Aching legs during pregnancy: how to relieve the condition. Why do your legs hurt in early pregnancy? Why do pregnant women's legs hurt and ache?

Leg pain during pregnancy is such a common occurrence that many expectant mothers do not attach any importance to it. Especially if we are talking about a long period of time, when not only the lower extremities are disturbed, but it seems that the whole body is one continuous aching zone. Women simply endure and count the days until childbirth.

Meanwhile, pain in the legs is not always physiological in nature. In some cases, it can be caused by pathologies that require medical intervention. Every pregnant woman should know about the causes, symptoms, methods of combating and preventing the problem in order to protect herself and her child from undesirable consequences.

Every phenomenon has its own cause. Unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities are no exception. There are many reasons why legs hurt during pregnancy.

Here are the most common ones:

  • Varicose veins This is a pathological condition in which the vessels are deformed, and stagnation of blood in them causes pain in the legs. Almost 40% of pregnant women suffer from this disease. The pathology can be recognized by the spider veins that appear on the calves or thighs. Another sign: during pregnancy, it is the right leg that hurts, which is explained by the pressure of the growing uterus on the large pelvic veins. The latter are pinched and lose capacity. And since the main flow of blood flows through the inferior vena cava, which is located in the right limb, it is most often affected.
  • Edema. A very common reason why legs may hurt during pregnancy. Typically appear after 30 weeks, but can occur earlier. They are explained by the fact that the kidneys do not have time to process the fluid, which then accumulates in the soft tissues.
  • Weight gain. A pregnant woman's body weight increases faster than the body can adapt to it. It becomes difficult for the legs to withstand the new load, so they hurt.
  • Reaction of the musculoskeletal system. It is typical for relatively late periods, when the stomach is already large. The center of gravity shifts, which makes the spine and legs “feel” unusual. The reaction is pain.
  • Wrong shoes. Women who are wondering why their feet hurt during pregnancy should take a closer look at their shoes. Sometimes the reason lies precisely in it. After all, from the first months of gestation, doctors recommend that expectant mothers give up high heels and other shoes that are uncomfortable for the feet. And if this requirement is not met, the legs begin to hurt.
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones. This is a normal phenomenon and indicates that the body is preparing for childbirth. Usually observed in the third trimester, but can occur earlier. In this case, it is not even the legs themselves that ache, but the bones between them - in the perineum area.
  • Cramps. The calves of the legs often hurt during pregnancy due to sudden muscle contraction. This usually happens at night. The pain is usually very severe, but goes away quickly. Cramps plague pregnant women whose bodies lack calcium or iron.
  • A lack of vitamins can also cause pain in the lower extremities. Every day the child takes more and more nutrients from the mother, their deficiency affects the woman’s condition.
  • Urolithiasis or kidney failure. They become aggravated or occur for the first time, as the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the kidneys and bladder. Sometimes the cause is infection. Bladder problems affect the right side of the body more. But the left leg rarely hurts during pregnancy in such cases.
  • Flat feet. It sometimes appears for the first time while expecting a baby due to the fact that during pregnancy the load on the legs increases and the connective tissue weakens.
  • Mechanical damage. These can be either recent or old injuries to muscle tissue or bones that make themselves felt due to the general weakening of the body.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the reasons why discomfort occurs in the legs. Sometimes pregnant women are diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, fibromyalgia, calf muscle myositis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis or rheumatism. But these and many other reasons are not directly related to pregnancy, so we don’t focus on them.

Night pain in legs

One of the most mysterious and little-studied phenomena affecting expectant mothers is restless legs syndrome. Its exact causes are unknown, and usually there are no other symptoms that could indicate illness. Experts associate the syndrome with a deficiency of vitamins or microelements, with nervous strain or hormonal imbalances.

The phenomenon is characterized by pain in the legs during pregnancy at night. They arise suddenly, and during sleep the woman experiences a burning desire to move a limb in order to alleviate the condition. Indeed, if you move your leg, the pain will go away.

This strange syndrome often leads to nervous breakdowns and even... After all, a pregnant woman needs proper rest, but she doesn’t get it, constantly afraid of facing pain. After childbirth, this phenomenon disappears without a trace.

Features of the manifestations of pain in the legs and accompanying symptoms

The nature of the pain, its location, other features and accompanying symptoms may indicate one or another cause of the discomfort. Although you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, it does not hurt pregnant women to have a general understanding of this issue. This will help you make the right decision in a given situation.

So, you should know that varicose veins are often characterized by nagging pain in the legs during pregnancy. It is also accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, their fullness and cramps. In addition, purple meshwork of blood vessels can be seen on the skin. Exactly the same pains signal pathologies of a musculoskeletal nature and diseases of the nerve endings.

Flat feet are manifested by wrenching pain in the arch of the foot and heels. They usually get worse at the end of the day. They are also almost always activated after a long walk, especially in uncomfortable shoes.

If there is swelling associated with bladder stones or kidney failure, the pain in the legs is usually throbbing. With thrombophlebitis, it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, redness and thickening in the affected areas. In infectious arthritis, in addition to pain, a decrease in motor activity of the limb is recorded.

If cramps occur, then the calves of the legs hurt unbearably during pregnancy . And this usually happens at night - during sleep. Approximately the same localization is observed in cases where the pain is caused by an increase in the body weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity.

To identify the true cause of unpleasant sensations, you need to pay close attention to the body’s signals. And then tell your doctor about them in detail. Of course, symptoms alone will not be enough to make a diagnosis. But they will allow you to decide on the examination methods that should be completed.

Methods of treatment and pain relief

When it comes to leg pain, it is important for expectant mothers to remember that this is often a symptom of some pathology, and not a normal physiological phenomenon. And treatment tactics depend on the type of disease. You need to undergo diagnostics, find out the cause, and then decide on the nature of therapy. If your leg muscles hurt during pregnancy, your bones or feet ache, cool foot baths, quality rest in a lying position with slightly raised limbs, sleeping on your left side, etc. will help relieve the condition.

As for treatment methods, there are three main directions:

  1. Orthopedic. This is, first of all, wearing microfiber underwear, which provides a compression effect and normalizes the movement of blood through the veins. Used for varicose veins and other vascular abnormalities. Orthopedic methods also include special shoes and insoles, which are especially recommended for pregnant women suffering from flat feet. For pain in the perineal area, it helps a lot, unloading and relaxing the spine.
  2. Gymnastics. Physical exercise helps strengthen muscles, normalize weight and relieve stress on the legs. A special complex has been developed for pregnant women, including a cross step, rotation of the foot, bending back and forth, etc. It is also indicated for pain in the legs. For pregnant women in later stages, gymnastics is considered optimal.
  3. Drug therapy. They try not to prescribe synthetic drugs to pregnant women with pain in the legs. The list of permitted funds is very small. Detralex is considered one of the most harmless; it is prescribed for varicose veins to improve blood circulation and relieve pain. The drug Ferlatum will help replenish iron deficiency. If there is a lack of calcium, then an excellent option is. Special complexes combat vitamin deficiency - Teravit-pregan, etc. For edema, Furosemide is sometimes prescribed. The use of some ointments and gels is allowed.

Gymnastics, medications, and orthopedic methods should be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Especially when it comes to pregnancy, when not only your own health is at stake, but also the condition of the baby.

Choosing a specialist

If you have pain in your legs, you should first visit your obstetrician-gynecologist and tell him about the problem. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, analyze symptoms and the results of laboratory tests of urine and blood. Perhaps this will be enough for a verdict, and the recommendations will be reduced to traditional advice: get enough rest, etc.

If the situation turns out to be more serious than we would like, you will have to go to a therapist and undergo additional diagnostics. After this, it will become clear which specialist to contact. Depending on the cause of the pain, this may be a phlebologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, surgeon, nephrologist, rheumatologist or other doctor.

Situations when medical care is needed urgently

If you ask existing mothers whether their legs hurt during pregnancy, almost everyone will answer yes. But for some this is a variant of the norm, while for others it is a serious symptom.

An urgent visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is required in situations where:

  • pain is difficult to bear;
  • swelling is severe;
  • the skin on the lower extremities has acquired a bluish tint or is completely covered with venous networks;
  • feeling weak or numb in the legs;
  • the pain does not go away for more than two days;
  • body temperature increased;
  • joints hurt or their shape has changed.

These conditions can signal serious pathologies, when action must be taken quickly. This often has to be done in a hospital setting. Trying to relieve pain and other symptoms with improvised means is dangerous for both mother and child.

Preventive measures

Anyone can get sick. And even more so for a pregnant woman - after all, her body bears a double load. But still, if you pay attention to prevention, the risks can be minimized.

As for pain in the legs, the preventive measures here are::

  • maintaining normal weight;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • rational nutrition;
  • drinking enough;
  • complete rest;
  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • light foot and calf muscles.

All this will not only avoid problems with the limbs, but will also improve the physical and mental condition of the pregnant woman. A timely medical examination is also considered an important preventive measure. If you consult a doctor at the first warning sign, you can prevent serious complications.

So, leg pain in pregnant women is extremely common. It can be caused by physiological or pathological reasons. To find out the provoking factor, you need to carefully analyze the symptoms and undergo a diagnosis. The results of the latter will determine whether special treatment is needed and what kind of treatment.

Useful video about preventing varicose veins during pregnancy

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You can hear complaints from many women that their legs often ache during pregnancy. As the embryo grows, the load on the mother’s blood vessels and urinary system becomes double. And this can greatly darken life.

Complications of pregnancy

Most women experience a number of difficulties during gestation. From the moment of conception and registration, women report the following disorders of the body to the doctor observing the pregnancy:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions.

Complaints come even from those who lead a healthy lifestyle and have never had health problems before. With the right approach, many complications can be minimized or avoided altogether.

The pelvic organs can be considered the most vulnerable during pregnancy. The total body weight of a woman gradually increases, and the center of gravity shifts. The main load falls on the lower limbs. This condition is accompanied by aching pain, which significantly complicates the daily motor functions of the expectant mother. She begins to experience stiffness of movement, disruption of tissue trophism and normal blood circulation in the vessels of the legs.

Pregnancy complications can seriously harm the development of the embryo. In the event of the slightest ailment of the mother, the fetus will not receive the substances and oxygen necessary for the formation of its internal organs. Lack of nutritional compounds provokes secondary complications.

Joint inflammation is a common problem during pregnancy. Pain and swelling of the legs in this case are a consequence of diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. An acute lack of calcium and vitamin D, vital for cartilage tissue, causes inflammatory joint diseases. Also, high levels of the hormone relaxin in the blood soften bone tissue. The load on the joints will only increase with each day of pregnancy. As a result, pain and swelling will appear and will not leave the woman alone until the very moment of delivery.

Causes of pain and swelling of the lower extremities

The walls of blood vessels are naturally endowed with elasticity, which ensures that they can withstand overwhelming physical stress on the muscular system and ligamentous-tendon apparatus. Venous valves have two leaflets, which, when closed, pump blood through the vessels, preventing it from flowing back.

During pregnancy, blood volume increases along with the concentration of certain hormones. Variability of hormonal levels can lead to relaxation of the venous valves, and sometimes a complete lack of closure. Thus, the blood circulation process is disrupted. Women with this problem begin to experience increasing discomfort in the legs and feet.

From the very first weeks of pregnancy, you should reconsider your wardrobe, not forgetting about shoes. Everyday shoes will gradually feel too tight. Unfortunately, many women save money to purchase new items of clothing that they have never worn before. It is extremely important to give your feet rest. It is recommended to wear shoes without high heels and soft soles from the first trimester. Socks should not be too narrow. You should also avoid products made from synthetic materials and select shoes based on seasonal conditions.

Rubber sneakers, sneakers, and boots will have a negative impact on the health of your feet. Some people get used to such shoes and use them as daily shoes. If you have to walk outside in rubber shoes, then indoors you definitely need to change into something more suitable.

One of the quite common problems with the feet is onychocryptosis - ingrowth of nails into the soft tissue of the terminal phalanx of the finger. Most often the big toe suffers. The disease is a consequence of wearing uncomfortable shoes that are too narrow, flat feet or improper cutting of the nail plate.

Lack of microelements in the mother's body causes muscle cramps and rapid fatigue of the lower extremities. Even adequate nutrition for a pregnant woman cannot ensure normal development of the embryo without additional vitamin complexes. Their deficiency in the mother's body is often the root cause of increased swelling and convulsive muscle contractions.

The most dangerous condition in pregnant women, causing swelling and pain in the legs, is fetal freezing and gestosis. Such complications of pregnancy cause severe intoxication of the entire body, which is expressed in severe swelling.

Symptoms accompanying complications of leg swelling

If there is a circulatory disorder in late pregnancy, the following unpleasant symptoms are observed:

  • increased swelling;
  • redness;
  • aching pain;
  • convulsions;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • rapid muscle fatigue;
  • increasing the temperature of inflamed areas of the legs;
  • aching joints;
  • the appearance of spider veins;
  • emergence of deformed veins on the surface of the skin;
  • inability to bend your knees normally.

This is the most common symptom of varicose veins. The most dangerous thing is that it is almost impossible to stop the disease with increased loads on the lower limbs. The walls of the large vessels of the legs become deformed and lose their elasticity. The next stage without proper therapy is thrombophlebitis.

Symptoms of onychocryptosis (ingrowing of the nail plate into the soft adjacent tissue of the finger) are very painful and boil down to the following:

  • intense pain in the metatarsal part of the foot;
  • inability to fully rely on the entire area of ​​the foot;
  • redness of the inflamed area;
  • release of ichor and pus from under the nail plate;
  • severe swelling of the entire finger;
  • increased body temperature at the site of injury;
  • necrosis of soft adjacent tissues.

It is sometimes simply impossible to endure pain with such a strong inflammatory process. It is necessary to seek help from a doctor when pain and swelling do not go away for more than two days and even after a night’s sleep.

Treatment of sore feet

When turning to a doctor for help, it is necessary to clearly differentiate the origin of the pain. It can be muscle, vascular, articular, bone or nail plates. There are a huge number of nerve endings located under the nail plates, so any disruption of the nail tissue causes throbbing pain.

To get rid of swelling and pain in the legs during pregnancy, you should correctly diagnose and find out the root cause. The approach should be comprehensive:

  • Change your usual everyday shoes to more spacious and soft ones. It is necessary to change into removable shoes indoors. Choose shoes according to the season.
  • For tired, aching legs, warm salt baths will provide a good effect. You can add a few drops of essential oils to the saline solution. Oils of tea tree, calendula, rosemary, chamomile flowers, juniper, and citrus are ideal. Along with the relaxing and stimulating effect, the oils will also have an antiseptic effect.
  • Massage treatments. Massage is not suitable for all women. In cases of thrombosis of large vessels, any pressure and massage passes are strictly contraindicated.
  • Mud therapy. Therapeutic mud compresses are very useful for pain and swelling of the legs. After the compress, the remaining dirt is washed off with warm water, and a softening cream or oil composition is applied to the skin of the feet.
  • Close care of nail plates. Nail plates should be trimmed after a warm bath. Then the feet are treated with hypoallergenic creams or oil suspensions. Such products usually contain all the necessary microelements and antibacterial substances. The cream will give the skin elasticity and prevent fungal infections from occurring.
  • Avoid significant physical activity. This includes hard physical labor, too intense training in the gym and carrying heavy loads.
  • Give your feet rest. Even if you feel slightly tired, you need to lie down with your legs raised slightly higher than your body. To do this, it is convenient to place a pillow or a cushion from a blanket. This way the blood flow stabilizes and the swelling goes away.
  • Taking a contrast shower. Taking a bath where a pregnant woman's body is completely immersed in hot water is strictly prohibited. A contrast shower perfectly strengthens the walls of venous vessels, which significantly reduces swelling and eliminates pain in the legs.
  • Adjust your diet and eating behavior. You will have to exclude dishes high in salt and hot spices. Too salty, smoked, fried and spicy foods retain water in the body, which causes high swelling. You need to eat small portions (no more than 300 grams) 5-6 times a day.
  • Drink plenty of water. The daily water requirement for an adult is from 2 to 3 liters. Strong teas and tonic drinks, factory-produced juices can only provoke additional swelling. Herbal teas, dried fruit compotes, low-concentration homemade juices, fruit jelly, and fermented milk drinks will help maintain a normal electrolyte balance.
  • Take hormonal medications with caution. Timely diagnosis will allow the doctor leading the pregnancy to correctly adjust the dosage of hormonal drugs. Increased swelling is caused by progesterone.
  • Include the intake of vitamin complexes and microelements. Almost all vitamins and microelements help strengthen blood vessels, elasticity of muscle tissue and elasticity of the skin.
  • Wear compression socks and stockings. This will help avoid varicose veins and congestion in blood vessels and tissues.

The maternal body and embryo constantly urgently need the following microelements:

  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • iodine;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • Selenium

Table No. 1 shows the necessary microelements for the health of a pregnant woman and her fetus.

Table No. 1. Microelements necessary for pregnant women
MicroelementWhat does it affect?Complications due to shortageWhere is it contained?
Calcium Formation of bone tissue and dental buds of the embryo Leaching calcium from mother's bones and teeth Cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, parsley, beans, egg, green onions
Phosphorus Formation of the bone, muscle and nervous system of the embryo. Metabolic disorders and nervous system disorders in the mother Red meat, liver, brains, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, buckwheat, barley and oatmeal
Iron Ensures the normal process of hematopoiesis. Development of anemia in the mother and hypoxia in the embryo Apple, cherry, red meat, blueberry, walnut, buckwheat, liver
Iodine Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland in the mother Dementia in a newborn Sea fish, seafood, seaweed
Fluorine Participates in the development of the skeletal system and tooth enamel in the embryo Caries in the mother and weak dental system in the child in the future Meat, fish, milk, greens, most fruits
Copper Participates in hematopoiesis and metabolic processes of the maternal body and embryo Circulatory disorders and hypoxia in the fetus, digestive disorders in the mother Liver, river fish, egg yolk, walnut, beans, peas
Zinc Participates in the production of food enzymes in the mother and embryo simultaneously, normalizes metabolic processes, and forms the sense organs Disorders of metabolic processes in the embryo and mother Cheese, seafood, meat, beans, peas, walnuts
Selenium Contains enzymes that protect tissues from aggressive free radicals Heartburn and belching in the mother, disorders of the digestive system in the unborn child Buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat cereals, river fish, celery, green vegetables, mushrooms

Vitamin complexes included in a pregnant woman’s diet will ensure the stable functioning of all internal organs of the mother and the developing systems of the embryo. By taking vitamins, a woman protects herself from pain and swelling in the lower extremities. Table No. 2 presents a list of essential vitamins.

Table No. 2. Vitamins necessary for pregnant women
VitaminWhat does it affect?Complications due to shortageWhere is it contained?
Retinol - A Participates in the laying of the necessary cells for the normal functioning of the visual system. It is a structural component of cell membranes. Provides antioxidant protection to the mother and embryo Deterioration of vision, impaired wetting of the cornea, decreased immune function, slowed growth Carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, broccoli, green onions, parsley, spinach, soybeans, peas, apple, melon, rose hips, sea buckthorn, cherries, apricot, peach, butter, fish caviar, egg yolk
Group B (folic acid) Promotes the formation of nucleic acids and cell division, participates in the formation of red blood cells and metabolic processes of the embryo Hypoxia and embryo development disorders Citrus fruits, cucumber, green vegetables, liver, legumes, honey, yeast
Group E (fat soluble) Ensures the normal course of pregnancy, acts as an active antioxidant, protects the cells of the mother and embryo from premature aging Destruction of hair, separation of nail plates, weakening of the skin of the mother and unborn child Milk, liver, chicken egg, green vegetables, wheat germ, butter, vegetable place
Ascorbic acid - C Stimulates the growth and development of the embryo, takes part in all metabolic processes, improves immune functions Disorders of internal organs, digestive disorders of the mother and unborn child, vulnerability of the immune system Vegetables and fruits
Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol - D It is synthesized under the influence of sunlight and comes from food. Ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, participates in protein synthesis, stimulates the process of hormone synthesis Development of rickets after birth, hormonal imbalance in the mother Fish oil, seaweed, butter, cheese, egg yolk, salmon

It should be borne in mind that any medications prescribed to a pregnant woman should only be prescribed by a doctor monitoring the pregnancy.

Sore legs during pregnancy sometimes cause such pain that a woman is unable to take walks or lead a normal life. Increasing painful discomfort also causes psychological distress. The woman becomes irritable, easily excitable and more vulnerable to infections.

Diet during pregnancy is of great importance. Food should be saturated with plant fiber and at the same time a sufficient amount of protein. This will give strength to muscle tissue and the ligamentous-tendon system, which will reduce swelling of the lower extremities and general fatigue.

Every pregnant woman must monitor her weight. Natural weight gain is allowed during the period of embryonic development, however, when the weight of the expectant mother is too heavy, this will invariably lead to increased swelling of the lower extremities and pain when walking.

Pregnant women should not be embarrassed and stand in line at a public toilet if they feel the urge to urinate in a crowded place. You can safely skip the line. Delaying urination even for a short time will certainly lead to swelling of the limbs.

If you notice too frequent swelling and pain in your legs, you should give them rest as often as possible. To do this, the woman must lie down and raise her legs above the level of the lumbar region. Also, pregnant women should not cross their legs while sitting on a chair or cross their legs. This position will contribute to the development of varicose veins.

A common mistake made by pregnant women is often refusing to take the daily amount of fluid. Some women reduce their intake on their own in hopes of reducing swelling and avoiding pain. It is extremely dangerous to do this. This will lead to disruption of the water-salt balance in the body. Swelling is caused not by water, but by salts and decomposition products. Sodium salts and hot spices should be reduced in the diet.

An important point for every pregnant woman is the normalization of stool. Avoiding constipation is quite difficult, especially in late gestation. The increased load coming from feces accumulating in the iliac region causes swelling of the legs, the development of varicose veins and poisoning of the woman’s body and her unborn baby with toxins from retained feces.

It is recommended for pregnant women to sleep on their left side. This is especially important in the later stages, when the uterus is already maximally dilated. The inferior vena cava in this position, mostly located in the right hypochondrium, will pump blood unhindered. In this way, high swelling of the legs can be avoided.

Today in knitwear stores it is possible to purchase socks without elastic bands, which will eliminate pinching of the ankles and feet in general. The greatest swelling usually occurs in the foot area. The spine should be kept straight and unloaded as much as possible.

A pregnant woman must independently monitor and adjust her gait, trying to distribute her weight as evenly as possible to avoid increased stress on the lower limbs. You cannot transfer the fulcrum to one leg and hold in this position for some time. Women who use passenger transport services are often exposed to this. There are often cases when, during the gestation period, women who did not have problems with flat feet before conception unexpectedly discovered this foot pathology. In principle, this manifestation of flat feet is considered to be an acceptable norm. In any case, careful correction of the gait and “behavior” of the foot is necessary under the supervision of a specialist.

When you are on vacation in nature, it is very beneficial for your feet to walk barefoot on the grass or the sea coast. The legs should not be even slightly hypothermic.

For severe swelling and pain in the legs, it is effective to apply creams with a cooling effect to the skin of the feet and ankle area. They usually contain menthol, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, and rosemary.

Excessive sunbathing is not recommended for pregnant women. Overheating of the legs has a negative effect equivalent to hypothermia.

Pregnancy brings not only the joy of expecting a future child, but also a lot of pain. And that's okay. Our body is changing, various new processes begin to operate in it that prepare us for future motherhood. Pain in the back, lower back and other parts of the body is quite natural.

And how my legs hurt! And this is not surprising. They have to bear so much weight. A belly is good, but by the end of pregnancy it is already a belly that puts pressure on our poor limbs. During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts, which puts stress on the legs. A woman should not be suspicious, but she should not lose her vigilance either. Pain in the legs can be the cause of a serious illness, so a woman needs to find out the nature of these pains as early as possible.

Causes of leg pain during pregnancy

What are the reasons that during pregnancy, pain in the legs becomes an inevitable phenomenon? First of all, a woman’s weight increases, which puts stress on her legs. In addition, the center of gravity shifts, which also causes pain in the legs. During pregnancy, due to uncomfortable and tight shoes, nails grow in, which also causes discomfort. Due to the accumulation of fluid in the female body, throbbing pain begins and swelling of the legs occurs.

Cramps also plague women. They occur due to increased blood volume, high levels of progesterone, lack of calcium, iron in the body, excessive coffee consumption and anemia. Cramps most often occur at night. Pregnant women in the late stages of pregnancy suffer from them. Varicose veins also occur, which are characterized by aching pain after prolonged walking or standing.
Varicose veins become common during pregnancy. A woman who did not have problems with veins before pregnancy is at risk during pregnancy.

Varicose veins can lead to a lack of oxygen in the baby, because at this time you have a common circulatory system. Your blood becomes a source of nutrients for the baby. Your baby's condition depends on you, so consult a doctor as early as possible. Varicose veins are easy to recognize: there is a burning sensation in the legs, they ache and hurt, they itch, tingle, there is heaviness and fatigue in them, spider veins and swelling appear, and frequent attacks of leg cramps.

How to relieve leg pain during pregnancy?

1. First of all, drink more fluids. Swelling gets worse when the body is dehydrated. Eat less salt, which delays the removal of fluid from the body. A healthy diet will help you prevent foot pain. Stick to a diet that contains foods such as beans, fish, meat, and cheese.

2. You need protein. Watch your weight. You can gain weight by eight to twelve kilograms. It is excess weight that will contribute to the appearance of edema. You shouldn't be on your feet for a long time. If this is unavoidable, then sit down and elevate your legs if possible. If your legs swell frequently, you should raise them as often as possible. There is no need to cross your legs while sitting. By doing this you interfere with normal blood circulation. Be careful while exercising. You should sleep on your left side. On the right side is the inferior vena cava, which carries a large amount of blood.

3. If you sleep on your left side, then the pressure will decrease and you will be able to avoid leg pain. Socks should not pinch your feet. Special bandages, tights, knee socks, stockings, which are made of compression knitwear, will help avoid problems with blood vessels. Correct gait will help you avoid discomfort in your legs. To do this, the weight must be distributed throughout the body, and the spine must be straight. Do not bend your lower back back. Shoes should be comfortable without heels, and the last and insole should be of high quality.

4. It is very useful to walk on morning dew, river or sea sand. Feet need to be relaxed with a bath of warm water, and then apply a gel with a cooling effect and massage the feet. If you are suffering from pain in your feet, you should place your feet in a basin with very cold water and move from foot to foot, or start pouring on your calves and ankles. Then wipe them dry. Currently, there are many ointments and creams that have a preventive and therapeutic effect. They are made from horse chestnut, so they do not cause any harm. Physical therapy and massage help prevent blood stagnation and reduce the likelihood of painful sensations in the legs.

5. Swimming has great benefits. We recommend doing it. Don't spend a lot of time in the sun or tan. Ultraviolet radiation contributes to the appearance of varicose veins, as it weakens the walls of venous vessels. It is not recommended to take baths. It is best to take a contrast shower, which will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce pain in the legs. Do not engage in heavy physical labor and do not lift heavy objects under any circumstances. Remember that you are responsible for the health and life of your unborn child. Be attentive and scrupulous to yourself.

Author of the publication: Rostislav Belyakov 

Pregnancy, as you know, is not a disease, but a physiological state of a woman, which is accompanied by significant changes in well-being. Mood changes, body weight increases, legs ache during pregnancy, nausea and drowsiness periodically occur - and this is not a complete list of symptoms that arise while expecting a baby.

If your legs hurt, you should not panic and urgently treat your joints. At the same time, you should not lose your vigilance; you should promptly figure out whether the symptom is related to pregnancy or indicates another pathology.

Why do your legs hurt during pregnancy?

And there can be several causes of pain, and they depend on the nature of the pain, its location and the duration of pregnancy:

  1. Swelling.
  2. Varicose veins.
  3. Incorrectly selected shoes.

Legs hurt during pregnancy: swelling

You can determine swelling without going to the doctor, just pay attention to the ring, which suddenly became difficult to remove, shoes that suddenly became tight, traces of the elastic of socks on your feet, etc. If a pregnant woman suffers from edema, this can seriously complicate her life, especially if she is still working and her activity takes place mainly on her legs. You can only breathe out when you come home, take off your tight shoes and finally sit down!

Many expectant mothers face such a scourge, and you should know that swelling should not appear in the first half of pregnancy! This may be a symptom of a hidden manifestation of an already existing disease, the development of which was triggered by pregnancy and the increasing load on the body. In this case, the doctor must examine his patient for heart or kidney disease.

After the 20th week, the vast majority of expectant mothers experience edema, and this signal can be called an alarming signal: either they consume too much liquid, or gestosis has begun, or the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys is impaired. Edema must be treated without fail, because dropsy in pregnancy can be the first stage of gestosis with all the ensuing consequences.

And the first thing in this case is to give up excessive consumption of water, but without going to extremes: from 1 to 1.8 liters of liquid per day should be consumed in general.

A balanced diet, excluding smoked, salty, fatty, spicy and sweet foods, should help remove excess fluid from the body. Please note that in general it is better to try to put less salt in dishes than usual: it is this that provokes a delay in water excretion! A good alternative to salt, say, in fish dishes or salads, is lemon juice, for example.

In some cases, medical intervention is also necessary in the form of special medications and vitamins that strengthen blood vessels!

When you get home, it’s good to take a cool bath for your feet, and then lie down with a pillow under your tired feet.

Legs hurt during pregnancy: varicose veins

The disease is quite common among pregnant women, even if they have never encountered it before. It can be recognized by the so-called “vascular networks” or “worms”. In the first case, the disease is visible to the naked eye, but completely invisible to the touch, and in the second, due to severe swelling of the vein, varicose veins can be felt with your hand.

This is a cosmetic defect that can lead to serious complications in both the expectant mother and the fetus, including thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and blood clots.

At the same time, the legs begin to hurt very noticeably, again, especially after standing or walking for a long time. Burning, itching, fatigue, the same swelling - all this is a consequence of the disease, and you need to start fighting it as early as possible!

Legs hurt during pregnancy from exertion

In 9 months, a pregnant woman should gain on average no more than 10 kg, but based on practice, many gain many times more. Even within normal limits, the load seriously increases not only on the legs, but also on the back. This is why the legs and lower back often hurt during pregnancy, and the longer the pregnancy, the more severe this can be felt.

In addition to weight gain, it should be noted that as the abdomen grows, the center of gravity shifts, hence the change in the gait of the expectant mother and the position of her body in space. This is all absolutely normal, and the task of a pregnant woman is to minimize the consequences through simple preparation:

  1. Comfortable shoes and breathable, non-restrictive clothing.
  2. Wearing a bandage on long walks - your back will especially thank you for this!
  3. Participating in special sports for pregnant women - only strengthening muscles can stimulate readiness for increasing loads.
  4. Swimming in the pool - immersing a pregnant woman in water will bring her relief for both her back and legs.
  5. Foot massage - let the husband study, why not!
  6. If your legs hurt when walking during pregnancy, do not give up walking - they are extremely important for the health and development of the baby. Just try to rest more often and not walk long distances. It is always worth having a mobile phone and cash with you, so that if something happens you can go home by taxi.

Feet hurt during pregnancy due to improper shoes

It’s not for nothing that everyone who is not too lazy repeats: forget about heels, wear comfortable shoes first of all! With the growing load on the feet, heels are not only inconvenient in everyday life, they are also extremely dangerous due to a shift in the center of gravity!

Sore, tired legs need to be provided with complete comfort, this obvious cause of pain and inconvenience should be removed, then neither walking nor a working day spent on your feet will be scary.

Obviously, all of the above causes of leg pain can occur either separately or all at once. Therefore, it is best to take care of your health by immediately going to the doctor to make a correct and timely diagnosis, while doing everything in your power to eliminate the cause of the pain.

Treatment of pain caused by varicose veins

Varicose veins of the legs during pregnancy are dangerous because they spread to the pelvic organs, as a result of which hemorrhoids develop, cracks appear in the vagina and rectum, accompanied by bleeding. All this negatively affects the development of the fetus and the postpartum recovery of the woman. It is important to start treatment as early as possible by contacting a phlebologist - a doctor who deals with problems of the circulatory system. He will prescribe an ultrasound examination of the veins in the legs to obtain complete information about the course of the disease.

Typically, varicose veins during pregnancy are accompanied by swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Moderate activity for varicose veins will be a better option for getting rid of the disease than complete rest or, conversely, overly active physical activity. If you lie or sit all the time, the blood in the diseased veins stagnates and blood clots form, and too intense movements create additional pressure on the legs. It is better to lead a measured lifestyle, periodically lying down and raising your legs above the level of the rest of your body.

It is not advisable to wear shapewear during pregnancy; it is better to purchase compression tights in specialized stores and wear them if you will be sitting or standing for a long time. Such clothing creates the necessary pressure on the legs, preventing the veins from overflowing with blood and expanding. Depending on the severity of the disease, the degree of compression increases.

Gels and creams for the treatment of varicose veins are prescribed only by a doctor. Although the instructions for Lyoton, Troxevasin, Venorm and other drugs say that the active substances do not penetrate the placental barrier to the child, the decision on use cannot be made independently.

It is also not worth starting treatment with pills unless they are prescribed by a doctor. They are prescribed in the second and third trimesters; during the first three months of pregnancy, such therapy for varicose veins has contraindications.

In advanced cases of varicose veins, when thromboembolism (clogging of a vein by a detached blood clot) is determined, surgery is prescribed. The technologies used in this case require artificial termination of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important not to bring yourself to such a state.

Traditional methods of treating varicose veins

For varicose veins, the following folk remedies are used:

  1. Decoction of hop cones. This external remedy helps improve blood circulation. Pour a tablespoon of hop cones into a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 20–25 minutes. Then pass through the filter and squeeze. Soak a piece of natural fabric in the broth and apply it to the affected area like a compress for 15–20 minutes. Do the procedure twice a day, your legs should be on a slight elevation.
  2. Horse chestnut extract. It is used in the preparation of most drugs for the treatment of varicose veins. It tones the skin well, relieves inflammation and swelling. The decoction for the compress is prepared in the same way as from hop cones, but it can be left on the feet all night.
  3. Infusion of chamomile. The product relieves swelling, inflammation and cools the skin. To prepare the infusion, you need to fill a glass jar almost to the brim with chamomile flowers and pour in vegetable oil (any kind) so that all the raw materials are covered with it. Shake the container from time to time for a month. After 30 days, filter, squeeze thoroughly and rub into the skin on the affected area 2 times a day.

Important! For compresses, especially those applied for a long time, you cannot use cling film or cellophane, as this can cause diaper rash.

Photo gallery: natural helpers in the fight against varicose veins

Hop cones are used in preparing a decoction for a compress in the treatment of varicose veins

Horse chestnut extract is included in most remedies for varicose veins

Chamomile flowers in the form of an infusion relieve inflammation of varicose veins

Physical exercises for varicose veins

Strong physical activity for varicose veins is even beneficial. For example, Mikulin’s exercises:

  • in a vertical position, rise on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor by 1–2 cm, and sharply lower yourself. Perform 30 times, rest, repeat 3 times;
  • standing, raise your heels one by one from the floor at an angle of no more than 45°, as if imitating walking in place, keeping your toes on the floor. Perform the exercise in compression garments. Start with 10 minutes, gradually extending the exercise time to half an hour.

Video: how to treat varicose veins during pregnancy

Pain between the legs during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers complain that the muscles between their legs hurt during pregnancy. This can be either a false symptom of the onset of labor or a real sign of impending labor: several days or even weeks before its birth, the fetus sinks lower, resting on the pelvic bones. The hip bones begin to slowly move apart, preparing for childbirth, but the ligaments do not have time to stretch, hence the unpleasant sensations. Someone may describe the sensation as “bones hurt between the legs during pregnancy,” and in both cases we are talking about the same thing.

Sometimes the causes of pain may be that the fetus has taken such a position that the sciatic nerve is inadvertently pinched. In this case, the expectant mother can experience unpleasant sensations in any position - standing, sitting, lying down, while walking. And in this case, all that remains is to wait until the fetus takes a more comfortable position.

The actions of the expectant mother in case of such pain directly depend on the cause that caused it, which, of course, only a qualified doctor can determine. When a nerve is pinched, cold or hot compresses usually help, but if the bones begin to separate prematurely, a bandage, proper exercises for expectant mothers, physical therapy, and, as a last resort, suitable and safe painkillers will help.

Situations when medical care is needed urgently

If you ask existing mothers whether their legs hurt during pregnancy, almost everyone will answer yes. But for some this is a variant of the norm, while for others it is a serious symptom.

An urgent visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is required in situations where:

  • pain is difficult to bear;
  • swelling is severe;
  • the skin on the lower extremities has acquired a bluish tint or is completely covered with venous networks;
  • feeling weak or numb in the legs;
  • the pain does not go away for more than two days;
  • body temperature increased;
  • joints hurt or their shape has changed.

These conditions can signal serious pathologies, when action must be taken quickly. This often has to be done in a hospital setting. Trying to relieve pain and other symptoms with improvised means is dangerous for both mother and child.

Pain in calves during pregnancy

Some women wake up with pain in their legs at night during pregnancy, cramps and strange cramps! The fact is that the constantly growing weight of the expectant mother puts significant pressure on her musculoskeletal system, in particular on her legs. Her body requires calcium to a greater extent to eliminate such phenomena, for the growth and development of the baby. The sooner the expectant mother begins to eat properly and balancedly, the lower the risk of such situations occurring. You can add to this walks in the fresh air and mandatory constant ventilation of the room. If your leg cramps at night, try massaging it and wrapping it in a warm blanket.

During pregnancy, calves can also get sore from just a long walk or even from light workouts for expectant mothers in the gym. There is nothing scary about this - massage, knead, swim in a warm pool, this will help ease the pain, and even if you do nothing, it will go away on its own in 2-3 days. To prevent this from happening, you should not start doing sudden and unusual loads during pregnancy. It’s worth getting to know the sport better long before planning it; for a prepared body, 9 months will be extremely easy!

Swelling in the legs

In most cases, swelling in the lower extremities worries expectant mothers already in the fifth month of pregnancy, when active growth of the fetus begins. Typically, “pregnant” edema goes away after the birth of the child, but all this time the woman needs to fight the edema so that it does not provoke negative consequences. Indeed, in the presence of edema, there is a high risk of developing or exacerbating varicose veins, as well as acquiring flat feet.

With severe swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor - in the later stages this may be a manifestation of gestosis.

The problem of edema worries almost all women, and usually both the right and left legs suffer together. Their appearance is associated with pressure from the growing uterus on large vessels. As a result, blood flow slows down and smaller vessels are forced to cope with increased load.

IMPORTANT! Added to this is the influence of sex hormones, which make the vessels less elastic and their walls thinner - all this leads to stagnation of blood and the accumulation of fluid that does not circulate normally.

If there are problems with lymphatic vessels, lymphostasis is also added. As a result, there is swelling in the legs, especially near the feet.

There are also pathological causes of edema:

  • Excess weight.
  • Metabolic disorders of water-salt balance.
  • Kidney disorders.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Impaired blood circulation.
  • Varicose veins or lymphostasis.

How to determine swelling in the legs:

  • Press your finger on the surface of the skin from the side of the calf - if the skin quickly returns to its original state, then there is no swelling, but if the pits remain for some time, then the water-salt metabolism is clearly impaired.
  • In the clinic, doctors use the simplest McClure-Aldridge test - when a certain amount of saline solution is injected under the skin, it should resolve within half an hour. If this does not happen, then there are clearly disturbances in water metabolism.
  • If your leg aches and hurts, but the swelling is not visually noticeable, you can conduct independent observation - weigh yourself for several weeks in a row. The average weight gain is about 400 g per week; if the weight gain is significantly greater, then water is retained in the body and there is a risk of edema.
  • The presence of edema can be monitored by analyzing diuresis. Three quarters of the liquid drunk should be excreted from the body along with urine. If much less fluid is removed, this also demonstrates the appearance of edema.

How to cope with swelling if not all pills can be taken during pregnancy. First of all, you need to get rid of tight high-heeled shoes, which impede blood flow. Additionally, special insoles can be placed in shoes without heels if walking with flat soles is completely uncomfortable. At home, wearing shoes should be periodically alternated with walking in regular socks to allow your feet to relax as much as possible.

Moderate physical activity, for example, exercise in the pool, will help relieve swelling.

If a woman is prone to swelling, and it begins to appear in the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor may recommend the use of an elastic bandage or special stockings. These simple precautions will help prevent the development of edema. Don’t forget about proper nutrition - don’t eat foods that retain water in the body. Several times a day, be sure to lie with your legs raised up, put a cushion on your right or left while you sleep.

To prevent edema, do not forget about an active lifestyle. After all, pregnancy is not a disease, but a reason to think about your health and the health of your baby. Therefore, women benefit from walking in the fresh air, swimming in the pool, water aerobics, fitness for pregnant women, etc.

If swelling does not go away, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will identify the cause of the swelling and tell you what to do to reduce it, and recommend an ointment for swelling of the legs. The best remedies today are Troxevasin, Essaven, and heparin ointment. These products are used to lubricate the limb at the site of swelling. If there are contraindications to the use of ointments, swelling can be relieved with foot baths with the addition of folk remedies. Massage helps relieve pain.

Leg joints hurt during pregnancy

Joint pain is not a common occurrence, but if it does happen, it will most likely be unbearable to endure. However, this should not be done - this is a rather serious alarm signal that should not be ignored!

  • A very common cause of joint pain is an elemental calcium deficiency. To confirm it, the pregnant woman is sent for a blood test. If the diagnosis is confirmed, she is prescribed calcium and vitamin D supplements, and her diet is adjusted, enriching her diet with fish, dairy products, eggs and liver.
  • Pain in the joints can also be caused by a constantly growing load in the form of an enlarged abdomen. Controlling your weight and avoiding standing for long periods of time will greatly ease the situation.
  • In addition, in the late stages of pregnancy, women produce relaxin, a hormone that softens the pelvic ligaments to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. A side effect of the hormone is that it also affects other ligamentous tissues, including the joints of the limbs.

All of the above reasons are absolutely normal for pregnancy. The pain should disappear after the pregnant woman rests, otherwise, the reasons causing it are completely abnormal. For example, various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, aggravated during a woman’s “interesting situation”: rheumatoid arthritis or osteoartitis, for example. Fibromyalgia or even depression can cause pain in the joints, in the latter case they are accompanied by headaches, as well as pain in the back and abdomen.
There are many reasons, and if joint pain occurs, you should urgently consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and, possibly, adjust the management of pregnancy. Some cases require taking medications, but most of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, there should be no self-medication!

Can it be treated with folk remedies?

Folk remedies during pregnancy must be taken with great caution. Before use, it is worth studying the properties of the medicinal plant and its effect on the child.

  • For swelling, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction. Vitamin C in its composition will strengthen the immune system. The drink has a pleasant taste and can be brewed instead of tea.
  • Clove oil is good for eliminating joint pain after a long day of work. It is useful to rub it in during a massage session.
  • Warm mustard seed foot baths improve local blood circulation.

Pregnancy: feet hurt

If the expectant mother's feet hurt directly, then swelling, varicose veins, increasing workload and prolonged standing on the feet may also be to blame. But there is another reason that provokes pain specifically in the feet - flat feet.

Flat feet during pregnancy worsen significantly, and transverse flat feet are of particular concern. It can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • burning in the feet;
  • tired legs in the evening;
  • cramps of the calf muscles, accompanied by pain in the feet;
  • in advanced cases, pain in the knees, back and pelvis is possible;
  • calluses and growth at the base of the thumb.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the foot in two projections, but here the question arises about the advisability of carrying out this procedure in a pregnant woman; nevertheless, radiation can be dangerous for an unborn baby. Of course, only the expectant mother can decide, based on the recommendations of a qualified doctor.

In the early stages of flat feet, it is enough to use conservative medicine methods, including massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, wearing special shoes, and in some cases taking special medications. Advanced cases require surgery.

How to relieve the condition

  1. Watch your weight. It is not recommended to overeat and drink too much liquid. Carbonated water should be excluded from the diet, and foods rich in microelements and vitamins should be included in the diet.
  2. During pregnancy, it is important to maintain good posture. Also wear comfortable shoes with low heels; avoid high heels. You shouldn't wear shoes without heels either, as this can lead to flat feet.
  3. Use special bandages and corsets for pregnant women.
  4. To prevent veins from hurting, it is recommended to walk in the fresh air more often, but not to overload your legs with walking. Swimming will be useful.
  5. Don't stay in the sun for long periods of time.
  6. Do gymnastics for pregnant women. Exercise therapy will help get rid of pain.
  7. Sleep on your left side if you have high blood pressure, as this position helps reduce it. If possible, do not overexert yourself physically.
  8. To relieve swelling, it is useful to lie down with the foot end of the bed elevated.
  9. For varicose veins, wear special corrective underwear. Its size is determined only by a doctor.
  10. Walk barefoot on clean sand or wet grass.
  11. Baths are not recommended. The best option during pregnancy is a contrast shower. It will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce pain in the legs.
  12. If you have pain in your feet, then place your feet in a basin of cold water and lift them one at a time. You can also pour cold water over your calves and ankles. Then you should wipe your feet dry.

Adequate nutrition, adherence to preventive advice to prevent pain in the legs, timely therapy will help a woman easily endure pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child.

Matveeva Maria - Medical journalist. First category nurse in the department of traumatology and orthopedics

Legs hurt in early pregnancy

At the very beginning of pregnancy, when the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes, but the physical aspects still remain at the same level, the legs essentially should not hurt. In rare cases, developing varicose veins may be to blame, when the growing uterus begins to put pressure on the pelvic veins, thereby causing blood stagnation.

During this period, you should try to rest more and be on your feet less. By the way, you can get good compression garments; they help fight varicose veins, and you must bring them with you to some maternity hospitals during childbirth.

If at the beginning of pregnancy the calf muscles are pulled, and the expectant mother knows for sure that this is not due to increased load the day before, then this may be an alarming symptom of kidney failure. The growing uterus puts pressure on the ureters and causes fluid retention, which can eventually lead to inflammation.

Perhaps a nagging pain in the legs signals an acute lack of potassium in the mother's body - then the woman should reconsider her diet.

The cause of leg pain in early pregnancy can also be swelling, and this is an alarming symptom! They can also appear hidden, and they are very easy to calculate: just monitor the amount of liquid you drink and then excrete. They should be approximately equal to each other!

If your legs and stomach hurt very much during early pregnancy, this may signal an incipient miscarriage. In this case, the stomach can pull, as at the beginning of menstruation, and the pain in the legs strongly radiates to the perineum, strictly speaking, it hurts specifically between the legs. If at the same time the expectant mother also observes discharge mixed with blood, she needs to take a horizontal position and wait for the emergency doctor.

Combination with seizures

Cramps are another type of leg pain during pregnancy, in which the sensation can be compared to spasms or involuntary muscle twitching. They are most often observed at night, during sleep. It is believed that the cause of this condition is a reduced amount of electrolytes, namely minerals: magnesium, potassium, calcium. Why is there a shortage of these elements now?

Throughout pregnancy, the formation and development of all the baby’s systems occurs. The fetus receives all these elements from the mother’s body, and therefore it is necessary to promptly compensate for this deficiency with vitamin and mineral complexes. In a word, if a pregnant woman has nagging leg cramps, this is a clear sign that it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition, and perhaps increase the dose of mineral supplements, of course, in consultation with the doctor.

Leg cramps in pregnant women most often occur at night, but can also appear during the daytime

Legs hurt during late pregnancy

Pain in the legs in later stages is a fairly common and quite logical phenomenon. After all, where does everything come from? The belly grows, the load increases, and therefore dormant sores come to light, or even new ones form! Varicose veins, swelling - all these are quite common phenomena of the third trimester. The bones separate, the fetus descends in preparation for childbirth - all of the above cases usually occur towards the end of pregnancy.

But there is nothing terrible in this, because everything can be prevented! As they say, forewarned is forearmed!

Muscle pain

The appearance of muscle pain is a sign that a person has recently been intensely involved in sports. It is difficult to imagine that a pregnant woman would decide to perform physical exercises on the leg muscles, which caused severe pain in the fibers located here. But in this state, even simple walking is quite a serious load, especially in the last stages.

A woman’s weight increases every week, and accordingly, her muscles have to work harder. As a result, lactic acid is formed. Its increased level in the muscles leads to the same feeling of muscle pain during pregnancy. What can you do in this case? Lying down is the worst advice. While expecting a baby, you really need to rest more than outside of pregnancy, but this will not help get rid of the aching pain.

You can reduce the increased amount of lactic acid only by movement. It is enough to walk a little at an easy pace or just stretch your legs on the bed.

Legs hurt during pregnancy: what to do

We found out that there can be a lot of reasons that cause pain in the legs. Expectant mothers should follow some recommendations as a means to relieve pain or to prevent their occurrence:

  1. Drink enough water, but still avoid taking liquids 2-3 hours before bedtime. Even if edema has already manifested itself, reduce your daily displacement, but without fanaticism - dehydration will only worsen the situation.
  2. Control the amount of salt you consume - it retains fluid in the body, does not allow it to be removed in time, and this provokes swelling.
  3. Eat right, keep your diet balanced. Fish, meat, cheese or beans, for example, should be present every day.
  4. You should also avoid consuming sweets, flour, fried and fatty foods. These products have absolutely no benefit: they only provoke the same swelling and contribute to excess weight gain. And extra pounds are dangerous not only because after childbirth it will be difficult to lose them. They mean excessive heaviness that your poor legs will have to somehow cope with. Less increase - easier on the legs. The main thing is without fanaticism!
  5. Also, pregnant women should try to spend less time on their feet. No, walking is incredibly useful, but you need to give your legs timely rest! And at work, it’s better to take care of yourself by not standing for 8 hours straight! If you are tired, it is better to lie down and elevate your legs, placing a bolster or large pillow under them.
  6. When sitting, try to keep your legs straight, without crossing them or throwing one over the other. Such poses are, in principle, very harmful; they interfere with normal blood flow and can provoke certain diseases.
  7. Wear comfortable shoes with flat soles or heels so small that they feel like slippers!
  8. The same applies to socks - only natural materials with a wide, non-pressure elastic band are preferred.
  9. If varicose veins have already begun, you can wear special compression underwear - tights, knee socks, stockings - as a comprehensive treatment.
  10. Periodically wearing a bandage will ease the load on the legs and lower back, it will take part of the weight of the tummy upon itself. However, you should not wear it all the time - the muscles will completely relax, and in addition, there is a risk of stretch marks appearing if you remove it carelessly after wearing it for a long time.
  11. Even before planning your pregnancy, start exercising. If you didn’t have time to do this, then it doesn’t matter - the sooner the better. We need to prepare ourselves for ever-increasing loads and for childbirth, and sports are the best helper in this matter! It would be ideal to choose a competent personal trainer who will not just give you a set of exercises, but will teach you how to behave in normal, everyday life. With correct posture, when the back does not arch as a counterweight to the growing belly, pain may not occur at all.
  12. Sports are different. You need to engage in certain activities that are suitable for expectant mothers. But working with weights is strictly contraindicated both in the gym and in everyday life.
  13. And where there is sports, there is, of course, a swimming pool! Dive once and feel how easy it has become, your legs and back will thank you for it!
  14. If your feet are still tired in the evening, make a special bath for them with cool water or room temperature, then apply a special cooling cream or gel, for example, with menthol, to your feet.
  15. Special ointments and creams for the legs can help eliminate problems with varicose veins, and although most of them are absolutely safe, you should consult a doctor before using them. Remember, everything you rub into your skin tends to penetrate inside!
  16. A contrast shower can restore tone to weakened blood vessels, you can practice it!
  17. Foot massage can relieve pain syndromes; you can ask your spouse to do it or go to a specialist in this field.
  18. But it’s better to forget about sunbathing for now. Ultraviolet radiation can contribute to the development of varicose veins in expectant mothers, because it significantly weakens the walls of blood vessels.

How to get rid of pain in the first weeks

In the first weeks after conception, pain in the limbs is associated with tissue swelling. What to do, how to relieve discomfort? If symptoms are severe, swelling must be eliminated. This can be done through proper nutrition.

Here are the basic rules:

  • do not eat salty foods; A healthy woman does not need to limit the amount of fluid; this will reduce nagging pain in the legs;
  • limit sweets, baked goods, do not drink sweet carbonated drinks;
  • limit fatty, fried, canned foods - they all contribute to weight gain and fluid retention;
  • consume more dairy products (source of calcium), bananas, raisins, dried apricots (sources of potassium), wheat germ, dill, sea fish (source of magnesium);
  • eat more vegetables and fruits, they all contain various B vitamins - a source of energy that helps activate metabolism (vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is especially necessary, its deficiency can contribute to the appearance of cramps in a pregnant woman; pyridoxine is found in bananas, beans, cabbage, brewer's yeast , citrus);
  • to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent varicose veins, use ascorbic acid and rutin (citrus fruits, cabbage, currants, strawberries);
  • Rabbit meat, poultry, and sea fish (including fatty ones) are healthy.

Regardless of the cause of painful symptoms, symptoms can be reduced by proper load distribution.

To do this, you need to properly combine rest with physical activity, observing the following rules:

  1. If your joints ache during pregnancy, you should not stand or sit in the same position for a long time, or walk for a long time. Walking is necessary, but it should not be too intense and long; while walking, you need to rest periodically.
  2. Comfortable shoes – prevention of flat feet; when your feet cause problems, use orthopedic insoles for shoes;
  3. If the joints of your hands ache, you need to limit the load on your hands and massage at night with massage oil, to which a few drops of pine or fir essential oil are added.
  4. Swimming will help with pain in the legs: it takes the load off the limbs, but at the same time muscle tone increases, and pain in the back and groin also goes away.
  5. To prevent venous insufficiency (especially if this disease is common among the woman’s family members), after consulting with your doctor, you should wear compression garments.

Let's sum it up

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: pain in the legs is common, but not fatal. In most cases, you can get rid of them by simply revising your diet and lifestyle in general. Remember that during pregnancy the immune system weakens and the stress on the body increases every day. And all the dormant sores instantly become active and come out. It’s good when you know about them and are prepared for them, doing everything possible so that there are no consequences or they are minimized. And it’s very simple - plan your pregnancy, then all the necessary knowledge will be with you!

Choosing a specialist

If you have pain in your legs, you should first visit your obstetrician-gynecologist and tell him about the problem. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, analyze symptoms and the results of laboratory tests of urine and blood. Perhaps this will be enough for a verdict, and the recommendations will be reduced to traditional advice: get enough rest, eat right, etc.

If the situation turns out to be more serious than we would like, you will have to go to a therapist and undergo additional diagnostics. After this, it will become clear which specialist to contact. Depending on the cause of the pain, this may be a phlebologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, surgeon, nephrologist, rheumatologist or other doctor.

The importance of massage

As already mentioned, massage is a component in the treatment of flat feet in pregnant women. Therefore, all those who wondered whether it is possible to massage pregnant women can breathe a sigh of relief. Indeed, there has long been an opinion that if you massage the upper part of a woman’s body or stimulate certain points of her feet with massage, you can harm both the mother and the unborn child. And in some cases this is quite true. But this only says one thing: a woman should not attend massage sessions without permission. But if the doctor does not see any contraindications for the procedure, then it will only bring benefits.

Foot massage during pregnancy will help not only ease the condition of the feet (in particular, if each foot hurts and goes numb), but also improve the mood of the expectant mother. And since it has a positive effect on the emotional state of the mother, it automatically affects the psyche and health of the unborn child, especially if the massage is carried out by the caring hands of the father. After all, it is difficult to imagine a better environment for birth than an atmosphere of love and care.

True, the only thing worth taking care of in advance is that the future father performs this procedure correctly.

Causes of RLS in pregnant women

The causes of Ekbom's disease of primary or secondary forms are different. Symptomatic manifestations occur after 40 years. In this case, a disruption of the metabolic process, nervous system, and blood vessels of the legs occurs.

Causes of secondary concern include pregnancy, iron deficiency and kidney disease. This may cause adverse consequences.

It is during pregnancy that the legs drag at night, as evidenced by research. In 20% of cases, characteristic manifestations begin to be observed at 4 or 7 months of pregnancy. This can last even after childbirth, but sometimes it remains for life. The intensity of the restless state is diagnosed in 50% of women, of which 33% are pregnant.

Childbirth and symphysitis. C-section

There is an opinion that symphysitis is a direct indication for cesarean section. The expectant mother herself discovers symptoms of symphysitis and prepares for surgery without consulting a doctor. This is a mistake. A pregnant woman should definitely see a doctor - only he can tell whether she needs a caesarean section or not.

Childbirth takes place naturally (without cesarean section), if:

  • baby lies head down
  • the distance between the pubic bones is no more than 10 mm (you need to do an ultrasound)
  • the baby is not large (can be seen on ultrasound)
  • capacious small pelvis

At the appointment, the doctor will give you an ultrasound, a blood test (if necessary) and decide whether a cesarean section is necessary or not. Natural childbirth is a big burden on the entire body, including the pelvic bones. “Missed” symphysiopathy can lead to ligament rupture and damage to the cartilage of the symphysis pubis.

Flat feet

Flat feet also cause problems during pregnancy, and the interesting fact is that in some women it appears during pregnancy, i.e. is acquired already in adulthood. The main location of pain with flat feet is the foot and lower leg itself. The severity of the discomfort depends on the severity of the disease; the most severe aching pain is felt with complete flat feet.

The onset of discomfort does not appear immediately. In most cases, symptoms occur after stress on the feet, and the legs can get tired even from minor stress or a short walk. The pathology is associated with changes in the height of the arch of the foot. This is a peculiar anatomical position of the bones, in which they can absorb shocks that occur during walking, jumping, and running. Ligaments are mainly involved in this - they are the ones who provide a certain position to the bones of the foot.

The strength of the ligaments is enough to prevent the bones from sagging under the weight of the body. The ligaments face significant stress when a woman gains weight during pregnancy, and her body gains new kilograms - at least 8-10 with one baby, and even more in case of multiple pregnancies.

Additionally, the work of hormones, which through their action contribute to the softening of ligaments, also influences. This usually occurs at about 30 weeks, and when both factors are exposed simultaneously, flat feet begin to develop.

It is quite difficult to cope with flat feet or prevent it in this case, but it would be wrong to accept the situation. If you experience heaviness in your legs and pain in the foot, you need to choose the right shoes so that the heel height is 3-4 cm, and a special insole will help relieve tension from the foot and keep the arch in a raised position. It is good to walk in such shoes, but not to overwork your feet.

Should moms worry?

If everything is so natural, then is it worth paying attention to it at all?

However, this problem cannot be ignored:

1. The pain may be too severe, the woman cannot walk for a long time. Sleep becomes restless. In this case, such a feeling cannot, of course, be ignored.

2. If you start all this, then it is possible that after childbirth symphysiolysis will begin to develop. During childbirth, rupture of the pubic joint may occur. All this will bring not only severe pain, but will also make the woman immobile for several weeks.

This disease is quite easy to identify by a number of signs that are presented:

  • the occurrence of aching pain, intensifying after a long stay in a standing position;
  • the appearance of itching, burning or tingling sensations;
  • swelling of the legs and the appearance of spider veins;
  • muscle cramps, disturbing mainly at night.

Term RLS

RLS is a common disease. Willis managed to identify it in 1672, and later Ekbom revealed the disease in detail. As a result, the disease is named after these scientists.

The pathology is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities. It appears more often at night, and may disappear the next morning. The syndrome is a consequence of sleepless nights. The disease also manifests itself during the day, when severe fatigue has not yet set in. In this case, the patient feels discomfort, but pain does not occur. This manifestation characterizes the disease.

Risk group - elderly people, children, pregnancy

The development and progression of Ekbom's disease is a modern problem. Occurs equally in both sexes, in rare cases in children. Citizens living in Europe are at greater risk.

There are age-related predispositions among the adult population. Elderly people complain of characteristic symptoms more often than others. This applies to persons over 65 years of age. About 20% were diagnosed with RLS.

Also, the disease has not spared young people over 30 years of age. This is especially true for women. The likelihood of developing the disease is during pregnancy. However, doctors have also noticed exceptions in which the cause lies in other sources.

Important! Children very rarely are carriers of Willis disease. But such cases are known and manifest themselves in an idiopathic form.

If you contact a medical facility in a timely manner and make a correct diagnosis, you can get rid of the sign of restless legs. A neglected condition and inaction are fraught with complications.

Relief from pain caused by cramps

If a pregnant woman experiences convulsions during physical activity, she must take a horizontal position until the attack passes, or at least sit down while remaining at rest. A laboratory blood test prescribed by a therapist will show which substances the woman’s body lacks. The doctor will advise how to compensate for the deficiency.

Be sure to take prenatal vitamins that contain all the necessary substances. Eat more fermented milk products, which contain a sufficient amount of calcium, as well as celery. Additional intake of tableted microelements is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, if tests show insufficient levels in the female body.

Video: how to quickly get rid of leg cramps during pregnancy

Exercises to help relieve pain

You can try to relieve bone pain by doing simple physical exercises.

The following complex will work:

  • “Cat”, in which a woman kneels, leans on her hands and arches her back, first upward, then bends towards the floor (perform up to 3 times).
  • You can lie on your back and move your feet as close to your buttocks as possible, and then spread your knees to the sides (repeat up to 6 times).
  • From a lying position on your back with bent knees, do several pelvic lifts (5-6 times is enough).

Classification of RLS disease

There are 2 forms of the disease: primary and secondary. Ideopathic occurs most often. Symptomatic develops closer to retirement age due to disorders occurring in the body - these may be problems of the nervous and vascular systems.

The primary form is idiopathic

This form has not been fully explored. Occurs in people under 30 years of age. It is completely impossible to recover from it. The condition is characterized by waxing and waning symptoms that may not go away for a long time. It appears spontaneously, but what exact causes gave rise to the condition is not known. However, medical experts highlight the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disturbances in the activity of the nervous system;
  • mental manifestations: stressful situations, depressive states, overwork.

The vast majority agrees that the primary form of the disease is formed as a result of external factors and heredity.

Secondary form - symptomatic

The symptomatic form of the disease occurs as a result of the development of neurological pathology; it must be combated through complex therapy.

This type of disease includes such manifestations as:

  • anemia caused by lack of iron;
  • disorders in the endocrine system, elevated blood sugar levels;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco products, coffee;
  • kidney and spine disease;
  • deficiency of vitamins and magnesium;
  • the use of medications as the main treatment.

Strongly pulling limbs more often after 45 - 65 years. However, characteristic symptoms occur during pregnancy. About 16% of women in the world live with this disease. The disease is dangerous for pregnant women because the syndrome is transmitted from mother to child. In this case, the risk of miscarriage increases.

Soreness in calves

Soreness in the calves is usually associated with increased stress on the limbs themselves. Women have aching legs and constant fatigue. Characteristic spasms and pain occur, which many women who have suffered from similar complications remember. Pain itself is not dangerous either for the fetus or for the mother, however, it causes a lot of inconvenience to the woman.

Cramps in the calves are an alarming symptom of a lack of important microelements in a woman’s body.

Often this condition is accompanied by metabolic problems. When there is an imbalance in the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, cramps occur; they usually plague pregnant women at night, which is why women cannot get a good night’s sleep. The reasons for pain in the calves are as follows:

  • Lack of useful microelements, which very often occurs in women during pregnancy, since redistribution goes in favor of the child, and the mother’s body suffers from their deficiency. Usually this condition is accompanied by cramps at night - the legs begin to hurt very much, and the pregnant woman wakes up from severe discomfort. The easiest way to provide a woman with the necessary substances is through food, but in some cases the doctor prescribes tablets - calcium, folic acid, magnesium and potassium.
  • Standing for long periods of time can also cause calf pain. If the pregnant woman is still working and the work involves standing on her feet, she must ask to be transferred to an easier job, and if this is not possible, rest her legs every hour for fifteen minutes.
  • Increased abdominal growth and weight gain during pregnancy are also causes of pain in the calves. This is also accompanied by poor nutrition, which all together contributes to the appearance of aching pain in the legs.
  • In some cases, leg problems can be the result of poor circulation - this also causes muscle pain, especially in the evening.
  • If the main manifestation of pain in the calves is aching and a feeling of fullness and burning within the soft tissues themselves, then it is likely that such unpleasant sensations are caused by thrombophlebitis. The disease is a serious pathology of blood vessels, associated with the appearance of blood clots that threaten to break off, and inflammation of blood vessels and tissues at the site of blockage. During pregnancy, such women undergo conservative treatment and are registered.
  • Pain in the calves can also be a manifestation of flat feet - even if it did not exist before, increased body weight contributes to the development of flat feet and it is this that will provoke the appearance of pain in the muscles.
  • Fibromyalgia is a chronic muscle soreness that affects more than just your calves. It is characterized by muscle fatigue, which can be associated with both an increase in load and a decrease in muscle tone.
  • Myositis is an inflammatory muscle disease that develops due to hypothermia, injury, or hematogenous infection. Pain with myositis persists not only with movement, but also at rest. Consultation with a doctor and drug treatment is necessary.

This is extremely important for pregnant women, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. For pregnant women, doctors give the following advice:

  • Eat right, provide the body with all the necessary elements.
  • Consume less salt.
  • Wear compression garments, especially in the second trimester.
  • Give moderate loads to your legs, and if necessary, attend special exercises for pregnant women in fitness rooms.
  • Control the load on the spine, do not carry heavy loads.

In what cases is there a danger?

Pregnancy is a time when you should be especially attentive to your own health.

Although approximately a third of all representatives of the fair sex suffer from bone pain during this period, seeing a doctor cannot be delayed in the following cases:

  • a “duck” gait appeared;
  • light pressure on any bone causes severe pain;
  • the pain is severe, limits mobility and does not subside for more than three days;
  • There is a general deterioration in condition, weakness, drowsiness.

Causes of pubic bone pain

Pain in the pubic bone is usually characteristic of the prenatal period. At this time, the uterus drops lower, spreading the pubic symphysis. If your bones hurt from about 33 to 37 weeks of pregnancy, this may be an indirect sign of premature birth, so doctors should show maximum attention to such women.

The pelvic bones (see picture) form the pelvic opening through which the baby passes during childbirth. At the junction of the bones in the front there is cartilage - the symphysis (or pubic symphysis– the place we call “pubes”).
During pregnancy, the ovaries and placenta produce the hormone relaxin. Under its influence, the symphysis swells and becomes loose, the elasticity and extensibility of the ligaments increases. Due to this, childbirth is smoother and there is less chance of injury. All this is a variant of the norm.