Immunological status of the child before vaccination. Immunological examination before vaccination: is it necessary? When should you do an immunogram before your child’s vaccinations?

In recent years, parents have been more attentive to all doctor’s prescriptions, personally studying issues that relate to the health of their children. are no exception. Many explain their refusal of the procedure by large numbers.

In most cases, such parents insist on an immunogram, which allows them to assess the general state of the immune system. So, an immunogram is a blood test designed to study the components of the immune system, in particular, leukocytes, phagocytes, immunoglobulins, antibodies, and the like.

The study determines the number of immune cells, their quality, percentage and activity.

Not every laboratory does such an analysis and most likely it is paid. Venous blood is taken for testing.

Parents believe that only an immunogram can answer whether vaccination is advisable at a particular stage of their child’s life. Unfortunately, such judgments are far from the truth.

The state of the immune system can be influenced by various factors, in particular, the variability of the baby’s immunity, as well as the presence of maternal antibodies in the blood of infants in the first months of life.

In addition, vaccinations for children under 12 months are given very often, which poses a difficulty in terms of carrying out an immunogram, since each time it is necessary to take blood from a vein. Is analysis really necessary? When can I refuse an immunogram?

When should an immunogram be done before a child’s vaccinations?

Studies show that even in children who are often ill, the immunogram is not much different from the norm. Therefore, only a qualified specialist should prescribe a study, based on the indications for its conduct.

Naturally, this blood test will not be denied to parents who want to do it for reinsurance. But whether it will be truly informative is another question.

The main indications for performing an immunogram in children before vaccinations are:

  • frequent cases of acute respiratory infections in children;
  • suspected immunodeficiency conditions;
  • primary immunodeficiency of genetic origin;
  • conditions associated with taking drugs from the group of immunosuppressants;
  • and/or undergoing chemotherapy;
  • rehabilitation period after organ transplantation.

A simple routine vaccination in a child is not an indication for prescribing an immunogram in a child. Such research in healthy children is carried out only at the request of their parents.

What does it take to create a detailed immune map?

A person’s immune card allows you to draw up a report on the presence and quantity of antibodies to a specific infectious disease. This is important before vaccination or revaccination, as well as after immunization of the body for quality control.

To compile a detailed immune map, laboratory technicians need about 50 ml of venous blood. For an adult, this amount is quite insignificant, while taking that much blood from a baby will not be easy at all.

The immune card should be repeated every three months or more often.

The following factors may affect the quality of the study:

  • age-related features of the functioning of the immune system;
  • changes in the quality of immunity after illnesses;
  • changes in immunity after stopping breastfeeding;
  • influence of environmental factors.

An immunogram is one of the rather expensive tests, so not every resident of our country can do it several times a year.

How is an immunogram interpreted: evaluation of results

Analysis of the immunogram over time is more informative, so experts recommend repeating it several times a year. In the vast majority of clinical cases, the analysis makes it possible to make tentative, rather than unconditional, conclusions about the state of the patient’s immunity.

To evaluate the test results, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the human body, as well as the presence of chronic diseases.

If several test indicators are below normal, then it is recommended to repeat the analysis. When assessing immunogram parameters, one should exclude the possibility of their changes due to the intake of allergenic foods, physical activity, stress, poor sleep, etc.

Most immunologists do not recommend immediately resorting to an immunogram, but assessing the condition of the child’s body primarily through a simple blood and urine test, which will determine the presence of hidden inflammation.

In addition, before the procedure, it is important to calm the baby and take care of the quality of his diet, eliminating foods that may be potential allergens from the diet.

Before vaccination, you should not subject the child’s body to grueling physical activity or emotional stress, as such influences can disrupt the normal process of forming an immune response.

Video on the topic

Dr. Komarovsky about when to do an immunogram before vaccination:

For expectant parents, parents of newborns and older children:

How to correctly assess a child’s readiness for vaccination? This question not only causes fierce debate among parents and doctors - it is simply not raised. Vaccinations are done “blindly” (a general blood test does not count, this is not enough), and the solution is quite simple, but finding this information is difficult.

Unfortunately, our medical care system - neither paid nor free - does not offer an in-depth study of the newborn's immunity (although these tests are available), and the decision to vaccinate is made "by eye." There is no data about the most fragile and important system of the body - the immune system - but already in the first hours of life the child receives a vaccine against hepatitis B, and in the first days - against tuberculosis. Moreover, rare but valuable studies in this area claim that the characteristics of the health and body of the mother during pregnancy affect the health of the newborn baby precisely through the maturity of his immune system, as one of the most complex and finely regulated systems of the human body. That is, interference in this system in the absence of any history of observation of the child and immunity examinations can reasonably be considered rude and, in some cases, destructive. There is a possibility that adjuvants and other toxic components of vaccines may cause damage at the level of the bone marrow, affecting the quality of the immune cells and blood cells it produces. The main types of immunodeficiencies identified in children with autism and more severe neurological diagnoses indicate precisely these problems. The childhood cancer epidemic may also be a consequence of the suppression of those immune cells that are affected by vaccine adjuvants.

How to learn more about the human immune system?

Examinations of a child/newborn/adult include the following list:

(All codes are given for the Ministry of Emergency Situations laboratory in St. Petersburg, double-check them and prices personally, everything changes over time - The highest quality immunological laboratory in St. Petersburg is the Ministry of Emergency Situations clinic on Optikov Street, 54.).

Study of the subpopulation composition of peripheral blood lymphocytes 1890 rubles

(Moscow: at the Speransky hospital for 1,500 rubles (2013) - also a complete immunogram, you can save money, this also includes all immunoglobulins - please check).

(B-C No. 9 named after Speransky Moscow, Shmitovsky proezd 29A, building 1, 7th floor, Laboratory of Immunology 8.916-447-82-03 Natalya Vladimirovna Davydova

For residents of other cities: a test tube with a purple cap. It must be delivered no later than the next day after delivery, preferably before 12 am. open from 9 to 17. 1 analysis - lymphocyte subpopulation + immunoglobulins 1500 rubles, I wrote a note to Davydova explaining what was needed, full name, age and money hidden inside. This analysis also includes CD57 cells - you need to clarify if they are needed)

She needs to call before sending so that there are no delays and the laboratory is open on the day the blood is sent.

Reply by email sends by mail)

Phagocytosis of neutrophils with completeness 470 rub.

Ig A, Ig M, Ig G by ELISA method 420 rub.

IgE in blood serum RUB 370

All codes are given according to the price list of the Ministry of Emergency Situations clinic, in other clinics you need to focus on the name of the tests.

Blood collection at home and delivery to the laboratory - Volkova Elena Olegovna - St. Petersburg

Tests can be taken in any other laboratory, but many of them send blood to the Ministry of Emergency Situations anyway.

The Helix laboratory (St. Petersburg) also has a comprehensive examination with a similar set of tests

Based on the results of the tests, you can seek advice from Professor Kalinina in the same clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or any other immunologist who inspires confidence. Often, even local immunologists give medical advice to a child after seeing the results of an immunogram, although shortly before that they could have sent such a child for vaccination “blindly”.
In Moscow - SM clinic, immunologist A.V. Simonova,

I deeply studied the issues of immunology in connection with my son’s illness, I saw that the problems of “special” children (with diagnoses of autism, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, epilepsy, etc.) occur after vaccination, and therefore I try to warn all my friends who are in They are expecting an important event and are probably thinking about how to properly protect the baby’s health. If a child has contraindications to vaccination, damage may affect the brain and bone marrow, leading to severe illness. Agree, it is better to spend a little time and a small amount of money (no more than 10 thousand rubles) to avoid these problems and vaccinate the child based on more complete data about his health.
Some doctors will dissuade you from the examination - unfortunately, not all of them are interested in having an initial examination (in case of complications, you will have information about the initial condition of the child in your hands, and this increases their responsibility), and some are not very good at this question, but are guided by the vaccination plan or motivation from vaccine supply companies. Be careful.

Friends and acquaintances began to ask for advice on how to be properly examined in preparation for vaccination. As a result, I prepared this letter. Such an examination gives an idea of ​​the maturity of the child’s immune system and the presence of potential risks during vaccination.
Of course, it does not provide a 100% guarantee of identifying all risks; a lot depends on the operation of the detoxification system, genetic factors ( - checking genes, including the methylation cycle, which is important for all functions of the body, $99 ), but can still identify the main contraindications to vaccination and avoid undesirable consequences (for example, with a deficiency of B-lymphocytes and, as a result, impaired antibody production, it is strictly forbidden to take vaccines, especially against polio - this can easily lead to damage to the spinal cord and paralysis - this is one of hundreds of examples of the consequences of vaccination for a child with immune deficiency; different problems give different consequences - an immunologist can see the main risks and select the appropriate correction).

Good health!

This is what SHOULD be done before and after vaccinations. Because ordinary blood and urine tests do not provide a complete picture.

Immune status - immunogram

Immunology is the study of the organs, cells and molecules that make up the immune system, responsible for detecting and eliminating foreign substances. Immunology studies the structure and function of the immune system, its response to pathogens, the consequences of the immune response and how to influence them.

The Latin word "immunitas" means "freedom from disease", this term is enshrined in the 1869 edition of the French dictionary.

Immune defense mechanisms are always triggered when a particular organism encounters one or another antigenically foreign material - be it bacteria, viruses, mutationally altered body cells (tumor cells), tissue and organ transplants, or simple chemical compounds that are given immunogenic properties.

The need to assess human immunity arises in the case of allergic, autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiencies, when it is necessary to identify the impaired link of immunity, carry out monitoring in order to select a treatment method, assess its effectiveness and predict the outcome of the disease.

The most complete picture of the state of a person’s immunity is given by an immunological blood test - immune status (immunogram). This analysis consists of two components. Humoral immunity gives an idea of ​​the concentration of immunoglobulins and other protective proteins in the blood. Cellular immunity complements the immunological blood test and gives an idea of ​​the quantity and quality of protective blood cells - lymphocytes, which provide antiviral immunity.

What problems can immunological research solve?

Identify the presence in the biological environment (for example, in blood serum) of specific antigens or antibodies that are important for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases of internal organs: a) a-fetoprotein, cancer-embryonic and other tumor antigens; b) antigens that cause infectious diseases (pneumonia, hepatitis, influenza, AIDS, etc.); c) specific antigens (allergens) for allergic diseases.

Determine immunological changes characteristic of certain autoimmune diseases, including identifying organ-specific antibodies, disorders in the complement system and disorders of cellular immunity (systemic connective tissue diseases, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, myeloma, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, etc.).

Diagnose primary and secondary immunodeficiency conditions.

Choose adequate immunomodulatory therapy.

Monitor the effectiveness and side effects of immunosuppressive and cytotoxic therapy.

Monitor the state of the immune system during auto- and allotransplantation of organs and tissues.

Classification of immunodeficiency states

Primary immunodeficiencies are congenital disorders of the immune system with defects in one or more of its components (cellular or humoral immunity, phagocytosis, complement system).

Classification of primary immunodeficiency conditions:

1. pathology of the humoral immunity, i.e. insufficiency of antibody production;

2. pathology of cellular immunity mediated by T-lymphocytes;

3. combined forms (SCID) of humoral and lymphocytic deficiency.

Secondary immunodeficiency conditions are disorders of the immune system that develop in the postneonatal period in children or adults and are not the result of genetic defects. Causes leading to the development of secondary immunodeficiency states: nutritional deficiencies, chronic viral and bacterial infections, chemo- and corticosteroid therapy, irrational use of medications, age-related atrophy of the thymus, exposure to radiation, unbalanced nutrition, poor-quality drinking water, extensive surgical operations, excessive physical activity , multiple injuries, stress, exposure to pesticides, and other environmental factors.

Classification. Classification of secondary immunodeficiency states.

1. Systemic, developing as a result of damage to immunogenesis (with radiation, toxic, infectious and stress injuries).

2. Local, characterized by regional damage to immunocompetent cells (local disorders of the immune system of mucous membranes, skin and other tissues, developed as a result of local inflammatory, atrophic and hypoxic disorders).

Diseases accompanied by secondary immunodeficiency conditions.

Infectious diseases: protozoal and helminthic diseases; bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Nutritional disorders: exhaustion, cachexia, malabsorption syndrome, etc.

Exogenous and endogenous intoxications - in case of renal and liver failure, in case of poisoning, etc.

Tumors of lymphoreticular tissue (lymphocytic leukemia, thymo-ma, granulomatosis and other neoplasms).

Metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus).

Protein loss due to intestinal diseases, nephrotic syndrome, burn disease, etc.

Effect of various types of radiation.

Severe long-term stress.

Action of drugs.

Blockade of lymphocytes by immune complexes and antibodies in allergic and autoimmune diseases.

Assessment of immune status is primarily relevant for those who frequently suffer from colds, and for patients with chronic infectious diseases - hepatitis, herpes, HIV. For HIV-infected people, it is especially important to regularly take an immunological blood test, because Only data on cellular immunity, more precisely on the state of the pool of CD4 lymphocytes, reliably reflect the dynamics of the development of the disease and allow relatively accurate predictions to be made.

No less important are immunological blood tests for allergy and rheumatology patients and people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. An immunological blood test allows you to determine the number of lymphocytes and the concentration of their various subtypes, the presence of immunoglobulins IgM, IgA, IgG, assess the patient’s interferon status, and identify his sensitivity to certain drugs or interferon inducers.

Girls, I found an interesting article on how to get vaccinated from an immunologist

According to the law on immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, “when carrying out immunoprophylaxis, citizens have the right to receive complete and objective information from medical workers about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, and possible post-vaccination complications” (source).

But since in our clinics it is not always possible to obtain COMPLETE and OBJECTIVE information, in this article I will try to partially fill this gap. At the very least, you will be able to correctly formulate a question to your local pediatrician using this knowledge.
Let's start with the basics

Preventive vaccinations are the introduction of medical immunobiological preparations (vaccines, immunoglobulins, etc.) into the human body to create specific immunity to infectious diseases.

Post-vaccination complications are severe and (or) persistent health problems (including disability and death) due to preventive vaccinations.

A post-vaccination reaction is the body’s reaction to the introduction of a foreign antigen (vaccine component), which reflects the process of developing immunity (fever, redness and thickening at the injection site, sleep and appetite disturbance, allergic reaction, etc.).

A post-vaccination reaction can go away on its own without treatment or develop into a post-vaccination complication. This circumstance depends on the state of the immune system of each individual person (generally speaking, it also depends on the quality of the vaccine, but we, parents, unfortunately, cannot influence this factor in any way).

That is why vaccinations must be done under the supervision of an immunologist, and not a local pediatrician. He will examine the child’s immune status, order an immunogram (if indicated) and, possibly, conduct additional studies to avoid post-vaccination complications.

After vaccination, it is advisable to visit the immunologist again to find out whether the child has developed immunity (in other words, whether the child is protected from the disease) or whether all efforts were in vain. To determine the presence of antibodies, serological diagnosis is performed.

This diagnosis should be carried out before re-vaccination (re-vaccination) in order to answer the question whether it is necessary to re-vaccinate or not.

State medical institutions do not conduct immunodiagnostics either before or after vaccinations. Because it is expensive and time-consuming (or for some other reasons that mere mortals are not supposed to know about?). Therefore, taking care of this falls on the shoulders (and wallet) of the parents.
What information must be provided to the immunologist before vaccination?
It is necessary to warn the doctor about the presence of CHRONIC diseases and pathologies in the child.

Since vaccination can aggravate a chronic disease.
Tell your doctor about all illnesses your child has had, including acute respiratory infections (especially if he gets sick more than 3-4 times a year), allergic reactions to foods and medications, sleep disorders, and anemia.

This is necessary to identify immunological deficiency, and, therefore, the inability of the body to produce antibodies after infection or immunization.

For such children, vaccinations are ineffective, meaning the body will not be able to produce antibodies to protect against the disease. Moreover, the vaccination itself can cause them the disease against which the child is vaccinated (this applies to live and attenuated vaccines).
Tell your doctor how your previous vaccinations went (if any). High temperature, swelling, allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis (diathesis) - everything matters.

The fact is that each subsequent dose of the vaccine often causes a stronger reaction than the last time.
If the doctor did not refer your child to a neurologist before the vaccination, ask for a referral yourself or go to an appointment for a fee (without a referral).

Most diseases of the nervous system are a contraindication to vaccinations.
Insist on the use of monovaccines and separate vaccinations (on separate days).

If a post-vaccination complication begins, it will be easier for the doctor to identify the “culprit” and quickly begin appropriate treatment.
Tell your doctor about the presence of chronic and infectious diseases in your child’s immediate family.

This information can be an indication or a disqualification from vaccination.
Find out the phone number of your immunologist so you can quickly contact him in case of complications after vaccination.

God grant that you don't need it.
Don't believe the statistics.

It is known that there are no 100% effective and safe vaccines; vaccine manufacturers themselves state this.

The safety of a vaccine is determined not only by the amount of harmful substances in it, but also by its ability to cause disorders in the immune system, which can cause immunodeficiency conditions, allergies and other types of immunopathology.

The effectiveness of a vaccine shows how many% vaccinated people get sick less often than unvaccinated people. It is determined on the basis of statistical data (that is, as a result of experiments, first on animals, and then in practice with real people).

This is not an easy task, since in addition to the purity of the experiment (which is already extremely difficult), it is necessary to have data on those who became ill in sufficiently large groups of subjects (this is even more difficult) so that the result of the calculation does not turn out to be random.

In fact, vaccines are used for immunoprophylaxis, the safety and effectiveness of which have not been proven, but have only been approximately estimated for a small group of people.

It is then, based on statistical observation at the state level, that the vaccines are either recalled or continue to be used until enough information is accumulated about their effectiveness and safety. Something like an experiment on a global scale. But that's not what we're talking about.

The fact is that for a specific person these statistical numbers mean NOTHING!

For a GROUP of PEOPLE, vaccine effectiveness, for example, 95% is a good indicator. But for ONE specific vaccinated person, this figure DOES NOT MEAN at all that he WILL NOT get sick with this disease with a 95% probability... Whether he gets sick or not, and with what probability, is determined by the properties of his immune system. And for each person to conduct an individual statistical study (read “conduct experiments with his health”), to put it mildly, is stupid.
Search and read information about the disease against which you are going to vaccinate your child, about the vaccine, about complications after the disease and after vaccination. And, most importantly, about contraindications to vaccination. It is better not to vaccinate than to harm the child’s health.

“Preventive vaccinations are carried out for citizens who have no medical contraindications.” (Federal Law on Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases, Article 11).

If a doctor insists on vaccination if there is at least one contraindication to it, he is breaking the law (not to mention medical ethics).

Therefore, carefully study the contraindications for vaccination so that you have something to operate in a “conversation” with your doctor.
Behavior after vaccination

For several days after vaccination, carefully monitor the slightest changes in the child’s physical and mental condition, and tell the doctor about anything that seems unusual to you. Don't be afraid to look like an alarmist in front of your doctor. Your child's health is at stake. At the slightest sign of suffocation or a temperature rise above 39 degrees, call an ambulance.

After vaccination, the child’s immunity is reduced for quite a long time, so for at least a month, try not to contact sick people, prevent the child from getting hypothermic or overheating (that is, do not sweat), so as not to catch another infection.

Vaccination is a serious biological operation that requires an INDIVIDUAL APPROACH; it should not be taken lightly (“well, just think of an injection, inject and go”)!

Vaccination is not the only way to protect yourself from the disease. Moreover, it is not a way to protect yourself from its complications.

Vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee that a child will not get sick or that his illness will be milder compared to unvaccinated children. This depends on the properties of the immune system of each individual organism.

Remember! A doctor is a consultant. Nature is a healer. The law is on your side. And only you and no one else makes a decision and is responsible for the health of your child.


    elo 04/21/2009 at 16:45:27

    Is it necessary to visit an immunologist before vaccinations?

    I’ve seen and read all sorts of different things about vaccinations, and since in our country it’s impossible for a child to avoid them, I came to the conclusion that I need to do it, but wisely. In one Russian film, an immunologist said that in order to properly vaccinate, you must first do an immunogram, and only then, it is the immunologist who must draw up a vaccination calendar for the child.
    But one of our Kiev doctors told me that an immunologist is not needed, just contact a good pediatrician. So I don’t know who to believe, the professors from the movies or the doctor.
    Has anyone contacted an immunologist for vaccinations?

    My daughter is one and a half years old and only had BCG at 1 month. So far we haven’t been sick with anything at all (ttt), so I’m afraid that vaccinations will ruin my immunity.

    • vecbr 04/21/2009 at 17:20:20

      We have diathesis, I asked

      nurses, what to do with vaccinations - she said you need to come and talk to an immunologist. I think it won't be superfluous. A consultation wouldn't hurt.

    • Riba_seledka 04/22/2009 at 15:35:11

      I don’t know, our visits with my eldest child to the immunologist were of no use at all :(

      • NewWorld 04/23/2009 at 11:59:39

        The answer to your question - I don’t mean an examination, but an analysis of the immune status

        This is Chervonskaya’s opinion:
        I, Chervonskaya Galina Petrovna, as a rule, do not give any recommendations or advice, since everything depends on the individuality of each child, but I categorically object to the BCG vaccination and also the Mantoux test in the conditions of our Russian illiterate, ignorant approach to immunoprophylaxis, to the state of the immune system a particular child and many other factors that are described in all immunology textbooks. “At the same time, the vaccine is effective as a protective agent against infectious diseases when used rationally, that is, when voluntarily providing assistance to those in need, who are also in full health. A sick, weakened body is not able to respond adequately to infectious agents diseases, nor their weakened or killed versions - vaccines. In order for vaccination to be carried out competently (as in the provision of any other medical care), it must be carried out by immunologists who know the basics of virology, bacteriology and immunology of infectious diseases. The success of the rational use of vaccines lies in the psychological reorientation of medical ones. workers. Failure to comply with two of them - the lack of information about immunodeficiencies and enzymopathies (!) - is enough to assert criminal interference in human nature. But in order to detect them, a diagnosis is required - a diagnostic examination. As a result of the examination, two passports are compiled - a genetic one! and immunological, which actually confirm the health or unhealthiness of the born child.
        From the recommendations of domestic experts - an approximate scheme for collecting anamnesis before vaccinations:
        - the age of the parents, their state of health, profession; in modern conditions, geneticists recommend having a detailed medical history before conception;
        - the health status of immediate relatives with special attention to allergic, neuropsychic, hereditary, endocrine diseases;
        - the outcome of previous pregnancies, their course;
        - age and health of other children in the family;
        - childbirth: asphyxia, forceps, birth trauma, encephalopathy, prematurity, group and reproductive incompatibility, hyperbilirubinemia, birth weight;
        - congenital defects and developmental anomalies;
        - child development (psychophysical) up to 1 year. True, Professor I. A. Arshavsky, and before him the domestic pediatrician N. P. Gundobin and others, had slightly different guidelines regarding observations of development - up to 3-5 years; modern recommendations are even better: “Do not rush to make your child a member of the children's team until he is 6 years old - by this time the immune system becomes strong enough to protect the body from colds and childhood infections” (supplement to the magazine “Health”, 2000, No. 1. p. 43),
        - past illnesses, their severity, date of the last one (but what about compliance with this point before the BCG vaccine?!);
        - the presence and nature of the manifestation of exudative-catarrhal diathesis, at what age it began to appear, treatment - with such recommendations, the child should be vaccinated from 3-5 years of age (!);
        - allergic diseases and reactions: nature, severity, frequency, seasonality, duration of exacerbation, last date, treatment;
        - intolerance to medications, foods and other possible allergens;
        - reaction to the previous vaccination, date;
        - the presence of convulsive seizures in the child, their nature and dates, the effectiveness of treatment;
        - living conditions;
        - the child has visited or is visiting a child care institution;
        - epidemiological situation in the family, apartment (if not separate), in the child care institution that the child visits; in the region, region, city; presence of contact with patients with infectious diseases;
        “The decisive role in the prevention of post-vaccination complications belongs to general preventive measures and, above all, the correct selection of children for immunization.” Further, pediatricians emphasize: an essential point in the prevention of complications is the implementation of health measures before vaccination, including the sanitation of foci of chronic infection, treatment of anemia, helminthiases, rickets, malnutrition, etc., as well as manifestations of allergic diseases.
        No less important factors are the care and constant medical supervision of the vaccinated person, protecting him from physical and mental harm. Particular attention should be paid to the child’s nutrition in the post-vaccination period, which is very important for children suffering from food allergies. You should protect your child from those foods to which he gives allergic reactions (egg, chocolate, chicken broth, fish, citrus fruits, etc.), or limit their consumption.
        Parents should not be asked about immediate vaccination before entering kindergarten or school if their children have not been vaccinated before. “Undoubtedly, vaccinations are incompatible with a change in the child’s usual routine, not to mention emotional stress in a child care facility... vaccinations at home are prohibited.” Until the 90s of the last century in our country, a warning prohibiting vaccinations at home was included in every instruction (manual) on the use of the vaccine. This is very different from the modern lawlessness when they offered to vaccinate against polio... in the subway?!
        Along with the deafening propaganda carried out in our country: “All vaccines are useful and life-saving, no diagnostics are needed, because it is expensive,” experts from the WHO Committee on Immunology and Hematology almost half a century ago recommended the introduction of “serological epidemiology.” It is recommended to create collections of sera, the presence of which will provide knowledge of antibodies to various infectious diseases, antibodies to chemical substances that allow the detection of chronic diseases and those associated with metabolism, such as diabetes, coronary artery diseases, antibodies to vitamins and proteins that reflect nutritional status. Using red blood cells, leukocytes, and lymphocytes, it is necessary to check not only immunological, but also hematological and genetic parameters. It is also assumed that in each country, using immuno-serological diagnostic methods, a picture of the state of immunity in the population of different geographical areas will be obtained, and descriptive epidemiological data will be given for many diseases, not only of infectious origin. - Difficult, big work, but our hopelessness is that they did not start it... even despite order No. 260, which arose after these recommendations in 1960 (April 11) - order of the USSR Ministry of Health! The order stated the creation of a network of vaccination rooms headed by immunologists. Moreover, “this means not theoretical immunologists, but doctors working in the field of applied immunology, i.e., involved in the immunoprophylaxis of infections in a clinic setting.” A network of vaccination clinics was created, as is known, but... they are headed by pediatricians who have never studied immunology, have not read textbooks on immunology and do not know the “immunological aspects of infectious diseases”, who treat all immunological terms with fear and intolerance. Here Professor V.I. Govallo is absolutely right, who noted: “...practicing doctors avoid reading immunological works... without thinking about the importance of the problems being solved.” Along with this, all international meetings, symposiums, conferences on immunology emphasize the vital need for modern knowledge for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of immunity underlying natural and acquired immunity as a result of vaccination.
        Immunodiagnostics is necessary not only to determine specific anti-infective antibodies, but also other classes of immunoglobulins. Practical developments are all the more important because the presence of specific antibodies does not always correlate with virus neutralization - neutralizing activity or specific immunity, as is the case with tuberculosis - a bacterial infection. In addition, in some cases, as is known, antibodies can cause a lot of trouble - harm, causing autoimmune processes.
        Improving the situation in the diagnostic service is one of the most important tasks and urgent measures, since it ensures satisfactory health care and epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases. Without an effective laboratory base, an anti-epidemic service is impossible, and vaccination and its “successes” are classified as profanation. Diagnosis is important before vaccinations against rubella, diphtheria, mumps and all other “calendar” vaccinations. For example, it is stated that “in at-risk or increased-risk groups, antibody titers should be assessed following hepatitis B vaccination... hepatitis B vaccination strategies need to take into account known variations in immune responses between individuals.” In Russia, old diagnostic methods are not fully implemented, new ones are not being developed... As a result, the entire vaccination system is in absolute contradiction with scientific and practical achievements and the interests of modern non-infectious epidemiology, with general biology, as well as with a catastrophic increase in the number of immunocompromised children. Thus, on immunological examination there are not only recommendations of the WHO Committee on Immunology, but also numerous orders of the Ministry of Health of our Fatherland, for example, such as No. 450 of 1986 and the most recent one - No. 323/105 of 07/08/99: “ carry out serological diagnostics in order to study the intensity of immunity to...”. There are orders, but no diagnostic results! The small number of diagnostic services function separately, duplicating each other and... not always of high quality. Considering the above, we should never forget that all “vaccines are inevitably unsafe”, “determine a chain of pathophysiological processes”, therefore, they necessarily violate general homeostasis and nonspecific barriers of the body’s defense.

        If, after everything you have read and seen, you still don’t have enough information, read my research on this topic
        And if you, eh, read this, then why are you asking? :) People answer you by quoting the opinions of their doctors or “immunologists” who conduct the examination :)
        Do laboratory diagnostics, determine antibody titers, predispositions, fermentopathy, etc. - and share your experience here. And even though Chervonskaya explains everything clearly, in practice few people have made an immune passport.

        • In short, I realized that even with this analysis with our local immunologist (for Uborevich), you can’t cook porridge, now I have only one option - buy a vaccination or a medical outlet for a year... (this is for the eldest, he has reactive arthritis and his pancreas is enlarged - we are registered)