How to train a dog to the fu command. General training

It is better to train any dog ​​when it is still a puppy, since at this age it is more receptive to commands. From the very first day, as soon as you purchased a puppy, you should immediately start raising it.

However, if you do not provide proper attention to your pet, it can acquire a lot of bad habits, and in the future such habits are practically not corrected. Consider the prohibiting command “Fu!”

Raising a puppy requires creativity, especially in the case of breeds with an independent and cautious disposition (for example, the popular husky). The difficulties of training are especially felt when practicing prohibitive commands - even the slightest violence or punishment, incomprehensible to the dog, instantly rolls back all the work to zero. The dog may stop approaching, fearfully carry out already practiced commands, or completely withdraw and stick to the line: “I don’t understand anything, the owner is crazy.”

  1. Let's say your four-legged friend is dissatisfied with something and barks very loudly in the apartment. At first, while your pet is small, this may look like a cute prank, but with age, his voice will get stronger and the neighbors are unlikely to like this, and the dog can bark for hours. Therefore, as soon as the puppy barks, you need to give the command “Fu!”, perhaps with a slap with a newspaper.
  2. Or imagine that you come to your home, and your pet greets you at the door and immediately jumps on you with all four paws at the same time, and the dog is already old and, in addition, a large breed. Agree, this is not very pleasant. Thus, the pet should be weaned from such cases during puppyhood using the command “Ugh!”

Principles of teaching a puppy the Fu command

While walking with your puppy, try to watch him more, because at this age dogs really like to pick up everything that doesn’t lie well from the ground. For example: sharp bones or other food waste that can cause death to the animal. Therefore, as soon as you notice that he has picked up something, immediately forbid him and do not forget to use the command “Ugh!”

However, if you first used such a command and then forgot, then your pet may not understand what to do in the future. Many dogs' teeth begin to change at 3 months, and this is where serious monitoring is necessary. Since the puppy will chew everything, from clothes to furniture. Therefore, as soon as your four-legged friend starts gnawing on something, you should immediately say the command “Ugh!” using a slap.

Try to provide the puppy with food that he can chew with complete impunity. As your dog ages, he will acquire the habit of chewing only what you give him. If strangers or familiar people approach the puppy on the street, then the pet should treat them without anger or fear, showing only calmness.

Prohibit your dog from running up to strangers or chasing children by using a prohibiting command using a twig. Remember that you should train your puppy to use commands extremely carefully, without using strong physical influence, since if you scare him or cause physical pain, the dog may develop fear and lose interest in training.

How to teach the “fu” command - so important and necessary, especially within the city - to a dog with a complex character?

There is a method that takes time, but will work with any dog. It may look a little strange, but for some breeds it is almost the only possible option. When training a puppy, you need to act in stages. You will have two hands involved, so it’s better to rehearse at first to improve your coordination - it usually doesn’t work out quite smoothly for beginners.

1. The owner takes a small piece of treat in his hand (it is convenient to use liver cut into thin strips; it is easy for the puppy to bite off it little by little). Standing in front of the puppy, bring your hand with a treat to your chin (or neck).

2. In a rough, low voice, but not loudly, say “FU!” and lower your hand with the treat (stop it somewhere 5-10 cm from the dog’s nose). The dog tries to take the treat - push it away with your free hand, repeating a rude “Ugh.” Push away not forcefully, but confidently, do not hit, do not push away, but simply persistently push away the muzzle. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times from the beginning (chin chin, offered a treat, pushed away).

3. In a high, thin voice, squeal to the dog “Eat!” (all complexes go away, you just need to squeak) and offer, stopping him 5-10 cm, as before. The dog will most likely hesitate - you have pushed him before. Repeat “Eat!”, but don’t give the dog a treat—let him take it.

By repeating these steps over several days, you will clearly teach your dog to take the “eat” command and wait for the “fu” command. Gradually remove the squeak and leave only “ew” - and the dog will stop taking what the command refers to.

How to teach a puppy the “Fu!” command: 2 options

In parallel with this study, when training a puppy, you need to do the same thing, but in two more options:

  1. placing treats on the edge of the table (preferably in those places where the dog steals from, if it has such a habit);
  2. dropping the treat on the floor with the command “fu!” and then calling the dog (so that during the approach the dog has to pass by the dropped treat).

The next stage of raising a puppy is to move all the action outside. For these purposes, a crust of bread moistened with butter or something else tasty and aromatic is a good treat. While walking with the dog, quietly “drop” the hump and then “find” it (that is, call the dog and show it, they say, look what you found, but at the same time say your low “ugh!”).

And now - a commentary explanation for the method. Why do you need to speak in a deep voice and squeak? The dog does not hear or understand your words; it only pays attention to the pitch of your voice. They say short is not allowed, tall is allowed. What are the features of this technique? There's a "wow" in it. - it’s not impossible, it’s “wait.” The dog is made to understand that the treat is yours, you will get it, but a little later, you just have to wait. This is why there should be no competition when learning the “fu” command.

If there are other dogs in the house, remove them from the room. Do not remove your hand with the treat, do not pull it away (this will awaken the prey instinct), but rather push the dog away. This method is one of the most effective. It allows you to teach your dog the fu command without using violence.

In addition, there are dogs (and such large percentage among huskies), who easily eat lemons, chili peppers and even chew on packages of “anti-viper”. Therefore, teach them the command “fu” traditional methods difficult.

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Often similar prohibiting commands “Ugh!” and “You can’t!” confused, but they have differences. So, “You can’t!” - a temporary ban that is used when practicing endurance as part of honing a dog’s obedience.

This command is pronounced at the moment when the pet is pulled by the collar, the leash is jerked, objects are thrown towards the dog, and rewards follow for correctly performed actions. The pet is forced to obey the command “No!”, thereby overcoming discomfort or pain. So the pet will prefer to stay in place rather than experience it again discomfort- a reflex is developed.

Team "Ugh!" is part educational process and does not imply encouragement. The team is being studied with early age in order to prevent unwanted actions in the form of chewing objects, gnawing furniture, attacking passers-by, biting fingers, picking up from the ground, grabbing a pant leg. At the moment of an undesirable action, the animal is punished by simultaneously pronouncing the command “Fu!” The method of redirecting attention is effective. After punishment and commands, attention is redirected to something else, for example, instead of shoes that the pet is chewing, they are given an exciting toy.

Regardless of the training method, to learn a new skill, choose a quiet and calm place where the dog is not distracted.

Rules for teaching a dog the command “Fu!”

The command should be used only when necessary, to prohibit specific actions, and not everything in a row. You should not give a prohibiting signal when executing other commands. Mastering the command can begin when the puppy reaches 3 months of age, but physical punishment is not recommended for puppies under six months of age. Such actions can frighten the puppy and negatively affect the psyche. In addition, by this age the pet will have already mastered the command “Sit!”, “Come to me!”, a trusting relationship with the owner will be built and the dog will master the command “Fu!” it will be easier. To prevent unwanted actions at an early age (1-3) months, it is advisable to redirect the pet’s attention rather than punish it. For example, distract with a game, another command (“Come to me!”), attract with a treat. But you shouldn’t give the treat right away, otherwise your pet will think that he is being rewarded for unwanted actions. Before giving a treat, it is advisable to play with your pet or reward a well-executed command that has already been learned.

It is advisable to carry out training on the street, in a sparsely populated place, but where there are objects, objects from contact with which the dog needs to be weaned (birds, edible garbage). An important condition is frequent change route. When walking slowly with your pet on a leash, you should carefully monitor its direction and respond promptly to changes in the situation.

A dog heading towards an unwanted object is commanded “Fu!” and jerk the leash sharply, but not too much. The movement is not stopped, but after a few steps the pet is stopped and given the usual command, for example, “Lie down!”, after which a treat follows. Such an action will serve as a distraction for the animal and a kind of encouragement, but not directly related to the command “Fu!” When a prohibiting signal is given, encouragement is unacceptable.

The prohibitory command is pronounced in a strict tone and exclusively at the moment of committing an undesirable action, and at the same time punishment follows in the form of a weak clap on the rump, a sharp weak tug of the leash. For adults and large dogs The use of a strict collar is allowed.

A ban is effective only when the pet has just begun to perform an undesirable action (sniffing food on the ground with the goal of swallowing it the next moment). If the pet has already grabbed the food, then it is useless to give a prohibiting signal. In response to the owner's objections, the animal will try to swallow the food as quickly as possible.

Over the entire period of walking, 3-5 repetitions of the command are enough. If the prohibiting signal is given too often, the pet will stop responding to it. In addition, if the painful effect is excessive, then depression will occur nervous system animal, psychologically the pet may not tolerate it. The interval between repetitions should exceed 15 minutes. While prohibiting any action, one must not allow it to be carried out after a command is given.

As you achieve success in mastering the skill, the conditions gradually become more difficult. They practice in busier places, in contact with other animals, on a longer leash, and then without a leash.

Mastering a command can be called successful when the dog stops the unwanted action immediately after the first utterance of the command “Fu!” The command must be repeated on a regular basis, otherwise the pet will quickly forget about the prohibiting signal.

It is forbidden:

  • punish the pet if some time has already passed after the “crime” and other events have occurred.
  • use irritants that cause severe pain;
  • use a prohibiting command inappropriately;
  • actions should not cause a loss of trust and emotional contact between the dog and the owner.

There are many methods on how to teach a dog a command; for some of them, the trainer risks listening to “tirades” from “humanists” who underestimate the risks of disobedience. The “Fu” or “No” command, which allows you to interrupt the unwanted action of the ward, is a titanic platform for dog obedience. Strict execution of the order really saves lives, protects against injuries and other troubles, in addition, the dog must clearly understand whether it is possible or not, the owner decides.

You will smile, remembering this article, when the fluffy ball appears in your home. Oh, how often will you exclaim in your hearts: “You can’t!”, “Ugh!”, “What are you doing!”, “Spit!”, “Get away!” At times, you will even feel ashamed: “What kind of parent am I that I forbid everything, it’s tiny.” But these are lyrical emotions that have no place in adult life dogs.

Remember, you cannot train your dog to obey a command; it means protecting and caring for you, not punishing him! The first steps in the science of obedience begin at home, long before the puppy is vaccinated and starts running outside. By 4 months, the baby should understand Fu’s command, even if not follow it 100%, but the strict, harsh tone should prompt the child to think: “Is it worth it?”

Read also: How to stop a dog from howling. Effective methods for aviary and pets

The nuances of executing the command: No or Fu

To hit or not to hit? - Decide for yourself, there are alternatives - parfors, training choke collars, compressed air cans (football pipes), ultrasonic whistle, EShO (electric collar), and the most humane thing - patience, perseverance, rigor. It is worth noting that “cunning” and “sneaky” will quickly understand what they want from them and how to deceive the owner - be prepared. Conditional standards for executing the Fu command:

  • The command is mandatory for a dog of any breed, size, psychotype, age!
  • The dog stops unwanted actions on command and does not return to them as soon as the owner turns away (pseudo-compliance).
  • The ward knows that disobedience is followed by punishment, and most importantly - negative emotions owner.
  • The command can be given by all family members and people living in the same room as the animal.
  • Choleric and hyperactive dogs are trained in the “Ugh, Sit!” complex; fixing the pose helps the pet to restrain itself.

And now the most important thing! To successfully teach a puppy a command, the trainer must be a canine psychic. Watch the puppy and learn to guess thoughts, it's actually not hard. The tail wagged more slowly, the ears moved, the muzzle became puzzled - we see that the baby is clearly up to something. He took a toy - they praised him, tried to steal a slipper - “Ugh!”, so much so that the baby was puzzled.

Important! If necessary, shame your pet; he perfectly understands the tone of disappointment, although he does not understand all the words; for many dogs, an upset owner is the worst punishment.

The Fu or Cannot command is given when an attempt (!) is made to perform an undesirable action. If the child has already stolen a slipper, they silently caught up, took it away, shamed him, and were demonstratively offended. Sneaking towards the shoe rack? - We caught up, turned our face towards ourselves and looked into our eyes: “Ugh!” This is creepy in theory, but in reality it’s quite simple.

Read also: What to feed a Jack Russell puppy: menu by age

Teaching a dog the command No or Fu

Naturally, the command “no” is inconvenient for the dog, undesirable and generally outrageous if we're talking about about chewing the shoes of a beloved owner or chasing a cat. We work based on the dog’s inclinations, but your goal is to stop the unwanted action (ideally) without touching the puppy with your hands. We saw that the baby was interested in the forbidden - we distracted:

  • Let's name the pet, did you ignore it? – Strictly “Ugh!”, they called us over and played.
  • If the baby gets tense, we quickly grab his toy or treat and twirl it in our hands - we entice him.
  • Do we know at least one team? - Great! We clap our hands, the dog is distracted from the desired object and immediately give the mastered command, for example, “Sit”. The kid is confused - the mission is completed.
  • And finally, if your pet is stubborn and still committed an undesirable action, we catch up with the “bandit”, physically stop him, and get offended.

Important! An angry puppy will not follow the “Fu” command; most likely, he will not even hear your order. Carefully stop the angry child, calm him down, distract him, but do not “lose” his authority. The same applies to fights between adult dogs; if they get into a fight, separate them and shout “No!” it's already late.

During training adult dog, the easiest way is to use parfors ( strict collar). The hooligan reached for the trash can or to a stranger– a strict Fu and a jerk of the leash. Fast, tough and peremptory. More difficult question, precise execution of the Fu command when trying to pick up food from the ground or take a tasty treat from a stranger.

Teams "Fu!" and “You can’t!” designed to stop unwanted puppy behavior. This is especially true at the present time, when out of nowhere “proliferating” dog hunters are killing dogs with poisoned food.

Many dog ​​owners mistakenly believe that these commands mean the same thing. However, this is not true.

As Edgard and Arnold Zapashny write, “Team “Ugh!” translated into “human” language means “Leave it!”, “Throw it!”, “Spit it out!” and applies mainly to what the dog directly puts into his mouth. "Ugh!" - command “Drop!” with instant execution."

If a dog picks up food from the ground on the street, we command: “Ugh!”, if it chews on the shoes of one of the family members - “Ugh!”, If it grabs the trousers of a friend who came to visit - “Ugh!”.

However, it’s stupid to shout “Ugh!” if the puppy has squirted on someone lying on the floor. Persian carpet. He will not understand what you want from him by shouting this command, because in his mouth there is nothing except “saliva hanging from pleasure.” Face it, the carpet is still ruined!

In this case, the “No!” command will help. This command is universal and in many cases can successfully replace “Ugh!”

For a dog “No!” means something that is unacceptable to do.

When teaching both commands, the owner's voice should be firm and loud. Since a dog's vision is its sense organ, the owner's facial expressions are also important to the dog. Therefore, his face should express obvious disapproval, which for the dog is confirmation of the command perceived by ear.

It is important to remember that excessively restricting a dog with the command “No!” or unnecessary, frequent repetition of this command can develop aggression in the dog or the other extreme - cowardice.

Accustom your puppy to the commands “Fu!” and “You can’t!” must be done carefully. It should be borne in mind that up to 2.5-3 months of age, a puppy easily develops positive skills associated with any activity (for example, following the commands “Come to me!”, “Walk!”), however, inhibitory reactions are developed difficult. Therefore, at the age of 1-3 months, it is impossible to resort to mechanical influences (blows with a twig, etc.) to stop the puppy’s unwanted actions.

The main method of weaning a puppy from unwanted actions, as noted above, is to switch his attention to another activity.

For example, if a puppy grabs slippers or a curtain with his teeth while playing, you should try to immediately distract him from this by calling his name and throwing his favorite toy on the floor.

As a rule, the puppy will leave the previous activity and rush for a new moving toy.

In addition, you can say his name, give the command “Come to me!”, and to increase his interest, show him a treat in your hand. When the puppy runs up, you need to play with him for a few seconds and then give him the treat. However, you should not do this before the puppy throws his slippers or curtain and runs up to you. Otherwise, the puppy may get the impression that he is being rewarded for playing with a curtain or slippers.

An alternative to “You can’t!” and “Ugh!” serves as “It’s possible!” Therefore, if a puppy sharpens its teeth on any object in the apartment, you must not only give the command “Ugh!”, but also show which specific toys can and should be chewed. When the puppy switches to the toy that you show him, you need to praise him, stroke him, and say affectionately: “Good girl, you can!”

At an older age (4-6 months), the requirements for the puppy to fulfill this command increase.

To teach the puppy to carry out this command, whenever he tries or begins to perform this or that action that is undesirable for the owner, you must immediately say the command “Ugh!” (in a threatening intonation) and immediately reinforce it with mechanical force (for example, jerking a leash).

If the puppy does not pick up food waste when walking next to the owner on a leash, but does this when moving away from the owner. In this case, you must proceed as follows.

Walk the dog on a long leash, carefully watching the puppy. As soon as it is noticed that he is trying to grab something from the ground, you should immediately say the command “Fu” and jerk the leash.

At the same time, both the team and mechanical impact on the puppy should be moderate and not frighten him. It is recommended to perform this exercise no more than 3-4 times during the day.

Using these methods, the puppy should be weaned from other unwanted actions.

And finally, one more piece of advice from brothers Edgard and Arnold Zapashny related to teaching dogs the skills to follow their owner’s commands: “Dogs respect consistency. They clearly understand: if something is possible or not possible now, today, then it should be possible or not possible tomorrow - ALWAYS. If today you require your dog to take food on command, do not allow him to take food without a command tomorrow. The dog won't understand that he can sleep in your bed today because you have good mood, but tomorrow you can’t, because you got up on the wrong foot.”

Zubko V. Raising a puppy. Arnadia LLC, 1996;
Edgard and Arnold Zapashny. How we train dogs

By the way, you can download these and other books about dog breeds, their maintenance and training for free

Team "Ugh!" is rightfully considered a universal tool for controlling dog behavior. Tactics help prevent possible consequences, which often happen in the process of pet disobedience. Command training is carried out from an early age, so it makes sense to consider the methodology of working with a puppy. There are also frequent cases when you have to give a command adult. Let's talk about everything in order.

Why teach your dog the “Fu!” command?

There are many unforeseen circumstances that put a dog and its owner in danger.

  1. In most cases, untrained dogs have the unpleasant habit of barking in the apartment at the slightest rustle. If the puppy is still small, the neighbors will not knock on the door with exclamations of discontent. However, in the case of a healthy individual, you may have difficulties with people living nearby. To calm a restless pet, just say “Ugh!”
  2. It is known that in big cities utility services poison yard dogs, thereby clearing the streets of rabid pets. If your four-legged friend does not know the command “Ugh!”, he may pick up a treat filled with rat poison from the ground. The events that will develop further are obvious.
  3. Dogs are loyal and loving animals. When a pet sits alone at home all day, when the owner returns from work, he involuntarily begins to ask to be held. If we talk about large breed dogs, no owner will like this act. By saying the command “Fu!”, you will rid yourself of this kind of behavior. The same applies to animals that, during a walk, ask to be held, leaning on the owner with dirty paws.
  4. Dogs sense people and show aggression when they see a drunk or smoking person, as well as noisy children. You may not notice bared teeth and other manifestations of character, but the pet will attack a passing pedestrian with all its might. To protect yourself from law enforcement agencies, and the dog from being euthanized, you must say “Ugh!” in time. in a menacing voice.

Teaching a puppy the command “Fu!”

  1. Work with puppies begins when the pets reach three months of age. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure ahead of time, just like punishing a pet for committing dirty tricks.
  2. At this stage, your main task is to maintain the puppy’s psyche at the proper level; you should not expose your pet to stress. Therefore, start by learning the “Give!” command.
  3. Let's give an example. You went for a walk with your animal, and the puppy picked up some forbidden crap from the floor. Squat down, extend your open palm forward, say “Give it!” or “Give!”
  4. If the puppy makes no attempt to place the object picked up from the ground on your hand, carefully open its mouth and take the contents from it. Give your puppy a treat in return.
  5. Gradually replace “Give!” to “Ugh!” Say the command in a stern voice, always in the same key. Thus with early childhood you teach your pet to obey.
  6. It is important to remember forever that when teaching the command “Fu!” Treats are not allowed. As a rule, prohibited actions are not encouraged; the puppy must understand this.
  7. When your pet is 4 months old, start using irritants. While walking on a leash attached to the collar, lightly tug the puppy if he shows disobedience. At the same time say “Fu!”

  1. Pet training begins on the street, using a regular leash. Choose a place where there will be scraps of food or pigeons. Try to train your dog on a quiet route away from large crowds of children.
  2. Dog trainers use special tactics to train their charges. Specialists lay out sausages along the chosen route in advance, then go for a walk with the dog and begin the manipulations. If you wish, you can follow their advice by asking your partner to lay out the food without your pet noticing.
  3. In the process of training an adult, it is recommended to change routes frequently so that the dog does not enter the “comfort zone”. At the initial stage, the command “Fu!” is practiced without the participation of relatives (that is, other dogs) and people.
  4. After choosing a route, start training. Go for a walk with your pet at a slow pace. Take your time, the speed should be minimal. This way, both you and your pet will react to the changed situation in a timely manner.
  5. When your pet senses the sausage and heads towards it, exclaim “Ugh!” in a menacing voice, while simultaneously pulling back on the leash. Watch the force of the jerk so as not to damage the animal's neck. Don't stop mid-command. It is important that the dog slows down just for a second and then follows you.
  6. After a minute of walking, begin to stop slowly. Order your dog to sit or give a paw, and give your pet a treat. This move will relax the animal, since the dog’s body has previously experienced stress (pulling the leash). It is important to remember: for executing the command “Fu!” no refreshments are given.
  7. During one walk, you can give a maximum of 5 commands “Ugh!” More will tire the animal too much and suppress its fighting spirit. Keep the interval between orders; it should not be less than a quarter of an hour. Give commands in a stern tone, do not squeal, do not hit your pet.
  8. At first, you can’t “bark” at your ward. To get your way, use a leash. You can scream only after the command has been completely assimilated and only in those cases when the dog does something “out of the ordinary.”
  9. In the process of teaching the animal the command “Fu!” adhere to the rule that you do not slow down your pet, but flatly forbid him to perform any action.
  10. For example, you forbade your pet to sniff a bench while walking. He looked at you with the eyes of the “cat from Shrek”, you took pity and took the order back. Such manipulations are unacceptable! Continue your walk, if you really want to, allow the dog to sniff the next bench, but not the one that was banned.
  11. Learn to give the order “Ugh!” in a situation that requires the use of this particular command. If your pet pulls on the leash, say “Near!”, but in no case “Ugh!” When an animal plays with children's toys, say “Give!”
  12. Some dog owners encounter a problem when their four-legged friend does not react to tugs on the leash. In the case of large breeds use a special metal collar with spikes or a microcurrent harness.
  13. Dogs of all other breeds can say “Ew!” and lightly hit the rump with the newspaper. As practice shows, tactics always work perfectly.
  14. The main thing is to follow the sequence: “Ugh!” - a jerk of the leash - a slap with a newspaper. If your pet obediently responds to your voice, there is no need to pull it with a leash, just like punishing it with a newspaper.
  15. When your pet successfully learns the command during a walk in a quiet place, complicate the training. Choose a route with the presence of other dogs, people, birds, etc. Honing the skill follows a similar pattern. When the pet responds unquestioningly to the voice, he has learned the command.
  16. Now lengthen the leash to train the animal to follow orders at a certain distance. Bring the actions to automaticity, only then begin training without a leash. The last manipulations begin again in a calm environment, after which the task gradually becomes more difficult.
  17. It is important to understand that training is easier at a short distance. The dog understands that if he makes a mistake, he will get hit on the rump or neck with a newspaper. If you have a goal - to teach your pet the command “Fu!” from a distance of more than 10 meters, you will have to try very hard.

Don’t forget to take breaks during the training process, and don’t pull the leash unless necessary. Say the command at the moment of performing prohibited actions, and not after they have been carried out. Consolidate the results with more difficult tasks, do not hit the dog.

Video: how to teach a puppy a command