Onion hair mask composition. Coconut oil and onion juice

Onion helps make hair thick and voluminous. Pick up suitable mask for yourself, and in a month your hair will be irresistible.

Every girl dreams of luxury long hair. But not everyone has been given beautiful hair by nature. Many ladies cannot grow their hair all their lives - split ends break off, hair thins and becomes lifeless.

Hair bow is excellent remedy against damage and baldness. Many girls worry that after the course, their hair will have a specific smell.

Important: The smell is easily washed off with regular hair detergent, so use masks made from onion, a powerful stimulant. good growth hair.

How does onion stimulate hair growth?

Dry skin, the appearance of fungus, hair loss - all this is a consequence of a lack of sulfur. This is the substance found in onion juice. Few people only know about balanced diet and stick to it.

Important: If a person does not eat as nutritionists advise, then there is a lack of nutrients in his body, including sulfur.

How does onion stimulate hair growth? Sulfur is a healing substance that has the ability to stimulate blood movement through vessels and capillaries and reduce inflammation of the skin epidermis.

Sulfur also keeps not only your hair in excellent condition, but also your nails. This “beauty mineral” is important in the formation of collagen particles, a protein that gives ideal smoothness to the skin.

Important: Sulfur is not produced in our body, it must come from outside it. Therefore, you need to make “cocktails” for the hair and epidermis at least once every 7-10 days.

Onion “cocktail” even helps with local baldness - alopecia areata. In 2003, an experiment was conducted with several dozen people. Once every 7 days, onion extract was rubbed into the upper layer of the epidermis.

Almost 73% of people who rubbed onion juice into their roots to treat hair loss had their hair restored. After some time, fluff appeared and good hair began to grow.

Honey is another one of the best hair growth stimulants. Therefore, it is actively used for preparing the mixture.

  • Take two onions, peel and chop until pureed.
  • Add the same amount of honey, stirring until you get a smooth cocktail.
  • Rub it thoroughly into your scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it there for 15 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, wash off the mask with your regular hair shampoo.

Another effective “cocktail” for creating beautiful hair is made with the addition of olive oil. This product contains huge amount microelements and minerals, beneficial for our body.

Onion and honey for hair loss olive oil:

  • Make a paste of onion and mix it thoroughly with honey 1:1
  • Steam one tablespoon of olive oil and mix it with onion and honey
  • Apply the “mixture” to the scalp, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with your favorite wash.

Kefir is used by cosmetologists to treat the epidermis on the head. This relieves seborrhea, itching and hair loss. It “feeds” the hair due to the presence of large amounts of vitamins, protein and calcium.

  • Extract the juice of one medium onion
  • Mix it with one glass of kefir
  • Distribute the resulting mixture on your head, wrap with polyethylene and a towel. Wait 1 hour
  • Rinse off with warm water. Because of the kefir, you won’t notice the onion smell, but if you think it’s present, then wash your hair with shampoo

The egg contains a nutritional base that enriches the hair, saturates it with moisture and oxygen, making it lush and light. The constituent particles of the egg help remove peeling skin and even seborrhea.

  • Use a blender to turn the onion into a semi-liquid mass.
  • Add two yolks to it (whites cannot be applied to the hair, as from the heat of the head they will curl and remain on the hair for a long time)
  • Mix all the ingredients and apply to the roots and hair along the entire length.
  • Keep the “potion” on your head for 15 minutes and rinse with running water

When the skin comes into contact with burning substances, it becomes red, irritated, and a burning sensation occurs. Thanks to this, the movement of blood through the capillaries to the hair follicles improves, and the growth process is stimulated.

  • Grate the garlic to make 2 tablespoons of semi-liquid mass
  • Chop one small onion. Mix onion and garlic
  • Apply to hair 1 hour before shampooing. After this, rinse with hair detergent and rinse herbal decoction

To make your hair beautiful, voluminous, without dandruff and itching, trichologists advise everyone to use vegetable oils. With their help you can make essences - the effect will be excellent and the results will be immediate.

  • Make a semi-liquid mass from two onions
  • Mix castor and burdock oil, one tablespoon each
  • Mix all the ingredients of the “cocktail” well and apply it to your hair and skin.

Advice: Do this composition 2-3 times every 7-10 days, and after 30 - 50 days you will feel the first initial effect of the treatment. Your hair will shine and radiate beauty.

Dandruff occurs in every third person. Fighting it takes a lot of time and money. But there is the simplest and affordable way fight dandruff.

  • Grind the onion into a semi-liquid mass using a grater or meat grinder. You will need 2 tablespoons of this mass.
  • Mix it with 1 teaspoon of alcohol
  • Thoroughly rub the resulting “potion” into the hair and skin. Wrap your head in plastic and a towel for 1 hour
  • Rinse off with warm water and then rinse your hair with hair detergent.

This “beauty cocktail” helps to add vitality hair and stop hair loss forever. This is facilitated by the natural keratin base contained in onions.

  • Squeeze the burning liquid from one onion
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of juice, 1 tablespoon of cognac and a little honey in a glass plate
  • Apply the mixture only to the scalp. There is no need to distribute it on your hair, as it will dry it out. If your hair is too dry and brittle, add 1 tablespoon of castor oil to the mask.
  • Put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a cotton towel
  • After an hour, rinse off the mask with warm water, and the next day wash your hair with shampoo. Repeat treatment after 3 days

The fruit of the lemon tree is almost on the first line in the list of food products valuable for humans. It contains many useful elements and vitamin C. The essential oils of this fruit in combination with a hot vegetable will perfectly nourish the skin and improve the structure of the hair thread.

  • In a glass bowl, combine the juice of one onion and 1 tablespoon of lemon.
  • Add to this mixture 1 tablespoon of burdock or other vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of honey and a little shampoo
  • Mix all the ingredients to obtain foam and apply the mixture to the entire length of your hair.
  • Warm your head with polyethylene and a towel and wait 2 hours
  • After 1-1.5 hours, wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

Onion is best medicine against baldness. But many people cannot make formulations from it for treatment. Its smell strongly corrodes the mucous membranes of the eyes and its smell can linger for a long time, making it difficult to remove.

Therefore, instead of onions You can use onion peels in the preparation of “potions” for the scalp. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from it. It is tinctures that are very popular, as they can be stored for a long time due to their alcohol content.

So, how to prepare onion tincture for hair? Follow these steps:

  • Prepare the glass floor liter jar with secure lid
  • Place 3-4 clove buds at the bottom of the jar
  • Fill this vessel to the top with onion peels.
  • Fill with vodka to the brim and cover loosely with a plastic lid.
  • Place in a dark place for 10 days. During this time, the jar needs to be shaken every day - for this you will need a tight lid
  • After this, strain the tincture and squeeze out the husk. That's it - the tincture is ready

Tip: Store the tincture in the refrigerator, on the lower shelves. Before applying to the skin, warm up the “cocktail”. Keep the masks on for no more than 1 hour. Do this 2 times a week for 2 months - this will help restore hair and strengthen it. good outcome treatment.

IN home cosmetology Onion peels are used to dye hair. This method is suitable for everyone except blondes. If you add a tablespoon of glycerin to a decoction of onion peels, you will get a beautiful copper shine to your hair.

Dyeing and strengthening hair with onion skins is done as follows:

  • Prepare a decoction of onion peels to obtain a dark brown liquid (a handful of peels per 100 ml of water)
  • Cool it down to body temperature
  • Pour the broth over your head, squeeze your hair a little
  • Put on a shower cap and wrap your hair in a towel
  • Keep this natural dye on your head for an hour. Then rinse your hair with water. To achieve a lasting effect, coloring must be done every day for 2 weeks.

Mustard warms and improves blood movement through the capillaries. The nutrition of the hair follicle improves, it becomes stronger, rapid growth and restoration of the structural part of the hair occurs.

  • Dilute mustard powder with warm water to obtain a paste.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of aloe and the same amount of honey
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture to your head. To prevent the ends of your hair from drying out, apply burdock oil to them.
  • Cover your head for 1 hour and then rinse off the mask with warm water. The effect will be noticeable after one month of use (once a week)

Aloe should be in every home, as it heals and helps get rid of dandruff and baldness. This plant has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is part of many detergents and rinse aids.

  • Collect the lower leaves of aloe, they are the most fleshy and juicy
  • Put them in the refrigerator for a week
  • After the time is up, squeeze out the juice to make 2 tablespoons. Place the remaining leaves back in the refrigerator.
  • Add the juice of one onion and 1 tablespoon of honey to the aloe juice. You can use onion pulp, but then the aloe must be crushed in a blender
  • Rub the mixture into your scalp. Leave the mask on for an hour, rinse with water and shampoo. After 3 days, repeat the procedure with the aloe leaves that remained in the refrigerator

Almost all women who use this vegetable as the main ingredient for masks face the problem of onion smell in their hair. If your hair is dry, the smell may not go away even after washing your hair with shampoo.

How to get rid of onion smell from hair? Colorless henna can help with this:

  • Dissolve one tablespoon of powder in hot water to make a paste
  • Apply the mixture to your head and keep for 15 minutes
  • After this, wash off the mask with water and shampoo.

A mask made of kefir and mustard with the addition of any fragrant essential oil does an excellent job of removing onion odor from hair:

  • Dilute henna in a small amount of water
  • Add a little kefir and 5 drops of essential oil
  • Mix the mask and apply to hair
  • After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo

Another effective mask:

  • Take two egg yolks and mix them with a spoon of honey
  • Add 5 drops of tangerine oil to the mixture
  • Mix all ingredients and apply on head
  • Keep it for 20-30 minutes, rinse your hair with water and wash with shampoo. Honey penetrates into the hair structure and removes odor well

The smell after applying the onion medicine will not be too strong if you do not use a semi-liquid mass, but only liquid - juice. You can make compositions on weekends when you don’t have to go to work or while on vacation. Your hair will definitely thank you for your care with its volume and beauty!

Video: Tested on yourself: Onion Mask OR How to Grow Hair?

You've probably heard at least once about an onion hair mask, some are delighted with the effect after it, others are shocked by the smell, others are hesitant to use it at all, let's figure it out in order, what kind of mask it is and what it's used for " eat").

What are the benefits of onions and onion masks?

In fact, an ordinary onion contains a lot useful vitamins such as B2, B6, C, B3, B9, E etc.

Onions also contain many minerals: sulfur, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium etc. Also contains onions essential oils, phytoncides, organic acids you.Have you run to make an onion mask yet?) Then let's move on.

The effect of onion hair masks

1. Enhances hair growth- due to its rich composition, onions improve blood circulation, which promotes rapid growth hair.

2. Stops hair loss - onion juice strengthens hair follicles, feeding them with vitamins and minerals. Onion masks- leaders in the fight against hair loss.

3. Treatment and prevention of baldness- if you regularly rub onion juice into bald areas, new hairs will soon appear there.

4. Treatment of dandruff- phytoncides contained in onion juice help cleanse the skin of fungus, which causes dandruff.

5. Prevention of gray hair- thanks to vitamin C, onion masks will help preserve your hair color for a long time, and gray hair will not bother you at an early age.

6. Helps in caring for oily hair- onion masks help reduce the work of the sebaceous glands.

7. Restores hair and adds shine- essential oils contained in onions cover the hair scales, giving them elasticity and shine.

And even despite all the obvious benefits of onions, many are afraid to make such a mask because unpleasant odor, which appears if your hair gets wet or, for example, you sweat. Yes, this is definitely a deterrent; who wants to walk around and leave a trail of unpleasant odor behind? But there are little tricks that will help get rid of the scent after an onion mask, so don’t rush to give it up. I'll tell you more about this a little later.

Recipes for onion masks and how to use them correctly

Classic onion mask

This mask is also very simple and quick. Take one medium onion and grate it, then use gauze to squeeze out the juice and rub it into the scalp massage movements.

Then you need to warm your head with a towel or put on an unnecessary warm hat. Leave the mask on for an hour for greater effect, then wash off with shampoo.

Onion mask for hair growth - super recipe! Result guaranteed

- onion juice 3 tbsp. l.
- kefir 2 tbsp. l.
- cocoa powder 1 tbsp. l.
- essential oil beat 2 drops;
- rosemary essential oil 2 drops;

We thoroughly mix all the main components and then add essential oils, apply the mask only to the scalp, accompanied by a massage. Exposure time is 30-60 minutes. Course of masks: 2 times a week.

Onion mask against hair loss and baldness

- 1 onion;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- art. l. cognac;
- 1 tbsp. l. honey;
- 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Peel the onion and garlic and grind it in a blender, then squeeze out the resulting juice and add melted honey, butter and cognac to it. Apply to the scalp and leave for an hour and a half. The mask is effective even for alopecia.

Onion mask for strengthening hair with burdock oil and honey

2 tbsp. l. onion juice;
1 tbsp. l. burdock oil:
0.5 tbsp. l. honey

Preheat the honey in a water bath until liquid and add the remaining ingredients to it, mix thoroughly and apply to the scalp. To enhance the effect of the mask, you can massage your head before use.

Leave the mixture under a warm cap for an hour, then rinse your hair well with warm water and shampoo.

Mask for dull and dry hair with onion and egg

Take 2 tbsp. l. onion juice and mix thoroughly with the yolk, apply to hair partings and wrap with a towel. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with cool water.

Onion mask with yeast

This mask has received many praises, keep the recipe:
For the mask, you can use both dry and “live” yeast.

Recipe with live yeast to stimulate hair growth:

Take approximately 20 grams. pour yeast a small amount water and add 1 tsp. sugar, place the mixture in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. Then add 3 tbsp. l. onion juice and a couple of tablespoons of your favorite base oil(olive, almond, burdock, etc.). After 40-60 minutes, wash off the mask.

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for onion masks; you can make “your own” mask by adding your favorite oils and other ingredients to onion juice. Or simply add some onion juice to your favorite homemade mask.

Aloe juice, kefir, honey, oils, cognac, eggs, mayonnaise, sour cream, bread- all these components can be used with onion juice.

How to get rid of onion smell - 7 ways

1. Use only onion juice, not mush. Onion juice leaves virtually no odor, and in combination with other ingredients it can be completely avoided.

2. Apply the mask only on the scalp. The fact is that hair is porous in its structure and absorbs smell well, try to get as little of it on your hair as possible and then the smell of onion will be minimal. This is especially true for discolored, damaged, curly hair, they are more porous in structure and the onion smell will be quite difficult to remove.

3. Hair clay
- great way to eliminate onion odor from hair. Clay has good cleansing properties and absorbs odors. After you have washed the onion mask from your hair, apply clay, previously diluted in water, to your scalp. The consistency of the clay should be like sour cream. Clay can be used white, blue, green, etc.

4. Essential oils- a proven way to combat odor. Add a couple drops of essential oil tea tree or ylang-ylang in hair conditioner and apply to hair after rinsing off the onion mask. Citrus essential oils are also great for scent control.

5. Rinsing hair with herbs. Helps not only eliminate onion odor, but also strengthen hair. The following herbs are suitable for decoction: nettle, oak bark, chamomile.

6. Rinse hair apple cider vinegar (2 tsp per 1 liter of water), how to properly carry out this procedure, read here.

7. Lemon juice. To get rid of onion smell 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice dilute in 1 liter of water and rinse hair well. This procedure also adds shine to your hair!
And +3 more recommendations on how to avoid the smell:- do not wash off the mask hot water(the pores on the skin will open and the onion smell will penetrate deeper).
- do not keep the mask on for too long, 1 hour is enough.
- carefully strain the onion juice; the main unpleasant smell appears precisely because of the onion pulp.

Everything turned out to be not so difficult;)

7 930 1 Hello! Today we will tell you about onion hair mask and its effectiveness in self-care. We will share with you homemade recipes for onion masks against hair loss, as well as recipes that stimulate hair growth. A video review about using an onion mask will help you decide whether this mask is suitable for your hair type or not. Folk remedies in medicine and cosmetics are considered universal and simple. The special properties of onions will help with various violations hair growth - loss, with brittle and weakened hair, with dull color, with excess gray hair, the appearance of dandruff, oily shine and excessive dryness.

Causes of hair loss

Hair, along with skin and nails, is an excellent indicator of our health. Their condition can be judged as external factors influence and internal problems body.

It is known that 90% of human hair is in constant growth, their daily loss Normally there are about 100 hairs. The lifespan of one hair is approximately from 3 to 6-7 years.

If you experience frequent hair loss, you should first consult a specialist.

Sometimes a person faces the problem of frequent hair loss, called in medicine. The reasons for this can be many problems, both external and internal:

Alopecia is classified according to the type of distribution - nesting, universal, cutting, total, marginal. In most cases, alopecia is treatable. The exception is severe forms diseases, heredity.

To determine that you are losing a lot of hair, you need to do a little experiment: pull your hair and see the result. If about 10-15 hairs are pulled out, everything is within normal limits; if there are more than 15-20 hairs in your hand, it’s a reason to pay attention.

Useful properties of onions

Onions have been known since ancient times as an indispensable tool from baldness, oily shine, dandruff and fragility. Onion is a spicy aromatic plant. There are about 220 types of onions in our country and about 400 in the world.

Historically, onions became known 6 thousand years ago. At one time, the value of the bow was so great that prisoners were exchanged for it.

  • IN folk recipes onions play a role primarily as a powerful phytoncide that can prevent colds. Phytoncides - biologically active substances contained in plants that have antimicrobial effect. Onions are also useful in cleansing the body of toxins, stabilizing digestion, relieving swelling, treating calluses and eczema.
  • Onion contains a large number of useful elements: vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, T and K, enzymes, micro and macroelements (potassium, iodine, boron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, chromium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, calcium, zinc, copper), glucose, amino acids, keratins, alkaloids (biological active substances with high content nitrogen), flavonoids, glucinin (a plant hormone that lowers blood sugar) and others.
  • It is also known that onions contain a high concentration of essential oils that cause tearing when cut. The characteristic smell of onions is given by the sulfur content in it in combination with other substances.
  • The bow is natural antibiotic, a bactericidal and antimicrobial plant. Contains more sugar than pears or apples, but is considered a natural fat burner, disinfectant and soothing agent.

Found onions in cosmetology wide application in skin and hair care. With the help of onions you can cure warts and cracks skin, acne, cleanse the epidermis of toxins, reduce wrinkles, soothe insect bites. The beneficial properties of onions can transform any hair and cope with its problems.

Benefits and harms, how often to use, how to wash off the onion mask

As you know, the most effective means of caring for your appearance is a mask. Onion hair mask solves several problems at once, aimed at strengthening, growth and nutrition, combating hair loss, dandruff and greasiness.

Onion mask benefits all hair types. Due to the content of a real storehouse of useful microelements in onion juice, this mask adds silkiness, revitalizes color, and copes with oily shine or brittleness and dryness.

Many of us are concerned about the question of how often to make an onion mask. With a frequency of 1-2 times every 7 days with a course of 5-10 masks, it is possible to achieve an excellent effect from an onion mask on the condition of your hair.

The main barrier for many is the persistent odor when using such masks. How to remove onion smell? Following some recommendations will help with this:

  1. The onion smell after applying the mask can be eliminated by thoroughly rinsing with water and diluted vinegar, citrus juice, and a flavored mouthwash. When asked what and how to wash off the onion mask, experts advise doing this with warm water, since the aroma of onions spreads even more under hot water.
  2. To reduce the smell of onions, you can add additional ingredients with a pleasant smell to the mask - essential oils, citrus fruits, herbal extracts, honey.
  3. Observe the proportions of the components when preparing the mask.
  4. The duration of the procedure is also important to reduce the smell of onions. Therefore, you need to carefully follow the recommendations for how long to keep the mask on your head.
  5. No less important is how to make an onion mask and how to apply it - the mask is applied to the roots of the hair and rubbed into the scalp.
  6. For an onion mask, it is better to take its juice, carefully filtered from the pulp. This is due to the fact that the pulp particles have the strongest odor.

There are also contraindications for the onion hair mask:

  • hypersensitivity to onions and allergies;
  • wounds, ulcers on the scalp;
  • damaged hair after perm and other cosmetic procedures.

Before using any mask, it is necessary to test its composition for tolerance. To do this, just apply a little on the crook of your arm, back side palms and hold for a while. In case of redness, burning, itching, it is better to refuse such a mask.

The onion mask, like all others, should be prepared before use. Some recipes use honey and base vegetable oils to better effect which are recommended to be slightly steamed beforehand.

Additional ingredients in masks enhance the effect of onion components and soften its “aggression”. Some of the masks require insulation - a rubber or plastic cap is covered with a towel or scarf.

Recipes for onion hair masks at home

In our recipes, 1 tablespoon of liquid is equal to 25-30 g, 1 teaspoon is 5 g.

Masks against hair loss

Name Ingredients Action time
From onion juiceJuice of 1 onion30 minutes with insulation
Onion mask with honeyonion juice - 25 g.,
honey - 25 g.,
olive oil - 25 g.,
mayonnaise - 25 g.
1 hour
Onion-lemon with olive oilonion juice - 30 g.,
olive oil - 10 g.,
lemon juice - 25 g.,
egg yolk - 1 pc.
30-35 minutes
Kefir-oniononion - 1 pc. chopped (take the pulp),
kefir - 1 tbsp.,
egg - 2 pcs.
1 hour
With honey and aloeonion juice - 30g.,
lemon juice - 5 g.,
honey - 10 g.,
aloe juice - 10 g.
30 minutes
With castor oil and calendulaonion juice - 1 onion,
honey - 25 g.,
castor oil- 5 years
tincture of calendula in alcohol - 5 g.
yolk - 1 pc.,
lavender ether - 3-4 drops or
tea tree ether - 3-4 drops
1 hour with insulation
Onion-burdock with yogurtonion juice - 30 g.,
yogurt without additives - 30 g.,
- 30 years old,
honey - 5 g.
1 hour
Onion-garlic mask with cocoaonion juice - 30 g.,
garlic juice - 5 g.,
cocoa powder - 5 g.,
kefir - 30 g.,
any essential oil - a few drops
40 minutes
With burdock infusionlemon juice - 4 tsp,
cognac - 1 tsp,
decoction of burdock roots - 6 tsp.
2 hours with insulation

For hair growth and thickness

Name Ingredients Action time
From onion pulp1 onion chopped1 hour with insulation
With salt and burdock oil kefir - 30 g.,
onion juice - 60 g.,
honey - 30g.,
cognac - 30 g.,
sea ​​salt - 25 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.
1 hour
Kefir-yeastyeast - 40 g.,
kefir - 30 g, onion juice - 30 g,
lemon juice - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
Freshly squeezed carrot juice - 60 g.
20 minutes
With black breadonion juice from 2 onions,
enough black bread pulp to make a mushy mixture
1 hour, possible overnight
Cognacsugar 5 g dissolved in cognac - 10 g,
onion juice - 15 g.,
yeast - 5 g.,
mineral water- 5-7 drops
(beat everything)
40 minutes
With castor oilonion juice - 50 g.,
castor oil - 30 g.,
honey - 30 g.
30 minutes with insulation
Onion oil mixtureolive oil - 5 g.,
sea ​​buckthorn oil- 5 years
castor oil - 5 g.,
linseed oil- 5 years
onion juice - 30 g.
1 hour
Cognac-onioncognac - 30 g.,
onion pulp - 30 g.,
garlic pulp - 30 g.
olive oil - 30 g.,
yolk - 1 pc.
1 hour
juice of 1 onion,
yolk - 1 pc.,
sea ​​buckthorn oil - 30 g.,
red hot pepper - 2 g.
20 minutes
With vitamin A(E)onion juice - 30 g.,
yolk - 1 pc.,
castor oil - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
vitamin A or E liquid - 1 ampoule,
- 3 drops
20 minutes

For oily hair

Name Ingredients Action time
Onion-burdock mask with rumin equal quantities: burdock oil, onion juice, rum30 minutes
Onions and kefironion juice and kefir in a 1:1 ratio30-40 minutes
Onion-sour creamonion juice - 60 g.,
honey - 10 g.,
sour cream - 30 g.
40 minutes
Onion-claycosmetic clay – 30 g.,
onion juice - 30 g.,
Sea buckthorn juice - 30 g (optional)
30 minutes
Onion infusion mask1 chopped onion, vodka - 250 ml - leave for 3 days.15-20 minutes

For dry and fine hair

Name Ingredients Action time
Onion-garlic mask with castor oil1 onion, chopped
1 head of garlic, minced
castor oil (for connection)
30-40 minutes
Onion-garlic mask with vitamins (not only copes with dryness, but also serves to strengthen hair)onion juice - 1 onion,
garlic juice - 1 head
honey - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
lavender ether - 3-4 drops,
ylang-ylang essential oil - 4 drops,
orange ether - 3-4 drops,
liquid vitamin B6 – 1 ampoule
40 minutes
Onion-honeyonion juice and honey in equal proportions1 hour with insulation
Onion-yolkonion juice - 50 g.,
chicken yolk - 1 pc.
1 hour

Anti-dandruff masks

Name Ingredients Action time
Rosemary, onion and sageonion juice - 1 onion,
rosemary oil - 50 g.,
vodka - 10 g.,
sage ether - 4 drops,
Eucalyptus essential oil - 4 drops
30 minutes
With sageonion juice - 60 g.,
base oil (olive or burdock) - 60 g.
yolk - 1 pc.,
sage ether - 4-5 drops
1 hour
Onion-vodkaOnion pulp and vodka in equal proportions20-30 minutes
From a decoction of onion peelsBoil onion skins in water, leave20 minutes

Video review about using an onion hair mask.

It's no secret that every woman wants to have thick, beautiful and healthy hair. Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair half of humanity is naturally given such luxury. Onions have long been used by women to strengthen and grow hair.

This valuable product is enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy curls. Their lack leads to sad consequences.

Elements contained in onions Action
Thiamine Eliminates fragility and hair loss. Gives shine.
Riboflavin Helps accelerate hair growth.
Nicotinic acid Increases hair density and stimulates growth.
Pantothenic acid Keeps you young longer hair follicles, gives elasticity.
Folic acid Is a vitamin for women's health and curl growth.
Biotin Stops hair loss.
Pyridoxine Prevents hair loss and stimulates growth.

Thanks to these beneficial properties The product is widely used in cosmetology and hair care.

Onion mask for hair growth - recipe

Over many years of folk practice for healing and restoring hair using onions, many recipes for making homemade masks have accumulated. The benefits for hair are also due to high concentration vitamins in the green feathers of the root vegetable; they are also actively used to make healing masks for hair. Among other things, onion mixtures are suitable for all hair types. The simplest method of onion therapy is a massage using juice. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 20-30 minutes before washing your hair. But mixtures with the addition of other beneficial ingredients are more effective. Detailed instructions This article will tell you how to make a hair mask from onions.

With egg it has nourishing and restorative properties. To prepare it, you need to mix the onion pulp and egg. For scalp prone to dryness and dandruff, it is better to use only egg yolk.

The finished mixture must be treated with curls, scalp and hidden under film. The exposure time of the mask should not exceed 40 minutes.

There are many variations of this mask with the addition of other components. The mixture described below is recognized as the most effective.

Grind half an onion, add the yolk and a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of base oil. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply a generous layer of it to the skin and comb the strands thoroughly with a comb. Leave to act for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

To simplify the rinsing procedure, you can use plant juice. The recipe below for the mask with onion juice works wonders. Such therapy can bring even the most depleted curls back to life.

  • Cognac – 30 ml,
  • 30 grams of fresh honey,
  • 15 grams of burdock oil,
  • 15 ml lemon juice,
  • yolk,
  • juice of half an onion
  • a few drops of ether

place in a non-metallic container and mix well.

The mixture turns out to be liquid, so cosmetic clay can be used as a thickener. The entire composition needs to be slightly warmed in microwave oven and apply warm first to the skin, then to the strands. Wrap your head in film and warm it up for 10 minutes with a hairdryer. After warming up, wrap a turban from a scarf or towel and walk for another 40-5 minutes. After the specified time, wash your hair with shampoo. Therapy is recommended to be carried out for a month, with an interval of 4-7 days.

Another great mask for weak hair made from

  • 15 ml onion juice,
  • 15 ml cognac and 1
  • 5 grams of fine sea salt.

This mixture is applied to the strands and thoroughly rubbed into the roots. Exposure time 1 hour. After this time, wash your hair as usual.

Garlic has long earned a place of honor among admirers traditional methods hair restoration. A hair growth mask with onion and garlic has proven itself to be excellent.

To prepare the mask, you need to chop 1 small onion and 3-5 cloves of garlic using a kitchen grater. You can use gruel or squeeze out the juice and pulp of root vegetables. Add 30 ml of castor oil, 15 ml of cognac and 1 yolk to the garlic-onion mixture chicken egg. To eliminate a specific odor, you can add 2-3 drops of rosemary or lavender ether. Apply the medicine and leave for an hour under the film.

This mask completely stops hair loss, stimulates growth, increases thickness, gives elasticity and softness. What more could you want?

Because of the unpleasant onion smell, many ordinary women refuse to use such healthy onion mixtures without even trying them. But in reality, everything is not as scary as it might seem. On dry hair the “aroma” is not noticeable; it can only be noticed on wet strands. This phenomenon can be completely eliminated using some techniques.

To get rid of unwanted odor, you can make a repeat mask of colorless henna. To do this, you need to dilute 15 grams of henna powder with hot water, leave for 20 minutes and apply to the strands. Leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse.

Rinsing with a vinegar solution also gives positive result. To prepare the solution, you need to add 15-30 ml of vinegar per liter of warm water. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice.

A bread mask will not only help eliminate the onion smell, but also strengthen them. To prepare this mask, you need to pour 2 slices of water rye bread and leave for 10 minutes to swell. Excess liquid squeeze out You can add a little lemon juice and a couple of drops of ether to the crumb. The mixture should stay on your hair for about half an hour. After this, wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner.

The presence of ingredients such as lemon juice, yeast, cognac and essential oils partially eliminates the unwanted “aroma”.

Do not neglect folk onion masks, because their effectiveness has been tested by more than one generation female half humanity.

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Permanent stressful situations, poor nutrition, disrupted daily routine and all kinds of diseases of internal organs weaken the follicles - hair roots. Lack of vital substances, they first stop in their development and growth, and then lose their once strong connection with the cells of the scalp, and the unpleasant process of hair loss begins. It can be temporary, or it can last until baldness occurs. While eliminating its cause, you need to take care of external care. Perhaps, the best remedy in this situation, there is nothing better than an onion mask for hair loss.

If you are concerned severe loss hair, you should decide to take a course of onion masks - the effect from them will not take long to appear

Why is the onion mask for hair loss considered the best? It acts instantly: after the first use, the amount of hair lost per day will be significantly reduced. She takes excellent care of hair, not only strengthening its roots, but also contributing to its active saturation with all nutrients, of which there are so many in onions:

  • organic acids restore damaged cells;
  • potassium moisturizes;
  • ascorbic acid makes the blood run faster, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen delivered by the blood to the follicles - this improves cellular respiration and activates once frozen or disrupted metabolic processes;
  • biotin treats damaged hair, eliminating both fragility and split ends;
  • niacin strengthens hair follicles;
  • microelements act as building material for the structure of hair and scalp cells.

By acting comprehensively on damaged follicles, the onion hair loss mask can become the ideal remedy for regular use.

The chemical composition of onions is such that they make them quite aggressive for the scalp and hair.

Despite all its effectiveness, onion mask against hair loss is not used so often. This happens largely due to the onion smell that ingrains itself in the hair. But this drawback can be easily avoided if you know little tricks.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The chemicals in these shampoos destroy the structure of your hair. But the worst thing is that this nasty thing gets into your organs and can cause oncological diseases. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. IN chemical composition the onion is very large number various acids, which in increased concentrations can burn cells. Therefore, this product is classified as aggressive and requires special attention beauties who decided to use it for their hair.
  2. The masks use onion juice, which is extracted as follows. The onion is passed through a meat grinder and the resulting puree is squeezed in gauze.
  3. If you have dandruff, open wounds on the head and any others mechanical damage scalp, a homemade onion mask is contraindicated in this case.
  4. Be sure to rub the prepared mixture first behind the ear: after 15 minutes, rinse and see how your skin reacts to this product. Absence discomfort indicates that you can use the mask without fear.
  5. Such products are not applied directly to the hair: they are simply rubbed into the scalp.
  6. It is not necessary to wash your hair before applying the mask: it will work well on dirty hair. There is no need to wet them either.
  7. To create a thermal (greenhouse) effect, you will need to wrap your head in polyethylene and a warm towel.
  8. But how long should you keep the onion mask on your head so that it doesn’t burn your hair? 20 minutes - no more. If you start to feel burning and tingling on your skin, you can remove the mask from your hair earlier.
  9. It is recommended to wash off the mask with shampoo.
  10. You need to rinse onion masks with vinegar (a tablespoon per liter) or lemon (half a glass per liter) water. Using such unusual rinses, you can avoid the unpleasant odor from these products.
  11. Onion masks can be done once every 3-4 days, full course care is 10–15 procedures depending on the scale of the problem and the rest of the treatment.

With proper and regular use, an onion hair mask will quickly stop hair loss, strengthen and make hair shiny and thick.

There are many recipes for hair masks with onions, and not the entire range is aimed only at combating hair loss

On the Internet you can find many different recipes with photos on how to prepare homemade onion masks. Choose those that you can easily prepare and that will really help you cope with the misfortune that has befallen you.

  • Classic recipe

Onion juice or onion puree is simply rubbed into the hair roots.

  • Onion-cognac mask

Mix together (you can use a blender) following products: onion juice and cognac (two tablespoons each), raw yolk, liquid honey, castor oil, lemon juice (tablespoon each), lemon essential oil (5-7 drops).

  • Onion peel mask

Boil the onion peel for half an hour, cool, strain and rinse your hair with this broth every day or at least every other day. This will give your hair a beautiful golden red or chestnut shade (depending on your original hair color).

  • Onion-honey mask

Mix onion juice (two tablespoons) with liquid honey, olive oil and mayonnaise (one tablespoon each).

  • Onion-kefir mask

Mix onion juice (two tablespoons) with kefir, burdock oil, liquid honey, cognac and sea ​​salt(take a tablespoon of everything).

If your massive hair loss has almost become a natural disaster, when the bathtub, pillows, car seats, clothes - everything is covered with a carpet of your hair, in this case only a mask with onions will help, and nothing more. Learn to prepare and use it correctly - stop this ruthless process that gives rise to an inferiority complex in you.