Ointments for allergic dermatitis. Effective creams and ointments for allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is a disease in which a rash appears on the skin under the influence of an irritating factor. In the area of ​​inflammation, red spots form, turning into blisters. After resolution, they become covered with crusts, which then fall off. During the manifestation of the disease, a person suffers from severe itching, which worsens the condition, preventing normal work and rest. For allergic dermatitis, medications are prescribed for internal reception, as well as creams and ointments.

Hormonal agents

Drugs containing hormones have many side effects, so they must be used strictly according to the instructions, exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. Corticosteroids are usually recommended if other therapy is unsuccessful. Indications for use are wet discharge at the site of the lesion.


The active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate. Available in the form of ointment, cream, fatty ointment. Helps suppress inflammation and reduce the severity of symptoms (itching, burning). Apply a thin layer once a day to arms, legs and small areas on the torso.

This ointment for allergic dermatitis has minimal systemic action. The duration of treatment in children over 4 months is no more than a month, in adults - 12 weeks. The emulsion form is used within two weeks. Advantan is usually well tolerated; side effects occur mainly when the rules of use are violated.


Contains two main active ingredients - betamethasone and fusidic acid. The first component is a glucocorticoid and helps eliminate symptoms of inflammation and allergies, and the second component fights pathogenic bacterial flora. Indications for the use of Fucicort are allergic dermatitis complicated by secondary infection.

The ointment is contraindicated for syphilitic or tuberculous skin lesions, open wounds, chicken pox. Not used in children under one year of age, not used for vulgar and common acne. Treatment of allergic dermatitis on the face and thin areas of the skin with this cream is not recommended.

Apply twice a day; before doing so, the affected area should be washed and dried without using detergents. The duration of therapy is two weeks.


The active ingredient is fluocinolone acetonide. Relieves inflammation, itching, exudation, allergic symptoms. It should be applied 1-2 times a day.

This ointment is contraindicated during pregnancy. It is prescribed with caution to children after two years of age and to girls during adolescence.

Do not use if there is a suspicion of cancer, viral, fungal or bacterial infection. pathogenic flora. The drug should not be used when acne, in the presence of acne vulgaris.


The active ingredient is triamcinolone. It has moderate glucocorticoid properties and helps relieve inflammation. The allergic reaction is stopped by increasing the production of histaminase, which breaks down histamine. In case of deep tissue damage, penetration can be enhanced by applying an occlusive dressing.

This hormonal drug is used one to three times for 5-10 days. If necessary, the doctor may recommend extending therapy. Triacort is not used for large superficial lesions and for the treatment of facial skin.

Non-hormonal drugs

Non-hormonal agents are considered more gentle and do not have such systemic side effects as glucocorticoids. If necessary, medications in this group are chosen for the treatment of allergic dermatitis during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in young children.


It is useful to use for various dermatitis, especially those accompanied by wounds, cracks or ulcers. It also helps with diaper rash in childhood. The use of Panthenol for rashes on the face is not contraindicated. lower limbs and other parts of the body.

The main active ingredient of the drug is 5% dexpanthenol (a derivative of pantothenic acid). The product helps heal tissue, relieves inflammation, improves the production of collagen fibers. Apply 2 to 4 times a day.


Radevit ointment, shown in the photo below, is a non-hormonal preparation for external use. It is successfully used to treat not only allergic dermatitis (after stopping the exacerbation), but also for violations of the integrity of the dermis (wounds, burns, frostbite, diaper rash, ulceration). Helps with excessive dryness caused by eczema and neurodermatitis.

In some cases, it is prescribed to improve the condition of the skin on the face, eliminate wrinkles and prevent premature aging. Radevit is considered a multicomponent remedy, containing alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and retinol palmitate (vitamin A). It is this composition that allows the drug to help with many dermatological problems.

For peeling and severe dryness due to dermatitis, it is used to apply under an occlusive dressing.


The product called “Fenistil” contains the active substance - dimethindene. Thanks to this, the drug has the ability to block histamine receptors. Used for skin manifestations drug allergies, for eczema. Relieves itching and swelling from insect bites and pain in the area of ​​herpetic rashes.

Fenistil is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the first three months.


Non-hormonal ointment Losterin is used for various skin problems, interacts normally with others local drugs. It nourishes the epidermis, relieves the feeling of tightness due to excessive dryness and eliminates flaking. The drug is multicomponent: it contains salicylic acid, urea, naphthalan, almond oil, Japanese Sophora extract and dexpanthenol.

Losterine is applied twice a day. It is not used in children under three months of age. The duration of treatment ranges from two weeks to one month.

Fleming's ointment

This homeopathic medicine Helps with skin allergies. Contains calendula extract, witch hazel and aesculus. As a result of this treatment, inflammation processes are eliminated, itching and other unpleasant sensations are relieved.

Homemade ointments

  1. Sea buckthorn cream helps relieve allergic manifestations. Prepare a quarter cup of pork or goose fat (baby cream will also work) and 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil. Both ingredients must be combined, mixed thoroughly and rubbed into the sore spot. The ointment is safe even over large affected areas, including the skin of the arms, legs and torso.
  2. Grate the peeled potatoes, mix the mixture (100 g) with honey (a teaspoon). Treatment is carried out once a day.
  3. Grind fresh leaves celandine, combine vegetable raw materials with soft butter in a ratio of 1:5. The ointment is applied to the skin before going to bed, the duration of use is 7 days.
  4. Allergic dermatitis can be treated with high-fat milk, rice starch and glycerin. The components are mixed in equal parts. The ointment can be used for daily application.

To folk remedy worked, it should be used for a long time: at least a month or even 90 days.

Before you use in an unconventional way, you should consult a specialist.

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Reading time: 4 minutes


Ointment for skin allergies in adults

An allergic reaction sometimes appears unexpectedly, and absolutely anything can provoke it. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the form of a red itchy rash on the epidermis. Effectively fight the disease antihistamines, but it is important to choose them correctly, based on many nuances. Ointment for skin allergies relieves swelling, redness and other unpleasant symptoms in just a few uses. However, it is necessary to find out what caused the irritation and what to do in case of an allergy first.

How to determine what you are allergic to yourself? Unfortunately, this is not always possible. There are so many allergens that in some cases it is necessary detailed examination with allergy tests. Can cause spots on the skin food products, cosmetics, medicines, fabrics, animal hair. Often an allergic rash on the body is caused by a chemical or mechanical impact on the skin. For example, spots appear after a nettle burn, frost, exposure to ultraviolet rays, or cleaning the house using household chemicals. Common allergens include the following:

  • food products, including food additives and flavorings;
  • decorative cosmetics, body care products (women are often allergic to face cream, and men are allergic to shaving gel);
  • plant pollen, medicinal herbs, poplar fluff;
  • insect bites or their poison;
  • some types of metals;
  • medications (allergy to medications can occur in both children and adults);
  • clothing made from synthetic fabrics;
  • animal hair;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • household or construction dust.

There are two types of allergies: true and pseudo-allergies. The first term means the onset of the disease immediately after contact with a foreign protein, which provokes the production of immunoglobulin E. As a result, an immune reaction appears to the release of histamine. Depending on the type of skin allergy, the condition of the body, the age of the person, and the duration of contact, there may be mild, moderate or severe symptoms. The second term refers to various rashes on the skin (spots, blisters, pimples), as well as itching. It differs from the previous form in that the immune system is not involved in the response to the allergen. It is possible that not only skin changes, but also disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Very often pseudo-allergies are provoked by citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, chicken eggs, honey It’s interesting, but sometimes a small amount of irritant (for example, a slice of tangerine) won’t do anything, but a few pieces will cause problems in your legs. It is not the contact with the allergen that is important, but its quantity or time of exposure.

Skin allergy symptoms

Main signs allergic urticaria– these are redness and itchy spots, often itching in the nose or throat. The symptoms of pseudoallergy and acute immune response are similar, so a visit to an allergist is a mandatory step on the path to recovery. The skin not only becomes red and itchy, but also flakes off. You can notice both a pinpoint lesion of the dermis (for example, only the cheeks, face or hands), and rashes throughout the body. body, as a rule, does not go away on its own and intensifies at night. The spots may give way to blisters or become covered with small blisters that burst and turn into sores. A person is also often bothered by hyperemia or inflammation of the skin in the folds. It is recommended that you learn what skin allergies look like in order to notice them in time.

Manifestation of skin allergies

Food allergies include a rash all over the body, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. All symptoms may include lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids, allergic cough, severe runny nose without color, headache. It is necessary to urgently seek help if there is allergic swelling of the palate, tongue, larynx, difficulty breathing, or convulsions. These signs signal the development angioedema, which can be fatal.

Types of ointments for allergies

The allergy remedy should cope well with swelling, itching and redness of the skin. The ointment cannot get rid of the original cause of the disease; you must independently exclude contact with a possible allergen. Any drug will be ineffective if you continue to use a product that irritates the epidermis or eat honey, for example. The advantages of using an allergy cream on the face and body are many: quick results due to the penetration of the drug into the source of inflammation, moisturizing the epidermis, healing a wound or erosion. In especially severe cases, you may have to adhere to complex therapy.

Ointments and creams for itching are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. The choice depends on the type of allergic reaction, stage and form, symptoms and general condition of the patient. Non-hormonal creams are effective in cases where the disease manifests itself in a mild form. They begin to act instantly, but a person feels the result only after a few hours. Hormonal skin ointments are needed when a moderate or severe allergic reaction occurs on the face and body. It is recommended to use them for no more than 10 days, otherwise side effects may occur.

An allergic rash on the face, accompanied by inflammation or suppuration, requires other medications. A good result is achieved with antihistamine ointments with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances. In this case, the specialist will tell you how to deal with allergies better and how you can replace the medications; you cannot do this on your own. Some drugs act too aggressively on the body and tissues, causing necrosis of the latter.

The most effective ointments without hormones

The first remedy for allergic skin rashes in adults with good results is Skin-Cap. The ointment is relatively expensive, but is one of the most effective modern medicines. It is also available in aerosol form, which is convenient to apply to large areas. It is necessary to treat the affected areas with anti-allergy gel 2 times a day, and there is no need to pre-clean the dermis with anything. On average, the course lasts up to 4 weeks; it is not recommended to interrupt it, otherwise the disease will return. The only side effect is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Childhood and pregnancy are contraindications, so you need to take this into account.

In second place is a cheap ointment for skin allergies - zinc, familiar from childhood. It costs much less than the previous anti-itch remedy, but has the same good effect in the treatment of allergic dermatitis on the face. The downside is that it overdries the skin, which is unacceptable for people with dry and sensitive skin types. Apply it pointwise 2–4 times a day, having previously cleansed the dermis with an antiseptic solution. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy (up to the 3rd trimester), as well as for people with individual zinc intolerance. The best results are achieved with complex treatment.

Bepanten is more of a healing agent, but it also copes well with allergic spots on the body. The cream moisturizes the epidermis, relieves inflammation, redness and reduces itching. Lubricate the affected areas 2-3 times a day until all allergy symptoms in adults go away. Important: Bepanten should not be used if you have an allergic skin disease with weeping ulcers, as it may worsen.

Wundehil is an affordable ointment with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. Indications for use are various wounds after thermal burn, insect bites, as well as allergic dermatitis on the hands and body. First, the wounds are treated with an antiseptic, and then a medicinal ointment for itching on the skin of adults is applied with a cotton swab twice a day.

Belosalik copes with the consequences of an allergic reaction, does not stop acute attack. Treatment of urticaria in adults with this ointment lasts one month, during which the medicine must be applied 2 times a day. Before use, the skin is cleaned with a disinfecting spray so that the drug penetrates better into the lesions. Doctors recommend choosing Belosalik if you have severe allergies on your hands or feet.

Before treating a child’s allergies with these medications, you should consult a doctor. Many drugs are not suitable for infants and infants. Often, babies' cheeks, chest or face turn red. It is better to immediately exclude all possible allergens and go to an appointment with a specialist.

Good hormonal agents

The first corticosteroid medicine against allergies is Advantan ointment, related to medications newest generation. The drug to relieve itching on the skin can be used for a long time, continuing therapy for up to 3 months. It is necessary to use it only once a day, spreading it onto a red spot on an adult’s cheek in a thin layer. Do not apply the medication to healthy areas of the dermis! Treatment of facial allergies should not last more than 7 days. Sometimes the duration of therapy and the number of applications are increased, so it is strongly recommended to consult a dermatologist or allergist.

The second hormonal ointment for allergies on the epidermis is Sinaf, which is classified as a first-generation drug. It helps a lot, but often provokes negative effects. Use it only for diseased areas of the body, without going into healthy skin. It is allowed to use no more than 10 days, otherwise deterioration of the condition cannot be avoided. If desired result occurs earlier than 10 days, then therapy is stopped after one week.

Comfoderm is indicated for adults with allergic skin reactions. There is also no need to treat healthy areas of the dermis with antihistamine cream; it is applied once a day only to large itchy spots. There is no need to pre-clean the epidermis with an antiseptic. As a rule, the course of treatment for rashes on the face lasts up to 5–7 days, on the body – 1–3 months.

Elidel is classified as generic medicines, which can be chosen to get rid of rashes on different areas bodies. It has a slow effect, but it should be used only until improvement occurs. Use no more than 2 times a day, rubbing into red spots on the skin.

Antibiotic drugs

Antibiotic medications are indicated in cases where an allergic reaction is accompanied by an inflammatory effect. A local person will tell you about it or general increase temperature, the appearance of blisters and wounds at the site of the spots, suppuration. With such symptoms, it is impossible to avoid using antibiotics, since other therapy will be ineffective. What helps from allergic rash with inflammation:

An important feature that you should know about when treating allergic spots with inflammation is complex therapy. You must take antihistamines separately, otherwise the effect will not be as good. In addition, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed in tablet form for oral administration if there is a strong inflammatory process.

Redness on the skin and itching indicate an allergy. Most often it covers the face, limbs, back, chest or the whole body at once. It is necessary to understand what could trigger the attack and use antiallergic drugs. Best effect have antihistamine ointments and creams that quickly relieve itching, swelling, redness, moisturize and soothe the dermis. The drugs are hormonal, non-hormonal and with antibiotics. The choice depends on the symptoms of the disease and the patient’s condition.

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The best ointments for skin allergies

An ointment for skin allergies must be highly effective in order to reduce the time of its use, since most such products contain substances that have a negative effect on the body.

Most ointments that are used in this situation contain glucocorticoid hormones (hydrocortisone, prednisolone). The body quickly gets used to them and reduces the production of its own hormones of the adrenal cortex. To prevent this from happening, the balance between therapeutic effect and side effects of these drugs.

Principles for the correct use of topical allergy medications

Using local remedies against allergic reactions on the skin, the underlying disease cannot be cured. The essence of allergies is the formation of antibodies against foreign antigens, which are plant pollen, animal fur, dust elements and other factors. To effectively get rid of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the body’s contact with allergens. Local remedies are used only to eliminate external manifestations diseases (rash, redness, itching and swelling).

Due to the above features, proper allergy therapy should include the elimination of the etiological factor, system-wide medications and local remedies.

Classification of antiallergic ointments:

  • Non-hormonal (Elidel, skin-cap, protopic),
  • Hormonal (advantan, elocom, fluorocort),
  • Antibacterial (levomekol, ficidin, levosin).

Non-hormonal drugs for skin allergies

For mild allergic reactions, there is no particular need to use hormonal local gels, ointments and lotions. Some non-hormonal analogues are characterized by almost the same effectiveness, but have minimal side effects.

Skin cap contains zinc, which is an excellent means for recovery skin. The product also contains substances with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Skin cap allows you to get rid of inflammation, dryness and itching of the skin. Available in aerosol form for application to the skin.

Elidel is a unique cream that successfully treats atopic dermatitis (skin inflammation of unknown etiology). Its analogue is protopic, which has a slightly higher efficiency.

Bepanten and Panthenol are ointments for rapid skin regeneration. They moisturize the skin and heal microcracks, ulcers and erosions. These local remedies can be used even in newborns.

Dropalen and Desitin are drugs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Fenistil contains substances with antihistamine effect, which prevent the formation of allergy mediators. Shows good effectiveness for swelling that appears after animal bites. It is prescribed to people whose mosquito bites cause a severe allergic skin reaction with the appearance of hives, blisters and severe itching.

Hormonal local remedies for allergic reactions

Hormonal ointments (prednisolone, fluorocort and elocom) are prescribed by dermatologists as the main remedy when skin reactions occur in response to the penetration of an allergen into the body. Their effectiveness is due to the presence of animal or synthetic adrenal hormones. With prolonged use, addiction to the components of the drugs occurs, and the body reduces the formation of its own hormones. With large allergic swelling of the skin, you cannot do without them.

Such hormonal ointments, like Advantan, Elokom and Fluorocort, have been studied by several leading laboratories in the world regarding their effectiveness and safety in atopic dermatitis, Quincke's edema, and fungal skin changes. Excellent results have been obtained in the treatment of these diseases short courses advantana.

Antibacterial agents (gentamicin, erythromycin, lincomycin ointments) are prescribed when attached to the site of injury bacterial infection to prevent inflammatory reactions and purulent melting of the skin. Levomekol, ficidin and levosin also have a similar effect.

How to properly use antiallergic ointments

Elidel is considered by most dermatologists to be one of the most safe means, which quickly relieves inflammatory changes, itching and allergic rashes even in children, but is absolutely safe for their health. Approved for use from the age of 3 months.

Fenistil can be used in babies for more than 1 month. When applied topically, the drug eliminates redness, fights itching and prevents skin drying.

When the skin becomes infected at the site of allergic changes, experts recommend a combination of several drugs at the same time: sulfargin, dioxidin and bepanthen. This combination gets rid of allergies, bacteria and promotes the healing of skin cracks.

Ichthyol and zinc ointments are excellent anti-itch medications that can be used in infants. Regeneration is improved by actovegin, solcoseryl and videstim.

When the above-described local remedies for skin allergies do not bring the expected result, hormonal analogues. The most popular are Elokom and Advantan, which are not absorbed into the blood, but act only at the site of application. Of all hormonal ointments, they are considered the safest.

Advantan is prescribed for neurodermatitis and dermatitis of various etiologies. It is available in the form of ointment and cream. The latter form is more convenient for the treatment of allergic changes to oily skin, and in other cases - ointment. The manufacturer allows the drug to be taken by children over 1 year of age.

In conclusion, we caution readers: despite the high popularity of “skin cap”, its mechanism of action has not been fully studied. Scientists still cannot attribute it to one of the groups described above, since the mechanism of action remains unclear. In clinical experiments, this allergy ointment shows amazing effectiveness with minimal side effects.

What ointments are there for skin allergies for children?

Ointments are different, depending on the manufacturer, the components and the intended use.

They have individual readings for use, taking into account many serious contraindications, which limits their use in the pediatric field.

Antihistamines significantly improve the patient’s life, relieve irritation, itching, inflammatory processes, successfully influence immune system to combat the existing allergen.

What is the difference from cream

The main differences between ointment and allergy cream:

  • the ointment is characterized by high fat content, due to huge amount nutritious active substances, penetrates deeply into the skin and has a targeted effect on the affected area;
  • The cream has a lighter texture, it is quickly absorbed without leaving marks on the skin and household items, it is applied to large areas and is used more regularly than the previous product.

All these drugs successfully combat the manifestations of allergic rashes on the child’s skin, but what to choose for each individual case– depends on the doctor’s testimony and the characteristics of the treating organism.

When to use ointment

To eliminate hyperemia (redness), itching, flaking, and dryness, various antiallergic ointments are used.

At chronic forms diseases, weeping lesions of large areas of the skin, deep rashes, homogeneous preparations (thick consistency) are used.

And emulsions - liquid products are most often prescribed to prevent the disease, in order to avoid repeated remissions.

Mechanism of action

An ointment for allergies on the child’s face and body should have the following properties:

  • stop the inflammatory reaction on the skin;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • eliminate redness, itching, peeling;
  • remove the inflammatory focus;
  • act as a prophylactic drug in case of exacerbation of allergies.

New generation hormonal ointments have only a local effect and are not acceptable for self-administration or long-term use.

All doses of antiallergic drugs should be strictly controlled by the attending physician.

Types of ointments for skin allergies with a list of drugs

All ointments that fight the symptoms of allergic reactions have the following classification.

They can be used to treat very young patients.

The products do not contain hormones, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect, relieve itching and promote rapid healing of irritation on the baby’s skin.

Can be applied long time without harming the baby's health:

  1. Elidel– used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, in a small dose it is absorbed into the blood, it can be applied to any part of the body.
  2. Gistan– biological supplement for local use, used for eczema and neurodermatitis. The drug contains extracts of lily of the valley, milkweed, violet, string, and birch buds.
  3. Betantin– a non-hormonal drug based on despanthenol. Heals minor damage to the skin and is safe for use in children from birth.
  4. Wundehil– widely used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, accelerates the body’s recovery processes, reduces pain and swelling.
  5. Fenistil– has an antipruritic effect on the skin, is prescribed for urticaria, insect bites, sunburn.
  6. Bepanten– stimulates tissue regeneration and promotes rapid healing of skin wounds.

Auxiliary non-hormonal ointments also include:


These products contain corticosteroid hormones and are used when other topical ointments do not help.

Hormonal ointments effectively relieve all signs of allergies, while being actively absorbed into the blood, having a powerful effect on the child’s body.

Modern hormonal drugs include Elokom, Advantan; they do not have extensive systemic effects, but with prolonged uncontrolled use they can cause skin atrophy.

For allergic dermatitis in children, you can mix children's and hormonal ointments for better acceptance by the body and reduce side effects.

Ointments of this type are divided into several classes:

  • low activity – Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone;
  • moderate action - Fluorocort, Afloderm;
  • medium activity – Apulein;
  • with highly active substances – Dermovate.

Drugs of the latter groups are used with caution; the greater the swelling and intensity of the rash, the fewer hormonal additives the product should have.


Prescribed for skin rashes in combination with infection.

The most common ointments:

Relieving itching

Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, many moisturizing and nourishing ointments effectively eliminate itching and relieve the lesion.

Promote wound healing, enhance the body's protective function, eliminate dryness and flaking.

These drugs include:

They can be used for a long time without being absorbed into the baby’s blood.

Safety and Usage Rules

To stop the development of the disease in as soon as possible it is necessary to use hormonal ointments.

And after removal clinical manifestations use non-hormonal medications that will help restore the skin, smooth the skin and relieve irritation.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed by a doctor when a secondary infection occurs.

What if the reaction intensified?

Attention: sometimes an allergic reaction to antihistamine ointment may occur.

It may present with accompanying symptoms:

  • massive skin rash on all parts of the body;
  • development of swelling and puffiness;
  • the appearance of a runny nose, shortness of breath, cough, lacrimation;
  • adverse reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

This indicates that the ointment is not suitable for the body, it needs to be localized urgently and seek help from the treating doctor.

What is suitable for a newborn

Particular care should be taken when choosing anti-allergy ointment for newborns and infants. Most often these are non-hormonal drugs with a limited spectrum of action.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect, have an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect on the body, and are not absorbed into the baby’s blood.

Non-hormonal allergy medications provide maximum effect after some time, and therefore can be used with each recurrent rash on the baby’s skin.

Ointments have a healing effect:

Attention: weight hormonal ointments are prescribed to infants strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Although it immediately relieves all discomfort symptoms, it contains corticosteroid hormones that have negative impact affect the functioning of the whole body, reduce immunity.

Elkom and Advantan can be used in minimal doses; they should be applied in a thin layer to areas with allergic rashes.

Antibacterial agents that are indicated for newborns include:

They are used for a short time, and the process of their use is controlled by a specialist.

What are there eye drops for allergies for children? Follow the link.

What to choose for local treatment on the face

Very dangerous allergic manifestations on the face, especially eyelids, lips, accompanied severe swelling, itching and peeling.

The ointment for treatment should carefully, carefully and promptly eliminate all symptoms, immediately relieve irritation and moisturize the damaged areas.

The most common causes of allergies around the eyes are misuse cosmetics and medicines.

It is important to immediately eliminate the allergen and begin using a medicinal allergy ointment.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe hormonal medications and antibiotics.

The most gentle ointments are:

What to choose for hand rashes

A rash on the hands occurs when contact allergy. Fortunately, the choice of drugs to treat the disease is quite wide, because the skin on the hands is less sensitive than on the face.

Experts advise using products with an antihistamine and the presence of hormonal components.

If the rashes are systemic in nature and are in a more advanced form, then Lorinden A ointment would be an excellent product for healing the damaged areas.

After just 2-3 applications of the composition, a rapid elimination of all unpleasant symptoms will be observed, and after 7 days the illness will go away without consequences.

Video: Medicines for external use

Can it be combined with other drugs?

To treat more complex rashes, for example, psoriasis or chronic dermatitis, you can combine external agents - ointments, creams, aerosols, lotions, as well as make internal injections and take tablets.

It all depends on the nature of the disease and individual characteristics the patient's body.

The specialist must correctly select related products and strictly monitor their effect.

If you experience an allergy to any drug, you should immediately stop using it and seek professional advice from a specialist.

Expensive or cheap - is there a difference in quality?

High price medication cannot guarantee effectiveness and quick relief from difficult symptoms.

Sometimes expensive ointments do not have a significant effect in the treatment of allergic rashes.

Price for foreign analogues is formed not only from the cost of the containing components, but also includes other related factors (advertising, transport, packaging design).

That’s why you can purchase a domestic product much cheaper, and the results from its use will effectively eliminate the disease and prevent side effects.

Before you buy an expensive or cheap ointment For skin allergies you need to:

  • consult a doctor;
  • read consumer reviews;
  • and undergo a preliminary test for individual tolerance to the components of the purchased medicine.

Is it possible to choose eye drops for allergies yourself? Click go.

Cost table of popular drugs

There are a lot of allergy medications in pharmacies, and prices vary significantly depending on the manufacturer. List of prices for popular antiallergic drugs.

Wishing you all a speedy recovery and good health! May your children always be healthy and you happy!

Ointment for rashes on the body should be purchased taking into account the diagnosis, which is established by the doctor, and not by the person himself. Self-treatment may be ineffective and sometimes hazardous to health. When treating, the doctor takes into account not only the symptoms, but the causes of the disease and selects medications accordingly. Sometimes pimples appear on the body that do not need to be lubricated.

In what cases is treatment needed?

Healthy skin is clear skin. It is known that rashes on the body appear not only when skin diseases. In case of malfunction internal organs, namely the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), a rash may appear on the body. But often rashes are associated with:

  • allergies;
  • skin dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • reaction to cold or heat;
  • eczema;
  • infectious diseases;
  • viral diseases;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Considering that acne on the body can have the most different origins, without a doctor it will be difficult to find the necessary ointment. In some cases, it is necessary to combine external agents with taking pills. Some rashes infectious diseases may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, so you will need to purchase antipyretic medications. The rash also tends to change. In some illnesses, pimples may be small, and as the disease progresses, they may become red and spread in patches or turn into blisters.

The rash can be divided into types:

Pimples may contain pus or clear fluid inside. When these rashes burst, they turn into a brown crust. Treatment is required in all of the above cases. But you need to use those ointments that are designed to relieve certain symptoms. For example, chickenpox and herpes require medications that relieve itching and pain. With contact dermatitis there is no pain, but the disease is manifested by peeling and swelling, so the ointment should have such a therapeutic effect as to eliminate these manifestations.

Information about medications

All ointments for rashes on the body can be divided into:

There are also products for external use that have a plant base. Hormonal drugs include ointments, creams, gels, emulsions containing hormones (corticosteroids, glucocorticoids). Such drugs are absorbed through the skin into the blood and prevent the production of histamine. They can be used for allergic rashes of various etiologies, since hormonal substances effectively relieve the symptoms of this disease.

Non-hormonal ointments have a gentler effect on the human body. Such drugs contain components that do not have a systemic effect. TO combination medications These include products containing hormones and substances of plant or chemical origin. There is another group of external agents that contain antibiotics. They are used for infectious or bacterial skin lesions.

You need to select a medicine taking into account the nature of the rash. The course of treatment is determined individually. It is important to note that ointments based on hormonal substances should not be used long period not recommended as it may cause complications. Hormonal external agents are divided into classes.

The first class includes ointments with a weak short-term effect due to the slow penetration of the drug into the skin cells. This class includes ointments called Hydrocortisone and Deperzolon.

The second class includes drugs that have a moderate effect. These products include ointments called:

Third-class hormonal agents are designed to quickly eliminate the problem. Such creams relieve inflammation, eliminate irritation, redness and other unpleasant symptoms within a few days. Ointments belong to this class:

And the fourth class includes creams called Galcinoid, Dermovate, Halciderm. These drugs have a powerful healing effect, but have a number of contraindications.

List of non-hormonal drugs

Non-hormonal drugs for external use do not have a systemic effect, have fewer contraindications and side effects. However, the cost of such ointments is high. They contain the following substances:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-allergenic.

Such drugs can be used in the treatment of both adults and children. For allergic rashes in children, these ointments are used as the main remedy, and in adults - as an auxiliary remedy. complex therapy. Non-hormonal agents are prescribed for tissue regeneration, to relieve pain, itching and swelling. List of non-hormonal drugs:

Fenistil-gel and Skin-Cap have a strong antipruritic and soothing effect. Zinc and ichthyol ointments can be used as antibacterial agent for skin mycoses. Non-hormonal ointments are effective for minor skin lesions. To determine the disease, a scraping is prescribed. This group of drugs should be used after examination. For viral rashes, such as herpes, it is necessary to use medications with an antiviral effect.

Combined formulations for rashes

Combined ointments and creams contain substances with hormonal, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. But such drugs have many contraindications and side effects. Such medications are not prescribed to small children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Typically, combination creams are used when other drugs have proven ineffective. But long-term use These drugs are prohibited due to the fact that heavy substances can accumulate in the body.

Common combination drugs include:

Anti-allergenic external agents that contain an antibiotic include ointments called:

Although drugs in this group are safer, you should not use them without consulting a dermatologist. Sometimes infectious diseases accompanied by a rash can be confused with allergies and treated incorrectly. Measles, rubella, chicken pox appear as rashes all over the body. In this case, body temperature may not rise immediately. Rashes due to infectious diseases should be lubricated not with ointments, but with brilliant green or fucorcin (chickenpox).

Correct application to skin

The remedy for skin rashes must be used according to the instructions. Do not exceed the indicated dose. The course of treatment is also determined by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease. When prescribing drugs, it is taken into account general condition sick. Typically, antiallergic ointments are applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin. For therapeutic effect the cream is used 1 to 3 times a day. Maximum term use of some ointments for about 6 weeks.

If the allergy manifests itself on the face, then before applying the product you should wash your face and pat the affected area dry with a soft towel. Try not to rub your pimples, as this can make the irritation worse. It is prohibited to apply two drugs at the same time. If you need a combination of any two external agents, then they should be applied with a break of 1.5-2 hours.

In case of overdose, redness, burning, peeling, skin atrophy, hyperglycemia, hyperemia may be observed at the site of application.

Ointment for body rashes can be combined with creams that contain herbal extracts: thyme, aloe, chamomile, string. After smearing the affected area, you should sit quietly for a while so that the medicine is absorbed. Do not use medications if the expiration date has expired. Although they will not cause harm, the effectiveness of expired ointments is reduced. At food allergies you should stick to your diet.

And a little about secrets.

Have you ever had problems with Dermatitis or ringworm? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you have a lot of experience. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • scratch irritation
  • wake up in the morning with another itchy plaque in a new place
  • constant unbearable itching
  • severe dietary restrictions, diets
  • inflamed, bumpy skin, spots.

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to endure? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with Elena Malysheva, in which she reveals in detail the secret of where these problems come from and how to solve them. Read the article.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Skin allergies in adults can manifest as rashes, itching, and small and large blisters. In the absence of proper treatment, an allergic reaction can become severe and lead to angioedema, death of skin tissue, a significant decrease in immunity and the formation of purulent foci. Several types of ointments are used to treat pathology, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

When treating skin allergic reactions in adult patients, hormonal and non-hormonal ointments are used. When choosing them, you should take into account the stage of the allergy and the number of symptoms that appear.

Non-hormonal ointments are prescribed in situations where the allergy is still mild degree development and there are no significant manifestations of the disease. This type medicinal product begins to immediately affect the skin, but at the same time visible to the patient the result appears only after 1-2 hours.

Corticosteroid drugs are suitable for the treatment of allergies in the middle and late stages of their development, when the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in a bright and difficult to tolerate form. It is recommended to use medications of this type for no more than ten days, as they have too aggressive an effect on the entire body.

In some cases, a course of therapy with hormonal ointments lasting a month is allowed. This is only possible in situations where therapy is carried out using drugs latest generation with a minimum content of aggressive substances and hormones.

In situations where there are signs of suppuration and a major inflammatory process, antihistamine ointments with antibiotics are used.

Attention! Self-prescription of hormonal ointments can lead to the development of necrotic processes on the skin if it has been selected wrong dosage, or the medication was used for a long time.

Benefits of ointments in the treatment of allergies

Among the main advantages of using ointment for an allergic reaction on the skin are the following:

  • rapid penetration into the site of inflammation;
  • virtually instantaneous relief of the inflammatory, edematous process;
  • the ability to quickly relieve itching, especially at night;
  • moisturizing dry skin areas;
  • prevent the development of secondary infection;
  • prevents relapses of allergic reactions;
  • heal the skin;
  • ease of use of the drug.

Attention! If necessary, ointments can be included in combination therapy with tablets and lotions, but only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Hormonal ointments against skin allergies


A medicine that belongs to the latest generation of medicines. This allows it to be used as a long-term course of therapy for 12 weeks. Apply Advantan in as thin a layer as possible once a day, while avoiding contact of the drug on healthy areas of the skin. The exact duration of therapy using this ointment should be checked with a dermatologist. When treating allergies on the face and eyelids, you can use the product only for five to seven days.


First generation hormonal ointment, which can quickly help with skin allergies, but can cause serious side effects. The medication is used exclusively on the affected areas of the body once a day. The duration of therapy with Sinaf is no more than 10 days. If the therapeutic effect is quickly achieved, the duration of treatment is reduced to one week.


The drug is aimed at mild suppression allergic attacks on the skin of adult patients. When using, you must take precautions and do not apply the medication to healthy areas, so as not to provoke unwanted side effects. Use Comfoderm once a day; there is no need to cleanse the skin first. When used on the face, the medication is applied for only 5 days. Long-term therapy in other cases can reach three months.


A universal hormonal remedy that can be used to treat an allergic reaction on the head, neck and face, while the duration of the course is determined based on the speed of relief of unpleasant symptoms. As soon as the allergy stops manifesting itself, Elidel is discontinued. Apply the ointment twice a day in a thin layer and thoroughly rub into the skin.

Attention! When using hormonal ointment, you should gradually discontinue the drug after the end of therapy, so as not to provoke withdrawal syndrome.

Non-hormonal ointments against skin allergies

Skin Cap

Skin-cap is a very effective drug of the latest generation

Quite expensive, but very effective ointment last generation. Before application, it is recommended to shake the container with the medicine in order to obtain the most concentrated medicine. It is applied to all affected areas morning and evening. Application of Skin-Cap does not require additional cleansing of the skin. When using the ointment, it is important to maintain the course of therapy, which is four weeks. There are virtually no side effects when using Skin-Cap, only occasionally the allergy symptoms become significantly worse.

Zinc ointment

Very cheap and good remedy, but it dries out the skin quite a lot, which should be taken into account before applying. Before using Zinc ointment, it is recommended to first disinfect the skin with an antiseptic. After this, the medication is applied up to three times a day. The drug can be used in any trimester of pregnancy. Zinc ointment is well tolerated by patients, which also allows its inclusion in complex therapy.


This drug is most often used as a healing agent, but it also shows excellent results in the treatment of allergic rashes. Use the medication twice a day, morning and evening. The course of therapy continues until all unpleasant symptoms disappear. Bepanten is not suitable for the treatment of wet type allergies, since the medication significantly moisturizes the skin, which can aggravate the problem.


A good drug that eliminates the consequences of almost all allergic skin rashes in adults. Use the medication for one month. When using, it is recommended to pre-treat the skin with an antiseptic to ensure maximum penetration of the active substance. Belosalik is used twice a day. It is most often used to treat rashes on the hands.

Attention! Non-hormonal ointments can also be used at the final stage of therapy, when the use of hormonal ointments can no longer be safe.

Anti-allergy ointments with antibiotics


This remedy should be used in cases where the affected area is located on a small area of ​​skin and a compress can be applied. There is no need to treat the epidermis before application. It is used once a day. Small quantity ointments are distributed over a sterile bandage and applied to the rash, blisters or redness. After a day, the bandage is removed. Levomekol can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.

Erythromycin ointment

The peculiarity of this ointment is that it is suitable for the treatment of allergies on the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids, if the allergy has increased significantly and manifested itself in the form of purulent inflammations and crusts. The product is used up to three times a day and applied in a thin layer exclusively to the affected areas. The duration of therapy can be 5-14 days.


You can use the medicine for 10 days, after which it must be discontinued. Apply the ointment to skin previously cleansed with an antiseptic up to three times a day. The same time interval should be maintained between uses. It is allowed to use the drug on the face.

Attention! Drugs in this group are most often used only in combination therapy.

Ointments for quick relief of irritation


A fast-acting antipruritic agent that begins to act from the first minutes of use. The drug is applied strictly twice a day at equal intervals, and the medication should be gently rubbed in with massage movements. Due to the high productivity of the components, the product is used in a short course, which is one week. At extensive lesions it is permissible to extend treatment up to 14 days.


A fast-acting, but rather aggressive drug. Use the medication for no more than five to seven days, in in rare cases It is allowed to extend treatment up to 10 days. Before application, there is no need to treat the skin area with an antiseptic; it is enough to apply a thin layer of ointment. The number of daily uses is three.


Akriderm is a first generation medicine with a rapid antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect

A first-generation medication with a rapid antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Use for no more than 7 days under medical supervision. Taking into account the nature of the rashes and their number, the medication can be applied up to three times a day at equal intervals. Not used for the treatment of pregnant women in any trimester and patients with acute renal failure.

Attention! It is recommended to use fast-acting ointments on your own only in in case of emergency, after which you should consult your doctor.

Cost of allergy medications

PreparationImagePrice in RussiaPrice in BelarusPrice in Ukraine
Skin Cap 900-3000 rubles28.8-96 rubles369-1230 hryvnia
Zinc ointment 30 rubles0.96 rubles12.3 hryvnia
Levomekol 150 rubles4.8 rubles62 hryvnia
Advantan 600-1300 rubles19.2-41.6 rubles246-533 hryvnia
Sinaf 100 rubles3.2 rubles41 hryvnia
Comfoderm 500 rubles16 rubles205 hryvnia
Bepanten 500 rubles16 rubles205 hryvnia
Erythromycin ointment 150 rubles4.8 rubles62 hryvnia
Fucidin 600 rubles19.2 rubles246 hryvnia
Belosalik 700 rubles22.4 rubles287 hryvnia
Flucinar 300 rubles9.6 rubles123 hryvnia
Prednisolone 50 rubles1.6 rubles21 hryvnia
Elidel 905 rubles35 rubles368 hryvnia
Akriderm 100 rubles3.2 rubles41 hryvnia

Attention! All prices are indicative only and are subject to change due to price category pharmacy and improvement pharmacological form medicinal product.

Blisters on the skin, itching, burning, inflammation when scratching the affected areas - negative manifestations for allergic reactions. The characteristic signs of atopic dermatitis, eczema, and urticaria cause noticeable discomfort and worsen appearance.

Ointments for skin allergies in adults are suitable as the main drug for mild form response of the body and as an active element in complex therapy for severe cases. What types of ointments and creams are there for allergies? Which remedy is better? The answers are in the article.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Local remedies are indispensable for skin signs allergic reactions. Systemic drugs For oral administration eliminate the problem from the inside, block histamine receptors, reduce sensitization of the body, and prevent relapses of a negative response to a stimulus.

Cream and ointment against skin allergies act directly on the affected areas. This form of antiallergic compounds is approved as the main remedy for mild manifestations of allergies, to prevent side effects that many antihistamines in tablet form give.


  • have a positive effect on the affected area;
  • the drugs are quickly absorbed and actively affect the problem area;
  • the ointment-like consistency ensures that the composition remains on the itchy, reddened area for a long time;
  • local remedies are less likely to cause side effects: many drugs without hormonal components do not penetrate the blood;
  • Allergy ointments for adults have a complex effect: relieve itching, irritation, reduce redness, disinfect the problem area, and facilitate the course of the allergic process;
  • in severe cases, hormonal ointments based on potent substances help. Drugs are prescribed when there is no effect from weaker formulations.


  • not suitable as a monotherapy for treatment dangerous forms allergies;
  • non-hormonal ointments for allergies in many cases are not able to eliminate the negative skin reaction for advanced, severe types of pathology.

General rules of application

Local remedies will be beneficial in the treatment of allergic diseases, subject to certain rules. You should not select the drug yourself: only a dermatologist or allergist will recommend the appropriate composition depending on the severity of the disease. The use of weak non-hormonal compounds in severe forms skin manifestations only aggravates the course of the disease, “blurs” the picture, and reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

  • purchase antiallergic ointment, especially hormonal ointment, only on the advice of a doctor;
  • follow the instructions, apply the product no more often than required;
  • treat only problem areas: applying anti-allergy medications to healthy skin often causes irritation and redness in undamaged areas;
  • use hormonal ointments for allergies with caution, carefully monitor the body’s reaction;
  • when selecting potent formulations, be sure to take into account contraindications: active components penetrate into the blood, a severe reaction to an inappropriate drug may occur;
  • Do not use ointments based on hormones for longer than the period specified in the instructions: complications are possible, negative reactions from various organs;
  • in severe forms of the allergic process, take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the disease: on the recommendation of an allergist or dermatologist, take tablets and apply a local remedy.

Types of drugs with antiallergic effect

The classification is based on differences in the composition of the drugs:

  • potent hormonal compounds;
  • local remedies without hormones;
  • preparations with glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics;
  • combined formulations with antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal (antifungal) effects.

Non-hormonal ointments

With a mild response of the body to the action of the allergen, the spread of a rash, redness in limited areas, local remedies that do not contain hormones help. If applied in a timely manner, at an early stage of the disease, only an ointment is often sufficient to stop the allergic process.

An important point is to apply a drug with active properties. Positive Impact- the result of a carefully selected composition of medicinal products.

Hormone-free ointments for allergies contain useful components:

  • zinc pyrithione;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • substances that block the action of histamine receptors;
  • lanolin;
  • zinc hyaluronate;
  • bioceramides;
  • propolis;
  • panthenol;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • vegetable oils, other healthy ingredients.

Go to the address and learn about the rules for treating chronic allergic rhinitis in children.

Effective non-hormonal ointments, gels and creams:

  • Bepanten. Delicate consistency, active anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects, softening the skin. The drug contains a high percentage of panthenol. Pharmacies have effective analogues: D-panthenol, Dexpanthenol. Approximate price - 400 rubles.
  • Fenistil-gel. Local antihistamine with a high antiallergic effect. The active substance of the medicinal ointment is dimentindene maleate. Easy to apply, itching, redness, swelling quickly disappear, pain in the affected areas decreases, the effect is noticeable after 20-60 minutes. Estimated cost - 390 rubles.
  • La Cree. A delicate remedy for eliminating skin itching, swelling, and the effects of scratching. The drug contains plant extracts, natural oils, regenerating component panthenol. Suitable for patients with sensitive skin. The cost of the drug is 220 rubles.
  • Solcoseryl. The composition contains a concentrate extracted from the blood of young calves. An ointment with active wound-healing properties is suitable for use in various allergic diseases. Price - 230 rubles.
  • Skin Cap. An effective remedy not only relieves itching, heals wounds, reduces the number of blisters, but also has active antifungal properties. The main component is zinc pyrithione with a drying, antiseptic effect. Volume - 15 ml, price - 800 rubles.
  • Protopic. The ointment is used for atopic dermatitis. The active substance of the antiallergic drug is tacrolimus. Noticeable effect, softening the skin, eliminating redness and itching. The product is made in Japan, the average price is 1600 rubles, the tube volume is 30 ml.
  • Gistan. A safe, effective drug contains active ingredients: dimethicone, butelin. The complex provides a delicate effect vegetable oils and natural extracts with high concentrations biologically active substances. There are 15 g of the drug in a tube, the price is 165 rubles.
  • Methyluracil ointment. After applying the composition, the process of regeneration of affected tissues is activated, the product accelerates the epithelization of the problem area, itching is reduced, and an immunostimulating effect is manifested. The active ingredient is methyluracil. The drug protects against exposure to ultraviolet radiation and reduces sensitivity due to photosensitivity. Tube 25 g, cost - 140 rubles.

Hormonal agents

Severe swelling, unbearable itching, intense redness during allergic reactions are severe signs that gels, creams and ointments without antibiotics and hormones are often unable to eliminate. Potent drugs V the right dosage do not have a toxic effect, but exceeding the frequency or application rate often causes negative reactions. There are compositions: low activity, moderate activity, active, highly active.

Preparations with hormones exhibit a noticeable local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Effective agents are used for the complex treatment of severe forms of allergies. Some drugs contain antibiotics: chloramphenicol, lincomycin, erythromycin, gentamicin and others.

Note! The higher the swelling and intensity of the rash, the less hormones the drug should contain. With a large area of ​​damage, the risk of penetration of active components into the blood increases, which is fraught with complications and side effects.

Potent hormonal ointments, creams and gels:

  • Advantan. The active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate. Fatty ointment for external use reduces allergic manifestations, reduces inflammation, skin itching, eliminates swelling and infiltration. When applied topically, systemic effects are practically not observed. Effective drug made in Italy, tube 15 g, price - 520 rubles.
  • Lokoid. The active ingredient is hydrocortisone 17-butyrate. The cream is effective in the treatment of eczema. Corticosteroid for local application quickly exhibits anti-edematous, antipruritic properties, eliminates redness and inflammation. The composition is easy to apply, absorbs well into problem areas. Tube 30 g, price - 330 rubles.
  • Elokom. The composition is made in the USA. The active substance is mometasone fuorate. After application, swelling and redness decrease, and skin itching disappears. Eliminates inflammation in dermatoses of various types. A noticeable effect in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis. It is prohibited to apply Elokom to inflamed, swollen eyelids. The average price is 370 rubles.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. Inexpensive, effective remedy to eliminate irritation, itching, reduce redness. The composition is used in ophthalmology (eye ointment, 3 and 5 g in a tube) and for treating other areas of the body (20 ml in a tube). Active anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. The average price is from 25 to 57 rubles.
  • Flucourt. Combination drug with anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiallergic effect. Active components: fluocinolone acetonide (synthetic GCS) and neomycin (glycoside antibiotic). Elimination of symptoms in allergic contact dermatitis, psoriasis, erythema multiforme, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Gistan N. Mometasone-based cream is recommended for skin itching and inflammation accompanying dermatoses of various types, including allergic ones. The cream is applied in a thin layer to problem areas. Long-acting drug: for noticeable result One treatment per day is enough. Duration of therapy is 1-4 weeks. Approximate price - 150 rubles, 15 ml tube.
  • Sinaflan. The active ingredient is fluocinolone acetonide. A glucocorticosteroid agent for external use has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and antipruritic effects. Shows a strong anti-exudative effect. The drug actively penetrates into the blood plasma and is excreted by the kidneys. The drug is prescribed for allergic diseases without the presence of fungal microflora, sunburn, and to relieve symptoms of insect bites. The average cost of a tube with a volume of 10 and 15 g is from 40 to 65 rubles.

Allergy ointments, gels and creams are effective at any stage of the disease in adult patients. The difference is the use local trains as a main or auxiliary drug. Only an experienced doctor will select a product with the optimal concentration of active substances, with or without hormones.

Video - review of Flucinonide ointment for the treatment of allergic reactions on the skin: