Does the blood type diet work? Diet according to blood type: what is good for a hunter is harmful for a nomad Healthy foods according to blood type

American doctor D'Adamo has developed for everyone who wants to lose weight special system nutrition associated with blood type. The doctor claims that more than 40,000 years ago the first group predominated among people. In those days, there was no variety in food: primitive people only had meat on their menu. In this regard, their body has adapted only to protein diet. Later, people domesticated animals and began to grow food, diversifying their diet so much that their blood types also changed. Diet for blood group 1 positive is varied meat products, cereals and fish.

Features and rules of diet

A person with 0(I) does not have to go on a strict diet, while feeling constant hunger. In order to lose weight, such people should remove harmful foods from their diet and reduce their consumption to the maximum. healthy food and to a minimum – neutral. To lose weight or maintain it, people in the first (+) group need to completely get rid of foods that block insulin production and that inhibit the formation of hormones thyroid gland. In general, the Rhesus positive blood group 1 diet can also be used for people with Rhesus negative.

Diet for 1 positive blood group

A diet for group 0(I) must necessarily include any meat in a person’s diet: poultry, beef, lamb, but not pork. This will ensure high performance and the necessary amount of energy. Even dairy products and eggs are not suitable as an equivalent substitute for meat. The right diet, selected by blood type, shows that vegetarianism is absolutely not suitable for losing weight. But this does not mean at all that they will not need plant foods. It must be present to a reasonable extent. Wheat should be excluded.

List of approved products

The list of very desirable, “helping” types of food includes:

  • meat;
  • spinach;
  • radish;
  • figs;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • broccoli;
  • pineapples;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • seaweed;
  • pineapple juice;
  • sage or chamomile tea;
  • salt (iodized);
  • carrot juice.

Prohibited Products

The following types of food are completely excluded:

  • marinade;
  • cabbage;
  • sugar;
  • ice cream;
  • potato;
  • wheat;
  • citrus;
  • champignons;
  • ketchup;
  • melon;
  • corn;
  • avocado;
  • pasta;
  • cottage cheese;
  • olives;
  • peanut butter;
  • rye bread;
  • beans;
  • cereals;
  • coffee;
  • apple juice

Food table for blood type 1

By checking the data, it is easier to choose the optimal menu. Here is a table that lists most types of food:




Veal, beef, lamb, turkey.

Eggs. Duck, rabbit, chicken meat.

Goose meat. Pork, lard, ham, bacon.

Trout, salmon, sturgeon, cod, pike.

Perch, squid, smelt.

Smoked and salted fish.

Homemade cottage cheese, curd cheese.

Milk, ice cream, kefir, sour cream, cheese.

Flaxseed and olive oil.

Butter, margarine and sunflower oil.

Soybean oil, peanut oil.

Walnuts, pumpkin seeds.

Almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts.

Peanuts, pistachios.

Soy products.

Green peas, asparagus, beans and beans.


Cereals. Rye bread.

Bakery products. Pasta. Oatmeal. Bread and muesli.

Parsley, curry pepper.

Sugar, honey, chocolate

Ketchup, marinades, pickles.

Broccoli, sweet potato, onion, beetroot, pumpkin.

Rutabaga, zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, celery, asparagus, tomatoes, radishes.

Cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), champignons, rhubarb.

Figs, cherry plums, cherries, plums, prunes, apples.

Banana, watermelon, grapes, pineapple, barberry, lingonberry, grapefruit, cranberry, cherry, grapes, kiwi, raisins, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, currants, nectarine.

Melon, orange, avocado, strawberry, blackberry, tangerine.

Juice of plum, cherry plum, pineapple, cherry.

Juice of pomegranate, apricot, grape, tomato, cranberry, carrot.

Juice of coconut, orange, apple.

Teas made from rose hips, linden, and dandelion.

Teas from raspberry, hawthorn, mint, thyme, chamomile.

Teas made from burdock, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves.

Beer, green tea, wine.

Coffee, cognac, vodka, sweet drinks, black tea.

Sample menu for the week


  • For breakfast: unsweetened tea, any fruit.
  • Second breakfast: glass fresh juice from cherry.
  • For lunch: 200 g of fish (baked or fried), 180 g of vegetable soup, apple, linden tea.
  • Afternoon snack: rosehip tea.
  • For dinner: a piece of rye bread, 200 g of liver (fried), an orange. Drink mint tea.

  • For breakfast: herbal tea (any), 150 g of grapes.
  • Second breakfast: pineapple juice.
  • For lunch: 150 g of lean (preferably chicken) meat, 250 g of vegetable soup, tomato salad.
  • For dinner: 200 g sea ​​salad(with shrimp and fish), steamed fish, a piece of bread. Add herbal tea.
  • For breakfast: fruit, chamomile tea.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of apricot juice.
  • For lunch: 150 g fried meat, 250 g of meat soup with vegetables, green tea, bread, cucumber salad.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of carrot juice.
  • For dinner: 200 g of fried zucchini, 100 g of boiled shrimp. Drink unsweetened tea.
  • For breakfast: a glass of milk and one banana.
  • Second breakfast: raspberry tea.
  • For lunch: 300 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of vegetable soup.
  • For dinner: 180 g of any salad, 200 g of meat, banana. Hawthorn tea is recommended.

  • For breakfast: herbal tea, any fruit, a piece of bread.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g of plum juice.
  • For lunch: 200 g of boiled squid, 250 g of thick soup, tomato salad.
  • For dinner: 150 g of any baked fish, 100 g of beet salad. Brew tea with thyme.
  • For breakfast: two boiled eggs, green tea, bread.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g of pomegranate juice.
  • For lunch: 150 g fried fish, 250 g vegetable soup, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: juice or herbal tea with honey.
  • For dinner: 230 g of boiled chicken meat, 150 g of salad from any vegetables. Drink tea with thyme.


  • For breakfast: berries or fruits, tea with rose hips.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable juice.
  • For lunch: 230 g of liver (fried), 250 g of puree soup, salad of any vegetables, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: cranberry juice.
  • For dinner: 150 g of any salad, 200 g of fried fish. Wash them down by brewing linden tea.

Video about the blood type diet for weight loss

Nutrition according to blood type is an excellent solution for all women who dream of losing weight without experiencing the inconvenience of strict dietary restrictions. The main characteristics of permitted products, as well as how weight loss occurs, can be seen in the video. The diet for blood type and the main factors influencing weight gain are considered.

The blood type diet is an original and very popular nutrition plan these days, the fruit research work two generations of American nutritionists D" Adamo. According to their idea, during the course of evolution, people's lifestyle changes the biochemistry of the body, which means that each blood group has an individual character and requires special gastronomic treatment. Let traditional science treat this technique with skepticism, there is a stream of fans Diets based on blood type have no effect!

Being slim and healthy is in our blood! In any case, this is what American nutritionists D’Adamo, the creators of famous diet by blood type...

Blood type diet: eat what's in your nature!

Based on its many years medical practice, years of nutritional counseling, and research from his father, James D'Adamo, American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo suggested that it is not height, weight or skin color, but blood type - main factor similarities and differences between people.

Different blood groups interact differently with lecithins, the most important building cellular substances. Lecithins are found in all tissues human body and generously receive food from outside. However, chemically, lecithins contained, for example, in meat, differ from lecithins in plant foods. The blood type diet helps you choose exactly the lecithins your body needs to live a long and happy life.

The theoretical basis of the doctor’s technique was his work Eat Right 4 Your Type, the title of which is a play on words - it means both “Eat right for your type” and “Eat right according to one of the four types.” The first edition of the book was published in 1997, and since then the description of the blood type diet method has been on the American bestseller lists, having gone through several reprints and editions.

Today Dr. D'Adamo heads the clinic own name in Portsmouth, USA, where he helps his patients establish eating behavior. He uses not only the proprietary blood type diet method, but also various auxiliary procedures, including SPA, taking vitamins, psychological work. Despite scientific criticism of Adamo's diet, the clinic is thriving.

Among his clients are many overseas celebrities, for example, fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, fashion model Miranda Kerr, actress Demi Moore. They all trust Dr. D Adamo and claim that they have experienced the amazing slimming and health-promoting effects of the blood type diet.

According to the author of the blood type diet, American nutritionist Peter D. Adamo, knowing our blood type, we can understand what our ancestors did. And form our own menu without contradicting history: hunters are traditionally supposed to eat meat, and nomads are better off avoiding milk .

In his theory, Peter D'Adamo relied on the evolutionary theory of the division of blood into groups, developed by the American immunochemist William Clouser Boyd. Following Boyd, D'Adamo argues that everyone united by the same blood group has a common past, and certain qualities and properties of the blood allow make a fascinating and healthy journey through time from a dietary point of view.

Blood type diet: your menu is chosen... by your ancestors

  • 1 Blood type I (in the international classification - O): described by Dr. D'Adamo as “hunting”. He claims that this is the blood of the first people on Earth, which formed into a separate type about 30 thousand years ago. Proper diet according to blood type for “hunters” - predictable, with a high content of meat protein.
  • 2 Blood type II (international designation - A), according to the doctor, means that you descended from the first farmers, who became a separate “blood type” about 20 thousand years ago. Farmers need, again predictably, to eat a variety of vegetables and minimize red meat.
  • 3 Blood type III (or B) belongs to the descendants of nomads. This type was formed about 10 thousand years ago, and is characterized by a strong immune system and unpretentious digestion, but nomads should monitor the consumption of dairy products - their body is historically prone to lactose intolerance.
  • 4 Blood group IV (AB) is called a “mystery”. The first representatives of this relatively rare type appeared less than 1 thousand years ago and illustrate evolutionary variability in action, combining features of the very different groups I and II.

Diet according to blood type I: every hunter wants to know...

What should he eat to stay healthy and stay healthy? 33% of the world's population can consider themselves to be the descendants of ancient brave miners. There is a scientific opinion that it was from the first blood group that all the others evolved through the process of natural selection.

The diet for the first blood group requires that the diet contain:

  • red meat: beef, lamb
  • organ meats, especially liver
  • broccoli, leafy vegetables, artichokes
  • fatty varieties of sea fish (Scandinavian salmon, sardines, herring, halibut) and seafood (shrimp, oysters, mussels), as well as freshwater sturgeon, pike and perch
  • Among vegetable oils, preference should be given to olive
  • Walnuts, sprouted grains, seaweed, figs and prunes provide micronutrients and aid digestion in a diet rich in animal protein.

The foods on the following list cause hunters to gain weight and experience the effects of a slower metabolism. The blood type diet assumes that those with type 1 will not abuse:

  • foods high in gluten (wheat, oats, rye)
  • dairy products, especially fatty ones
  • corn, beans, lentils
  • any cabbage (including Brussels sprouts), as well as cauliflower.

Observing it is necessary to avoid salty foods and foods that cause fermentation (apples, cabbage), including juices from them.

Among the drinks, mint tea and rosehip decoction will bring particular benefits.

The blood type diet assumes that the owners of the most ancient group have a generally healthy gastrointestinal tract, but the only correct nutritional strategy for them remains conservative; hunters usually tolerate new foods poorly. But it is precisely the owners of this blood group who are destined by nature for all kinds of physical activity and feel good only if they combine proper nutrition with regular loads.

Diet according to blood type II: what should a farmer eat?

Eliminates meat and dairy products from the diet, giving the green light to vegetarianism and fruit eating. About 38% of the world's population belongs to the second blood group - almost half of us descended from the first farmers!

The diet for blood group 2 should contain the following foods:

  • vegetables
  • vegetable oils
  • cereals and grains (with caution - gluten-containing)
  • fruits - pineapples, apricots, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums
  • Eating meat, especially red meat, is not recommended for “farmers” at all, but fish and seafood (cod, perch, carp, sardines, trout, mackerel) will benefit.

In order not to gain weight and avoid health problems, those with blood type II on an appropriate diet are advised to remove the following from the menu:

  • dairy products: slow down metabolism and are poorly digested
  • wheat dishes: gluten protein, which wheat is rich in, reduces the effect of insulin and slows down metabolism
  • beans: difficult to digest due to high content squirrel
  • eggplants, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes and olives
  • "Prohibited" fruits are oranges, bananas, mangoes, coconuts, tangerines, papaya and melon
  • Those with the second blood type are better off avoiding drinks such as black tea, orange juice, and any soda.

To the number strengths"farmers" refers to hardy digestive system and generally good health - provided that the body is fed correctly. If a person with the second blood group consumes too much meat and milk to the detriment of plant-based menu, his risk of developing heart disease and cancer, as well as diabetes, increases many times over.

Diet according to blood type III: for almost omnivores

About 20% of the world's inhabitants belong to the third blood group. The type, which arose during the period of active migration of the masses, is distinguished by its excellent ability to adapt and a certain omnivorousness: wandering back and forth across continents, nomads got used to eating what they had, with maximum benefit for themselves, and passed this skill on to their descendants. If in your circle of friends there is a friend with a tinned stomach, who does not care for any new food, most likely his blood type is third.

It is considered the most diverse and balanced. It certainly includes the following products:

  • sources of animal protein - meat and fish (preferably sea fish as a storehouse of easily digestible and important for metabolism fatty acids)
  • milk products (both whole and sour)
  • cereals (except buckwheat and wheat)
  • vegetables (except corn and tomatoes, melons and melons are also undesirable)
  • various fruits.

In order to maintain health and maintain a normal weight, it makes sense for those with the third blood group to refrain from:

  • pork and chicken meat
  • seafood
  • olives
  • corn and lentils
  • nuts, especially peanuts
  • alcohol.

Nomads, despite all their flexibility and adaptability, are characterized by a lack of protection against rare viruses and a tendency to autoimmune diseases. In addition, there is an opinion that the scourge of modern society, the “syndrome chronic fatigue", also refers to the nomadic heritage. Those belonging to this blood type suffer relatively rarely from excess weight Therefore, the blood type diet for them becomes primarily a way to regulate metabolism and maintain good health.

Blood type IV diet: who are you, mystery man?

The last, fourth blood group, is the youngest from a historical point of view. Doctor D" Adamo himself calls its representatives "mysteries"; the name "citizens" also stuck.

The blood of such biochemistry is the result of the latest stages of natural selection and the influence on humans of changes in last centuries external conditions. Today the attitude towards this mysterious mixed type less than 10% of the world's population can boast.

If they intend to lose weight and improve their metabolism with the help of a blood type 4 diet, they will have to be prepared for the fact that the menu contains unexpected recommendations and no less unexpected prohibitions.

Mystery people should eat:

  • soy in various forms, and especially tofu
  • fish and caviar
  • dairy products
  • green vegetables and fruits
  • berries
  • dry red wine.

At the same time, the following foods should be avoided:

  • red meat, offal and meat products
  • any beans
  • buckwheat
  • corn and wheat.
  • oranges, bananas, guava, coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, persimmons
  • mushrooms
  • nuts.

The mysterious townspeople are characterized by instability of the nervous system, a predisposition to oncological diseases, strokes and heart attacks, as well as a weak gastrointestinal tract. But the immune system of the owners of the rare fourth group is distinguished by sensitivity and adaptability to changing conditions. Therefore, it is especially important for “city dwellers” to monitor the intake of vitamins and microelements.

The effectiveness of the blood type diet

The blood type diet is one of the systematic nutrition plans that require a significant revision of the diet and do not give predictable results over a specific period of time. According to the developer, if the diet coincides with what the blood “wants”, getting rid of excess weight will definitely come after metabolic processes are established and the cells begin to receive building material exactly from the sources they need.

The author recommends a blood type diet for those people who want to solve for themselves the issue of cleansing the body and gradually losing weight. As well as the prevention of diseases, the list of which, according to Dr. Peter D Adamo, differs for each blood group with its own specificity.

Blood type diet: criticism and refutation

Peter D Adamo's method has been provoking scientific controversy since its first publication. At the beginning of 2014, researchers from Canada published data from a large-scale study of the effect of a blood type diet, in which about one and a half thousand subjects took part. Scientists announced that their conclusion is clear: pronounced weight loss This nutrition plan has no effect.

In some cases, the results digest notes, a vegetarian diet or a reduction in carbohydrates helps to reduce weight, but this is not due to the combined effect of food and blood type, but to the general improvement of the menu. The blood group II diet helped subjects lose a few kilos and reduce blood pressure, a diet for blood group IV normalizes cholesterol and insulin levels, but has no effect on weight, a diet for blood type I reduces the amount of fat in the plasma, and a diet for blood group III did not noticeably affect anything at all, the staff came to these conclusions research center in Toronto.

However, it is unlikely that these data will seriously affect the popularity of the Dr. D Adamo diet. The blood type diet has managed to find hundreds of thousands of fans around the world: perhaps it does not help you lose weight as dramatically as any other, but it allows you to get to know yourself better and learn to understand the needs of your body.

The blood type diet is a completely new trend in the field of dietetics and has been on the list of one of the most popular and effective options nutrition.

Made a start dietary nutrition according to blood types, Americans James and Peter D'Adamo, based purely on medical research and urging you to listen to the call of your nature.

This diet is not associated with strict restrictions; eating according to your blood type for weight loss is not a one-day event, but a systematic approach to choosing foods throughout your life.

Diets don't like temporary relationships with you. If you want results, make diet your life partner in choosing foods.

The methodology is based on the theory of an innate predisposition to certain products, which was formed in the process of evolution. And time does not stand still!

If you were previously sure of the existence of 4 blood groups, then today two more groups have been identified, which were suspected 10 years ago. This is another fact in favor of the continuous development of the human body and the influence of environmental factors on this process (including environmental and chemotherapy).

We will consider the classic four groups, since they are the ones that prevail in the post-Soviet expanses and the weight loss diet is designed specifically for them.

The essence of losing weight, taking into account the properties of blood

The antigenic properties of red blood cells, which determine the blood group, were formed historically and determined the immune and digestive characteristics of the body and its adaptive properties.

The concept in nutrition is based on the division of foods into healthy, neutral and harmful in terms of their effect on the quality and speed of metabolism.

Healthy foods can be consumed in maximum quantity, they will bring greatest benefit and will be accepted best by the body.

Neutral foods will have a corresponding neutral effect on our health and their share in the diet should be minimal. Harmful products will not provide any benefit and, moreover, are harmful to the body; they will not be absorbed, but will be determined in the form of fatty deposits.

Food directly affects the metabolic rate, strengthening the immune system and its ability to resist viruses and pathogens, psycho-emotional state and energy.

Such a diet can get rid of allergic reactions to certain foods (don’t be surprised if you find those that cause your allergies on the list of undesirable foods).

Why do we gain weight?

Have you noticed that your friends, who regularly consume dairy products, feel great and cannot live without them, but you have no interest in such an addiction and easily gain weight from the same homemade cottage cheese?

First, let's look at the list of what will be excluded from your list of products and what is allowed in small quantities.

“Hunters” of group 1 will exclude from the diet:

  • cereals, namely: corn, barley, rye, oats, wheat, oatmeal;
  • legumes: all types of beans, lentils, peas;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • fatty dairy products, including butter, cream, cheese.

We add limited amounts of low-fat foods to the diet fermented milk products, potatoes and flour products, exotic fruits and berries. Alcohol, corn oil and peanut oil are allowed in very small quantities.

“Farmers” with blood type 2 do not eat:

  • all types of meat products;
  • dairy products;
  • beans and wheat.

If possible, limit the consumption of baked goods, starchy foods (especially potatoes), fatty sauces and dressings.

“Nomads” 3 blood groups exclude:

  • nuts (do not eat peanuts at all);
  • corn, buckwheat and lentils;
  • alcohol.

Seafood and meat, peanut and corn oil, tomatoes, whole grain and rye bread are allowed in moderation.

Mystery people with blood type IV do not eat:

  • meat (except lamb and rabbit);
  • legumes, in particular all types of beans;
  • grains: wheat, buckwheat, corn;
  • exotic fruits.

Mushrooms, fatty fish, and “mysteries” are added to the diet to a limited extent. olive oil and in very small doses, nuts and seeds.

You can learn how to lose 10 kg with this diet from the video.

We create a healthy menu for weight loss

Below we will consider a list of products for each group, using which you will make purchases with your eyes closed and set priorities.

Group I

For “meat-eaters,” as representatives of the most ancient blood group, nature itself suggested which foods to give priority in the diet: meat is the basis of the diet and promotes the most efficient metabolism.

The following products will help you lose weight:

  1. Red meat (especially beef and lamb), liver, offal.
  2. Seafood, salmon, trout, pike, perch, cod, sturgeon.
  3. Foods rich in iodine (especially seaweed and walnuts).
  4. Green fruits and vegetables (except sour vegetables).
  5. Olive oil.
  6. Figs and prunes.

Group II

The diet of “farmers”, as born agrarians, consists of a vegetarian menu with the addition of a limited amount of dairy products. Metabolism is “sharpened” on grains and vegetables.

We list the most useful products:

  1. All types of vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits. Pineapple is especially useful.
  2. Cereals: wheat, buckwheat, rice, soybeans.
  3. Beans and legumes.
  4. Vegetable oils, especially grape seed oil, olive oil and sesame oil.
  5. Juices, fresh juices, red wine and coffee.

III group

“Nomads” can boast of a fairly varied menu, and even if they eat something from the prohibited list, their metabolism is able to adapt and cope with the load more easily than is the case with representatives of other blood groups.

What should always be in the diet of “nomads”:

  1. Meat (do not abuse excessively fatty meats).
  2. Fish and seafood. Fatty types of fish, which are so rich in healthy fatty acids, are welcome.
  3. Eggs and dairy products.
  4. Grains: rice (unpolished) and oatmeal.
  5. Green fruits and vegetables (especially white cabbage), mushrooms.
  6. Juices, fresh juices, green tea.

IV group

This blood group was formed about 1000 years ago and it is not completely known what contributed to this.

A few representatives of the fourth blood group (and up to 5% of the world's population) could notice a passion for vegetables, dairy products and an aversion to eating meat. And for good reason!

In this, the "riddlers" are similar to the "farmers" and diagonally opposite to the "hunters".

What's in the Mystery Man's diet:

  1. Seafood and fish (Trout, salmon, and mackerel are especially useful).
  2. Soy, tofu, soy milk.
  3. Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, homemade cheese and feta cheese, yoghurts.
  4. Cereals: rice, oatmeal, millet.
  5. Green vegetables and fruits, especially those enriched with vitamin C.
  6. Coffee and green tea, rosehip and hawthorn infusions.

  1. Do not combine proteins and carbohydrates in one plate.
  2. Eat small meals up to 6 times a day.
  3. Don't overeat! As soon as your spoon work slows down, you are full, and you will feel it in 20 minutes.
  4. Never drink food; you can take liquid no earlier than 2 hours after a meal and 20 minutes before a meal.
  5. Cut down on sugar. Start with at least tea without sugar, your receptors will begin to feel the real taste after 2 weeks, transfer this practice to other dishes - it’s all a matter of habit.
  6. Give preference to yeast-free baked goods made from whole grains.
  7. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat a baked apple.

About contraindications

The blood type diet is not one of those that strictly limits the variety of your diet. On the contrary - based on useful lists you can create a balanced menu and not worry about fainting from hunger.

The only caution would be moderate consumption of meat for gout patients, since increased content Protein in the diet will worsen your health.

All other contraindications come from individual characteristics and the health status of each person.

Weight loss results and reviews

Positive results significantly suppress feedback from dissatisfied experimenters. Nutritionists themselves often prefer a similar approach to the diet.

It is confirmed that best results go to those who are on a diet for a long time (more than a year).

I am a nutritionist myself and compiled a diet for my mother based on the blood type diet. The effect appeared gradually. In 2.5 years she lost 23 kg and has maintained the weight.

-Anna, 27 years old

After reading the list of allowed foods for my second blood group, I noted that these are exactly my dietary preferences, and I myself adhere to a similar menu. My stomach feels most comfortable when eating these foods.

-Maria, 33 years old

I didn’t turn to this diet for the purpose of losing weight. I wanted to normalize the digestion process and get rid of the heaviness after eating, which became more and more noticeable with age. And the results were not long in coming: cramps and bloating disappeared almost instantly!

-Inga, 61 years old

We can positively conclude that the blood type diet is primarily a way to normalize digestive processes and general well-being.

It can be noted that in the diet of almost all groups, foods with low glycemic index, which cannot but affect weight loss, and if you get general basic nutritional recommendations, you will be doomed to lose body fat!

The truths and myths about the blood type diet are contained in the video.


I found the most complete list for nutrition according to blood type

The creator of the theory of nutrition based on human blood groups, Dr. Damo believes that diet and blood composition are directly related. For example, those with the first blood group are meat eaters, so eating peas or wheat is simply contraindicated for them. And, on the contrary: for the “agrarian”, second blood group, some products of animal origin, such as milk, are harmful. This is explained by the fact that in the foods we eat there are various types lectin protein. The lectin protein found in milk is different from the lectin found in meat, and so on. Cells of one blood group are able to accept one lectin without harm and cause a rejection reaction when another lectin enters (blood cells stick together. So, people have 4 different blood groups

1st blood group

Wheat, corn, beans, dark beans, lentils, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard.

Seaweed, seafood, iodized salt, liver, red meat, kale, asparagus, broccoli, spinach.

Meat and poultry
Particularly useful products:
Mutton. Beef. Buffalo meat. Lamb meat. Venison. Heart. Liver. Veal.
Neutral products:
Rabbit meat. Chicken of meat breeds. Turkey meat. Partridge meat. Quail meat. Pheasant meat. Chicken meat. Duck meat.
Pork. Goose.

Particularly useful products:
White halibut. European hake. Yellow perch. Red Berix. Salmon fish. Lofolatilus. Bluefish. Swordfish. Morone. Sole. Sturgeon. Striped bass. Rainbow trout. Light snapper. Herring. Seriola. Whitefish. Mackerel. Cod. Shed. Pike. South African sardine.
Neutral products:
Shark. Anchovy. Beluga. Venus, or clam (mollusk). Gorbyl. Scallop (clam). Grouper. Long flounder. Longfin tuna. Pufferfish. Squid. Flounder. Rock perch. Carp. Smelt. Crab. Shrimp. Trout (salmon-taimen). Mussel (clam). Abalone (mollusk). Angelfish (fish). Sea bass. Lobster. Haddock. Porgy. Crayfish. Ronka (silver perch). Sailfish. Sunfish. Edible frog. Edible snail. Acne. Oyster. Sea turtle. Shchuryata.
Barracuda (sea pike). Caviar. Smoked salmon. Other shellfish. Octopus. Striped catfish. Herring (salted or pickled).

Dairy and eggs
Not recommended.
Neutral products:
Homemade cheese (Farmer variety). Butter. Soy milk. Soy cheese. Cheese from goat milk. Mozzarella cheese (from buffalo milk). Feta cheese ( greek recipe, from white goat's milk).
Blue cheese. All types of yogurt. Food casein. Kefir. Goat's milk. Ice cream. Munster cheese. Skim (2%) milk. Buttermilk. Processed cheese. Pressed cottage cheese. Cream cheese. Whey. Cheeses: “American”, “Brie”, “Gouda”, “Gruyere”, “Camembert”, “Colby”, “Monterrey soft”, “Parmesan”, “Cheddar”, “Swiss”, “Edamian”, “Emmental” . Whole milk.

Particularly useful products:
Artichoke. Okra (edible hibiscus). Sweet potato. Brauncol. Broccoli. Jerusalem artichoke. Leaf cabbage. Kohlrabi. Red hot capsicum. Leafy vegetables. Beet leaves. Yellow onion. Spanish onion. Red onion. Leeks. Chard (chard). Sea vegetable (seaweed). Parsnip. Parsley. Loose lettuce. Turnips (forage turnip). Pepo pumpkin. Horseradish. Chicory. Garlic. Spinach. Escarole (salad).
Neutral products:
White peas. "Bok choy." Swede. Water chestnut (chilim). Portobello mushrooms. Daikon ( Japanese radish). Oyster mushroom. Enoki (mushroom). Yellow pepper. Green onions(feather bow). Green pepper. Ginger. Italian chicory. Chervil (Kervil). Coriander. Watercress. Lima beans. Bulbless onion. Shallot (charlotte). Olives are green. Carrot. Abalone (mushroom). Cucumbers. Fern (curls). Jalapeno pepper. Bamboo shoots. Golden bean shoots (mung beans). Radish shoots. Rape. Radish. Rocket salad. Lettuce. Beet. Celery root. Asparagus. Tempex (soy product). Caraway. Tomatoes. Tofu (soy product). Pumpkin (other types). Dill. Fennel. Zucchini. Endive (chicory salad). Yam.
Avocado. Eggplant. Greenhouse mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms. Cabbage: white and red, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower. Potato. Corn. Olives: Greek, Spanish, black. Young mustard leaves. Alfalfa shoots.

Fruits and berries
Particularly useful products:
Figs, fresh and dried. Plums. Prunes.
Neutral products:
Apricots. Pineapples. Watermelons. Bananas. Cowberry. Concord grapes. Cherries. Blueberry. Grenades. Grapefruits. Pears. Guava. Melon "Kanan". Crenshaw melon. Starfruit. Raisin. Spanish melon. Carambol. Cassaba (winter melon). Kiwi. Cranberry. Red currant. Red grapes. Gooseberry. Kumquat (citrus fruit). Lime. Lemons. Loganberry. Raspberry. Mango. Cantaloupe. Nectarine (peachless peach). Papaya. Peaches. Fruits of prickly pear (Indian fig). Christmas melon. Dates are red. Persimmon. Black currant. Blueberry. Black grapes. Apples. Elderberries.
Oranges. Melon "Cantaloupe". Muscat melon. Blackberry. Strawberries, strawberries. Coconuts. Tangerines. Rhubarb.

2nd blood group

Foods that promote weight gain
Meat, dairy products, beans, wheat.

Products that help you lose excess weight
Vegetable oils, soy products, vegetables, pineapples.

Particularly useful products:
Grouper. Yellow perch. Carp. Red Berix. Trout (salmon-taimen). Angelfish (fish). Rainbow trout. Ronka (silver perch). Whitefish. Mackerel. Edible snail. Cod. Shchuryata. South African sardine.
Neutral products:
Shark. Gorbyl. Longfin tuna. Pufferfish. Rock perch. Smelt. Swordfish. Morone. Abalone (mollusk). Sea bass. Sturgeon. Porgy. Sailfish. Light snapper. Seriola (fish). Pike.
Anchovy. Barracuda (sea pike). White halibut. Beluga. Venus, or clem (mollusk). Scallop (clam). Long flounder. European hake. Caviar. Squid. Flounder. Crab. Shrimps. Salmon (smoked). Lofolatilus. Bluefish. Mussel (clam). Other shellfish. Sole. Lobster. Octopus. Haddock. Striped catfish. Striped bass. Crayfish. Herring is fresh, salted or pickled. Sunfish. Edible frog. Acne. Oyster (shellfish). Sea turtle. Shad (fish).

Dairy and eggs
Particularly useful products:
Soy milk and cheese.
Neutral products:
Homemade cheese (Farmer variety). Yogurt. Kefir. Goat's milk. Processed cheese. Goat's milk cheese. Mozzarella cheese (low-fat, made from buffalo milk). Ricotta cheese (low-fat). Feta cheese (Greek, made from white goat's milk).
Blue cheese. Casein (food grade). Butter. Ice cream. Munster cheese. Skim (2%) milk. Buttermilk. Pressed cottage cheese. Cream cheese. Whey. Cheeses: American Brie, Gouda, Gruyère, Camembert, Colby, Monterrey soft, Neuchatel, Parmesan, Provolone, Cheddar, Jarlsburg, Swiss ", "Edamian", "Emmental". Whole milk. Milk sorbet.

Particularly useful products:
Homemade artichoke. Okra (edible hibiscus). Ground pear(Jerusalem artichoke). "Browncolle" cabbage. Leaf cabbage. Asparagus cabbage (broccoli). Kohlrabi. Leafy vegetables. Beet leaves. Yellow onion. Spanish onion. Red onion. Leeks. Chard (chard). Carrot. Parsnip. Parsley. Alfalfa shoots. Loose romaine lettuce. Tempeh (soybean product). Tofu (soy product). Turnips (forage turnip). Pepo pumpkin. Horseradish. Chicory. Garlic. Spinach. Escarole (salad).
Neutral products:
Avocado. "Bok choy." Swede. Brussels sprouts. Water chestnut (chilim). Portobello mushrooms. Daikon (Japanese radish). Oyster mushroom. Green onions. Italian chicory. Chervil (Kervil). Coriander. Watercress. White and yellow grain corn. Bulbless onion. Shallot (charlotte). Olives are green. Young mustard leaves. Abalone (mushroom). Sea vegetable (seaweed). Cucumbers. Fern (curls). Bamboo shoots. Golden bean shoots (mung beans). Radish shoots. Rape. Radish. Rocket salad. Lettuce. Beet. Celery. Asparagus. Caraway. Pumpkin. Fennel. Cauliflower. Zucchini. Endive (chicory salad).
Eggplant. Sweet potato. Greenhouse mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms. Yellow pepper. Green pepper. Cabbage: white, Chinese, red. Potatoes "white" and "red". Red hot (hot) capsicum. Lima beans (Lima beans). Olives: Greek, Spanish, black. Jalapeno pepper. Tomatoes. Yam.

Fruits and berries
Particularly useful products:
Apricots. Pineapples. Cowberry. Cherries. Blueberry. Blackberry. Grapefruits. Raisin. Figs, fresh and dried. Cranberry. Lemons. Plums. Blueberry. Prunes.
Neutral products:
Watermelons. Concord grapes. Grenades. Pears. Guava. Melon "Kanan". Crenshaw melon. Starfruit. Green grapes. Strawberry (strawberry). Spanish melon. Carambol. Cassaba (winter melon). Kiwi. Red currant. Red grapes. Gooseberry. Kumquat. Lime. Loganberry. Raspberry. Cantaloupe. Nectarine. Peaches. Fruits of prickly pear (Indian fig). Christmas melon. Dates. Persimmon. Black currant. Black grapes. Apples. Elderberries.
Oranges. Bananas. Melons "Cantaloupe" and "Honeydew" (nutmeg). Coconuts. Mango. Tangerines. Papaya. Rhubarb.

3rd blood group

Dietary recommendations
Mixed (balanced) diet. Omnivores: meat, fish, fermented milk and low-fat products, eggs, cereals (except buckwheat and wheat), legumes, vegetables (except corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, olives), fruits.
seafood, pork, chicken.
Recommended drinks:
green tea, herbal teas(licorice, ginseng, gingko biloba, sage, raspberry leaf), cranberry, cabbage, grape, pineapple juice. Neutral: orange juice, beer, wine, coffee, black tea. No tomato juice.

When controlling your weight, exclude:
corn, lentils, peanuts, buckwheat, wheat, tomatoes, pork.

Helps control weight:
green salads, herbs, eggs, liver, veal, licorice root, soy.

must combine physical and mental balance: walking, cycling, tennis, swimming, yoga, tai chi.

Special Recommendations
For this type, the biggest factors for weight gain are corn, buckwheat porridge, peanuts and sesame grains. All these products suppress the production of insulin and thereby reduce the efficiency of metabolic processes. The result is fatigue, water retention, hypoglycemia and weight gain.

4th blood group

Dietary recommendations
Moderately mixed diet, meat - lamb, rabbit, turkey, fish, except seafood, dairy products, cheeses, soy cottage cheese, olive oil, cod liver, walnuts and peanuts, cereals, except buckwheat and corn, vegetables, except pepper, black olives and corn, fruits, except sharp and sour ones.
Recommended drinks: coffee, green tea, chamomile, ginseng, ginger, rose hip, echinacea, hawthorn teas. Neutral: beer, wine, mint tea, don-kuey, valerian, raspberry. Senna, linden and teas made from them are not recommended.

Helps you lose weight
soy, fish, dairy products, greens, algae, pineapple.

Special Recommendations
To lose weight, you need to reduce your meat intake, increase your intake of vegetables and tofu (an excellent source of protein for group 4). The same problem is with legumes, buckwheat, corn and sesame grains - their consumption leads to the fact that these products reduce insulin production, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism. Buckwheat, legumes and corn should be avoided.

The rapidly developing flow of discoveries and innovations allowed nutritionists to develop a new formula healthy diet. We will talk about the fact that nutrition according to a blood test is one of the most effective. It allows you to clean extra pounds without causing harm own health. However, scientists have been approaching this diet, stumbling and making mistakes, for more than one or two years. System searches healthy eating, which will bring perfection to the human body in the process of losing weight, has taken many years. People's blood groups were divided into groups only a century ago, but research in this direction did not stop. The division into 4 types is taken as the basis for a completely unique and effective diet.

Historical background

Research by scientists claims that it was nutrition that played a fundamental role in the formation of 4 types of blood in humans. It turned out that all the varieties arose sequentially, and did not appear at once.

  • O(I). The first blood group includes peoples who lived by gathering and hunting. The main priority of these tribes is survival. Until now, there is a hypothesis that representatives of the first group are purposeful, active people. The number of people on the planet with this blood type is percentage is 30%.
  • A (II). The second blood group, which arose during the transition of a person to farming, includes people satisfied with life with a stable nervous system. For the most part, the character of the inhabitants of the planet with the second group is dominated by calmness, measuredness and focus on results. Most people on the planet live with the second type of blood - 40%.
  • B (III). The third blood group are nomads, whose tribes roamed the expanses of the then almost deserted Earth. They were engaged in animal husbandry. This category people are taught to adapt to environmental conditions, adapting to them, calmly reacting to all difficulties that arise. About 22% of people on the planet have blood type 3.
  • AB(IV). Unique and rare group. This happened because it was formed relatively recently (by the standards of humanity’s existence on this Earth). When types 2 and 3 merged, a new one was obtained - 4. No more than 8% of people who are carriers of this blood group live on Earth.

Doctors have found that the same food is absorbed by the body of people with different types blood is absolutely individual.

In turn, according to nutritionists, people should divide all food products into three categories:

  • necessary for the body (useful);
  • those without which the body is quite able to live (neutral);
  • those without which the body must exist (unnecessary or harmful).

Nutrition according to blood type is an optional process, but desirable. When compiling a set of products for the daily menu, a person can adhere to important rules related to his type and effectively lose weight.

Diet for weight loss

A diet for weight loss based on a person's blood type was developed by scientists to achieve noticeable results in losing weight without harming the body. As reviews from those who have lost weight say, a person can eat everything from the menu intended specifically for him, without limiting himself in the amount of food consumed. However this system weight loss is effective only when the entire process occurs under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Each type has its pros and cons, which are fundamental links in building a diet:

  1. First blood group characterized by excellent immune system and stable digestion, high activity and good metabolism. Of the negative aspects - aversion to sudden changes in nutrition, a tendency to allergic reactions and inflammation.
  2. The second group belongs to people with immunity to changes in living conditions. They are distinguished by a weak gastrointestinal tract, frequent illnesses gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys.
  3. Third blood group- people with nerves of iron and good immunity. If there are metabolic failures, there is a high probability of heart disease, vascular disease, and cancerous tumors. They are highly susceptible to viral infections.
  4. Fourth group typical for people who have all the pros and cons of types 2 and 3.

The menu is selected for each blood group, taking into account indications for improving the patient’s health and losing weight:

  • For the first - food with a maximum protein content. Undesirable products - cereals.
  • For the second - food plant origin. Undesirable products - containing a maximum amount of animal fats.
  • For the third - a diet based on a balance of products of plant and animal origin. The exception is seafood and pork.
  • For the fourth - food with a moderate content of all products. Lean meat and fish are especially desirable in the diet.


1 group

The diet for blood group 1 positive and negative includes the following foods:

Recommended for use:

  • meat with low fat content;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • green;
  • stone fruits and apples;
  • cabbage of any kind;
  • sour natural juices;
  • herbal tea.

It is forbidden :

  • fatty meat and milk;
  • oil with high percentage cholesterol;
  • legumes, cereals (any);
  • vinegar and vinegar-containing products;
  • citrus and aromatic fruits;
  • potatoes, alcohol and coffee.

2nd group

Diet for blood group 2 positive and negative includes:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • little olive and flax;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • cereals and rye flour;
  • mustard;
  • stone fruits and sour citrus fruits;
  • wild berries;
  • vegetables (root vegetables);
  • coffee;
  • wine;
  • herbal teas;
  • natural juices.
  • dried sea fish;
  • crayfish and shrimp;
  • full-fat milk and dairy products;
  • solid oils of vegetable and animal origin;
  • liver;
  • vinegar;
  • sweet citrus and melons;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

3 group

The diet for blood group 3 positive and negative is developed taking into account the following features:

Desirable products to eat:

  • egg;
  • dietary meat;
  • river fish;
  • olive oil;
  • legumes;
  • cereals and bread;
  • green;
  • stone fruits and apples;
  • root vegetables and cabbage;
  • sour juices.
Not recommended for use:
  • fatty meat;
  • marine fish and crustaceans;
  • ice cream;
  • nuts;
  • lentils;
  • rye bread;
  • cinnamon;
  • persimmon;
  • pomegranate;
  • root vegetables with a spicy taste (radish, radish);
  • potato;
  • tomato juice;
  • alcohol tinctures with a high degree;
  • cognac and lemonade.

4 group

The diet for blood type 4 negative is identical to the diet for types 2 and 3. The set of products for weight loss is the same. At the same time, the diet for blood group 4 is positive. However, we must not forget that this group is the most unstable to the effects of the environment and stress and especially needs the recommendations of specialists in selecting proper nutrition.

The remaining food products are neutral and are allowed for consumption by any blood group, be it positive or negative. Reviews from those who have lost weight say that, on the doctor’s recommendation, you can eat these foods, but with minor adjustments in the amount of food consumed.

Diet chart by blood type

The nutrition menu for weight loss for representatives of any blood type clearly shows which foods are desirable and which ones should be avoided (or minimized).

Product Blood group
Orange - - N -
Grapefruit N + N +
Mandarin - - N N
Pomegranate N N - -
Lemon N + N +
Pineapple N + + +
Banana N - + -
Kiwi N N N +
Pear N N N N
Apple + + + +
Peach N N N N
Nectarine N N N N
Plum + + + +
Melon - - N N
Coconut - - + +
Avocado - N - -
Persimmon N N - -
Watermelon N N N N
Barberry N - - -
Grape N N + +
Strawberry - N N N
Cherry N + N +
Cranberry N + + +
Gooseberry N N N +
Currant N N N N
Raspberry N N N N
Cherries + + N +
Dried fruits
Raisin N N N N
Prunes + + N N
Figs + + N +
Tomatoes N - - N
cucumbers N N N +
Sweet pepper N - + +
White cabbage - - + N
Potato - - - N
Carrot N N + N
Onions + + N N
Radish N N - -
Pumpkin + + - N
Broccoli + + + +
Cauliflower - - + +
Beet N N N N
Oyster mushrooms N + N N
Champignons - - N N
Olives - - - N
Beef + - N -
Pork - - - -
Mutton + - + +
Veal + - N -
Rabbit meat N - + +
Chicken N N - -
Turkey + N N +
Duck N - - -
Carp N + N N
Salmon + + + +
Herring + + N N
Zander N + + +
Hake + - + -
Tuna N N N +
Mackerel + + + +
Crustaceans N - - -
Dairy products
Milk - - N -
Kefir - N + +
Cottage cheese N N + +
Cheese - - N N
Sour cream - N + +
Yogurt - N + +
Ice cream - - - -
Butter N - N -
Cereals and legumes
Corn - N - -
Peas N N N N
Beans N N N N
Buckwheat N + - -
Semolina - - N N
Rice N N + +
Wheat flour - - N N
Pasta - - N N
Oatmeal - N + +
White bread - N + N
Green tea N + + +
Black tea - - N -
Black coffee - + N +
White wine N N N N
Red wine N + N N
Beer N - N N
Spirits - - - -
Pickles - N N -
Vinegar - - N -
Ketchup - - - -
Mayonnaise N - - N
Sugar N N N N
Chocolate N N N N
Sunflower oil N N - -
Olive oil + + + +
Eggs N N + N
Sunflower seeds N N - -
Walnuts + N N +