Instructions for the use of oxytocin injections for uterine bleeding. Oxytocin solution

A woman in labor is prescribed Oxytocin injections for weak labor activity. The hormone oxytocin is known as the “love hormone.” Tests have proven that its production in the body increases with hugs and kisses, and increased content substances increase tenderness and sexual desire. What does childbirth have to do with it?

The point is that injections medicinal Oxytocin stimulate contraction of the uterus during childbirth and accelerate its course. The drug is used in the form of a solution for injection into a vein or muscle, as well as for treatment using droppers.

Active ingredient and functions

The active substance of the drug is. It belongs to the group of labor stimulants.

Natural oxytocin is secreted by the brain. It helps a woman during childbirth and the postpartum period - it stimulates uterine contractions, which shortens the time of labor, then helps the uterus shrink to its original size. During breastfeeding, the hormone promotes the production of prolactin, which affects milk production by the mammary glands. The described substance also stimulates contraction of the mammary glands, which also has a positive effect on milk production.

Oxytocin injections are used for various pathologies of pregnancy and labor. It reduces the likelihood of uterine bleeding, helps the uterus contract after caesarean section and removal of the fruit. It is prescribed for incomplete miscarriages to free the uterus from remaining tissue. If pregnancy occurs with severe complications, with gestosis (edema, increased blood pressure and other disturbances in the body), the drug is used for abortion.

The medicine has analogues. Among the drugs with oxytocin are Oxytocin-Richter, Syntocinon, Oxytocin-Vial, Oxytocin-ME3, Oxytocin Grindeks and others.

Indications for use and form of production

Indications for the use of Oxytocin include the following situations:

  • Weak labor;
  • Prevention and stopping of uterine bleeding;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy in case of complications (preeclampsia, fetal death);
  • After a caesarean section to restore the size and condition of the uterus;
  • For more quick recovery uterus after childbirth;
  • To stimulate milk production in nursing women;
  • To restore the uterus after incomplete abortions and miscarriages;
  • At premenstrual syndrome aggravated by edema and weight gain.

Premenstrual syndrome: acne, bloating, irritability, increased appetite

It was noticed that taking the drug improves a woman’s mood and has a positive effect on the psyche. People treated with the nasal spray had decreased appetite, which helped them get rid of excess weight. Their libido and potency increased. But using Oxytocin for this purpose, without medical supervision, is life-threatening, as we will discuss below. Due to the contraindications of the drug, it can only be purchased in ampoules in the form of a solution for injections and droppers of 5 IU per 1 ml. Oxytocin is not sold in tablets or spray form in pharmacies. That is, tablets can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, only in a hospital setting.


It is necessary to read very carefully about cases of contraindications for Oxytocin, since there have been cases of death when using the medicine.

Drugs are contraindicated:

  • In case of excessive sensitivity to the active substance;
  • For hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • People with serious violation in the cardiovascular system;
  • In case of threat of uterine rupture;
  • When the size of the fetus is larger than the diameter of the mother's pelvis;
  • If the fetus is not positioned correctly in the uterus;
  • If operations were performed on the uterus, which left scars;
  • If the woman in labor has a narrow pelvis;
  • When a pregnant woman is suspected premature detachment placenta;
  • If placenta previa is diagnosed (when the placenta shifts in bottom part uterus and blocks the birth canal);
  • In case of difficult childbirth, if surgical intervention is necessary;
  • When diagnosing infant hypoxia (if the baby in the womb is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, various pathologies in the development of his body organs);
  • With increased lactation;
  • If uterine sepsis has begun (an inflammatory reaction to an infectious lesion of the organ).

From the list of contraindications it is clear that in some cases the use of the drug is life-threatening. Oxytocin injections or infusions (drips) should be given under careful observation specialist The drug is not prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage or in case of multiple pregnancy.

Treatment methods

The method of using Oxytocin depends on the situation for which it is prescribed. If it is necessary to stimulate labor function, drugs are administered intravenously. Injections of medicinal Oxytocin are given in maternity hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, it is possible to connect various devices that monitor the vital functions of the woman in labor and the fetus. The dosage is prescribed individually.

Intramuscular use of the drug is possible only at a certain stage of labor. During the process of dilation of the uterus, the doctor prescribes IVs. First, pure saline solution is poured into the dropper and a dropper is made with it. Then 1 ml of oxytocin is added to 1000 ml of solution, continuing the infusion with this composition. The initial rate at which the medicine enters the woman’s blood should be from 2 to 16 drops per minute. Then, every half hour, on average, add 4 to 8 drops. When uterine contractions begin to correspond to the normal course of labor, and the pharynx opens by 4–6 cm, the dose and infusion rate are reduced. The highest rate of penetration of the solution into the vein during normal full-term birth does not exceed 36 drops in 60 seconds. If premature birth occurs, the rate can be increased to 80 drops.

If the doctor notes an overactive uterus, the drip is immediately removed, and the woman in labor is given oxygen therapy. Monitoring of the woman in labor and the fetus, their heartbeat, blood pressure, etc., is ongoing during treatment with oxytocin.

After the placenta has separated, you can inject Oxytocin in a volume of 1 ml intramuscularly.

If there is an incomplete termination of pregnancy, then 20 to 40 drops of medicine are added to 500 ml of saline solution and infused.

To stop uterine bleeding 2 to 8 ml of Oxytocin are added to 1000 ml of saline solution and a drip is placed on the patient. To prevent bleeding, 1 ml of medication is administered intramuscularly 2 to 3 times in 24 hours. Treatment is continued for 2–3 days.

In case of incomplete abortion or miscarriage 2 ml of the drug is added to 500 ml of saline solution and a dropper is placed on the patient at an injection rate of 20 to 40 drops in 60 seconds.

For contraction of the uterus after caesarean section 1 ml of Oxytocin is injected intramuscularly. For gynecological pathologies, 1 to 2 ml is administered intramuscularly as prescribed by a specialist.

Scar after Caesarean section

Adverse reactions of the body

Side effects of Oxytocin are most common in women giving birth:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs. May be observed side effects in the form of spasms or convulsions. In severe cases, uterine rupture occurs. After childbirth, the medicine can cause increased uterine bleeding and thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood below normal), a deficiency of the coagulation factor prothrombin, and a decrease in fibrinogen levels in the blood. This does not happen if the woman spends childbirth and the first days after it in the hospital under the close supervision of doctors.
  • Heart failure and blood vessels. They can be expressed in an excessive increase or decrease in blood pressure, in a disorder of the heart rhythm - tachycardia, bradycardia, ventricular contractions that do not fall into rhythm.
  • This medicine may cause nausea or vomiting.
  • Overhydration of the body - increased fluid levels in the body more than normal at fast action IVs, the condition negatively affects the functioning of body organs. This may lead to coma.
  • Possible painful sensations in my head.
  • Happen skin reactions- itching and rash.
  • Newborn babies may experience yellowing of the skin and hemorrhages in the retina.

Jaundice in a newborn

If side effects from Oxytocin occur, the doctor may cancel the drip and use other methods to resolve the situation.

If the patient (patient) voluntarily drank (took) the drug in tablets or spray, you must immediately inform the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Oxytocin does not mix well with some medications used for local anesthesia. This combination can cause a strong increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Prostaglandins (hormone-like substances that have a healing and antiulcer effect, they are also involved in allergic reactions) in combination with oxytocin can lead to mucosal defects.

You should not combine treatment with taking other hormonal drugs.

Owner registration certificate:


H01BB02 (Oxytocin)

Analogs of the drug according to ATC codes:

You should consult your doctor before using OXYTOCIN. These instructions for use are for informational purposes only. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

Clinical and pharmacological group

23.001 (Drug that increases the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium)

Release form, composition and packaging

The solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration is colorless, transparent, practically free from mechanical inclusions.

Excipients: ice acetic acid, chlorobutanol hemihydrate, ethanol 96%, water d/i.

1 ml - glass ampoules (5) - cardboard packs.

Pharmacological action

Synthetic hormonal agent, in pharmacological and clinical properties similar to endogenous oxytocin of the posterior pituitary gland. Interacts with oxytocin-specific receptors of the uterine myometrium, belonging to the G-protein superfamily. The number of receptors and the response to the action of oxytocin increase as pregnancy progresses and reach a maximum towards the end of it. Stimulates labor activity of the uterus by increasing the permeability of cell membranes to calcium and increasing its intracellular concentration, also by subsequently reducing the resting potential of the membrane and increasing its excitability. Causes contractions similar to normal spontaneous labor, temporarily reducing the blood supply to the uterus. With increasing amplitude and duration muscle contractions the uterine os expands and smoothes. In appropriate quantities it can enhance contractility uterus from moderate in strength and frequency, characteristic of spontaneous motor activity, to the level of prolonged tetanic contractions.

Causes contraction of myoepithelial cells adjacent to the alveoli of the mammary gland, improving secretion breast milk.

Influencing smooth muscles blood vessels, causes vasodilation and increases blood flow in the kidneys, coronary vessels and cerebral vessels. Usually blood pressure(BP) remains unchanged, however, with intravenous administration of large doses or a concentrated solution of oxytocin, blood pressure may temporarily decrease with the development of reflex tachycardia and reflex increase cardiac output. The initial decrease in blood pressure is followed by a prolonged, albeit small, increase.

Unlike vasopressin, oxytocin has minimal antidiuretic effects, but overhydration is possible when oxytocin is administered with large amounts of electrolyte solutions and/or when they are administered too quickly. Does not cause muscle contraction bladder and intestines.


With intravenous administration, the effect of oxytocin on the uterus appears almost instantly and lasts for 1 hour. With intramuscular administration, the myotonic effect occurs in the first 3-7 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours.

Like vasopressin, oxytocin is distributed throughout the extracellular space. Small amounts of oxytocin appear to enter the fetal circulation. T1/2 is 1-6 minutes and becomes shorter by later pregnancy and lactation. Most of the drug is rapidly metabolized in the liver and kidneys. During the process of enzymatic hydrolysis, it is inactivated, primarily under the action of tissue oxytokinase (oxytokinase is also found in the placenta and plasma). Just not large number oxytocin is excreted unchanged in the urine.


IV or IM.

In order to stimulate and enhance labor, oxytocin is used exclusively intravenously, in a hospital equipped with the appropriate medical equipment. Simultaneous use of the drug intravenously and intramuscularly is contraindicated. The dose is selected taking into account the individual sensitivity of the mother and fetus.

To induce labor and stimulate labor, oxytocin is used exclusively in the form of an intravenous drip infusion. Strict control of the prescribed infusion rate is mandatory. For safe use oxytocin during stimulation and enhancement of labor requires the use of an infusion pump or other similar device, as well as monitoring the strength of uterine contractions and fetal cardiac activity. In case of excessive increase in contractile activity of the uterus, the infusion should be stopped immediately; as a result, excessive muscle activity of the uterus quickly decreases.

1. Before you begin administering the drug, you should begin administering saline solution that does not contain oxytocin.

2. To prepare a standard oxytocin infusion, dissolve 1 ml (5 IU) of oxytocin in 1000 ml of non-hydrating fluid and mix thoroughly by rotating the bottle. 1 ml of infusion prepared in this way contains 5 mIU of oxytocin. For precise dosing of the infusion solution, an infusion pump or other similar device should be used.

3. The rate of administration of the initial dose should not exceed 0.5-4 mIU/min, which corresponds to 2-16 drops/min, because 1 drop of infusion contains 0.25 mIU of oxytocin). Every 20-40 minutes it can be increased by 1-2 mIU/min until the desired degree of uterine contractility is achieved. Once the desired frequency of uterine contractions has been achieved, corresponding to spontaneous labor, and the uterine os is dilated to 4-6 cm in the absence of signs of fetal distress, the infusion rate can be gradually reduced at a rate similar to its acceleration.

In late pregnancy, infusions at a faster rate require caution, only in in rare cases rates greater than 8 to 9 mU/min may be required. In case premature birth a higher speed may be required, which in isolated cases may exceed 20 mU/min (80 drops/min).

1. The fetal heartbeat, the tone of the uterus at rest, the frequency, duration and strength of its contractions should be monitored.

2. In the event of uterine hyperactivity or fetal distress, oxytocin should be stopped immediately and oxygen therapy should be provided to the parturient. The condition of the mother and fetus should be re-monitored by a medical specialist.

Prevention and treatment of hypotonic bleeding in postpartum period:

1. IV drip infusion: dissolve 10-40 IU of oxytocin in 1000 ml of non-hydrating liquid; To prevent uterine atony, 20-40 mIU/min of oxytocin is usually needed.

2. IM administration: 5 IU/ml oxytocin after separation of the placenta.

Incomplete or failed abortion:

Add 10 IU/ml of oxytocin to 500 ml of saline solution or a mixture of 5% glucose with saline solution. The rate of IV infusion is 20-40 drops/min.


Symptoms depend mainly on the degree of uterine overactivity, regardless of the presence hypersensitivity to the drug. Hyperstimulation with hypertonic and tetanic contractions or with basal tone ≥15-20 mm aq. Art. between two contractions leads to discoordination of labor, rupture of the body or cervix, vagina, bleeding in the postpartum period, uteroplacental insufficiency, fetal bradycardia, its hypoxia, hypercapnia, compression, birth injuries or death. Overhydration with cramps as a result of the antidiuretic effect of oxytocin is serious complication and develops with prolonged administration of large doses (40-50 ml/min).

Treatment of overhydration: withdrawal of oxytocin, restriction of fluid intake, use of diuretics to increase diuresis, intravenous administration of hypertonic saline, correction of electrolyte imbalances, control of seizures with appropriate doses of barbiturates, and careful care of the comatose patient.

Drug interactions

When oxytocin is administered 3-4 hours after the use of vasoconstrictors together with caudal anesthesia, severe arterial hypertension is possible.

During anesthesia with cyclopropane, halothane, the cardiovascular effect of oxytocin may change with unexpected development arterial hypotension, sinus bradycardia and rhythm from the atrioventricular node in a woman in labor during anesthesia.

Pregnancy and lactation

In the first trimester of pregnancy, oxytocin is used only for spontaneous or induced abortions. Numerous data on the use of oxytocin, its chemical structure And pharmacological properties indicate that if the instructions for use are followed, oxytocin does not affect the formation of fetal malformations.

IN small quantities passes into breast milk.

When using the drug to stop uterine bleeding, breastfeeding can be started only after completing the course of treatment with oxytocin.


In women giving birth

From the outside reproductive system: with large doses or hypersensitivity - uterine hypertension, spasm, tetany, uterine rupture; increased bleeding in the postpartum period as a result of oxytocin-induced thrombocytopenia, afibrinogenemia and hypoprothrombinemia, sometimes hemorrhage in the pelvic organs. With careful medical monitoring during labor, the risk of postpartum bleeding is reduced.

From the outside cardiovascular system: at high doses - arrhythmia, ventricular extrasystole, severe hypertension (in the case of using vasopressor drugs), hypotension (when used simultaneously with the anesthetic cyclopropane), reflex tachycardia, shock, if administered too quickly - bradycardia, subarachnoid hemorrhage.

From the outside digestive system: nausea, vomiting.

From the side of water-electrolyte metabolism: severe overhydration with prolonged intravenous administration (usually at a rate of 40-50 mU/min) with a large number fluids (antidiuretic effect of oxytocin), with a 24-hour slow infusion of oxytocin, overhydration may be accompanied by convulsions and coma; rarely - death.

From the immune system: anaphylaxis and other allergic reactions, with too rapid administration, bronchospasm; rarely - death.

In the fetus or newborn

As a consequence of the administration of oxytocin to the mother - a low Apgar score at the 1st and 5th minute, hyperbilirubinemia in newborns, with too rapid administration - a decrease in the level of fibrinogen in the blood, hemorrhage in the retina; as a consequence of contractile activity of the uterus - sinus bradycardia, tachycardia, ventricular extrasystole and other arrhythmias, changes in the central nervous system, fetal death as a result of asphyxia.

Storage conditions and periods

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature of 2-15 °C, protected from light, out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.


Oxytocin is intended to induce labor and stimulate labor.

  • induction of labor in late and early stages of pregnancy,
  • if early delivery is necessary due to gestosis,
  • Rhesus conflict,
  • early or premature rupture of fetal membranes and expulsion amniotic fluid,
  • as well as in post-term pregnancy (more than 42 weeks),
  • intrauterine growth retardation,
  • intrauterine fetal death.
  • stimulation of labor in case of primary or secondary weakness of labor in the first and second stages of labor.

Oxytocin is also used for the prevention and treatment of hypotonic bleeding after childbirth and abortion, during caesarean section (after the birth of the child and placenta separation), to accelerate postpartum involution and as a complementary therapy in case of incomplete or failed (inevitable) abortion.


  • presence of contraindications for vaginal birth (for example,
  • presentation or prolapse of the umbilical cord,
  • complete or partial placenta previa,
  • narrow pelvis (discrepancy between the sizes of the fetal head and the woman’s pelvis),
  • transverse or oblique position of the fetus,
  • preventing spontaneous delivery,
  • emergency,
  • requiring surgical intervention situations,
  • caused by the condition of the mother or fetus,
  • state of fetal distress long before the terminal stages of pregnancy,
  • long-term use for uterine inertia,
  • severe gestosis (high blood pressure,
  • renal dysfunction)
  • hypertonicity of the uterus (not arising during childbirth),
  • sepsis,
  • heart disease,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • renal dysfunction,
  • facial presentation of the fetus; excessive distension of the uterus,
  • fetal compression).
  • increased sensitivity to oxytocin.

Special instructions

Before starting to use oxytocin, the expected benefits of therapy should be weighed against the possibility, albeit small, of developing hypertension and uterine tetany.

Until the fetal head is inserted into the pelvic inlet, oxytocin cannot be used to stimulate labor.

Each patient receiving intravenous oxytocin should be in the hospital under constant supervision by experienced specialists experienced in using the drug and recognizing complications. If necessary, immediate assistance from a medical specialist must be provided. To avoid complications during use of the drug, you should constantly monitor uterine contractions, cardiac activity of the woman in labor and the fetus, blood pressure of the woman in labor. If there are signs of uterine hyperactivity, oxytocin administration should be stopped immediately, as a result of which uterine contractions caused by the drug usually subside soon.

At adequate application Oxytocin causes uterine contractions similar to spontaneous labor. Excessive stimulation of the uterus with misuse The drug is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Even with adequate use of the drug and appropriate monitoring, hypertensive uterine contractions occur with increased sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin.

The risk of developing afibrinogenemia and increased blood loss should be taken into account.

There are known cases of death of a woman in labor as a result of hypersensitivity reactions, subarachnoid hemorrhage, uterine rupture and fetal death due to various reasons related to parenteral administration a drug for induction of labor and stimulation of labor in the first and second stages of labor.

As a result of the antidiuretic effect of oxytocin, overhydration may develop, especially when using a constant infusion of oxytocin and ingesting fluids.

The drug can be diluted in solutions of sodium lactate, sodium chlorate and glucose. The prepared solution should be used within the first 8 hours after its preparation. Compatibility studies were carried out with 500 ml infusions.

The effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car and operate machinery that involves increased risk injuries

Oxytocin does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate machinery, the operation of which is associated with an increased risk of injury.

Use for renal impairment

If there are contraindications for vaginal delivery (including impaired renal function), the drug should not be used.

Use for liver dysfunction

Data on the use of the drug in patients with impaired liver function are not provided.

A drug such as Oxytocin is simply necessary in medicine.

If necessary, it is used for uterine bleeding, to induce labor and in many other cases.

Today we will talk about its properties, mechanism of action, pros and cons.

Pharmacological action

The drug Oxytocin contains the hormone of the same name, which is produced in the hypothalamus and accumulates in the pituitary gland. By its nature, it is a protein substance and is capable of activating the contractile activity of the uterus before and during childbirth.

Now in pharmacology, synthetically produced oxytocin is used, which has already been purified from other hormones, unlike natural one. This allows you to focus better electoral activities drug Oxytocin on the myometrium. The synthetic substance is free of proteins, therefore it is used without danger even for intravenous injections.

The drug acts on myomeric cells

The effect of the drug Oxytocin is a special effect on myomeric cells, after which they become more excitable and susceptible to potassium ions.

Due to this effect, the quality of the frequency and duration of uterine contractions improves.

Also, the use of the drug Oxytocin has a positive effect on the secretion of breast milk, due to the increased production of prolactin. The drug has an unexpressed antidiuretic effect and has little effect on changes in blood pressure.

The drug Oxytocin begins to act immediately after intravenous administration, and after intramuscular administration, after 3-5 minutes. In the first case, the effect lasts about 1 hour, and in the second - from half an hour to 3 hours. The partial elimination time is 1-6 minutes, which depends on the individuality of the woman’s body. Oxytocin is excreted through the kidneys.

Composition and release form

The drug Oxytocin is mostly produced in the form of a ready-made solution in ampoules.

1 ml contains 5 IU of oxytocin. There are 5 ampoules in a package.

You can also find the drug in tablet form.

Indications for use

The drug Oxytocin is used in the following cases:

  • Inducing childbirth for medical reasons;
  • Stimulation of labor;
  • During a caesarean section;
  • Atony of the uterus and bleeding associated with this phenomenon;
  • Insufficient uterine involution;
  • Lochiometer.

The drug Oxytocin is also used to terminate pregnancy.


In some situations, using the drug Oxytocin is life-threatening, so it is better to avoid it when:

  1. There is hypersensitivity to any component;
  2. The patient suffers from high blood pressure;
  3. There are disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  4. Possible uterine rupture;
  5. The size of the fetus is larger than the mother's pelvis;
  6. There are scars on the uterus;
  7. The fruit is in a transverse or oblique position;
  8. The woman's pelvis is narrowed;
  9. There is a suspicion of premature placental abruption;
  10. There is placenta previa;
  11. Intrauterine fetal hypoxia has occurred;
  12. There are uterine contractions of a hypertensive nature;
  13. Severe preeclamptic toxemia developed.

Side effects

Using the drug in solution form may cause adverse reactions not only in the woman, but also in the fetus, which is reflected in more detail in the table.

A woman exhibits:

No.Organ system nameAdverse reactions from the drug
1 Hematopoietic and lymphatic systems- Thrombocytopenia;
- Factor I deficiency;
- Hypotrombinemia.
2 Immune system - Excessive sensitivity to components;
- Anaphylactic shock.
3 Gastrointestinal tract and metabolism- Nausea/vomiting;
- Overhydration.
4 Nervous system- Dizziness;
- Headache.
5 Cardiovascular system- Arrhythmia;
- Bradycardia;
- Reflex tachycardia;
- Ventricular extrasystole;
- Decreased blood pressure/increased blood pressure.
6 Reproductive system and mammary glands- Hemorrhage into the pelvic organs;
- Uterine cramps.
7 Complications- Death in childbirth;
- Bleeding after childbirth;
- Uterine hypertonicity;
- Uterine rupture.

The child/fetus exhibits:

Drug interactions

Oxytocin and Ftorotan

The drug in the form of a solution enhances the vasoconstrictor effect of sympathomimetics.

You need to be careful when combining the drug Oxytocin with Ftorotan or Cyclopropane because arterial hypotension may occur.

Inhalation anesthesia weakens the effect of Oxytocin solution on uterine contractility, and prostaglandins enhance it.

Oxytocin and alcohol

Drugs as serious as Oxytocin should not be combined with alcoholic drinks.

Dosage and overdose

The dose of the drug is determined by the doctor. In case of an overdose in a woman and, if possible, the fetus, any adverse reactions from the drug Oxytocin are intensified.

Useful video:

Instructions for use

The drug Oxytocin during childbirth is used in an amount of 0.5 to 2 IU, administered intramuscularly. The drug can be used at intervals of 30 or 60 minutes.

For intravenous use 5 IU of solution is diluted in 500 ml of glucose 5%.

To prevent bleeding after childbirth, Oxytocin is injected for three days in a row, 5 or 8 IU.

During a caesarean section, the solution is injected directly into the wall of the uterus, but only after the baby has been delivered. Dosage may vary from 3 to 5 IU.

Video on the topic:

How to inject Oxytocin? This drug can be administered intramuscularly, intravenously, into the vaginal wall, and even used intranasally to relieve symptoms before the onset of menstruation.

Many women claim that there is no discharge after Oxytocin. It is impossible to give a definite answer because it depends on the body of each woman. Some say that when using the drug in the form of a solution, there are no discharges, and they appear only after a course of the drug.

Most women note that discharge begins immediately after insertion. They are bloody and may have clots.

Shelf life and storage of the drug

The medicinal product in the form of a solution must be stored for no longer than 2 years from the date of manufacture at a temperature not lower than + 4 ̊ C and not higher than + 15 ̊ C.

Special instructions

At breastfeeding the drug Oxytocin promotes better lactation.

This medicine also used to facilitate childbirth in pets.

Video about the use of the drug in veterinary medicine:

Price of the drug in pharmacies

As for how much Oxytocin costs, there is no definite answer, since the price depends on the region and pharmacy chain. But for 1 package of 5 ampoules you need to pay an average of about 60 rubles. Tablets for at the moment not available in pharmacies, online only similar drugs in this form.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug Oxytocin is sold by prescription.

The drug Oxytocin is a means of increasing myometrial tone and contractile activity of the uterus. Thanks to these properties this drug widely used to stimulate labor, for example, when uterine contractions become too weak. We will find out in what other cases Oxytocin tablets are used and how to take this medicine correctly by reading this article.

Composition of the drug

For the most part, Oxytocin is produced as a solution for intramuscular as well as intravenous administration. 1 ml of such a solution contains 5 IU of the active substance of the same name. However, this drug is also available in tablet form.

Pharmacological action

It should be noted that oxytocin is synthetic analogue female hormone, interacting with receptors of the uterine myometrium. This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and acts on smooth muscles, thereby causing uterine contractions. Under the influence of Oxytocin, the excitability of the membranes increases, the blood supply to the uterus improves, which means contractions appear that are no different from ordinary spontaneous contractions. Besides, active substance This medicine stimulates the smooth muscles in the area of ​​the milk ducts, thereby activating the secretion of milk during lactation.

Indications for use

The most commonly described remedy is used in cases of post-term pregnancy, after 42 weeks. Oxytocin can also be prescribed in late pregnancy, when it is important to induce labor due to the development of gestosis. Primary or secondary weakness of labor also implies the introduction of this medication. In addition, Oxytocin can be used for such pathological conditions, such as Rh conflict, discharge of amniotic fluid, internal death of the fetus, or intrauterine developmental delay. True, in all these cases this drug is used in the form of a solution. Doctors often prescribe oxytocin tablets to improve uterine contractions after childbirth or after an abortion, which helps prevent bleeding from the uterus.

Oxytocin during abortion

Many girls and women are interested in whether the drug Oxytocin is used to terminate pregnancy? Gynecologists respond to this that this remedy is not used for these purposes; for this, specialists choose other medications, for example, Misoprostol or Mifepristone. Oxytocin shows its effectiveness only from the 14th week of pregnancy, and it can be prescribed for abortion only after medications that prepare the cervix for dilatation.

Dosage of the drug

To stimulate labor standard dose Oxytocin is a 5 mIU medication. In the postpartum period, this medication is administered at a dose of 5 mIU immediately after separation of the placenta. In case of incomplete or failed abortion, the medicine is administered intravenously, for which 10 IU/ml of this drug is added to saline solution. Oxytocin tablets are taken one tablet twice a day.

Contraindications of the drug

It is worth noting that Oxytocin is contraindicated in cases of partial or complete placenta previa, arterial hypertension, heart disease, kidney dysfunction, fetal compression, excessive stretching of the uterus, as well as in case of emergency that require surgical intervention. This drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Side effects

Oxytocin - enough powerful tool, which can cause some side effects such as hypertension or even uterine rupture. In some cases, this remedy may increase bleeding. The immune system when taking medications can respond with bronchospasm, as well as some allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock. That is why it is prohibited to prescribe this drug on your own. Good health to you!


What is Oxytocin? Wikipedia gives the following definition: oxytocin is a hormone hypothalamus . Here the hormone is produced and travels along the axons of neurons of the hypothalamic pituitary tract to the posterior lobe pituitary gland , which serves as a reservoir.

The hormone oxytocin is a protein in nature. It has the ability to stimulate contractions of the uterine muscles at the end of pregnancy and the entire period of labor until delivery. In general, it regulates behavioral responses associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

Currently obtained synthetically. Synthetic, unlike natural, does not contain admixtures of other hormones, therefore it has a more selective effect on the myometrium. Since the drug is free of proteins, it can be used intravenously without fear of anaphylactic effects. The mechanism of action is related to the effect on cells myometrium : membrane permeability for potassium ions increases and excitability increases. The frequency and duration of uterine contractions increases. Stimulates milk secretion, enhancing hormone production (lactogenic hormone) and increasing the contraction of cells of the lactating mammary gland. Has an unexpressed antidiuretic effect. Has virtually no effect on blood pressure.


After intravenous administration, the effect appears immediately and gradually decreases (up to 1 hour); with intramuscular administration, the effect appears after 3–5 minutes and lasts from 30 minutes to 3 hours. The effect is individual, which is explained by the density of oxytocin receptors in muscle cells uterus. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal mucosa. Protein binding is about 30%. T ½ 1-6 minutes, this period is shortened in late pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Metabolized in the liver and kidneys. Excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

  • excitation And stimulation of labor ;
  • labor induction By medical indications (Rhesus conflict , , post-term pregnancy , intrauterine fetal death, premature passage water);
  • prevention of bleeding after or after curettage;
  • incomplete abortion ;
  • acceleration of uterine contractions in the early postpartum period;
  • increased contraction of the uterus during (injection is performed after removal of placenta);
  • premenstrual syndrome, which is accompanied by edema and weight gain;
  • hypolactation after childbirth.


  • increased sensitivity;
  • high blood pressure ;
  • severe disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • impending uterine rupture ;
  • discrepancy between the sizes of the fetus and the pelvis of the woman in labor;
  • availability postoperative scars on the uterus;
  • transverse and oblique position of the fetus;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • suspicion of placental abruption ahead of time;
  • placenta previa;
  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia ;
  • hypertensive contractions of the uterus;
  • heavy preeclamptic toxemia .

Side effects

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions;
  • and bradycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • urinary retention;
  • excessive labor, which leads to premature placental abruption and the risk of uterine rupture;
  • subarachnoid bleeding e;
  • decline fibrinogen in the fetus;
  • neonatal jaundice .

Oxytocin injections, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug in injection form is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Instructions for use of Oxytocin

During childbirth, 0.5-2.0 IU of oxytocin is used intramuscularly to induce labor. Injections can be repeated every 30-60 minutes. If there is a need for drip administration of the drug, then 1 ml (5 IU) is diluted in 500 ml of 5% glucose solution. First, inject at a rate of 5-8 drops per minute, then, depending on labor activity, increase the speed to a maximum of 40 drops per minute.

With a purpose prevention of bleeding after childbirth on the first day, 5-8 IU is prescribed intramuscularly three times a day for 3 days. During a caesarean section, injections of 3-5 IU are given into the wall of the uterus (after the fetus is removed). An overdose of oxytocin during childbirth can cause jaundice of newborns , conditioned drug hemolysis .

Instructions for use for animals

Exists veterinary drug, which contains 5 or 10 units in 1 ml oxytocin . In veterinary medicine, it is used for prolonged labor in animals, retained placenta, postpartum uterine bleeding, and for the treatment endometritis , agalactia (lack of milk) and mastitis .

One-time use: dogs administered - 5-10 units depending on weight, cats - 2-3 units. For quick effect practiced intravenous administration on a glucose solution, in this case the dose is reduced by 30%. Maybe reintroduction, however, the response to the drug decreases with each administration.

Oxytocin for abortion

Oxytocin has abortifacient - causes contractions and provokes miscarriage. Its use for this purpose is permissible for periods of up to 4-5 weeks, but more often gynecologists use And .

Oxytocin is also used during pregnancy from 14 weeks during induced abortion for medical reasons (frozen pregnancy, developmental defects in the child). The drug is injected into the cervix after administration Mifepristone And Misoprostol , if the miscarriage was not complete or with an incomplete spontaneous miscarriage, but more often they are carried out intravenous infusions. However, in the second trimester the drug often causes hypertonicity of the uterus . Even with adequate use, hypertensive contractions of the uterus can occur due to its increased sensitivity to oxytocin.

Medical abortion carried out only in medical institution under medical supervision, control contractile function uterus and general condition women. The doctor must make sure that ovum came out of the uterine cavity. In addition, the procedure is dangerous due to bleeding.

The dosage of Oxytocin for termination of pregnancy is determined by the doctor, since the frequency of uterine contractions and their duration depend on it. Women who have , abnormalities of the uterus , scars on the neck termination of pregnancy Oxytocin contraindicated.


It manifests itself as symptoms of uterine hyperstimulation, which leads to tetanic contractions, rupture, and bleeding. The fetus has bradycardia , hypoxia And asphyxia , birth injuries.

If symptoms of overdose appear, immediately stop administering the drug, reduce fluid administration, prescribe diuretics, hypertensive saline solutions, barbiturates.


The drug potentiates the vasoconstrictor effect of sympathomimetics. Use with caution with And , as the risk increases arterial hypotension .

Inhalation agents For weaken its effect on the uterus. Prostaglandins enhance its stimulating effect. Use with MAO inhibitors poses a risk arterial hypertension .

Terms of sale

Dispensed by prescription.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 4-15° C.

Best before date


Oxytocin-Vial , Oxytocin-Ferein , Oxytocin-Grindeks , Oxytocin-Richter , Oxytocin-MEZ , Pitocin , Syntocinon .

Vasopressin and Oxytocin

This is also a hormone synthesized by neurons of the hypothalamic nuclei, like oxytocin. In their structure they have much in common, but they have different physiological effect. Vasopressin, or antidiuretic hormone , renders antidiuretic And vasoconstrictor effects . Main function- increased reabsorption of water in the kidneys during a decrease in blood pressure or circulating blood volume.

Reviews about Oxytocin

Oxytocin - what is it? Oxytocin is the “love hormone”; it is not for nothing that it is called that, since increased levels are determined in women and men during the period of falling in love. It helps to strengthen emotional and sexual affection and tenderness between representatives of different sexes. This has been repeatedly proven in studies: injection of a nasal spray leads to increased sexual desire, improved sex life. In addition, it is called the “elixir of trust.” Persons with increased level of this hormone, they are inclined to trust other people, become more kind and open.

Especially high level hormone is produced in women at the time of childbirth - this condition can be called an “oxytocin explosion”. Thus, when feeding, oxytocin is produced, since the sucking reflex contributes to its formation. This speeds up uterine contractions and reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. The hormone helps strengthen the bond between mother and baby and determines the maternal instinct, increased care and tenderness towards the child. A slightly smaller “explosion” of oxytocin is observed during orgasm.

An interesting fact is that a nasal spray containing oxytocin reduces appetite and desire for food. fatty foods. The researchers found that the volunteers consumed less food after using the spray. Research is currently ongoing into the effect of oxytocin on the brain activity of autistic children. Because activation of those areas of the brain that are depressed in these children was detected.

Another study noted similar effects of alcohol and oxytocin on human behavior. acting on various receptors, they cause similar changes GABA in limbic structures, which are responsible for the perception of stress and anxiety. This hormone reduces feelings of anxiety and fear, but on the other hand, it provokes rash actions and causes aggressive and risky behavior.

What foods contain oxytocin? Can it be replenished by eating? The hormone oxytocin is not contained in food, so it does not enter the body from the outside. It has only been established that eating dates stimulates its synthesis during pregnancy and childbirth. Taking dates, which contain more than 10 elements and a large amount of fructose, is recommended a few days before giving birth. Stimulate the release of this hormone by stroking and hugging, the pleasant voice of a partner, massage of the feet and earlobes.

For many years, the drug has been the most effective for stimulating weak labor, treating uterine bleeding, medicinal interruption pregnancy, therefore it is often used in obstetric and gynecological practice. Analyzing the reviews, we can conclude that the drug was indeed prescribed to many during and after childbirth. Some women experienced a sharp increase in contractions and, accordingly, pain, and some “did not respond” to the administration of the drug - this depends on individual sensitivity.

Now that we have figured out what it is, we have learned about the indications, contraindications and side effects as a preparation, it must be said that experimenting at home and trying to break early pregnancy Oxytocin not safe. In essence, this is a criminal abortion, and the consequences of using the drug for this purpose are unpredictable: loss of reproductive function, bleeding varying degrees and even death. In addition, it is impossible to purchase this drug at a pharmacy, since you need a prescription in Latin, written by a doctor. To preserve your health, use legal methods of terminating a pregnancy!

This drug is used for animals, and in this case you need to know what dosages are used in veterinary medicine. Questions about this are often asked on forums. Eat general rules use of the drug. It is used only after the birth of the first puppy or kitten, when the cervix is ​​dilated, otherwise it can cause uterine rupture. If it does not work, you cannot take a second dose. It is contraindicated to speed up labor by giving injections after the birth of each puppy. It is not recommended to give injections if the dog is pushing to no avail and you suspect that the puppy is “stuck”. During childbirth, 0.3-0.4 ml is injected intramuscularly into a cat; if there is weakness in labor and prolonged labor, there is doubt that not all kittens were born. If the drug was not used during childbirth, it is administered after the end of labor in a dose of 0.3 ml. The dosage for dogs is 1-2 ml depending on weight.

Oxytocin price, where to buy

You can buy the drug in Moscow at any pharmacy. The price of ampoules of Oxytocin 5 IU 1 ml No. 5 ranges from 54 rubles. up to 65 rub. Buy a spray as well Oxytocin in tablets (it is represented by the drug Desaminooxytocin , Demoxytocin , Sandopart ) is currently not possible.

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