The menacing appearance and playful nature of the Staffordshire Terrier. Staff: what a dog looks like, character, raising puppies The biggest staff

Just one glance is enough to understand what the American Staffordshire Terrier is. Stocky, muscular body, huge jaw, streamlined short-haired body - the Stafford was created to protect the family, and American breeders succeeded to great effect. But in the body of an ideal fighting machine lies a kind, smart, charismatic dog who adores his owner and everything that does not pose a threat.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Character of the breed

The American Staffordshire Terrier is abbreviated as Amstaff. The breed is distinguished by simply phenomenal strength; dragging a load weighing more than 100 kg is far from the limit for them. But, unlike, they can’t last so long; for the Amstaff, this is training or just a game, and not the way and meaning of life.

  • Unconfident people;
  • Those who have little experience in training fighting breeds (God forbid if they have no experience);
  • Lazy, leading a “sofa” lifestyle;
  • Busy people who are unable to devote enough time to the dog.

Not domestic breed

By nature, dogs are endowed with energy, vigor, and enormous strength that needs to be spent somewhere; they require regular training and training. If you need a domestic, calm dog, then it’s better to take a closer look at.

Breed characteristics:

  • Height – up to 48 cm;
  • Weight – up to 30 kg;
  • Colors – blue, red, black, fawn, white, brindle, brown;
  • Life expectancy is up to 15 years.

Amstaff brindle color

You can spend hours outside with your dog, in almost any weather, because... They are distinguished by excellent health, and constant activity warms them so much that the dog will not freeze even in good frost.

Intelligence of the breed

Amstaffs have high intelligence, are excellent learners, quickly remember commands, but have character. The fact is that they understand a person not at a reflexive level, but literally understand what is required of them.

Dog training

Therefore, a special approach to learning is required - not “carrot and stick”, but motivation.

The American Staffordshire Terrier has a phenomenal ability to recognize dangerous situations and act with lightning speed.

On the one hand, this is great guaranteed protection both family and property, but on the other hand, with improper upbringing, a dog may not understand the line between “bad” and “good”, and it seems like a child’s prank may be recognized as a danger, with disastrous consequences.

To prevent this from happening:

  • Strictness. The dog must know who is boss in the house;
  • No physical punishment. The dog should respect you, not fear you;
  • Daily routine;
  • Training.

An embittered, downtrodden Amstaff, exhausted by its owners, is a huge danger to society. This breed is not a toy.

Buying a puppy

You can buy a puppy from an advertisement, but it is better to contact a professional nursery or breeder:

  • Pedigree;
  • Puppy Card;
  • Vaccinations;
  • Guarantees.

It is unlikely that apartment sellers will provide this to you. At the same time, professionals will show you the puppy’s parents, tell you everything you can know about the breed, help with training, and at any time you can turn to them for help in case of any problems, since they are interested in the future fate of their puppies.


When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its eyes and ears - they should be clean, free of discharge and odor. There should be a mark on the belly or ear if you buy from a nursery.

The puppy should be active, cheerful, playful. Age – around 3 months. Color and size do not play a role in character and intelligence, it is a matter of taste. Price from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles depending on the pedigree.

Dog at home

Amstaffs get used to their new place of residence very quickly and will be homesick for a couple of days. The main thing during this period is not to miss the moment, and to teach game form where is the toilet (while the puppy is small, when he grows up you can walk him outside), where is the place to eat, where sleeping place.

New place of residence

Immediately, from the first day, take care of your upbringing, this is a cardinal requirement; all future relationships depend on the first days. If the puppy is misbehaving, do not hit him, but tell him in a stern voice - “You can’t!” He will look into your eyes and understand everything, and most importantly, he will see the owner, the dominant member of the family, who must be obeyed. And only then will the dog bend over backwards to please and earn praise, and will he grow up to be an adequate, kind, obedient, and most importantly - a safe dog, as long as there is no danger.

The breed gets along well with other pets and loves small children. He is wary of strangers, so be careful when inviting new friends.

Stafford diet

Very important rule– feed only high-quality feed! Feed in certain time in a certain place. Anything left uneaten should be thrown away immediately. Next to the bowl of food should be a second bowl of fresh water.

  • Raw lean meat. Source of protein for muscles;
  • Offal, lightly cooked;
  • Milk – cottage cheese, kefir;
  • Chicken eggs. Either raw or scrambled;
  • Vegetables. Raw crushed, added to feed.

Protein should make up 30% of all food.

You can't feed:

  • Potatoes, legumes, oatmeal;
  • Pork;
  • Fried, smoked;
  • Bones;
  • Food from our table.

The breed is prone to obesity! Do not overfeed and do not overload with heavy physical activity!

Ready-made dog food

It is a balanced source of vitamins and microelements.

All food should be at room temperature; the dog may refuse to eat chapped pieces, this is normal.

The most important thing is to realize that this is really a Friend, and not just a pet, and only then can you count on happy life for both you and your pet.

Smart look of a dog

Look at the photo above - there can be no doubt that this is an intelligent animal that understands everything, and it will treat us the way we deserve it.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

American Staffordshire Terrier, care and education

- fighting dog breed, also known under other names: Staffordshire, Stafford, amstaff or just staff. It appeared in Russia relatively recently. Rumors about the creepy past and bloodthirstiness of the breed quickly spread. The dog quickly gained popularity. However, the point here is not at all the fighting nature of the breed. As it turns out, the Stafford fighting dog is surprisingly sensitive And clever a creature that fits well for family maintenance And home security.

Origin story

History of the breed originates in ancient England. The staff dog was obtained by crossing two breeds - a bulldog and a terrier. From the first, the Stafford received endurance and ferocity, and from the second, he received agility and mobility. The result was a courageous and aggressive dog. The question arises why the British would even need such ferocious dog.

Initially, the British needed a strong and brave dog for protecting territory and houses. By crossing various breeds got a bulldog. Then an eccentric belief began that bull meat would be much tastier if the bull was first tortured half to death and then slaughtered. Dogs were used for these purposes. Death grip she bit into the unfortunate animal, and when it could no longer resist, the butchers slaughtered it. By the way, it was no coincidence that the breed was called a bulldog - “bul” is translated as bull.

The British liked the terrible bloody entertainment. Hordes of rats brought little pleasure to people, so special breeds of dogs were bred to combat them. The large breeds of dogs used in bull baiting were too slow and clumsy to fight crowds of rodents. It was then that strong, but clumsy bulldogs were crossed with terriers, and a new breed was obtained - the pit bull terrier, which was more active and nimble and could deal with hordes of rats for the amusement of people.

Then a new bloody sport appeared - dog fighting. The creepy entertainment quickly gained popularity and began to bring considerable income to the organizers. Gradually, the bloody betting spread to other countries - Mexico, the States, Canada. In order to make the dog even stronger and tougher, it was crossed with some other large breeds. The result was the American Staffordshire Terrier.

When dog fighting was finally banned in the early 20th century, dogs were used on farms as guards. Today the staff is an excellent protector and friend of the whole family. The breed appeared in Russia only at the end of the 20th century.

There is one very similar breed - the American Pitbull Terrier. These two breeds are often confused. The main differences between them are that Staffs are wider, stronger and, most importantly, much friendlier than pit bulls.

Gallery: staff (25 photos)


When assessing a Stafford, they take into account not so much the size of the dog, but how the dog looks, in other words, the correct body proportions, compact physique.

Breed standard gives this description:

  • The dog's weight is 27-41 kg. Height for males is 45-49 cm, for females 43-45 cm.
  • The head is small, approaching square. The cheekbones are clearly defined, the eye sockets are noticeable. Flat forehead. Smoothly transitions to a smooth bridge of the nose, which is slightly longer than the forehead itself.
  • Jaw rectangular shape. Wide, powerful. A tight row of strong teeth. Scissor bite. Dense. The lips are also dense. If they sag, it’s only a little. No folds are formed. Strong cheeks.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped or round. Widely spaced. They are quite low from the cheekbones. Eye color ranges from dark brown to black. Light color allowed only when blue color wool cover. There are staffs with blue eyes, but this is considered a fault of the breed.
  • The rim of the eyelids is also dark. Light or pink is not acceptable.
  • The nose is big. The color depends on the coat color, but the main one is black or pinkish. Red is unacceptable. The nostrils are open.
  • The ears are set high. They can be either natural or cropped. If they stand up, are broken, or are excessively pliable, it is considered a fault. When evaluating, preference is given to cropped ears.
  • The strong body is covered with tight muscles. The chest is deep and wide, with round ribs. The back is slightly elongated at the croup, but overall quite wide. The shoulder blades are higher pelvic bone. The skin hardly forms folds. The croup is strong.
  • Paws are widely spaced. Strong. The elbows are parallel to the body. Hips are strong and voluminous. Fingers are small.
  • In its normal state, the tail points down. It is located straight or goes up in an arc when the dog is excited. The base of the tail is large and narrows as it approaches the tip. He is set low.
  • The coat is short. The breed standard almost does not limit the color of the coat, as well as patterns. The main ones are considered to be plain, brindle or consisting of spots. The color black with brown spots, like a Rottweiler, is not allowed. Red-brown is also unacceptable. The white color, if not completely solid, should be covered with spots on one fifth of the body, no less.


The dog of this breed is large, resilient and very strong. However, despite his threatening appearance, he has a surprisingly flexible character. Staff puppies cheerful and charming. Adults are calm and have excellent self-control. Loves children and gets along well with families. Unexpected outbursts of anger are completely unusual for him.

However, the staff must undergo proper education and training. In general, the breed is obedient and quickly remembers everything its owner teaches it. Due to its obedience and good obedience, the breed is often used in search and rescue types of work.

One of the main qualities of the staff is activity and mobility. The breed simply cannot imagine its life without long walks filled with running, jumping and other various physical exercise. Therefore, in addition to daily walks, it is necessary to exercise him additionally, gradually increasing the dog’s load.

It is for this reason that the breed is not suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not allow your dog to splash out the energy that is constantly accumulating in him, he can cause a real pogrom at home.

Staffords love to swim, so this can be a good physical activity for the dog, thanks to which it will become even more resilient and develop muscles.

Contrary to popular belief, staff is not at all aggressive dog And doesn't rush at people. On the contrary, she is very sociable, loves children and is good with other animals living at home or encountered on the street. All owners of the breed say that it is loyal and peaceful. However, will a Stafford puppy turn into aggressive dog largely depends on the owner himself, on how he will raise his pet. The dog obeys orders without hesitation. When trained correctly, a Stafford will turn into true friend and the best protector of the family.

A dog's fighting genes only appear in combat. The dog is very aggressive towards the enemy and if he rushes to attack, it will not be easy to stop him. But during the selection process, all individuals that showed even the slightest signs of aggression towards humans were immediately removed from breeding. This was done so that the dog would not snap at a person, and people at dog fights could fearlessly tear the fighting dogs away from each other with their bare hands.

The dog's short hair does not shed, and the pet itself does not emit any odor and quickly gets used to walking. All this makes the dog ideal for living in an apartment.

Of course, in a country house the dog will feel much more comfortable, but even in the cramped conditions of a small apartment it will not suffer.

  • You don't need to bathe often. Once or twice a year will be enough. You can rub a damp towel over your dog's fur to remove dead skin.
  • Proper care of a Staffordshire Terrier involves taking care of its coat. You need to brush your pet regularly. Thanks to this, the animal’s skin will receive a massage, and the hairs will recover faster.
  • The claws are trimmed with special scissors. Teeth are brushed. You should also take care of your ears to ensure they remain clean at all times. In addition, you should pay attention to the nose - if it is dry or cracked, this means that the dog is sick.

The staff needs to be introduced to the street and other animals as early as possible so that he gets used to them and learns to cope without hassles and conflicts. If the dog does start a fight with another dog, the main thing is not to panic. The dog senses the owner's fear and will instinctively fight even more fiercely in defense of him.

Although the Stafford is a good-natured dog, the opinion that it is an aggressive breed is widespread. Therefore, when walking, you need to put a muzzle on your pet so as not to cause discomfort to passers-by.

When preparing a diet, you need to follow several rules:

  • Food must contain large number calcium.
  • Fatty foods should be excluded - the pet will not be able to digest it.
  • High-quality feed contains everything necessary for healthy life your pet needs minerals and vitamins, but you shouldn’t feed your dog food alone. You can add any food to your dog’s diet, except salty, spicy, smoked and sweets.
  • Meat must be present in the diet.

Raising and training puppies

The Staffordshire genes themselves contain a caring attitude towards people.

But the same cannot be said in relation to other animals, since staffs poisoned large animals and were used in dog fights.

Therefore, puppies need early age raise and train it to become a gentle and calm dog.


  1. First of all, the owner needs to start with himself. When raising puppies, firmness is required so that the person remains an absolute authority for the dog. Puppies need to be taught what to do and what not to do from an early age. For example, you cannot feed him from your hands or from the table, otherwise he will get used to it and then, when he grows up, it will be difficult to wean him off.
  2. From four to six months the puppy is quite timid. You cannot force him to fight his fear, he must overcome it himself. If the puppy is frightened by some object, you should not interfere, but give the pet the opportunity to study it on its own.
  3. The pet's character is fully formed by the age of one and a half years. During this period, you need to introduce the dog to the outside world so that it gets used to it. In addition, during this period puberty begins, and the dog will even try to prove its independence from humans. Those commands that he carried out perfectly before will now be carried out with great reluctance. To prevent the dog from rebelling, you need to be firm and demand unquestioning obedience from the dog.
  4. The fighting genes of the staff should never be forgotten. Even an initially harmless game with another dog can unexpectedly escalate into a brutal fight. The owner must be able to monitor the pet’s mood and stop it in time.


  1. The Staff trains well, and this can be felt from the puppy’s age of three weeks. All the skills that he will acquire during this period of time will be remembered by him for the rest of his life. This must be taken into account when training a puppy, preventing him from developing bad habits.
  2. If the owner feels that he is not in the mood, then training cannot be started at this moment. Staff puppies are very sensitive to the mood of the owner, so his nervousness will affect the dog too, which will negatively affect the quality of training.
  3. Under no circumstances should you force train a puppy. On the contrary, you need to use the carrot method. The main thing is that the treat is not too desirable for the puppy, otherwise it will absorb all his attention, and he simply will not be able to concentrate on the training process itself.
  4. Lessons should be short, but of high quality. They need to be done several times a day. The voice should be given a cheerful, cheerful note. Each individual command should sound clear, clear, but at the same time not rude. And you need to remember that when training a puppy, you must be patient and not take it out on him if he does not immediately understand what is required of him.


The Staffordshire Terrier is a great friend and protector for the whole family. Respect for people is embedded in his very genes. However, due to his fighting past, the dog must be properly raised and trained so that he does not show aggression towards other animals. In addition, staff requires constant grueling physical activity. This should be taken into account when buying a dog. If on proper upbringing pet and there is no time for long walks with it, then it is better to turn your attention to other dog breeds.

Staffordshire Terrier - breed service dogs, often attracted to official activities for the protection and protection of territories and people. They are often used in the army and police. In the 19th century, American farmers used them as shepherds. Nowadays they are friendly and sociable pets who want to spend more time with their owner. Due to his strong build and strong character can become loyal friends and reliable bodyguards for humans. But this can only be achieved with early socialization and competent training.

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    Amstaff Terriers are obtained by crossing Terriers and Bulldogs. Initially they were called bull terriers or pitas. The beginning of the history of the breed dates back to the first half of the 19th century. At that time, dog fighting was popular in England, for which dogs with fighting skills were selected. Usually English bulldogs took part in such competitions, but they did not have sufficient agility and mobility. They were replaced by amstaffs.

    In addition to fighting, these animals had another purpose - protection and hunting. The fighting qualities and lack of standards of these representatives prevented them from immediately being officially recognized as a separate breed. Only in the 30s. In the 20th century they were renamed Staffordshire Terriers. At the same time, the American Canine Federation developed and consolidated the existing standard.

    The modern Stafford has changed some character traits over time. If previously it was exclusively fighting dogs, then now they are focused on the role of a bodyguard, companion, and property guard. After official recognition, animals began to take part in exhibitions.

    Staffordshire Terriers and american pit bull terriers- closely related lines. Sometimes they are confused, since until 1935 they were classified as one breed. In the spring of 1971, a separate FCI document was approved on staffs.


    Amstaff Terriers, despite their mini size, look solid. This is due to his dense and muscular build. Height at the withers: males - 47–48 cm, females - 43–45 cm, weighing about 30 kg.

    Standard characteristics of the breed:

    • Massive head with short and erect ears, high set.
    • The eyes are dark, with black edging, and widely spaced.
    • The nose is always tarry in color.
    • Strong, sculpted body with a short back and toned belly. The chest is powerful and large, due to which the legs are spaced far apart.
    • The tail is straight, short, pointed at the tip.
    • The coat is short, thick and dense, silky to the touch.

    The color can be solid or spotted. The most common options:

    • black (with slight white spots on nose and paws);
    • combined (black and white);
    • blue;
    • grey;
    • brindle;
    • ginger.

    Advantages of the breed:

    • courage;
    • balanced psyche;
    • love for children;
    • versatility in use (work, hunting, sports, support);
    • obedience during training and training;
    • good health.

    There are no obvious shortcomings, but these animals need competent education and are not suitable for lazy people.

    Differences between Pit Bull Terriers and Staffords

    These close relatives, who have common ancestors, are similar to each other, so not every fan will be able to immediately determine which breed is in front of him. But individual characteristics still there is:

    Pitbulls are much more aggressive, but more restrained in behavior. There is also a difference in resistance to diseases: staffs practically do not get sick, as they are endowed with strong immunity from nature.


    The description of the character of animals contains the following features:

    • courage and determination;
    • devotion;
    • courage;
    • hard work;
    • sociability;
    • activity.

    Dogs quickly become attached to their owner and are distinguished by boundless devotion. They treat him and all family members with care and concern, especially children. Animals are so smart that they understand who they are playing with and will never harm a child. They try in every possible way to protect and protect them. Therefore, Amstaffs are often purchased as friends and accompanying children.

    They are loyal to other pets, including cats. They can show aggression towards their brothers, especially if they are the first to attack. On a walk they will pass by any dog ​​fight if no one bothers them. But if one of the pack attacks the dog, the offender will be in trouble. The animal's rage can be caused by any danger towards the owner and his loved ones, since by nature staffs are protectors.

    This is an excellent watchman who is not afraid of pain and is endowed with great endurance. He will stop at nothing until he neutralizes the attacker. It is important to instill restraint in dogs, since on their own they are not able to differentiate between people as enemies and friends.

    Dogs of this breed are quite friendly and tend to spend more time with their family. They try to please everyone and will follow any commands just to please. Despite this, they strive to take leadership positions in the house, so a strict and decisive owner is required for upbringing. From the first days you need to let your pet know who is in charge.

    Due to their versatile nature, animals are often hired to work as orderlies, and are assigned as companions to the sick and elderly for help and entertainment.

    There is an opinion that staffs do not feel pain. Most likely, this is due to their fighting past. Dogs actually feel pain in to the fullest, they just know how to control themselves and sometimes don’t show it.

    Care and maintenance

    Amstaffs are able to live in both urban and rural environments. If you plan to keep your pet in the yard, a spacious enclosure with places protected from cold and precipitation will be built. Since dogs have short coats, they freeze in cold weather. In the apartment, the dog’s personal space is arranged away from drafts and radiators.

    Caring for such dogs at home is simple and includes a number of standard measures:

    • Brush the fur periodically with a stiff brush.
    • They bathe quite often, as staffs love water treatments and are naturally clean.
    • After taking a bath, wipe with suede to add shine to the coat.
    • The skin is regularly examined for damage, and existing wounds are treated. If your dog smells unpleasant after bathing, you should contact your veterinarian. This is probably an infectious disease.
    • The claws are trimmed with a nail clipper as they grow.
    • After walks, the paws are examined for wounds and scratches, which, if present, are lubricated with iodine or brilliant green.
    • Remove discharge from the eyes and ears with a swab soaked in boric acid.
    • They walk twice a day - morning and evening. A muzzle and a leash are required, since any unexpected meeting with other dogs or an inappropriate passer-by may lead to unwanted reaction animal.

    If you want to crop your ears, do this for up to two months. Later, many forms in the ears blood vessels, and the rehabilitation period is significantly delayed.

    It is recommended to take your pet for long walks so that the staff feels normal. With a lack of activity, he begins to show disobedience, causes mischief in the house and behaves quite aggressively. This animal requires daily physical activity at least two hours. These could be:

    • swimming;
    • Frisbee;
    • agility;
    • bikejoring;
    • skijoring;
    • waitpulling.

    Sport allows the dog to release accumulated energy and keep its muscles in good shape.


    Animals are very unpretentious in food, but they still have preferences. It is important from the very beginning to select a complete and balanced diet. Up to three months, puppies are fed 5-6 times a day, then this amount is gradually reduced. By the age of one year, they are brought to a two-meal diet, like in adults.

    Selected at the discretion of the owner natural nutrition or ready-made feed, but exclusively premium. Additionally, the pet is fed with vitamin and mineral compounds.

    In the puppy menu, raw meat and fish should make up about 30%. The by-products are pre-boiled. Raw food added to food egg yolk. Porridges are prepared from rice and buckwheat, mixed with crushed fresh vegetables(zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, celery). Periodically give tubular bones so that the puppy can sharpen his teething teeth. To maintain calcium balance in the body, fermented milk products are introduced.

    The diet of an adult dog includes:

    • boiled offal;
    • liver;
    • chicken heads and necks;
    • boiled sea fish;
    • porridge: wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn;
    • beef and lamb.

    After each meal, remove leftovers and wash dishes. For bowls, it is advisable to purchase a stand for the height of the animal.

    You should not let your dog chew on massive bones: this can lead to jaw dislocation. From daily diet exclude:

    • potatoes and legumes;
    • barley;
    • herbs and spices;
    • fatty and smoked foods.

    All of the above products cause indigestion and interfere with the full development of the puppy, and also destroy tooth enamel.


    Staffs are naturally endowed with strong immunity and almost never get sick. But even such strong people can be affected by some ailments. Animals are most prone to the following diseases:

    • arthritis;
    • cataract;
    • hip dysplasia;
    • turning of the eyelids;
    • deafness;

    To prevent similar pathologies you need to adhere to preventive measures. So, in the cold months, the dog is taken out for walks wearing protective clothing, which can be bought at any specialized store. Timely vaccinations will help reduce the risk of infection. The first vaccination is given at two months of age, having previously resorted to deworming. After vaccination, you should protect your baby from stress and contact with other dogs for at least 2 weeks.

    The lifespan of a pet largely depends on care and living conditions. The average duration is from 12 to 14 years.

    Choosing a puppy

    Having decided to get such a pet, many people think about who is better to choose - a girl or a boy:

    • A female dog is more affectionate and it is easier to establish close contact with her than with a male dog. In addition, she is more amenable to taming. The downside is the possibility of getting pregnant.
    • In males negative points a little more. These include the desire to constantly mark territory and the desire to take leadership positions, competing with the owner. The first disadvantage is leveled out by patient weaning or castration, the second - by competent training.

    It is recommended to purchase Staffordshire Terrier puppies from specialized nurseries, which guarantees the purebred of the breed. There is a high risk of buying a half-breed or a sick animal through online advertisements. Sales of babies begin after routine vaccinations(2-2.5 months), although they are separated from the mother at 1.5 months.

    If the baby’s ears are already cropped at this age, you should ask the breeder about the reasons for the operation, or it is better to abandon this option altogether. It is recommended to personally meet the staff's parents. If the puppy is imported, it must have a passport that indicates:

    • color;
    • date of birth;
    • information about parents.

    On this basis, the club where the breeder is registered issues a number to the pet. The condition of both mother and puppy is visually assessed. The presence of the following signs is unacceptable:

    • haggard appearance;
    • angry or fearful behavior;
    • various rashes on the skin;
    • bloated belly.

    A healthy baby should be moderately well-fed, with shiny coat, active and friendly.

    In Russia, about 70 nurseries are engaged in the official breeding and sale of Amstaffs, which is where you should contact. Usually the price of puppies is not announced immediately, but only after booking. The average price tag in St. Petersburg and Moscow establishments varies from 250 to 440 dollars.


    Training the Staffordshire Terrier is the key to its beautiful muscles and easy-going disposition.. They start training immediately as soon as the puppy appears in the house. From the age of one and a half months he is socialized: taken to crowded places, driven in a car and public transport, enter unfamiliar entrances. In this way, the dog is taught to behave appropriately in any situation. Training grounds are visited from the age of seven months.

    A new guest must be immediately taught to be clean. To ensure that the habit of going to the toilet only outside is established, after sleep and every feeding the dog is taken out for a walk. Gradually the interval between walks is increased. Since babies cannot immediately control their bladder and bowels, they should not be punished for relieving themselves in an inappropriate place. From the age of six months they can easily tolerate 5–7 hours.

    The breed is easy to train, so the puppy understands commands the first time. With a competent early approach, as a result of systematic training, it is possible to obtain an obedient assistant and faithful companion.

    Initially, they make it clear to the puppy who is the leader in the pair between him and the owner. Since babies are more playful and active, the taming process may take longer. You cannot lose your temper and use rudeness and violence towards the dog when it does not want to do something: you can provoke an aggressive reaction (or the pet will harbor a grudge and after some time will take cruel revenge).

    WITH general training the owner is able to cope on his own, but the fighting qualities must be instilled by a professional. Common training includes:

    • reaction to a nickname;
    • training to use a collar and muzzle;
    • teaching the commands “Near”, “Come to me”, “Lie down”, “Sit”, “Stand”, “Voice”, “Place”, “Fetch”, “Fu”.

    It is unacceptable to shout at your ward; it is enough to voice your dissatisfaction in a stern voice for him to understand everything. One of the advantages of the breed is the unquestioning execution of commands.

    Most people consider these dogs to be overly ferocious and dangerous, but this is not true. They are quite friendly, but due to their innate security qualities always on the alert. Often, extending a hand to a stranger for peaceful purposes is perceived by dogs as a danger and provokes an attack. Therefore you should adhere to elementary rules safety, in which case the dog never attacks.


    If the male is active and experienced, mating goes quickly. Since Amstaffs are endowed with a vulnerable psyche, it takes some time for the partner to get used to the female. The constant rule for successful mating is to carry out the process on the territory of the male dog. This principle is especially important if one of the couple is invited to mating for the first time. In a neutral place, the process is possible provided that both dogs are experienced.

    Knitting nuances:

    1. 1. To prevent the bitch from biting the cable, put a muzzle on her.
    2. 2. First comes the mating games. When the female is ready, the male mounts her and quickly covers her.
    3. 3. When clutching, the dogs should be prevented from moving in opposite directions so as not to harm the dog.
    4. 4. After completion, the dogs are given water and given time to rest.

    The procedure is repeated the next day.

    Typically pregnancy lasts 60–62 weeks. If birth occurs early, most often the cubs do not survive. Usually there are up to 7 puppies in one litter, each weighing 300–350 grams.

The American Staffordshire Terrier breed is a fighting dog. Many people are afraid of these dog breeds, but there are people who understand that Proper training will make a dog a great friend.

Dog fighting - a terrible, cruel spectacle - gained momentum in the nineteenth century in the Old and New Worlds. The organizers of this inhuman entertainment received large profits. Gradually, such fights gained popularity in Mexico, Canada and the United States of America.

A new breed of fighting dogs appeared in the 19th century in England, where To create a brave and aggressive warrior, a terrier and a bulldog were crossed. The result was impressive.

The Stafford mixes the aggression of a bulldog with the activity of a hardy terrier.

The Stafford dog breed: during the fights in which they took part, blood was shed for the amusement of the spectators. Dogs, being powerful killing machines, stopped at nothing to They did not seem to notice serious wounds and injuries, continuing to fight courageously.

Breeders improved the breed several times, its names changed. was recorded at the end of the 19th century, and modern name The American Staffordshire Terrier received its name at the end of the 20th century.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 286 dated 12/01/1997"American Staffordshire Terrier" (English: American staffordshire terrier).
Group 3 "Terriers". Section 3 “Terriers of the “Bull” type”.

The FCI standard states that the preferred height at the withers is approximately eighteen to nineteen inches. (46 - 48 cm) for males and seventeen to eighteen inches (43 - 46 cm) for females.

Weights are not regulated, but the total mass of the animal must be harmoniously combined with the physique. Approximate weight: 25–30 kilograms.

A description of the Stafford breed should begin with its characteristically large and strong build. Overweight impermissible. A massive head is combined with a short back, powerful chest, toned stomach and muscular shoulders. Rounded dark eyes with a border widely spaced. The coat is short, thick, the surface of the coat has a smooth structure. Acceptable availability different colors, stains allowed.

Stafford dog breed: the photo clearly demonstrates these signs.

Given that proper care and the maintenance of the American Staffordshire Terrier pleases the owner fifteenand moreyears.

Character and abilities

Before you buy a Stafford puppy, you should thoroughly study the available literature about the breed.

Those who are interested in the American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed should know: The character of these four-legged warriors is contradictory.

Genetically, the character traits have not gone away: Stafford still remains a fighter with a complex disposition.

On the other hand, Staffordshire Terriers are intelligent dogs that are calm and self-controlled. These pets are attached to children. Due to their mobility, activity and great energy, Staffords can play and have fun with children for a long time. A Stafford will make an excellent defender, he will not leave his owner in trouble, and will always protect his home.

Staffords They strive to dominate only over their own kind. They look down on cats and pocket dogs, so they can easily coexist with small pets.

These are sensitive natures. Professionals do not advise punishing them, scolding them, shouting at them or behaving aggressively. The owner must remember what flows in the pet’s blood and understand that aggression generates the same response. This rule applies not only to fighting natures, but to all living things on the planet.

From birth, Staffordshire Terrier puppies have a keen sense of smell. They feel tension in the family caused by unpleasant situations. At such moments, pets are able to show highest degree understanding. They will not bother the owner, but will try to either show support, or will not show their presence in any way.