Potassium in foods: where it is found, menu for a strong heart and against depression. Potassium in food and its role in the human body Where potassium is contained in which foods list

What do we know about potassium? Perhaps the only thing is that this macronutrient benefits the heart and the fact that bananas contain potassium. This is where the knowledge of most ordinary people is limited. But in fact, potassium is a key mineral in human body, who participates in the majority biochemical processes. In this article we will talk about the importance of potassium for the human body and pay attention to products containing this macronutrient.

Potassium - what you need to know about it

First of all, let's say that potassium is truly essential. Without it, the functioning of the heart and kidneys is impossible, without it the development of the brain and muscles (including the most important muscle for us - the heart) is impossible, that is, in fact, life is impossible without potassium.

The fact is that potassium is responsible for water-electrolyte balance in the body and maintains normal osmotic pressure in every cell of the body. Moreover, together with sodium and magnesium, this mineral regulates the acid-base balance in the body (pH). That is why potassium must be supplied to our body daily through food. Fortunately, vegetables and fruits that grow in abundance in our regions are rich in this valuable mineral. That's just rare person thinks about potassium balance, preferring to eat fast food and hastily prepared sandwiches rather than vegetables and fruits. Such a neglectful attitude to the diet seriously impoverishes the body, including creating a deficiency of this substance in the body.

It must be said that 250 g of potassium is constantly present in the human body, and only 3 g is in the blood serum, and the rest of the mineral is in the cells. Every day a person should receive 3-5 g of potassium from food. At the same time, the need for the macronutrient in question will increase if a person actively works or plays sports. Taking diuretics and heavy sweating, in which there is active loss of fluid by the body, are also a signal to consume potassium in large doses. Finally, diets with high content Women carrying a child should adhere to potassium.

Beneficial properties of potassium

1. Regulates pressure
Under the influence of potassium, the vessels remain elastic and do not undergo subsidence cholesterol plaques, thereby protecting vascular system from atherosclerosis. In addition, thanks to potassium blood pressure is normal and we are not faced with negative consequences hypertension. By the way, when non-pathological increase pressure, the doctor may prescribe potassium supplements or a diet with increased content this mineral.

2. Supports kidney function
According to doctors, potassium is an important nutrient that reduces acidity in the bloodstream and thereby prevents the formation of kidney stones. However, those people who suffer from kidney failure are prohibited from consuming foods with potassium, because they may develop hyperkalemia.

3. Removes excess fluid from the body
By receiving the daily norm of this macronutrient, we maintain fluid balance in the body, which means we ensure the proper functioning of all systems and maintain normal body weight.

4. Speeds up metabolism
Are you on a diet but can't lose weight? It is possible that in this way the body signals you about a potassium deficiency. The lack of this mineral slows down metabolic processes, which interferes with the breakdown of fats and prevents you from regaining your slim figure.

5. Prevents stress
Regular intake of potassium into the body has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. By maintaining normal levels of this macronutrient, we are less likely to experience headaches and irritation, dizziness and sleep disturbances.

6. Relieves muscle spasms
Lack of potassium in soft tissues leads to spasms and cramps. Even a slight deficiency of this mineral makes itself felt by pain and discomfort in the muscles.

7. Converts glucose into energy
Our body simply needs potassium to break down glucose and produce energy. As soon as the level of this substance drops, we feel weak and tired, and our performance immediately decreases.

8. Strengthens bones
Phosphorus is not the only thing that strengthens the skeletal system. The health of the human skeleton largely depends on the level of potassium in the body, and therefore if you want to avoid problems with joints and the spine, prevent osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, you must have potassium in your diet.

9. Activates brain function
Potassium deficiency is extremely harmful to the brain, because potassium supplies brain cells with oxygen. That is why, with a lack of such a macronutrient, a person feels mental fatigue, begins to suffer from forgetfulness and loses the ability to concentrate.

Balance of potassium and magnesium

Magnesium is the most important mineral that nourishes the myocardium. However, to maintain work cardiovascular system Magnesium must work together with potassium. In combination, these macronutrients strengthen the heart muscle and improve metabolic processes in the myocardium. Thanks to this coordinated work development is prevented serious illnesses, such as atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, angina and heart failure. In addition, people who have had a heart attack or stroke are advised to switch to a diet high in potassium and magnesium. Finally, potassium, together with magnesium, has a beneficial effect on the brain, improving memory and concentration.

Balance of potassium and sodium

Speaking about the role of potassium in the body, one cannot fail to mention sodium, because these microelements act in tandem and have a close relationship. The most optimal combination of potassium and sodium is a 3:1 ratio. When combined in this way, these minerals bring greatest benefit body. This is why when sodium levels in the body increase, there is a need for additional potassium intake in order to maintain balance and prevent the body from devaluing most of the potassium.

In this regard, purchased in a store tomato juice with salt is absolutely useless, because even with a high potassium content, there is twice as much salt in such a drink, which means the body does not receive potassium, which is depreciated by sodium.

What leads to potassium deficiency

Let us list the cases in which a deficiency of this macronutrient may occur. These include:

  • taking diuretics;
  • consumption of foods high in salt (sodium);
  • impairment of the body's ability to absorb food;
  • high physical activity;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • drug consumption.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency

Determining a deficiency of this mineral is not so easy, because the symptoms of potassium deficiency can be confused with many other common diseases. If there is a lack of this substance, a person becomes lethargic, loses appetite and experiences drowsiness even after good sleep. Moreover, he appears muscle weakness, and heart problems begin (arrhythmia).

If potassium deficiency develops in the body for a long enough time, the patient develops problems with the digestion process, develops heart pathologies and suffers from arthrosis. If no action is taken to compensate for the existing deficiency, this situation can lead a person to a stroke or the appearance of oncological tumors.

To compensate for the lack of such an important mineral, pay attention to foods that contain potassium in excess.

10 Foods High in Potassium

1. Banana (594 mg potassium)

The banana is by no means a record holder for the content of the mineral in question, however, it is generally considered to be the best product to maintain potassium levels in the body, all thanks to a unique combination of vitamins and minerals. It’s not for nothing that scientists recognized the banana the best fruit for snacks between main meals. Eat chopped banana with low-fat yogurt or grain products for a balanced and healthy breakfast.

2. Avocado (975 mg potassium)

In addition to replenishing this mineral, avocados contain many antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, which are extremely beneficial for the heart. Now, having decided to please yourself with fruit, pay attention to the “alligator pear”, which you can eat just like that, or you can prepare a wonderful green smoothie, a salad of vegetables and fruits, or an exotic Mexican snack, guacamole.

3. Baked Potato (1,081 mg potassium)
It is an inexpensive yet extremely generous source of potassium. In addition, potatoes are a well-known supplier of “heavy” carbohydrates for our body, a vegetable that strengthens blood vessels, prevents diabetes and rheumatism. If you decide to replenish your supplies, do not boil or fry potatoes, but bake them in their skins and serve as a side dish for meat or fish.

4. Swiss Chard (961 mg potassium)

Such greens are a curiosity among us, although today they can be found in most supermarkets. This crop boasts not only high potassium content, but also other vitamins and minerals that have anti-inflammatory properties and strengthen bones. By the way, if you wish, you can replace chard with its “close relative” - beet tops(305 mg potassium). Add tops to salads or prepare an old Russian dish, botvinya, using them.

5. Apples (278 mg potassium)

Even though apples are not champions in terms of the content of the macronutrient in question, they are always present in abundance on our tables, which means that we can easily afford to eat 1-2 apples a day, crumble them into a salad or bake a wonderful apple pie. In addition, the fruits of the apple tree have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and are also extremely useful for people who are engaged in mental work. And also, be sure to eat apples with the peel, since it is under it that all the valuable substances are hidden, and the peel itself will help cleanse the blood vessels of toxins and waste.

6. Dried apricots (1162 mg potassium)

Everyone's favorite dried fruit is a generous source of potassium for our body. In addition, it is rich in vitamin A and fiber, which in the best possible way affects the state of vision, cleansing of the body and work digestive system. True, we should not forget that dried apricots have a high sugar content, which means that if you do not want to gain weight, you should not abuse this product.

7. Tomato paste (875 mg potassium)

This wonderful pasta can change and diversify the taste of any dish. At the same time, it is a generous source of antioxidants that stimulate performance. immune system, in particular, lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that strengthens the myocardium, prevents cell degeneration, removes “harmful” cholesterol from the blood and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. However, if you want to replenish your body with potassium, cook tomato paste yourself, without adding salt to it.

8. Raisins (749 mg potassium)

Another representative of dried fruits, which, in addition to potassium, contains many healthy proteins and carbohydrates. The use of this product improves blood composition and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In addition, regular consumption of raisins improves metabolic processes in the skin, maintaining its beauty and youth. Add this dried fruit to salads and confectionery, prepare homemade kvass from it and enjoy not only the amazing taste, but also incredible benefits for health.

9. Soybeans (620 mg potassium)

This wonderful soy product is more popular today than ever. Its use is associated with the prevention of ischemia and heart attacks, diabetes mellitus and some types of cancer. And considering that soy helps restore potassium levels in the body, this product can be called irreplaceable. Make soy cutlets, pate, soy pancakes or cook soy cabbage soup from it. The body will only thank you for this.

10. Spinach (590 mg potassium)

This wonderful green not only replenishes potassium deficiency, but also brings many other benefits to the body. Thanks to its valuable composition, spinach normalizes blood pressure and prevents inflammatory processes in the body, fights anemia and even reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Regularly add juicy spinach greens to your vegetable salads or prepare green smoothies based on it, and your health will be in perfect order.

Finally, let’s say that excess potassium in the body is a rather rare phenomenon that can only be observed with prolonged and uncontrolled use of drugs and dietary supplements with potassium. In this case, a person’s blood pressure decreases, their heart rate becomes erratic, edema appears, and anemia develops. That is why strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and do not self-medicate.
I wish you health and longevity!

Do you also go to the pharmacy for potassium? This is justified if you have an incredibly acute microelement deficiency, and your doctor prescribed the pills to you. Otherwise, there is no point in poisoning your body with chemicals. After all, the deficiency of the substance can be compensated for by including foods rich in potassium in your menu.

Effects of potassium on human health

Potassium is not only chemical element from the periodic table, which is studied in school curriculum. This is also useful substance required for normal operation human body.

The microelement performs the following functions:

  • along with sodium and chlorine, it serves to maintain optimal water and electrolyte balance;
  • is the main component of living cells, responsible for their integrity;
  • reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • being an antidepressant, it has a beneficial effect on mental health person;
  • eliminates waste and toxins;
  • responsible for the functioning of the brain, controls its supply of oxygen and blood;
  • promotes muscle contraction by participating in the processes of converting glucose into energy.
  • normalize metabolism.

The role of potassium for humans is truly great. Studies have proven that the trace element reduces the risk by 50% early death for various reasons.

Potassium intake rate

The level of a person’s need for a microelement depends on his age, state of health, and physical activity.

The daily potassium intake for children ranges from 400 mg to 4.5 g. Adults 19 years of age and older should consume at least 4.7 grams per day. substances. For breastfeeding women, it is recommended to increase the amount to 5.1 g.

The need for potassium increases proportionally with increasing physical and emotional stress, with the use of chemicals that contribute to copious discharge sweat, diuretics and tablets that remove potassium from the body.

Leading foods in potassium content

The main source of microelements is food plant origin. Potassium is, of course, also found in animal products. But the attractiveness of such food immediately disappears due to the high concentration of antibiotics and hormones in it.

The list of plant products containing potassium is huge. However, adherents healthy eating I am more interested in which of them are leaders in this regard. Ate the right amount useful product- and forever forgot about potassium deficiency and all the problems arising from it.

One hundred grams of the world's most famous drink contains the most potassium: about 2500 mg. In this case, preference should be given to sheet rather than packaged products.

About four cups of the drink will fill the daily requirement for micronutrients and improve your health. When choosing herbal tea, you need to consider its composition. Infusions of some plants are not indicated for various diseases.

This tea removes toxins from the body and reduces the risk cancer diseases, slows down aging, and also protects a person from harmful computer radiation. Some compounds are additionally capable of strengthening the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, increasing blood pressure, and elevating mood.

  • Dried apricots

Per 100 grams of dried apricots there are 1800 mg of potassium, which is 31% of daily norm. Dark brown fruits are considered more useful.

Due to their high potassium concentration, dried apricots are a natural diuretic. Excesses are removed from the body along with urine. sodium salt, which retains water and causes swelling.

Dried apricots help get rid of cholesterol plaques, thereby strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Dried fruits are especially useful for diabetics and people suffering from thyroid diseases.

  • Beans

Beans are an excellent source of potassium. In 100 gr. beans contain 1189 mg of microelement. This is 28% of the daily value.

The leader of all varieties is white beans. Regular consumption of legumes will have a positive effect on heart function. It is worth noting that red and lima beans are also good sources of micronutrients.

  • Pistachios

In 100 gr. nuts contain 1042 mg of useful substance.

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you need to eat no more than 40 grams of pistachios per day. They will reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, get rid of cholesterol plaques, cleanse the liver of toxins and waste, and also strengthen the nervous system.

  • Beet

The source of potassium is not so much the vegetable itself as its tops. 100 gr. product include about 1000 mg of potassium.

Instead of throwing the top of the vegetable in the trash, cut it into cubes and add it to soups and salads. This way you will replenish ¼ of your daily potassium requirement.

  • Dried grapes

Dried grapes contain significantly more potassium than fresh ones. So, in 100 gr. there are 860 mg of trace elements.

Regular inclusion of raisins in the diet will lead to regulation acid-base balance in the blood, activating the work of the heart muscles. Dried grapes normalize kidney and skin functions.

These were the main sources of potassium, but besides them there are other products that supply our body with a useful microelement:

Product name Potassium level (mg/100 g of product)
pumpkin seeds about 800
almond 700
dates just under 660
potato 535
soybeans no more than 515
avocado about 490
spinach just under 470
walnut 440
oatmeal almost 430
Brussels sprouts about 400
bananas about 360
carrot 320
broccoli 316
tomatoes about 300

Potassium is an essential substance for health. Its deficiency can lead to apathy, weakness, depression and other ailments. To avoid these problems, eat more products containing potassium, and then your body will thank you with good health.

Potassium in the human body is present in almost every cell and is involved in all vital physiological processes and performs and protects the body from many serious diseases.

He is primarily involved in the functioning water-salt metabolism Therefore, its deficiency leads to a number of consequences for human health.

It is necessary to eat foods containing macronutrients every day to keep the body in good shape.

On average, the concentration of a macronutrient in an average adult is about 150 grams, with about 98% of it contained in cells. 3-5 grams should be consumed daily with food. mineral.

The main functions that potassium performs for humans:

  • Participates in the transmission of impulses from nerve to nerve between muscles, thereby promoting muscle contraction.

Many muscle cells have special processes that connect to nerve dendrites. Through them, potassium enters the cell and is excreted.

  • Regulates water-salt balance by removing excess water from the body.
  • Acts as a catalyst in the synthesis of new protein compounds and certain enzymes.
  • Promotes the accumulation and deposition of glycogen - a special carbohydrate in reserve.

At increased loads it can be used as additional energy.

  • Restores balance in acid-base metabolism.
  • Helps relieve fatigue after intense physical activity, therefore necessary for athletes.
  • Facilitates the work of the heart muscle, preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Helps reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension blood pressure.

Together with many macroelements, especially sodium and chlorine, potassium allows you to regulate osmosis processes in all liquid media, regulates buffer systems and is located on the surface of the membranes of all cells, thereby creating an electrical potential for transmission nerve impulse along muscle fibers.

As a result of a lack of one of the elements, metabolic processes are disrupted and severe dehydration of the body occurs.

Due to the fact that sodium and potassium form buffer system, homeostasis is maintained in the body, in other words, the constancy of the internal environment.

In therapy, potassium is prescribed as a laxative. This is due to the fact that it irritates the mucous membranes and also affects the smooth muscle system.

Thus, specialists solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of constipation, and also preserve pregnancy if there is a threat premature birth due to strong contraction of the uterus.

Close connection of potassium with other macro- and microelements

During absorption, the mineral is absorbed through thin section intestines and is easily excreted from the body in urine through the urinary ducts and sweat glands.

Its peculiarity is that the macroelement is almost completely excreted in liquid in the same volume that is supplied daily with food. Therefore, it is necessary to include foods with potassium in your diet every day.

The main helpers of potassium in performing its vital functions are important functions are sodium and .

They are interchangeable, that is, if there is an excess concentration of potassium in the body, more sodium is excreted in the urine; if there is an excess of sodium, then potassium is excreted. If there is insufficient intake of magnesium into the body, the absorption of potassium practically stops and the functioning of the heart muscle may be impaired.

Also, the absorption of the mineral can be complicated by the abuse of caffeine, alcohol, sugar, as well as medications with laxative and diuretic properties.

The mineral is well absorbed by the intestines in the presence of vitamin B 6 and neomycin. If an insufficient amount of sodium and potassium enters the body with food, then lithium may begin to be deposited in it. In tissues, the macroelement can be replaced by its antagonists - sodium, rubidium and cesium.

Daily potassium requirement

On average for a person wellness 2-5 grams is enough. macronutrient, which is sufficient in many foods included in the daily balanced diet. Potassium is absorbed almost completely by the intestines, up to 95%, but it is quickly excreted in urine and feces.

About 20 grams of macronutrients are concentrated in an adult body, while cells contain 30 times more ions than plasma and other biological fluids.

  • Newborn children under six months of age need to receive 400 mg daily. potassium
  • From one to three years, its concentration should increase to 3 grams.
  • By the time of maximum growth and development, during the onset of puberty, boys and girls should take 4.5 grams daily. mineral.

The minimum daily concentration, which should in any case enter the body, is considered to be 2 grams, and the norm for adult men and women is 4-5 grams.

  • During gestation, during breastfeeding, during intense physical activity and in old age, the daily requirement for the mineral increases by about a gram.

Mineral deficiency

Due to the fact that potassium is found in almost all edible products of plant and animal origin, its deficiency in the body occurs in a small number of people.

The main reasons why an additional need for a mineral may arise include:

  • Increased sports loads during training and competitions;
  • Regular stressful situations;
  • Fatigue during heavy mental work;
  • Disordered daily routine;
  • Disturbance in the functioning of the urinary system;
  • Unbalanced diet, devoid of foods with potassium.

The most important macronutrient cannot be absorbed if a person consumes excessive amounts of sweets, alcohol and coffee, which almost completely washes the mineral out of the human body.

The consequences of a lack of potassium in the blood can be:

  • weakness in the body;
  • health problems of undiagnosed etiology;
  • swelling of the hands and feet;
  • irregularities in work gastrointestinal tract, the presence of constipation, nausea and vomiting;
  • with a significant shortage of the element, malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system begin;
  • weakened immune system and increased susceptibility to infections;
  • diseases in the reproductive system, in pregnant women there is a risk of premature birth, and also in case of chronic lack of an element, infertility can occur;
  • intercostal neuralgia and spontaneous convulsions.

Excess mineral

The main reason for excess potassium concentration in the human body is poor functioning of the adrenal cortex. At unbalanced diet, when consuming excessive amounts of foods with the mineral, as well as taking additional medications, it causes hyperkalemia.

The first symptoms acute poisoning macroelements can be vomiting, arrhythmia, tachycardia, dehydration.

The toxic dose at which poisoning occurs is 6 grams; with a single intake of 14 grams of potassium into the body, death occurs.

Excessive consumption of potassium can lead to paralysis of the heart muscle and disruption of all basic metabolic processes and vital functions. Due to the fact that hyperkalemia reduces the level of insulin in the blood, such patients are predisposed to developing diabetes mellitus.

Dosage forms that fill the deficiency

The ideal way to get the mineral into the body is to eat foods high in it.

Upon admission medicines with potassium, in only half of the patients the level of the macroelement increased in the blood in a short period of time.

When taking medications, you should definitely consult with specialists, since taking them incorrectly can cause internal bleeding and peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

When taking potassium-containing drugs, there is a certain order, and the rules must be followed:

  • Firstly, tablets are prescribed during meals, when the stomach is full.
  • Secondly, the capsules must be swallowed whole, without breaking or chewing.
  • Thirdly, the medicine must be taken with a large number ordinary drinking water.

The most popular medications currently prescribed by doctors are:

  • Asparkam.

Prescribed to relieve symptoms of potassium deficiency - during stressful shock situations, for diseases of the cardiovascular system and for disturbances in the blood supply to organs and tissues.

  • Foamy potassium.

Prescribed for chronic hypokalemia and lack of appetite.

  • Potassium chloride.

Is prophylactic at therapeutic treatment corticosteroids.

Medicines containing potassium should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor, as they can have serious side effects.

Foods with high macronutrient concentrations

When planning your daily diet, you should remember the functions that potassium performs in the human body. First of all, it regulates water-salt balance. Therefore, food that contains a large amount of macronutrients provokes excessive excretion of sodium in the urine and sweat, so when preparing dishes they need to be slightly salted with regular table salt.

The list of food products containing the most potassium is very extensive, but it is especially abundant in animal products:

  • The record holders for potassium content are dairy products such as homemade cottage cheese, cheeses, kefir and yogurt, as well as whole milk;
  • Meat by-products – liver and kidneys;
  • Young veal and lamb meat;
  • Chicken eggs, especially their yolk.

Among plant food, a lot of potassium is found in foods such as:

  • Cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal and millet, wheat and brown rice;
  • From the legume family, beans, soybeans and fresh peas are rich in potassium;
  • Vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, and;
  • From fruits - bananas, and apricots;
  • Berries - , ;
  • Nuts – cedar, almonds and peanuts;
  • Garden greens – basil;
  • Mushrooms include white mushrooms, champignons and boletus.

Small amounts of potassium are found in canned and soaked fruits, as potassium has the ability to dissolve in water. In the hedgehog daily diet A patient with hyperkalemia must have poultry meat - chicken, turkey.

Table of potassium-containing foods

Product name Potassium, mg/100g % of the daily value per 100g.
1 Soybeans 1370,0-1840,0 64,2
2 Beans 1062,0-1690,0 55
3 Beans 1100,0-1387,0 49,7
4 Dried apricots 983,0-1162,0 42,9
5 Pistachios 1025 40,1
6 Dried figs 680,0-1010,0 33,8
7 Lentils 670,0-955,0 32,5
8 Pumpkin seeds 807,0-814,0 32,4
9 Raisin 749,0-860,0 32,2
10 Garlic greens 774,0 31
11 Hazelnut 658,0-717,0 27,5
12 Dill 592,0-738,0 26,6
13 Dates 591,0-713,0 26,1
14 Parsley (greens) 443,0-768,0 24,2
15 Coriander (cilantro) 521,0 20,8
16 Rye 510,0 20,4
17 Spinach 307,0-590,0 17,9
18 Sorrel 390,0-500,0 17,8
19 Celery (greens) 430,0 17,2
20 Oats 429 17,2
21 Wild rice 427,0 17,1
22 Durum wheat 363,0-431,0 15,9
23 Buckwheat 325,0-460,0 15,7
24 Peas 968,0-1550,0 15,4
25 Arugula 369,0 14,8
26 Barley 280,0-452,0 14,6
27 Soft wheat 337,0-363,0 14
28 Prunes 55,0-609,0 13,3
29 Cheremsha 330,0 13,2
30 Basil 295,0 11,8
31 Rhubarb petioles 221,0-360,0 11,6
32 Corn 287 11,5
33 Chives 232,0-294,0 10,5
34 Leek 180,0-347-0 10,5
35 Millet 195,0-328,0 10,5
36 Tarragon 260 10,4
37 Brown rice, polished 240,0-270,0 10,2
38 Green onion 159,0-296,0 9,1
39 Salad 194,0-220,0 8,3
40 Pumpkin oil 205,1 8,2
41 Long grain white rice (non-glutinous) 115,0-172,0 5,7
42 Kelp 89,0-171,3 5,2
43 Mango 12,0-151,0 3,3

Potassium is found in high concentrations in many foods, so its deficiency in the body is quite rare. However, it can cause serious disruptions in human life processes and normal well-being.

Many people are interested in what fruits are rich in potassium? After all, this microelement is important for the full functioning of the body. A large amount of it is contained in plant products. A deficiency of this mineral causes various pathological processes. Therefore, it is necessary to know which vegetables and fruits should be consumed to compensate for its deficiency.

Trace element function

The main role of potassium is to form integral shell every living cell in the human body. In addition, sodium is also needed. Absence sufficient quantity salt may interfere with proper functioning. Potassium also interacts with magnesium, which is responsible for the cardiovascular system.

Main functions of the mineral:
  1. Outputs excess liquid from the body.
  2. Speeds up metabolism.
  3. Prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels.
  4. Saturates brain cells with oxygen.
  5. Ensures normal functioning of the nervous system.

Daily requirement potassium depends on a person's weight. 2 mg of an element is calculated per kilogram. Pregnant women can increase its amount to 3 grams. For children, about 20 milligrams will be enough.

Foods containing potassium:
  • vegetables, fruits, including dried;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • meat products;
  • dairy production.

It is recommended to use the products in fresh, without heat treatment or soaking. Since when long boiling the utility of potassium is reduced. After cutting fruits, it is recommended to eat them immediately to get more vitamins and macroelements.

Micronutrient deficiency

Lack of potassium in the body leads to various ailments, and to prevent this, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet. At the same time, the diet should contain fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as berries.

When a microelement is not supplied to the body, various diseases occur:

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • muscle spasms;
  • fatigue.

If potassium is not supplied daily, then first of all it begins to suffer nervous system, the person becomes irritable and may fall into depressive state. In a neglected state they arise serious problems cardiovascular system. In such cases, without drug treatment can't get by. To prevent this, it is recommended to replenish potassium through diet.

In some cases, a deficiency of this element can be caused by taking medications and diuretics. Dehydration, vomiting, or diarrhea also flush potassium from the body.

You can maintain the amount of potassium in the body without medications; it is enough to diversify your diet with foods containing this element. It is found in products of plant and animal origin. However, when serious pathologies it is necessary to undergo drug therapy.

The main amount of potassium is found in vegetables and fruits. Therefore, by consuming fruits rich in potassium every day, you can avoid its deficiency.

This mineral is found in the following fruits:

  • kiwi;
  • banana;
  • grape;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • oranges.

There is slightly less of it in watermelons, pears and melons. What's most interesting is that dried fruits have more potassium than fresh ones. For example, 100 grams of grapes contain 225 mg of the element, and the same amount of raisins contains 1020 mg. The same comparison exists between apricots and dried apricots.

You can get this microelement from drinks. Apple, grape and orange juice are well absorbed; they contain no more than 150 mg of mineral.

By eating a varied diet of foods enriched with potassium, you provide not only your daily requirement, but also other vitamins and minerals. Therefore, by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables daily, you can avoid potassium deficiency and serious violations which it can provoke.

What role does potassium play in the body?
Potassium salts are necessary for the normal functioning of all our soft tissues: blood vessels, capillaries, muscles and, especially, heart muscle, as well as brain cells, liver, kidneys, nerves, glands internal secretion and other organs. Just as calcium is indispensable for our bones, teeth and nails, that is, for all hard tissues, so potassium is necessary for all our soft tissues. It is part of intracellular fluids (50% of all water in our body is potassium).

Together with sodium, potassium regulates water balance in the body and normalizes heart rhythm. (Potassium acts inside the cells, and sodium directly outside). The functions of nerves and muscles are affected by disturbances in the sodium-potassium balance. Hypoglycemia ( low level blood sugar) leads to potassium loss, as does long-term or severe diarrhea, heavy, prolonged periods, excessive sweating.

Potassium salts help remove excess water from the body, help eliminate swelling, urine retention, and are necessary in the treatment of ascites (dropsy).

Potassium is an anti-sclerotic agent, as it prevents sodium salts from accumulating in blood vessels and cells. The competition between potassium and sodium in the body is continuous.

Potassium in the body promotes mental clarity by improving the supply of oxygen to the brain, helps get rid of toxins and toxic substances, helps lower blood pressure and also helps in treating allergies. Potassium is essential for optimal energy, nerve health, physical strength and endurance.

The main role of potassium is to maintain the normal functioning of cell walls. This is achieved through a harmonious balance with sodium. Potassium is found inside cells and sodium is found outside. The second main responsibility of potassium is to maintain concentration and physiological functions magnesium, an essential heart nutrient; If your blood levels of one of these minerals are low, the levels of another will likely be low as well.

A little medical knowledge.
Potassium is one of the main intracellular cations. In the human body, about 98% of potassium is found inside tissue cells. All tissues are characterized by a certain concentration ratio between potassium and sodium, which is found mainly in the extracellular environment.

The total potassium content in the human body is 160-250 g. The daily requirement of an adult for potassium, with a required minimum of about 1 g, is 2-3 g per day, and for a child - 16-30 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Due to the lack of ability to deposit, significant fluctuations in potassium content in the human body immediately affect the intracellular state.

Potassium performs the following functions:

  • maintains osmotic pressure,
  • maintains acid-base balance,
  • participates in the functioning of the nervous and muscle cells(especially affects the functioning of the heart).
Potassium content norm:
  • in the blood - 38.4-64.0 mmol/l,
  • in plasma - 3.4-5.3 mmol/l,
  • in erythrocytes - 79.8-99.3 mmol/l.
Determination of potassium content is carried out using a plasma photometer.

Hypokalemia occurs in the following cases:

Hyperkalemia is observed in the following cases:
Source: vkrovi.ru

How does potassium deficiency manifest in the body?
Potassium is essential for healthy cells, nerves, normal muscle contraction and more. If you have muscle pain, swelling in the tissues due to bruises, bites and bruises as a result of ruptured capillaries, any tumors, potassium will always help you, which can easily be introduced into the body by rubbing apple cider vinegar into the muscle tissue (it is well absorbed without any pressure) . You can add honey to apple cider vinegar. Do not forget to lubricate any inflammation and swelling with honey or apple cider vinegar.

In people who often drink coffee, like sweets, alcohol, and also use diuretics, the level of potassium in the body is low. Watch your diet, increase your intake of green vegetables and take enough magnesium to restore mineral balance.

The importance of potassium for the cardiovascular system is likely due to its interdependence with magnesium. At reduced level potassium, there is a greater risk of life-threatening arrhythmias, heart failure and stroke. Potassium is so closely associated with the heart that its blood levels can accurately predict the likelihood of problems heart rate. Weakness and fatigue may be the most common indicator of a lack of potassium in the body.

To support normal level potassium in the blood, I advise you to drink small sips of this “kvass” every day between meals: for 1 glass boiled water add 1 teaspoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar.

Products containing potassium
According to D. Jarvis, apple cider vinegar and honey are the foods richest in potassium.
Main sources of potassium: spinach, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, parsley, asparagus, horseradish, dandelion, garlic, black currants, bananas, cabbage, grapefruits, radishes, tomatoes, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, all legumes, lentils , peas, beans, beans, rye bread, oatmeal, kiwi, potatoes, avocado, broccoli, liver, milk, nut butter, citrus fruits, grapes. There is a lot of potassium in fish and dairy products.

Inorganic potassium salts- these are sulfate (alum), chloride, oxide and carbonate. Organic potassium is represented by gluconate, citrate and fumarate. It can be purchased separately as potassium gluconate in dosages of almost 600 mg.

Some numbers
The potassium content in the adult human body is 160-250 g. Large share its contents are in the spleen and liver. The daily requirement for this mineral is from 2 to 5 g. When playing sports, as well as during intense physical activity, the need for potassium increases significantly. Besides profuse sweating and taking diuretics help remove potassium from the body.

Product Potassium, mg per 100g:
Yeast 2000
Dried apricots 1880
Black molasses 1760
Wheat bran 1160
Kishmish 1060
Raisin 1020
Pine nuts 780
Almond 780
Parsley 760
Peanut 760
Sunflower seeds 710
Brazil nuts 660
Jacket potatoes 630
Garlic 620
Avocado 450
Walnuts 450
Fried trout 410
Bananas 400
Canned tuna in oil 260
Yogurt 250
Carrot 170
Oranges 150
Whole milk 140
Apples 120

How to prepare foods to preserve as much potassium as possible for the body?
All fruits and most vegetables contain tens or even hundreds of times more potassium than sodium. Therefore, the importance of increasing the proportion of these foods in our diet should be obvious to each of us.

Oranges, bananas and baked potatoes have long been recognized sources of potassium. Therefore, include them regularly in your daily diet.

Melon is another excellent source of potassium. Include it in your menu more often. For variety, you can drink its juice or make puree from it - the pulp of this fruit is quite tender.

The potassium content in watermelons is very high. Take full advantage of the ripening season of these fruits and eat as much of them as possible. Again, for variety taste sensations You can make juice or puree from them - peel them and that’s it.

Legumes such as kidney beans, lima beans and lentils also contain a lot of potassium and protein. All legumes make wonderful soups.

You Can Boost the Potassium Content in Soups homemade, if you add parsnips, rutabaga, potatoes or pumpkin to them.

Always add grated carrots to salads and sandwiches homemade— by doing this you will further increase the potassium content in your diet.

Avocado fruits contain a lot of potassium and serve as an excellent addition to various salads and sandwiches. In addition, avocado contains high-quality protein and fatty acids that are very important for the body.

By drinking freshly prepared juices from fresh vegetables, you will not only experience genuine pleasure, but also supply your body with a significant amount of potassium. For example, one glass of freshly prepared carrot juice contains approximately 800 mg of this element.
You can blend several types of fresh fruit in a mixer to create a potassium-rich breakfast or snack. Such aromatic puree will be an unrivaled “potassium cocktail” to meet the body’s needs for this element.

To preserve in food maximum quantity potassium, it is recommended to steam them or boil them in a minimum volume of water.. Under no circumstances consume potassium in the form of any chemical compounds or dosage forms: this will cause irritation digestive tract, and in large doses it can even become life-threatening.

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, dietary fiber and potassium - that is, the most important components in the battle against cellulite.

Every day you should definitely eat fruits at least 3-5 times and vegetables at least 4-6 times. This is not at all difficult to do if you carefully read the “planning ideas” diet" For example, one or two glasses of freshly prepared fruit or vegetable juice can count toward one or two vegetable salads.

As a general rule, it is best to buy the freshest fruits and vegetables from stores. Always choose firm, limp fruits. They should not have any damage or areas that are soft to the touch.

Buy only as many fruits and vegetables as you can eat in the next day or two.
In order to save all valuable nutrients, we recommend storing all plant-based products in a cool, dry place.

Never peel or cut fruits and vegetables unless you intend to eat them immediately.

Neither fruits nor vegetables should ever be soaked in water. We only recommend rinsing them thoroughly and cleaning them of dirt under running cold water.

It is recommended to cook vegetables until they become soft, but in no case should you overcook them so that the fruits lose their natural shape. In the best way Cooking for vegetables is to steam them or fry them in oil with constant stirring.

Eat only ripe fruits. Try to preface each meal with a snack of some kind. raw foods— fresh vegetable salads, fresh fruits and fresh fruit salads.