American Pit Bull Terrier - description of the breed and the subtleties of education. All about the fighting American pit bull terrier What a pit bull dog looks like

The Pitbull, or American Pit Bull Terrier, is one of those breeds that is known for being bullying and intimidating. "Pit Bull" is not actually a breed, but rather a term used to describe the American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Some people believe that the American Pit Bull Terrier is the same breed as the American Staffordshire Terrier. But others think on the contrary that it is completely different breeds. However, the American Kennel Club recognizes the American Staffordshire Terrier, but does not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier, although the latter is a much more common dog.

The sad and often undeserved reputation of a “bad” fighting dog has led to the fact that the pit bull has become legally prohibited in some countries and cities around the world. If you are a Pit Bull Terrier owner, then you should know that you may encounter dog-hostile people who are misinformed about this wonderful dog.

With proper socialization and training, the pit bull makes an excellent companion for children. He loves and respects his family members. American Pit Bull Terriers are loyal and truly loyal to their owners and will defend them to the death if necessary.

These dogs are very smart and easily learn almost all commands and tricks. They enjoy everything life gives them and love to participate in any family activity. Their mind remains "young" even in mature age, which makes them cheerful and cheerful dogs. Once you get to know this breed better, you will wonder how you ever lived without him.

History of the breed

The origins of the pit bull terrier breed can be traced back to the 19th century in England, Scotland and Ireland. The dog's ancestors were the result of experimental crosses between various bulldogs and terriers to create a powerful bull-baiting dog, a dog that would charge until the large animal was defeated. When baiting was banned in the 1800s, dogs were used in dog fighting. European immigrants gradually introduced the pit bull to North America, and then to other continents.

The British Kennel Club recognized the dog in 1898, and a similar American club recognized the breed in the early 1930s, but under a different name, namely, the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Contrary to its dubious reputation as an aggressive breed, the pit bull is considered by many to be a friendly dog ​​with a good attitude. Those who encounter this breed and actively train and train it quickly become accustomed to it. Recently, the popularity of the pit bull as a domestic dog has been growing throughout the world.

Pit Bull Sizes

The height of Pit Bull Terriers ranges from 43 to 49 cm, and their weight ranges between 20 and 30 kg.

Character of the breed

Pit bulls love people, their family, and their guests. They are confident dogs who are keenly aware of their surroundings. Pitbull is watchdog and he will warn you every time about the presence of strangers, first of all to greet them.

Even though their love for people makes them bad guard dogs, their courage is unmatched and they will protect their family even at the cost of their lives.

Like many dogs, the American Pit Bull Terrier requires early socialization - familiarity with different people, places, sounds and smells. Socialization can ensure that the puppy grows into a trained and well-adjusted dog.


American Pit Bull Terriers generally have good health issues, but as with many breeds, they are prone to certain health conditions. Not all pit bulls can develop these diseases, but it is important to be aware if you plan to keep this breed.

  • Allergy. Allergies are quite common in pit bulls and usually develop to allergens. environment, such as fleas, pollen and dust. Food allergies can also develop, but much less frequently. Allergies in pit bulls can develop to beef, rice, corn and wheat. Food allergies can cause severe itching and discomfort.
  • Dysplasia Hip: This condition can be very painful depending on its severity.
  • Hypothyroidism: dysfunction thyroid gland, which causes weight gain, deterioration of coat condition and some other problems. Hypothyroidism typically develops in middle-aged dogs and can be controlled with daily medications.
  • Heart disease. Heart disease is relatively more common in pit bulls than in other breeds. These dogs also have congenital heart defects. However, many dogs show no signs of the disease or only mild symptoms.

Expect to spend about an hour a day walking, playing, or otherwise interacting with your dog. Pit bulls require early obedience training, which will require reinforcement throughout the dog's life. Training is the foundation for a lasting relationship with your American Pit Bull Terrier.

Pit bulls do not tolerate cold well, so they are not suitable for long periods of time outside the house. Regardless of the climate, these dogs do best indoors. They become strongly attached to their family members and will suffer if left unattended. long period time.


Pit bulls are recommended to be fed a diet of 2 to 2.5 bowls of quality dry food per day, divided into two meals. However, the right amount of food for your dog depends on many factors, including age, metabolism, build and activity level.

To prevent obesity, measure the amount of food your dog eats and feed it at a set time every day. A Pitbull should have a defined waist when you look down at it, and you should feel its ribs underneath the layer of muscle, but not see them. If the ribs are under a noticeable layer of fat, then he needs a diet.

Children and other animals

American Pit Bull Terriers love children, and, of course, not for breakfast. Tough, energetic, tolerant, they make ideal playmates. However, no dog of any size should be left unsupervised with children.

When no adult can control the pit bull, the dog should be kept in a confined area. Once your pit bull reaches sexual maturity, it will require especially careful supervision as it begins to try to become a "pack" leader.

Don't let children pluck your pit bull's ears and tail. Teach them respect for any dog, and not to approach the animal when it is sleeping or eating.

Because of their fighting heritage, some American Pit Bull Terriers retain a tendency to be aggressive with other dogs. However, from an early and correct socialization, such aggression can be minimized or completely eliminated, which is why most pit bulls are friendly to both dogs and cats. Just to be safe, they should not be left unsupervised with small pets.

Key Features

  • Pit bulls require early obedience training and socialization so that they can overcome their stubbornness and desire for leadership at a young age. Their strength and stubbornness as adults can make relationships with them difficult.
  • The American Pit Bull Terrier is not suitable for those people who cannot pay enough attention to them.
  • Pitbull in public places Must be kept on a leash at all times to prevent aggression towards other dogs. In the fight they do not retreat and fight to the end.
  • Pit bulls have powerful jaws, so they have a frequent need to chew. For chewing, toys that are sufficiently hard and durable are suitable for them, which they cannot swallow.
  • A Pit Bull will do best with an owner who can offer firm and fair training, but gentle and consistent discipline.

Pit bull puppies cost

The cost of American pit bull terrier puppies with a pedigree in Moscow and St. Petersburg averages from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. Only an adult dog that has shown good results in competitions can be more expensive. Therefore, you should consider it if you are offered elite puppies for a larger amount.

Video about pit bull (American pit bull terrier)

The Pit Bull Terrier is an American breed of dog, the breed is simply called pit bull for short. The dog is considered a fighting dog, so many people consider this breed to be aggressive, angry, and believe that the dog is intended only to kill.

In fact, according to appearance the dog looks quite intimidating, protruding jaws, sharp fangs, a special body structure with muscular paws, does not allow one to think of a dog as the cutest creature on earth.

The dog is devoted to its owner, protects him, but as soon as strangers approach him, the dog will immediately attack.

Where did the pit bull come from?

Although the breed is called American, the dogs originally inhabited England, Holland, Spain, and Ireland. After some time, American breeders became interested in the pit bull; they artificially improved this breed for their own purposes.

Scientists believed that the dog lacked aggression, resulting in a species with a wide chest, small pointed ears and an attacking stance.

The breed was created for dog fighting, after which pit bulls were perfect as guard dogs for herds of cows and sheep, and they also perfectly guarded private homes.

People watched how fearlessly and mercilessly the pit bull tore apart the body of others more weak dogs, and now this breed looks scary in people’s minds, many people are afraid of them, afraid. After some time, a ban was issued on dog fighting with this breed.

The dogs that took part in the battles were exterminated, as they represented to others serious danger. There have been accidents where pit bulls have killed people and even small children.

Residents of America did not allow the breed to spread; they took to the streets of cities with protests and rallies. After some time, breeders began to re-breed the breed; the new species had to be, first of all, friendly to humans.

Not all countries accepted these dogs; there they even became prohibited for breeding and existence.

What does the breed look like?

At first glance, the Pit Bull Terrier is a strong-willed dog, distinguished by its strong body and health. Specialists worked on the body specifically to make it massive and muscular.

The difference between a pit bull and other breeds can be identified by its special body structure.

The general characteristics of the breed are:

The coat color of such dogs can be absolutely any color except white. The most common coat color is all shades of brown, most often with light highlights. The fur itself is short, smooth, and in some individuals it has a healthy sheen and gloss.

Pit bulls have a large, wedge-shaped head with wide jaws.

The dog's body is massive, dense, muscular, the chest area has a wide structure. The paws are large, wide as are the hips. The tail is not long, wide at the base, tapering towards the end.

Adults can weigh up to 38 kg - males, females weigh up to 23 kg. The height of pit bulls varies from 36-42 cm.

Personality of pit bull terriers

Many consider such dogs to be angry and aggressive, especially considering the history of their origin. Let's find out if this is true?

The thing is that all the aggression and anger of this breed is directed at animals. The pit bull breed gets along quite well with people, and with strangers; while the owner is nearby, he is friendly.

Despite its aggression, the breed is affectionate, the dog loves to be stroked at the withers, on the back, they feel the attitude towards themselves from within and are also able to give affection to the owner.

You can also instill hatred towards a dog; this requires appropriate education, which the breed is provided at special training grounds and security companies. There is a special way to instill anger in absolutely any breed.

Pit bull terrier dogs are quite smart, courageous, they feel respect for themselves, and are even able to predict human behavior.

Pit bulls have often saved people in fires; they are resilient, strong, and some dogs can play on the playground for a long time, as they have a large amount of energy.

Pit bulls are easy to train and can cope with any physical activity.

The dog should be raised with early childhood, you shouldn’t adopt adult individuals, as they are able to remember the attitude of their previous owners.

The pit bull must immediately understand who is boss in the house, so that he can then treat all family members with respect. If the breed is not raised correctly, the dog can become dangerous to humans.

The dog should be exercised, walked, and they also love to swim in ponds.

How to care for a dog?

Pit bull staff is domestic dog, she needs a gentle owner and additional care. The dog must be kept exclusively in the house in winter time, since this breed does not have an undercoat, and will die in winter.

The pet does not tolerate heat well, you should place the booth outside in summer time in the shade. Dogs of this breed are not kept on a leash; they require a spacious enclosure made of dense wire.

The coat must be brushed twice a week with a special brush for dogs.

Below are photos of a pitbull dog. Look at the special figure and grace of this breed.

Pit bull puppies are not cheap, and when purchasing, you should carefully look at the dog’s documents; all vaccinations must be indicated in the passport.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed that is considered one of the most aggressive, they are called “fighters” and are rightly feared. Yes, these dogs are dangerous, but proper education, socialization and the firm hand of the owner will not become a threat to society and other dogs.

In some countries, these dogs are equated to bladed weapons, and in order to purchase a puppy, future owners were required to undergo the appropriate psychological tests. At the same time, American pit bull terriers serve in the police, work to search for drugs and detain criminals. About this interesting breed, its history, characteristics and content features we will talk today.

In the United States, pit bull terriers have always been popular: they were used as fighters in dog rings. Actually, the name of the breed comes from its “specialization”: translated from English “pit” means “pit for fighting”, “bull” means “bull”. Among the ancestors of American pit bulls are those used for bull baiting, and strong terriers bred to protect people and property. The breeders had one task - to combine power, fearlessness, the ability to overcome pain, agility and anger in the American Pit Bull Terrier.

At dog fights, animals were released into a special pit from which it was impossible to get out. The fight went to the death - until one of the dogs killed the other, the fight was not stopped. Spectators participated in the betting, betting impressive sums of money on the individual that seemed to them the most promising and hardy. Soon the US government became interested in the bloodthirsty type of spectacle, and the fights were declared illegal.

When dog fighting was banned, the breeding of American pit bull terriers also stopped. People who previously bred dogs of this breed were closely monitored, and strict control was introduced over the owners of adult dogs. The press of that time published articles denouncing the breed and talking about the excessive bloodthirstiness and immeasurable aggression of pit bulls. Journalists wrote articles about American pit bulls attacking passers-by, accompanied by scary photographs.

However, over time, it became clear that cruelty and a constant readiness to defend and attack are not an innate trait of pit bulls, but solely the efforts of their owners, who drove the dogs into a frenzy in order to make money from them.

Breed standard

Despite the fact that the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is known not only to breeders and connoisseurs, but also to ordinary people far from cynology, the standard has not yet been adopted in Russia, as well as in the International Federation of Cynology. The pit bull is recognized as an independent breed by only two American organizations: ADBA and UKC.

Table 1. American Pit Bull Terrier standard according to UKC

General SettingsWeight of males - 20-27 kilograms, females - 14-22 kilograms, height should be proportional to weight so that the animal looks powerful, but at the same time energetic and dexterous
Head, muzzleDeep, tapering towards the nose from the forehead, well-developed strong lower jaw. Bite – “scissors”, disqualifying defects – overshot (the lower jaw protrudes above the upper) and undershot (respectively, upper jaw longer than the bottom)
EyesRound or almond-shaped, set low, any shade of the iris is allowed, with the exception of blue and light blue colors
FrameWell filled deep chest, muscular shoulders, extended back ribs, short muscular loin, somewhat sloping croup. The front half of the body is twice as powerful and wider than the back. Durable strong wide back
LimbsStrong, muscular, elbows tightly pressed to the body, short, flexible and straight at the pastern joints, widely set
MovementsLively, confident, cheerful, ready to break into a trot at any moment. Good coordination, powerful reach of the front paws and drive from the hind paws
TailIt is a harmonious continuation of the top line. When the animal is at rest, it lies down, reaching the hock joint. hind limbs. When running and excited, a pit bull raises its tail to its croup
Wool, colorsDense, smooth, moderately hard, tightly adjacent to the skin. Absolutely any colors are allowed, plain or combined. The exception is the merle color (silver spots on a black or white background)

Character and psyche

American Pit Bull Terriers are dogs with a difficult character. They inherited a strong fighting spirit from their ancestors, high level excitability, gambling and a tendency to dominate. Pitbulls crave to be the first in everything: the strongest, the fastest and the bravest. At the same time, representatives of the breed have extraordinary intelligence and often make decisions independently. The only thing that can depend on the owner raising the dog is what exactly these decisions will be.

A pit bull, to whom the owner devotes a lot of time, effort, training and socialization, grows up to be an incredibly devoted and reliable protector, who does not hesitate for a long time if a person needs his help.

In general, we can highlight the following nuances in the psyche and character of the average representative of the breed:

  1. Stable nervous system– with faithful and regular communication with the dog handler and other dogs, as well as the constant attention of the owner, pit bulls perfectly assess their capabilities and will not try to surpass the owner or a relative they meet on a walk.
  2. Willingness to serve people - pit bulls are very owner-oriented and are happy to be useful and needed at any time.
  3. Pugnacity – from their fighting ancestors, pit bull terriers inherited a dislike for other dogs. The owner must be prepared for the fact that until his pet learns all the necessary commands and obeys unquestioningly, he will strive to fight with other dogs.
  4. Stubbornness, desire for leadership - from the very beginning early age The owner of the puppy must show him that the person in charge in the family is the person. Males are especially stubborn, periodically testing a person’s strength for up to a year and a half, trying to establish their own rules. The peculiarity is corrected together with a professional dog handler.
  5. Activity - the American pit bull is always happy to spend time on a walk, preferring long runs, swimming, and running after a toy.
  6. Highly trainable - pit bulls are willing to train if you find them the right approach. When the owner encourages everyone the right decision dogs and gently, without cruelty, corrects mistakes, the training area becomes the most favorite place for the pit bull.

Video – American Pit Bull Terrier

Use and purpose of the breed

Of course, modern American pit bull terriers are not at all the bloodthirsty killers they were originally created to be. Strict selective selection and mental tests made it possible to develop a truly universal breed. The Pit Bull Terrier is, perhaps, capable of any work and any purpose, with the exception of those that involve a long stay in the cold.

American Pitbulls are used as vigilant guards - they are trusted large areas, which they patrol together with humans. American Pit Bull Terriers cannot live in an enclosure or sit on a chain - without close contact with the handler, the dog begins to “go crazy.”

Pit bull terriers – excellent companions and companions of police officers (in the USA this is perhaps the most popular breed serving in law enforcement agencies). A pit bull is able to catch up and detain a criminal without giving him a single chance to escape. In addition, these dogs have an excellent sense of smell, which allows them to pick up a scent or participate in the search for explosives, drugs and other illegal or dangerous substances.

Also, dogs of this breed have a pronounced hunter instinct, and fearlessness helps them not to hesitate when meeting even a large animal and give it a fight. The build and short hair of pit bulls does not prevent them from making their way through thickets; the dogs are excellent swimmers, tireless and energetic, so owners often take them hunting.

If we talk about more “civil” options for using the breed, then there will also be many options. The owner of a pit bull will not be bored with his pet on walks - representatives of the breed are strongly focused on sports and other types of training and entertainment.

Table 2. What to do with an American Pit Bull?

AgilityA sport in which a dog must temporarily overcome an obstacle course consisting of certain equipment. The animal, without the help of the owner (the dog cannot be kept on a leash), goes through such equipment as: slide, swing, boom, barriers, tunnel, fence, tire and others.

How are agility competitions held? Where in Russia can you learn agility and how to start training? Details in

WaitpullingA kind of weightlifting for the dog. The animal must drag behind it a platform on wheels (sometimes another option is allowed, for example, a tire), on which the loads are placed different weights(depending on the weight of the dog). At the same time, the owner cannot influence the pet, only encourage it with praise.
MondioringCompetitions during which the animal must consistently perform the following exercises: jumping over obstacles with fetch, protecting the owner or things, complex obedience.
ObidienceGroup competitions that test the degree of trust and interaction between dog and owner. The task is to complete all the exercises included in classical obedience as clearly as possible. The handler and the dog work without a leash.
SkryjoringA sled sport discipline in which a dog tows a skier. There are also summer variations: the dog accompanies a cyclist or runner.

How to care for an American Pit Bull Terrier?

Pit bulls are an unpretentious breed of dog, so the owner does not have to devote much time to caring for the pet. Most important aspect keeping this dog requires the owner’s readiness for long walks and the ability to train the pit bull individually or in a group several times a week.

American Pit Bull Terriers - amateurs active games, including toys, so the owner must provide the animal not only with high-quality equipment (collar, harness, leash, muzzle), but also with durable toys.

Toys for American Pitbull

The modern pet market offers a lot of toys for dogs. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • items for fetching;
  • items to play with the owner;
  • items for dogs to play independently.

The first group - fetch items - includes various balls, frisbees and flying saucers, rings and pullers. These toys should be selected based on their size (medium or large is needed for a pit bull terrier) and durability. To prevent the powerful jaws of the animal from biting the toy, it is worth purchasing those that are intended for large breeds. In addition to the toys we have listed, special wooden fetch dumbbells are well suited for pit bull terriers. It is important that the dog retrieves the item without trying to spoil it.

Puller is one of the most popular toys that owners purchase. large dogs. The puller consists of two identical rings. The toy has many advantages: the rings are made of soft foam material that does not injure the dog’s teeth. Pullers do not sink, they jump when they hit the ground, they are difficult to tear or bite through - the dog’s teeth simply fit into the ring without damaging it.

Toys that involve interaction between the owner and the dog, first of all, include ropes and their various modifications. American pit bulls, as they have a strong grip, will appreciate the opportunity to play tug-of-war with the owner.

Some dogs enjoy playing with laser pointer, chasing a light beam. This type games can be used in the cold season or when you need to quickly tire the dog, but a long walk is not possible. The main thing is not to let the dog become fixated on the laser, and to alternate such a chase with other games.

Another category of toys are those that do not require intervention from the owner. For the American pit bull, good entertainment options include a Kong toy (designed for chewing, with a hollow hole for treats), a Jolly Egg (an egg-shaped plastic ball that eludes the dog when he tries to grab it) or rubber bones, embossed balls and other figures that allow the pet to brush its teeth.

Video – Educational toy for dogs

Pit bull terrier: hygiene

The owner of an American Pit Bull Terrier must regularly monitor the length of the pet’s nails, trimming them once a month with a special guillotine nail clipper, and also check the cleanliness ears, eyes and teeth of the pet. Pit bulls are not dogs with problem ears, so it will be enough to clean the ear shell once a week with napkins or a cotton pad moistened with boiled water.

The same goes for the eyes: a healthy dog’s eyes do not run and do not require daily washing. If the animal has walked in dust or something has gotten into the eye, you need to carefully rinse both eyes with a gauze swab or cotton pad, poured with a weak solution of chamomile or special eye drops.

As for bathing American Pit Bull Terriers, this can not be done often. It is permissible to wash the dog with shampoo a couple of times a year, not counting cases when the dog is very dirty. The short and smooth coat does not require combing, but during the shedding period it is better to help the pet get rid of falling hairs by passing over the dog’s skin once a day with a rubber mitt with delicate teeth.

From the moment you change your teeth, you need to brush them two to three times a week. Only zoopaste that does not form foam and does not have a strong taste or smell is suitable for a dog. You can clean it with a special soft toothbrush or just with your finger, wrapping a bandage around it or wearing a special latex nozzle.

American Pit Bull Terrier Health

The American Pitbull is strong and healthy dog, but this breed is not spared from its predisposition to certain diseases. Thus, pit bulls often have allergic reactions, especially to poor-quality feeding, as well as diseases related to the hormonal system and the thyroid gland.

Allergies in dogs are a common occurrence that causes discomfort for them and their owners. We'll tell you how to deal with this disease.

Pit bull terriers can suffer from thyroid dysfunction, which causes dogs to accumulate excessive amounts of adipose tissue and pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases or liver diseases develop. Veterinarians note that representatives of this breed are more likely than other dogs to suffer from aortic stenosis (manifestations are fatigue and difficulty breathing), as well as pelvic dysplasia.

Pitbull vaccination

At the age of two and a half or three months The American Pit Bull Terrier puppy must receive its first vaccinations. Usually the breeder is involved in vaccination, and only after that he transfers the baby to a new home and allows the owner to go for walks with the puppy.

The vaccine that is given to the dog is called DHLP-P-, and it protects the animal from enteritis (from this terrible disease many unvaccinated puppies die), leptospirosis, distemper and parahepatitis. Separately, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies - this vaccine is given at six months. Before vaccination, the dog is examined veterinarian, he also gives the go-ahead for vaccination. An examination is needed in order to promptly identify symptoms of disease in a dog, and only an absolutely healthy animal can be vaccinated.

Important! You cannot vaccinate a puppy while its teeth are changing. At this time, the animal’s immunity is already undermined, and the introduction of a vaccine, even with a small amount of pathogens, is fraught with disease.

After the puppy has received its first vaccinations, it is necessary to quarantine for at least ten days and only then take the pet outside. Adult American pit bulls, like other dogs, are vaccinated at the same time every year. The dog must have a veterinary passport, which will indicate the date of the next vaccination, a sticker from the ampoule with the vaccine will be pasted in, and the clinic where the procedure was carried out will be indicated.

How to feed an American Pit Bull Terrier?

American Pit Bulls are athletic, active and muscular dogs. balanced diet for which it is very important. A properly selected diet will keep your pet in ideal condition, help the dog withstand physical and intellectual stress, and also recover from it.

A pit bull should not only receive everything essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is very important to balance the amount of fats, carbohydrates and especially proteins in the diet, because they are responsible for growth muscle mass at the dog.

An adult dog needs to be fed at least twice a day - after a morning and evening walk. You should not give food to an animal that has not yet gone outside, since a full stomach makes jogging uncomfortable; in addition, a walk after eating can result in gastric volvulus, which is fatal for the dog.

The serving size must be selected individually - the dog must eat everything that is offered no slower than five to seven minutes. If the dog greedily eats its portion and licks the plate for a long time, you need to increase the amount of food. If the pet leaves food, next time he should get less.

Dry food or natural products?

The owner of an American pit bull must decide what he will feed his pet - natural products or ready-made industrial feed. It is prohibited to mix these types of feeding, since the dog’s stomach is adjusted to a certain type of food. Both “drying” and “natural” have their advantages and disadvantages, we will talk about this below.

Feeding with natural products means that most of the portion will be raw meat. This diet is the most natural for a dog, as it fully meets the needs of a predator and is suitable for the stomach of any member of the canine family. But “natural” is not food from the master’s table, not cereals or soups. The owner should prepare a fresh portion of food for the dog every day, based on the basic principles of feeding.

Besides raw fresh meat, the dog should receive raw offal, sea ​​fish. There is no need to cook these products, since boiled meat simply passes through the dog’s gastrointestinal tract without bringing any benefit to the body. It is enough to pour boiling water over the pieces, then cool and offer them to the animal.

When purchasing meat for an American Pit Bull Terrier, you need to choose low-fat varieties: rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken. Pork and any minced meat will not work. You need to cut the meat into pieces so that the dog chews them before swallowing - this is beneficial for the pit bull terrier's jaws. By gnawing meat into convenient portions, the dog cleans its teeth, and solid food is also useful for maintaining gastric motility.

Also in the animal's bowl should be present daily following products: vegetables and fruits (raw, grated or cut into small pieces), herbs, directly pressed vegetable oils, lactic acid products (cottage cheese, kefir), eggs.

Industrial food gives the dog owner much more free time - no need to store large volumes meat in the refrigerator, cut it, add vegetables and other additives. Just open the pack and measure required quantity granules By the way, all manufacturers indicate the dosage of food on the back of the pack - according to the dog’s weight and activity level.

In addition, holistic and super premium food maintains a balance of all substances vital for a dog. The manufacturer adds not only fats, carbohydrates and proteins to the food, but also enriches the granules with micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other necessary additives.

However, there is no food that is suitable for every dog. You need to select the “drying” experimentally. So, American Terrier you need to feed a diet created for medium-sized breeds, and the specific food is selected according to age. An adult pit bull needs to choose food with a protein content of at least 25% to maintain the animal's activity at the desired level.

If the dog always eats with pleasure, looks cheerful, has a shiny and glossy coat, and has no problems with the toilet, then the food is suitable for it. Individual adjustments to the dosage are possible, since the dog does not always eat the portion that the manufacturer offers for the weight of the animal. Dogs receiving heavy daily exercise should receive one and a half or even double portions.

The owner must monitor the pet’s condition: protruding ribs indicate that the dog is starving (except for illness), excess fat is a reason to change the brand of food to a less calorie one or cut down on the portion.

You should not feed a pit bull by eye - this can lead to obesity in the dog.

What is it forbidden to feed a pit bull?

The American Bull Terrier, like any other dog, must eat on a strict schedule and eat food suitable for its predator. There is no need to feed your pet between feedings and, moreover, offer him harmful and even dangerous products. These include bread, pastries, sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products. It is forbidden to treat a pit bull even with small pieces of spicy or spicy food, smoked meats, sweets, fried or fatty foods.

We will look in detail at what you should not feed your dog, which foods are strictly prohibited for representatives of any breed and can harm them.

How to choose an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy?

A person who is going to become the owner of a pit bull terrier must understand why he is getting a pet. If the animal is destined to become a loyal friend and participate in sports competitions, you can pay attention to pet-class puppies. These are dogs that have minor defects in appearance (blue eyes, bite problems, non-standard color). These nuances do not affect the dog’s health in any way, but they significantly reduce the price of the puppy - American pet-class pit bull terriers cost about ten thousand rubles.

Puppies of the “breeding” class are average representatives of the breed, having no flaws, but also not representing elite blood or rare combinations of dogs. Most often, the “breeding” class includes females that are capable of producing excellent offspring if mated with a good promising male. The cost of breeding puppies starts from twenty thousand rubles.

The most expensive puppies belong to the “show” class. These are future winners of show rings, carrying interesting blood and having champion parents. Show dogs are considered the pride of the breed, and meeting a worthy litter is rare. To get such a dog, the future owner must prepare for the fact that he will have to part with an amount of fifty thousand rubles or more. At the same time, there is a high probability that you will have to wait a long time for a suitable litter from show parents.

When looking at him, passers-by will not break out into a touching smile, nor will they try to pet the “cute dog.”

They would rather avoid a strong, squat dog, an unfriendly look and powerful, securely muzzled jaws, whose jaws indicate that this breed was not bred for play and fun; and they will also remember many stories where the victims of killer dogs number in the hundreds.

American Pit Bull Terrier or pitbull- a mysterious dog. Unclear origins, unflattering reputation, fearsome appearance.

Is he as scary and dangerous as rumor says?


There is evidence that in the second millennium BC dogs resembling modern pit bulls were bred in Europe.

In addition, images of similar dogs were found in Tibetan and Abyssinian burials.

They were somewhat larger than now, and were used, as they once were, for baiting large animals - wild boar, bear.

In addition to hunting, which the nobility enjoyed in those days, they were very popular dog fighting, they just required animals of such a build, with a death grip of massive jaws.

Despite the name, the Pit Bull Terrier itself was bred in Ireland and Britain for sports, hunting entertainment and dog fighting. The name for the breed had not yet been determined.

The laws prevailing in England at that time did not allow the lower class to keep large dogs - this was the privilege of wealthy citizens.

And poorer residents got short terriers to protect their homes. They were forced to leave smaller puppies from the litter.

Gradually a breed was formed, which was given the name bull terrier, and later pit bull terrier.

During colonization, dogs came to the American continent, where they were appreciated.

However, the desire to make money using dogs in illegal competitions gave rise to the myth of incredible aggression and the dangers of dogs, thereby causing a certain hostility towards representatives of the breed. The real war against pit bulls has begun.

The Americans have done great job to improve the breed and, although it was not officially recognized, this did not bother pit bull lovers at all.

As usual, the earth is full of rumors, and bloody stories with the participation of pitas filled the country.

The breed was in danger of extinction, as they dealt with it without skimping on resources.

Over time, common sense nevertheless triumphed: the idea reached people that man is always to blame for all troubles.

Nevertheless, american pit bull terrier it is never recognized by the canine federation and does not have clear standards.

In some European countries the breed is generally prohibited, and in others it has strict content restrictions.


American pit bulls are divided into two types.

First (bulldog) emphasizes the fighting qualities of the dog - composure, smartness: the animals have clearly defined muscles, but at the same time they are thin.

  • Wedge-shaped head with a well-defined bridge of the nose, ellipsoidal eyes and a scissor bite.
  • The ears are often cropped, which gives the dog a more ferocious appearance, but nowadays many fanciers leave the ears uncropped.
  • Muscular long neck, rib cage, narrowed downward, lower back, having an optimal relationship with the body; should not be too long or short - this affects the dog’s agility and mobility.
  • The limbs are dry, parallel, springy, very strong, with well-developed muscles.
  • The tail is sometimes docked, but this is not general rule. The coat is short, close-lying, smooth and shiny.

In both types, any colors are allowed (including brindle), except pure white and merle (merle).

Second type of pit bulls in appearance it resembles its closest relative -

  • The dogs are more powerful, with a body whose length exceeds the height at the withers.
  • Strong bones, well-developed muscles, prominently protruding from under the dense elastic skin.
  • The head is heavier than that of the first type, with a well-developed lower jaw and low-set small eyes.
  • The ears stand high; cropping is not necessary.
  • The back is dense, strong, with a short loin, the croup is slightly sloping.
  • Powerful hind legs widely spaced, the gap between the front ones is moderate.
  • The tail is thicker at the base, tapering towards the end. Cupping is not practiced.

Weight adult dog can vary from 12 to 40 kg, more often – 14-28 kg.

Photo gallery of pit bulls


Oddly enough, the notorious bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness of pit bulls- just a desire to please his master.

After all, many years of polishing precisely these qualities made the dog somewhat dangerous.

Poor dog wants to prove himself with the best side, prove your love and devotion.

And a person must ensure that a tragedy does not occur by properly raising his pet.

After cruel dog competitions were banned in most countries, especially vicious animals began to be destroyed everywhere at the slightest manifestation of aggression towards humans, thereby achieving a complete change in the character of pit dogs.

Becoming the family dog, the pit bull became almost unsuitable for protection, but aggression towards all smaller creatures and its relatives remained in its blood, which gave rise to a strong opinion about social danger these dogs.

The Pit Bull Terrier, like no other, serves as a mirror reflection of its owner and the climate in the family.

It would be correct to say that the person himself shapes the personality of his pet.

Pitbulls are very energetic and inquisitive. by nature, attached to the owner, willingly play with children.

Although here we must take into account that the dog is quite large and powerful - it may not calculate the strength, push the child or drop it.

At the same time pit bulls are distinguished by enviable patience, allowing children to drag themselves by the tail, pull their ears.

Pits are considered a convenient "apartment" dog. provided that they are given the opportunity for long and active walks.

For the dog Daily physical activity is very important.

Running, swimming, jumping, fun games with the owner will fill the dog with joy and vitality, which it will willingly share with the one it considers “one of its own.”

A balanced diet plays an important role. Let's put aside the prejudices that supposedly raw meat will make the dog angry - nothing better than this food has yet been invented.

But in addition to meat, it is necessary to give other foods that have energy value.

To achieve the desired shine of the coat, you need to use special brushes and linen fabric. The dog enjoys these massage treatments.

Because the dog spends a lot of time walking, you need to carefully inspect it for the presence of ticks, from which short hair does not protect well.

You shouldn’t wash pita often- this will disrupt the natural balance of the skin.

Regular inspection is required ears, gentle cleaning of the auricle.


Pitbulls are prone to allergic reactions , so you need to carefully select food for them, make sure that the dog does not grab anything from the ground while walking.

Among Pit puppies, as well as among dysplasia hip joints , and in old age it is possible cataract with further vision loss.

In addition, dogs vaccinations are required to protect against infections.

Mandatory annual rabies vaccination.

Deworming should be done once a quarter, prevention and trimming of nails if they do not grind down naturally.


Natural liveliness and fairly high intelligence allow the pit bull to easily master necessary techniques training.

In addition to the acquired skills of protecting the owner, the dog will learn to manage its aggression.

You should not protect relatives and friends from communicating with a dog, on the contrary, than more dog contacts with people, the friendlier he becomes, the more flexible his psyche and the softer his character.

In order to socially adapt the puppy and prevent the development of natural viciousness against other animals, you need to be with him in public places as much as possible, including even such crowded places as train stations and airports.

How to choose a puppy

When you decide to get a pit bull puppy, do not give in to momentary emotions and do not buy the first one you come across.

  • Gather as much information as possible about the breeder and his dog.
  • If there is at least one puppy in the litter with defects, then its brothers and sisters are in doubt.
  • There is no need to give in to ambition and buy a supposedly elite puppy for a lot of money.
  • This is not a guarantee that the dog will grow up to be good in all respects.
  • You shouldn’t be tempted by a “cool” pedigree: where does it come from, because the breed is not yet recognized in the RKF.
  • You should choose the most active and affectionate baby from the litter.
  • A healthy puppy seems to be filled with strength, cheerful and mischievous.
  • The pleasant, slightly bitter smell of a puppy also indicates health.
  • Check ears, eyes, nose, skin- everything should be normal.

The cost of pit bulls varies, usually does not exceed 20 thousand rubles. If breeding is not planned and the dog is purchased as pet, then you can buy a puppy without documents much cheaper - about 10 thousand rubles.

It makes sense to purchase dogs that have already grown up, as it is easier to determine their character.

Pitbull is not a killer!

The media has tried to create an unhealthy opinion about pit bulls. In pursuit of “fried facts” everyone forgot that For any negative behavior of a dog, the person is to blame. And only a man!

Owners who treat their pets irresponsibly, who do not consider it necessary to comply with standards of behavior and ensure the safety of others, who deliberately provoke clashes and fights - this is the true reason for the people's dislike for this breed. Is it the dog's fault?

A person who manages to understand a pit bull, raise it correctly, and reveal all the advantages inherent in a dog by nature will receive in return loving friend who will never betray.

They are rightfully considered the American Pit Bull Terrier. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a truly outstanding dog.

She has muscles of steel, an iron grip. She is distinguished by incredible dexterity and courage, which borders on fearlessness. But at the same time he has a very kind heart. In fact, this is a beautiful and very affectionate animal. In relation to humans, the pit bull terrier behaves like a small indoor dog.

Today, when dog fighting is no longer compatible with public morality, these dogs are beginning to be used for other purposes far removed from violence, in particular, as bodyguard dogs. And you know what, this is very not simple task, because many stubbornly refuse to bite a person. In order to force a dog to cling to a mitten, it is necessary to awaken the predator instinct in it, to convince it that we're talking about about an exciting game that will not harm anyone.

Only in this case can a pit bull perform the functions of a bodyguard, and a very reliable one, because no other dog in the world has such a grip as a pit bull. To bite as hard as possible, pit bull terriers have the mouth of a shark.

It’s the same as saying “Let’s ban football to stop riots in stadiums” or “Let’s destroy knives, because from time to time, some men kill their wives with them instead of cutting bread.”

Pit bulls can do more than just bite. He has an iron grip and if he decides not to unclench his jaws, then they can only be unclenched by inserting a stick between his teeth. There are pit bulls that open their mouths, but they must be taught this patiently and persistently, using games and rewards, as with other breeds of dogs.

The Pit Bull Terrier loves to play and even has a certain sense of humor. He understands jokes, understands when to portray a circus dog, although this does not correspond to his natural feeling self-esteem. Well, what to do if the hostess wants to ride the carousel with a friend.

His extraordinary agility allows him to perform such spectacular feats as jumping onto a tree. Rare dog able to perform such tricks. But this does not mean that the American pit bull performs such tricks under duress. Even those who don't know much about dogs will understand that they play and have fun to the fullest. Whether jumping, exercising, or grabbing a stick, the pit bull is simply having fun and showing his courage, just like a child who develops by riding a bike or skateboard.

The parents' job is to prevent their child from putting himself or others at unnecessary risk. Likewise, the owner’s task is to keep the pit bull within certain limits, although sometimes it is even difficult to imagine what this dog is capable of.

From a morphological point of view, the Pit Bull Terrier should remain a fighting dog, not because it needs to be trained for battle, but out of respect for its origins and the work done to breed the breed that was done before today. If it was a fighting dog in the past, it must maintain physical characteristics fighting dog, even if it is now used as a lap dog, for guarding or to participate in agility competitions.

Why exactly the pit bull terrier, and not the American Staffordshire terrier, nor the Great Dane, nor the Rottweiler? In fact, there is no answer to this question and at the same time there are hundreds of them in the sense that each person must choose the dog that best suits his lifestyle, requirements and aesthetic principles. A pit bull terrier is not the same as a terrier, for example. But he doesn't salivate. It is smaller in size than other fighting dogs.

This is the perfect lap dog. And also because the pit bull gets along well with dogs of other breeds. A pit bull even allows another dog to put its paws on its head, although in a fight the pit bull would easily eat it. He also gets along with cats and is very kind to children. And all this for one simple reason - he rushes only at the enemy. He doesn’t fight with someone who is not his enemy and that’s the end of it. Whether it is a two-legged or four-legged creature, a pit bull will not pay attention to it unless it is angered.

I have often witnessed when, or made a pit bull terrier very angry with their rash behavior. Why didn't he tear them up on the spot? It's very simple. The owner asked the pit bull not to touch these dogs. We have already talked about this, but we will repeat it again - for a well-mannered and well-trained bull terrier who has always gotten along with a person, the owner’s word is law.

Therefore, the former killer dog has today turned into a balanced working dog that can calmly work in a group and perfectly follow all commands. Therefore, in the so-called pet therapy, a project arose to use pit bulls in the rehabilitation of children with problems. In conclusion, let us remind you that the pit bull terrier is a born athlete. He must always be in excellent shape. A simple active lifestyle is not always enough for him. Therefore, you can use various exercise machines, for example, a treadmill, which the pit bull loves so much.

One thing you need to remember is that there are no killer dogs, only killer people. The dog's only fault is that he loves the wrong person. But if he finds a good two-legged friend who is capable of establishing a friendly, trusting relationship with the pit bull, the pit bull will only pose a danger to criminals. For the rest - big or small - it will be an affectionate dog, capable of giving you its friendship and love. And anyone who lives with a pit bull will be able to understand the phrase that I once heard from a dog breeder. This phrase at first makes you smile, and then seems to be the pure truth - “There are only two breeds of dogs in the world - the pit bull terrier and those that would like to become one.”

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