Cane Corso street maintenance. Cane Corso dog breed: character description and advice for a novice dog breeder

Having decided to get an impressively sized pet, we suggest choosing the Corso horse - a dog with a very long history of the formation of the breed. Thanks to her devotion, fearlessness, intelligence and excellent protective qualities, she will win your heart forever.

Description of the Cane Corso breed

Its impressive size and scary appearance at first glance make this animal stand out from others. important feature– exceptional balance, which is not inherent in others. Unknowing people may confuse the dog with other species. To avoid this, you need to know what data these dogs have. The characteristics of the Cane Corso breed are as follows:

  1. Well built body with strong muscles.
  2. The head is wide with a short muzzle, the nose is black, and the eyes and ears are medium in size.
  3. The coat is short, glossy in the sun.
  4. It is important to know how long Cane Corso live; with proper care, representatives of this breed live about 12 years.

History of the Cane Corso breed

The origin of dogs of this species goes back to the times of Ancient Rome. Then these animals served, distinguished by their large size, fearlessness and boundless devotion to humans. They were used as amazing hunters and excellent pursuers. The first mention of the Cane Corso dog breed dates back to the 15th century; among other things, there are many folklore works. All this led to the fact that the dog began to be considered a folk dog and therefore was disliked by the nobility. As a result, the purity of the breed was destroyed due to mixing with other dogs.

Italian enthusiasts decided to restore the species, collecting data bit by bit and looking for suitable representatives of the breed. After all the efforts, the Cane Corso was officially recognized only in 1994. Regardless of the fact that the standards were created earlier, they were constantly adjusted, and the final stage used by the International Federation of Cynologists was developed in 2003.

Standard Cane Corso

Dogs of this breed are designed for protection and protection. The Cane Corso has the following standards:

  1. General appearance: a large-sized dog with well-developed muscles, without losing its elegance.
  2. The height of the male is more than 64 cm, and the female is 60 cm.
  3. Weight 40-45 kg.
  4. The head is massive with a wide skull. The forehead is convex and the nose has large nostrils. Eyes of a dark shade. The jaws are massive with a slight bite.
  5. The ears are hanging, widely set. Many people perform cupping.
  6. The tail is set high. Stopped after 4 spines.
  7. The limbs are muscular and long. The movements of the Cane Corso's paws are sweeping.
  8. The coat is short and shiny. Seasonal undercoat is present.
  9. Cane Corso colors can be different: black, shades of brown, brindle. Small marks are acceptable white in the chest, back and ends of the paws.

Character of the Cane Corso

When getting to know a dog, it is important to know its internal state. When describing the nature of the Cane Corso breed, we can note:

  1. Developed qualities of a security guard. Even without training, the dog is aware of its main function - to protect the owner and his property.
  2. Never shows aggression towards strangers if the owner is friendly towards them. It can attack only on command or in response to an attack.
  3. Friendly towards a variety of pets.
  4. The “parental instinct” is well developed, which leads to a careful attitude towards children and those who are smaller and weaker.
  5. Needs emotional contact with the owner and has a hard time withstand shifts.
  6. Endowed with amazing intuition regarding danger.

Types of Cane Corso

Animals of this species, which at birth received deviations from the standard, are usually divided into groups. IN modern world Representatives of the Cane Corso dog breed that do not meet the standards are divided into the following types:

  • amstaff.

Great Dane

A Cane Corso dog of this type differs from the standard in the following ways:

  • high legs;
  • long muzzle;
  • narrow chest;
  • long ears;
  • The character is calm and slightly touchy.


This type of Cane Corso dog has the following characteristics:

  • crude constitution;
  • large head;
  • folds form on the skin;
  • by nature he is lazy and phlegmatic.


The description of the Cane Corso of this group is endowed with the following data:

  • heavy and loose body;
  • wide chest;
  • round head with folds;
  • raw lips;
  • close-set eyes;
  • stubborn character.


Characteristics of the Cane Corso of this type next:

  • square body;
  • no extra muscles;
  • dry constitution;
  • small head;
  • round eyes;
  • cheerful character.

Staffordshire Terrier

This type of Cane Corso breed is endowed with the following characteristics:

  • wide muscular chest;
  • wedge-shaped muzzle;
  • aggressive character.

After purchasing a puppy of this breed, it is important to know how to properly create conditions for his life. Gray Cane Corso and other representatives of this species require care consisting of:

  • full education;
  • providing physical activity;
  • grooming of fur, teeth and ears;
  • proper nutrition.

In general, dogs are unpretentious in grooming. The first priority is to determine the place where the pet will live. The fact is that it is in their blood to consider everything that is located before the fence as their territory, so allowing the puppy to run around the entire apartment will make it difficult to limit the pet’s movements as an adult. Outdoor maintenance should include the construction of a warm booth that will protect the pet during cold weather. To prevent the dog from testing the strength of the furniture, mandatory You need to walk her with active games at this time.

The Italian Cane Corso needs the following procedures:

  1. Grooming is easy. Once a week, brush the animal with a stiff brush with natural bristles. At heavy pollution carry out water procedures with the addition of special shampoo. The absence of undercoat allows pests to easily reach the dog’s skin. To protect your pet from suffering, carry out regular treatment.
  2. Cane Corso with ears of natural length or cropped needs to be cleaned of dirt. This is done with gauze soaked in water, this is especially true for dogs living on the street, who can pick up a tick at any time.
  3. Teeth need to be cleaned to prevent the development of periodontal disease or other dental problems. Additionally, you need to give natural bones for chewing. Such a delicacy will strengthen not only your teeth, but also your jaws.
  4. After strong growth, the claws are trimmed with a nail clipper. This is especially true for dogs that are in apartments, otherwise they can damage furniture, flooring, or even injure others.

What to feed your Cane Corso?

To live a full life, a dog needs the right diet. When purchasing, it is important to find out what food to feed your pet. Diet of a baby under 5 months. there should be no experiments. Feed is given up to 6 times, and they begin to accustom them to a normal diet at 3 weeks. The diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The black Cane Corso, like other dogs, gets its protein from:

  • raw beef;
  • boiled chicken and rabbit.

To change teeth, a Cane Corso of red or other shades must gnaw raw beef bones. Among other things, your pet should be given dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, milk and cheese. Only at the age of 6 months. They begin to add meat in hard form, until this time it is chopped. Vegetables and fruits should also be present in the diet. Up to 18 months The pet should eat three times a day.

In adult Cane Corso dogs, the diet directly depends on living conditions and health status. At this age, dogs can be given dry food. The dose can be calculated based on the formula: per 1 kg of weight 30 g of granules. You can pay attention to the following brands: Royal Canin, Bosch, Acana or Innova. Among other things, it is important that open access The pet always had clean water.

Powerful, beautiful, and exuding natural strength – these are the Cane Corso. The breed can be called original, as their appearance and amazing skills have been preserved for many centuries. There is a lot in these dogs from their closest ancestors - the Molossian Great Danes, but, naturally, time and breeding activity still affected these giants. Today, stern-looking dogs are not only bodyguards, but also true friends.

The history of the formation of the breed dates back many centuries. Cane Corsos are descendants of Tibetan Dogoes from antiquity. These dogs still command respect today, and sometimes even fear, but in those days it was precisely such formidable dogs that were especially valued.

The first representative of the breed appeared in Eurasia 1000 BC. Then the Chinese emperor received an aggressive dog with the skill of catching people as a gift. Tibetan Great Danes quickly spread across the mainland, and some modern breeds. Naturally, new dogs were bred for specific needs. The descendants of the Molossian Dogs were used in the Roman Empire for arena battles, military campaigns and as guards.

Historians were able to find chronicle references to giant Corso dogs participating in hunting and baiting, dating back to the 14th-15th centuries. It is worth noting that in some areas dogs were used to guard livestock.

If we talk about the official history of the individual Cane Corso breed. then it begins with the beginning of the prosperity of the Roman Empire. It was in the historical monuments of these times that multiple images of these powerful dogs could be found. The formation of the breed is inextricably linked with the history of the development of Italy. In the empire, dogs fought in battles and in the arena, and also guarded slaves and palace grounds.

When the empire fell, the dogs got new blood For example, they were crossed with Celtic greyhounds. Under new conditions, Cane Corso began to be used for hunting and protecting farms. Representatives of this breed also long time They were engaged in driving livestock, which somewhat cut them off from the outside world and laid down loyalty to one owner at the genetic level.

This variety of positions has made representatives of the breed multidisciplinary dogs, which continues to this day. Dogs were valued quite highly, so the quality of the gene pool was monitored. But even for such a popular breed, there are peaks of ups and downs.

For example, the beginning of World War II affected the development of almost all breeds, and the Cane Corso was not spared. Fatal hunger and active use giants on the front lines brought the breed to the brink of extinction. But there was one person - Giovanni Bonatti Nizzoli, who decided, with perseverance and titanic efforts, to revive this excellent breed.

In 1983, a group of like-minded people from Nizzoli collected miraculously preserved purebred Cane Corsos throughout the country, and after 4 years the first officially approved breed standard appeared. This document not only gave an accurate description of the dogs, but also focused on their distinctive features from other descendants of the Molossians - various types of mastiffs.

Open breeding registration occurred in 1994, but before that positive assessment Over 500 producers and several hundred Cane Corso puppies have achieved experts and recognition. Official recognition of the breed had a positive impact on its development and spread. The number of dogs increased significantly and exceeded 3000. In 1996, the best Italian representative of the breed became the winner at an international exhibition.

Representatives of the Cane Corso breed not only cause fear, but also genuine interest and admiring glances. And indeed, they have quite a colorful exterior. Not only are they beautiful, but they also have an intelligent, attentive look and unique facial abilities. Cane Corsos do not live as long as their owners would like - on average 11 years.

Future owners are warned that puppies must undergo general training, and older dogs must undergo further socialization - “a dog in the city.” If you intend to use your pet as a bodyguard, you should contact a professional dog handler.

As for the character of dogs, it is impossible to tell about these unique animals in a few words. Among the main qualities the following can be noted:

  • Qualities of security guards It's in the Cane Corso's blood, and even without special training they will perform this function. Moreover, this will affect not only family members, but also property and the surrounding area.
  • Dogs fairly balanced– if the visiting guest shows friendliness towards the owners, then you should not expect aggression from the pet. A hidden threat will also not be a reason for active actions, initially the dog will make it clear that he is in control of the situation. The giant attacks only when it displays aggressive actions, or when it receives an appropriate command from the owner.
  • Cane Corso gets along well with other pets, and even finds common language with those pets who are not very happy with the new resident. The dog can live happily with cats, birds, and small breed dogs.
  • Dogs are different very caring attitude towards the younger ones family members - these are echoes of long wanderings with flocks - the instinct to protect everyone who is smaller. The giants will not “touch” children, even strangers, they will look after them with special zeal and zeal. And yes, parents of little ones don’t have to worry, dogs are “ideal” patients or clients of future doctors, hairdressers and other specialists, and are able to endure various manipulations without complaint. Dogs can express themselves in two ways - to sneak away, and if they fail, then to patiently endure everything.
  • Cane Corso quite understanding, he only needs to tell the dog once to do what is required.
  • Dog has no inclination to lead and is infinitely devoted to her family.

Despite their stern and unapproachable appearance, it is extremely important for purebred representatives to receive the approval of the owner; they cannot live without emotional contact. They are also very loyal and changing owners is a difficult test for a pet.

Dogs are not too “talkative” and unobtrusive. The Cane Corso will only bark if prompted to do so. serious reason, and play when called. This great companion for games for both children and adults. Future owners should know the not-so-pleasant qualities of the breed, or rather, some nuances:

  • Drooling– salivary fluid is excessively abundant, and its amount increases after the dog drinks or shakes itself. It is quite difficult to wipe it off from clothes and furniture.
  • Shedding– the Cane Corso has no undercoat, and the coat looks like small sharp needles that fall off where the dog passes. Moreover, dogs shed all year round.
  • Dogs are quite large and have developed muscles, and this requires large quantity food, predominantly protein. Only by eating well will the dog look beautiful and well-groomed.
  • Often puppies are shy, they are afraid of sharp sounds and strange objects. Usually, with timely socialization, this goes away for them. Otherwise, a large dog with a fierce look will shy away from a running cat or a rustling package.
  • Raising a puppy Cane Corse is a somewhat troublesome business. For example, poor nutrition can cause problems with ligaments and subsequently joint diseases. Or one more nuance - walking a small pet immediately after eating is not advisable, as it may cause a back arch. And, like representatives of others large breeds, Corse puppies under 4 months of age should be carried down the stairs by hand, since at this age excessive stress on the pasterns is contraindicated.
  • If you need a dog for outdoor or kennel keeping, then Cane Corse are absolutely not suitable, since they do not have undercoat and freeze very much at low temperatures.

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Description of the Cane Corso breed

Dog breed Cane Corso photo

The characteristics of the Cane Corso breed are unique. These are large dogs, the height of males varies between 62-70 cm, females - 58-66 cm. Males weigh approximately 45-50 kg, females - 40-45 kg. Both males and females have developed, prominent muscles. The animals have a stretched body. The standard describes the Corso as follows:

  • Head in dogs it is massive, elongated, with a wide skull. In front, the forehead is somewhat convex, and at the back of the head it is flat.
  • Muzzle ends in a black nose with large nostrils. Corso's lips droop, but they cover completely wide jaws with a light snack. The eyes are small, oval and slightly convex, the iris is black. There are individuals with light eyes, but this is rather the exception.
  • Ears Corso's have a high seat, they are triangular and hanging. Sometimes them.
  • The neck is muscular and has the same length as the head. The bones are strong, with well-defined withers. The sternum is wide and well developed.
  • Tail has a high seat and a thick base, after the 4th disc of the spine.
  • Limbs the dogs are strong, with good muscle mass and powerful shoulders. Dogs' pasterns are round and voluminous. The Cane Corso has wide and sweeping movements.
  • Skin dense, covered with short, glossy hair with sparse undercoat. If the dog has it medium length, wavy or lacking rigidity, then this refers to significant flaws and defects.

Cane Corso colors

The coat can be of any color, but monochromatic:

  1. Preparing the site. While waiting for a puppy to appear in the house, you should start preparing the place, since Cane Corso needs a limited area, inaccessible to strangers. Having determined a place for a new pet, it is unlikely that it will be possible to rehome it later. It is also worth considering that it is undesirable for strangers to enter your pet’s area. If weather conditions allow you to keep a dog outside, you should install a booth that protects the animal from cold and precipitation. Cane Corso was one of the first to change the view of dog breeders on keeping large breeds. As it turned out, they are suitable not only for protecting private territory, but also for living in apartment conditions.
  2. Physical activity. When choosing a purebred representative, it is worth considering that the muscular texture of the pet requires appropriate physical activity– training, jogging, training. Naturally, this requires a lot of energy and time from the owners. If the dog does not get what it needs, then colossal damage to furniture, doors, personal belongings and other things will inevitably occur.
  3. Communication. Cane Corsos are quite sociable, and they need to meet their own kind, especially since high-quality productive play is only possible with an active companion.
  4. Coat. The coat does not require special care, but regular brushing with a stiff brush is still required, this will minimize the amount of hair in the house.
  5. Health. Like other dogs that do not have an undercoat, Cane Corsos are a tasty morsel for organisms that parasitize the skin - and others. This implies regular antiparasitic treatments, especially relevant in spring and summer. It is also necessary to inspect ears and as needed. More often, dust settles in the open, cropped ears of dogs.

The Cane Corso is the national pride of Italian dog breeding. The history of this breed is interesting because, despite its antiquity and uniqueness, it received official status only a couple of decades ago. Moreover, the breed, like the Phoenix bird, was literally resurrected from the ashes, as it was on the verge of extinction. Why was such a beautiful dog undeservedly forgotten? To find the answer to this question, you need to trace the entire process of formation of the breed.

History of the Cane Corso breed

The ancestors of the Cane Corso were Molossian dogs that lived in Ancient Rome. They, in turn, descended from the mastiff dogs of the Etruscans, Macedonian dogs and the war dogs of the Persians and Carthaginians. Thus, the ancestors of the Cane Corso carried guard and military service and were distinguished by their impressive size, fearlessness and devotion to man.

This is evidenced by the name of the breed. The word "cane" means "dog" in Italian, and "corso" in different options- yard, guard and war horse. In any case, it is already clear from the name that we are talking about a dog that served as a guard and watchman, and was sometimes used in military operations and gladiatorial fights.

The Italians combined many skills in one dog: the Cane Corso guarded their property, protected the owner, herded livestock, and, if necessary, could play with children or help in hunting a bear. The universal dog was mentioned in many works of Italian culture. Dogs resembling Cane Corso were depicted in the form of figurines, painted on ancient tombs, described in books, and even poems were dedicated to them.

It is from literary sources dating back to the 15th century that we first find mention of the Cane Corso breed, with which the Italians hunted bears. The fact that the life of this people was closely connected with this breed is evidenced by the constant mention of the dog in folklore. For example, a proverb appeared: “Laziness bites harder than a Cane Corso.” Interesting images of the fight between dogs and a lion have been preserved. Fans of the breed associate all this evidence with the Cane Corso, proving the continuity of this breed with the legendary Roman dogs.

The problem is that in Ancient Rome primitive but targeted breeding work was carried out in specialized nurseries. But the fall of the great empire was also reflected in the breeding of dogs, which began to have a chaotic “folk” character, which sometimes did not affect better side on further offspring. The decisive factor for the Italian breed was its non-recognition by the new aristocracy, which did not want to keep this breed in their courts. big dog, for which the glory of the common people and the village was firmly established.

All this led to the fact that the single breed began to break up into different species, mix with other dogs and lose its breed appearance. This was especially reflected in the character of the representatives of the breed, whose features were reshaped by the owners to suit their taste. For example, individual owners could cultivate excessive aggressiveness unusual for the breed.

Cane Corso was intended for free keeping in rural settlements Therefore, with the growth of cities, the demand for the breed has dropped to a critical level. It is quite possible that this breed would have disappeared completely if not for the activities of Italian enthusiasts who decided to revive the ancient breed of their nation. To do this, they had to collect it literally bit by bit, traveling throughout Italy in search of typical representatives of the endangered species.

Interest in the breed was aroused by the researcher Breber, who studied the history and traditions of the Italian village, and the Cane Corso was an integral part of the life of the villagers. An article he published in 1976 gave impetus to the emergence of the Society of Cane Corso Lovers, which included Breber himself. The history of this society was accompanied by internal disputes and even conflicts between its representatives, so the path to promoting the breed to the pedestal of success was far from easy.

At the same time, enthusiasts did a lot, they held meetings of breeders, invited experts from the main canine body of the country - the Italian Kennel Club. Their efforts were rewarded with official recognition of the breed. This only happened on January 20, 1994. Before this, a standard was also developed, but it was periodically edited, eliminating various controversial issues, in particular, about the Cane Corso's bite.

The society of Cane Corso lovers managed to achieve not only official recognition of the breed, but also to make it incredibly popular, but it failed to adequately respond to the sudden outbreak of interest. People who were far from the idea of ​​high-breed breeding began to buy puppies, a pursuit for the number of puppies appeared, and far from being allowed into breeding best representatives breeds, and the best, on the contrary, could remain unused. With such difficulty, the revived breed was put on the stream of mass reproduction with the loss of its best qualities.

However, the process of breed recognition had already begun, and in November 1996 the Cane Corso was recognized by the FCI. In Italy, an association of Italian Cane Corso was created, which immediately set itself a serious goal: to prevent discrepancies in the standard and the emergence of other criteria for breeding the breed outside Italy. A number of studies were carried out, on the basis of which the breed standard was adjusted and came into force on January 1, 2003. The same standard is used by the International Cane Corso Federation.

Interesting facts

  • The ancestors of the Cane Corso were gladiator dogs who fought in mortal battles with lions and bears.
  • The type of model dog for breed recognition by the FCI was a male Cane Corso named Boris.
  • In Europe, the Cane Corso is often used to guard luxury boutiques and jewelry stores. Having a Cane Corso as a guard is an indicator of prestige.
  • Cane Corso became the companion of many famous politicians and oil tycoons.

Breed standard: main characteristics of the Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a large dog with prominent muscles. The body is characterized by an extended format, when its length exceeds the height at the withers. Height at the withers is 64-68 cm for males and 60-64 cm for females. Weight – 45-50 kg and 40-45 kg, respectively.

The head is massive and elongated with a wide skull. The forehead is convex in front and flatter at the occipital protuberance. The nose is black with large nostrils.

The muzzle is shorter than the skull in approximately the proportion of 1 to 2, its width exceeds its length. The lips are drooping, covering the lower jaw and creating the profile line of the muzzle. The jaws are wide with a light bite.

Eyes are oval-shaped, slightly convex dark color. A lighter eye color to match the color is also allowed, but dark color A dark outline is preferable and required. The expression of the eyes is attentive.

Ears are hanging, high set, triangular shape with a wide base. Ear cropping is often performed in the form of a triangle.

Muscular strong neck the same length as the head.

The body appears strong, with pronounced withers that exceed the level of the slightly sloping croup. Rib cage very well developed.

The high-set tail is very thick at the base and is docked after the fourth vertebra. When excited, he rises, but never accepts vertical position and doesn't curl.

The forelimbs are long and muscular, with powerful shoulders and voluminous pasterns. Hind limbs have a long thigh, dry shin, moderately pronounced hock joint. The movements of the Cane Corso are wide and sweeping.

The skin is thick.

The coat is short and shiny, the undercoat is weakly expressed.

The color allowed is black, different shades of gray and red, brindle. White markings on chest and paws are allowed. If the color is not black or gray, then there must be a mask of one of these colors on the face, covering the eyes.

It should be noted that due to the fact that the standard was adopted recently, and the breed is still developing, there are several types of Cane Corso. Disputes about some nuances are still being waged by experts at exhibitions, in particular we are talking about the permissible snack rate. Also interesting point is the connection between color and exterior features. This serves as a reason for proposals to exhibit dogs of the same color in separate rings, since black Cane Corsos in appearance gravitate towards Great Danes, gray ones - towards Mastino, fawn - towards Boxers and Staff Terriers.


To be honest, the appearance of the Cane Corso inspires respect and even timidity. Indeed, the power and strength of the body is accompanied by a serious expression of the muzzle. It is unlikely that an outsider would think of pestering a Cane Corso with lisps or trying to pet him.

One of the main character qualities of the Cane Corso is a clear division of all the people and animals around him into friends and foes. The dog's temperament is balanced, devoid of increased aggressiveness, so it will never attack or bite just like that. But if she senses an invasion of her boundaries, she becomes seriously furious and can act on her own initiative, stopping the intruder even without the owner’s command.

This is intelligent and smart dog, which amazingly combines the nobility of movements with a strong constitution. This seems all the more unusual because this breed She has always been, as they say, close to the people, there is no arrogant aristocracy in her, but the living soul and direct temperament of the Italian nation is visible.

Like a true Italian, the Cane Corso is kind to his family and especially to his children. They are selflessly devoted to their master and with all their appearance show a desire to serve him faithfully. They readily carry out commands, but their main mission is not abstract training, but the role of a protector and watchman.

Cane Corso always control the situation; at the first impulsive movement of a stranger, they let him know that they are not taking their attentive eyes off him. Unlike many other large dogs, they are aware of their power, so they can be allowed to play with small children. Cane Corso will not knock a child down or scare him; for them, the worst punishment is the crying of a child who is under their protection.

It is impossible to bribe a Cane Corso with treats or distract his attention from his main function - to protect his family. This dog will go to the end, protecting its borders and those it loves. Due to the increased devotion and attachment that arises even in puppyhood, dogs experience separation from their owner very hard. You need to think carefully that the noble heart of a Cane Corso is capable of love only once, and will not survive betrayal on your part if you chose this breed only for the sake of prestige, and then are ready to abandon your pet.

It is also worth noting the amazing intuition of this breed, which manifests itself in the fact that it senses danger well. Cane Corsos are capable of reacting with lightning speed to aggression from a stranger or dog, but they perfectly understand the boundaries between play, possible danger and a real threat.

Care and maintenance of the Cane Corso

Questions proper care are of decisive importance for the health of the dog and its suitability for further breeding. Even an excellent high-breed puppy can be made unsuitable for a show career and breeding work if you are negligent in keeping the dog.

In general, these dogs are unpretentious, but there are still a number of difficulties. You need to decide in advance on the choice of place where your pet will live. The fact is that his ancestors were accustomed to living in fenced areas, as a rule, in a village courtyard. Since then, Cane Corsos perceive any fence as their border. In other words, if your Cane Corso has been accustomed to running around the entire apartment since childhood, then he will consider its entire territory his patrimony, and it will be extremely difficult for you to convince him not to show increased attention to guests or repair workers. If you keep a dog outside, then remember that our harsh winters are too harsh for it, so don’t forget to provide it with enough warm clothing. It is better to keep small puppies in a heated room on cold days.

The prestige of this breed has caused many people to abandon the idea that large dogs are more suitable for a private home. Therefore, Cane Corso is not uncommon in city apartments. Of course, he can sit quietly for a while and wait until you give him attention, but without games and physical activity, he will begin to test the strength of various interior items and finishing materials in your apartment. Therefore, it is very useful to arrange walks with games, running and fussing with other dogs.

From the rest hygiene procedures is important, especially if they are docked. Dirt quickly accumulates in them, which must be removed with gauze soaked in a special solution.


All this variety can be replaced by good dry food, but in this case you need to immediately decide what you choose. Most dogs are reluctant to switch from dry food to natural nutrition, and vice versa. Moreover, sharp transitions are harmful to the digestive system.

Education and training of the Cane Corso

The main principle of raising any dog, and the Cane Corso is no exception, is considered to be the beginning of training in early age. You shouldn’t think that the puppy is still stupid and put off raising it until later. This may lead to important time will be missed and you will have difficulty teaching your dog the necessary commands.

Even if the Cane Corso lives in a private house, and you do not plan to visit exhibitions with him or go for walks in the city, he should have an idea of ​​outside life. It is sad to see when powerful adult dogs are frightened by the sound of an alarm or shy away in surprise from a flying flock of birds. The puppy needs to be helped to understand the world around him in all its diversity.

Some owners make the serious mistake of thinking that the main goal is to raise an aggressive dog. There is no need to deliberately harass a Cane Corso, unless, of course, you intend to serve with him in the police. It is better to pay more attention to socializing the dog and teaching it impeccable obedience. You can take a general training course under the guidance of an experienced instructor or learn basic commands on your own.

How to choose a Cane Corso puppy, where to buy?

The fashion for the Cane Corso breed has made this dog prestigious throughout the world in just a few years. Many entrepreneurs have taken advantage of this to launch their fashion puppy streaming business. Preserving the true character and appearance of a real Cane Corso is of little concern to them, and they resort to juggling pedigrees and other ugly tricks, deceiving gullible buyers. Some even manage to trace the ancestry of their dogs almost back to the Middle Ages.

Therefore, if you do not want to be disappointed and get a dog with character traits atypical for the breed instead of a true Italian, you need to pay attention to the history of the kennel, carefully study the pedigree, and make sure that the mating is legal. Such precautions are not trivial at all, even for those who are not interested in the dog's show career.

The fact is that after reading a lot of good things about the character of the Cane Corso, people trust him to protect their home, property and, most importantly, children. And who will be responsible if, through the fault of a selfish breeder, you get a dog with an unbalanced psyche?

It is very easy to determine who is in front of you: a breed enthusiast or just an entrepreneur, at least based on the conditions of keeping the dogs. In the second case, as a rule, it is a pen of cages in which representatives of the breed languish, often unkempt and poorly fed.

Therefore, never buy a puppy at the market or, for example, at the metro station. And sending from another city is also fraught with unpleasant surprises. If you are serious about making a friend on for many years, then don’t be lazy and go to the breeder yourself.

Video about the breed

Puppy prices

Lowest cost for Cane Corso puppies 12-15,000 rubles. As a rule, these are puppies without a pedigree or from parents with a pedigree, but not participating in exhibitions. In category purebred puppies the price of a fashionable breed fluctuates from 25 to 50,000 rubles.

(Italian Mastiff) - guard breed dogs. A faithful guard, a reliable friend and bodyguard. The most distant ancestors of the Cane Corso, without a doubt, were the Molossians - the four-legged warriors of the Roman legionnaires. In later times, representatives of the breed were more often used as herders and guard dogs, protecting the herds from predatory animals, and the owner’s house and property from intruders.

Cane Corso photo

The very name of the breed “Cane Corso Italiano” reflects the direct purpose of these dogs - “Italian dog belonging to the yard.” The courtyard does not mean the royal residence, but the domain of a villager. The powerful potential inherent in the breed by its distant ancestors allows Cane Corso to be used today not only as family companions. In Europe, for example, representatives of the breed are trusted to guard jewelry stores and expensive boutiques, and are used as bodyguards and escorts.

Description of the Cane Corso Italiano breed and the FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Italy.
  2. Use: defender, security guard, police and search.
  3. FCI classification: group 2 (dogs such as Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossians, Swiss Mountain dogs and herding dogs). Section 2.2 Mountain dogs. No operational tests.
  4. Appearance: powerful, strong and elegant, with beautifully defined muscles.

  5. Photo of Cane Corso breed description

  6. Body type: strong.
  7. Basic proportions: the length of the head is almost equal to 36% of the height at the withers. The length of the body slightly exceeds the height at the withers.
  8. Behavior/Temperament: active, mobile and responsible, understands the seriousness of the work assigned to her. Ideal for protecting the owner's property, home or pets.
  9. Head: large, typical of Molossians.
    1. Skull: wide, when viewed from the front it looks convex, from the back from the forehead to the occipital protuberance it looks flat. In the area of ​​the zygomatic arches, the width of the skull is equal to or slightly greater than its length. The frontal groove is clearly defined. The axis of the skull and the axis of the muzzle converge slightly.
    2. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): well marked.
  10. Nose: black, large with wide open nostrils.
  11. Muzzle: strong, square, flat, short (muzzle to skull ratio 1:2).
    1. Bridge of the nose: straight.
    2. Lips : upper lips moderately overhanging and covering the lower jaw, so that the lower part of the profile of the muzzle is completely defined by the upper lips.
  12. Jaws/Teeth: Light overbite (lower jaw protrudes slightly forward), jaws large, powerful and curved. Teeth white, healthy, full dental formula 42 teeth.
  13. Eyes: dark (color may vary according to color), oval, medium in size, looking straight ahead, slightly convex. The eyelids fit tightly.
  14. Ears: Uncropped ears are triangular in shape, drooping, set wide apart, with the ear flap fitting tightly to the head. Cropped ears take on the shape of an equilateral triangle.
  15. Neck: strong, muscular, equal in length to the head.
  16. Body: The body is strong, appears slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  17. Withers: pronounced, protruding above the croup.
  18. Back: straight, strong, very muscular.
  19. Croup: long, wide, slightly sloping.
  20. Chest: wide, well developed, reaching the level of the elbows. The ribs are moderately convex.
  21. Tail: Set high, thick at the base. The undocked tail is long, reaches the hocks, is always carried high, and does not curl or rise vertically. The tail is docked at the fourth vertebra.

    Photo of Cane Corso breed characteristics

    1. Shoulder blades: long, sloping, very muscular.
    2. Shoulders: strong.
    3. Forearms: straight, strong.
    4. Wrist and metacarpus: elastic.
    5. Forepaws: oval, cat-type, toes close together. The paw pads are elastic. The claws are strong.
  22. Hind limbs:
    1. Hips: long, wide, the back line of the thigh is convex.
    2. Shins: strong.
    3. Hock joint: slightly angular.
    4. Hocks: powerful, sinewy.
    5. Hind legs: oval, fingers gathered in a ball. The pads are elastic. The claws are strong.
  23. Movement: wide step, large sweeping trot. Preferred movement is trotting.
  24. Skin covering: thick skin that fits tightly to the body.
  25. Coat: The coat is short, shiny, very thick with undercoat.
  26. Height and weight:
    1. Height at withers: males: 64-68 cm; females: 60 - 64 cm. Deviations of 2 cm in one direction or another are allowed.
    2. Weight: males: 45-50 kg; females: 40 - 45 kg.
  27. Faults: Any deviation from the above standards is considered a fault and the severity of the fault will be considered depending on the degree of its development.
  28. Serious disadvantages:
    1. The longitudinal axes of the muzzle and skull are parallel to each other or converge; side surfaces muzzles converge.
    2. Partial depigmentation of the nose.
    3. Scissor bite or overshot bite.
    4. The tail is curled into a wheel or standing vertically.
    5. Movements that constantly turn into ambling.
    6. Growth that exceeds the norm or does not reach it.
  29. Disqualifying faults:
    1. Aggressiveness, cowardice or timidity.
    2. The longitudinal axes of the muzzle and skull diverge.
    3. Complete depigmentation of the nose.
    4. Sunken bridge of the nose, sheep's nose.
    5. Underbite.
    6. Partial or complete depigmentation of the eyelids. Eyesore, squint.
    7. Long or soft, fringed coat.
    8. Coat color unacceptable by standard; large white spots.
    9. A Cane Corso that exhibits clearly visible physiological or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified.

Note: males must have two developed testes fully descended into the scrotum.

Cane Corso Italiano color

Photos of Cane Corso colors

  • Black
  • Lead gray
  • Slate gray
  • Light gray
  • Light red
  • Red auburn
  • Brindle (stripes of various shades of brown or gray).

The Cane Corso has a red or brindle color, there is a black or gray mask on the muzzle, the mask should not go beyond the eye line. Small white spots on the chest, on the tips of the paws and on the bridge of the nose are acceptable.

Modern Cane Corsos differ in character in many ways from their warlike ancestors. But what remained intact in them was courage, nobility and bravery.

The difficult character of the Cane Corso requires attention. In order to prevent the dog from “sorting things out” with weaker family members, it will be necessary to promptly teach all the necessary skills. Therefore, he needs early socialization and mandatory completion of the OKD course (general training course) from the age of six months.

Upon reaching 1 year, a ZKS course (protective training course) is taught. Be sure to turn to professionals and train your Cane Corso in obedience, this will protect you from the attacker and those around you from the dog.

From the first days a Cane Corso puppy appears in your home, adhere to the rules that you are the owner here. A struggle for leadership may not happen, but it is better to distribute in advance " functional roles"in the family. They love the company of people; it is important for them to feel “needed” and to be close to their owner. The Cane Corso's favorite pastime is spending the blissful bliss of the evening at the feet of his beloved owner. While walking, they never lose sight of the person accompanying them and, as a result, rarely get lost. Emotional contact with the owner is extremely important for her.

Cane Corso breed photo

You should not think that their love is directed only at the owner; Cane Corsos treat other household members, children or pets with no less attention and warmth.

The tendency to “patronize” is a trait inherent in many former herding species. Even with the most “arrogant” fellow tribesmen, the Cane Corso will try to establish friendly relations, but what about two-legged kids? will literally allow you to sit on your neck. Considering large size, never leave small children alone with her.

He is easy to train. A mature and trained dog is not prone to unmotivated aggression towards people. Cane Corsos act quickly and harshly only in a situation of real threat. The attacker is attacked silently, lightning fast and decisively. At other times and under other circumstances, a dignified dog will try to avoid conflict. He is more jealous of “his” territory. Be more attentive when there are guests in the house; a stern dog can instill fear in a stranger who accidentally steps onto his “domain” with one glance.

Brindle Corso Italiano - dog photo

It is generally accepted that all dogs of any size have no place in an apartment, their place is in the backyard of a country house. As for the Cane Corso, they get along well in a city apartment, despite their size, they are inactive and do not need a lot of space.

It’s hard to imagine her exclusively as a “street resident.” And it’s not just the light undercoat that doesn’t keep you warm severe frosts. The psychological component should not be discounted. A dog that is too freedom-loving and needs constant human closeness has no place on a chain.

You shouldn’t deprive your Cane Corso Italiano of the joy of active recreation. A dog living on the street needs to be walked. You will have to get out of the area at least so that the dog’s nervous system does not weaken due to the monotony of living conditions. In addition, joint “outings” help strengthen mutual understanding between the owner and the four-legged ward.

In the city, a walk should last at least 1 hour, at least 2 times a day. Due to the tendency of representatives of large breeds to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is not recommended to exercise Cane Corso under 2 years old with long runs with frequent overcoming of high barriers.

Caring for your Cane Corso Italiano

Cane Corso blue and brindle photo

Caring for the Cane Corso Italiano is not difficult, since it is short-haired with a thin undercoat. Shedding is seasonal, almost imperceptible, and occurs twice a year, spring-autumn. The Cane Corso does not have a “dog” smell spreading throughout the house, however, sometimes owners are bothered by drooling, in which case there is always a towel at hand.

Comb: 1-2 times a week, with a rubber comb or massage mitt. This will improve your pet’s blood circulation and remove dead hair. During the shedding period, brush them every day, and during bathing you can use a rubber glove to quickly remove dead hair.

Bath: quite rarely, once a month or when dirty. Frequent washing with detergents can wash away the protective oily film from the coat, making it dull. Many breeders prefer dry cleaning, using special dry shampoos that can be purchased at a pet store.

Cleaning your Cane Corso's coat with dry shampoo: spray your pet with a spray bottle, or wipe with a rag treated with a special compound, and then wipe dry with a waffle or terry towel; any cotton fabric is also suitable.

Ears: Check regularly to ensure there is no inflammation. Particular attention should be paid to your pet's hanging ears; they need to be ventilated. Take your ears in your hands and wave them like the wings of a butterfly. Healthy Cane Corso ears are always clean, without excess wax, do not contain brown discharge and unpleasant odor. Accumulated dirt can be easily removed with a dry cotton pad; do not penetrate deeply into ear canal. If you notice that your pet is shaking his head, his ear seems to be “squelching”, there is an unpleasant odor coming from him, or purulent or other discharge is visible, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian.

Photos of Cane Corso puppies

Teeth: brush 3-4 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs capable of dissolving deposits that form tartar using a toothbrush suitable size, finger tips or a piece of gauze wrapped around the finger. Even if your Cane Corso Italiano likes to chew food with the required amount minerals, crackers, large bones, carrots or apples, you should not cancel teeth brushing.

Regular visit veterinarian, will keep your teeth healthy for many years. Watch your diet and never let him chew on too hard objects or stones. There are also special treats for cleaning teeth and toys - ropes on the surface of which are applied with a plaque remover. Only a veterinarian can remove tartar.

A Cane Corso puppy's milk teeth begin to fall out at 3.5-4 months. During this period, try to provide the puppy with the necessary items that will help him remove the tooth on his own while the dog chews on them. The main thing is to watch out for small parts that will harm housing and communal services if she swallows them.

  • balls
  • rubber toys
  • large beef bones

The more items your puppy has of his own to chew on, the more likely it is that your furniture or shoes may survive.

Nails: trim once a month with a nail clipper. large breeds. Smooth out sharp ends with a nail file.

Eyes: Inspect regularly. U healthy dog they are shiny, without discharge or tear tracks. To prevent souring, wash your Cane Corso's eyes with chamomile infusion once a week. Wipe the eyes with a damp, lint-free cloth (do not use cotton wool). Each eye is wiped with a separate piece.

After walks, wipe paws with a damp cloth or wash them in the shower. Always inspect the paw pads for wounds or cracks. Treat wounds with an antiseptic. To prevent the appearance of cracks, include 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in your diet. daily and rub it into your paw pads regularly.

Tick ​​and flea repellents:

  • drops on the withers (valid for 3 weeks)
  • spray (apply before walks, if infested with fleas, treat beds and things)
  • collar (works with constant wear)
  • tablets (valid for 3 weeks)
  • flea shampoos

The diet of the Cane Corso Italiano comes in two types:

  1. ready-made food (premium class)
  2. natural products

In the first year of a Cane Corso puppy’s life, its diet should include foods rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for a large dog. Any type of feeding has its pros and cons. Ready-made food does not take time to prepare but is also expensive. Quality products They are also expensive and you need to have time to prepare them, but the plus is that you know what they consist of. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which type of feeding is right for your pet, the main thing is that the food has a beneficial effect on health.

Number of feedings for Cane Corso:

  • From 1.5 - 2 months, the puppy is fed 6 times a day every 3 hours. Dry food is soaked in water or kefir before giving it to the puppy.
  • At 2-3 months, feeding is reduced to 5 times a day.
  • At 4-6 months they feed 4-5 times a day.
  • At 6-8 months they feed 3-4 times a day.
  • From 8-10 months the puppy is transferred to 2 feedings a day.

Regardless of the diet (natural food or dry food), you must adhere to the general rules.

  • The Cane Corso's diet should contain full complex all substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral components and vitamins).
  • Free access to clean, fresh water.
  • It is not recommended to feed an active Cane Corso earlier than 2 hours before and after a walk.
  • When feeding natural food, additionally add mineral feed.
  • An adult Cane Corso weighing 50 kg requires 220-240 g of protein, 50-70 g of fat, and 450-470 g of carbohydrates daily. In addition, about 40 g of fiber and 1 liter of water.
  • The portion should be eaten within 20 minutes; if he refuses to eat, we hide the food until the next feeding.

Useful products:

  • Lean meat (can be given raw after a deep freeze of several days from -18 degrees and below, or poured over with boiling water to avoid infection with worms)
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Green
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, 1% kefir, natural yogurt)
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat)
  • Turkey and chicken necks
  • Green
  • Vegetable oil (1 teaspoon per day)
  • By-products
  • sea ​​fish boneless

Prohibited products:

  • Any fatty meat (pork)
  • Spicy food
  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Grapes, raisins
  • Nuts
  • Smoked meats
  • Seasonings
  • Legumes
  • river fish
  • Garlic, onion
  • Full-fat sour cream, cream or cottage cheese
  • Pearl barley, millet (poor digestibility)
  • Liquid soups, fatty broths
  • Cheap ready-made feed low grades

Diseases of the Cane Corso Italiano

  • Bloating
  • Allergy
  • Epilepsy
  • Hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease)
  • Cherry eye
  • Eversion of the century
  • Turn of the century
  • Dysplasia hip joint

Photo of Cane Corso

Videos of Cane Corso

Height at withers: 60-68 cm

Weight: 40-50 kg

Short, shiny, very thick, with little undercoat.

This dog is quite large and powerful, but elegant, with defined, defined muscles.

Black, lead-gray, bluish-gray, light gray, light red, red-fawn, dark fawn, brindle.

Front paws

Long, oblique, very muscular. Shoulders are powerful. The wrists and metacarpus are elastic.

Hind legs

The hips are long and wide. The back line of the thigh is convex. The paws are slightly less compact than the front paws.

Quite high located. Very thick at the base. Docked, on the fourth vertebra. When the dog is in motion, the tail is raised.

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

Wide cheekbones. The jaws are very wide, strong, curved.

Black and large, with large, open nostrils.

Medium size, slightly convex, oval. The eyelids are tight fitting. The eye color is dark depending on the color of the coat.

Big. The forehead, convex in front, becomes flatter towards the back of the head. A frontal sulcus is present.

Triangular, pendulous, wide at the base, set high. Often docked in the shape of an equilateral triangle.

turn on

turn off


The Cane Corso is a very beautiful, intelligent and elegant dog whose story is very original and full of critical moments. During the process of its formation, the Cane Corso breed repeatedly found itself on the verge of complete degeneration, and only through the efforts of interested breeders was it possible to save it. In addition, an interesting fact is that the dog was registered as an official breed only at the end of the last century, although the history of the breed goes back centuries.


The roots of this Italian breed go back to Roman times. Moreover, by studying the structure, size and habits of the breed, many scientists have concluded that in addition to the ancestors of the Molosser Dog, the Cane Corso contains an admixture fighting dogs, actively developing in ancient Carthage and Macedonia. This strong foundation for the breed makes it an excellent, fearless guard and bodyguard, as its name suggests. The word "Corso" is translated from Italian as protector, guardian.

The first mention of the breed can be found in various sources starting from the 15th century AD. They are mentioned in a variety of areas. Some authors describe dogs in their works as good hunters on a bear with the nobility. According to other sources, it was clear that they were actively used to protect the owner's livestock and property. According to some sources, there are even references to the use of dogs in gladiator fights. Well-preserved images make it clear that the Cane Corso was even used in fights with lions for the entertainment of the public.

The value of this dog breed is evidenced by numerous references to ancient works of art. They are mentioned in many literary works, poetry. They are depicted on ancient bas-reliefs, scientists find many statues and characteristics that prove that this is a dog of this particular breed. The dog was so popular that it was even noted in folklore and proverbs.

Breeding work in last decades allowed them to restore their courage and protective instinct, and even if they are far from the level of their gladiator ancestors, they are still excellent guards and reliable comrades.

Today, representatives of the breed are used as guards and bodyguards for many famous people. This dog is a sign of prestige and wealth in the highest circles.


This is an intelligent dog that amazingly combines nobility of movement with a strong constitution. It is all the more surprising that the breed has always been, as they say, closer to the people, it is not arrogant, and through it one can see the living soul and direct temperament of the Italian nation.
Like a true Italian, Corso loves family and children. They are selflessly devoted to their master and with all their appearance show a desire to serve him faithfully. They readily follow commands, but their main task is to protect.

This dog will go to the end, protecting its boundaries and those it loves. Due to the increase in loyalty and attachment that is formed during puppyhood, it is very difficult for a dog to survive separately from its owner. Know that the noble heart of this breed can love only once, and will not survive betrayal on your part if you choose this breed only for the sake of prestige, and then are ready to give up your pet. In this case, you should not get a Cane Corso.


With the breed, everything is always under control; with the first impulse of movement, a stranger lets him know that she is vigilant and watching. Unlike many other large dogs, they are aware of their strength, so they play carefully with small children. Cane Corso tries not to knock the child down with his body, not to scare him, for them the worst punishment is a crying child.

They are very demanding about their level of physical activity. Walking very long and vigorously is absolutely necessary for good health this dog. They prefer to have a daily opportunity to roam and play in a safe, enclosed area.


They do not accept rough treatment. In general, they socialize well and get along well with children. A lack of early and deep socialization will almost certainly lead to serious problems with aggression in adulthood. On the other hand, the breed's natural ferocity and willingness to act aggressively makes it a very effective guardian. This dog always remains alert and attentive to its surroundings. So, he can become a good observer.

But the breed must be properly socialized and trained, otherwise your dog will be quite combative towards others. Due to its desire for dominance and high territorial instinct, it can quickly start a fight with other dogs and usually wins any confrontation. That is why the dog must be on a secure leash and muzzle. This breed is also known for its incredibly strong prey drive, and will relentlessly pursue any cat or other animal unfortunate enough to catch its eye. Although it is possible that the dog will be kind to certain pets with whom it grows up from puppyhood.


Proper care is essential to the dog's health and suitability for further breeding. Even a great high-breed puppy may be unsuitable for a show career and breeding if the owner is neglected.

Among others important points Hygiene involves cleaning the ears, especially if they are cut. They quickly accumulate dirt, which must be periodically removed with gauze soaked in a special solution. Overall the dog is quite healthy, with more common problems including vision problems, skeletal growth abnormalities, arthritis, and canine hip dysplasia. Life expectancy is on average 9 - 11 years.

Cane Corso and your apartment

In general, these dogs are unpretentious, but there is still a whole series difficulties. It is necessary to determine in advance the choice of place where your pet will live. The dog's ancestors lived in a fenced area, usually in a village yard. Since then, Cane Corso perceive any fence as their border. In other words, if your Cane has been running all over the apartment since childhood, he perceives the territory as his property, and it will be very difficult to convince him not to show special attention to guests and repairmen. If you keep your dog outside, remember that our harsh winters are too hard for him, so don't forget to provide him with a warm enough shelter. It is better to keep small puppies in a heated room on cold days.

The prestige of the breed has caused many people to abandon the idea that large dogs are more suitable for private homes. Therefore, Cane Corso is not uncommon in city apartments. Of course, he can sit quietly for a while and wait until you pay attention to him, but without games and exercise, he will test the strength of various household items and interior materials in your apartment. Therefore, it is useful to organize a walk with games, jogging and fussing with other dogs.

What to feed the Cane Corso