What do you need for a dog kennel? Dog breeding as a business: necessary equipment and documents

How to open your own nursery? Will your dog kennel be profitable? What is needed to open a nursery? Despite the fact that dog breeding is more of an expensive hobby than a profitable business, breeders ask themselves such questions from time to time. We can immediately say that there will be no profit for the first few years, but there will be considerable expenses.

The business idea of ​​opening your own dog kennel is very attractive at first glance - the price of a purebred puppy is $500-1000, an average litter of 5 puppies per year per dog. That is, if you open your own kennel and keep four breeding dogs in it, your monthly income will be at least $800.

But in reality everything is not so simple. Before you open your kennel, you should take into account all the upcoming expenses: the cost of dogs, maintaining breeding dogs for up to two years, expenses for exhibitions, without participating in which the dog will not have value in the eyes of customers, the amount of food for the dog during pregnancy, expenses for a veterinarian, caring for puppies, paperwork.

If you are planning to open your own nursery, the annual costs will be something like this:

Total: Keeping dogs costs about 60 thousand rubles a year.

If everything is organized correctly, your own nursery can bring in up to 80 thousand rubles in income per year. Thus, the net profit is 20 thousand rubles per year, and this is a very small amount.

You can make quick money by selling puppies of fashionable breeds - Chihuahuas, Spitz, Yorkshire terriers. Firstly, puppies from dogs of these breeds are expensive - up to $1,500, and secondly, keeping dwarf dogs is much cheaper.

Experienced amateur dog breeders often organize their own kennels, and at some point they are faced with the question of the continued existence of the family business, which is based on the breeding and sale of puppies. And here you need to follow certain rules regarding how to open your own nursery. The best option for placing a kennel is a private house with a large area for walking dogs. Much attention should be paid to maintaining the regime and caring for dogs.

There are no special sanitary requirements for a dog kennel, but at the same time it must meet zoohygienic requirements in terms of temperature, humidity and light. Dogs must be kept separately from other animals. The nursery is surrounded by a high brick fence.

The nursery must be equipped with:

Spacious enclosures for keeping dogs;
quarantine room for new animals;
separated from the rest of the premises by a maternity room and a “puppy barn”;
veterinary premises with isolation ward;
utility rooms - kitchen, cellar, pantry.

During the first few years, you should not expect profit from the nursery. But if you are interested in how to open your own nursery, you are probably ready for this.

People have been breeding dogs since ancient times. Purebred, purebred dogs were in good demand among people of noble origin. Kings and dukes sought to emphasize their high position not only with their wealth, expensive things, beautiful castles, but also with the presence of dogs of noble blood. And if in those days only a rich person could afford to buy such a dog, today the purchase of a purebred puppy has become accessible to almost any person.

Many people, in addition to purchasing a dog, want the breeder to also provide papers confirming the pedigree and origin of this individual. However, not all breeders can issue such papers, but for specialized nurseries this is quite possible.

Before opening a kennel, you should study in what conditions it is best to keep dogs, how to care for them, what to feed and other important issues. In order to obtain all this information, you need to sift through a large amount of literature, visit dog shows, and get advice from veterinarians.

It is worth noting right away that this business does not bring instant profit. In addition, at the first stage you will have to spend a significant amount to open a large center where dogs will eat, live, reproduce, and receive the necessary veterinary care. Where they will be regularly fed and cared for. It may seem at first glance that breeders are rich people who make a lot of money selling puppies. This is true, but you just need to take into account that in order to raise a puppy, you first need to create expensive living and nutritional conditions for it.

For example, someone sells one puppy at a price from 500 to 1000 dollars. It's easy to assume that this person makes a lot of money. Let's say one bitch gives birth to 5 puppies a year. Thus, having four producers, you can make a profit of $800 every month. But this is only at first glance.

Let's calculate how much money is needed for the nursery to start functioning:

Rent of premises + land – from 50,000 rubles per month;
- Utilities – 10,000 rubles per month;
- Purchase of ten dogs – from 200,000 rubles;
- Food and vitamin supplements for dogs – 3,000 rubles per month;
- Registration of a permit and registration of a nursery – 20,000 rubles;
- Purchase of necessary equipment – ​​from 150,000 rubles;
- Veterinarian services – 8,000 rubles per month;
- Participation in exhibitions – 8,000 rubles per month;
- Advertising expenses – 7,000 rubles;
- Salary for 4 employees – from 80,000 rubles per month;
- Other expenses – from 10,000 rubles per month.

The total is about half a million rubles, and this is only for the first month at the time the nursery opened.

As you can see, the costs are very significant. In addition, you need to take into account that the Russian market for selling puppies is very saturated and it is not so easy to find buyers. It is worth noting that there is not a single nursery in the world that generates huge profits. All nurseries, as a rule, are financed and maintained by wealthy owners.

Before starting a business, you should check the local laws in your city for permission to open a nursery. It is necessary to visit insurance companies and obtain business insurance. After this, the created kennel is registered with the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) or another similar authority.

For some time now, law enforcement agencies have begun to require that anyone wishing to open their own kennel have a veterinary or zootechnical education in order to bring order to the dog breeding business. According to the requirements of the Federation of Cynologists (RKF), you need to have a breeding bitch of any breed that has a pedigree of 4 generations. It would also be useful for the breeder to have the title of RKF breed judge or a document confirming completion of a dog handler course. In addition, you need permission for mating, for registering puppies and dogs, and a requirement for mating (many breeds need to undergo some tests before mating).

Here is a basic list of necessary documents and important conditions that must be met if you decide to open your own nursery.

Any nursery must have:

Spacious walks and enclosures for dogs;
- veterinary compartment with isolator;
- maternity ward;
- quarantine room for newly arriving dogs;
- pantry and kitchen;
- ventilation system.

The simplest “homes” for dogs are kennels made of wood, but they can be made from panels or small blocks. For breeding work, it is best to keep dogs in closed walks - free spaces limited by a fence where drinking bowls and feeders are located.

In addition to the enclosures, the nursery has a number of related facilities. Some of them are required, and some are only desirable. For example, the kitchen should have a freezer to store frozen meat supplies. The walls and floor in the kitchen should be made of materials that make them easy to wipe, clean from dirt and disinfect.

The nursery must have a utility room for storing cleaning equipment. A hospital for sick dogs is also required. It must be made in such a way that it can be easily and quickly disinfected. To do this, one door should lead to the hospital, and the second to the exit from the nursery. You can have a separate room for grooming dogs, but this is not necessary.

The staff of the kennel should include: a veterinarian, an assistant veterinarian, a cleaner, a trainer and a person who will feed and walk the dogs. For commercial purposes, it will be necessary to include an accountant in the staff.

Do not forget that you need to create the most comfortable conditions for the dogs in your kennel. Every day, all dogs, regardless of their breed and age, must undergo a mandatory external examination. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises, maintain cleanliness and order in them. Your pets should receive good nutrition and adequate exercise. Compliance with these conditions will allow your dogs to remain healthy and produce good offspring. In a special journal you can enter all your observations about each inhabitant of the nursery. This will form a general idea of ​​each dog, its character and habits.

Remember that when breeding dogs, you cannot mix different breeds, otherwise the reputation of the kennel will be seriously damaged. Indeed, for many buyers, not only the color of a dog’s coat is important, but also its aesthetic characteristics.

All basic requirements and rules of the organization for nurseries are determined by the documents of the RKF.

To promote your business, you will need to allocate funds to create advertising. Come up with a bright, memorable sign that will be visible from all sides. Print brochures and business cards with all the necessary information and contacts. Make a website, because today most people start searching for any information via the Internet. During the first months, you can place an ad in a newspaper or magazine.

Don't expect to make a quick profit. Only constant work and continuous business development will help you earn a good reputation and win customers.

Cynology and felinology are incredibly fascinating areas. Those who once plunged into this special world will definitely begin to consider it a calling. Moreover, even unfamiliar breeders will become their spiritual family.

The desire to show off their favorite breed to the entire Galaxy and make at least a couple of hundred people happy appears for some almost from childhood, for others - already in adulthood. And almost everyone has thought at least once about how to open a cat or dog nursery.

It’s really not always easy, but those who love their breed with all their hearts and strive to improve it are not afraid of difficulties. Read our article about how to open a nursery (or breeding farm) and turn your cherished dream into reality.

We weigh the decision again

Of course, you have already thought about everything a thousand times. But before you open a cattery (dog nursery), you need to ask a number of important questions not only to yourself, but also to your loved ones. Are you ready for big expenses, not only monetary, but also time?

Can you quit your job to focus only on animals? Do your loved ones agree to help you? If you do not have a veterinary education, will you be able to enlist the help of a knowledgeable veterinarian? Do you understand that a stud farm does not guarantee profit? You need to think about this before opening a cattery (dog nursery). Why? Let's take a closer look.

Firstly, any nursery will require start-up capital amounting to thousands (or even tens of thousands) of conventional units. A good breeding animal costs money, and a lot of it. But you won’t be able to get by with just one purchase. It is also necessary to provide living conditions (enclosures or rooms, sleeping places, decorations, etc.). Add to this the regular costs of quality food, cosmetics, care products, examinations at the clinic, and vaccinations.

Secondly, the owner of the nursery (or breeder) must have truly strong, nerves of steel. Felinology and cynology will not tolerate helplessness. Will you be able to put aside your emotions to separate fighting animals or deliver a child? Can you calmly react to a torn sofa or chewed wires?

Are you prepared for sleepless nights if your animal suddenly gets sick? Will you be able to feed the babies every couple of hours if for some reason the mother cannot feed them? How do you feel about endless washing and cleaning (and when you have puppies and kittens, this is inevitable)?

Are you ready to care for your offspring for life, if suddenly they don’t buy it? Do you agree to appear annually with your pets at exhibitions? Please note that exhibitions are also paid and, depending on the level, cost from 100 euros and above, and without an expert assessment you do not have the right to breed animals.

Breeding plant or still a nursery?

Alas, thanks to the efforts of amateur clubs, these concepts have practically become equal. However, serious organizations continue to keep a distance between nurseries and breeding plants. This applies to both cynology and felinology. Registration of a cattery requires several breeding animals and the appropriate education to prove that you truly understand issues such as biology and genetics.

You will be asked to provide a diploma from a veterinarian, doctor, dog handler or livestock specialist. If you don’t have any, you will have to take courses and pass exams. Training programs are usually carried out by club leaders.

The status of a nursery can be assigned without the presence of the listed documents, if the operation of the breeding plant (for registration of which just one purebred animal is enough) has been impeccable (successful) for ten years. It must be said that in different countries these rules may differ (or amendments are made), so check the details with the nearest official branches and clubs.

Deciding on the breed

The choice of breed is a personal matter. Here you can focus both on your own preferences and on the popularity of the breed. Although the last factor is constantly changing, and it is quite difficult to predict demand even in the next five years. Today, the most popular cat breeds are Siamese, Scottish Fold, English Shorthair, Russian Blue, Canadian Sphynx, Persian, Abyssinian, Siberian and Kuril Bobtail.

There are also preferences in the field of cynology. The most popular decorative breeds are predominantly small in size and service dogs: Yorkshire terrier, French and English bulldogs, pug, Siberian husky, German shepherd, Rottweiler.

Selecting breeding producers

This is what they call the animals that will participate in breeding. It is advisable to purchase them from nurseries that have proven themselves.

When choosing a kitten (puppy), think about the fact that it is the key to your reputation in the future. Be sure to take an interest in the achievements of his parents, littermates, relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents, brothers and sisters).

All of them must have the highest possible expert ratings (the same ones that they receive at exhibitions). Titles are, of course, welcome. The more there are and the higher they are, the more expensive the kitten (puppy) will be.

The only document confirming purebredness is a pedigree. It is desirable that it be filled out completely (not only parents, but great-grandparents are indicated. Using the pedigree, it is not difficult to “trace” all ancestors (find out their colors, expert assessments, etc.). This document is issued only in the relevant branches and clubs Remember that there are unofficial organizations that issue so-called “fake” pedigrees.

It is not difficult to check the legality of the club. It is enough to find out which international system it is part of, then enter its name into a search engine and check whether such a club exists in this system. If you are wondering how to successfully open a cattery, try to feel the “fashion trend”. Try to predict which breeds will become the most popular in the coming years.

The breeding of purebred dogs is strictly controlled by humans. Since ancient times, man has bred various breeds of dogs through targeted and lengthy selection.

Like all living organisms, a dog requires the organization of feeding and housing conditions appropriate to its characteristics. There are certain veterinary-hygienic recommendations and standards that must be followed when designing and building dog kennels or, as they were called before, kennels. These standards relate to choosing a location for a kennel and developing the most cost-effective technologies for keeping dogs.

The construction of a dog kennel begins with the choice of its future location; for a kennel for dogs of the Central Asian Shepherd breed, it should be a fairly large, dry area, preferably with a nearby river or lake, as well as fields for walking. The nature of vegetation also depends on the geological structure of the soil and the microclimate of the area. Proximity to the forest is undesirable, although there should be a small green area between the nursery and the nearest populated area to reduce the spread of odor and noise. As a rule, the forest is always surrounded by a belt of small bushes and undergrowth, in which ticks live and breed, often carrying various infectious diseases.

It is possible to adapt existing industrial buildings for a nursery, but in this case, fire protection of metal structures is mandatory.

The kennel itself usually consists of dog rooms, a kitchen, a food pantry, exercise areas, a maternity and puppy pen, quarantine and isolation rooms, as well as a room for cleaning dogs and preparing dogs for exhibitions.

It is advisable to make the entire building from timber, with a sloping floor, possibly with a pitched roof; fire protection of the wood, fire and security alarms will ensure the safety of the dogs. Enclosures should be located in groups of no more than six pieces - this will protect the livestock in the event of an outbreak of infection. Each enclosure must be at least 2 meters wide and 2.5 meters long and contain a booth with a removable roof, the entrance to which is covered with burlap or special rubber-based mats. For ease of cleaning, the doors from the enclosures usually lead to one corridor, where mops, buckets, disinfectants, and water are stored, and on the other side there are dog walks covered with a metal mesh, and between adjacent walks the partition half consists of boards so that between dogs no unnecessary conflicts arose. Each run has a door for a person and a small entrance for a dog into the enclosure. During the warm season, this entrance should be constantly open so that the dog can spend as much time as possible outdoors.

The puppy pen, karatin and isolator should be located away from the dog premises and be heated.

The territory of the nursery is enclosed by a fence no lower than two meters, with an anti-undermining base, the gate must be locked on both sides. The ideal surface for walking is crushed stone or fine gravel.

Figure 1.

Figure 1 shows an example of a nursery building.


The conditions in which dogs are housed have a great impact on maintaining their health and performance. Dogs spend most of the day at their place of placement, where they rest, restore their energy expended during service, in training, and competitions. Dogs deprived of freedom of movement, being in unfavorable housing conditions, are easily exposed to various diseases. On the contrary, properly organized placement of a dog has a beneficial effect on the condition of its body and effectively prevents colds, skin and other diseases. Therefore, the enclosure where the dog is housed must meet certain zoohygienic requirements regarding moisture, light, heat, and air gas composition.

The enclosure serves to protect dogs from harmful meteorological influences (rain, snow, wind, high and low air temperatures, etc.). When manufacturing enclosures, we are guided by the following minimum requirements:

It should be convenient for a person to work in it;

The enclosure should have a kennel or a cabin with a kennel;

The enclosure must be protected from precipitation;

The enclosure must have the following minimum area (see table No. 1), while the length of one side should not be less than two meters;

For each additional dog kept in the same enclosure, the area of ​​the enclosure must be increased by at least 1.5 times. Also, the size of the enclosure increases by at least 1.5 times when keeping a bitch with puppies.

Table No. 1. The relationship between the size of the dog and the area of ​​the enclosure

These minimum sizes are intended for dogs that spend a significant portion of their time in an enclosure. But, for example, if the Central Asian Shepherd Dog moves freely around a protected area in the evening and at night, then you can limit yourself to an enclosure measuring 6 m2.

The floor is made with low thermal conductivity, waterproof and durable, with a slope from the side walls (partitions) of the walk towards the center and towards the facade. It can be concrete, or better yet asphalt, since a cement floor is colder, which can lead to rheumatic diseases of the limbs in dogs. In these options, it is mandatory to use wooden flooring with a minimum area of ​​2.0 x 1.5 m.

Fences - walls. At least one side of the enclosure is made of lattice and provides the dog with visibility. We do not use mesh as fencing, because... dogs can damage their teeth trying to bite through it, and dogs can also “knock out” the wicker mesh with their paws. For lattice fencing, no compromises are allowed - only rods of at least 4 mm or pipes. The recommended pitch of the rods is 100 mm for large dogs, 50 mm for small ones. All metal elements must be properly welded and cleaned. Burrs are not allowed on any metal elements (door, feeder, pipe joints, etc.). All metal elements undergo a full painting cycle: rust removal, priming, enamel coating.

To fence other walls, it is possible to use various materials: flat slate, metal corrugated sheets, cladding boards, lining.

The most justified from the point of view of comfort is the use of wooden panels. In this option, a dry cladding board with a moisture content of 10-15% is used, planed on 4 sides, at least 20 mm thick and having a tongue-and-groove joint (tongue and tongue). The cladding board is treated on all sides with wood-protective anti-rot impregnation in two layers. Wooden wall elements should not come into contact with the soil (concrete, asphalt or other base of the enclosure or the base of the enclosure).

As a rule, the front side of the enclosure is equipped with a door and a feeding trough.

Feeder serves for placing food and water in the enclosure. The feeder is placed at a height of 200-300 mm from the floor, has a rotating mechanism and a latch for fixing in the closed position. This feeder ensures safety when strangers feed dogs (for example, when the owners leave).

Roof. For the roof, any roofing materials can be used: corrugated sheeting, metal tiles, soft roofing, ondulin, etc. The main thing is that the reliability of the rafter system corresponds to the type of roofing used and the wooden elements used are of high quality (quality of wood and quality of processing).

Booth. A kennel is installed on the territory of the enclosure so that the dog can hide from the cold, wind, heat, and simply relax.

Laz It’s better to do it on the wide side and move it to the side wall. For large dogs, a hole of 40-50 cm X 35-40 cm is sufficient; for medium and small dogs, the size of the hole may be smaller.

The size of the booth is important. In regions where there are significant negative temperatures, the rule applies: more is not better. The kennel should be large enough for the dog to enter, turn around, lie down and no more. In a kennel that is too large in winter, the dog will freeze. In regions with a more temperate climate, this rule can be neglected.

To determine the size of the booth, you need to take measurements from the dog and calculate the required dimensions according to the instructions below in Figure 2-a.

Measure the area (length and width) that the dog occupies in a sleeping position - these are the minimum dimensions of the booth. To determine the height, you need to know the height of the withers.

You can “estimate” the dimensions based on the parameters, as in Figure 2-b.

Figure 2.

Practice has shown that the following kennel sizes are optimal for many dogs:

Table No. 2. Selecting a kennel according to the type of dog

The roof is removable - the kennel needs to be inspected and cleaned regularly, sometimes this may be necessary to provide veterinary care to the dog.

The shape of the roof is preferably flat or sloping; most dogs prefer to use the roof of the booth as an observation post.

It is desirable that the booth be collapsible, which makes it easier to disinfect, clean, treat with chemicals and dry.

The roof is made of various materials: metal, plastic, bitumen shingles, wood. In any case, a solid base of boards is required as a heat-insulating material.

Walls. Natural dry coniferous wood or OSB is used for walls, floors and ceilings.

Figure 3. Booth wall thickness

The floor is made of high-quality tongue and groove boards, at least 30 mm thick. An air gap is provided under the floor to provide a ventilated space under the booth.

The booth must be protected from drafts. It is necessary to check all connections, corners, joints. If necessary, the outside of the booth should be upholstered with windproof, moisture-resistant material (roofing felt, etc.).

Figure 4 shows a general view of the booth with some structural elements.

Figure 4.

The kennel can be equipped with a bed made of planed boards with an area no less than the area of ​​the kennel.

It is preferable to place the entrance to the booth on the south side. This minimizes the entry of moisture into the booth in winter, since in winter usually northern winds bring rain and snowfall. In order to choose the right place, you need to know the prevailing wind direction in a given area, take into account the location of the house, fences, sheds, and other nearby buildings. If possible, the booth should be placed under a tree or canopy for additional protection from overheating, strong winds, snowfalls and downpours.

Inside the enclosure in areas with a hot climate, instead of a booth, a portable rack (bunks) for lying down a dog, measuring 1.0 X 1.0 m and 0.15-0.2 m high, made of boards fastened together by two longitudinal bars can be equipped. .

To keep a valuable breeding dog in the middle latitudes and in the north, where there are severe frosts, instead of a booth it is better to build a wooden shed-type cabin 2 m wide, 1.5 m deep and 2.5 m high in front and 2 m in the back. It is built from logs or tightly fitted boards. The roof of the cabin is made pitched, and the floor is raised above the ground by 20-30 cm. There is a hole in the entrance door of the cabin, in its lower part, and a window above the door. The hole, depending on the conditions, can be left open or closed. In front of the entrance to the cabin, a wooden shield is placed, slightly raised from the ground. In the warm season, bunks are equipped for the dog in the cabin at a height of 40 cm from the floor. For the winter, the bunks are removed and a booth is placed in the cabin. To avoid dampness and for greater warmth, the booth is placed slightly elevated from the floor, and so that it does not lie close to the walls of the booth. The entrance opening of the booth should not face the manhole, but one of the side walls of the booth. The cabin protects the dog from the cold better than a simple kennel.

Special studies conducted over two winters by veterinarian A.N. Dugin showed that in kennels placed in cabins, provided that the opening is closed and the kennel is equipped with a curtain and straw bedding, a temperature microclimate is formed around the dog, significantly protecting the dog from low outside air temperature, namely, the results of the study are presented in Table No. 3.

Table No. 3. Temperature indicators.

As discussed above, the nursery design must take into account the kitchen and maternity area. It is advisable to place the kitchen near the enclosures, if the land area allows, but most breeders use “summer kitchens” or the veranda of their own homes for preparing dog food, which causes some inconvenience in terms of cleanliness.

The walls and floors in the kitchen and food storage area must be designed so that they can be washed and disinfected. A refrigerator is installed in the food room in which a supply of deep-frozen meat is stored.

An ideal option would be a kitchen that has a common wall with the maternity room, as shown in the figure.

Figure 5.


In this design, the “birthing room” will be heated daily by a stove installed in the kitchen, which is very convenient in the winter, and in the summer you can use the stove.

Maternity room count on the number of breeding bitches available in the nursery and build it as a closed, unheated room that provides hygienic conditions for whelping of bitches and the possibility of cold raising of puppies up to 45 days of age.

In mid-latitudes, it is best to build a log, well-caulked room for a maternity hospital, 4 m wide inside and 2.5 m high. The floor is made of wood from tightly fitted boards and raised from the ground. The direction of the long side of the room is from east to west. A vestibule is attached to the entrance to the room so that when the front door is opened, sharp jets of cold air do not enter the room. The room should be well lit with reflected light, since direct light irritates the bitch during childbirth, and the puppies in the first two weeks of their life, until they receive their sight. Ventilation should ensure constant uniform air exchange in the room. Particular attention should be paid to avoiding drafts.

The southern wall inside the room is partitioned off with blank partitions for maternity wards 3 m wide and 2.5 m deep with a mesh door for entering each of them. Between the entrance to the box and the northern side of the room, a passage 1.5 m wide is arranged. In the warm season, in the boxes it is enough to have bunks 1 m wide and 1.2-1.5 m long. The bunks are raised from the floor by 10-12 cm and they are upholstered on all four sides in height with sides 20 cm wide. A sufficient amount of dry winter straw is placed on the bunks as bedding. In the cold season, instead of bunks, a collapsible spacious booth with the same usable area as the bunks is placed in the left rear corner of the box. The booth must be raised from the floor and not touch the walls of the box. The booth, like the bunks, must be supplied with a sufficient amount of dry winter straw. In extreme cold weather, a warm curtain is hung over the entrance to the booth. In the back wall (south) of each box, closer to its right corner, there is a hole leading outside to the paddock. The hole must have a flap that closes it tightly and does not allow cold to pass through. Outside the maternity room, along the south side, there are individual paddocks corresponding to each box. The width of each paddock is 3 m and the length (depth) is 4 m. On each paddock there is a canopy one meter high from the ground with a wooden shield under it. Depending on the need, a booth can also be placed in the walking area. . Figures 6 (f-b) show some design drawings and diagrams of an enclosure combined with a room that can be used as both a maternity room and a kitchen.

Figure 6-a. General view.

Figure 6-b. Facade in axes

Figure 6-c. Facade in axes A-G

Figure 6-d. Plan.

Figure 7 (a, b) shows a sketch of the enclosure complex proposed by Izrailevich I.E.

Figure 7-a. Aviary complex.

Figure 7-b. Plan.

In the structure of the enclosures, separate from the rest of the premises, a utility room is needed for storing tools and cleaning equipment.

A room for washing and grooming dogs is optional, but modern kennel designs always include it.

Outpatient and hospital for sick dogs are mandatory in any kennel; they should be convenient for quick disinfection. One door from the outpatient clinic should lead to the hospital, and the other to the exit from the nursery.

A hospital where sick dogs are kept in separate cages must be well heated and ventilated, and have lighting. In addition, it should not have any direct contact with the rest of the nursery premises, except for the outpatient clinic.

Newly arriving dogs must be quarantined. This room should be isolated from other objects and located away from those paths along which maintenance personnel have to walk.

People who have no contact with other dogs in the kennel should work in quarantine. Tools and equipment used when cleaning quarantine premises should not be used for other purposes and it is strictly prohibited to take them out.

While in quarantine, dogs are regularly examined by a veterinarian. Dogs immediately admitted to the kennel are dewormed, and after a week of adaptation to the new conditions of keeping and feeding, the protective functions of the body are checked.

With a skillful architectural solution, it is possible to ensure that the quarantine can serve as a hospital if necessary.

In order to maintain breeding dogs concentrated in a small space in normal condition, and this significantly affects the production of healthy offspring, it is necessary to provide a fenced area of ​​arbitrary size on the territory of the nursery. It is desirable that it look as close as possible to the landscapes of wild nature, where dogs can feel free and stretch their legs. Strangers and animals must not be allowed into this area.

The main issue that needs to be resolved in the nursery is water supply. Water is necessary for drinking, preparing food, and maintaining cleanliness. To provide nurseries with water, you can build independent water supply facilities or connect to the existing water supply network. The total daily water consumption to meet the needs of the nursery is easy to calculate: for hygienic cleaning of 1 m2 of nursery premises by washing with a jet of water, 10 "l are needed, for cleaning 1 m2 of gravel surface of the run - 2 l of water, for drinking a dog, preparing food and washing dishes - 10 liters of water. This norm applies to both adult dogs and puppies, starting from one month of age. In addition to these water consumption, it is necessary to anticipate the water consumption of staff for personal needs and for the nursery, for example, care of green areas. Particular attention should be paid to hygienic qualities. water.

The health of a dog largely depends on the proper care of the premises in which it is kept. All areas and dog runs must be kept as clean as possible. This is achieved by regular cleaning and periodic disinfection. Basic cleaning is done daily in the morning. During cleaning, feces are removed, the kennels are disassembled, cleaned, dried and ventilated, the floors are swept in closed rooms and outdoor areas, and dirt and cobwebs are removed from the walls. At the same time, a bulkhead is carried out and the bedding is changed, etc. Considering the strong infestation of dogs with worms, feces from the walk, cabins and cages must be removed with an iron scoop, and on the walk so that the top layer of soil is also removed at the same time, which is replaced with sand. It is best to burn the collected feces and garbage, and if there is no appropriate stove for this, then sprinkle it with bleach and take it outside the populated area to a specially designated place, where it is buried deep. To ensure that feces do not remain in the room or on a walk for a long time, it is necessary to organize additional cleaning of it no later than an hour after each feeding of the dog. In winter, feces on the range are cut down along with ice.

In the warm season, the floors and bunks in enclosed spaces, wooden flooring under canopies, as well as the floor and walls of the booths should be washed with hot water with the addition of lye once every ten days. At the same time, the windows in the rooms are thoroughly wiped. At least once a month, preventive disinfection of all premises is carried out with a 3% creolin solution (1.5 glasses per bucket of water) or other disinfectants. Metal parts should be burned with a blowtorch. In winter, sheds, outdoor booths and walks are not disinfected. During cleaning and washing of the premises, the dog must be taken out of it to a dog leash, and during disinfection - away, at a distance of no closer than 100 m. After cleaning, washing and disinfecting, the premises must be well ventilated and dried, only then the dogs are brought back.

In all cases, when the weather permits, the roofs of dog kennels should be raised slightly, so that the kennel is well ventilated and exposed to direct sunlight.

Particular attention should be paid to maintaining closed, unheated rooms in winter. It must be remembered that cold is not dangerous for the health of dogs and puppies. It becomes dangerous only when it is accompanied by dampness, drafts, dirt and inadequate nutrition. Great attention should be paid to eliminating these issues. During the cold season, dogs should be provided with ample bedding of winter straw. The straw must be dry, clean, free from dust and mold, and not previously used by other animals. Whenever you clean the room, the litter should be shaken to remove dust from it, sorted out, discarded dirty and damp parts and dust and replaced with fresh ones. After each disinfection, as well as every 5 days, it is imperative to change the entire litter. In the maternity room, the bedding should be changed daily and sorted 2-3 times a day.

Particular attention should be paid to preventing the introduction of infectious diseases into the territory where service dogs are kept, and to preventing the spread of these diseases when they appear. For these purposes, the entire area in which the dog kennel premises are located must be fenced with a good fence and unauthorized persons, as well as animals, especially dogs and cats, should not be allowed into it. It is necessary to strictly ensure that there are no rodents on the territory of the nursery.

Each dog on the farm must be assigned a permanent place (cabin, kennel, individual walk), and transfer from it to another place can only be allowed in exceptional cases and after thorough disinfection of the place where the dog is transferred.

To design a kennel for Central Asian Shepherd dogs, do not forget about the chain and checkpoint. Firstly, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs love to serve on a chain leash; secondly, the chain and the checkpoint help the Asian to maintain good physical shape (from my own observations); and thirdly, when passing test standards for guard duty, these structures are simply necessary.


When setting up a checkpoint, you need to place it in a relatively calm place for the dog. If security work is necessary, then it is imperative to provide the dog with an enclosure where it can rest. When constructing a checkpoint, you must remember that the Central Asian is a very strong dog. It is very useful to fill at least part of the path in front of the checkpoint with gravel; this will help keep the dog’s paws and claws in excellent condition.

This is how a roadblock is usually done. At a distance of 30-50 m from each other, two metal pipes, channels or similar supports are dug deep; their base must be filled with concrete. A wire rod is pulled between the supports so that it does not sag. It is best to pull the wire at the level of the dog’s withers or slightly higher (at a height of 0.7-1.0 m). If the wire creates inconvenience for people to move around the area, you can raise it to a greater height, but you should not lay it on the ground - the chain will move with difficulty, and the dog may injure its paws.

A slider, consisting of a pair of bearings and a loop for attaching a carabiner, slides along the wire. The chain is attached to the block only by means of a slider, but not through a ring: constant friction causes even the most massive ring to fray. It is impossible to predict at what moment it will burst, but it will definitely happen. The length of the chain for actually tethering the dog is no more than 2-3 m.

In the working area of ​​the block, nothing should interfere with the movement of the dog. A shade canopy is installed next to one of the supports. In a row of blocks, work areas do not overlap, so as not to provoke fights between dogs. The passages between work areas are made invisible to strangers.

Figure 8. Checkpoint structure.

Figure 9. Elements of a checkpoint.

You should always remember that a rigid chain tie and a roadblock are two different things. The dog should not be on a chain all the time. Even on a three-meter chain, when kept for a long time, the dog’s hind and front limbs begin to deform, and the psyche is disturbed due to a small view and lack of information. Therefore, a dog can be chained regularly, but not constantly. It is very good to alternate dogs in the kennel according to the scheme - enclosure - chain-checkpoint.


The dog walk should be spacious, fenced on all sides by a dense, preferably solid, fence, with solid soil. The fence should rest on a concrete foundation to avoid undermining, since the Central Asian Shepherd Dog loves and is good at digging. Along the entire perimeter along the fence, you can pour large crushed stone, creating a kind of training treadmill for guarding. Thanks to this training, the dog’s paws will always be in a “lump.” It is better not to sow grass and other greenery in the walking area; there is no need for a “breeding ground for ticks and mosquitoes” there.

Thus, we have a complex of enclosures with a kitchen, a maternity room, a hospital, an equipped checkpoint and part of the booths with posts for a chain and a spacious place for walking. The entire territory is equipped with anti-undermining equipment and is fenced with a dense, reliable fence.

It is important to remember: that all doors must be mounted so that the door moves inward, into the room! If the deadbolt is not closed, the dog will not be able to push the door and leave the room without permission.

Dogs should sleep and eat in individual enclosures, but keeping dogs that do not communicate with each other is not convenient and contradicts the idea of ​​this breed. After all, the Central Asian Shepherd lives and works in a pack, and it is in a pack that a young animal learns most of its skills. It is necessary to provide the dog with a normal social life in the kennel.

This is quite easy to do. Dogs living in individual enclosures, two or three at a time, are held on leashes outside the kennel territory and walked together in the same yard.

Building a walking flock requires patience, attention and a basic knowledge of basic demonstrations. There is no need to create a group of teenage puppies of the same age. Before they figure out who's in charge, there could be some serious injuries. With the puppies there must be an adult, calm female: either a mother, or simply a “nanny” by nature.

An adult animal will never allow young animals to “kill themselves,” if only because their growls and squeals interfere with peaceful rest.

A group of only females, even if they are of different ages, will also be very difficult. First of all, one of the dogs will immediately find itself in the role of “Cinderella”, whom everyone chases and kicks. Then warring bitches will be identified who will fight to the last, and their friends will actively help them. Only an adult male can calm down the “ladies” who are getting into fights; he will not allow bitches or young animals to fight in his presence.

Trying to keep two males in one group is rarely successful. It is almost impossible to create such a group artificially; it can only form on its own, provided that it is led by a very confident and strong adult male. Then his sons and other males who are part of this pack quickly understand the futility of trying to achieve anything by force. However, such flocks are very rare and lucky for their owner.

Concluding this section, let us dwell on the question of the number of dogs living in one kennel. Let us repeat once again that a dog is a social animal.

But when a dog has too many neighbors, it leads to stress. Outwardly, social stress is noticeable, perhaps, only in the lowest-ranking animals: they are reluctant to leave their enclosure, eat poorly, look lethargic, and depressed. Other dogs have not changed at all for the time being. And then suddenly it begins: one dog loses weight for no reason, another suffers from strange digestive disorders, puppies and young animals get sick. Mortality is increasing, and among its causes there are diseases that are exotic for unpretentious dogs, such as stomach ulcers and myocardial infarction. The stress of overpopulation hits harder than any poison and more accurately than a bullet. For dogs, the maximum number of individuals who know each other and live in the same territory ranges from 30 to 40. This number can be exceeded only by separating blocks of enclosures with different groups to the border of a clear sound signal (approximately 0.5-1 km), but these will, in fact, be different nurseries.

In dog breeding, various methods of keeping are used - apartment, yard, aviary, box, cage, field.

Apartment. Most often the urban population keeps dogs this way. The dog must have a permanent place, which is allocated in its owner’s area, and meets sanitary and hygienic standards. If you have a dog in the apartment, you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene.

Homestead (yard). When kept in the yard, on the territory of the site, you can use a chain, a block leash (on a wire), in this case a kennel must be equipped for the dog. Kennels are used quite widely, they are convenient, as they are easy to rearrange or transport from place to place, they do not require much labor for cleaning and disinfection, and provide the dog with a reliable resting place and shelter from bad weather. Booths are made from a wide variety of materials and in several versions. The most convenient booth is a wooden, collapsible one (length 100 cm, width 90 cm, height 80 cm, opening 40 x 50 cm for large dogs). The roof of the booth is flat, sloping backwards. A wooden shield is placed in front of the booth. For small and medium-sized dogs, the size of the kennel is reduced accordingly. The booth is placed slightly above ground level to prevent water from flowing in. In winter, the kennel is insulated, the opening is covered with durable fabric (tarpaulin, burlap, etc.) so that the dog can freely enter and exit the kennel. Bedding (straw, rug, etc.) is placed in the booth, which can be easily replaced or disinfected.

You can practice keeping your dog loose if the area is securely fenced. In this case, a place for sheltering and resting the dog can be equipped, in the form of a bed with sides, in a house, barn, or other utility premises, but not in livestock farms where there are animals.

Aviary. Keeping dogs in enclosures is very practical, especially when there are a large number of them. The design of the enclosures may be different, but they must ensure comfortable keeping of dogs and seem convenient for cleaning, disinfecting and caring for dogs. When kept alone, in the simplest case, it can be a fenced-in area (walk) with a booth for rest and shelter from bad weather. The enclosures are a 2x3 - 3x3 m area fenced with a mesh fence. The fence must be made in such a way as to prevent the dog from escaping.

Kennels for keeping dogs usually have pavilions divided into separate enclosures. The design of the pavilions varies, from a canopy that protects from the sun and bad weather, similar to a fur-farming shed, to a warm brick building equipped with paddocks. The shed with booths and paddocks is a permanent structure. Shed open on one side with a pitched roof. Height is from 2.5 to 2 m. Walking areas of 2 -3x2 -3 m are made under the roof and booths are installed. The partitions between the paddocks are solid to a height of 1.5 m.

The one-sided pavilion with cabins and walks is a building with cabins according to the number of dogs. The cabin (size approximately 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.8 m) is part of the pavilion premises, it is insulated, there are solid walls, floor, ceiling, in cold weather a booth is placed in the cabin. From the cabin, a manhole leads to the paddock, which is located outside the premises.

A double-sided pavilion with cabins and walkways is a structure with exits from the cabins in opposite directions (from one cabin in one direction, from the other in the opposite direction). Its advantage is that the paddocks have an increased area.

Double-row pavilion - when the cabins are located in two rows - between the rows there is a passage for service personnel. During work, service personnel are located in the room (pavilion) and have access from the passage to all cabins.

Typically, the facade of such structures is a metal mesh. It is practiced to use a mesh with a mesh size of 40 x 40 mm and a wire thickness of 2.5 - 3.5 mm. Walk-up doors are made in the form of a wooden or metal frame covered with a metal mesh. The doors open inward and have locks (latches) on both sides. The height of the door is 1.75 - 1.80 m or more, the width is 75 - 80 cm. The doors to the cabins are solid; a manhole, approximately 30 x 40 cm in size, leads from the cabin to the paddock.

Boxing. In areas with a harsh climate and when keeping short-haired and pampered decorative dogs, box housing is used. Boxes (size approximately 2 x 3 m) are a place for keeping dogs, including walking and shelter (kennel), but all this is located in a closed, warm room. The design of the pavilion with boxes can be different, depending on the area of ​​​​location and the breeds of dogs kept.

Cellular. As a new method, you can use cage housing for dogs. The design of the cages can be different, this applies not only to the size, which, naturally, depends on the size of the dog. We can recommend metal mesh for their manufacture - this is the most practical. Cells can be single-tiered or multi-tiered. At the same time, the design of the cage and its dimensions primarily depend on the size of the dog, this also applies to the size of the cell and the diameter of the wire. According to Tropic V.V. (1998), the optimal parameters of a mesh floor for keeping German Shepherd puppies up to the age of 8-10 months are mesh cells of 45 x 45 mm and a wire diameter of 3.0 mm, and for adults - 50 x 50 mm and 3.5 mm, respectively . Cage housing can be recommended primarily for dogs of small and medium breeds. It is more difficult with large breeds; for example, they develop naminitis more often. With such a housing system, the time spent caring for animals is significantly reduced. Dogs are placed compactly, their maintenance does not require much space and animal hygiene indicators are improved. Cages can be located both outdoors and in closed, heated rooms. They can be arranged in the desired order and contain both young and adult stock.

Field. This method is most often used for keeping herding dogs. During the grazing period they are with the herd. In this case, it is also necessary to provide resting places and shelters for dogs (this could be shelters made of straw bales or holes, caves, for example). They are made from improvised material and should protect dogs, in particular from heat and bad weather. Dogs must have free and quick access to protected animals.

There are individual and group keeping of dogs. The area required for group housing depends on the number of dogs and the type of their service. When determining the size of the area, the need for land for the construction of main and auxiliary structures and places for walking and exercising dogs is taken into account. The area where dogs are kept is surrounded by a solid fence. The fence can be replaced with dense green space about 2 m wide from hawthorn and rose hip bushes.

When designing a dog kennel, we are guided by the standards adopted when designing livestock premises. The distance from buildings to residential and industrial buildings is determined by existing veterinary, sanitary and fire safety standards.

The required minimum equipment for dogs is a collar or harness, leash, metal chain, muzzle. The most suitable for dogs are wide, two-layer collars made of synthetic materials, leather and its substitutes, canvas, etc., having a sewn-in welded half-ring and a durable buckle with a coupling. The length of such collars for large and medium-sized dogs is 40 - 60 cm, width 3 - 4 cm, thickness about 3 mm. The collar's tensile strength should be 3 to 5 times the dog's body weight.

For small dogs, a harness is often used for walking, which has the same strength requirements as a collar. Harnesses can be used for medium and large dogs, but mainly for certain exercises, such as towing.

The leash can be made of various materials - synthetic, leather, canvas, its length is optimally 1.5 - 3.0 m with a loop at the end. It is attached to the collar with a carabiner with a rotating swivel (No. 2, 4, 6).

The metal chain for tying dogs should have a length of 2.0 - 2.5 m and a tensile strength of 100 - 150 kg for medium and large dogs. The chain must be equipped with a lock for attaching to the dog's harness. The carabiner for attaching the chain to the collar must have a rotating swivel.

A muzzle is necessary when taking a dog for a walk in populated areas, when traveling with a dog in transport, when sending guard dogs to posts in the territory of a protected facility, when meetings with people are possible. The most comfortable is a leather mesh muzzle. Its dimensions depend on the size of the dog's head. A metal mesh muzzle can be used (but not in winter). Particularly vicious dogs are given blind muzzles with a hole for the nose. You cannot leave your dog in such a muzzle for a long time, especially in hot weather. For small, indoor dogs, a loop muzzle is used to secure the dog's closed mouth, but the dog cannot be left in it for a long time if it is tight enough.


A dog's need for air is quite large. Therefore, free access to clean air must be provided on the territory and in the premises where dogs are located. When housing in a box, supply and exhaust ventilation is installed in enclosed spaces. The room should be dry and free of drafts.

To insulate booths and cabins in the cold season, various materials are used, which must be sufficiently elastic, dry, not absorb moisture, and heat-insulating. These can be various rugs, mats, straw, soft wood shavings, etc. When kept indoors, the dog’s bedding is a mattress or rug, which is periodically vacuumed, cleaned of fur, washed, and disinfected.

Free movement is necessary for both young and adult dogs, especially when there is no physical activity. In urban conditions, the dog is taken out for a walk not only for exercise, but also to perform its natural needs. Walks should be at least twice a day, and more often for small, medium and young dogs. The duration of each walk is at least 30 minutes. The best walk is free, without a leash. The lack of proper walks reduces the dog’s body’s resistance, disrupts metabolism and reduces vitality.

It is necessary to constantly clean dogs, this is especially convenient to do during walks. Cleaning is carried out in order to remove dead particles of the upper layer of skin, dandruff, dead and broken hair, dirt, dust, insects, etc. that have penetrated into the dog’s fur and skin.

They clean the dog with various special brushes, combs, and cloths. Use a comb to comb the dog's fur, especially in matted areas; this is also done with hard brushes. Use a soft brush to clean the head, neck, torso, and limbs. Finish the cleaning by wiping the dog’s body with a cloth rag. They also wipe their eyes and ears. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean your dog. It is especially important to brush your dog during shedding, which normally occurs twice a year. During shedding, the body uses up nutrients to grow new hair, so during this period, increased nutrition and especially careful care for the dog are necessary. Dogs kept in an apartment may shed continuously.

To properly care for a dog's hair, in some cases it is necessary to trim it. This primarily applies to some breeds of decorative dogs. It is allowed to cut the hair that covers the eyes of some breeds of working and hunting dogs (South Russian Shepherds, Puli, terriers, etc.). For terriers and some other breeds, in order to give them a standard appearance, trimming is carried out according to the established form.

If necessary, dogs are washed, in this case the water temperature

can be about 30 -32°C, or lower, depending on the air temperature. It is better to use special shampoos.

You can use dry shampoos, especially in cold weather, or do not take your dog out of the room until the hair is completely dry.

If there is such an opportunity, then dogs are bathed in reservoirs with clean water. You need to start these exercises when the water temperature is about 20°C. The duration of bathing is increased gradually, starting from several minutes. In warm weather, dogs can be bathed daily. Usually they train it by throwing an object into the water near the shore, then send the dog as a command. If the dog bathes constantly, then this can be done until late autumn. Bathing strengthens the body, improves health, improves growth, development and has a good effect on the nervous system.

  • Description of the object
  • Product Description
  • Recruitment
  • Do I need permission?
  • Growing technology

Business plan for organizing a private plant nursery on an area of ​​5 hectares.

How much money do you need to open a private plant nursery?

According to the business plan, organizing a private plant nursery will require an investment of about 3,000,000 rubles:

  • Site preparation - RUB 300,000.
  • Construction of greenhouses for cuttings - 500,000 rubles.
  • Construction of a refrigerated storage facility - RUB 200,000.
  • Construction of an administrative building and utility buildings. block - 350,000 rub.
  • Purchase of planting material - 550,000 rubles.
  • Materials and household items inventory - 50,000 rub.
  • Business registration and other org. expenses - 50,000 rub.
  • Reserve fund - 1,000,000 rubles.

Description of the object

A plant nursery is created for the purpose of growing plants for their subsequent sale to the population, for landscaping gardens, local areas, park areas, city streets and all kinds of landscape solutions. Such enterprises grow various trees, shrubs, and perennial flowers. There is always a demand for plants. Not every gardener decides to grow a bush from a “seed” to a fruit-bearing tree. This may take years. It is much easier to buy a grown perennial tree and within a couple of years harvest delicious fruits. In addition, landscaping the area with large trees (grown birch, spruce, etc.) is the only way to qualitatively decorate an alley or park area with perennial plantings. The same nurseries are engaged in the production of such planting material.

Product Description

Our nursery plans to grow ornamental, coniferous, deciduous plants, as well as flowering shrubs:

  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Barberry;
  • Blueberry;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Fir (white, balsam, Korean);
  • Juniper;
  • Euonymus;
  • Larch;
  • Spruce (blue, gray, common, etc.);
  • Pine (mountain, Siberian, cedar, etc.);
  • Maple;
  • Spirea;
  • Hydrangea.

Selling prices for plants will vary from 180 to 15,000 rubles per piece. Rare and difficult to grow plant species may not be cheap. The price also depends on the age of the plant. Among the most expensive specimens of our nursery we can highlight: golden globe maple - from 13,000 rubles, horse chestnut pyramidalis - from 10,500 rubles, cypress pea squarrosa - from 15,000 rubles, gray conic spruce - from 7,500 rubles. The business plan stipulates that the first profit will come only in the third year of operation of the nursery. In the first two years, the organization will primarily be engaged in growing rootstocks, cuttings, forming a mother-varietal garden, and growing seedlings. The sales volume of seedlings in the first year of operation will be no more than 5,000 units, in the second year of operation - no more than 10,000 units, in the third year of operation - about 15,000 units. It is assumed that the average selling price per unit of goods will be 400 rubles. The planned sales volume, according to our calculations, will be 15,000 seedlings per year. Thus, the potential annual revenue in the first year of operation will be 2 million rubles, in the second year - 4 million rubles, in the third year - 6 million rubles.

Download plant nursery business plan

Step-by-step plan for opening a plant nursery

To locate the nursery, it is planned to rent a land plot of 5 hectares from the local municipal government. The rent will be 36,000 rubles per year. The land plot will be divided into the following departments:

  • Root-seed garden;
  • School of Seedlings;
  • Mother plant of vegetatively propagated rootstocks;
  • Mother-varietal garden;
  • Mother plantings of berry species;
  • Greenhouses for green cuttings;
  • Vaccination workshop for winter vaccinations;
  • Refrigerated storage for preserving cuttings;
  • Landing areas;
  • A digging area for temporary storage of planting material.

Also on the territory of the nursery there will be an administrative building and a utility block.


Seasonal workers will be hired as the organization's personnel to plant and pick plants (8 people). You will also need general workers (2 people), sales managers (2 people), drivers (2 people) and an accountant. The annual wage fund will be 1,680,000 rubles.

Which taxation system to choose for opening a plant nursery

The organizational form of our nursery will be ordinary individual entrepreneurship. As a taxation system, it is planned to use the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of the organization’s revenue.

Plant Nursery Marketing Plan

There is a pronounced seasonality in the sale of nursery products. Seedlings are purchased only in spring and early autumn. By this period, it is planned to conduct a wide advertising campaign: advertising in the media, the Internet (website, group on social networks), outdoor advertising, etc. It is planned to actively cooperate with the local municipal authorities, who are frequent buyers of plants for landscaping the city. Other buyers include private homeowners, wholesale resellers, sole traders and gardening partnerships.

Risks of the nursery business

Despite all the attractiveness of nursery farming, running this business is associated with the following risks:

  • High dependence on weather conditions (drought, cold snap);
  • Lack of good specialists in the industry;
  • Long period of return on investment (4 - 6 years).

Calculation of project performance indicators

The final stage of the business plan is the calculation of the main performance indicators of the project. Fixed annual expenses

  • Rent - 36,000 rub.
  • Salary - 1,680,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 504,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 200,000 rub.
  • Fertilizers, fertilizers, plant treatment products - RUB 300,000.
  • Other expenses - 200,000 rubles.

Total - RUB 3,020,000.

How much can you earn from a plant nursery?

  • First year of work: 2,000,000 - 3,020,000 = - 1,020,000 rubles.
  • Second year of work: 4,000,000 - 3,020,000 = 980,000 rubles.
  • Third year of work: 6,000,000 - 3,020,000 = 2,980,000 rubles.

The return on investment, therefore, will come only in the fourth year of operation of the nursery, when the organization will recover the losses of the first year of operation and begin selling two or three year old seedlings at reasonable prices.

We recommend download plant nursery business plan only for (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to choose equipment for a plant nursery

This task requires a whole set of equipment:

  • machines for planting and collecting seedlings;
  • irrigation machines;
  • soil preparation equipment.

Depending on the direction of development of the nursery, you may also need a tree transplanter or a machine for pruning branches. In addition, you will have to purchase protective substances, as well as a sprayer. When choosing already expensive equipment, you should not save money, because the purchase is made based on reliability, so you need to purchase equipment from reputable manufacturers who provide warranties for the products.

Which OKVED ID should I indicate when registering?

It is necessary to indicate 01.1 for annual crops, 01.2 - for perennial crops, 01.3 - for seedlings.

What documents are needed to open a plant nursery?

To sell ornamental crops, the list of which does not include planting material, a number of certificates are required:

  • a quality certificate is a paper that certifies that the planting properties of plants meet all state requirements;
  • a varietal identification certificate is a paper that is issued after approbation of your varietal plantings. Confirms the purity of the variety of your plants;
  • phytosanitary certificate - issued after passing phytosanitary licensing, during which plants are checked for diseases.

Do I need permission?

To organize a plant nursery, you need a business permit, and you may also need a separate document for the construction of premises. For the newly created premises, you will also need an inspection certificate from the sanitation station and the fire control service.

Growing technology

Thanks to the purchased equipment, you will be able to grow various plants on the site, both single and perennial.

  1. The first option is good for those who already have potential clients for purchasing annual plants, which will help them quickly sell without long-term care.
  2. In the second case, in the first year you will suffer significant losses, but in subsequent years you will be able to establish cultivation and supplies, making a considerable profit.

Important: if you intend to grow coniferous trees, then the planting hole should be twice the size of the root system. It is best to grow using various growth regulators; for survival, the substance “Zircon” is used by dipping the roots of seedlings into the composition. For greatest effectiveness, you can use anti-stress adaptogens.