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bank accounts

Question: I have an Alfa-Bank debit card, which I used to store funds during frequent trips. At the same time as the card, a “My Safe” account was opened, into which 1,000 rubles were deposited at the very beginning. The amount in the “My Safe” account still hangs without movement. In 2011 I moved to permanent place residence in another region and from that time on I did not use the card, since this was no longer necessary. I no longer have a card account, but there was some small amount left there. Due to the chaos of moving, I forgot about the card for a while, and when I missed it, it turned out that the card had long expired. Do I need to close the card account and return the card to the bank if the card has expired, or does everything happen automatically? Can this be done at any branch, or do I have to go to the one where I registered it? And in general, how to close a card (bank card)?

Answer: Even if the card has expired and the account balance is zero, the card account with the bank remains active, and this may cause a debt to the bank for servicing the account.

If you do not plan to use the card, then you must hand it over to the bank and be sure to close the card account and the “My Safe” account too. Such operations are not carried out automatically; you need to visit the bank. Positive feature Alfa-Bank's work is that you can close a card account at any bank branch, regardless of the region where the card was issued.

In addition, if there are no funds left on the card, then a surprise may await you at the bank in the form of debt for account servicing services. Until the account is closed, you pay annually for its maintenance services in accordance with the bank’s tariffs for your card type. The longer the account is left unclosed, the greater the debt may be. So, closing the account and returning the card to the bank can be done in any division of Alfa-Bank, since the bank has a single database.

If you decide to continue using the card, then you need to contact the bank branch at your place of residence and simply re-issue (re-issue) the card to your current card account.

Standard procedure for returning a card and closing a card account any bank looks like this:

  1. Come to the bank branch with your passport and card.

  2. Submit documents to the operational employee and ask to close the card account.

  3. Write an application to close the account or sign a standard application form prepared by a bank employee.

  4. The employee then checks your account status:

    • If there is a balance in the account, the closure will continue.

    • If the account goes into minus, then you will have to deposit the amount to pay off the debt, and perhaps even visit the bank again, since for technical reasons the account reset will be visible only on the next business day.

    • If the account has not paid for the bank's services, then you will have to deposit the amount to pay off the services, and the closure will continue.

  5. At the moment of closing the card account with the balance of funds, a memorial spending order will be printed, which you sign, and based on it, this balance will be given to you from the bank’s cash desk.

  6. The account has been reset and is now being closed, and you should be given a document confirming that the account was closed - this is important!

  7. A bank employee, in front of your eyes, must destroy the card itself by cutting it into small pieces so that the magnetic strip does not remain intact. This is important for your financial security!

And three more points related to closing an account and card:

  1. If additional cards were attached to your card account, they are also handed over to the bank and destroyed.

  2. If additional accounts were opened for the card account, such as “My Safe” of Alfa-Bank, they must be reset and closed simultaneously with the main account.

  3. Each bank has different requirements for the place where the card is closed (only at the issuing branch, at any branch...) - this point should always be clarified.
It should also be taken into account that each bank approves its own procedure and terms for closing a card account. The account may be closed immediately, and in some cases you will have to visit the bank several times before you are given a certificate of its closure. In any case, the account closure procedure must be completed.

So, for example, procedure for closing a card account at Sberbank, specified in clause 3.11 of the “Terms of Use of International Cards” provides for the following:
- “Closing the Account and returning the balance of funds from the Account is carried out at the request of the Client
subject to repayment of the overdraft, absence of other debt and completion of measures for
settlement of disputed transactions after 45 calendar days:

  • from the date of surrender of all Cards opened to this account, or the expiration of the Cards;
  • or from the date of filing an application for closure of Visa Electron or Maestro Card(s) issued to
  • or from the date of submission of applications for the loss of each of the lost Cards if it is impossible to return
    Bank of valid Cards.
You can submit an application to close your card account at any Sberbank branch. And if the holder intends to receive the balance on the card account at a location other than the place where the account is maintained, then it is necessary to additionally fill out a transfer application.

Sberbank-VisaElectron, Sberbank-Maestro cards may not be returned to the Bank, and then full settlement with the holder is made 45 days after the holder submits an application to close the card.

Quite often, citizens in Russia think about how to close a Sberbank credit card. Answering this question is not so difficult. Closing a bank credit card will not cause any hassle proper preparation. What should everyone know about it? How to act in this or that case? What methods of closing a Sberbank card take place in practice? Answers to everything questions asked will help you understand the topic being studied.

Is there a chance

The first step is to understand whether it is possible to close a Sberbank credit card early and quickly. After all, the client does not always need to use certain funds during the validity period of the bank card.

Today, Sberbank clients have the right to close their loan account early. But only under certain conditions. Which ones exactly? There aren't very many of them. And a conscientious paying client will not have any difficulties in bringing the idea to life. What should every visitor to Sberbank know about closing credit cards?

Debt repayment

The first important step is to pay off all debts to banking organization. That is, if a citizen has a debt on a credit card, it will not be possible to close the account.

Accordingly, if a person said “I want to close my Sberbank credit card,” first he will have to pay the bills. Only after this can the idea be brought to life. The exception is cases in which the bank card is lost or stolen. But even under such circumstances, clients are required to pay an open debt.

As a result, the first step to help you understand the chosen task is to pay off the debt in any known way. For example, using an ATM or money transfer.

Is there no more minus on the map? Has the debt been paid off? Then you can continue to think about how to close your Sberbank credit card. There are several ways to solve the problem in this area.


As soon as the client pays off the last debt in to the fullest and stops using plastic, you can wait for the account to be automatically closed. The credit card will stop working after 30 days. That is, one month after the debt is repaid.

But some are thinking about how to quickly close a Sberbank credit card. Are there other methods to resolve the problem? Yes. And bringing them to life will not be difficult. The main thing is to know exactly how to act under certain circumstances.

Personal appeal

For example, good and in a fast way is a personal application to a financial company with a statement in the established form. There is nothing special about this procedure. What do you need to close a Sberbank credit card?

A citizen must write an application to close the plastic. To bring your idea to life, you need:

  1. Prepare a list of documents. They will be discussed later.
  2. Come to any Sberbank branch.
  3. Write an application to close the bank account. Be sure to pay off all outstanding balances in advance. The application form of the established sample is issued by Sberbank employees.
  4. Wait a while. Typically, it takes from 30 to 45 days to close a card through a personal application.

From now on it is clear how to properly close a Sberbank credit card. This is the algorithm of actions that is most often used in practice.

Documents for closing

What papers are required from a citizen to implement plans? It will not be possible to simply write a standard application to close a credit card and the corresponding account at Sberbank. You'll have to bring some documents.

Among them are:

  • bank plastic;
  • passport;
  • another identification document (in the absence of a passport);
  • agreement for issuing a credit card (if any);
  • debt repayment receipts (preferably, but not required).

As already mentioned, you will have to additionally fill out a standard form to complete the process. The application will be different if the card is lost and if the credit card is closed early.

Obtaining certificates

Next, you will have to destroy one or another bank plastic. This is usually done by Sberbank employees in front of the client immediately after submitting an application to close the credit card. Usually the card is simply cut into several parts without the possibility of restoration.

How to close a Sberbank credit card account? After all the above steps, you will need to obtain certificates confirming the closure of the credit card, as well as the absence of debts to the bank.

Please note that such documentation is not issued immediately, but several months after the client contacts Sberbank with the relevant request. The waiting period for certificates is specified in the service agreement. In any case, it is recommended to be persistent and pick up these documents. Otherwise, the client may have problems in the future.

Via the Internet

Many modern citizens They are thinking about how to close a Sberbank credit card using mobile banking or the Sberbank Online web service. After all, these services in practice help to control cash and make any payments.

It is important to remember that through mobile banking or through the Sberbank Online service you cannot close your bank card. This operation is possible only by personally contacting the client at the nearest branch of the relevant bank.

However, you can top up your credit card account through mobile or online banking, and also block the plastic card. But in the end, sooner or later you will still have to go to Sberbank with the documents listed earlier and write an application to close the card. Therefore, we can say with confidence that it is impossible to carry out the operation being studied via the Internet in any way.

Conclusions and Conclusions

Now it’s clear how to properly close a Sberbank credit card. Some people wonder if it is possible to somehow refuse a credit card via phone. For example, by making a call to " hotline"Sberbank.

No, similar method There is no closure of the credit card. You can block an account or check the debt balance by calling Sberbank, but nothing more.

Accordingly, if you are wondering how to close a Sberbank credit card, it is recommended to follow simple instructions. They all boil down to:

  • repaying the debt on the account;
  • contacting any Sberbank branch with documents and an application for closing the plastic card;
  • waiting for certificates of no debt to the financial company.

Everything is easy and simple! Sometimes it happens that a citizen does not have the opportunity to go to Sberbank in his city, where the plastic card was opened. How to enter such a case? Exactly the same as when you are in your native region. The process of closing a bank card (including a credit card) at Sberbank is no different. Therefore, the region where the client is located does not play any role! You need to contact any branch of a financial organization and, following the previously specified algorithm, bring your idea to life. That's all. From now on, it is clear what to do for a citizen who wants to close a credit card opened at Sberbank.

Sberbank offers a variety of services to its clients. For example, anyone can receive a bank card at any time. This is easy to do: just visit the institution with your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation. Sometimes the need for plastic ends before it expires. How to close a Sberbank card? What methods does a financial institution offer to its clients? What will be required to bring your idea to life?

Types of Closure

It’s hard to imagine, but you can close a card (credit card or debit) in different variations. There are such concepts as plastic number and bank account. Therefore, every citizen has the opportunity to close:

  • Maps (without
  • Accounts in full (together with bank plastic).

Usually interest arises in the second option. The first one is used to reissue bank cards. This is especially true for debit plastic. So, how to close a Sberbank card?

Blocking options

Each client of the company has every right to choose a method of eliminating plastic. Significant difference not in the proposed options. You can choose what seems more convenient and simple. Highlight following methods closing the card:

  1. By phone (usually without an invoice).
  2. Through internet banking (Sberbank Online service).
  3. In person at the banking company's office.

After choosing, you should properly prepare for the upcoming process. But before that, you need to know some of the features that the closure of a bank account entails.

Is it possible?

Clients very often ask questions about closing/opening plastic. The first process is especially exciting. Is it possible to close a Sberbank card via the Internet? Yes, but there is one feature of this procedure that not everyone knows about. The thing is that through Internet banking, in exactly the same way as through telephone communication, you can only block the card. In this case, the citizen will still have an account in Sberbank. So completely closing a Sberbank bank card comes down to only a personal visit to the company’s office. There is no other option. Although quite often citizens block the plastic first. And only then do they refuse the bill. But how to close a Sberbank card?

Choosing an office

So, the first step towards achieving this goal is to select a branch where the entire procedure for refusing banking plastic will take place. Many people wonder: where should they turn? There is an answer to this question!

You can close your Sberbank card at any branch. A citizen has every right to go where it is convenient for him. The main thing is that the place of appeal is Sberbank. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the nearest branch of this financial institution. It makes no difference where exactly you go. Sberbank cares about the convenience of using services and hassle-free cancellation of them.


How to close a Sberbank debit card? You need to prepare a little. This is not as difficult to do as it seems. The client will only need a few documents, which must be presented in the original:

  • Identity card (passport).
  • Bank plastic, which is finally closed.
  • Application for the operation.

Nothing else is needed. As practice shows, the last document is filled out directly at the Sberbank branch. Therefore, a citizen must take with him only plastic and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If the contract for the provision of services that was issued upon receipt has been preserved bank card, you can bring it too. But this is not necessary.

For credit cards

Much depends on what type of banking plastic takes place. For example, there are fewer problems with debit cards. Although there are enough of them too. But with credit cards you will have to tinker a little. How to close a Sberbank card account? If we're talking about about credit cards, you have to take the first step towards achieving the task.

The point is that before the client contacts the bank with an application to close the account and block the card, it is necessary to pay off all debts. Without this, contacting Sberbank makes no sense. The client will simply be denied blocking until the debts on the account are fully repaid. It is for this reason that there are fewer problems with debit plastic.

Filling out the application

I wonder how to close Sberbank? After everything necessary documents collected, and the citizen has also chosen the nearest branch of the financial organization, you can begin the main actions. We are talking about going to the bank. At the Sberbank branch, he is obliged to inform about his intentions to close the account and block the card. Employees fill out an application based on the provided plastic. It is then given to the client for signature. Second important stage completed.

You should pay attention to the following nuance: if a citizen has one, then if the account is completely blocked, it is necessary to somehow return the available funds. When an application for refusal to use bank plastic is drawn up, it states that Sberbank undertakes to return the money either as a money transfer to any account or in the form of cash. Now all that remains is to wait.

Receiving statements

But before you rejoice, it is recommended to request a few more certificates from Sberbank. The thing is that often when blocking and closing any plastic card, problems may arise regarding the repayment of debts (both on the part of the financial institution and on the part of the client). Therefore, you should request certificates about blocking the card, as well as about the absence of debt to Sberbank. If we are talking about a company’s debt to a citizen, it is recommended to take any payment documents that confirm the transfer of funds from the account.

Only under such circumstances can one be fully protected from negative consequences. This is especially true for owners credit cards. But immediately after, you can expect from Sberbank to completely close the account and block the plastic. By the way, this does not happen right away. Closing debit card requires a wait of one and a half months (45 days). But credit cards stop working faster. You will only have to wait 30 days from the date of signing the application. Do not forget that when contacting Sberbank you will have to give away your bank card. It is disposed of in front of the client - cut up. You can destroy a face-down card yourself, but it is not recommended to do so.

Card blocking

But what if you want to keep your Sberbank account and refuse plastic? In this case, it is recommended to block the card. It is best to do this via the Internet or by phone. In the first case, authorization is made on the Sberbank Online website. In the "Personal Account" the client selects a specific bank card, then checks the “Block” checkbox. The operation is then confirmed using secret code, which will come as an SMS message to your mobile phone.

Second case - telephone conversation. A call is made to 8 800 555 55 50. The operator is informed of the client’s intentions to refuse banking plastic. Next, the citizen is asked for passport details for identification and a bank card number. All that remains is to name the code word that is used for some operations. It should initially be known only to the card owner. A few minutes of waiting - and it's done! Now it’s clear how to close a Sberbank card and an account linked to plastic.

They own the most massive salary projects in Russia. Thousands of debit cards are issued as part of these projects. Huge number debit cards are purchased by the population independently.

However, no matter how many cards Sberbank issues, the same number will be closed.

The usual validity period of a Sberbank PJSC debit card is 3 years. After this period, all cards cease to be valid. However, funds from the card account do not disappear, but remain the property of the client. Usually a planned replacement occurs, and the client continues to use the new “plastic” under the same conditions.

The situation is different when the card is closed early. Sometimes this happens at the initiative of the Bank, at the request authorized bodies. This can happen if the card or its holder is involved in illegal activities. Or if you suspect that the card is not being used by the person to whom it was issued, but by another person. IN similar situations the card may not be closed completely, but blocked until the circumstances of the case are clarified.

And early closure of a Sberbank debit card usually occurs at the client’s initiative.

Reasons for closing a Sberbank debit card by a user

There are several recurring reasons for this:

  • one Sberbank debit card is replaced with another, more favorable terms of use;
  • the Sberbank card is abandoned due to the termination of business with this credit institution, due to a transfer to another bank or a move to another country;
  • they refuse the card because seems too high;
  • a person has too much different cards, and it closes those that are less needed.

All of the above reasons are supported by one negative incentive:

A bank card that has no turnover does not become free. A fee is charged for its servicing, which over time becomes overdue, increases due to penalties, and becomes a reason for financial claims from the bank.

How to refuse a Sberbank card?

It should be understood that Sberbank PJSC, like other similar institutions, itself cancels issued cards.

Client, i.e. the cardholder only declares his desire to terminate the card, but does not close it himself.

If you destroy the plastic yourself, the bank will consider the card valid and charge a fee for servicing the card and the account opened for it.

Simply informing Sberbank about the refusal of the debit card issued by it is also not enough.

You will have to take several mandatory steps:

  1. repay possible debts to Sberbank related to the card;
  2. contact one of or otherwise contact him;
  3. verify your identity;
  4. make a statement about the refusal of a specific debit card;
  5. hand over the card to Sberbank employees, who must destroy it in full view of the client;
  6. wait until the end of the 45-day period after submitting the application;
  7. receive written confirmation from Sberbank PJSC that this debit card is closed and that there are no debts.

The last item on the list is often not given due attention, and in vain! If, due to a mistake by Sberbank employees (they should not be suspected of malicious intent), changes are not made to internal documents Bank, then the card will be considered valid. Unpaid debts for its maintenance will accumulate. Which, after some time, will become the reason for claims and even litigation.

In connection with the desire to close a Sberbank debit card, sometimes several more questions arise:

How to close a Sberbank debit card if you haven’t used it?

A card that was not used for payments does not change its quality, and a service fee was also charged for it. You will have to close it in the usual way/

How to close a Sberbank debit card via the Internet?

It is not possible to close a Sberbank PJSC card via the Internet. But you can block it. And not only via the Internet, but also by calling the Bank’s duty line/

How to close a Sberbank card while in another region?

To close a Sberbank card, you can contact any of its branches. The result of the operations will be the same/

Deadline for closing a Sberbank debit card

And one more clarification regarding the timing of the final closure.

You can find references to the cancellation of a Sberbank card after 30 days, uh This only applies to credit cards. Sberbank debit cards are completely closed only after 45 days.

In all cases, it will be useful to clarify the correctness of your actions with Sberbank employees.