How to open a consignment store for children's goods.

Retail facilities such as consignment stores specialize in the sale of goods that were previously used. Despite all the prejudices, this type goods enjoys in great demand, which is due affordable prices. Such retail facilities date back to Soviet times, which were characterized by shortages of many products, things, and so on. For this reason, thrift stores were a kind of lifeline for citizens.

Currently there is no shortage in our country. You can buy almost any product if you have the money. At the same time, the relevance of stores specializing in the sale of used items has remained. In particular, there are citizens who would rather sell an item in good condition because it is no longer needed, rather than throw it in a landfill. It is noteworthy that in many cases such a product is practically new, that is, its service life reserve will not be exhausted for a long time.

The operating scheme of such retail facilities is quite simple. It is based on the sale of other people's goods and subsequent receipt of a percentage of the income. Moreover, the lower the cost of a used product, the higher the percentage. As an example, let's take a mink coat and a watch. Let’s say that the cost of a manto is 10 thousand rubles, of which you will receive 15% if sold. The price of the watch is 1 thousand rubles, then the percentage will be from 20 to 30%. For this reason, in this type of activity it is necessary to strive for an assortment that is represented by goods with different prices. If you wish, you can enter your percentage, but the first practical approach is more rational, as evidenced by the practice of entrepreneurs involved in this type of trade.

The person who handed over his goods to the consignment store is called the consignor. The shelf life of accepted goods usually does not exceed three months. If during this period this product remains unsold, then it is returned to the consignor, who is obliged to pay up to 5% of its pre-agreed price for storing his goods.

This is interesting : read our other articles - “ “, “ ” and “ “.

In the case when the goods have been sold, the principal must fill out an agreement, which specifies the buyer's rights to the purchased goods. In this matter, an important place belongs to the owner of the outlet, since he controls compliance with the obligations of both parties entering into the contract (on the part of the buyer and on the part of the former owner). The services of a lawyer who will prepare all the necessary papers will help eliminate possible troubles associated with documentation.

Thrift store location

Among other factors influencing business development, great value allocated to the location of the retail facility. Undesirable places to open a retail outlet: the central streets of populated areas, as there are numerous stores selling clothing on them. It is noteworthy that this type of trade does not require a large premises. A building with an area of ​​50 square meters will be sufficient.

For natural reasons, people who want to purchase a used item will give preference to retail outlets that are hidden from the eyes of the general public, that is, located in quiet areas.

Thrift store assortment

In this regard, you can go in two ways:

Establish the sale of only one type of product, for example, computers;

Sell ​​a variety of products.

Costs of opening a consignment store

For monthly rent of premises with an area of ​​20 sq. m. it will take about 14 thousand rubles, to equip the facility with racks, display cases, hangers, shelves - 30 thousand rubles, for the monthly salary of the seller - 10 thousand rubles. Lawyer services will cost 1 thousand rubles.

The average profit in such a business is 15% of the turnover of a retail facility. In the case of daily sales in the amount of 10-20 thousand rubles, the daily income can reach 3 thousand rubles. That is, in a month you can get 90 thousand rubles. If we take into account that monthly costs are 24 thousand rubles, then the resulting profit will be approximately 66 thousand rubles.

See articles - “” and “”

* The calculations use average data for Russia

30,000 - 60,000 ₽

Starting investments

80,000 ₽

40 - 50 thousand rubles

Net profit

3 - 4 months

Payback period

Thrift stores have returned to the market. This is an inexpensive and simple business, exactly what an entrepreneur without experience or capital needs. In this article we will tell you how to make money on commission trading in children's goods.

From a consumer point of view, thrift stores are popular because they allow you to save money. For an entrepreneur, this type of trade is attractive because it does not require the purchase of goods and is almost devoid of risks. Anyone can open a thrift store. This does not require special skills, complex equipment or large amounts. It is enough to study the nuances of business, invest 50 - 70 thousand rubles - and you can safely open your own business.

But behind this simplicity there are several pitfalls. It's not difficult to open a consignment store, but making it profitable is much more difficult. Doubts are added by popular sites such as, which are capable of pushing second-hand stores out of the market. However, the opportunities for thrift stores are much wider. You can make money from them. But how to do this - read the article.

How to open a profitable consignment store

A profitable consignment store starts with the goods it sells. The first thing you should do when you decide to open a consignment store is decide on the products. There are many options, from appliances to antiques. But currently the most profitable category is children's products.

The thing is that children's products are different now high quality and durability, and the children themselves grow quickly. A situation arises when almost new thing becomes unnecessary. It would be a shame to throw it away (especially if it cost a lot of money). That's why people often donate children's goods to thrift stores. So there will be no problems filling store shelves. Implement good product It's also easy. Due to high cost for children's goods, people are ready to save on things that are needed for only a few months. Therefore, they buy individual goods in thrift stores.

We get the ideal scheme for a novice entrepreneur: easy to open, easy to sell. Minimum investment and quick payback.

Features of selling consignment goods

The essence of consignment trading is that items that have already been used are sold here. But they should not be confused with second-hand goods. The main difference here is in the procurement scheme. In a second-hand store, goods are purchased immediately with payment to the owner of the items. And in a consignment store, the item is first handed over for consignment - and payment follows after the item is sold. If the item cannot be sold within a fixed time, it is returned to the owner. In addition, in thrift stores you can often find new items at a discount, which end up there from large stores where they were unable to sell them. Also in thrift stores it is possible to order certain goods.

To characterize the commission trading business, let’s look at its pros and cons. The main advantage is minimal capital and simple business organization. And here is the most serious risk– distrust on the part of the consumer. Especially in the children's goods segment. Most people prefer to save by buying cheaper goods rather than purchasing used items.



    Minimum investment. You do not need to purchase goods - you accept them for sale from the former owners.

    In times of crisis, this type of business becomes very popular.

    Many people prefer to buy necessary things at a profit or get rid of old ones with a small income.

    Organizing such a store as a whole is much easier than any other.

    There are no problems with illiquid inventory. If the product does not sell, the owner takes it back or the price is reduced to such a level that the product is quickly sold out.

    The idea of ​​a thrift store fits perfectly into the global trends of smart consumption

    The number of people handing over items often exceeds the number of buyers.

    Many people don't trust thrift stores.

    Profits in this business are low, since they are formed through commissions, which are included in the price of the goods.

    Competition from Internet resources like

    When some consumers prefer to save money on children's goods from a thrift store, others try to buy new, but cheaper. Children are the last thing to save on. This results in too narrow a circle of consumers.

If you still decide to open a consignment store for children's goods, then let's understand all the nuances.

Step 1. Understand the principles of commission trading and the regulatory framework

Working with a consignment store should begin with studying the regulatory framework, because this is the main snag.

The activity of a consignment store begins with an agreement concluded between the principal and the commission agent. The first provides the goods, and the second undertakes to sell it for a certain remuneration (commission). Participants can be both individuals and legal entities. For example, a store may accept products from a wholesale supplier or other trading organization.

The procedure for concluding such agreements is set out in Chapter 51 Tax Code RF.

But there is no strictly regulated form of the agreement, but it must indicate:

    details of the commission agent;

    date and number of the contract;

    full description product and its price;

    conditions of acceptance and period of sale of goods;

    the amount of commission in case of sale of goods or payment for storage if the goods are not sold.

Such an agreement is drawn up in 2 copies for each of the parties and certified by a seal.

The relationship between the commission agent and private individuals is regulated by a special document: “Rules for commission trade in non-food products” (approved by Post. No. 569, 06.06.1998). We will not quote it in full, but will focus only on the key principles of commission trading:

    accept things from individuals possible only upon presentation of a passport;

    The principal remains the owner of the goods until the moment of sale. At any time he can terminate the contract and return the goods to himself;

    The size of the commission is usually set as a percentage of the cost of the item, but there are other ways: for example, a fixed amount of remuneration. The size of the commission is determined when drawing up the contract;

    The store may refuse to fulfill the contract only if the sale period is not specified in it. The client must be notified of the termination of the contract 30 days in advance;

    It is not allowed to accept goods that cannot be exchanged or returned, as well as prohibited or restricted in circulation;

    the store is responsible for the safety of things to the principal, but is not obliged to insure the property transferred for sale;

    accepted goods must be put up for sale no later than next day. A price tag indicating the degree of wear must be placed on the product. If warranty period the goods are not out of stock, all documents must be handed over to the buyer. In case of sale, the money is paid to the principal no later than the 3rd day after the sale.

After you study legal issue, you can proceed to active actions.

Step 2. Register a business

Registering a consignment store is quite simple: the procedure is standard, no special permits are required. The registration process includes:

    Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office. Important detail: if you plan to cooperate with legal entities, register as an LLC. As OKVED, indicate the code: 47.79 - Retail trade of used goods in stores;

    Choice of taxation system. For commissions, the simplified tax system is suitable at a rate of 6% of income or 15% “income minus expenses”;

    Registration in Pension Fund if you plan to hire employees;

    Obtaining a trade permit from the local administration;

    Obtaining permission from the SES and fire inspection;

    Conclusion of a rental agreement for premises.

In parallel with the paperwork, you should search for suitable premises.

Step 3. Looking for premises for a consignment store

Premises located in residential areas are suitable for selling consignment children's clothing, since this is where young mothers with strollers most often walk. They will become your target audience. Another advantage of this location is the lower rental cost.

When choosing a location, consider the advantageous proximity. For thrift stores, these are clinics, public transport stops, and grocery stores. Another little thing worth paying attention to: transport accessibility. Some of your suppliers will deliver by private vehicle. Therefore, provide the opportunity to bring the goods directly to the store and immediately unload it. This opportunity will make life easier for both you and the supplier of the goods. Especially if we're talking about about large items.

The requirements for the room itself are minimal: area 30 square meters. m. and more, if the range, scale of business and finances allow. Also keep in mind that warehouses in thrift stores are rare. All goods are displayed on display in the sales area. And yet you need to provide a utility room where various equipment will be stored. The cost of renting such a premises will be approximately 20 thousand rubles.

Step 4. Select assortment

To choose the right assortment, you should study the market and consumer demand.

    shoes and clothing for all seasons;

    walkers, strollers, cribs;

    car seats;

    toys for various age categories;

    feeding tables;

    educational mats;

    sporting goods: skates, bicycles, scooters, roller skates, etc.

A properly selected assortment is one of important factors success of commission business. And here we are talking not only about the availability of a certain category of goods, but also about quality. To make your store look decent and not remind visitors of a flea market, you need to develop rules for accepting goods on consignment. Two important rules when accepting goods for consignment:

    Accept children's things only in good condition. All products must be of high quality and without mechanical damage;

    The price of the product should be no more than 50% of the cost of the new item.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise mixing used items with products from children's stock centers. This will rid the store of the second-hand atmosphere, which will attract more people. Sometimes the thrift store formula consists of three ingredients: 1) thrift items, 2) high-quality second-hand goods, 3) children's stock. In addition, before interested customers take things to consignment, the store must already be filled with something and, more importantly, it must function and sell! Therefore, by the time the store opens, you should already have a batch of clothes, shoes and toys with which you will fill your sales area.

Question about price

Separately, it is worth discussing pricing in consignment stores. The owner sets the price of the goods himself. It must be reasonable: that is, correspond to the product. We have already found out that the price should not be more than 50% of the cost of a new item. Otherwise, no one will buy the product. But there is another situation: you cannot excessively underestimate the cost of a thing. This is not beneficial either to the owner of the product or to the store, whose profit depends on the sale amount.

Ready ideas for your business

In essence, the store acts as an intermediary between the owner of the item and the buyer. Typically, the product is placed on display for 1 - 3 months. If during this time the product is not sold, it is handed over to the owner, but a storage fee is charged - this is 3 - 5% of the cost of the product. If an item is purchased, the seller fills out a special contract form, which records the fact of transfer of ownership rights to the item in question. Payment for services will be a commission (i.e. a certain percentage of the price at which the product is sold).

In trading on consignment goods, a progressive commission system is common. This scheme has proven itself best in commission trading. The bottom line is this: the more expensive the item, the lower the store's percentage. For example, when selling a stroller for 10 thousand rubles, the commission on the sale will be 10% (1 thousand rubles), and when selling shoes for 1 thousand rubles - up to 30% (330 rubles). This gives the store the task of selling both expensive and cheap items. But keep in mind that cheap items sell faster.

Step 5. Decorating the sales area

To make a thrift store look decent, you need to try to systematize the goods. Divide the departments as follows: children's clothing, toys, children's furniture, various equipment. For each category of goods you need to purchase equipment. The children's clothing department will require special hangers.

The toy department can be arranged as shelves and racks. To save money and not buy special trade equipment, you can buy a sheet of laminated chipboard and order cutting of the boards - it will work out budget option showcases. It is better to place toys according to their price and size: the cheapest ones are placed on the top shelves, and toys from the middle range are placed on the middle shelves, which are at eye level. price category, and on the lower ones - the largest and most expensive toys. For various equipment You can also use display shelves, and for children's furniture you only need free space in the store.

By the way, if space allows, place a children's corner: small table, chairs and coloring books with colored pencils. This technique will appeal to mothers who can calmly choose products while the child plays. The cost of such a corner will be no more than 3 thousand rubles (children's furniture can be bought second-hand).

Thus, you need to purchase a minimum of equipment for a thrift store. You can meet 20 thousand rubles. To this amount add the cost of a counter, a computer (if you purchase separately and not use your own), MFP, cash register. All this will cost you approximately 60 thousand rubles.

Step 6. Hiring staff and searching for suppliers

Do I need to hire staff?

When starting a business, you can easily manage the store on your own. Firstly, it's saving. Secondly, it is useful for an entrepreneur to experience such a business “from the inside” - you will be able to understand the weak and strengths business, study the real demand, understand the nuances.

Ready ideas for your business

Self-employment will not burden you, since at first the turnover in the store will be small. It makes sense to think about hiring employees when expansion of activities is required and finances allow.

For a small store, a staff of three people will be enough. Then you can divide responsibilities: one seller will sell consignment goods, and the other to work with customers. The third will deal with paperwork. Employees can help and replace each other if someone cannot cope with the work and a queue forms.

Where to look for suppliers and buyers

There are several categories of suppliers.

    Individuals who sell used items.

    Stock stores, from which you can buy new products at reduced prices.

    Manufacturers of children's products themselves. You can contact the sales managers and offer them the service of removing defective products for resale. In any production there is a percentage of defects, and many will agree to sell them. This is beneficial not only for the buyer, who gets the goods at a low price, but also for the production itself, because it will allow them to sell substandard goods and make a profit for it.

    Online sellers. You can monitor ad sites like Avito and look for great deals. This method should be used when you have studied the demand in the market. For example, a person comes to you and wants to buy a stroller, but there is none in stock. It is pointless to wait and hope that someone will hand over such goods for consignment in the near future. But you can try to find such a product. Sometimes on websites you can come across advertisements where good things are given away for almost nothing. This can also be used.

There are many options, it all depends on your entrepreneurial abilities.

Step 7. Attracting a buyer

To advertise a consignment store for children's goods, you can distribute leaflets on the street, in places where the target audience gathers. Or post notices in elevators. Promotions and sales will attract the attention of buyers. Organize a day of discounts on a certain category of goods, distribute leaflets with a discount coupon, hold a promotion on the opening day and give some kind of gift to those who made a purchase on a certain amount. People who want to save money will certainly take advantage of this promotion. You can also use the Internet: place ads in social networks or on forums for young mothers. There are even options when consignment stores create accounts on social networks and post photos of goods.

Step 8. Calculation of investments in opening a consignment store

You need to start implementing your business idea with a business plan. This will allow you to visualize the amount of income and expenses, assess the profitability of the business and write down your main steps. First, you should estimate how much money you will need to open a consignment store. The amount will depend on the location of your business, the location of the outlet, renovations and the area of ​​the premises itself. The table shows approximate prices, which may vary up or down.

Average cost, rub.

Rent of retail space

From 20 sq.m.

17 thousand rubles.

Business registration

Individual entrepreneur - if you plan to cooperate only with individuals. persons;

LLC – if you plan to work with a legal entity. persons

2-10 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

30-60 thousand rubles.

It can be free or cost a lot of money if your budget allows it.

0–20 thousand rub.

Salesperson salary

If there is a need for it

0–17 thousand rub.

Other expenses (utilities, taxes, etc.)

The amount of taxes depends on revenue, utility costs - on the city and area of ​​the premises

It is difficult to plan the exact amount. On average, these expenses will amount to 10 thousand rubles per month

The initial investment in a consignment store will be 30-65 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses for its maintenance range from 25 to 40 thousand rubles.

Now let's figure out whether it is profitable to open a consignment store for children's goods? From the total revenue you will receive about 20% income. Daily revenue is about 20 thousand rubles. This means that in a month of trading you will earn 80 thousand rubles. Size net income in this case it will be 40-50 thousand rubles. This is a good result for a small retail outlet.

Keep in mind that it will not be possible to reach such indicators right away. The first couple of months you will have to work with minimal income or even at a loss. Therefore, the initial investment will pay off in 3-4 months.

The first months will be the most difficult. We'll have to be patient. After this time, things will begin to improve, advertising will produce results, people will learn about you, word of mouth will begin to work. If you can gain the trust of consumers, business will flourish.

Step 9. Increasing the profitability of the consignment store

The amount of profit from commission trading largely depends on the actions of the entrepreneur himself. Here are a few simple tips that will help increase sales:

    sell things online. Parallel trading will bring you additional income.

Step 10. Calculate the risks of commission trading

Commission trading has its own specifics and is therefore subject to special risks. The most difficult of them is legal. First, you will have to deal with contracts. They must be drawn up correctly, because if disputes arise, they allow situations to be resolved. And you must protect yourself. Secondly, you will have to deal with tax officials who check your documents. In practice, very often problems arise with commission transactions, and tax authorities re-qualify them. As a result of inspections, participants in intermediary agreements pay huge amounts of taxes or challenge the fact of re-qualification in court. Both of these entail high costs.

To avoid legal risks, seek legal advice. Decide all the nuances at the start - and calmly conduct your activities.

Another significant risk is incorrect selection of assortment. Here the responsibility rests entirely with you. You will have to build a whole system for choosing a product: monitor the quality, assortment range, demand, price level. It will be quite difficult at first, but once you establish the scheme, things will get better. It's a matter of experience.

Ready ideas for your business

We should also not forget about reputational risk. Many people have a negative attitude towards thrift stores. And your task is to convince visitors otherwise. How can this be done? Carefully monitor the quality of goods on the shelves. Keep the premises clean and tidy. Create a balanced assortment - if there are too many things, the store will look like a flea market. In addition to used goods, sell new, stock items. Add concepts to your business: engage in charity, express the position that thrift stores are not a relic of the past, but reasonable consumption. And then people will treat your business completely differently.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

This financial calculation reveals some guidelines for opening a “Near-Home Store” with a retail area of ​​40 sq.m. on rented premises (rent from an affiliate at 300 rubles per 1 sq.m.). When investing...

How to open a consignment store for children's goods - business specifics + step by step plan openings + financial plan+ how to increase sales profitability.

Capital investments: from 400,000 rubles
Payback period: 1 year

What do you think attracts entrepreneurs interested in ?

Ease of doing business, relatively small investments, no expenses for purchasing a batch of trade items - these are the determining factors when choosing such a business.

Another “coin” in the piggy bank is the demand for used children’s products.

In times of crisis, many are looking for additional features save money, so they buy used toys, strollers and clothes.

As a rule, these things are not in use for long, so most of them remain in good or even excellent condition, which encourages their future buyers not to overpay.

If you just noticed this business idea and don’t know where to start, then we will help you with this.

Features and specifics of business

Thrift stores sell goods that have already been used.

And from the sale they receive a commission - a percentage.

Their main difference from the same ones is that they accept used items from individuals, rather than purchasing wholesale quantities.

The scheme of how a consignment shop works is quite simple and transparent: a person (the commission agent) brings a used item, sets his own price for it, after which the store (the commission agent) puts it up for sale, for which he receives a reward.

This also includes working with illiquid goods, which are sold at cheap prices by the manufacturers themselves or by retail stores.

There are many types of sales commissions:

  • clothes;
  • children's goods;
  • household and electronic appliances;
  • furniture;
  • cars;
  • products from various categories.

But the purpose of our article is the sale of children's products.

There are also two options for organizing a point of sale with:

  • universal assortment, where you can buy everything your children need;
  • narrow focus, where only one item of trade is selected - clothing and shoes, goods for babies.

You can also work with things of a certain price category.

To do this, it is necessary to analyze not only target audience, but also the income of the city population.

For example, in a large locality You can open a second-hand store of elite children's goods, but in a small one it is better to take a closer look at consumers with low and medium incomes.

How to open a children's goods consignment store: step-by-step process

To open a consignment store for children's clothing and goods, you need to follow these steps step by step:

  • decide on the business concept;
  • find a suitable premises;
  • register a store;
  • purchase equipment;
  • find staff;
  • develop work rules;
  • do advertising.

As you can see, everything is quite standard.

But special attention focuses on promoting your store.

And here it is necessary to attract not only buyers, but also those who will form the assortment.

Business registration

The best option for opening a consignment store for children's goods is to register an individual entrepreneur.

The procedure is more than simple, so you can easily cope on your own.

After the entrepreneur receives registration documents, you need to register with the tax authorities and choose a taxation system.

The entrepreneur will also need to obtain a trade permit from the local administration and conclusions from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.

Searching for premises for a children's goods consignment store

Choice good place- this is the first thing you need to start with when starting a business, especially one related to trade.

Moreover, it is not necessary to consider only the city center, except perhaps in small towns.

IN big cities premises located in residential areas are suitable.

But traffic must be good so that buyers are sure to be able to notice children's goods.

As for the area of ​​the room, it should not be large.

For a children's clothing consignment store, only 15-20 m² will be enough, and for the entire group of children's goods - clothes, strollers, playpens, toys and other things you will need from 25-30 m².

To refresh the room, you can make cosmetic repairs and install new lighting equipment.

Design solutions and expensive decor are of no use here.

An alternative to renting premises could be opening a virtual consignment store for children's goods.

For these purposes, most often a separate page is created on social networks, which will need to be promoted.

But doing business will be quite difficult and dreary.

Although many in this business have adapted to working in absentia, that is, clients send photos of goods, and the store already posts information about them, after which it transfers the seller’s contacts to the buyer.

But the disadvantage of such work is that it is not always possible to assess the quality of things.

In addition, not all people are conscientious and, in order to avoid paying remuneration, they can deceive that the transaction did not take place.

Shop equipment

To open a full-fledged commission and goods, you need to equip it.

And you don’t need to put up a bunch of shelves and hangers.

Remember that mothers with strollers or small children may come to you, so you need to provide them with comfortable free space.

But there is no need to leave it half empty.

It is enough to put a small table and chairs and buy sketchbooks and pencils.

So, to design and set up a children's goods consignment store you will need:

Expense itemQuantity, piecesCost, rub.Amount, rub.
Total: 58,000 rub.
2 7 500 15 000
3 3 000 9 000
Arch for fitting room
2 2 000 4 000
2 3 000 6 000
Set of table + chairs
1 4 000 4 000
Cash register
1 10 000 10 000
Other- - 10 000

Rules for accepting goods into the store

To successfully run a business and prevent various disagreements between customers and the store itself, it is worth developing rules for accepting goods.

When deciding to open a children's clothing consignment store, we recommend working according to the following instructions:

  1. accepting only high-quality items that can be rated “excellent” and “very good”;
  2. if there is a minor defect on the product, then there must be a mark on it, of which the client must be notified;
  3. the maximum cost of trade items should be half the price of a new product;
  4. The commission charging scheme works on the following principle: the higher the cost of goods, the lower the percentage of remuneration:
    • for example, a stroller will cost 7,500 rubles, then the store will receive 15% of the purchase, that is, 125 rubles;
    • when selling a children's sweater worth 1000 rubles, the store will get 30% - 300 rubles.
  5. if the product is not sold within 30 days, then the store itself has the right to reduce the price by 15-20%, in the next month you can also reduce the price again by 15-20;
  6. the client who brought the trade item must pick it up if it is not sold within 3 months, and also pay 3-5% of the cost for its storage; otherwise, the commission agent can set his own price, which he considers appropriate;
  7. You can return an unsuitable purchase within 2 business days, so the consignor can receive his money on the third day after the sale;
  8. The store is fully responsible for the entire assortment, therefore, if anything happens, it is obliged to reimburse 100% of the cost of lost or damaged trade items due to its fault.

If you decide to open a consignment store for children's goods, you do not have to adhere to these exact rules, but many have been working according to this familiar pattern for a long time.

All the above conditions must be specified in the contract, which is concluded for each separate product and with each committent.


In trade key role played by friendly and sociable staff who understand the store’s assortment.

To work, you need several sales consultants who will serve buyers and consignors.

Moreover, it is important that they do not intersect with each other, so you need to form two queues.

Since the acceptance of goods is accompanied by their inspection, evaluation and signing of an agreement, it is better that while one employee is engaged in this activity, another will work at the cash register and look after the hall.

The responsibilities of the manager can be assumed by the owner of the commission store itself, and also, if necessary, help sellers or replace them on weekends.

Advertising to promote a consignment store for children's clothing and goods

“Only those who are not afraid of big failures can achieve great success.”
Robert Kennedy

Opening a consignment store for children's goods and clothing will be a pointless undertaking if you do not advertise it.

Without customers, there will be no sales and therefore no income.

For word of mouth to work, you must first invest in business promotion.

So, here's what you can use to promote:

  • distributing leaflets around the city;
  • advertising on local radio and newspapers;
  • creating a page on social networks;
  • posting advertisements on thematic forums of the city.

You can also trade at the same time via the Internet.

To do this, you need to photograph the existing assortment and ensure delivery to other cities.

How much does it cost to open a children's goods consignment store?

Now you can move on to the important aspect any business - financial.

The largest cost item will be payment of the annual rent of the premises and its arrangement.

Also, at the beginning of your journey, so that the shelves are not empty, you can purchase a batch of illiquid goods in children's stores.

So, investments for starting a business will consist of the following expense items:

Expense itemAmount, rub.
Total:410,000 rub.
Business registration10 000
Annual rental of premises (15,000 rubles per month)180 000
Indoor renovation50 000
Arrangement of the premises58 000
Purchase of a batch of illiquid goods50 000
Payment of the first salary to staff32 000
Advertising20 000
Additional costs10 000

Depending on the size of the city, rental costs and payment of salaries to staff can be an order of magnitude higher, which will increase the start-up investment.

What other points need to be taken into account when opening a consignment store, you will learn from the video:

How to increase sales profitability?

As for the profitability of the business, it is actually not great.

With a daily cash register of 10,000-12,000 rubles, the revenue will be 3,000-3,600 rubles.

Thus, you can receive about 75,000 rubles per month.

Part of the money will go towards payment wages, utilities and taxes.

Of course, days can be more profitable if you manage to sell a stroller, playpen, high chairs or expensive clothes.

But there is also a high probability that sales will be minimal at the beginning of the journey.

Based on the data described above, we can say that if you want to open a consignment store for children's goods, be prepared for the fact that the business will pay off only after a year.

Therefore, in order to increase the profitability of sales, it is necessary:

  • set an “adequate” price for trade items - no one will buy an obviously expensive product, because people go to a second-hand store to save money and not overpay;
  • selling things online - this will expand the number of potential buyers, even delivery costs will not scare them away, since there is a chance to save their money;
  • develop a loyalty program - for example, a 5% discount can be given on a check with a total value of 3,000 rubles, thus attracting customers to buy more.

Starting any business is always risky and difficult.

Even considering what how to open a consignment store for children's goods, it became clear that you could encounter a number of difficulties - choosing a good location, lack of sales and supplies.

The main thing is to organize your business correctly and not be afraid to work.

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Children's consignment store: list necessary documents +5 current methods advertising + calculation of business profitability +5 tips for business profitability.

Capital investment in a thrift store: 453,000 rubles.
Payback period: 12-18 months.

The trading industry is the most profitable business in the world.

To produce a product from scratch, it is necessary to purchase machines, expensive equipment, and have huge amount workers and so on.

But for the simple sale of goods, all that is needed is a trading premises, the goods themselves and the seller.

This simplicity allows anyone to start their own business.

But there is also reverse side medals": this has created high competition in the industry.

Therefore, in order to be on top, you must choose a niche that is in demand.

For example, in the current situation of economic instability, the popularity of so-called second-hand stores is growing.

Let's look at what is needed to open a children's thrift store.

What investments are required to start? And will this activity be profitable at all?

What product should you focus on when starting a children's consignment store?

There is no need to even discuss the relevance of the idea itself.

Anyone who has children knows that babies grow very quickly. Because of this, they have to constantly buy new things, which is quite expensive.

In addition, the clothes and shoes that remain are usually in fairly good condition.

The combination of these factors led to the demand for consignment stores for children's goods.

What items must be included in the assortment?

  • shoes and clothing for all seasons;
  • walkers and strollers;
  • toys for various age categories;
  • feeding tables.

This list of goods will be quite enough for successful trading.

And in order for the trading process to bring more profit, it is necessary to mix existing goods (used items) with products from children's stock centers.

Then the store will not have an “aura”, which does not really attract people.

In addition, you can enter into agreements with foreign partners to import products of European quality.

What documents are required to legalize a business?

Each new business must be registered according to the law and taxes must be paid.

Violation of this rule will result, at a minimum, in fines. In the worst case, the point will have to be closed altogether.

To open a children's thrift store, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Register the business as an LLC or individual entrepreneur (this will require 800-3,000 rubles). The main OKVED code in this case is clause 52.5.
  2. Register with the Pension Fund (since 2016, this responsibility has been taken over by the tax office, all you have to do is obtain the relevant papers).
  3. Obtain conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.
  4. Draw up a lease agreement.
  5. Make a seal under which a children's consignment store will operate 600–1,600 rubles (optional).
  6. Open an account, which will cost 550–3,100 rubles (optional).

It is worth clarifying that for activities via the Internet without employees, you can do without official registration.

This type of activity has the opportunity to switch to a simplified tax payment system.

This means that the entrepreneur will earn a profit of 6–15% (depending on the chosen form) + make contributions to the Pension Fund.

More information about the main forms of taxation:

Where to set up a children's clothing consignment store?

1) Internet sales

On initial stage there is no need to rent a room.

At the start, you can make sales using the Internet.

To do this you need:

  1. Use constructors to create a website (list below) on which to post information about a new delivery to a children's consignment store.
  2. Create pages on social networks.
  3. Place an advertisement on various forums that a new consignment store for children's clothing has opened.

The three best website builders, according to users:

  • – a simple constructor with simple registration;
  • – free constructor websites that can handle any topic area;
  • is a free website builder that will help you create a website for business and more.

But this method of selling may provide inconveniences associated with the acceptance of the goods and its delivery to the client.

Therefore, in the future (if you dream of a serious profitable business) it is worth turning to renting retail space.

2) Renting premises for a store: location and area

After some time, after determining the pros and cons of this area of ​​entrepreneurship, it will be possible to rent a permanent premises for a consignment store for children's clothing.

To start, it is better to rent an area of ​​at least 65 m2, since walkers, high chairs, and cribs take up a lot of space.

Look for a room near a large crowd of people. These may be traffic stops, major entertainment centers or hostels.

This simple move will attract more clients.

How much will such a step cost an entrepreneur?

How to accept goods into the store?

Before you start trading, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of this type of activity.

Reach good result This is only possible by building trusting relationships with customers.

And this is only possible thanks to a good assortment of goods and friendly salespeople.

What you should pay attention to when accepting goods at a children's consignment store and selling them:

  1. All goods accepted for sale must be of high quality and free from mechanical damage.
  2. When evaluating a used item, you should not quote an amount more than 50% of the actual price.
  3. If a product delivered to a children's clothing consignment store is not sold within 20 calendar days, its cost is reduced.
  4. If a person bought a product, and for some reason it did not fit, it can be purchased from the moment of purchase.

    Days that a children's goods consignment store is closed are not counted.

    But it is worth noting that many retail outlets Returns for used goods are generally not accepted, citing the law.

    And they have every right to do so.

  5. If a children's consignment store does not sell an item within 90 days, it is confiscated.

What kind of staff do you need for a children's thrift store?

At the beginning of your activity, you can do without staff, since the volume of goods is usually small.

In addition, the structure of this business must be experienced personally “from the inside” in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the business.

When the business wins its clients, you can hire staff. For a small store, a team of three people is enough.

We divide the trading area into two zones: in one, the seller accepts commission goods, and in the other, the second seller sells it.

The queue should not be allowed to be mixed, this will provoke complete confusion.

Since it takes quite a long time to receive the goods, people may get nervous and leave empty-handed.

The third employee draws up the relevant paperwork.

Employees can help each other if the influx of people into the children's goods consignment store is very large, and this is possible, since the consignment store is one of the.

The cleaner can be hired at will or the sellers can be paid extra for her work.

What equipment is needed for the store?

Inexpensive furniture can be purchased online or through local newspapers and television stations.

Keep in mind that a store selling children's products won't require as many fitting rooms and mirrors.

Parents evaluate the item from the outside and often even come to the store without their children.

NameCost (RUB)
Total65,000 rubles
Glazed showcases
10 000
15 000
5 000
Hangers on wheels
12 000
Large mirror in the fitting room
3 000
Two full-length mannequins
5 000
Cash register
15 000

At first, this equipment will be quite enough to sell goods and create a welcoming environment.

Advertising means of attracting customers to a thrift store

It doesn't matter what kind of business you open.

The main thing is that as soon as possible the population found out about him.

A children's thrift store is no exception.

Its profit directly depends on the number of customers who enter it.

  1. Distribute business cards with the exact location.
  2. Place an ad in local newspapers exact date openings.
  3. Post information about the opening on the portals of the local mom community.
  4. Create a website yourself (through designers) or with the help of special organizations.

    It will post information about new arrivals of goods to the children's clothing consignment store.

    This option is more suitable for an already established business with large sales volumes.

  5. Place advertisements on social networks.

How much does it cost to open a children's goods consignment store?

Let's add all the above expense items together to estimate how much money is needed to open a full-fledged consignment store.

Business profitability

Having found out how much you will have to pay to open a business, let’s calculate the profitability of the business:

We have an average daily revenue receipt of 20,000 rubles.

The founder’s income (minus the cost of the item) is from 20%, that is, from 4,000 rubles. per day.

The store has a profit of 120,000 rubles per month, and 120,000 * 12 = 1,440,000 rubles per year.

Taking away monthly expenses (rent + employee salaries), we get the result: the business will pay for itself in 12-18 months.

A thorough knowledge of the principles of operation of a children's consignment store is the key to success. Details in the video from the director of the Podrastaika store

    The premises must be rented according to the quantity of goods purchased.

    Buyers should not see half-empty shelves or get lost in the rubble of goods.

    Select sellers for the store yourself.

    Rudeness of employees is one of the main reasons why people do not return to a retail outlet where they have already made purchases.

    An ideal option for saving money would be to rent a premises where manufactured goods were previously sold.

    This will allow you to avoid large expenses on repairs and, if you’re lucky, equipment.

  1. Don’t skimp on advertising, otherwise the children’s goods consignment store will never see its customers.
  2. Try not to price the product more than 50% of the original cost, otherwise people will not buy it.

To summarize, we can say that open children's clothing consignment store not that difficult.

The main thing is to follow the above rules and produce good impression on clients.

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Probably every person at least once in his life thought about starting his own business. Of course, creating a business from scratch is a troublesome task, but with the right approach you can always reduce costs and mitigate risk. For example, opening a store or fashion boutique will require significant start-up capital. And if you create a commission store, the costs will be significantly lower. And today, many people are interested in questions about how to open a consignment store.

What is a consignment store?

On the territory of the former Soviet Union Such stores were extremely popular. After all, it was here that one could get scarce goods at a very reasonable price. Similar points of sale exist in almost every city in every developed country. And if you are interested in the question of how to open a second-hand store, it is worth studying how it works.

In fact, the essence is quite simple - you simply need to take goods for sale. With a well-run advertising campaign, there are unlikely to be problems with the supply of goods, because in almost every home there are some things that are no longer needed, but it’s a pity to throw them away. These are the ones you can sell, receiving a commission on each product sold.

Thrift store as a business - how profitable is it?

Naturally, opening your own second-hand store has pitfalls. However, creating such a store is much easier, and sometimes even more profitable. To begin with, it is worth noting that you will not have to make long trips in search of goods, as well as spend money on their purchase - people themselves will bring it to you. Thus, to open a retail outlet you will need a relatively small start-up capital.

Thrift stores practically do not suffer from economic crises. IN hard times people have to sell something to make up for it family budget, so you will not have a shortage of goods. Many are looking for any acceptable ways to save on purchases, so there is a shortage of regular customers you won't have.

At the same time, you are responsible for the normal, uninterrupted operation of the store, quality service, accounting, etc.

How to open a consignment store? Legal side of the issue

You've decided to open a second-hand shop - where to start? A business plan for a consignment store must, of course, begin with the legal registration of your business - otherwise you will definitely have problems with the tax office. How to set up a store? What documents need to be prepared?

First, you need to register either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC with the tax office. Registration individual entrepreneur suitable if you are going to work exclusively with individuals.

If you plan to cooperate with any organizations (for example, those enterprises that will sell you illiquid goods), then it is better to register the store as an LLC.

If you are interested in the question of how to open a consignment store, then you need to know that you can obtain a trading permit from the city administration. You will also need permission from the fire department and the sanitary and epidemiological station (if you are selling clothes, they must undergo appropriate treatment).

What are you planning to sell?

Yes, a business plan for a consignment store must necessarily include a clause about what exactly you are going to sell, since the choice of premises and design will depend on this trading floor etc. Today, the most popular is a second-hand store for children's goods, as well as a store selling used clothing and accessories. Such products will help you stay afloat even in difficult times.

On the other hand, you can sell almost anything: mobile phones, small and large household appliances, used furniture, costume jewelry and jewelry.

Choosing premises for the store

Choosing a commercial premises - important question, since the flow of customers will depend on this. Most experienced businessmen recommend opening a store in residential area. After all, your customers and at the same time suppliers of goods will be ordinary people who will conveniently visit the store on their way to work.

A separate issue is the area of ​​the room. It all depends on what products you are going to sell. If your store will sell mobile phones or used jewelry, then, naturally, you don’t need a large hall. But if you are going to sell furniture, household appliances or cars, then you should think about a large warehouse.

How to properly equip a hall?

Before opening a store, you should familiarize yourself with your competitors. Surely in your city there are similar retail outlets that sell used goods. And if you want to make your business more profitable, then you should pay special attention to the design of the hall and customer service. Let every visitor to your store feel comfortable and comfortable.

Buy necessary furniture, hangers and display cases. Remember that the goods need to be laid out so that the highest quality items immediately catch the eye. Customers shouldn't waste time rummaging through a bunch of products - let them have a good overview.

Today, luxury clothing consignment stores are becoming increasingly popular. After all, every woman wants to look decent, but not everyone has the means to dress in brand stores. If you are selling branded items, then it is advisable to design the store like a fashion boutique - this way customers will feel more comfortable.

Don't forget to comply sanitary standards: The premises must be kept perfectly clean. And, of course, customers will need fitting rooms and mirrors.

Where to get the goods from? Terms of the agreement

Since you are going to receive goods for sale, you (the commission agent) will need to enter into agreements with all suppliers of goods (principals). That is why it is advisable to immediately draw up general shape agreement. What should you pay attention to in the document?