How to potty train a Yorkshire Terrier at home. Toilet training a Yorkie

Outstanding character and external charm make the little one Yorkshire Terrier one of the most popular breeds dogs all over the world. Despite its size, the territorial and intelligent Yorkie is an excellent watchdog. However, due to its behavioral tendencies, the Yorkshire Terrier must be taught at least basic commands, otherwise it will not be a very pleasant pet. People who want to train their Yorkie will find it diligent student, which will pick up basic commands very quickly.


Part 1

Studying basic approaches to training

    Learn more about this dog breed. Yorkshire Terriers are small in size but come from working dogs. They can be stubborn and are often described as having a temperament large dog V small body. Intellectual abilities Yorkshire Terriers vary greatly. Some of them learn very quickly, while others are quite slow.

    Pick up easy for the dog harness Because Yorkies are small, you should always use a light harness along with a leash rather than attempting to attach the leash to a collar. To secure the information tags, you will also need a lightweight collar for your dog, but you should be able to fit 1-2 fingers under the collar on your dog's neck without it being too tight.

    Explore the benefits of a positive reinforcement system. Dogs respond well to training using positive rewards. The underlying principle is that good behavior (following a command) is immediately rewarded (usually with praise and treats), which causes the dog to make an associative connection between own behavior and encouragement. The dog, in turn, will want to repeat the desired behavior in order to continue receiving treats.

    • When using treats as rewards, be careful not to overfeed your dog. Reduce your dog's regular feedings slightly so that the extra calories from treats don't lead to weight gain. excess weight. You can also limit the number of treats (while continuing to praise your dog) as he masters a specific command. Limit yourself to handing out treats every fourth or fifth time a command is performed, rather than handing out treats every time. It will not weaken the training if you continue to praise your pet for obedience.
  1. Don't try to punish your Yorkie. Although people intuitively want to punish a pet for bad behavior, negative attention is not effective in deterring dogs. Giving your dog attention, even in the form of scolding, looks like encouragement in his eyes. If you simply ignore the bad behavior, your dog will likely become bored with it and forget about it.

    Distract your Yorkie from bad behaviors that are pleasing to him. Although in most cases negative behavior can be dealt with by ignoring it, this will not help if the dog is in the middle bad behavior will find a pleasant reward for himself, for example, when he chews on your favorite pair of shoes. IN similar situation you should try to distract the dog without drawing attention to the bad behavior.

    Be consistent throughout the training period. Set clear boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior for your dog and be consistent in your expectations. If you forbid your Yorkie to do something, for example, jumping on the sofa, then this should be an unshakable rule. If you periodically allow your dog to climb onto the sofa, you will only confuse him with mixed signals.

    Use negative cues. You can help your Yorkie understand that he is about to make a mistake by saying a specific phrase in a disapproving tone of voice, such as “ah-ah-ah.” This phrase is called a negative cue and gives the dog valuable information about the wrong choice. A negative cue should never be accompanied by a punishment. It does not serve as a warning, but rather as a hint so that the dog can correct itself and make the right decision.

    • An example is teaching the “place” command. If your dog gets up from a sitting position, a short, disapproving "ouch-ay-ay" will let him know that it was wrong for him to stand up.
  2. When training your Yorkie, keep the lessons short. Yorkshire Terriers have very little ability to maintain concentration. Teach your dog only one command and only for a limited time. The duration of lessons should be selected individually for each dog. It is generally believed that the shorter the lesson, the better. Try organizing several 4-5 minute lessons throughout the day.

    • Don't forget that any interaction with your dog provides you with the opportunity to train it as well. For example, before feeding, you can ask your dog to sit and reward him with food.
    • Some commands are interrelated, such as sit and place, so your dog must have a firm grasp of the sit command before you begin teaching him the place command.
  3. Regularly take your Yorkie to the designated toilet area. The first few times the dog goes to the toilet right place will depend on the correct time chosen for this. You can help your dog understand that going to the toilet in this place is correct by praising and treating him every time for a successful combination of all circumstances.

    • For a puppy, you will need to take him out every 20 minutes if he hasn't gone to the toilet in a while, and he should also be walked first thing in the morning, in the evening before bed, and after every feeding.
    • An adult dog can be taken out hourly after sleeping and feeding.
  4. Don't punish your dog for mistakes. As with any training, punishment is an ineffective way to influence a dog to maintain cleanliness. They will only make her begin to fear you and try to find more secluded places in your house for her toilet.

    • Punishments also include poking the dog's nose into a puddle. It's ineffective. York won't understand why you do this.
  5. Clean up home accident sites thoroughly. Your dog may smell any lingering odors and return to the same spot to go to the toilet again. Clean up your dog's mess with enzymatic cleaners to get rid of odors that may attract your dog. This will help make the cleanliness process easier for both of you.

    Use a dog crate. If you are crate training your dog, also use it for proper cleanliness training. The use of a cage can help in this matter, since Yorkies are not inclined to dirty their den and will strive to be patient until the time of walking.

    Watch your dog for signs. Once your Yorkie understands that going to the toilet in the right place will lead to treats, he will want to obey your rules. However, it is not so easy for your puppy to tell you that it is time for him to go to the toilet. You should help the dog by paying attention to the appearance of a characteristic gait, whining sounds, approaching the door, and so on.

    • If you're having trouble with a particularly stubborn puppy, you may be able to get additional information about toilet training a puppy in the article “How to toilet train a puppy outdoors”.

Part 3

Teaching your Yorkshire Terrier basic commands
  1. Initially, minimize the number of distractions. Start studying in a place with few distractions, such as a room in your home or your own yard. Once your dog understands and responds to commands, begin to vary the location of your lessons. You don't want your Yorkie to mistakenly, for example, begin to think that the "sit" command should be performed exclusively under the apple tree, and not associate any other commands with a specific training location.

    • Slowly progress to practicing commands in busier areas as your dog begins to understand them better. The ultimate goal is to gain confidence that your Yorkie will respond to your commands even in a crowd of people and dogs around. Be patient, as the time required for this depends entirely on the dog's personality.
    • You will most likely want to keep your dog on a leash as you begin to slowly walk him into areas with a large number distractions, as there will be a high risk of the dog losing concentration at first.
  2. Teach your Yorkie the “come to me” command. Until your pet understands the “come to me” command, you will have to help him by giving it when he is already moving in your direction. To mark correct behavior use a clicker (if you decide to use it in training), and then give the dog a reward. After creating a strong associative connection between the command and the dog's action, you can begin to use the “come” command even when the dog is not moving in your direction.

    • You should not constantly repeat a command if the dog does not obey you, as this will weaken its effectiveness. Instead, continue to wait and repeat the command until the dog begins to move towards you. A little later, try giving the command again when the dog is standing still or moving away from you.
    • The learning process can be frustrating at times. Remember to remain patient and not punish your pet, and always reward your Yorkie when he finally comes to you on command.
  3. Teach your Yorkie the "sit" command. Place your dog in the corner of the room and show him the treat at nose level. Let your dog sniff the treat, but don't let him eat it. Raise the treat in an arc towards the top back side the dog's head so that the pet's nose continues to follow the treat, and the butt automatically sits down. As soon as your dog's butt touches the floor, click the clicker (if using one) and praise your dog generously by giving him a treat. Repeat this exercise regularly and begin using the vocal command “sit” before lifting the treat over your dog’s head.

    • Be prepared to repeat the entire process frequently before the command is reliably learned by your Yorkie.
    • Once your dog begins to respond to the "sit" command, you can stop rewarding him every time and make the reward more unpredictable, which will prevent your dog from overfeeding but continue to encourage him to work for the treats. It is ideal to reward your dog for every fourth or fifth command.
  4. Teach your Yorkie the “give paw” command. Sit the dog down and leave it in that position. Gently grab one of his front paws at elbow level and lower your hand down to your dog's wrist. Shake the paw and then praise your dog and give him a treat. If you use a clicker, remember to use it. As soon as your Yorkie begins to understand the meaning of the trick, enter the voice command “give me your paw.” Repeat these actions regularly until the dog understands the behavior expected from it with this command.

  5. Teach your Yorkie the roll command. When your Yorkie is in a comfortable position for tumbling, bring a treat to his shoulder. As soon as he turns his head towards the treat, start moving him back around his back to the other shoulder. The pet will naturally try to follow the treat with its head, which will lead to it doing a somersault. As with other commands, remember to click the clicker if you use one, and then praise your dog and give him a treat. As soon as the dog begins to understand the meaning of the trick, enter the voice command “somersault”.

    • Initially, you can use your free hand to hold your dog's butt to prevent him from standing up while tracking the treat, or you can first teach your pet the "down" command to lay him down before performing a somersault.
    • .
  • Once your dog's training is complete, you should make sure that everyone in your family uses the same commands. This will prevent the dog from becoming confused after learning basic commands.
  • In addition to voice commands, your Yorkshire Terrier training can include gesture commands and whistle signals.

Accustoming a Yorkie to a diaper or litter tray is not at all difficult, because dogs, like cats, have innate cleanliness skills, and when the right approach They will obediently relieve themselves in the place designated by the owner. Experienced dog breeders advise not to limit training within the confines of the home, but to combine it with going outside. When the baby understands that you can go to the toilet both in the apartment and on the street, he will not tolerate and restrain himself until he gets to the right place, and will feel equally comfortable in any conditions, which is very convenient for animal, and for the owner. It is better to start training at the age of one week, when the baby is already getting out of his “den” to defecate. However, most often puppies are purchased at 3 months, and they are not always toilet trained. To educational process successful, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experts.

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    Choosing a toilet

    It will be much easier to toilet train your puppy if he is comfortable in it. You should immediately exclude rags and cat supplies from the list, since they will significantly interfere with the educational process:

    1. 1. A cat litter box with its high sides is completely unsuitable for miniature puppies. Sometimes it is possible to train adults to use such a toilet decorative dogs: Yorkshire terrier, toy or pomeranian, Chihuahua, etc.
    2. 2. Granular litter will be perceived by a mischievous pet as a toy, and as a result the whole house will be strewn with it.
    3. 3. A rag or piece of fabric gets wet after the first use and remains damp. The Yorkie will never relieve himself in a wet place and will end up going wherever it is dry.

    Special diapers made of moisture-absorbing material are suitable as a toilet for Yorkshire terriers. They can be purchased at a pet store. This is ideal for the smallest puppies. The only negative is the additional expense of purchasing new diapers, since they need to be changed every 2-3 days, depending on the degree of contamination.

    It should be remembered that you can’t just leave a diaper on the floor, since the puppy will drag and chase it around the apartment. You need to purchase a special diaper tray with a lock.

    The litter box is an excellent tool that is recommended for use as a toilet for puppies 2 months and older. On the shelves of pet stores you can see a large number of models of various configurations and sizes. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you should start from the gender of the pet.

    For boys

    The nature of male puppies is to relieve their natural needs in a certain position, that is, with a raised paw. If the Yorkie does not have this opportunity, he will begin to mark walls and corners throughout the apartment. It is recommended to immediately purchase a tray with a column. The convenience and attractiveness of such a device lies in the fact that the column can, if desired, be moved to another location or removed altogether. The sanitary diaper absorbs urine, preventing the smell from spreading throughout the apartment, and the grille fixed on top of the tray leaves the paws dry and clean.

    Tray with column

    Another option for male dogs is a tray with high sides. On the entrance side, one wall is missing so that the pet can easily go to the toilet. A stream of urine flows down the walls and falls under the grill, so the dog cannot wet its paws.

    Tray with high sides

    You can try to make a tray with your own hands, but you need to remember that the material should be easy to wash and resistant to moisture. Some Yorkie owners resort to this trick: they place a flat tray without sides close to the wall, and attach a diaper to the wall itself. Thus, the dog fulfills its natural needs in comfort, and the finish remains intact.

    For girls

    For Yorkie girls, trays with low sides are suitable. This can be either a model with a lattice or a device for fixing a diaper. A tray with an imitation grass mat is very original and useful. After using this device, teaching your dog to go to the toilet outside will not be difficult.

    Tray with imitation grass

    Another advantage of this model is savings. The owner does not have to change diapers, since the pet's waste products fall into the lower compartment, which is easy to remove and wash. Thanks to a special system, odors do not spread throughout the apartment for up to 7 days.

    When purchasing a tray of any configuration, you should pay attention to its quality: the acrid smell of plastic is unacceptable, the grid must be tightly fixed and not loose. If the structure is unstable, the baby will be scared and will no longer want to go to such a toilet.

    Effective Ways to Learn

    The ideal age to purchase a Yorkie is 3 months. Usually by this time the puppies are already litter box trained thanks to the breeder. If the animal was bought secondhand or the previous owner did not raise it, you will have to start training from scratch. It is not difficult to do this at a young age, since dogs are very smart, intelligent and clean animals. Everything they were taught in childhood will eventually turn into a habit.

    Before letting your Yorkie into your home, it is recommended to remove all carpets and rugs. The animal will certainly be attracted to such a surface, and, having relieved itself there once, it will return to this place again and again. You also need to barricade all nooks and crannies in the apartment (behind the sofa, between armchairs, etc.), since for the baby they are ideal place to relieve needs. If your Yorkie is already accustomed to a diaper, it is advisable to take it with you from the breeder and use it immediately - by the smell it will be easier for the puppy to understand where the toilet is.

    Space limitation

    It is necessary to allocate 2-3 for a puppy square meters in the room and fence off this area. You can use special dividers that are sold in a pet store, or make a “fence” with your own hands from pieces of plywood half a meter high - this will be enough to prevent the baby from escaping. Some people recommend placing the puppy in a crate. This option is allowed, but has one significant drawback: the space outside the enclosure will be perceived by the pet as a “street”, so it will go to the toilet wherever it wants.

    Inside the fence you need to place a bowl of food, a tray, and arrange toys. In a small area, the puppy will quickly understand where the toilet is. If he accidentally misses or pees in the wrong place, you need to take a diaper, wipe the puddle with it and put it back in place. The contaminated area must be washed so that it no longer attracts the pet. A familiar smell will indicate to your pet exactly where his toilet is located.

    Confining space is ideal for kids who may be intimidated by a spacious apartment or house. Here they feel protected and completely safe. The advantage is that a curious puppy will not be able to get hurt or eat something dangerous.

    Use of newspapers

    The essence this method consists of covering the entire floor with newspapers. It is best to do this in a fenced area, but if you have the desire and opportunity, you can cover the entire room or corridor with waste paper. When the pet gets used to relieving itself on the newspaper, their area should be gradually reduced until eventually one sheet remains in the dog’s favorite place.

    The advantage of this method is savings, since newspapers, even in large quantities They are cheaper than diapers. Disadvantages include:

    • lack of aesthetics, since wet sheets scattered around the apartment can ruin any interior;
    • frequent cleaning, because newspapers do not absorb moisture well, so the smell quickly spreads throughout the apartment, and the flooring becomes saturated with animal urine.

    Using diapers

    This method can be used after the method of limiting space or applied immediately after purchasing a puppy, as soon as the animal finds itself in new home. The idea is to put several diapers in one place at once. different places, in which there is often a pet. 15-20 minutes after feeding (usually it is at this time that the Yorkie has the desire to defecate), the baby needs to be transferred to a diaper. When he does his job, you need to praise him for his good behavior and treat him with a treat.

    If the puppy does not have time to reach the tray, hitting him or poking him with his nose is strictly prohibited. It is not his fault that he miscalculated his strength or missed: this is an omission of the owner, who did not lay out enough diapers or did not help him quickly get to the necessary place. If the dirty trick was done deliberately by the child, he can be scolded, sternly reprimanded in a raised tone, but only if he was caught by surprise “at the crime scene.” If the owner discovers the puddle after some time, punishments will be inappropriate: the puppy will forget what he did and will not understand why he is being punished.

    Over time, the baby will get used to going to the same place: the owner will quickly calculate the “new toilet” by the degree of soiling of a particular diaper. Then the rest should be removed and ultimately left alone.

    Walking outside

    It will be very useful and correct to simultaneously accustom your dog to the indoor litter box and to the street. This is very simple to do: 15-20 minutes after eating, you need to go for a walk. When the pet does its business, it must be praised. Probably, the first time the puppy will restrain himself and wait until he returns home, but soon he will see the behavior of his relatives and begin to do the same.

    Since the puppy is still small and fragile at several months old, the owner needs to adhere to the following recommendations during the walk:

    • do not approach cats and large dogs;
    • avoid puddles as they may be too deep for a miniature Yorkie;
    • dress your pet so that he does not catch a cold if you are planning a walk in windy or cool weather.

    In unfavorable climatic conditions, it is recommended to cancel the walk and leave your pet at home. It is precisely for such cases that the skills of using the toilet at home will come in handy: a dog trained to the litter box will not have to suffer and wait to go outside.

Hello. Yorkie is 4 months old, we have been training him to use the toilet outside since he was 2 months old. We live in a private house with a yard. We give a treat for a correct pee. The dog understands and goes outside to pee. But it doesn’t ask on its own if it’s missed or not brought out - a pile or a puddle. How to teach asking?

Popular question. The portal site received a similar question:

“York is 2 months old. There were 2 diapers in the corridor. I went there regularly. Then I decided to remove one, the dog began to walk everywhere. Maybe she removed it early? The corridor is small. Or leave 2 diapers? I’m worried that the older dog will continue to go to his usual places in the aisle.”


Hello. The Yorkshire Terrier occupies a leading place in popularity among dog lovers; dogs are easy and comfortable to keep even in small apartments. In order to prevent a situation with forced walks on the street, especially in winter, you need to learn how to accustom a puppy to diapers, allowing yourself, if possible, to avoid walks early in the morning, stay late at work, etc. A walk with York will be a pleasant pleasure of communing with nature.

Let us remember an immutable truth: a dog trained to the toilet makes it easier to keep a pet. We start with York's first steps in the apartment. The puppy is faster than adult dog, will become accustomed to new behavioral requirements. An adult York is able to immediately begin to show disposition and habits that do not fit the norms accepted in the family.

The reasons given in the article should be considered individually and eliminated for the specified specific case.

Complex reasons for incorrect behavior

The reasons for this behavior in a puppy:

  • Weak bladder(puppies at 8-16 weeks need to go to the toilet every 2 hours during daylight hours, and every 4 hours at night). The baby is not accustomed to patience, he stains the floor when he feels the urge to go to the toilet.

Set up a walking routine. Take your puppy out after feedings, after playing and after sleeping. Don't confuse walking with walking. A regular one-hour simple walk at a calm pace, with short play elements (running after a ball) once or twice a week for a Yorkie will release the collected energy. In the second case, the procedure lasts 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

For the heaps and puddles of the house, in a stern (but not shouting - low tone, abrupt words), in a dissatisfied voice, clearly pronounce the word of condemnation - “bad” or “impossible”, or give the command: “Ugh!” if you caught the dog at the scene of the act. . The pet will certainly hear the owner. Yorkie puppies perfectly understand the intonations of the voice, conversation and a stern tone will have an educational effect. It is important not to lose the love and trust of the puppy!

Make sure that urination or bowel movements are in the wrong place- the situation is not medical, the puppy is completely healthy. Organize a complete medical research. To improve health, you need to take care of your pet’s teeth and have timely vaccinations.

  • Dominance task. If a puppy knows the limits, but breaks the rules, it means that he considers himself more important.

Prove to the puppy that you are the boss (alpha leader - according to the concepts of John Fisher). Take a couple of lessons from a dog handler and teach your puppy to follow simple commands: “No!”, “Place!”, “Stand!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Come to me!”, “Near!”. Do not give a command, knowing for sure that the dog will not fulfill the requirement: for example, he is very carried away or is playing with the neighbor’s dog. Similarly, eliminate the experience of not following a command.

Explain to the puppy that the dog must earn privileges: food, affection, a walk, a game. When the puppy tries to beg for a reward, be sure to force the dog to follow the command, then give it what you want.

Are you not interested in the walk? Try to interest the puppy in walking fresh air: practice your favorite game, for example, with a ball, with a toy. It is important to accustom your puppy to the street.

No reason to worry

Puddles are a common nuisance, but not a hopeless one. In some dogs it stops at 3 months, the puppy learns to endure and asks to go outside, in others it continues up to 5-7 months. It is important to understand the psychology of a Yorkie puppy, and even more important is to learn to understand the signals given by the pet.

A lot depends on the owner. Key points time, patience and perseverance, appropriate education and training, a means to eliminate unpleasant odor. The best medicine— time: terrier puppies up to four months of age have weak genitourinary system, upon reaching the specified age, the likelihood of puddles significantly decreases.


An immutable law when raising any dog ​​is to forget about violence against the puppy. A person has two tools - patience and affectionate treatment.

First, York will need to be isolated in a room reserved for the toilet. If a passage room or part of a corridor is intended for the site, close free access in rooms where a dog is not allowed, for example, in the bedroom. It doesn’t require hard work or high costs; you can buy the required barrier, approximately 30-40 cm high, at a specialized pet store, or make it yourself from scrap materials, without the risk of harming the dog. We install an obstacle in the doorway, and the puppy is no longer able to enter the forbidden room. An adult or a grown-up child can overcome the barrier without difficulty.

It is permissible to build a kind of enclosure from these structures if you have to leave the house. The pet will not be able to enter other rooms of the home to play pranks and leave a mark.

Let's start learning

First of all, we determine where the dog toilet will be located. You will need to put a piece of cloth there. Take the cloth that was used to remove York's first puddles. With repeated attempts, the puppy will smell the familiar smell and instinctively fulfill the needs.

After feeding the puppy, the desire to go to the toilet will arise in approximately 15-25 minutes, no later. After feeding the dog, we take Yorkie to the toilet or call him and lure him there. If the puppy tries to run away, we carefully but persistently return it to the right place. When we notice the squatting characteristic of dogs, we quickly put him in the toilet. At first you won’t always be able to make it on time, don’t be upset. It is not recommended to scold the dog, it is better to pet it. The Yorkie is only an animal, unable to understand the reason for the sudden grabbing and carrying. You will have to use patience and persistence. Gradually, the puppy will learn to do what is required in a situation where an urgent need arises.

Training a Yorkie to toilet outside

If you have already walked with a two-month-old puppy after sleeping or eating, the reflex of eliminating natural needs outside the house has probably been formed.

To stop your Yorkie from making puddles in the house, learn to understand when the dog wants to go to the toilet (at this age, the puppy cannot tolerate it for long). As a rule, the desire comes within 15-20 minutes after eating or sleeping, be patient, get ready and wait. When the dog is about to sit down, grab it carefully and carry it outside. If everything works out, be sure to praise him and give him his favorite treat (use in moderation due to the calorie content - as an additional tool for training).

Your task is to repeat regularly; it may take more than one week and dozens of repetitions. The main thing is the intense joy expressed. Praise, treat, praise again - if the puppy does the right thing: in a similar way The baby comprehends the owner’s requirements, begins to learn that he needs to recover on the street, and cannot pee at home. The more often you miss the right moments, the more difficult it is to train a dog to use the toilet outside. In case of limited free movement of the puppy - into the yard - into the house - into the yard.

Teach your puppy to go to the toilet on command. Select a word or phrase for going to the toilet - 2 separate commands for 2 different cases. Take the puppy outside and repeat the command without changing your intonation. For a successful hit, praise and treat. If he refuses to go on command, lock him in a room - this is training, do not attach importance to whining. After 5 minutes, take him outside and repeat the command until he starts walking on command. If the puppy does the job, repeat the command, praise and give a treat. Then it’s permissible to play.

Walking the puppy immediately after sleep is considered an effective recommendation. After waking up, the natural desire to “relax” is strong, seize the moment.

Advice: if you are going to leave for a long time (4-5 hours), put the puppy in a large (120/60/60) box so that he does not jump out, put his favorite blanket there (a dog will never poop in his own bed), put extra water; Upon arrival, take him outside immediately.

Early socialization – with early age Introduce the puppy to sounds and people. This helps him develop into a friendly dog.

  1. Set boundaries of what is permitted. Training expands the range of mutual understanding with the owner: York will become a wonderful companion. If you spoil your dog, beware!
  2. Diet. In puppies small breeds Often the blood sugar level is low (hypoglycemia). For stability, dogs should be fed in small portions 4 times a day.
  3. Walking mode. Up to 6 months, go to the toilet more often: up to 5 times a day. Later, three times a day will be enough.
  4. Routine. Set rules for your puppy by defining bedtimes and bathroom breaks, and arrange them around your own schedule. The regime will make life easier for the dog and the owner.
  5. Train your puppy to sleep in set time: in the evening immediately after walking.
  6. Game mode. Games and training will use up energy, and a tired puppy will not stay awake at night. Scheduled games will streamline your sleep schedule.
  7. Feeding schedule for 3 - 6 months: long-term use The “free feeding” regime makes it difficult for a growing puppy to get used to discipline. The nutritional discipline will begin to limp, and hence the walking discipline. Example of a schedule for 3-4 meals a day:
  • in the morning - from 9-10;
  • at lunch - from 12-13;
  • early evening - from 16-17 (in case of 4 meals a day);
  • in the evening - from 19-21 - 2 hours before bedtime.

The more often a puppy walks outside, the more fewer people running around the house with a rag: with a balanced diet and exercise, a number of positive habits are developed. The puppy knows when it’s time to go for a walk and waits without getting the floor dirty. Endurance, patience and encouragement of your pet will bring positive results if you are successful.

Timely change of tactics

Like true dog handlers, after 5-7 days, mandatory We change the previously stated method. Now, when Yorkie eats, we carefully take the dog and block it in the toilet using the previously described method. We implement the principle of “siege” - the puppy has no choice, he will have to relieve his physiological needs in a designated area.

Constant implementation of the methodology will create good habit at the pet's. Don’t forget to reward him with a treat after the successful completion of the process. Now the puppy’s sequential skill of action is reliably and accurately established.

We do not forget that when applying the described method of education, we stock up on patience and perseverance. By constantly showing York the toilet area, we are waiting for the reward of our own efforts, for the dog’s instinct to develop into the right habit.

Force majeure

Stay prepared for an incident. If Yorkie relieves himself on the carpet or in another forbidden room, you will have to cover the floor of the room with newspapers so that the dog goes to the toilet on them. Don't forget to change urine-damaged paper pages. At the same time, we remove clean newspapers one at a time every day. The pet will ignore places free from removed newspapers. It's strange but true! As a result, the only newspaper left will be in the place identified by the dog as the toilet.

Attention! When we use this method of education, we don’t rush! We do not complicate the choice of a dog with a procedure - a quick change of newspapers. Patience will be required.

If you are a busy person or you simply prefer your baby to go to the toilet at home, then the following information is for you. There are the following toilet options for a small dog:

  1. newspaper,
  2. absorbent disposable diaper (sold in veterinary and human pharmacies; in human pharmacies this diaper is twice as cheap),
  3. a cloth (this could be an old sheet torn into pieces or soft cloths for cleaning the house, which are now abundant in the hardware departments of supermarkets). By the way, to remove the smell of urine, rags are washed well in a weak bleach solution.
  4. cat litter box with filler and mesh on top.

For the first three toilet options for 100% cleanliness of your home, it is advisable to put it in some kind of tray: a plastic kitchen tray, a cat litter box (without a mesh and with low sides) or a car mat (which seems to be the most convenient toilet). These trays will prevent urine from getting wet on the parquet, flowing under the baseboard, etc. and will securely store all waste until the owner arrives.

When it comes to the mesh and litter litter box, in my experience, many puppies don't like it. But it’s worth trying as a toilet. The main thing is that it, again, does not have high sides, does not swing or knock on the floor, and is covered, at least initially, with the same newspaper or cloth.

And now some tips for those who want to accustom a puppy to the “house toilet”:

  • train a puppy Yorkshire Terrier You need to go to the toilet as soon as it gets into your home. Once he does his “wet business” on your carpet a couple of times, the soft, well-absorbing rug will become a pleasant place for him to relieve himself.
  • In general, during training, it is advisable to remove all carpets and rugs around the apartment, in order to avoid temptation, and oh, how great it is. It’s just that later it will be very difficult for the owner to completely remove the toilet smell from any carpet and, having gone there once, attracted by its own smell, the puppy will want to go there again and again.
  • place for your home toilet puppies Yorkshire Terrier are chosen according to the same principle as all dogs. These are places that in some way indicate the boundaries of the puppy’s territory, that is, your apartment: near front door, near the balcony, on the balcony, under the window. Look at what places the puppy runs on its own. If it is convenient for you to have a dog toilet there, put trays there. Another favorite secluded place for a puppy can be dark corners: a toilet or the owner’s bathroom - but then access there should always be open to the baby and, again, there should be no tempting rugs.
  • To make it easier for the puppy to understand what exactly is required of him, you can slightly wet a cloth or newspaper in his urine and place it in the “toilet” places that you have assigned to him.
  • Be sure to first make several toilets for the little one, in several places - this is a child! even knowing where to go, he may simply not get there if the apartment is large or he is easily distracted by something along the way.

For example, when my puppies are at the stage of toilet training, newspapers are in each room so that the kids know that if they don’t make it to the common toilet, then they need to go to the newspaper. It's very convenient. One owner of my puppy told me that even during a long car trip, as they say “on the move,” they laid a newspaper down on the floor of the car, the puppy jumped out of the carrier, did its business, threw away the newspaper and everyone was happy.

  • As the dog gets older, the number of toilets can be reduced to 1-2, depending on the size of the apartment and the time you are away from home (if you are away for a long time and the toilet is dirty, the puppy should have the opportunity to go to another, clean place).
  • always praise the puppy Yorkshire Terrier get down to business and scold him if he did something in the wrong place - everyone knows this principle. But here’s a nuance: when your smart child goes into the tray, you don’t need to immediately start praising him loudly and vigorously as soon as he sits down (otherwise you’ll scare him away or embarrass him). Wait for the process to finish, and after a minute express your delight to the talented child with all your heart.
  • There are dogs that, even when trained to use the litter box, do “small” things in the litter box, and big ones – by the way, on the edge or nearby. Your options are as follows - either buy a larger tray or put newspaper around the problem areas and be glad that your dog still knows that in order to go to the toilet, you still need to sit in the tray.
  • Don’t forget about the branded products from pet stores: “Anti-Piss Repellers”. These are sprays that, with their smell, scare away the puppy from doing business in a place undesirable for the owner and “Place Trainers.” As for the trainer, I can only warn you that it itself has a specific smell of urine. So it’s quite possible that it’s better to get by with a piece of newspaper soaked in the puppy’s own puddle. But Antipis is a good thing. You can spray it on a place where the puppy is absolutely forbidden to go. Of course, you need to refresh this “black mark” once every 1-2 days and after washing the floors.
  • more good way to wean a “difficult” puppy from a certain place - put his bowls there. A dog will never make a toilet where its food and water are.
  • while you are away from home, limit the puppy to the area with its toilet, for example, the kitchen or room.
  • owners of mature boy puppies can buy a special toilet “tray with a post” or place it on a home tray plastic bottle, filled with water (and, of course, closed), but this only applies to those who raise their legs.
  • The toilet should always be clean - don’t be surprised or scold if the puppy pees nearby and not in its dirty litter tray.
  • and one more piece of advice: ask the breeder how the puppies were trained and what kind of toilet their mother was trained to use. This information may be useful at first in your new home, while you and your puppy are choosing toilet options that are acceptable for both of you.

Very active and mobile dogs. It is very difficult to get your pet to walk alongside you on a walk. They are constantly running somewhere, jumping. Dealing with restlessness can sometimes be very difficult.

This breed requires close attention from the owner's side. And you definitely need to educate York from birth. If you neglect simple rules, you can end up with an uncontrollable dog. Agree, the prospect is very unattractive.

How to raise a puppy at home?

More often getting a dog for the family. Education is done at home. Great difficulties in training they do not deliver. Dogs are highly trainable.

They're smart, and often understand immediately what the owner requires of them. But character in a Yorkshire terrier difficult. It requires strict discipline and consistency.

There are several good rules , following which, at home it is possible to successfully raise a Yorkshire terrier:

  1. Training must be planned. Nothing should distract you. Classes take place in comfortable conditions.
  2. Encourage the puppy needed immediately after correct execution teams.
  3. In one lesson work only 2 commands. Consolidating an already familiar command and introducing a new one. This way your pet won’t have time to get tired.
  4. Training should lasts no more than 15 minutes. It is advisable to do several short workouts a day. If this is not possible, then you can conduct one longer lesson, but with breaks for games and rest.
  5. One more thing main rule for home exercises: do not raise your voice at the dog. You must be calm and reserved. Your pet should feel your positive attitude.
  6. Commands must be pronounced clearly and in a commanding tone.

Important! It is forbidden punish puppies for unsuccessful execution of a command.

Stages of training to a diaper and subsequently to a tray

Toilet training your pet important point . Start off should from the very first day appearance Yorkshire Terrier at your home.

In the first days of life, babies mark their territory anywhere. As soon as they find a place where the mother relieves her natural needs, the puppies begin to go there.

At first the puppies will not succeed, but over time everything will return to normal.

Encourage your puppy for successful attempts.

You can use special means for training pets to use the tray.

  • Disposable diapers;
  • Newspapers;
  • Tray.

Disposable diaper the most ideal option. It will perfectly absorb all the liquid. It will need to be changed periodically.

How can plant more often puppy in a diaper. At first, you need to be prepared for spontaneous peeing. You shouldn't scold your dog. Still persistently place the baby in the diaper.

When leaving home, limit the spaces puppy, this will prevent the apartment from getting dirty during your absence.

When the puppy already understands that he needs to “do his business” on the diaper, start putting it in the tray and the pet will, without any doubt, start going there. Next, you can decide for yourself whether you will stop putting the diaper in the toilet or not.

Remember! If the puppy, after you have removed the diaper, suddenly begins to be perplexed and go to another place, then it is better to put the diaper on for a longer time, as before.

What to do if your dog barks at home, bites and marks?

What to do if your puppy barks loudly and frequently. This causes discomfort not only for you, but also for your neighbors. Exists proven and very effective method.

You will need spray bottle with water. When your puppy tries to bark, simply point it at him with the command “No” and lightly spray him with water. Also can be used a folded newspaper that can be used to lightly spank a puppy.

Also, to wean a puppy from biting, methods of physical influence are used.

They are not cruel in themselves, but very effective. Will help in short term rid your Yorkshire Terrier of a bad habit.

Eat two ways such impacts:

  • When the puppy tries to bite, use your palm to squeeze the puppy's muzzle and press it to the floor.

Important! Do not use strong physical pressure, but only lightly!

  • You can take the puppy by the withers and shake it. At the same time, pronounce the commands “Fu”, “No” in a rude tone.

Useful video

How educate correctly Yorkie?

Yorkshire terriers need to be raised and trained from an early age. Show persistence and consistency. In the future, by following clear rules, you can avoid unpleasant surprises.