Overview of the official types of the Chihuahua breed. Chihuahua types cobby and deer Chihuahua deer type

Study the official standards and purchase dogs from trusted sellers!

Study the official standards and purchase dogs from trusted sellers!

Decorative standard chihuahua breed defines the full set of characteristics that a small dog should have. They define general view, proportions, characteristics of the head, facial part, body, limbs, color of this breed of small dogs, as well as disqualifying defects. You can read more about the official standards and features of Chihuahuas regulated by the FCI document in our article about the standards of this breed. Let's talk about a phenomenon like types of chihuahua . Which types of these small dogs are officially recognized by breeders and standards, and which types are artificially invented by unscrupulous sellers in order to sell puppies that do not meet the requirements at a higher price?

Today, depending on the structure of the body, standards recognize two types of Chihuahuas: cobby type And dir type. Let's take a closer look at them.


Cobby-type Chihuahuas are characterized by a stocky and dense build. Small dogs of this type have the following distinctive features:

  • Head: quite large, voluminous. Characteristically there is a large distance between the eyes and ears. The eyes are quite large and expressive, and the ears, although small in size, are quite wide at the base.
  • Neck: massive
  • Chest: voluminous and deep.
  • Limbs: compact
  • Back: level, level topline.
  • Tail: Thick, flattened and thickened in the middle.
  • Movement: energetic, active forward movement of the front legs and a good push with the hind legs.
  • Coat: thick, the undercoat is pronounced.


This type of Chihuahua is often called the fawn type due to its resemblance to a fawn. This type of dog is characterized by:

  • Head: small in volume with big ears, which gives the dog a resemblance to a bat. The muzzle is longer and lighter.
  • Chest: smaller than that of the cobby type.
  • Limbs: the paws are narrower and thinner, the angles of the hock joints are less pronounced.
  • Tail: Longer and much thinner than that of the Cobby. Push hind limbs order of magnitude weaker, which makes this type of small dog do more steps.
  • Coat: not as thick as the Cobby type, there is practically no undercoat.

Today, breeders recognize both types. However, the default preference is given to the cobby type. Among modern experts there is no unity regarding the types of Chihuahuas. This question remains open, ongoing scientific research and discussions.

What experts who have dedicated their lives to Chihuahuas agree on is that apart from the types of Chihuahuas described above, there are no other species. All attempts by the seller to present you with a new type of Chihuahua with a beautiful name are tricks aimed at selling a small dog that does not meet generally accepted standards at an artificially inflated price. So, how can you avoid falling for the bait of an unscrupulous seller?

Unofficial (false) types

IN lately More and more often you can hear about such “types” of Chihuahua as aboriginal, English, extreme, classic, exotic. What are the differences between these unofficial types of dogs? We tried to collect information and briefly describe each of them:

  • "Aboriginal" (exported from the parent country) - In addition to such characteristics as an insufficiently round head, a sharp muzzle, close-set ears and eyes, a small dog of this type is distinguished by a fairly large body weight, which hardly fits into the breed standard, as well as a large tail, which twisted with a steering wheel and lies on the dog’s back.
  • "English" - Characterized by an excessively large, massive build, rough bone structure and, as a rule, heavy weight.
  • "Extreme" - Characterized by overly pronounced features characteristic of the Chihuahua. This, for example, is an exaggerated doll's head, too bulging eyes, too thin limbs. Dogs of this type have a number of characteristics characteristic of dogs suffering from dwarfism.
  • "Exotic" - They are characterized by the same characteristics as “extreme” Chihuahuas, combined with excessively short stature.
  • "Classical" - Decorative Chihuahuas of this type are similar to the dir type, but have a too simplified skull shape, an overly long muzzle (sharp or blunt), and an incorrect angle of the feet.


In addition to the above, there are others, which, of course, can have beautiful names invented by the seller himself. But you still shouldn’t believe the arguments that you will become the owner of an exclusive type of Chihuahua. It is best to arm yourself with knowledge of the standards and buy a Chihuahua puppy from breeders you trust, who do not seek to hide puppies that do not meet FCI standards behind beautiful names and flowery lies. Be vigilant and smart!

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At all bad smell from the ears into your Chihuahua puppy? Is it a disease or basic hygiene? We will also discuss how to get rid of odor from a Chihuahua’s ears in today’s interview with the owner of a website about Chihuahuas. On current issue- detailed answers.

Chihuahua Puppy - Joy in Any Home

About the smallest of ornamental breeds, a dog that evokes respect and admiration, and she, as if knowing this, looks condescendingly at the world around us from top to bottom, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. Having such a colossal advantage, being able to “park” in any housing, from small-sized to immensely large “houses”, they feel equally confident as the center of the universe everywhere, so no one can take away the palm from this baby: or settle for “secondary” roles, or don't take it.

Deer, since most breeders prefer to breed Cobby type dogs.

But these graceful dogs have their admirers who remain faithful classic type breeds

At first glance, Chihuahua Deer may seem too tender and fragile. In fact, they are in no way inferior to their stronger and more powerful-looking cobby relatives.

In the article we will tell you in detail about this breed of Chihuahua, and also show photos of these dogs.

When Chihuahuas appeared, there was no single breed type. Dogs could be of any color and build, and there were also differences in their sizes.

But at the same time, high-legged dogs had advantages - it was easier for them to hunt small animals living in the jungles of Mesoamerica, where their ancestors appeared in the 15th century BC.

Perhaps it was this feature that helped the long-legged and fast dogs This breed survived difficult times when, after the conquest of Mexico by the conquistadors, they again went wild and lived in the forests. When they were domesticated again by local residents, these small, graceful dogs became faithful and devoted companions for them.

In the middle of the 19th century, American travelers became interested in Chihuahuas and local residents began selling them puppies of this breed.

More full information Read about the history of the Chihuahua.

Long-legged, deer-like dogs were popular until relatively recently, when stocky Cobby-type Chihuahuas began to be considered more conformable.

Description of character

The Chihuahua Deer is a small, elegantly built dog. She looks elegant and sophisticated, and her movements are light and free. When such a dog runs, it seems that it almost does not touch the ground.

Chihuahua Deer are smart and very understanding. These are movable and playful dogs, which, despite their apparent fragility, are resilient and quite strong.

They are selflessly devoted to their owner, friendly and affectionate towards him. But they are wary of strangers.

Chihuahua Deer make good guards. Despite their small size, they are always ready to protect their owner or his property.

Distinctive Features

Distinctive features of dogs of this type are:

  • the head is relatively small in size, slightly elongated in shape;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • large and high-set ears;
  • deep, but not wide chest;
  • rather long paws;
  • long and thin tail;
  • the angles of the articulations are less pronounced than those of the cobby;
  • There is no sense of strength or power in the movements of dir type dogs.

Deer-type Chihuahuas do not have well-developed muscles, which makes them visually more sophisticated than representatives of the Cobby type.

Accepted standard type dir

The size of a standard Chihuahua Deer should be no more than 23 cm at the withers. Weight ranges from 0.5 to 3 kg.

The Chihuahua Deer is a small, square dog with a light bone structure.

The head does not look large or convex. The transition to an elongated muzzle is pronounced, but not sharp.

The ears are large and rather thin. They are set high, which gives the dog a resemblance to a fawn.

The eyes are relatively small, slightly convex. Their most preferred color is dark shades of brown.

The nose color is black or matches the base color.

The neck is quite long and narrow. The back is straight, not wide, merging into a slightly sloping croup.

The chest is deep enough, but not too voluminous. The stomach is tucked.

The limbs are parallel and, due to the lack of pronounced muscles, appear thin and long.

The tail is set quite high, long and thin.

The wool is soft, can be either smooth or, but not fluttering.

Your pet should be given chewing toys or treats designed to remove plaque.

Due to the fact that the deer has a fast metabolism, these dogs need already in cool weather, and the pet should wear it indoors.


Chihuahua dir is not intended for street maintenance— such a dog should live only in a house or apartment.

Price range

The price starts from approximately 20 thousand rubles, if the dog has documents. The maximum cost can reach 30-35 thousand and even higher.

How to choose a puppy?

Despite the fact that most modern breeders breed Cobby Chihuahuas, it is still quite possible to find Dire puppies with documents.

When choosing a future pet, you need to pay attention to the structure of its muzzle and head - while cobbies have a convex skull, dirs have an elongated one. The muzzles of this type of Chihuahua are quite long, the ears are larger and set high, and the eyes are not very large and less rounded than those of the Cobby, and this is noticeable already at an early age.

Conclusion and conclusions

Chihuahuas of the Deer type, considered classic, have now become much less common. However, most of these Chihuahuas have retained their elegance and grace, without turning into excessive subtlety and fragility.

And, despite the fact that the Dire type is considered to be on the verge of the acceptable requirements of the standard, these dogs have their own fairly wide circle of admirers.

Useful video

Useful and interesting facts about chihuahua:

Chihuahua dogs are loved by many, so if you are planning to get this dog, you should decide which type to give preference to. There are many different types of Chihuahuas, and each one is different from the previous one. In this article we will tell you what types of Chihuahuas there are depending on the various characteristics.

Depending on the body type, it is customary to distinguish between the types of Chihuahua: Deer and Cobby. Let's take a closer look at them.


Some also say "coby chihuahua", although the correct name for this type of chihuahua is "cobby", not "coby". IN English The word "cobby" means "stocky" and these cobby dogs fit that description perfectly.

They have a rather strong and massive body, and their head and chest are voluminous. It should also be said that the representatives of this type a very short neck (sometimes it may seem that it is absent altogether), and equally short legs (but despite this, they are quite strong and muscular).

Their tail is quite massive, slightly thicker at the base, and the dogs’ fur is very thick. Besides, characteristic feature This variety has a large head with huge eyes, which is why the Chihuahua’s face is often compared to the face of a child (it is called “baby face”). The eyes, as well as the ears, of these dogs are located quite far from each other.

Thus, representatives of the cobby type are very funny, stocky animals that can easily evoke affection with their appearance.


This name may seem strange to some, but if we remember that in English “deer” means “deer”, everything immediately falls into place. This fawn-like Chihuahua is rightly called that. The dir type has its own characteristics.

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed. These lively and courageous companion dogs appealed to many, and now the breed is at the very peak of popularity. In the article I will look at what types there are, dividing Chihuahuas by body type, coat and size, and also analyze the characteristics of each variety.

There are several types of these babies. First of all, Chihuahuas are divided according to differences in body type. According to the breed standard adopted by the English Kennel Club, today there are 2 species:

  1. Cobby;


“Cobby” translates as short, which is the main parameter of this type.

Distinctive Features baby cobbies:

  • the large head resembles the shape of an apple;
  • filled short muzzle “baby face” with a snub nose;
  • large bulging eyes of a round shape, set quite widely;
  • triangular ears large size, stand vertically, located far from each other;
  • the body is more massive and stocky, with a deep chest;
  • the coat is short, dense, there is a small undercoat;
  • paws are short, rather strong;
  • the tail is quite dense and covered with hair.


These dogs are more graceful and resemble small fawns. The name of the variety “deer” is translated from English as deer.

Chihuahuas of the Dir type are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • the head size of the “fawns” is much smaller;
  • the muzzle is longer than that of a cobby;
  • their ears are compared in shape to the ears of a bat;
  • the body is leaner with a narrow chest;
  • paws are thin without pronounced muscles;
  • the tail is thinner and longer;
  • mincing gait;
  • The coat is not so dense, there is practically no undercoat.

Despite the fact that the standard allows both varieties on equal terms, breeders and amateur dog breeders in Russia for the most part prefer Cobby-type Chihuahuas!

In the USA, preference is increasingly given to the second deer type.

In addition to Cobby and Deer, some breeders are trying to distinguish other varieties - Pekingese (the structure of the muzzle has a flattened shape, the expression is more similar to that of a Chihuahua), English (the dogs are even more massive and dense than Cobby), Aboriginal (the body structure is similar to dir, but the ears and eyes are set too close to each other) and others.

High-quality nurseries and professional breeders say that you should not purchase representatives of the breed whose appearance is not included in the standard. These varieties are not recognized by specialists.

Separation of dogs by coat

Regardless of body type, Chihuahuas come in long-haired and short-haired varieties.


The first type includes children with long hair. They appeared much later than the shorthaired ones. They were developed in the mid-20th century in Great Britain by crossing short-haired Chihuahuas with Papillons.

Longhaired Chihuahua

The new look is soft long hair and tassels on the ears. The necks of long-haired babies are decorated with a fluffy collar, and so-called “pants” are formed on their paws.

The hair is very thin and straight, light waves are acceptable, but not curly. The presence of undercoat does not matter.


The second type includes representatives with short hair. The hair structure is soft, even and smooth. The fur fits tightly to the skin and does not bristle. Slightly longer hairs are acceptable on the neck and tail than on the rest of the body.

The coat should be shiny. If it falls out and has a faded appearance, breeders recommend changing the pet’s diet.

It is enough to brush these dogs a couple of times a week with a stiff brush. Seasonal shedding is rare in domestic Chihuahuas. Due to the absence sharp changes temperature, hair loss becomes uniform and year-round.

In winter, when the temperature reaches sub-zero temperatures when going outside, dogs must be insulated with protective overalls.

Types of colors

Such large quantity There are no acceptable colors like Chihuahuas. The IFF classifies only one color as prohibited - marble (or mell).

Possible colors do not depend on the type and length of the pet’s coat:

  • solid color (allows small spots) white on the chest or fingers);
  • plain with markings (larger white spots on the head, chest, paws and tip of the tail are allowed);
  • white with spots (in in this case white color– basic, spots of a different color occupy no more than 20% of the pet’s body);
  • tricolor color (on the main white color, which occupies more than half of the body, spots of two additional colors are acceptable).

The most common colors are red, black with white markings, and black tricolor. Rarer options include chocolate, brindle, white, blue-gray and lilac with a noble pink tint.

Marbled puppies most often have serious health defects - deafness, blindness or illnesses incompatible with life! The selection of such individuals is strictly prohibited!

Classification by size

The breed standard does not indicate height at all. Usually 18-25 cm at the withers is considered normal. But there is a clear indication of the weight of the pets:

  • weight up to 600 g adult dog– disqualifying defect;
  • mini Chihuahua - pets weighing from 600 to 1,800 g;
  • the “standard” category implies a weight from 1.8 to 3.5 kg.

Males of this breed are usually slightly smaller than females.

The lighter the dog's weight, the higher-quality representative of the breed he is considered. However biggest problems Health problems arise specifically in mini-Chihuahuas.

When choosing a puppy, many lovers look first of all at the miniature size and closeness of the muzzle to the “baby face” expression. Professionals advise paying more attention to the baby’s health.

Regardless of weight, body type and coat length, the Chihuahua will become a devoted and loving family member.

You've probably heard that there is a Coby type of Chihuahua? Today we will tell you how to distinguish between the “cobby” type and the “dir” type among puppies. We will also discuss specifically the type of cobby - what it should look like according to the standard and how to properly care for it.

The Chihuahua is always at the peak of popularity, and she seems to love it. When choosing a puppy, it’s difficult to decide which one to choose because the puppies are all so cute. It is difficult to distinguish between the different varieties of the breed, especially if you are an inexperienced breeder dreaming of a little mischief maker.

Breed types

What is Kobby (Kobi) and why does such a variety exist? Because the desire to have a stocky Chihuahua puppy was too great among the large population. The breeders worked and got a slender type with a short neck, a more massive head and widely spaced ears. Cobby is denser than deer and more muscular. Chunky type half of the entire population of the planet wants to have it, it is believed that they have thicker fur and shorter legs, they are calmer and more obedient.

The “deer” type is called “deer” and a dog of this type has a leaner build, a smaller apple-shaped head and thinner hair, with a not very lush undercoat. The deer type of Chihuahua has a small chest, a narrower muzzle and long ears. They are lighter in weight, therefore the dog’s movements differ from the previous type - the hind legs push off the ground weaker. Therefore, the steps are noticeably shortened and it turns out that the sneeze seems to be mincing.

Breeders also divide the breed into long-haired and smooth-haired, distinguished by color and behavior. There are several more false types, but we’ll talk about them another time. If you have decided that you want to buy a Cobby type dog, then by studying a little information about the standards, you can do this without any hindrance. Let's find out in more detail what a stocky representative of the mini breed looks like.

What does a stocky "type" look like?

When purchasing a puppy, you look at its behavior, appearance and, of course, you get what you want. But how not to make a mistake and choose exactly the dog you need? The Cobby type Chihuahua has the following characteristics:

  • Large and round head, resembling an apple;
  • Shortened muzzle;
  • Large eyes and an upturned nose are also called “baby face”;
  • Small ears, but wide at the base;
  • Short legs, but dense;
  • Large chest;
  • The distance between the eyes and ears is noticeably wider than that of the dir;
  • The tail is more compacted at the base and narrowed at the end, short;
  • The body is powerful and muscular;
  • Dense undercoat and thicker coat;
  • The back is straight;
  • The movements are rougher and the stride is wider, thanks to the push of the hind legs.

How not to make a mistake

But these are not all the characteristics by which you need to choose a Coby-type Chihuahua puppy. The fact is that there is no specific standard for each type. That is, both the dir and the cobby may not be exactly as described, especially if you buy a puppy from your own hands. To avoid getting a sick puppy, you need to pay attention to some details.

Too little weight in a puppy may indicate the presence of diseases, even more so if its parents are too small. You shouldn't buy a puppy for your soul if he will be sick forever.

Yes, these representatives are the smallest dogs in the world, but you shouldn’t get hung up and run after fashion, because this breed also has its own limits, below or above which you shouldn’t “move.”

After all, you want the dog to be able to give birth if you buy a girl. And for a chihu with a tiny weight, labor is very difficult.

For example, at 3 months it should not be less than 400-500 grams. Don’t be alarmed, then the moment of active weight gain comes. But if it’s less, it’s worth considering whether you need to purchase it. A normal Chihuahua grows up to 1.5-3 kg if properly kept. If you overfeed your dog, it may weigh even more, and this is already dangerous to health.

Pay attention to the jaw - the puppy should already have 12 incisors and canines. If this set is not available or the teeth are positioned incorrectly, crookedly, they are not white, but of a different color - refuse to purchase. The fact is that Chihuahuas can suffer from the accumulation of plaque and then tartar due to improper teeth structure or malocclusion.

Then such problems quickly develop into periodontitis and bleeding. It hurts the dog and you too. It’s better to warn in advance than to go to hospitals later. By the way, get into the habit of caring for your teeth and checking their appearance, as well as brushing them with a special toothpaste. In short-faced Cobie types or false breeds with too narrow muzzles, such problems come first.

When buying any type of Chihuahua, inspect it and feel its belly so that there is no bloating, look into the ears so that they do not emit a bad odor and are clean, and the eyes should not emit cloudy contents either.