Sunny boy illness. Sunny People Day

“I love dogs”, “I like my job at McDonald’s”, “I like going to the cinema with my friend Kitty”, “I support Chelsea”, “I like James Bond”... ordinary opinions of ordinary people, not much different from you and me - with only one difference: all these people, captured in a special photo album by photographer R. Bailey, were born with one extra chromosome.

The nuclei of human cells contain 46 chromosomes - 23 pairs. Sometimes, during the process of meiosis - a special division leading to the formation of sex cells - one of the pairs does not separate, the result is an egg or sperm with not 23, but 24 chromosomes, and when it meets a cell of the opposite sex, the result is a zygote not with 46, but with 47 chromosomes. Why is this happening? No answer yet. But it’s definitely not because people drink, smoke, take drugs or are in an area of ​​radioactive contamination - such an anomaly occurs in about one embryo in 700 (children who are allowed to be born are slightly less - one in 1000). The only pattern noticed so far is that in women over 35 years of age the probability is slightly higher, but no one guarantees that this will not happen to a younger mother.

An extra chromosome causes a number of changes in the structure and functioning of the body. Some of them are visible to the naked eye: a flat face, a flat back of the head, an arched palate and decreased muscle tone, as a result of which the mouth may be slightly open, a shortened skull, an additional fold of skin on the palm, a short nose. One of the most noticeable signs is a fold of skin at the inner corner of the eye, which is somewhat reminiscent of the shape of the eyes of representatives of the Mongoloid race. Because of this symptom, the English doctor J.L. Down, who described this syndrome in 1862, called it “Mongolism.” This term - as well as "Mongolian idiocy" - was used until 1972, when, after many years of struggle, it was finally recognized that the pathology cannot be equated with racial characteristics, and the modern name - Down syndrome - was established.

This chromosomal anomaly is not limited to external signs - heart defects, strabismus, leukemia, hormonal disorders often go hand in hand with it, therefore, regular medical examinations by relevant specialists are mandatory. The immune system is quite weak, so a person can suffer from infectious diseases more often and more severely. Once upon a time, for these reasons, people with Down syndrome did not live long - but modern medicine allows them to live to at least 50 years. Unlike Down syndrome itself, all this is completely treatable. Sometimes Down syndrome is accompanied by hearing impairment - in this case, the help of an audiologist is necessary.

What frightens parents most is developmental delay. Such children begin to hold their heads only by three months, sit down by one year, and walk no earlier than two years. Such people lag behind both in mental development and in speech (the latter is explained not only by delayed mental development, but also by the special structure of the oral cavity and reduced muscle tone - so classes with a speech therapist are mandatory).

As for the mental retardation of people with Down syndrome, it is greatly exaggerated. A severe degree of it is observed only in a few, and in most cases we are talking about a moderate or mild degree of decline in intelligence. Of course, in this case, too, a severe form with a complete inability to adapt to independent life among people can be “organized” - for this it is necessary to separate the newborn from his parents and place him in a special closed institution... which is what they have been doing for many years, thereby supporting the myth of the absolute unteachability of children with Down syndrome and their inability to adapt socially.

Meanwhile, if such a child remains with his parents, if he is taught using special methods, then his development can proceed relatively successfully. Of course, he will not graduate from university (although such examples are known), but it is possible to develop the skills of self-service and life in society, just as such people are quite capable of mastering some professions.

People with Down syndrome are often called “sunshine children”, attributing to them increased smiling and constant presence in a good mood. This is not so - of course, mood swings are inherent in them just like all people, but they have some characteristic character traits: they are obedient, patient. What is absolutely not characteristic of them is aggressiveness.

What is the position of such people in society?

A. Hitler included people suffering from “Mongolism” in his T-4 eugenics program, also known as “Action – Death of Pity”. Many modern doctors fully agree with the Fuhrer in his fight for the purity of the human race: as soon as an examination of a pregnant woman reveals Down syndrome or such a diagnosis is made to an already born child, a massive psychological attack on the parents immediately begins - “Have an abortion / write a refusal, you are still young , give birth to another child – healthy, why do you need a disabled person,” etc. Often “good” relatives and friends get involved in the “processing” (a woman can also be intimidated by the fact that her husband will definitely leave her with such a child). It is not yet proposed to kill children who have already been born - but there are already “progressives” pushing the idea of ​​the so-called. “postnatal abortion”... Not all parents can withstand such psychological pressure - many go for an abortion or abandon their children. As a result, children end up in orphanages where they do not receive proper development, thereby supporting the myth about the complete unteachability and social inadaptability of people with Down syndrome, which frightens new parents... such a vicious circle!

People who have visited Western countries notice that there both children and adults with Down syndrome can be found in stores, on the streets, and anywhere, while we don’t seem to have them - not because in the West Such people are more often born, but because they are not isolated from society there. Not every Western experience is worthy of imitation, but this is exactly what can and should be adopted. Moreover, children with mild mental retardation, with proper development, are quite capable of attending mass kindergartens and studying in regular schools.

Is it possible to introduce inclusive education for children with Down syndrome in Russia today? Perhaps not - and the point here is not only that not all teachers know how to work with them. Bring such a child to a regular kindergarten - not only will his peers begin to terrorize him, but his parents will also overwhelm the director, and there will be a LOT of angry appeals: “Why THIS is studying with our children!” However, this is not the only manifestation of an inadequate attitude towards people with disabilities in general, and towards people with Down syndrome in particular. How the parents of such children are tormented by the unhealthy interest shown by almost every acquaintance (even casual ones) - for some reason everyone is extremely interested in finding out “what is it because of”, “can it be cured”, “did you know about this before birth” , and most importantly - “it was probably hard for you to find out about this?” Some also begin to express condolences... truly, encountering a disability - be it Down syndrome or something else - is a wonderful “test” of tact, politeness, and simply humanity.

Down syndrome is a genetic pathology caused by an incorrect set of chromosomes.

It does not have preventive measures that guarantee the birth of healthy offspring, but there are diagnostic methods that make it possible to predict the birth of a “special” child, as well as medical and other methods that help him adapt to society and live a normal life.

The anomaly was first described by the British doctor D.L. Down, after whom it was later named. This happened in 1866, and a century later the French scientist J. Lejeune proved the genetic nature of the pathology, explaining it by the appearance of an excess chromosome.

A genetic deviation is formed at the stage of conception. Normally, during fertilization, the male and female reproductive cells merge, forming a single structure that receives 46 chromosomes - 23 from each parent. But the process of the birth of a new organism sometimes occurs with deviations. Thus, the development of Down's disease is promoted by the third chromosome in 21 pairs of elements.

Such a disorder leads to the birth of a child with a set of characteristics, due to which his development will occur more slowly than in healthy children. In the future, this threatens difficulties with education and training, however, in most cases, “special” people are able to master a minimum set of skills and abilities that allow them to adapt to society and obtain a profession.

Causes of appearance: why children are born with Down syndrome

According to medical statistics, the risk of conceiving a child with a genetic pathology increases significantly in the presence of the following factors:

  • mother's age over 40 years. This does not mean that women who give birth at a young age are insured against congenital anomalies in the child, but if before the age of 25 this happens in one case out of more than one and a half thousand, then after 45 the ratio is 1:20;
  • the father's age is over 45 years, which is due to a decrease in the quality of male reproductive cells in the second half of life;
  • consanguinity of future parents. A similar genome increases the risk of developing genetic abnormalities, including the syndrome in question;
  • the spouses (one or both) have a history of Down syndrome.

It is important to know that the appearance of an excess chromosome in a child is not associated with dysfunctions of the internal organs of his parents, the lifestyle of the spouses or the presence of bad habits.

Features of Down syndrome

People with Down pathology are called “special” or “children of the sun.” They have a number of features that affect their appearance, development, and health.

In appearance

An abnormal chromosome set contributes to the appearance of characteristic external signs, which include:

  • flat shape of the face and back of the head;
  • shortened skull;
  • cervical skin fold noticeable at birth;
  • a special eye shape reminiscent of a Mongoloid;
  • increased joint mobility;
  • curvature of the phalanges of the middle part of the fingers;
  • slightly open mouth;
  • dental abnormalities;
  • flat shape of the bridge of the nose;
  • shortened nose.

Most of the above is due to slow intrauterine development, which is typical for this pathology. Moreover, in each person they can manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. In some cases, no more than three characteristic signs can be noticed.

People with Down syndrome, unfortunately, do not live very long. Just 30 years ago, their average life expectancy barely reached 30 years, and today the majority reach the age of 50 years or older. Much depends on the severity of congenital anomalies and the degree of underdevelopment of internal organs, the dysfunction of which significantly reduces the viability of the organism as a whole. The capabilities of modern medicine make it possible to successfully correct most disorders.

In development

The growth and development of a child with Down syndrome occurs at a slow pace. This applies to both physiology and psyche. Later than their peers, they begin to speak, crawl, walk and eat without assistance.

Until recently, it was believed that “special” children were not teachable. Fortunately, with the right approach, using special techniques, many of them demonstrate good intellectual abilities, comparable to the average level of development of a healthy person.

Difficulties with learning are often explained by auditory and visual impairment, poor speech development. Nevertheless, people with Down pathology are able to master a school course and even graduate from a university. They, as a rule, play musical instruments well, do simple work and can easily lead the life of an ordinary person.

What diseases most often accompany

A genetic anomaly caused by the third chromosome in the 21st pair is the cause of poor health, since the internal organs of the fetus are formed with disturbances, and at the time of the birth of the child, many of them are simply underdeveloped. Among the pathologies characteristic of people with Down syndrome are the following.

Heart and vascular defects

They occur in half of the cases, and are expressed:

  • intracardiac septal defects;
  • improperly formed atrioventricular canal;
  • pulmonary stenosis and other disorders.

With timely medical diagnosis and help, all of them can be corrected surgically, which will increase the child’s chances of a long life.

Development of cancer tumors

“Special” children often suffer from the appearance of malignant pathologies, the most common of which is leukemia. In addition to blood problems, they are more likely than others to have liver cancer, breast and lung tumors.

Thyroid diseases

The most common is hypothyroidism. It is diagnosed in almost 30% of “sunny” people. Among the reasons are congenital endocrine organ failure and improper functioning of the immune system.

In order to prevent irreversible changes, it is important to undergo annual control diagnostics and follow the endocrinologist’s prescriptions. Therapy consists of taking medications containing synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones.

Pathologies of the digestive system

We are talking about conditions such as:

  • duodenal atresia is a congenital anomaly in which the lumen of the corresponding section of the intestine is closed, the proximal edge is expanded to the size of the stomach, and the distally located and collapsed loops have a diameter of up to 0.5 cm;
  • Hirschsprung's disease is a developmental anomaly of the large intestine that causes severe constipation. In children with this pathology, anal atresia is diagnosed.

These gastrointestinal disorders are corrected surgically.

Reproductive dysfunctions

They are more often observed in males with Down syndrome, who are unable to reproduce because their sperm are underdeveloped. Women are not deprived of the opportunity to conceive and give birth to offspring, but pregnancy often ends prematurely, including at short terms. If a child is born on time, in half of the cases he is diagnosed with a genetic pathology inherited from the mother.

Neurological disorders

People with Down anomaly are at risk for epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. In a quarter of them, these disorders are noticeable already in middle age.

Visual impairment

“Sunny” people see poorly because they suffer:

  • myopia or strabismus;
  • farsightedness or astigmatism;
  • cataract or glaucoma.

The patients themselves, due to their characteristics, do not always report deterioration in vision; loved ones can understand this by their changed behavior. To correct disorders, the ophthalmologist prescribes glasses. It can be difficult for “special” children to get used to wearing them regularly, but when they succeed, their vision becomes noticeably better. In severe cases, it is restored through surgical treatment.

Weak hearing

Insufficient hearing acuity can be either congenital or acquired. It is not difficult to identify violations; this is possible even at home, using a rattle test. However, the situation may worsen with age, so parents of “sunny” children should not neglect regular diagnostics. Timely detection of pathology makes it possible to quickly begin treatment and save the baby from absolute deafness.

Difficulty breathing

Due to the peculiarities of the development of the oral organs, people with a genetic abnormality suffer from apnea. When sleep apnea occurs infrequently and is not causing concern, no treatment is required.

In exceptional cases, for example, if the tongue is too large, surgery is suggested. The correction allows not only to relieve breathing problems, but also to facilitate the speech process.

Musculoskeletal problems

They can be expressed by such deviations as:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • insufficient number of ribs;
  • irregularly shaped fingers;
  • short stature;
  • curvature of the chest.

In this case:

  • dysplasia is corrected through the use of orthopedic structures, and when this does not bring the desired results, surgery may be recommended.
  • clinodactyly (curvature of the finger phalanges), which actively develops before puberty, can only be corrected surgically, but this is done extremely rarely and only in cases where the problem becomes the cause of serious inconvenience.

This list of pathologies is not exhaustive; others are possible. Much depends on individual characteristics. In this regard, people with Down anomaly need special care and concern from older family members.

Forms of Down syndrome

There are three forms of Down syndrome:

  1. Standard. It is diagnosed more often than others. More than 90% of newborns with a genetic abnormality are born with this particular form.
  2. Translocation. Its peculiarity is that the extra chromosomal unit of 21 pairs - in whole or in part - is attached to another. In 75% of cases this happens by chance, but it can be caused by the presence of a similar disorder in the father or mother.
  3. Mosaic. Formed in early embryogenesis, when fragmentation occurs. At the same time, a certain number of cells have a healthy set of chromosomes, and partially compensate for the disorders that are caused by cells with an abnormal karyotype.

What signs can be used to recognize pathology before birth?

Nowadays, developmental disorders caused by an excess of chromosomes can be identified even at the stage of intrauterine development. Special diagnostic methods have been developed to allow this to be done.

During pregnancy

A woman takes a blood test for:

  • free b-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The study is scheduled at 8–13 and 15–20 weeks;
  • AFP (alpha fetoprotein), which should be tested in the first trimester, is better at 11 weeks.

The results allow us to make assumptions about possible genetic pathologies of the fetus, or their absence.

As for the ultrasound method, it is also used, but it does not accurately determine Down syndrome, but only makes it possible to recognize abnormalities of intrauterine development caused by this pathology.

Violations are indicated by such signs as:

  • large collar area;
  • underdevelopment of the nasal bone;
  • small size of the fetus compared to what it should be at a given time;
  • reduced size of the upper jaw;
  • short femurs and humeri;
  • Bladder too large;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the presence of a single umbilical cord artery;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • oligohydramnios.

The data obtained is taken into account when making a diagnosis.

Is it possible to “predict” the appearance of a child with the syndrome using tests? If yes, which ones?

When the studies mentioned above do not provide a clear answer to the question of the development of an abnormal syndrome, invasive diagnostic methods are prescribed. They are associated with certain risks, since they involve instrumental manipulations in the uterine cavity, but they clearly identify or refute Down’s pathology in the fetus.

For this purpose, use:

Is it possible to be cured? How far has medicine come in this direction?

Currently, there is no way to cure Down syndrome, because it is impossible to correct congenital pathology caused by an excess number of chromosomes with drugs and surgeries. But medical science does not stand still; research in this area continues.

An undoubted success is that today many health disorders caused by Down syndrome are being corrected. Next in line is the development of drugs that will expand the intellectual abilities of “special” people. In the meantime, the easiest way to increase capacity and improve brain function is through physical activity and a stimulating environment. Animal experiments have confirmed that it stimulates neurogenesis and promotes the formation of synapses - indicators of brain development.

As for radical solutions to combat the root cause of Down syndrome by “switching off” (inactivating) the extra chromosome, they exist. The scientific medical community, led by genetic engineering specialists, continues to work in this direction. Today, there are technologies that make it possible to get rid of an extra chromosomal unit in fibroblast (connective tissue) stem cells. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to edit human DNA in this way, since the technique requires additional research and improvements.

Nuances of raising and caring for a child

Caring for a newborn baby with Down syndrome differs in the specifics of feeding, which is due to:

  • features of the maxillofacial structures;
  • muscle hypotonia;
  • imperfection of the nervous system.

These babies are fed slowly to prevent aspiration. The use of a horn with mother's milk is carried out as standard. This method of feeding a baby is inconvenient for the mother, but is necessary for its immune support and the prevention of various health disorders. That is why “special” children, like ordinary children, are recommended to be fed with breast milk for as long as possible.

People with sun syndrome are prone to gaining excess weight. To avoid this, the child’s diet must be balanced and physical activity must be adequate, regardless of age.

A separate problem is apnea. To prevent sleep apnea, doctors advise raising the head of the crib or recumbent stroller by up to 10 degrees. In addition, it is recommended to turn the baby on his side when he falls asleep.

  • periodically show the child to the local pediatrician within the time limits provided for in the dispensary observation plan;
  • follow all doctor's recommendations;
  • do not neglect consultations and appointments of highly specialized specialists - neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist, cardiologist, immunologist and others.

A “special” child goes through the same stages of development as an ordinary child, only more slowly. To speed up the process, you need to devote a lot of time to the baby and work with him. This will allow the little person, as far as possible, to catch up with his peers in skills such as:

  • independent walking, dressing, eating;
  • the ability to speak and understand speech, expanding your vocabulary every day;
  • communication, ability to maintain eye contact;
  • correct behavior, reading, counting and writing.

The sooner regular classes begin, the more active the child’s development will be, the more independent he will be, which means the happier his future will be.

Older family members should be patient and kind to the “sunny” child, because almost everything is very difficult for a child. He:

  • remembers only after repeated repetition;
  • understands well when spoken in a calm, measured tone, in simple phrases and simple words;
  • does not answer immediately, and the pause can last a long time, because you need to think through the question well and think about the answer;
  • She doesn’t communicate well with strangers, so it’s difficult to find a nanny.

The main goal of raising a child with Down syndrome is to bring him to the maximum level of development available to him. The abilities of “special” children are often underestimated, but yet they:

  • understand much more than they can say;
  • imitate well and take on skills well from friends and other people they like;
  • affectionate and friendly;
  • They enjoy caring for animals.

Many of them surpassed ordinary, healthy people with their successes and achievements in life.

Video: excerpt from the program “Live Healthy”

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Every woman awaits the birth of her baby with trepidation and impatience: pictures of happy walks together and endless joy are drawn in her head. Now the child began to smile, now for the first time he holds his head, looking at the world with wide open serious eyes. These are the first steps, and this is the first word “mother”.

The birth of a baby with Down syndrome

Sometimes, instead of the expected serene happiness when meeting a child, the world collapses on parents with a roar and pain. Often the diagnosis of Down syndrome sounds like a sentence that is unbearable to live with. Adults don’t understand - what to do now? How can you cure something that is not even a disease in the broad sense of the word? How to show the baby to relatives and what to do with all the rosy plans that suddenly turned out to be mercilessly crushed and trampled?

The enormous pain of a particular family becomes a line of dry statistics: in Russia there is one case of Down syndrome per 884 newborns. What follows is a series of soulless figures: how many children with diabetes simply die, left without parental affection and love in the first year of life, how they develop and integrate into the ordinary life of ordinary children, if you work with them patiently and persistently. But the most important thing is how each of us can help such a special baby, because “sunny children” grow up side by side with our children, go to the same kindergartens and schools.

Children with Down syndrome and society

The topic of special children is often taboo in our country. It is more convenient for society to pretend that there are no children with Down syndrome - yes, special programs have been developed to support parents, psychologists and physiotherapists work. But parents - and then the immediate environment, and then neighbors, acquaintances and complete strangers - find themselves in a kind of vacuum. Misunderstanding and lack of information gives rise to fear, fear pushes to rejection - what if the baby can become infected? What if his developmental characteristics could be dangerous for other children?

Mission of “solar children”

But it’s no coincidence that children with Down syndrome are usually called “sunny.” These are very sweet, friendly, quiet and calm children who are able to enjoy the most ordinary little things - and, perhaps, can teach some of us to sincerely and selflessly love. But this is probably the most important thing - this is what we come to planet Earth for. To love and be loved. The rest is just a frame and tools for the manifestation of a bright and warm feeling, without which life would have stopped completely long ago.

“Don't believe in stereotypes. Believe in the person"

In this light, the work of charitable foundations, public organizations and some television channels is difficult to overestimate - they take on an educational function, trying to reach the hearts of each of us. October is World Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Social campaigns have been launched on several media platforms at once, which tell in detail and calmly about children with diabetes and how they live among us.

For example, the project “Children of the Sun,” which airs on TLC on Wednesdays at 9 pm, talks about what often remains hidden from the eyes of the general public. How do children with diabetes grow, how do emotions and everyday habits develop? How do they gradually learn to make friends and communicate with other ordinary people? Each of the stories is the story of a specific child and his family. This is a story about children who may live in the same yard with you. They are not at all as helpless as they might seem: many of them are quite capable of taking care of themselves in everyday life, acquiring new knowledge, and are very happy when they are able to use it.

All that is needed from each of us is to try to understand for ourselves that absolutely no one is immune from such a chromosomal pathology, “sunny children” can be born in any family, and some of them grow up to be outstanding and even brilliant people, history knows a lot. Among them are world-famous and successful artists Raymond Hu and Michael Jurgue Johnson, actress, athlete and lawyer Paula Sazh, teacher and champion swimmer Karen Gaffney.

An extra chromosome should not make a person superfluous

These children are special, but this extra chromosome should in no case make the child himself superfluous to society. The sooner we all understand this and can convey it to our own children, the sooner our world will become a much more pleasant place to live. The ability to love is given to us by heaven. And the sun. “Sunny children” show with every minute of their lives that the word “love” means a little more: after all, when you give sincerely, in return you invariably receive many times more. Just like that. Because the sun is the same for everyone.

Socialization is one of the key points that allows society to accept families with special children

PHOTO: Irina Khlebnikova

On March 21, the world annually celebrates World Down Syndrome Day. This genetic disease can be caused by the appearance of an additional 47th chromosome in the genetic code; the cause can also be the splitting of the 46th chromosome at the very beginning of fetal formation.

Who are the “sun children”?

“Sunny children,” as children with Down syndrome are also called, have problems with hearing and vision, height and weight, skin and immunity. Diseases can haunt them from birth - not every such person lives to old age. But the disease does not prevent many from successfully socializing in society, loving and being creative.

Specialists from the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Medical Genetic Research Center” told RIA Novosti about factors that can provoke the birth of a child with Down syndrome. The main reason for genetics was the woman’s age, categorically refuting earlier arguments that the economic and social status of parents can affect the appearance of a “special” child.

Advice for expectant mothers

What else can trigger Down syndrome? A VM correspondent asked this question to an expert - senior nurse of one of the Moscow clinics Anna Knyazeva.

To avoid harming the fetus during pregnancy, there are many recommendations. And the most common ones have been mentioned more than once: do not smoke, do not drink, avoid physical activity, do without antibiotics and other medications that can affect the development of the fetus. Rubella can have dangerous consequences; the mother should also be wary of toxoplasmosis, which can be contracted from animals.

The test, which will help determine the likelihood of having a baby with Down syndrome, is usually carried out at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound, hormone tests and a program that will calculate the likelihood of having children.

Anna Knyazeva has experience working with “sunny children”.

No one will answer you how to communicate with them. Everything is very individual. You can build a behavior model only when faced with a problem. Establishing contact is the same as with ordinary children, but the “sunny child” is usually less sociable because he almost does not perceive human speech.

How to adapt a special child to society?

Adaptation of a child with Down syndrome is a global issue, and it is difficult to give universal recipes, says Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Ponomareva - educational psychologist, deputy director of the Educational Center of the non-profit organization "Downside Up Charitable Foundation". - There is no magic wand yet to solve it...

The main stage of a child’s socialization, she is sure, occurs at school. But how to prepare such a baby for it?

According to the law, both kindergartens and schools must accept any children, the expert notes. - But many local regulations allow this law to be circumvented. For example, a family has just moved to Moscow, and the school may not be ready to accept a special child, because he is not adapted to living in a group, and the teachers do not know how to approach him.

Here there must be a mutual movement towards each other: both society - towards the child, and the child - towards society.

Let’s say that twenty years ago parents hid their special children,” says the expert. - We went out for walks with them only at night, so that no one would see them. Fortunately, today a lot has changed: society has begun to treat such children more tolerantly. But all the same, both society and special children themselves need to be prepared for the fact that they will need to live among people: teach them how to behave, how to explain themselves, even if it is difficult for them to speak.

Ekaterina Ponomareva also notes that families with a child with Down syndrome are greatly helped by charitable foundations and organizations.

It's not enough to work only with the child, she says. - You may not succeed, because both your mother and the whole family need support. For them it is a great grief and stress. And most of the work falls not on the shoulders of specialists and teachers, but on the shoulders of loved ones: getting to know the rules and norms of behavior, and learning to communicate and self-care... Without teaching the family what to do and how to communicate with the “sunny child” , the work will not be successful.

Separately, the expert notes that parents in any case must take into account all the risks.

There are families who, no matter what, do not want to terminate the pregnancy; they want this child and are ready to love and raise him. They believe in fate: it just happened, it happened, and we will raise this child... So the task of the foundations is to help such families: make an appointment with a psychologist, provide all the necessary information about the symptom, introduce them to special children and communicate with them , and then make your own decision. The funds support the family in any decision it makes, notes the educational psychologist.

There are some families who, no matter what, do not want to terminate the pregnancy, they want this child and are ready to love and raise him

PHOTO: Irina Khlebnikova, “Evening Moscow”

The most important advice

It is important to find a specialized center where they will help both the mother and her loved ones. They will suggest a psychologist who will teach you how to overcome the first, most difficult stage, advises Ekaterina Ponomareva.

According to the specialist, very often parents of special children teach them to read, count, and develop fine motor skills, but you need to pay attention to socialization and to making them, if possible, independent.

We saw children abroad who, perhaps, had difficulty calculating something, but they were well versed in everyday matters and behaved wonderfully. After all, you won’t want to communicate even with an ordinary person if he is not well-mannered. So, some parents of special children do not care at all about raising their child, but they like to reproach society for not loving them.

A place in society for “sunny children”

The possibility of realizing a special child in modern society is a separate issue that Ekaterina Ponomareva focused on. She said that among them there are many talented people who simply see the world around them differently.

Everything is very individual. Looking at a child, you cannot immediately tell whether he has abilities. But if there are difficulties, for example, with speech, then other ways of expression are sure to open up, notes the educational psychologist. - But, unfortunately, there are few places where they are willing to hire such a person. After all, he will need special conditions and, possibly, accompaniment at first, and it is possible that he will continue to do so. Few people in organizations are ready to do this, but creative studios are not constrained by such “restrictions.”

We can only hope that in the near future conditions for special children will become better. And society will come out to meet them.