Breed standard Chinese Crested Dog. Chinese Crested Dog

Males have a size at the withers from 28 to 33 cm, females - from 23 to 30 cm. Weight varies, but it should not exceed 5 kg. The head is elongated, the skull has several rounded shape. The expression of the eyes is wary. The cheekbones of this dog are smooth and narrow, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is moderately expressed. The muzzle narrows slightly, but does not become sharp, and drooling is not typical. The nose can be of any color, the lips are thin.

The eyes are dark, appear completely black, and are set wide apart. The ears are set low and may have a fringe of wool along the edges. Strong jaws with a scissor bite, there should be no folds on the neck. The neck is long, curved, and goes into strong shoulders. The shoulders are narrow, the limbs are long and stand directly under the body. The elbows are located close to the body, the fingers are not turned out.

Body structure

The body has average length, the chest is wide but not barrel-shaped, the ribs do not protrude. The stomach is taut. The thighs have well-developed muscles and are round in shape. The hock joint is low and the hindquarters are set wide. The back is straight. The paws are so-called “hare”: narrow and long, with elongated bones between the joints. This creates the illusion of having additional joint in the fingers. Any color of claws is allowed.

The tail is carried high, raised when moving, the end of the host can form a smooth bend. Towards the end the tail tapers slightly, without bending to either side. When at rest, the tail is calmly lowered. The body movements of this dog are very smooth and free, energetic.

Coat and pigmentation

Hair is present only on the paws, head and tail. However, there is also a downy variety of this breed. Chinese crested dog does not shed and does not emit a characteristic odor for dogs. The skin is soft and delicate, pleasant to the touch, which is why these dogs are used for so-called “pet therapy”.

It is believed that touching the bare skin of these dogs has many-sided benefits. therapeutic effect, relieves stress. It is also a good pain reliever for headaches, stomach pain, asthma, and rheumatism.

The coat color can be any color, plain or with inclusions of a different color. The bare skin of the Chinese Crested cat tans in the sun, changing its shade. It can be blue, steel, honey in color. Sometimes the color of the coat and skin changes with age, but the nose always harmonizes with the color. Pigmentation of the eyelids may be partially or completely absent.

Restrained, attentive, very calm, but sometimes she doesn’t mind frolicking and running around!

This small dog with an unusual appearance literally catches the eye, especially the downy variety of the breed, with a fluffy coat. The Chinese Crested Dog is very attached to its owners and their family members. She is reserved, attentive, very calm, but sometimes she is not averse to frolicking and running - if only there was a reason! There are two types of this dog: the Chinese Crested Powder and the Hairless. There are also two breed types: the so-called deer type - graceful, light-boned, and stocky type with heavier bones.


Do not tolerate being alone for long periods of time

Chinese Cresteds are very friendly in character and not at all aggressive dogs. It is important for them that their owner pays them enough attention; these dogs have difficulty being left alone for long periods of time. They get along easily with new people and usually get along well with other pets. The peculiarity of the Chinese Crested breed is that it is highly trainable: these small dogs are able to master even difficult tricks. At the same time, they learn new things with great pleasure.

Photo: Chinese Crested Dog (hairless variety)

General characteristics: The Chinese Crested Dog is a small, active, charming dog with medium to fine bones.

Type of deer: full-blooded dog with thin bones.

Typehorses: more compact build, with a heavier body and bone structure.

Head: The skull is slightly rounded and elongated.

Muzzle: dry and flat, tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is easily marked. The length of the head from the occipital protuberance to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is the same as from the transition to the nose. The muzzle is slightly tapering, but at the same time should not be pointed, dry, with tight-fitting thin lips. The nose is well developed, the same width as the end of the muzzle. Any color of the nose is allowed. The crest begins from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle and goes down further along the nape of the neck. It can be of any length; a long flowing tuft is preferred.

Eyes: so dark that they appear black. The white of the eye is invisible or barely noticeable. Eyes average size, located at a great distance from each other. Pigmentation of the eyelids is required, brown or black. A dog that does not have a line cannot qualify for titles.

Ears: set low - in line with the outer corner of the eye. Quite large, erect, with or without fringe, the downy type of the breed is allowed to have drooping ears.

Teeth: Jaws are strong, with an absolutely regular scissor bite. The lower canines of hairless dogs are tusk-shaped, so if there is any doubt whether a dog is downy or heavily hairless, this can be easily determined by the shape of the canines. A downy individual must have a full set of teeth.

Neck: dry, without dewlap, long, flowing beautifully to strong shoulders. When moving it is carried high and slightly arched.

Body: stretched format. Flexible. The chest is fairly broad and deep, but not barrel-shaped or with prominent ribs. sternum does not perform. The chest reaches to the elbows; the stomach is moderately tucked.

Forelegs: long and slender. The elbows fit snugly to the body, the pasterns are thin, strong, almost vertical.

Hind limbs: The thighs are elastic, the shins are strong and long, the hocks are low. Postav hind limbs wide.

Paws: hare-shaped, narrow and long, with elongated carpal bones, this is especially pronounced on the forelimbs. The long hair on the limbs ideally covers the fingers but does not extend onto the wrists. The paws should not be turned in or out.

Tail: set high, long and tapering towards the end. Should not be bent or twisted. In a calm state it is lowered down. The tail tuft should be long and flowing, covering approximately two-thirds of the tail's length. A sparse brush is allowed, but a lush and thick one is preferable.

Coat: There should be no large areas overgrown with hair on the body. The leather is fine-grained, soft and warm to the touch. The hairless form of the breed has a smooth body with hair on the head, tail and feet, and is divided into the deer type and the horse type. The coat should not rise above the wrist and hock joint. The downy form of the breed has a coat consisting of poorly developed undercoat and outer hair of quite long length. A characteristic feature is the veil-like appearance of the coat.

Height at withers: 28 - 33 cm - males, 23 - 30 cm - females. Deviation of no more than 2 cm is allowed.

Weight: should not exceed 5 kg.

Color: any color and any color combination.

The Chinese Crested has an attractive variety of shades, ranging from blue to brownish-red. The darkest blue color can come in different shades. Brown-red can be rich, lightening to honey. These solid colors often fade in areas with pink, unpigmented skin: chest, stomach, limbs. This produces a mottled effect known as "patterned" which is very attractive. Spotted and marbled colors are also found in this breed.

The density and richness of color change seasonally. In summer, the Chinese Crested Dog sunbathes. Her skin, depending on its original color, becomes either bronze or graphite.

Movements of the Chinese Crested: free, smooth and graceful with good reach in the forequarters and good drive in the hindquarters, without a stilted or stiff gait. Very energetic. The characteristic gait is trot.

Character: boundless love for people - characteristic feature this breed. The Chinese Crested has an extremely developed maternal instinct.

VICES: Any deviation from the above conformation should be considered as a fault, the severity of the fault depending on the degree of its severity.

Features and benefits: Odorless. Puff puffs have weakly expressed molting. Possesses good health and whelps easily.


Aggression or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral deviations, should be disqualified.

Note: Males should have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

British standard
FCI No. 288 dated 07/18/89

Homeland: China
Country that approved the breed: United Kingdom

General view. This is a small, active and graceful dog; with moderately light bones, smooth hairless body, hair present only in the head, tail and limbs. Or there is soft veil-like hair.

Characteristic features. There are two varieties of this breed: the deer type, which is agile and light-boned, and the stocky type, which is heavier in body and bone.

Temperament. Cheerful, never angry.

Head and skull. The head is elongated with a slightly rounded skull. The cheekbones are level, chiseled, narrow and flat, tapering into the muzzle. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, but not too much. The head is smooth, without excess wrinkles. The distance from the base of the skull to the transition is equal to the distance from the transition to the tip of the nose. The muzzle is slightly narrowed, but never pointed, dry, without drooping lips. The nose protrudes and tapers in proportion to the muzzle.

Any nose color is acceptable.

Head. Has a graceful appearance, with a wary expression in his eyes. Lips are dry and thin. Ideally, the crest, starting from the transition area, tapers down towards the neck. The crest itself can flow and be of any length; A long and flowing crest is preferred, but a sparse one is acceptable.

Eyes. So dark that they give the impression of black; medium size; widely set; The whites should not be visible or very little visible.

Ears. Low placed: the most high point The base of the ear is level with the outer corner of the eye. Large and set upright with or without fringe along the edge of the ear, except for Powder Puffs, in which drooping ears are allowed.

Oral cavity. The jaws are strong with a fine, regular scissor bite when upper teeth tightly overlap the lower teeth and are located directly on the jaws.

Neck. Dry, without wrinkles in the neck area, long and gracefully flowing into strong shoulders. When moving it is carried high and slightly curved.

Front part of the body. The shoulders are level, narrow and completely laid back. The limbs are long and slender, correctly placed under the body. The elbows are pressed close to the body. The pasterns are thin, strong, almost vertical. The fingers should not be turned inward or outward.

Body. Medium to long. Flexible. The chest is fairly broad and deep, but not barrel-shaped or with prominent ribs. The breast bone does not protrude. The chest reaches to the elbows; the stomach is moderately tucked.

Back of the body. The thighs are round and well muscled, the lower back is elastic, knee joint thin and long, smoothly turning into a low-set hock joint. The angle of the joints of the hind limb should be such that the back is level. The hind limbs are set wide apart.

Paws. Pronounced "rabbit" feet, narrow and very long, with such a special elongation of the small bones between the joints, especially on the front legs, that the appearance of an additional joint is created. The claws are moderately long and can be of any color. The “toes” perfectly cover the toes, but do not rise above the pastern. The paws are turned neither in nor out.

Tail. Carried high, carried raised when moving, or the end of the tail curved slightly, smoothly in a sickle shape. Long and tapering, fairly straight, does not curl or bend on either side, and hangs naturally when at rest. The plume is long and flowing, within the lower 2/3 of the tail. A rare plume is acceptable.

Movements. Free, flowing and graceful, with good reach and very energetic.

Coat. None large spots hair on any area of ​​the body. The skin is very soft, smooth, warm to the touch. The coat of powder puffs consists of an undercoat with soft long hair; A characteristic feature is the veil-like appearance of the coat.

Dimensions. The ideal height for males is 28-33 cm (11-13 inches) at the withers, for females - 23-30 cm (9-12 inches) at the withers. Weight varies widely but should not exceed 5 kg (12 lbs).

Vices. Any deviation from the above conformation should be considered a fault, the severity of the fault depending on the degree of its severity.

Note. Males should have two normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Reproduced by kind permission of the English Kennel Club.
Transfer from English language- Osipova E.

Homeland: China Country that approved the Chinese breed crested dog: UK General characteristics: Small, active, charming crested dog with medium to fine bones. Deer type - an elegant, high-legged dog with thin bones Stocky type - more compact build, with a heavier body and bones Intermediate type - between deer and stocky. Head: the skull is slightly rounded and elongated. Muzzle: dry and flat, tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is easily marked. The length of the head from the occipital protuberance to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is the same as from the transition to the nose. The muzzle is slightly tapering, but at the same time should not be pointed, dry, with tightly fitting lips. The nose is well developed. Any color of the nose is allowed (to match the color). The crest begins from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle and goes down further along the nape to the neck. It can be of any length; a long flowing tuft (mane) is preferred. Eyes: dark. The white of the eye is not visible or barely noticeable. The eyes are of medium size, located at a short distance from each other. Ears: Set low, in line with the outer corner of the eye. Quite large, erect, with or without fringe, puffballs are allowed to have drooping ears. Teeth: Jaws are strong. U downy dogs scissor bite. The lower canines of hairless dogs are tusk-shaped and often point forward, so if there is any doubt as to whether a dog is downy or overgrown hairless, this can be easily determined by the shape of the canines. Neck: Lean, without dewlap, long, sloping beautifully to strong shoulders. When moving it is carried high and slightly arched. Body: slightly stretched. Flexible. The chest is fairly broad and deep, but not barrel-shaped or with prominent ribs. The breast bone does not protrude. The chest reaches to the elbows; the stomach is moderately tucked. Testes: There should be two normal testes fully descended into the scrotum. Forelegs: long and slender. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body, the pasterns are thin, strong, almost vertical. Hindquarters: Elastic thighs, strong and long shins, low hocks. The set of the hind legs is wide. Feet: Hare-shaped, narrow and long, with elongated carpal bones, especially pronounced on the forelimbs. The long hair on the limbs ideally covers the toes. The paws should not be turned in or out. Tail: Set high, long and tapering to a point. Should not be May be slightly curled. In a calm state it is lowered down. The tail tuft should be long and flowing, covering approximately two-thirds of the tail's length. A sparse brush is allowed, but a lush and thick one is preferable. Coat: There should be no large areas overgrown with hair on the body. The leather is fine-grained, soft and warm to the touch. The hairless form of the breed has a smooth body with hair on the head, tail and paws. The coat should not rise above the middle of the front leg and the hock joint of the hind leg. The downy form of the breed has a coat consisting of poorly developed undercoat and outer hair of quite long length. A characteristic feature is the veil-like appearance of the coat. Height at withers: 27 - 35 cm - males 23-30 cm - females. Color: any color and any combination of colors. The Chinese Crested Dog comes in an attractive variety of shades, ranging from blue to brownish-red. The darkest blue color can come in different shades. Brown-red can be rich, lightening to honey. These solid colors often fade in areas with pink, unpigmented skin: the chest, abdomen, limbs. This produces a mottled effect known as "patterned" which is very attractive. Spotted and marbled colors are also found in this breed. The density and richness of the color of the Chinese Crested Dog varies seasonally. In summer, the Chinese Crested Dog sunbathes. Her skin, depending on its original color, becomes either bronze or graphite. Movement of the Chinese Crested - Free, smooth and graceful with good reach of the front legs and good drive of the hind legs, without a stilted or stiff gait. Very energetic. The characteristic gait is trot. Character – Boundless love for people, a characteristic feature of this breed. The Chinese Crested has an extremely developed maternal instinct. VICES. Any deviation from the above conformation should be considered a fault, the severity of the fault depending on the degree of its severity.