What is the proper upbringing and socialization of a dog? How to raise a dog: we act correctly! Proper puppy training.

Our educational complex is designed for puppies aged from one to three months.

Raising and adapting a puppy begins with one month old, and it is better to take a puppy up to three months.
At this age, all phobias are formed ( obsessive fears), all wrong behavior. And also all the right skills are laid.

What can we teach a puppy between the ages of one and three months? A lot:

Don't jump on the owner
sleep peacefully at night
run after the owner's legs on the street
sit quietly and wait for food to be served
Don't bite people's limbs or clothes
get to know the commands “come”, “fu”, “sit”

How to teach a child all this?
Your willingness and patience are required.

Many people ask: “What can and what can’t you punish a puppy for at such a young age?” It is better at this age to do without punishment. Take care of yours and your puppy's nervous system.
I especially want to draw your attention to this listing.

Puppies under three months of age cannot be punished for:

  • piles and puddles on the floor or carpet
  • for all material damage. If at this age the puppy took out one of the valuable things and chewed it up, it means that you did not put it in a place inaccessible to the baby in time. If you have electrical or similar wires in an accessible place, remove them immediately. This is a favorite treat for many puppies.
  • running, jumping on furniture
  • biting pieces off the walls. If the puppy does this, consult a doctor, he may be lacking minerals and vitamins, or he has worms.
  • grabbing and ruffling your clothes as you walk by.
  • biting the owner's hands and feet. These are typical puppy plays and usually go away on their own once the teeth are replaced. Sometimes I even tell my clients: “If your puppy under the age of 4 months does not run after your legs and does not chew them, but lies quietly in the corner. He's sick. Take your puppy's temperature."

Maintaining a positive emotional state in dogs is essential. But in puppies from 1 month to 3 months it is necessary to evoke such emotions that strengthen the nervous system and in the future will lead the dog to balance and restraint. The dog will choose the right situation where you can throw out your emotions, and where you need to remain completely calm.

Puppies, from 1 month to 3 months, are raised in ways that bring them only joy and satisfaction and give them hope that everything will be fine. Therefore, methods of working with a small puppy are based only on positive reinforcement (affection, treats, play). Or targeted exercises based on the right to choose.

In order to start working with your baby, learn how to prepare a treat, give it correctly and, most importantly, learn the correct intonation of your voice. It will be preparatory stage for you. Until you master these exercises yourself, you should not start practicing with your baby.

Let's learn how to prepare a delicacy.

WITH today you enter new form home clothes. It’s called “Master of a big pocket with cheese.” Carry the treat with you at all times, and for each right action Reward the puppy with treats and affection.

These can be tiny pieces of hard cheese. The cheese can become hard if it sits for a while without packaging.

The size of the treat is important. If the pieces are large, then the puppy will eat up quickly and will no longer be interested in further training. If the pieces are very small, they will fall out of the baby's mouth.

Therefore we take best option about a pea. It is not necessary to round them; the main thing is not the shape, but the size. I foresee a question: if my dog ​​is on dry food, can I give him cheese? I answer as a veterinarian: Yes. But only during classes. Another question: why cheese and not the dry food we feed? Because dry food is given strictly according to the norm - this is one thing, and secondly, the puppy can choke on dry pieces and will cough in the same way as from dry biscuits. Can I have some sausages? You can, of course, but your hands and clothes will be greasy, and this is simply unpleasant. So, cheese. Learning to give treats. It always lies in the right pocket of right-handers, and in the left pocket of left-handers. Cellophane bags We don't use it. Otherwise, the dog will react to the rustling of the cellophane. But we don't need this. Therefore, clothing is selected appropriately. We don’t mind getting it a little dirty, and these clothes have pockets.

No more than 5 seconds should pass between the dog’s actions and their reward. Otherwise, encouragement is not effective at all.

The treat is given in two ways. On an open palm and in a pinch (between the large and index finger). Both methods have their place. And in class we will use both.

So, the owner of the “big pocket with cheese” walks around the house and begins to train the dog correct behavior. You can train your puppy in parallel with several methods of correct behavior at once.

We accustom the puppy to his name.

The dog's name must be short and sonorous. It may not coincide with the name from the pedigree. There are many names for dogs on the site, take a look and adopt one of them. Example: Siegfried is a good name, but very long to attract the attention of the puppy, better Sigi or Reed.

And when the baby grows up, you can also use full name. And he will respond to it. I like to teach the puppy a name through feeding. Take a bowl and call your baby in a gentle voice: “Zigi, Zigi, Zigi,” repeating the name often and several times. At the same time, show a bowl of food. From the second day the baby will understand that it is his name and that he needs to run faster, as they will give him delicious food. In such a fun and pleasant way you will teach the puppy to respond to its name.

We teach the dog to respond to the word “Okay”.

The question is why do we need this, so that the puppy reacts to the word “Okay”. It's very simple. You won’t always be able to give your dog a treat on time for a job done correctly. For example, working at a distance means your dog is 10 meters away from you. And how can you let him know that you are happy with him? And here it is. Say the word “good” and the dog will be aware of your mood. And this is how we teach the puppy. We hand him a treat and, saying the word “good” in a gentle voice, always affectionate, we feed him delicious cheese from our hands. You have already read about the delicacy in the previous post.

You can stroke and caress the baby at this time. Learn to pet your dog correctly. Pat her lightly on the chest. Give it a whirl. But make sure that the puppy enjoys it. Do not stroke the head or back. I will explain why to those who will study in our virtual group.

Practice the skill only when the puppy is not doing anything illegal at that moment. For example, he is just lying still or has come up to you and has not yet put his paws on your lap. Praise and give treats.

The first and basic rule of raising a dog. If you hit a puppy on a soft spot, it will do little good (not to mention the fact that it is inhumane). The dog will not understand such actions of yours, because animals in a pack do not hit each other.

2. “Bite” to explain something

The leader (and before meeting you the puppy had a leader - his mother) acts rudely, but in a different way: he bites the “subordinate” in the neck or simply rolls him onto his back. It is in these two ways that dogs show their displeasure.

To simulate a bite, tense your fingers and simply hit the tips on the neck (on top, where the skin is rougher). If the dog’s behavior doesn’t go well at all, move on: after the “bite,” do not remove your hand and throw the dog on its back. Most likely, the first few times will be difficult - the dog may resist. Then you need to hold him by the neck until he calms down. It looks creepy from the outside, but believe me, it doesn’t hurt the dog.

3. Don't let your dog on the bed

From the first minutes in the house, the puppy is prohibited from being on your bed/sofa/chair. Simply because in a flock the leaders sleep on high ground, and everyone else sleeps below.

In a human home, the high ground is the bed, so for a dog it is a forbidden area.

Drive away with “bites” to the neck.

4. First you eat, only then the dog

We return to the pack again: the leader eats first, then everyone else eats. So first you have breakfast/lunch/dinner, and only then does the dog eat. However, do not forget about: education is education, but the dog should not be hungry. One more thing important rule: While you are eating, the dog should not sit near you and beg for food. Of course, you shouldn’t give anything from the table either.

5. Take away your food bowl.

When it's time to give your dog food, first get him to calm down (if he knows the commands, let him do it). When the dog eats, take the bowl from it, keep it with you, and pretend that you are eating from there. It sounds strange, but it reminds the dog who is in charge (the leader gets all the food on demand). This exercise will also teach the dog to calmly give everything to you and not growl.

6. Calm your dog before walks

The walk begins at home. If the dog jumps joyfully at the sight of the leash and keys, then we are waiting for it to calm down. Understand that a dog's joy is bad for education: the dog does not hear you, does not see you, he is overexcited. If you have to wait an hour, wait an hour. Never go out while the dog is excited. She will soon realize that you can't see the street if she jumps or whines.

7. Lead the dog strictly behind you

Walk on short leash. First you come out of the door, only then the dog. If he tries to crawl forward, that is, he considers himself a leader, we repeat again and again until he strictly follows you.

On the street, you should walk your dog close to your feet, with his body slightly behind yours.

You need to walk your dog for at least 40 minutes a day. Of course, the larger the dog, the longer the walks.

8. Don't let your dog reach out to other animals

If the dog desperately reaches forward, yank the leash or bend down and “bite” him. If a dog/cat/bird walks by and the dog reaches out to them, make him sit down and calm down. Of course, this does not mean that she cannot communicate with anyone at all. Just the opposite - it is necessary, but only after you have completely calmed down. Remember that looking eye to eye is a sign that a fight is about to happen: it is a challenge.

9. Don't let your dog fight you

Games don't mean the same thing to dogs as they do to us. In the animal world, all games are training. By jumping on each other and biting, puppies learn to fight. Keep this in mind when your dog jumps on you and tries to bite you, and stop it. It’s better to throw toys at him and teach him to fetch and give. At first, the dog will most likely happily run away from you with prey in its mouth. Take away toys: the leader does not ask, he always takes what is his.

10. Don't let them pick up food

First, the owner himself needs to understand one thing: it is very harmful for a dog to pick up food from the ground on the street. There may be poison in there, and then the dog may simply die. As soon as the dog begins to actively sniff the ground, you know: he has smelled food. If he tries to pick her up, yank the leash and say “ugh.” Of course, like any exercise, you will have to repeat this many times, but sooner or later the dog will understand everything and stop “vacuuming.”

11. Do not allow jumping on people

As a rule, owners are not satisfied with two extremes of dog behavior towards other people: excessive joy and aggression. If you're a little luckier and your dog just loves everyone around him a lot and is ready to jump and kiss, then just don't let him do it.

The tactic is simple: tug on the leash every time the dog reaches for the person. If joy goes beyond all limits, make him sit down and calm down. If necessary, bite into the neck. The secret is that the tactics of behavior with aggressive dog same.

12. Be confident, but don’t reassure your dog.

You must be calm, no matter how difficult it may be. Dogs feel everything, including excitement and anger.

The leader cannot be nervous and afraid, keep this in mind.

The dog shouldn't be nervous either. If she is afraid, do not touch her, do not stroke her, do not calm her down. She doesn’t understand what exactly you are saying, she just catches the kind intonation and understands it as “well done.” This way, you are telling your dog that being afraid and shaking (or growling and barking) is okay. In all similar situations she will behave this way.

13. Help her relax

When the dog calms down on its own and forgets about what happened, you can give it a massage. It's simple: imitate a mouth with your fingers and lightly “bite” the dog on the back. Do this slowly, pressing your “mouth” all over your back. Another secret: massage near the withers calms, and near the tail, on the contrary, excites.

14. Build relationships with other family members

If there are other dogs, cats, or people in your home, be sure to build the newbie's relationship with them as well. The dog must understand the entire family hierarchy (it is the very last link). Hug and cuddle all family members and all animals. The dog must watch from afar. This way he will understand that the leader is favorable to these members of the pack and it is better not to touch them.

If this approach does not help, put the dog on its back and place the other four-legged dog on top - this is a subordinate position. Family members should also put the dog in its place: “bite” or put it on its back, not feed it and not let it go in its place.

15. Create interesting activities for your dog

If you are busy with something and don’t have time to play with your dog, build quick toys for it that will keep your pet occupied for a long time. The best way- give him an old magazine or telephone directory. The puppy will be very busy for a good couple of hours, and then fall asleep.

You can make many boxes from cardboard. Hide treats in some of them and give the boxes to the dog - let him sniff and look for food. You can also turn on the fan: it hums and blows, and the dog will definitely be busy.

The first and basic rule of raising a dog. If you hit a puppy on a soft spot, it will do little good (not to mention the fact that it is inhumane). The dog will not understand such actions of yours, because animals in a pack do not hit each other.

2. “Bite” to explain something

The leader (and before meeting you the puppy had a leader - his mother) acts rudely, but in a different way: he bites the “subordinate” in the neck or simply rolls him onto his back. It is in these two ways that dogs show their displeasure.

To simulate a bite, tense your fingers and simply hit the tips on the neck (on top, where the skin is rougher). If the dog’s behavior doesn’t go well at all, move on: after the “bite,” do not remove your hand and throw the dog on its back. Most likely, the first few times will be difficult - the dog may resist. Then you need to hold him by the neck until he calms down. It looks creepy from the outside, but believe me, it doesn’t hurt the dog.

3. Don't let your dog on the bed

From the first minutes in the house, the puppy is prohibited from being on your bed/sofa/chair. Simply because in a flock the leaders sleep on high ground, and everyone else sleeps below.

In a human home, the high ground is the bed, so for a dog it is a forbidden area.

Drive away with “bites” to the neck.

4. First you eat, only then the dog

We return to the pack again: the leader eats first, then everyone else eats. So first you have breakfast/lunch/dinner, and only then does the dog eat. However, do not forget about: education is education, but the dog should not be hungry. Another important rule: while you are eating, the dog should not sit near you and beg for food. Of course, you shouldn’t give anything from the table either.

5. Take away your food bowl.

When it's time to give your dog food, first get him to calm down (if he knows the commands, let him do it). When the dog eats, take the bowl from it, keep it with you, and pretend that you are eating from there. It sounds strange, but it reminds the dog who is in charge (the leader gets all the food on demand). This exercise will also teach the dog to calmly give everything to you and not growl.

6. Calm your dog before walks

The walk begins at home. If the dog jumps joyfully at the sight of the leash and keys, then we are waiting for it to calm down. Understand that a dog's joy is bad for education: the dog does not hear you, does not see you, he is overexcited. If you have to wait an hour, wait an hour. Never go out while the dog is excited. She will soon realize that you can't see the street if she jumps or whines.

7. Lead the dog strictly behind you

Walk on a short leash. First you come out of the door, only then the dog. If he tries to crawl forward, that is, he considers himself a leader, we repeat again and again until he strictly follows you.

On the street, you should walk your dog close to your feet, with his body slightly behind yours.

You need to walk your dog for at least 40 minutes a day. Of course, the larger the dog, the longer the walks.

8. Don't let your dog reach out to other animals

If the dog desperately reaches forward, yank the leash or bend down and “bite” him. If a dog/cat/bird walks by and the dog reaches out to them, make him sit down and calm down. Of course, this does not mean that she cannot communicate with anyone at all. Just the opposite - it is necessary, but only after you have completely calmed down. Remember that looking eye to eye is a sign that a fight is about to happen: it is a challenge.

9. Don't let your dog fight you

Games don't mean the same thing to dogs as they do to us. In the animal world, all games are training. By jumping on each other and biting, puppies learn to fight. Keep this in mind when your dog jumps on you and tries to bite you, and stop it. It’s better to throw toys at him and teach him to fetch and give. At first, the dog will most likely happily run away from you with prey in its mouth. Take away toys: the leader does not ask, he always takes what is his.

10. Don't let them pick up food

First, the owner himself needs to understand one thing: it is very harmful for a dog to pick up food from the ground on the street. There may be poison in there, and then the dog may simply die. As soon as the dog begins to actively sniff the ground, you know: he has smelled food. If he tries to pick her up, yank the leash and say “ugh.” Of course, like any exercise, you will have to repeat this many times, but sooner or later the dog will understand everything and stop “vacuuming.”

11. Do not allow jumping on people

As a rule, owners are not satisfied with two extremes of dog behavior towards other people: excessive joy and aggression. If you're a little luckier and your dog just loves everyone around him a lot and is ready to jump and kiss, then just don't let him do it.

The tactic is simple: tug on the leash every time the dog reaches for the person. If joy goes beyond all limits, make him sit down and calm down. If necessary, bite into the neck. The secret is that the tactics of behavior with an aggressive dog are the same.

12. Be confident, but don’t reassure your dog.

You must be calm, no matter how difficult it may be. Dogs feel everything, including excitement and anger.

The leader cannot be nervous and afraid, keep this in mind.

The dog shouldn't be nervous either. If she is afraid, do not touch her, do not stroke her, do not calm her down. She doesn’t understand what exactly you are saying, she just catches the kind intonation and understands it as “well done.” This way, you are telling your dog that being afraid and shaking (or growling and barking) is okay. In all such situations, she will behave this way.

13. Help her relax

When the dog calms down on its own and forgets about what happened, you can give it a massage. It's simple: imitate a mouth with your fingers and lightly “bite” the dog on the back. Do this slowly, pressing your “mouth” all over your back. Another secret: massage near the withers calms, and near the tail, on the contrary, excites.

14. Build relationships with other family members

If there are other dogs, cats, or people in your home, be sure to build the newbie's relationship with them as well. The dog must understand the entire family hierarchy (it is the very last link). Hug and cuddle all family members and all animals. The dog must watch from afar. This way he will understand that the leader is favorable to these members of the pack and it is better not to touch them.

If this approach does not help, put the dog on its back and place the other four-legged dog on top - this is a subordinate position. Family members should also put the dog in its place: “bite” or put it on its back, not feed it and not let it go in its place.

15. Create interesting activities for your dog

If you are busy with something and don’t have time to play with your dog, build quick toys for it that will keep your pet occupied for a long time. The best way is to give him an old magazine or telephone directory. The puppy will be very busy for a good couple of hours, and then fall asleep.

You can make many boxes from cardboard. Hide treats in some of them and give the boxes to the dog - let him sniff and look for food. You can also turn on the fan: it hums and blows, and the dog will definitely be busy.

An obedient pet is the dream of every dog ​​owner. But achieving what you want is not so easy; for this you need to put in a lot of effort and be patient.

It doesn’t matter at what age the dog came into your family - as a puppy or as an adult, you can always correct its behavior. How to properly raise a dog, what system of rewards and punishments should you come up with, what line of behavior should you follow?

The dog's place in the family hierarchy

How to raise a dog correctly? Before starting practice, you should study basic theoretical information. A person will not be able to influence the behavior of his pet if he cannot become an authority for him - the leader of the pack. But how can you show your dog who's boss? There are several simple rules:

How to properly raise a puppy: toilet training

Extremely important question, which concerns not only puppies. Sometimes a family gets animals that are accustomed to street life, or the family moves from a private house to an apartment. IN the latter case There is no need to give up your pet, because in the vast majority of cases the animal can be accustomed to new living conditions.

Adult pets need to be walked twice a day; as for older pets, they need to be taken out at least three times, at the same time - morning/lunch/evening.

Puppies cannot have a walking schedule yet. The owner must spend a lot of time nearby and take the baby outside every time he begins to worry and look for a place.

Raising an adult dog and appropriate punishments

Under no circumstances should you hit or kick your pet; physical force is unacceptable! Example similar attitude are yard dogs that many people want to offend, which leads to their embitterment.

In addition, the owner’s hand should evoke extremely pleasant emotions for the pet. It is used to treat injuries to the dog, give food and caress. If you use your hand for hitting, it will be impossible to regain the dog’s former trust. The pet will be aggressive even at the moment when the owner takes it by the leash.

Of course, education without punishment is impossible; it is necessary in many life situations, But preference should be given to more loyal methods:

Sometimes such physical impact is also necessary for adult animals. As a rule, dogs are especially stubborn fighting breeds, especially if in new family they got there when they were already adults.

Basic rules of education

Of course, without experience in raising dogs, it is quite difficult to understand all the subtleties at once. If you are unable to delve into parenting issues on your own, then contact a professional. A pet of any age needs appropriate upbringing; to find an approach to it, we recommend that you pay your attention to the following tips.

Some dog owners just can't get their pets to obey. The owner screams, strains himself, but the dog doesn’t even listen, runs wherever he wants and whenever he wants, starts fights, throws himself under the wheels, scares the children.

In order to prevent this, it is necessary to carefully follow the rules of education and educational training. Everyone knows that education and training are closely related, but the concept of “education” is much broader than the concept of “training.” What these concepts have in common is that they are aimed at developing useful skills for humans.

Initial education lays the basic foundation for the relationship between dog and owner. Therefore, education must begin from the moment the puppy appears in the house, from a very early age.

Targeted training is carried out no earlier than six months, depending on individual characteristics dogs. The little puppy learns to walk, run, climb steps, and uneven ground on its own. On walks, in play, in communication with peers, a person gradually develops his sense of smell, hearing, eye, coordination of movements, and turns into a harmoniously developed animal.

The essence of education and initial (educational) is not to teach the dog to sit, lie down, stand, etc. - the dog is able to do this on its own - but to ensure that the dog does similar actions correctly and according to the owner’s commands. Upbringing and initial training should make the puppy more disciplined, obedient, and teach him to follow, even if not entirely clearly and reliably, the owner’s commands.


During the training process, unnecessary, bad habits of dogs are inhibited and eliminated. Main goal education - facilitating the daily maintenance of a dog, as well as creating the basis for initial, and then, possibly, general and special training.

Meaningful love

One of the most important conditions successful workunconditional love to the puppy. Only she can justify the waste of time and material resources, physical and mental strength. Without love, everything will get boring very quickly and simply become a burden. But love must be meaningful, combined with solid knowledge of the basics of dog breeding, and the ability to conduct this work thoughtfully and expediently. It should be combined with strength of character and decisive actions.

A master's love for a dog should not be expressed in sweet treatment and indulging its whims. When communicating with a puppy, it is imperative to include speech accompaniment. The puppy does not understand the meaning of words and commands, but has a keen ear, distinguishes well and picks up the slightest fluctuations in the voice, and is guided by intonation and sincerity of tone. The puppy will unmistakably be able to distinguish an affectionate, playful intonation from an imperative and strict one and react accordingly. A conversation with a puppy should be in the nature of a dialogue, but the puppy responds not with words, but with facial expressions, movements, squealing, grumbling or barking.

Patience and more patience!

Anyone who is burdened by the daily menial work of keeping, feeding and raising (cleaning, removing waste, preparing food, walking, going for walks), who is easily excited and cannot cope with his irritability, should not get a puppy. Upbringing- hard everyday work for which you need to be prepared. Attention: age It is necessary to take into account that in its development and behavior a puppy differs sharply from adult dog.

His body and nervous system They have not yet fully formed, become stronger and have not completely adapted to the environment. The puppy is very small life experience for normal orientation in conditions environment. As a result, the puppy gets tired relatively quickly and reacts sharply to all strong external stimuli (other animals, vehicles, sharp sounds, etc.). The physical capabilities and behavioral characteristics of the puppy directly depend on what type of age group he relates. All this must be taken into account when handling a puppy in the process of education and initial training.

Individual approach

Puppies, like children, are all different: in their physical development, behavioral characteristics, age characteristics, hereditary inclinations. For example, for some puppies, light mechanical pressure (hand pressure, pressure with a leash) is enough for them to react appropriately, while for others these actions need to be even stronger so that they understand what is being asked of them. We must remember that everything mechanical influences with the prohibiting command “Fu” or “No” on puppies should be gentle, less strong than on adult dogs. Otherwise, you can cause a feeling of fear in the puppy and disrupt the previously established contact with him.

Instant reaction

When a puppy commits an unwanted offense, punishment should follow immediately after it is committed. In this case, the puppy is able to understand what is required of him and why he is being punished. If the master's influence does not follow immediately, but with a delay of even a few seconds, he will not understand why he is being punished and what is required of him.

Let's play!

Play for a puppy aged 1-2 months is a vital necessity. You can teach games a few days after the puppy gets used to the new environment and the owner. Shouldn't he be allowed to spoil things?! It is necessary to direct his energy in the right direction. Having taken away an item from the puppy that cannot be damaged, you need to replace it with some kind of toy, play with the puppy yourself, periodically throwing the toys on the floor or ground, and periodically make a few short runs.

It is necessary to select based on the puppy’s tastes, but remember important restrictions: Small objects are dangerous, the puppy can swallow them. Slippers, gloves, rags, etc., and household items should not be used as toys. Having become accustomed to gnawing unnecessary objects, the puppy will not refuse the same new ones. All valuables must be hidden in places that are difficult for the puppy to reach, curtains must be raised, and wires must be hidden. Playing with the puppy should, to the greatest extent possible, compensate for playing with siblings from whom the puppy is separated.

If possible, it is necessary to imitate the actions of other puppies that they perform during play (tipping the puppy onto its back, somersaults, etc.). All this is done carefully, without causing pain to the puppy, for a short time. It is very useful to periodically imitate the puppy’s “victories” during the “struggle”; this helps develop his courage, perseverance and initiative. Other family members, including children, should also take part in playing with the puppy, but also with caution and for a short time, so as not to overtire the puppy.

You can't turn a puppy into living toy, which especially often happens when children play with it. IN in this case inevitably comes severe fatigue And sharp deterioration appetite.

Before starting the game, you need to make sure that there are no people around dangerous items that can injure the puppy and play with it. In the period from 3 to 6 months, play with the puppy must be carried out daily, gradually increasing the duration, intensity, and active use various toys. If possible, it would be great for the puppy to play with dogs of his own age. This is very useful both for the physical development of the puppy and for education. An indispensable condition is the health of the puppies, approximately the same age and physical development, constant monitoring of the progress of the game by the hosts. After each game, the puppy must be taken to his place, repeating the “Place” command for his further rest.

Bad habits

In the process of raising a puppy, it is necessary to switch its attention from undesirable actions to those that suit the owner. This will allow you to have a fairly gentle influence on the puppy and partially avoid the situation when the first life experience is incorrectly reinforced. You will have to prohibit a puppy from doing a lot of things, but you cannot constantly punish him. Chewing is an innate need for a puppy. This need is especially active during the period of growth and change of teeth, when the puppy remains alone for a long time and is not occupied with anything. At this time, the puppy can selflessly chew shoes and furniture.

What to do?

Before leaving the puppy alone, you need to give him a good walk or play with him so that the baby gets tired. Before leaving, leave a large sugar bone or a “long-playing” toy, with which the puppy will be occupied for some time, and then, tired, will fall asleep. Thus, he will gradually be able to learn discipline and will not act out in the absence of the owner. You can leave the puppy in an impromptu pen that limits its movement around the apartment. We teach you not to be scared It is necessary to get used to loud sounds that are inevitable in life, but only gradually.

So, if you find yourself at a holiday where there are a lot of people, screams are heard, fiery flashes are blazing and fireworks are roaring, the puppy can be seriously frightened and damage his psyche. After such “lessons”, it will be very problematic to accustom him to even the soft clap of the starting pistol, as a result of which in the future such a dog will not be suitable for official use. Therefore, it is better to gradually teach your baby not to be afraid of loud and sharp sounds. For this you can, for example, use balloon, which at the end of the game must burst.

Owner's Diary

A kind of diary will help a novice trainer in his difficult work. The diary can be kept in any form. His data should contain information about the puppy’s body weight gain, height at the withers, the appearance of baby teeth and their replacement with permanent ones, the date of raising the ears, monitoring age-related changes in behavior, the results of education and initial training, assessments and recommendations of specialists who examined the puppy, notes on the implementation of these recommendations, dates of veterinary examinations, preventive treatments against helminths and vaccinations. Entries from the diary can be read at any time, recall everything related to growth and upbringing, and compare the performance of other puppies. This will allow you to analyze the work done, identify and correct errors, and plan your actions for the future to ensure healthy and proper development puppy.

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