Diffuse fibrocystic fem. A diagnosis of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands has been made - what does this mean? refusal or early cessation of breastfeeding a baby provokes congestion in the mammary glands

Benign breast disease. In ICD-10, FAM of the breast was assigned the number D24 “Benign neoplasm of the breast.”

What is it

The term "fibroadenomatosis" implies atypical changes in the structure of the breast and an imbalance of the connective and epithelial tissue, which leads to the formation of fibrous, cystic or combined tumors.

The disease does not have standard terminology or a unified classification. Fibroadenomatosis most often includes benign tumors that arise against the background of hormonal imbalance in the body:

  • mastopathy;
  • diffuse fibroadenomatosis;
  • focal fibroadenomatosis;
  • localized fibroadenomatosis;
  • diffuse cystic fibroadenomatosis.

The diagnosis of “FAM of the mammary glands” is made for fibroadenoma, dysplasia and Reclus disease. Distinctive feature diseases - a strong proliferation of connective tissue, which is accompanied by a change in the structure of the milk ducts or lobules.

Main symptoms

Restructuring of glandular and connective tissues against the background of hormonal disruptions usually occurs asymptomatically or is accompanied by symptoms that are easily confused with PMS. The main symptoms of FAM include:

  • aching pain that appears only before menstruation and intensifies with physical activity;
  • feeling of burning and pressure;
  • swelling and engorgement of the breast;
  • irritability and aggressiveness;
  • loss of sleep.

In some patients, the lymph nodes in the axillary area become enlarged, and when pressure is applied to the nipples, clear liquid. On late stages the areolas become covered with cracks and ulcers, and a dense neoplasm can be felt inside the mammary gland.

Many forms of fibroadenomatosis develop against the background of diseases of the reproductive system and thyroid gland.

Basic forms and typical features

Mammologists count from 29 to 50 types of FAM. Each type has its own characteristic features and signs.

Localized fibroadenomatosis

Localized fibroadenomatosis is one of the types of mastopathy. With this type of disease, cysts or fibrous tissue localized in a small area, from 1 to 6 cm. The structure of the altered area is dense, but heterogeneous and relief. On palpation, small granular nodules with clear boundaries can be detected inside.

The skin over local fibroadenomatosis becomes dense and lumpy. In some patients, the contours of the tumor clearly appear, and upon palpation the tumors appear painful sensations, which can radiate into the shoulder blade.

Focal fibroadenoma and focal fibroadenomatosis

Focal fibroadenomatosis is a benign process in which glandular tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue. A granular area with vague contours and a dense but elastic structure forms in the chest.

Focal fibroadenomatosis is mobile. When palpating the raised seal, discomfort occurs.

Focal fibroadenoma – benign tumor hormonal origin. The neoplasm is enclosed in a capsule, so it has clear boundaries. Fibroadenoma is mobile, but painless. It has a smooth contour, elastic and dense structure.

The formation is usually localized in the upper part of the chest. The size of the tumor varies from 0.2 cm to 7 cm. With fibroadenoma, the lymph nodes in the axillary area usually do not enlarge.

Diffuse FAM with predominant fibrosis

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis is a synonym fibrocystic mastopathy or breast dysplasia. In FAM with predominant fibrosis, the amount of connective tissue increases. The milk ducts become clogged and small nodules and cords form.

The disease spreads to one or both mammary glands. The structure of numerous nodules becomes granular and heterogeneous, and pain occurs when palpating the tumors. Uncomfortable sensations with fibrocystic mastopathy, they can persist even after menstruation. Patients often complain of a feeling of fullness and tingling that radiates to the area around the chest.

Formations with diffuse FAM may increase several days before menstruation and decrease after. In disrepair fibrotic disease flows into finely nodular. Numerous cysts up to 5 mm in size form in the breast, which are clearly separated from each other and are located in soft and flabby tissue.

In advanced cases, discharge from the breast turns from a translucent milky color to brownish or dark green.

Cystic fibroadenomatosis

Cystic fibroadenomatosis is also called Reclus disease and the large nodular form. The pathology is usually localized in one breast. It is characterized by multiple cysts that appear in interlobular fissures or on the basis of the milk ducts.

The formations have a clear contour and smooth walls. The structure is dense but elastic. Cysts in fibroadenomatosis are usually large; in an advanced state, they can merge and form multilocular tumors.

The disease is accompanied by jet or heavy discharge from the nipples are dark green or brown.

FAM and cancer: differences

Fibroadenomatosis does not always degenerate into cancer, but cystic, focal and diffuse forms pathologies can create conditions for the development malignant tumors. Mammography, ultrasound and biopsy help to distinguish oncology from benign tumors.

At home, it is difficult to determine the type of node. It is worth paying attention to the location of the tumor, its structure and boundaries:

  1. Breast cancer becomes deformed. It becomes wrinkled, and its outline becomes cut off. The nipples retract and fall inside the mammary gland. The color of the areolas may become darker and more saturated, and a venous network appears around the seal.
  2. Malignant tumors attach to the skin or chest. Fibrous and cystic nodules are mobile and roll under the fingers.
  3. Cancer is not enclosed in a capsule, so it has no clear boundaries. It has uneven contours that are difficult to detect upon palpation. The neoplasm is located in the lobules of the mammary gland and has cords - lymphoid tissues, similar to thin belts stretching upward or sideways. The cords can be easily palpated in a vertical position.
  4. Most forms of breast cancer are accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes in armpits, supraclavicular and subclavian zones, but unlike FAM, inflammation of the lymph nodes in cancer is not accompanied by severe pain.
  5. Fibrous and cystic nodules are hormone dependent. They increase and decrease depending on the phase menstrual cycle. Cancerous tumors are also hormone-dependent, but the menstrual cycle does not affect their size.
  6. Fibroadenomatosis often spreads to both breasts. Cancer is localized in one breast, much less often - in two at once.
  7. Malignant tumors are very dense, sometimes feel like cartilage or bone tissue. Fibrous cysts are soft and elastic, although there are some types of cancer with a lighter and more elastic structure.

When diagnosing the disease, you should pay attention to discharge from the nipples. In patients with fibroadenomatosis, the secretion does not have a distinct odor. With cancer, the discharge is foul-smelling, dark brown or dark green, sometimes interspersed with blood.


Primary diagnosis consists of two stages: collecting anamnesis and visual inspection mammary glands. A gynecologist or mammologist listens to a woman’s complaints and palpates the breasts in a vertical and horizontal state. After the examination, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis and sends the patient for tests.

  • X-ray mammography in two projections;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • color Doppler sonography;
  • tumor puncture;
  • radiothermy;
  • ductography;
  • blood test for levels of prolactin, progesterone and estradiol;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs.

If cancer is suspected, the patient is additionally prescribed cytology, histology or stereotactic biopsy, and also undergoes examination of lymph nodes in the axillary, supraclavicular and subclavian areas.

Conservative treatment

Drug therapy is prescribed for moderate FAM mammary glands. When selecting conservative treatment the doctor takes into account the patient’s age, metabolism, form of the disease, hormone levels in the body, as well as the desire to maintain or suppress reproductive function.

The most common drugs for fibroadenomatosis include:

  1. Gestagens – synthetic analogues progesterone. They eliminate hyperestrogenemia and balance hormonal levels. Gestagens are often prescribed in combination: internally - “Utrozhestan”, externally - gel “Progestogel”.
  2. Combined oral contraceptives– normalize the level female hormones, suppress reproductive function, have a positive effect on the menstrual cycle. Drugs are selected individually depending on the tests and characteristics of the body.
  3. Thyroid hormones - for hypothyroidism and disruption of the endocrine system.
  4. Sedatives – for bad sleep, increased irritability and aggressiveness. First, the doctor prescribes an infusion of motherwort or valerian. If the remedies do not help, more powerful sedatives are selected.
  5. Enzymes and drugs to improve liver function - accelerate metabolic processes, help the body quickly remove excess hormones. Popular enzymes include Duphalac and Wobenzym, and hepatoprotectors include Essentiale-Forte, Karsil and Legalon.

Symptoms of FAM are reduced with diuretics, complexes with vitamins A, PP, P, E, C and B6, painkillers “Nise”, “Nimica” or “Diclofenac”. For nipple discharge, it is recommended to take prolactin inhibitors Parlodel or Bromocriptine.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is indicated for expressed by FAM mammary glands. Surgery required for localized nodular and cystic forms of fibroadenomatosis.

Small formations are removed without damaging surrounding tissue. For large cysts, sectoral resection is performed, and if cancer is suspected, a mastectomy is performed. IN postoperative period the woman is prescribed immunomodulatory drugs, anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs, as well as painkillers.

The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the complexity. Rehabilitation period lasts from 10 days to several months.

Traditional medicine and FAM

Traditional methods can be used for moderate FAM of the mammary glands. Home remedies supplement drug treatment to enhance the results of medications.

In case of hormonal imbalances, it is worth taking herbal infusions:

  • from 6 to 15 days of the menstrual cycle - sage tea;
  • from 16 to 25 days - a decoction of hogweed or red brush.

Rosehip tea will improve blood circulation in the mammary glands, chokeberry and black currant. Swelling and pain will be removed by tincture of burdock root and sunflower oil. The products are mixed in equal proportions and left for 2 weeks in a dark place. The strained oil is used for cold compresses.

Help with irritability and sleep problems essential oils chamomile and fennel. The components can be added to an aroma lamp or body cream.

Prevention of FAM

The risk of fibroadenomatosis is reduced by:

  • regular sex with a regular partner;
  • self-examination of the breast once a month;
  • annual examination by a gynecologist and/or mammologist;
  • giving up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • proper nutrition and exercise;
  • convenient and comfortable bra.

Compliance preventive measures reduces the likelihood of fibroadenomatosis, but best protection– timely consultation with a doctor and proper breast treatment, because early stages Almost any disease can be cured without serious consequences for the body.

Alla Varganova, Woman, 42 years old

Hello! I have been taking the hormonal drug Regividon for 8 months now, prescribed by a gynecologist-endonrinologist, because I have uterine adenomyosis. I have a 0-5 mm nodule in the thyroid gland. Due to the fact that while taking the drug, my migraines have become more frequent, began to rise blood pressure, me again they told me to undergo an examination, including a mammologist. Today I did a mammography of the mammary glands. This is what is written in the study protocol: The mammary glands are usually developed, not deformed. The skin, premammary fatty tissue, nipples, and areolas are not changed. The parenchyma tissue of the breast is presented in ratio: glandular = fibrous = fatty. Preductal and prevascular fibrosis is expressed. In both cases, diffuse FAM is determined with a predominance of the fibrous component. Distinct focal formations not detected. In both breasts (more on the right) multiple bright pulses (microcalcifications) are scattered. Axillary lymph nodes are not visualized. Conclusion: X-ray signs of 2-sided diffuse FAM (moderate) against the background of involutive changes .According to VI-RAds, category 3 control of mmg after 6 months. The mammologist suggested undergoing another ultrasound of the breast. I would like to say that I am 42 years old, I have 2 children whom I breastfed and while breastfeeding I constantly had mastitis, hardening, endless pumping. Could Does this contribute to the formation of these multiple calcifications or could they appear while taking a hormonal drug? What should I do next? I’m in a panic

Dear Alla! The appearance of calcifications on mammograms, judging by your story, may be associated with mastitis you have suffered. Treatment prescribed by an endocrinologist should be discussed with a doctor in connection with the appearance of new signs of trouble (migraines, increased blood pressure). Please pay attention to the section " Side effects" and "Contraindications".

Alla Varganova

Thank you Yuri Alekseevich for your answer! How dangerous is diffuse FAM disease and what is it fraught with?

Fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands is a long-term chronic process that occurs in reproductive age in women. There are quite a lot of reasons. Basic: imbalance hormonal levels, increased sensitivity breast tissue itself to hormones, concomitant diseases of the endocrine system, pathology in reproductive system, the absence of the final chord in the reproductive system - the birth of a child. The place of change is the breast tissue and its ducts. Breast tissue loses elasticity, fibrosis occurs, ducts dilate, and fluid inclusions (cysts) are diagnosed. The risk is the possible degeneration of fibrosis into precancer, and cysts are prone to inflammation.

Femme mammary gland what is it? Fibroadenoma (FAM) is a disease of a tumor nature that develops in the tissues of the mammary glands. By its nature, it is a benign tumor, usually of hormonal origin. Its development provokes too high level sex hormones - estrogens, progesterone or prolactin. Women under 35 most often develop diffuse femme mammary glands of the estrogenic type, and after 40, when the processes of extinction begin reproductive function– prolactin.

What is the essence and symptoms of this disease? Under the influence pathological processes The glandular tissue of the mammary gland grows, and fibrocystic neoplasms form. They can be single or multiple, covering one breast or both at once. Cysts and fibroids are filled with fluid inside. There is no need to ignore FAM - this is fraught with serious consequences, there is a risk of degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one.

There are several reasons for the development of FAM:

  • chronic stress or severe nervous shock;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries;
  • poor blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance (including those caused by taking oral contraceptives);
  • frequent childbirth or refusal to have children;
  • wearing tight or ill-fitting underwear;
  • lack of lactation or inability to breastfeed;
  • heredity.

There are nodular and leaf forms of fibroadenoma. Nodular forms never degenerate into cancer, but every 10th case of leaf FAM ends in breast sarcoma.

A mammologist treats fibroadenoma of the mammary glands. His task is to find out the causes of the tumor and prescribe adequate treatment aimed at eliminating them.

Symptoms of FAM

In the early stages, FAM occurs without symptoms. In more late dates a woman can feel the tumor on her own. There are also signs of breast fibroadenoma that indicate the presence of FAM:

  • before menstruation, a stabbing pain appears in the chest, which intensifies with physical activity;
  • sometimes tumor growth is accompanied by a feeling of pressure and burning in the chest;
  • When pressed, a clear, odorless liquid may be released from the nipples;
  • the nipples themselves may crack and become covered with painful sores;
  • breast tissue swells and thickens;
  • may increase lymph nodes in the axillary area.

The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of a small tubercle in the breast tissue, which rolls under the fingers, but does not change location when changing body position.

Diagnosis of the disease

FAM is detected in early stages by mammography. The increase in the number of tumor diseases of the mammary glands has become the reason for the inclusion of mammography in the list of mandatory diagnostic studies when undergoing medical examination.

In mammography images, the doctor clearly sees fibrocystic neoplasms - cavities filled with fluid. In addition to mammography, the patient must undergo ultrasound examination surrounding tissues and organs, and is also referred for consultation to related specialists - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist (with full diagnostics gland conditions internal secretion involved in the production of sex hormones).

If FAM is detected, a puncture of the tumor-like formation is prescribed, and if necessary, a biopsy of the affected area is taken glandular tissue. This is done to determine the probability of occurrence cancer cells and strategy definition further treatment– conservative or surgical.

How is FAM different from cancer?

Multiple fibroadenomas are a benign neoplasm. If the size of the tumor does not exceed 10 mm, then the mammologist registers the woman and assesses the condition of the tumor every six months without treatment.

Breast fibroadenoma has differences from a malignant tumor that every woman needs to know:

  1. Fibroadenoma is a small round or oval lump that has a dense but elastic structure, does not hurt when pressed and moves under the fingers (floating effect). FAM always has clear boundaries. The tumor does not change the color, structure and temperature of surrounding skin. With cancer, the following may occur: changes in the color of the halo and nipple, the boundaries of the halo, hemorrhages in the skin of the mammary glands.
  2. The cancerous tumor is not enclosed in a capsule, but is located in the lobules of the mammary gland, so it does not roll under the fingers. In addition, unlike FAM, it does not have clear outlines.
  3. When palpating a malignant tumor, cords always stand out, which are clearly visible in a standing position. The cords are directed upward or to the sides, like the claws of a crayfish. Which was the reason for the name of the disease.
  4. With fibroadenoma, the axillary lymph nodes rarely enlarge, while with cancer this is one of the main diagnostic signs, indicating imminent metastasis. If a painless soft ball of tumor is felt in the chest, and another in the axillary lymph node, then it is necessary to urgently go for a consultation with an oncologist.
  5. Discharge from the nipple with FAM is clear and odorless, with cancer it is dark and foul-smelling, sometimes mixed with blood.
  6. Both fibroadenoma and malignant tumor are hormone dependent. At the same time, FAM can change its size and density in accordance with the schedule of the menstrual cycle, and cancerous tumor, which has a direct connection with the genitals, remains unchanged.

Doctors never consider these symptoms to be 100% diagnostic; rather, they indirectly confirm the assumptions of specialists. Each woman’s body is deeply individual and the disease can occur in different ways. In any case, the diagnosis of breast fibroadenoma or cancer is established according to objective studies: mammography, ultrasound, CT or MRI.


Doctors always try to treat fibroadenoma with conservative methods; excision is used only in extreme cases. Since it is associated with improper production of estrogen and prolactin, a course is prescribed oral medications. They contain iodine and sex hormones - antagonists of estrogen, prolactin and progesterone in small quantities. Such treatment is prescribed according to the condition of the endocrine glands, if a deficiency of thyroid hormones is detected, or, conversely, excessive releases of hormones from the pituitary gland, ovaries and adrenal glands into the blood.

IN complex treatment The FAM doctor will definitely advise you to follow a diet. It is advisable to give up strong drinks - tea and coffee, meat broths cooked on bones, limit the consumption of chocolate and other sweet and flour products. The diet should be varied seasonal vegetables and fruits. Healthy eating will contribute to the course of the disease in mild form and a speedy recovery.

Breast fibroadenoma is a wake-up call for a woman to reconsider her life priorities - to give up bad habits, perhaps, thinking about motherhood.

All cases of FAM of the mammary glands require constant medical supervision. It is required to undergo mammography and ultrasound examination once every 6 months. Surgical removal breast fibroadenomas are prescribed if the doctor sees that:

  • conservative treatment does not produce results;
  • fibroadenoma increases in size;
  • In biopsy analyses, single degenerated cancer cells appear.

The indication for removal of breast fibroadenoma is its shape. For example, sheet FAM is considered a borderline condition and is treated surgically.

The woman is assigned surgical treatmentlaser removal fibroadenomas in the mammary gland. This operation is fundamentally different from that for cancerous tumors. Through a small incision, the cystic capsule is removed from the mammary gland while preserving the surrounding tissue. The exception is leaf fibroadenoma mammary gland, which is removed by sectoral resection together with the affected glandular tissues.

Prevention of fibroadenoma

Every woman must learn breast self-examination methods and conduct it monthly 10-14 days before the onset of menstruation. Those who have already been diagnosed with small fibrocystic nodules should be careful about their health. Follow doctor's orders and take courses conservative therapy and regular examinations with a mammologist.

Women who have undergone surgery to remove the leaf form of FAM must register not only with a mammologist, but also with a gynecologist and endocrinologist. They need to monitor the condition of the genital organs and endocrine glands. In general, breast fibroadenoma is a disease that does not threaten life and does not change its quality.

Structure female breast is a connecting and adipose tissue, which surround the lobes and ducts. Due to hormonal changes, stress can form a cavity with a capsule in which liquid begins to accumulate.

This is how a breast cyst appears; it can go unnoticed or cause discomfort to the woman. TO dangerous consequences, such as cancer, such pathology does not lead.

Capsule structure

The shape of a breast cyst is a ball. Its minimum value is 0.2 cm; diagnostics cannot determine less. The maximum, as a rule, does not exceed 5 cm. At first the capsule has soft walls, but as they grow they become denser and acquire solid structure. This occurs due to the thickening of connective tissue.

Reasons for education

The reasons for the accumulation of fluid and dilation of the duct are based on hormonal imbalance in the reproductive system. Associated with her endocrine system, therefore, a breast cyst may also indicate thyroid disease. Women aged 30-50 years are susceptible to pathology.

However, regardless of age, breast cysts can appear under certain conditions. Namely in women:

- those who have not given birth

- taking oral contraceptives

— those who have undergone breast surgery, abortion, mastitis

- having genetic predisposition

- exposed to severe nervous stress.

Based on these root causes, mastopathy, local fibrosis of the mammary gland, and diffuse fam (diffuse fibroadenomatosis) develop. These pathologies are known for the formation of cavities with fluid of various types, which are most noticeable during pregnancy and before menstruation.

Stress itself does not cause these diseases, but it leads to hormonal imbalances. Doctors advise drinking valerian or motherwort during stress.

When there's nothing to worry about

The appearance of a capsule with liquid does not always mean that there are diseases of the mammary gland that need to be urgently treated. The condition is triggered by frequent visits to the sauna, approaching menstruation, pregnancy, and weight gain. When these conditions are eliminated, recovery can occur.

Varieties by growth habit

Depending on the degree, quantity, and location, breast cysts have several varieties. Classification is based on palpation and diagnostic data.

By size:

— the capsule determined by palpation is considered large

- determined only by ultrasound is considered small, regardless of the exact size.

By location:

— local breast cyst is 1 neoplasm in one lesion

- multiple formations - these are several capsules in 1 or both breasts

— an isolated cavity is located at the end of the duct, separated by overgrown tissue.

By structure:

— 1-chamber (has 1 cavity)

- multi-chamber (several cavities separated by walls).

Fibroadenomatosis as the main disease

As a rule, a cavity with fluid means that fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is developing, which determines not the pathology, but the condition of the breast. Another name is fibrocystic disease. In this case, with strong filling, pain in the breast and a feeling of fullness appear. These symptoms are especially severe during a woman’s pregnancy.

Signs of the appearance of a capsule with liquid

The formation has no symptoms, but as it grows it leads to discomfort. In similar diseases of the female breast, when capsules with liquid are formed, the following are observed:

- breast engorgement, pain before menstruation

- when the nerve endings are compressed by the capsule, the twitching pain and burning does not stop.

When is a tumor diagnosed?

During diagnosis, it may turn out that it was not the capsule that was palpated, but breast fibroadenoma, a disease with a similar prognosis. However, in this case a tumor forms. She has similar clinical signs and benign growth.

Classification of fibroadenoma

Tumor of this type is divided into the following types:

- fibroma

- adenoma

- fibroadenoma.

Breast adenoma differs from fibroadenoma in the predominance of glandular tissue. A fibroid tumor is a nodular neoplasm that results in scarring at the site of the lesion. Fibrous adenoma is palpated as a regular round nodule. That is why fibroadenoma and breast fibroma are a type of nodular mastopathy. However, diseases are treated not with medication, but with surgery.

Oncology factor

If the tumor grows rapidly, a leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland (phyloid) with a high oncogenic factor most likely develops. The leaf-shaped structure of the tumor is the determining reason for urgent surgery. In this case, pregnancy is not a contraindication to its implementation. This is due to the fact that the tumor can grow even faster during pregnancy.

Fibrous nature of the tumor

In the case when a mammary adenoma acquires fibrous properties, the process includes connective tissue, which is also growing. A fibroadenoma or fibroma of the mammary gland is formed - a neoplasm with fibrotic changes. Determination of the microscopic nature is important for the prognosis of the disease.

Fibroadenoma, fibroma and breast adenoma have similar signs. Namely:

- painless condition

- clear boundaries, round shape

- benign prognosis.

Not taken into account here neglected cases when a tumor clogs the duct. Then the skin color changes to red, bluish, and deformation of the breast is visible. Microscopically, a mammary adenoma contains cells that can secrete secretions. This is why the formation of cysts occurs in this pathology, but such cases are rare.

Microscopic differences

In general, breast fibroadenoma consists of 2 types of epithelium:

- fibrous stroma

- glandular tissue.

If 1 of these types of epithelium predominates, the disease changes its name. For example:

- when there is more fibrous stroma, benign breast fibroadenoma develops

- if there is more glandular tissue, an adenoma is observed.

These types of disease are not different from each other external signs. They are noticeable only at the cellular level.

Provoking conditions for tumors

It should be noted that breast adenoma increases in women during pregnancy, menopause, and before menstruation. This confirms the hormonal nature of the pathology, its dependence on the level of estrogen. For example, during pregnancy the body experiences hormonal shock, which also affects the condition of the breast.

When breast fibrosis develops, the fibrous epithelium grows, causing focal changes. This means that the epithelium becomes larger than it should be in this particular place of the breast. It is necessary to make a diagnosis, because breast fibrosis can turn out to be malignant (in rare cases).

Diagnosis of breast diseases

Diagnostics is based on research methods that determine the size of the tumor:

— Ultrasound (age up to 30 years)

- mammography (after 45 years)

— Ultrasound + mammography (at 30-45 years old).

And cytologically, focal fibrosis of the mammary gland is examined after puncture or biopsy. The woman is prescribed a procedure to remove fluid or tissue from the tumor. All types of these seals are characterized by mobility, which is easily determined by palpation. By comparison, a cancerous tumor is immobile.

Diagnosis of several diseases

Often, breast fibroma signals the development of nodular mastopathy. In this case, a condition is diagnosed when the connective tissue grows to form cysts. Thus, fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland (mastopathy) and tumor are observed. As a result, multiple diagnoses are made.

How is the treatment method chosen when breast fibroma and mastopathy with cyst formation are observed? It is advisable to perform an operation, since the doctor can remove both tumors through the incision. Such an intervention can be performed during the patient’s pregnancy if the nature of the tumor requires urgent surgery.

In the case of a diffuse form of mastopathy, diffuse famma of the mammary glands, diffuse fibroadenomatosis, when cysts form in large quantities. Multiple lesions affect the entire cavity of one or both breasts. The disease is palpated as granular compactions, often painful. It is less common during pregnancy than during menopause.

Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands is diagnosed in many representatives of the fair sex. The health of girls and women is a necessary condition for the birth of strong children. It is for this reason that in modern medicine This factor is given special attention. Every year, specialists perform numerous screenings, which provide opportunities to determine pathological conditions in a woman’s body in the first stages of development.

Unfortunately, the number of female diseases continues to increase. This is primarily due to the fact that the condition is worsening every year. environment, and girls and women do not give up their bad habits. The most common pathology today is FAM of the mammary glands.

The presented disease refers to benign neoplasms. They often develop into breast cancer, but thanks modern methods diagnostics and proper treatment it is possible to cope with this disease by initial stages development.

Diffuse FAM has another name in medical practice- This is mastopathy. It occurs among representatives of the fair sex, middle and young. In most cases, the disease develops during breastfeeding of infants, as well as in situations where there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones. If you seek qualified help in time, you can avoid serious consequences and surgical treatment.

What factors contribute to the development of mastopathy?

Diffuse FAM in the mammary glands is benign neoplasm, which in most cases involves one or both breasts. Scientists have not been able to determine the main causes of the development of this disease. But there are specific factors, which contribute to the formation of the mammary gland - these are chemical and hormonal.

There is an assumption that fibroadenomatosis appears more often in girls who regularly wear tight underwear. It can compress the mammary glands, leading to sad consequences. As practice shows, benign degenerations occur in women who work in hazardous industries, take oral contraceptives, often give birth or refuse to give birth to a child. Women with late menopause having various diseases genitals, at the beginning of menstruation or with hormonal disorders.


Diffuse femme on the mammary glands can be homogeneous or mixed. Such cysts can appear in female body due to previous stress or severe emotional upheaval. The following common causes that influence the development of pathology such as FAM of the mammary gland should also be highlighted:

Disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries;
disruptions of blood flow in the pelvic organs;
hormonal imbalance;
decreased sexual activity;
genetic factors;
refusal of a newborn child to breastfeed.

How does the mammary gland change during neoplasm?

Depending on the type of cyst, the density of the breast during palpation may vary. Most often, FAM of the mammary gland is presented in the form of a sweaty nodular formation, which looks like lumps. To determine diffuse lumps, you need to regularly visit your doctor and independently feel your breasts around the entire circumference.

If you suspect FAM of the mammary gland, you should consult a mammologist. He will prescribe a thorough additional examination and will help determine the type of benign neoplasm.


To effectively get rid of such cysts, it is necessary to determine the cause of their appearance. This is the only way to eliminate this problem. In most cases, girls and women need treatment thyroid gland, diseases of the genital organs, give up bad habits, misuse contraceptives and buy loose underwear.

Prevention of breast tumors

To prevent the occurrence of breast diseases, it is necessary to regularly examine and palpate the breasts. Women over 40 years of age should have regular mammograms, even if there are no complaints or suspicions of mastopathy.
Experts recommend avoiding unfavorable factors, dressing warmly, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and wearing comfortable underwear that does not restrict movement. During use hormonal drugs During menopause, you need to come for a visit every year. routine inspection to a gynecologist and mammologist.