harmful microorganisms and their destruction
T helper cells (CD4+) They “tell” other defender cells about the presence of the pathogen and play a significant role in the formation of long-term immunity.
T-suppressors (CD8+) Regulation of the activity of defense systems, protects the body from the development of autoimmune reactions (when antibodies are produced against healthy tissues)
Controlling the speed of cell self-destruction process

Humoral (“slow”)

B cells (CD+, 19CD+)

Responsible for the production of specific antibodies. In most cases, it is thanks to this pool of cells that complete recovery occurs.

Protect the body from re-infection the same infection over a period of time.

Immunoglobulin G Antibodies produced by B cells. When contacted with a harmful microbe, they destroy its wall, resulting in death.
Immunoglobulin M
Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin Responsible for the development of any allergic reactions.

natural killer (CD16+) or NK cells Provide natural antitumor immunity
Cells with HLA marker Reflects the activity of immune mechanisms
Phagocytosis Recognition, uptake and presentation of harmful agents to T cells
Laboratory test reflecting the functioning of the cellular unit.
NST test Allows you to evaluate the activity of phagocytosis
Complement Prevents the formation of large ones immune complexes(compounds of harmful particles with antibodies). Participates in neutralizing microbes

In some cases, the doctor may recommend supplementing the analysis with a study of the content of interleukins in the blood - these are special substances that ensure the interconnection of various components of defense systems. If their production is disrupted, immunodeficiency states can also form.


  1. Frequent severe infectious diseases, especially in children of preschool and school age. On at the moment, there is no consensus on what is considered “frequent” and “severe” infections. However, you should begin to suspect problems with immunity in the following situations:
    1. ARVI in children is mild and moderate severity more often 5-6 times a year;
    2. In adults (except for elderly people) – more than 3 times a year;
  2. Previous episodes the following diseases: necrotizing tonsillitis, erysipelas, candidal oropharyngitis, systemic herpetic infection, atypical pneumonia (mycoplasma, chlamydial, pneumocystis), any fungal diseases in children (except for toenail fungus);
  3. Detection in blood low level leukocytes without any obvious reason: a previous viral infection, the presence of an autoimmune or oncological disease, secondary immunodeficiencies(HIV, diabetes mellitus, aplastic anemia, consequences of taking certain medications, etc.). The leukocyte norm for people over 15 years of age: from 4 to 9 * 10 9 cells/liter. When testing blood in children, it is necessary to use age-specific standards.

Before examining the immunogram, it is necessary to exclude the presence of secondary immunodeficiencies, which were listed above. They can be detected quite simply using routine blood tests, and the cost will be significantly lower than testing the function of leukocytes and other phagocytes.

Preparation for the procedure

To obtain objective results, it is necessary to act correctly before drawing blood. To do this, just follow these simple rules:

  1. It is better to get tested in morning hours, on an empty stomach. If this is not possible, it is permissible to donate blood at any other time after a 4-hour period of fasting;
  2. It is not recommended to drink alcohol, caffeine-containing drinks, or energy drinks for 3 hours before the test. Water and weak tea can be drunk without restrictions;
  3. Several hours before the procedure, you should not smoke or be in the presence of a person who smokes;
  4. Immediately before donating blood, significant physical activity(running, lifting weights, playing sports), contrasting water procedures, hypothermia/overheating of the body;
  5. To obtain the most information, it is best to carry out an immunogram for a child and an adult during full health. During illness, the body will react to damage to its own tissues or to infection, so it is quite difficult to draw a conclusion about the blood picture.


Deciphering an immunogram is much more difficult than analyzing a regular blood test. This study includes large number indicators that not only need to be checked against existing standards, but also analyze them as a whole. However, first of all, it is necessary to know the normal values.

They may differ slightly in different laboratories. This is due to the use various means, diagnostic methods and reagents. As a rule, immunogram norms are given on the sheet with the examination results. If they are absent, we suggest using the following immunogram table:

Immunogram indicator Norm

Cellular (“fast”)

Cytotoxic T cells (CD3+, CD8+)

0.3-0.9*10 9 /l

T helper cells (CD4+)

0.45-0.86*10 9 /l

T-suppressors (CD8+)

0.26-0.53*10 9 /l

T cells with receptor for IL-2 (CD25+)

0.01-0.08*10 9 /l

Carriers of apoptosis marker (CD95+)

0.11-0.3*10 9 /l

Humoral (“slow”)

B cells (CD20+)

0.12-0.33*10 9 /l

Immunoglobulin G 7.5-15.46, g/l
Immunoglobulin M 0.65-1.65, g/l
Immunoglobulin A 1.25-2.52, g/l
Immunoglobulin D 0-0.07, g/l

Non-specific indicators (reflect the work of both units)

Natural/natural killer (CD16+) or NK cells

0.16-0.36*10 9 /l

Cells with HLA marker

Lymphocytes: 0.17*10 9 /l

Monocytes: 0.18*10 9 /l

Phagocytic indicator 60-90, %
Phagocytic number 6-9, units
Leukocyte migration inhibition reaction (abbreviated as RTML)

With specific antigen: 82-121%

With phytohemagglutinin (with PHA): 21-80%

With concavalin A (with ConA): 40-76%

NST test

Spontaneous: 5-12.%

Activated: 10-35,%

Complement 30-50, %

Click to enlarge

Principles for deciphering results

The analysis of the immunogram must be carried out by a specialist qualified as an immunologist. In this case, the probability of obtaining the correct conclusion is extremely high. The doctor conducts a comprehensive assessment of all parameters in order to determine the presence/absence of problems in the cellular or humoral immunity. It will depend on this further tactics treatment, method of maintaining immunity and prevention frequent infections.

  • In most cases, a decrease in cellular or rapid cell counts is a sign of a problem with T cell activation or production.
  • The exception is the number of T-suppressors - about a decrease protective functions a person will show an increase in this pool of cells. Such results obtained when interpreting an immunogram in children are often a sign of primary T-cell immunodeficiency. This is a group of congenital diseases in which the body cannot “repel attacks” of hostile microorganisms in a timely and sufficiently good manner.
  • Problems in the humoral link will be indicated by a reduced number of B cells and immunoglobulins (except for IgE, which is responsible for the development of allergies). It should be remembered that only a simultaneous decrease in the concentration of B-lymphocytes and the antibodies they produce (immunoglobulins) is significant.

Other indicators make it possible to clarify the nature of the disorders and confirm the expected diagnosis. It must be emphasized once again that only an immunologist can correctly interpret this complex analysis.

Determination of the degree of immune disorders

There are a large number of approaches to assess the patient's condition. Some of them offer calculation of the number of diseases taking into account their severity per year, others are purely calculation methods. Using an immunogram, you can also determine the severity of disturbances in the functioning of the humoral and cellular components or evaluate the effectiveness of treatment over the course of a certain amount time.

To do this you need to use the following formula:

((Pathological indicator of the patient / Normal this indicator) – 1) * 100%

The number of B cells, Cytotoxic cells or T helper cells is most often used as the parameter being studied. If the result obtained has negative value, you can determine the severity of the disorders and the need for active drug therapy:

Reasons for false results

Besides congenital features immunity, there are a large number of pathologies that lead to changes in analysis parameters. In order not to get confused, you need to understand what the immunogram actually shows. It reflects the quantity and condition various groups leukocytes and phagocytes - blood cells and internal organs, responsible for protecting the body.

Traditionally, an immunogram is used to detect hereditary disorders immunity. Therefore, before performing it, it is necessary to exclude the presence of the most common conditions that can also cause negative influence on natural protection person. These include:

  • Malignant tumors of any organ;
  • Autoimmune diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic scleroderma and lupus, various systemic vasculitis(including Behcet's disease, microscopic and giant cell vasculitis, periarteritis nodosa, etc.);
  • Viral diseases, including HIV, “blood” hepatitis;
  • Severe intoxication: alcohol, narcotic substances, industrial harmful substances, poisons, etc.;
  • Aplastic anemia is a group of diseases in which the growth and maturation of all blood cells is impaired;
  • Consequences of radiation exposure.

It is also necessary to remember that the cause of a false increase or decrease in parameters may be improper preparation for blood donation. Only after excluding all of the above conditions can we talk about the presence of primary immunodeficiency. A medical genetic study can be used as a confirmatory test.

"Myths" about immunity

Fresh fruits and vegetables will improve weakened immunity

Undoubtedly, these products are useful for many diseases. In particular, they are a source of plant fiber, which stimulates normal digestion. With atrophy of the gastric mucosa, they improve the secretion of digestive juices and help in processing food. However, the amount of vitamins obtained from fruits and vegetables is extremely small and cannot help treat immune disorders;

Identified immunodeficiency in a child does not need to be treated; it will go away on its own after puberty.

This opinion is very common not only among the population, but also among a certain group of doctors. Such a judgment is very dangerous - the question of the need for treatment in every individual case The immunologist decides. And if the risk of frequent and severe infections exceeds the risk of side effect from medications (which are quite rare), therapy is necessary for the child;

Immunomodulators are absolutely useless in the treatment of immunodeficiencies

Several years ago, a large study was conducted that confirmed that the use of immunomodulators reduces the duration of treatment for ARVI by only 1 day or less. That is, they have a completely insignificant effect. This argument is often used by some doctors and patients, justifying their refusal to use them for primary immunodeficiencies. Does anything in this argument bother you?

  • First, the aim of the study was to evaluate the effect on duration of treatment, but not on prevention emergence infectious diseases.
  • Secondly, it was carried out on healthy people who did not suffer from immunodeficiencies. If you study foreign literature and results of suitable research work, then the following information can be found. Immunomodulators have relatively little effectiveness, but they prevent the development of severe and frequent infections in people with primary immunodeficiencies and also reduce the likelihood of death.

At the moment, there are other, more effective medicines abroad to maintain the body’s defense systems. Their price alone is many times higher, and availability in Russia is extremely limited. Therefore, immunomodulators, lysates of microorganisms, interferon preparations are one of the options for treating these diseases in the Russian Federation.

HIV must be diagnosed using an immunogram

Undoubtedly, with long-term action immunodeficiency virus, the number of CD4+ cells decreases. It is by this indicator that the severity of the disease and the likelihood of developing a fatal disease are often assessed. dangerous infections associated with AIDS and HIV. However, to diagnose this infection it is necessary to use more specific methods, such enzyme immunoassay(ELISA) and immunoblotting.

Ecology of life. Health: Indicators of leukocytes in a general blood test allow you to assess the state of immunity and even determine the cause of the disease...

To indicators general analysis blood include (the abbreviation of the indicator is indicated in parentheses):

Hemoglobin (HGB)- a protein located inside red blood cells that is responsible for saturating the body with oxygen. In the lungs, it combines with oxygen and delivers it to the organs. Oxygen is replaced there carbon dioxide, which is delivered to the lungs. This is how gas exchange occurs. According to the norms of a general blood test, the hemoglobin indicator differs for men and women - in the former it should be higher.

Red blood cells (RBC)- cells containing hemoglobin. A general blood test has a column such as “average hemoglobin content in one red blood cell” (MCH), which reflects the amount of this protein in one red blood cell.

Hematocrit (HCT)- an indicator of blood density.

Reticulocytes (RE)- young red blood cells. A drop in hemoglobin and red blood cells below normal can be observed in anemia, after a serious illness.

Platelets (PLT) ensure blood clotting. A general analysis allows you to detect a decrease in platelet count and prevent bleeding, which is possible when PLT falls below 50x109/l.

White blood cells (WBC)- are responsible for immunity. Indicators of leukocytes in a general blood test make it possible to assess the state of immunity and even determine the cause of the disease. Exceeding the level of leukocytes is often observed in acute bacterial infections, purulent inflammations. If the white blood cell count drops below normal, a viral infection, toxic condition, or certain bacterial infections are likely.
Thus, if the number of leukocytes fighting viruses increases, the disease is caused by a viral infection; if there are many leukocytes fighting bacteria, the disease is of a bacterial nature. Treatment in the first and second cases is significantly different.

Most active against bacteria neutrophils (NE), therefore, with bacterial inflammation, their percentage in the blood increases. While the number of other types of leukocytes (again expressed in %) decreases. In total, the percentage of all types of leukocytes is 100%.

The percentage of leukocytes of different types is called the leukocyte formula.

A complete blood count provides information about various types neutrophils. Adult neutrophils, which perform the main job of fighting infection, are called segmented.

As a neutrophil grows, it goes through several forms: myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band neutrophil, and only then segmented.

The presence of segmented and small quantity band neutrophils are absolutely normal.

Myelocytes and metamyelocytes appear when serious illnesses, activating all the forces of the body to fight the disease.

Basophils (BA)- Contained in the blood in small quantities. Increased basophil levels occur in rare diseases.

Lymphocytes (LYMP) form general and local immunity. At viral infections the content of lymphocytes increases.

Monocytes (MON) utilize bacteria, dying cells, and other foreign elements. An increase in the number of monocytes is observed during prolonged infections, as well as infectious mononucleosis.

There are no plasma cells in a healthy adult. Appear when chicken pox, measles, infectious mononucleosis, rubella, and some other viral infections.

An important indicator of a general blood test is ESR. During inflammatory processes, ESR increases.

A general blood test must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. published

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If allergies, immune diseases and deficiencies in defense occur, a person should undergo an analysis to assess their immune status. This will help identify disturbances in the system, prescribe treatment, evaluate its effectiveness and predict the outcome of the disease. The most complete picture of the state of a person’s immunity is provided by an immunogram.

What is immune status

Medical term immune status was introduced to assess the state of human immunity. Doctors say that immune status– this is a number of indicators by which one can objectively assess how the human protection system works in a given period of time. Nuances:

  1. To evaluate, a blood test is performed to determine the presence and quantity of immunoglobulins, protective proteins, and lymphocytes.
  2. As part of the procedure and subsequent analysis, it is revealed how active the protective components are in their function.
  3. In addition to blood, cells of the mucous membranes, skin, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid can be tested.

Why do you need an immunological blood test?

Assessing immune status will help the doctor clarify the diagnosis, determine the severity of the disease and think through tactics therapeutic therapy. The main tasks that immunity testing helps solve are:

  • identification in biological environment specific antigens, antibodies, which can be used to determine the onset of oncology, pneumonia, hepatitis, influenza, HIV;
  • identification of allergens in the event of allergic reactions;
  • determination of immunological changes that reveal autoimmune diseases, disorders of cellular immunity;
  • diagnosis of primary and secondary immunodeficiency conditions;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of immunosuppressive and cytotoxic therapy, its side effects;
  • choice adequate therapy on modulation of immunity;
  • control of the immune system during tissue or organ transplantation.

If abnormalities are found in the functioning of the immune system, the doctor prescribes immunotropic drugs. These include immunostimulants, immunomodulators or immunosuppressants. A treatment option is replacement treatment with the introduction into the body of:

  1. special serums;
  2. immunoglobulins to support the functioning of the system;
  3. additional mass of leukocytes;
  4. interferons that strengthen the body.

When is a blood test for immunity prescribed?

Indications to donate blood for immune status are:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • hyperreactivity of the immune system;
  • autoimmune reactions, in which the immune system attacks its own tissues;
  • severe course infectious diseases;
  • chronic or recurrent with increased frequency of colds;
  • chronic inflammation;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • increase in body temperature of a child or adult when unknown reason;
  • increase lymph nodes, otitis;
  • chronic state of fatigue of the child;
  • sudden loss of body weight.

They are refused an immunogram if:

  1. expecting a child;
  2. venereal diseases;
  3. diagnosis for AIDS;
  4. acute viral infection.

Preparing for an immunogram

Rate yours immunological status possible in laboratory conditions. First, the patient undergoes a medical examination to identify complaints and symptoms of diseases. After this, the therapist prescribes an expensive immunogram with subsequent interpretation. Preparation for analysis is as follows:

  • blood is donated on an empty stomach - any food is excluded for 8-12 hours, you can only drink still water;
  • one day before the procedure you should not drink alcohol, and 2-3 hours before the procedure you should not smoke;
  • The test is taken from 7 to 10 am;
  • stop taking any medications a few days in advance, and if this is not possible, notify your doctor;
  • on the day of donating blood, you need to be calm, not nervous, and not doing exercises;
  • pay the price of the procedure indicated by the institution in advance.

What does immune status testing mean?

A complex and labor-intensive analysis of immune status includes several stages, each of which carries out its own tests. Level 1 includes research:

  1. phagocytic function is the calculation of the norm of phagocytes, assessment of their intensity of absorption of microbes, and digestion ability;
  2. complement systems - the so-called hemotest;
  3. T-systems are the counting of lymphocytes, the percentage of mature T-lymphocytes and their populations, the response to mitogens;
  4. B-system - studying the concentration of immunoglobulins, the percentage of B-lymphocytes.

Level 2 tests include research:

  1. phagocytic function - on the intensity of chemotaxis, expression, NCT test;
  2. T-systems – study of cytokines, necrosis, response to specific antigens, allergic reactions;
  3. B-systems - determination of the norm of immunoglobulins, specific antibodies, lymphocyte response.

Assessment of immune status for humoral immunity

It will help to understand how much immunoglobulins and other protective proteins are in the blood humoral immunity. To assess it, a blood serum analysis is used, which determines the relative and absolute content of B-class lymphocytes and their subpopulations. The analysis also includes the identification of complement components, circulating immune complexes, and functional tests. At the last stage, specific antibodies are determined and skin tests are performed.

Cellular immunostatus

The study of immune status is complemented by analysis for cellular immunity. It is carried out on the basis of blood assessment, gives an idea of ​​the content and qualitative ratio of lymphocytes. These blood white cells provide antiviral immunity in the body. During the analysis, the number of B, T-lymphocytes, and double cells is calculated. Based on the results of the procedure, leukocyte-T-lymphocyte and immunoregulatory indices will be indicated.

How is nonspecific resistance of an organism determined?

Defensive forces human body work at the moment of penetration of any pathogen, and therefore do not depend on prior contact with microbes and viruses. These immunochemical mechanisms are called nonspecific factors, which determine the resistant stability of the body. Its study is carried out allergic methods injection of histamine under the skin, determine the activity of blood serum, and count the amount of proteins.

What does an immunogram show?

A special analysis that helps determine immune status is called an immunogram. Based on its results, you can understand the state of the immune system and its main components. The main indicators are the number of leukocytes and antibodies, the ability of cells to phagocytose. An important indicator of the state of the immune system is the presence of antibodies or immunoglobulins. There are several groups of them responsible for certain properties:

How to correctly decipher a blood test for immune status

Only an immunologist can correctly decipher the resulting analysis of the immune status, because he takes into account the indications of symptoms and individual characteristics patient. For a non-specialist, the immunogram readings will look like a set of symbols or numbers, but some readings can be made out:

  • if phagocytosis is reduced, this indicates inflammation or purulent process;
  • reduced rate of T-lymphocytes – AIDS is likely;
  • increased level immunoglobulins type E – allergies, worms;
  • increased number of leukocytes – acute inflammation;
  • excessive concentration of lymphocytes – viral infection.

A properly qualified doctor will decipher the test results, but to make a reliable diagnosis, a repeat study will be required a few weeks later. This is done to ensure that there is no error in the analysis. A random jump in indicators may be affected by:

  1. taking medications;
  2. patient stress;
  3. incorrect analysis.

Price of analysis for immune status

Not all indicators will be included in the analysis of immune status, but only those necessary and prescribed by the doctor. The cost of performing an immunogram will depend on this. The price for a separate test starts from 100 rubles, and for the most expensive indicator – from 1000. If you take the extended comprehensive analysis, then its price will be about 6,000 rubles, the standard package will cost 4,000 rubles. If the analysis needs to be carried out urgently, then it cannot be done inexpensively - for the time they charge plus 50% of the price.

Video: immunogram - what it shows in children