Color brindle tabby. Types and characteristics of tabby cat colors

Tabby translated from English means “motley, striped.” This is not a type of breed, but a color variant of cats. The tabby pattern on the skin is unique to cats; it is not found in other species of animals. The mottled cat is a character in many fairy tales. Puss in Boots, the Cheshire Cat, Murenka from “Silver Hoof” - everyone had tiger-like fur coats. Today, portraits of tabby cats are used in advertising of Whiskas and Friskas food as an image of healthy and active animals.

Tabby is considered the base color of cats: tigers, lynxes, leopards, pumas, panthers, ocelots and other representatives of this family of predators have either striped or spotted coats. Ancient cats were also like this, all without exception, since their dominant color gene was A (agouti). So nature took care of providing these animals with the best conditions for survival. The “camouflage” color makes them invisible against the background of vegetation, allowing them to hunt more successfully and hide better in case of danger.

When man domesticated the cat, he began to breed new breeds. As a result of selection work, today there are up to 70 cat breeds with various body features and colors. However, all kittens are born with spotted coats; the color characteristic of the breed bred as a result of selection appears only after a few weeks.

A characteristic “calling card” of the tabby color, in addition to the spotted coat, is a special pattern on the head. In the photo of tabby cats, dark lines on the forehead forming the letter “M” and lining around the eyes, which, like successful makeup, emphasizes their expressiveness, are clearly visible. There are several patterns of patterns on the body of cats.

Types of tabby colors

There are more than a dozen officially recognized varieties of tabby color patterns. There are four main ones, the rest are their varieties.

brindle (mackerel)

The striped coat pattern is the most common for cats. In the photo you can see that on the body of the animal there are clear dark stripes located vertically, and a wide central stripe runs from the head to the tail. This pattern somewhat resembles a fish with striped sides - mackerel, for which it received the name “mackerel”. Narrower transverse stripes on the paws, neck and chest look like exquisite bracelets and necklaces. Dark lines on the forehead form the typical tabby letter "M", and the cheeks and chin can also be decorated with stripes of varying widths.

Marble (classic)

This is the most recessive, but also the most striking color in the tabby line. Cats with this color look subtly elegant: there are three parallel wide stripes on the back, transverse stripes in the form of a necklace on the neck and chest, and the same ring stripes adorn the paws and tail. According to the standard, there should be symmetrically located circles on the animal’s hips, and a butterfly pattern on the shoulders and back of the head.


These cats are similar to leopards: round spots ranging in size from a few centimeters to 1-2 millimeters are evenly distributed on their body in a contrasting color. There are also rings “painted” on the tail, and an intermittent stripe runs along the spine. A solid line on the back is considered a defect in the exterior.


This type of tabby color is called Abyssinian, as it is the most common color found in this breed. At first glance, the coat of its owners seems monochromatic, devoid of patterns; only on the forehead are the characteristic tabby lines forming the letter “M” visible. The secret is that in ticked cats, stripes of the main and contrasting colors are located on each hair, alternating and forming a kind of delicate moiré “spraying” on the coat. This effect is most noticeable on the back of the animal.

Tabby cat breeds

The tabby color is characteristic of many cat breeds; for some it is one of the possible options, for others it is the main, the only one. Thus, long-haired Somali, short-haired Abyssinian and Singaporean breeds have exclusively ticked color types.

Representatives of the spotted type are:

  • Egyptian Mau (these cats have spots not only on their fur, but also on their skin);
  • Chito, similar to a small leopard (obtained as a result of crossing a domestic spotted and a Bengal cat);
  • Ocicat, which is called the "ocelot cat" because of its resemblance to its wild relative;
  • Pixiebob, a large, lynx-like cat with tufted ears and a thick, short tail.

Tabby color is found in British cats, although the classic option for the British is considered to be a solid coat color.

All variations of tabby colors, except ticked, can be found in Siberian cats and Maine Coons. The fur of the Siberian tabby cat can be decorated with interesting, bright and varied patterns: stripes, spots, circles, necklaces. The face painting must include a “branded” tabby badge - the letter “M” on the forehead.

Scottish cats (Scottish Fold) can have any monochrome or polychrome color, except brown. On sites dedicated to felinology, you can see photos of Scottish fold cats with tabby color: tri-color tortoiseshell, marbled or harlequin type (white fur with a few dark spots).

Some cat breeds may only have patterns on certain parts of their body. For example, Thai cats often have a tabby point color: they have contrasting stripes only on the ears, face and paws. “Hairless” sphinxes also have color, but, unlike their relatives with fur, it appears in dark spots on the animal’s body.

For cats of the Russian Blue, Burmese, Bombay, Siamese, Carthusian (Chartreuse), Tonkinese (Tonkinese) and Korat breeds, the tabby color is considered unacceptable according to the standards of the World Cat Fanciers Federation.

The solid and mysterious British cat is truly a royal breed. She had a hand in the creation of a whole galaxy of European aboriginal breeds, made her mark in America and continues to dictate the rules at modern exhibitions. A lot of advantages - from appearance to character traits - allowed the British to conquer the world.

British cats are not a native breed. They were brought to the islands by the Romans. Many years have passed since that moment, and modern Britons have acquired features and traits that do not allow these cats to be considered separately from their habitats. Harsh Albion provided them with solidity and heavy bone, and felinologists perfected their magnificent exterior through outcrossing with the Persians.

The only thing that the British Shorthair has left for itself is its character. Majesty and the undeniable right to self-determination - this is briefly about the prototype of the Cheshire Cat. The standard comparison is nevertheless justified. Tenniel's drawings for the anthology of English surrealism are still used by breeders to this day.

The British Shorthair gave rise to more than one national breed: American, Scottish, European, Chartreux - all of them owe something to the British.

The official standard was registered back in 1898, and in the first half of the 20th century, the British, like many other European cat breeds, almost stopped their purebred lines due to wars.

The situation was saved by US felinologists who used the British to improve their native breed. Their nurseries compensated for the lack of cats to allow selection without attracting other breeds. Britons are still used in Scottish, European and American shorthair lines, but outcrossing of purebred cats within the breed is prohibited.

The British received the modern standard in 1982, and since then they have been recognized by all associations of felinologists.

Description of appearance

The real pride of any Englishman - the British Shorthair cat - has many features. People who are far from felinology may confuse its description with another breed, for example, Scottish. However, the British are very different from their short-haired fellow tribesmen, primarily in their thoroughness in everything - from appearance and character to physiological aspects of maturation.

British Shorthair cats have the following description in the standards:

  • Body: closer to large in size. Powerful, all parts are wide, developed, strong. The limbs and neck are short and visually massive. The Briton looks stocky. The tail is proportional to the body, short, rather dense;
  • head: round, massive muzzle, has full cheeks and pronounced large whisker pads. The British are distinguished by excess skin around the head, which gives it additional volume. The presence of a transition to the profile and a pronounced chin. Short nose, quite wide. There is no stop. The ears are medium-sized, widely set;
  • coat: very dense, short, equipped with a thick undercoat. Tactilely creates a feeling of plush;
  • British colors: a subject of both pride and controversy. Everyone is accepted without exception. Thoroughly described and systematized by standards - thoroughness was evident even in this;
  • eyes: all options are possible, provided they match the color. The British often have all shades of yellow, but can also have blue and green. True, kittens are born, as a rule, with dull, gray eyes.


The British cat breed has fully adopted all the stiffness of English traditions: the colors of its proud representatives are systematized and recorded. Everything, from fur to eyes, has its place in the table of ranks; moreover, markings and even the coloring of the nose and paw pads have become the object of special attention.

Solid color – Solid

The British Blue cat is a real leader in world sympathy among monochromatic representatives of the breed. However, there is a whole palette of colors. Multiplied by the quality of the wool, they represent the true wealth of English aristocrats: purple, chocolate, cream, black, red. The British white cat occupies a special place.

Paw pads and nose are consistent with the main color, without spots.

Features of a solid color: the hair is dyed evenly with one color: the blue Briton, in principle, has no silver in the coat, and black and chocolate with a light undercoat are rejected by the standards as a defect. In addition, even a hint of a drawing will be considered a defect.

True, white kittens may have spots of a different color. Disappearing with age, they do not in any way affect the appearance of an adult Briton. It is they who are allowed to have blue, orange, or even different colored eyes.

Tortoiseshell color – Torty

Perhaps the most unpredictable and elegant are the British: tortoiseshell kittens whimsically mix cream with chocolate, blue or lilac. Black tortoiseshell cats are no less impressive.

The stains on the coat should be evenly distributed and also mixed. The predominance of one color is unacceptable. True, there is a small relaxation: the standards are not against short stripes in appearance, namely on the bridge of the nose and on the legs of tortoiseshell Britons.

The eyes are predominantly yellow, of different shades. The nose and pads of these Britons can be black or beige.

Silver typing – Silver

Cats of the British breed can boast of an equally spectacular color - typed. The idea is that the top part of each guard hair is a specific color, while the rest and undercoat are solid silver or white.

Such Britons are called smoky, or Smoke, this effect is combined with the Solid colors inherent in the breed, and is also often found with tortoiseshell bicolor.

Externally, the classic Smoke cannot be distinguished from the Solid or Torty colors. It manifests itself in dynamics - silver whimsically highlights the main color of cats in motion, because the thick guard hairs are colored by a full third.

Smoky British have two more varieties - shaded and chinchilla (shell).

The cat looks very light. The guard hairs are colored in Solid shades, only 1/6 of them are shaded and 1/8 of them are shell, respectively.

The black chinchilla has a completely extraordinary appearance - it is white. Only by looking closely can you notice a black coating on the wool. True, then the black pads and hairs framing the eyelids and nose catch the eye - this rule remains the same for all other colors.

Golden typing

One of the rarest British colors. Instead of silver or white, the undercoat and lower guard hairs of cats are uniformly colored in light shades of apricot. The incredible combination of emerald eyes with black or chocolate coating makes these Britons a real treasure.

Colors that allow patterns on the coat - Tabby

These are the only Britons who have a certain freedom in appearance. True, they also have their own characteristics and limitations.

Purebred cats are allowed to have only three types of patterns:

  • marble;
  • mackerel;
  • spotted.

Complete freedom is allowed in color and background - here standards cannot limit nature. True, this is where the liberties end. A British Tabby must have:

  • necklace: the larger, the better the closed clear stripes on the neck;
  • claw bracelets: solid stripes with good contrast;
  • symmetry of markings;
  • the letter "M" on the muzzle";
  • striped tail (the exception is the spotted Britons, they have spots instead of stripes).

Point colors

With all the diversity, the British can also be pointing dogs. The color, originally characteristic of graceful Orientals, harmoniously fits into the exterior of the powerful English Shorthair. At the same time, the British point can be of any color; it evenly fills the face, ears, paws, and tail. The background is painted in lighter shades of point. The breed has added its own characteristics to this coloring: the tail can be striped, and on the muzzle there is the obligatory letter “M”. Fuzzy tabbing of the body is also acceptable.


In fact, bicolor Britons may have more than two colors. White serves as the base, and it is already complemented by any other or a combination of two colors. There are three types of bicolor cats:

  • Van allows a solid color on the tail and a couple of markings on the head;
  • Harlequin - about 20% of the fur is a color other than white;
  • Actually, Bicolor - up to half of all wool is dyed a different color.

In bicolor Britons, all Solid colors, Torty combinations, Silver smoke and Tabby markings are acceptable, but instead of an "M" on the face there must be an inverted "V" filled with white. At the same time, Van and Harlequin kittens must have an elegant white collar.

Features of character and behavior

The British cat, massive and clumsy, is actually very, very active. He simply prefers sleep to any active activity. The British sleep 20 hours a day, sometimes without stopping to eat.

Up to 3-4 years The British are not yet fully formed, both physically and psychologically. At this age, they are, in essence, still kittens with appropriate behavior - active and mischievous. Then the kitten becomes much calmer.

The breed is characterized by absolute self-sufficiency. The British Shorthair cat itself determines the rhythm of life, the time for affection and, especially, for games. Shows independence from early childhood. Even a small kitten has sacred knowledge of its rights. The most important thing is not to waste time. Kittens up to one year old are amenable to suggestion and education. Afterwards - no.

Soft and independent Britons have their own opinion about everyone. The kitten will choose a place to sleep himself. The owner’s task is to equip it. When dealing with a Briton, you must remember: he has remarkable intelligence and memory. Reviews indicate that from childhood the kitten demands respect for its person and really does not like noise.

You will have to forget about closed doors in the apartment: this will cause shock in an absolutely calm cat, even to the point of depression. Ideally, of course, the British should be able to roam freely. Then neither the cat nor the owner will experience any shocks.

The British Shorthair cat is non-aggressive, but will not allow itself to be offended. She is unobtrusive and rarely talks out loud about her feelings. If a Briton wants to eat, this will be expressed in a silent picket next to the cup.

Kittens get used to the family and are sincerely attached to the owner, but they can do quite well without his company.


The British Shorthair cat is not susceptible to hereditary diseases. She is in excellent health. However, this does not mean that vaccination and preventive examinations by a veterinarian can be neglected.

It must be taken into account that sexual and physical maturation in general occurs late in the British - around the age of four. It is at this age that kittens turn into adult cats: they show all the solidity and massiveness provided for by the standards. There is no point in sounding the alarm or suspecting dystrophy until this moment.

In comfortable conditions, a Briton lives on average 15 years. However, there are record holders in the breed whose age has exceeded 20. The reasons are simple: lack of stress, active cat life, balanced food and, of course, unconditional love. The feeling of being part of a family for the British largely determines their well-being.

  • standard eye and ear hygiene as discharge or contamination appears;
  • trimming nails as they grow;
  • weekly combing of wool, and during the molting period - daily.

Wool is the main wealth, but at the same time it is a big problem. The British are extremely clean and everything that is not combed out ends up in their stomach.

Dense and thick undercoat, soft, silky guard hairs instantly fall off in clumps, so it is necessary to provide a special paste or food for resorption and unhindered removal of the hair.

Otherwise, they require a clean tray and sterile utensils, otherwise the Briton may become depressed, fraught with refusal to eat.


Kittens from certified catteries already have food preferences. Even though they adapt quickly, it is better to feed them their usual food. Reviews say that this way they get used to new conditions much faster. The British are distinguished by their unpretentiousness in food. Cats easily accept canned and dry food.

However, the champions of modern exhibitions owe their impressive appearance to natural food. Breeders recommend lean meats, vegetables, and grains. Additions of fish and dairy products are possible, but they should not be given priority.

Any diet must be supplemented with vitamins and minerals, especially during the molting period.

The British, in the best traditions of old England, were able to win the hearts of millions. The smile of the Cheshire Cat, which glorified the breed in literature, is famous throughout the world. Little colonists have all the necessary qualities: aristocracy and calmness, thoroughness and good nature. In return, these cats require very little: unconditional love and, of course, respect.

The tabby color is quite popular today, which is not surprising. Cats of this color scheme look very unusual and beautiful. But tabby is not just a specific pattern and color. There are an extraordinary variety of types and shades. We’ll talk about the variety of tabbies in this article.

What color is called tabby?

The tabby color is very fancy. The faces of such cats are decorated with exquisite markings, and their bodies are “dressed” in necklaces, bracelets, medallions, buttons, etc. A great variety of patterns is a distinctive feature of tabbies. The marks are located in different places, at different angles and can take on a variety of shapes. In addition, the pattern on cats will always be unique; no two tabby colors are the same. Even animals of the same subspecies will differ in the location and brightness of the spots.

Tabby is a color characteristic of several cat breeds, including the British. Now let's find out where the tabby came from and what variants of this color exist.

Where did this color come from and why is it called that?

The question of where cats of such bizarre colors and different breeds come from will certainly arise if a British kitten appears in the house. The tabby color was most likely inherited by domestic cats from their wild ancestors - the Nubian Dun. It is from this that all our short-haired pets originated.

As for the term “tabby” itself, there are several versions about its origin. The most beautiful sounds like this. Somewhere at the beginning of the 17th century, silk fabrics, which were worth their weight in gold, were first brought to England. Their pattern was very similar to a cat's color and was called "tabbis". And when they later began to breed cats with a similar color, they were called tabby. In addition, cats of this color, like silk, were very expensive, since breeding them is extremely difficult - it is difficult to obtain the necessary pattern, shade and eye color that matches them.

Required elements

The tabby color, despite many variations, has a number of unchanged elements:

  • Ticking is actually the presence of the pattern itself. In this case, the hairs of the coat should be uniform in color down to the base.
  • On the forehead of such cats there is always a pattern resembling the letter “M”, the so-called scarab sign.
  • There should be a fingerprint-shaped spot on the back of the ear.
  • The nose and eyes should be outlined. In this case, the color of the outline should be the same as the main color.
  • The pattern, if there is one, must include the following elements: “necklace” - three closed stripes on the chest; “curls” on the cheeks; There are two rows of double spots on the tummy. All drawings should be clear and rich, and the coloring should be deep.
  • There are also typical eye colors for tabbies - golden, orange and copper. If the color is silver, then the cat's eyes should be green.

If a Briton's color is blurred, and the patterns are cloudy and merge with the main color, then this is a defect. Most likely, one parent was a tabby and the other was a solid.

Spotted Tabby

The spotted Briton (tabby color) must have the letter “M” on his forehead; "necklace" on the neck; rings on the tail, and the tip is dark in color; stripes on paws; spots on the tummy of various diameters; an intermittent stripe on the back, turning into spots; nose and eyeliner. The drawing should be contrasting and clear.

Spotted British cats are also called spotted, which translates to "leopard". But, in principle, all these names refer to the same species. Spotted tabby is the most common color variety. Such a kitten can be born from parents of any tabby color.

Tiger tabby (mackerel, striped)

The brindle tabby color (a photo of it can be seen in this article) has approximately the same standards as the spotted one described above, with the exception that the line on the back should be clear and uninterrupted, and there should be clear, non-crossing and continuous stripes on the sides. The stripes of the British Tabby should start at the spine and go all the way to the paws. They should be narrow and frequent - the more often the better.

However, when choosing such a kitten, it is worth considering one important fact. Even if the chosen Briton has clear and long stripes, this does not mean that by the year they will not stretch and turn into spots. That is, a tabby kitten can turn into a spotted cat. This is the only species that can change so much. The remaining varieties remain virtually unchanged throughout the cat's life.

Brindle is quite common in the UK, but not as common as spotted.

Marbled Tabby

The marble tabby color in cats is the most beautiful, bright and complex. In addition, it is also the rarest due to difficulties in crossing - two marbled individuals can produce a tabby or spotted kitten. Such British cats wear three parallel stripes on the back, and large closed circles on the sides, inside of which there are brightly colored spots. Such a pattern should not intersect or be interrupted. In addition, a Marbled Briton must have the following markings:

  • A pattern on the back of the head and shoulders resembling a butterfly.
  • Patterns on the cheeks that start from the very corners of the eyes.
  • "M" pattern on the forehead.
  • The neck and chest are decorated with necklaces - the more, the better.
  • There are spots on the tummy.
  • The paws and tail must be ringed.
  • The circles on the hips must be closed.

The color is rejected if the pattern is not contrasting enough, or if there are residual faded stripes.

In the British, the color can be determined from birth. However, final alignment and clear drawing occur by two months. Therefore, if you want to get a real British harlequin, wait until this time, and do not adopt a kitten earlier.

Ticked tabby

The ticked or Abyssinian tabby color in British cats can be confused with the solid color, as it is not characterized by patterns, however, it is quite beautiful. The name comes from the Abyssinian cat breed, which is characterized by a similar color. The color of the fur should be even, and the upper part of the hairs should look like a kind of “spraying”. If you part the fur of such a cat, you will notice that each hair has two colors. In this case, the British undercoat will correspond to the main color. Of all the markings typical of tabbies, ticked kittens have only curlicue patterns on their cheeks and a scarab mark on their forehead.

If the color contains spots, rings, or the coat is not evenly dyed with two or three colors, then the individual is rejected.

The Abyssinian British coat is apricot, brown and sandy yellow. Despite this, the basis of this color is black.

Color tone

In addition to varieties, the tabby color has several tones. We present here the main ones.

Black or brown tabby - characterized by rich markings. The main color is copper-brown, covering the entire body, including the chin and lip area. The nose is brick red or black. Paw pads are black.

The Chocolate Tabby has deep chocolate-colored markings. The main color of the cat is bronze. Paw pads and nose may be pink or chocolate.

The blue color of the tabby cat is distinguished by deep blue markings. In this case, the main color is slightly bluish, much lighter than the shade of the spots. Paw pads and nose are pink or blue.

Lilac Tabby - Characterized by quirky lilac colored markings. The main color is beige. The paw pads and nose are pink.

The cream tabby has deep cream colored markings. The main coat color is pale cream. Paw pads and nose are pink.

In addition, there are silver tabbies. Ideally, the main color of the coat of such British cats is light silver, and the pattern has a more saturated and bright color. However, British silver tabby cats also come with markings of various colors: black, cream, chocolate, red, lilac.

British cats, whose breeding began at the end of the 19th century, are to this day the true pride of Great Britain. Large cats with plush fur, according to legend, inherited their smile from the Cheshire cat. The first snow-white beauty belonging to this breed was officially presented at the exhibition in 1987. To this day, the colors of British cats are of particular interest to cat lovers. There are no British Folds; this anatomical feature is inherent in Scottish cats.

Since then, the popularity of the breed has been steadily growing. The British attract not only their intelligent character and plush fur, but also a huge variety of colors, of which there are more than 25 types. A table with photos will help you study the colors of British cats, as well as a description of the types and types of colors of this breed. Among the color range of wool there are very rare combinations that are extremely highly valued by both professional breeders and breed lovers. Let's figure out what colors British cats come in.

Types of colors

Selection work on representatives of the British breed with the involvement of various bloods has led to a variety of both colors and breed types. If initially the British had short hair with a thick undercoat, then crossing with the Persian cat made it possible to obtain semi-long-haired animals. The colors of British longhair cats correspond to the colors of shorthair cats.

Many people only think of Britons as smoky, blue or tabby cats and don't even realize how many colors the breed has. Even a pair of quite ordinary parents can produce a kitten of a rare color.

To organize the variety of colors of British cats, they are divided into types and groups according to color, pattern and method of pigmentation.

Types of colors of British cats:

  • solid (or plain);
  • typed: smoky, veiled, shaded;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • tortoiseshells;
  • color point;
  • particolors: harlequin, bicolor, van, mitted;
  • tabbies: spotted, striped, marbled, ticked.

A table of the colors of British cats will help you imagine all the diversity.

Blue solid

This is the color that comes to mind when thinking about the British, so we'll start with it. It is often called classic, or simply gray. The coat should be a single color, the undercoat may be lighter, but white hairs are not allowed. A lighter color is considered valuable. A small kitten may have stripes that disappear as they age. The beautiful rich amber eye color of blue Britons develops with age, although kittens are born with gray and blue irises.


In addition to blue, there are six more solid colors: black, white, chocolate, lilac, red, cream. The color is uniform and uniform, without white hairs, spots or patterns. The wool is soft, thick, plush.

Jet-black plush Britons look extremely impressive, they have rich pigmentation in the undercoat, fur and skin, but acquiring such a kitten is not easy. This is due to the fact that during adolescence, kittens can change their coat color to chocolate.

The fur of a white British cat is snow-white, without yellowness or spots. In kittens, blue or black stripes on the forehead are acceptable, which disappear without a trace with age. It is difficult to obtain kittens with perfectly white fur, and breeding cats of this color is associated with the risk of producing sick offspring. Since 1997, breeding work has not been carried out with this color.

In warm chocolate color, richness and depth of shade are appreciated. The darker the color, the better. This color is called havana, or chestnut.

Considering the solid colors of British cats, lilac is the most difficult to imagine. This color is a combination of pink and blue. The paw pads and nose are colored to match the fur. Obtaining this color is the result of professional breeding. There is no gene responsible for the purple color. The goal is achieved by a rare combination of parental genes. Kittens are born a delicate, almost pink color, and the color of an adult animal resembles a latte.

Red British cats are most often called ginger cats. The wool is uniformly dyed, without stains or patterns. The nose and paw pads are brick red. Intensity of color is valued.

Delicate creamy Britons are often called beige or peach. Their nose and paw pads are pink.

Rare colors of British cats

Today, relatively new and rare uniform colors stand out - cinnamon and fawn. Dark colors of British cats are dominant, so light-colored kittens are rarely born.

Cinnamon is a very rare and desirable color, its name comes from the English cinnamon, which translates as cinnamon. The color is similar to lightened chocolate. The gene for this color, discovered 50 years ago, is recessive, so cinnamon kittens are born quite rarely.

Fawn is an even rarer color, which is a bleached cinnamon. It was recognized quite recently, in 2006, and is of particular interest to breeders, as it makes it possible to develop new lightened colors.

Fawn-like kittens, i.e., fauns, and cinnamon cinnamon kittens are classified as cream and blue at birth. To identify a rare color, a DNA examination is carried out, which confirms that the animal belongs to a rare color.

Silver and gold

Silver color is one of the most popular among British cats. It can be of the following types:

  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • smoky;
  • tabby

Golden color is also not found in its pure form. This bright color is one of the most expensive among British cats. It can be represented by the following types:

  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • tabby

Ticked tabby, shaded and veiled colors are called chinchilla. It is the representatives of golden and silver colors that are called chinchilla and golden chinchilla.


Tortoiseshell cats are a favorite among breeders. From these mothers you can get a wide variety of offspring. Their unique color, also called torti, combines two groups of colors at once - red and black, and this is possible only in females. Tortoiseshell cats can only be born as a result of a genetic anomaly - mosaicism. Such animals are infertile and have the XXY genotype.

The tortoiseshell color consists of black and red spots evenly distributed throughout the body (or derivatives of these colors, for example, blue and cream, chocolate and cream, lilac and cream, etc.).

There are a huge number of British tortoiseshell species:

  1. Classic turtle (black-red, chocolate-red, lilac-cream, fawn-cream, cinnamon-red, lilac-cream).
  2. Smoked turtle (black and red smoke, chocolate red smoke, etc.).
  3. Tortoiseshell tabby, or torby (black and red tabby, chocolate red tabby, etc.).
  4. Tortoiseshell color point, or tortie (tortie point - black tortoiseshell, blue cream point - blue tortoiseshell, etc.).
  5. Bicolor tortoiseshells or calicos (black and red bicolor tortoiseshell, etc.).
  6. Bicolor tabby tortoiseshell, or torbico (marbled, striped, spotted bicolor tortoiseshell).

A tortoiseshell kitten can be born from parents of different color groups, for example, the mother is red and the father is black.


Patterned cats resemble wild ones in color. They have spots, stripes, rings on the body and paws and the obligatory letter "M" on the forehead. Tabby color also has several types:

  1. Spotted, spotted, or leopard print is the most common tabby. Cats of this color look like miniature leopards.
  2. Striped, mackerel, or tiger. Narrow frequent stripes should not be interrupted or intersect with each other. After a year, the brindle color may turn into leopard if the stripes begin to break up.
  3. The merle color is very impressive, bright and the most complex of the tabbies. The stripes on the back are straight, but on the sides they form clearly visible circles and rings.
  4. The ticked color stands apart - it has no pattern and looks like a plain one with “spraying”. Resembles shaded or veiled. Each hair has its own stripes.

Color point

Color-point Britons have a light body color and dark markings on the face, ears, paws, and tail - points. This color is also called Himalayan or Siamese. The color of the points corresponds to one of the main colors, and the body color is in harmony with it.

Types of color point:

  • solid;
  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • bicolor;
  • smoky;
  • turtle;
  • tabby

Colors with white

The combination of any basic, patterned or tortoiseshell color with white is called the general name bicolor - these are colored spots without white fibers, with clear boundaries. There are several groups of this color:

  1. Bicolor - from 1/3 to 1/2 white - muzzle, chest, paws, belly. Colored - one or two ears, head, back, tail.
  2. Harlequin - only 5/6 white - collar, neck, chest, paws.
  3. Van - main color - white. Colored spots on the head, but the ears are white, colored tail, colored spots on the back are allowed.
  4. Tricolor, or calico, is a tortoiseshell (i.e., two-color) color with white.
  5. Mitted - is not recognized by the standard and is considered a disadvantage. There is little white, no more than 1/4, the head, neck, collar, belly and paws are white.

Now you know what the colors of British cats are. The table with photos helped us understand the variety of types and types of colors.

Tabby color of British cats often called patterned (or drawn, patterned), all because this color is one of the most contrasting and bright.


British tabbies, regardless of the pattern on the coat, must have the following elements in their color (the exception is the ticked color - it has no pattern):

  • the letter "M" on the forehead;
  • “necklaces” on the chest;
  • stripes on the paws;
  • tail rings;
  • one or two rows of spots on the belly;
  • A contrasting tabby pattern is required;
  • a light spot on each ear on the outside;
  • eyeliner and nose to match the main color.

Photo: British spotted tabby cat, spotted chocolate color BRI b 24
Photo of a British tabby kitten, black silver spotted color BRI ns 24

The striped color of the British (British brindle tabby) must comply with all the same standards as the spotted one, only the pattern on the back and sides must have clear and uninterrupted stripes. In the color of a British Tabby Shorthair cat, the stripes should start at the spine and extend all the way to the paws. The stripes of a British brindle cat are narrow and frequent (and it is believed that the more often the better). Mackerel stripes (mackerel) should not intersect each other, be strictly vertical and always contrasting.

A brindle (striped) British kitten, even with very clear stripes, can “stretch” its color by adulthood and, if the stripes begin to be interrupted anywhere, the color is reviewed by experts and assigned - spotted. The full color of a British brindle kitten will be formed only by the age of one year (other tabby colors are not subject to such changes and most often do not change the appearance of the tabby pattern in adulthood).

British tabby cats are not as common as spotted cats, but more common than marbled cats.

The eye color of British tabby cats can be copper (golden, orange) or green (golden, occasionally silver).

Chocolate tabby British kitten: photo of California


The British merle color is a very bright, beautiful color, perhaps the most complex in the tabby series. Marbled British cats wear beautiful patterns on their backs (2 stripes along the ridge, closed large circles on the sides, inside of which there is a clear large painted spot. And this entire pattern should not intersect or be interrupted. Also, a British marbled tabby cat has a butterfly pattern on the back of its head, patterns on the cheeks, starting from the corners of the eyes, on the forehead the letter “M”. In addition, the British marble cat has closed “necklaces” on the chest (the more, the better), clear rings on the paws and tail. The British marble cat is very valued among breeders. beautiful design, especially if the color is drawn correctly.

A British merle color may not be contrasting, in which case the color is rejected.

Photo: British cat Emili black marble on gold BRI ny 22 64

The character of the British marbled cat is no different from all other colors, although often future owners are interested in it, thinking that it is a separate breed of cat.

The marbled color of British kittens is visible from birth and is already quite contrasting. The necessary stripes, circles, and rings are clearly visible. The pattern of a British marbled kitten (British marbled kitten) may blend in a little with the main color of the coat, do not worry, most often by 2 months everything evens out and the color becomes most expressive.


In British tabby cats, the main tone - the color of the coat - is light (for example, red, chocolate, lilac, etc.), but the pattern is made in a dark color (black, blue, red). The colors of British tabby cats (or tabby/tabby) are encoded with the numbers 22/23/24/25, which are added after the main color color.

British tabbies can be of the following types:

  • black ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI n 25/24/23/22 (BROWN TABBY);
  • blue ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI a 25/24/23/22 BLUE TABBY;
  • lilac ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI c 25/24/23/22 LILAC TABBY;
  • chocolate ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI b 25/24/23/22 CHOCOLATE TABBY;
  • cinnamon ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI o 25/24/23/22 CINNAMON TABBY;
  • fawn ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI p 25/24/23/22 FAVN TABBY;
  • red ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI d 25/24/23/22 RED TABBY;
  • cream ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI e 25/24/23/22 CREAM TABBY;
  • silver ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI s 25/24/23/22 – SILVER TABBY;
  • golden ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI y 25/24/23/22 GOLDEN TABBY;
  • bicolor ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI 25/24/23/22;
  • color-point ticked/spotted/striped/marbled BRI 25/24/23/22.


The tabby pattern is due to the A gene - agotti.

You can often hear the phrase from breeders “all cats are tabbies, but not all agoutis.” What does it mean? — Genetically, all cats (yes, all cats, of all breeds and species) have a pattern on their body, but the magic gene “not agouti” hides the pattern on the body.

Color formula:

AA - a tabby cat (with a pattern), she will always give birth to kittens with a pattern, regardless of the color of the second sire;

Aa is a tabby cat (with a pattern), she will always give birth to kittens with and without a pattern (plain);

aa is a cat of a single color (without a pattern).


The tip of the hair is well pigmented, then there is a less saturated section of the hair and so alternates.

There are several types of tabby patterns - brindle, spotted, ticked, marbled.

  • T a – ticked tabby
  • T – striped/spotted tabby
  • t b – marbled tabby

Color dominance:

  • T a is dominant over color T and t b
  • T is dominant over color t b
  • t b - recessive color
  • Most kittens have a visible tabby pattern at birth, even if they are born to solid-colored parents. This confirms that all cats are tabbies.
  • If we breed a cat with the recessive allele “aa” (it has an even, solid color) with a tabby cat who has the “Aa” gene, we will get offspring with a tabby pattern and a solid color.
  • Two same-colored parents can never produce a tabby kitten.
  • From two tabby sires a monochromatic kitten can be born (in the case when the formula of the parents is Aa + Aa - this means that they are carriers of a monochromatic color, being drawn)
  • Two ticked parents can produce kittens: ticked, spotted/striped and marbled
  • Two spotted/striped parents can produce kittens: spotted/striped and marbled
  • Only merle kittens can be born from two merle parents and never spotted/striped or ticked kittens.


Here are photos of British cats, cats, tabby kittens. British tabbies are spotted, striped (brindle), marbled.

Photo of a British tabby kitten: lilac ticked BRI c

British black marbled on silver, photo of tortoiseshell silver British kitten BRI fs 22

British tabby, photo color point tabby color BRI a 33 21


British tabby kittens can only be born from parents of this color. Those. at least one parent must be a tabby (with a pattern). A British tabby/tabby kitten should have a fairly contrasting pattern from birth. It must be remembered that over time, the color of British tabby cats “erodes” as the kitten grows, so, for example, a brindle color can turn out to be a spotted color. The full tabby color of British cats is formed by one year.