The right breakfast for weight loss: what is it? Delicious, healthy dinner: all the secrets and rules Salad of fruits and vegetables.

Counting calories.

A calorie is a unit of energy that the body receives from food. 1 gram of protein contains about 4 calories, 1 gram of fat - 9.

If a person consumes the same amount of calories that he gets from food, he does not gain weight. In reality, consumption usually exceeds receipts.

For example, if you weigh 70 kg, you get 2010-2100 calories - that’s how much you need to consume per day, based on reducing the caloric content of your diet, you can create a diet

Second breakfast - 10%; Lunch - 35%; Afternoon snack -10%; For dinner - 20%

For example, for a 1200 calorie menu it would be:

Breakfast - 25% of 1200 = 300 calories;

Second breakfast - 10% of 1200 = 120 calories; ;

Lunch - 35% of 1200 = 420 calories; ;

Afternoon snack -10% of 1200= 120 calories;

Dinner - 20% of 1200 = 240 calories.

Breakfast - 300 calories:

150 grams of cabbage and carrot salad, dressed with a drop vegetable oil, crispy bread spread with 5 grams of spread and a piece (50 grams) of boiled sausage.

120 calorie second breakfast:

A cup of coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Lunch for 420 calories: 80 grams of boiled chicken, 150 grams of potatoes, poured with 20 grams of vegetable oil, a cup of green tea.

120 calorie snack:

2 yoghurts (1.5% fat)

240 calorie dinner:

70 grams of durum spaghetti, without anything, or 200 grams of fish and 150 grams of cabbage and carrot salad, sprinkled with vegetable oil.

You can eat everything high in calories and fat only at the beginning of the diet, while the body gets used to it, but then switch to proper nutrition, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy and will allow you to maintain a beautiful figure for many years.

Examples of caloric content of ready-made meals different quantities calories.

100 calorie meals.

A large bowl of borscht or vegetables (in vegetable broth).

A plate of vegetables stewed in water (cabbage, carrots, herbs) with a drop of sunflower oil.

1.5 cups boiled mushrooms or one cup fried mushrooms in vegetable oil.

Boiled potatoes with dill.

Boiled egg with 15 grams of lean mayonnaise.

One boiled chicken leg.

One banana.

A cup of sweet (2 teaspoons) or black or green tea with honey and cream.

2 cups of milk tea (half a cup of milk and half a cup of tea leaves).

2 pieces low-fat boiled fish. A cup of any berries.

Half a glass of cocoa. 2 low-fat yoghurts.

Meals for 200 calories.

120 grams of eggplant caviar.

150 grams of radish salad with 30 grams of sour cream.

1 piece of wheat bread.

2 small slices (100 g) boiled sausage.

1 sausage. 1 cracker.

Fruit salad of one banana, 1 orange, 1 kiwi and persimmon, dressed with low-fat yogurt.

A large bowl of vinaigrette.

Scrambled eggs from two eggs.

A cup of pasta soup with vegetable broth.

1 small aspic.

300 calorie meals.

2 meat or 3 fish meatballs, stewed with tomato sauce.

2 meat cutlets or 2 meatballs.

Liver pate - half a cup.

A small plate of porridge (buckwheat, semolina, rice, barley and pearl barley) or half a plate of pasta.

2 sausages and 2 tomatoes.

2 pancakes with cottage cheese or butter (30 g butter).

2 bli Omelet of two eggs with milk.

Half a bowl of milk soup with rice. 150 g cottage cheese casserole.

A small plate of meat salad. 150 g beef goulash or 100 g pork. A bowl of mashed potatoes. 2 cabbage rolls (without sauce). Sometimes, without knowing it, when evaluating a particular product, we can be very mistaken in calculating the calorie content of products.

The ABC diet is very similar to the weight loss system of professional athletes - a technique that differs high efficiency and health safety. This program differs from the vast majority of others in that you can eat any food and even late dinners are allowed.

Classic ABC, light and superlight options: how the diet is built

This technique comes from the USA. It was developed for the ABC organization. This is a kind of camp where those who want to lose weight work out under the strict guidance of a trainer, observe strict disciplines and perform special physical exercise. One of the areas of the methodology is a specific nutrition plan, which we call a “traffic light”.

The big advantage of this technique is that a person who wants to lose weight should not go to extremes and constantly malnourish or feel hungry. The principle of the diet is balanced diet, and there is no need to give up nutritional and delicious dishes. Only excluded from the menu harmful products which contribute to weight gain.

Diet rules involve dividing foods into 3 groups, which indicate different colors. This is where the name “traffic light” comes from: a,b,c, respectively, red, yellow and green. Products belonging to group “a” are strictly prohibited. It is recommended to permanently exclude them from your menu. Products from group “b” can only be consumed before 6 pm, and those that belong to group “c” are not subject to any restrictions.

Menu: what foods is the abc diet based on?

Group “a” – red:

  • mayonnaise, fast food;
  • salo, fatty varieties meat;
  • yeast baked goods, ice cream, white bread, cream cakes;
  • champagne, beer, milk, carbonated drinks;
  • semolina.

Group “b” – yellow:

  • porridge, pasta;
  • lean meats;
  • unsweetened puff pastry;
  • natural sausages;
  • caramel, chocolate, candies;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, regular hard cheese;
  • dried fruits and fruits;
  • pickles, ketchup, herbs;
  • natural coffee.

Group “c” – green:

  • any seafood, boiled fish;
  • apples and citrus fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • leafy greens;
  • boiled eggs;
  • unrefined vegetable oil.

Meals must be fractional, that is, instead of the usual 3-4 meals, food must be taken 5 or 6 times, but in small portions. Fractional meals make work easier digestive system, normalize the secretion of digestive enzymes.

As for heat treatment, preference is given to boiling, stewing, steaming, and frying is excluded. Immediately after a meal you should not go to bed to rest, but doing physical labor is also contraindicated; it is better to take a short walk on fresh air. Most of the menu should be based on fruits and vegetables.

In addition, there are several rules for the holiday table, following which you can eat deliciously and not gain weight. For example, you can drink alcohol, but it must be whiskey or dry wine, martini. Of all the dishes on festive table, you can choose only two, for example, main course and salad, main course and dessert, etc.

If the selected dishes include meat and fish, then you cannot combine them. For example, having chosen a fish salad, you need to choose a hot fish dish, but not meat. As you can see, everything is simple to the point of banality, but the results are impressive - in 50 days you can lose up to 30 extra pounds.

Strict diet abc: menu for 50 days

The classic version of this technique involves maintaining a certain caloric intake, while the latter changes daily, and 6 out of 50 days involve complete fasting. This principle is due to the fact that the body’s metabolism does not have time to adapt to regular changes in calorie content of food.

As a result, the weight decreases quickly throughout the day. You can create a diet yourself, guided by the permitted products listed above, as well as taking into account the principles of the diet. The main rule is not to go beyond established standards daily calorie content. The latter can be found in the special abc diet table.

While following such a strict diet, you need to drink a lot of fluid – up to 2 liters daily. It is also mandatory to take a complex of vitamins and minerals. The exit from such a strict methodology must be extremely careful and smooth.

During the first month, the caloric content of the diet should not exceed 1000 kcal, and if you overate yesterday, it is recommended to have a fasting day the next day. Daily ration You can make your own, guided by the table of calorie content of foods, or take the options below as a basis, combining them at your discretion.

Example of a 500 calorie menu: for breakfast - a cup of coffee or tea, but without sugar; lunch – one toast; lunch - soup from 50 g of chicken and 100 g of cauliflower; afternoon snack - assorted vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes); dinner – boiled chicken (50 g) and steamed cauliflower (100 g).

Second diet option for 500 kcal: breakfast – a glass of kefir and oatmeal (100 g); lunch - a couple of oranges; dinner – 180 g of cottage cheese.

Menu for 400 kcal: tomorrow - children's peach puree (115 g); lunch - oatmeal (60 g); dinner – baby pear puree (115 g).

300 calorie menu: in the morning – 100 g of cottage cheese; in the afternoon - boiled chicken (100 g); dinner – 2 sour apples.

Menu for 200 kcal: breakfast – cottage cheese (100 g); dinner - stewed cabbage with boiled egg (200 g); dinner – baby puree of your choice (100 g).

100 calorie menu: breakfast – stewed cabbage (200 g); dinner - seaweed(200 g); dinner - baby puree, for example, apple and zucchini (105 g).

ABC-superlight and light diet

IN in this case we're talking about about softer versions of the technique. Light is designed for 30 days, and superlight – for 50.

These programs are much higher in calories, but this does not mean that they are easier to tolerate, so many people use the 30-day program in a shortened version, for example, for a week or 10 days.

ABC-light diet for 30 days:

  • From the first to the tenth day - 400 kcal; 300; 400; 500; 450; 650; 650; 400; 300; 400, respectively.
  • From the eleventh to the twentieth day – 500; 450; 650; 700; 400; 300; 400; 450; 500; 650.
  • From the twenty-first to the thirtieth day - 700; 400; 300; 450; 500; 450; 650; 700; 400; hunger strike.

Standard abc superlight diet menu for 50 days, is divided into 5 decades, after each of them it is necessary to carry out control weighing and measurement of body volumes.

Features of weight loss, reviews and contraindications

Absolutely all dietary methods have positive and negative aspects, the abc diet is no exception. It is impossible to say unequivocally how much weight you can lose while following it, since the characteristics of the body also play a role. The effectiveness of losing weight also depends on the initial weight of the person losing weight, on how strictly he adhered to the rules.

This technique is low-calorie and quite long-lasting, so it is possible that vitamin deficiency, problems with skin, hair, nails, fainting, dizziness, and constipation may develop.

To others negative point is that within 50 days the body gets used to a meager diet, which can lead to anorexia. After finishing the diet, your metabolism slows down significantly, which can also lead to rapid weight gain.

The program cannot be used by minors and elderly people. When the first signs of discomfort or deterioration of the condition appear, weight loss using this method should be stopped.

A simple recipe for the usual scrambled eggs and bacon. For preparation we use cupcake molds, as well as:

  • bacon - 6 slices
  • eggs - 6 pcs.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, grease the muffin tins thoroughly with oil. Place a slice of bacon along the edge of each mold, pour one egg into the middle, add spices and herbs to taste, and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Once cooked, let cool.

Let's do the math: There are 100 calories per serving, so three of these muffins make a great breakfast.

2. Green smoothie

Smoothies are ideal when it comes to healthy eating (several recipes can be found in the article). For this drink we will need:

  • baby spinach leaves - 2 cups
  • natural low-fat yogurt (or kefir) - 200 g
  • pear - 1 pc. (peel and cut into cubes)
  • green or red grapes - 15 pcs.
  • avocado - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon or lime juice - 1–2 tbsp. spoons

Mix all ingredients in a blender for two minutes.

Let's do the math: one serving of this cocktail contains almost 300 calories and an incredible amount of vitamins.

3. Yogurt parfait

Parfait - great option for a quick breakfast! The oatmeal recipe can be found in the article, and we will prepare a dish from the following ingredients:

  • wild berries or grapes - 1 cup
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • coconut flakes - 1/4 cup
  • muesli - 1/2 cup
  • low-fat yogurt or kefir - 1/2 cup

Place all the ingredients in the desired container in layers: berries, a layer of yogurt, muesli, banana, a layer of yogurt, coconut flakes. If you don't like coconut flakes, add finely chopped nuts on top.

Let's do the math: There are 184 calories in one serving of parfait - you can afford a whole serving and a little extra!

4. Spinach and broccoli toast

I love French toast and any other type of toast (as in the article)! To prepare this tasty and satisfying dish we use:

  • bread (preferably gray or with bran) - 2 slices
  • cream cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • spinach leaves - 1 handful
  • broccoli - 1 handful
  • spices and herbs - to taste

Place the cream cheese in the microwave for 30 seconds (to melt slightly). Finely chop the broccoli and spinach, mix with cheese and add spices. Place the filling between two pieces of bread and fry in a pan or on the grill. Spinach leaves can be replaced with a more affordable salad.

Let's do the math: This sandwich has 290 calories, so I recommend eating it as a meal on its own.

5. Diet pancakes

Pancakes for breakfast are a great option (several recipes can be found in the article). The secret to the low calorie recipe for these pancakes is the absence of traditional flour. We will need:

  • almond flour - 3 cups
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • baking soda slaked with vinegar - 1/2 teaspoon
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • milk - 3/4 cup
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

In a small bowl, mix salt, baking soda, flour, and flax seeds. In a large bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs and butter. Gradually add flour to the milk mixture, stirring thoroughly. You can adjust the consistency with milk. Heat a frying pan and grease with oil, bake the pancakes for two minutes on each side (or until bubbles appear around the edges).

Let's do the math: The mixture makes about four pancakes, each with 160 calories. So I recommend eating one for breakfast, supplemented with yogurt, cottage cheese, syrup or your favorite fruit.

6. Italian scrambled eggs and ham

Eggs are an irreplaceable low-calorie source of protein, and scrambled eggs are an easy and accessible recipe for everyone. The main thing is to prepare the following ingredients:

  • ​tomatoes (cut into slices) - 1 pc.
  • spinach - 1 handful
  • red pepper (cut into medium slices) - 1 pc.
  • onion (finely chopped) - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves (pass through a press)
  • basil, herbs, spices and salt - to taste
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • shredded cheese

Heat a frying pan with olive oil, fry, stirring well, all the vegetables (first of all onions, then peppers, then tomatoes, garlic and spices). Then pour in the eggs, sprinkle with cheese and fry over low heat, covered, until done.

Eating a hearty and delicious breakfast on just 300 calories sounds a little unrealistic. But I have ideas about this) Look further and get to know your new breakfasts!

Avocado and salmon toast

Calories: 296

What's better than avocado toast topped with smoked salmon? The combination of healthy fats and fiber will keep you full for hours, and fatty acids, contained in avocados and fish, are phenomenal for our skin. This is super rich nutrients breakfast. And how delicious!

Egg, tomato, light mayonnaise and green onion

Calories: 228

This savory, filling breakfast is sure to become your favorite. The combination of a hard-boiled egg, a tablespoon of light mayonnaise and green onions is a classic taste! And if you put all this on a bun from whole grain, add a slice of tomato, you will understand that now this breakfast is your favorite. Plus, its preparation takes a maximum of 7 minutes and 2 minutes if you boil the eggs in advance.

Oatmeal with apple and cinnamon

Calories: 284

Next best breakfast- oatmeal with fruit. Prepare oatmeal, put sliced ​​peach, or kiwi, or apple on top and walnuts. Fruits and nuts are here as a bonus to the already healthy, tasty, satisfying oatmeal. For the explosion taste buds Sprinkle some cinnamon, sesame seeds, chia seeds, or flax into your porridge for a healthy dose of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and good fat.

Tortilla with beans and egg

Calories: 290

For a 300-calorie breakfast that'll keep you full until lunch with its protein ingredients, you'll need one wheat tortilla, an egg, a cup of cooked black beans, 1/4 cup low-fat cream cheese, salsa (any choice), and cilantro. The beans must first be mashed with a fork or chopped with a blender. Place everything on the tortilla and breakfast is ready!

Toast with curd cheese and honey

Calories: 280.

This is one of my favorite, healthy and delicious breakfasts for 300 calories. Curd cheese and honey are the perfect combination! Spread cheese and honey on toast or whole grain raisin muffin. If you don't like the taste of honey, you can put a piece of boiled turkey on the cheese instead.

Homemade waffles with cottage cheese, strawberries and nuts

Calories: 295.

To make this breakfast easier, you can bake waffles in advance or buy them ready-made. Spread on the waffle low-fat cottage cheese and put strawberries and almonds on it. This is a very filling breakfast for 300 calories. You won't remember food until lunch.

Omelette with spinach and turkey

Calories: 292

Beat the egg with a whisk, add pieces of turkey or chicken fillet and spinach. Spinach can be substituted green onions, will also be good). Pour the mixture into the pan, cover with a lid and bake until done. The omelet can be cooked in the microwave in a special bowl.

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The 300 calorie diet was developed by American Martin Katan and is based on calculating the calorie content of dishes. Such a diet is considered strict, but a significant advantage will be the ability for a person losing weight to select the dishes they like, according to the calorie norm. It is difficult for the body to adapt to low-calorie meals, the body begins to sharply lose excess water and kilograms.

  • We recommend reading: , and

On average, when eating a 300-calorie diet, people lose up to 10 kg in 21 days.

Every person knows that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to consume the amount of food per day that can ensure normal functioning of the body and not only not gain weight, but also lose weight.

The resulting number: number of calories necessary for the body so as not to gain extra pounds. To lose weight, the amount of calories for someone losing weight is reduced. At the same time, it is recommended to take into account both a person’s lifestyle and energy costs. The diet is carried out according to 2 options.

Method 1

In the first three days we eat 300 calories, for the next three days we eat 600 calories per day. From the eighth to the fourteenth day, the diet will be 900 calories, in the next three days we again reduce the calorie content to 300, and for the final three days of the diet we slightly increase them to 600. Such a diet and calorie ladder does not allow our body to adapt, so weight quickly decreases.

Method 2

In the first three days we eat 300 calories, for the next three days we eat 500 calories per day. From the eighth to the fourteenth day, our diet will be 700 calories, in the next three days we again reduce the calorie content to 300, and for the final three days of the diet we slightly increase them to 500.

Product List

In order not to feel hungry, the diet must contain protein, for example, boiled chicken or fish, egg white, cottage cheese with low fat content. Smoked meats, sausages, bread, potatoes in any form are necessarily excluded.

In order not to invent a menu every day, it is easier to create it for the week, alternating several simple low-calorie dishes.

With such a diet, you need to drink a lot of fluid, it will help dull the feeling of hunger and remove excess toxins from the body. Melt water is perfect. Not recommended for use alcoholic drinks during the period of weight loss, because drinking a glass of wine or beer once a week can nullify all efforts in 7–8 days. If a person who decides to lose weight gets sick, then the minimum calorie intake is raised to 500.

The diet allows you to eat almost anything, the main thing is that the dish is not overly salty or spicy and is within the required calorie threshold.

Menu for every day

For meals, it is easy to prepare boiled rice with vegetables and soy sauce. This dish will be low in calories and is perfect for a person who is constantly short of time. Simply boil 100 grams of cereal and season with a spoon soy sauce and supplement with boiled or steamed vegetables. A good option There will be an omelette of three egg whites with mushrooms (honey mushrooms or champignons) and tomatoes.

For a 300 calorie diet, nutrition is good. 800 grams of fruit contain only 300 calories; they are included in the norm for this diet. At lunch, it is recommended to supply the body with protein and fructose by drinking 2 glasses with a fat content of 1% or. And after fermented milk product you can eat a pear or an apple.


Yogurt sauce

For people who suffer without fatty sauces, the article provides a recipe for a yogurt-based sauce. To prepare this sauce we will need: a glass of low-fat yogurt, a tomato, one cucumber and herbs. Chop the greens, grate the vegetables and add to the yogurt. Mix everything thoroughly. The diet allows you to replace yogurt with cottage cheese without large grains.

Cheese soup

Cheese soup is also perfect for your diet. This light dish will help diversify the menu, they say so positive reviews about the lightness and pleasant taste of the dish. To prepare it we need 3 potatoes, 300 grams of zucchini, 2 carrots, bell pepper. Vegetables are boiled until tender and chopped in a blender. Pour the puree into a saucepan and place on low heat. Flavoring vegetable puree one hundred grams of melted butter, add some salt and pepper. The soup is brought to a boil. The dish is ready, its calorie content is 30 calories per 100 grams of product.

Buckwheat pancakes

For a 300 calorie diet, you can prepare buckwheat pancakes. To do this, mix boiled cereal (300 grams) with 250 grams of kefir, add salt, and add slaked soda on the tip of a knife. Break into buckwheat-milk mass and add 10 teaspoons wheat flour. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan on both sides until they are browned. It is recommended to serve low-fat sauce as a sauce.

Fruit and vegetable salad

And as a dessert, a person who is losing weight should treat themselves to a salad of fruits and vegetables. To prepare, we need 200 grams of apples, the same amount of pears, half a kilogram of pumpkin, lemon zest and 100 grams of ripe plums. Fruits and vegetables are finely chopped and seasoned lemon juice. You can sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top of the salad if it seems sour.

  • To make it easier to adjust the menu and count calories, you should not eat in restaurants and catering establishments. Dishes prepared in this way are difficult to calculate by the number of calories, which is confirmed by reviews of those losing weight;
  • To make calculations more convenient, you can use special tables indicating;
  • With a properly selected menu, you will not feel hungry. The diet involves the use of vitamins;
  • If you purchase ready-made food due to a lack of time, then it is better to take dishes with the indicated calorie content on the label;
  • The diet suggests that the last time you eat should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. The diet is not recommended for lactating and pregnant women.
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