What form does spinach come in? Spinach beneficial properties

Spinach is an extremely popular salad vegetable. What can you cook from spinach? What is its use? Who can it harm? Its tender, crisp, dark green leaves are one of the favorite ingredients of chefs across the planet. Spinach is a very nutritious food that is low in calories but very high in vitamins.

What are the benefits of spinach?

Spinach is an excellent source of antioxidants, folic acid, magnesium and bone-strengthening vitamin K. One hundred grams of boiled or stewed leaves contains the daily requirement of vitamin K. Spinach leaves are a high-fiber food and an excellent source of vitamin C. It contains twice as much fiber as any other green.

Like any dark green vegetable, spinach is an excellent source of beta-carotene. It is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Regular consumption helps prevent osteoporosis (weak bones). In addition, it is believed that spinach will protect the body from cardiovascular diseases, colon and prostate cancer.

Who can spinach harm?

Spinach is not recommended for people with certain diseases. People with problems with joints, kidneys, and gall bladder should be careful. Spinach contains oxalic acid, which can crystallize in joints, bile and urinary tract for some people. It is not recommended to consume spinach for people with thyroid dysfunction. Many people may have an allergic reaction to it.

Research has shown that regular use can slow down age-related changes brain functions. Spinach contains carotenoids that will protect your eyes from age-related cataracts.

How to eat spinach? Spinach can be eaten fresh, boiled or stewed. Fresh leaves should be bright dark green. Do not eat yellowed or wilted ones.

Spinach is a great addition to any salad. But you can prepare separate dishes from it. Usually before use it is boiled in salted water or stewed in a frying pan with a small amount water.

The volume of spinach leaves decreases significantly during cooking.

How to Cook Spinach in the Microwave

This is generally an excellent cooking method because it preserves nutritional value vegetables, but it takes little time and effort. In this case, you don't have to add water. Simply place the spinach leaves in a cup and leave it in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. Stir them two or three times during this time.

Chopped boiled or steamed spinach leaves are an excellent addition to soufflés or omelettes. It is often used as a filler for stuffing everything from pasta and noodles to chicken breasts.

If you stew spinach leaves in butter or olive oil, it will give different taste dishes to which they are added.

How to maintain the bright green color of spinach leaves?

Blanch it: place the leaves in a colander and place it in a pan of boiling salted water. Repeat this 5-6 times for 1-2 minutes. And then sprinkle the leaves cold water. Blanched leaves will shrink in volume but remain bright green.

If you are not going to cook anything from spinach yet, then dry the leaves with a paper towel, put them in a bag or plastic container, and put them in the refrigerator. Leaves treated in this way will perfectly retain their nutritional properties 3-5 days.

Spinach leaves can be used in salads. Fresh or boiled, they go well with mushrooms, eggs, onions, and garlic. Spinach is very tasty with sour cream, mayonnaise, natural yogurt, grated cheese, especially Parmesan. Dishes with it are often seasoned with grated nutmeg, mint, caraway seeds, ground pepper, pine nuts - this only enriches its taste.

Finely chopped spinach to a paste is added to smoothies and juices - this gives them a cheerful bright green color.

It should be washed very carefully, since sand and earth have the ability to linger in the folds or bulges of the leaves. Even the spinach that you buy packaged in supermarkets must at least be rinsed under running water. Do not leave it in water for a long time, as this will cause loss nutrients. Naturally, spinach frozen in briquettes is not washed. But after defrosting, you should squeeze out excess moisture.

The leaves of some varieties of spinach have quite thick petioles that should be removed before preparing any dish.

Hello dear readers. Spinach is one of the most common edible greens. They began to use it for food a long time ago, and by the 16th century several varieties were cultivated. This plant is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It is used as a valuable source of vitamins and microelements, as well as for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. The topic of this article: spinach - benefits, harm, where and how to use it. If you are interested this topic, then stay with us. Spinach species are herbaceous members of the amaranth family. These are usually annuals. They came to us from Asian lands.

According to researchers, the plant received its name from the Persian name, which translated means “green hand.” Indeed, the shape of the leaves of classic varieties of spinach is similar to the hand. Currently, however, widespread varieties with elongated ovate leaves were obtained.

In cooking, young leaf rosettes with both straight and corrugated sheets are used. Summer varieties are distinguished by lighter leaf blades. Winter ones have a richer green color, and the leaves are larger. A quick comparison can confuse spinach greens with sorrel greens.

But upon closer inspection, differences in the shape and color of the sheets are visible. They also differ in taste characteristics. Spinach does not have the sour taste inherent in sorrel, but it does have a not very pronounced, rather pleasant bitterness.

Today, spinach is consumed most often by Americans and Chinese, mostly fresh. This leafy vegetable gained popularity thanks to the mistake of one scientist, who incorrectly indicated the iron content in this product, greatly inflating the real figure.

This misunderstanding was popularized thanks to the famous cartoon “Popeye the sailor”, where main character defeated opponents thanks to the miraculous spinach, which gave him fabulous strength. Another pundit supported this misconception by examining the product in its dried form. Only the fact that fresh greens consist of 90% liquid, therefore, the obtained figures should be reduced by a factor of 10, he lost sight of.

The myth of “iron spinach,” a vegetable that contains more iron than any other plant, was debunked only at the end of the 20th century. After this, sales of these greens decreased significantly. But over time, she again won universal recognition. Today, the spinach industry is thriving.

Spinach - benefits and harm, chemical composition

Spinach is really very healthy. It contains a large number of essential nutrients.

  1. Vegetable protein.
  1. Dietary fiber (fiber).
  1. Sahara.
  1. Vit. A (retinol), beta-carotene...
  1. Vit. E (tocopherol).
  1. Vit. C (ascorbic acid).
  1. B-group vitamins (especially a lot of B9).
  1. Vit. TO.
  1. Vit. RR.
  1. Minerals – Fe, Mg, Ca, P, Na, Se, Cu, Zn, Mn.
  1. Organic acids.
  1. Antioxidants.
  1. Vegetable fats.
  1. Flavonoids.
  1. Water (more than 90%).

But there are also unpleasant moments. Spinach holds the record for the content of phytic and oxalic acid derivatives. According to theorists, these compounds significantly impair the body's absorption of calcium and iron, which are also present in these greens in sufficient quantities. According to their calculations, the body uses only 5% of their available volume. But practical research does not always confirm these theoretical calculations.

Uses of spinach

Spinach is widely used in the preparation of diets. And all thanks to its beneficial properties:

Cleanses the body.

Eliminates constipation.

Regulates metabolic processes.

Increases immune defense.

Binds free radicals.

Supports vision.

Prevents the development of neoplasms.

It is a means of preventing hypertension.

Has a beneficial effect on nervous reactions.

Strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Improves blood composition.

Takes part in hormonal synthesis.

Improves gas exchange in cells and tissues.


Normalizes appetite.

These properties make spinach greens useful for treating and preventing a number of diseases.

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Hypertension.
  1. Migraines.
  1. Osteoporosis.
  1. Hypocalcemia.
  1. Arthritis.
  1. Anemia.
  1. Asthma.
  1. Obesity.
  1. Oncology.

Spinach calories

The product is low-calorie. Its nutritional value varies slightly among different varieties, but does not exceed 22 kcal/100 g of product.

The plant is useful to eat in the postoperative period, after a protracted illness, and during pregnancy. Fresh herbs are recommended, but you can also cook them, preferably steam them or add them to dishes at the very end of cooking.

Being frozen, spinach does not lose its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is permissible to store it for a short time in the refrigerator and for a longer period in the freezer.

Spinach is also used as part of masks to cleanse and nourish the skin, eliminate wrinkles, and tone. The product is also useful for men. It stimulates the production of testosterone, is used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and will help adjust body weight.

To summarize, we can conclude that the main functions of spinach are as follows:









Pregnant women and nursing mothers

While carrying a baby, as well as during the stage of feeding him with breast milk, eating spinach in reasonable quantities is not only not prohibited, but is also recommended.

For women at this time, the most important features of this edible plant are:

Does not cause allergies.

Packed with beneficial nutrients.

Has a neutral taste.

Increases hemoglobin level.

Good for the heart muscle.

Does not contain cholesterol.

Has a beneficial effect on the formation nervous system fetus


Normalizes appetite.

At the same time, leafy greens can be used not only in their original form for salads and sandwiches, but also for preparing pies, casseroles, first courses, and sauces. The product is also useful in the form of fresh juice.

Spinach on the children's menu

Pediatricians do not advise rushing to introduce spinach into early complementary foods. In the form of a paste or squeeze, the product can be given to the baby no earlier than six months. As for leafy greens themselves, it is recommended to offer them to a child from 10-12 months of age.

If the baby does not want to eat this healthy supplement, then you should not force him. It’s better to use a trick and mix it in crushed form into various dishes. In any case, the desire to fortify baby food with spinach should be discussed with your pediatrician.

Spinach for weight loss

Non-calorie greens are used in the preparation of diets designed to stabilize the patient’s body weight. The range of beneficial functions of spinach comes in handy here. It significantly activates the peristaltic activity of the intestines, toning and cleansing it.

Constipation is eliminated, intestinal activity is normalized. The body receives a charge of vitamins and vigor. Spinach also helps curb excessive appetite.

For weight loss, the mild diuretic and calming effects that spinach greens provide are also important.

Spinach harm

As already noted, spinach contains high concentration oxalic (ethanedioic) acid and its derivatives - oxalates. These connections, if disrupted metabolic processes deposited in various parts of the body, mainly in the kidneys and joints.

In addition, they can provoke an exacerbation of some chronic diseases. Therefore, spinach leaves are not recommended to be eaten in any form for such ailments.

  1. Presence of kidney stones.
  1. Cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, liver failure.
  1. Gout.
  1. Rheumatoid abnormalities.
  1. Increased stomach acidity.
  1. Peptic ulcer disease.

Spinach does not cause an allergic reaction, but under certain conditions you can get symptoms of poisoning after eating it. In this case, you should seek medical help.

Use in folk medicine

Here are some interesting and effective ways uses of spinach for medicinal purposes

  1. Spinach infusion. The leaves are washed and chopped very finely. A large spoonful of chopped herbs should be poured with warm boiled water and left for 1-2 hours. The liquid is then filtered. The product should be drunk three times a day before meals, 50 g. It will help eliminate sore throat, stimulate the production of red blood cells during iron deficiency anemia, fight constipation, relieve inflammation during pneumonia.
  1. Spinach-oil composition. Clean, fresh leaves are dipped into boiling almond oil and boiled for several minutes. After cooling, the spinach is squeezed out, and fresh cow butter is added to the resulting extract. The mixture helps with convulsive syndrome.
  1. Another recipe with almond butter. Pour the same amount of freshly prepared spinach juice into half a glass of oily liquid. Taking this medicine internally little by little throughout the day will help relieve hemorrhoids.
  1. Fresh green leaves need to be washed and dried. On one side they are marked with a knife and applied to boils and inflamed areas on the skin. This remedy is also applicable for eczema.
  1. A wine-spinach mixture will help eliminate anemia and restore strength after operations or protracted illnesses. To do this, juice is squeezed out of leafy greens. For a glass of dry red wine you will need 50 g of the resulting marc. Take the drug once a day, 50-100 g. The course of treatment is one week.

How to eat spinach

It is preferable to use fresh spinach. Young leaf rosettes collected before flowering are suitable for food. After the plant begins to bloom, the leaves will become coarser, and the bitterness in them will increase significantly.

The concentration of unsafe oxalic acid compounds will also increase. If you grow spinach yourself, you can cut off the flower stalks. It would be more preferable to repeatedly sow new plants as the previous batch grows.

It is not advisable to store leaves in the refrigerator for more than 5-7 days. It is better to put them in the freezer. Thawed leaves are used to prepare various dishes. They are suitable for soups, pickles, borscht, vegetable stews, and casseroles. Greens can also be used as a filling for pies and pies.

It has a fairly neutral taste, so it goes well with fish, grains, meat, mushrooms, and eggs. It should be borne in mind that most of the vitamins that spinach is rich in will not be lost during moderate heat treatment. But the antioxidant properties will become significantly weaker.

Nowadays it is not a problem to buy spinach at any time of the year. But still, many people prefer to prepare the product themselves. winter time.

There are several ways to do this, but they all involve freezing the product:

The washed leaf plates are stacked in several pieces, rolled into a tube and sent to the freezer; in this form the product can be stored for up to eight months.

Finely chopped sheets are placed in ice molds and filled with water; after freezing, ice cubes can be stored in the freezer, placing them in food containers; the resulting ice is suitable for preparing first courses, stews, etc.

The product, crushed into a pulp, is mixed with melted butter, poured into molds and frozen; the preparation is useful for seasoning porridges, soups, etc.

Spinach greens, like any other greens, can be dried. To do this, it is washed, dried and placed in a thin layer until completely dry in a well-ventilated place. Do not dry spinach under the influence of directed sun rays. The dried material is stored in tightly closed glass containers.

You can store spinach using salt as a preservative. To do this, you need to cut it, mix it with salt crystals and spread it, crushing it, into jars. Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator or cellar, monitoring the absence of molding of the product. Spinach is also canned.

Prepare the brine - 2 large tablespoons of salt per liter volume of water. The greens are immersed in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then laid out in sterilized jars and poured into boiling water. saline solution, roll up.

What can you cook with spinach?

Below are several recipes using spinach, both fresh and frozen.

Chicken fillet

Peel and chop the onion and garlic, fry until translucent. Chicken fillet cut into large cubes, fry until cooked. Pour in a little cream and sprinkle with spinach. Simmer covered, adding salt, for 5 minutes.


Combine freshly prepared mashed potatoes with raw eggs. Combine any minced meat (meat, vegetable, mushroom) with an egg and chopped spinach. Grease a baking dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place a layer of half the volume of puree on the bottom.

Place the minced meat on top and cover with a layer of the remaining puree. Brush the surface of the casserole with egg and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or grated cheese. Bake.


Chop the onion and fry, add mashed boiled beans and chopped walnuts. Without defrosting, add spinach (chop if necessary) and a little tomato and heat through. Serve the sauce hot with boiled spaghetti.

Green spinach leaves are one of the favorite ingredients in many dishes. national cuisines. This low-calorie, vitamin- and antioxidant-rich leafy vegetable has a neutral flavor and pairs well with a variety of foods.

Hero of Myth

Spinach has long been thought to be the richest source of iron among foods. Various sources stated that it contains about 35 mg of iron per 100 g.

Unfortunately, These records are based on a mistake. American researcher Evon Wolf just lost a comma in describing the results of his research.

In fact, 100 g of spinach contains 2.7 to 3.5 mg gland. This is also a lot - about 25 percent of the recommended daily intake for an adult.

Low calories, high antioxidants

The latter is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes that regulate the growth and development of tissues, the production of healthy sperm and even digestive processes.


Due to its high vitamin K content, spinach not recommended for people with poor blood clotting, as well as those taking anticoagulants. If you have such problems, consult your doctor before adding spinach to your diet.

In addition, spinach contains oxalic acid, which may cause stone formation for some types of urolithiasis.

Spinach also contains goitrogens, which can be dangerous for people with thyroid dysfunction.

How to choose and prepare?

Fresh spinach is available in summer. In winter, it can be found in stores mainly frozen.

Beware, goitrogens!

Frozen spinach can be added to pasta and rice dishes, soups and baked goods. Spinach goes well with meat, fish and eggs.

Spinach leaves make an original green sauce. They can also be painted homemade dough in green.

The most important thing

Spinach is rich in iron, vitamin K and antioxidants. This low-calorie leafy vegetable can be added to salads, baked goods, and used as a side dish for meat or fish.

You will need:

Useful properties

The leaves of the plant contain a lot of substances beneficial to the body. This:

  • vitamins: A, B, C, E, K, H, PP;
  • chemical elements: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, iodine;
  • proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, sugar;
  • fiber;
  • starch.

Such a diverse composition in one plant is very rare. Moreover, a number of vitamins in spinach have increased resistance to heat treatment and are preserved in the finished dish.

By regularly consuming this herb, you can not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also cleanse it of waste and toxins, improve metabolism, the condition of teeth and gums, get more energy, resist stress, increase hemoglobin and visual acuity, strengthen blood vessels, normalize intestinal function and pancreas, lose weight and prolong youth. The vegetable is on the list of the most desirable foods for a number of diseases. Its beneficial effect on preventing the development of tumors and recovery after radiation therapy has been noted. Due to its excellent digestibility and rich composition, it is recommended for pregnant women and children.

Its only drawback is great content oxalic acid. However, it accumulates only in old leaves, so people with rheumatism, gout, kidney and liver diseases need to consume young shoots. You can also neutralize the acid by adding milk or cream during cooking.

Learning to choose

If you buy fresh product, pay attention to the greenery. It should be smooth, juicy, crunchy, and bright green. If there are stains, refuse to purchase - most likely, these are traces of chemical treatment.

Pay attention to the thickness of the stem. The larger it is, the older the plant.
Smell the bunch; if it has a rich, delicious aroma, this also indicates freshness. If you don’t like the smell or it’s completely absent, then the leaves have been torn from the garden for several days and have lost most of their vitamins.

When purchasing frozen vegetables, keep in mind that their shelf life does not exceed 4 months.

In addition, it is worth asking where the plant was grown, since it tends to accumulate poisons and heavy metals. If the farm is adjacent to industrial enterprises or is located in an environmentally unfavorable area, then you will only get harm from such a product.

And now it’s time to get acquainted with tips on how to cook spinach correctly and tasty.

Cooking secrets

Before cooking, be sure to rinse the herbs with cold water. Thick stems are cut off; young stems do not need to be removed.

If you want to cook spinach, place it in salted boiling water and keep covered for only 1 minute. Strain through a colander.

It's even better to steam the greens. This not only preserves the majority useful substances, but the leaves are not watery, but soft and moist. If you don’t have a steamer, take a regular sieve or colander, place the spinach in it and place over a pan of boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

Cook the vegetable in a frying pan for no longer than a minute.

Leave the frozen product to thaw in the refrigerator. This process is a little long, but you will get all the vitamins and minerals. After defrosting, wring out excess liquid and cook as usual.

Questions and answers:

    How to eat fresh spinach?

    Fresh greens are added to vegetable salads such as tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and cabbage. Before cooking, spinach is washed in cold running water, drained in a colander and allowed to drain. Then dry it carefully with a towel or paper napkins, making sure that the spinach does not become wrinkled.
    The fresh product is also used as a decoration for various dishes.

    What do you eat spinach with?

    Spinach is a versatile product. It can be added to any salty dish. Spinach is served as a side dish with pasta, mashed potatoes, and risotto rice. Spinach sauce poured over baked chicken or fried fish. Spinach goes well with fresh vegetables in a summer salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, and bell peppers.

    Is it possible to dry spinach?

    You can dry spinach; it retains all its beneficial properties. For drying, you should buy fresh, only harvested spinach. It is washed and sorted. Withered and crumpled leaves are thrown away. Next, the spinach is immersed in boiling water for 30 seconds, drained in a colander, and washed with running water. The leaves are then dried on a sieve. Once the spinach is dry, it should be placed in a drying cabinet at 50 degrees.
    You can also dry the greens outside under awnings for 24 hours. Dried herbs are stored in paper bags or dry jars.

    Can you eat spinach raw?

    Raw spinach is a very healthy product for the body, which is added to different dishes. Fresh greens go well with vegetables in a salad, which should also include tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Washed spinach can be eaten just like that, although it has a completely neutral taste, but its useful qualities doesn't lose.

    What kind of spinach do you like?

    Spinach is a leafy plant, used in various culinary recipes, has a mild taste and neutral odor. To add flavor to dishes, spinach is combined with seasonings and spices: dried dill, parsley, nutmeg, garlic.


We are preparing a dish that will be an excellent side dish for bacon or fish.

You will need:

  • Spinach 1 kg
  • Leeks 4 pcs.
  • Parsley 2 bunches
  • Nuts 2 handfuls
  • Provencal herbs pinch
  • Salt/garlic to taste
  • Warm water 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil 7 tbsp.

Wash the greens well and cut them into small pieces. Cut the onion into rings. Chop the parsley and nuts.

Fry the onion in olive oil. Then add spinach with water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Then pour all the other ingredients into the pan, stir and simmer for another 2-3 minutes until soft.

Remove from heat and serve.


A savory snack in just a few minutes.

  • Spinach greens 0.5 kg
  • Onion 1-2 heads
  • Soy sauce 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Rinse and dry the leaves well. There is no need to cut them.

Finely chop the onion and fry over high heat, stirring, for about 2 minutes. Add the leaves to the pan and cook for another 2 minutes. As soon as they become soft, pour in soy sauce, add spices, simmer for 1 minute and serve immediately.


Sauté the onion in butter until soft. Add a clove of garlic. After a minute, pour pre-chopped and drained spinach (600 g) into the pan.

Add a third of a glass of milk and 0.5 glasses of cream. Turn off the heat. Mix everything with 4 tbsp. tablespoons Parmesan cheese, 1/4 cup breadcrumbs or dried bread crumbs, a sliver of dried marjoram, salt and black pepper.

Place the mixture in a baking dish, moisten it a little with vegetable oil, sprinkle grated cheese on top and place in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Serve hot.

Fried eggs

A simple dish for a nutritious breakfast.

You will need:

  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Spinach 100 g
  • Olive oil 1 tsp.
  • Parmesan 20 g
  • Salt/pepper black and red to taste

Fry the chopped or small leaves in olive oil for 2-3 minutes.

Break the eggs into a separate container, add spices to them and beat them into a homogeneous mass. Pour into the greens and keep on fire until they “set”. Remove from heat immediately. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top.


We offer several options for light and vitamin-rich first courses.

With bacon


  • Spinach 500 g
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Butter 30 g
  • Cream 200 ml
  • Wheat flour 3 tbsp.
  • Bacon 200 g
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper/salt to taste

Peel the spinach, separate the dry leaves, wash and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then use a blender to puree.

Cut the onions into rings and fry. Add flour and simmer for another 3 minutes.

In a separate pan, fry the sliced ​​bacon. Boil the eggs and cut into slices.

Pour the broth into the onion and simmer over low heat. Then add spinach, remaining ingredients and spices to it.

With croutons

  • Spinach and sorrel 120 g each
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2 teeth.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • White bread for croutons
  • Vegetable oil
  • Parsley salt, pepper to taste

Chop the onion and fry it. Add chopped spinach and sorrel. Pour in about 1 liter of hot water, bring to a boil and season with garlic and parsley.

Remove from heat, beat with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

Boil the eggs and cut into halves. Dry the bread into cubes in a frying pan or in the oven.

Serve in portions with 1 tsp. olive oil, a piece of egg and croutons.

Spicy cream soup

  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Bow 2 goals.
  • Garlic 2 teeth.
  • Spinach 0.6 kg
  • Celery 1 stalk
  • Vegetable broth 100 ml
  • Cream 1 tbsp.
  • Oil 40 g
  • Greens, salt, pepper to taste

Boil potatoes, carrots, celery and onions, adding salt, until tender. Select the vegetables and puree them together with spices and a teaspoon of oil.

Chop another onion and fry with garlic and herbs in oil. Mix everything and beat with a blender.

Pour cream into the broth, boil and mix with pureed vegetables. Season to taste.

Questions and answers:

    What dishes are there for children with spinach?

    Spinach is very beneficial for a child’s body, because it is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are important for the favorable development of children. Greens are included in the diet of babies from the age of seven months. Start by mixing boiled spinach into baby puree. From this product, your child can prepare light soup, omelet, potato casserole and other dishes.

    What dietary spinach dishes are there?

    Dietary dishes There is a great variety of spinach: croquettes with herbs and cheese, pie with spinach and cottage cheese, stuffed eggs with broccoli and spinach, herb pesto sauce.

    What does spinach go with?

    Spinach is combined with the following seasonings: nutmeg, pepper, salt, garlic, dried dill and parsley, lemon zest, fennel. In dishes, the product is often used as a side dish with potatoes, rice, and spaghetti. Especially tasty is the combination of fresh spinach with fresh vegetables in a salad: cucumber, bell pepper, tomato, boiled egg, fresh carrots, cabbage and others. Excellent as an ingredient for filling pies with cheese, cottage cheese, and chicken.

With cream

This is one of the most delicious recipes, which will be an ideal side dish for meat or fish.

You will need:

  • Spinach 400 g
  • Onion 1 head
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Cream 150 ml
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp.
  • Salt/pepper to taste

Place the sorted leaves in cold water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse them twice and dry on a paper towel. Finely chop.
If you use frozen greens, first boil them in salted water (3-4 minutes from the moment of boiling).

Press the peeled garlic onto one side of the knife.

Chop the onion into small cubes.

Heat butter in a frying pan, add garlic, and as soon as you catch a pleasant garlic aroma, add chopped onions.
The onion is fried until golden brown, and the garlic must be removed; we will no longer need it in this dish.

Then place the chopped spinach in the pan, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until tender.
At the end you need to add cream or very warm milk.
Bring this mixture to a boil, add salt and pepper to your taste. And then continue the simmering process over low heat.
After the milk has evaporated, turn off the heat. Mix everything well and can be served.

Potato casserole with chicken

  • Potatoes 600 g
  • Carrots 100 g
  • Spinach 150 g
  • Chicken fillet 200 g
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Oil 50 g
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Grind the boiled potatoes and carrots into a puree, add salt and mix with 2 raw eggs.

Make minced meat from the breast and mix it with chopped spinach, adding spices and an egg.

Place a layer of puree, minced meat, and more puree into a greased form. Level everything, place pieces of butter on top and bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 40 minutes.


With bow

Just two ingredients, a delicious dressing and a wonderful salad will decorate your table.
First we prepare the sauce. Mix 1.5 tbsp in a bowl. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar, 0.5 tsp. Dijon mustard, 2 minced garlic cloves, salt and pepper.

Mix small young leaves with strips of red onion. Pour over the dressing and serve immediately.

With tomatoes

This dish can be used both as a salad and as a side dish.
Cut 3 tomatoes into slices and fry a little, sprinkling with vegetable oil.

Add garlic, chopped into small slices, spinach leaves and simmer until soft.

Place on a plate, sprinkle with salt, pepper and sesame seeds.


Cut the radishes and fresh cucumber small slices. Chop the dill and parsley. Tear the spinach with your hands. White or red onion - in half rings.
Boil and coarsely chop the eggs. Mix everything carefully with sour cream or yogurt, seasoning with spices.

Before serving, sprinkle the salad with croutons.

Green pancakes

Using a blender, chop 200 g of frozen spinach, mixing it with a glass of kefir. Separately, whisk 2 eggs and mix everything.

Add half a teaspoon of soda, 200 g of sifted flour, salt and sugar to this mixture. You can make both sweet and savory pancakes. Fry in vegetable oil and serve with sour cream.

The same method can be used to prepare thin pancakes, dumplings, noodles, buns and other flour dishes.


Spinach is an ingredient in many cleansing drinks. Try some of these:

  1. Combine 1 banana, a bunch of spinach and a glass of orange juice in a blender.
  2. Beat 3 bananas, juice from half a lemon and a bunch of herbs with 4350 ml of water.
  3. 2 stalks of celery, a glass of fresh spinach leaves, a glass of water, lime juice, 1 banana.
  4. Grind cucumber, pineapple, spinach. Add a cup of green tea, lemon juice and, if desired, ginger.
  5. Beat apple and greens. Mix with grated ginger and honey. Dilute with water to the desired consistency.

Pepper, thyme add a specific flavor to spinach. dried parsley, cloves, saffron, nutmeg and kupir.

Can spinach be fried?

Fried spinach has a very pleasant, slightly tart flavor. It is added both as a side dish to main dishes and separate ingredient to different culinary recipes. Before frying the greens, first boil the spinach in boiling water for 1 minute. It is recommended to fry for 2 minutes in olive oil.

How to cook fresh spinach?

First, rinse the greens in running water. Cook the spinach in boiling water. Place the greens in boiling water for 4 minutes, quickly place in a colander and rinse with water. Give time for the remaining water to drain.

What to do with fresh spinach?

Fresh herbs are added to salads as the main ingredient without blanching. Spinach is also used as a side dish, which retains all its beneficial properties. It is important to remember that you should prepare dishes from fresh spinach within two days after purchase, as the leaves wither and lose quality. You can store greens in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp towel, this is done to slow down the withering process.

Cooking fresh spinach for a side dish?

A side dish with fresh spinach will carry more benefit, rather than dishes in which greens are recommended to be boiled or fried. To prepare a simple but nutritious side dish, you will need fresh spinach leaves, garlic, hot peppers, and hard cheese. First, fry the chopped garlic and pepper. Wash the spinach, remove its roots and add salt. Add the greens to the fried ingredients and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. After cooking, you can sprinkle the side dish with grated hard cheese.

Can spinach stems be cooked?

Culinary experts disagree on whether spinach stems can be used separately in dishes. Some argue that the greens in this part of the product contain harmful substances that the stem absorbs from fertilizers. The stems also contain oxalic acid, which often has negative impact on the body of people who suffer from kidney diseases. If spinach is grown in your garden without the use of additional fertilizers, its stems can be safely added to various culinary recipes.

What can you cook with frozen spinach?

Frozen spinach is a versatile green that can be used to cook just about anything. It is used in salads, side dishes, soups, and as a seasoning for fish and meat. Spinach is recommended to be thawed, boiled or fried, depending on the recipe instructions.



This is just a small part of the spinach recipes. Based on it, you can easily and quickly prepare a wide variety of dishes. Try, experiment, add delicious and healthy food to your collection.

Let this valuable plant always be on your table!

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)- an annual herbaceous plant of the goosefoot family with triangular-lance-shaped, fleshy, tender leaves. Greens can be obtained from open ground in early spring, when there is a particularly shortage of fresh vegetables. In terms of protein, spinach is second only to peas and beans. In addition, it contains a little sugar, mineral salts (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium), a significant amount of iodine, vitamins C (up to 64 mg%), B1 (up to 0.30 mg%), B2( up to 0.30 mg%), P, K, E, D, folic acid and carotene.

Iran is considered the birthplace of spinach. In Transcaucasia and Central Asia There are wild species. It appeared in Europe in the 15th century from Spain, where it had previously been brought by the Arabs. Arab scientists awarded him the title of "King of Vegetables." During the Renaissance, spinach became widespread in Europe. It appeared in Russia in the middle of the 18th century.


There are more than 20 varieties of cultivated spinach, characterized by high dietary properties and differing in shape, size and succulence of leaves. The varieties best suited for indoor conditions are: Victoria, Virofle, Godry and hybrids from Holland - Melodiya, Mazurka, Tarantella.

Victoria - relatively late ripening. The rosette of leaves is compact, appressed, small, 10-20 cm in diameter. The leaves are round or round-oval, on short petioles, dark green, strongly bubbly. Plant weight 25-28 g. Fat-leaved- mid-season. The rosette is medium-compact, semi-raised, 25-28 cm in diameter. The leaves are large, juicy, slightly bubbly-wavy, green. Plant weight 20-32 g.

Gigantic — early ripening, has a fairly compact rosette with a diameter of up to 40-50 cm. The leaves are elongated-oval, slightly bubbly, light green. Plant weight 20-39 g.

Care: in the 2-leaf phase, plants are thinned to a distance of 6-8 cm. To prevent premature stemming in dry and hot weather, crops are regularly watered and fed with ammonium nitrate (7-10 g/m2).

Accommodation. Spinach needs intense lighting, so after germination (when sowing in January - February), boxes or pots with plants are placed on window sills or in heated glass verandas, loggias and greenhouses as close to the light as possible. The optimal temperature is +14 - +18°C. If these conditions are met, in a month you will be harvesting fresh spinach greens in the cold, winter time.

The best substrate for growing indoor spinach is an earthen mixture consisting of rich turf soil, humus and river sand (2:2:1). High yields of spinach are obtained by using the universal "Biosoil". It is best to pour the substrate into small boxes or pots in a layer of 12-15 cm.

Pests and diseases- leafminer and aphid. The most common diseases affecting spinach are downy mildew and root rot.

♦ Reproduction- seeds. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in water for 1-2 days and sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. When sowing indoors, it is optimal to place 30 seeds per 1 m2. Sow spinach in furrows with a distance between them of 5-6 cm, between plants 3-4 cm. If necessary, thin out the seedlings. Water frequently and abundantly. 12-15 days after emergence, the plants are fed. It is best to use concentrated liquid fertilizer "Rainbow" as a fertilizer.

Useful properties

Leafy vegetables - chard, spinach, garden quinoa, sorrel and rhubarb - belong to the group of spinach plants, the greens of which can be eaten raw or cooked.

Of this group of plants, spinach has the greatest value as a source of a complex of vitamins. Moreover, vitamin C and carotene in spinach are very stable and are almost not destroyed during cooking. The plant is rich minerals, especially iron. The dry matter of spinach contains 1.5 times more protein than the dry matter of milk.

This leafy plant contains easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, as well as a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins and secretin, which promotes better digestion.

Spinach greens are rich in vitamins, mineral salts, and proteins. In terms of the amount of protein, it stands next to milk and is second only to meat.

Spinach leaves are eaten raw (as salad) and boiled. They are used to cook cabbage soup together with sorrel, and prepare purees and sauces. Canned spinach puree has proven itself well, containing significant amounts of carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin C. Green juice from the leaves is used for coloring canned food (for example, green peas). Thanks to the large amount of protein, as well as variety and high content vitamins, spinach is a very valuable product for baby and dietary nutrition and prophylactic against scurvy and other vitamin deficiencies. Spinach is rich in iron, and its chlorophyll chemical composition close to blood hemoglobin. Therefore, it is very useful for patients with malignant anemia and tuberculosis.

In Russia there are several early ripening varieties. The most famous are “Rostov”, “Dutch”, “virofle”. The Godri variety is common in Latvia and Moldova.

Young leaves collected in a rosette are used for food. As soon as the flower stem appears, the leaves become coarse and lose their nutritional value. Spinach is resistant to low temperatures and is promising for consumption in early spring, when there are still few plants containing significant amounts of vitamins.

Spinach is the second source of vitamins after rose hips. Folic acid is of particular importance for medicinal purposes. An adult needs about 2 mg per day. In children under 1 year of age, the need for it is 0.5 mg, and from 1 to 10 years - 1 mg per day. Usually in healthy people there is no deficiency of it in the body, because it enters the body with food and is also synthesized in the intestines by bacteria. Deficiency may occur in people suffering from colitis with malabsorption nutrients V small intestine or for liver disease, treatment with antibiotics and sulfa drugs. Lack of folic acid manifests itself mainly in disruption of the hematopoietic function of the body. At the same time, dysfunctions are also observed gastrointestinal tract, the body's defenses are reduced. Folic acid is used to treat anemia of various origins.

Currently, folic acid is produced industrially and prescribed by a doctor, used in tablets.

Physiologically important for humans chemical compound found in the plant is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll and its preparations can enhance the hematopoietic function of the human body. Thus, folic acid and chlorophyll have an effect on the body complex impact and make spinach useful not only for healthy people, but also for sick people. It is indicated for use in anemia.

Spinach leaves are also used with medicinal purpose. For example, the property of saponin contained in spinach is used to stimulate the activity of the digestive glands and intestinal motility. For constipation and accumulation of gases in the intestines, take 10 g of leaves per glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, drink after cooling 1/4 glass 3-4 times a day before meals. The same decoction can be recommended in all cases when indicated dietary food spinach.

The beneficial properties of this culture have made it possible to use it as a therapeutic and dietary remedy for diseases of the blood, digestive organs, and cardiovascular system. He is very useful in baby food- for bone formation, as an antirachitic agent.

A decoction of spinach leaves is drunk for constipation and gas accumulation in the intestines (10 g per 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, strain) 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. Drinking spinach juice is recommended for growth disorders in children, severe constipation, gum disease (mixed with carrot juice), as a means of nourishing the nervous system of mental workers and people of a neurasthenic type.

Due to the significant amount of valuable mineral salts and the abundance of various vitamins, it is used in the treatment of malignant anemia and thyroid diseases. Regular consumption of it promotes normal operation hearts. Recently, spinach has been used and how medicinal product against radiation sickness.

Use in cooking

Spinach is an annual spicy vegetable whose leaves are widely used as food. Spinach has a bland aroma and slightly sour taste.

Spinach is eaten fresh, steamed, stewed, fried, frozen, dried or canned in the form of boiled puree.

Spinach and numerous dishes made from it have a beneficial effect on the body.

Spinach is used mainly in boiled form. Housewives preserve it for the winter. With skillful preparation of leaves, spinach does not lose vitamins.

You can make an excellent salad from spring spinach leaves: cut 300-400 g of spinach leaves into small strips, finely chop 2 hard-boiled eggs, mix with mayonnaise.

Young green spinach is added to salads, soups (nettle cabbage soup, okroshka), sauces, hot dishes of eggs, meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, served with cheese, bacon, croutons, cream, pine nuts, tomatoes, beans, peas, rice.

Thawed spinach is suitable for preparing salads, soups, dressing for mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, omelets, spinach snack cream, side dishes for meat, chicken and fish, fillings for pies, casseroles, etc.

Dried and canned spinach is a good source of vitamins in winter. This spinach is added to soups and main dishes of meat and fish.

Chefs advise: to make a spinach dish tastier, you need to season it with a mixture of freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil (in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of oil to 1 teaspoon of juice). Or add a little sorrel to the dish with the spinach greens.

Spinach goes well with nutmeg, citrus zest, black pepper, dill, fennel, parsley, basil and other spices.

Spinach is eaten boiled, stewed or poached and raw. Before use, spinach is sorted, removing rotten and spoiled leaves, and thoroughly washed several times in plenty of cold water.


Chop the spinach leaves. Pour over the prepared dressing: whisk 1/2 cup yogurt with 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, adding sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle finely chopped dill and parsley on top.

Omelet with raw spinach

Finely chop 200 g raw spinach. In a bowl, beat four yolks with salt and 2 tablespoons of hot water, mix with spinach leaves. Beat the whites and two tablespoons of cold water into a stiff foam and carefully mix it with the spinach and yolks. From this mixture, bake 2 omelettes in a heated frying pan, greased. Fold the finished omelettes and serve immediately. Spinach omelettes - healthy dinner for children, for adults they can be served as a snack.

Raw spinach salad

500 g spinach, juice of 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon grated horseradish, small onion, parsley or dill.

Mix finely chopped raw spinach with grated horseradish, onion, chopped parsley or dill, add lemon juice and vegetable oil. Mix everything well. The salad can be served with various meat and fish dishes.

Spinach soup

400 g spinach, 30 g margarine or butter, 100 g oatmeal or rice, 1.5 liters of water or broth, salt, pepper, 1/2 cup sour cream, kefir or yogurt, fried onions (cut into slices).

Quickly fry oatmeal or rice in melted fat, pour in boiling water and cook the cereal until half cooked. Then add finely chopped spinach, salt, a pinch of pepper and cook a little.

Spinach side dish

1 kg spinach, 2 onions, 40 g margarine or butter, 30 g flour, pepper.

Pour 3/4 cup boiling water over spinach and bring to a boil. Separate the broth and use it to prepare the sauce, and chop the spinach along with the onion. Prepare the sauce separately: fry the flour and fat until light yellow, dilute with hot broth, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add prepared vegetables, salt, pepper into the resulting mass and cook for another 2-3 minutes while stirring.

Spinach baked with sausage

1 kg of spinach, 200 g of white bread, 2-3 eggs, 150 g of sausage or boiled meat, margarine, salt, nutmeg or red pepper.

Add salt to finely chopped spinach and simmer in own juice and mix with soaked and squeezed white bread, eggs, diced sausage or meat and spices. Place the mixture in a greased ring-shaped mold (like a “miracle”), bake in the oven.

Transfer the finished dish to a heated plate. The middle of the ring can be filled with hot mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

Omelette with spinach

500 g spinach, 8 eggs, nutmeg, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, margarine or butter, salt.

Sauté chopped spinach with fat. Add egg yolks, flour, salt, and spices to the prepared mass. Mix everything and add the whipped egg white. Pour the mixture into a hot, greased frying pan and bake.

Spinach pancakes with potatoes

500 g each of spinach and potatoes, 100 g of flour, 2 eggs, sour cream, melted fat, nutmeg, salt, grated horseradish.

Boil the potatoes, mash, mix with flour, nutmeg, and salt. Finely chop raw spinach and mix with eggs and prepared potato mixture. Fry the pancakes on both sides in a hot, greased frying pan. When serving, pour over sour cream and sprinkle with grated horseradish.

In Italy, spaghetti is served with cheese and spinach sauce. It is easy to prepare at home. To do this you will need 150 g of frozen spinach, 100 g of Roquefort cheese, 1.5 cups of cream, 2 tbsp. spoons of grated Parmesat cheese and 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper. Bring defrosted spinach to a boil in oil, mix with crumbled Roquefort cheese, Parmesan, cream and pepper. Melt the cheese over low heat.

You can also prepare a spinach casserole with feta cheese: 500 g spinach, 100 g soaked feta cheese, egg, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, salt. Finely chop the sorted and washed spinach and lightly simmer in oil, mash the cheese with a fork, beat with egg and milk. Place the spinach on a baking sheet, smooth it out, pour in the mixture and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

Spinach lasagna with cheese sauce

Cooking time: 15 min. Baking: 45 min.

One serving contains 720 kcal.

1 kg frozen leaf spinach, 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, salt, 200 g of fat cream cheese, 150 g of sour cream, pepper, nutmeg, 150 g of lasagna plates (do not boil first), 150 g of grated cheese.

1. Defrost spinach, squeeze and cut into strips. Chop the onion and garlic. Heat the butter and simmer both in it. Add spinach, salt and simmer for 3 minutes.

2. Heat the oven to 200°C. For the sauce, melt the cream cheese and sour cream in a saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

3. Grease the baking dish. Place alternate layers of cheese sauce, lasagne slices and leaf spinach into it. Finish with cheese sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Decorate as desired fresh leaves spinach

Spinach with croutons

Spinach leaves are sorted and washed in cold water, put in a saucepan, pour in a little water and cook over high heat with a lid. The cooked spinach is pureed. At the same time, prepare a milk sauce, which is mixed with spinach, salt and a little nutmeg powder are added, and then heated well. To prepare croutons, take white bread, cut into small slices, soak in milk mixed with egg and sugar, and fry in butter until golden brown. When serving, the prepared spinach is placed in a deep plate and croutons are placed along the edges as a garnish. You can also put peeled eggs, boiled in a bag, on the spinach. For a kilogram of spinach, use a tablespoon of flour, a quarter of a glass of milk (for sauce) and 1-2 tablespoons of Russian butter.

Spinach in breadcrumbs

300 g fresh or frozen spinach, 3 tbsp. tablespoons sunflower oil, 1 chopped onion, salt and freshly ground black pepper, 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 150 ml regular yogurt, 100 g wholemeal breadcrumbs, 50 g any chopped nuts, poached eggs.

Wash and dry the spinach, then, without adding water, cook it in a covered saucepan for 5 minutes until soft; if the spinach is frozen, follow the instructions on the package. Drain in a colander. Heat 1 tbsp in a saucepan. a spoonful of vegetable oil and fry the onion for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Place the spinach back into the pan, adding a little salt and nutmeg, and continue cooking for 5 minutes, stirring once. Dissolve in yogurt, place in a greased pot (Dutch oven). Mix breadcrumbs, chopped nuts and the rest of the sunflower oil, sprinkle the mixture over the spinach. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 C for 20 minutes. Serve hot with poached eggs.


20 g of green spinach are poured into 100 ml of water, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled and drunk warm before eating.


Upon admission large quantity spinach, there are violations on the part of digestive tract. Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which is contraindicated for people with impaired salt metabolism. Spinach should not be consumed if you have urolithiasis, nephritis, gout, colitis, enterocolitis, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

Eating spinach requires certain precautions, especially when feeding children.

The fact is that when storing spinach food for 24 hours in warm room Under the influence of special bacteria, nitrate salts are formed from nitrates.

These salts are poisonous, since when absorbed into the blood they lead to the formation of methemoglobin and thereby turn off a significant part of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) from the respiration process. As a result, children may experience cyanosis within 2-3 hours after consuming low-quality spinach food, followed by shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, chocolate-brown coloring of the blood, and in severe cases, collapse. Therefore, ready-made spinach dishes must be stored in the cold. It should also be remembered that adding sugar to spinach food inhibits the formation of toxic salts in it. Freshly prepared and canned spinach harmful substances do not contain. But if you have liver, kidney or gout diseases, it is undesirable to use them.