What are the health benefits and harms of white beans? White beans in cooking

The topic for our discussion today is white beans, which has a truly unique composition that allows you to compensate for the refusal to eat meat, and its extensive beneficial properties were known back in Ancient Egypt And Ancient China. It also has a small list of contraindications for consumption, which will also certainly be mentioned below. Although it should immediately be emphasized that the body will receive much more from white beans. more benefits rather than harm.

White beans from the legume family have a very impressive history - more than 7 thousand years. At that time, beans were already widely used - they were not only consumed as food, but also used in for cosmetic purposes for skin whitening. The first territories where white beans appeared are India and South America. And from there the beans were spread all over the world, becoming modern society one of the most popular plant crops.

In Russia, beans were discovered only in the 18th century. It is interesting that initially this plant was not consumed as food, but was used for decorative purposes to decorate flower beds.

There are already more than two hundred varieties of beans, with white beans being the most popular in the world. This amazing product contains a large portion of proteins (more than a quarter is protein), thanks to which beans are a complete substitute for meat. It is used for medicinal purposes in traditional medicine, and in cooking, white beans can be used to prepare countless dietary dishes.

Composition of white beans and calorie content of this legume

White beans belong to the category of dietary products and have a low calorie content - 300 kcal per 100 g of unprocessed product and about 103 kcal per 100 g of boiled white beans.

Nutritional value of 100 g of raw white beans:

  • 21 g protein
  • 2 g fat
  • 47 g carbohydrates

White beans also contain fiber, water, iron, fluorine, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, potassium, manganese, zinc, pectin, vitamins C, B, A, E, K, PP, amino acids, among which the most are tryptophan, lysine, arginine, tyrosine.

The benefits of white beans

White beans have antibacterial, diuretic, antimicrobial, wound-healing, antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects, thanks to which the use of this product allows you to:

  • lower cholesterol and blood sugar
  • strengthen hair and nails, normalize condition skin, especially for dermatological diseases
  • improve blood flow to cells, help with anemia by increasing red blood cell production
  • fight with viral infections, increase immunity
  • carry out prevention cardiovascular diseases(hypertension, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, arrhythmia)
  • accelerate the recovery of the body in the postoperative period
  • prevent manifestation nervous disorders caused by stress
  • improve digestion and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, especially with gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis and low acidity of gastric juice
  • regulate metabolism, promoting weight loss
  • remove excess moisture accumulated in the body
  • cleanse the liver, speed up its recovery and eliminate inflammatory processes
  • stabilize water-salt balance
  • strengthen bone tissue, preventing osteoporosis
  • improve the condition of teeth, prevent the formation of stones on teeth
  • support the genitourinary system, remove kidney stones
  • solve the problem of constipation
  • speed up the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, alleviate the condition of tuberculosis

The consumption of white beans should be avoided in several cases:

  1. Gout. White beans contain purine, which is undesirable to consume for this disease.
  2. Gastritis accompanied by high acidity in the stomach.
  3. Ulcerative diseases duodenum and stomach.
  4. Pancreatitis.
  5. Nephritis.
  6. Allergy to white beans.
  7. It is necessary for elderly people to dose their consumption of white beans.
  8. Unprocessed white beans are prohibited from being consumed due to the presence of certain toxic substances, which are destroyed only during prolonged heat treatment.

How to properly cook white beans

Often, consumption of this product causes people to experience bloating, accompanied by excessive gas formation and a feeling of heaviness. For this reason, many are forced to refrain from consuming white beans. Some people can cope with these negative reactions Spices help the body respond to white beans. It is best to add dill, ginger, black pepper, mustard seed, coriander and turmeric. These seasonings will not only improve taste qualities white beans, but will also speed up its digestion, eliminating negative processes in the stomach and intestines.

To cook white beans correctly, remember that this product requires pre-soaking for at least 3-4, and preferably 10 hours. This will significantly speed up the cooking process and improve the taste of the beans, making them more tender.

After soaking, be sure to drain the liquid, since some of the toxic substances leave the beans and enter the water.

Ideally, you should change the water after the beans boil for the first time.

Cook the beans over low heat, avoiding stirring.

Cooked white beans can be eaten separately, combined with other vegetable dishes, salads (they are especially good in vinaigrette), cold appetizers, added to first courses, cutlets, made into pate or lobio. White beans will not only benefit your body, but will also decorate any table!

Video about the benefits of beans

Beans can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Beans are very tasty when properly cooked and have a high energy value. We’ll tell you how the varieties differ from each other and how to eat them correctly. Let's figure out the benefits and harms of beans.

Beans were brought to Europe from South America and India many centuries ago, and Europeans fell in love with them. Emperor Napoleon himself treated culture with great respect, calling it “food for strength and brain.” It was brought to Russia from France, so for a long time we called it “French beans”. Despite their exotic origin, “French beans” quickly took root in our cuisine, and cabbage soup with beans now takes pride of place among traditional Russian dishes.

The composition of the crop can be called unique: in terms of nutritional and nutritional value, it is close to animal protein, and vegetarians constantly replace meat with beans. There is no fat in beans, neither is there cholesterol, but it is present huge amount vitamins and microelements.

Beans contain: vitamins A, B, PP, C; potassium, copper, magnesium, calcium, chromium; organic acids, amino acids.

The vegetable regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, preventing glucose from “jumping.” Beans are indicated for the prevention of diabetes, stimulation of intestinal motility, and relief from constipation. Beans contain saponins, which are recognized as effective elements for the prevention oncological diseases. Some varieties are off the charts in the amount of antioxidants.

There are, according to a conservative estimate, more than 90 varieties of beans, so everyone can choose a favorite to include in their daily diet.


The benefits of red beans for the body are explained by the huge content of antioxidants (even more of them than in currants!), thiamine, tryptophan, valuable amino acids, a large number protein – 8 g per 100 g of product. Beans saturate, slow down the aging process, and serve as a source of beneficial vegetable protein, that’s why nutritionists recommend including red beans in people’s diets retirement age and from time to time replace meat and fish with it.

The best varieties are considered to be Skorospelka (tasty with neat, elongated grains), Tomato (ideal for Georgian lobio, soups, winter preparations), Tashkent - it is grown in Asia, where they love it for its pleasant, slightly sweet taste.


White beans are the most delicious and crumbly. It is ideal for making pureed soups, and simply purees, which are easy to serve as a side dish for fish or meat. Vegetarians have learned to cook a lot of white beans interesting dishes, ranging from pates to sweets. It tastes sweet and does not have the bitterness that plagues the red variety.

From the point of view of benefits for the body, white beans are priceless. It is a source of calcium, magnesium, and fluoride (essential for healthy tooth enamel). It contains zinc, which is necessary for the functioning of the human reproductive system. White beans even contain iodine, which every second resident of central Russia is deficient in, as well as beauty vitamins B and PP.

It is believed that a woman should eat white beans to strengthen her bones; in addition, this type is a mild diuretic and is useful for those prone to swelling.

Three varieties of beans are very popular in our area: Black Eye (with a small black dot), Chali - large, boiled fruits and Nevi - pea beans with high content gland. All three varieties grow well and bear fruit on summer cottages and are not at all capricious in care.


In Russia, only connoisseurs of Latin American national dishes know black beans. It can be dark burgundy (Kindi variety) or blue-black (variety called Preto). IN finished form These beans are sweetish in taste and have a pronounced smoked flavor.

There is evidence that black beans are the healthiest of all beans. All the beneficial substances inherent in this vegetable crop, concentrated, so it is black beans that best cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves brain function, boosts immunity and even protects against cancer and type 2 diabetes.

The beans have a denser structure and take longer to cook. Maybe that’s why they rarely eat it in Russia. But in Brazil there is a real cult of black beans. The Preto variety is loved by Brazilians and the national feijoada is prepared only from it. Black beans go well with tomatoes, herbs, spices and, if you haven’t discovered them yet, it’s time to buy a pack and try stewing the beans.


Green beans are known for their ability to disperse metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body, saturate for a long time.

Green beans are widely cultivated in Asia - under the southern sun, the pods grow longer, juicier, and sweeter. There are beautiful purple varieties that are stewed with spices and eaten as a separate dish.


Green beans are essentially the same as green beans. This is what is colloquially called green beans, that is, the unripe fruits of the familiar beans. Green beans are actively grown in Indonesia, India, and Turkey and are eaten there in large quantities. However, beans are grown for export in China and Kenya. These countries are currently the leaders in production green beans and global sales.

Not all varieties of green beans are equally healthy, and not all of them can even be eaten: the shelled variety is grown only for its grains; their pods quickly become hard; Only universal varieties have edible pods.

Nutritionists believe that green beans must be present in the diet: it cooks very quickly, goes well with all vegetables and meat, benefits from spices, quickly absorbing the taste of spices. These beans are tasty canned, fresh, and do not lose their properties when frozen. Asparagus varieties are adored in Belgium - they value it there for high content fiber, ease of preparation, taste and nutrition.

True, it should not be confused with another plant of the asparagus family (the shoots of the plant are called asparagus): this is a completely different crop that is not related to bean varieties.

Canned beans - beneficial properties

Canned beans, in principle, are just as filling, healthy, and rich in protein and fiber. Canned beans have one huge advantage - they are already ready. For this reason, it is easy to add to soups, salads and simply reheat as a side dish for the same chicken or fish.

Beans are still healthier own juice. In tomato sauce, it often causes heartburn, irritating the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach.

In Russia, beans are often used to prepare salads, for example, with croutons and crab sticks. And it’s also easy to cook Georgian lobio from it a quick fix: just heat the beans, sprinkle with herbs, suneli hops and walnuts.

Benefits and harms for children

Beans are rich in protein and rarely cause allergies, so pediatricians allow them to be introduced into a child’s diet from 7-8 months and given along with pieces of rabbit or chicken.

White and red varieties are considered more difficult for a child’s delicate stomach to digest, so it is not recommended to give it to children under 3 years of age. But then you can cook light vegetable soups with it, for example, with carrots, onions and tomatoes.

Use for weight loss

Regular consumption of legumes is very beneficial for anyone who is losing weight. It is better to pay special attention to the varieties of green beans. This low calorie product and is quickly absorbed by the stomach.

There are only 31 kcal per 100 g of product, so all dishes made from green pods (if you don’t stew them in huge quantities) vegetable oil), the results are light and dietary. Interestingly, everyone who constantly eats green beans boasts that the kilograms do not return, and the weight continues to fall.

In what form are beans healthier?

It is better to eat beans boiled, stewed with vegetables and spices. It is very tasty steamed: to do this, simply boil it for a couple, prepare a rosemary sauce for it, olive oil And lemon juice. You can make salads with beans, adding a lot of fresh herbs, pine nuts (a handful), and dry ginger.

White, red, and black beans must be soaked: otherwise they will cook for hours. But after soaking, the cooking time is reduced significantly.

When adding to soups, it is better to cook them in water: the soup will already be satisfying. And, of course, not a single type of bean will be useful if you often eat fatty dishes with meat, season them with sour cream, butter, stew, or fry in lard, but you definitely need to treat yourself to a hearty feijoada on occasion.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite all its wonderful properties, beans can be harmful. For example, it cannot be eaten raw: the vegetable contains lysine, which is poisonous to humans, which disappears after heat treatment.

At acute diseases gastrointestinal tract - ulcers, colitis, gastritis - you should avoid dishes with beans: beans are considered solid food for humans and are difficult to digest.

  • with cholecystitis, gastritis, ulcers (with increased acidity), gout due to high content purines in the product;
  • in diseases of the pancreas and liver, beans can lead to stagnation of bile and its “reflux” into the pancreas. The product is especially dangerous if gallbladder there are stones;
  • with caution and in small doses, it is allowed for everyone who periodically suffers from bloating: beans provoke the formation of gases, worsen general condition health.

Do not often consume canned beans: manufacturers preserve them by adding harmful preservatives, sugar, tomato and salt. But in general, if you know when to stop and don’t get carried away with fatty dishes made from beans and meat, it will only bring benefits to the body.

White beans are highly valued for the fact that they supply a large amount of protein to the body and represent a record holder among other plant food according to the content of this substance.

The product has many useful actions on human body, however, not everyone should include it in their diet. For this reason, it is necessary to become more familiar with the properties of white beans, their healing qualities and contraindications.


Useful properties of this delicious product due to its composition, it contains a lot of elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body, including:

  • proteins;
  • B vitamins, which are needed for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • calcium and magnesium, which strengthen bones and teeth;
  • amino acids;
  • dietary fiber, thanks to which the body is cleansed of waste and toxins.

In addition to the fact that white beans have many beneficial properties, they are also low-calorie; 100 grams of the product contains only 102 kilocalories, so they can be safely included in the diet of those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

What are the benefits of white beans?

Although the product is low in calories, it helps prevent the feeling of hunger after eating long time. White beans contain a large amount of fiber, the digestion of which takes longer, and, therefore, a person feels full for a long time.

The protein contained in the product is absorbed by 75%. At the same time, the process of assimilation of protein, which the body receives from animal products, is much more complicated.

The benefits for the body from including bean dishes in the diet, as well as the use folk remedies based on it, very large. If you regularly consume white beans, you can achieve the following effects:

  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • reduction or complete elimination of inflammation in the liver;
  • restoration of the digestive system;
  • normalization of the functioning of the nervous system;
  • prevention of diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels;
  • increased visual acuity;
  • removal of toxic substances from the body, stimulation of red blood cell production;
  • improvement of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • reduction of swelling of various origins;
  • normalization of glucose levels, lowering the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • relieving chronic fatigue;
  • improving the condition of teeth, preventing the appearance of deposits on tooth enamel;
  • strengthening bones, nails and hair;
  • acceleration of recovery processes - skin damage heals faster;
  • normalization of metabolism, activation of gastric juice production.

This is a partial list of the benefits of white beans. If you use it regularly, you can improve the functioning of the urinary system, get rid of kidney stones, and prevent the appearance of tartar. This product It is highly advisable to include it in the diet of people who suffer from constipation.

White beans are present in a large number of traditional medicine recipes intended to treat various diseases. In addition, even simply eating white beans will bring great benefits to the body, helping to improve its health.

Different parts of the vegetable are used in folk medicine as a means for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, cardiovascular insufficiency) are familiar to many people. Simple white beans can help get rid of them. It helps well with heart disease, low blood pressure, atherosclerosis, an infusion prepared in this way:

  • Pour ½ of the crushed bean wings into a liter of boiling water;
  • put on low heat and cook for 15 minutes;
  • leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth.

The product is taken three times a day, 100 ml, 30 minutes before eating.

Gastrointestinal diseases, urinary system, kidney
People who suffer from diseases such as cystitis, urolithiasis, pancreatitis or gastritis in a chronic form, a medicine made from bean leaves, prepared as follows, will help with therapy:

  • grind the raw materials to a powder using a coffee grinder;
  • pour boiling water (for 1 tablespoon of powder – 1 liter of water);
  • leave for four hours in a thermos, strain.

The daily dosage of this infusion is 500 ml. It is taken several sips throughout the day.

People who suffer from constipation will also benefit from eating white beans. Fiber, which is contained in large quantities in this product, will help normalize digestive processes.

A decoction can be prepared from the flowers of the plant, which is used for the appearance of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys. Dried flowers are prepared like tea - pouring boiling water (at the rate of 20 grams of raw material per 250 ml of water). Drink 100 ml of the product at a time before meals three times a day.

Joint diseases, central nervous system disorders
White beans are successfully used for gout and rheumatism chronic form and other joint diseases.

In addition, the product helps the body eliminate the effects of stress. Bean-based dishes should be included in the diet of people who have recently suffered major surgery or serious injury. Thanks to this, the skin will recover faster, wounds will heal, and stitches will heal.

Diabetes mellitus
For diabetics, beans should be a mandatory part of the daily menu. Its grains have a unique composition, so they can replace insulin. If you regularly eat beans, then:

  • the amount of sugar in the blood will decrease, your health will improve;
  • the functioning of the heart is normalized;
  • the condition of the vascular walls will improve;
  • recovery processes will accelerate;
  • cracks in the skin will heal faster.

Skin diseases
Bean seeds are used for cooking effective means, which has an excellent wound healing effect. The grains should be ground to a powder using a coffee grinder, and therefore the resulting product should be sprinkled on a skin lesion - a wound or ulcer.

Diseases genitourinary system in men
White beans have a beneficial effect on disorders of the genitourinary system in men. For them, dishes with this product will bring an effect similar to Viagra - they help improve potency. In addition, if a man regularly includes beans in his diet, he will begin to gain muscle evenly.

Diarrhea Remedy
The medicine made from white bean seeds helps to cope with diarrhea in children. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour a glass of grains with cool water, put it on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Then the product should be filtered through cheesecloth. The child is given two tablespoons of decoction twice a day after eating.

Menopause and menopause
The product will be of particular benefit to women suffering from the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and global change hormone levels. At the age of 40-50, women often face such negative phenomena as:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • slowing down metabolic processes;
  • decrease in muscle mass, increase in fat layer.

As a result, health deteriorates and attractiveness is lost. Good way To combat this, include 40-50 g of boiled white beans in the daily menu.

Do canned beans have any beneficial properties?

A variety of dishes are prepared much more often using canned white beans than using fresh beans. In fact, it’s quite convenient to take store-bought canned beans - it’s both easier and faster. But it is necessary to take into account that any preserve contains a lot of salt and acetic acid. For this reason, to improve the quality of the dish, it is recommended that ready-made canned beans be thoroughly rinsed before consumption. In addition, we must not forget that if you often consume canned beans in unlimited quantities, flatulence may occur.

How to properly store and select beans

To get the maximum benefit from grains, you need to give preference to natural beans rather than canned beans. When buying a product, you should take a good look at what it looks like. You should refuse to purchase if the surface of the beans begins to rot or mold. Such signs indicate that the product has spoiled and, therefore, cannot be eaten.

Having bought beans, you need to place them in a glass container, close the lid and place them in a place where it is dry and warm, for example, in a kitchen cabinet.

Beans can be stored both fresh and boiled. When the grains are cooked, they should be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. To make it convenient to use later, it is recommended to divide the product into small portions.

Contraindications, harm and side effects

Any product, even a very useful one, has certain contraindications. The same applies to white beans, which should not be consumed under the following conditions:
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • worsened stomach ulcer;
  • exacerbation of colitis or cholecystitis;
  • allergy to this product.

During pregnancy and lactation, white beans should be included in the diet very carefully. In addition, it is not recommended to eat large amounts of legumes for older people who suffer from gout or nephritis, since purines are present in plant foods.

If we talk about possible side effects white beans, the most common of them are:

  • increased formation of gases in the intestines;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Such discomfort can be prevented by soaking the grains in water in advance and leaving them for several hours. After this, the water must be drained. Beans should be boiled in fresh water. It is advisable to consume legume dishes without bakery and other flour products. Otherwise gastrointestinal tract It will be difficult to digest fiber, which will lead to increased gas formation. It is recommended to add herbs and spices to dishes, thanks to this the food will break down faster and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will disappear.

Video: the benefits and harms of beans

The value indicated is per 100g. product:

Beans are a plant of the legume family, which originated in South and Central America, as well as India. Thanks to its nutritional value and relative ease of cultivation, it quickly spread to many countries. Most often, beans are positioned as an annual plant.

The fruits are bivalve beans containing seeds used for food. The number of seeds varies, usually from 4 to 7, but can vary both up and down. Inside the pod you can also find partitions of spongy tissue between the bean seeds.

Currently, there are several hundred types of beans. The most popular is white beans. “White beans” refers to all varieties of beans whose beans white. They can be completely different: kidney-shaped, spherical, elliptical, etc.

Health benefits of white beans

Benefits of white beans

Any bean contains a lot of fiber, but white beans contain much more of it compared to other types. Daily norm fiber can be provided by just one cup of white beans. The benefit of white beans, as well as many other legumes, is primarily a huge amount of protein. White beans, although not the leader in this indicator among their relatives, are certainly superior to many other vegetables. Unlike white beans, there is practically no fat. There is only 2g per 100g of product. fat The calorie content of white beans is 298 kcal.

White beans contain many vitamins and minerals. Among the first are PP, E, and B vitamins. Minerals include calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron, fluorine, and phosphorus. Each of these components has a certain beneficial effect on the human body. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, helps in the fight against cardiovascular diseases (in combination with PP). B vitamins improve the condition of skin, nails, and hair. Calcium and magnesium help keep our bones and teeth strong. Arginine present in white beans lowers blood sugar, so beans are recommended for diabetics. The inclusion of white beans in the daily diet is desirable for people with diseases of the nervous system.

Benefits and harms lentils have been known for a long time. As long as civilization has existed in Asia, Africa and Europe, people have been satisfying their hunger boiled lentils.About the benefits.

Mung beans, the benefits of which are obvious as a dietary food product, can saturate our body with potassium and magnesium salts by almost 50%:

Thus, white beans have antimicrobial, hypoglycemic, antibacterial, diuretic, and multi-healing properties. The benefits of white beans are obvious, taking into account only these characteristics.

White beans go well with almost any food and are well suited as a side dish and base for soups. Mostly beans are consumed boiled. Before cooking, the beans are soaked (8 hours). They do not interfere during the cooking process and add spices only at the end, when it is already ready. Boil it for an hour.

White beans are not eaten raw. Typically, beans are boiled or canned. Canned beans retain beneficial substances, losing only their relatively small quantity. There are 20% fewer minerals in canned beans, and the amount of vitamins is reduced by about a third. The fiber content remains unchanged as a result of canning.

The benefits of canned beans remain quite high with the correct preparation recipe. On the jar in the “ingredients” section, it is desirable that there be no more than 5 ingredients: beans, water, salt, sugar, acetic acid. Before consuming canned beans, drain the marinade and rinse the beans under running water.

It is also typical for canned beans increased gas formation when consumed in large quantities.

In addition to the beans themselves, the shells of white beans also have beneficial properties. They are not used for food, but are made medicinal tinctures and decoctions. Bean shells are very useful for diabetes.

Preparing a tincture from white bean leaves is not difficult. To do this, you just need to chop the bean leaves, then add 3 tablespoons of 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. In the morning the infusion will be ready for use. Drink half a glass before meals 3 times a day. This infusion helps reduce blood sugar levels.

Using a similar recipe, you can also prepare a decoction of bean leaves. In the same proportions, take the leaves and water, put it on moderate heat and boil for 15 minutes, and then leave for another hour. A decoction is used in the same way as an infusion.

Sprouted beans. The benefits and harms of bean sprouts.

As is known, sprouted seeds of cereals and legumes are distinguished by their increased nutritional value and usefulness. This note does not apply to white beans. Sprouted white beans, like red beans, are poisonous. White beans are not sprouted. Only Indian mung beans or azuki (Japanese beans) are used to produce sprouts and further consumption.

Harm of white beans. Contraindications

It is not recommended for older people to consume white beans. Do not include in the diet for gout, nephritis, cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis. Poorly cooked beans or, even worse, raw beans can cause significant harm to the body. Raw white beans contain a variety of toxic substances, which decompose during prolonged heat treatment. This is why white beans are not used for sprouting, even among vegetarians.

The benefits and harms of white beans. Conclusion

How is it useful?

  1. White beans are a good source of vegetable protein
  2. The high content of dietary fiber helps in the fight against constipation, heaviness of the intestines, removes waste and toxins
  3. Calcium and magnesium contained in white beans help strengthen bones, teeth, nails, and hair.
  4. B vitamins stabilize the functioning of the nervous system
  5. High potassium content helps in the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  6. Useful for those suffering diabetes mellitus. Reduces blood sugar
  7. Infusion and decoction of bean leaves also reduce sugar levels
  8. In folk practice, white beans are used against swelling
  9. Participates in water-salt metabolism, removes excess salt
  10. It is a good diuretic. Beneficial for people with bladder disease

How is it harmful?

  1. Do not eat raw. There is a high risk of poisoning.
  2. Increased flatulence, characteristic of users of any
  3. Contraindicated for exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers
  4. It is not recommended to include in the diet for gout, nephritis, cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis.

IN folk tales Many peoples of the world talk about unusually strong and healthy children born from a bean or a pea. What is it about beans that makes them so unanimously glorified everywhere? This is undoubtedly a healthy and tasty vegetable.

Benefits and harms

Beans were brought to our latitudes by sailors 500 years ago, and before that time they grew in South America. Local aborigines taught Europeans how to cook and grow it. And during long voyages, this simple product saved more than one hundred lives. And white beans, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, are the most delicious of all varieties.


This is dietary and medicinal product, it is used to prevent many diseases.

  • good for bones

It has a lot of calcium and protein, which can replace the animal.

  • improves immunity

Thanks to a large number of amino acids, the body's resistance to various infections improves.

Helps restore strength after illness

  • good for the heart and blood vessels

Beans contain a whole complex of vitamin B. This complex provides nutrition to the heart muscle, significantly reduces the risk of developing heart disease, and prevents coronary insufficiency.

White beans contain a large amount of fat-soluble acids necessary for better blood circulation.

it is indispensable for people with hypertension, disorders heart rate, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

  • recommended for diabetes

Infusions and decoctions of white beans reduce blood glucose levels and regulate sugar levels.

  • it is an excellent antioxidant

Beans contain large amounts of vitamin E and C, which are excreted from the body free radicals, increase hemoglobin. Beans contain iron, which gives you an extra boost of energy.

  • necessary for kidneys

White beans have a diuretic effect, relieve swelling of any etiology, and help the bladder function.

  • she's filling

It can be used in dietary nutrition when losing weight, one serving fills you up and prevents you from feeling hungry for a long time. It contains a large amount of fiber, which regulates intestinal function.

In addition, it is allowed in sports and geriatric nutrition. It is also recommended in the nutrition of schoolchildren.


In addition to cooking, white beans were used as cosmetic product. Cosmetologists explain how white beans are beneficial for the skin and advise making masks with them, especially in winter.

  • powder

Dry beans were ground and applied to the body as whitewash and powder.

  • mask

For cracks and damage to the skin, puree of boiled beans was applied and left until it dries. The same mixture is applied to the skin for severe chapping and pimples. It can be done several times a week.


There is virtually no harm from using beans. Some people are afraid to use it because of possible bloating or flatulence.

This can easily be avoided if you use a variety of spices; they will prevent both bloating and flatulence. And with hot spices there will be no heaviness in the stomach.


Contraindications for beans may only apply to age - children under 3 years of age.

Similarly, beans should not be eaten raw - this can cause poisoning.

People with ulcers, colitis, gastritis.


Since raw beans are usually not eaten, they are boiled or stewed. It has a complex and rich composition.

Vitamins and minerals 100 grams
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.5 mg
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.18 mg
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 1.2 mg
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.9 mg
Vitamin B9, folates 90 mcg
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.6 mg
Vitamin RR, NE 6.4 mg
Niacin 2.1 mg
Potassium, K 1100 mg
Calcium, Ca 150 mg
Silicon, Si 92 mg
Magnesium, Mg 103 mg
Sodium, Na 40 mg
Sera, S 159 mg
Phosphorus, Ph 480 mg
Chlorine, Cl 58 mg
Aluminium, Al 640 mcg
Bor, B 490 mcg
Vanadium, V 190 mcg
Iron, Fe 5.9 mg
Iodine, I 12.1 mcg
Cobalt, Co 18.7 mcg
Manganese, Mn 1.34 mg
Copper, Cu 580 mcg
Molybdenum, Mo 39.4 mcg
Nickel, Ni 173.2 mcg
Selenium, Se 24.9 mcg
Titanium, Ti 150 mcg
Fluorine, F 44 mcg
Chromium, Cr 10 mcg
Zinc, Zn 3.21 mg

Boiled white beans are a very high-calorie product - 100 grams contain about 300 kilocalories.

Beans during pregnancy and nursing

Due to its unique composition, beans are recommended for women during pregnancy. This vegetable is especially useful for women's health at any time, especially those components that it contains have a positive effect on the heart, liver, kidneys, serve good nutrition For smooth muscle women. At the same time, they enter the baby’s blood through the placenta and strengthen it. nervous system. The Omega acids found in beans nourish the baby's brain. The vitamin E present in beans helps maintain pregnancy. The same can be said for selenium and zinc.

The only thing I can recommend to the expectant mother, so do not overuse bean dishes, otherwise bloating and increased flatulence are possible. But white beans give such beneficial properties that such minor troubles can be neglected.

There are no categorical contraindications when feeding a baby; beans do not cause allergic reactions. But because large quantity Beans in the mother's diet can cause colic in the baby. So during this period you should be careful with bean dishes or refrain from them.

How to cook

This is an amazing product - many different dishes are prepared from it. With any cooking method, white beans must first be boiled. If it is dry, soak it for several hours; this can also be done overnight.

  • It is added to all kinds of soups and salads.
  • Beans can be pickled
  • It is used to make pies filling
  • used in vegetable stews
  • They make a wonderful puree from it, which can then be mixed with potato
  • It is used to stuff nalistniki and dumplings
  • It makes amazing desserts
  • Beans can be substituted for buns in cutlets
  • You can make marmalade from white beans
  • Boiled white beans are added to the dough to make very tender and crumbly baked goods.

And just boiled white beans with butter make an excellent side dish.

What goes with it?

White beans can be a side dish for any meat and vegetable dishes.

The flavors of beans and fish combine worse.

It goes well with mushroom sauces.

How to choose

We need to pay attention to several points.

  1. The beans must be fresh, from a new harvest. If it has been stored for several years, then the grains themselves will be very hard, and useful substances there will be less in them. Make sure that the beans are not wrinkled. Try pouring a handful of beans - they should not knock against each other, the sound should be dull.
  2. Choose beans that are smooth and shiny.
  3. It should be clean, without traces of cobwebs. Choose grains that are smooth, without black spots and traces of moths.
  4. It should have a light pleasant smell.
  5. Try removing the skin from one bean - it should come off easily.

When choosing canned beans, you need to pay attention to the following facts:

  1. Shelf life - it should not be more than 2 years.
  2. Ingredients: only beans, salt, sugar, water.
  3. The jar itself must be intact and clean.

How to store

Beans become infected with beetle larvae during the process of growing and harvesting. It is impossible to distinguish them in fresh beans; they begin to hatch and spoil your beans somewhere in the middle of winter.

You can get rid of this scourge using a thermal method.

  • freeze

Keep the collected beans in the freezer for some time. Beetle larvae do not develop when low temperatures. It can also be stored for a long time in an airtight container on the balcony if the temperature

  • warm up

Dry for 10-15 minutes in a hot oven. At this temperature, the beetle larvae die. This method will not affect the properties of beans, but they can no longer be used as planting material next year.

  • with garlic

Place chopped garlic in a jar of beans and close the jar tightly. Larvae cannot stand the smell essential oils garlic, they do not develop in such conditions. With this method, you need to refresh the garlic once a month, or simply add new chopped cloves.