Standards for the Chinese Crested Dog. Chinese Crested Dog Standards for the Chinese Crested Powder Dog

Photo: Chinese Crested Dog (hairless variety)

General characteristics: The Chinese Crested Dog is a small, active, charming dog with medium to fine bones.

Type of deer: full-blooded dog with thin bones.

Typehorses: more compact build, with a heavier body and bone structure.

Head: The skull is slightly rounded and elongated.

Muzzle: dry and flat, tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is easily marked. The length of the head from the occipital protuberance to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is the same as from the transition to the nose. The muzzle is slightly tapering, but at the same time should not be pointed, dry, with tightly fitting thin lips. The nose is well developed, the same width as the end of the muzzle. Any color of the nose is allowed. The crest begins from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle and goes down further along the nape of the neck. It can be of any length; a long flowing tuft is preferred.

Eyes: so dark that they appear black. The white of the eye is invisible or barely noticeable. The eyes are of medium size, located at a great distance from each other. Pigmentation of the eyelids is required, brown or black. A dog that does not have a line cannot qualify for titles.

Ears: set low - in line with the outer corner of the eye. Quite large, erect, with or without fringe, the downy type of the breed is allowed to have drooping ears.

Teeth: Jaws are strong, with an absolutely regular scissor bite. The lower canines of hairless dogs are tusk-shaped, so if there is any doubt whether a dog is downy or heavily hairless, this can be easily determined by the shape of the canines. A downy individual must have a full set of teeth.

Neck: dry, without dewlap, long, flowing beautifully to strong shoulders. When moving it is carried high and slightly arched.

Body: stretched format. Flexible. The chest is fairly broad and deep, but not barrel-shaped or with prominent ribs. The breast bone does not protrude. The chest reaches to the elbows; the stomach is moderately tucked.

Forelegs: long and slender. The elbows fit snugly to the body, the pasterns are thin, strong, almost vertical.

Hind limbs: The thighs are elastic, the shins are strong and long, the hocks are low. Postav hind limbs wide.

Paws: hare-shaped, narrow and long, with elongated carpal bones, this is especially pronounced on the forelimbs. The long hair on the limbs ideally covers the fingers but does not extend onto the wrists. The paws should not be turned in or out.

Tail: set high, long and tapering towards the end. Should not be bent or twisted. In a calm state it is lowered down. The tail tuft should be long and flowing, covering approximately two-thirds of the tail's length. A sparse brush is allowed, but a lush and thick one is preferable.

Coat: There should be no large areas overgrown with hair on the body. The leather is fine-grained, soft and warm to the touch. The hairless form of the breed has a smooth body with hair on the head, tail and feet, and is divided into the deer type and the horse type. The coat should not rise above the wrist and hock joint. The downy form of the breed has a coat consisting of poorly developed undercoat and outer hair of quite long length. A characteristic feature is the veil-like appearance of the coat.

Height at withers: 28 - 33 cm - males, 23 - 30 cm - females. Deviation of no more than 2 cm is allowed.

Weight: should not exceed 5 kg.

Color: any color and any color combination.

The Chinese Crested has an attractive variety of shades, ranging from blue to brownish-red. The darkest blue color can come in different shades. Brown-red can be rich, lightening to honey. These solid colors often fade in areas with pink, unpigmented skin: the chest, abdomen, limbs. This produces a mottled effect known as "patterned" which is very attractive. Spotted and marbled colors are also found in this breed.

The density and richness of color change seasonally. In summer, the Chinese Crested Dog sunbathes. Her skin, depending on its original color, becomes either bronze or graphite.

Movements of the Chinese Crested: free, flowing and graceful with good reach of the forequarters and good drive of the hindquarters, without a stilted or stiff gait. Very energetic. The characteristic gait is trot.

Character: boundless love for people - characteristic feature this breed. The Chinese Crested has an extremely developed maternal instinct.

VICES: Any deviation from the above conformation should be considered as a fault, the severity of the fault depending on the degree of its severity.

Features and benefits: Odorless. Puff puffs have weakly expressed molting. Possesses good health and whelps easily.


Aggression or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Males should have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Those who have ever come across the Chinese Crested dog breed will hardly be able to forget it. These pets resemble alien wanderers: with long bangs, “boots” on the paws and hair on the tip of the tail. The rest of the body of Chinese dogs is hairless and defenseless against the wind and cold. This is one of the reasons why funny animals love to snuggle up to their owner and snore under a fluffy blanket or a warm blanket for an hour or two.

The hairless Chinese Crested dog is a sissy dog ​​by nature. It requires high-quality and comprehensive care, like a greenhouse flower, which risks withering from every draft. It is regular care and increased attention from the owner that top the list of disadvantages inherent in this breed. This also includes intolerance to loneliness and the difficulties that owners encounter in teaching their dog to be clean. Among the main advantages are absolute friendliness and the ability to adapt to living conditions, lack of shedding and hypoallergenicity, poise and attractive exterior.

A rarer variety of the Chinese Crested, the so-called “down coat” is a dog covered with long, thick down. The downy crested has not only a dense undercoat, but also a thick, beautiful outer hair. Both a hairless puppy and a puffy puppy can be born in the same litter. It is impossible to predict puppies of a particular variety.

Chinese Crested dog breed: business card

The “Chinese” coquettes only look frivolous. These unusual pets instantly become attached to those who tamed them. The crested dog will never go into the arms of a stranger and will not play with him even if he offers her a treat. Wariness towards strangers is in the blood of these dogs.

  • Weight. The average body weight of “Chinese women” ranges from 2 kg to 6 kg. But if the dog has strong bones, its weight can reach 10 kg. Although this happens quite rarely.
  • Height at the withers. The size of an adult Chinese Crested dog depends on the gender to which it belongs. The maximum height of a male is 33 cm, and the minimum is 28 cm. It is easier with females: they rarely grow above 30 cm. But height below 23 cm goes against the breed standard. This figure is considered the lower limit of normal.
  • Color. The color of the coat and skin of “Chinese” women can be varied. They come in pure black or black and white. In this case, the permissible percentage of “whitening” should not be higher than 50%. There are black and tan dogs and tricolor animals. In white dogs, only the nose and eye rims remain black. However, with age, white dogs may develop pigments on bare areas of the skin. Sometimes the speck remains a speck, and sometimes over time it merges into a single cloak. Instead of black, white may predominate in color. There are bronze, bronze-white, fawn, chocolate and red apricot colored individuals.
  • Lifespan. Eastern people differ from Europeans in life expectancy. And pets oriental people They are not far behind them. 15 years is the average lifespan of a Chinese Crested dog. But the owner always has the opportunity to ensure that the pet spends as much time as possible side-by-side with him. With due and regular care Chinese Cresteds can easily live up to 18 or even 20 years.
  • Character. For Chinese dog the owner is her personal emperor. She unquestioningly obeys and obeys him. Not because he is afraid, but because he sincerely loves. A pet can only show stubbornness in matters related to litter box training. Otherwise the dog is docile and obedient. It is believed that such dogs are an ideal choice for teenagers. They grow up with teenagers, accompanying young people on the most important stages their lives.
  • Intelligence. Chinese Cresteds are a type of dog with high level intelligence, but dog breeders note that “Chinese women” often think with their hearts than with their heads. This explains increased level tenderness of the animal.
  • Security and guard potential. You will be surprised, but the crested one can make a good guard for city apartments. Dogs react sharply to strangers and stop encroachment on their territory by barking. Engage in battle with the enemy decorative dog will not be able to, but notify you about potential danger- easily.

Breed standard

Dogs of this breed are divided into two types. The horse type includes individuals that have massive bones, but are more miniature in size. While the deer type is represented by animals that are full-blooded, but have a thin and visually fragile skeleton. The table lists the main visual characteristics prescribed in the breed standard. Using them, you can determine the exhibition potential of an adult dog or puppy.

Table - Breed standard Chinese Crested Dog

Body partPeculiarities
Head- Elongated skull;
- flat muzzle;
- the muzzle tapers towards the nose, but does not become pointed;
- nose of any color;
- the crest begins from the segment in which the forehead meets the muzzle;
- very dark almond-shaped eyes;
- ears are erect, low set;
- for “down jackets” drooping ears are acceptable
Neck- Long;
- beautifully curved
Limbs- The front ones are slender and long;
- the rear ones are extended back;
- hock joints are low
Tail- Set on high;
- does not bend towards the back;
- does not curl into a bagel

The standard was approved in 1972 in the UK. The dogs came to Foggy Albion in the second half of the 60s, when the breed was on the verge of extinction in its homeland. Dog breeders for short term managed to restore the population of “hairless” dogs and standardize it.

History of origin and interesting facts

The history of the Chinese Crested Dog breed still keeps scientists and dog handlers around the world in suspense. Visually, the hairless “Chinese dogs” are very reminiscent of the Sholo, a Mexican hairless dog whose authentic name sounds like “Sholoitzcuintle.”

The skulls of Sholo dogs were first discovered in Mexico. Scientists believe that these archaeological finds date back to 1500 BC. After some time, similar skulls were found in China. However, the finds were dated two centuries later. A logical conclusion suggests itself: the Sholo somehow found its way to China and already there, in the Middle Kingdom, became the progenitor of a fundamentally new dog breed. About how the Sholoitzcuintle managed to overcome the distance between Latin America and China, history is silent.

  • Heroine of legends. There is a legend that one day, while walking through the forest, a dog came across a freezing baby. To save him from certain death, the animal gave the baby all its fur. The spirits of the forest were touched by this act. They helped the parents find the loss, and the dog, which showed compassion towards the person, was released after the reunited family.
  • European curiosity. Sailors and travelers met hairless dogs in different parts Asia for many centuries. However, these unusual beauties came to Europe only in the 19th century. In the second half of the 20th century, Mr. Taunton, who collected rare breeds of dogs, showed his pet named Emperor to the secular public gathered at the Crystal Palace. The public was not particularly impressed and considered the cute dog to be the result of an unknown mutation. The Chinese Crested Dog looked different at that time than it does now. The coat was not so long and silky, and the fringes were short and unpresentable in appearance.
  • Travel to Russia. The breed came to our country in the early 90s of the 20th century. Five years later, dog handlers organized and registered an official club. Today, about 1,000 purebred crested puppies are born annually in Russian nurseries.

Bare skin of representatives Chinese breed, like human skin, tans when exposed to sun rays. In this case, the color of the skin changes and the epidermis dries out. Experienced dog breeders recommend owners of crested dogs keep the problem in focus and not neglect moisturizer.


The wool of “Chinese women” is not listed among the causes of allergies. They do not shed, their skin does not secrete protective glands, and therefore does not smell like a dog. It all depends on which variety of crested you prefer. Because fur-covered powderpuffs, aka “puff puffs,” will definitely leave a few grams of their fur on the floor during the molting period.

The table lists the three varieties of the Chinese Crested breed, indicating the characteristics of each of them.

Table - Intrabreed varieties

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

Caring for the Chinese Crested should be of high quality and regular. Features of care depend on what type of breed you prefer. Powderpuffs need to constantly comb out their fur, undercoat, and dead skin particles underneath, while representatives of the hairless type have absolutely nothing to comb out. Below you will find five universal recommendations that will be relevant regardless of the choice you make.

  1. Combing. Wool, which performs a decorative function, must be combed daily or at least once every two days. The hairs of the “crested ones” are very thin and instantly get tangled. If you don't take care of the hair, it will get tangled and turn into tangles. The owner will have no choice but to cut off the rolled segments. From this aesthetics appearance the dog will deteriorate significantly.
  2. Bathing. Bath procedures with a frequency of once every two weeks are also mandatory. Neglecting the need for care skin will lead to the formation of acne on the dog’s body.
  3. Hypoallergenic cosmetics. Only special dog products designed for representatives of this breed are suitable for caring for “Chinese dogs”. The dog does not cause allergic reactions in humans, but is prone to them itself. Any mistake made by the owner in choosing cosmetic product, instantly affect the pet's skin.
  4. Clothes for the season. During the autumn-winter cold season, the Chinese Crested must be dressed in insulated suits and overalls. These dogs are susceptible to the influence of atmospheric phenomena. They freeze instantly when exposed to the cold. Hypothermia can cause a variety of diseases. Therefore, when buying a “Chinese dog”, immediately take care of choosing a dog’s wardrobe.
  5. Brushing your teeth. Due to the thinnest layer of enamel, corydalis often suffer from dental ailments. To prevent oral diseases, teeth brushing should begin at the age of two months. It is necessary to brush your teeth with a special brush and toothpaste with a taste attractive to animals once every one or two days.

Dogs taking part in exhibition events must visit a grooming salon. Grooming dogs outside of a special table is strictly not recommended. These animals even undergo hair removal. Non-exhibition specimens are luckier in this sense: a summer haircut at home is the only torture of beauty that can disturb their tranquility.


The easiest way to feed your Chinese Crested is premium dry food, soaked in water and designed specifically for this breed. For dogs over seven years old, it is better to offer canned food instead of food. Due to diseased teeth and oral diseases that have worsened by that time, the pet is unlikely to be able to cope with dense elements. It is not worth putting the teeth of a mature dog at risk.

The second diet option is a natural diet. A puppy can be switched to it from the age of two months. It is important to give your pet a weekly fasting day, offering only drinking water or stewed cabbage. The table will help you find the required nutritional balance.

Table - Basics natural diet Chinese Crested

After six months, milk must be removed from the puppy’s diet. If there are no problems with stool, you can safely give raw meat. Otherwise meat products should be lightly fried in a frying pan with the addition of olive oil or boil a little in boiling water - no more than 15 minutes.

“Chinese women” are prohibited from fatty meat, bones, legumes, potatoes and confectionery. Food that is too cold or too hot can harm her esophagus. Recommended serving temperature is 39 o C.


Training a “Chinese girl” is a pleasure. Like many other representatives ornamental breeds, she listens carefully to her owner and picks up commands on the fly. Dog handlers note that crested animals are extremely inquisitive. And it is precisely around this character trait that training must be built so that it produces quick and high-quality results.

  • “No” to the whip. Yelling and physical abuse of a dog is extremely unacceptable. Due to its miniature size, the Chinese Crested is prone to acutely perceive rudeness from someone whom it loves and trusts so much. These dogs instantly grasp the slightest changes in the owner’s voice and react painfully to them. When starting training, you need to give yourself the attitude: calm and only calm.
  • “Yes” to gingerbread. Experts recommend socializing the animal starting from the age of three months. The crested baby will be distracted by objects and phenomena that the street is full of. Use treats to attract your baby's attention. Better special ones, not sausages or sweets. The latter will be bad for his liver.

Diseases and treatment

The main problem of the breed is bad teeth. The disease is genetic in nature, and even luxurious animal care cannot correct the situation. Often, “Chinese” women’s teeth begin to fall out at an early age. They can become loose, become susceptible to tooth decay, and cause bleeding gums. In order to delay this moment at least a little and mitigate the unpleasant symptoms associated with dental diseases, you need to turn dental examinations into a common tradition between you and your pet.

  • Skin diseases. This can include sunburn and acne, which arose due to poor care skin care, as well as various allergic reactions. Such phenomena can be prevented by balanced feeding and careful selection of clothing and hygiene items for the dog. It is important to choose only natural materials that are not capable of causing skin rashes. Act as you would with newborn children, and you won’t go wrong.
  • Difficult birth. During pregnancy, the fruits of a crested dog can be felt already on the 20th day after mating. Delivery occurs between 56 and 72 days. It is important that at this moment, as well as throughout the pregnancy, there is a veterinarian next to the owner and the four-legged expectant mother. Chinese crested cats often experience pathologies that require emergency medical intervention. A slow or untimely response from a veterinarian can lead not only to the death of the offspring, but also to the death of the pregnant bitch.
  • Dislocation of the kneecap. In active bitches and dogs, the patella often moves from its traditional location, limiting the animal's movements and causing it painful sensations. The situation can be corrected through surgery.

Due to the lack of any protection on the skin, the Chinese Crested often injures itself on branches and stones while walking. The owner must be attentive to this problem. In the cold season, the pet will be saved by a protective suit, and in the hot season - by regular post-walk examination and treatment of wounds if necessary.

TOP nicknames

Regardless of what nickname the breeder gave the puppy, the owner can name the Chinese Crested “girl” whatever he wants. It would be logical to choose a gentle and affectionate name that emphasizes the pet’s character. It is important that it is short and ideally consists of two syllables. Scientists have proven that the animal perceives only the first two syllables by ear.

When thinking about how to name a Chinese Crested “boy”, you should avoid names with a large concentration of hard consonants and the letters “r”. According to one version, nicknames containing several “r”s are perceived by dogs as an animal’s roar and can provoke an overly emotional reaction.

Some owner reviews of Chinese Crested dogs promote the idea of ​​choosing oriental names. Allegedly, the dog was bred in China, which means the nickname needs to be chosen accordingly. But it’s difficult to call this a rule. Rather, it is a recommendation emphasizing the origin of the pet and its high status among its purebred brothers. The table offers twenty names each for males and females - with and without translation.

Table - Top 20 nicknames for the Chinese Crested

Eastern nameTranslationEuropean namesEastern nameTranslationEuropean names
AikoDarlingNorthaJiroSecond sonLaurel
KaedeMaple leafViscountessHonchoLeaderNixon
Miyasacred houseFijiHarukiShiningChic
Ojismall treeAliceHiroGenerousSweet
RanWater lilyTayaHayakoFalconPeach
HoshiStarGrace KellyGoroFifth sonTexas

Photo review

Photos of Chinese Crested puppies and dogs at first scare off the unprepared viewer, but after just a minute of meeting these “aliens”, you want to hug them until they pass out, enjoying their cheerfulness and playfulness. It’s not for nothing that these four-legged friends are considered one of the best companions.

Cost and where to buy

A Chinese Crested puppy of the Powderpuff variety costs half the price of its hairless sister. According to dog breeders, completely hairless dogs are more prestigious than “down jackets” and “ponies” (aka “ponies”). The table below shows the approximate price range for powderpuffs and pedigree puppies (data as of February 2018).

Table - Cost of a Chinese Crested puppy in the kennel

List of nurseries

The Chinese Crested dog kennel is not the only place where you can buy a beauty or a handsome dog with bangs covering his eyes. They are sold both at poultry markets and by hand by posting advertisements on Internet resources. But only turning to a professional breeder can guarantee you a pure breed and good health of the puppy. An experienced dog breeder will answer all your questions, tell you which vaccinations have been done and which are upcoming, tell you what to feed, what problems to focus on special attention. Keeping a Chinese Crested Dog is a lot of work. Therefore, it is important to get advice from a knowledgeable person at the very first stage - at the time of purchase. Here are some nurseries of the “alien” breed:

  • "Golden Is Life" in Moscow-;
  • KSOLO CLUB in Krasnogorsk (Moscow region)-;
  • Oro Antenati in Yaroslavl-;
  • "Ingrus" in St. Petersburg-;
  • "Imperial status" in Yaroslavl-

A feature of the breed is weak ear cartilage. According to the standard, the ears of hairless dogs should stand up. And for this to happen, the owner will have to take control of the “ear” issue during puppyhood. To put ears on a Chinese crested dog, you need to make a blank from two strips of adhesive tape glued together with a piece of an ear stick inside. The workpiece is carefully placed on inner side ear of the puppy, after which, using the same adhesive plaster, the ears twisted into a tube are fixed by wrapping. It turns out a baby with alien horns. The fixation method is relevant for babies from three weeks.

High-quality care for a Chinese Crested dog is also regular walks in the mornings and evenings. Often representatives of the breed due to poor nutrition and shortages physical activity are obese and diabetes mellitus. When there is bitter frost or terrible slush outside, the animal can easily make do with a cat litter box or do its business in a diaper. But ignoring morning and evening exercise should under no circumstances become a habit for either the dog or its owner.

Reviews: “Loves to play and sit on hands”

I have a downy Chinese Crested. I would like to give advice to puff owners: the fur gets tangled on the paws very quickly if you wear clothes with sleeves on the front paws. Brush your paws especially carefully! Otherwise there will be trouble.

Asya Ostapina, 8F_%D1%85%D0%BE%D1%85%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B0% D0%BA%D0%B0/#descr109

I recently picked up one representative of this beautiful breed, and couldn’t decide on the name of our new household member. Now I’m thinking of calling him Yakki, and not Spartak as before. After all, a softer name really suits such a dog. I advise everyone who has the same dog not to tighten the collar too much, otherwise mine walked around all week with a tight collar and was very passive.))


I have two dogs... The first one I got was a Chinese Crested Puff... I haven’t regretted it at all... An intelligent dog... Very smart... There is no smell from him, no fur... Of course you need to scratch, otherwise tangles will quickly appear... And so - I’m delighted... Very friendly to to people and to animals. Especially loves children. No problems. I highly recommend it to anyone who has never owned a dog but wants to have one, or who has small children in their family! best friend can't be found!

Tatyana, guest, %8F_%D1%85%D0%BE%D1%85%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B0 %D0%BA%D0%B0/#descr109

Our Chinese Crested puppy is almost 4 months old, wonderful loving dog, loves to play, sit on arms, almost immediately decided where the diapers are for peeing and pooping, almost never misses, we got the quiet one, only occasionally growls and barks at his reflection in the mirror, bought from Maria Yakimova at the “Little Angels” nursery, very satisfied, thank you very much.


I would also like to note such a quality of Chinese Cresteds as impudence. I don’t know if it’s like this for everyone, but it’s definitely true for many. If the Crested has decided that she will sleep on her owner’s pillow, then she will achieve this. And my dog ​​can smile. Yes, just smile, not grin. She doesn’t always do this, but only in the morning - apparently, this is how it tells me “with good morning", she also does this when she asks for something from tasty treats and when she does a mischief somewhere.

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A breed called the Chinese Crested Dog is gaining increasing popularity among mini-dog lovers. This one makes you fall in love at first sight with its activity, elegance, boundless affection for its owner and excellent character.

Even in ancient China, rich nobles used these dogs to emphasize their wealth and high position in society.

The dogs are simply born to be family pets and are very suitable for inexperienced owners.

In this breed there are both hairless individuals that have hair only in the area of ​​the head, limbs and tail, and individuals with soft hair covering the entire body. Both of these species can be found in the same litter.

History of the breed

The history of the Chinese Crested goes back about five thousand years and is very mysterious and foggy, since no one knows where this breed came from in China. There are various theories - some believe that the homeland of this dog is Mexico, while others argue that it began its existence in Africa.

The dog was first shown at the Westminster Kennel Club exhibition in 1885. in New York. Since the Chinese were not involved in breeding dogs, in 1966. the dog was on the verge of extinction, but it was saved by the British, who started breeding.

In 1986 W. K. Taunton, who collected dogs rare breeds, showed a cute representative of the Chinese Crested Dog at the Crystal Palace. But, unfortunately, the public was not impressed by either the dog’s velvet-like skin or its pretty crests; the dog was considered a biological incident.

But Taunton did not despair and, together with a famous dog breeder named Ida Garrett, he began to develop this hairless breed. Dogs such as the Latin American Hairless Dog, Tibetan Terrier, and even the Afghan Hound participated in the improvement of the breed.

And now in 1969. The Chinese Crested Dog achieved success - the first club of its fans appeared, and in 1973. She was officially recognized and breed standards were prescribed.

In Russia, Chinese Cresteds appeared quite late - only in 1991, but now this breed is very common, especially in high society.


The standard of this breed allows any combination of colors and great variety shades from blue to brown-red.

Small representatives of the Chinese Crested Dog are divided into appearance into two types: hairless and covered with hair, and they also differ in body structure into dogs with light bones (deer type) and dogs with denser bones (medium type).

These mini dogs grow to only 33 cm at the withers and weigh from two to five kg.

This breed has a long head; there must be a lush crest on the head, which appears from the beginning of the transition from the forehead to the muzzle and ends on the neck. A long flowing tuft is preferred. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is barely noticeable, and the muzzle itself tapers towards the nose and has a flat shape.

The eyes should be very dark, almost black, with the white of the eye almost invisible. Close-set light eyes are a serious fault and are not allowed in the breed standard.

The ears are erect, large, set low and in line with the outer corner of the eye, and may have fringe. But the downy-looking Chinese Crested can also have floppy ears. However, ears that stand on semi-cartilages are a disadvantage in both types.

The breed's tail is very long, not curved and set high. At its end there should be a flowing, long tassel, which, according to the breed standard, should cover two-thirds of the entire length of the tail.

The paws are similar to those of a hare, narrow and long. The coat should not extend beyond the hock and wrist.

The hairless Chinese Crested is soft and warm to the touch, with fine-grained skin that comes in a variety of colors: black, pink, blue, copper or lavender. Fair-skinned representatives of this breed tan to a bronze shade.

Fluffy dogs of the breed have a dense and dense undercoat and a silky-smooth outer coat that evenly covers the dog's entire body.


The character of these small dogs is very similar to that of a cat. For example, if the owner is busy, then the dog will not bother him, but will occupy himself with a toy or curl up in a secluded corner.

Also, Chinese Cresteds are distinguished by the fact that they become very attached not only to one owner, but to all members of the family; she can even get sick from longing for one of the members of her family if he leaves her for a long time. An adult dog is very difficult to adapt to and change its owner.

This is the breed of dog with which it is very comfortable to be in the same house; it is absolutely non-aggressive and playful. How much joy, boundless love and devotion she gives to her owners. But you need to take into account that this dog is very sensitive to harshness, so you need to scold and punish your pet with great caution!

She is very smart and easily learns new tricks, as she tries to please her master and show him her affection.

The mini-dog loves to chew on various kinds of objects, in order for the dog not to get bored, it needs to be provided with a supply of rubber toys, but it is better to refrain from squeakers, otherwise after an hour you can seriously regret it, since the Chinese Crested is a very energetic animal!

The Chinese Crested is not suitable for those who have small children in the house, because it is a very fragile creature, and a child can accidentally harm it. In addition, dogs are very afraid of sudden sounds and movements, constant noise can lead to chronic shyness and anxiety. They get along well with other animals, but can sometimes be jealous.


Caring for this breed directly depends on the degree of its fouling. If a naked dog is going to participate in exhibitions, then it is epilated, removing unnecessary hair. Also, a hairless dog is very susceptible to acne, sunburn and dry skin, so the owner must ensure that cracks, rashes or acne do not occur.

It is necessary to always have hypoallergenic and sunscreen creams on hand to smear your pet’s skin with them if necessary. In winter, Chinese Crested dogs need warm clothing as they are very susceptible to cold.

The dog is washed once a week using a soft washcloth and gel for sensitive skin, the coat is washed using special shampoos. After water procedures The dog needs to be wiped with a soft towel and applied to skin light cosmetic oil.
The fur on the paws, tail and head needs to be brushed daily with a soft brush to prevent it from becoming tangled.

The fluffy appearance of the Chinese Crested Dog does not shed seasonally, but their coat nevertheless must be gradually renewed. Therefore, it should also be washed and combed regularly; if this is not done, the hairs may become tangled, the area of ​​which will constantly increase and absorb unpleasant odors.

This breed has very bad teeth, tooth decay often occurs and dogs lose teeth. To avoid problems with teeth, as soon as your Chinese Crested puppy appears, you should immediately teach him to brush his teeth with a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.

Mini dogs do not need to be walked every day; many owners can easily teach them to use a litter tray with a disposable diaper on them.

Nails should be trimmed approximately once a week, and ears and eyes should be inspected and cleaned with the same frequency.


The Chinese Crested Dog is very picky about food, and you can feed it dry food, boiled fruits and vegetables. It is desirable that the food be the same as it was in the nursery.

By the way, this breed has unusual taste preferences - they really love sweet fruits!

However, you need to remember that with an unbalanced diet and reduced activity, a dog can very easily gain excess weight, so you need to monitor how much the dog eats.

The feeding standard is to feed puppies 5-6 times a day for up to two months, gradually reducing the number of feedings so that when the dog reaches 12 months, it eats 2 times a day. From four months onwards, milk should be excluded from the diet; under no circumstances should the dog be fed salty, smoked, fatty, fried or spicy foods.


This is a fairly healthy breed of dog; with good care, they live an average of 11-14 years. But future owners need to know the list of diseases that may appear in this dog in order to notice deviations in time and contact a veterinarian.

The Chinese Crested's teeth are its "Achilles' heel"; they can fall out at an early age, or the dog may be born with insufficient teeth.

Dogs are prone to allergies, sunburn and acne, so their skin needs special attention and care.

Luxating patellas, epilepsy, difficult births and keratoconjunctivitis are diseases that are also considered quite common in this breed.

The tendency to be overweight is also a problem, so you need to feed your dog only proven food and not allow her to eat all kinds of sausages, flour products and sweets.

In order for the dog to be healthy, it must be regularly shown to the veterinarian, and also have its vaccinations on time.

  • The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 8-10 weeks, revaccination is carried out after 3-4 weeks.
  • The second rabies vaccination is given at 12-13 weeks of age.
  • and the third at 6 months from trichophytosis and microsporia.
  • After a year with your dog, you need to undergo an annual general vaccination.

Every time before vaccinations, you must make sure that the dog is healthy and give it anthelmintic drugs.

How to choose a puppy

To choose for yourself purebred puppy and not to worry about this, it would be best to contact a trusted nursery with a good reputation. Puppies are adopted at the age of no more than two months, but even at this age a small dog will experience the stress of moving.

It would be a good idea to get to know the puppy’s parents and study its pedigree; you should pay attention to ensuring that the puppy is active and curious.

The puppy's appearance is also very important. The head of a Chinese Crested should not look rough, and the crest should resemble a cap.

The back must be straight, the limbs have expressive angles, you must carefully examine the dog’s tummy - it should be smooth, clean and pink.

There is no point in choosing these dogs by size, since even an experienced breeder cannot tell what size the dog will grow. Sometimes even the smallest puppies in the litter are taller than their larger brothers and sisters.

The eyes, ears and nose should be free of discharge.

Puppy in the house

Before adopting a puppy of this amazing breed, you will need to remove from his reach everything that he can then gnaw on - wires, bottles of creams, ointments, etc. You should not allow your puppy to sit on a raised area like a sofa, as they can fall from there and break their fragile legs.

For the dog you will need a soft, cozy house or bed made of 100% cotton; you must take into account that it should be easy to wash.

You also need to take a litter tray and absorbent disposable diapers to teach your pet to do its business without leaving home. But when training a puppy to use the litter box, you need to take into account his vulnerable nature, which means you absolutely cannot shout at the puppy, or even more so beat him!

Also useful in caring for this breed is a latex finger toothbrush, various types of combs, and hair and skin care products.

For walks, you should purchase a comfortable wardrobe made from natural materials, since adult dogs also get cold, and puppies are even more susceptible to hypothermia.


Due to its appearance and tendency to illness, outfits for the Chinese Crested Dog are a vital necessity, and not just a whim of the owner.

Things protect the dog's skin from hypothermia and sunburn, because, like humans, the skin of the Chinese Crested is sensitive to high and low temperatures.

Before buying clothes, you should make sure that the material from which it is made is natural, soft and does not cause allergies.

For walks in winter, you will need to buy warm overalls, and for summer, a T-shirt is suitable, which will protect you from sun rays and insect bites. The dog will also need comfortable, specially designed shoes that can protect the pet’s paws from sharp stones, glass, branches and from the cold in winter.

Brief characteristics of the dog

  • Other possible names: Chinese Crested, Hairless Chinese, Powder Powder, Chinese Crested, Hairless.
  • Height: adult male at withers 28-33 cm, female 23-30 cm.
  • Weight: male/female 2.0 – 5.0 kg.
  • Color: from plain to marbled spotted. Black, white, including chocolate, bronze, blue, murugi or combinations of any of the mentioned shades.
  • Wool: powder puff - the body is completely covered with long and thick wool. Naked – long hair the tail is covered, lower limbs, neck and head. There is short hair on the body, resembling down.
  • Lifespan: 14-16 years old.
  • Advantages of the breed: Tenderness and devotion prevail. The dog is not aggressive towards other breeds, friendly towards strangers.
  • Difficulties of the breed: dogs require constant communication and are very difficult to adapt to when changing owners. Without socialization, she becomes timid, fearful and nervous.
  • Average price: $750.

History of the breed

The mysterious, graceful and, without a doubt, the most exotic of all breeds in the world - the Chinese Crested - has been known since time immemorial. The Chinese Crested dog breed is very popular in China and Europe not only due to its appearance, but also how a talisman symbolizing prosperity.

Two representatives of the breed attract attention. A dog with almost bare skin, big ears, with a fluffy mane, reminiscent of a horse the size of a deer, and the downy Chinese, completely covered with soft long hair, stocky, strong with a heavier bone structure.

The origin of the breed is shrouded in centuries-old mystery. This oldest a breed whose genus is believed to have descended from African representatives of hairless dogs - the subtropical Mexican, Egyptian and Peruvian hairless breed.

The first mentions of hairless representatives of hairless dogs are found a thousand years before our era. They were treated with special reverence, as the personification of love and devotion. Dogs for a long time used as bed warmers.

They were also attributed by the aborigines healing properties sung in legends. The Indians still believe that the relief of toothache, headaches, joint pain, colic, and rheumatism occurs thanks to representatives of the hairless breed.

The first mention of the crested dog as a breed appeared in China around 200 BC. during the Han Dynasty. For centuries, the best representatives of the breed were considered by the Chinese nobles as symbols of prosperity and successful trade.

Since the 16th century, dogs have always been taken with them when traveling around the world. Everyone knows that the Chinese are great sea travelers. Thanks to this, the breed quickly spread throughout the port cities and surrounding areas of Spain, Central and South America.

In Britain and France, starting from the 19th century, individual representatives of the breed began to be found, but they were imported by European sailors who visited Asian and African countries on merchant ships.

The date of appearance of the modern Chinese Crested Dog should be considered 1966, when a precious cargo arrived from China, consisting of four representatives of the breed: a male and three females. It was British cynologists who stood at the origins of selection, breeding and approval of the Breed Standard. That's why The UK is considered a producing country Chinese Crested Dog.

Purpose of the breed

Both variations of the breed - the Chinese Hairless Crested Dog and the Powder Puff Dog - are decorative dogs. Unusual, rather exotic representatives of the breed are considered excellent companions, accompanying their owners everywhere: in the house, at the dacha, on car cruises.

They do this unobtrusively and with pleasure, because they have high degree endurance.

Depending on the circumstances, the dog can become the center of attention, or it can be quietly present next to the owner. Crested cats are very affectionate, and will not exchange friendship with a person for anything, giving him attention and love.

Chinese Crested Dog character and features

By nature, Chinese Cresteds have a high degree of mobility, but they are distinguished from terriers and poodles by their non-aggressive character, as well as a certain amount of shyness when meeting strangers. But they do not shy away from other animals, quickly finding a common language.

Intellectuals In the dog world, crested dogs are laconic. Possessing natural intelligence, dogs tend to be quick. Sociability is manifested in relationships with all members of the family where the dog lives.

Bitches that give birth easily are considered excellent mothers for caring for newborns (and there can be up to nine puppies in a litter) and for the older generation. The external perception of dogs as gentle and sickly is very deceptive. These are strong dogs, in good health, playful and strongly attached to their owners.

Chinese Crested Dog video review of the breed

Complete information about the Chinese Crested, its temperament, character and characteristics of the breed, in the “From Nose to Tail” program. In less than half an hour, this amazing video informatively tells about typical representatives, as well as how the Chinese Crested Powdered and Hairless dog breed appeared:

How to choose a puppy

Preferences for a bitch or a dog, as well as powder or hairless, are a matter of taste. People with a predisposition to allergic reactions For wool or fluff, it is recommended to pay attention to hairless representatives of the breed.

For those who have enough time, energy and are more conservative, downy dogs will bring joy. The cost factor should not influence the choice of a puppy, but the price of a hairless Chinese Crested dog is significantly higher.

When choosing a naked puppy, first of all they pay attention to the mother and father - this is the only way to understand what the matured baby will look like. But he also has a thick crest, hairy socks and a plumed tail that gives a certain idea of ​​the dog’s future grooming.

The cleanliness of the skin can only be determined if the puppy has been prepared for sale. This also determines how much a Chinese Crested dog costs. It should be remembered that with age, skin color and hair color change may change. The final color appears at the roots already by three months, and the crested ones completely bloom by the age of one and a half years.

No breeder can tell what size a puppy will reach as an adult and how long Chinese crested dogs live, because it depends on the content and strict adherence to instructions. Here you should be guided by the pedigree and size of the parents. For exhibitions, a larger, more active puppy is selected. There are only a few puppies in the breed that are prone to hysterics.

The main factor of choice remains the proportionality of the puppy and his. The ears hang down for up to two months, but by the age of three months they should already be in an erect or half-raised state. The factor of heredity is also important here.

It is very important to check your puppy's teeth. Powder puffs should have a clear scissor bite. For hairless teeth, the absence of some premolars is considered normal. The main thing is that there is no underbite or overbite.

Dog names

Name, given to the pet, can influence his fate. This is why dogs are not given names associated with great people who ended their lives tragically.

Crested owners have a humorous perception of pet names. Nicknames for Chinese Crested dogs girls and boys depending on their character:

  • if a dog is easy to train, its name begins with the letter A;
  • for hardy companions of long walks the letter B is prepared;
  • particularly intelligent and inquisitive puppies are called B;
  • the names of especially talkative people begin with G;
  • for dormice and couch potatoes, nicknames starting with D are selected;
  • for those who do not know how to eat - E;
  • for devotees - Yu;
  • burdened by feeling self-esteem- I, this is their letter.

But it should be remembered that this is just a joke, in which, without a doubt, there is a grain of truth.

Chinese Crested Dog Care and Maintenance

For Chinese Cresteds, dental care is very important, especially when changing teeth. It usually occurs by four months. It is important not to miss when the permanent teeth, in particular the canines, have already grown, and the milk teeth have not fallen out. In this case need to see a veterinarian to remove them immediately. Lost primary canines can change a dog's bite.

Much attention is paid to the skin of hairless cresteds. During the summer, the Chinese Crested Hairless Dog is treated with moisturizing sunscreen. In winter, the dog is dressed in warm overalls. Vestigial hair is removed with tweezers. Injured areas are treated with an antiseptic.

Owners of this breed must manage their time wisely as caring for a Chinese Crested dog is difficult as the breed requires close attention.

Dogs grow back quickly claws To avoid cleft foot syndrome, you need to trim your nails once a month. Also weak point among Cresteds are considered teeth. Covered with a thin layer of enamel, they are overly susceptible to caries, which leads to tooth loss. Ears daily.

Both representatives of the breed are bathed every 10-14 days, preferably once a week. Care and maintenance of the Chinese Crested downy dog consists of daily thorough combing. Despite the fact that crested dogs practically do not shed, their fur quickly becomes tangled.


  • chondrodysplasia;
  • portosystemic shunt;
  • hypoparathyroidism;
  • complete absence of hair, or hairlessness.

Breed deficiencies include problems caused by a weak dental system:

  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • caries;
  • undershot;
  • snack;
  • bite deformation;
  • lack of teeth.

Lack of teeth is inherited, like the hairlessness gene, but does not affect the life expectancy of the Chinese Crested Dog. Incomplete teeth, as well as a decrease in the size of the canines, are not considered to be defects or disqualifying characteristics of the breed. This feature appears only in dogs that are hairless. Puffballs have a full set of teeth.

What to feed your Chinese Crested Dog

For a puppy who has just entered the threshold of a new home, it is necessary to comply with it so as not to have problems with the formation in the future. digestive system and the musculoskeletal system of the dog. Switching to another food, canned food or natural products carried out gradually from 5-6 months.

They must feed from a stand, raising the bowl as the dog grows older. At six months of age, the puppy grows to the size of an adult dog, after which growth slows down significantly.

The diet of puppies up to six months should be followed according to the breeder’s recommendations. The Chinese Crested dog's diet must be balanced. Each new component must be coordinated, but Chinese crested omnivores. They especially like it fruits and vegetables. They eat apples and cabbage, peaches and carrots with equal pleasure, not excluding cucumbers, tomatoes, bananas and oranges.

A breed defect is recognized tendency to obesity. Do not feed what to feed your Chinese Crested Dog, which is downy and hairless. Contraindicated for sweets, baked goods and baked goods.

You need to carefully monitor your dog's weight to avoid health problems. Therefore, they need full physical activity.

Briefly about training

The puppy should be taken outside no earlier than the two-week period of adaptation of the body after the last mandatory vaccination baby. But even if the puppy is trained and defecates at home, it should be taken out for basic socialization. From the first days of walking, the puppy should be introduced to obedience commands.

Hairless Crested puppies love sunny days And active games. Before going for a walk, you should protect exposed skin with sunscreen. The little pebble needs hardening in the fresh air and communication with its relatives.

The company is selected from representatives of non-aggressive, calm, but active breeds - fox terriers, poodles. A Chinese Crested Powder Dog planned for exhibition should avoid confrontation and negative interactions with its fellow breeders.

It is advisable to take walks in places where there are a lot of people and vehicles. But enter into big world should be done gradually. Letting off the leash in crowded places is strictly not recommended until the puppy has mastered the main commands. An off-leash walk can be in a designated dog-walking area or in a quiet place, but only when the puppy has learned the calling command.

Advantages and disadvantages

The appearance of the little man with disheveled hair and a good-natured expression on his face is not deceiving. This kindest creature, a sensitive friend and a reliable companion - this is what reviews say about the Chinese Crested dog breed. A cheerful disposition and an endless charge of energy encourage not only children, but also adults to communicate with a dog.

Chinese Crested gets attached quickly to its owner and is sad if he is absent for a long time, and the dog is alone. Upon the return of the owner, he expresses his joy vigorously, with dancing, squealing, grunting, licking, showing his love with his whole being.

However, as an adult, in the event of a forced separation, it is very difficult to get used to the new owner. Adaptation period may take more than one month. This breed knows how to be sad just as well as to be happy.

The biggest drawback is the crested cat's tendency to dig holes. They are capable of digging anywhere and everywhere. The dog's love for digging is fanatical and developed, probably to a greater extent than that of dachshunds. A dog left unattended in a garden plot can dig up the entire plot in a short period of time. But the Chinese Crested can be trained to dig only in a specially designated place, since a complete ban will harm the dog’s psyche.

Chinese Crested Dog owner reviews


I don't find any faults in my dog. This is the kindest creature, loyal and affectionate. And the size of the Chinese Crested Dog is very compact. I take it everywhere I go - for a walk, to see friends, to the country house. The main thing is that she doesn’t smell like a dog, and there’s no hair in the house.


For me, my dog ​​is a child, with the same demands and whims. He completely adjusted to my rhythm of life. We wake up together, we go to bed together. He loves his place, obeys unquestioningly, but is a terrible beggar.


Add your stories and comments about extraordinary dogs that look like little horses with huge kind souls, not dogs, but creatures who are ready to support you in difficult times and rejoice with you. We look forward to your comments at the bottom of the article.

Origin: China
Patronage: Great Britain.
Date of publication of the official valid standard: 10/13/2010
Purpose: companion dog.
FCI classification: Group 9 - Companions and lapdogs.
Section 4 - Hairless dogs. No operational tests.

Brief historical background : The Chinese Crested dog breed is divided into two varieties - hairless and powder puff. Hairless has a tuft of hair on its head that extends down its neck, toes covering its toes, and a plume on its tail. The rest of the body, as the name suggests, is naked. The Powder Puff is completely covered in long hair.

It is difficult to accurately determine their origin, but it is known that the Chinese Crested was used by the Han Dynasty family in China while guards in the houses of noble nobles guarded chests of property, and dogs of more powerful build were used as hunting dogs. They appeared at exhibitions in America from 1885 to 1926, but then rarely appeared anywhere for 50 years.

General view: a small, active and graceful dog, medium to fine boned, with a smooth hairless body and hair only on the paws, head and tail; or covered with soft outer hair. There are two types in the breed: deer - light and thin-boned, and cobby (translated - short, stocky) - heavier in body and bones.

Behavior and temperament: Cheerful, never angry.

Head: smooth, without unnecessary wrinkles. The distance from the base of the skull to the stop (the transition from the forehead to the muzzle) should be equal to the distance from the stop to the tip of the nose. The head is graceful, with an alert expression.

Cranial part: Slightly rounded and elongated. The stop is slightly marked, but not to an extreme degree.

Facial section.

Nose: Prominent part of the muzzle, narrow in harmony with the muzzle. Any color of the nose is acceptable.

Muzzle: slightly tapered, but not pointed, dry without jowls.

Lips: Tight and thin.

Jaws/teeth: Jaws strong, with a regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth tightly overlap the lower teeth.

Cheekbones: Clean sharp, dry and flat, blending smoothly into the muzzle.

Eyes: so dark that they appear black. The whites of the eyes are barely or not visible at all. Medium size. Wide set.

Ears: Low set, the top of the base of the ear is level with the outer corner of the eye. Large and erect, with or without fringe, Powder Puffs are allowed to have floppy ears.

Neck: dry, without suspension. Long and gracefully flowing into strong shoulders. When moving, the dog carries it high and with a slight bend.

Frame: Moderately stretched.

Back: straight.

Small of the back: elastic.

Croup: Well rounded and muscular.

Breast: Quite wide and deep, but not barrel-shaped. The breast bone does not protrude. The chest reaches the elbows.

Bottom line: Moderately fit.

Tail: set high, the dog carries it raised or lowered when moving. Long, tapering towards the end, completely straight, not bent or twisted in any direction, lowered in a calm state. The plume (tassel on the tail) is long and flowing, covering two-thirds of the tail. A rare plume is acceptable.



General view: Legs long and slender, well set under the body.

Shoulders: Smooth and narrow, well laid back.

Elbows: Close to the body.

Pastern: thin, strong, almost vertical.

Hind limbs

General view: set wide. The angulation of the hindquarters should be such as to provide a level topline.

Shin: Strong and long, flowing smoothly into the hock joint.

Hocks located low.

Metatarsus: vertically placed.

Front and hind legs : pronounced hare paws, narrow and long with characteristic elongated phalanges, especially on the forelimbs, which creates an imitation of an additional joint. Claws can be any color, medium length. Socks ideally cover the toes, but do not go higher than the wrist. Paws and toes are turned neither in nor out.

Movements: long, smooth and elegant with good reach, productive.

Leather: fine-grained, smooth, warm to the touch.

Wool: There should not be large areas of topcoat hair on the body. A long and flowing crest is preferable, but a sparse one is acceptable; ideally starting from the stop and ending at the bottom of the neck. The Powder Puff's coat consists of an undercoat and long soft outer hairs. hallmark breeds

Ideal height at withers: males 28-33 cm. Females 23-30 cm.

Color: any color and color combination.

Flaws: Any deviation from the above points must be taken into account depending on the severity.

- aggressive or too cowardly behavior;
- any dog ​​with obvious physical or behavioral deviations should be disqualified.

Males should have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.