How to deliver a dog. Pregnancy and childbirth in dogs

For dog owners, the birth of puppies is a joyful event that requires a responsible approach. In order to obtain healthy offspring, the owner is supposed to study information that helps determine the signs of the onset of predilection. labor activity, timely orientation, correct delivery. Incompetent people consider pets capable of handling the process on their own. This opinion is wrong. The constant presence of the owner of the house and the ability to help is extremely important. This especially applies to extremely small dogs or large breeds. A pregnant bitch needs care during every period. Similar to humans, childbirth is considered a highly stressful moment for four-legged friends.

How to prepare for your dog's birth

Preparatory stage – important point in childbirth. Try to discuss with your veterinarian in advance the possibility of a doctor visiting if necessary. If your dog is about to give birth for the first time, the presence of a doctor is vital.

Childbirth in dogs small breeds are more difficult and require the presence of a professional. In smaller bitches, pregnancy lasts 5-7 days less. Animals of large breeds produce offspring 50 times smaller than the mother, small ones - only 10. Moreover miniature dogs do not have strong bones.

1.5 weeks before the expected date, arrange a separate place, the dog should get used to it. Prepare a spacious, draft-proof box. Provide free access in order to help in time. Set up a separate box for newborn puppies. Think about where the dog family will live for the first time after birth. For the first 14 days, maintain the room temperature at approximately +28 degrees. Make sure that there are no significant changes; the bitch and puppies do not tolerate jumps well. After two weeks, gradually reduce the degrees closer to +20.

Give your dog a few hours of rest. There is no need to immediately start admiring the offspring.

What you will need during childbirth

If the birth will take place at home, or you plan to assist the veterinarian, wash and disinfect your hands and cut your nails short. Wear comfortable clothes (you'll have to throw them away later). You will need:

  • A large oilcloth and an old sheet to put under the dog;
  • Warmer;
  • Basin for soiled rags;
  • Thermometers: standard, veterinary and room;
  • Box for puppies;
  • Tray for sterilized medical instruments;
  • Syringes, pipettes, tweezers, scissors;
  • Cotton wool, sterile gauze wipes;
  • Silk sterile threads will be required for ligating the umbilical cord;
  • Scales;
  • Woolen threads of different colors - mark puppies;
  • Clock, notebook, pen (record the time of birth, appearance of puppies).

Prepare the following medications:

  1. Medical alcohol;
  2. Glucose 5% in ampoules;
  3. Hydrogen peroxide;
  4. Traumeel;
  5. Syntomycin ointment 10%;

If labor has begun ahead of schedule, additional medications will be needed. Before labor begins, thoroughly wash the dog’s genitals and abdominal area, and trim the hair there shorter. Trim your long mustache and beard so as not to interfere with the umbilical cord biting.

Signs of labor in bitches

The process of giving birth to puppies is conventionally divided into three stages: preparatory, when the birth canal opens, contractions, the birth of puppies and placenta.

Signs of childbirth in a dog are manifested in a change in behavior. A pregnant bitch is worried, rushes about, digs, and does not sit in one place. The first dogs try to hide from the light. The second ones become affectionate, do not leave the owner, as if asking for help. Sometimes dogs refuse to take food or, on the contrary, eat a lot. At such moments, the animal needs care, supervision, and support from the owner.

A dog before giving birth becomes restless due to enlargement inside abdominal cavity. Weak painful contractions begin. In addition to changes in the behavior of the pet, there are external changes. The stomach sags down. Pits are visible on the sides. During the first birth, signs are not required. Within a day, discharge of a white or grayish hue appears, with a thick sticky structure. The heart rate becomes rapid, the dog trembles, and breathes rapidly.

The most important indicator of the imminent onset of labor is considered to be a decrease in body temperature from the usual 38-39 to 37 degrees. Just before birth, puppies stop moving.

Note the length of the preparatory period. The norm is from 2-3 hours to a day. If labor does not start on time, there are no contractions, immediately call a doctor.

Labor and delivery

Preparations for childbirth end, intense contractions begin. In a giving birth, the uterus and abdominal muscles contract. The dog lies down on its right side, tries to rest its paws on the wall of the box, with its back facing the opposite side. This makes it easier to bear the strain. After each attempt, the dog relaxes, breathes heavily, and looks empty. At times the dogs scream.

The onset of labor is accompanied by withdrawal amniotic fluid. Most often, the water bubble bursts on its own; in some cases, the dog breaks it itself. Water flows out of the burst bladder and washes the birth canal. Do not confuse the bubble with those that contain a separate puppy! You cannot tear the film yourself!

From the moment your water breaks until the birth of your first child, a maximum of three hours passes. With the correct course of the process, after the water breaks, labor intensifies, contractions become stronger and longer. The bitch tries to rest and gain strength for the decisive moment. The birth of puppies is accompanied by strong painful sensations, the abdomen and diaphragm contract intensely.

Puppies appear in any position, tail or face forward, it does not matter. If contractions started 2.5 hours ago, and the first puppy is not there, the animal urgently needs the help of a veterinarian! If timely assistance is not provided, the dog and offspring may die.

How to help a dog during childbirth

The owner must see when help is needed. Puppies are born in separate membranes (bubbles), which the dog often chews on its own, freeing the puppy. If the mother does not follow through, try to quickly remove the puppy. If the puppy does not move or breathe, it is necessary to clean the nose and mouth, removing the liquid so that breathing can begin.

Help is required if the bitch does not bite the umbilical cord on her own. Speed ​​is important, quickly express the blood in the umbilical cord towards the base, pinch with your fingers, stepping back 2-3 centimeters from the puppy’s belly, make a second grab at a similar distance and break the umbilical cord. If blood appears, tie the umbilical cord with alcohol-soaked silk thread.

Keep the dog and puppies in a warm, quiet place, away from prying eyes. Bloody mucous discharge after childbirth will gradually disappear. If the discharge turns greenish and stinks, take your dog to the vet. Abundant bleeding signal that the bitch needs the presence of a doctor. The next estrus in dogs after the birth of offspring occurs 4 months later.

Giving birth to puppies is a tiring process for a dog. Competent, timely assistance to your four-legged friend will make childbirth the least painful.

A bitch should be helped during childbirth only when she needs it or there is a protracted labor or pathology. In such cases, it is possible to resort to a caesarean section. Prolonged labor can occur due to improper mating, large puppies with a bitch with few births, pathology in a bitch or dog.

An example of the birth of a certain bitch:

  1. 18.40 – water breaks;
  2. 19.50 – the first bubble comes out yellow= 4cm diameter;
  3. 20.50 – the second bubble comes out, black and burgundy = 3 cm in diameter;
  4. 21.50 – the third bubble comes out, white – matte = 4 cm in diameter;
  5. 22.40 the fourth bubble comes out light - white= 3cm diameter.

The duration of labor can be determined by the release of bubbles. If the bubbles come out one after another, the birth will be difficult and long. The bitch must bite through each bubble, but perhaps she does not have enough strength for everything, then each bubble should be put on a loop sequentially, then it will come out easier and the bitch will bite through it herself.
Also, the bitch may become completely weak, her contractions and pushing will disappear, the puppy will not move towards the exit, then, in as a last resort, you can help her yourself. Of course, it would be better to call a veterinary clinic, since unauthorized assistance is very dangerous. But if you decide, then you need to do everything one by one:

  1. Wash your hands with soap, middle finger lubricate with 10% syntomycin emulsion and carefully palpate the bitch inside. By this time, all the bubbles should come out of it;
  2. It is necessary to feel the presentation of the puppy; if he walks with his head and the head can pass during contractions, then it is necessary to create contractions. To do this, you should administer an injection of no-shpa 0.2 ml, and after 20 minutes an injection of oxytocin. To administer oxytocin, you need to know the dose of administration to avoid uterine rupture, which can lead to the death of the bitch. For example, it weighs 2 kg, which means the dose should be 0.2 ml. 0.1 ml of oxytocin and 1.0 ml of water are drawn into an injection syringe, 0.5 ml (half of the syringe) is injected subcutaneously;
  3. After 20 minutes, contractions may appear and the puppy will move towards the exit. It is necessary to prop it under the head, lead it to the exit with your left hand, and with your right hand pull the loop of the bitch’s vagina over the puppy’s head and hold it. Then grab the head with your left hand and hold it, with your right hand instantly take the prepared napkin nearby and use it to pull the puppy out of the bitch’s loop quickly, while pushing, in order to catch the time during contractions, not to miss the puppy and the placenta and pull them at the same time in the direction under bitch belly. The puppy should be held only with a napkin, and not with bare hands, as it can slip back into the vagina;
  4. When you pull out the first puppy along with the afterbirth, you need to remove the membrane from it, wipe the nose, mouth, until dry, cut off the umbilical cord by 4 cm, and cut the afterbirth into pieces. The bitch must eat the afterbirth;
  5. The puppy should be shaken upside down so that any remaining liquid comes out. respiratory tract. Then let the bitch suck on the colostrum and coffee, and then feel the outside of the belly. When you are sure that the puppy is there, you need to palpate it to determine its presentation. The puppy may be large and present with its head towards the exit. You should give a second injection of no-spa 0.2, and after 20 minutes oxytocin with water, the second half that remains in the syringe from the first injection;
  6. IN certain time the second puppy will be born. It is necessary to perform all the same operations as with the first puppy. When the bitch eats the placenta, she must be given tea with milk, into which 0.5 ml of 10% calcium gluconate is poured;
  7. After some time, give the bitch an injection of no-spa with oxytocin to cleanse the uterus and 0.1 ml of diet to reduce bleeding. After this, palpate the inside again, using syntomycin emulsion to understand that everything is clean inside;
  8. The bitch should diarrhea after eating two placentas on the first day after giving birth. On the second day loose stool stops, but there is a black color from the afterbirth. On the third day the stool is normal, light color, since the bitch is on a milk diet;
  9. The diet from the first day should consist of rice porridge with whole milk and 15 cream. After the stool has returned to normal, you should not give her any more rice, but it is better to feed her an omelet with cottage cheese and give her milk.

No matter how much we would like it, not all births occur without complications. Even if the first few births for a bitch went without difficulties, complications may arise during subsequent ones. Birth pathologies can be different character: some may be associated with individual characteristics physiological structure dogs, and others - with the unacceptable position of puppies in the uterus, with their death, etc.

All pathologies of Spitz birth can be divided into 2 types:

  • those that arise from a cause dependent on the mother dog, and
  • those that occur for a reason dependent on the puppy.

Pathologies can also be divided according to the principle of assistance provided:

  • those complications that the dog owner himself can help with;
  • those complications that require the intervention of a veterinarian exclusively (complications that are more dangerous to health and life).

It is impossible to predict how events will develop: during the course of labor, various emergency situations may arise, some not very scary, and some requiring qualified assistance veterinarian.

That is why, in order not to tempt fate, During childbirth, it is advisable to have a doctor present , especially if the dog is whelping for the first time, if it is out of condition (overfed, excessively skinny) or “aged”. The best thing is to invite a specialist to your home: here the dog will feel comfortable and confident, and will not experience unnecessary stress, but you can (of course, in advance) assign the Pomeranian to the veterinary hospital.

If you did not invite a veterinarian to the birth, and complications arose during whelping, be sure to call a doctor at home as soon as possible! Since transporting a giving birth dog to a veterinary hospital is an extremely dangerous event for the life of the dog itself and for its offspring.

When it is not possible to call a veterinarian

It is possible that there are situations when there is absolutely no way to call a veterinarian at home. In this case, the dog owner may be required to provide medical care that he would not otherwise be responsible for providing. But it is worth paying due attention to the fact that, whatever the circumstances, the dog breeder must not use any tools. Medical instruments in the hands of an inexperienced person they can turn into the worst enemy for a giving birth dog and its offspring! It would be very helpful if you had a list of phone numbers on hand first veterinary care and the veterinarian’s phone number - they will be able to advise you in this situation.

Poor circulation in a pregnant dog

In the case of multiple pregnancy, the dog may experience a complete loss of strength, or so-called collapse, already a week before giving birth. In this condition, the dog is inactive and spends most of its time lying down with its hind legs extended back, breathing heavily. This happens because the huge uterus compresses not only neighboring internal organs (liver, spleen, lungs), but also large blood vessels, causing the dog's blood pressure to drop and blood supply internal organs is violated.

If your dog's behavior matches the description of symptoms this complication Without wasting time, call a veterinarian. If there are no more than 7 days left before the expected whelping date, C-section- the best thing you can do in this situation.

Here are some most common complications that occur in Spitz dogs during childbirth.

Large puppy, puppy without signs of life, incorrect presentation of the puppy

If 2-3 hours have passed since the start of contractions, the bitch makes intense attempts, but the puppy does not show up, the reason for this may be the reasons listed above.

In such a situation, you need to understand that one delayed puppy can cause the death of the remaining puppies in the bitch’s uterus. Most often it happens that after a difficult birth of the first puppy, the rest are born without difficulties, provided that the bitch was given help and she did not waste her strength on fruitless attempts to push the puppy out.

If during delivery you notice signs that at least somehow indicate that the puppy is delayed, call a doctor immediately.

Since the signs in all these cases are quite similar, only a specialist can understand what exactly happened. After finding the cause of the complication, the doctor will first make the necessary injection and watch: if the puppy does not appear after the assistance provided, he will decide on the need for a cesarean section. And the faster the bitch receives help, the greater the chance that subsequent puppies will survive.

It is very important to provide first aid in a timely manner , because a retained fetus, if it is already dead within 24 hours, is a huge source of infection that threatens the health of the bitch. How longer time it will spend in the dog’s body, the more it will worsen its condition, which will lead to the fact that the bitch will not be able to feed her cubs in the best case, or will die in the worst case.

If contractions and pushing continue for 2 hours, you need to check Has the puppy reached the exit into the bitch’s pelvis and is it moving further along the birth canal?.

You can tell if the baby is in the pelvis by feeling the dog’s belly. To do this, place your hand under her stomach so that thumb was on one side of the abdomen, and the rest were on the other. Try to carefully feel the puppy through the dog’s skin and thereby determine its location. You also need to feel the dog’s perineum with your free hand: do you feel something hard under it, and also understand whether the puppy’s head has passed through the pelvic opening.

Next, you should make sure that the baby does not move along the birth canal towards the vagina. You need to cut and file your nails, wash your hands very well and treat them with an antiseptic such as synthomycin emulsion, for example. Then gently insert your finger (little finger) into the bitch's loop until you feel the puppy. Take a break for 20 minutes and repeat the procedure. Draw a conclusion about whether the position of the fetus has changed or not. If the puppy remains in the same place, immediately call a veterinarian or, if this is impossible, immediately call an emergency veterinarian.

Large puppy

If the puppy is happy large Regarding the size of the birth canal, during childbirth problems arise with the movement of such a puppy along the birth canal. There are complications associated with large size puppy, in which the puppy can only appear slightly from the loop and no longer moves out. In such cases, the dog can be given helping hand. You should first take all precautions: cut your nails and file them, wash your hands thoroughly and lubricate them with an antiseptic (pre-prepared syntomycin emulsion). Then proceed directly to help: insert your finger into the dog's loop so that you can hook the puppy. During the beginning of the wave, push as gently as possible, but at the same time strongly pull the puppy in an arc: towards you and down.

Dead puppy

If during pushing the puppy begins to show itself, and you are absolutely sure that he shows no signs of life, during the next series of pushing you need to try to pull the puppy out. This is important so that the remaining puppies are born alive and do not suffocate in birth canal, being detained dead.


During whelping, only two presentations of the fetus are considered normal - cephalic and pelvic. With a cephalic presentation, the puppy passes through the birth canal head first, and with a breech presentation, accordingly, with the pelvis.

One of the abnormal presentations of a puppy is cervical presentation. This means that the puppy's head is turned inward, and he approaches the pelvic opening of the bitch with his neck. This position of the puppy prevents its smooth exit from the vagina.

The sooner the veterinarian understands the reason for the delay in labor, the greater the chance of saving the dog and its puppies.

Stuck Puppy

Complications during whelping can occur even if the puppy is presented correctly. One such complication is a stuck puppy. It may happen that during childbirth, the puppy emerges halfway from the bitch’s vagina... and stops, as if stuck: the bitch has a spasm of the vaginal muscles, and they have captured the puppy in a death grip.

In this situation, you cannot pull the puppy! This way you can damage it. You need to give the bitch an injection of an antispasmodic agent: 0.5 ml of no-shpa into the tubercle located just above the dog’s loop, or 1 ml intramuscularly. A few minutes after the injection, the spasm will disappear and the muscles will relax. If the puppy does not begin to move forward in the next series of pushes, you will need to assist the laboring dog. To do this, cut off the legs (if you have not done this before), wash your hands, treat them with syntomycin emulsion and try to insert your finger as carefully as possible either under the puppy or to the side of it. Try to help him get out by slightly pulling the puppy in an arc downward. Do not pull the puppy under any circumstances!

Narrow pelvis

The narrowness of the dog's birth canal can also cause complications. Reason narrow pelvis is either a deviation in anatomical structure dog skeleton, or transferred to childhood rickets or pelvic injuries. Although rickets is extremely rare, since there is huge amount special medications designed to protect the puppy from of this disease, it is worth keeping in mind that this deviation does occur.

If you have reason to think that your dog may have a narrow birth canal, conduct appropriate research, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, the right decision will refuse mating altogether.

If a dog gives birth with similar pathology, in the process of the bitch's attempts, the shells of the puppies appear for some time from the loop and disappear as soon as the series of attempts is completed. If the dog fails to give birth, she must have a caesarean section. Ineffective attempts and contractions not only tire the dog, but also have an extremely negative effect on the muscles of the birth canal: they become tired and swell, which can lead to rupture and prolapse of the vagina. Don't tempt fate: at the slightest suspicion this pathology Call a doctor, his help is needed!

Weak labor of the dog/absence of labor

This means that after long and fruitless efforts, the uterus becomes exhausted, contractions and accompanying efforts can either become very weak or stop altogether. This can occur both from the very beginning of labor and after the birth of several puppies.

Reasons there are dozens of problems: this is both substandard and old age, and insufficiency physical activity, and various past illnesses, and lack of vitamins, hernia and others. If you know that your dog has a hernia and you are planning to breed the dog, make sure to remove the hernia no later than six months before the planned breeding. Another reason for weakened labor may be a disorder in the hormonal balance of the bitch, which can be attributed to poor heredity. In dogs with similar deviations noted more frequent violation heat cycle compared to other dogs.

If you notice that the dog has no contractions or attempts (or they are very weak) for 12 hours, it is necessary to enhance labor artificially without the use of various stimulants.

Giving a dog such hormonal stimulants, such as oxytocin, would be a big mistake on the part of the dog owner. Injecting the drug before the cervix is ​​fully dilated or taking an excessive amount of it (read overdose) can lead to serious, even fatal, consequences for both the dog and the puppies. Hormonal stimulants are extremely strong drugs which can cause uterine wall rupture or uterine inversion.

Only a veterinarian can decide whether it is necessary to use it after determining that the bitch’s birth canal is fully dilated, that is, the cervix is ​​well dilated, that the bitch’s pelvis is not narrow, that the fetus normal size, located without anomalies, the dog itself looks and feels normal. Before giving an injection of a hormonal stimulant, the veterinarian decides on the need to administer a solution of calcium salts to stimulate contractions. After about 10-20 minutes, contractions will begin, and the puppies will appear quite quickly and easily.

If the use of a hormonal stimulant has no effect, the veterinarian will do so.

Sometimes, based on the results of examining the bitch, the doctor immediately decides on the need for a caesarean section without using a stimulator simply because it will not help in this situation: for example, if the size of the puppy does not correspond to the size of the pelvic opening.

Sometimes such complex and difficult births occur that a dose of a stimulant is necessary for the birth of each puppy. In such a situation, contractions become very strong, the uterus quickly becomes exhausted and stops responding to such injections.

So, you've changed your mind about giving your bitch a stimulant injection, but you can still help your beloved dog.

To stimulate labor before the birth of the first puppy, give your dog injections of the following medications:

  • 2-3ml ascorbic acid intramuscularly;
  • 5% glucose solution subcutaneously or intravenously (that is, using a dropper) at the rate of 5-10 ml for each kilogram of the dog’s weight;
  • 10% solution of calcium gluconate intramuscularly at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. The temperature of the infused liquids should be about 40 degrees Celsius.

Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly first; use exclusively disposable syringes, as well as alcohol to disinfect the injection site. When medication assistance provided, proceed to special massage the dog to enhance labor.

So, massage to intensify contractions:

  • Massage with light hand movements stomach bitches in the direction from head to tail. If you feel a wave of pushing along the dog’s stomach and sides, follow it with your hand, as if intensifying it.
  • After lubricating your hands with baby cream/vaseline/baby oil, use your index and thumb massage base of tail dogs and also a place between a dog's loop and its anus.
  • Helps stimulate labor nipple massage dogs, as well as pumping small quantity milk.
  • Internal vaginal massage. To do this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, trim your nails and file them well so as not to scratch the delicate mucous membrane, and lubricate the finger involved in the massage with synthomycin emulsion. In the vagina dwarf dogs, in particular, Pomeranians You cannot enter more than one finger! To perform a massage, insert your little finger into the vagina in a forward-upward direction and massage its walls, performing circular movements with your finger. With your other hand (or with the help of your assistant), simultaneously massage the dog's stomach in the direction from the ribs to the groin in rhythm with the pushing. At the moment when contractions appear, remove your finger from the vagina. If contractions do not appear within 3 minutes, stop stimulation and repeat it after 15-20 minutes.

If after carrying out all the described measures, as well as in the absence of results from drug therapy, the bitch cannot give birth, you need to immediately seek help from a veterinarian! Most likely, a caesarean section will not be possible.

Important! In addition to the fact that procedures for inserting a finger into a bitch’s vagina are extremely unpleasant for a dog, they are quite dangerous, since there is still a chance of introducing germs to the bitch’s mucous membrane. Therefore, this measure should only be resorted to in the most exceptional circumstances.

It also happens that contractions subside after the birth of one or more puppies.

Help in this situation is identical to that proposed for inducing labor before the birth of the first puppy, except that at this stage (that is, after the birth of one or more puppies), you can give the dog 1 ml of oxytocin IM, if your vet approves! Usually, after injection of the stimulant, the dog’s labor activity improves, as a result of which a puppy is born after 5-10 minutes. The administration of oxytocin can be repeated no earlier than 2 hours after the birth of the puppy and provided that the dog gives birth after the injection.

But, despite the use of a stimulant, a bitch is not always able to give birth without the intervention of a specialist. Therefore, if the simulator did not help the dog (she did not give birth), call the veterinarian immediately, because the bitch needs to have a caesarean section, and the sooner the better for everyone!

Absence of labor

If you notice that after the bitch’s water breaks, contractions do not appear for some time, that is, there is no labor at all, as soon as possible (no later than after 2 or, at most, 3 hours) contact your veterinarian for help! Do not leave the dog alone at this point because there is a very high possibility of death of the dog and puppies.

Reason the absence of contractions and pushing can be caused by adhesions formed after a previous cesarean section.

Inelastic soft tissue of the vagina (birth canal)

Such a problem is not a pathology, but distinguishing feature childbirth in dogs that are whelping for the first time. As soon as a bitch gives birth to her first puppy, this problem disappears. And in order to ensure a problem-free birth for the first puppy, you need, as with a dry birth, to use one that has been previously sterilized in a saucepan with water for 2 hours and cooled to room temperature. Vaseline oil. Lubricate the inside walls of your dog's vagina, then try to gently stretch the vaginal tissue, making it more elastic. Your hands should also be sterile (washed with soap and treated with alcohol), your nails should be cut short and filed.

If after this procedure the bitch cannot give birth to a puppy, carefully tear amniotic membrane puppy and slowly pull the puppy towards you in time with the attempts made by the bitch. Such childbirth is quite painful for the dog - it may squeal. But the pain ends with the birth of the first puppy, the rest of the babies are born easily and quickly.

The doctor present at the birth can make an incision on one of the dog's labia to help the new puppy and bitch being born. And since in open wound infection may occur, you should try to avoid surgical intervention during the birth process.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid, or “dry” labor

Sometimes during whelping the bitch's water breaks, but the puppy does not appear any time soon. Perhaps this is the so-called dry birth. The waters act as a natural lubricant for the puppy’s easy movement along the birth canal, and since they have left before the puppy is about to be born, it is necessary to compensate for this deficiency by lubricating the dog’s vagina with sterilized (of course, cooled) Vaseline oil.

Retained placenta (placenta with membranes)

The practice of dog breeding shows that it is often the release of the placenta that is delayed after the birth of the last puppy.

Within 2-5 hours after birth, the placenta may come out on its own. It is very important not to miss this moment! Do not leave the bitch alone, but while on a walk, carefully look to see if the placenta has passed, since it is very similar to dog excrement.

If the placenta does not pass away on its own within the specified time, it is necessary to provide assistance to the bitch first medical care . Give the dog an injection of 1 ml of oxytocin, then place it on its hind legs in the bath, start pouring warm water from the shower over the Spitz's belly, combining this with a belly massage with gentle movements from top to bottom.

Usually this procedure is quite sufficient to solve the problem of placenta retention.

The placenta remaining in the birth canal can lead to purulent inflammatory processes in the uterus ( metritis), and this is deadly!

If you have even the slightest doubt that the placenta has not passed away, you need to show the dog to a specialist. Qualified help consists of giving the bitch a special hormonal drug, causing contraction uterus, as a result of which the placenta soon comes out. Plus, the veterinarian will inject an antibiotic that prevents the development of infection.

Choke puppy, reviving weak puppies

In the case of complex and lengthy labor, in which the puppies remain in the mother’s birth canal longer than normal, a complication such as a “choked puppy” occurs. Having been born, such puppies seem dead: they do not move, do not squeak, have a thin and flat elongated body, often due to lack of oxygen they are bluish color, especially the muzzle and paws. But it is only at first glance that they seem unviable: if such a puppy is immediately given first aid, he can be revived. So there is no need to write off the puppy without trying to revive it for at least 10 minutes. Puppies that were born by caesarean section should also have artificial respiration and warming massage using heat. The fact is that they may have breathing problems due to the anesthetic that entered their body through the blood from the mother.

Resuscitation of a choking puppy

To start the process pulmonary respiration at weak puppy need to be carried out a whole series procedures:

1. Clearing the respiratory tract of mucus or liquid present in them.

To do this, first wipe the puppy's nose and mouth with clean gauze or cotton cloth, then securely fix the newborn with your hands (one - the neck and head, the other - the spine), lift it and shake it several times from top to bottom. The shaking movements can be compared to the movements made when chopping wood. Just be careful: the puppy may slip out of your hands - wipe it with a dry cloth or gauze.

It is advisable to perform this procedure on all born puppies without exception.

Then take the puppy by the tail upside down and, wrapping your lips around the puppy’s mouth and nose through a thin sterile diaper or gauze, suck out the liquid from the puppy’s mouth and nostrils and spit. Hold the puppy in this position for a few more seconds, then lower it and begin to perform the following recommendations on revival.

2. Intensely rub the scruff of the neck newborn baby against hair growth.

3. Pull the puppy's tongue out and onto its backside. part add 1 or 2 drops of valerian or cognac.

4. Ammonia can make a puppy take a breath: give it to the puppy sniff the drop ammonia on a piece of cotton wool.

5. If you manage to get the puppy to start breathing, but his breathing is uneven, you should resort to to artificial respiration. To do this, take the puppy with both hands so that it is located across your palms (the head should be in your right hand, and the tail is in the left) and as if hanging with its paws down, begin to bend and unbend the puppy in the direction of head to tail. Perform these movements ~20 times per minute. This procedure will normalize the breathing rhythm.

Squeezing will also help stimulate breathing and work the heart muscle. chest: place the puppy with its back down, for example, on your lap, and begin to lightly press on the puppy’s chest according to the pattern of 1 pressure per 1 second, accompanying artificial respiration by flexing and extending all the baby’s legs.

6. To revive puppies, energetic trituration puppy wrapped in a hot dry towel.

7. To stimulate breathing, follow this procedure: take the puppy in your hands and alternately turn it head down, then tail. During this procedure, the newborn’s lungs will either be compressed under the weight of the abdominal organs, or expand. Repeat these movements for approximately one minute at a rate of one inversion every three seconds.

8. If all of the above measures do not have the desired effect, you should resort to contrast baths. Prepare two containers with cold and hot water and begin to alternately place the puppy in one container, then in another so that the head remains above the surface of the water. Repeat several times.

If the puppy does not show signs of life after all resuscitation procedures, repeat everything from the beginning. Don't stop trying until the puppy does a good job. deep breath. But if within 15 minutes the newborn has not “come to his senses,” alas, you will not revive him. Also, you are unlikely to be able to revive a weak puppy with a white tongue, but it’s still worth a try.

All procedures to revive the puppy and stimulate pulmonary respiration should be carried out in sufficient time. warm place .

It often happens that it is the first puppy that ends up choking, and after its birth, subsequent puppies are born without problems and quite quickly. In this case, it may be more appropriate to sacrifice the first puppy to help the stronger living puppies.

Lively puppies remain weak at first and may find it difficult to suckle, so give them some time. special attention and help until they gain strength.

Summary: when a doctor is needed

Let's summarize and, in the form of abstracts, note those moments in which the presence of a doctor is strictly necessary, because it will help save the life of a giving birth dog and its offspring:

  • ineffective long-term (more than two hours) contractions and attempts. Be sensible and don't let your dog suffer for such a long period of time;
  • weak labor activity/absence of labor activity;
  • large puppy, malpresentation of the fetus, infertility;
  • prolonged gestation of puppies, that is, the absence of labor later than the scheduled due date (pregnancy more than 65-67 days);
  • the presence during pregnancy or the onset of labor of bloody, brown or green tint vaginal discharge;
  • not all the placenta passed away/puppies died during childbirth, while the dog’s body temperature exceeds 39.5 degrees Celsius;
  • you are not sure that the dog gave birth to all the puppies;
  • heavy breathing, a blank look, convulsions, copious bright scarlet discharge during childbirth, or abruptly stopped attempts - evidence of - Call a doctor immediately!
  • increasing weakness, pallor of the mucous membranes (tongue and gums), loss of consciousness may indicate strong internal bleeding - Call the clinic immediately!


Caesarean section is an operative surgery to open the walls of the uterus and remove the puppies.

If the doctor recommends a cesarean section, there is no need to be afraid, hesitate or procrastinate: a timely operation guarantees a favorable outcome for both the woman in labor and her offspring. Puppies born through this operation are often stronger than those born naturally.

This operation is quite safe and is a good alternative to difficult and lengthy labor. Of course, it also happens that the dog goes into shock or bleeds, leading to death. To prevent bleeding, the doctor may administer a special drug to the dog. It must be remembered that the risk of complications is greater, the stronger dog exhausted and exhausted to the limit with fruitless attempts to give birth.

In what cases should a caesarean section be used?

The need for a cesarean section is determined by the following reasons:

  • large puppy;
  • abnormal presentation of the puppy in the mother's birth canal;
  • defects in the structure of the dog’s pelvis, narrowness of the birth canal;
  • circulatory disorders in a pregnant bitch;
  • weak labor activity or its absence;
  • substandard (the dog is too fat or, conversely, an emaciated, physically weak dog).

Postoperative period

Make sure that the place where the Pomeranian will be after surgery is clean and warm enough. At first, until the dog recovers from anesthesia, keep the puppies separately, in another box. This is done for the safety of the puppies, because a dog regaining consciousness can accidentally run over them.

After surgery, complications such as bleeding, shock, and sepsis occur. But with a high degree of probability they can be avoided if you strictly follow all the recommendations of veterinarians.

Also very important inspect the wound daily: the wound should not be inflamed, only slight swelling of the edges of the suture is allowed; if you notice the opposite, immediately contact veterinary clinic. If the healing of the wound proceeds normally, without complications, then the sutures are usually removed already on the 9-10th day.

At the end of the birth, be sure to save one placenta; when the dog finally recovers from anesthesia, start giving her puppies one at a time, after wiping them with this same placenta - this way the bitch will accept the puppies more willingly; you can also use treats and other rewards for the success of the event. Plus, the bitch won’t be as nervous as if you put all the puppies next to her while she’s still quite painful stomach. After she accepts and licks the puppies, transfer them to the mother's nipples.

Despite the fact that the wound is painful, dogs still eagerly feed their offspring. In the case of a large litter, you need to help your pet for the first few days so that the dog has time to recuperate.

IN postoperative period it is important to comply light diet, and also be extremely careful while on a walk: the dog does not know that it has undergone surgery, so do not allow it to strain its abdominal muscles in various ways jumping, long walking or climbing stairs. This can cause the stitches to come apart and cause bleeding.

If this is the first birth in a dog’s life, she may behave a little inappropriately: after all, it’s a little strange for her where these babies came from. It sometimes happens (although rarely) that a dog can harm its puppies. If you notice strange behavior of a dog towards its puppies, it may be more advisable for the first day to place the puppies in a separate box with a heating pad, which will be nearby, but place the puppies near their mother only for feeding.

If possible, be constantly with your pet during the first few days - this way she will be calmer.

If the dog shows no interest in puppies at all, it may be sick. Call a doctor without delay!

In conclusion, it should be noted that a caesarean section in no way affects the further use of the Spitz in breeding work, and besides, next time your pet has every chance of giving birth on her own (provided that she has no abnormalities in the anatomy).

Umbilical cord separation

If the bitch has not bitten the umbilical cord, it can be easily torn. The umbilical cord has a section where it is weakened and often breaks itself in this very place. Most best case- when the umbilical cord is long enough and does not break during the birth of the puppy, and the placenta comes out with the puppy or immediately after it. In this case, you should first help the bitch free the puppy from the membranes and wipe it of mucus, only after that you can deal with the umbilical cord. The puppy should not be allowed to crawl, dragging the placenta along with him on the umbilical cord, as this may cause umbilical hernia. In general, you should constantly monitor during whelping that the umbilical cord of the newborn puppy does not stretch, especially jerkily - this will lead to the appearance of a hernia. If the umbilical cord is too short and the puppy is just able to get out of the loop, he can be left on the umbilical cord for a few minutes. You just need to make sure that it doesn’t stretch. In this position, the bitch will not be able to handle the puppy without damaging it, so the person delivering the birth will have to do everything. If the puppy was born with the placenta, but the umbilical cord is short, you should also not allow the bitch to chew through it, because she may bite the puppy.

Before separating the umbilical cord, you need to carefully milk the blood in it towards the puppy. This will be his last internal nourishment from his mother. There is no need to cut the umbilical cord - this usually causes slight bleeding, which weakens the puppy. If after the birth of the puppy the placenta is still in the birth canal, then, after squeezing out the blood, pinch part of the umbilical cord at the very loop of the bitch with medical surgical forceps. In this way, you can hold the placenta so that after the umbilical cord ruptures, it does not go back into the uterus. Now grab the umbilical cord with your big one and index fingers at a distance of 2-3 cm from the puppy’s belly, and the index and thumb the other hand is even further away from the puppy’s tummy, about 2-3 cm. Keep the hand farthest from the puppy completely still. With the hand closest to the puppy, pull the umbilical cord towards the puppy and it will immediately break. In this case, the blood vessels stretch and narrow, there will be no bleeding and there will be no need to tie the umbilical cord. There is also no need to use any antiseptic and, of course, never iodine!

If the umbilical cord is very strong, it can be partially cut and then severed. The incision must be made, of course, with sterile scissors, which have been boiled for at least five minutes. Many dog ​​breeders prefer to cut the umbilical cord, but this causes bleeding and you have to hold the end of the cut umbilical cord tightly between your fingers for several seconds to stop it. When the clamp does not help, you have to tie the umbilical cord - this must be done with sterile catgut or surgical silk thread. If the umbilical cord is separated correctly, there will never be a need for ligation.

If the puppy comes out without a shell, if he is covered in blood or green liquid, it is very important to clear his nose and mouth of this so that he can begin to breathe on his own as quickly as possible.

Most bitches whelp 15-30 minutes apart. Sometimes 4-6 puppies will be born one after the other and then if the litter is large there may be a 1-2 hour break before the next batch of puppies arrives. It often takes anywhere from a few hours to a full day to birth a litter of 12-14 puppies, and can sometimes take longer.

When the bitch is too exhausted after the birth of any puppy and refuses to lick and stimulate it, this should be done with the help of a hard, heated towel by the person delivering the baby.

A “rounded mommy” lives in your house, and you will soon become foster parent squeaking lumps, but you are worried and wondering how to properly deliver a dog? Don’t worry, childbirth is a natural process, and the “cheat sheet” below will help you understand the nuances.

Until maternity hospitals for dogs have been created, the owner has no special choice but to deliver a dog at home. 10 days before the expected birth, the pet moves to the “maternity ward”, the requirements are as follows:

  • A room or part of it is allocated for the birth and accommodation of puppies.
  • A box is placed in the room; the height of the side should be adjusted to the female; when she steps over, she should not cling to her belly.

should be:

  • Dry, warm, light in weight.
  • Durable - many dogs rest their paws on the wall of the box during birth.
  • Made from neutral, moisture-resistant material that can be disinfected and washed.
  • Selected according to size - the dog can lie in the box with its paws stretched out, stand up freely and roll over to the other side.
  • No drafts, location away from heating radiators (in winter time), direct sunlight.
  • Possibility of additional heating in cold weather. The “nest” should be warm, but the temperature should not exceed 30–31 C°.

Do not use fireplaces or other dangerous heaters for heating! The ideal option is an infrared lamp.

Precursors of childbirth - readiness No. 1

5–7 days before giving birth, the dog begins to behave “strangely”, worry, “look after” a cozy corner, and stay closer to the owner. The pet needs support - pet, calm, talk to the dog, do it sincerely and you will help the “mommy” feel more confident. If you refuse food, don’t worry, pamper your dog with a treat, reduce portions, if necessary, reduce the food to broths and dairy products.

From 57–58 days, the pet’s temperature is regularly measured, 2 times a day is enough. Goal: to record a decrease in the indicator by 1–1.5 C°. The temperature will drop and not rise until the first puppy is born, in fact, this is the surest predictor of labor, meaning that contractions are less than 24 hours away.

Tests should be taken between 2 and 6 weeks of pregnancy to accurately understand your baseline. Depending on the size of the dog, it can fluctuate significantly; if for a Labrador a temperature of 38 C° is considered normal, then for a toy terrier the basic indicator ranges from 39 to 39.5 C°

Important! A decrease in temperature for more than 24 hours or a sharp increase to 39 C° or higher is a reason to consult a doctor; symptoms may indicate fetal death and the onset of intoxication.

Read also: Estrus in dogs: duration and frequency

“Obstetric kit” – preparing for childbirth

It is absolutely possible to deliver a dog on your own in 2 of 3 cases:

  • Normal birth, the owner does not interfere, observes, and, if necessary, carefully moves the puppies away from hind legs dogs.
  • The birth is without complications, but the owner is actively involved in the process: he strokes and encourages the mother, accepts the puppies, removes blisters, wipes the “babies,” and places them on the nipples.
  • Childbirth with complications that cannot be stopped without veterinary care.

Please understand that complications can occur in any dog, so agree in advance with the veterinarian about the possibility of contacting and calling a doctor to your home “on call”, without delay. In small breeds of dogs, complications in the first birth occur more often, the mother is miniature, and the puppies “like dad” are large.

Be that as it may, you should have a complete set ready for all occasions, a large supply of self-confidence, patience and calm. You will need:

  • Ironed diapers and gauze cuts. The size depends on the size of the puppies.
  • Cotton wool, iodine, brilliant green.
  • Antiseptic for hands and tools.
  • Sharp scissors with rounded ends and thread, sterile, for processing the umbilical cord.
  • Suction or a small enema to clear mucus from the airways.
  • Oxytocin injection and syringes - to stimulate contractions.
  • Petrolatum.
  • Rubberized oilcloth for covering the area during childbirth.
  • A separate box with soft bedding and a heating pad, if you need to remove the puppies from their mother.
  • Multi-colored threads to mark the puppies by birth order.
  • Electronic scales and notepad. After the birth of the puppy, the following is noted: time, weight, color of the thread and the presence of a detached “place”.
  • A room thermometer for the “nest” and an electronic one for measuring the dog’s temperature.
  • Warm drink for your pet - milk or broth.

Important! Oxytocin is used only in emergency and in limited dosage! The use of oxytocin during normal labor can provoke uterine rupture. Many veterinarians use oxytocin only in postpartum period, to expel the placenta.


The birth of each cub is divided into three phases; after contractions appear, everyone except the owner leaves the room:

  • Preparation– contractions, the dog is in pain and worried. The duration of the preparatory period lasts from 6 to 30 hours.
  • Exile– due to the constant release of adrenaline into the blood, before expulsion, the animal may “feel better” to such an extent that the mother may jump up or try to run and jump. The owner’s task is to be nearby, reassure, constantly talk to the dog, help him take a comfortable position, rest his paws, if necessary. Further, the contractions develop into attempts, the peritoneum actively tenses, for example, in the Chinese crested dog, due to the lack of hair, the effort is visually noticeable. The owner does not touch the dog unnecessarily and continues to calm and praise the pet.
  • Postpartum period– the puppy is born, the dog continues to push, the placenta comes out and the “mommy” eats it, thereby restoring strength and water balance. There is no need to let the dog eat all the afterbirths, if there are 5 or more puppies, this will lead to diarrhea, 3-4 is enough. At this time, “mommy” is offered a drink.

Read also: Disorders and complications during estrus in dogs

Important! After the birth of the first child, the dog can begin active protection, even biting. In this case, if the puppy is alive and there are no threats, do not even try to touch it, the dog will “move away” by the second attempts.

If possible, stroke your dog's back and belly to relieve painful sensations, from the left right side spine, do a light tapping massage. Don't try to speed up the process, even if it seems to you that everything is taking too long:

  • The firstborn always takes longer to be born, “treading” the path for the rest of the puppies.
  • The first puppy is usually a large male.
  • Childbirth that takes place in less than 3 hours is considered rapid.
  • Puppies are born 10–30 minutes apart. The placenta may leave immediately or after birth within 60 minutes.
  • Ideally, labor lasts for as many hours as there are puppies in the litter. Six puppies – 6 hours. In problem dogs, especially small ones Chihuahua type In case of multiple pregnancy, labor can last up to 12 hours.
  • The birth is considered complete if no contractions or pushing are observed within 2 hours, and all placentas have passed away.
  • After all the placenta is expelled from the female's genital tract, blood and greenish mucus may be released - no need to worry.

Never rush the puppies, do not try to pull the baby from the mother, and especially not to forcefully pull out the umbilical cord, unless there is a threat to life. Be patient, childbirth is a natural process, everything should take its course, this is the only option for getting healthy puppies and maintaining the health of the mother.