Everything about strawberries - facts and speculation, harm and benefits of the queen of berries. Health benefits of strawberries and contraindications to its use

Refreshing and invigorating strawberry is one of the types of nutmeg strawberries with small aromatic fruits. They do not creep along the ground, like strawberries, but stretch upward on stalks.

Based on the data of the Larousse Gastronomic Encyclopedia, the berry received its name because of its round shape - from the word “tangle”.

That is, any strawberry is a strawberry, but not any strawberry is a strawberry.

Fresh strawberries are eaten for dessert with sugar or whipped cream. Strawberries are put into ice cream and fruit salads. The berries are also used to make mousses, soufflés and chocolate. They do it to her open pies, make compotes and jam.

Strawberries contain vitamins C, B and PP.

Composition 100 gr. strawberries as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C – 98%;
  • B9 – 6%;
  • K – 3%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B6 – 2%.


The calorie content of fresh strawberries is 32 kcal per 100 g.

Like all colorful berries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them healthy.

For the immune system

Vitamin C from strawberries strengthens the immune system, protecting the body during flu and cold season.

For the musculoskeletal system

Strawberries combine two chemical compounds– and quercetin. They remove toxins from muscle tissue humans, prevent arthritis and joint pain.

For the cardiovascular and endocrine systems

Minerals from strawberries stimulate the production of NrF2 protein, which lowers blood cholesterol levels. Strawberries are good not only for the heart, but also for endocrine system. It prevents the risk of diabetes.

Potassium and magnesium from strawberries strengthen the cardiovascular system and protect against hypertension.

For the nervous system

Strawberries contain fisetin, which stimulates brain function. You can improve the quality short term memory if you eat small portion strawberries every day for eight weeks.

Fisetin from strawberries fights Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of old age.

This antioxidant destroys breast cancer cells, enhancing the effect of anti-cancer drugs.

Who among adults and children does not like to eat the first berry of summer - strawberries? It’s so nice in the morning, before the dew on the grass has dried under the hot sun, to run to the garden bed and pick sweet, slightly sour berries... But in addition to high taste, this summer berry has a lot of beneficial properties– it even helps cope with some diseases!

Strawberry composition, nutritional value

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 41 kcal
  • Proteins: 0.8 g
  • Fat: 0.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7.5 g
  • Dietary fiber: 2.2 g
  • Organic acids: 1.3 g
  • Water: 87.4 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 7.4 g
  • Starch: 0.1 g
  • Ash: 0.4 g


  • Calcium: 40 mg
  • Magnesium: 18 mg
  • Sodium: 18 mg
  • Potassium: 161 mg
  • Chlorine: 16 mg
  • Sulfur: 12 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 0.3 mg
  • Beta-carotene: 0.03 mg
  • Vitamin A (VE): 5 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.03 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.05 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folate): 20 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 60 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.5 mg
  • Vitamin H (biotin): 4 mcg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 0.4 mg


  • Iron: 1.2 mg
  • Zinc: 0.097 mg
  • Iodine: 1 mcg
  • Copper: 125 mcg
  • Manganese: 0.2 mg
  • Chromium: 2 mcg
  • Fluoride: 18 mcg
  • Molybdenum: 10 mcg
  • Boron: 185 mcg
  • Vanadium: 9 mcg
  • Cobalt: 4 mcg
  • Nickel: 2 mcg

The first berry of summer contains a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals. Everyone knows what strawberries contain, but few people realize that 5 berries contain as much as one orange! But there is even more folic acid in strawberries than in raspberries.

The summer berry contains iodine - this is generally surprising for such plants, and scientists have also identified pectin, fiber, iron, sucrose and fructose in strawberries. Moreover, it contains much more fructose than sucrose - it is not surprising that strawberries are also allowed for consumption by diabetics, although in limited quantities.

The product in question contains practically no proteins or fats, but contains a large number of easily digestible carbohydrates - isn't this a reason to include berries in your diet menu?

The calorie content of strawberries is also very low. This will not be enough to store/build up fat, but it will be quite enough to replenish the body’s energy.

Benefits of strawberries

It is very useful for pregnant women to consume strawberries - they contain the same folic acid, on which it depends intrauterine development fetus It is also useful for children to consume strawberries - they help improve brain function.

Very positive influence affects the product in question and the work thyroid gland– iodine contained in 7 strawberries is enough to obtain daily dose of this substance.

Eating strawberries will also have a beneficial effect on the health of people with diagnosed:

  • non-healing wounds on the skin;
  • liver diseases;
  • rheumatism and joint diseases.

It is very useful to consume the first summer berry for those people who are weakened and experience frequent relapses colds. Don't ignore strawberries if you're sick oral cavity- it refers to . Strawberry in fresh effectively suppresses, so this product can be recommended as a prophylaxis during epidemics.

Not only berries are useful - in recipes from the category traditional medicine The leaves of this plant are often mentioned. It turns out that a decoction from this part of the strawberry bush will help normalize arterial pressure– by drinking 200 ml of decoction every day, you can cope even with persistent symptoms. By the way, this same decoction, coupled with fresh berries, also helps with cardiovascular diseases, saves from heartburn and insomnia.

Harm of strawberries

First of all, doctors warn that strawberries are the strongest allergen. Therefore, before you start eating berries, you need to make sure that there is no individual intolerance/hypersensitivity to this product. By the way, pregnant women also need to be careful - even if the expectant mother is not allergic to strawberries, this does not mean that the baby will not have one in the future.

The second warning is that strawberries contain citric and malic acids, and they can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. increased acidity gastric juice, aggravate the ulcer and/or duodenum. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to consume strawberries for such diseases.

Strawberries are strictly contraindicated for cases of unknown etiology and chronic appendicitis, gouty arthritis(although for some other joint diseases it is very desirable to include the product in question in the diet).

Note:if a person is forced to regularly take medications, which help lower blood pressure, then strawberries should not be consumed against this background. The fact is that in this combination the product in question will have too negative an effect on the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

Below we have collected the most Interesting Facts about the first berry of summer.

Strawberries are the only berry in the whole world whose seeds are located not on the inside, but on the outside.

The berry tastes very sweet, but there is practically no sugar in it - even lemon has more of it!

If a woman suffers from the presence of freckles on her face, then a mask of crushed strawberries will make them almost invisible.

Strawberries contain small amounts of substances that have analgesic properties - 200 g of the product can relieve headache, which arose against the background of fatigue and lack of sleep.

The berry in question was brought to Europe only at the end of the 18th century; before that, our ancestors were well acquainted with wild strawberries.

To reduce an allergic reaction to strawberries, it is better to drink them with milk. You can improvise - for example, eat this sweet summer berry with sour cream or cream, it is important that there is the specified combination of “strawberries + any milk product».

The color of the berry directly depends on the amount of vitamins in it - the brighter the strawberry, the more beneficial it is for the body.

Everyone loves strawberries, but you need to know harmful properties this berry - protect yourself from negative influence Some substances are absolutely necessary.

We all love strawberries or, as they are also called, “victoria”. It is not only tasty and juicy, beautiful and smells incredibly appetizing, but also healthy. The berry has a large amount healing properties, it is one of the first places in terms of the content of vitamins and amino acids and is even ahead of all kinds of citrus fruits in these indicators.

Strawberry boil

Numerous nutritionists value this berry for its ability to regulate metabolism, and all kinds of culinary specialists cannot imagine a single fashionable dessert or gourmet dish without it.

Nutritional composition
100 grams of strawberries contain, grams:

  • 0.7 - proteins;
  • 0.4 - fats;
  • 7.6 - carbohydrates.

At the same time, strawberries are low in calories - only 43 kcal in the same hundred grams of berries. Even sick people can include it in their menu. diabetes mellitus. But they have a limitation - no more than 70 grams of berries per day.

When looking for a diet to lose weight, doctors recommend paying attention to strawberries due to the amazing amount of carbohydrates and the almost absolute absence of fat.

100 grams of strawberries contain almost 85 grams of water, but despite this, the remaining 15 grams of berries contain simply incredible huge number nutrients and amino acids.

Red health berries

Strawberries are considered one of the most strong means in the treatment of certain diseases and during restoration processes. However, the health benefits and harms of strawberries are difficult to overestimate.

In case of benefit, it is difficult to call these properties miraculous, but there is evidence of its ability to increase the quantitative composition of red blood cells.

Strawberries help disinfect the oral cavity and to some extent slow down the development of caries; they have a choleretic effect and improve digestive functions.

To a certain extent (small, but still) it is capable of destroying cancer cells thanks to the acids it contains.

Quite often in medical practice It is advised to regularly consume berries for preventive purposes, but for serious treatment It is recommended to use medications prescribed by your doctor.

Not just berries

If berries are both beneficial and tasty, then strawberry leaves are unlikely to become a table decoration.

But they are quite suitable as a medicine for the human body. Moreover, the leaves can be either freshly picked or dried, prepared in advance.

The main thing is to use intact leaves without traces of any chemical treatment.

A big plus in using strawberry leaves is the ability to prepare them in advance. They will not lose their healing value for quite a long time. Such dried leaves are usually stored in paper bags.

Examples of using strawberry leaves

For example, you can quickly secure the stomach as follows. Pour half a liter of boiling water into a thermos and put 10 clean strawberry leaves. And in just half an hour you need to drink the tincture.

To remove swelling you need to rub thoroughly dried leaves(2-3 pcs.) with your hands, place in a container and pour one glass of boiling water over them.

Then cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The entire volume of the resulting infusion must be drunk within 2 hours.

If you want to lose weight, here's a strawberry

If you have a sweet tooth, it’s time to turn to a diet that excludes all kinds of buns and sweets from your diet. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the restriction, as you can get the opposite effect.

If you completely avoid foods containing fructose and sucrose, human body may begin to malfunction not only in the cardiovascular system, but also mental level, and here rapid weight gain and very unpleasant replenishment are quite possible.

Not so long ago, diets began to appear aimed at preparing dishes exclusively with the addition of strawberries.

Usually, strong weight loss With such a diet it is unlikely to be achieved, but by the beach season it can easily be possible to remove a couple of centimeters in a problem area, somewhere in the waist area.

An example of an approximate diet indicating products and proportions:

  • Morning- breakfast of fruits. A mixture of 10-12 strawberries, one apple and one kiwi is prepared. Grind into 1 cm cubes and season with 2 tbsp. spoons of lean yogurt.
  • Day– 100 g boiled chicken breast, a pinch of walnuts and 5-7 strawberries. Add one tablespoon of lean yogurt to the dish and stir.
  • Pre-evening mix– 5 strawberries and one or two unleavened crackers.
  • Dinner– you need to grind 1⁄2 packs of cottage cheese without fat with 7-8 strawberries (can be varied with one hundred grams of any other fruits on hand). The resulting mass should be washed down with a glass of any fermented milk product.

Strawberry breakfast

This diet is good as a fasting diet, but not permanent. It can be, for example, weekly or can be repeated in short blocks of 3 days, once a month.

If you want to be even more beautiful, strawberries will help

Strawberries are known for their very effective cosmetic properties, therefore they are especially in demand among women.

Due to the high concentration of fruit acids, it is possible to make strawberry masks, which can be used to exfoliate, nourish and heal the skin.

Masks can be simple, for example, containing mashed strawberries and starch or the white of one egg. It is also possible complex masks with numerous components: from honey to cosmetic clay.

Strawberry juice is considered especially valuable for morning facial refreshment. It should be diluted with distilled water based on a proportion of 1/5 and frozen in special molds.

Every morning you will have natural and quality product for washing the face. Using undiluted fresh berry juice, you should carefully rinse those areas of the skin that are prone to pigmentation or acne.

To lighten your teeth, you need to mash the berries on a cotton pad and carefullytreat her oral cavity.

Can strawberries cause harm?

There would be no need to discuss this. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. Absolutely all people of all ages should know that eating berries should not exceed 400 grams per day.

Strawberries should not be consumed:

  • for allergies (especially if small children are susceptible to it);
    for duodenal and stomach ulcers (you can eat a few berries, but always with milk or cream);
  • early berries (for rapid ripening, they can be treated with dangerous chemicals);
  • without washing thoroughly, the introduction of helminths (worms) is possible;
  • for appendicitis, stomach or liver diseases;
  • Children over one year old can be given no more than 10 grams of berries per day, crushed and added to cottage cheese. With absence negative reactions, you can gradually increase the number of berries to five to seven;
  • children under seven years of age are allowed no more than one hundred grams of strawberries per day;
  • when taking blood pressure lowering drugs.

Strawberries: benefits and harms for women's health

Strawberries contain many minerals, thanks to which they perfectly normalize the course of menstruation and help the smooth progress of pregnancy.

In any case, we must remember that the benefits emanating from strawberries can also cause harm to a woman’s health, only if contraindications are ignored and recommendations for use are neglected.

Benefits for men

The zinc found in Victoria berries can enhance male potency and improve sperm quality. Blood circulates much better, its production is enhanced due to the action of ascorbic acid. Freshly picked berries have much more acid.

The functioning of the glands also improves internal secretion responsible for the production of sex hormones. Vitamin C prevents the development and development of cancer.

Strawberries during breastfeeding

In the case when the body of the expectant mother assimilates berries well, then after childbirth it makes no sense to refuse them.

An exception may be the situation if the birth of a child took place at the beginning of summer, when strawberries “dazzle the eyes.”

Then it can be difficult for a newborn to adapt to the huge number of unknown elements in mother's milk, and he can have a powerful allergic reaction.

And for a baby who was born in winter period, more fortified and rich mother’s milk will be much healthier.

But at this time, up to 7 months of age, mother is allowed to eat little - only up to three strawberries a day.

You can gradually increase the number of berries you eat, and by the time the child is one year old, a nursing mother can eat 5-7 berries daily.

If upon purchase you feel the absence of a pronounced strawberry aroma, this most likely indicates that the berries may have been tinted or grown with the use of chemicals.

Therefore, it makes sense to buy strawberries from “trusted” people. Then the benefits of the berries will prevail, and the harm from strawberries to health will be minimized.

So, it is likely that one of the reasons for the body’s painful reaction is the incorrect use of berries.

Few people know, but Victoria should not be eaten immediately after a hearty lunch or dinner. All because various acids, having entered the body, they immediately begin to rapidly ferment.

Thus, you need to know both the benefits and harms of strawberries for human health, but there is no need to completely give up eating strawberries.

You just need to follow some rules:

  • Before eating, be sure to wash the berries very carefully, since they ripen while practically on the ground. In this regard, the surface of strawberries almost always becomes a rather attractive haven for harmful substances.
  • Ideally combined with Victoria any dairy products: from kefir to fermented baked milk.
  • 200-300 grams of berries per day can completely nourish the body daily norm vitamins B and C. Do not try to oversaturate yourself with vitamin C; if you overdo it, it can greatly overload the liver.
  • Strawberries, due to their low calorie content, can be considered an ideal product for weight loss. If you eat 300-400 grams of berries per day, you can easily arrange a couple of fasting days a week.

There is hardly any need to eat in reserve. It is quite enough to make a similar supply in your own refrigerator.

If you freeze the berries in the freezer, then even in winter you will find a healthy and tasty summer treat on the table. A delicacy from which, by the way, you can make a face mask or especially dietary product- a dish for weight loss!

Strawberries can perhaps be called the most favorite berry of all people. Beautiful appearance, aromatic and pleasant taste is liked by everyone. Strawberries: benefits and harms for good health which, due to its unique qualities, is used not only as a delicacy or dessert dish, but also for treatment and the creation of cosmetics.

In addition to its excellent taste, the plant has a huge number of medicinal properties. Today, nutritionists often use this berry to create special diets. It is able to normalize the metabolic process. Thanks to her unique taste qualities culinary experts create new dessert masterpieces.

Composition and nutritional value

Or it appears at the beginning of the summer season, when the human body needs to be replenished with vitamins. This is one of the first berries that proper care pleases gardeners with a good harvest on their plot. People have used the beneficial properties of garden strawberries since ancient times. The miracle berry is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for human health.

Interesting!!! In order to saturate the body with vitamin C, you need to eat only 250 g of strawberries per day.

It is known that vitamin C9 helps strengthen the immune system and helps the body fight infections. In case of a cold, it is recommended to eat a lot of strawberries to speed up recovery.

In addition to vitamins, macro- and microelements, the juicy and aromatic berry contains a whole complex of amino acids, organic acids and various biologically active substances.

Chemical composition:

  • vitamins C, A, E, H, group B, niacin;
  • macroelements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium);
  • trace elements (iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, fluorine, chromium);
  • carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose, dextrins and starch);
  • amino acids (arginine, glycine, tryptophan, alanine, lysine).

Rich vitamin-mineral The composition of a garden berry determines its usefulness.

Important! Strawberries per 100 grams have a calorie content of 37 kcal, so they are very popular among women who are trying to lose weight. overweight.

Additional substances:

  • The plant is rich in fiber and pectin compounds. They help improve the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract. With regular consumption of strawberries, you can cope with constipation without the use of medications.
  • Thanks to the content organic acids(apple, lemon), fruit sugars, vitamins and microelements, juicy strawberries are used in the preparation treatment menu. The pulp of the berry contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which in terms of the content of this substance puts it in second place after.
  • In combination with vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid capable of neutralizing free radicals and slow down the aging process.
  • Strawberries also contain iron, which supplies hemoglobin to blood cells, preventing the development of anemia.
  • Strawberries are rich in folic acid, which is so necessary for the health and beauty of women. During pregnancy, women are advised to consume sufficient quantity healthy berries for the proper formation and development of the fetus.

Useful and healing properties

Strawberries have the richest mineral composition and a lot of vitamins, therefore it is an indispensable product for maintaining human health. Its use significantly improves performance immune system, saturates the body essential vitamins. Yagoda has medicinal properties:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart, helps the walls of blood vessels maintain elasticity.
  • It is an excellent way to boost immunity, allowing you to recover faster from illness.
  • Removes toxins and others harmful substances from the body, speeding up metabolism.
  • Helps the intestines perform their functions, eliminates constipation.
  • Relieves anemia.
  • Helps with inflammatory processes, prevents the penetration of infections.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Capable of lowering blood pressure for hypertension.
  • Protects eyes from disease, improves vision.
  • Has choleretic properties.
  • It is a strong aphrodisiac and increases libido.
  • Slows down the aging process of cells.

Watch the video! Useful properties and vitamins of strawberries


For women

Due to the mineral composition of strawberries, many women use them to solve their problems.

  • The berry helps restore the normal monthly cycle.
  • During pregnancy, it alleviates the woman's condition.
  • oncology;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

For men

There is an opinion that strawberries are the berry of love, especially necessary for the health of men.

Garden berries contain zinc, which:

  • enhances potency;
  • makes sperm active.

Ascorbic acid:

  • significantly improves blood circulation and the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • helps increase the production of male hormones;
  • stops the development of carcinogenic substances that cause prostate tumor growth;
  • after a severe physical work, this vitamin helps men for a short time restore your strength;
  • Eating tasty and bright berries improves your mood.

For children

Strawberries are often used for cooking baby food. She can satiate children's body useful substances, of which this berry contains a lot. Constant consumption of strawberries helps the child fight various infections.

However, it is not recommended to give this delicious berry to babies under 7 months. After 7 months, strawberries should be given in limited quantities, as they can cause allergies in some children.

When losing weight (while dieting)

The universal properties of strawberries are used in the treatment of cellulite and obesity. To do this, you need to eat 1.5 kg of strawberries throughout the day and nothing more. As a result, you can get rid of 2 kg of excess weight.

Important! Such fasting days can be done only once a week. Otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences.

This berry diet will benefit the entire body, help cleanse the kidneys and liver of toxic substances and toxins, will give the face a special fresh shade.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that strawberries have a lot of beneficial properties and bring great benefit for human health, it has some contraindications:

  • An allergic reaction of the body to the composition of the berry. It is a strong allergen. In some people, especially children younger age, strawberries can cause allergies, angioedema. When the first signs of this phenomenon appear (red rashes on the skin), you must immediately stop using it.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. If a person suffers from these diseases, then it is better to refuse this delicious berries. It contains active acids that negatively affect diseased organs. In this case, doctors recommend eating a small amount of berries, adding any dairy product to them. Fat will envelop the walls of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which will not allow them to be severely irritated.
  • Chemicals in early strawberries. Today, when growing this berry, many private companies treat it with special dangerous drugs that give fast growth and ripening of strawberries. Therefore, it is better not to eat early berries if you do not know about the methods of growing them. It can cause harm to the body.
  • Like any berry, strawberries can present an unpleasant surprise in the form of helminths. Before serving it, be sure to wash it well.
  • It is contraindicated to consume berries for stomach colic, as well as for appendicitis.
  • Pediatricians recommend introducing strawberries into children's diets from one year of age. If the child does not have an allergic reaction to the red berry, then you can give no more than 1-2 pieces. If red pimples appear, it is better to wait until 3 years. Children under 7 years old can eat no more than 100 g of strawberries per day.
  • You should not get carried away with garden strawberries if you have hypertension when you are using medications that lower your blood pressure.

Berry masks

Fresh strawberries are an excellent way to refresh your face, whiten your skin, and remove yellow teeth. To clean your teeth, you need to grind the berries with a small amount baking soda. Apply the mixture to your teeth and massage with your fingers. This procedure can be done only once a month. The fact is that strawberries contain many acids, which can not only give White color teeth, but also damage them.

    • take some 2-3 strawberries;
    • Perfect yolk of one egg;
    • some beer 50, ml;
    • mix all components and apply to hair for 30 minutes;
    • then wash off with warm water.
  • Thanks to its drying effect, the berry can tighten pores. Masks made from it are often used to combat acne, which spoils the appearance of the face. You can make lotion at home. It includes:
    • strawberry juice 60ml;
    • juice fresh cucumber 60 ml;
    • dry wine 1 glass;
    • salicylic acid 0.5 ml.
    • Problem areas of the skin should be treated morning and evening.
  • A strawberry mask will help fight split ends of your hair. For this use:
    • 12 g gelatin;
    • pour warm water to soften;
    • when it dissolves, add strawberry puree and hair balm.
    • mix everything, apply to the entire length of slightly damp hair, except for the roots;
    • Cover the top with film and wrap it in a towel, hold for 60 minutes;
    • Afterwards, rinse your hair with clean water.

Watch the video! Strawberry face mask - clear young skin

Strawberry leaves

Strawberry leaves are endowed with many medicinal properties. To treat many diseases, decoctions and infusions are prepared from strawberry leaves. They help with the following health problems:

  • nausea,
  • intestinal disorder,
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • hypertension,
  • colds,
  • skin inflammation.

However, there are a number of ailments for which this plant cannot be used:

  • ulcer;
  • kidney and stomach diseases;
  • laryngitis, sore throat;
  • anemia.


For a sore throat you need to brew:

  • leaves and flowers of the plant - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • boiling water – 1 cup;
  • infuse the medicine for 1 hour in a thermos;
  • Gargle every 3 hours.

For gout:

  • leaves and roots of strawberries, fresh or dry - 1 tbsp;
  • cook in water (0.5 l) for 10 minutes;
  • Drink half a glass of the drink before meals.

For diarrhea, prepare an infusion:

  • strawberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l;
  • hot water - 1 glass;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • Strain the tea and drink it in one go.

For hemorrhoids:

  • 1 tbsp dried leaves;
  • Pour 1 cup of boiling water;
  • leave for 40 minutes;
  • strain and drink 50 milliliters per day.

For inflammatory processes on the skin:

  • you need to drink 150 g of freshly brewed tea from strawberry leaves daily;
  • The drink will help remove itching, oily plaque and small wrinkles.

For mental fatigue, an infusion of leaves will help relieve tension:

  • strawberry leaves – 1 spoon;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • boil for 4 minutes;
  • leave for 1 hour;
  • The infusion should be drunk 4 times a day, 1 tbsp.

For neurosis:

  • strawberry leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • clover – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • mix and pour boiling water – 1 cup;
  • leave for 20 minutes in a thermos;
  • you can add honey.

How to eat strawberries

This berry is best eaten fresh. In this case, it has a more beneficial effect on all human organs. It is especially useful to combine it with cream, cottage cheese, sour cream and other dairy products. Such desserts turn out incredibly tasty and very healing.

Delicious preserves, jams, and puddings are prepared from the fragrant berries. They are also great for making light alcoholic drinks. Children never refuse such a delicacy as fresh strawberry jelly. It produces delicious and aromatic sauces that perfectly complement dumplings, pancakes, and meat.

How much

You can eat about 300 g of fresh berries per day to saturate the body with vitamins C and B. But excess vitamin C will be deposited in the liver.

Are there any benefits to eating frozen strawberries?

You can freeze the berries for the winter. In this case, its vitamins, macro-, and microelements are preserved. However, once strawberries are defrosted, they lose their flavor and shape.

Watch the video! The benefits and harms of strawberries. How many strawberries are there?

In contact with

In this article we will talk about such a berry that is beneficial for human health as strawberries. It is not only tasty and aromatic, due to which it is widely used in cooking, this berry has wide list vitamins that promote health, rejuvenate and nourish the skin. We will tell you about benefits and harms of strawberries for children, women and men.

Strawberries began to be grown in ancient times. It captivated the hearts of many people with its taste and aroma. These berries were served to the table of noble persons in mandatory every day.

During for long years scientists studied the composition strawberries and told the world what health benefits it can bring a person. As it turned out, despite the fact that 100 g of berries contains almost 85 g of water and only 40 calories, strawberries contain a lot of vitamins and beneficial minerals:

  • protein
  • cellulose
  • carbohydrates
  • organic acids
  • vitamins C, E, B3, A, B9, H
  • pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine
  • potassium, calcium, phosphorus
  • magnesium, sodium, chlorine
  • sulfur, iron, copper
  • selenium, manganese, iodine
  • boron, zinc, fluorine
  • molybdenum, vanadium
  • nickel, cobalt

Strawberries: benefits for the body

Such a rich component composition of strawberries suggests that this berry has a huge amount beneficial properties for the human body. We will list you only the main points benefits of strawberries for men, women and children, so that you know why you need to eat berries as a food product:

  • Eating strawberries helps improve the functioning of the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure.
  • The berry reduces the risk of depression and strokes, and also relieves a person from swelling of the limbs and mucous membranes.
  • The human brain, thanks to the composition of strawberries, receives much more oxygen than usual, which means it works more productively.
  • Teeth and bones are strengthened.
  • Promotes normal hematopoiesis and blood circulation;
  • Eating strawberries helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Berry restores connective tissues and qualitatively improves intra-articular fluid.
  • Thanks to strawberries, they improve metabolic processes in the skin, which prevents its premature aging.

  • The berry destroys free radicals in the human body and prevents the formation cancerous tumors on internal organs.
  • Eliminates neural tube defects of the fetus during pregnancy in the first trimester, because the berry contains folic acid. However benefits of strawberries during pregnancy is not only that. The berry improves intestinal motility, due to which future mom does not suffer from constipation, which often accompanies women during pregnancy.
  • Can serve as a weak antipyretic. This is the main thing benefits of strawberries for children. There is no need to treat babies with chemicals if they have a low fever. You should give your child a portion of fresh strawberries or make a delicious compote from the berries.
  • Helps increase sexual desire. Strawberries have been considered a powerful aphrodisiac since ancient times.

Application of strawberries

As we mentioned above, strawberries are a berry that is widely used in many areas. We will not focus your attention on the fact that it is primarily used in cooking to create exquisite desserts; we will tell you in more detail how strawberries are used in medicine and cosmetology:

  1. Use of strawberries in medicine:
  • At colds need to cook strawberry leaf tea and the berries themselves. In other words, this is an infusion for rinsing the mouth. How to prepare it: mash several berries and strawberry leaves with a mortar, transfer the resulting mixture into a clean glass container, and then pour boiling water over everything. After 20 minutes, the infusion will be ready and you can use it for its intended purpose. By the way, instead of fresh berries, you can use dried strawberries . Although dried strawberries, it is no less useful for this. It contains the same rich composition as fresh berries.

  • To avoid problems with blood (in particular, anemia), you need to eat 500 g of fresh strawberries daily.
  • If you have poorly healing wounds on your arms or legs, then you need to make a paste of strawberry berries (you can use frozen strawberries), apply it to the wounds and bandage everything. You need to keep this bandage for at least 40 minutes.
  • If you have diseases such as urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, sore throat, then you should definitely use an infusion of strawberry leaves, which contain a lot of vitamin C. First, these leaves need to be dried in the shade, transferred to glass jars. For one serving of tea you will only need a couple of leaves, broken in half. They need to be poured with boiling water and honey added to the cup. This tea not only treats many ailments, but also normalizes blood pressure and emotional condition person.
  • Must eat strawberries for snacks between main meals for diabetes. This berry slows down sharp increase blood sugar due to the fact that it contains polyphenolic compounds.

  • People use strawberries to lose extra pounds. Of course, for this, the berries must be consumed fresh without adding sugar or other preservatives. Strawberry jam V in this case will only bring you harm. The essence of the strawberry diet is that every meal should include predominantly strawberries. For breakfast, you can make a fruit salad from it, seasoned with yogurt, for lunch, eat it as a side dish with boiled chicken breast, and for dinner, make a strawberry salad seasoned with kefir and cinnamon. The effect of this losing weight on strawberries won't keep you waiting long. In just 4 days you will see the first results (you will not have 2-3 extra pounds).
  1. Application of strawberries in cosmetology:
  • Strawberries are great cosmetic product. That's why women can use strawberries to their advantage for your skin, just as one of Napoleon Bonaparte’s favorites, Madame Tallien, did, who gave herself baths from strawberry puree to prolong her youth.
  • You can also do strawberry face masks, in order to get rid of acne And age spots. To do this, you need to mash the berries in a mortar, mix them with honey and apply to the skin of the face and décolleté. After 10 minutes, this mask should be washed off with warm water and applied instead. nutritious cream. This remedy will help those women who have fading dark skin. If you want to cleanse the pores of your facial skin, then you need to use not the pulp of the berries, but their juice mixed with cosmetic clay. Apply this product to the face and décolleté and wash off with warm water after 10 minutes.

Harm of strawberries to human health

Despite the undeniable benefits of strawberries for human health, they should still be consumed with caution, especially for those who have an individual intolerance to this berry. If you are allergic, it is better to avoid eating anything strawberry at all, in order to avoid irreversible consequences.

Children can be given strawberries from the age of two, if there have been cases of rashes and other allergic reactions. If the child is not allergic, then try giving strawberry puree as complementary food from 6 months of age, but only if the berry is seasonal.

Now is a great season to to the fullest enjoy strawberries. Don't miss the opportunity to strengthen your immunity and the health of your household. Eat strawberries in unlimited quantities, only by carefully following the recommendations we give in this article.

Video: “Real food. Strawberry"