House rental business. How to rent out a private house, cottage, dacha

The portrait of a country real estate tenant is this: a young man with a family. He earns good money, but for some reason does not want to buy or build his own house. What is the situation in this market, and what should tenants and landlords of country housing know?

What do you want?
Since cottages are rented mainly by families, they expect that the private area will have at least 3 bedrooms (master, children's and guest). A room for a nanny or housekeeper is also desirable. In a word, wealthy representatives of the middle class are focused on a house whose area is from 200 to 300 square meters. meters. Mansions of 1000 sq. Few people need them, so the demand for them is small.

Naturally, tenants are concerned about the transport accessibility of the village, so the 30-kilometer zone from the Moscow Ring Road is in favor. Housing located further away is difficult to rent.

It’s good if the village or its vicinity has developed infrastructure (there are shops with payment terminals, a children’s playground, a car wash, a pharmacy), and the village itself is habitable – one where many homeowners spend the winter. Few people would like to live alone in an open field. Security of the territory and checkpoints are mandatory, but security of the house itself is desirable.

A furnished cottage is more likely to find tenants than an empty one. At the same time, none of the tenants is chasing inlaid parquet flooring and antique furniture - everything should be tastefully decorated and clean. Chips and scratches on furniture, shabby floors - this can not only reduce the price of the property, but also completely scare away tenants from it.

Houses surrounded by trees are valued higher than their counterparts “growing” in a bare field. Therefore, take care and cherish your linden and maple trees. These efforts will come in handy if you ever decide to relinquish your property.

A well-equipped small garden with strawberries will also be in demand, because we prefer to choose the best for children, and the tenant will happily pick up the gardening idea.

Seasonal rental
This concept most often means renting out for the summer. Experienced renters are looking for homes early, in February-March. Therefore, you also need to exhibit your cottage during this period. What will summer residents need? Nets on the windows from flying insects (pay attention to this fact if you have such nets), an equipped barbecue area (however, if there is none, it doesn’t matter), a gazebo where you can hide from the scorching sun, a flower garden, which consists of perennials, therefore does not require seedlings, deep knowledge of botany and other gardening difficulties. Fruit bushes (especially black currants rich in vitamin C), apple trees, plums - all this will be a big, fat plus and will add several points to your proposal.

Rental extreme
Here we will talk about renting for weekends and holidays. We must understand that our citizens were not brought up in the Smolny Institute and the Corps of Pages. Broken furniture, broken toilets, dirt - all this you may encounter if you provide your housing for a corporate or student drinking party lasting several days. But the financial return from such “barbarian raids” is higher than from the peaceful, measured life of a married couple.

Daily rental is suitable for those who have another house or apartment to live in. You must understand that the cottage you rent out will quickly become old. To reduce losses, keep a manager on site who will ensure that the company does not frolic too much. It is advisable that the manager has an apartment (for example, in a superstructure above the garage or in a separate small house), because the partying public will not like it if an inspecting person wanders around the house and hits everyone on the hand - “don’t touch this.” In the contract, you must stipulate that the owner or his representative has the right to enter the house rented for the weekend. You'll also have to pay for cleaning after the temporary residents move out. However, if this is your business, you can remove it yourself.

So that the cottage can accommodate as much as possible more people, take care of the sleeping areas, and when signing the rental agreement, discuss whether you must provide bed linen, dishes, etc.

Legal subtleties
Typically, a lease agreement is concluded for a year (if it is not seasonal), followed by an extension. Before you rent out your house, make an inventory of your property: what items are in the house, their value and condition. You can take photographs of the premises and attach the photographs to the contract. You will also have to delineate areas of responsibility: who, for example, will be responsible for cleaning the garden and paying for the repair of broken appliances. One lady owned a hectare in an old dacha place. On this hectare there were two houses: she lived in one, and rented out the second. In the summer, the hostess picked every berry berry bushes and carried out clearing of the territory when picking mushrooms, and prohibited planting flowers near the rental house. All these points must be specified in the document so that no one is offended later.

It is also necessary to distribute payments. Who will donate money to the board (village dues), who will pay for electricity and gas, internet, snow removal, lawn mowing (of course the tenants themselves).

In addition to the contract, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the amount that will go towards the security deposit. We are talking about the money that the landlord will receive if the tenant suddenly moves out before the agreed date. The deposit is not returned even if the tenant breaks, breaks or damages something. Also, the employer may be asked to pay in advance in the amount of 3 monthly payments - as insurance against “escape”.

Before signing the contract, the tenant needs to make sure that the house belongs to the person who represents the landlord, so it is necessary to look at the documents establishing ownership. You can also ask for a copy of the inventory for yourself, so that later you are not credited with damaging property.

Valuable facts
Real estate market experts claim that a cottage with an area of ​​500 square meters. meters can be rented for 150 thousand rubles. Smaller houses are also rented for the same price - 200-300 sq. m. meters. This suggests that tenants are not chasing square footage - they want quality and an affordable price. The most frequently requested price is 30-90 thousand rubles. per month. Before you give the go-ahead to rent a house, ask what kind of boiler it is heated with. If electric, then rent will cost you much more, because electricity is not a cheap pleasure. It is optimal if the house is heated by a gas boiler, and kitchen stove also gas.

Business class houses can be offered for 100-300 thousand rubles. Everything that is rated higher by the owner takes a long time to find its client.

The cost of daily rent is on average 40 thousand rubles, while two days spent in the same house will cost 55 thousand rubles - there are huge discounts for long stays. The daily rental agreement states maximum quantity guests (say 25 people).

An empty case
If you invest money in a house that has just begun to be built, then by the end of construction its price will increase, and if you sell within the first three years you will make a profit. Does it make sense to buy or build a house to rent it out? Experts are sure that this is unprofitable. Especially now when rental rates are low. But if this is a second home, then why not try? Let it not be a mansion, but a simple seasonal dacha - put it in order and rent it out for the summer to a simple family with a child. Joy for them and for you small addition to the budget. Dachas and cottages located far (30 km and further) from the Moscow Ring Road are very difficult to rent out. The closer the house is to the capital, the sooner it will find its temporary owner.

Rent or buy?
You can't rent a decent house very cheaply. However, there are people who live in rented suburban housing for years. And it benefits them. Because, having bought or built a house, we also take care of its maintenance. The tenant does not care what happens to our boiler - we will replace it at our own expense. If you have the means, but don’t want to nest for the rest of your life, renting is a great option. Foreigners often move into business class houses. Wealthy men rent a house for their family so that their children can grow up in the fresh air. Sometimes, having lived outside the city, getting used to a large area and freedom, people buy their own home.

Table 1. Rental costs by destination (status as of October 2011, in thousands of rubles).

Direction Cost limits Distance from MKAD, km
up to 10 10-19 20-29 30-49 from 50
North (Dmitrovskoe, Altufevskoe, Ostashkovskoe) min 80 25 30 50 120
max 450 400 150 100 120
North-East (Yaroslavskoye, Shchelkovskoye) min 35 40 50 60 25
max 280 170 150 150 100
East (Gorkovskoye, Nosovikhinskoye) min 30 70 25
max 200 70 45
South-East (Ryazanskoe, Egoryevskoe, Novoryazanskoe, Kazan direction) min 37 17 15 25 25
max 110 321 240 100 80
South (Kashirskoe, Simferopolskoe, Varshavskoe) min 45 35 70 70 40
max 300 247 169 100 90
South-West (Kaluzhskoe, Kyiv, Borovskoe, Skolkovskoe) min 30 45 50 40 35
max 800 180 321 160 60
West (Minskoye, Mozhaiskoye, Rublevo-Uspenskoye, Novorizhskoye, Ilyinskoye) min 55 60 60 24 40
max 1009 1509 803 420 400
North-West (Volokolamskoe, Pyatnitskoe, Leningradskoe, Kurkinskoe) min 35 35 32 59 35
max 420 321 321 100 150
Today, many entrepreneurs are interested in renting out not only apartments, but also cottages. However, in order for this type of activity to be profitable and make a profit, it is necessary to understand that when purchasing private real estate for personal use and for renting, you must follow various criteria choice. This article will discuss how to avoid common mistakes made when purchasing real estate for investment.

The first mistake investors make when buying a private house for further renting out is choosing housing as “for yourself”. Remember that you will receive dividends from the purchased property, that is, you will be doing business. And any kind entrepreneurial activity, as you know, must be thoughtful and prepared. You cannot invest your capital based on impulsive desires to buy your neighbor’s house at a bargain price, or simply because the desire to own real estate in the private sector has long been your cherished dream. Today, the suburban real estate market does not indulge in an abundance of offers of high-quality and comfortable housing for rent. If until recently the most profitable investment was the acquisition of luxury real estate for the purpose of further renting it out, today it has become obvious that the market for respectable and fashionable housing is oversaturated. And this means only one thing - in the near future, it will be the rental of suburban real estate that will be the most popular, thereby repeating the situation with expensive urban analogues.

The second common mistake is wrong choice of target consumer. The owner of the house must clearly understand, firstly, for how long he is ready to rent out the house (year, season, month). If, for example, the house will be rented out for long periods and is intended for permanent residence, then the distance between the cottage and the ring road should be no more than 30 kilometers, and even less if the road is congested. Secondly, who he intends to rent the property to will depend on such indicators as the cost of rent and the living conditions themselves. Thus, foreigners are ready to pay for the rent of the cottage they like a large amount than our compatriots, although house owners prefer to rent out housing to their compatriots, believing that this will give them additional guarantees of the safety of the home in accordance with its original appearance. But some house owners categorically refuse to rent out their real estate to families with children, worrying about interior decoration premises for rent.

The third mistake is often wrong environment. So, a house located in a cottage community with a highly developed infrastructure and 24-hour professional security will be rented out faster and, most importantly, more profitably. Remember that you are going to rent comfortable and prestigious housing, which means that a cottage built in the outback of the village, adjacent to the small, unprepossessing houses of your neighbors, who are busy not reading gossip columns and developing business projects, but doing hard physical labor cannot stand comparison with a house that does not Not only is it equipped with a swimming pool and all sorts of amenities of civilization, but it is also adjacent to an equally respectable mansion, and the people living next door have similar interests.

When buying a house for rent, pay special attention to its design (mistake number four), since very often a house designed for the needs of a particular family does not meet the requirements and criteria of a house intended for rent.

We invite you to take a look at some features of the house for rent, which will make it a comfortable and popular place to live and relax:
- The optimal number of floors in a house should be two, maximum three.
- The rooms should be small.
- A comfortable country house should have at least three bedrooms.
- Stairs in the house should be not only comfortable, but also safe, especially if children live in the house. Do not save money by using metal structures when constructing stairs.
- Equip your house with a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool, which will significantly increase the rental price.
- Put your garden plot in order, giving it a well-groomed appearance.
- Don't forget about parking spaces for cars, which ideally should be at least two.
- Potential tenants also pay significant attention to the location transport interchange, it is better if it takes place 150 meters from the house.

In order to avoid various documentary incidents and unpleasant situations, we advise you to thoroughly, with special care check all documentation for both the house and the land. Properly executed documents confirming that both the house and the plot are owned by the same person are the key to peace of mind for you and your tenant. Unfortunately, very often when preparing documents and concluding a deal, it turns out that the house is registered as unfinished, which will subsequently create certain problems between you and the insurance company when registering the lease. It also happens that only part of the land being sold belongs to the owner, and the rest is under long-term lease, which is quite risky, since there have been cases when they tried to rent out a house without having any right to do so, since legally the house was already leased .

And the last, sixth mistake, the essence of which is that the owner of a country property naively believes that having spent a large sum on buying a house once, his expenses are over. Alas, this is not true. Maintenance and upkeep of the building will range from 500 to 1000 USD. monthly. Because your tenants are not obliged to improve the house and garden plot at their own expense, or to eliminate them at their own expense various types breakdowns in the event that they did not occur through their fault.

We hope that our advice will help you choose and purchase the right house, which you will profitably rent out in the future, thus making a profit.
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When buying a cottage for the purpose of further renting it out, you need to understand that the criteria for buying a house as a business and a house for personal residence are different. What do you need to know when making an investment purchase, so that later you won’t be excruciatingly painful for wasted money?

The first mistake that a future landlord can make is buying a home “for themselves” (I would like a house in the village) or for the occasion (a neighbor is offering his dacha for half the price). If you are going to enter this business - as, indeed, any other - then enter it prepared. “Obviously, sooner or later the suburban real estate rental market will repeat its urban counterpart. Quite recently, it was most profitable to buy a very expensive apartment and rent it out at a high price, but today we are seeing a trend of saturation of the market for luxury apartments,” Irina Bobko, head of the rental department of the Vavilon real estate agency, comments on the situation on the market. “Currently there are few offers for renting quality suburban housing.”

Of course, a lot depends on the direction in which the house is located - a potential source of your income. Identical houses on different directions may vary significantly in rental rates, and this should not be forgotten. At the moment, Rublevka remains unrivaled in popularity. It is followed by Novorizhskoe Highway, Mozhaiskoe Highway, Kaluzhskoe Highway, Simferopolskoe Highway.

The second mistake is choosing the wrong target consumer. The future landlord must clearly understand to whom (compatriot or foreigner, with high or average income, with or without children...) and for how long (for the summer season or year-round) he will rent the house. For example, if the cottage is intended for permanent residence, then the distance from it to the Moscow Ring Road should not exceed 30 km (and this is provided that the route is not too congested).

The third mistake is an incorrectly selected environment. The most liquid in terms of renting out a house is in a cottage community: tenants pay attention to security, the availability of infrastructure - to everything that makes living and recreation comfortable and safe. Naturally, the more developed the infrastructure and the more reliable the security, the higher the rent. Of course, it is cheaper to buy land in the village from some grandmother and build a house there. But for rental business This option is absolutely not suitable. “I had to watch how absolutely charming owners acquired a very presentable house with a large plot, a swimming pool, landscaping and other benefits,” says Irina Bobko. “But they could not rent out their house even at a relatively low price only because it was surrounded by a village with dilapidated houses and half-drunk residents.” Old-fashioned places are also not very suitable for rental business. Yes, they have romance, yes, they are located in a wonderful location, but they cannot provide residents with either comfort or safety.

The fourth mistake is choosing the wrong house. You often see a picture where a house was designed by a would-be architect in the person of the owner or hostess, the only bathroom in the house is on the first floor, and from the bedroom on the third level you can only get there through the entire house. In addition, the cottage could be designed individually for a particular family. So what should a house be suitable for renting? Two, maximum three levels, small quantity spacious rooms. There should be at least three bedrooms in the house, especially if the house is intended to be rented to a family with children. " Special attention we need to pay attention to stairs, their convenience and safety,” adds Bobko. “There are two extremes possible here: excessive savings, which leads to a structure that is completely inconvenient for lifting, or, conversely, generosity of soul in the form of metal forging, stained glass, etc., which can be very unsafe for children.”

The presence of a bathhouse, sauna, or, even better, a swimming pool can significantly raise the rent. The liquidity of the house is increased by the presence of a landscaped plot of at least 10 acres. Moreover, fruit and berry bushes, and especially gardening, are not held in high esteem - tenants will not appreciate it. As a finishing touch - the presence of 1-2 parking spaces. By the way, no less important are the 100-500 m that the future tenant will have to overcome from the highway to the house. “Recently in our practice there was such a case. The potential tenant didn’t even bother to drive up to the house as soon as he saw that from the highway to his future place of residence, his expensive car would have to regularly drive 100 meters on clay soil,” says Irina Bobko.

The fifth mistake is incorrectly executed documents for the house and land. This is one of the most big problems arising when renting out a country house. When purchasing, you need to carefully check the documents for both the house itself and the land. The ideal option is that both are properly registered and owned by the same person. But quite often the house is registered as unfinished, which leads to problems, for example, with insurance or registration of a lease agreement. There are also frequent situations when part of the land being sold is owned, and part is under long-term lease, which again increases risks. “The nuances may be different, I have come across cases when they tried to privately rent out a house that, in principle, they do not have the right to rent out,” says Bobko, “since it itself was legally leased in a departmental village.”

The sixth mistake is that the costs of maintaining the building are not taken into account. It is important to understand that it is not enough to just buy a house, you will also have to maintain it, and monthly costs can reach up to $500-1000. When choosing a house, carefully check the presence of all communications, their condition, the technical indicators of the building - the presence and maintenance of a septic tank, energy dependence, so that it does not turn out that the lion's share of the rent will go only to the maintenance of the house. Moiseeva

The same article is dedicated to renting private houses.

The main difference between renting a house and renting other housing is not in legal features, but in character the rental itself. As a rule, houses are rented out for a short period of time. This could be a seasonal rental, for example, a summer cottage. Or rent for a few days, for example, to celebrate a holiday.

Registration of renting a house

If you are renting out a house to an individual, then in order to officially formalize the deal, you will need to conclude ( clause 1 art. 167 Civil Code of the Russian Federation). As we have already said, the most common case is renting a house for a short period. According to clause 2 art. 683, a contract concluded for a period of up to 1 year is called short-term rental.

A short-term rental agreement has some differences from a regular rental agreement. Norms that seriously expand the rights of the employer do not apply to him. Namely, Short-term hiring will not allow:

  1. Move in temporary residents for up to 6 months. This right is provided for the employer in accordance with Art. 680 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. And under a short-term rental agreement, it is no longer possible to move in someone who was not initially specified in the agreement.
  2. Conclude sublease agreements. According to Art. 685 Civil Code of the Russian Federation The tenant may, with the consent of the landlord, sublease the residential premises. But this article also does not apply to short-term hiring.
  3. Replace the tenant in the contract ( Art. 686 Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  4. The preemptive right of the tenant to conclude a contract for a new term. Perhaps the most significant difference. When concluding a rental agreement for a period of less than a year, you are not obliged to offer the tenant to conclude an agreement on the same terms for a new term. This will allow you to rent out the house for a short period of time to different tenants, avoiding downtime of the premises.
  5. Demand from the court to provide a period for correcting the violation, on the basis of which the lessor applied to the court with the initiative to terminate the contract.
  6. Request the court to delay the execution of the decision to terminate the contract.

Items 5 and 6 from the list apply when terminating the rental agreement at the initiative of the lessor. Let us say right away that the employer, on his own initiative, can terminate the contract only through the court ( clause 2 art. 687 Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

At the initiative of the tenant, the contract can be terminated simply with written notice to the landlord. in 3 months (clause 1 art. 687 Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Otherwise, a short-term rental agreement is no different from a regular one. He also not subject to state registration And does not require notarization. You can read more about it and about the rights and obligations of the parties under it in the relevant articles on our portal.

Property and risks

I would especially like to pay attention to the property in the rental house and the risk of damage. As mentioned above, houses are often rented out for any events: birthdays, weddings, corporate events and so on. Of course, a cheerful, noisy company with more likely can break something (even if not on purpose) than an ordinary family renting an apartment. In addition, the furnishings in houses are usually much more expensive: televisions, billiards, a swimming pool, a sauna, and so on.

Therefore, even if you are renting out the house for just a few days, you definitely need to register acceptance certificate the house and all the valuable property that is there. We also advise you to specify in the contract penalties for damage to this or that property and violation of the terms of the contract, a kind of “price list”, because Usually there are many violations, and you can also make money from them.

If you rent out a house for the summer, then of course the risks are lower. Usually, families with children rent dachas and cottages for the summer. They cause much less anxiety.

Also, for those who are going to rent out the house regularly, and not just during their absence, you can offer.

Rental approval

If you want to rent out a house that belongs to you by right of ownership, then you do not need the consent of your neighbors or the dacha cooperative. Disposing of your property is your right. Of course, it is better to warn tenants that they should not make noise on the street at night and get into conflicts with neighbors, since the tenants may also be held liable for violating public order, and you will attract unnecessary attention to your rental activities.

In conclusion

Today, renting private houses is perhaps the “cleanest” type of housing rental, from the point of view of mandatory execution of contracts. Most people rent out houses for profit on a regular basis. strangers with whom it is necessary to conclude an agreement. While apartments and rooms are often rented to relatives and friends without a contract, since there is much less risk that they will not pay the rent, and that it will not be possible to settle everything amicably with them in case of conflicts.

Millions of people are willing to pay for a comfortable vacation. By renting out cottages for short-term rent to those eager for a holiday, you can actually earn from 100,000-150,000 rubles. With the “House for Rent” franchise, the investment will pay off in 1-2 months, which will give you the opportunity to promote your business and have a decent income, regardless of where you live.


Noisy parties at home with an abundance of alcohol, crowds of people and loud music - back in the 90s we looked at this “disgrace” together, mouths wide open with delight and sincerely not understanding the owners who let such a crowd in. But I liked the idea of ​​such celebrations and took root. Today, hundreds of people prefer not to bother themselves with preparations and cleaning, but to go on vacation to a country cottage, where everything fun company will be able to taste barbecue, have a hearty conversation and remain confident in the confidentiality of the meeting.

National features of country holidays

A cottage has always had a lot of advantages over an apartment: the absence of adjacent walls with neighbors makes it possible to relax until late, and the adjacent territory allows you to barbecue and enjoy fresh air and picturesque landscapes. Having barely appeared on the market, the short-term rental service country houses and tourist centers has gained significant demand.

They are rented:

  • student companies to celebrate Tatiana's Day, the equator, the end of the session and graduation;
  • parents of schoolchildren who want to arrange a graduation for them;
  • connoisseurs of relaxation in the lap of nature: in the summer, families are ready to rent a cottage for a whole week to enjoy the delights of country life, trips to the forest, a bathhouse and barbecue;
  • private companies who want to have a good time at a corporate party or hold a team building event;
  • Tourist bases are rented for large-scale celebrations - weddings, anniversaries and memorable dates.

The short-term rental business of country cottages and tourist centers has gradually acquired related services that significantly increase the average bill. Possessing knowledge and experience, you can offer guests catering services, design and organization of events, active entertainment - paintball, volleyball and others.

Business model: serious business on simple terms

In order to sell something, you must first buy something, said the famous cat from Prostokvashino. But he lived in Soviet times. Now business turnover and average check are directly related to the intensity of work and your entrepreneurial spirit. To start making money on short-term rentals, it is not necessary to buy them as property - just rent cottages or a tourist base on long term.

In this case, your income will be based on the difference in prices for daily and long-term rentals, and both you and the property owner will receive earnings. By purchasing a “House for Rent” franchise, you get the opportunity to learn from professionals about all the intricacies of such a business:

  • features of the choice of houses and bases;
  • nuances of drawing up an agreement with the owner and clients;
  • full support in setting up advertising and website promotion, a package of scripts to increase sales.

Short-term rental business is often called seasonal. This is partly true - a massive flow of customers comes in the summer and on the eve of the New Year. But corporate events, weddings and anniversaries allow you to maintain stable earnings throughout the year.

Relevance of business in your region

Many residents of provincial cities believe that serious short-term rental business can only be done in megacities. But in reality, you just need to correctly calculate the flow of customers.

  1. If your city has educational institutions, then demand student groups you are already provided for.
  2. Entrepreneurs who keep pace with market developments prefer to corporate events rent cottages and tourist centers. It’s easier to spend time in the open air and in a spacious yard. team games, and at a barbecue the team opens up much faster than in a restaurant.
  3. Another category of clients are families with slightly above average income living in apartments. In the summer or during the holidays, they will want to go on vacation with their children.

Thus, a short-term rental business is relevant for every city in the country. The main thing is to choose the right house, negotiate with the owner and start the business.

Financial aspects

The cost of renting real estate (both long-term and daily) is closely related to the region, population and infrastructure features. In regional cities, you can rent a cottage for a long time in the suburbs at a price of 60,000 per month. At the same time, renting it for a day will cost from 10,000 rubles; on holidays and in the summer it will be more expensive.

When accompanied by specialists who have already learned all the intricacies of the short-term rental business, in the first months you can achieve an income of 100,000-150,000 rubles. This means that the cost of the franchise will pay off within 1-2 months.

Independence is not always good

Having calculated the model and development options, you may decide that you yourself can successfully cope with renting out houses and finding owners willing to rent out the property. But, making this journey alone, you will encounter difficulties that the House for Rent company has already gone through.

  1. It's easy to get lost in legal aspects and forms of contracts. Commercial rental differs from private terms of use of property and documentary support.
  2. Newspapers and radio have long lost their advertising power, but you can attract customers on the Internet if you have certain knowledge in the field of Direct and targeted advertising. House for Rent specialists have already passed this stage and know the most effective ways declare yourself.
  3. You will have to work on the site, invest money in its promotion and selling texts.

Buying a franchise is an ideal option for quick start, which does not require you to have business acumen, knowledge in the field of real estate and promotion on the Internet. They will help you launch your business in just a week, automate processes, and build a coherent and profitable system.

Our contacts

  • Telephone: 89277253313 - Sergey
  • Email: