Hyaluronic acid injections into the lips: all the details of the procedure, before and after photos. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Let's start with the fact that I first had a hyaluronic acid injection at the age of 20 (I'm now 25). Then there was the peak of the popularity of this procedure: in Ukraine they began to talk en masse about lip augmentation, and many also began to actively “try” this procedure en masse. I also came under this influence. But mostly I enlarged my lips because psychological factor: I broke up with my boyfriend, who forbade me from any changes in appearance of this kind. I realized that nothing is holding me back now. I wanted a change and decided to make my lips sexier. I was happy with the shape of my lips, but not with their volume. It seemed to me that if there was more volume, then the entire emphasis would be not on the nose or eyes, but on the lips. This is exactly the effect I was looking for. I wanted radical changes.

How did I decide?Of course, like any girl, I read the forums. I had the idea for about six months, but decided in one day. That day I got a tattoo, dyed my hair light color and did the lips. All in one day.

A little about the financial side of the procedure

As a rule, each doctor works with certain brands of drugs. Basically, the French drug Juvederm is now very popular throughout Europe. With its help, you can enlarge your lips for a period of 8 to 15 months. Surgiderm is also popular. There is also Princess, but many have abandoned it. When I had my lips augmented, I trusted my doctor. He worked with several drugs and recommended Juvederm to me. It is more expensive, but I have never had any problems after the procedure (the effect did not disappear, etc.). The last thing you should worry about is any risk of allergic reactions. All preparations are hypoallergenic, and besides, hyaluronic acid is a component native to humans.

The procedure at that time (2011-2013) cost 6.5 thousand UAH. Now the same procedure would cost me 8 thousand UAH. In general, the price for the procedure greatly depends on the name of the doctor and his popularity. The more popular the doctor, the more expensive the procedure will cost.

About choosing a doctor

The moment of trust in the doctor is very important. If you trust the doctor, then you trust the drugs he uses. If you don't trust, leave there and don't come back. ABOUTBe sure to look at the photos of his works: a good doctor will never hesitate to post them online. Most often, he will even answer your questions personally regarding costs, possible risks, etc.

A good doctor will never add more volume, but on the contrary, he will always try to dissuade you if you are already overstepping some boundaries, violating the proportions of your face, and ask to inject more drug than necessary.

He will immediately dissuade you from this idea.

What happened before and during the procedure

Before the procedure itself, the doctor held a consultation, where she told me everything in detail about what would happen now and answered all my questions. Before the procedure, my lips were smeared with lidocaine ointment. I lay with her for about ten minutes until I felt numb. Anesthesia makes the injection procedure easier, but you still feel like something is being injected into your lips.

Even during the process of injecting me with the drug, the doctor constantly gave me a mirror and asked “maybe we’ll add it here,” “let’s adjust it here,” etc. And I had already decided whether I liked this idea or not. A good doctor is very well versed in facial proportions and knows what needs to be corrected.

I'm not afraid of injections, but I admit, the effect of an injection in the lips is not the most pleasant. It's very easy to endure: it's no more painful than a regular blood draw from a vein, but it's still unpleasant when a needle is passed over your face. After all, they give you a lot of injections in different areas of your lips. They prick, then knead, then prick again, etc. The procedure is not pleasant, but in my opinion it is tolerable.

Feelings after the procedure

There is a generally accepted norm: after the lip augmentation procedure, there will be swelling for 2 days. And if during the procedure the doctor accidentally gets into the capillary, a bruise will form in its place.

For three days after the procedure, I didn’t plan anything, because I understood that the swelling would be visible to people. And the lips were too big. By the way, during these 3 days you are not allowed to drink hot drinks or paint your lips. After 3 days, your lips return to normal and you can do whatever you want. Overall, my lips feel like my own. You can do everything with them: eat cold, hot, kiss, etc. The only thing that is not recommended is going to the sauna and bathhouse: the drug will dissolve faster.

How often should lip correction be done?

Corrections can be made at any time. If you feel the urge to go and inject hyaluronic acid again 2 weeks after the procedure, you can do it calmly. Ideally, before administering the drug, the doctor tells you what its duration of action is. If it is 8 months, then the correction is recommended to be done after the same period of time. In my case, 7 months passed between the first and second procedures: I felt that the effect was no longer the same and I wanted to start everything again. I had lip augmentation for the second time already at 15 months.

A woman must understand when she needs correction. If she has severe asymmetry (lower lip is normal but upper lip is very thin, or vice versa), then she will most likely repeat the procedure a little earlier, because When the drug is absorbed, the effect of asymmetrical lips will become noticeable again.

The duration of the effect (7, 15 months) depends on the density of the drug. The denser the drug, the longer it does not dissolve. I have tried both less dense and denser preparations and I cannot say that there is any difference between them in terms of visual effect. And the lips feel the same.

What happens to the lips after the gel dissolves. Possible negative consequences

The lips become exactly the same as they were before the injections. There is no feeling that they are stretched out like an accordion. But the only thing that can happen to the lips after injections is the appearance of lumps. This is a mini-form of fibrosis, in which tissue dies at the injection site. Their appearance depends on the qualifications of the doctor and on certain individual characteristics your body. I only have one lump left. It can be removed with hyaluronidase. But I don’t want to do this and I have absolutely no complexes about it. Let it remind me of that time.

In women who prick their lips, these lumps form over the years. This indicates that too much of the drug was injected into certain areas. Before deciding on this procedure, it is important to understand that the more injections done over several years (no matter how high-quality the drug is), the greater the risk that these lumps will become larger in size. This once again suggests that you should always know moderation in everything. Perhaps someone is luckier and avoids such unpleasant consequences.

When I first took a speech technique course at 22, my teacher immediately told me “yeah, the lips are not my own. It will be very difficult for you to study.”

And yes, indeed, if the hyaluronic lips did not prevent me from kissing, eating, drinking and doing whatever I wanted, then it was difficult with my speech technique, because these lips were really big. They prevented me from correcting some speech defects.

It was not difficult to speak, but if you practice speaking technique professionally, it is really inconvenient.

Now even if I wanted to enlarge my lips, I would not do it, because I quality is more important speech, which I am currently continuing to work on. This is very important for the presenter.

About the change in the attitude of my family and friends towards me

My mother was against lip augmentation, and so was my grandmother (I grew up in a feminine environment). Most likely, if my father were next to me, he, of course, would not forgive me for this (my father is of Eastern blood). Mom treated this as just another whim: she, like any mother, thinks that everything is fine with me anyway. She considered this act stupid, and the more often I pricked my lips (and I did this for 2 years), the more often I heard from her “why do you need this”, “was beautiful girl, but you become like something unknown.”

And yes, it always seemed to me that it was not enough. Once you inject your lips, it will be impossible to stop. It’s like with tattoos: you get one and then you won’t rest until you get it all over your body.

It’s very difficult to adequately evaluate yourself afterwards: look in the mirror one day and say to yourself, “Okay, stop, that’s enough!”

About the changes that happened to me

I would be disingenuous if I said that lip augmentation did not change me. Even before lip augmentation, I did not suffer from a lack of attention from men, but after I had my lips done, I really felt the increased attention of men to me. But for me this attention was negative. I very often heard the question from men “are these yours or not?” Well, of course not mine! I was honest with men and always said that “yes, not mine, yes, I corrected them.” I began to understand that, combined with my naturally large breasts, these lips give a more vulgar effect, that everyone begins to view me not as a person who has an inner world, but as a sexual object. I felt a lot of negative attention for me.

Photo after lip augmentation procedure

How it really turned out

Yes, after that I felt different. I wanted change, well, here you go, get it. I felt more attention on myself. I won’t say that the problem of lip augmentation has ever helped a girl in her career, relationships, etc. You can do your lips and face plastic surgery at least 300 times, but you still mentally remain the same person. Lips weren't my thing, so I took this change as some kind of attempt to improve myself.

I know girls who get their lips done and view it as a kind of investment in themselves. They think that the plumper and sexier their lips, the more... more men will be drawn to them. I confirm this fact: indeed, more men are drawn to such girls (and I don’t know what attracts them all so much to these lips), but until now it is the artificiality of the lips, when everything is very visible, that attracts them. Men, I have a big question for you.

A girl who gets her lips done should be prepared for increased attention from men. If this is an end in itself, then it will be achieved.

What if appearance will not correspond to your inner world if you have reshaped yourself and become a femme fatale, but inside you remain an ordinary girl who wants to be happy, in love, even if it is a student, and you do not pursue the goal of finding a male sponsor or a male daddy, then you shouldn't do lips. After all, who usually falls for such girls? Let's be clear: these are men who can offer something to a woman and in return receive her provocative appearance. This is a kind of investment, and a smart man with money understands this. Who would have thought that I wouldn’t like this attention, I wouldn’t like those men who come up to meet me in a cafe. This is not at all the segment of men with whom I want to communicate.

You pump yourself up and men think “yeah, that means she wants to justify this investment, which means she can be bought.” Such a girl focuses on things that provoke men.

At some point I began to ask myself the question “why am I doing this? What I have initially is enough.” And I stopped making corrections. This decision was partly influenced by the performed rhinoplasty, therefore, together with the corrected shape of the nose, I was not at all embarrassed by the lips that had already been “deflated” to their natural volume. I also think that I stopped doing this because I grew up: 20 and 25 years are still a big difference. Many things in life have changed.

Photo of natural lips after resorption of the drug

I won’t lie, there are times when I think “shouldn’t I go do something?” But I don’t go to the doctor because I understand that this is some kind of fleeting desire. Instead, I'll either get busy with work or just go out and buy myself a dress. Women who are used to coping bad mood, constantly changing something about themselves, they can simply lose themselves. Just play around.

Appearance is short-lived, and over time you will no longer have it. It is better to invest not in breasts or a new face, but in brains. This is the best investment. It may sound pretentious, but that's how it is.

You need to understand whether the desire to change something in yourself is associated with dissatisfaction with yourself psychologically, or whether you really cannot live with some external defect. I've never been against it surgical interventions and beauty injections, since she resorted to both: if a person wants to do it, please. How many women have these lips saved (for example, those who have had a small upper or lower lip since birth), how many have raised their self-esteem and allowed themselves to feel like everyone else. Lip augmentation is indeed a very cool way to correct many problems, but, like everything else, changes need to be approached wisely.

Don't skimp on the procedure.

If you are doing the procedure for the first time, start with a volume of 0.6 ml to get used to your new lips and so that the changes are minimal.

Be prepared for the fact that every time you enlarge your lips, you will feel like you haven’t injected enough. It's like a drug. Don't be fooled.

Don't forget that big lips add age.

If you are unhappy with the result, this can always be corrected with the help of hyaluronidase, which dissolves the drug.

Several ways to correct lips have been invented:

  • injection plastic surgery
  • thread lifting with threads
  • surgical plastic surgery

First of all, we need to talk about injection plastic surgery, since it is the most popular and affordable. The point is that without surgical intervention using various fillers (fillers) to emphasize the contour of the lips, increase their volume, and give the desired shape.

The technology is very simple - an injection of the drug. Hyaluronic acid is most often used as a filler, since it is a substance that is already produced in the body itself. But besides this, sometimes a gel is introduced; silicone and acrylic are used as a filler. The procedure begins with makeup removal and disinfection. Then anesthesia is performed, which can be either application or infiltration. In the first case, a special cream is applied. In the second, lidocaine or another anesthetic is injected between the teeth into the jaw.

The main stage is contour and volumetric plastic surgery. The smaller the amount of the drug is administered, the more natural the result will be. This rule especially applies to the upper lip, since too much filler can cause the lower lip to overhang. In addition, it is not advisable to undergo plastic surgery on lips that are naturally too voluminous. Complete the procedure is easy massage.

Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts: all these (and many, many others) actresses undergo lip contouring.

But when famous plastic surgeon starts analyzing the faces of stars of the first magnitude, for some reason he does not undertake to assert with confidence that lip correction actually took place. How can this be?

Because only unsuccessful the work can be seen from afar. The higher the actress’s fee, the more diligently she pretends that her beauty is due to her grandmother’s good genes, sleep and diet. Good work is almost invisible, and very often the fact of intervention can be determined only by indirect signs.

Celebrity lips before and after lip augmentation.

How to enlarge your lips to get a Red Carpet look?

Long gone are the days silicone fillers. Naturally beautiful and gracefully defined lips are in fashion. How to achieve such a result? Hyaluronic acid injections will help!

Modern lip augmentation technique hyaluronic acid allows:

  • increase lip volume,
  • correct their shape, even out asymmetry,
  • correct the contour of the lips and make them more expressive,
  • smooth out age-related changes– remove the so-called “purse-string wrinkles” above the lip, return them to a clear youthful contour,
  • raise the corners of the lips, etc.

At the same time, modern preparations provide hydration and keep lips soft and tender: you can easily pass any “kiss test”.

You may argue that injections of hyaluronic acid into the lips have been used for a long time, they are popular and there is no secret in this simple procedure. But there are secrets. As in any business, the secrets are in the details.

Expert comment:

Photos "before" and "after"

Lip contouring with filler.

Lip contouring.

Lip contouring.

Lip augmentation with Surgiderm 24xp. Completed: .

Elena Savitskaya "before" and 6 months after lip contouring with the drug "Equio". Natural smile without the effect of pumped lips. Performed by: Andrey Iskornev.

Upper and lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Neck liposuction. Thread neck lift. Removing Bish's lumps. Botulinum therapy. Lip contouring with Equio. Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

How to perform proper lip contouring

Girls often come to us at Platinental with a request to correct mistakes - to eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful correction - to reduce lips pumped up with hyaluronic acid in other salons.

This pursuit of size destroys fine anatomy and makes the lips the undivided dominant on the face, distorting.

We perform aesthetic correction by introducing small doses of an enzyme that destroys hyaluronic acid. Sometimes they are injected under the guise of hyaluronic acid silicone gels. Then you have to think about surgery.

In order not to waste time and money on correcting mistakes, it is better to ask the question of where to have lip correction done before the procedure.

Expert comment:

Rule #1.

It is better if the correction is carried out by a specialist who is well acquainted with orthodontics: the beauty of the lips is largely determined by the structure of the jaws, teeth and characteristics of the bite.

Rule #2.

The doctor must take your wishes into account.

During the consultation, he assesses the feasibility of your desires: the height of the top and lower lip, the relationship between them; features of the position of the lips in profile.

Rule #3.

Your doctor should not just be able to “inject filler.” He must be technically savvy, since different techniques lead to different results.

Ideally, he should know (in addition to the classical) the “Parisian lips” technique, No-Touch, cannula technique, etc.

Rule #4. Not just lips

The doctor must know at least 15 anatomical zones of the lips and their properties. Impact on different zones allows you to achieve completely different results.

For example, introducing gel along the contour of the lips can increase their size. Injections into the “body” of the lips and at the border with the mucous membrane make the lips plumper and more expressive. And you need to be very careful when correcting the central part of the upper lip so as not to destroy the sexy lines of the Cupid's arch.

Upper lip augmentation should be accompanied by injection Not large quantity gel into the area of ​​skin above upper lip– this provides a very harmonious final result.

And a good doctor will definitely make your face more attractive by turning the corners of your lips upward.

Good doctor It will definitely make your face more attractive by turning the corners of your lips upward.

Rule #5. The doctor knows how to correct age-related changes in the lips

Correcting the lip contour in this case requires special skill. The specialist must know how to restore clarity to the contour and smooth out vertical wrinkles around the mouth (they are also called purse-string wrinkles). To lift the drooping corners of the lips, a dense hyaluronic acid preparation is injected into them using a retrograde technique to impart a so-called stiffening rib.

This makes the facial expression friendly. The effect of this manipulation lasts up to 6 months.

The corners of the lips droop with age.

Rule #6. The doctor knows how to work within the professional paradox

Injections of hyaluronic acid into the lips have a professional paradox. To avoid migration of hyaluronic acid, the gel is injected quite deeply. But not too deep!

If the procedure is performed by a non-professional, then with deep “positioning” of the drug there is a risk of damage to the labial artery. The consequences can be completely unpredictable - from persistent bruises to artery blockage and necrosis.

Superficial injections lead to the formation of a wavy edge of the lips.

Rule #7. No-Touch technique: perfect lips without piercings

Does your doctor know the No-Touch technique?

The technique got its name due to the fact that to correct the lips, only 4 injections are required, and all four are outside the lip border. Using this technique, the contour of the lips is restored and their fullness is increased.

Rule #8. Cannula technique

At Platinental we offer a method of lip shape correction using the finest cannulas. The cannula is good for many reasons:

1. The blunt end of the cannula makes the procedure much less traumatic. A cannula, unlike a needle, moves apart rather than cuts tissue. Since the vessels are not damaged, the use of a cannula reduces swelling and bruising after the procedure. As a result, the rehabilitation period is also shortened.

A cannula is a very thin “needle” with a blunt tip that does not injure the lips during correction and leaves almost no bruises.

2. To fill your lips, you only need 2 tiny punctures outside the lip area.

3. Painful sensations when using cannulas, they are much less pronounced.

Rule #9. The Master's work is afraid.

The hands and knowledge of the doctor are no less (if not more) important than the drug itself. Only a qualified specialist can correctly distribute the product inside so that the lips look natural after hyaluronic acid.

Video procedure

Lip augmentation with Volbella

Why hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid never causes allergies or rejection. Therefore, injections with hyaluronic acid preparations are very actively used in aesthetic medicine. .

In 2014 alone, 1,696,621 procedures were performed.

The fact is that, unlike many artificial drugs, for example, silicone, hyaluronic acid is a substance that is synthesized by the body, that is, it is natural, “native” for it.


We beg you to use only proven gels based on hyaluronic acid to enlarge your lips.

Types of hyaluronic acid for lips

In our practice, we use various certified drugs (by the way, the package number will be pasted into your card - this is Rule No. 10):

  • Restylane (Restylane),
  • Juvilderm (Yuvederm),
  • Teosyal (Teosial),
  • Belotero (Belotero), etc.

These drugs are absolutely harmless and have been tested on hundreds of thousands of people. They do not cause allergies or rejection.

Today the most modern drug is Juvederm Volbella. It is created specifically to create the effect of swollen, “kissed” lips. It additionally contains an anesthetic (lidocaine), which helps make both the injection itself and the rehabilitation process almost painful.


There are really few contraindications for the use of hyaluronic acid:


For those who are very afraid of injections

There are more soft way lip augmentation - biorevitalization or. The effect of this procedure is less pronounced and does not last long, but it still provides a slight increase, a clearer contour and raising the corners of the lips.

This is how painless electroporation of the lips is performed.

Fears and reality

It's no secret that many of us prefer to suffer from imperfect appearance all our lives, afraid to see a doctor. Let's see what you shouldn't be afraid of.

Pain.Much depends on personal pain threshold, which is different for everyone. As a rule, injections modern drugs not very painful. More often we're talking about not about pain, but about unpleasant sensations that occur when the drug is distributed in the lip area.

However, any lip surgery is done with some kind of anesthesia. In case of severe pain, so-called “dental” anesthesia is performed, which completely removes all unpleasant sensations.

Regarding postoperative period, then, of course, the lips hurt immediately after hyaluronic acid - just like after the freezing done during dental treatment wears off. Painful sensations go by very quickly.

Swelling and bruising.Indeed, after the lip augmentation procedure, swelling occurs, which goes away within a few days or even hours. Some patients notice lumps or balls in their lips in the first hours, which then disappear as the drug is distributed in the lips. As for hematomas, they do not always appear. Their presence or absence is directly related to the level of professionalism of the doctor. Small bruises can appear on everyone, but after a couple of days they are quite successfully hidden under a layer of lipstick.

The result will not be noticeable or will not meet expectations.After the procedure, the doctor does not say goodbye to you; you will remain under his supervision for some time. If necessary, the lips are adjusted after two weeks to achieve exactly the effect you originally wanted.

How to behave after injections?

Hyaluronic acid injections are not abdominal surgery. Usually, the next day you can lead your usual lifestyle. Of course, with some restrictions.

For the first days after the procedure, you should not drink hot (and strong!) drinks, visit the bathhouse or sauna, or smoke. However, visiting the sauna and solarium, or staying in the sun for a long time, is generally undesirable if you do not want the results to quickly fade away. Your new lips require care. Keep them away from bright sun, excessive high temperatures, dehydration. Drink more water. In gratitude, your lips will look great and will give you another pleasant bonus: lips that are enlarged or corrected with hyaluronic acid will apply any lipstick much better and more evenly, they will not crack or dry out.

How long does the result of the procedure last?

Usually from six to eight months. If you treat your lips with care, the results will last up to a year. After this, you should plump up your lips again - and your beauty will remain with you for another year.


Lip correction requires jewelry precision and the highest professionalism.

You can find out the cost of the procedure in the "price list" section. The final amount depends on the chosen drug, its quantity, the need for anesthesia, the correction method and the availability of a clinic certificate (entitles you to a 10% discount on the certificate amount). That is why the price of your procedure is determined accurately only during a consultation.

Hyaluronic acid injections are called beauty injections. With their help, cosmetologists restore youth to the skin and add volume to the lips. The cosmetic procedure allows you to make them plump and correct their shape. She is one of the most popular and sought after among women of different ages.

Enlargement, hydration and rejuvenation

Hyaluronic acid is relatively safe and is not an analogue of silicone, as many believe. Essentially, it is a polysaccharide that is produced naturally in our body. It is part of tissues, binding water in cells and intercellular space. This keeps the skin youthful and elastic.

One molecule of hyaluronic acid accumulates a thousand molecules of water.

With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases. Can provoke its production using special procedures or administer through injections. Hyaluronic acid is also found in many moisturizers. But it only affects the upper layers of the skin.

Due to the fact that acid is a natural substance for the body, it is not rejected after artificial administration and does not cause allergies. How long does hyaluronic acid last on lips? One session is enough for six months. If desired, the injection is repeated. You can only trust it to professional cosmetologists.

Pros and cons

Hyaluronic injection takes a little time - from 15 to 30 minutes. The results are noticeable immediately. The injected drug does not shift or migrate. After a beauty injection, no rehabilitation is required.

Injection suitable for women aged 17 to 60 years. The injected substance is absorbed and excreted from the body without negative actions, and the contours return to their previous state.

The use of anti-aging and corrective agents leaves no marks, marks or scars. Repeated injection gives even longer lasting results.

The downside is painful procedure. Be patient for the sake of desired results Anesthesia will help, but some patients claim that they feel every needle prick, and the sensation is not pleasant. The use of the procedure has a number of contraindications.

In most cases, the service is absolutely safe, but hyaluronic acid based on animal material can cause allergies. That's why It is important to choose a salon with an impeccable reputation for the procedure, clarify what materials the cosmetologist works with, and be interested in reviews and recommendations.

The desire to be perfect sometimes goes beyond reason. In pursuit of trends, you can overdo it with injections and not notice how your lips look unnaturally large. It is important to stop in time.

Do it will help objective opinion people you trust. Experts are still arguing whether it is hyaluronic acid that is addictive and makes women of all ages run to the salon again and again for another injection.

Indications for correction

The famous blonde Marilyn Monroe noted that a girl should have beautiful eyes and lips. Of course, plump and sensual, they do not leave their owners without the attention of the male audience.

Each girl has her own reasons and motives for visiting a cosmetologist. This and compliance fashion trends, and the desire to become more beautiful for the sake of the beloved man, and a rebellion against Mother Nature, who did not reward her with plump lips. Cosmetologists distinguish three categories of women who decide to undergo the procedure:

  • Girls under 30 who want to look more attractive and sexy.
  • Injections of hyaluronic acid after 30 years help to emphasize the contour, remove asymmetry, and correct disproportion.
  • For women over 50 years old, the procedure lifts the corners and restores color.

What other fillers are used in cosmetology to rejuvenate and preserve beauty, read another article.

Contraindications to injections

Lip augmentation and correction are not available to everyone. In professional beauty centers They will refuse to administer hyaluronic acid:

  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • for inflammation in the area of ​​future injections;
  • patients with hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • during and after infectious diseases;
  • with blood clotting disorders.

resort to contour plastic surgery during menstrual cycle Experts also do not advise. This affects the duration of action of hyaluronic acid.

Preparation for the procedure and technique

No preliminary preparation is required before the introduction of a rejuvenating and corrective agent. The injection is given on an outpatient basis. It takes from 15 to 30 minutes. Cosmetic clinics use various fillers (fillers) with hyaluronic acid. Popular brands:

  • Stylage (France);
  • Pluryal (Luxembourg);
  • Restylane (Sweden);
  • Teosyal (Switzerland);
  • Surgiderm (France);
  • Juvederm (USA).

When there are no contraindications or health problems, all that remains is to discuss the desired shape of the sponges with a cosmetologist. Before injecting hyaluronic acid pain relief is required. Use a gel or an injection into the gum. This procedure is similar to a dental one.

Anesthesia lasts up to half an hour. During this time, the master must give the lips the required form. The drug for administration is in sealed disposable syringes, which guarantees sterility.

First, the cosmetologist makes an injection in the center of the lips. The procedure, although short, cannot be rushed. The drug should be evenly distributed along the contour. Afterwards the rest of the portion is introduced. There should be no lumps or lumps left.

To correct small lips, 1 ml of the drug is enough, for large lips – 2-3 ml. The substance is injected with a thin needle. After injections it is necessary light massage and a cold compress.

This video shows how lip augmentation and contour correction are performed using hyaluronic acid injections into the lips:

There are two techniques for administering the drug:

  • Filling the outline. It is carried out quickly, as swelling increases with every minute, which can affect the final results.
  • Lip filling. Gives more natural look. The injection is administered evenly over the pink surface.

After the injection, you can immediately return to your usual activities. However, there are several contraindications after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - what not to do for a few days:

  • use decorative cosmetics for the first three to four days;
  • visit the solarium throughout the week;
  • steam in the sauna;
  • swim in the pool;
  • accept hot bath;
  • drink hot drinks.

Doctors also advise refraining from kissing, not eating hot food and not smoking for several days after the injections.


One session is enough for your lips to noticeably transform. Hyaluronic acid increases their volume, making them plump and smoothing out the contour. The results, which depend on the skill of the cosmetologist and the quality of the filler, will be noticeable after two to three days.

In these photos you will see lips before and after injections with hyaluronic acid preparations to correct the contour, enlarge and lift drooping corners:

After two weeks, you should definitely visit a cosmetologist for a follow-up examination.

Possible complications

Drug in in rare cases causes allergic reactions . To avoid complications, it is important to tell your doctor about your health condition.

The day after the injections possible swelling and redness, the outline will be blurry because of this.

Don't be afraid. After a few days, the symptoms will go away if you follow the advice of a cosmetologist.

Average prices and doctors' opinions

Lip augmentation and correction with hyaluronic acid - a procedure with high cost. But considering that we are talking about beauty and aesthetics, there is no point in saving. The price depends on the manufacturer of polysaccharide-based injections and on the volume. On average, you will have to pay for beautiful lips from 15 thousand rubles. The services of a novice master may be cheaper, but it is worth considering all the risks.

Doctors advise patients to think through the pros and cons, and not to take the procedure lightly. Even if the doctor has high level qualifications, uses high-quality materials and has extensive experience in carrying out this kind procedures, he cannot guarantee the result if he does not know the whole truth about the patient’s health condition.

That's why hiding something, hoping for chance is extremely irresponsible. The procedure does not require much time, but it does require a lot of preparation. And it concerns the choice of a cosmetology center.

What is it good for and how to do it correctly? Find out all about its advantages and applications.

Videos and photos after the facial contouring procedure will help you decide whether to use this technique.

Plump and fresh lips are the dream of many women and one of the most clear signs beauty. But not everyone has been generously endowed by nature. And some girls have had a piece of their beauty taken away by insidious age-related changes. And in this case it comes to the rescue modern cosmetology, which can enlarge and correct lips safely and in a simple way- using hyaluronic acid.

Lip augmentation: five reasons for injections

Fashion trends, subjective factors, objective reasons, By at will or by medical indications- What pushes many girls to take such a step? And what are the reasons for the viability of the long-term trend for plump lips?

Until relatively recently, the idea of ​​adding volume to the lips was elevated to the rank of kitsch. At that time, women deliberately “pumped up” themselves and made themselves “dumpling lips” or “duck lips.” Now Naturalness and naturalness are in fashion.

But the reasons that prompt you to make some adjustments to your appearance with the help of contouring are still just as prosaic:

  1. One of the most common reasons is to add volume to naturally narrow or thin lips.
  2. But even owners of plump lips use this procedure to achieve an ideal look - an overall contour and a clear Cupid's bow.
  3. Acquired or natural disproportion and asymmetry of the lips, correction of the shape often become indications for filler injections.
  4. Elderly women are trying to correct age-related changes - “purse-string wrinkles” above the upper lip and sagging corners.
  5. But there are also those who, in search of a moisturized and smooth lip surface, are also ready to use this surgical intervention.

If you don’t want others to know about your little secret, about “plump” lips, then remember that lips by their nature have natural proportions, following which you can achieve a harmonious and ideal, and, most importantly, completely natural look after contouring.

How to achieve the required volume

At the stage of achieving your cherished dream, it makes sense to consider the question: “What techniques and methods do cosmetologists use to increase lip volume, and which option is right for you?”

Using fillers. Those unenlightened in this matter have a dual opinion that implants and fillers are almost the same thing.

But this is a strong misconception, since fillers for increasing lip volume based on hyaluronic acid (HA) are an injection material that is natural or synthetic gel filler, used for correction skin folds and wrinkles.

When injected, this natural polysaccharide is distributed evenly, filling the voids, and thereby smoothes out wrinkles by binding collagen fibers to each other, making the skin elastic and smooth, and you can immediately notice the lip enlargement in the photos before and after the procedure.

Eat different types fillers: Surgiderm, Restylane, Juvederm, which, subject to quality products, have general characteristics and the effectiveness of the result:

  • Non-toxic.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Affordable price.
  • No significant negative effects.
  • Compatibility with body cells.
  • Staying in the area of ​​introduction (without emigration).
  • Maintains volume for the stated time.

Lipofilling. This method of lip augmentation is based on the use of the body’s own reserves (fat formations). Considered relatively safe and fairly inexpensive the possibility of developing swelling in the lip area. But the effect is unstable, since adipose tissue has the property of dissolving.

Lip implants. A lot has been developed different types implants for lip augmentation, but their main drawback is that many of them are not approved for use and insertion into human organs, while the rest can be used, but not to achieve a cosmetic effect.

At the same time, when a client resorts to lip contouring for the first time, experts recommend opting for temporary augmentation with the help of fillers (or perhaps plump lips are clearly not your lifestyle?).

What is better to use to increase lip volume?

All over the world the most positive reviews, application and widespread have fillers where the base is hyaluronic acid, contained in its pure form in human tissues.

The increasing popularity was largely due to the ability of hyaluronic acid to retain and attract water molecules, due to which the skin of the lips looks healthy, young, acquires a charming alluring swelling and a clear contour.

Many similar fillers are approved by the FDA (America), which regulates the use of medical supplies and instruments.

However, the “blessing” of the FDA is not the ultimate truth, but only a small and pleasant bonus in matters of the safety of components, which, alas, does not eliminate the complications, side effects and contraindications that may appear after injection"approved" filler and hyaluronic acid in the lips:

  • Surgiderm 24 X.P. is characterized by a revolutionary three-dimensional matrix network of hyaluronic acid, which is resistant to decay (up to a year).
  • Restylane. “Soft” biogel based on hyaluronic acid, which makes it possible to model the volume and shape of the lips. But the effect of the procedure lasts up to six months.
  • Juvederm. It is characterized by uniform distribution under the skin and is famous for its prolonged results (up to one year).

What fillers are not advisable to use for lip augmentation?

Taking into account what is currently offered wide selection fillers made from hyaluronic acid, you need to know that it is completely not all of these fillers can be used on lips. Since there are many problem areas on the face.

Radiesse preparation. At its core is a complex chemical substance, which is part of the human bone tissue, it is for this reason that the drug is absolutely hypoallergenic and compatible. Smoothes and corrects nasolabial folds, wrinkles in the corners of the mouth, models the oval of the face. Leaves the body for several years.

Botox drug. A favorite topic for many people who are far from cosmetology. Are you ready to find out the secret? Botox is not a filler and certainly not an implant. It relaxes muscle tissue, blocking nerve impulses, due to which wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead are smoothed out. But this does not apply to lips at all!

Restylane Vital and Juvederm Hydrate. They are fully compatible with fillers and are used to biorevitalize the skin, increase its turgor, moisture, and lip color, but do not directly increase volume.

Juvederm gel line (Volift, Volbella and Voluma). Used to smooth out deep wrinkles and folds, for example, the forehead, cheeks or nasolabial hollows.

Preparing for the lip plumping procedure

To minimize the possibility of side effects and significantly reduce the rehabilitation time, before injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips, it makes sense to read reviews for lip augmentation, as well as prepare for the procedure by following a number of simple rules:

  • if you have your period, it is better to reschedule the procedure;
  • preliminary use homeopathic granules Arnica will make it possible to avoid swelling and bruising;
  • no need to consume NSAID drugs(for example, aspirin), as they thin the blood;
  • hormone therapy, high blood pressure and stress also contribute to increased bleeding.

Naturally, following these rules is not a complete guarantee that you will be able to avoid the formation of bruises, so let the day of the procedure be Friday, so that you have at least a few days for rehabilitation.

Possible complications and contraindications

The process of increasing lip volume with fillers with hyaluronic acid is safe, subject to contraindications. And strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations will make it possible to prevent any complications. Contraindications:

Side effects:

  • When an infection occurs, herpes and inflammation are likely to appear.
  • Descent of filler and growth of fibrous tissue.
  • The following will disappear relatively quickly: minor asymmetry, swelling, pain, skin pigmentation and bruises at the injection sites.
  • The appearance of nodules and accumulations under the skin due to the introduction of a large amount of gel.
  • Allergy.

Lip augmentation procedure, results and side effects

The duration of the session is 30−90 minutes. Since the cosmetologist initially does local anesthesia and only then he injects the drug, the injections will only give you a slight sensation without any sensation of pain. For a comfortable procedure, certain fillers already contain lidocaine.

First visible results(puffiness and swelling) are formed almost immediately, but you will be able to truly evaluate the effect of lip correction no earlier than in a few days.

To inject filler under the skin, cosmetologists use two technologies: cannula and needle. And, if everything is relatively clear with the needle, not everyone knows what the cannula means. This is a soft, blunt-pointed needle for drug administration with a side hole.

The use of a cannula is a less traumatic option, unlike a classic needle. But many experts agree that only a combination of these techniques can lead to optimal effect, since each of them solves certain problems:

  • cannula: correction of “purse-string” wrinkles, increase in the red border;
  • needle: correction of the corners of the mouth, local enlargement of individual parts, clear relief and contour.

Even when the best cosmetologist in the world performed the lip augmentation process on you, and in the morning you discovered swelling and hematomas, there is no need to panic and be frightened - this is the norm. When using any filler they can appear side effects and quickly resolved problems:

  1. The swelling will go away the next day, but taking into account the characteristics of the body, it can persist for up to several weeks.
  2. The bruises will go away in a week.

Rehabilitation after injections

Rehabilitation after “beauty injections” depends directly on the patient’s behavior. At first, it is not advisable to touch the injection sites with your hands, since, in addition to high probability cause an infection, there is still a possibility of the filler “rolling off”!

If over the course of several weeks, “balls”, lumps or any other irregularities are felt, then it is advisable to consult a doctor, he will provide a rehabilitation massage or show you how to do it.

Today, cosmetology does everything so that every girl can feel irresistible. Purchasing voluminous sponges using hyaluronic acid is standard procedure . If you can bear it, then go to a trusted salon for Angelina Jolie lips.

But use precautions: take acyclovir a few days before the procedure. And no need to experiment after! Sign up for a lip massage, avoid the sauna and solarium for a while, and don’t drink alcohol.