How much can you earn from selling purebred puppies - says a professional breeder. What you need to know to breed dogs

Dog breeding requires a lot of effort, time and money. This type of activity can be done professionally or at an amateur level.

IN the latter case you will have to think about which breeds are considered the best for breeding in home (or almost home) conditions.

Traditionally best dog breeds for breeding are considered:

Labrador . One of the most loyal dogs, has good endurance, playful and active. This is the perfect family dog. Excellently trainable.

German shepherd . She is distinguished by her quick wit and extraordinary intelligence, loyal and attached to her owner, and is easy to train. Dogs of this breed are widely in demand as service dogs. These are excellent protectors of the home. In terms of breeding, the breed is not at all picky.

Cocker . Small in size, flexible, friendly. Ideal for small children as they are friendly and not dangerous. There are two varieties of these dogs - and.

Pekingese . Small, funny dogs with long hair, various colors. Although puppies from a litter of purebred Pekingese are quite expensive, this breed is very popular as a lap dog.

Where to start breeding dogs?

Having decided on the breed of dogs, you should think about the conditions in which the dogs will be bred, how much space is required for the enclosure, what is the location of individual “rooms” in the kennel, what is the procedure for cleaning the enclosure and the routine of the dogs.

In fact, there are many more issues that need to be resolved before purchasing puppies. The most important of them will be related to the financial side of the matter...

Photo 1. Breeding dogs is unthinkable without love and respect for pets

If the future looks rosy and the difficulties of setting up a kennel do not frighten you, you can sit down on the phone and start calling existing kennels that breed the dog breeds that interest you.

You can look through advertisements in large circulations and advertising brochures. You can often find interesting offers from owners of expensive dog breeds who are ready to sell puppies at an order of magnitude cheaper than their actual cost...

As you delve into the topic of dog breeding, some patterns associated with and, the ratio of costs and financial return on investment will become clear.

The ideal dog is one that requires little food, does not get sick, reproduces quickly, is expensive, is easy to train, and has a friendly and docile character.

It is difficult to choose such a breed, but the time and financial costs will pay off over time.

Dog Breeding Basics

The most advanced breeding of dogs is purebred (mating individuals of the same breed). The progenitor of the line is usually a male.

This is how lines of the same breed are formed, which are similar in behavior, character, and service qualities.

There are bloodlines and factory lines.

Bloodlines- these are all dogs descended from one male, regardless of their quality and type.

Photo 2. Purebred puppies will eventually give birth to strong offspring

Factory lines– dogs that correspond to the main type of bloodline and have valuable qualities.

Inbreeding– another concept that is mandatory in a breeder’s arsenal is inbreeding, which means mating dogs that are related.

This type of mating is very effective, since the hereditary qualities of their ancestors are preserved in the offspring. Usually, the necessary qualities disappear with each subsequent generation.

Individuals crossed by this method are strong, without defects, physically developed, balanced, and have good heredity.

Inbreeding is not allowed for weak dogs with a bad nervous system.

Inbred breeding also has a negative side.

After many related matings, it may occur inbred depression, which leads to decreased fertility, decreased growth, and weakness of the nervous system.

This is just a small fraction of the nuances and subtleties associated with breeding dogs. The topic will definitely be continued in our next publications...

Many people have heard that puppies of some breeds cost crazy amounts of money, and those who paid several hundred dollars for their dog know this firsthand. And there is a reasonable temptation to “recoup” the costs by participating in mating. But everyone also understands that keeping dogs is not easy, and they eat a lot. So is it worth starting a breeder business?

Reconomica presents an interview with the hostess home nursery, which breeds English bulldogs. We invited her to talk about the financial and moral aspects of her business in free form. The text turned out to be original, in a manner characteristic exclusively of “dog lovers,” but you can’t erase the words from the song. But everything is truthful and naturalistic.

My name is Lyudmila, age 41, I live in the suburbs of Kherson, in a picturesque place. Nearby are the Dnieper floodplains, and of course, the Dnieper River. I have big house, where I live with my family - husband, son and nine English bulldogs.

I never planned to create a nursery; there was no talk of getting a dog at all. Everything happened spontaneously, consistently, but not from the nursery, but from what fate gave us wonderful dog, the best in the world, smart, tactful, kind - I don’t know how many epithets I could say about him. The boy's name was Holmes. He recently passed away, and I have not yet recovered from grief and sorrow. Thanks to him, I fell in love with this breed, Holmes became the first swallow in my nursery, the father of my first bulldog children, and also my teacher and inspirer.

In 2003, my family and I went to the Arabatskaya Strelka to relax. My little son was only six months old, and this trip to the sea was the first in his life. That same evening a dog wandered onto our veranda - it was Holmes. He didn’t look very good, thin, lethargic, covered in some kind of thorns. Of course, we gave him something to eat. I can’t remember what happened next without tears - the boy came up to me, licked me and looked at me like that... I realized that I couldn’t help but take him home, this is my dog ​​and leaving him in this boarding house would be beyond my strength.

I found out from the owner of the establishment that the dog was brought by vacationers at the beginning of summer, they themselves left, and left him behind. So he walks around the territory, begging. At first he ran around looking for his people, but then he resigned himself.

The opportunities that a purebred dog offers you

At that time we lived in a two-room apartment, but my husband was finishing the construction of the house, all that was left was just a little cosmetics and furniture to be delivered. I understood that it would be hard for me, dog, small child, but we returned home together - Holmes snoring at my feet.

Pedigree is serious

A mark was discovered on the dog, and it became clear that he was not an ordinary guy. An accident forced me to study his pedigree; on a walk we met a wonderful girl - a bulldog. The owner said that she plans to breed her soon, and that if we don’t mind, then she would like to see Holmes as her groom. But there was one condition - the documents must be in order, since the dog is a show dog, and the puppies need a pedigree.

Using the brand, I found the breeder and called him. From the photograph, he determined which litter the dog was from and to whom it was sold. Through a local club he helped me restore my documents and pedigree. He also explained the situation, how Holmes ended up abandoned. It turns out that the owner died, and his son and daughter-in-law simply left him while they were on vacation. The breeder contacted them, but they refused to communicate.

How my puppy business started

We received our first puppy, also a boy, who was exchanged at another kennel for two girls. At that time, I had my first plans for creating a nursery. I didn’t work, my son was growing up, I had a lot of time. I decided that I would start with these two bitches, and if everything worked out, I would expand my business. The husband promised to help financially if the need arises.

But the girls still needed to grow up, and I suffered a lot with raising them. They turned out to be so fast that sometimes my nerves gave way. While they were little, they cried for their mother, fortunately Holmes helped a lot - he slept with them, licked them, and by the age of three months the girls began to gnaw everything that came in their way, including my legs. But nothing, I coped with it, severity, affection, everything was there, by the year I became well-mannered and cultured ladies. We missed the first heat, and mating took place on the second. Holmes was over the moon, as was I, when she found out we were expecting puppies.

Is it difficult to sell puppies?

She looked after them as if they were crystal vases. Vitamins, feeding, maintenance, everything was the best. My dogs lived in the house, I immediately decided that there would be no cages or enclosures. We were observed at a local clinic, everything was going well, but closer to the birth I found a veterinarian who would perform a caesarean section at home. The fact is that English bulldogs cannot give birth on their own due to their special body structure; the bitch may die if she is not helped surgically.

The first gave birth to six babies, and the second eight.There were nine males and five females in the litter. I was pleased, because there is a greater demand for boys.

All puppies were beautiful, healthy, without visible flaws. I already had buyers for half of the puppies. I didn’t even look for them, but the information spread on its own - through friends, through employees of the clinic where we were observed. Some came and chose their children when they were not even a week old.

How much does breeding purebred dogs at home bring?

Everyone was fed by their mothers, I didn’t have to spend money on complementary food, which is very expensive for puppies. All my dogs only ate natural food, I haven’t even tried giving dry food. By two months the puppies were dismantled. By that time they were feeding on their own and were already beginning to show character. I sold the boys for $500, and the girls for $400. By agreement with the buyers, it was decided that they would take care of the paperwork; I only provided the parents’ pedigrees.

My business was not legal, I did not buy a license to run a nursery, which simplified things a little. Of course, the canine services could have attached themselves to me, but three adult dogs are not a kennel yet.

The proceeds from the first litters amounted to more than six thousand dollars.The profit inspired me, but the moral factor depressed me a little.

It was too hard to part with the kids, crying after each one, and then calling the new parents a hundred times. I warned them that if they couldn’t handle it and decided to give it away, then let them take it to me - I’d return the money and take the puppy. No one returned them, everything went well, but I didn’t stop supervising them, and the new owners asked for advice.

Business expansion

I came to my senses a little and went to the Kharkov nursery to get puppies - I needed more girls for my business. There were options to take one-year-old females, but I didn’t dare. It is not known what cockroaches adult dogs can have, what hidden diseases. It’s better to educate yourself than to correct who knows what. The English bulldog is a very difficult breed, the character is still the same, not everyone can cope with it. They are almost impossible to train, or rather, they don’t want to. The Bulldog needs to be understood and negotiated with him, otherwise he can have a fun life.

I bought one and a half month old girls for $300. The color was a little different from mine - they were all red and white, but I took the brindle ones, these are also in demand. It took me a year to raise the young animals; I also did not breed adult bitches, since after a caesarean section a break is needed for the dog to recover normally. Some people don't do this, they use full program, and by the age of five the dog can no longer give birth, and they get rid of it. I learned a lot of scary things about this business. What can we do, there are a lot of cruel people in our society, unfortunately.

It so happened that all my girls went for a walk almost at the same time, the interval was about a week. Holmes had to work hard. By that time he had become so portly and overweight that sometimes he had to help - there is such a practice when mating. I thought that Holmes should be put on a diet, since the loads are too heavy for him, weighing up to 40 kilograms does not contribute to conception.

Difficulties of working with dogs

Like last time, all the bitches ended up in a position, but one of the young girls got into trouble. She was bitten by a snake while walking. From our house to the river there is no more than five hundred meters, and sometimes snakes appeared on the site. But the poisonous viper crawled in for the first time. And it had to happen that just at that time we found ourselves next to her. The girl felt bad, she was out of breath, and spent almost a day on an IV. We lost the puppies, but the dog survived. I was upset, although I understood that until that time everything was too good.

The births followed one after another, I didn’t sleep for almost three days, I had to call my mother for help, because besides the dogs I also had a child and a husband, and there was absolutely no time left for cooking. What kind of food was there, there was no time to take a shower. After the last birth, I breathed a sigh of relief, but was overjoyed early.

One of the young bitches, after anesthesia, did not want to feed the puppies. She had milk, but she showed aggression towards the babies, and I did not dare leave her alone with the puppies.

For several more days I struggled with her postpartum depression(it turns out that this happens in dogs too), she fed the puppies with formula, and placed them with other mothers. But my cuckoo decided to change her mind and accepted the puppies at the next attempt, as if nothing had happened. Finally, I was able to get some sleep.

Many dogs - many problems

Two months later I calculated the profit - almost 10 thousand dollars.

Five of my puppies went to Spain, two to Germany, the rest different cities Ukraine. I didn’t really look for buyers, I advertised, and they got in touch. Word of mouth worked successfully. I gave my clients the opportunity to choose a puppy, watch adult dogs, and learn something. But most of all they liked the fact that they could see the parents of their future children and know in advance what they would grow up to be. My husband joked that it was time to open a hotel, since some people stayed with us. This didn’t bother me, the house was huge, and I had nothing to hide.

What do breeders do with older dogs when they can no longer be bred?

Again there was a year break, and again my family was replenished with three young ladies and one male. Holmes did his job well, but as the years passed, he grew fatter. After active walks, the guy was breathing heavily, which means his heart was failing. I didn’t want to risk his health, so I had to take care of my partner. There was no question of a replacement, but he could use some help.

I was afraid that the dogs would start fighting, but Holmes turned out to be so wise that he did not react in any way to the antics of the impudent young man. And he resigned himself and realized that he had chosen a stupid tactic in behavior. Sometimes the ladies allowed themselves all sorts of liberties and sorted things out not always tactfully. One even had to have her ear sewn shut. There were all sorts of cases, even I got it when I pacified them.

I decided that I was knitting the first two girls for the last time - the third stitch would be their last. But keeping them in such a huge family was difficult for me. So I started looking for them good hands. You can judge me for this, but if you look at it, I didn’t want anything bad for the dogs. And I found families for them such that the girls ended up with loving and caring parents. Naturally, no one was going to knit them, and for this there is a certain procedure when drawing up a contract.

Over time, my small business grew into a nursery

A separate house was built for the dogs at the far end of the yard - there were too many of them for our living space. Only Holmes and one other young lady remained with us. She was the most wayward and often got into fights with her friends. Dog house consisted of three separate rooms and a kitchen where I prepared food for them. The room was heated, so the dogs were comfortable. They walked all over the yard, we often went out to the river, but only on leashes and in turns.

I sold the next brood for 15 thousand dollars. Half of them went abroad, now I contact new families via Skype. I try not to lose sight of any of my pets. Everyone's fate was quite successful, only the boy changed owners twice - things didn't work out in the first family, and the second couldn't cope with him either. But in the third everything turned out to be fine.

Over the entire period that my nursery has existed, the net profit amounted to up to 50 thousand dollars, I spent up to 20 thousand on food, doctors, medicines, and all other related little things.

Maybe for some this amount does not seem sufficient, but for me this is a real opportunity to earn money, and on top of everything - to do what I love. I myself do not regard my activities as clean business. I get a lot of pleasure from my dogs, I adore them all, I worry about each one as if I were my own children.

The emotional side of business

This year there was a terrible loss - Holmes died. He left quietly, in his sleep. I knew this would happen someday, but I didn't want to think about it. He lived good life, giving us so much love and happiness.Now I can confidently say about the biggest disadvantage of my business - separation. I mean not only death, but the fact that you have to give away the puppies, but you also become attached to them. He’s still just a baby, but he’s already a character, he doesn’t like something, he has his own preferences in nutrition. He leaves for someone else’s family, and then you wonder if his habits will begin to break.

I am not going to stop my activities, everything is working out for me, and I have become a real dog handler. People come to me for consultations, and I help many people correct their pets’ behavior. I go to the veterinarian only during childbirth; in other cases, I successfully treat dogs on my own. Not to save money, I just know much more about my dogs and problems than doctors.

Costs of being a breeder

I would like to see more control over nurseries from the relevant authorities. Many of them are in a terrible state, they work like a real conveyor belt, and they do not care at all about the health of the dogs. But unfortunately, there is an absolute hole in this area - no one cares about animals. Only volunteers sometimes find such kennels and try to save the dogs. This rare case when this happens.

Therefore, I would like to say to those who decided to organize dog kennel- think a hundred times whether you can combine business and love for animals so that the latter do not suffer, whether you have enough strength to stay awake at night, tinker with the baby, treat, feed, walk, and much, much more that we give to our human family.

The owner of the nursery is a parent with many children whose children never grow up.

Constant attachment to home - how to abandon children with strangers? I am lucky in this regard: the veterinarian who has been guiding us from the first day is just like me, in love with dogs, and enjoys staying with animals. This gives me the opportunity to relax with my family at sea. I do this when the birth is over and the puppies have settled into their new home.

You also need to be strong in spirit, have a strong character and sufficient knowledge. I had to learn a lot of things on the fly, so I made mistakes. But this is how my circumstances developed, and it is better to be prepared for all difficulties. Still need to have material base, keeping dogs is quite expensive and the profit from them does not appear soon. But if you love dogs with all your heart, then go for it, everything will work out.

The answer is clearly positive: a well-organized business may well bring good profit. There is a lot of money in dog breeding, but everything is not simple at all.

The dog business is not just about breeding puppies for sale.

You could even say that it is the breeding of dogs and the sale of puppies that is the most difficult to make money, especially on puppies large breeds. But in related areas there are many opportunities for earning money.

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Puppy breeding business

This activity can be quite profitable if you start breeding one or more miniature fashionable breeds. These dogs take up little space, eat little, and puppies are expensive. For example, popular in recent years Yorkshire terriers weigh a maximum of 2-3 kg, easily fit into a handbag, and puppies from good producers cost from $1000 and above. They require very little food. But miniature breeds not very fertile: there are rarely more than 3 puppies in a litter.

The breeder's income comes from selling puppies no more than once a year from each bitch. It's not that much. If there is a good male dog, then the owner receives much more profit from breeding and selling maintenance puppies.

Expense items include:

  • initial costs for purchasing a promising puppy;
  • expenses for its cultivation and training;
  • cost of food;
  • veterinary costs, including annual vaccinations and possible problems with health;
  • expenses for participation in exhibitions (sometimes the cost of participation in one exhibition can be equal to the amount spent on maintaining a dog for 4-5 months);
  • cost of grooming (caring for the dog's coat);
  • for bitches - payment for mating, veterinary support for pregnancy and obstetrics, certification of puppies, preparation of documents for mating and puppy cards, vaccinations for puppies, advertising costs;
  • the cost of ammunition, clothing, toys, mattresses, etc.

For large breeds of dogs, the cost of building enclosures and cleaning the area may be added to the expenses. In any case, the costs of breeding dogs are high and do not always pay off. Puppies may not be born very good, get sick, die, or simply not find their buyers.

There is, of course, a category of breeders who in cynological circles are called with a degree of contempt “breeders.” “Breeders” make a good profit by ruthlessly exploiting dogs: they feed them whatever they can, as long as it turns out cheaper, they keep them in cramped cages so that more can fit on them. limited area, they breed bitches at every heat, without particularly caring about the health of the puppies and producers. Often their dogs only look like purebred dogs, but their aplomb and impudence help clever “breeders” sell their puppies to incompetent animal lovers.

And honest breeders believe that breeding dogs can be either profitable or ethical.

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Other activities

But dog breeding is far from the only way to make a profit. And few breeders do only this. By combining several types of activities, you can really earn a good income. What kind of activities are these?

Grooming is everything related to caring for a dog’s appearance, that is, cutting, washing the coat, caring for claws, etc. Many dog ​​breeds require constant coat care, and even more so before exhibitions. A good groomer does not sit idle, people sign up to see him, and the cost of his services is quite decent. However, much depends on the qualifications of the groomer and his ability to find common language with dogs and their owners. And it would not be superfluous to study this profession in special courses.

Training is an essential component of raising a dog, regardless of its purpose and size. A small Chihuahua needs training just as much as a stern Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Dog behavior correction services are in particular demand. Regular dog training, which includes mastering basic commands and social skills, is quite a profitable business. The training instructor must also complete training courses and obtain qualification documents.

Handling - services for showing a dog at an exhibition. It's a kind of art: showing a dog in the ring in the best possible way, prepare it correctly. Many owners trust their pets to handlers, especially at important exhibitions. Handlers often take dogs to out-of-town dog shows on their own, without the participation of the owners. Payment for a handler's services depends on his qualifications.

A hotel for dogs, foster care is a very popular service. Depending on the conditions offered, the cost of one day for a dog to stay at a hotel can vary widely. Owners leaving for vacation or business leave their pets at the hotel; animal protection organizations use foster care services to temporarily keep animals at the expense of charitable contributions. Good foster care for dog owners is more valuable than gold, so there is always a demand for these services.

Transport services for dog owners are a business option. Moreover, there can be many varieties: from pet taxi services to organizing group trips to out-of-town and foreign exhibitions on specially equipped buses.

Trade in pet supplies, production or supply of goods for dogs is probably the most profitable activity of all of these. Especially with the right approach. An example is a very successful business organized and developed by Yuri Cherednichenko, owner and founder of the Yorkme company. The company produces cosmetics for pets, and it all started with shampoo for Yorkshire terriers. The initial investment of 1 million rubles paid off within 5 months. The most promising types of activities in this area include running an online pet supplies store. However, a small production of goods for dogs is quite capable of generating a good income. This can be clothes for dogs, beds and mattresses, carrier bags, cages, ammunition, toys and other things.

Today, dog breeding as a business is increasingly gaining popularity, and if in past years this activity was the prerogative of people who love animals or are simply passionate about this business, and often not for the sake of monetary profit, today the situation has changed dramatically. More and more more people interested in this business, since breeding dogs, as practice shows, has become a profitable business. Undoubtedly, many who want to devote their time to home breeding, especially novice breeders, should have at least some understanding of the nuances in this matter.

First steps

Where is the best place to start breeding true human friends? The very first thing you need to do is calculate your financial capabilities and own strength, since the opinion of some people who believe that it is enough to have one bitch who will produce puppies is fundamentally wrong. a business that will involve breeding dogs always initially requires costs, because a dog is living creature, which needs constant feeding, and fairly high-quality dog ​​food is very expensive - 20 bucks per package. Therefore, the annual cost of just one meal will cost a decent amount.

It should be noted that in addition to finance for dog food, other financial investments will be required: vitamins, vaccinations, toys, and so on, so in any case, such a business will require significant financial investments. Before you finally make a decision and start breeding at home, first read the advice of experts. Such a business is ideal for those who are ready to invest their personal funds in it from the very beginning and only after some time make a profit.

The most popular breeds

Having weighed all the pros and cons and calculated your capabilities, you can move on to the next step of your plan, that is, we study the demand for puppies on the market and find out the top most popular breeds. If you approach breeding from the very beginning purebred dogs seriously, then the percentage of loss, if something goes wrong, will be minimal. As practice shows, dogs are bred various breeds, but there are not so many of the most popular breeds.

Trends recent years according to the statistics system

  1. Border Collie;
  2. Husky;
  3. German shepherd;
  4. Caucasian Shepherd;
  5. Labrador;
  6. Jack Russell Terrier;
  7. Karelo-Finnish Laika;
  8. Alabai;
  9. Doberman;
  10. Pembroke Welsh Corgi;
  11. East European Shepherd;
  12. Golden Retriever;
  13. Kurzhaar;
  14. Rottweiler;
  15. Bernese Mountain Dog;
  16. Chihuahua;
  17. French Bulldog;
  18. Boxer;
  19. Russian Piebald Hound;
  20. Spitz;
  21. Tibetan Mastiff;
  22. English Bulldog;
  23. Beagle;
  24. Leonberger;
  25. Basset Hound.

Labradors are famous for their unique devotion to their owner and their special character. This breed of dog is often used as a guide dog or nanny. The Labrador is distinguished by its endurance and at the same time it does not mind playing pranks. As a Labrador puppy grows up, it becomes more intelligent and serious. Breeding Labrador puppies can bring good income, since the price of a healthy puppy of this breed with a pedigree starts from 15 thousand rubles.

German Shepherds are known to almost everyone, and only the lazy probably don’t know about the characteristics of this breed. The most beautiful and beautiful among her relatives! Her intelligence, grace and devotion are admired by many. The Shepherd is very easy to train, as a result of which it becomes a wonderful watchman and protector. A German Shepherd puppy that has a small pedigree can be purchased starting from 15 thousand rubles. But if the puppy is a descendant of very famous ancestors, then the price of such a baby increases significantly - up to 30 thousand rubles. Breeding German Shepherd puppies, as we see, will also bring good profits.

There are different opinions about Rottweilers, and despite a certain number negative reviews, the breed of these dogs is quite popular and is in demand both among breeders and among those wishing to purchase a Rottweiler puppy. At proper education, the Rottweiler is very loyal to its owner and will protect him to the last. You will always feel safe with such a dog. Rottweilers are distinguished by their flexible nature and are not very picky about the conditions of their keeping. Breeding this breed has a good chance of getting a considerable income, since the price for a healthy Rottweiler puppy starts from 500 bucks.

The respectable and gentlemanly appearance of the English Bulldog leaves few people unperturbed. This aristocratic breed belongs to the class of companion dogs. They are very strongly attached to their owners and separation from their owner often depresses them greatly. In most situations, English Bulldogs have calm and wonderful traits. Due to the special friendliness of the English Bulldog to children, this breed is often bought specifically for children. English bulldogs are not dangerous even to those who do not fully understand the characteristics of this breed.

You should also pay attention to purebred dogs such as pugs and dachshunds. These are affectionate, cute and at the same time such funny types of dogs that love to play, merrily running around the house. They do not require very demanding care and lend themselves well to breeding. They have wonderful guard qualities.

IN lately The demand for small, so to speak, pocket representatives of the canine world has increased, for example: the Yorkshire terrier and the chihuahua. They attract people with their defenseless appearance and at the same time have an incorruptible character. The breeds of these miniature dogs have a high cost and you need to know that when starting to breed these breeds, they need special care and attention.

Criteria for an ideal dog

Having compiled a list of the most popular breeds, a novice breeder should note in this list those that will become more profitable in breeding at home and therefore possible risk the occurrence of any problems will be reduced to a minimum.

It will be difficult to decide on your choice, since a completely ideal dog breed simply does not exist in the world. Before you start breeding, try to always adhere to the mandatory rules, which will mean that half the work is already done. In order for a dog to best meet the ideal criteria, you need to know the following:

  • she should not eat a lot of food;
  • have a completely friendly character and calm disposition;
  • her training goes without any problems;
  • her health must be sufficiently resistant to any diseases and negative conditions;
  • produce offspring quite regularly, which will have a high cost.

Finding an option that will ideally meet these points is very difficult, and to be honest, almost impossible. But it’s not only necessary to try, but also worth it, since the more time you devote to breeding, the higher your income will be. When starting this business, always remember that breeding is not only financial income, but also another very important factor— preservation of the purity of any breed and pedigree. By adhering to these basic rules, you can not only benefit from your business, but at the same time you will also feel fulfilled in this activity.

Before embarking on such an interesting business as dog breeding, many people reasonably ask themselves: what breeds are best suited for this? Of course, it is clear that tastes vary, but there are certain breeds of dogs that are the most in demand and popular.

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Below are the top best breeds dogs for breeding:

  1. So, several breeds share the first place. These include the German Shepherd and Labrador. Why these dogs? The fact is that they are considered the most friendly, loyal and playful. Due to their unique devotion, Labradors are often used as guide dogs and nannies. German Shepherds have always been distinguished by highly developed intelligence. These dogs are very smart and highly trainable. In addition, cinema played an important role in the popularity of this breed. Exactly german shepherds gave us unforgettable images of smart and loyal police dogs: Rex, Mukhtar.
  2. Second place is also shared by two breeds, both straight from England - the cocker spaniel and the bulldog.. Both species are friendly and great with children. In addition, both dogs are medium in size and easy to keep.
  3. In third place are the so-called lap dogs. These are pugs, dachshunds. These dog breeds attract people due to their small size and playful nature. True, despite their size, these breeds are very active, so they need to be walked more often, or if the size of the apartment allows, then let them run around to their heart's content.
  4. And the last of the popular types are pocket dog breeds., which differ in their very miniature sizes. These are Spitz, Yorkshire terriers and Chihuahuas and Pekingese. All these breeds look very funny and can easily fit in a handbag. Perhaps it is for this reason, as well as because of the ease of their maintenance and touching appearance, these breeds are popular among women.
  5. The last of the presented breeds is not yet seen so often in Russia. But that's not to say that they are not popular. On the contrary, many people would like to purchase this breed. In addition, there is a rather touching and tragic story. As you may have already guessed, this refers to the Husky breed. Marvelous beautiful dogs, whose devotion was demonstrated in practice, an example is the story of a dog named “Hachiko”.

Where to start a business?


Once you have decided on the choice of breed for breeding, you need to decide where to start. Of course, to breed dogs as a business, you will need a number of documents. What exactly is needed for this business? First of all, for any type of dog, no matter whether it is a male or a female, a pedigree is needed.

Since it is the first thing that a potential client pays attention to. A breeding permit is also required. It is issued by the Russian Cynological Federation, abbreviated as RKF. For those who organize a business (also called a breeder), a certain document is required, which will confirm their specialized education.

In addition, you will need a document confirming the rental of a special premises (breeding nursery).


A house outside the city may be perfect as a premises.

Of course, before choosing a pair for a bitch, you need to take care in advance of choosing the premises where the dogs will be bred. The main thing is to choose a place with suitable conditions and, preferably, its location is convenient.

Dogs will be comfortable to keep and walk. In addition, if things go uphill, then if you have your own plot, you can build additional outbuildings where a larger number of dogs will be kept.

This is not only profitable, but also convenient. After all, dog breeding, say, in apartment building, the process is much more troublesome. After all, you will have to regularly clean out all the rubbish from the apartment, and disputes with neighbors over noise are possible. So it's best suited private house outside the city or a special building.

Buying dogs

Buy better than dogs thoroughbreds, fifteen to twenty thousand rubles each. For more profitable breeding, it is better to purchase one or two males and several females. So, one female brings several puppies, then several females will bring even more, and, accordingly, more income.

After all, despite the fact that dogs give birth to whelps on average once a year, they bear considerable offspring. And given that these offspring will have a good pedigree, each puppy can be sold profitably.

Equipment and consumables

For the convenience of breeding dogs, you may need chairs (to temporarily enclose the bitch and the dog before the bitch). For breeding small breeds you can use a table. If dogs have a significant difference in height, then you can use special stands to compensate for this difference.

When the female is at the whelping stage, you need to prepare a special box for this, the size of which depends on the size of the dog. In addition, there should be a small partition in the box to separate the dog from the puppies if anything happens. When bitching the dog, you should wear a muzzle, collar and leash.

Those who will assist in this process should wear rubber gloves. And of course, the expense item will include food for dogs, costs of their maintenance, etc.


The dog breeding business is exactly the niche in which it is difficult, almost impossible, to work alone.

The number of personnel involved in breeding dogs must be at least two people. One of them controls the bitch, and the other controls the dog. But, of course, if you are planning a large nursery, then the number of people should be larger. After all, for a large number dogs need care, feeding, walking - all this requires a decent amount of staff.

Of course, any client needs healthy and active puppies. And for this you need healthy and strong parents. But for this, future reproducers need timely and high-quality veterinary care. help. To do this, it is best to keep the nursery somewhere near a good veterinary clinic or negotiate with good specialist, who, for a fee, will help solve your dogs’ health problems.

Breeding technology and care difficulties

There are three main dog breeding technologies:

  1. This is purebred breeding (when a male and a female are of the same breed, and, accordingly, the puppies are purebred). For business, this technology is a priority, since the demand is mainly for pure breed puppies.
  2. But if the client has some specific order, then crossbreeding can be done (when dogs are selected for mating different breeds) to get mixed-breed puppies.
  3. And hybridization - when representatives of two different types(very rare).

Since the purpose of breeding dogs– to get high-quality puppies with good characteristics, then caring for them and their parents should be sensitive and complex. Firstly, this complete feeding and a drink that should be healthy and should provide the dog with all the necessary vitamins and minerals beneficial to its health.

Secondly, these are timely vaccinations that will protect the dog from many diseases and infections. Thirdly - special means dog care. For example, sprays that will protect against fleas and ticks, as well as shampoos that will ensure smooth and strong hair.

Increasing the price of puppies

There are a couple of ways that will allow you to sell puppies at a higher price.


Dog shows are held regularly. Moreover, for almost any age, starting from three months. It is at the exhibition that a professional jury will be able to evaluate what your efforts in caring for your pets, raising them, and training them ultimately resulted in. Based on the results of the exhibition, the dog is awarded a certain score and issued a special certificate. This can be a big help when it comes to the price for a puppy.


Pedigree can also have a positive effect on the price of puppies. For dogs, pedigree is like a sign of quality. She can prove that the puppy is truly purebred. It can also characterize the puppy’s ancestors in a positive way - they are winners or participants in such and such exhibitions, took training courses, won competitions, etc. In general, everything that can be said positive about the origin of the dog.

Dogs for sale

Of course, first of all, to sell dogs, you can first monitor the consumer market. Determine the needs of clients and create a short list of candidates who are interested in purchasing a dog of the breed that you have. And then offer them puppies, presenting all their qualities from an advantageous side and providing everything necessary documents at the client's first request.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantage is that breeding dogs is an interesting and partly positive process. Plus it can bring big profits if everything is done right. But the disadvantages are high risks burnout in this matter, since you work with living beings, and this area is unpredictable. In addition, the matter is quite troublesome and requires a lot of investment, both in time and finances. But if you have patience and make an effort, everything should work out.

The pitfalls of this business are that many people involved in it are overly concerned with pedigree and parental well-being. Because of this, they are overlooked possible diseases puppies, caused by inherited defective genes.

Of course, this will negatively affect the thoroughbred and your reputation as a seller. Therefore, before offering your puppy, make sure that everything is fine with him.

Financial side of the issue

The costs in the initial stages will be very high, so it is better to collect the required starting amount in advance. This will include the rental of premises (if you don’t have your own) and the purchase of parent breeds, food for dogs, costs of caring for them, costs of treatment, and personnel. But if you are willing to work for a while without receiving anything in return, then in the future, puppies can bring good income.

The cost of purebred puppies with a good pedigree can range from 15 to 30 thousand rubles. A few puppies will pay for all the expenses. If there are a dozen or more of them, they will bring serious income. The main thing in the dog breeding business is perseverance and hard work. And then in the future this business will be able to bring good dividends.