How long do Labradors live in an apartment? How many years do dogs live? Life expectancy of yard and purebred dogs

A truer and more devoted creature as a pet than a dog cannot be found. Those who want to get a puppy immediately think about caring for it, and sometimes questions arise about the dog's life expectancy. Does the data vary by breed? And what can affect the lifespan of a four-legged pet?

An animal grows up at a different rate than a human, and most often the differences are observed in the direction of acceleration. In particular, in dogs, puppies are considered babies at 1-2 months, and a one-year-old individual, by human standards, is close to adulthood, which for it comes after 14 months. from birth. Therefore, it is quite logical that a dog’s life expectancy is much shorter than that of its owner, and no matter how distant the moment of farewell to a four-legged friend may be in one’s thoughts, it is inevitable. Scientists have established an inverse pattern between the size of an adult dog and its lifespan: large individuals live much shorter than small indoor breeds.

The average life expectancy, without focusing on a specific breed, for a dog is 10 years, which is equivalent to 56-63 years in human terms. Depending on the breed, a maximum period is set, but most often the upper limit is 17-19 years, which applies to small indoor animals. However, the Guinness Book of Records includes a dog that died at the end of the 29th year of life, which in human terms is much more than 100 years.

This animal lived side by side with shepherds in Australia, which suggests the reasons for such longevity of the four-legged friend. After all, in humans, the longest life expectancy is also observed among shepherds in mountainous regions. It is likely that that dog owed its health and endurance to constant physical activity and living in nature, away from the city smog. After all, its negative influence is noticed not only in relation to humans.

As for certain breeds, among lap dogs, Chihuahuas are called the longest-livers: they die at the 18th year of life, and toy terriers and Pekingese are a little behind them - their lifespan is 15 years. The Chinese Crested has a short lifespan: despite the fact that it is an indoor breed, its representatives die after 10 years. With large dogs, as was said, the situation is worse: after 7-8 years old age sets in for them, so most die at the 12th year of life. The upper limit for boxers is 10 years, huskies - 14 years, German shepherds - 13 years.

How many years do mongrel dogs live?

It is impossible to say unequivocally about the life expectancy of mongrels, since this name does not mean a separate breed, but a mixture of them. As a result, animals adopt the traits of many breeds, and their life spans vary greatly. The main difference between these mixtures and those created in artificial conditions by crossing is the peculiarities of their existence, which exclude comfort and bliss.

Thus, the mongrel dog already has a significant advantage over the indoor individual in the form of increased endurance, which, however, is also not infinite. In addition, street dogs cannot boast of good health if they were initially deprived of their mother’s milk and in their genotype acquired a tendency to diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about a uniquely increased life expectancy of mongrel dogs in relation to indoor animals. And yet, cases of longevity have been recorded among these mixed breeds living in outdoor conditions: the upper limit is 20 years.

And yet, an unfavorable environment does not have the best effect on the animal’s health: the average lifespan for a mongrel is 9-11 years, but external factors can significantly reduce this. In particular, we are talking about serious diseases like distemper, for which all domestic dogs are required to receive vaccinations, but yard dogs are not subject to it. A single accidental contact with an infected animal will be fatal even for the most physically resilient mongrel. This is especially dangerous for small puppies and dogs that have not reached the age of majority, i.e. at the age of 1-1.5 years. In addition to distemper, the same probability of death for a mongrel can be given by an accidentally picked up deadly tick.

Thus, if you decide to get a mongrel and want her to live next to you as long as possible, you will have to take care of only 2 aspects that affect her health. These include vaccinations against serious diseases and the provision of a sleeping place, as well as the possibility of frequent walks if the animal is in a city apartment and not in a suburban area. Otherwise, the life span of a mongrel is much longer than that of an indoor breed. Her stomach is omnivorous, her stamina is stronger, and adaptation to a new home is easier, which eliminates various types of nervous shock.

How long do Labradors live?

Labrador belongs to the category of large dogs that amaze with their power. However, this is not the same athletic strength that Rottweilers have - the nature of the outer strength of the Labrador is rather royal, sedate. According to scientists, the life expectancy of Labradors is low: for the most part, this breed lives up to 8 years; under good living conditions, the upper limit can be raised to 14 years. But for the latter value you have to try hard, since for the most part representatives of the breed rarely exchange the first ten.

In order for a Labrador to reach its maximum lifespan, the dog must be subjected to physical activity. Like some other large dogs, the retriever tends to gain weight, which negatively affects not only its physical parameters: when obesity reaches the internal organs and heart, the animal dies. Therefore, even if the Labrador lives in a city apartment, he is required to have daily walks and jogs.

The next point that affects the life expectancy of representatives of this breed is problems of the joints, in particular the hip. Only a veterinarian can monitor the condition of an animal’s musculoskeletal system, therefore, in order not to reach the stage where you have to seek advice from a specialist, it is advisable to correctly formulate a Labrador’s diet. Collagen-containing products are needed here, and attention is again focused on frequent physical activity to constantly develop joints and ligaments.

How many years do Hachiko dogs live?

It is worth saying that the Hachiko breed, of course, does not exist. It refers to the breed of the iconic dog from the Japanese movie “Hachiko”, and few people know that its correct name is Akita Inu. In the film, the dog waited for its owner for 9 years, which amazed many, and people began to dream of such a devoted friend outside of Japan.

Representatives of the Akita Inu breed, which originated in the 17th century. among hunters, they stand out among their other brethren for their truly Japanese calmness, as well as well-developed physical strength and strength. This, in addition to love for the owner, allowed the famous dog to live for so many years in silent anticipation. There might not have been any purebred representatives of the breed left if the epidemic of rabies, which killed many animals, destroyed them completely, and no one began to breed Akita Inu in America.

Externally, the Akita Inu resembles a Siberian husky: the same sharp muzzle, curled tail, relatively similar dimensions, allowing the Japanese breed to be classified as a medium-sized species. The life expectancy of an Akita Inu in comfortable conditions is 10-12 years, and its rare representatives lived up to 14 years. Taking into account the general life expectancy of dogs, regardless of breed, Akita Inu can be called long-livers. This is definitely facilitated by their phlegmatic nature, which allows them to avoid problems of a stressful nature in the animal, as well as their endurance, thanks to which in Japan and America these dogs are often raised as bodyguards and rescuers.

For any dog, regardless of breed, in order to prolong its life, it is necessary to create the most comfortable, but close to natural, conditions. Vaccinations are recommended only against serious diseases and for puppies who have received congenital disorders of internal processes in order to strengthen their immunity and increase endurance. Try not to forget that how many years a dog will live depends largely on you.

The ancestors of Labradors were northern Canadian dogs, which were used by the Indians to help with fishing.

From their ancestors, today's Labradors received the ability to swim, dive and run fast.

The beginning of the origin and spread of the breed as it is now can be considered the beginning of the 19th century, when Labradors were first brought from Canada to England.

In contact with


Types of breed

There are 3 varieties of Labradors, differing in color:

  • chocolate color;
  • black;
  • pale yellow.

Representatives of the breed, regardless of variety, have developed skills of a hunter, helper and protector. This is a very loyal and helpful dog that has gained popularity around the world due to its character traits and aristocratic appearance.

On the Internet you can see many offers from breeders selling dogs. silver or charcoal color. It is worth knowing that these are not purebred breeds, but a mixture of Labrador and Weimaraner.

Description of species

The traditional color of the Labrador Retriever is black. As a result of selection, other colors were developed, which, in turn, can also include various shades


Characteristic features of the breed variety: solid black coat color and hazel eye color. If there are pronounced light spots on the body, this indicates that the individual is not purebred. The exception is the white spot on the chest.

The black dog is considered one of the oldest varieties of the breed. He gained particular popularity among dog breeders not only due to his intelligence and skills as an assistant, but also due to his incredibly beautiful black fur, shimmering in the sunlight.


The shade of the coat of this breed variety can be both dark and light. A white spot on the chest is allowed. Eye color is yellow or dark hazel.

It is believed that the darker the color of a Labrador's eyes, the better the breed. However, it is worth noting that the eye color of Labradors is finally established only after two years of life. A sign of non-standard behavior in this type of breed is considered to be white or black patches of coat color.

Pale yellow

This type of Labrador was included in the breed standard only at the beginning of the 20th century. The color comes in several variations: golden, cream, red fox, as well as pure fawn and with pigmentation.

This variety of Labrador has black eye rims and a black nose. Sometimes the nose of fawn dogs can turn pink. This usually happens in winter at low temperatures. In summer, the pigmentation of the nose becomes the same again. Defects of this variety include black or brown spots.

Breed standard

Purebred and compliance with the standard can be determined by the average weight, height, color and six values ​​of the dog:

  • weight for males – 30-35 kg, for females – 25-32 kg;
  • height at the withers – from 54 to 56 cm;
  • coat color: chocolate, fawn and black. It is worth considering that the shades of these standard colors can be very diverse: from light chocolate to cream. It all depends on the type of breed;
  • the coat is short, hard, dense;
  • athletic build, well-developed muscles;
  • floppy ears, wide chest, webbed between toes;
  • the tail is short, thick at the base and narrower at the end.


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Features of care and maintenance

Labradors thrive in both apartments and private homes. The most important thing to consider when keeping a dog is the need regular walks and physical activity.

Caring for a Labrador includes: bathing, brushing and outdoor games. It is worth considering that Labradors need regular examination by a veterinarian, since this breed was bred artificially, which means it is susceptible to many diseases.

A Labrador needs to be brushed constantly, otherwise its fur will spread throughout the apartment. You need to bathe your dog as needed, using only special shampoos and conditioners.

Labradors are active dogs, so you need to walk them for at least two hours every day. Otherwise, the pet will start having fun in the house, which can result in torn furniture and chewed shoes.

The key to a dog's health is a proper diet. Labradors prone to obesity. They should not be overfed or given foods that are contraindicated for this breed. To provide an adult pet with all the necessary substances and microelements, you need to adhere to the following nutritional standard:

  • 15 g of meat per 1 kg of weight;
  • 5 g carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight;
  • 2 g of carbohydrate per 2 kg of weight.

A puppy up to 3 months needs to be fed up to 6 times a day, a six-month-old Labrador - 5 times a day, a Labrador from 6 months. up to a year - 3-4 times. It is recommended to feed an adult dog no more than twice a day.

Labradors can be fed balanced dry food, preferably premium. If you decide to give your dog natural food, then it should consist of the following products: chicken, beef, lamb, turkey, sea fish, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits.

How many live at home?

The lifespan of a Labrador is 10-14 years. How many years your pet will live largely depends on nutrition, maintenance and care.

Balanced food, constant exercise and exercise, examinations by a veterinarian, a friendly attitude - all this can guarantee a healthy and long, within normal limits, life for your four-legged friend.

Most dog breeders are sure that The more obese a Labrador is, the shorter it will live.. In many cases, dogs that are lean and fit actually live longer. So if you want your pet to live a long life, then you should monitor its diet, keep it on a special diet and give only high-quality food.

Predisposition to disease

One of the main problems of all artificially bred breeds is considered to be a predisposition to disease. The following ailments are most common in Labradors:

  • retinal atrophy. The symptoms are painless for the dog, but a progressive disease without treatment can lead to complete loss of vision;
  • dysplasia of the hip joints. Leads to lameness of the hind legs, in the advanced stage causes severe pain, and makes the dog unable to walk;
  • obesity. It occurs due to poor nutrition, large portions and a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity can cause a number of other, more serious health problems;
  • hereditary diseases: cancer, epilepsy, lymphoma, atopy. The risk of these diseases occurring is high with uncontrolled reproduction.

Labradors should be taken to the veterinarian periodically to avoid possible health problems. To prevent health, you need to constantly walk with your pet and feed it properly.

How to choose a puppy?

When choosing a Labrador alone, you should take into account some differences in character between males and females. It is believed that bitches are more stubborn, but calm. Cables, on the contrary, are more active, at the same time loyal and get along better with other pets.

It is better to buy a Labrador from an experienced breeder. Better than any encyclopedia, he will be able to tell you about the dog’s characteristics, as well as choose the puppy that suits you. It is recommended to take a dog at 6-8 weeks of age.

When choosing a dog, pay attention to its external characteristics and behavior. The puppy should not be aggressive or timid. His physique should be dense, but not fat.

If you are planning to adopt an adult, then find out in advance from the owner how the dog communicates with other animals, what character flaws it has, how well it understands commands and whether it can be trained and controlled.

The main advantages of this breed are its loyalty, love and intelligence. The Labrador can become an excellent companion for the whole family, as well as reliable helpers and a devoted companion.

Labradors are one of the most popular dog breeds today.

If you need to choose one word as a description, then this word would be friend.

You will learn in this article how this dog breed originated, how to properly care for them, how many years they live, how much they cost in different countries, and how much one Labrador can eat in a day.

To this day, people still don’t fully know how these dogs appeared in our lives.

A huge number of researchers believe that the origin of this breed was from the domestic dogs of North American Indians. At that time, they helped their owners fish.

At the beginning of the 19th century, European sailors wandered onto a Canadian island called Newfoundland and noticed such a beautiful breed of dogs among the aborigines.

They have become real, universal helpers. Their duties included diving for fishing nets and bringing game from the forest.

In 1830, the Labrador breed appeared in Britain, and gained great success among hunters.

Endurance, patience and activity helped hunters get out of the most difficult situations.

Only in 1903 this breed was officially recognized and named “Labrador”. They got their name due to their origin.

Their ancestors were bred on the Labrador Peninsula. Now these dogs are in the life of almost every famous person.

Whether he is a politician or a movie star. Labradors are often used as guide dogs for blind people.

The external description of the breed is quite simple. This dog can be recognized very easily.

There are international standards that can be used to determine whether a particular dog is a representative of its breed.

Calculations and criteria were carried out and recorded in a table. Thanks to the created table, it is determined whether your pet can be classified as a Labrador Retriever or not.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that the dog should be strong, muscular and compact.

The height of a standard male at the withers is 56-57 cm, and that of a female is 54-56 cm.

According to the American standard, the height at the withers of a male dog should be 57-62 cm, and the height at the withers of a female dog should be 55-59 cm. The height at the withers can be measured with an ordinary centimeter or a ruler.

The head is wide, the ears are small, hanging slightly back. The neck is powerful and large, the chest is wide, the limbs are strong, and the paws are compact.

The tail is also an indicator of the breed of the dog. In a Labrador, it should resemble an otter's tail.

Height and color

The growth of these dogs is optimal, as they are not a very large dog, but not small either.

In the first month of their life, their height is 23 cm, by three months - 40 cm, 6 months - 50 cm. When the puppy is one year old, its height will be about 56 cm, at which point its growth stops.

Today there are three varieties of color:

  • black;
  • chocolate (brown);
  • white.

Labradors are a breed that has excellent positive characteristics.

They are very gifted and have high intelligence. You never feel scared, sad or lonely with them. No matter what lifestyle you lead, your dog will easily adapt to you.

First of all, you need to remember that the dog loves communication very much and therefore it should arrange a place where it would have a good viewing angle.

You don’t need to buy your dog a kennel or box; bedding made from natural materials is enough. The size should be such that the dog can easily stretch out and relax.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of any dog, especially when it leads an active lifestyle.

How many times a day such a guide dog should be fed and what to feed it is of interest to everyone who likes this breed.

Her diet should contain all useful and nutritious substances. And then it will look like in the picture.

Labradors are prone to obesity, so if you decide to eat meat, it is better to choose the dietary type.


  • mutton;
  • beef;
  • bird.

Most often, breeders refuse natural feeding and give preference to professional food. But here everyone decides for himself.

When buying a dog from a kennel, you can ask for a full description of what the puppy has been eating all this time.

At first you will have to stick to this so as not to upset the puppy’s stomach. Several years will pass and you will forget how you taught him to eat this or that food.

No matter how old your pet is, his susceptibility to disease will not go away.

First of all, you should pay attention to a disease such as obesity. Only physical activity will help you protect your dog from this.

Also, many large breed dogs have a disease called dysplasia. This disease has not yet been fully studied and for what reasons it may occur in your pet is unknown.

Try to go to the vet at least once a year for a checkup. With proper care, all diseases will bypass your pet.

Interesting facts from the life of Labradors

If you still doubt whether it’s worth it, here’s a whole list of interesting facts about Labradors and their life:

  • In 3 seconds they reach a speed of 20 km/h.
  • They dive to depths of up to 14 m.
  • A Labrador's sense of smell is 25% better than a Shepherd's.

There is already a proven fact that a Labrador can calmly take an egg into its mouth and bring it back whole.

Hello! We recently bought a house and had the opportunity to get a dog. We decided to buy a Labrador puppy. I read a lot of positive reviews about the docile nature and friendliness of this breed. They write that Labrador retrievers have a low life expectancy. Tell me, please, how long do Labradors live at home? (Yana)

Unfortunately, the lifespan of any dog ​​differs significantly from that of a human. If we talk specifically about Labradors, representatives of this breed live on average 12-14 years. How many years will a Labrador live at home? There is no clear answer to this question. For some owners who do not raise their pet, do not monitor its diet and do not control health issues, the average life expectancy of the dog is significantly reduced. Such Labrador Retrievers rarely live beyond the age of 10.

However, everything is in your hands. If you are determined to make a friend, not a toy, and provide him with appropriate living conditions, then your pet can live a happy and long life. Beginning dog breeders often wonder how to extend the life of a Labrador retriever? Answer: no way! But there are ways to avoid shortening the years of your pet's life.

So, the main factors influencing the lifespan of a four-legged friend include:

A person cannot influence this factor. However, when buying a puppy, ask the breeders about the dog's pedigree.


The diet for a Labrador must be correct and balanced. This breed is prone to obesity. If you notice that your family pet has begun to gain significant weight, reconsider the feeding diet. According to the recommendations of veterinarians, when feeding a Labrador Retriever, it is necessary to calculate the daily kilocalorie intake and try not to exceed it.

Choose the right type of food - natural food or ready-made food.


A Labrador will live long only if the dog is in good health. Monitor the condition and well-being of your dog, do not miss scheduled preventive examinations at the veterinarian, and get vaccinations on time. Check your dog's fur and skin daily for ticks.

Proper care

This breed is undemanding in care and maintenance. Organize a place to rest and sleep, think over an activity area, and pay more attention to your pet.

As you can see, to a large extent, how many years Labradors live depends solely on the owner of the animal. The more attention you give to your four-legged family friend, the more likely it is that the dog will live a longer and richer life.

Video “Interesting facts about the Labrador breed”

From this video you will learn about what the popular Labrador breed is.

Labrador is an amazing dog that is especially popular among dog breeders. Thanks to his good-natured and completely non-conflict disposition, he is perfect for the role of a companion and an ordinary pet. That’s why it is increasingly started by residents of city apartments and families with children. In today's article we will tell you what Labradors look like and how many years they live.

A little history

Experts have still not been able to establish the exact origin of this breed. According to one of the most plausible versions, their homeland is localized in the eastern part of the Canadian coast. If you believe this theory, then Labradors appeared as a result of crossing Basque dogs and Viking dogs. Europeans who accidentally landed on the island were captivated by the working qualities of these animals and their ability to operate equally effectively both in the water and on the shore.

Subsequently, these dogs were divided into two branches, very different in appearance. The first had a large body covered with long shaggy hair. The local population actively used them to transport goods. The second ones did not have such a massive body, but short, stiff hair. They were characterized by incredible dexterity and love of water. It was these animals that became the ancestors of modern Labradors.

In 1830, they began to be brought to England and bred as a separate breed. To consolidate the required qualities, they were crossed with foxhounds, setters and the independent breed was recognized in 1904, and twelve years later an official standard was developed, according to which only black dogs had the right to exist. A little later, changes were made to it, allowing the breeding of fawn and chocolate dogs.


Those who are interested in how many years Labradors live should understand that they are considered quite large dogs, which means that their lifespan will be slightly shorter than that of their smaller counterparts. However, representatives of this breed cannot boast of outstanding dimensions. Depending on gender, their height ranges from 50-57 cm, and their weight is 25-36 kg. On a wide wedge-shaped head with well-defined brow ridges, flat cheekbones and a moderately convex forehead, there are brown almond-shaped eyes framed by fully pigmented eyelids and medium-sized triangular hanging ears.

Under a tightly built rectangular body with a tucked groin line and a deep chest there are two pairs of strong, straight limbs with arched toes. The straight, not too long neck smoothly flows into pronounced withers, a wide, elongated back, a relatively short loin and croup, ending at the base of a gradually tapering tail.

Coat and color

Representatives of this breed were bred to work in water. Therefore, how many years Labradors live depends largely on the type of their coat. It should be rigid, water-repellent and fit as closely as possible to the body. Too soft a coat and a poor undercoat will quickly get wet and the dog may get sick, which will significantly shorten his life.

As for color, the standard allows the existence of black, chocolate and fawn individuals. In the first case, there may be a small white mark on the dog’s chest, in the second the shade varies from liver to dark brown, in the third the color intensity changes from almost white to deep red.

Behavioral features

Representatives of this breed are very active and cheerful animals. They quickly become attached to their owners and do not tolerate forced separation well. Those who want to find out what affects how many years Labradors live at home need to remember that a dog that is regularly left alone can develop stress, shortening its already short life.

These are real family dogs who love to frolic with children and are able to coexist peacefully with other animals, including cats. They are very loving and friendly. These dogs are ready to bestow their attention on everyone around them and never show aggression. They are very balanced, reliable and intelligent. However, due to their non-conflict and kind disposition, they are not suitable for the role of guards. Instead, they do an excellent job as companions, nannies, guides, rescuers and hunters.

Features of care

How many years Labradors live at home directly depends on the conditions under which they are kept. Before you bring your puppy, you need to take care of its safety. Since small representatives of this breed are very active and curious, you should remove all wires, sharp and small objects away. Otherwise, the dog may be injured and even die.

In general, Labradors are unpretentious animals that easily adapt to the urban environment. They do not require special conditions of detention. They can be housed either in an apartment or in a covered enclosure, equipped with an insulated booth. As for care, which determines how many years Labrador retrievers live, it comes down to regular treatment of the coat with a special scraper. This simple manipulation allows you to get rid of dead spine and down. You need to bathe your dog when it gets dirty, using shampoo purchased at any pet store. It is also important to systematically trim your dog’s nails and clean his ears.

Nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting how many years Labradors live. Mixed breeds and purebred dogs should be provided with high-quality and well-balanced food.

If you prefer to give your pet industrial food, then it is important to choose products from trusted manufacturers. High-quality dry food always contains meat, but there is not an ounce of corn, wheat or artificial preservatives.

Those who prefer to give their four-legged pet natural food should remember that the basis of such a diet is fresh raw meat (poultry, lamb or beef). In addition, it is recommended to diversify the animal’s menu with buckwheat, rice, vegetables, fermented milk, eggs, offal and low-fat sea fish. It is strictly forbidden to treat your Labrador with long bones, chocolate, baked goods, legumes, smoked meats, pickles, potatoes and onions. River fish, pickled spicy and fried foods should not be on the dog’s menu.


Upbringing also affects how many years Labrador dogs live. An uncontrolled dog faces many dangers not only in the house itself, but also beyond its threshold. Therefore, it is extremely important to set certain boundaries in a timely manner and explain to your ward the rules of behavior. From an early age, the puppy must remember its name and learn to run up to its owner at the first call. It is also important that he is comfortable with the leash and collar.

By the age of one year, your dog should know and unquestioningly carry out at least basic commands, such as “Come to me”, “Place”, “No”, “Near” and “Stay”. Unconditional obedience will save both you and the dog from a lot of trouble. Therefore, do not be lazy and devote at least half an hour a day to training.

Predisposition to diseases

For those who want to find out how many years Labradors live before buying a puppy, it will be interesting that on average this figure ranges from 10-12 years. These dogs are relatively healthy, but they are also susceptible to some diseases.

Often modern Labradors are diagnosed with arthrosis of the knees and dysplasia of the hip joints. Both of these diseases are hereditary or age-related. They are accompanied by lameness and severe pain. Both diseases cannot be cured by medication. You can only get rid of it through surgery.

Also, representatives of this breed are susceptible to progressive retinal atrophy, oncology, atopic dermatitis, epilepsy, panosteitis, osteochondrosis, cataracts and ichthyosis.