Girls have a wide jaw. High and low cheekbones - what's the difference?

Today I will share the subtleties of creating a perfect appearance. It is believed that high cheekbones They add sophistication to the face and make a woman more attractive. What is it and how can you make your cheekbones higher if their natural position does not meet the canons of modern beauty?

Hello, my dear readers and readers! Svetlana Morozova is with you. If you ask men what kind of women they like best, someone will say that he is attracted to chubby cheeks with dimples, and someone admits that his ideal is skinny high-cheekbones like Svetlana Khodchenkova. Everyone has their own ideal appearance.

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However, thinness and athletic fit are now in fashion and therefore it will be useful for every lady to know what high cheekbones are and how to “draw” them if you are not endowed with them by nature.

Striving for ideal

Look at the photo of Angelina Jolie. Even if you don't really like her, she has classic version high position of the cheekbones, which is emphasized by slightly “unfolded” angles lower jaw. Because of such anatomical features face, depressions form under the cheekbone line. They are further emphasized by the voluminous and relatively small chin.

We will take this face as a standard to make it clearer what exactly needs to be achieved by correcting our own appearance.

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on the topic: what kind of “super exercises” you should do. Some people advise puffing out your cheeks, others recommend “drawing” figure eights with your lips stretched out into a tube, and others recommend carrying a pencil, holding it between your lip and nose.

No less persistently we are promoted to surgical rejuvenation, fillers and lifts, which can temporarily smooth out wrinkles and reposition the skin so as to hide defects from natural aging. At the same time, propagandists try not to delve too deeply into the topic of complications and dangers to which a person who decides to undergo plastic surgery is exposed.

Gymnastics for the face, as the most effective way

Much safer is facial gymnastics. Moreover, if you do it constantly at home, you will not need to go under the surgeon’s knife. But how to choose a complex for yourself that will really give desired effect, and won’t add wrinkles from facial muscles?

There is a simple and affordable solution. I selected and tested a set of exercises for the facial muscles, with the help of which you can correct the oval, get rid of bags and circles under the eyes, make your features more prominent, and, among other things, visually get high cheekbones. These are the techniques I offer in my course.

In just five minutes a day you can solve many problems, including age-related ones, remove not only unnecessary ones, but also get rid of acne and. By losing weight on your face, you will make your features more expressive and refined, and will certainly please yourself and your loved ones.

That's all for today.

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You've probably noticed that many modern beauties try so hard to fit their appearance to a certain standard that they already look alike, like sisters. Meanwhile, each of us was born unique and beautiful in our own way! Are you sure you want to meet the “standard”? Then these 10 steps to “perfection” are just for you.

1. Enlarge your lips

It's difficult to say where it all started. It’s just that someone once told girls that plump lips are beautiful. Like Angelina Jolie, you can do more. And away we go... Identical bulging lips after injections (often more attention is paid to upper lip) everything was filled! They can be identified immediately - sometimes by a fuzzy outline, sometimes by “inversion” or simply by unnatural swelling. In short, an experienced eye will instantly detect intervention, even if the work was done well. Do you really want your mouth shape to be like millions of others?

2. Whiten your teeth regularly


The second sign of perfect beauty in the Instagtam era is snow-white teeth. Sanitaryware in the mouth. They should be so white that the contrast with your favorite red lipstick seems simply dazzling. Therefore, do not skip regular visits to the dentist - anything can be postponed, but not this.

3. Adjust the shape of your nose

A wide nose is not beautiful. A long nose is not beautiful. A nose with a hump is also not beautiful. In general, any nose is ugly, except for a slightly upturned, chiseled one, with a thin bridge of the nose, a pointed tip and a chiseled shape of the nostrils. Just like Alena Shishkova, for example. When you go for rhinoplasty, show the surgeon a photo of it - he will understand everything right away.

4. Emphasize your cheekbones

An attractive girl's cheekbones should be sunken and prominent. And it doesn’t matter how you achieve this - you’ll lose weight to such an extent that there are no cheeks left, you’ll decide on plastic surgery (resection of Bisha’s lumps) or you’ll simply learn how to make your eyes appear hollow with the help of a dark corrector. And one more little advice: If your cheekbones are far from ideal, nibble on them a little when you take a selfie, it works.

5. Wear only wide, defined eyebrows.

It doesn’t matter what shape of eyebrows nature gave you - you can always make a correction and find the perfect “stencil” eyebrows. What should they be? Of course, very symmetrical (and who said that this doesn’t happen?!), wide, dark, with a clear outline, a sharp tail and a square beginning at the bridge of the nose. In other words, your eyebrows should immediately attract attention - just like your lips!

6. The only possible hairstyle is long curls

Short haircuts, bob, bob, pixie - all this is not for you. To be feminine and truly sexy, you need to wear only long hair and not be lazy to curl it with a curling iron. It’s not for nothing that they’re on the covers men's magazines all beauties always have long, lush mop of hair! Guys like it, yeah.

7. Do contouring

A beautiful face needs to be drawn “according to the scheme” - this is the most reliable way to become like Kim Kardashian, which means to be a little closer to ideal. For some reason, someone decided that the face shape should be exactly like this: with a low forehead, a neat chin and sunken cheekbones— it was to create this effect that contouring was invented. Perhaps one of the most reliable ways to become like everyone else.

8. Draw arrows more often

The makeup of girls, who are condescendingly called “mukles,” in addition to contouring and shining lips, is always completed with arrows. Of course, this type of makeup in itself is beautiful - an eternal classic. But the “included” arrows start to look very banal.

9. Don't forget about Botox

A shining forehead after injections, scanty facial expressions and perfectly smoothed skin - this is what you will become if you start actively injecting Botox. It’s interesting that some beauties find wrinkles in themselves long before they even appear, and go to a cosmetologist for the coveted injections before the age of 30. For the sake of beauty, you can’t tolerate anything like that!

10. Shake your butt!

And finally, the final touch - when your hair is already lush, your lips are plump, and your face is glowing, it’s time to think about your body. Shake your butt! Squat! Take photos of your results as often as possible - let everyone know that you are perfect, because sexy girl the butt cannot be pumped up.

Such is the capricious nature of women - to look for shortcomings and flaws in their appearance. At the very least, no woman has escaped periods of dissatisfaction with her appearance. Some don't like hair, others don't like high foreheads, others don't like wide cheekbones. Although each representative of the fairer sex is beautiful in her own way, you still need to know a few tricks with which you can slightly brighten up minor flaws in appearance, or even turn them into advantages.

What is the base shape?

The natural features we inherit from our parents determine the type of facial structure. Not everyone has been endowed by nature with an elegant facial contour with a chiseled nose, moderate cheekbones and a beautiful forehead. But, fortunately, in modern life There are many ways to smooth out the imperfections of nature.

Striving for the ideal of the “golden ratio”, stylists and makeup artists over several decades have been able to develop methods for applying makeup for a particular type of face. With the help of cosmetics, you can hide wide cheekbones, make your nose neat, enlarge your eyes, and so on. You can learn the art of applying makeup on your own, or you can attend makeup courses. Although it is far from certain that attending courses will bring more benefit than self-study.

For correct application When applying makeup, you must first figure out what type of face shape you belong to. There are seven types of facial structure: round face, square, triangular, rectangular (oblong), trapezoidal, oval and diamond-shaped. All these forms are characterized by their own types of cheekbones, there are five of them: high cheekbones, low cheekbones, wide cheekbones, small cheekbones and cheekbones located in the center of the face.

Oval and oblong

The oval face shape is rare and is considered the most attractive, since most haircuts and hairstyles suit the oval face type.

With an oval face, the forehead and cheekbones are at the same level, without sharp transitions, while the chin is average - 5-6 cm in width. The height of the face is 1.5 times its width. An oblong (rectangular) face shape is characterized by a high forehead and long chin, and the height of the face can be 2 times its width.

With an oval and oblong face type, high cheekbones are possible, which begin high at the temples and gradually taper towards the bottom. Such cheekbones, when applied with the right makeup, are very beautiful and make the face sculptural. Also, if you have an oval or oblong face shape, then your cheekbones can be located in the center of your face, and when you smile they will be nicely rounded, creating an “apples” effect.

Often cheekbones with oval or rectangular face may be barely noticeable, almost not expressed. Such small cheekbones need to be highlighted with corrective products and moderately emphasized with blush.

Precious diamond or rhombus and triangle

A triangular shape is a face shape in which upper part the face is wider than the bottom. That is, such a face has a very small chin and a wide forehead. The triangular shape is characterized by high cheekbones, low cheekbones and cheekbones located in the center. Low ones originate from the corners of the mouth and go slightly upward, usually not reaching the middle of the ear. Makeup should be applied to such cheekbones carefully, otherwise brightly painted low cheekbones will add heaviness to the face.

A diamond-shaped face (also known as a diamond shape) is characterized by a small chin and small forehead, with the widest part being the cheekbones. Usually they are high in this type of face, or located in the middle of the face, almost on the cheeks.

Round and square

A round face shape is characterized by smooth lines with the absence of sharp features and sharp corners. If you subtract the width of your face from the height of those with round faces, the difference will be no more than 3 cm. Both the forehead and cheekbones of such a face are almost at the same level.

Most often, chubby girls have small, unexpressed cheekbones, cheekbones located in the center of the face, and wide. Wide cheekbones and chin, as a rule, form one line and, when smiling, repeat the shape of the lower jaw. Such shapes require careful emphasizing, otherwise the face will become even wider.

A square-shaped face has a wide forehead and wide lower cheekbones that are at the same level. The lower jaw may be angular, which creates a square shape. The cheekbones of a square face shape can be wide and low. To make a square face look less massive, you need to know how to apply makeup correctly.


A trapezoidal (or pear) face shape has a visible widening at the bottom. The forehead and middle part of such a face are usually small, and the rather voluminous cheeks smoothly transition into the lower jaw.

Cheekbones in a trapezoidal face can be of several types: centrally located, low cheekbones or wide. With this face shape, it is necessary to correct the cheeks and highlight them with radiant corrective products. middle part faces in the area of ​​the upper cheekbones.

The basis of the basics is foundation

So, girls with wide cheekbones usually have a round, square or trapezoidal face shape. But you shouldn’t resort to radical methods plastic surgery. Some makeup techniques will help soften the oval face with wide cheekbones and hide angular shapes.

First of all, you need to decide on the natural tone of your skin, since in the future you will need a foundation two shades darker. For natural tones, the most suitable color palette is one that includes all shades of ivory, beige, peach, and sand tones. Lighter shades that will also be required include porcelain or light beige shades. But to sculpt wide cheekbones in women, you need to choose darker shades - golden, bronze, dark beige.

To prevent dark shades from being noticeable on the skin and harmonizing with your complexion, use a little trick. Press firmly on your cheek with your finger - the shade that appears after pressing will be your ideal shade two shades darker.

Some foundations require a makeup base before application, which makes the makeup much more durable. But you still shouldn’t go overboard with the basics; the products should be light and transparent. And the multi-layering and density of the foundation (especially in daylight) creates a mask effect.

Correction of the frontal zone

To visually correct wide cheekbones, first apply the foundation color to the entire face. Then, if you have a square face, you need to hide the corners in the frontal area. To do this, using a darker shade of foundation (for dark-skinned girls, you can take a bronzer), you need to draw neat lines in the upper right and left corners of the forehead (as if rounding the oval of the face). Then you need to shade the resulting triangles with a dark tone and carefully rub the boundary between the dark and natural tone. It is also necessary to correct the forehead area when triangular shape faces.

If you have an oblong face with a high forehead, you need to paint the part of the forehead near the hairline. If you have a round face, shading the lateral temporal areas of your forehead will help narrow it. But if your forehead is not high enough, it is better not to darken it, as this will visually reduce the frontal area even more.

Apply a light tone in the center of the forehead above the eyebrows and blend it well. When sculpting the face, a light tone should also be applied to the part of the cheeks located in the center, under the eyes.

Nose and wide cheekbones

After the forehead, we proceed to adjusting the middle part of the face - the nose. To do this, take a lighter tone and draw a straight line from the base of the nose up along the entire length of the bridge of the nose. Now along the edges of this line you need to slightly darken the sides of the nose by drawing parallel lines with a darker foundation. Then blend the borders thoroughly. This adjustment will make the nose more neat and narrow it a little.

To hide wide cheekbones, you need to apply a darker foundation along a line from the beginning of one earlobe, moving along the line of the lower jaw and chin, to the other earlobe. Moreover, if the area below the earlobes can be slightly rounded and the resulting triangles can be painted over with a dark base, then wide cheekbones in women with square shape faces will look lighter. The border of the dark base should be carefully shaded.

To highlight a higher cheekbone line, you need to pull your cheeks inward and dark foundation slightly emphasize the border of the cheeks from the temples to the wings of the nose. Don't forget to blend this border well.

It would be a good idea to take a photo before applying corrective makeup for wide cheekbones, and a photo after. You will notice the difference.

Carefully! Blush

The wrong place to apply blush can ruin the entire impression of your makeup. Under no circumstances should you apply blush all over your cheeks or in the area close to your lips. This will give a rough look to the face. It is best to draw a vertical line from the temple and stop on half of the cheek, so that the blush is clearly visible only when turning the face in profile.

In the fashion world, faces with high, wide cheekbones are highly valued. To give cheekbones “height” and volume, they are specially powdered with highlighter or powder with reflective particles. You need to do this at the most convex point under the eyes and slightly grab the temples. But it is better not to touch the rest of the face, as this will add an oily shine to the skin.

Choosing a hairstyle for a face with wide cheekbones

What else do you need to consider? Having made the correct correction of wide cheekbones with the help of makeup, it would be a good idea to pay attention to a hairstyle that visually reduces the cheekbones.

The main goal of a haircut for a face with wide cheekbones should be lengthening, which will smooth out sharp corners cheekbone Long hair is more suitable for this. Long hair with a light layer in front, starting just below the cheekbones, will look ideal. At long hair and wide cheekbones, it is not recommended to cut thick straight bangs - this will add width to the face.

If you are a fan of shorter haircuts, then asymmetrical haircuts with sparsely cut asymmetrical bangs, bold uneven edges and a side parting will suit you. The main thing is to remember the rule, which states that the haircut should not be voluminous in the cheekbone area.

What is the character of the owners of such cheekbones?

How often do we admire a face with wide cheekbones in photos of glossy magazines? Many famous Hollywood actresses have cheekbones like this. Their gaze and sharp facial contours speak of determination. Is this really true? And what does the science of physiognomy say about the character of people with wide cheekbones?

Character, of course, is different for everyone, it all depends not only on the structure of the cheekbones. But similar features have been noticed in people with wide cheekbones. This is purposefulness, as well as determination and optimism. Possessing leadership qualities, such people are still good performers, but always strive to achieve success. At the same time, women with wide cheekbones tend to lead in relationships.

February 7, 2013, 03:40

Why do some faces seem more beautiful to us than others? Is beauty itself elusive, or can some of its laws be deduced by identifying exactly those facial features that make it especially attractive? Faces with regular features arranged in certain proportions are considered beautiful, with beautiful eyes, lips and nose. Notorious American plastic surgeon Dr. Palmer claims that the most important thing is the cheeks; they determine 75% of the visual attractiveness of the face. For comparison, eyebrows and eyes give 10%, lips 7%, nose, as well as neck, skin, chin, 2% each, respectively. As a rule, male cheekbones are low and flat, rectangular in shape. While women's cheekbones have a more rounded, delicate shape and are more pronounced. So, the ideal female cheek should look like this. 2 lines are drawn: - from the corner of the mouth to outer corner eyes - from the nostril to the tragus (protrusion of the auricle) The oval inscribed in the resulting angle corresponds to the most protruding part of the cheek, the point of intersection of the lines corresponds to the edge of the cheek bone.
In the picture on the left is the true position of the cheekbone (and the center of gravity of the entire cheek), on the right are the desired changes. And here's what a shift in the center of gravity looks like in practice. The patient had a traditional implant installed, which has the same thickness everywhere; this is an ideal option for girls with flat cheeks. It can be moved forward or further towards the back of the cheeks to achieve the desired result. When the face lacks volume in the front of the cheeks, an implant of this shape is placed. Modern implants can have any shape, so it is very important that the surgeon correctly determines the anatomy of the cheek and the required amount of changes. Fillers, in in this case, can be both a temporary solution and a way out for those who are afraid of a full-fledged operation. In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it with volume, otherwise subtle changes for the better risk turning into grotesque. IN lately Changing the shape of the cheekbones (with fillers or implants) is a fairly common thing for young starlets, although in the past this procedure was used mainly for visual rejuvenation. With age, the fatty tissue from the cheeks thins out and goes down, forming the famous “tear trough” and jowls. The center of gravity of the cheeks also drops down and the face seems tired. In Madonna's case, the changes are visible to the naked eye, but this is precisely the case when a volumetric implant is absolutely necessary. The face is “made”, but, nevertheless, it looks quite lively. Another famous case, when the volume just started to benefit. True, it is not clear whether Ksenia was limited to implants, or whether there was a much rarer and complex operation for correction of the upper jaw. And, finally, photographs of celebrities to whom changing the shape of their cheeks, fillers or implants, no matter what, gave them that very zest.


The size and shape of the cheeks depends on the structure facial bones and muscles. Knowing the features of your face is the key to successful makeup. Learn to highlight your best features and create the illusion the desired shape cheekbones with make-up.

Types of cheekbones!

There are 5 main types of cheekbones - high, low, wide, centrally located and small.

High cheekbones. High cheekbones start at the temples, taper towards the bottom and curve near the eye sockets. Such cheekbones look photogenic, but blush applied in the wrong place gives the face a bony appearance.
When you smile, your cheeks appear to rise towards your eyes and the top of your ears.
Meet on long, oval and heart-shaped faces.

Low cheekbones. Low cheekbones start near the corners of the mouth and gently curve toward the earlobes. Owners of such sculpted cheekbones should carefully apply blush to certain areas, otherwise they will make the face look visually heavy.
When you smile, your cheekbones appear to start at the corners of your mouth and end below your ears.
Meet on triangular, square and round faces.

Wide cheekbones. Wide cheekbones usually follow the shape of the chin. They are often the “trademark” of top models. Such cheekbones - sure sign wide face, so unsuccessful application of blush will visually make the face even wider.
When you smile, your cheekbones expand and follow the shape of your jaw.
Meet on square and round faces.

Centered cheekbones. When the owner of the cheekbones located in the middle of the face smiles, “apples” (bulges) appear. Such cheekbones are very beautiful, but you need to apply blush carefully so that the eyes and lips do not fade into the background.
When you smile, your cheeks become prominent and rounded.
Meet on oval, elongated, round and heart-shaped faces.

Small cheekbones. If you have small cheekbones, don't despair - this bone structure found in many stars. The secret to successful makeup for you is blush and corrective products that will visually give your cheeks a great shape.
When you smile, your cheekbones are not visible.

Meet on faces of any shape, most often round.

Cheekbone makeup!

Women's cheekbones - How to create high and expressive cheekbones?

Hollywood looks. Many women dream about her. High cheekbones transform a woman's appearance and make her more interesting to men. But don’t think that all Hollywood actresses were born with such cheekbones. Nature rewards women with the traits it desires, but we have to work with what we have. But the right makeup technique can even turn a round, full-cheeked face into an elegant face with expressive cheekbones.

Armed simple tips, and with a little practice, you can certainly achieve your goal and transform your appearance.

Woman's cheekbones - Simple makeup techniques to enhance cheekbones.