Blue-green algae spirulina: incredible benefits. Spirulina beneficial properties and contraindications

Spirulina is actively grown in laboratories in all corners of the globe. Humanity does not experience a shortage of useful algae. However, until now, not every consumer has had the honor of becoming acquainted with this super product, as scientists often call the magical raw material. What is so unusual about algae? Let's figure it out.

Historical background

The first mention of spirulina as a complete food product is associated with the Aztec tribe. Along with corn and beans, the population actively consumed algae collected in the freshwater Lake Texcoco. Local cooks have gotten used to baking dried spirulina pies not only for their own needs, but also for sale.

It is unlikely that the Aztecs were interested in the biochemical composition of the product, but tribes in ancient times noted the ability of algae to satisfy hunger well and have a beneficial effect on health.

Considering that many of the medicinal plants studied and systematized by the Aztecs in the herbal codex were introduced into modern world pharmacological practice, there is no reason to mistrust spirulina as a product that can provide complete human nutrition.

Interesting! One of the legends says that marathon runners, who delivered fish dishes for the ruler, replenished their strength with a miraculous powder - dried spirulina - during long distance runs. It was believed that the product quickly replenishes the resources expended by the body and increases the supply of vitality.

Today, the natural habitat of blue-green algae is a number of subtropical lakes, with special biochemical indicators water. The largest farms cultivating medicinal raw materials in artificial reservoirs are located in India, America, Greece, China and Russia.

Growing spirulina on an industrial scale is not easy. Special beds with a nutrient-rich aquatic environment are heated and illuminated with lamps. Otherwise, the cyanobacterium will freeze and die.

The main requirement for harvesting is no equipment or mechanized assistants. The reason is simple - the harvest will quickly be lost healing properties. Part nutrients during processing it will be transferred to solutions, which means that spirulina will lose the necessary concentration of vitamins and microelements.

Then the raw materials are dried. It is noteworthy that algae is not picky about drying conditions. At t = 70°C, it will not only not die, but will also retain useful substances, which contradicts all existing laws of nature. After all, most enzymes of ordinary plants are destroyed at temperatures above 50°C.

Interesting! During the heat, when the reservoir completely dries out, the algae goes into hibernation. The next time water comes in, it comes to life and grows with new vigor.


Biophysicist M. Lyamin assures that 1 gram of powder can provide the body with those essential amino acids that are involved in daily biochemical processes. This amount is enough to provide the body with the strength to restore and “repair”.

For a better understanding, the composition of spirulina is presented in the form of a list. So, the percentage of nutrients:

  • protein – 60/70
  • carbohydrates – 10/20
  • ash content – ​​7
  • fats – 5
  • fiber – 2.

The chemical composition of spirulina contains a high content of the following minerals (mg/kg):

  • phosphorus – 8280
  • potassium – 4353
  • calcium – 1180
  • iron – 528.

The composition of spirulina is rich in the following vitamins (mg/kg):

  • provitamin A – 1700
  • ipositol (B8) – 350
  • vitamin E – 190.

As for amino acids, the first positions in the list are occupied by:

  • glutamic acid – 12.7
  • aspartic acid – 9.1
  • leucine – 8.7
  • alanine – 7.9.

In addition to the listed components, spirulina contains a number of other vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and pigments. No ascorbic acid, but that's okay. This vitamin can be replenished with other fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of an eco-product

Therapeutic effect

The modern consumer is suspicious of all new products in the food or cosmetics industry. He's probably doing the right thing. The intense rhythm of life, exposure to an aggressive environment and poor nutrition, provoked, in particular, by chemical processing of products leads to a total deficiency of biologically active substances, which are responsible for building and maintaining the vital activity of the body’s own cells.
When working with patients, doctors pay little attention to the issues of proper nutrition, preferring to use strong drugs or surgery. But these methods increase the negative load on the body, and therefore turning to biologically active substances becomes even more relevant.

Science has proven that spirulina treats:

  1. syndrome chronic fatigue, increasing performance, normalizing sleep and appetite
  2. atherosclerosis of blood vessels, improving well-being and physical performance in the brain, heart and kidneys
  3. hypertension, as well as vascular dystonia, bringing the pressure back to normal
  4. gastrointestinal diseases, in particular a number of chronic diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers).

In addition, the benefits of spirulina are:

  1. in activating the immune system, as a result of which the risk of ARVI is reduced by an order of magnitude
  2. in normalizing sugar levels in diabetics
  3. in the ability to stimulate hematopoietic processes and quickly increase hemoglobin (that is, it is invaluable for stopping developing anemia, including in cases where pharmacological iron-containing tablets were ineffective).

For your information! Preparations containing spirulina algae are used both in the complex treatment of the listed types of diseases, and separately, without prescribing other medications. However, remember! The rationality of using any drug is determined by the doctor!

The problem of excess weight

Rumor has it that taking spirulina is very beneficial for weight loss. This is true. Being a protein product with a lot of vital elements, algae compensates for the lack of nutrients in the body of a woman on a diet. And it is especially important to take spirulina for those who supplement their diet with trips to the fitness club.

Scientists have also proven that algae normalizes metabolism in the body, that is, it indirectly promotes weight loss.

However, spirulina itself is not a means of weight loss. This means that using it as a drug for losing excess weight without additional conditions and procedures are not advisable.


  • pregnant and lactating women
  • patients with renal failure
  • hypotensive people suffering from low blood pressure.

Rarely, there are reviews from women who, after taking spirulina dietary supplements, experienced a deterioration in their health, dizziness, and unusual drowsiness. Later it turned out that each of them belonged to one of the categories indicated above. Conclusion - before taking spirulina dietary supplement, you should carefully study the instructions. No, are there any warnings?

This is where the contraindications for the use of spirulina, including for weight loss, end. It is considered safe and can be added to children's food.

A simple but nutritious recipe! Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, ½ kg of green peas, 1 tsp. spirulina, greens and ground pepper to taste. Pour cold water over the canned peas, bring to a boil, and cook for no more than 5 minutes. Then the water is drained, sour cream is added to the glass and the products are blended with a blender until pureed. Finally, the finished soup is seasoned with finely chopped parsley and ground pepper.

Spirulina in cosmetology

Taking spirulina algae orally in the form of tablets or capsules has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, which cannot but affect external data.

Definitely positive effect noted on the condition of the hair. They stop falling out, become thicker and look healthy. At the same time, the skin acquires noticeable elasticity, freshness and youth.

To double beneficial properties spirulina, along with dietary supplements, it is recommended to use cosmetic care products based on this unusual algae. World-famous manufacturers produce entire lines of masks, shampoos and conditioners. However, having regular spirulina powder on hand, you can make it yourself at home absolutely natural product for intensive hair or skin care.

Preparing nourishing masks

Hair products

Recipes with spirulina are quite varied. Algae “gets along” well with many components, making it a universal ingredient suitable for any hair type. We offer recipes for two effective masks for your reference:

  1. For damaged curls. One teaspoon of powder is added to 2 tablespoons carrot juice. The resulting slurry is mixed with the yolk of 1 egg. Apply the finished mask with spirulina to dry hair, distribute the composition evenly over the entire length and, covering the head with a cap, leave for half an hour. After the specified time, wash your hair as usual with shampoo.

    Attention! Carrot pigment can ruin the hair color of blondes! Replace orange juice with milk.

  2. Against hair loss. Spirulina powder in the amount of 1 tsp. mixed with 2 egg yolks and 1 tsp. lemon juice. The well-mixed mixture is applied to the hair and washed off after half an hour using your favorite shampoo.

Skin masks

The label on purchased spirulina powder usually contains indications for use or instructions for using the product. So, the next beneficial properties of algae:

  • nourishes and saturates the skin with vitamins according to the list
  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
  • restores tone
  • slows down the manifestation of signs of aging.

The following recipes for face masks with spirulina are in demand:

  1. One teaspoon of powder is stirred in a teaspoon of water, and then combined with half a tablespoon olive oil. You can add a drop of your favorite essential oil to slightly muffle the unpleasant aroma of seaweed. The resulting mask is applied to the face with a brush and washed off no earlier than after 20 minutes.
  2. One teaspoon of spirulina (powder) is mixed with 3 teaspoons of liquid honey. Apply to the skin and do not wash off for 15-20 minutes.
  3. One teaspoon of spirulina is diluted in 1.5 tablespoons of water and applied to the face as standard. Wash off after 20 minutes.

After these manipulations, the skin becomes soft and radiant. The result is obvious after the first use.

The unique algae Spirullina platensis has amazing healing properties.

In folk medicine they are successfully used to heal a number of serious illnesses, general health, weight loss.

Composition of spirulina

The beneficial properties of spirulina are explained by the truly unique composition of this seaweed. Scientists have discovered approximately two thousand biologically active substances in it, including vitamins, essential amino acids and enzymes. Amazingly, 70 percent of the algae’s mass is pure protein, which is so necessary to the human body. Due to the absence of a cell membrane, spirulina is almost instantly digested and completely absorbed within one hour. However, spirulina has few contraindications. A healthy person can consume seaweed without fear.

The most important substances for health are the following substances that make up spirulina:

Calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium;

Folic acid;

Vitamins B1, B8;



A huge amount of iron and iodine compensates for the deficiency of these elements, which affects almost the entire population of the planet. This results in a decrease in immunity, malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs, and disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system. Other micro and macroelements are no less important for the health and normal functioning of all systems and organs.

Folic acid provides normal work nervous system, stabilizes hemoglobin levels. It is very important for the body of a pregnant woman. B vitamins strengthen nerves, blood vessels, visual organs, and increase brain activity. Their deficiency can lead to infertility, irritability, and insomnia.

Carotene (provitamin A) is a powerful antioxidant. It strengthens the immune system and vision. Cystine is an amino acid whose deficiency is not uncommon in adults. It is also an antioxidant, helps cleanse the blood, and ensures the evacuation of waste, toxins and heavy metals.

Phycocyanin is one of the main components of spirulina (the algae contains 20 percent of this unique substance). This enzyme is practically not found in other plant species. Meanwhile, it has a beneficial effect on stem cells, can prevent cancer and help with blood diseases. If there are no contraindications for spirulina, it is prescribed as an additional drug as part of complex therapy.

In general, the beneficial properties of spirulina provide a powerful healing effect when taking drugs made on its basis.

Beneficial properties of spirulina

Those who live on the ocean coast are well aware of the benefits of algae. The gifts of pestilence are eaten, used as medicine or as an effective cosmetic product.

Residents recently became aware of the beneficial properties of spirulina. central parts continents. At this moment, her popularity is constantly growing. Today, processed seaweed is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine, as well as in cosmetology and dietetics. Moreover, quite serious and dangerous diseases can be treated with spirulina.

Scientists view the use of dietary supplements differently. Some consider pharmaceutical spirulina a dummy. Others are confident that eating algae will prevent most dangerous diseases known to medicine and effectively prevent premature aging.

The beneficial properties of spirulina are as follows:

It reduces blood sugar to normal levels, and therefore is recommended for both diabetics and those who are at risk for developing this. the most dangerous disease;

Reduces the amount of cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis;

Suppresses the development of viruses, which is especially important during seasonal flu;

Strengthens the immune defense in general and is a means of preventing immunodeficiency;

May be a preventive measure for cancer;

Reduces allergic manifestations;

Prevents serious illnesses joints;

Fills the body with the minerals and vitamins it needs, preventing vitamin deficiency;

Reduces excess weight, promoting physiological weight loss;

Accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes;

Strengthens hair;

Provides higher protection of the body from radiation exposure.

Spirulina helps the body restore damage where it exists. That is, the impact of a unique product is complex. Cell renewal occurs, the body is filled with energy, and normal metabolism is restored.

Use of spirulina by pregnant women

During the period of conception and pregnancy, do not forget about the beneficial properties of spirulina. Algae helps a woman to safely carry and give birth healthy child.

At the conception stage, spouses can help themselves by taking seaweed-based preparations for a month.

By taking spirulina, a pregnant woman will not develop anemia, her digestive organs and intestines will function normally, and calcium deficiency will be replenished. Protein and calcium are two of the most important substances due to which a healthy placenta is formed. Spirulina is rich in both. In addition, taking the drug in an amount of 2-3 grams, you can get rid of the symptoms of toxicosis.

Spirulina is also useful during periods of menopause and menopause. Thanks to the algae, the condition is normalized and discomfort is reduced.

However, before including an algae-based drug in her diet, a woman must obtain the approval of a gynecologist. It is unacceptable to use spirulina on your own during pregnancy: a woman may not be aware of the contraindications, causing harm to both herself and the child.

How to use spirulina

The beneficial properties of spirulina explain the increased demand for pharmaceutical drugs, created on the basis of dried seaweed. They are sold in tablet or powder form. In addition, spirulina is often included in other health products.

As a preventive measure, it makes sense to take the algae for at least one month. Maximum term consumption - three months. Exceeding the permissible dose or period of taking spirulina is a contraindication. Excess can cause excess iodine, which will lead to problems with the thyroid gland.

For general health and weight loss, you need to take one or two tablets three times a day, about thirty minutes before meals. If you do not need to lose weight, you can take the drug with food. As a preventive measure, a single morning dose of spirulina in the amount of one or two tablets is sufficient. During the cold season, this amount can be increased to three to four tablets per day.

Contraindications to taking spirulina

The only serious contraindication for spirulina is individual intolerance and the presence of certain chronic diseases. Intolerance is extremely rare. But due to the high content of beta-carotene, some people may have yellow palms after taking the drug. It's not dangerous, you just need to reduce the dosage.

You should avoid taking spirulina on your own if you have the following diseases:

Diseases thyroid gland;

Internal bleeding;

Completing a course of chemotherapy;

Stroke, heart attack;

Open stomach ulcer;


If during use any symptoms appear that were not there before (headache, insomnia, diarrhea, nausea, muscle spasms, allergic reactions etc.), you should immediately stop using spirulina and immediately consult a doctor.

On the Internet, we came across an article that describes the benefits of spirulina as fully as possible. We publish it in its entirety with reference to the source, of course.

Spirulina is a unique food product. Clinical data obtained from leading medical scientific and medical institutions world, have shown that the biologically active substances of the natural microalgae Spirulina, acting in combination, have high functional activity and exhibit various properties.

It has been established that Spirulina:

  • is a source of vitamins, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, macro- and microelements;
  • contains the most important vitamins and trace elements in organic form, which significantly facilitates their absorption in the human gastrointestinal tract and allows us to recommend the product for the prevention of micronutrient deficiency and, above all, iron deficiency conditions;
  • normalizes and activates metabolism;
  • improves the absorption of vitamins and microelements of food;
  • helps normalize the composition (increases the number of lactic acid bacteria) and functional activity of intestinal microflora;
  • lowers excess blood sugar, reduces the need for antihyperglycemic drugs and insulin in patients diabetes mellitus;
  • in children's nutrition it promotes more complete absorption of food, reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, improves the immune system, significantly reduces the incidence of acute respiratory infections, facilitates the adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool institutions;
  • increases the body’s nonspecific resistance to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors;
  • binds and removes xenobiotics from the body;
  • stimulates the activity of the hematopoietic system;
  • destroys putrefactive bacteria and helps regenerate microflora that produces vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract, including vitamin B12.

From history.

In 1964, the Belgian botanist J. Leonard discovered a tribe of aborigines in the African forests near Lake Chad, whose life had not changed over the past several decades, and maybe hundreds of thousands of years. These people were neither hunting nor farming.

They found everything they needed around them - the forests abound in fruits, berries, roots and other food. Civilization was unfamiliar to them. Leonard's attention was drawn to one fact - these people lived to a ripe old age.(the average life expectancy in Africa is 35 years) and at the same time practically did not get sick!

All the old people had healthy, well-preserved teeth and thick black hair. Leonard noticed the green cakes, which the savages ate like bread. They were made from biomass that was collected from the surface of the lake and dried in the sun.

Upon examination, it turned out that this mud consists of a filamentous blue-green algae (Spirulina platensis) spirulina. This algae has been known to science for a long time. It is about 700 million years old and is one of the first photosynthetic life forms on Earth.

Earlier in 1521, Bernard Diasdel Castillo mentioned a product called tecu-itlatl, which was a common dish among the Aztecs. These were dried layers of Spirulina growing in the alkaline water of Lake Toxcoco near Mexico City. It is the increased alkalinity of water that is a favorable factor for the development of Spirulina. Only two lakes in the world meet these requirements - Toxcoco and Chad.

After Leonard's discovery, scientists began studying wonderful algae. In 1977 - 1980 G. Chammoro - official expert on food toxicology of UNIDO (Vienna) confirmed the negative toxicological result from the use of Spirulina. Spirulina protein has also been found to be comparable to egg yolk, which is an example of FAO, and the medicinal properties of spirulina preparations exceeded all conceivable expectations of scientists.

Since the early 80s, spirulina began its victorious march around the world as a dietary supplement. Today, the daily diet of a Japanese or American is unthinkable without 3-5 grams of it. It is included in many finished products and is also sold in pure form as powder or tablets.

At the Cosmonaut Training Center, this algae received permanent registration. Athletes also take it regularly. Spirulina received such recognition that already in the early 80s Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov received an order from the USSR Ministry of Defense (!) to develop methods for growing spirulina in artificial conditions and the production of medical products based on it.

Spirulina platensis- multicellular spiral filamentous microalgae. Spirulina biomass is a collection of blue-green threads consisting of cylindrical cells arranged in unbranched threads. The shape of the threads (spiral) is the generic characteristic of Spirulina, but the parameters of the spiral vary among different types. The pitch and length of the spiral may vary depending on growing conditions. Cell diameter is from 1 to 3 µm in small species and from 3 to 12 µm in large ones.

Spirulina is the only living organism that has lived on Earth unchanged for hundreds of millions of years precisely due to its unique biochemical composition. This is a carefully balanced set of vitamins, minerals and amino acids by nature, enclosed in an easily digestible mucoprotein membrane.

Spirulina contains a large amount of blue pigment phycocyanin- the only known substance that can stop the growth of cancer cells. Phycocyanin is not found in any other products.

Gamma-lanolinic acid is found only in Spirulina and breast milk. This substance is necessary for the prevention and treatment of arthritis. Glutamic acid reduces the need for alcohol, stabilizes mental abilities, is the main food for brain cells.

Tyrosine- “elixir of youth” - slows down the aging of the body, prevents gray hair. Cystine- ensures the functioning of the pancreas. Arginine- increases sexual activity, helps cleanse the blood of toxins and waste. Inositol- maintains a healthy liver, promotes the elimination of carcinogens and excess female sex hormones, and normalizes cholesterol levels. Thiamine- strengthens the nervous system, reduces fatigue, normalizes sleep, heart rate, eliminates shortness of breath. Folic acid- necessary for the formation of hemoglobin.

In total, Spirulina contains about 2000 (!) vitamins, minerals, amino acids, including essential amino acids and enzymes.

Spirulina has unique properties, this has been proven by studies conducted in leading medical, scientific and treatment institutions in the world:

  • significant suppression of all influenza serotypes;
  • compensation for vitamin and mineral deficiency;
  • normalization of the blood count; reduces the level of fats in the blood, serves prophylactic atherosclerosis and coronary diseases;
  • acceleration of wound scarring and burn healing;
  • cellular and organismal rejuvenation;
  • ensuring resistance to radiation exposure;
  • normalizes metabolism, helps restore immune status, prevents the accumulation of excess weight;
  • helps with treatment vascular diseases, ulcers, inflammation of the joints, osteochondrosis, hypertension, weakness, insomnia, hemorrhoids;
  • in Asian countries it is known as effective remedy combating certain types of cancer, immunodeficiency, allergies;
  • removes heavy metals, toxins, radionuclides from the body, prevents a decrease in the level of leukocytes during radiotherapy;
  • in obstetrics and gynecology helps reduce the number of diseases with abnormal pregnancy and postpartum period, helps increase lactation;
  • is a “cleaner” of the body, especially for the population of environmentally polluted areas;
  • a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic agent for healthy people, increases efficiency, develops immunity and resistance to diseases.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it protects against at least 70% of diseases.

Spirulina does not heal individual diseases, and the body as a whole. This is its main difference from all other medications. Since every separate disease is not an independent process, but represents the body’s reaction to serious physiological disturbances in its functioning, for example, metabolism, normal medicines suppress only these symptoms without eliminating the cause of the disease.

As a result, these diseases become chronic and, in turn, provoke other concomitant diseases. Unlike them, Spirulina restores impaired body functions and forces it to independently fight diseases.

As a powerful antioxidant, Spirulina prevents premature aging, which is primarily the result of oxidative processes in the body. With intensive use of Spirulina, cases of restoration of early gray hair have been noted, which was until now considered an irreversible process.

The unique properties of Spirulina, as an immunostimulant, allow the body to effectively resist any viral and bacterial infections. In addition, Spirulina restores the functioning of the pancreas. Patients with diabetes mellitus undergoing treatment with Spirulina note sharp decline blood sugar levels. With constant use of Spirulina, the therapeutic dose of insulin can be significantly reduced.

In conditions modern civilization Spirulina's ability to effectively remove waste, toxins and radionuclides from the body is especially relevant. Residents big cities and environmentally unfavorable areas, workers of chemical enterprises and nuclear power plants, miners and all other people living or working in harmful conditions Spirulina should become a regular part of their daily diet.

Biologists, physicists, doctors, nutritionists and other specialists from many countries, including America, Japan, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, etc., have studied Spirulina for many years and have come to general and clear conclusions about its composition, functions active ingredients and the mechanism of their action.

1. Spirulina is superior to any other healthy food product in terms of protein content, which reaches 60-70%. Spirulina also contains an abundance of balanced combinations of vital elements such as carotene, gamma lanolinic acid, polysaccharides, vitamin B12 and chlorophyll.

The effectiveness of these compositions is now beyond doubt and is especially important for strengthening the human immune system, its vital physiological functions, improving metabolism, preventing and treating certain diseases, etc. Currently, many people around the world, especially in developed countries, use both medical and food products and tonic drinks based on Spirulina.

These products are widely used as an aid in the treatment of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, gastritis and ulcers, liver diseases, diabetes, anemia, etc.

2. Spirulina contains more complex iron than any other food. It is complex iron that can be easily absorbed by the human body. Spirulina contains 58 times more iron, how raw spinach and 28 times more than raw beef liver.

That is why foods rich in beta-carotene can not only have a preventive anti-cancer effect, but also inhibit the development of cancer cells. Anyone with cancer or at risk needs to take large doses of beta-carotene. Research shows that beta-carotene lowers cholesterol, heals wounds and reduces the size of tumors. Natural beta-carotene is superior to the synthetic drug in many both chemical and physical indicators.

It is better absorbed and does not tend to accumulate with subsequent signs of intoxication of the body. Spirulina does not cause any toxic side effects, as is the case with some other blue-green algae.

4. Spirulina is the richest source of natural antioxidants. It contains almost all known antioxidants, including zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper, amino acid methionine, vitamin E, vitamin B1 and B6, and Beta-carotene. Spirulina is rich in chlorophyll, which it contains significantly more than wheat sprouts or alfalfa.

5. Spirulina is the only green one natural product, rich in the vital fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Spirulina contains more GLA than any other nutritional source. GLA lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and also relieves premenstrual pain, eczema and other skin conditions. This acid makes human skin and hair shiny, resilient and full of health. GLA has also been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory agent and reduce the symptoms of arthritic diseases. Spirulina has been found to help treat arthritis.

6. Phycocyanin, which is the natural blue pigment of spirulina, has not been found in any other plant food source. Phycocyanin has now shown positive results in the treatment of cancer in animals. It also has a stimulating effect on the immune system.

7. Glycolipids that were found in spirulina showed activity against the AIDS virus.

8. Spirulina is a rich natural source of phenylalanine weight loss drugs based on the effect of significant appetite suppression. The nutritional value of Spirulina provides a low-calorie diet without the energy wastage and health-damaging nutritional deficiencies that plague most modern weight loss programs. Spirulina satisfies hunger because it meets the body's natural physical and biochemical needs.

9. Spirulina also acts as a functional food, nourishing beneficial intestinal flora, especially such crops as Lactobacillus and Rifidus. Maintaining the required levels of these bacteria in the intestines reduces potential problems resulting from the activity of opposing pathogens, such as E. coli and Candida albicans. Studies have shown that adding Spirulina to your daily food increases positive reaction intestinal flora.

Nutritional value of Spirulina.

To summarize, we can say that The enormous nutritional value of spirulina comes from:

Availability of the highest quality protein.

High protein content - 70% (95% completely digestible) compared to 20% protein content in meat products.

An abundance of vital amino acids that the human body does not produce.

Low in calories, low in cholesterol, sugar and fat. Spirulina is ideal for healthy diet and maintaining optimal weight.

Moderate flavor spectrum that goes well with other foods. A comparison of the composition of spirulina with other food products showed that the difference lies in its unique vitamin and mineral composition:

25 times higher Beta-carotene content than carrots.

3 times higher vitamin E content than wheat germ.

The richest source of vitamin B-12, which is very important from the point of view of the use of spirulina by vegetarians.

Rich in vitamin B, which helps fight stress.

Spirulina is produced from environmentally friendly aquaculture.

Spirulina is 100% natural and completely non-toxic.

Scientists in the USA, Japan, China, Russia, India and other countries are studying this wonderful food to unlock the mysteries of its enormous potential. Of course, further research is needed to prove the effectiveness of Spirulina against AIDS and other deadly diseases.

However, it is already clear that this is safe, natural food provides enriched nutrient soil to support optimal conditions health and well-being. Spirulina is attracting increasing attention from doctors, health care agents healthy eating and other specialists, not only as a valuable food product, but also as a potential source of pharmaceuticals.

There are several justified scientific research dedicated to the ability of Spirulina to inhibit the reproduction of the virus, enhance both cellular and shared resources immune system, thereby leading to regression and inhibition of cancer. Although these studies are inconclusive and further, more detailed study is necessary, the results of the studies already conducted are very encouraging and deserve close attention.

Scientists' opinion.

As a distillation of this extensive material, we present the most unique, according to researchers, therapeutic properties of Spirulina:

1. A pronounced effect of removing toxins, heavy metal salts, and radionuclides from the body.

2. A significant increase in the absorption of iron by the body and a hemostimulating effect, which helps to normalize the level of serum iron and eliminate iron- deficiency anemia.

3. Pronounced antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effect.

4. Improvement of protein metabolism, increase initially low level total protein, normalization of the ratio of albumin and globulins.

5. Normalization of autonomic homeostasis and functional activity of the cardiovascular system.

6. Normalization of pancreatic function, both endocrine (significant reduction in blood sugar in patients with diabetes) and exocrine (significant improvement in food absorption - weight gain in chronic colitis with malabsorption syndrome).

7. Hepatoprotective effect (with chronic hepatitis decrease in the level of the studied enzymes, bilirubin, thymol test).

8. Normalization of the function of the biliary system in case of biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis.

9. Normalization of metabolism and healing processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum in patients with chronic erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and the disappearance of autumn-spring exacerbations against the background prophylactic intake spirulina.

10. Normalization of intestinal function in dysbiosis, intestinal form food allergies, post-dysenteric colitis, constipation with irigoscopic signs of hypertensive dyskinesia.

11. High antiallergic effect. Including a decrease in hypersensitivity to the toxins of the tuberculosis bacillus, a decrease in the severity of allergic skin lesions in children and adults, up to its complete disappearance in children with allergic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis; reduction in the number and severity of attacks bronchial asthma; a significant decrease in eosinophilia and an increase in external respiration “flow-volume” indicators by 25-35% (in children taking basic therapy these indicators remain virtually unchanged).

12. Normalization of immune status in the form of increased total number T-lymphocytes, increasing differentiation of zero cells, improving energy metabolism and metabolic activity of leukocytes, reducing the deficiency of reserve capabilities of enzyme microbicidal systems of macrophages, which is clinically manifested in a decrease in the frequency, severity, duration of acute infectious morbidity by 2-3 times, especially in patients with initial low serum iron content. Positive effect on specific anti-diphtheria immunity.

13. Accelerated wound healing, normalization of protein metabolism and electrolyte metabolism in second and third degree burns, reduction of healing time for postoperative wounds and bone fractures.

14. The ability to restore hair growth in patients with patchy hair loss. Slowing down the graying process of hair, and in some cases complete restoration of natural hair color in older people.

15. Sedative effect, increased performance, improved memory function, increased differentiation of light signals, speed of the oculomotor reflex, decreased fatigue and neuro-reflex excitability.

16. The ability to slow down the development of various types of cancer and tumors due to high content Spirulina contains beta-carotene, one of the well-known anti-cancer substances and the most effective substance in binding free radicals that destroy cells. Detoxification of the body, increasing iron levels in the blood, increasing immune defense and energy capabilities of the body, reducing the negative effects of chemotherapy for cancer (research data from the US National Cancer Institute).

17. Reduction adaptation period and acceleration of normalization of the functional activity of the body in people who have suffered stress, working in extreme conditions long-term isolation (sea and space expeditions).

Thus, spirulina should be considered an effective biogenic hepatoprotective agent, not inferior in activity to other known drugs (Karsil, Essentiale). Unlike the latter, the drug has a stimulating effect on hematopoiesis, which also makes it advisable to use it as an antianemic agent.

Particular attention should be paid to the ability of the drug to cause changes in lipid metabolism during the first 10-14 days of treatment, since these changes may have a certain significance both in liver diseases occurring with symptoms of cholestasis, and in some other diseases associated with lipid metabolism disorders , in particular, with atherosclerosis.

Composition of Spirulina.

Spirulina surpasses many food products, both plant and animal origin, in the content of vitamins and microelements. In terms of vitamin A content, spirulina exceeds butter and cheese by 400 times, eggs by 1500 times, cottage cheese and cucumbers by 2500 times, and milk by 10,000 times.

Group B vitamins (B1 B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12) are contained in spirulina in quantities 40-150 times greater than in milk, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, and butter.

Just 1 gram of spirulina contains more vitamin B12 in absorbable form than 100 grams of beef highest category, and 300 times more than in pork. 1 gram of Spirulina is equivalent in vitamin B12 content to 1 liter of fresh steamed milk.

Spirulina contains vitamins E (tocopherol), C, minerals and trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, microdoses of iodine, selenium, rare metals, which is very important for the body.

Spirulina contains compounds valuable for human health, such as phycocyanin, which stimulates the immune system. Gamma-linolenic acid is found, in addition to spirulina, only in breast milk. Chlorophyll is included in spirulina cells in an easily digestible form, it promotes the restoration of liver cells and has an antitumor effect.

Spirulina contains a complete set of all essential amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, alanine, arginine, cystine, histidine, tyrosine, glutamic acid, as well as more than 2000 enzymes in microdoses.

Directions for use:

We recommend dissolving 1-3 teaspoons of spirulina powder in warm water or juice and consuming 40 minutes before meals. Along with taking spirulina, we recommend increasing the amount of water you take at the rate of 0.2 liters per teaspoon of product during the day. Combined use with chlorella enhances the effect of each product. The recommended portion in the daily diet of an adult is 3-15g.

We thank them for the material.

Spirulina is a unique algae that grows in water bodies of exotic countries. The uniqueness is that this is the only microorganism that has survived throughout.

The special biochemical composition of the plant determines the ability, without evolving or undergoing changes, to live in completely different environmental conditions.

Eating this blue-green algae dates back to the times of the Aztecs. But a deeper study of the properties began no more than 30 years ago.

What does spirulina contain?

The discovery of a rare set of vitamins and minerals ensured the popularity of using the plant. Spirulina is considered a cure for many diseases, a source of longevity and a necessary supplement to improve body functions.

The main composition includes:
— vitamins (A, B, C, D and others);
- proteins;
- amino acids;
- antioxidants;
— minerals (calcium, iron and others).

First of all, the unique algae is used as a valuable source of vitamin B, iron and protein.

Benefits of spirulina

Of course, the plant has enormous benefits for human health. First of all, it is worth noting that spirulina has the ability to easily and without any side effects absorbed by the human body.

The balanced composition of seaweed, including essential microelements, vitamins and proteins, ensures improved health and keeps the body in good shape.

Vegetable fats in the plant ensure the maintenance of the functions of the digestive system and immunity in an optimal state for humans.

Spirulina contains carbohydrates necessary for a living organism and sufficient quantity iron, which is a prerequisite for creating an optimal level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The scope of application is very wide, as well as the benefits it brings. Thanks to the minerals and vitamins it contains, spirulina is used both for the treatment of specific diseases and for the prevention of diseases and improvement general condition health.

Studies have shown that the plant has absolutely natural composition and renders amazing. This is why the use of spirulina in the creation of gels, creams, masks for the skin and body is so popular. Cosmetics based on it they have a rejuvenating, tightening, moisturizing effect. There are also many shampoos with the addition of an extract of the famous algae.

The range of diseases for the treatment of which this ancient microorganism is used is very wide. It includes:
- treatment of anemia;
- eye diseases;
- treatment of colds;
— ;
- angina pectoris;
- atherosclerosis;
- hepatitis;
- tuberculosis;
— complex treatment of cancer diseases and much more.

The plant also acts an indispensable assistant at the stages of recovery after serious illnesses; V postoperative period, as it perfectly heals wounds and helps; after the use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Regarding cancer diseases, the use of algae in such cases is necessary. Phycocyan present in the composition prevents the development of the disease, inhibits the growth of the number of cancer cells and prevents the spread of malignant neoplasms throughout the body.

Spirulina is also an excellent assistant in cleansing the body. Helps improve liver function, restores intestinal microflora.

Naturally, preventive actions using plants are also popular.

IN lately The use of algae in various diets has become more frequent. Thanks to the vitamins, minerals, and fatty enzymes that are present in abundance in the plant, the liver is protected and functions better. Metabolism returns to normal, which helps to lose excess weight. Toxins and waste are removed from the body without interruption. Microelements and a set of vitamins saturate the body and improve its overall condition.

Spirulina has a beneficial effect on memory and attention processes. Memory becomes several times better, and concentration increases. In addition, regular consumption of the plant gives strength and increases the energy charge of the body.

In general, spirulina algae has such a rich composition that its constant intake will certainly have a beneficial effect on the body. The condition of your skin and hair will improve. . In addition, preventive use will prevent the occurrence of diseases. And use for medicinal purposes will help overcome existing diseases.

Harm of spirulina

Regarding the topic of the dangers of spirulina, it is worth noting that the algae is suitable for consumption by most people and does not bring any harm, only benefit. But, like any plant and drug, there are minor contraindications.

Regular consumption of the plant greatly improves immunity, so people with autoimmune diseases (lupus, multiple sclerosis) the use of algae is not recommended. Worsening of symptoms and complications of the disease may be provoked. If you still need to take it, you should definitely consult a doctor and be under his constant supervision.

Spirulina should not be used simultaneously with the use of ginger, ginseng, turmeric, and garlic. These products reduce blood clotting, and algae, on the contrary, thins it. That is why simultaneous use may lead to negative health consequences.
It is also not recommended to consume spirulina during breastfeeding and pregnancy. The question of the influence of the plant on the body of a lactating or pregnant woman has been poorly studied, special research was not carried out. Therefore, the unknown reaction of the body during this period forces one to abandon the use of algae.

In addition, many experts strongly recommend paying attention to the manufacturer of the product when purchasing. The fact is that the places where some algae are grown are located in environmentally polluted areas. As a result, deposits of toxic substances appear in the plant. Which, of course, will not bring health benefits. It is especially not recommended to consume plants produced and grown in China.

The uniqueness of this ancient plant has long been recognized throughout the world. At the moment, the algae is produced in the form of tablets and powder. Its invaluable help to the body has been proven, but it is necessary to remember the correct and competent dosage of the product. Only in this case will spirulina algae help and contribute to the body gaining precious health.

Spirulina is a type of oscillatorium cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that has lived on our planet for many millions of years. There are very few such ancient plants left on Earth, but those that have survived for such a huge number of years have proven their incredible vitality over time. It is her ability to survive in the most different situations and represents the greatest value. “You are what you eat” - this old proverb takes on a completely different meaning when it comes to such vitality.

Spirulina is one of the few plants whose habitat is an alkaline environment. Therefore, this algae has been used since ancient times for prevention and treatment. gastrointestinal tract. Spirulina, entering the stomach, instantly envelops its mucous membrane, very quickly relieving attacks of heartburn. It perfectly treats diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The beneficial properties of Spirulina stem from the large number of powerful biologically active components included in its composition. Spirulina contains a large amount of chlorophyll, which has a powerful effect on the body's immunity. It also contains large quantities of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Biotin (Vit H), E, folic acid, pantothenic acid, inositol. Spirulina contains many nutritional pigments phycocyanin, xanthophyll, carotene, polysaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, including gamma-linolenic, which is a powerful natural stimulant that treats a wide range of diseases associated with potency and libido. Spirulina also contains the full spectrum necessary for a person micro- and macroelements, including such essential ones as calcium, copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium. They are in an easily digestible form. Spirulina taken on an empty stomach is completely absorbed by the body (!) in just 15-20 minutes. Spirulina consists of 70% protein, which makes it an ideal product for athletes, daily ration which consists of large doses of protein. Just one teaspoon of this algae gives our body 100% daily norm vitamin B12. I have heard many times very good reviews about spirulina from athletes who take it for vitamin and mineral balance in the body.

Spirulina is an excellent body cleanser. It quickly removes waste and toxins contained in fat, accelerating the elimination process excess fat from the body. It is this property that makes this algae an ideal remedy for weight loss. Spirulina is included in almost all expensive weight loss products.

On International Conference by the UN Nutrition Committee in 1974, Spirulina was recognized as the “food of the future” due to its unique composition and beneficial effects on the body.

Benefits of Spirulina

Medical indications for the use of SPRULINA:

The unique chemical composition of spirulina has determined it to be the most valuable product for normalizing the physiological functions of the body. According to WHO, spirulina protects against at least 70 diseases. The main medicinal and preventive properties of spirulina are as follows:
1. Prevention and treatment of nutritional (i.e. nutrition-related) iron deficiency anemia; all types of pernicious anemia (including those accompanying blood cancer).
2. Spirulina has a beneficial effect on the liver: it restores, normalizes, cleanses and strengthens its barrier functions, thereby more effectively cleansing the body of toxins. This is very important for people living in environmentally unfavorable areas, as well as working in hazardous industries.
3. Cleanses the intestines and restores microflora in case of dysbacteriosis, chronic diseases intestines, serves to prevent colon cancer.
4. Used for chronic inflammatory diseases, including AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis.
5. Prevention and treatment of joints, osteochondrosis, myositis, stimulation of growth in adolescence.
6. Prevention and treatment of progressive myopia, cataracts and other vision diseases, retinal lesions in diabetics.
7. In the complex treatment of diabetic patients, including those who are insulin dependent. This significantly reduces the dose of insulin taken.
8. Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and associated coronary sclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary disease heart, cerebral vascular sclerosis, after a heart attack, stroke, regulation blood pressure in hypo- and hypertensive patients.
9. For hypoimmune conditions, for those who frequently suffer from acute respiratory viral infections (more than four times a year) and influenza, for people with poor nutritional quality (to enrich the diet with the necessary ingredients).
10. Spirulina increases the body’s nonspecific resistance after illnesses; in cancer patients with radiation damage to cells as a restorative, detoxifying agent during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
11. For skin diseases associated with hypovitaminosis, dysbacteriosis, premature aging, dryness, age-related hyperkeratosis (for example, cracked heels).
12. Acceleration of the recovery process for injuries and fractures, prevention of postoperative and post-traumatic complications.
13. Improving skin condition, preventing premature aging, smoothing wrinkles, treatment acne. In addition to oral administration, spirulina masks are recommended: apply to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Course 7-10 days.

SPIRULINA contraindications:

Spirulina has no contraindications at all. The only exception is Spirulina, which was produced under artificial conditions. Many medical centers have begun to devote more and more medicinal properties Spirulina, as a result of which the demand for it is growing at a very rapid pace. And demand creates supply - the algae began to be actively cultivated in greenhouse conditions at artificial lighting, generously feeding it with agrochemical additives. It soon became clear that Spirulina grown in this way contains all the same fertilizer elements that pose a significant danger to pregnant and nursing mothers. Because of this, the medical community does not recommend taking it during pregnancy and lactation. We, in turn, do not recommend consuming Spirulina grown in this way at all - what is the point of poisoning yourself with all sorts of chemicals? Manufacturers are well aware that Spirulina perfectly absorbs fertilizers. However, in pursuit of profits, they still produce it and sell it in huge quantities, harming the health of everyone who uses it.

We advise our readers to eat only Spirulina that has been grown in natural conditions– in natural reservoirs with direct access to sunlight. This Spirulina is grown using “organic” technology (for those interested, read on the Internet what it is, it’s very interesting for general development). Spirulina grown using this technology is completely natural, without the addition of various chemicals. And this product can be safely taken during pregnancy and lactation. Spirulina grown in this way has no contraindications at all.

Spirulina is sold in different forms - tablets, granules, plates, capsules, powder. Most often it can be found on sale in the form of tablets or powder. Due to the fact that Spirulina has a very delicate intercellular structure, the optimal form of administration will be the powder, during the production of which Spirulina has the least impact. All other forms of Spirulina, especially in tablets, which are obtained by strongly compressing the algae, often accompanied by heat treatment, severely disrupt the intercellular structure, which leads to a decrease in the beneficial effect of the algae. Yes, tablets are more convenient to take, you can take them with you, but we made our choice in favor of the powder. Not so convenient, but maximum benefits.

Ways to use Spirulina

Use of Spirulina in powder form.

There are actually a lot of recipes for using Spirulina. Due to its extremely specific taste, which, as the manufacturer writes, not everyone likes (you can generally write that people who like the taste can be counted on one hand), it is better to use it as part of some dishes. In no case should Spirulina be subjected to heat treatment, otherwise it immediately loses all its properties. You can use it either as part of various green fresh salads, or drink it with some kind of juice (the most optimal are apple and grape juices - they significantly interrupt the taste of Spirulina ). We are adding spirulina in smoothies and fruit cocktails, which almost completely removes its specific taste. The best option is to mix with water and drink. If you take Spirulina with water, pour it into a glass cold water, pour a teaspoon of Spirulina powder into it, and, without stirring, let it brew for about 30-40 minutes. During this time, the powder will slowly settle to the bottom, while Spirulina will swell and slightly change its taste. After which you need to mix the whole thing additionally and drink it in one gulp. It will take you a long time to get used to the taste, if at all.

Ideally, you should take Spirulina 10g (two teaspoons) per day – morning and evening. on an empty stomach (prerequisite– get maximum benefit).

You can take it like this:

In the morning, stir the powder in a glass of water and drink immediately. There’s no time to infuse it in the morning; when you’re asleep, you don’t really feel the taste :) After 30-40 minutes you can eat.

In the evening, about an hour before bed, drink a pre-prepared glass of water with swollen Spirulina in it.

It is when taken on an empty stomach that Spirulina is completely absorbed by the body. maximum speed(15-20min).

The course of admission is at least a month.

Warning: You should not take Spirulina in this form - put the powder directly in your mouth and wash it down with water. Firstly, at the slightest inhalation, the powder immediately enters the lungs, and the cough will last a long time. Secondly, it immediately sticks to the teeth; picking out stuck together lumps will definitely not bring pleasure. Take Spirulina as described above.