When to plant black radish? Timing for planting radish seeds in open ground

By mistakenly determining the time when to plant black radish seeds, many summer residents can doom themselves to failure. Despite the fact that black radish itself is an unpretentious crop, planting seeds at an unfavorable time may well cause a low yield. In addition, such characteristics of the fruit as taste and keeping quality can also suffer from improper planting and care of the crop.

Before deciding when to plant radishes, you will need to decide on your plans for the future harvest. Typically, the vegetable can be planted twice per season. The first planting occurs in the spring. Summer-ripened fruits will not be stored for long. Therefore, winter radishes, which are usually sown in July, are suitable for storage. Planting radishes for the winter in woodland occurs in the first ten days of July; in the forest-steppe, radish seeds must be sown no later than mid-July, and in the southern lands the crop can be sown until the end of July.

Planting and care

Since the plant does not like shade, when planting the crop you will need to choose a place with good lighting. It is not recommended to fertilize the soil with fresh manure. Only rotted, mixed with wood ash will do. Seeds should be planted in open ground to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. After the first shoots appear, the radish requires care: the soil must be loosened and the seedlings themselves must be thinned out. Plants in the garden bed should be kept at a distance of 5 centimeters. Some time later, thinning is repeated. Then the distance between seedlings in open ground is increased to 15 centimeters.

Farmers recommend using mineral fertilizers for feeding radishes. Organic matter, according to many plant growers, negatively affects the keeping quality and taste of fruits. In the phase of 3-4 leaves, the first feeding is carried out. The crop is fertilized in open ground for the second time a month after the first treatment.

The optimal fertilizer for feeding is considered to be a solution of the following components:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 20 grams of urea;
  • 60 grams of superphosphate;
  • 15 grams of potassium chloride.

Although radishes do not require scrupulous care, watering is still very important. Even leaving the crop in dry soil for a short time will significantly reduce the yield and its quality.

When to plant radish in the Urals and Siberia?

The climate of Siberia and the Urals differs sharply from the natural conditions of other regions. This factor must also be taken into account when planting radishes. To obtain early production, the vegetable is usually planted in Siberia in early May, when the soil has already warmed up enough and the seedlings will not be destroyed by the cold. Root crops of early varieties will ripen in 60-70 days. Vegetables for autumn-winter consumption should be planted before mid-June. Shoots will appear in a week. And with moist and sufficiently warm soil, the first shoots can be noticed already on the 3rd day after planting. Root crops will ripen for the winter in 100-120 days. Growing radishes in the Urals and Siberia occurs in the same way as in other regions: there are no special features for caring for the vegetable.

  • Precursors such as potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and beans will help you get a rich harvest.
  • To ensure large and regular shaped fruits, you need to maintain an optimal level of seed sowing frequency. If you plant a vegetable too densely, then, most likely, a flower arrow will appear and the root crops will be small.
  • The risk of improper plant development will also increase if seeds are planted ahead of schedule.
  • Delay in sowing time will also be detrimental to the harvest. When frost sets in, root vegetables lose their beneficial properties, and the flesh of the plant becomes woody.
  • If there is one in the garden, then you need to collect the fruits of the plant for the winter immediately after the potatoes, so that the pest does not spoil the harvest.
  • The secret to tasty, round and juicy root vegetables lies in rocking the plants during active growth. This event will help remove the side roots, so that the root crop will be fed from the central root. This is the method that many summer residents use when growing radishes.

Precursor to radish: how important is it?

Winter radish can be sown after any predecessor - this root crop is truly unpretentious. However, there is one exception - you cannot sow radishes in soil where cruciferous vegetables previously grew. Typical representatives of this family are daikon, radish, and cabbage. These plants have common pests and diseases with radishes. The most common pest is the cruciferous flea beetle. Well, if a summer resident mistakenly planted radishes after cabbage or radishes, then it is necessary to fight the pest at the very first shoots of the crop. You can spray plants against cruciferous flea beetle with insecticides “Confidor”, “Iskra Zolotaya” and others; such care will give you a chance to get a decent harvest.

So, whether it is necessary to plant black radish in your dacha, each gardener decides for himself. But there are many arguments in favor of this vitamin culture. Unpretentiousness in care, undemandingness to the composition of the soil and the beneficial effects of root vegetables on the human body, proven over centuries, make it a welcome guest on the tables and garden beds of many Russians.

Since the 12th century, radish, along with turnips and horseradish, has been one of the most popular crops in Russia, present on the table every day. This affection for radish is quite understandable: it is loved not only as food, but also as a powerful medicine, due to the presence of mineral salts, vitamins and microelements. And now a juicy and tasty vegetable can be bought without problems in any supermarket. However, it is much more interesting and not at all difficult to grow it yourself in the country. To make sure you can handle this task, check out our tips and tricks for proper planting and proper care of radishes in open ground.

Growing radishes (white, pink, green, black): sowing rules, care tips

In general, the rules for growing any radish are very similar; there are no fundamental differences in planting and caring for black, white or green (Margelan) radishes, except perhaps for the timing of their sowing, taste and beneficial properties.

Types and varieties

Planting dates: according to the lunar calendar, depending on the variety and region

The timing of sowing radishes in open ground is largely determined by the type of vegetable:

  • early small-fruited varieties can be sown already in March-April (if, of course, the weather permits. But in the middle zone, or rather even in the Moscow region, this will most likely not be possible), or in August, their ripening period is about 40-50 days;
  • early ripening (summer) - at the end of April - beginning of May, ripening period - 50-65 days;
  • late (or they are also called autumn or winter, black) - in early or mid-July, ripening period - 90-110 days.

Although it is equally important to take into account the climatic conditions of the region and current weather conditions. The optimal temperature conditions for seed germination are +20-25 degrees, but planting is also allowed at +15-20.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

If you want to choose a specific date for planting root crops, then the lunar calendar will always come to your aid.

Thus, the most favorable days for sowing radishes for seedlings or in open ground according to the lunar calendar in 2019 are:

  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

If we look at the lunar calendar, then you should know that it is even more important not to plant vegetables on unfavorable days, and this is in 2019:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Video: radish - varieties, sowing dates and care

How to properly plant radishes in open ground

At the moment, quite a lot of varieties of this useful root vegetable have been bred, but black radish, due to its beneficial and medicinal properties, is of particular value.

Beneficial properties of root vegetables

Black radish is both a tasty and medicinal vegetable. If you have sand in your kidneys or liver, then with the help of radish you can significantly improve your condition. It also helps if you have a cold (such as a lingering wet cough), high cholesterol, and it also improves performance and stress resistance during a busy work schedule.

Pay attention! You should not eat radish (any kind) if you have peptic ulcers, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, or heart disease.

Another advantage of planting black radish is its suitability for long-term storage.

Sowing time

The timing of planting black radish is in the middle of summer, and it is advisable to plant it from the 3rd decade of June to the 3rd decade of July.

If you plant it too early, then with long daylight hours it may go into flowers (it will begin to bolt and throw out flowering shoots) and subsequently not produce root crops. Therefore, in order to accurately wait for the vegetable to ripen, observe the timing of its sowing.

Preparing the bed: choosing a location and suitable soil

A good harvest of radish can only grow in the right area. It is optimal to find a place that receives sun most of the day.

As for the soil, radish grows best on fertile loamy soil, in other words, light humus soils with an acidity of 6-7 pH are suitable for it.

Preparing a bed for radishes is quite simple: you need to thoroughly dig up the soil (to a depth of 25-30 centimeters), add a couple of buckets of excellent compost, and then mix everything again and level the bed.

Next, you will need to make rows for sowing radish seeds. The seed sowing depth should be 1.5-2 centimeters. The distance between rows should be maintained at 20-40 centimeters. It is optimal to sow the seeds themselves at a distance of 10-15 centimeters, but if you want to get an even higher yield, then sow them closer to subsequently thin out and get rid of weak plants, leaving only the healthiest ones.

Many summer residents practice joint sowing of radish with, , , and even .

As a rule, they try to plant radishes after harvest. Also good predecessors there will be the following crops: , , , and .

Sowing seeds

Step-by-step instructions for sowing radishes in open ground:

Video: sowing black radish

Caring for radishes in open ground

Despite the fact that this vegetable is considered quite unpretentious, radish requires some care to obtain a rich and tasty harvest.

So, in the first time after sowing preferably maintain high humidity in the garden bed so that the shoots appear together. As a rule, this takes about 3-5 days, but even after germination, the bed should be kept moist for 1-2 weeks. There are two ways - either constant watering, or you can cover the bed with a film that will retain moisture.

A week later, after the emergence of seedlings, the bed should be first time thin out, leaving only the strongest seedlings.

Further care for radish is quite standard: on time water(if you forget about watering, the root vegetables will grow small and bitter and will not be suitable for food), without allowing the soil to dry out, at least once a week, loosen and weed.

By the way! To reduce the number of waterings, loosening and weeding, you can mulch the beds with peat or humus.

Also, during the summer you need to ensure that the seedlings do not hamper each other’s development. If you notice that the plantings are thickened, you should another thinning, otherwise the root crops simply will not be able to ripen normally and will turn out small.

As for fertilizing radish, it should be fertilized at least 2 times during the season. The first time is when 3-4 leaves appear (nitrogen fertilizing), the second time is a month after the first, when the root crop begins to actively grow.

As a fertilizer, it is optimal to use herbal infusions, birch tar (protection from pests), ammonia (nitrogen). Ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) is also suitable for nitrogen fertilizing.

Advice! It is very good to combine fertilizing with watering.

Diseases and pests

Black (cruciferous) flea beetles are very fond of young radish seedlings, therefore, as measures to combat these insect pests, the crops should be treated, or more precisely, dusted with tobacco dust or.

Harvesting radish for storage

If you want to store black radish for a long time, then you need to harvest and prepare it for storage according to certain rules. So, it must be collected on time in most cases before the end of October and always before the onset of frost. You need to pull out the vegetable by digging lightly with a shovel. Next, you should get rid of the tops, but if you are determined to store the radish for a long time (for example, all winter), then you should leave 1-2 centimeters of the tops.

Important! If you are storing this root vegetable for long winter storage, then you cannot wash it, just shake off the dirt and that’s it, otherwise it will rot.

It is optimal to place dry root vegetables in boxes with wet sand and remove in the basement or cellar for long-term storage.

You can also store radishes in refrigerator. In this case, the tops need to be cut off completely, washed thoroughly, and then the tail should also be shortened, leaving 4-5 centimeters. Next, the root vegetables should be treated in a slightly green solution of brilliant green, immersed in it for 1-2 minutes. When the vegetables are dry, put them in bags and put them in the refrigerator.

Video: black radish - from sowing to harvest

Thus, even a novice gardener can grow radishes (no matter what variety, white, Margelan or black). You just need to choose the optimal timing, properly prepare the soil and sow the seeds, and then provide high-quality care for the root crop until it is fully ripened.

There are several varieties of radish that are most popular among gardeners in our country, which differ from each other mainly in taste. For example, the most useful and at the same time vigorous radish is the black radish. Margelan radish is a more delicate variety, but the daikon variety is suitable for absolutely everyone, since the taste of this radish is very light, without bitterness, and juicy. To choose the most suitable variety for yourself, you should read their description in more detail. Useful tips on how to get rid of ants in your garden.

Black radish is the most popular, and, one might say, traditional variety of this crop, which has been planted since time immemorial. Its taste is very bitter and sharp, so many people prefer other varieties, especially those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Black radish is contraindicated for such people. But, along with its unpleasant taste, it is the black radish that contains the largest amount of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, if there are no health-related contraindications to eating black radish, then it is better to plant this particular variety.

This radish variety is a fast-ripening variety and has a green color. The fruit itself is very juicy and there are no contraindications for its use, since Margelan radish has a pleasant, not harsh taste. This radish can be used for salads; it goes well with tomatoes and cucumbers. Therefore, it is this radish that is most often used as an additional ingredient in various dishes.

Daikon is a real favorite among those who do not accept the bitterness and harshness of the taste of black radish. Daikon radish is white in color, and its taste is very soft, delicate, the exact opposite of black radish.

Having decided on the variety, it’s time to figure out when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017. It is better to plant fast-ripening varieties by the end of spring, before the summer season, and those varieties that are grown to be stored for the winter - at the end of the summer season.

Radish, although not a fancy crop, still has some of its own characteristics. For example, this culture prefers sunny places with moderately moist soil, but not dry.

To find out when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017, you can use the lunar calendar. For example, in April, taking into account what phase and constellation the moon is in, you can select the numbers for when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017. Favorable dates include April 1, 4-5, and the period from April 25 to April 30.

the plants may be caught in frost and die. In August, favorable days for sowing are the 4th-5th, August 9th, 14th-15th and 28th. About how to properly form cucumbers in a greenhouse.

As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to sprinkle the beds with ash to protect the plant from attacks by pests and diseases. It is better to immediately remove those fruits that show that they are weak from the garden, because they will take nutrients from stronger fruits, which should be left for the winter. The best stored fruits are those that reach a size of 4 to 6 centimeters and do not have any black spots on them.

In order for radishes to grow in the best conditions, you need to know not only when to plant radishes in open ground in 2017, but also what to consider when sowing seeds:

*Seeds cannot be planted in unheated soil;

*Make sure that there are no drafts in the place where the radish grows;

Radish is deservedly popular among gardeners and consumers of vegetable products. The harvested daikon and black radish are perfectly preserved for a long time, so many amateur vegetable growers prefer to sow radish in Siberia in summer-autumn rotation.

Site preparation

Radish is a cold-resistant and early-ripening plant, the seedlings of which can easily tolerate minor and short-term frosts. Preparation of a site in Siberia for growing radish should be carried out in advance, taking into account the botanical characteristics of the vegetable crop and observing the following technology:

  • the soil should not be acidic, heavy or too cold, and the optimal area for growing garden crops can be represented by loamy or sandy loam soils, with a deep arable layer and sufficient aeration for the growth and development of plants;
  • radish is quite unpretentious and relatively shade-tolerant, but to obtain a high yield of large and marketable fruits, it is recommended to create ridges and sow the crop in well-lit areas warmed by the sun's rays;

  • deep digging of the soil, about the size of a spade, should be carried out in the autumn, after harvesting the previous crop;
  • It is impossible to grow radishes in areas fertilized with a significant amount of fresh manure, and in order to improve the structural characteristics of the soil, it is recommended to add peat or humus at the stage of deep digging of the site at the rate of a bucket for each square meter of planting area;
  • It is best to plant radish or daikon in beds after growing potatoes, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions and salad crops, dill, zucchini and squash, as well as peppers and eggplants, and bad predecessors for this vegetable crop are carrots, beets, radishes , turnips, turnips, watercress, cabbage and horseradish.

In order to provide the radish with optimal nutrition, in the fall and spring, when digging the soil deeply, it is recommended to apply approximately 2.5 kg of ammonium nitrate, 1.5-2 kg of superphosphate and 1.5-2 kg of potassium salt for each hundred square meters of garden plot .

How to plant radishes (video)

Timing and characteristics of sowing

Radishes should be planted in home gardening conditions within strictly defined periods, which may vary depending on weather conditions in the cultivation region, as well as depend on the varietal characteristics of the vegetable crop:

  • the earliest species and varieties are recommended to be sown simultaneously with radishes, immediately after the snow melts;
  • approximately a couple of weeks after the snow melts, in the period from April to May, it is advisable to sow summer varieties;
  • the most popular autumn varieties are sown no earlier than the first ten days of July;
  • winter varieties used for long-term storage and consumption in the autumn-winter period require a long ripening period and are sown no later than the last ten days of June.

The soil and climatic conditions of Siberia determine that the region is classified as a risky farming zone, therefore for cultivation it is recommended to choose zoned radish varieties that have proven themselves in cultivation in home garden vegetable growing conditions:

  • the best early ripening variety is "White round" or "Dresden Bunch" capable of forming a harvest in less than a month and a half after sowing;
  • mid-early radish variety "Bobenheim" ripens completely in a couple of months and forms fairly large root vegetables with juicy and pleasant tangy pulp;
  • The autumn variety deserves special attention "Munchenbier" with a vegetative period of no more than 100 days and large root crops with tender and tasty pulp, suitable for storage;
  • the undisputed favorite variety for winter storage is "Round black".

When sowing, you should maintain a row spacing of 28-30 cm, sowing a pair of seeds every 14-16 cm. It is not recommended to bury the seed material more than a couple of centimeters. The sowing rate of radish seeds in spring is 0.5-1 g/m², and when sowing in summer, you should adhere to the norm of 0.4-0.5 g/m².

Growing technology

Radish is easy to care for and requires minimal attention:

  • vegetable plantings should be kept clean, systematically removing weeds and subsequent shallow loosening of the soil between the rows;
  • in too rainy seasons, erosion of the soil may occur, so if necessary, garden crops can be planted;
  • when planting thickly, it is necessary to thin out the plants twice, removing the weakest shoots after the first leaves appear and after about three weeks;
  • after thinning, the distance between plants of early varieties should be at least 6-8 cm, and plants of late varieties should be spaced at a distance of 12-15 cm;
  • It is recommended to use mineral complexes for feeding, since organic matter has a bad effect on the quality characteristics of root crops and their keeping quality;
  • Watering of early varieties is carried out at least four times a month, and for late-ripening varieties, four waterings are sufficient throughout the entire growing season.

The prevention of diseases and pests should not be neglected, and it is also important to periodically pollinate the above-ground parts and soil with wood ash.

Harvest and storage

Strict adherence to harvest dates is especially important for varieties that are intended for long-term storage during the winter. It is necessary to harvest root crops as late as possible, but before the onset of significant cold weather, which can freeze the fruits or negatively affect the duration of storage.

Varieties of radish (video)

Radishes are dug up in dry and warm weather. Smooth and large root crops that are not damaged should be stored for storage. The optimal temperature in storage should be approximately 2-3°C. As a rule, root vegetables are stored in cellars. To extend the shelf life, root vegetables should be placed in piles, sprinkled with dry sand.

Black radish is not a very common crop in gardens, but every year it is gaining more and more popularity, because it is rich in vitamins and contains important phytoncides. The beneficial properties of radish have been known since ancient times; it was used for medicinal purposes back in ancient Greece. Radish contains a lot of mineral salts, enzymes, and vitamins. It helps in the fight against diabetes; its juice can have a wound-healing effect.

Eating radish improves appetite and stimulates the production of gastric juice, so it’s worth planting such a healthy root vegetable in your garden. In order for the harvest to be excellent, you need to know the timing of sowing and provide proper care for the plant.

Radish sowing is carried out in two periods depending on the variety. If you have an early ripening variety, then it should be planted in May. If you have a variety that is intended for winter storage, then planting is carried out in mid-July and August.

Black radish does not like dark places, so choose a well-lit area of ​​land for planting. The bed for planting must be dug up using a spade, while mixing the soil with wood ash and humus.

It is important to maintain proper crop rotation when planting black radish. It should not be planted on beds where cabbage, radishes or turnips were previously planted. But by planting the root crop after cucumbers, carrots or potatoes, peas, tomatoes and beans, you, on the contrary, will get an excellent radish harvest. Radish varieties that are suitable for winter storage grow very well after onions.

Planting black radish

Technology planting black radish quite simple. In the dug up bed, you need to make shallow (two to three centimeters) grooves, keeping a distance of forty centimeters between the rows. Once the grooves are formed, seeds are planted in them.

After the first shoots have germinated, when the rows of plants are clearly visible, it is necessary to loosen the soil and thin out. Usually this procedure is carried out at the stage of formation of the first three or four leaves. When thinning, you should leave about five centimeters between plants. When the plants grow a little more, they need to be thinned out again, increasing the interval between them to fifteen centimeters. Radish crops should not be thickened, otherwise it may bloom, releasing its beneficial substances not into the fruit, but into the formation of seeds.

The period of vegetative development of radish ranges from forty to sixty days. Winter varieties of radish should not be planted before mid-July, otherwise there is a high probability that the plant will flower.


Further care for black radish consists of loosening the rows, applying fertilizers and, most importantly, systematic watering. Watering is key when growing radishes. Even a short stay of a plant in excessively dry soil can affect the quality and quantity of the future harvest. If the bed has clay soil, then it should be loosened as often as possible; sandy loam soil does not need loosening.

The first feeding should be carried out at the stage of appearance of the first three or four leaves, the second should be carried out a month after the first.